Week 6-Foreign currency exchange30页PPT文档
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without the physical transportation of gold ❖ 2. (Economics, Accounting & Finance / Banking & Finance) foreign bills and currencies ❖ the system by which one currency is exchanged for another; enables international transactions to take place
❖To pass (a swipe card) through an electronic reader.
❖ 磁条卡,带有磁条的塑料卡,通过一种特殊机器国银行及各外币兑换人民币指定点给外国旅游者开具的外汇兑换证明,俗称水 单,水单上标有兑换率。有效期为半年。 国际贸易中常指的水单,是指收货人在银行 付款后拿到的回执。收货人传真给你水单,并不代表你就收到钱了,需要有一定的银 行工作时间,另外水单也有可能是假的哦,所以,最保险的方法是款到后再发货,水 单英文叫BANK BILL。 水单有好几种,如付款水单(你给别人付钱,银行从你司帐户 上扣钱的书面文件),结汇水单(你司收到客户的付款,银行入帐时通知你司的书面 文件),押汇水单(你司押汇后银行通知你司所押款项已经到帐的书面文件)。 什么 是水单? 简单点,就是银行的结汇凭证,上面有结汇金额,牌价和核销单号。 水单一词是 华人地区俗称,最早称银的成色为水,银色不足时要补足,叫贴水。尔后是否以其填 写的单据为水单?请教兄台。目前这个用词在银钱业已通用在川流不息【如水般】的 原始单据上。 水单一词是由上海所传出,因以前所有外汇,均需经由水路,故俗称水单,延 用至此 (Sounds reasonable) 以前因为信息科技不发达,本国与其它国家的外汇交易 必须藉由水路的方式来运送单据,故有「水单」之称,此名称一直被延用至今。水单 为外汇买卖收据之通称,不同地点、不同外币 ,经过交换过水的过程。 外汇买卖收据 称为水单之说法有二: 1、外汇买卖收据正确名称为出口结汇证实书,又因银行会自 编契具流水编号,故称水单 2、国际贸易中若交易货币皆为外币时,则外汇买卖收据 称交易凭证,国际贸易中若交易货币中有新台币时,则外汇买卖收据称水单;其名称 由中央银行制定 所谓水单 是外汇结购结售的收据 水单由来 是早期外汇管制 , 黑市交 易猖厥 外汇交易大多在黑市完成 , 黑市开发之外汇交易收据 1、水单就是购买汇票的 收据。 2、外汇,是指以外币表示的可用于国际结算的一种支付手段,它包括外国货 币(钞票、铸币等、外币有价证券(政府公债,国库券、公司债券、股票、息票等)、外 币支付凭证(票据、银行存款凭证、邮政储蓄凭证等)以及其它外汇资金。 譬如:海外游 客来华携入的外币和票据金额没有限制,但入境时必须据实申报;在中国境内,游客 可持外汇到中国银行及各兑换点兑换成人民币,但要保存好银行出具的外汇兑换证明 (俗称水单),其有效期为半年)。
received. ❖ Bank bill ❖ A note issued by a bank representing its promise to pay a specific sum to the bearer on demand and
acceptable as money. ❖ Swipe ❖ to pass a machine-readable card, such as a credit card, debit card, etc., through a machine that electronically
❖Warm-up exercises ❖ Terms ❖Sentence patterns ❖ Dialogues ❖Background information ❖Useful drills ❖ Tips ❖Role play ❖ Test
❖ Cashier出纳员 ❖Courtesy service免费服务 ❖ Denomination单位;币值 ❖Receipt收条, 收据 ❖Memo 水单、兑换单、回执 return receipt ❖Swipe/magnetic card磁条卡 ❖Note 纸币 ❖Handling charge 手续费 ❖最低收费minimum charge ❖Foreign exchange
interprets the information encoded, usu. in a magnetic strip, on the card ❖ To pass (a swipe card) through an electronic reader. ❖ 磁条卡,带有磁条的塑料卡,通过一种特殊机器刷卡可以读到卡上的信息 ❖ Note ❖ A piece of paper currency. ❖ handling charge ❖ the cost of handling (especially the cost of packaging and mailing an order) ❖ minimum charge ❖ Lowest amount applicable to a service invoice. ❖ foreign exchange ❖ the system by which one currency is converted into another, enabling international transactions to take place
Week 6
❖Week 1: General introduction ❖Week 2: Courtesy ❖Week 3: Reservation ❖Week 4: Reception ❖Week 5: Bell service or Concierge ❖Week 6:Foreign currency exchange
Foreign currency exchange 外币兑换
Aims of Studying
How to collect cash, a credit card, and check payment 如何接待现金、信用卡和支票结账 How to exchange foreign currencies 如何兑换外币
compartments for bills of different denominations. The stamps come in 25¢and 45¢denominations. ❖ Receipt ❖ A written acknowledgment that a specified article, sum of money, or shipment of merchandise has been
❖ Swipe
❖to pass a machine-readable card, such as a credit card, debit card, etc., through a machine that electronically interprets the information encoded, usu. in a magnetic strip, on the card
❖ Memo
❖ 外汇买卖收据正确名称为出口结汇证实书,又因银行会 自编契具流水编号,故称水单
❖ Cashier ❖ 1. The officer of a bank or business concern in charge of paying and receiving money. ❖ 2. A store employee who handles cash transactions with customers. ❖ Denomination ❖ One of a series of kinds, values, or sizes, as in a system of currency or weights: Cash registers have
❖To pass (a swipe card) through an electronic reader.
❖ 磁条卡,带有磁条的塑料卡,通过一种特殊机器国银行及各外币兑换人民币指定点给外国旅游者开具的外汇兑换证明,俗称水 单,水单上标有兑换率。有效期为半年。 国际贸易中常指的水单,是指收货人在银行 付款后拿到的回执。收货人传真给你水单,并不代表你就收到钱了,需要有一定的银 行工作时间,另外水单也有可能是假的哦,所以,最保险的方法是款到后再发货,水 单英文叫BANK BILL。 水单有好几种,如付款水单(你给别人付钱,银行从你司帐户 上扣钱的书面文件),结汇水单(你司收到客户的付款,银行入帐时通知你司的书面 文件),押汇水单(你司押汇后银行通知你司所押款项已经到帐的书面文件)。 什么 是水单? 简单点,就是银行的结汇凭证,上面有结汇金额,牌价和核销单号。 水单一词是 华人地区俗称,最早称银的成色为水,银色不足时要补足,叫贴水。尔后是否以其填 写的单据为水单?请教兄台。目前这个用词在银钱业已通用在川流不息【如水般】的 原始单据上。 水单一词是由上海所传出,因以前所有外汇,均需经由水路,故俗称水单,延 用至此 (Sounds reasonable) 以前因为信息科技不发达,本国与其它国家的外汇交易 必须藉由水路的方式来运送单据,故有「水单」之称,此名称一直被延用至今。水单 为外汇买卖收据之通称,不同地点、不同外币 ,经过交换过水的过程。 外汇买卖收据 称为水单之说法有二: 1、外汇买卖收据正确名称为出口结汇证实书,又因银行会自 编契具流水编号,故称水单 2、国际贸易中若交易货币皆为外币时,则外汇买卖收据 称交易凭证,国际贸易中若交易货币中有新台币时,则外汇买卖收据称水单;其名称 由中央银行制定 所谓水单 是外汇结购结售的收据 水单由来 是早期外汇管制 , 黑市交 易猖厥 外汇交易大多在黑市完成 , 黑市开发之外汇交易收据 1、水单就是购买汇票的 收据。 2、外汇,是指以外币表示的可用于国际结算的一种支付手段,它包括外国货 币(钞票、铸币等、外币有价证券(政府公债,国库券、公司债券、股票、息票等)、外 币支付凭证(票据、银行存款凭证、邮政储蓄凭证等)以及其它外汇资金。 譬如:海外游 客来华携入的外币和票据金额没有限制,但入境时必须据实申报;在中国境内,游客 可持外汇到中国银行及各兑换点兑换成人民币,但要保存好银行出具的外汇兑换证明 (俗称水单),其有效期为半年)。
received. ❖ Bank bill ❖ A note issued by a bank representing its promise to pay a specific sum to the bearer on demand and
acceptable as money. ❖ Swipe ❖ to pass a machine-readable card, such as a credit card, debit card, etc., through a machine that electronically
❖Warm-up exercises ❖ Terms ❖Sentence patterns ❖ Dialogues ❖Background information ❖Useful drills ❖ Tips ❖Role play ❖ Test
❖ Cashier出纳员 ❖Courtesy service免费服务 ❖ Denomination单位;币值 ❖Receipt收条, 收据 ❖Memo 水单、兑换单、回执 return receipt ❖Swipe/magnetic card磁条卡 ❖Note 纸币 ❖Handling charge 手续费 ❖最低收费minimum charge ❖Foreign exchange
interprets the information encoded, usu. in a magnetic strip, on the card ❖ To pass (a swipe card) through an electronic reader. ❖ 磁条卡,带有磁条的塑料卡,通过一种特殊机器刷卡可以读到卡上的信息 ❖ Note ❖ A piece of paper currency. ❖ handling charge ❖ the cost of handling (especially the cost of packaging and mailing an order) ❖ minimum charge ❖ Lowest amount applicable to a service invoice. ❖ foreign exchange ❖ the system by which one currency is converted into another, enabling international transactions to take place
Week 6
❖Week 1: General introduction ❖Week 2: Courtesy ❖Week 3: Reservation ❖Week 4: Reception ❖Week 5: Bell service or Concierge ❖Week 6:Foreign currency exchange
Foreign currency exchange 外币兑换
Aims of Studying
How to collect cash, a credit card, and check payment 如何接待现金、信用卡和支票结账 How to exchange foreign currencies 如何兑换外币
compartments for bills of different denominations. The stamps come in 25¢and 45¢denominations. ❖ Receipt ❖ A written acknowledgment that a specified article, sum of money, or shipment of merchandise has been
❖ Swipe
❖to pass a machine-readable card, such as a credit card, debit card, etc., through a machine that electronically interprets the information encoded, usu. in a magnetic strip, on the card
❖ Memo
❖ 外汇买卖收据正确名称为出口结汇证实书,又因银行会 自编契具流水编号,故称水单
❖ Cashier ❖ 1. The officer of a bank or business concern in charge of paying and receiving money. ❖ 2. A store employee who handles cash transactions with customers. ❖ Denomination ❖ One of a series of kinds, values, or sizes, as in a system of currency or weights: Cash registers have