Ch5 Basic OOP

AfterEffec ts最全插件集合(中英文对照)--希望对大家有帮助http:// e.php aAE插件, 中英文对照,滤镜详解, AE效果1.55MM1.1 55mm C olorGrad(颜色渐变)1.2 55mm Defo cus (散焦)1.3 55mm F aux F lim(模仿胶片效果)1.4 55m m Flu oresc ent (荧光)1.5 55mm F og(雾)1.6 55mm Infr a-red(在红色下面)1.7 55mm M ist(薄雾)1.8 55mm ND Grad(渐变)1.955mmNight Visi on(夜视)1.10 55mm Se lecti ve So ft Fo cus(选择性的软焦点)1.11 55mm S kin S mooth er(外表面平整)1.12 55mm Tint(偏色)1.13 55mm Warm/Cool(暖色/冷色)2.AEF lame(火焰)3.Bo ris 3.1Boris Fire(火焰效果)3.2 Bor is FX 33.2.1Boris Arti st’sPoste r(艺术海报)3.2.2Boris Blur(模糊)3.2.3 Bo ris D irect ional Blur(方向模糊)3.2.4Boris Gaus sianBlur(高斯模糊)3.2.5 B orisUnsha rp Ma sk (锐利的遮罩)3.2.6 Bo ris B right ness-Contr ast (亮度-对比度)3.2.7Boris Colo r Bal ance(颜色平衡)3.2.8 B orisColor Corr ectio n (颜色修正)3.2.9 Bori s Com posit e (合成)3.2.10Boris Corr ect S elect ed Co lor (修改选择的颜色)3.2.11 Bor is Hu e-Sat-Ligh tness(色调-饱和度-亮度)3.2.12 Bori s Inv ert S olari ze (反转曝光)3.2.13 Bo ris L evels Gamm a (标准的伽马值)3.2.14 B orisMulti ToneMix (多通道混合)3.2.15Boris Post erize(多色调分色)3.2.16 Bor is RG B Ble nd (R GB混和)3.2.17 B orisTint-Trito ne (以三种颜色替换)3.2.18 Bori s Bul ge (凸出)3.2.19 Bori s Dis place mentMap (置换贴图)3.2.20 B orisFastFlipp er (自动翻转)3.2.21 Bo ris P olarDispl aceme nt (两极置换)3.2.22 Bo ris R ipple(波纹)3.2.23 B orisVecto r Dis place ment(矢量置换)3.2.24Boris Wave(波浪)3.2.25 B orisAlpha Proc ess (Alpha通道处理)3.2.26 B orisChrom a Key(色度抠像)3.2.27 Bori s Com posit e Cho ker (令人窒息的合成)3.2.28 Bor is Li nearColor Key(线性颜色抠像)3.2.29 Bor is Li nearLumaKey (线性亮度抠像)3.2.30 Bori s Mak e Alp ha Ke y (制作新的Alp ha通道)3.2.31 B orisMatte Chok er (令人窒息的剪影)3.2.32 Bori s Mat te Cl eanup(清除剪影)3.2.33Boris TwoWay K ey(两种路线的抠像)3.2.34Boris Alph a Spo tligh t(以Ap ha通道的方式设定聚光灯)3.2.35 Bor is Ed ge Li ghtin g(边缘亮光)3.2.36 Bori s Lig ht Sw eep(扫光)3.2.37 Bori s Rev erseSpotl ight(相反的聚光灯)3.2.38 Bori s Spo tligh t(聚光灯)3.2.39Boris 2D P artic les(二维粒子)3.2.40 Bo ris 3D Ima ge Sh atter(模拟三维图像破碎效果)3.2.41 Bori s Cub e(模拟三维立方体)3.2.42 B orisCylin der(模拟三维圆柱体)3.2.43 Bori s DVE(模拟三维效果)3.2.44 Bor is Pa ge Tu rn(翻页)3.2.45Boris Sphe re(模拟三维球形)3.2.46 B orisCloud s(流动的云)3.2.47 Bori s Noi se Ma p(噪点地图)3.2.48 Bori s Alp ha Pi xel N oise(通道像素噪点)3.2.49 Bori s RGB Edge s(RGB边缘)3.2.50 Bor is RG B Pix el No ise(R GB像素噪声)3.2.51 Bori s Sca tteri ze(模拟毛玻璃的效果)3.2.52 Bori s Spr ay Pa int N oise(喷漆噪点)3.2.53 B orisFlat3D Te xt(扁平的三维字体[不支持中文])3.2.54 Bor is 3D Text(三维字体[不支持中文])3.3 B orisConti nuum3.3.1 BC3D Te xt(三维文字)3.3.2 BC B oostBlend(推进混合)3.3.3 B C Bur nt Fi lm(燃烧的电影)3.3.4 BCCloud s(流动的云)3.3.5BC Co met(彗星)3.3.6BC Co mposi te(合成)3.3.7 B C DVE(模拟三维效果)3.3.8 BC F ire(火)3.3.9 B C Jit ter(频谱曲线抖动)3.3.10BC Lo oper(循环)3.3.11 BCParti cle S ystem(粒子系统)3.3.12BC Po steri ze Ti me(相片时间)3.3.13 BCRain(下雨)3.3.14 BCSeque ncer(音序器)3.3.15 BC Snow(下雪)3.3.16 BC Spar ks(火花)3.3.17BC St ars(星星)3.3.18 BC S uperBlend(超级混合)3.3.19BC Te mpora l Blu r(时间模糊)3.3.20 BC T rails(轨迹)3.3.21 BC Velo cityRemap(速度测试图)3.3.22 BC Z Spac e I(Z空间1)3.3.23 BC Z Sp ace I I(Z空间2)本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览4.Colo rmap(颜色地图)5.Compo siteWizar d5.1 CW Comp osite Colo r Mat cher(复合颜色匹配器)5.2 C W Del uxe E dge F inder(华丽的边缘查找器)5.3 CW D eluxe Edge Find er EZ(华丽的边缘查找器E Z)5.4 CW Deno iser(放射状处理)5.5 CWEdgeBlur(边缘模糊)5.6 CW E dge B lur E Z(边缘模糊EZ)5.7CW Ma tte F eathe r(剪影羽化)5.8 CW Matt e Fea therEZ(剪影羽化EZ)5.9 CW M atteFeath er Sh arp(剪影羽化锐利)5.10 CW Mira cle A lphaClean er(通道清洁)5.11CW Re-Matt er(重置剪影)5.12CW Sm oothScree n(光滑屏幕)5.13 C W Spi ll Ki ller(溢出杀手)5.14 CWSpill Kill er EZ(溢出杀手EZ)5.15CW Su per B lur(超级模糊)5.16 CW S uperCompo und B lur(超级混合模糊)5.17 CW Supe r Rac k Foc us(超级变焦)5.18CW Wi re/Ri g Zap per(线框/钻探器)5.19 CW Zone HLS(环绕HLS)6.Cono a(多种三维标准体)是一个简易三维插件,能制作一些简单的立方体、球体和锥体,并能附上简单的纹理. 7.Coyco re7.1 C ult E ffect s CE 3D G lasse s (三维眼睛)7.1.2 CE B asicFill(基本填充)7.1.3 CE Cell Patt ern(蜂房图案)7.1.4 CEChang e Col or HL S(改变选择的颜色)7.1.5 CE Chan nelin g(渠道)7.1.6 CE Chec ker(棋盘格)7.1.7 CE C ircle(圆形)7.1.8 CEColor Comp osite(颜色合成)7.1.9 C E Col or Li nk(颜色链接)7.1.10 CEColor Pick er(颜色拾取)7.1.11 CEColor Soli d(颜色固化)7.1.12 CE C olors Quad(颜色四方格)7.1.13CE Di ffere nce(差异)7.1.14 CE F ireUp(火上)7.1.15 CE Grid(网格)7.1.16 CE Ligh tning(闪电)7.1.17 CE Magn ify(夸大效果)7.1.18 CE Nois e Alp ha(噪点通道)7.1.19 CENoise HLS(噪点HLS)7.1.20CE No ise H LS Au to(噪点HLS自动)7.1.21CE No ise T urbul ent(骚乱的噪波)7.1.22 C E Noi se Tu rbule nt II(骚乱的噪波2)7.1.23 CEOptic s Com pensa tion(光学补偿)7.1.24 C E Pai nt(绘画)7.1.25CE Ra dialShado w(放射状的投影)7.1.26 CE Roug hen E dges(让边缘变粗糙)7.1.27 CE T urbul ent D ispla ce(汹涌的置换)7.2CultEffec ts Xt ras 7.2.1 CE S et Ch annel(设置通道)7.2.2 C E Vie w Cha nnel(显示通道)8.Digie ffect s8.1 Di giEff ect A urori x V2.08.1.1 3D Lig hting 2(光线彩色浮雕)8.1.2 Ag edFil m 2(老电影的效果)8.1.3 B ulgix 2(类似于凸出的效果)8.1.4Chaot ic No ise 2(混乱的噪波)8.1.5Chaot ic Ra inbow 2(混乱的五彩缤纷)8.1.6 C olorSpotL ights 2(彩色聚光灯)8.1.7 Ear thqua ke 2(震动)8.1.8 Elec trofi eld 2(电磁感应)8.1.9 F litte r 2(碎屑)8.1.10 Frac tal N oise2(彩色不规则噪波2)8.1.11Infin ity W arp 2(无限扭曲)8.1.12Infin ity Z one 2(无限环绕)8.1.13Inter ferix 2(专用干扰图1)8.1.14 I nterp heroi d 2(专用干扰图2)8.1.15Inter phero n 2(专用干扰图2)8.1.16Light Zoom2(强光的纵深效果)8.1.17 N oiseBlend er 2(噪点搅拌机)8.1.18SoapF ilm 2(皂膜)8.1.19 Sp otLig hts 2(聚光灯)8.1.20 S trang e Neb ulae2(奇异的星云)8.1.21 Til os 2(阵列)8.1.22 Tur bulen t Flo w 2(湍流)8.1.23 Vide oLook 2(电视干扰信号)8.1.24 W arpoi d 2(拉伸效果)8.1.25 Wh irlix 2(旋转扭曲效果)8.1.26 W oodMa ker 2(木纹)8.2DigiE ffect Berz erk V1.5 8.2.1 Bliz zard(风雪)8.2.2 Bump Maker(制作凹凸贴图)8.2.3 Cont ouris t(轮廓线)8.2.4 C rysta llize r(结晶器)8.2.5 C ycloW arp(螺旋)8.2.6Edgex(边缘锐化)8.2.7 F ogBan k(浓雾)8.2.8 Gr avity Well(重力旋涡)8.2.9 La ser(激光器)8.2.10 New sprin t(新闻用纸)8.2.11 Nigh tBloo m(夜间华)8.2.12OilPa int(油画)8.2.13 Pear ls(珍珠)8.2.14Persp ectro n(特殊的扭曲)8.2.15 Rip ploid(荡起的波纹)8.2.16 Spin tron(怪异的扭曲)8.2.18StarF ield(飞舞的星星)8.2.19Still Noise(静态噪点)8.2.20VanGo ughis t(美术笔触)8.3 Ci ne Lo ok Fi lmres V1.18.3.1 DE Cine Look(胶片调色)8.3.2 DE Film Damag e(胶片处理)8.4 Ci nemot ion 8.4.1 DE A dapti ve No ise(适应的噪点)8.4.2 DE Band ing R educe r(条带还原)8.4.3DE Fi lm Mo tion(运动电影)8.4.4 DE Grai n Red ucer(颗粒还原)8.4.5 DE Inte rlace Alia singReduc er(交错产生器)8.4.6 DELette rbox(宽银幕产生器)8.4.7DE Se lecti ve HS B Noi se(选择HSB噪点)8.4.8 D E Sel ectiv e HSB Post erize(选择HS B多色调分色)8.4.9DE Se lecti ve RG B Noi se(选择RGB噪点)8.4.10DE Se lecti ve RG B Pos teriz e(选择R GB多色调分色)8.5 D eleri um8.5.1DE Bu bbles(泡沫)8.5.2 DECamer a Sha ke(摄像机抖动)8.5.3 DEChann el De lay(通道延迟)8.5.4 DECOP B lur(优化模糊)8.5.5 DEElect rical Arcs(闪电)8.5.6 DEFairy Dust(仙女的灰尘)8.5.7DE Fi lm Fl ash(影片闪烁)8.5.8 DEFire(火)8.5.9DE Fi reWor ks(火焰发射器)8.5.10 DE Flic ker a nd St robe(闪光灯)8.5.11 DE Flow Moti on(流动)8.5.12DE Fo g Fac tory(雾工厂)8.5.13 DE Fram ing G radie nts(画面渐变)8.5.14 DE Glow er(炽热体)8.5.15 DE G raysc aler(灰度处理)8.5.16 D E HLS Disp lace(HLS置换)8.5.17DE Hy per H armon izer(绚丽的彩带)8.5.18DE Le ns Fl ares(镜头光斑)8.5.19 D E Loo se Sp rocke ts(任意按链锯齿移动)8.5.20 DE M ultig radie nt(多极渐变)8.5.21 DEMuzzl e Fla sh(枪火)8.5.22DE Ne xus(连接点)8.5.23 DEPuffy Clou ds(膨胀的云)8.5.24 DERainFall(下雨)8.5.25 DERetin al Bl oom(网状张开)8.5.26 DE Sche matic Grid s(示意性网格)8.5.27 DEShowChann els(显示通道)8.5.28 DE Sket chist(变脏)8.5.29 DE Smok e(升起的烟)8.5.30 DE S now S torm(暴风雪)8.5.31 DE Sola rize(过度曝光)8.5.32 D E Spa rks(焰火)8.5.33 DE S pecul ar Li ghtin g(镜面高光)8.5.34 DE T hermo graph(热录像仪)8.5.35DE Tu rbule nt No ise(紊乱的噪波)8.5.36 D E Vid eo Ma lfunc tion(电视故障)8.5.37 D E Vis ual H armon izer(原子曲线)8.5.38 D E Wav e Dis place(波浪置换)9.Digi tal A narch y Ele ments9.1 Scr een T ext(屏幕文字)9.2TextGrid(文字网格)9.3 Text Matr ix(超级文字)10.D igita l Fil m Too ls10.1CS Co lor C orrec t(颜色修正)10.2 C S Com posit e(合成)10.3 CSDefoc us(散焦)10.4 CS Fast Blur(快速模糊)10.5 CS Fram e Ave rager(画面中和器)10.6 C S Gra in(增加颗粒)10.7CS Ho ldout Comp osite(持续合成)10.8 CS Ligh t Com posit e(灯光合成)10.9 C S Mat h Com posit e(数学合成)10.10CS Ma tte G enera tor(无光发生器)10.11 CS Matt e Rep air(剪影修理)10.12 CSNon-A dditi ve Mi x(非附加混合)10.13 CS P asteColor(粘贴颜色)10.14 C S Sel ectiv e Col or Co rrect(选择颜色修正)10.15 CS S elect ive S oft F ocus(选择软焦点)1评分人数精品文章AE币+ 1 枚scat本主题由Syste m 于2010-3-1 05:01 解除限时置顶收藏分享 990顶踩回复引用评分报告ychg发短消息加为好友ych g (光仔)当前离线UI D3095帖子1311 主题84 精华1 积分17498下载活力40747点 AE币495 枚推广活力3055点 AE荣誉161次阅读权限100性别男来自辽宁-大连在线时间255小时注册时间2009-12-2 最后登录2010-4-1AE天行者主题84 精华1积分17498 下载活力40747 点 AE币495 枚推广活力3055 点 AE荣誉161 次阅读权限100 来自辽宁-大连在线时间255小时注册时间2009-12-2 最后登录2010-4-1沙发发表于2009-12-18 08:59 | 只看该作者11.e FX Pr o是一个模拟真实火焰和烟雾的粒子系统12.Evol ution12.1 Ca rd Da nce (卡片跳舞)12.2 Car d Wip e (卡片翻转)12.3Caust ics(焦散)12.4 F oam (气泡)12.5Multi plane(多图层变换)12.6 R adioShape(模拟无线电波的形状)12.7 Ra dio S tar(模拟星形无线电波)12.8WaveWorld(波浪世界)13.Eye Cand y13.1 A ntima tter(反物质)13.2 Carv e(倒角)13.3 Chr ome(铬合金)13.4Cutou t(挖剪图像)13.5 F ire(火焰)13.6 F ur(毛发)13.7 Gl ass(玻璃)13.8 G low(辉光)13.9 H SB No ise(H SB躁点)13.10 In ner B evel(向内倒角)13.11 Ji ggle(摇动)13.12 Moti on Tr ail(拖尾)13.13Outer Beve l(向外倒角)13.14Persp ectiv e Sha dow(透视投影)13.15 Smo ke(烟)13.16 Sq uint(重影)13.17 Star(星形)13.18 Swi rl(旋涡)13.19 W eave(编织)14.F ilmFX14.1 Co lor T iming(颜色调整)14.2 Fi lm St ock(库存胶片)15.Final Effe cts C omple te15.1Final Effe cts(简称Fe)15.1.1 FE Ball Acti on(球状运动)15.1.2 FEBubbl es(泡沫)15.1.3FE Co lor O ffset(颜色位移)15.1.4FE Co mposi te(合成)15.1.5FE Fl o Mot ion(失真运动)15.1.6 FE Grid dler(矿筛)15.1.7 FEImage Wipe(图像擦除)15.1.8FE Ka leida(发音体)15.1.9 F E Len s(透镜)15.1.10FE Li ght B urst2.5(灯光爆裂)15.1.11 F E Lig ht Sw eep(扫光)15.1.12 FEPageTurn(翻页)15.1.13 FE Part icleSyste ms(粒子系统)15.1.14 FE Part icleSyste ms II(粒子系统2)15.1.15 FEParti cle S ystem s LE(粒子系统L E)15.1.16 FEPixel Poll y(像素剥离)15.1.17 FERadia l Sca leWip e(反射状的缩放擦拭)15.1.18 FE R ain(下雨)15.1.19 FEScale Wipe(缩放擦除)15.1.20 FE S catte rize(分散)15.1.21 FE Slan t(倾斜)15.1.22FE Sl ant M atte(倾斜剪影)15.1.23FE Sn ow(下雪)15.1.24 FE S phere(球体)15.1.25 F E Sta r Bur st(星爆式)15.1.26 FEThres hold(阀值)15.1.27 FE Thre shold RGB(RGB阀值)15.1.28 FE T iler(瓦盖)15.1.29 FE Twis ter(缠绕)15.2 N ext E ffect(简称Ne)15.2.1FE Ad vance d 3D(高级三维)15.2.2 F E Ben d It(弯曲)15.2.3 FECylin der(圆柱体)15.2.4 FEDrizz le(毛毛雨)15.2.5 FE F orceMotio n Blu r(强大的运动模糊)15.2.6 F E Hai r(毛发)15.2.7 F E Lig ht Ra ys(体积光)15.2.8 FE M r. Sm oothi e(圆滑)15.2.9 F E Pow er Pi n(透视点)15.2.10 FE R epeTi le(放射状模糊)15.2.11 F E Sim ple W ire R emova l(擦除金属丝)15.2.12 FE Wide Time(放慢)15.3 Stud io Ef fects(简称Se)15.3.1FE Al pha M ap(Al pha贴图)15.3.2FE Be nder(弯曲)15.3.3 FEBlobb ylize(滴状斑点)15.3.4FE Bu rn Fi lm(燃烧的胶片)15.3.5 FE Glas s(玻璃)15.3.6 F E Gla ss Wi pe(擦拭玻璃)15.3.7 FEGlueGun(喷胶枪)15.3.8 FEGridWipe(删格擦拭)15.3.9 F E Jaw s(狭口)15.3.10FE Li ght W ipe(扫光)15.3.11 FEMr. M ercur y(水银先生)15.3.12 FEParti cle W orld(粒子世界)15.3.13FE Ri pplePulse(涟漪发生器)15.3.14 FESmear(涂污)15.3.15 F E Spl it(切开)15.3.16 FE S potli ght(聚光灯)15.3.17 FE Time Blen d(时间混合)15.3.18 FETimeBlend FX(时间混合FX)15.3.19 FE T oner(调色剂)16.Forge Free FormForg e Fre e For m(自由变换)是一款用来制作自由变换效果的插件,为制作图形变形效果提供了极大的方便。

Ch2:1.创建一Employee(雇员)类,有姓名(Name),年龄(Age),薪水(Salary)属性,有两个构造方法,无参时选用默认值(张三,22,800),还有一个带参的构造方法,要求输入(name,age,salary),有默认的方法Work(),次方法输出本人的基本信息,还有一个带参的方法重载:Work(int days),用于输出基本信息和薪水,出差的薪水是在原基础上加每天补助150元计算。
Ch3:定义一Student结构,有姓名(Name),年龄(Age),住址(Address)属性,并用Display ()方法输出信息Ch4:定义一个Student类, ,有姓名(Name),年龄(Age),住址(Address)属性,定义班级类(Classes),在班级类中定义一Student类的数组students,在构造方法中对数组实例。
在Classes类中定义两个索引器,对students数组进行访问,(int index)索引器可读可写,(string name)索引器可读,测试两个索引器。
Visual Basic程序设计(第二版)-参考答案

1.10 2.计算 1 到 8 的和,36 3.0,n-1 4.9,x
6.24 7.10
9.x mod 5,x+s
1.A 2.C 11.A
5.D 6.C
7.D 8.D
9.D 10.A
1.10 2.计算 1 到 8 的和 36
3.0 n-1
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.D
7.D 8.D 9.A 10.D 4.S(165) 5.123
1.A 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.A
4.9 x 5.28
1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.A
1.ReDim 5.123 246 369 9.pos=pos+Arr(k)
5.A 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C
一、选择题 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.D
11.C 12.A 二、填空题
1.EOF(1)close #1 Text1.Text 或 Text1 3.END Text1.Text 或 Text1 5.#2 1 0 outchar

#综述#毛头鬼伞的生物活性作用王惠国关洪全李忻红(辽宁中医药大学病原生物与免疫教研室,沈阳110032)=摘要> 毛头鬼伞具有高蛋白、低脂肪等优良特性。
=关键词> 毛头鬼伞;生物活性作用;综述=中图分类号> R281.5=文献标识码> A=文章编号>1673-3827(2007)06-0382-03B iol o gic effect of Copri n us comatusW ANG H u-i guo,GUAN H ong-quan,L I X in-hong(D ep ar t m ent of M icro bio logy and Immunit y,L iaoning univer sit y of trad itional ch inease m ed icine,Sheny ang110032,Ch ina)=Abstract>Cop r inus co m atus has good cha racte ristic of h i gh prote i n,low fat and so f o rt h.C op rinus coma t u s conta i ns20k i nds o f a m i no ac i dses,among the m,all o f8k i nds o f the hu m an body essentia l am ino ac i dses are i nc l uded.Cop r inus coma t u s still con tains ele m ents such as ka liu m,natr i u m,ca lciu m,m agnesi u m,phospho r and trace e l em ents such as iron,copper,m ang anese,zi nc,mo-lybdenum,coba lt etc.Currently,U n ited N a ti ons food ag ricu lt ure o rganization(FAO)and W orld H ea lth O rgan i zati on(W HO)have settled C op r i nus com atus as an ed i ble fungus,thatm a tch the request o f natura,l nourish m ent,hea lth care.Cop rinu s co m atus i s one o f16k i nds o f rare ed i ble fungus.U p to the present,t he relevant research of Cop r inus com atus bio li g ic effect still i nsuffic i ency.There have a little a m ount o f re l ated reports i n the domestic,and i n abroad st udies i n abroad abou t C op r i nus com atus w ere very fe w.T h i s arti c l e su mm ar ized the bio l ogy functi on o f C op rinus co m atus,t o prov i de a refe rence fo r cur i ng t umo r,d i abetes,i n fecti on disease and so on.=K ey word> Copr inu s coma t u s;b i o log ic effect;rev ie w[Chi n JM yco,l2007,2(6):382-384]毛头鬼伞[C opr inus co m a tus(M ueller.ex Fr.)S.F.G ray]又名鸡腿蘑、毛头鬼盖、毛鬼伞、鬼伞、鬼盖、鬼屋(5本草拾遗6)、地盖(5别录6)、鬼菌(5广菌谱6)、地芩,隶属于真菌门、担子菌纲、伞菌目、鬼伞科、鬼伞属[1-3]。
ch5-5.2IO软件原理和5.3具有通道的IO管理 _new_

设备驱动程序从与设备无关的软件中 接收抽象的I/O请求,按照设备的具 体控制需要生成操作命令执行。一条 典型的请求是读第n块 如果请求到来时驱动程序空闲,则立 即执行。如果它正在处理另一条请求, 它将该请求挂在等待队列中;或者无 阻塞等待异步事件的通知 错误检查,需要及时把错误情况上报
执行一次I/O操作的步骤 执行一次I/O操作的步骤 I/O
•确定I/O任务,了解使用何种设备,属 于哪个通道,操作方法如何等。 •确定算法,决定例外情况处理方法。 •编写通道程序,完成相应I/O操作。 •编写主机I/O程序,对不同条件码进行 不同处理。
5.3.3 通道启动和I/O操作过程
CPU是主设备,通道是从设备, CPU和设备之间是主从关系,需 要相互配合协调才能完成I/O操作 那么CPU如何通知通道做什么? 通道又如何告知CPU其状态和工 作情况呢? “启动+操作+结束”三个阶段
通道状态字字段含义 •通道命令地址 •设备状态 •通道状态 •剩余字节个数
5.3.2 I/O指令和主机I/O程序
IBM系统主机提供一组完成I/O操作的I/O指令 I/O指令有:启动I/O(Start I/O,SIO) ,查 询I/O(Test I/O,TIO) ,查询通道(Test Channel,TCH) ,停止I/O(Halt I/O,HIO) 和停止设备(Halt Device,HDV) ,它们都是 特权指令。 SIO X’00E’

0,1 寄存器,内存 有意义的变量,函数
产品演化能力 软件变更的能力 抢占市场
迅迭 速代 推增 向量 市开 场发 , 使 你 的 产 品
Grady Booch
致力于并推动 UML 发展的一些重要公司有
Hewlett – Packard Microsoft Oracle IBM Unisys
The Unified Modeling Language is a visual language for specifying, constructing and documenting the artifacts of systems。
强调的是对问题和需求的调查研究,而不是解决 方案。 “分析”一个含义广泛的词汇。在软件开发中, 我们关注两种类型的分析。
需求分析:调查研究系统要成功所必须满足的需求。 面向对象分析:调查研究领域对象以发现重要信息来 满足需求。
设计强调的是满足需求的概念上的解决方案(在 软件或硬件方面)。设计不是实现,虽然一个好 的设计在完成后可以被(编程)实现。 “设计”一词含义也很广泛,应加以限定,如:

Handle Object ObjectName.Method
Classes can be used in programs and modules.
Handle and Object Constructor and Deallocation
Transaction tr_gen, tr_drv; tr_gen = new; tr_drv = tr_gen; tr_gen = new; tr_gen = null;
Basic OOP
OOB Terminology
Class – a basic building block containing routines and variables. The analogue in Verilog is a module.
Object – an instance of a class. In Verilog, you need to instantiate a module to use it.
//use a undefined class typedef class Statistics;
class Transaction; Statistics stats; ...
class Statistics; ...
Using A Simple Class
endfunction: display
Method prototype must match the one in the body.
Using One Class Inside Another
//normal order


Appendix FSelected SolutionsF.5Chapter5Solutions5.1(a)ADD-operate-register addressing for destination and source1-register or immediate addressing for source2(b)JMP-control-register addressing(c)LEA-data movement-immediate addressing(d)NOT-operate-register addressing5.3Sentinel.It is a special element which is not part of the set of allowable inputs and indicatesthe end of data.5.5(a)Addressing mode:mechanism for specifying where an operand is located.(b)An instruction’s operands are located as an immediate value,in a register,or in memory.(c)The5are:immediate,register,direct memory address,indirect memory address,base+offset address.An immediate operand is located in the instruction.A register operandis located in a register(R0-R7).A direct memory address,indirect memory addressand base+offset address all refer to operands locate in memory.(d)Add R2,R0,R1=>register addressing mode.12APPENDIX F.SELECTED SOLUTIONS5.701111(decimal15)5.9(a)Add R1,R1,#0=>differs from a NOP in that it sets the CC’s.(b)BRnzp#1=>Unconditionally branches to one after the next address in the PC.There-fore no,this instruction is not the same as NOP.(c)Branch that is never taken.Yes same as NOP.5.11No.We cannot do it in a single instruction as the smallest representable integer with the5bitsavailable for the immediatefield in the ADD instruction is-16.However this could be donein two instructions.5.13(a)0001011010100000(ADD R3,R2,#0)(b)1001011011111111(NOT R3,R3)0001011011100001(ADD R3,R3,#1)0001001010000011(ADD R1,R2,R3)(c)0001001001100000(ADD R1,R1,#0)or0101001001111111(AND R1,R1,#-1)(d)Can’t happen.The condition where N=1,Z=1and P=0would require the contents of aregister to be both negative and zero.(e)0101010010100000(AND R2,R2,#0)5.151110001000100000(LEA R1,0x20)R1<-0x31210010010000100000(LD R2,0x20)R2<-Mem[0x3122]=0x45661010011000100001(LDI R3,0x20)R3<-Mem[Mem[0x3123]]=0xabcd 0110100010000001(LDR R4,R2,0x1)R4<-Mem[R2+0x1]=0xabcd 1111000000100101(TRAp0x25)5.17(a)LD:two,once to fetch the instruction,once to fetch the data.(b)LDI:three,once to fetch the instruction,once to fetch the data address,and once to fetchthe data.(c)LEA:once,only to fetch the instruction.5.19PC-64to PC+63.The PC value used here is the incremented PC value.5.21The Trap instruction provides8bits for a trap vector.That means there could be28=256traproutines.5.23x30ff1110001000000001(LEA R1,#1)R1<-0x3101x31000110010001000010(LDR R2,R1,#2)R2<-0x1482x31011111000000100101(TRAP0x25)x31020001010001000001x31030001010010000010F.5.CHAPTER5SOLUTIONS35.251001100011111111;(NOT R4,R3)0001100100100001;(ADD R4,R4,#1)0001001100000010;(ADD R1,R4,R2)0000010000000101;(BRz Done)0000100000000001;(BRn Reg3)0000001000000010;(BRp Reg2)0001001011100000;(Reg3ADD R1,R3,#0)0000111000000001;(BRnzp Done)0101001010100000;(Reg2ADD R1,R2,#0)1111000000100101;(Done TRAP0x25)5.27Four different values:xAAAA,x30F4,x0000,x00055.29(a)LDR R2,R1,#0;load R2with contents of location pointed to by R1STR R2,R0,#0;store those contents into location pointed to by R0(b)The constituent micro-ops are:MAR<−SRMDR<−Mem[MAR]MAR<−DRMem[MAR]<−MDR5.310x1000:00011010001110005.33It can be inferred that R5has exactly5of the lower8bits=1.5.35The IR,SEXT unit,SR2MUX,Reg File and ALU implement the ADD instruction,alongwithNZP and the logic which goes with it.5.37Memory,MDR,MAR,IR,PC,Reg File,the SEXT unit connected to IR[8:0],ADDR2MUX,ADDR1MUX set to PC,alongwith the ADDER they connect to,and MAXMUX and GateMARMUX implement the LDI instruction,alongwith NZP and the logic which goes with it.5.39IR,PC,Reg File,the SEXT unit connected to IR[8:0],ADDR2MUX,ADDR1MUX set toPC,alongwith the ADDER they connect to,and MAXMUX and GateMARMUX implement the LEA instruction,alongwith NZP and the logic which goes with it.5.41(a)Y is the P Condition code.(b)Yes.The error is that the logic should not have the logic gate A.X should be one wheverthe opcodefield of the IR matches the opcodes which change the condition code registers.The problem is that X is1for the BR opcode(0000)in the given logic.。

软件开发需要把问题解决模型化。 模型化是理解一个复杂系统的工具; 模型是系统早期抽象的重要结构; 常用的面向对象分析与设计模型 Rumbaugh 等人的 OMT 模型 Coad 和 Yourdon 的模型 Booch 开发模型 UML 统一建模语言
抽象性:对象的数据抽象和行为抽象; 封装性:信息隐蔽; 共享性: 同一类中所有实例共享数据结构和行为特征; 同一应用中所有实例通过继承共享数据结构和 行为特征; 不同应用中所有实例通过复用共享数据结构和 行为特征
对象是系统中用来描述客观事物的一个实体,是 构成系统的一个基本单位,由一组属性和一组对 属性进行操作的服务组成。 属性一般只能通过执行对象的操作来改变。
a. b.
活动定义了工作人员所执行的工作。有 3 类 步骤: 思考步骤 执行步骤 评审步骤 制品是过程生产、修改或使用的一种信息。 RUP 的制品分为 5 个信息集。 管理集:计划制品、操作制品 需求集:构想文档、项目相关人员需求、 用例模型和业务模型
设计集:设计模型、软件体系结构描述、 测试模型 实现集:源代码和可执行程序、相关数据 结构和数据文档 实施集:安装资料、用户文档、培训材料 工作流用来描述生成结果的活动序列,用以 描述工作人员之间的交互。在 RUP 中共有 9 个核心过程工作流,包括 6 个核心工程工作 流和 3 个核心支持工作流。
用例和参与者的事例 银行储户通过自动取款机(自动柜员机)提款, 转账或检查账户余额。用一组用例表达如下:

简答:1、NR 测量配置中主要包括哪些部分?答:包括Measurement objects ,Reporting configurations ,Measurement identities,Quantityconfigurations,Measurement gaps。
4、简要描述NR中Frame、subframe、slot、symbol之间关系?1个Frame长度10ms,1个subframe长度1ms;1个Frame中有10个subframe;1个subframe中slot个数,取决于numerology? u配置(u=0,1,2,3,4,1个subframe对应slot个数为2u);1个slot有14个symbol(NCP),或12个symbol(ECP)。
5、NR中主要用到的信道栅格分为哪两类?RFchannel raster(频带信道栅格)和Synchronization channelraster(同步信道栅格)Synchronizationchannel raster用于标识SS block可能的频率位置集,包括同步信道PSS / SSS和PBCH;RFchannel raster主要用于识别由基站传输的整个RF载波的可能频率位置集合。
oop 复习例题

C、 x%=k-k%5
10 决定C++语言中函数的返回值类型的是( )
A、 return语句中的表达式类型
B、 调用该函数时系统随机产生的类型
C、 调用该函数时的主调用函数类型
A、 ④
20 下面程序的运行结果为( ) 以下是引用片段: #include〈iostream.h〉 class A { public: A(){cout《"1";} ~A(){cout《"2";} }; class B:public A { public: B(){cout《"3";} ~B(){cout《"4";} }; void main() { B b; }
7 循环体至少被执行一次的语句为( )。
8 C++语言的跳转语句中,对于break和continue说法正确的是()
17 以下关于函数模板叙述正确的是( )。
Visual Basic 最间教程(共11个程序)

Visual Basic 教程1.绘图Private Sub Comman2_Click()Dim i As IntegerPicture1.DrawWidth = 2 ‟指定画笔宽度Picture1.FillColor = vbGreen ‟指定填充颜色Picture1.FillStyle = vbCross ‟指定填充方式Picture1.Scale [0,0]-[100,100] ‟定义坐标Picture1.Line [0,0]-[50,50], vbRed ‟画一条红线For i = 0 To 50 Step 5 ‟画蓝色圆Picture1.Circle [i , i ], i , vbBlueNextEnd Sub2.文件的系统控件Private Sub Drive1_Change() ‟Dir1Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive ‟File1 Dir1End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim SelectFile As StringIf Ringht[File1.Path, 1] <> “\” ThenSelectFile = File1.Path & “\” & File1.filenameElseSelectFile = File1.Path & File1.filenameEnd IfMsgBox “你选择了文件” & SelectFile ‟显示被选择的文件全名End Sub3.文件访问(1)顺序文件写:AppendOpen “C:\TESTFILE.TXT” For Output As #1Print #1, “Visual”, “Basic”‟分写两打印区Print #1, “Visual”, “Basic”‟紧随写入Write #1, “Data1”, 100, “Data2”‟加入逗号,省空间,易读Close #1读:Dim FileData As StringOpen “C:\TESTFILE.TXT” For Iutput As #1Do Until EOF[1]Line Input #1, FileDataText1.Text = Text1.Text & FileData & Chr[13] & Chr[10] ‟Text1.Multiline设为true LoopClose #1(2)随机型文件适用于读写有固定长度记录结构的文本或二进制文件通用Option ExplictPrivate Type ScoreRecord ‟定义自定义数据记录类型ID As IntegerName As String* 20 ‟Name为长度为20的字符串End Type事件Dim MyRecord As ScoreRecord ‟声明变量Dim RecordNum As IntegerOpen “C:\RECFILE.TXT” For Randam As # 1Len = Len[MyRecord]For RecordNum = 1 To 5MyRecord.ID = RecordNum ‟定义ID = “Name” & RecordNum写:Put # 1, RecordNum, MyRecord ‟将记录写入文件Next读:Get # 1, 3, MyRecord ‟第三个记录Text1.Text = Close # 1(3)二进制文件能读取任意有结构的文件,比随机文件更为灵活Open “…” For Binary As # 1Text1.Text = Input[LOF(1)‟文件长度, # 1]‟读整个文件,中英常用格式:Put #fielname, position, variableGet #fielname, position, variable4.多窗口(MDI)程序的设计mnuNew 事件click:static WindowsCount As Integer ‟第几个窗口Dim frmD As Form1 ‟定义子窗口变量WindowsCount = WindowCount + 1Set frmD = New Form1 ‟标题frmD.Caption = “Child Window” & WindowCountfrmD.Show ‟显示子窗口mnuCascade 层叠click:Me.Arrage vbCascade ‟vbTileHorizontal横向平铺vbTileVertical纵向vbArrangeIcons排列子窗口图标WindowState属性: 2 Max添加模块(好习惯)Option ExplicitPublic fMainForm As ADIForm1 ‟主窗口对象Sub main[]Set fmainForm = New MDIForm1fMainForm.Show ‟显示主窗口End Sub工程菜单/工程1属性启动对象:SubMain 由通用对象模块开始执行5.多媒体公用对话控件属性Filter .A VI .MID .W A VForm.Load: Private Sub Form.Load()MMControl1.Wait = False ‟设置打开设备所需属性End SubCommand1.Click:CommonDialog1.ShowOpen ‟显示打开文件对话框If CommonDialog1.filename <> ….‟ Then ‟判断文件后缀Select Case UCase[Right[CommonDialog1.filename, 3] ]Case “W A V”‟波形文件MMControl1.DeviceType = “WaveAudio”… Else ‟Sequencer AviVideoEnd SelectMMControl1.filename = CommonDialog1.filenameIf Not MMControl1.Mode = mciModeNotOpen Thenmand = “Close”‟如果已打开,先关闭End Ifmand = “Open”‟打开设备End IfForm.Unload: Private Sub form Unload[cancel As Integer]mand = “Close”‟确保关闭End Sub6.数据访问Data控件可用三类Recordset对象表Table 一个记录集合,代表能用来添加,更新或删除记录表的单个数据库表。
关键词教学模式教学活动对比分析绩效分析中图分类号:g642 文献标识码:a0引言计算机程序设计是高校计算机相关专业的专业必修课,同时也是其他非计算机专业的公共基础课,2012-2013年第二学期,笔者以助教身份,承担了云南师范大学12级本科《面向对象vb程序设计》的教学工作,在教学过程中,积极探索,力求探寻计算机信息基础的教学方法。
1相关理论1.1面向对象面向对象(object-oriented, oo)认为客观世界是由某些共同特征组成的对象,有其自己的运动规律和内部状态,客观存在的一切事物都是对象。
面向对象的三个重要阶段是:面向对象的分析(object-oriented analysis, ooa),面向对象的设计(object-oriented design ,ood)和面向对象程序设计(object-oriented programming,ooa),面向对象中包含:类、对象、封装、继承、多态等重要概念。
1.2visual basic(vb)美国微软公司1991年推出了visual basic(简称vb),vb是支持oop的程序语言(object-oriented programming language,oopl),它支持类、对象、继承、多态和消息通信等oo概念的机制。
1.3 s-t分析s-t分析是一种采用图形的方法直观表现教学性格,对教学过程及其结构进行定量处理与评价的课堂结构分析。

华中科技大学硕士学位论文小鼠卵巢组织的玻璃化冷冻研究姓名:***申请学位级别:硕士专业:妇产科学指导教师:***20060401华中科技大学同济医学院硕:Ij毕业论文.附图图1A小鼠新鲜卵巢组织切片(×400)图1B实验组I复苏后的组织切片(×400)图1c实验组II复苏后的组织切片(×400)图1D实验组Ⅲ复苏后的组织切片(×400)图2玻璃化冷冻复苏后小鼠卵巢组织的电泳结果图5玻璃化冷冻复苏后的卵巢组织中始基卵泡透射电镜照片x1000020华中科技大学同济医学院硕士毕业论文图4卵巢组织暴露于不同玻璃化冷冻溶液卵母细胞的存活率比较图6A分离玻璃化冷冻复苏的卵巢组织所得图6B玻璃化冻融卵巢组织分离出的窦前卵泡400x0GC200x华中科投大学同济医学院顾:I‘毕业论文图3PI染色示死细胞幽8A幽8C图8E幽7MII期卵母细胞纺锤体荧光染色镜检结果幽8B图8D图8F小鼠卵巢组织的玻璃化冷冻研究作者:陈薪学位授予单位:华中科技大学1.Meirow D.Nugent D The effects of radiotherapy and chemothrapy on female reproduction 20012.Blatt J Pregnancy outcome in long-term survivors of childhood canceer 19993.Abir R.Fisch B.Nitke S.Okon,E, Raz,A. Ben Rafael,Z Morphological study of fully and partially isolated early human follicles 20014.Gook D A.McCully B A.Edgar D H.McBain,J.C Development of antral follicles in human cryopreserved ovarian tissue following xenografting 20015.Van den Broecke R.Liu J.Handyside A.Van der Elst,J.C,Krausz,T,Dhont,M,Winston,R.M.and Hovatta,O Follicular growth in fresh and cryopreserved human ovarian cortical grafts transplanted to immunodeficient mice 20016.Parrott D M V Vitrification of human blastocysts using cryoloops:clinical outcome of 223 cycles 19607.Gosden R G.Baird D T.Wade J C.Webb,R Restoration of fertility in oophorectomised sheep by ovarian autografts stored at-196° 19948.Oktay K.Karlikaya G Ovarian function after transplantation of frozen,banked autologous ovarian tissue 20029.CaUejo J.Salvador C.Miralles A.Vilaseca,S, LaiUa,J.M. Balasch,J Long-term ovarian function evaluation after autografting by implantation with fresh and frozen-thawed human ovarian tissue 2001 10.Radford J A.Lieberman B A.Brison D R.Smith,A.R, Critchlow,J.D, Russell,S.A, Watson,A.J,Clayton,J.A, Harris,M,Gosden,R.G Orthotopic reimplantation of cryopreserved ovarian cortical strips after high-dose chemotherapy for Hodgldn's lymphoma 200111.K Oktay.E Buyuk Fertility preservation in women undergoing cancer treatment 2004(9423)12.J Donnez.MM Dolmans.D Demylle.P Jadoul, C Pirard, J Squifflet, B Martinez-Madrid, A van Langendonckt Livebirth after orthotopic transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue 2004(9443) 13.Dror Meirow.Jacob Levron.Talia Eldar-Geva Pregnancy after Transplantation of Cryopreserved Ovarian Tissue in a Patient with Ovarian Failure after Chemotherapy 200514.Jelinkova L.Selman HA.Arav A Twin pregnancy after vitrification of 2-pronuclei human embryos 200215.Mukaida T.Nakamura S.Tomiyama T.Wada S, Oka C, Kasai M and Takahashi K Vitrification of human blastocysts using cryoloops:clinical outcome of 223 cycles 200316.Yoon TK.Kim TJ.Park SE.Hong SW, Ko JJ, Chung HM Cha KY Live births after vitrification of oocytes in a stimulated in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer program 200317.Isachenko E.Isachenko V.Rahirni G.Nawroth F Cryopreservation of human ovarian tissue by direct plunging into liquid nitrogen 200318.Gosden R G.Mullan J.Picton H M.Yin,H. Tan,S.L Current perspective on primordial follicle cryopreservation and culture for reproductive medicine 200219.Liebermann J.Nawroth F.Isachenko V Potential importance of vitrification in reproductive m edicine 200220.Rall WF.Fahy GM Ice-free cryopreservation of mouse embryos at -196°C by vitrificat.ion 198521.Rall WF.Wood MJ.Kirby C Development of mouse embryos cryopreserved by vitrification 198722.Jelinkova L.Selman HA.Arav A Twin pregnancy after vitrification of 2-pronuclei human embryos 200223.Mukaida T.Nakamura S.Tomiyama T Vitrification of human blastocysts using cryoloops:clinical outcome of 223 cycles 200324.Yoon TK.Kim TJ.Park SE Live births after vitrification of oocytes in a stimulated in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer program 200325.Isackeako E.Isachenko V.Rahimi G Cryopreservation of human ovarian tissue by direct plunging into liquid nitrogen 200326.Sugimoto M.Maeda S.Manabe N Development of infantile rat ovaries autotransplanted after cryopreservation by vitrification 200227.Salehnia M Autograft of vitrified mouse ovaries using ethylene glycol as cryoprotectant 200228.Migishima F.Suzuki- Migishima R.Song Sy Successful cryopreservation of mouse ovaries by vitrification[外文期刊] 200329.Oktay K.Tilly J Livebirth after cryopreserved ovarian tissue autotranspl antation 2004(9451)30.Donnez J.Dolmans MM.Demylle D Livebirth after orthrtopic transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue 2004(9443)31.Smitz J.Cortvrindt R First childbirth from transplanted cryopreserved ovarian tissue brings hope for cancer survivors 2004(9443)32.Akiko Hasegawa.Yukari Hamada.Tzvetozar Mehandjiev In vitro growth and maturation as well as fertilization of mouse preantral oocytes from vitrified ovaries 2004(zk)33.Candy CJ.Wood MJ.Whittingham DG Restoration of a normal reproductive lifespan after grafting of cryopreserved mouse ovaries 2000(06)34.Newton H.Illingworth P In-vitro growth of murine pre-antral follicles after isolation from cryopreserved ovarian tissue 2001(03)35.王俊霞.朱桂金.魏玉兰.王雁林应用胚胎玻璃化冷冻技术获得临床妊娠及分娩一例[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志 2004(2)36.Baird DT.Campbell Souza C Long-term ovarian function in sheep after ovariectomy and autotransplantation of cryopreserved cortical strips 2004(zk)37.Gosden RG Oogenesis as a foundation for embryogenesis 2002(02)38.Donahoe PK.Ito Y.Hendren WH The preservation of Mullerian inhibiting substance during long-term freezing of testicular fragments 197739.Hóvatta O.Silye R.Krausz T Cryopreservation of human ovarian tissue using dimethylsulphoxide and propanediol-sucrose as cryoprotectants 199640.Jezek D.Schulze W.Kalanj-Bognar S Effects of various cryopreservation media and freezing-thawing on the morphology of rat testicular biopsies 200241.Shinohara T.Inoue K.Ogonuki N Birth of offspring following transplantation of cryopreserved immature testicular pieces and in-vitro microinsemination 200242.Schlatt S.Meinhardt A.Nieschlag E Paracrine regulation of cellular interactions in thetestis:factors in search of a function 199643.Picton HM Cryopreservation of gonadal tissue and cells 200044.Oktay K A technique for laparoscopic transplantation of frozen-banked ovarian tissue 200145.Radford JA Orthotopic re-implantation of cryopreserved ovarian cortical strips after high-dose chemotherapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma 200146.Pickering S J.Braude PR.Johnson MH Cryoprotection of human oocytes:inappropriate exposure to DMSO reduces fertilization rates 199147.Bos-Mikich A.Whittingham DG Cytogenetical analysis and developmental potential of vitrified mouse oocytes 199548.Rayos AA.Takahashi Y.Hishimuma M.Kanagawa H Quick freezing of unfertilized mouse oocytes using ethylene glycol with sucrose or trehalose 199449.Songsasen N.Buckrell BC.Plante C In vitro and in vivo survival of cryopreserved sheep embryos[外文期刊] 199550.Pickering S J.Johnson MH The influence of cooling on the organization of the meiotic spindle of the mouse oocyte 198751.Aigner S.Van der Elst J.Siebzehnrubl E The influence of slow and ultra-rapid freezing on the organization of the meiotic spindle of the mouse oocytes 199252.Oktay K Ovarian cryopreservation and transplantation:Preliminary findings and imp,icatins for cancer patients 200153.Oktay K.Buyuk E.Davis O.Yermakova I Veeck I Rosenwals Z Fertility preservation in breast cancer pantients:in vitro fertilization and embryo cryoptesevation after ovarian stimulation with tamxifen 200354.Kutluk Oktay.Bulent Alp Aydin.Guvenc Karlikaya A technique for laparoscopic transplantation of frozen-banked ovarian tissue 2001(06)55.Okatay K.Guvenc G.Karlikay A Ovarian cryopreservation and transplantation:basic aspects 200056.Kutluk Oktay.Erkan Buyuk.Lucinda Veeck.Nilica Zaninovis Kangpy Xu Takumi Takeuchi Michael Opsahl Zev Rosenwaks Embryo development after heterotopic transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue 200457.J Donnez.MM Dolmans.D Demylle.P Jadoul, C Pirard, J Squifflet, B Martinez-Madrid, A van Langendonckt Livebirth after orthotopic transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue 2004(9443) 58.Dror Meirow.Jacob Levron.Talia Eldar-Geva Pregnancy after Transplantation of Cryopreserved Ovarian Tissue in a Patient with Ovarian Failure after Chemotherapy 200559.Jelinkova L.Selman HA.Arav A Twin pregnancy after vitrification of 2-pronuclei human embryos 200260.Mukaida T.Nakamura S.Tomiyama T.Wada S, Oka C, Kasai M and Takahashi K Vitrification of human blastocysts using cryoloops:clinical outcome of 223 cycles 200361.Yoon TK.Kim TJ.Park SE.Hong SW, Ko JJ, Chung HM Cha KY Live births after vitrification of oocytes in a stimulated in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer program 200362.Mohamed A Bedalwy.Elisabeth Jeremias.Raffi Gurunluoglu.Mahmoud R.Hussein, Maria Siemianow,Charles Biscotti and Tommaso Falcone Restoration of ovarian function after autotransplantation of intact frozen-thawed sheep ovaries with microvascular anastomosis 2003(03)63.Tommaso Falcone.Marjan Attaran.Mohamed A Bedaiwy.Jeffery M.Goldberg Ovarian function preservation in the cancer patient 2004(02)64.Meirow D.Nugent D The effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy on female reproduction 2001(06)65.Akiko Hasegawa.Yukari Hamada.Tzvetozar Mehandjiev.Koji Koyarna In vitro growth and maturation as well as fertilization of mouse preantral oocytes from vitrified ovaries 2004(zk)66.Isachenko E.Isachenko V.Rahimi G.Nawroth E Cryopreservation of human ovarian tissue by direct plunging into liquid nitrogen 2003(02)67.Isachenko V.Isachenko E.Rahimi G.Krivokharchenko A, Alabart JL, Nawroth E Cryopreservation of human ovarian tissue by direct plunging into liquid nitrogen:negative effect of disaccharides in vitrification solution 2002(05)68.Nisolle M.Casanas-Roux F.Qu J Distribution and epidermal growth factor expression of primordial follicles in human ovarian tissues before and agter cryopreservation 200069.Christiani Andrade Amorim.Davide Rondina.Ana Paula.Ribeiro Rodrigues,Paulo Bayard Dias Goncalves. .JoséRicardo de Figueiredo and Alessandro Giorgetti Cryopreservation of isolated ovine primordial follicles with propylene glycol and glycerol 2004(zk)70.Banu Demirci.Jacqueline Lornage.Bruno Salle.Lucien Frappart Michel Franck and Jean Francois Guerin Follicular viability and morphology of sheep ovaries after exposure tocryoprotectant and cryopreservation with different freezing protocols 2001(04)71.Ali J Factors affecting the ultrarapid vitrification and crypreservation of embryo s 199272.Mojdeh Salehnia.Esmat Abbasian Moghadam.Mojtaba Rezazadeh Velojerdi Ultrastructure of follicles after vitrification of mouse ovarian tissue 2002(03)73.Mohamed A Bedaiwy.Elisabeth Jeremias.Raffi Gurunluoglu.Mahmoud R.Hussein, Maria Siemianow,Charles Biscotti and Tommaso Falcone Restoration of ovarian function after autotransplantation of intact frozen-thawed sheep ovaries with microvascular anastomosis 2003(03)74.Banu Demirci.Bruno Salle.Lucien Frappart.Michel Franck Jean Francois Guerin and Jacqueline Lornage Morphological alterations and DNA fragmentation in oocytes from primordial and primary follicles after freezing-thawing of ovarian cortex in sheep 2002(03)75.Siebzehnrubl E.Kohl J.Dittrich R Freezing of human ovarian tissue:not the oocytes but the granulose is the problem 200076.Hongbo Wang.Stephen Mooney.Yan Wen Follcle development in grafted mouse wvaries after cryopreservation and subcutaneous transplantation 200277.Radich J The use of PCR technolohy for detecting minimal residual disease in patients with leukemia 199978.Kim SS.Battaglia DE.Soules MR The future of human ovarian cryopreservation andtansplantation:Fertility and beyond 2001(06)79.Debra A Gook.B A Mccully.D H Edgar.J.C.Mc Bain Development of antral follicles in human cryopreserved ovarian tissue following xenografting 2001(03)1.唐永红.TANG Yong-hong激光扫描共聚焦显微镜在激光照射诱导细胞凋亡研究中的应用[期刊论文]-激光生物学报2006,15(5)2.代西梅.黄群策.李国平.胡秀明.秦广雍.DAI Xi-mei.HUANG Qun-ce.LI Guo-ping.HU Xiu-ming.QIN Guang-yong 激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察水稻双受精过程[期刊论文]-河南农业科学2007(6)3.马云涛应用激光共聚焦显微镜技术对脑脊液脑膜癌细胞内质网、线粒体的相关研究[学位论文]2010引用本文格式:陈薪小鼠卵巢组织的玻璃化冷冻研究[学位论文]硕士 2006——附加文档一篇,不需要的朋友下载后可以编辑删除,谢谢——工程概况刘家湾北段市政工程总长度545m;道路设计红线宽度主线30m,一副路面;车行道16m;绿化带2*4m;人行道2 *3m。
8位USB和RGB-LED MS51单片机CH555手册

0、说明USB Keyboard和RGB-LED单片机CH555手册版本:1D1、概述CH555芯片是一款兼容MCS51指令集的USB复合设备E8051内核单片机,其79%的指令是单字节单周期指令,平均指令速度比标准MCS51快8~15倍。
CH555支持最高32MHz系统主频,内置64K程序存储器Flash-ROM和256字节内部iRAM以及8K 字节片内xRAM,xRAM支持DMA直接内存存取。
CH555内置了全速复合USB Device设备控制器和收发器,复合USB设备控制器包括一个USB device-hub和三个HID功能子设备。
Pins: GND VDD V33 P00~7 P10~7 P20~7 P30~7 P40~7 P50~7 P60~7 P70 P712、特点l Core:增强型E8051内核,兼容MCS51指令集,其79%的指令是单字节单周期指令,平均指令速度比标准MCS51快8~15倍,特有XRAM数据快速复制指令,双DPTR指针。
l ROM:64KB非易失存储器Flash-ROM,支持10K次擦写,可以全部用于程序存储空间;或者可以分为60KB程序存储区和1KB数据存储区EEPROM以及3KB引导代码BootLoader/ISP程序区。
l EEPROM:数据存储区EEPROM共1K字节,分为16个独立块,支持单字节读、单字节写、块写(1~64字节)、块擦除(64字节)操作,在典型环境下一般支持100K次擦写(非担保)。
ll RAM:256字节内部iRAM,可以用于快速数据暂存以及堆栈;8KB片内xRAM,可以用于大量数据暂存以及DMA直接内存存取。

CH4 + NADH + O2 CH3-OH + NAD+ + H2O
第十一页,共81页 氧直接参加的氧化反应
• 氧化酶主要催化以氧分子为电子受体的氧化反 应,反应产物为水。在各种脱氢反应中产生的 氢质子和电子,最后都是以这种形式进行氧化 的。
• Q (醌型结构) 很容易 接受电子和质子,还 原成QH2(还原型);
QH2也容易给出电子和 质子,重新氧化成Q。 因此,它在线粒体呼 吸链中作为电子和质 子的传递体。
• 简写为QH2-cyt. c还原酶, 即复合物III, 它是线粒
• (1)直接脱氢
• 在生物氧化中,脱氢反应占有重要 地位。它是许多有机物质生物氧化 的重要步骤。催化脱氢反应的是各 种类型的脱氢酶。
• 琥珀酸脱氢
• 乳酸脱氢
8.1 生物氧化的方式和特点
• 8.1.1 生物氧化的方式
• 生物氧化是在一系列氧化-还原酶催化下分步进行的。 每一步反应,都由特定的酶催化。在生物氧化过程中, 主要包括如下几种氧化方式。
• 脱氢氧化作用、加氧氧化作用和生成二氧化碳的氧化
第六页,共81页 脱氢氧化反应

C6H5 C6H5 C6H5 C C CH3
C6H5 C C6H5
C6H5 C6H5 C C CH3
-H+ C CH3
C6H5 O C6H5 C C
C6H5 C6H5 C C CH3
C6H5 C6H5 C C CH3
CrO3—AcOH、 HNO3等
几种特殊的氧化剂: 1、新配制的MnO2可将伯醇、烯丙醇、苄醇氧 化成相应的醛,而不饱和键不受影响:
两种方法是殊途同归,都遵循马氏规则。但有时 会伴随重排反应的发生。
1.H2SO4 2. H2O
正常产物(次) 重排产物(主)
CH2 = CH2 高温分子内失水成烯
C2H5 O C 低温分子间失水成醚
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tr_gen tr_drv Stack
Static Varibles
class Transaction; static int count = 0; int id; function new(); id = count++; // Set ID, bump count endfunction endclass Transaction t1, t2; initial begin t1 = new(); // 1st instance, id=0, count=1 t2 = new(); // 2nd instance, id=1, count=2
transmit(t); $display("after t.display(); end endprogram transmit"); program testgen; task transmit(Transaction t); t.addr = t.addr << 2; endtask Transaction t; initial begin t = new(32'h0033); $display("before transmit"); t.display();
Modifying a Handle in a Task
class Transaction; logic [31:0] addr; function new(logic [31:0] addr); this.addr = addr; endfunction function void display(); $display(addr); endfunction endclass program testgen; task transmit(ref Transaction t); t = new(32’h3300); t.addr = t.addr << 2; endtask Transaction t; initial begin t = new(32'h0033); $display("before transmit"); t.display(); transmit(t); $display("after t.display(); end endprogram
There is a mistake in book “SystemVerilog for Verification, 2nd Edition” on page 147.
Modifying a Handle in a Task
class Transaction; logic [31:0] addr; function new(logic [31:0] addr); this.addr = addr; endfunction function void display(); $display(addr); endfunction endclass
tr_gen.display(); tr_drv.display(); end
Classes can be used in programs and modules.
Handle and Object Constructor and Deallocation
Transaction tr_gen, tr_drv; tr_gen = new; tr_drv = tr_gen; tr_gen = new; tr_gen = null;
function Transaction::new(logic [31:0] addr); this.addr = addr; this.kind = ’x; = ’x; endfunction: new function void Transaction::display(); $display(“addr=%h, kind=%b, data=%h”, addr, kind, data); endfunction: display
Modifying Objects in Flight
// buggy generator task generator_bad(int n); Transaction t; t = new(); repeat (n) begin t.addr = $random(); transmit(t); end endtask // good generator task generator_bad(int n); Transaction t; repeat (n) begin t = new(); t.addr = $random(); transmit(t); end endtask
Arrays of Handles
class Transaction; logic [31:0] addr; function new(logic [31:0] addr = 'x); this.addr = addr; endfunction function void display(); $display("addr = %h", addr); endfunction endclass foreach(t[i]) begin t[i] = new(i); t[i].display(); end end endprogram program testgen; Transaction t[]; initial begin t = new[5];
Defining A Simple Class
class Transaction; logic [31:0] addr; logic kind; Property logic [63:0] data; function new(logic [31:0] addr); this.addr = addr; this.kind = ’x; = ’x; endfunction function void display(); $display(“addr=%h, kind=%b, data=%h”, addr, kind, data); endfunction endclass Method Constructor Class
Basic OOP
OOB Terminቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱlogy
Class – a basic building block containing routines and variables. The analogue in Verilog is a module. Object – an instance of a class. In Verilog, you need to instantiate a module to use it. Handle – a pointer to an object. In Verilog, you use the name of an instance when you refer to signals and methods from outside the module. An OOP handle is like the address of the object, but is stored in a pointer that can only refer to one type. Property – a variable that holds data. In Verilog, this is a signal such as a register or wire. Method – the procedural code that manipulates variables, contained in tasks and functions.Verilog modules have tasks and functions plus initial and always blocks. Prototype – the header of a routine that shows the name, type, and argument list. The body of the routine contains the executable code.
Method prototype must match the one in the body.
Using One Class Inside Another
//normal order class Statistics; ... endclass class Transaction; Statistics stats; ... endclass class Statistics; ... endclass class Transaction; Statistics stats; ... endclass //use a undefined class typedef class Statistics;
You can define a class in a program, module, package, or outside of any of these.
Defining Methods Outside
class Transaction; logic [31:0] addr; logic kind; logic [63:0] data; extern function new(); extern function void display(); endclass
transmit(t); $display("after t.display(); end endprogram transmit"); Transaction t; initial begin t = new(32'h0033); $display("before transmit"); t.display(); program testgen; task transmit(Transaction t); t = new(32’h3300); t.addr = t.addr << 2; endtask