北师大版Unit 20 New Frontiers
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7.___p_r_e_se_n_t ____ vt. 主持;呈现 8.____in_v_e_st_____ vt. 投资 9.___m_e_an_w_h_i_le___ adv. 同时 10.__o_u_t_co_m_e_____ n. 后果;结果 11.__d_o_w_n_l_o_ad____ vt. 下载 12.___u_p_d_at_e_____ vt. 更新
Unit 20 New Frontiers
(一)分类记单词 核心单词
记全记牢 1._____c_u_re_____ vt. 治愈 2.____c_on_f_li_c_t ___ n. 争执;冲突 3.____s_h_o_rt_ly____ adv. 不久;很快 4._____pr_e_ss_____ vt. 按;压 5.___c_o_ll_e_ag_u_e___ n. 同事;同僚 6.____r_es_c_u_e____ vt. 拯救;救援
invited to give lectures around the country. 3.On hearing the brave girl's disease, local people lined up to __d_o_n_a_te__
blood for her,and their _d_o_n_a_ti_on__ has saved her life.(donate) 4.As an __a_ss_is_t_an_t__, he _a_s_si_s_te_d___ the professor in carrying out the
tourists who had been trapped in the mountains for two days. 3.[2021·湖北高考模拟]_M_e_a_n_w_h_il_e (同时), having a Chinese Idiom
Dictionary can also be a good choice, so that you can refer to it when you
project. And without his __a_ss_is_t_an_c_e___, it couldn't be completed on
5.In our school, the students are not _p_e_rm__it_te_d_ to use phones and
come across idioms that you can't understand in reading. 4.If David doesn't keep his promise to finish the work on time,he will
lose face with his _co_l_le_a_g_u_es_ (同事). 5.__P_re_s_se_d__ (press) by my friends and relations,I decided to seize the
用准用活 1.The burning plastic gave off __p_oi_s_on_o_u_s (poison) gas, which is harmful
to our health. 2.As an educational __sp_e_c_ia_li_s_t (special), his grandmother is always
用准用活 1.We should settle _c_o_n_fl_ic_ts__ (冲突) in a peaceful way, thus friendship
comes into being. 2.[北京卷]A ___re_s_c_ue__ (救援) worker risked his life saving two
记全记牢 1.___a_ss_is_t__ vt.帮助;协助→__as_s_is_ta_n_c_e n.帮助;协助→__a_ss_is_t_an_t_ n.助手;助理 2.__te_c_h_n_ic_a_l __ adj.技术上的→__te_c_h_n_iq_u_e__ n.技术→__t_ec_h_n_o_lo_g_y_ n.工艺;技术 3.___la_t_te_r__ n.后者→__f_o_rm__er__ n.前者 4._s_ta_rv_a_ti_o_n_ n.饥饿→___st_a_rv_e__ v.挨饿 5.__eq_u_a_li_ty__ n.平等→___e_q_u_al__ adj.平等的;v.等于 6.___as_s_es_s__ vt.评价;评估→_a_ss_e_ss_m_e_n_t n.评价;评估 7.__do_n_a_te___ vt.捐赠;赠送→__d_o_na_t_io_n_ n.捐赠;赠送→___d_on_o_r__ n.捐赠者
8._e_le_c_tr_o_ni_c_ adj.电子的→__e_le_c_tr_ic__ adj.电的;电动的→__el_e_ct_r_ic_a_l
9.__s_pe_c_ia_l_is_t n.专家→__s_p_e_ci_a_l _ adj.专门的;特殊的
10.__p_oi_s_on___ n.毒药;毒物→_p_o_i_so_n_o_u_s adj.有毒的 11.__p_e_rm_i_t__ vt.允许;准许;准许 12.__de_c_la_r_e__ vt.宣告;宣布→_d_ec_l_ar_a_ti_o_n n.宣布 13._ex_p_l_or_a_ti_o_n n.检测;探险→__e_x_p_lo_r_e_ vt.探测;探险 14 . _i_n_st_ru_c_t__ v . 教 导 ; 指 导 →__in_s_tr_u_c_to_r n . 指 导 者 , 教 练 →_i_ns_t_ru_c_ti_o_n n.指导