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markably than the traditional therapy group,indicating the signifcant difference(P<0.05).The scores ofthe
20 一 point scale after treatment were higher than that before treatment in the two g r oups.The score in the
20 一point scale and the score of the simplified McGill pain questionnaire(SF—integral MPQ)were compared
in the two groups before and after treatment.Results The effective rate in the research group was higher re—
result in the treatment group was lower remarkably than the traditional therapy group,indicating the signif i—
cant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion The chiropractic technique combined with Chinese herbal medi—
treatment group was higher significantly the traditional therapy group,indicating the signif icant difference(P <0.05).The score of SF—MPQ after treatment was lower than that before treatment in the two groups.The
【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the clinical therapeutic effects on cervical spondylosis treated
with the integration of Chinese herbal medicine and chiropractic technique.M ethods From September 2013 to October 2015 ,90 patients of cervical spondylosis were collected.According to the random num ber table, two groups were divided.In the research group(45 cases),the Chinese herbal decoction was integrated with
tion of Chinese herbal m edicine and chiropractic technique
DU Xue —hui
(Department of Pain,Hubei Shiyan Chinese Medicine Hospital,Shiyan Hubei 442012)
chiropractic technique.In the traditional therapy group(45 cases),the traditional cervical pulling manipula—
tion was used.The duration of treatment was 7 days in each group.The clinical effective rate,the score of the
杜 学辉
【摘要】 目的 评价中药汤剂结合整脊手法内和外应治疗颈椎病临床效果。方法 选择 2013年
9月至 2015年 10月期间的颈椎病患者 90例 ,根据 随机数字表法 随机分 为两 组 ,研究组 45例采用 中药
汤剂结合整脊手法治疗 ,传统组 45例采用传 统颈椎板法治疗 ,两组分别治疗 7 d为 1个疗程 ,比较两组
cine,the integration of internal treatment and the external treatment,is sim ple in operation and signif icant in the therapeutic effects on cervical spondylosis.This integrated therapy deser v es to he prom oted in clinical practice.
世 界 中西 医结合 杂 志 2018年 第 13卷第 1期 W。rld Journal。f Integrated Traditi。na1 and Western Medicine 2018,Vo1.13,N。.1
。 121 ·
· 临 床 研 究 ·
中药 汤 剂 结合 整脊 手法 内和外 应 治疗 颈椎 病 临床效 果 研 究
MPQ评分均低于治疗前 ,且研 究组明显低于传统组 ,差 异有 统计 学意义(P<0.05)。结论 整脊手法
配合 内服 汤剂 内和外应 治疗 颈椎病操 作简单 ,疗效显著 ,值得临床推广应用 。
【关键词 】 颈椎病 ;整脊 手法 ;颈椎板法
【文标识码 】A
Clinical therapeutic efects on cervical spondylosis treated w ith the integra—
临床有效率及治疗前后 20分法 量表 积分 和简化的麦吉尔疼痛问卷 SF—MPQ的积分。结果 研究组
的有效率 明显 高于传统组 ,差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05)。两组 治疗 后 20分法 量表积分 均显著高 于
治疗前 ,且研究组显著高于传统组 ,差异有 统计 学意义(P<0.05)。两组 治疗 后麦 吉尔疼痛问卷 sF—