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Group Formation
Formal groups - official or assigned groups gathered to perform various tasks
need ethnic, gender, cultural, and interpersonal diversity
need professional and geographical diversity
Informal groups unofficial or emergent groups that evolve in the work setting to gratify a variety of member needs not met by formal groups
Characteristics of a WellFunctioning, Effective Group
Relaxed, comfortable, informal
Task well understood & accepted
Consensus decision making
Members listen well & participate
Group aware of its operation & function
Clear assignments made & accepted
Conflict & disagreement center around ideas or methods
Group Behavior
Norms of behavior - the standards that a work group uses to evaluate the behavior of its members
Group cohesion - the “interpersonal glue” that makes members of a group stick together
Motivation & commitment
Focus on self- and group-motivation, execution, achievement
Control & sanctions
Focus on effective, efficient unit
Joining Groups
Security Status Self-Esteem Affiliation Power Goal Achievement
9、我们的市场行为主要的导向因素,第一个是市场需求的导向,第二个是技术进步的导向,第三大导向是竞争对手的行为导向。21.8.1621.8.16Monday, August 16, 2021 10、市场销售中最重要的字就是“问”。11:38:1111:38:1111:388/16/2021 11:38:11 AM 11、现今,每个人都在谈论着创意,坦白讲,我害怕我们会假创意之名犯下一切过失。21.8.1611:38:1111:38Aug-2116-Aug-21 12、在购买时,你可以用任何语言;但在销售时,你必须使用购买者的语言。11:38:1111:38:1111:38Monday, August 16, 2021 13、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。21.8.1621.8.1611:38:1111:38:11August 16, 2021 14、市场营销观念:目标市场,顾客需求,协调市场营销,通过满足消费者需求来创造利润。2021年8月16日星期一上午11时38分11秒11:38:1121.8.16 15、我就像一个厨师,喜欢品尝食物。如果不好吃,我就不要它。2021年8月上午11时38分21.8.1611:38August 16, 2021 16、我总是站在顾客的角度看待即将推出的产品或服务,因为我就是顾客。2021年8月16日星期一11时38分11秒11:38:1116 August 2021 17、利人为利已的根基,市场营销上老是为自己着想,而不顾及到他人,他人也不会顾及你。上午11时38分11秒上午11时38分11:38:1121.8.16
Stages of Group Formation
Mutual acceptance
Focus is on the interpersonal relations among the members
Decision making
Focus is on decision making activities related to tasks
Chapter 9 Work Team & Groups
Strategies for Successful Teams
Groups & Teams
Group - two or more people with common interests or objectives
Team - a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common mission, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable
Social loafing - the failure of a group member to contribute personal time, effort, thoughts, or other resources to the group
Loss of individuality - a social process in which individual group members lose self-awareness & its accompanying sense of accountability, inhibition, and responsibility for individual behavior