
(2) In terms of meaning:
Grammatical/Function words (express grammatical meanings, linking): conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronouns.
Lexical/Content words (having lexical meaning, refer to substance, action &quality): nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
relationship of “a kind of something”, eg scarecrow: not a kind of crow breakneck: not a kind of neck
Written forms of compounds
Solid: blackboard, teapot, bodyguard Hyphenated: wedding-ring, wave-length Open: coffee table, washing machine Free variation: businessman, business-man, business
language acquisition 英语专业语言学PPT

The Critical Period Hypothesis
The end of the critical period is the point at which the nature of language learning changes from being an automatically engaged process to one in which it becomes yet another cognitive activity, a modularity organized on the basis of information-processing stages: input, central processing, and output (Skehan 233, 283).
Differences between L1 Acquisition and L2 Learning
But L2 learning is different. The bulk of the evidence indeed comes from sentences the learner hears—positive evidence from linguistic input. But the L2 learners also has the L1 available to them. Negative evidence can be used to work out what does not occur in L2 but might be expected to occur if it were like L1.
Language Acquisition
Universal grammar The critical period hypothesis Differences between L1 and L2 Major theories in L2 acquisition Some major hypotheses Individual differences Learning strategies Some major teaching methods

Position of the vocal folds: voiceless
Position of the vocal folds: voicing (initial & the widest aparting)
Voiced Sounds
Voiceless Sounds
Position of the vocal folds: glottal stop
Its main principles of IPA:
there should be a separate letter for each distinctive sound, and that the same symbol should be used for that sound in any language in which it appears. The alphabet was to consist of as many Roman alphabet letters as possible, using new letters and diacritics only when absolutely necessary.
Chapter Two
Speech Sounds
Study of Speech Sound Phonology
Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived.
Articulatory Phonetics is the study of the production of speech sounds. Acoustic Phonetics is the study of the physical properties of speech sounds. Perceptual or Auditory Phonetics is concerned with the perception of speech sounds.

理语言学(computational psycholinguistics)
• 心理语言学研究对象: • 语言习得及语言使用的心理过程 • 理论语言学:研究语言结构 • 社会语言学: 研究语言功能 • 收音机(结构:原件、材料和线路图) • ---话语(语音、词汇和语法系统) • 功能:接收声波(长中段波)---表达、交
• 1879, Wundt, Leipzig university, psycholab
• 认为:像感觉、情感、意象那样的心理现 象都可以用自然科学的研究方法进行观察 和研究。
• 心理学家可以像物理学家把复杂的化合物 分解为一样,研究经验的元素,把复杂的 感觉和感情分解为人类经验的“原子”。
• 相关性研究(correlational study) • 也是自然观察。 • 2个或多个属性的相互关系。 • 如抽烟与肺癌的关系。 • 1-2 实验方法 • 是有控制的观察。 • 任何一种行为都是多种因素起作用的结果。 • 控制其他因素,专门操纵某一因素,使它做系统
• 如学习时间、方法、材料、年龄、老师等与英语 考试成绩的关系。
• A.人们是怎样理解和产生语言的---实验心理语 言学(experimental psycholinguistics)
• B.儿童是怎样习得母语的---发展心理学 (developmental psycholinguistics)
• C. 心理语言学的研究成果是怎样应用到其他领域 的---应用心理语言学
手段,主要研究个体心理差异。 • 主要内容:测量阈限和等价刺激等的心理物理法;感觉量

Through language, children learn the values, norms, and beliefs of the culture in which they are raised, becoming socialized into that culture's ways of thinking and living
Language reflections cultural values
The language we speak codes cultural norms, beliefs, and values It reflects how people in a culture view of the world and interact with each other
Language is the primary tool for organizing and expressing thought, which in turn shapes the way people view the world and contact with it
Language services as a repository for cultural knowledge, conditions, and practices, passing them down through generations
Semantics refer to the study of meaning in language, including the meanings of words, phrases, and senses as well as the relationships between them It is one of the fundamental components of language and is essential for effective communication
英语专业语言学课件unit 4

Word-level categories
Traditional and non-traditional classification Major lexical categories: N, V, Adj, Prep.
(serving as heads: NP, VP, AP, PP.) Minor Lexical categories: Det, Deg, Qual, Aux,
PP (Deg) + P + (NP)……on the shelf, in the boat, quite near the station.
( ): optional; ……:other options
The XP rule
Note: abstraction of all phrases: The phrase structure rules can be summed up as XP rule shown in the diagram, in which X, as a variable, stands for N, V, A or P.
the categories must be of the same type;
the category type of the coordinate phrase is identical to the category type the elements being conjoined.
Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. The most central categories to the syntactic study are the word-level categories (traditionally, parts of speech/word class.)

a lawyer. (destined) (8)He doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘fear’.
(sense) (9)If that’s the case, his sacrifice no longer has
e. Reflected meaning
• Reflected meaning: the meaning which arises in cases of multiple conceptual meaning,
when one se nse of a word is so stro(ng反t映ha意t 义it )forms par t of our response to another se nse.
• The connotative meaning can be the same /different in different languages or cultures. e.g.: fox, machine BUT: dragon, dog, elephant (White Elephant)
-associative meanings: connotative meaning
social/stylistic meaning
affective meaning
a. Conceptual meaning (概念意义)
The conceptual or denotative meaning of a linguistic form is the person, object, abstract notion, event or state which the word or sentence denotes. e.g. school, hospital

Linguistics●Why study linguistics?Linguistics is the scientific study of language. (Lyons,1968).the process of linguistic study1st : O bserving & questioning2nd: Formulating hypotheses3rd: Verifying the hypotheses4th: Proposing a theoryFour principles in linguistics study:●exhaustiveness●consistency●economy●objectivity(大连外语考研)●Language and LinguisticsLinguistics:a brilliant and fascinating exploration of the basic weapon by which man has advanced from savagery to civilization.-----Mario Pei马里奥·佩●“We sometimes overlook the fact that th ere is much that we can knowand need to know about our universe and ourselves. By the same token, we are too prone to reject knowledge for which we cannot find an immediate practical application.”Chapter 1When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the “human essence”, the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. (Noam Chomsky, 1972, Language and Mind)●乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky, 1928--)●“Chomsky is currently among the most-cited writers in all of the humanities(behind only Marx, Lenin, Shakespeare, Aristotle, Plato, and Freud) and the only living number of the top ten.” (Pinker,1994)● 1. What is Language?●Definitions of Language:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Key words:Language as systemSound <Phonetics发音学< Phonology 音韵学Structure <morphology 形态学<Syntax 句法学meaning <Semantics语义学<Pragmatics 语用学●Definitions of Language:●Language is a means of verbal communication.It is instrumental; it is social and conventional.(P3)2.Origin of language●The …Divine‟ origin:●The “bow-wow” theory “汪汪理论”●Imitation of the sounds of the animal●OnomatopoeicProblematic (P9)●The “pooh-pooh” theory噗噗理论●instinctive sounds of pain, anger and joy.●interjections●Problematic (P9)●The “yo-he-ho” theory“哟-嗬-哟理论”rhythmic grunts●Problematic (P9)● 3. Design Features of Language●Design features (本质特征) refer to the defining properties of human languagethat distinguish it from any animal system of communication. (P4)●Language distinguishes human beings from animals in that it is far moresophisticated than any animal communication system.● 2.Design features2.1 Arbitrariness2.2 Duality2.3 Creativity2.4 Displacement● 1. Arbitrariness●--Ferdinand de Saussure 索绪尔(Swiss)●the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural (logical, intrinsic)relationship to their meaning●At lexical level:词汇层面“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”---Shakespeare in Romeo and JulietCan onomatopoeia change the arbitrary nature of language?●at the syntactic level●language is not arbitrary at the syntactic level.●(a) He came in and sat down.●(b) He sat down and came in.●(c) He sat down after he came in.Arbitrariness and convention●Duality(双重性)●Duality means that language has two levels of structure, the primary leveland the secondary level.●At secondary level are elements which have no meaning but which combine toform units at primary level which do have meaning.●Secondary level is made up of meaningless sounds, and primary level ofmeaningful words.●Does the traffic light system have duality?Creativity (创造性)Recursiveness (递归性)means that one sentence can expand into endless possible sentences in a way of recurring.Displacement (移位性)●Displacement enables us to talk about a wide range of things.Unlike animal communication systems, human language is ()(电子科大2003考研)(p8)A.Stimulus freeB.Stimulus boundC.Under immediate stimulus controlD.Stimulated by some occurrence of communal interest4. Functions of language1 Informative(信息功能)2 Interpersonal function(人际功能)It embodies the use of language to express, establish and maintain social relations. The ways you talk to different people show your social status.3 Performativ e (施为功能)It means that language is also used to “do things”, to perform actions.It is primarily to change the social status of a person, or the state of a thing.4 Emotive function(感情功能)It is the use of language to reveal some feelings and attitudes of the speaker.5 Phatic communion (寒暄功能)It refers to language used for maintaining social contact rather than exchanging information or ideas.6 Recreational function (娱乐功能)It refers to the use of language for the sheer joy of using it.7. Metalingual function (元语言功能)The metalingual function is used to clarify meanings or what the other personhas said.5. Important Distinctions1 Descriptive vs. prescriptive2 Synchronic vs. diachronic3 Langue vs. parole4 Competence vs. performance1 Descriptive vs. Prescriptive (描写式和规定式)A linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for correct behavior.The description of a language at any one time is a synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.__________ studies a particular state of language;__________ studies the historical development of a language.Parole refers to the realization of langue._______: abstract_______: specific_______: stable and systematic_______: subject to personal and situational constraintsAs a social product, langue is a set of conventions that members of a speech community seem to abide by. Parole, on the other hand, is the concrete use of the conventions.Competence is the language user’s intuitive knowledge of his language.Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in utterances.A speaker’s competence is s_____, but his performance is often influenced by p___________ factors.Where does the knowledge of language come from?Chomsky’s solution is to invoke the innate properties of the mind.What is the difference between these two pairs of distinction?Similarity:Difference:Saussure looks at language from a ___________ point of view;Chomsky looks at it more from a _____________ point of view.According to Saussure and Chomsky, which should be studied, the abstract knowledge or the actual speech?The significance of these two distinctions lies in defining the task of linguistics, which is to discover langue from instances of parole, to discover the language knowledge of the speaker from his performances.。
英语语言学. ppt

3. Classification of words
(1) General classification a. Variable vs. Invariable Words b. Grammatical vs. Lexical Words c. Closed-class vs. Open-class Words
Determiner: all the articles,demonstratives, and quantifiers that appear before the noun and its modifiers. According to Quirk, et al., there are three sub-classes of determiners.
• A unit of expression that native speakers may recognize by intuition, whether it is expressed in spoken or written form. – A vague definition.
• Three senses are involved in defining “word”, none of which is satisfactory to cope with all the situations. • (1) A physical unit : a cluster of sound segments or letters between two pauses or blanks, • eg • ƒ Phonological: [ɪt ɪz ˈwʌndəfl] • ƒ Orthographic: It is wonderful . • ƒ Three words are recognized.
精心整理全套英语专业语言学课程课件,期末考试必备Chapter I

2.2 Definition of language
Common aspects of language agreed upon by the linguists:
a system a system of verbal symbols Communication is one of the major functions of language though language can also be said to perform other functions. Human language Language is arbitrary in the sense that the relation between speech sounds (form) and the ideas the sounds convey (meaning) is arbitrary.
Preview the part of Chapter I of course book: design features of language, Functions of language. Read the further reading material: (available in the course public e-mail box)
“From now on I will consider language to be a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements.” --Noam Chomsky (1928- ): Syntactic Structures (1957)

Complementary antonyms
Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations; on the other hand, there are also occasions, when linguistic forms with the same reference might differ in sense, e.g. the morning star and the evening star, rising sun in the morning and the sunset at dusk.
Meaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, contex—elements closely linked with language behavior. Two types of contexts are recognized: Situational context: spatiotemporal situation Linguistic context: the probability of a word’s cooccurrence or collocation.
Chapter 5 Semantics
What is semantics

• Questions: • 1. Do ran and rang form a minimal pair? How about lead and leave, why and high, bought
following types:
• Stops/plosives 塞音/破裂音 • Fricatives 擦音 • Affricates 塞擦音 • Liquids 流音: [l]﹙lateral边音﹚ [r]﹙retroflex卷舌音﹚ • Nasals 鼻音 • Glides/semi-vowels 滑音/半元音
4. Classifications of English
• Question:
s o u n d s • Analyze the impor tant features of vowels and consonants.
• (1) Classification of consonants • In terms of manner of articulation, English consonants can be classified into the
diacritics变音符. Diacritics are a set of symbols added to the letter-symbols to bring out the finer distinctions than the letters alone may possibly do.
• Broad transcription 宽式标音: the transcription with letter-symbols only. • Narrow transcription 严 式 标 音 : the transcription with letter-symbols together with the

The History and Development of English
Early Beginnings
The Growth of Philosophy
Modern Linguistics
The study of English linguistics can trace its roots back to the Renaissance, with the works of scholars such as William Shakespeare and Francis Bacon
The Creation of New Words and the Development of Vocabulary
02 03
Language Change and Evolution
Linguistics investments how languages change over time and explore the processes that lead to language evolution
Communication and Social Interaction
Annotative meaning: the emotional or cultural associations a word may have
Context and Means
Sense depends on the context in which it is used
Context can change the intended meaning of a word or phrase
the IPA symbols and their

二、教学目标1. 理解世界主要语系的特点及其分类依据,能列举至少三种语系并说明其代表性语言。
2. 掌握语音学基本概念,识别不同语音特征,并能在实际语境中进行应用。
3. 运用词汇学知识分析词语构成,提高词汇理解和运用能力。
五、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟):通过展示世界地图,引入不同地区语言的多样性,激发学生对语言起源和分类的兴趣。
2. 理论讲解(20分钟):介绍语系分类、语音学基础和词汇学构成,结合教材第二章13节内容。
3. 实践情景引入(10分钟):播放不同语言的问候语录音,让学生体验语言差异。
4. 例题讲解(15分钟):讲解语音学中元音、辅音的分类及发音规则,通过例词进行示范。
5. 随堂练习(10分钟):分组进行语音模仿和词汇构造练习。
六、板书设计1. 语系与语言分类印欧语系汉藏语系阿尔泰语系2. 语音学基础元音与辅音发音规则3. 词汇学初步词根、词缀词语构成七、作业设计beautifulunderstand2. 答案:beautiful: beauty, beautifully, beastunderstand: understanding, understandable, misunderstand八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 反思:关注学生在课堂上的参与度,针对语音模仿环节进行教学调整,提高学生的发音准确性。
2. 拓展延伸:鼓励学生课下阅读更多关于语音学和词汇学的资料,了解语言的发展趋势及其背后的文化因素。
chapter 4 Syntax英语专业语言学PPT

Sentence types
Binary division in terms of structure:
Simple Non-simple
– Complex – Compound
Extension of sentence
Conjoining (Coordination) 并列句 Embedding (Subordination)嵌入句 Recursiveness (Layers of
Most constructions are exocentric.
Prepositional phrases and subordinate clauses.
IC analysis 直接成分分析法1
Immediate constituent analysis 直接成分 分析法—a descriptive approach
IC Analysis 4
The word groups in a sentence are called its constituents 成分.
Constituents as parts of a bigger word group are called its immediate constituents (ICs).直接成分
Syntagmatic vs. Paradigmatic Relations 2
The syntagmatic relation is the relation between one item and others in a linear sequence, or between elements which are all present.
The father of American structuralism — Leonard Bloomfield.
chapter 8 sociolinguistics 英语专业语言学PPT

Language varieties are related to region, social ass, educational background, and the degree of formality of a situation in which language is used, including standard language, dialects, registers, pidgins, creoles, etc.
Horizontal bilingualism (横向性双语现 象) & diagonal bilingualism (倾斜性 双语现象)
A situation where 3 or more languages are used by an individual or by a group of speakers.
Chapter 8 Sociolinguistics
Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone. ——Ralph Waldo Emerson
Once you open your mouth, you are placed. —— Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw
The origin of the name
➢ -- Hebrew pidjom meaning “trade or exchange” -- Chinese characters pei and ts'in meaning “paying money”
英语语言学课件-演示文稿 (27)

• The social environment can also be reflected in language, and can often have an effect on the structure and the vocabulary.
• 普通话的定义:
– 以北京语音为标准音 , 以北方话为基础方
言 , 以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范
• Halliday: Register
– L varies as its function varies; it differs in different situations.
– EE: Estuary English, commonly used by educated people in the region around London. Less rigid than RP but more standard than Cockney.
– Cockney: lower class dialect of East London, considered non-standard by educated people.
• In Britain, accent = marker of status
– RP: a non-localized form of pronunciation, refers to the particular way of pronouncing standard English, an indicator of a public school education and thus a high social status on the part of the speaker.
英语语言学课件Chapter 5 The Sounds of Languag

Glottals 声门音
• Glottis is the space between the vocal cords in the larynx.
• When the glottis is open, but there is no manipulation of the air passing out through he mouth, the sound produced is represented by [h]: have, house, who, whose.
• How to represent consonant and vowel sounds of English words
• Human vocal tract involved in what way?
• The general study of characteristics of speech sounds
Place of Articulation
• Most consonant sounds are produced by using the tongue and other parts of the mouth to constrict, in some way the shape of the oral cavity through which the air is passing.
• Forensic phonetics: legal cases involving speaker identification and analysis of recorded utterances
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Linguistics is a systematic study of language. •Language is a system of verbal, arbitrary symbols for human communications.3. Design features of languageDesign features: the features that define human languages.▲arbitrariness▲duality▲creativity▲displacement4. Do animals have languages?5. Perspectives of language studiesLanguage involves three activities:a. Human brainb. muscular activity of the bodyc. social activity•5.1 Language as innate天生的human knowledge Noam Chomsky (1928-)•Institute Professor; Professor of Linguistics Language Acquisition Device (LAD) or Universal Grammar (UG)language acquisition is innately(biologically ) determined, that we‘re born with a genetic capacity that predisposes us to a systematic perception of language around us, resulting in the construction of an internalized system of language. (innateness hypotheses)•Cook(1985) defines UG as being made up of ―the language properties inherent in the human mind.‖•There are 2 components which contribute to language acquisition:※the innate knowledge of the learner (UG: principles)※the environment (parameter)•5.2 Language as a fixed codeLanguage is a code, namely, it is the sets of phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic rules that, together with the lexicon, can be used to construct any or all sentences of a language; •when these sentences are combined into larger units, we get texts.•5.3 Language as a system•5.4 Language as interaction•― Language and communication are the two sides of the sa me coin‖.Implications for classroom teaching •(1)to provide opportunities for communication. ••(2)To provide opportunities for group work.6. Functions of language•6.1 Referential functionInformational信息的, or referential指示的, or ideational概念的function is associated with what objects and ideas are called and how events are described.•6.2 Interpersonal functionIt is concerned with interaction betw. the addresser and addressee in a discourse 交谈situation and the addresser‘s attitude toward what he speaks or writes about.•6.3 Performative function•6.4. Emotive function (in the hearer)•6.5 Phatic communion•Different cultures have different topics of phatic交流感情的communion:6.6 Recreational function7. Important distinctions in linguisticsLinguistic pairs(1) Competence能力& Performance表现Competence: one‘s underlying潜在的knowledge of a system, event, or fact; non-observable ability to do sth., to perform sth.•Performance: overtly明显的observable and concrete manifestation or realization of competence; the actual doing of sth.Language competence and performance •(2) Descriptive(描述式) vs. prescriptive (规定式)• A linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for ―correct‖ behaviour.•Put it differently, if a linguist talks about ―what is in language or ―what people actually say‖, he is descriptive; if he tells people ―what should be in language‖•Or ― what people should say‖, he is prescriptive.(3) Synchronic (共时)and Diachronic (历时)The description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.(4) Langue and paroleThis is a distinction made by the Swiss linguist F. de Saussure early last century. Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community; Parole refers to the actualized language, or realization of langue.•Langue: the structure of the language •Parole: the actual utterances•This pair is similar to the pair of competence and performance.Session 2: major branches of linguistics •1. Phonetics语音学and phonology音韵学Phonetics is the science which studies the characteristics of human sound-making, especially those sounds used in speech, and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription录音.◆articulatory phonetics(发音语音学)auditory phonetics(听觉语音学) •acoustic phonetics(声学语音学) •Phonology is the study of sound systems–the inventory of distinctive sounds that occur in a language and the patterns into which they fall. Phonology identifies the set of speech sounds for each language, how they are arranged to form meaningful units, and the function of each sound..Phonology reveals what the possible combinations of sounds in a language are and explains why certain words take the form they do.2. Morphologythe branch of linguistics that studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.•3. Syntaxthe study of how sentences are properly formed out of words of a language.4. Semanticsthe study of meaning•5. Pragmatics•In daily conversations, we see participants successfully communicating because they share certain kinds of ―background information‘ and expectations: each other‘s ‗biographies‘, the way conversations are organized, how they are to interpreteach other‘s meanings and intentions,•how they can regulate and co-ordinate turn-taking, what and how they must contribute in order for the conversation to work.•In other words, participants reveal their linguistic and communicative competence in relating linguistic forms to the context of the communication and in using their cognitive ‗powers‘ to work out logically the state of play of the interaction. the study of meaning in actual situations; sp eaker‘s meaning, utterance meaning or contextual meaning; language in use.Pragmatics = meaning - semantics Pragmatics: the study of the use of language in communication, particularly the relationship between sentences & the contexts and situations in which they are used. It includes the study of :Morris(1976) distinguishes syntax, semantics and pragmatics in the following way:Syntactics (syntax): the relation among linguistic signs。