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Teaching Outline of Management Information Systems
课程编号: 509418
英文名称: Management Information Systems
课程类型: 专业核心课
总学时: 76 讲课学时: 64 实验学时: 12
学分: 4
适用对象: 信息管理与信息系统专业大学三年级
ⅠThe objectives
The purpose of the course is to provide undergraduates with understanding why an organization need information systems, how the companies in 21st century can gain the competitive advantage by use of IT/IS. The course focus on the key management, organization and technology issues relating to information systems use in business, particularly issues in introduction to the technology concepts underlying modern computing and information management, aligning IT/IS to business strategy, the organization, and business model, and transitioning to e-Business or e-Enterprise.
Ⅱ The content
Chapter one: Managing the digital firm
As a manager, you’ll need to know how information systems can make businesses more competitive efficient, and profitable. After reading this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.What is the role of information systems in today’s competitive business environment?
2.What exactly is an information system? What do managers need to know about
information systems?
3.How are information systems transforming organizations and management?
4.How have the Internet and Internet technology transformed business and government?
5.What are the major management challenges to building and using information systems?
1.1 Why Information Systems?
The Competitive Business Environment and the emerging Digital Firm
What is an Information Systems?
A business perspective on Information Systems
1.2 Contemporary Approaches to Information Systems
Technical approach
Behavioral approach
Approach of this text: Sociotechnical Systems
1.3 Toward the Digital Firm: The New Role of Information Systems in Organizations
The widening scope of Information Systems
The network revolution and the internet
New options for organizational design: The digital firm and the collaborative enterprise
The digital firm: Electronic commerce, electronic business, and new digital relationships
1.4 Learning to Use Information Systems: New Opportunities with Technology
The challenge of Information Systems: New opportunities with technology
Integrating text with technology: New opportunities for learning
Chapter two Information Systems in the Enterprise
As a manager, you will need to understand the role of the various types of information systems in organizations. After completing this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.What are the major types of systems in a business? What role do they play?
2.How do information systems support the major business functions: sales and marketing,
manufacturing and production, finance and accounting, and human resources?
3.Why should managers pay attention to business processes? Why do firms need to
integrate their business processes?
4.What are enterprise applications? What role do they play? What benefits do they provide?
5.What types of information systems are used by companies that operate internationally?
2.1 Major Types of Systems in Organizations
2.2 Systems from a Functional Perspective
2.3 Integrating Functions and Business Processes: Introduction to Enterprise Applications
2.4 International Information Systems
Chapter three Information Systems, Organizations, Management, and Strategy
As a manager, you’ll need to kno w how to use information systems strategically and how systems can help you make better decisions. After completing this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.What do managers need to know about organizations in order to build and use
information systems successfully?
2.What impact do information systems have on organizations?
3.How do information systems support the activities of managers in organizations?
4.How can businesses use information systems for competitive advantage?
5.Why is it so difficult to build successful information systems, including systems that
promote competitive advantage?
3.1 Organizations and Information Systems
Chapter 4: The Digital Firm: Electronic Business and Electronic Commerce
As a manager, you will want to know how your firm can benefit from conducting business electronically using Internet technology. After reading this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.How has Internet technology changed value propositions and business models?
2.What is electronic commerce? How has electronic commerce changed consumer retailing
and business-to-business transactions?
3.What are the principal payment systems for electronic commerce?
4.How can Internet technology facilitate management and coordination of internal and
interorganizational business processes?
5.What are the major managerial and organizational challenges posed by electronic
business and electronic commerce?
Chapter 5: Ethical and Social Issues in the Digital Firm
One of your managerial responsibilities is to make informed decisions that reflect an understanding of the ethical and social issues as well as the business issues surrounding the use of
information systems. After reading this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.What ethical, social, and political issues are raised by information systems?
2.Are there specific principles for conduct that can be used to guide decisions about ethical
3.Why does contemporary information systems technology pose challenges to the
protection of individual privacy and intellectual property?
4.How have information systems affected everyday life?
5.How can organizations develop corporate policies for ethical conduct?
Chapter 6: Hardware and Software in the Enterprise
As a manager, you’ll face many decisions about using hardware and software to improve the performance of your firm. After completing this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.What computer processing and storage capability does our organization need to handle its
information and business transactions?
2.What arrangement of computers and computer processing would best benefit our
3.What kinds of software and software tools do we need to run our business? What criteria
should we use to select our software technology?
4.Of what new software technologies should we be aware? How would they benefit our
5.How should we acquire and manage the firm’s hardware and software assets?
Chapter 7: Managing Data Resources
As a manager, you’ll want to understand how your company’s data can be organized so that they can be easily accessed and used. After reading this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.Why do businesses have trouble finding the information they need in their information
2.How does a database management system help businesses improve the organization of
their information?
3.How do the principal types of database models affect the way businesses can access and
use information?
4.What are the managerial and organizational requirements of a database environment?
5.What new tools and technologies can make databases more accessible and useful?
Chapter 8: Telecommunications, Networks, and Wireless Computing
At many points in your career, you will need to make decisions about how to use telecommunications technology and services in your business. After reading this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.What are the features of a contemporary corporate telecommunications system? On what
major technology developments are they based?
2.What telecommunications transmission media should our organization use?
3.What kind of networks and network services are appropriate for our organization?
4.What telecommunications applications can be used for electronic business and electronic
5.What issues should be addressed in telecommunications planning?
Chapter 9: The Internet: Information Technology Infrastructure for the Digital Firm Objective:
As a manager, you’ll need to know how to maximize the benefits of Internet technology in your firm’s information technology infrastructure. After reading this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.How does the Internet work? What are its major capabilities and benefits to business?
2.What is the World Wide Web? How can organizations benefit from using the Web and
Web technology?
3.What wireless technologies can be used for accessing the Web? What are the principal
Wireless Web applications?
4.What are the principal technologies for supporting electronic commerce and electronic
5.What management problems are raised by Internet computing and technologies for digital
integration? How can businesses solve these problems?
Chapter 10: Enterprise Applications and Business Process Integration
As a manager, you will need to understand how the major enterprise applications—enterprise systems, supply chain management systems, and customer relationship management systems—can provide value for the firm as well as the challenges of implementing and using them successfully. You will also want to know how these systems can create enterprise-wide platforms for the delivery of new services. After completing this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.How do enterprise systems provide value for businesses? How does enterprise software
2.How do supply chain management systems provide value for businesses? What does
supply chain management software do?
3.How do customer relationship management systems provide value for businesses? What
does customer relationship management software do?
4.How can enterprise applications be used in platforms for new cross-functional services?
5.What are the challenges of implementing and using the various enterprise applications?
Chapter 11: Managing Knowledge in the Digital Firm
As a manager, you will want to know how your firm can benefit from information systems knowledge management. After completing this chapter, you will be able to answer the following:
1.What is knowledge management? Why do businesses today need knowledge management
programs and systems for knowledge management?
2.What types of systems are used for enterprise-wide knowledge management? How do
they provide value for organizations?
3.How do knowledge work systems provide value for firms? What are the major types of
work systems?
4.What are the business benefits of using intelligent techniques for knowledge
5.What management issues and problems are raised by knowledge management systems?
How can firms obtain value from their investments in knowledge management systems?
Chapter 12: Enhancing Management Decision Making for the Digital Firm
As a manager, you will be asked to make many different kinds of decisions. You will want to know how you can use information systems to improve your decision making, whether you are working alone or in a group. After completing this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.How can information systems help individual managers make better decisions when the
problems are nonroutine and constantly changing?
2.How can information systems help people working in a group make decisions more
3.Are there any special systems that can facilitate decision making among senior managers?
Exactly what can these systems do to help high-level management?
4.What value can systems to support management decision making provide for the
organization as a whole?
Chapter 13: Redesigning the Organization with Information Systems
During your career, you will undoubtedly be looking for ways to use new information systems to improve the performance of your firm. You may be asked to help your organization build a new information system. After reading this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.How could building a new system change the way an organization works?
2.How can a company make sure that the new information systems it builds fit its business
3.What are the steps required to build a new information system?
4.What alternative methods for building information systems are available?
5.Are there any techniques or systems-building approaches to help build e-commerce and
e-business applications more rapidly?
Chapter 14: Understanding the Business Value of Systems and Managing Change Objective:
At many points during your career, you will be involved in projects to build new information systems. You will need to know how to measure the business benefits of these investments and how to make sure that these systems work successfully in your organization. After reading this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.How can our company measure the business benefits of our information systems? What
models should be used to measure that business value?
2.Why do so many system projects fail? What are the principal reasons for system failures?
3.How should the organizational change surrounding a new system be managed to ensure
4.Are there any special challenges to implementing international information systems?
5.What strategies can an organization use to manage the system implementation process
Chapter 15: Information System Security and Control
As a manager, you’ll want to ensure that your firm’s systems are reliable and secure. After completing this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:
1.Why are information systems so vulnerable to destruction, error, abuse, and system
quality problems?
2.What types of controls are available for information systems?
3.What special measures must be taken to ensure the reliability, availability, and security of
electronic commerce and digital business processes?
4.What are the most important software quality assurance techniques?
6.Why are auditing information systems and safeguarding data quality so important?






