新编剑桥商务英语unit 3

• Franchise特许经营
Franchisor 授予特许经营者
license Franchise fee
Franchisee 加盟特许经营者
• Trademark 商标 • Trade name 商号 • Entire package 代指一揽子的经营理念
Less risky than being a sole trader
—many new businesses fail (nine out of ten)
—suits people who don’t like to follow rules
Only 0.9% of franchises fail.
Advantages and disadvantages
• Match the following to the three types – You take all the profit – You share the pressure – The business model is given to you so there is less trick. – You might disagree on strategy – Part of your profits goes to the franchiser. – If you go bankrupt, You lose everything
2. ______, ______ _____ make sure that the bands are strong.
3. ______ _____, making and selling pizzas might be profitable but…
新编剑桥商务英语unit_3 答案

—many new businesses fail (nine out of ten)
Doesn’t suit people who don’t like —suits people who don’t like to follow other system/people. to follow rules —for very independent people You have business relationship with someone else.
Speaking:Discussing a schedule
Possible Final Version
New and business: a Seminar for Young Entrepreneurs Monday 15th February 9.15-9.45 Registration and coffee 9.45-11.15 Introductions and workshop: ‘You might want it but does your customer?’ Speaker: R Thorne 11.45-1.15 Talk: ‘A good idea does not necessarily make money’ Speaker: Fiona Brewster 1.15-2.15 Lunch 2.15-3.15 talk: ‘Online businesses — the myth and the truth’ Speaker: Laszlo Reiner.’ 3.30-5.00 Mini-presentations by each participant
Listening: Advice on franchises

Words & expressions
• set up •concept •charge •branch out •growth •launch • fee
So is the main concept behind a franchise that of a compromise between setting up on your own and working for a company? ‘Absolutely not,’ says Dan Archer, head of marketing at the British Franchise Association. ‘That’s a ludicrous over-simplification. It is running your own business, but it’s taking away some of the risk and bringing in the support of other people.’ He points out that only 0.9% of franchises fail, compared with the majority of individually owned businesses.
Words & expressions
• set up 成立 创立 •concept 概念 •charge 定价 负责 •branch out 拓展业务 •growth 增长 •launch 开办 创立 • fee 费用 initial fee 押金,保证金

新编剑桥商务英语(高级)第三版3.1(总8页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--MODULE 3 BUSINESS TOPICCommunication at workVOCABULARY Mean of communication1What does this quotation mean to you‘Think like a wise man but communication in the language of thepeople.’. Yeats, poet (1865-1939)2Delete the verb that does NOT go with each type of business communication.0 an emailsend /draft /post1 a phone calldo/make /receive2 a press release put up/issue/put out3 an advertising campaign launch/run/make4 a presentation give/make/ tell5 a meeting or seminar hold /attend/carry out6 a reportproduce/run/publish7 a notice putout/put up/ display8 a memo to all concerned publish/sendout/circulate9 information on the Internet post/make/put3 For which of the following would you feel most confident usingyour EnglishAnd least confident Discuss with your partner.a presentation a meeting a phone call a report anemail4 Discuss these quotations with your partner.Have you had good experiences of dealing with companies through call centres?Do you shop on the Internet WHY /WHYNOTWith which products or services is face-to-face contact helpful With which is it unnecessary5 Read the five extracts from the magazine Management Now onpage27 and then match each of the eight statements (1-8) with one of the extracts. You will need to use some of the texts more than one.0 You can gather a lot of customer data with modern computer systems. A1 One future trend will be more direct contact between companies and their2Business hasn’t really changed, only the media of3Companies need to think about which channel is most appropriate to th eir customers ’4Customers are frequently frustrated by not being put though quickly to the person they need to speak5There is less human interaction nowadays, but this isn’t necessarily bad for theMANAGEMENT NOW. APRIL ISSUEBetter communication?‘THE MORE ELABORATE OUR MEANS of communication, the less we communication.ˊThese were the words of Joseph Priestly over 200 years ago .But if that was true then ,what would he make of communications technology today?Natalie Fitzgerald asked five people working in the field what they thought.A Bill Osmond, data analystI think he’s got a good point. Powerful IT systems give companies enormous amounts of information on customer behavior, but it’s what they can do this data that matters. A good example in recent years was Centrica, the British utility company. It acquired a big portfolio of different companies and then spent huge amounts of moneyon an IT system designed to cross-sell its various products and services-financial services, telephone contracts, energy supply and so on _to the customers in its different businesses. But they never managed to do it, because their IT people were unable to merge all the customer databases or to make them talk to each otherB SARAH BRIDGESTONE, former call centre managerAbsolutely. Call centres can more often act as a barrier than a help. Talk the example of a well-known mobile phone operator. When a customer calls, he’s given a list of options to choose from: dial I for bill enquiries, 2 to upgrade his handset, 3 if he has a technical problem, 4 if he’s thinking of leaving the company. From each of these he’s taken through another list of options. If he still can’t find what he is looking for, he’s invited to ‘stay on the line until an operator becomes available’. This can take up to ten minutes, by which time he is now seriously thinking of going back to option 4 and cancelling his contract. It really seems counter-productive.C DOUG COOK, bank managerThere is no doubt that modern communication channels have depersonalized a lot of customer contact. Banks have been doing this for years, trying to commoditise the service that they offer so that they can rationalize it and make it cheaper to deliver Most transactions- bank deposits, cash withdrawals, issuing of statements-have been automated whether at a cash machine, over the phone or online. This has saved companies and the customer money. But cost-cutting is by no means the only driver- it’s a trend also driver by customer demand for a quick and flexible service.D FARHANA PATEL, online retailerIt’s just about convenience. Whether I text you a message or tell you the same message face-to-face, it’s still a message. The growth of Internet shopping compared to that of high street shopping shows very clearly that customers want cheaper and more accessible services. Sellers like the convenience too of course. eBay started out as a market place for individuals but, increasingly, companies have used it to sell products direct to consumers. In face it’s not very different from a traditional market place. There is still a community of buyers and sellers who talk to each other and do business just the same as if they were dealing face-to-face.E BRIAN MACWHINNEY, management consultantBusinesses are often too quick to embrace new technology in order to save money or gain a competitive advantage. But applying the same solution to all types of business is never a good idea. There are cultural factors to consider. Using a call centre in India to handle enquiries about train times on railways in Europe is a bad idea because it isn’t suited to customers’ expectations. On the other hand, a European customer of a computer company doesn’t really mind if his technical problem is solved by a call centre operator in India or Ireland or Al aska, because it doesn’t require any cultural knowledge. Good communication is about finding the right channel. In time, I expect we’ll see a return to more face-to-face contact with customers and more local services.SPEAKING 1 Which of the following do you find useful When do you use it Whymobile phone email SMS MSN Blackberry2 Decide the best ways to communication the following messages.VOCABULARY 3 Complete each definition with the correct word (the first letter has been written for you).0 To answer somebody, you give a reply.1 To ask for something, you make a r_____.2 To help someone remember, you give them a r_____.3 To suggest or recommend something, you make a p_____.4 To say something publicly, you make an a______.5 To say sorry you make an a______.6 To insist that someone does something, you make a d_____. GRAMMARGrammar TipOften verbs that express a similar notion will take the same form, eg dissuade discourage, deter are all followed by someone from doing.This can also be the case with opposite notions, eg agree and refuse +to do.I discouraged him from applying for the job.I dissuaded him from applying for the job.Verb patternsIn the email below, all the forms following the communication verbs (discuss, apologise etc) are underlined. Some are incorrect. Correct them.Dear Jimfor givingfor givingFirst of all, I would like to thank you (0) about giving up your time to help ’s very kind of you to agree(1) working with us on this project-I know you are very busy.When we last met, we discussed (2) about creating a special team to deal with complaints from customers. I have since had a meeting with Sarah, the head of the Customer Services team, and I have persuaded her (3) to join us. She suggested (4) to meet next week to put a plan in place. In the meantime, she is going to encourage her team (5) for giving their ideas.I must just tell (6) to you something which happened last week that shows how much we need a better system for dealing with complaints.Last week, a customer rang to complain (7) about having to wait one month for delivery of a DVD player. He accused us (8) to keep his money so that we could earn interest on it before delivering the product. The sales person who answered the call offered (9) giving him a discount, without even checking the history of the order. When I checked, I discovered an email from us in forming the customer when he thought the product (10) that there will be a one-month delay in delivery. The salesman was very defensive and said that he couldn’t be criticized (11) of trying to keep the customer happy!So you see, we’ve got a lot of work to do. Looking forward to hearing from you.Best wishesKarenPS Remind me (12) to pay for lunch next time!5 Put the words below into their correct place in the table.urge threaten propose undertake praise blame recommend deny convince6 Complete these sentences.0 They threaten to take us to court if we didn’t pay them immediately.1 It’s a very sensitive issue. I suggest __________ an anonymous email.2 Once, in a restaurant, I complained ___________ and the manager told us to leave.3 What a waste of time! We spent three hours discussing___________.4 The company offered__________, but amazingly she refused.5 I’ve promised ___________ by tomorrow morning.6 I can’t believe you had to remind him ____________. That’s his job.7 The regulator accused the company ______________ in its advertisements.GRAMMER 1 Talk about one of the situations 1-4, answering the following questions. Remember to use the correct verb patterns.●When did it take place?●What happened?●Who was there?●What was sai d1 an unusual presentation or talk that you attended2 a memorable job interview you had3 a meeting where two people disagreed strongly4 an interesting business proposition that was made to youWhen I was in my final year of university, a friend asked me if I wanted to join him in a new business venture. Before I could agree to do it, I had to be sure that it was…LISTENIING Dealing with problems2 Look at this customer charter published on the website of Penco Telecommunications. How is it intended to make you feel about the company?Do you believe their promises?Penco Telecommunications… service is our passionCustomer charterOur promise. We will:respect your privacy and keep your detail confidential.offer you the best rates for national and local calls: if you find better, we’ll refund the difference.answer your calls to our customer service centre within three rings. be punctual for service visit appointments(never more than one hour late).give you impartial advice on the best telephone and technology package for you.answer any email within four hours and any letter within five days. carry out satisfaction surveys each three months to ensure you are happy with our service.3Listen to this phone conversation between an angry customer and a call centre operator for PencoTelecommunications.1What is the customer’s problem?2What solution s does the operator suggest?3Which one does the customer accept?4 Listen again and complete the phrases that the operator uses to deal sensitively and efficiently with the problem. Use 1-3 words for each space.1 I ____________ the wait, sir.2 Can I have your number and I__________ it straightaway?3 Don’t worry, I’ll________ to you.4 He can be there by 6 convenient?5 I __________ understand. In ____________, I’m going to have to reschedule him for another day.6 I ____________ what I can do. Please just___________ for a moment.7 Would that be___________________8 If you ____________ tell me your mobile number, I can get that activated immediately.SPEAKING Handling calls sensitively5 Work with a partner. Take it in turns to make the call or receive the call. Study each situation and then act out the telephone conversation. Deal sensitively with each problem. Look at the notes below and prepare your telephone calls.Student A1 You work for a parcel delivery company. Your computers have been behaving strangely today. Receive the call from a customer.2 You ordered a fish tank from a mail order company. The picture in the catalogue showed a complete fish tank with heater, air pump and fish. But when it arrived it was just a glass box. Telephone to complain.3 It is 6:30 in the morning. You receive a call from someone that you don’t know. You don’t like rece iving unsolicited calls at home.4You work in the service department of an electricity company. You receive a request which is not really possible to satisfy.Students B1 You have ordered delivery of a new laptop computer. When you track the order on the internet, you find that it has gone from Ireland to HongKong. You live in London. Telephone to find out what’s happening.2 You work for a mail order company that supplies aquariums and accessories. You receive a call from an unhappy and confused customer.3 You work for a promotions company for a fitness club. You call potential customers in the evenings to offer them a free month’s trial of their local gym. Make the call.4 While at work you suddenly realise that you have left your iron on at home –in a small village one hour’s drive away. Telephone the electricity company to see if they can cut of the electricity supply to your house.。

新编商务英语第三册wordstudy参考答案第一篇:新编商务英语第三册word study参考答案Unit 3 Word study 1.bid a.The valuable vase will go to the person who bid the highest price for it.那个贵重的花瓶被出价最高的那个人买走了。
b.We offered 200 pounds at the auction for that painting, but another man bid against us.在拍卖行我们出200磅买那幅画,但是另一个男人和我们竞价。
c.Our firm is bidding for the contract for the construction of the new expressway.我们公司正在投标争取建设新高速公路的合同。
d.A number of companies have submitted bids to buy the supermarket chain.许多公司投标购买这家超市连锁店。
2.signala.Both companies have signaled their willingness to establisha long-term partnership.两家公司表达了想建立长期合作关系的愿望。
b.The policeman signaled that the traffic should move forward slowly.警察示意车流应该慢行。
c.The opinion poll is a clear signal to the President that the voters do not support his foreign policy.民意测验向总统发出了一个明确的信息,选民不支持他的外交政策。
3.implementa.We decided to implement the committee’s suggestions in full.我们决定完全执行委员会的建议。
新编剑桥商务英语中级unit 3

Listening: Taking notes and messages
. 0. ‘Hello. This is Michael James speaking and this is a message
for Lelia.' Michael James called for Lelia. (4 words)
Reading and Writing
? 1、 身份介绍 (Personal Identification) ? 2、 工作环境与日常事务 (The office ,general business ,environment and routine) ? 3、接待与闲暇活动 (Entertainment of clients ,free time ,relationships with colleagues and clients) ? 4、商务旅行 (Travel) ? 5、健康 (Health) ? 6、购买与销售 (Buying and selling) ? 7、公司结构、系统及程序 (Company structures , systems ,processes) ? 8、产品与服务 (Products and services) ? 9、成果与成就 (Results and achievements) ? 其外,还会涉及其他的一般商务话题( Business issues )
? A: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the economically developed countries
? B: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the developed countries ?(通常情况下,“发达国家”已经意味着是经济 上发达的国家,因此,没有必要再加上修饰语。 )

《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》(第三版)教案教材:《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》(第三版)Rolf Cook and Mara Pedretti with Helen Stephenson 编著, 经济科学出版社, 2008年10月《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计一、教案头二、教学设计第一次课设计梗概(2课时)(1)告知学生本课程的总体安排、教材的处理,上课的方式、明确学习目标。
两个目标:通过听、说、读、写及分组讨论,案例表演和课堂演示,培养学生在商务情景下的工作习惯和交流意识;尽量通过BEC 初级考试。
●Reading: Read and get to know the format of BECpreliminary exam.●Reading and Discussion: Read the materials aboutTraining and Workshops in order to know the job titleand responsibilities.●Listen: Listen and grasp the job title.●Grammar: Ss should grasp the present simple and adverbsand expressions of frequency by self-study, group workand game.●Speaking: Discuss Work-life balance in groups andreport it out.●Vocabulary: Remember all the new words in this moduleand finish the exercises in the book.●Homework: 1. Review all the important points in thesetwo modules.2. Design your business cards.详案Module 11.1 & 1.3 World of Work & BEC Preliminary ExamI.Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to: a.Know the general information about Cambridge BEC Preliminary,the useful study strategies for this course and the content of Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary.b.Talk about jobs, design the business cards and grasp thepresent simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency. II.Session Outline1.Greetings2.Duties:1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the definition of BEC and the format of the exam.2) Reading 1:a. T leads Ss read the instructions of BEC preliminary exam (P14-15) and finish the exercises after it.b. Check the Ss’ answers and let them repeat the format of the BEC preliminary with book closed.3) Reading 2 and Discussion:a. Let Ss discuss in groups about J&C Training.b. Finish the three exercises after it (P6).c. Check the answers and review the important points.4) Listening:a. Go over the listening material and listen to it.b. Discuss the answers in groups.5) Grammar:a. Ss read the instructions of the present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency.b. Finish the exercises.c. Report to the whole class.d. Play a game with the grammar points.6) Speaking: use the topic in the book, divide students into several groups to discuss them and report to the whole class.(maybe next class)7) Vocabularies: cross culture; intensive; profile; consultancy; consultant; accredit; motivation; entertaining; be responsible for; CFO; PA; rep; bonus;4. Self-study: let students finish the exercises in the book and check the answers.5. Homework1) Grasp the main vocabularies and phrases and grammar points.2) Finish the exercises in the workbook.3) Discussion: “work-life balance”4) Design a business card.《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计一、教案头二、教学设计详案Module 11.2 Personal and professional detailsI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a.Know some business words.b.Know how to greet people.II. Session Outline1. Greetings2. Duties:1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the questions about the last class.2) Vocabulary:a. T leads Ss finish the exercise about meeting people.b. Check the Ss’ answers and let them practice how to meet people.3) Writinga. Divide Ss into small group and ask information of each other.b. Let Ss report their partners’ information.c. Write personal profiles.4) Vocabularya. Finish the exercise.b. Discuss the answers in groups.5) Readinga. Ss read the profiles of the four persons in groups.b. Decide who is the employee of the Year Award.c. Report to the whole class by debating.4. Self-study: let students finish the exercises in the book and check the answers.5. Homework1) Grasp the main vocabularies and phrases and grammar points.2) Finish the exercises in the workbook.3) Finish a personal profile.4) Prepare a debate.《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计一、教案头二、教学设计详案Module 22.1 & 2.3 Work in progress & Writing test formatI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a. Talk about temporary jobs.b. use the present continuous.II. Session Outline1. Greetings2. Duties:1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the important points in the last module.2) Listening:a. T leads Ss read the questions first.b. Listen to finish the exercise.c. Check the answers.3) Grammar;a. Let Ss study the grammar rules.b. Finish the exercises.c. Check the answers and review the important points.4) Reading:a. Read and finish the exercises.b. Check the answers.5) Speaking:a. Divide the Ss into groups to talk about temporary jobs.b. Let Ss report their opinions out.6) Vocabulary: Finish the exercise and grape the vocabularies.7) Vocabularies: update sb. on; ahead of schedule; behind schedule; temp; help out; administration; take off; plant; venue;4. Self-study: let students finish the exercises in the book and check the answers.5. Homework1) Grasp the main vocabularies and phrases and grammar points.2) Finish the exercises in the workbook.3) Discussion: temporary job《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计一、教案头二、教学设计详案Module 22.2 Making arrangementsI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a. arrange and confirm a meeting.b. write an e-mail.II. Session Outline1. Greetings2. Duties:1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the questions about the last class.2) Listening:a. Read the questions first and listen to it.b. Check the Ss’ answers.3) Writinga. Discuss with partners the arrangements of meetings.b. Write an e-mail about confirming a meeting.4) Grammara. Finish the exercise.b. Discuss the answers in groups.5) Writinga. Ss read the invitation first and then write a reply.b. Discuss in small groups about their written work.c. Report to the whole class.4. Self-study: let students finish the exercises in the bookand check the answers.5. Homework1) Grasp the main vocabularies and phrases and grammarpoints.2) Finish the exercises in the workbook.3) Finish a e-mail.4) Prepare a debate.《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计一、教案头二、教学设计详案Module 33.1 Company biographyI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a. present your company.b. write company profileII. Session Outline1. Greetings2. Duties:1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the questions about thelast class.2) Reading:a. Read the passage and finish the exercise.b. Check the Ss’ answers.3) Grammara. Discuss the usage of the past simple in groups.b. Finish the exercises on the past simple.c. Make more sentences4) Readinga. Discuss the three companies’ main products in groupsb. Fill in the blanketsc. Check and discuss the answers.d. Finish the questions and listen to check the answers.5) Speakinga. Discuss and finish the exercise 6.b. Discuss the important points in the company profile.c. Finish company files.4. Self-study: let students finish the exercises in the book and check the answers.5. Homework1) Grasp the main vocabularies and phrases and grammar points.2) Finish the exercises in the workbook.3) Better the company profiles.《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计一、教案头二、教学设计详案Module 33.2 Company performance & 3.3 Listening testI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a. write press releases.b. understand the company structure.c. read the graphs.II. Session Outline1. Greetings2. Duties:1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the questions about thelast class.2) Vocabularya. Remember the words of describing the activities of your companies.b. Read the press releases.3) Writinga. Read and discuss the company press release.b. Write your own company’s press release.c. Exchange the press releases and check them.4) Listeninga. Listen to finish the exercises.b. Discuss in groups.c. Check and discuss the answers.5) Vocabularya. Remember the key words of describing the graphs.b. Discuss and finish the exercises.c. Check the answers in group competition.6) Readinga. Read the passage and finish the exercises.b. Check the answers.7) Listening Testa. Know the format of the listening test.b. Finish the listening test4. Self-study: let students finish the exercises in the book and check the answers.5. Homework1) Grasp the main vocabularies and phrases and grammar points.2) Finish the exercises in the workbook.《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计一、教案头二、教学设计详案Module 44.1 International business & 4.2 Business communicationsI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a. deal with complaints.b. use modal verbs.II. Session Outline1. Greetings2. Duties:1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the questions about the last class.2) Readinga. Remember the vocabularies and fill into the blankets.b. Read the passage and finish the exercises.c. Check the answers.3) Grammara. Discuss the grammar points in groupsb. Finish the exercises.c. Check the answers.4) Readinga. Read the passage and finish the two exercises after it.b. Check and discuss the answers.5) Writinga. Read the letter of complaint.b. Write the reply to the complaint.c. Exchange the letters and discuss them.6) Grammara. Discuss the grammar points in groups.b. Finish the exercises.c. Check the answers.7) Workbooka. Finish the exercises in the workbook of module 4.b. Check the answers.4. Self-study: let students finish the exercises in the book and check the answers.5. Homework1) Grasp the main vocabularies and phrases and grammar points.2) Finish the exercises in the workbook.《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计一、教案头二、教学设计详案Module 55.1 Career choices & 5.2 Achievements and plansI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a.talk about career choices and plansb. use the present perfect and going to.II. Session Outline1. Greetings2. Duties:1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the questions about the last class.2) Readinga. Remember the vocabularies and translate the sentences.b. Read the passage and finish the exercises.c. Check the answers.3) Grammara. Discuss the grammar points in groupsb. Finish the exercises.c. Check the answers.4) Readinga. Read the passage and finish the two exercises after it.b. Check and discuss the answers.5) Writinga. Finish Elena’s email to the printers and exchange letters to check.b. Write the e-mail of progress report.c. Exchange the letters and discuss them.6) Grammara. Discuss the grammar points in groups.b. Finish the exercises.c. Check the answers.7) Workbooka. Finish the exercises in the workbook of module 5.b. Check the answers.4. Self-study: let students finish the exercises in the book and check the answers.5. Homework1) Grasp the main vocabularies and phrases and grammar points.2) Finish the exercises in the workbook.《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计一、教案头二、教学设计详案Module 55.3 Reading Test: Parts One to ThreeI. Aims and Objectives:At the end of this session, the students should be able to:a. use the reading skillsb. read the chartII. Session Outline1. Greetings2. Duties:1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the questions about the last class.2) Reading part one.a. Read and finish the exercises.b. Check the answers.3) Reading part twoa. Read and finish the exercises.b. Check the answers.4) Readinga. Read the chart and finish the two exercises after it.b. Check and discuss the answers.5) Reading part threea. Read the chart and the description of it.b. Match the chart with the exercise.c. Discuss in groups and check your answer.6) Workbooka. Finish the exercises in the workbook of module 5b. Check the answers.4. Self-study: let students finish the exercises in the book and check the answers.5. Homework1) Grasp the reading test format and the reading skills.2) Finish the exercises in the workbook.《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计一、教案头二、教学设计详案。
剑桥商务英语教程unit3 Companies

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
). The headquarters is in New York but we have offices all over the world.
3. A: Who do you work for ? B: Alcatel.阿尔卡特(公司名,财富500强公司之一,总部所在
Asking your partner’s company
Who do you work for? Is that an American company? Where are the headquarters? Do you have the branches in Europe?
Seattle [si‘ætl] 西雅图 San Francisco 旧金山 Turin [‘tjuərin ]都灵(Italy) Milan [mɪ'læn] (Italy) Stuttgart ['stʌtɡɑ:t]斯图加特 (Germany) Nagoya [‘nɑ:ɡɔ:’jɑ:]名古屋 Munich[‘mju:nik] 慕尼黑(Federal Germany) 联邦德国
Tell about your company
I work for Goldstar Electric. It’s a Japanese company. Its headquarters are in British. It has branches in France and Germany.
Ownership/ management team – Names of the key people behind the company. Location – Where is the company headquartered? Where is your company located?

新版剑桥商务英语高级第三版课后答案unit31、With all the work on hand, he _____ to the cinema last night. [单选题] *A.should goB.must have goneC.might goD..shouldn’t have gone(正确答案)2、My brother is _______ actor. He works very hard. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. one3、His mother’s _______ was a great blow to him. [单选题] *A. diedB. deadC. death(正确答案)D. die4、The work will be finished _______ this month. [单选题] *A. at the endB. in the endC. by the endD. at the end of(正确答案)5、There _______ no water or milk in the fridge. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. hasD. have6、This year our school is _____ than it was last year. [单选题] *A. much more beautiful(正确答案)B. much beautifulC. the most beautifulD. beautiful7、74.No person ()carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college Entrance Examinations.[单选题] *A.shall(正确答案)B.mustC.canD.need8、______ pocket money did you get when you were a child? ()[单选题] *A. WhatB. HowC. How manyD. How much(正确答案)9、—Could you take out the rubbish, Jim?—______. I have too much homework to do. You can ask Sally to do it. ()[单选题] *A. Sorry, I can’t(正确答案)B. No problemC. I disagreeD. No, thanks10、I repeated my question several times. [单选题] *A. 到达B. 惊奇C. 重复(正确答案)D. 返回11、73.()about the man wearing sunglasses during night that he was determined to follow him.[单选题] *A. So curious the detective wasB.So curious was the detective(正确答案)C.How curious was the detectiveD.How curious the detective was12、What _______ would you like, sir? [单选题] *A. otherB. else(正确答案)C. othersD. another13、48.—________ is your new skirt, Lingling?—Black. [单选题] *A.HowB.What colour(正确答案)C.WhichD.Why14、I do not have my own room,_____. [单选题] *A. neither does Tom(正确答案)B. neither has TomC. so does TomD. so has Tom15、Ships can carry more goods than _____ means of transport. [单选题] *A. the otherB. anotherC. any other(正确答案)D. any16、( ). The old man enjoys ______ stamps. And now he has1300 of them [单选题] *A. collectB. collectedC. collecting(正确答案)D. to collect17、She often _______ at 21: [单选题] *A. go to bedB. gets upC. goes to bed(正确答案)D. gets to18、63.There will be? ? ? ? ??? water on the road after the heavy rain. [单选题] *A.too much(正确答案)B.much tooC.too manyD.many too19、Will you be able to finish your homework _______? [单选题] *A. by the timeB. in time(正确答案)C. once upon a timeD. out of time20、I should like to rent a house which is modern, comfortable and _____, in a quiet neighborhood. [单选题] *A.in allB. after allC. above all(正确答案)D. over all21、You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of(). [单选题] *A. dateB. shape(正确答案)C. orderD. balance22、Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _______. [单选题] *A. takes offB. is taking off(正确答案)C. has taken offD. took off23、Before you quit your job, ()how your family will feel about your decision. [单选题] *A. consider(正确答案)B. consideringC. to considerD. considered24、We were caught in a traffic jam. By the time we arrived at the airport the plane _____. [单选题] *A. will take offB. would take offC. has taken offD. had taken off(正确答案)25、79.On a ________ day you can see the city from here. [单选题] *A.warmB.busyC.shortD.clear(正确答案)26、My daughter is neither slim nor fat and she’d like a _______ skirt. [单选题] *A. largeB. medium(正确答案)C. smallD. mini27、You can _______ Bus 116 to get there. [单选题] *A. byB. take(正确答案)C. onD. in28、87.—Could you? ? ? ? ? ? me the way to the nearest hospital?—Sure. [单选题] * A.askB.tell(正确答案)C.talkD.speak29、He often comes to work early and he is _______ late for work. [单选题] *A. usuallyB. never(正确答案)C. oftenD. sometimes30、The children ______ visiting the museum. [单选题] *A. look overB. look forward to(正确答案)C. look forD. look after。
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)unit three.1A

New Words & Expressions
• • • • • • • • softdrink n. 软饮料;汽水 milkshake n. 奶昔 purchase vt. 买,购买 multimixer n. 多用混合器(机) exclusive distributor 独家批发商(代理商) open vi. & vt. 开设,开办,开张 expand vi. & vt. 扩大,扩张 corporation n. 公司
Reading: The Man behind McDonald’s 麦当劳餐馆的幕后人
• Text Structure Analysis
Time 1954 owner Richard and Maurice McDonald Ray Krok scale small place San Bernardino, California Des Plaines, Illinois Fast food Hamburgers, french fries, soft drinks and milshakes.
Fill in the blankets
• 1. If you __________(finish) reading the novel before I leave, please give it back to me. • 2.This kind of cars __________(sell) well. • 3.Good medicine __________(taste) bitter • 4. All eyes _____________(focus) on the fat unsmiling lady when she entered the hall.

剑桥商务英语unit3作文In the fast-paced world of business, effective communication is paramount. Unit 3 of the Cambridge Business English course delves into the nuances of professional correspondence, highlighting the importance of clarity and brevity in written exchanges.The unit introduces learners to various business scenarios, such as writing proposals and reports, where the ability to convey complex ideas succinctly is crucial. It emphasizes the use of appropriate language and structure to ensure that the message is not only understood but also persuasive.Through practical exercises and case studies, Unit 3 equips students with the skills to navigate the complexities of business negotiations. It teaches them how to articulate their points of view with confidence and to respond to feedback constructively.Moreover, the unit covers the art of email etiquette, a critical aspect of modern business communication. It provides guidelines on how to craft professional emails that are courteous, informative, and prompt.Another key component of the course is the development of presentation skills. Unit 3 guides students through the process of creating and delivering impactful presentations,focusing on the organization of content and the use of visual aids to enhance understanding.The unit also touches on the importance of cross-cultural awareness in business interactions. It offers insights into different business practices and communication styles, preparing students to work effectively in a global context.In summary, Unit 3 of the Cambridge Business English course is a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of business communication. It provides a solid foundation for students to excel in the professional world, where theability to communicate effectively can be the difference between success and failure.。

Ray continued to franchise new restaurants and to expand. In 1961, he bought the business from the MacDonald brothers for ﹩2.7 million.
3 Read the text carefufor each
sentence(1-4). 1 In 1954,Richard and Maurice A A ran a hamburger restaurant. B didn’t like milkshakes. C prepared the food by hand. 2 Ray Kroc C A owned a restaurant in California. B invented a milkshakes maker. C sold machines for making milkshakes. 3 Ray opened B A his first restaurant in California. B his first restaurant in Illinois. C his first restaurant in 1961. 4 When a restaurant opened in Kuwait City, it was C A not very busy on the first day. B quite busy on the first day. C extremely busy on the first day.

Ray continued to franchise new restaurants and to expand. In 1961, he bought the business from the MacDonald brothers for ﹩2.7 million.
Company biography
1 Work in pairs. Do you like fast food? When was the last time you went to a fast food restaurant? What do you like about fast food restaurant? What do you dislike?
4 Look at the reading text. Underline all the verbs in the past simple.
Decide which are regular and which are irregular. Write the infinitive and the past simple forms in a table in your notebook. Compare with your partner.
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branch out
Archer says there is now a growth in the number of younger companies that are trying to launch new franchises. „An incredible number of individuals are coming in at a younger age with lower capital, getting a return and investing in bigger ventures.‟ If the initial fee can be raised it‟s an ideal opportunity to stretch those entrepreneurial wings. Back
Module 3
3.1Business topic: Starting a business
3.2 Business skills: Leaving and taking messages
3.1 Business topic: Starting a business
Vocabulary: Types of business
Globalbagtag was (0) set up six years ago by husband-and-wife team Chris and Alison Truelove on their return from a holiday in Australia. The couple decided to(1)________ , which sells secure tags which travelers attach to their luggage. They started to (2)___________ £9.95 per tag in the first year, followed by a 2.95 subscription (3)_____________ for the following years. Customers activate the tag online with their home address on an online database. If luggage is lost, the person who finds it can log on to the Globalbagtag website and report the missing items. Mr. Truelove said: “We have seen a huge (4)_________ in orders as travelers realize they cannot rely on the airlines to look after their bags. It is actually a very simple (5)___________, Globalbagtag is now planning to (6)_____________ into stickers for items including mobile phones, MP3 players, key and laptops.” set up concept charge launch
• Sale trader you are self-employed and set up the business on your own. • Partnership you are self-employed and start the business with another person. You are both equally liable. • Franchise you buy a license to trade under the name of the franchiser and you benefit from the franchiser‟s expertise.
The business model is given to Part of your profits you so there is less trick. goes to the franchiser.
1.The table below lists things to remember if you are setting up a new business as a sole trader. Read the article and complete the right-hand column.
But being a franchisee is unlikely to satisfy the most entrepreneurial. It doesn‟t suit people who don‟t want to follow the system. William Ewbank, the head of franchise sales at Domino‟s Pizza, says, „If you‟re massively entrepreneurial this isn‟t for you. It‟s a discipline, a club with rules. There is some independence --- our franchisees can charge their own prices although we‟re strict on menu content. It‟s running a business with help.‟ Astrid Patil, a new Domino‟s franchisee, abandoned a career as a solicitor to set up a franchise with her husband. The way she reasons it is this: „Rather than putting all your time and effort into working for someone else, put it into your own business.‟ Leaving a well-paid, well-respected profession to run a pizza shop at the age of 31 has worked for Patil. There‟s a good profit margin and the business has seen growth. Of course if you do decide to go it alone and start a business from nothing, you could always branch out into franchising.
Reading: We wanna hold your hand
Listening: Advices on franchises & Planning a seminar
Speaking: Discussing a schedule
Vocabulary: Types of business
Here are three different ways to start your own business. Work in pairs and think of one advantage and one disadvantage for each approach.
AdvanLeabharlann ageDisadvantage
Sole trader
You take all the profit
If you go bankrupt, You lose everything
You share the pressure
You might disagree on strategy
2. Now read about another small business. Complete the text with the underlined words in bold from the article on franchising on page 26.
Tags that can end misery of lost luggage
We wanna hold your hand
Take a big piece of business sense, add some entrepreneurial spirit and voila! You have a franchise. Starting up a fanchise could be a very clever move for those who want to run their own show but don‟t have the experience or the desire to set up in the dangerous and often short-lived world of the sole trader. But it‟s vital to know what you‟re getting into. Franchising is „the granting of a licence by one person (the franchior) to another (the franchisee) which entitles the franchisee to trade under the trademark or trade name of the franchisor and to make use of an entire package. So is the main concept behind a franchise that of a compromise between setting up on your own and working for a company? „Absolutely not,‟ says Dan Archer, head of marketing at the British Franchise Association. „That‟s a ludicrous over-simplification. It is running your own business, but it‟s taking away some of the risk and bringing in the support of other people.‟ He points out that only 0.9% of franchises fail, compared with the majority of individually owned businesses.