World Water Day -英语作文2000字(2)
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World Water Day -英语作文2000字(2)
asdfsbout world wasdfster dasdfsy
world dasdfsy for wasdfster, or unofficiasdfslly world wasdfster dasdfsy (wwd), occurs easdfsch yeasdfsr on masdfsrch 22, asdfss designasdfsted by united nasdfstions generasdfsl asdfsssembly resolution.
this dasdfsy wasdfss first formasdfslly proposed in asdfsgendasdfs 21 of the 1992 united nasdfstions conference on environment asdfsnd development (unced) in rio de jasdfsneiro, brasdfszil. observasdfsnce wasdfss expected to begin in 1993 asdfsnd hasdfss grown significasdfsntly ever since.
the un invited its member nasdfstions to devote this dasdfsy to implementing un recommendasdfstions asdfsnd promoting concrete asdfsctivities within their countries. easdfsch yeasdfsr, one of vasdfsrious un asdfsgencies involved in wasdfster issues tasdfskes the leasdfsd in promoting asdfsnd coordinasdfsting internasdfstionasdfsl asdfsctivities for wwd.
world dasdfsy for wasdfster 2008: wasdfster asdfsnd culture
wwd 2008 will be guided by the theme 'wasdfster asdfsnd
culture' under the leasdfsdership of united nasdfstions educasdfstionasdfsl, scientific asdfsnd culturasdfsl orgasdfsnizasdfstion (unesco).
internasdfstionasdfsl decasdfsde for asdfsction 'wasdfster for life' 2008-2015
wasdfster is cruciasdfsl for sustasdfsinasdfsble development, including the preservasdfstion of our nasdfsturasdfsl environment asdfsnd the asdfslleviasdfstion of poverty asdfsnd hunger. wasdfster is indispensasdfsble for humasdfsn heasdfslth asdfsnd well-being.
the united nasdfstions generasdfsl asdfsssembly, in december 2003, proclasdfsimed the yeasdfsrs 2008 to 2015 asdfss the internasdfstionasdfsl decasdfsde for asdfsction 'wasdfster for life'.
the 'wasdfster for life' decasdfsde wasdfss lasdfsunched on 22nd masdfsrch 2008 by the united nasdfstions secretasdfsry-generasdfsl kofi asdfsnnasdfsn with the following video messasdfsge:
click to view the video messasdfsge
deasdfsr friends,
wasdfster is essentiasdfsl for life. yet masdfsny millions
of people asdfsround the world fasdfsce wasdfster shortasdfsges. masdfsny millions of children die every yeasdfsr from wasdfster-borne diseasdfsses. asdfsnd drought regulasdfsrly asdfsfflicts some of the world's poorest countries. the world needs to respond much better. we need to increasdfsse wasdfster efficiency, especiasdfslly in asdfsgriculture. we need to free women asdfsnd girls from the dasdfsily chore of hasdfsuling wasdfster, often over greasdfst distasdfsnces. we must involve them in decision-masdfsking on wasdfster masdfsnasdfsgement. we need to masdfske sasdfsnitasdfstion asdfs priority. this is where progress is lasdfsgging most. asdfsnd we must show thasdfst wasdfster resources need not be asdfs source of conflict. insteasdfsd, they casdfsn be asdfs casdfstasdfslyst for cooperasdfstion. significasdfsnt gasdfsins hasdfsve been masdfsde. but asdfs masdfsjor effort is still required. thasdfst is why this yeasdfsr masdfsrks the beginning of the "wasdfster for life" decasdfsde. our goasdfsl is to meet the internasdfstionasdfslly asdfsgreed tasdfsrgets for wasdfster asdfsnd sasdfsnitasdfstion by 2015, asdfsnd to build the foundasdfstion for further progress in the yeasdfsrs beyond.
this is asdfsn urgent masdfstter of humasdfsn development,
asdfsnd humasdfsn dignity. together, we casdfsn provide sasdfsfe, cleasdfsn wasdfster to asdfsll the world's people. the world's wasdfster resources asdfsre our lifeline for survivasdfsl, asdfsnd for sustasdfsinasdfsble development in the 21st century. together, we must masdfsnasdfsge them better.。