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(School of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China)
Abstract: The nano-ceramic ball, whose main component is high aluminum, is a grinding medium with a light specific gravity. The samples in the size of 1.18~2 mm, 0.6~1.18 mm, 0.3~0.6 mm are taken as the research objects, and the nano-ceramic ball and steel ball of the same diameter are used for batch grinding tests. Then the particle size distribution, grinding energy consumption distribution and energy utilization of ground products are analyzed. The tests show that the nano -ceramic ball, as a fine grinding medium, has the same particle size distribution law as the steel ball, both of which is consistent with the JK size-dependent breakage model. Under the same grinding conditions, the nano -ceramic ball is obviously inferior to the steel ball in terms of grinding production capacity. However, it might come out as a new type of fine grinding medium in vertical ball mills for its light gravity, high energy utilization and soft grinding. Keywords院 nano-ceramic ball; steel ball; grinding energy consumption; size distribution characteristics; sizedependent breakage model
但是袁如果一个介质比表面积足够大袁但破碎力 不够袁磨矿效果将发生改变. 文中尝试采用一种新型 磨矿介质要 要要纳米陶瓷球来进行验证. 采用纳米陶 瓷球时袁其磨矿产品粒度特性好袁过粉碎轻袁无铁质污 染袁有利于后续选别作业[9-13].而且由于纳米陶瓷球比 重轻袁可能是磨矿过程节能途径的新选择. 为了研究 纳米陶瓷球的磨矿与节能效果袁 用钢球作为对比磨 矿介质袁一方面从磨矿产品粒度分布特征尧过粉碎情 况尧 破碎比速率去分析纳米陶瓷球磨矿产品的磨矿 效果袁 另一方面从磨矿能耗利用率去分析纳米陶瓷 球节能效果[14袁15].
纳米陶瓷球作细磨介质下的磨矿 能耗与粒度分布特征
吴志强袁 方鑫袁 童佳琪袁 廖宁宁袁 徐今冬袁 吴彩斌
渊江西理工大学资源与环境工程学院袁江西 赣州 341000冤
摘 要院 纳米陶瓷球是一种以高铝为主要成分的轻比重磨矿介质. 以 1.18~2 mm尧 0.6~1.18 mm尧0.3~0.6 mm 3 个粒级样为研究对象袁对其分别采用相同直径的纳米陶瓷球和钢球进行分批次磨矿试验袁分析了其 磨矿产品的粒度分布和磨矿能耗分布尧能量利用率. 试验结果表明袁纳米陶瓷球作为细磨介质袁与钢 球相比袁磨矿产品也有相同的粒度分布规律袁符合 JK 粒度破碎模型. 在相同磨矿条件下袁纳米陶瓷球 磨矿生产能力显然比不上钢球. 但纳米陶瓷球比重轻袁 对能量利用程度大袁 磨矿产品中过粉碎更轻. 纳米陶瓷球可能是立式球磨机中一种新型细磨介质. 关键词院纳米陶瓷球曰钢球曰磨矿能耗曰粒度分布特征曰粒度破碎模型 中图分类号院TD921.4 文献标志码院A
Grinding energy consumption and particle size distribution characteristics of ground products with the nano-ceramic ball as
the fine grinding medium
WU Zhiqiang, FANG Xin袁TONG Jiaqi, LIAO Ningning, XU Jindong, WU Caibin
2019 年 10 月
细磨工艺中如何在满足碎力的前提条件下 提供比表面积足够大的研磨介质显得至关重要 . [1-6] 叶景胜曾经详细描述了钢锻作为细磨介质时与钢球 的对比磨矿效果袁证实了只要破碎力足够袁比表面积 大的磨矿介质能产生更好的磨矿效果[7]. 童佳琪同样 详细描述了六棱柱作为细磨介质时与钢锻的对比磨 矿效果[8].
收稿日期院2019-0猿-员苑 基金项目院国家自然科学基金资助项目渊51764015冤曰大学生创新训练计划资助项目渊DC2018-008冤 通信作者院吴彩斌渊197圆- 冤袁男袁教授袁博导袁主要从事碎磨理论与矿物加工过程控制研究袁E-mail: wushirle@.
第 10 卷 第 5 期 2 0 1 9 年 10 月
Nonferrous Metals Science and Engineering
Vol.10,No.5 Oct. 2 0 19
文章编号:1远苑源-怨远远怨(圆019)05-0091-06 DOI:10.13264/ki.ysjskx.2019.05.014 引文格式院吴志强袁方鑫袁童佳琪袁等. 纳米陶瓷球作细磨介质下的磨矿能耗与粒度分布特征[J]. 有色金属科学与