第1章 神经科学导论-彭聿平7
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Views of the Brain From the Renaissance to the Nineteenth Century 从文艺复兴到19世纪时期对脑的认识
Galen’s view of the brain prevailed for almost 1500 years. More detail was added to the structure of the brain by the great anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) during the Renaissance. Fluid forced out of the ventricles through the nerves might literally “pump you up” and cause the movement of the limbs. The French mathematician and philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650)thought:uniquely human mental capabilities exist outside the brain in the “mind”. Galen有关脑的观点延续了将近1,500年。 文艺复兴时期,解剖学家 Andreas Vesalius(1514-1564,法 国)作出很多贡献。 当时认为:液体从脑室中被压出,经过“神经管道”,使你兴奋, 从而激发肢体的运动。 法国数学家、哲学家René Descartes(1596-1650)认为:人类 所特有的“智慧”独立于脑之外,即精神与脑是彼此分离的。
早在7,000年前,人们就会在颅骨上钻孔——这一 过程被称作“环钻术”,其目的在于治病而非杀人。
Views of the Brain in Ancient Greece 古希腊人对脑的认识
Several Greek scholars of the fourth century B.C. concluded that the brain is the organ of sensation. The most influential scholar was Hippocrates (460-379 B.C.), the father of Western medicine, who started his belief that the brain not only was involved in sensation, but also was the seat of intelligence. 公元前4世纪几位古希腊学者认为“脑是感觉的器官”。 这些学者中最著名的一位,被称作 “ 西方医学之父 ” 的 Hippocrates (公元前 460 - 379 )认为,脑不仅参与对环 境的感知,而且是智慧的发祥地。
神经科学这一名词并不古老。 由职业神经科学家组成的“神经科学学会”直到1970年才成立。但 是,对人脑的研究却与科学本身一样久远。 历史上,曾献身于神经系统研究的科学家们来自于医学、生物 学、心理学、物理学、化学和数学等不同的科学领域。
The Society for Neuroscience is the largest and fastestgrowing association of professional scientists in all of experimental biology. Far from being overly specialized, the field is as broad as nearly all of natural science, with the nervous system serving as the common point of focus. In this book, we will explore the brain with this broad perspective.
The word “neuroscience” is young. The Society for Neuroscience, an association of professional neuroscientists, was founded as recently as 1970. The study of the brain, however, is as old as science itself. Historically, the scientists who devoted themselves to an understanding of the nervous system came from different scientific discipline: medicine, biology, psychology, physics, chemistry, mathematics.
As early as 7000 years ago, people were boring holes in each other’s skulls-a process called trepanation, evidently with the aim not to k
Galen tried to deduce function from the structure of the cerebrum and the cerebellum: the cerebrum must be the recipient of sensations and the cerebellum must command the muscles. Galen cut open the brain and found that it is hollow. In these hollow spaces, called ventricles (like the similar chambers in the heart), there is fluid. Sensations were registered and movements initiated by the movement of humors to or from the brain ventricles via the nerves, which were believed to be hollow tubes, like the blood vessels. Galen试图从大脑和小脑的不同结构来推断它们的功能:大脑是感 觉的接收装置,小脑是支配肌肉的。 Galen将绵羊的脑切开,发现脑是空的。在这些空心的腔室中有液 体,这些腔室称作脑室(类似于心脏的心室)。 因此,当时人们认为:感知被大脑记录,运动被大脑启动,由体 液通过神经到达脑室和离开脑室,神经是一种类似于血管的中空 管道。
人类应当知道,因为有了脑,我们才有了乐趣、欣喜、欢笑和运动,才有了悲 痛、哀伤、绝望和无尽的忧思。因为有了脑,我们才以一种独特的方式拥有了智 慧、获得了知识;我们才看得见、听得到;我们才懂得了美与丑、善与恶;我们才 感受到甜美与无味 ……。同样,因为有了脑,我们才会发狂和神智昏迷,才会被畏 惧和恐怖所侵扰 ……我们之所以会经受这些折磨,是因为脑有了病恙……。由于这 样一些原因,我认为,脑在一个人的机体中行使了至高无上的权力。 ——Hippocrates ( 古 希 腊 医 师 ) , 《 论 神 圣 的 疾 病 》 ( On the Sacred Disease,公元前4世纪)
Views of the Brain in Ancient Greece 古希腊人对脑的认识 Views of the Brain During the Roman Empire 罗马帝国时代对脑的认识 Views of the Brain From the Renaissance to the Nineteenth Century 文艺复兴到19世纪时期对脑的认识 Nineteenth-Century Views of the Brain 19世纪对脑的认识
Views of the Brain During the Roman Empire 罗马帝国时代对脑的认识
The most important figure in Roman medicine was the Greek physician and writer Galen (A.D. 130-200), who embraced the Hippocratic view of brain function. The brain of a sheep was one of the Galen’s favorite subjects. Two major parts are evident: the cerebrum in the front and the cerebellum in the back. 罗马医学史上最重要的一位人物是希腊医师和作家Galen(公 元130-200),他接受了Hippocrates关于脑功能的观点。 Galen在实验中最喜欢使用的动物之一是羊。 他看到前端的大脑和后端的小脑这两个主要脑部。
Chapter 1 1 Introduction Introduction to to Neuroscience Neuroscience Chapter 第1章 神经科学导论 神经科学导论 第1章
Men ought to know that from nothing else but the brain come joys, delights, laughter and sports, and sorrows, griefs, despondency, and lamentations. And by this, in an especial manner, we acquire wisdom and knowledge, and see and hear and know what are foul and what are fair, what are bad and what are good, what are sweet and what are unsavory…And by the same organ we become mad and delirious, and fears and terrors assail us…All these things we endure from the brain when it is not healthy…In these ways I am of the opinion that the brain exercises the greatest power in the man.
However, this view was not universally accepted. The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) clung to the belief that the heart was the center of intellect. Aristotle proposed it to be a radiator for the cooling of blood that was overheated by the seething heart. The rational temperament of humans was thus explained by the large cooling capacity of our brain. 但这一观点并未得到普遍的认可,著名的古希腊哲学家 Aristotle (公元前 384 - 322 )固执地相信 “ 心脏是智慧之 源”。 Aristotle 认为,脑是一个 “ 散热器 ” ,被 “ 火热的心 ”沸腾了 的血液在脑中被降温。
在实验生物学领域所有由职业科学家组成的组织中,神经科 学学会的规模是最大的,而且发展最为迅速。 这一领域的研究几乎包罗了自然科学的方方面面,而神经系 统则是研究的最终焦点。 本书中正是以一个广阔的视角去探索人脑的奥秘。