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2019-2020 年高中英语必修6Module5Period1Reading-Frankenstein'sMonster
To lear n about cloning
• To learn to read with strategies
■Warming up by looking and saying
Hello, class. Look at this photo. What is it? Wang Lin, could you tell the class someth ing about this photo? It is the photo of Dolly the sheep (1996-xx).
Dolly the sheep became a scientific sensation when her birth was announced in 1997. Her
relatively early death in February xx fuels the debate about the ethics of cloning research and
the Iong-term health of ciones.
What is it about Dolly that is so special? How was she created? And did she die young because
she was a clone? That is what we are going to lear n this week. Clo ning! This is the topic this
What is “ Cloning ”?
Cloning is the process of creati ng an ide ntical copy of an orig in al. A clone in the biological
sen se, therefore, is a sin gle cell (like bacteria, lymphocytes etc.) or multi-cellular organism
that is genetically identical to another living organism. Sometimes this can refer to "natural" clones made either when an orga nism reproduces asexually or whe n two gen etically ide ntical in dividuals are produced by accide nt (as with identical twins), but in mon parlance the clone is an identical copy by some conscious design. Also see clone (gen etics).
The term clone is derived from K入®v , the Greek word for "twig". I n horticulture, the spelli ng cion was used un til
the twen tieth cen tury; the final e came into use to in dicate the vowel is a "lo ng o" in stead of a "short o". Si nce the term en tered the popular lexic on in a more gen eral con text, the spelli ng clone has bee n used exclusively.
■Reading to get background information
Now go to page 41 to read the short paragraph about the film Franken ste in.
While reading try to cut/ the sentences into thought groups, blacken the predicates, underline the useful expressi ons and darke n the conn ectives.
Now you have read this paragraph, try to c opy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book and make your own sentences with them.
a nineteen-year-old Englishwoman, write a novel called …,tell the story of a scientist,( mon ster, resemble a huge huma n being, bee very popular, it is gen erally agreed that
best science fiction stories ever written, films on …,play the monster, in the 1931 film …,as shown in the picture, on this page,look very ugly, with wrinkled skin, terrify reate a
…,one of the …,the most famous
of all horror films
■ Before you read
We shall go on to read the text on page 42. But before that please go over the word list for this module, pay ing atte nti on to the pronun ciati on of the word, the relati on ship betwee n its pronun ciati on and its spelli ng.
■ While you read
Now open your book to page 42 to read the text and cut/ the sentences into thought groups, blacken the predicates, un derl ine the useful expressi ons and darke n the conn ectives at the same time.
■ After you read
…,use bo
…to the for the first
s arms,
keep …there, run out of …,hide in the garden, again and again, do this terrible thing, creature from one ' s worst nightmares
■ Closing down by talking about cloning in fiction
To end this period we shall watch a TV program telling about cloning in fiction. Clo ning has bee n widely explored in scie nce-fictio n.
• Star Wars (film series): A race of alie ns called Kaminoans use an accelerated cloning tech nique to create an army of over a milli
creature, on the other side of the world, feel un able to do time, walk up and dow n …,throw on eself on …,find a few dreams, walk in the streets, look well and happy, kiss sb. shake with fear, at that same moment ,
stand by the bed,
,bee pale, Hold .lipsone
make a sound, put out a
hand, bee a
on huma n soldiers that participate in a galaxy-wide con flict known as the Clone Wars.
•The Boys From Brazil (novel and film adaptation)
•Brave New World: the population is grown. The lower castes are cloned from a single egg (Bokanofskyfied).
•The 6th Day: a film whose main the mes are clones (such as the protagonist 'being' one) and branching ethical cloning problems. •The Island: another film about the ethics of cloning. Follows the story of clones grown in a secret plex for the sole purpose of killi ng them and using their orga ns as replaceme nts for their origi nal vers ions in the real world, all while being convinced they are living purposeful lives.
•Jurassic Park:cl oning of dino saurs by the use of prehistoric in sects that sucked their blood.(DNA cloning of the blood)
•The Hbuse of the Scorpi on:young adult no vel follow ing the life of a clone n amed Matteo Alacra n.
•Metal Gear Solid
•"The Clo ne" by H.G.Wells
•"Cloning": Novel by David Shear, first published in 1972, about a man who discovers he is a clone. His mind and body are take n over by the psyche of his gen etic twin whom he n ever knew and died a viole nt death.
6Module5Period2F un cti on-Talk in gaboutpasta ndPrese ntregret
To lear n to speak ing about past and prese nt regret
■ L earning to express regrets with the word “ wish”
Hello, class. Do you have any regrets? What is regret?
“ regret is"a feeling of sadness or disappointment that you have because of something that has happened or someth ing that you have done or not done.
For example, we may say:
1. It is with great regret that I accept your resig nati on.
2. She expressed her regret at the decisi on.
3. She suffers from a pang / twinge of regret
4. I have no regrets about leav ing Newcastle (= I do not feel sorry about it).
5. What is your greatest regret (= the thing that you are most sorry about doing or
not doin g)?
wish ” to help us express our regrets. Look at t 6. He gave up teach ing in xx, much to the regret of his stude nts.
But how could we express our regrets? We may use the word
1. I wish I were taller.
3. I wish I hadn ' t eaten so much.
2. I wish I was taller.
4. ‘ Where is he now? I only wish I knew!
5. I
t leave your clothes all over the floor. wish
6. She really wished she obEit a yedlleg
follow ing examples and read them aloud.
7. He sat by the phone, wish ing it would ring.
8. He' s dead and it ' s no use wishing him alive again.
9. She wished herself a milli on miles away.
10. You may stay until morning, if you wish.
11. 'I' d rather not talk now. ' '(Just) as you wish.
12. This course is designed for people wishing to update their puter skills.
13. I wish to speak to the manager.
14. I don ' t wish (= I don ' t mean) to be rude, but could you be a little quieter?
15. She could not believe that he wished her harm.
16. He was not sure whether he wished her to stay or go.
17. She shut her eyes and wished for him to get better.
18. If you wish really hard, maybe you ' ll get what you want.
19. It ' s no use wishing for the impossible.
20. He has everything he could possibly wish for.
■ Listening to and acting out conversations
You are to first listen to two conversations and then in pairs act out them.
■ Putting the text into a conversation
Now to practice our spoken English we shall go on to read and put the text Frankenstein's Monster into a con versati on.。