综英四册Unit 1

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Probably, the man himself did not feel good either after the stay-out on new year’s eve.
wander off move away (inattentively)
Roy sure is smart.
“Sure” is often used in colloquial American English, meaning “certainly”. e.g. He sure will come.
---- acting immediately from natural feelings
e.g. I joined in the spontaneous applause.
e.g. He was never spontaneously warm or friendly towards us.
e.g. I hadn’t the nerve to speak before so many people. courage, determination, self-control
e.g. Mrs. Murphy is blessed with 12 children.
e.g. Peter had not been blessed with a sense of humor.
kitchen sink ----a large basin in the kitchen for washing things
== It isn’t happy at all!
noun 1. a large group of insects, especially bees, or animals moving together 2. a crowd of people who are moving quickly e.g. Swarms of tourists shoved through the square. verb 1. If bees swarm, they leave a hive in a large group to look for another home 2. if people swarm somewhere, they go there as a large, uncontrolled crowd
----You get what you put in out of them. ----As you sow, so will you reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
self-control self-determination self-reliance self-respect self-criticism self-centered self-maltreatment self-conceit self-conscious self-educated self-evident
The most trivial chore can prove rewarding if approached with zest.
The most unimportant light task may turn out to be worthwhile if it is dealt with eagerly and enthusiastically.
A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.
---Whole-hearted and genuine praise is very valuable. compliment
---- an expression of praise, admiration or respect
Unit 1
“New Year’s resolutions are like anything else ----you get out of them what you put in.”
get sth. out of sth. ----benefit/obtain/gain from sth.
e.g. I don’t know what people get out of listening to
e.g. They swore on the Bible that they’d never let out the secret. 手按《圣经》发誓 e.g. She swore on her honour that she had done nothing of that sort. 以自己的名誉发誓 e.g. They shouted and swore at each other. 相互对骂 e.g. It is wrong to swear under any circumstances. 咒骂
e.g. Lots of photographers were
swarming around the actress.
“She called out something, and I went in.” What does “something” mean? Did the father hear clearly this “something”?
friendly agreement and understanding between people e.g. She’s established a good rapport with her new colleagues. e.g. John is always in rapport with his neighbors. e.g. Our state leaders often visit various countries of the world in order to develop some kind of rapport with them.
deafening loud music.
put in
----spend time or use energy working on sth.
e.g. You have to put in a lot of effort to learn a new language.
You get out of them what you put in.
worth its weight in gold ---- very valuable; as valuable as gold
I took some aspirin and coffee into the living room.
Why did the man take aspirin and coffee?
“Something” here may be “Who is that?” or “Don’t come in!”
“She was in her pajamas.” in wearing
e.g. He looked very handsome in his uniform.
e.g. She was dressed in a blue suit.
“She contributed very little.”
She hardly said anything.
I was about two thirds done…
I had finished about two-thirds of the work… “I swear I don’t know.” I must say I don’t know. swear say firmly and emphatically, here used informally
“The kids have been impossible all day.” impossible someone who is impossible behaves in a very unreasonable and annoying way e.g. You are impossible! Yesterday you said you didn’t like carrots, and today you won’t eat potatoes! “… they carve something for their mother-like a salad spoon.”
自我控制 (国家、民族的)自决权 独立 自尊;自重 自我批评 自我为中心 自虐 自负 Shy 不自然的,局促不安的 自学 不证自明的
be blessed with sth/sb
----be fortunate in having sth/sb e.g. He is blessed with excellent health.
“I found the boys whittling on my best salad spoon, …”
carve: cut shapes out of solid wood or stone whittle: cut (wood) to a smaller size by taking off small thin pieces
touch on/upon sth.
to mention or deal with a particular subject briefly
e.g. There is one factor we have not touched on, so far, in talking about personality.
“They had the nerve to say …”
They were rude enough to say … have the nerve to do sth. shock or anger sb. by doing sth. rude or disrespectful e.g. How could she have the nerve to say such a thing in public! What does nerve mean in the followinwn level.
Join your children and treat them as your equals. Join your children and speak and act as they do.
“Either” here only shows emphasis e.g. A: It’s raining. B: It isn’t either. “It isn’t either happy” It isn’t at all.
“I struck up a conversation with Kit, trying to establish some Kind of rapport.”
strike up a friendship / relationship / conversation
to start to become friendly with someone
smart adj.
1. intelligent e.g. The smart kids get good grades and go off to college. 2. trying to seem clever in a disrespectful way e.g. Don’t get smart with me, young man. 3. well-dressed e.g. Chris was looking smart in his new grey suit. 4. fashionable e.g. He often dines in that smart restaurant.