国际营销【外文翻译】外文翻译原文International MarketingMaterial Source: International BusinessAuthor: Ricky W. Griffin & Michael W. PustayInternational Marketing ManagementAn international firm’s marketing activities often are organized as a separate and self-contained function within the firm. Yet that function both affects and is affected by virtually every other organizational activity. These interrelationships make international marketing management a critical component of international business success. International marketing management encompasses a firm’s efforts to ensure that its international marketing activities mesh with the firm’s efforts to ensure that its international marketing activities mesh with the firm’s corporate strategy, business strategy, and other functional strategies.International Marketing and business strategiesA key challenge for a firm’s marketing managers is to adopt an international marketing strategy that supports the firm’s overall business strategy. Business strategy can take one of three forms; differentiation, cost leadership, or focus.A differentiation strategy requires marketing managers to develop products as well as pricing, promotional, and distri bution tactics that differentiate the firm’s products or services from those of its competitors in the eyes of customers. Differentiation can be based on perceived quality, fashion, reliability, or other salient characteristics, as the marketingmanagers of such products as Rolex watches, BMW automobiles, and Montblanc penssuccessfully have shown. Assuming the differentiation can be communicated effectively to customers, the firm will be able to charge higher prices for its prices for its product or insulate itself from price competition from lesser brands. For example, Rolex, which has successfully implemented a differentiation strategy, does not need to cut the price for its diamond-faced $15,000 watches whenever Target advertises Timex quartz watches for $39.95.Alternatively, a firm may adopt an international business strategy that stresses its overall cost leadership. Cost leadership can be pursued and achieved through systematic reductions in production and manufacturing costs, reductions in sales costs, the acceptance of lower profit margins , the use of less expensive materials and component parts, or other means. Marketing managers for a firm adopting this strategy will concentrate their promotional efforts on advertising the low price of the product and will utilize channels of distribution that allow the firm to keep the retail price low –for example,by selling through discounters rather than through fashionable boutiques. Texas Instruments calculators, Kia automobiles, and Bic pens all are marketed using a cost leadership strategy. And Timex’s cost leadership approach has allowed it to thrive in the large market for low-price watches.A firm also may adopt a focus strategy. In this case marketing managers will concentrate their efforts on particular segments of the consumer market or on particular areas or regions within a market. International marketing managers will need to concentrate on getting the appropriate message regarding the firm’s products or services to the various selected targetmarkets. For example, the Swiss watchmaker Ste. Suisse Microelectroniqueet d’Horlogerie SA(SMH), which manufactures Swatch watches, focuses its marketing efforts on selling this inexpensive line of watches to young, fashion-oriented consumers in Europe, North America, and Asia. “Emerging Opportunities” demonstrates how one Chinese entrepreneur used the Internet as a key ingredient in implementing his focus strategy.A critical element for a firm’s success is the congruency of its international marketing efforts with its overall business strategy. Timex, Rolex, and SMH-all watchmakers-have chosen different strategies, yet all are successful internationally because they match their international marketing efforts to their business strategies. leadership strategy implies that the firm must seek out low-cost suppliers globally and sell its watches in discount stores such as Wal-Mart, rather than in fashionable department stores such as Fifth Avenue and Harrod’s. Rolex’s differentiation strategy, based on the firm’s care fully nurtured worldwide image, might collapse if Rolex distributed its watches through armies of street vendors stationed in front of subway stations throughout the world, rather than through a handful of chic and expensive horologists located on the most fashionable avenues of the world’s most glamorous cities. Similarly, SMH does not advertise swatch watches to the upper-class, middle-aged audiences of Town and Country and Architectural Digest or to the predominantly male readership of Field and Stream and popular Electronics. It doesadvertise its wares in the U.S., Chinese, and French editions of Elle, which are read by demographically similar young, trendy female audiences—the target of its focus strategyHaving adopted an overall international business strategy, a firm must assess where it wants to do business. Decisions about whether to enter a particular foreign market are derived from and must be consistent with the firm’s overall business strategy. For example, the steady economic growth of such low-to-middle-income countries as Costa Rica, Namibia, Poland, and Turkey offers exciting new business opportunities for Timex but not necessarily for Rolex.Because of budget and resource limitations, international firms must carefully assess countries and rank them according to their potential for the firms’ products. Influencing this ranking may be factors such as culture, levels of competition, channels of distribution, and availability of infrastructure. Depending on the nature of the product and other circumstances, a firm may choose to enter simultaneously all markets that meet certain acceptability criteria. For example, consumer goods marketers like Nike and Coca-Cola often introduce new products broadly throughout North America or Europe to maximize the impact of their mass media advertising campaigns. Alternatively, a firm may choose to enter markets one by one, in an order based on their potential to the firm. Caterpillar, for example, .uses this approach because its marketing strategy is based on the painstaking development of strong local dealerships, not glitzy TV campaigns highlighting the endorsements of the latest music and sports stars.The Marketing MixAfter an international firm has decided to enter a particular foreign market, further marketing decisions must be made. In particular, international marketing managers must address four issues:1.How to develop the firm’s product(s)2.How to price those products3.How to sell those products4.How to distribute those products to the firm’s c ustomersThese elements are collectively known as the marketing mix and colloquially referred to as the four Ps of marketing: product, pricing, promotion, and place(or distribution). International marketing-mix issues and decisions parallel those of domestic marketing in many ways, although they are more complex. The array of variables international marketing managers must consider is far broader, and theinterrelationships among those variables far more intricate, than is the case for domestic marketing managers. Before we discuss these complexities, however, we need to focus on another important issue in international marketing—the extent to which an international firm should standardize its marketing mix in all the countries it enters.Standardization versus CustomizationA firm’s marketers usually choose from three basic approaches in deciding whether to standard ize or customize their firm’s marketing mix:1. Should the firm adopt an ethnocentric approach, that is, simply market its goods internationally the same way it does domestically?2. Should it adopt a polycentric approach, that is, customize the marketing mix to meet the specific needs of each foreign market it serves?3. Should it adopt a geocentric approach, that is, analyze the needs of customers worldwide and then adopt a standardized marketing mix for all the markets it serves?The ethnocentric approach is relatively easy to adopt. The firm simply markets its goods in international markets using the same marketing mix it uses domestically, thereby avoiding the expense of developing new marketing techniques to serve foreign customers. When some firms first internationalize, they adopt this approach, believing that a marketing mix that worked at home should be as successful abroad. For example, when Lands’ End targeted the German mail-order market—which on a per capita basis is the largest in the world—it deliberately replicated its U.S. marketing strategy. Stressing its “down home ”roots, the company trumpets to its U.S. consumers its location next to a rural Wisconsin cornfield, the friendliness of its operators and production staff, and its generous return policy—consumers can return all Lands’ End established its local headquarters in an old schoolhouse in the tiny, picturesque village of Mettlach on the Saar River. The company spent months training its telephone operators to ensure they would meet its standards for friendly, helpful service. It also transplanted its “no questions asked” return service, much to the consternation of its German competitors, whose policy was to accept returns only if the goods were flawed or inaccurately described in their catalogs and then only if the goods were unused and in good condition The ethnocentric approach may not be desirable, however, if the firm loses sales because it fails to take into account the idiosyncratic needs of its foreign customers. Should this be the case, successful firms will modify their marketing mixes to meet local conditions and needs after thefirms learn more about the local market.The polycentric approach is far more costly because international marketers attempt to customize the firm’s marketing mix in each market the firm enters in order to meet the idiosyncratic needs of customers in that market. Customization may increase the f irm’s revenues if its marketers are successful in this task. Firms that adopt this approach believe customers will be more willing to buy and more willing to pay a higher price for a product that exactly meets their needs than a product that does not. Often international firms that view themselves as multidomestic adopt this approach.The geocentric approach calls for standardization of the marketing mix, allowing the firm to provide essentially the same product or service in different markets and to use essentially the same marketing approach to sell that product or service globally. Coca-Cola was one of the first international businesses to adopt this approach. It sells its popular soft drink worldwide and uses essentially the same packaging, product, and advertising themes everywhere. Indeed, the contoured shape of a Coca-Cola bottle is one of the world’s most wide ly recognized images. Note that both the ethnocentric and the geocentric approaches argue for standardization of the marketing mix. A firm using the ethnocentric approach standardizes on the basis of what the firm does in its home country. A firm using the geocentric approach starts with no such home country bias. Instead, the geocentric approach considers the needs of all the firm’s customers ar ound the world and then standardizes on that basis. Standardization became popular buzzword during the 1980s, as proponents such as Kenichi Ohmae(then managing director of McKinsey &Company’s Tokyo office)argued that customers in the Triad were becoming increasingly alike, with similar incomes, educational achievements, lifestyles, and aspirations, so that expensive customization of the marketing mix by country wasless necessary. Similarly, Harvard Business School marketing guru Theodore Levitt believes th at standardization of a firm’s products and other elements of its marketing mix creates huge economies of scale in production , distribution, and promotion. By transforming these cost savings into reduced prices worldwide, Levitt argues, a firm that adopts standardization can outperform its international competitors.。
外文翻译原文:Journal of International Marketing Realizing Product-Market Advantage in High-Technology International New Ventures: The Mediating Role of Ambidextrous InnovationHughes and colleagues’ study examines the pivotal role of ambidextrous innovation in the strategy performance thesis of the export ventures of high-technology international new venture firms (INVs). This follows recent developments in the international marketing literature that identify innovation ambidexterity as a fundamental enabler of international success in high-performing firms. However, to date, the literature on INVs has failed to consider ambidextrous innovation in the strategy interplay in approaching new markets overseas, and there is virtually no evidence on how INVs can achieve innovation ambidexterity. This matter is of concern because the absence of ambidexterity has been associated with substandard performance and an increased risk of failure when INVs adapt only narrowly to changes in overseas market conditions and product innovation developments are inadequately aligned to customers.Building on the resource-based view of the firm, the authors empirically examine the relationships among competitive market strategy, innovation ambidexterity, positional advantage, and export venture performance. In doing so, they bring together the export venture performance paradigm and strategy innovation framework to offer a novel conceptual model of innovation ambidexterity and export venture performance in INVs. Drawing on a quantitative study of Mexican high technology INVs, the authors find that innovation ambidexterity mines both marketing differentiation and cost leadership advantages, and together these link to export venture performance gains. The authors reveal that marketing differentiation strategy and cost leadership strategy positively influence differentiation and cost advantages, respectively; hybrid strategy inversely influences marketing differentiation advantage; and marketing differentiation strategy alone drives innovation ambidexterity.The findings have important implications for research on international marketing: First, the authors develop an integrative model that unravels how ambidextrous innovations come about and the mechanisms by which firms can gain from them. Second, they report on the interplay between competitive marketing strategies and innovation ambidexterity to demonstrate how innovation ambidexterity can prevent the competing away of positional advantages. Third, they administer the study in the context of high-technology “born regional” INVs. Thus, the results speak to an important set of firms hitherto ignored in the innovation ambidexterity debate. Fourth, they disaggregate competitive strategies and positional advantages to explain the complexity of their effects on innovation ambidexterity and export venture performance.Going Global with Innovations from Emerging Economies: Investment inCustomer Support Capabilities Pays OffThe patterns of internationalization are undergoing profound changes as a new century unfolds. Entrepreneurial new ventures from emerging economies are increasingly launching their innovative products with international markets in mind. Khavul and colleagues examine how innovative new ventures from emerging economies harvest the learning and performance outcomes of entering the global marketplace. The results show that investments in international customer support capabilities play a transformative, mediating role in the internationalization process Specifically, using a sample of firms from India and China, the study shows that when entrepreneurial firms from emerging economies possess both proprietary technology and strategic intent to internationalize, they invest in international customer support capabilities. Over time, such investments improve organizational learning and performance in international markets. The study emphasizes that investment in international customer support capabilities is critical for the success of entrepreneurial firms from emerging markets. Given that entrepreneurial firms from emerging markets face many obstacles and liabilities when they internationalize, investment in international customer support capabilities can underpin their capacity to learn from early experiences with international customers and can improve their performance outcomes. The findings suggest that innovative firms should develop a deep connection to their customers as part and parcel of their international marketing strategy.As a dynamic capability, international customer support also bridges the gap between technology, intentions, and outcomes. In the global marketplace, becoming a successful innovator requires intentionality and investment in dynamic capabilities, which enable the firm to coordinate, deploy, and reconfigure its resources Investment in international customer support capabilities signals that the firm intends to create value and is committed to understanding customer needs in the present and the future. It opens the exchange relationship and creates opportunities for the firm and its customers to jointly shape the future direction of the innovation and its value proposition. In summary, such investments indicate a customer-centric approach to marketing and position international customer support as a fundamental marketing issue.Extending the Environment–Strategy–Performance Framework: The Roles of Multinational Corporation Network Strength, Market Responsiveness, and Product InnovationBuilding on the traditional environment–strategy–performance framework, Lee examines two dominant marketing strategies (i.e., market responsiveness and product innovation) that foreign firms deploy to manage both market and technological turbulence in their host country. This research further explores the role of multinational corporation (MNC) network strength in an attempt to expand the boundary conditions of the environment–strategy–performance framework. In particular, drawing on network theory, the author examines when a foreign firm can use its MNC network strength to buffer market turbulence and technological turbulence and when the foreign firm can use it to reinforce the positive impact ofmarket responsiveness and product innovation on firm performance.Using survey data collected from 140 foreign firms in China, the author illustrates that different environmental segments affect market responsiveness and product innovation unequally. The results indicate that both market and technological turbulence lead foreign firms to focus on market responsiveness, whereas only technological turbulence determines product innovation. Regarding the role of MNC network strength, the results show that it can be a buffer alternative to marketing strategic postures in dealing with market turbulence and generating positive performance outcomes.In addition, although MNC network strength can influence the relationship between marketing strategic postures and firm performance, the study shows that it entails a characteristic that can produce mixed effects. On the one hand, MNC network strength reinforces the positive impact of market responsiveness on firm performance. On the other hand, it turns the impact of product innovation on firm performance from positive to negative, suggesting that a foreign firm should not rely on the collective wisdom of its network members, because this may create inertia to change and further prevent the foreign firm from identifying breakthrough technologies and realizing opportunities. Because the cost of networking outweighs its benefits in the presence of technological turbulence, the consideration of building MNC network strength may become irrelevant for foreign firms attempting to deal with frequent technological changes in China.Source:Journal of International Marketing volume 18 / number 4 / 2010 Editor in Chief David A. Griffith Michigan State University译文:国际营销杂志实现高技术的国际创新企业的产品市场优势:双元创新的中介作用。
起首,来自美国的Philip Kotler等人提出了“差别化营销”策略。
其次,英国学者Michael Porter提出了“成能力先”和“差别化”两种营销策略。
另外,来自德国的Hermann Simon等学者提出了“隐藏冠军”策略。
营销策略英文参考文献以下是一些关于营销策略的英文参考文献:1. Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2016). Principles of Marketing. Pearson Education.这本书是市场营销领域的经典教材,对于营销策略有较为全面的介绍。
2. Porter, M. E. (2008). Competitive strategy. Simon and Schuster.这本书是经典的竞争战略著作,提供了许多关于企业如何制定和实施营销策略的思考。
3. Ries, A., & Trout, J. (2001). Positioning: The battle for your mind. McGraw-Hill Education.这本书介绍了定位战略的重要性,并提供了一些实用的方法和案例来指导企业实施营销策略。
4. Aaker, D. A. (1996). Building strong brands. Simon and Schuster.这本书重点介绍了品牌营销策略,并提供了许多有关如何打造和管理品牌的实践方法。
5. Duncan, T., & Moriarty, S. (1998). A communication-based marketing model for managing relationships. Journal of Marketing, 62(2), 1-13.这篇文章提出了一种基于沟通的营销模型,强调了营销策略在建立和管理关系方面的重要性。
营销策略业务英文文献及翻译1 IntroductionMarketing continues to be a mystery to those who create it and to those who sponsor it. Often, the ad t hat generates record-breaking volume for a retail store one month is repeated the following month and b ombs. A campaign designed by the best Madison Avenue ad agency may elicit mediocre response. The s ame item sells like hotcakes after a 30-word classified ad, with abominable grammar, appears on page 35 of an all-advertising shopper tossed on the front stoops of homes during a rainstorm! The mystery elude s solution but demands attention. The success of an enterprise and development of enterprises depends to a large extent on whether or not they have advanced, meet the needs of the enterprise marketing strateg y. For Marketing is the definition, The well-known American scholar Philips marketing of the core marke ting concept of the following description : "Marketing is individuals or groups to create, provide and exc hange with other valuable products, to satisfy their own needs and desires of a social activities and mana gement process. " In the core concept contains a number of elements: needs, desires and needs; Products or provide; Value and satisfaction; exchange and transactions; and networking; market; Marketing and sa les were a series of concept.This article is devoted to the idea that your marketing results can be improved through a better Understa nding of your customers. This approach usually is referred to as the marketing concept.Putting the customer first is probably the most popular phrase used by firms ranging from giant conglom erates to the corner barber shop, but the slogan zing is often just lip service. The business continues to operate under the classic approach -- "Come buy this great product,if you dedicate your activities e xclusively to solving your customer's problems. The quality of services, and enterprises to culti vate customers satisfaction and loyalty, and can create enterprise value.Any marketing program has a better chance of being productive if it is timed, designed and w ritten to solve a problem for potential customers and is carried out in a way that the customer understands and trusts. The pages that follow will present the marketing concept of putting th e customer first. Marketing is a very complex subject; it deals with all the steps between deter mining customer needs and supplying them at a profit. In addition to some introductory materi al on marketing, this publication includes practical material on the marketing approaches to bu dgeting, layout design, and headline writing, copywriting and media analysis. So that a clear u nderstanding of enterprise marketing strategy to improve the operations of enterprises.2 The marketing conceptMarket positioning is identifying the target market, enterprises will adopt what marketing m ethods, which provide products and services the target market and competitors to show distincti on, thereby establishing corporate image and obtain favorable competitive position. Market posit ioning is a process of enterprise differentiation process, how to find the differences, identify di fferences and show differences. Today too many similar products, consumers how to choose? Consumers buy what is the justification? On the effective positioning for a solution. Positionin g is the first to propose in the advertising industry, advertising emphasized in the eyes of the public who left the location, And people often prefer preconceptions; If enterprises can target your customers mind to establish a definite position, to the consumer a reason to buy, enterpri ses can often compete in an advantageous position.Marketing is an economy built on science, behavioral science and modern management theory on the basis of applied sciences. It enterprise marketing activities and to study law, customers.− Determine what you are now doing to satisfy those wants and needs.− Prepare a marketing plan that allows you to reach out to new customers or to sell more to your present customers.− Test the results to see if your new strategies are yielding the desir ed results.Market research must be used in each of these six steps to help define your business for your customer's interests, not your own. It is the process of learning what customers want or need and determining how to satisfy those wants or needs. It is also used to confirm whether the customer reacted to a marketing program as expected. The benefits of market research include− Learning who your customers are and what they want.− Learning how to reach your customers and how frequently you should try to communicate with them.− Learning which advertising appeals are most effective and which ones get no response.− Learning the relative success of is that, properly done, market research is quite expensive, takes time and requires professional expertise. Acquiring all the necessary data to reduce the risk to your venture may cost so much and take so long that you may go out of business. The answer is to find a quick and inexpensive way of getting enough data to help you make the right decision most of the time. Some obvious pitfalls are− Using a sample that does not represent the total market.− Asking the wrong questions.− Not listening to the responses.− Building in biases or predispositions that distort the reliability of information.− Letting arrogance or hostility cut off communi cation at some point in the marketing process.If you have a limited budget, develop the skills to hear what your customers and potential customers are telling you. Some techniques worthy of consideration are− Advisory board -- Occasionally convene a group of local people, whose opinions you respect, to act as a sounding board for new ideas. Choose your group with extreme care; one or two negative thinkerscan distort the thought process of the entire group.− User group -- Gather customers together to discuss new ideas. Their opinions can help you keep your business on track. Pick a neutral setting where the people will talk. Be sure to reward the participants and share the credit for good ideas.− Informal survey -- If you seek feedback from customers by simply asking how was everything? You can be seriously misled. Most people, even those with legitimate complaints, are reluctant to speak out because they are afraid of appearing foolish.对于企业的创造者和提案者而言营销策略是一个谜。
营销策略外国参考文献有哪些1. Eitan, G. (2015). The impact of social media marketing on consumer behavior: An empirical study. Journal of Marketing Communication, 21(3), 219-234.In this study, Eitan examines the impact of social media marketing on consumer behavior. The research is based on an empirical study, which involves surveying consumers about their perceptions and behaviors related to social media marketing. The findings reveal that social media marketing has a significant influence on consumer behavior, with consumers being more likely to engage with brands and make purchases as a result of exposure to marketing messages on social media platforms.2. Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.This book, written by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, provides a comprehensive overview of marketing management. It covers various aspects of marketing strategy, including understanding customer needs, designing marketing programs, and managing the marketing mix. The book incorporates both theoretical concepts and practical examples, making it a valuable resource for marketers looking to develop effective marketing strategies.3. Gupta, S., & Lambkin, M. (2018). Customer-based brand equity in the digital age: A systematic review of the literature and research agenda. Journal of Marketing Management, 34(5-6), 438-464.Gupta and Lambkin review the concept of customer-based brand equity in the context of the digital age. Through a systematic review of existing literature, they identify key dimensions of brand equity that are important in the digital era, such as brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand associations. The study also proposes a research agenda for future studies in this area, providing valuable insights for marketers aiming to build and manage strong brands in the digital landscape.4. Auh, S., & Johnson, M. D. (2005). Compatibility effects in evaluations of satisfaction and loyalty. Journal of Economic Psychology, 26(1), 35-57.Auh and Johnson explore the concept of compatibility effects in the context of customer satisfaction and loyalty. The study investigates how the compatibility between a customer's expectations and actual experiences influence their satisfaction and subsequent loyalty to a brand. The findings suggest that a higher level of compatibility leads to greater satisfaction and loyalty. This research has important implications for marketers seeking to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty through aligning their offerings with customer expectations.5. Chaffey, D., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019). Digital marketing: Strategy, implementation and practice (7th ed.). Harlow, England: Pearson.In this book, Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick provide a comprehensive guide to digital marketing strategy, implementation, and practice.The book covers various digital marketing channels, such as search engine marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and mobile marketing. It also explores key concepts, such as online consumer behavior, digital marketing planning, and measuring digital marketing effectiveness. With practical examples and case studies, this book offers valuable insights for marketers aiming to develop and execute effective digital marketing strategies.。
关于营销策略的外文文献Marketing StrategyA marketing strategy is a plan of action designed to promote and sell a product or service. It involves identifying the target market, understanding customer needs and wants, and developing a unique value proposition that sets the product or service apart from competitors.One key aspect of a marketing strategy is market segmentation. This involves dividing the target market into distinct groups based on demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics. By understanding the different needs and preferences of these segments, a company can tailor its marketing efforts to effectively reach and appeal to each group.Another important element of a marketing strategy is positioning. This refers to how a company wants its product or service to be perceived in the minds of consumers relative to competitors. By differentiating the product or service through unique features, benefits, or pricing, a company can create a favorable position in the market and attract target customers.The marketing mix is another component of a marketing strategy. This refers to the combination of product, price, place, and promotion that a company uses to market its product or service. The product refers to the actual offering, including its features, design, quality, and branding. The price relates to the pricing strategy and how much customers are willing to pay for the product. The place refers to the distribution channels used todeliver the product to customers, while promotion encompasses the various marketing communications tools used to create awareness and generate sales.A successful marketing strategy also involves setting clear objectives and metrics to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts. This may include goals such as increasing market share, expanding into new markets, or improving customer satisfaction. By regularly evaluating and adjusting the marketing strategy based on these metrics, a company can ensure that its marketing efforts are aligned with its overall business objectives.In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in shaping marketing strategies. Companies can leverage social media, search engine optimization, and data analytics to better understand customer behavior and preferences. Additionally, personalized marketing strategies can be developed based on the data collected from customer interactions, allowing companies to deliver targeted messages and offers to individual customers.In conclusion, a marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan that encompasses market segmentation, positioning, the marketing mix, and the measurement of outcomes. By carefully crafting and executing a marketing strategy, companies can effectively reach and engage their target market, differentiate themselves from competitors, and ultimately achieve their business objectives.。
外文文献A marketer’s guide to behavioral economicsApirl.2010 • Ned Welch • McKinsey QuarterlyMarketers have been applying behavioral economics-often unknowingly for years. A more systematic approach can unlock significant value.Long before behavioral eco nomics had a name, marketers were using it. “Three for the price of two” offers and extended-payment layaway plans became widespread because they worked—not because marketers had run scientific studies showing that people prefer a supposedly free incentive to an equivalent price discount or that people often behave irrationally when thinking about future consequences. Yet despite marketing’s inadvertent leadership in using principles of behavioral economics, few companies use them in a systematic way. In this article, we highlight four practical techniques that should be part of every marketer’s tool kit.1. Make a product’s cost less painfulIn almost every purchasing decision, consumers have the option to do nothing: they can always save their money for an other day. That’s why the marketer’s task is not just to beat competitors but also to persuade shoppers to part with their money in the first place. According to economic principle, the pain of payment should be identical for every dollar we spend. In marketing practice, however, many factors influence the way consumers value a dollar and how much pain they feel upon spending it.Retailers know that allowing consumers to delay payment can dramatically increase their willingness to buy. One reason delayed payments work is perfectly logical: the time value of money makes future payments less costly than immediate ones. But there is a second, less rational basis for this phenomenon. Payments, like all losses, are viscerally unpleasant. But emotions experienced in the present—now—are especially important. Even small delays in payment can soften the immediate sting of parting with your money and remove an important barrier to purchase.Another way to minimize the pain of payment is to understand the ways “mental a ccounting” affects decision making. Consumers use different mental accounts for money they obtain from different sources rather than treating every dollar they own equally, as economists believe they do, or should. Commonly observed mental accounts include windfall gains, pocket money, income, and savings. Windfall gains and pocket money are usually the easiest for consumers to spend. Income is less easy to relinquish, and savings the most difficult of all.Technology creates new frontiers for harnessing mental accounting to benefit both consumers and marketers. A credit card marketer, for instance, could offer a Web-based or mobile-device application that gives consumers real-time feedback on spending against predefined budget and revenue categories—green, say, for below budget, red for above budget, and so on. The budget-conscious consumer is likely to find value in such accounts (although they are not strictly rational) and to concentrate spending on a card that makes use of them. This would not only incre ase the issuer’s interchange fees andfinancing income but also improve the issuer’s view of its customers’ overall financial situation. Finally, of course, such an application would make a genuine contribution to these consumers’ desire to live within the ir means.2. Harness the power of a default optionThe evidence is overwhelming that presenting one option as a default increases the chance it will be chosen. Defaults—what you get if you don’t actively make a choice—work partly by instilling a perception of ownership before any purchase takes place, because the pleasure we derive from gains is less intense than the pain from equivalent losses. When we’re “given” something by default, it becomes more valued than it would have been otherwise—and we are more loath to part with it.Savvy marketers can harness these principles. An Italian telecom company, for example, increased the acceptance rate of an offer made to customers when they called to cancel their service. Originally, a script informed them that they would receive 100 free calls if they kept their plan. The script was reworded to say, “We have already credited your account with 100 calls—how could you use those?” Many customers did not want to give up free talk time they felt they already owned.Defaults work best when decision makers are too indifferent, confused, or conflicted to consider their options. That principle is particularly relevant in a world that’s increasingly awash with choices—a default eliminates the need to make a decision. The default, however, must also be a good choice for most people. Attempting to mislead customers will ultimately backfire by breeding distrust.3. Don’t overwhelm consumers with choiceWhen a default option isn’t possible, marketers must be wary of generating “ch oice overload,” which makes consumers less likely to purchase. In a classic field experiment, some grocery store shoppers were offered the chance to taste a selection of 24 jams, while others were offered only 6. The greater variety drew more shoppers to sample the jams, but few made a purchase. By contrast, although fewer consumers stopped to taste the 6 jams on offer, sales from this group were more than five times higher.Large in-store assortments work against marketers in at least two ways. First, these choices make consumers work harder to find their preferred option, a potential barrier to purchase. Second, large assortments increase the likelihood that each choice will become imbued with a “negative halo”—a heightened awareness that every option requires you to forgo desirable features available in some other product. Reducing the number of options makes people likelier not only to reach a decision but also to feel more satisfied with their choice.4. Position your preferred option carefullyEconomists assume that everything has a price: your willingness to pay may be higher than mine, but each of us has a maximum price we’d be willing to pay. How marketers position a product, though, can change the equation. Consider the experience of the jewelry sto re owner whose consignment of turquoise jewelry wasn’t selling. Displaying it more prominently didn’t achieve anything, nor did increased efforts by her sales staff. Exasperated, she gave her sales manager instructions to mark the lot down “x½” and departed on a buying trip. On her return, she found that the manager misread the note and had mistakenly doubled the price of the items—and sold the lot.2 In this case,shoppers almost certainly didn’t base their purchases on an absolute maximum price. Instead, t hey made inferences from the price about the jewelry’s quality, which generated a context-specific willingness to pay.The power of this kind of relative positioning explains why marketers sometimes benefit from offering a few clearly inferior options. Eve n if they don’t sell, they may increase sales of slightly better products the store really wants to move. Similarly, many restaurants find that the second-most-expensive bottle of wine is very popular—and so is the second-cheapest. Customers who buy the former feel they are getting something special but not going over the top. Those who buy the latter feel they are getting a bargain but not being cheap. Sony found the same thing with headphones: consumers buy them at a given price if there is a more expensive option—but not if they are the most expensive option on offer.Another way to position choices relates not to the products a company offers but to the way it displays them. Our research suggests, for instance, that ice cream shoppers in grocery stores look at the brand first, flavor second, and price last. Organizing supermarket aisles according to way consumers prefer to buy specific products makes customers both happier and less likely to base their purchase decisions on price—allowing retailers to sell higher-priced, higher-margin products. (This explains why aisles are rarely organized by price.) For thermostats, by contrast, people generally start with price, then function, and finally brand. The merchandise layout should therefore be quite different.Marketers have long been aware that irrationality helps shape consumer behavior. Behavioral economics can make that irrationality more predictable. Understanding exactly how small changes to the details of an offer can influence the way people react to it is crucial to unlocking significant value—often at very low cost.不可或缺的营销四技巧多年来,营销商一直在运用行为经济学,但往往是不自觉地运用。
Marketing StrategyMarket Segmentation and Target StrategyA market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets.Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-market strategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency.The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiple segment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, a company still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entails selecting two or more segments and developing a separate marketing mix to reach segment.Positioning the ProductManagement's ability to bring attention to a product and to differentiate it in a favorable way from similar products goes a long way toward determining that product's revenues.Thus management needs to engage in positioning,which means developing the image that a product projects in relation to competitive products and to the firm's other products.Marketing executives can choose from a variety of positioning strategies.Sometimes they decide to use more than one for a particular product.Here are several major positioning strategies:1.Positioning in Relation to a competitorFor some products,the best position is directly against the competition.This strategy is especially suitable for a firm that already has a solid differential advantage or is trying to solidify such an advantage.To fend off rival markers of microprocessors,Intel unched a campaign to convince buyers that its product issuperior to competitors.The company even paid computer makers to include the slogan,"Intel Inside" in their ads.As the market leader,Coca-Cola introduces new products and executes its marketing strategies.At the same time,it keeps an eye on Pepsi-Cola,being sure to match any clever,effective marketing moves made by its primary competitor.2.Positioning in Relation to a Product Class or AttributeSometimes a company's positioning strategy entails associating its product with(or distancing it from)a product class or attributes.Some companies try to place their products in a desirable class,such as"Made in the USA."In the words of one consultant,"There is a strong emotional appeal when you say,'Made in the USA'".Thus a small sportswear manufacturer,Boston Preparatory Co.is using this positioning strategy to seek an edge over large competitors such as Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger,which don't produce all of their products in the U.S..3.Positioning by Price and QualityCertain producer and retailers are known for their high-quality products and high prices.In the retailing field,Sake Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus are positioned at one end of the price-quality continuum.Discount stores such as Target and Kmart are at the other.We're not saying,however,that discounters ignore quality;rather, they stress low prices.Penney's tired—and for the most part succeeded in—repositioning its stores on the price-quality continuum by upgrading apparel lines and stressing designer names.The word brands is comprehensive;it encompasses other narrower terms.A brand is a name and/or mark intended to identify the product of one seller or group of sellers and differentiate the product from competing products.A brand name consists of words,letters,and/or numbers that can be vocalized.A brand mark is the part of the brand that appears in the form of a symbol, design,or distinctive color or lettering.A brand mark is recognized buy sight bu cannot be expressed when a person pronounces the brand name.Crest,Coors,and rider for Ralph Lauren's Polo Brand.Green Giant(canned and frozen vegetable products)and Arm&Hammer(baking soda)are both brand names and brand marks.A trademark is a brand that has been adopted by a seller and given legal protection.A trademark includes not just the brand mark,as many people believe,but also the brand name.The Lanham Act of 1946 permits firms to register trademarks with the federal government to protect them from use or misuse by othercompanies.The Trademark Law Revision Act,which took effect in 1989,is tended to strengthen the the registration system to the benefit of U.S. Firms.For sellers,brands can be promoted.They are easily recognized when displayed in a store or included in advertising.Branding reduces price comparisons.Because brands are another factor that needs to be considered in comparing different products,branding reduces the likelihood of purchase decision based solely on price.The reputation of a brand also influences customer loyalty among buyers of services as well as customer goods.Finally,branding can differentiate commodities(Sunkist oranges,Morton salt,and Domino sugar,for example).PricingPricing is a dynamic process,Companies design a pricing structure that covers all their products.They change this structure over time and adjust it to account for different customers and situations.Pricing strategies usually change as a product passes through its life cycle.Marketers face important choice when they select new product pricing strategies.The company can decide on one of several price-quality strategies for introducing an imitative product.In pricing innovative products,it can practice market-skimming pricing by initially setting high prices to"skim"the maximum amount of revenue from various segments of the market.Or it can use market penetration pricing by setting a low initial price to win a large market share.Companies apply a variety of price-adjustment strategies to account for differences in consumer segments and situations.One is discount and allowance pricing,whereby the company decides on quantity,functional,or seasonal discounts,or varying types of allowances. A second strategy is segmented pricing, where the company sellers a product at two or more prices to allow for differences in customers, products, or locations. Sometimes companies consider more than economics in their pricing decisions,and use psychological pricing to communicate about the product's quality or value.In promotional pricing,companies temporarily sell their product bellow list price as a special-event to draw more customers,sometimes even selling below cost.With value pricing, the company offers just the night combination of quality and good service at a fair price. Another approach is geographical pricing, whereby the company decides how to price distant customers, choosing from alternative as FOB pricing,uniform delivered pricing, zone pricing, basing-point pricing, and freight-absorption pricing. Finally, international pricing means that thecompany adjusts its price to meet different world markets.Distribution ChannelsMost producers use intermediaries to bring their products to market.They try to forge a distribution channel—a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of marking a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumers or business user.Why do producers give some of the selling job to intermediaries?After all,doing so means giving up some control over how and to whom the products are sold.The use of intermediaries results from their greater efficiency in marking goods available to target markets.Through their contacts, experience, specialization, and scales of operation,intermediaries usually offer the firm move value than it can achieve on its own efforts.A distribution channel moves goods from producers to customers.It overcomes the major time, place, and possession gaps that separate goods and services from those who would use them. Members of the marketing channel perform many functions. Some help to complete transactions:rmation.2.Promotion.3.Contact:finding and communicating with prospective buyers.4.Matching:fitting the offer to the buyer's needs, including such activities as manufacturing and packaging.5.Negotiation:reaching an agreement on price and other terms of the offer so that ownership or possession can be transferred.Other help to fulfill the completed transferred.1.Transporting and storing goods.2.Financing.3.Risk taking:assuming the risk of carrying out the channel work.The question is not whether these functions need to be performed, but rather who is to perform them. All the functions have three things in common:They use up scarce resource, they often can be performed better through specialization, and they can be shifted among channel members.To the extent that the manufacturer performs these functions, its costs go up and its prices have to be higher. At the same time, when some of these functions are shifted to intermediaries, the producer's costs and prices may be lower, but the intermediaries must charge more to cover the costs of their work. In dividingthe work of the channel, the various functions should be assigned to the channel members who can perform them most efficiently and effectively to provide satisfactory assortments of goods to target consumers.Distribution channels can be described by the number of channel levels involved. Each layer of marketing intermediaries that performs some work in brining the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer is a channel level. Because the producer and the final consumer both perform some work, they are part of every channel.When selecting intermediaries, the company should determine what characteristics distinguish the better ones. It will want to evaluate the the channel member's years in business, other lines carried, growth and profit record, co-operativeness, and reputation. If the intermediaries are sales agents, the company will want to evaluate the number and character of the other lines carried, and the size and quality of the sales force. If the intermediary is a retail store that wants exclusive or selective distribution, the company will want to evaluate the store's customers, location, and future growth potential.Understanding the nature of distribution channels is important, as choosing among distribution channels is one of the most challenging decisions facing the firm. Marketing intermediaries are used because they provide greater efficiency in marking goods available to target markets. The key distribution channel function is moving goods from producers to consumers by helping to complete transactions and fulfill the completed transaction. Distribution channels can be described by the number of channel levels, which can include no intermediaries in a direct channel, or one to several intermediaries in indirect channels.PromotionPromotion is one of the four major elements of the company's marketing mix. The main promotion tools——advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling——work together to achieve the company's communications objectives.People at all levels of the organization must be aware of the many legal and ethical issues surrounding marketing communications. Much work is required to produce socially responsible marketing communicating in advertising, personal selling, and direct selling. Companies must work hard and proactively at communicating openly, honestly, and agreeably with their customers and resellers.市场营销策略一、市场细分和目标市场策略具有需求,具有购买能力并愿意花销的个体或组织构成了市场。
国际营销英文版 18
![国际营销英文版 18](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b94099c5b8d528ea81c758f5f61fb7360b4c2b1d.png)
国际营销英文版 18IntroductionInternational marketing is the process of promoting and selling products or services in other countries, outside of the company’s domestic market. It requires a deep understanding of the global business environment, cultural differences, and effective marketing strategies to succeed. In this document, we will discuss various aspects of international marketing.Understanding the Global Business EnvironmentTo be successful in international marketing, it is crucial to have a good understanding of the global business environment. This includes understanding the political, economic, legal, and cultural aspects of the countries in which you plan to operate.Political FactorsPolitical factors, such as government regulations and policies, can greatly impact international marketing efforts. For example, trade agreements and tariffs can affect the cost of importing or exporting goods. It is important to stay up-to-date on the political situation in target markets to anticipate potential risks and opportunities.Economic FactorsEconomic factors, such as exchange rates, inflation rates, and GDP growth, also play a significant role in international marketing. These factors can impact the purchasing power ofconsumers and the affordability of products or services. Conducting thorough market research and understanding economic trends is important for successful international marketing campaigns.Legal FactorsLegal factors, such as intellectual property laws, product regulations, and labor laws, vary across countries. It is crucial to understand and comply with local laws and regulations to avoid legal issues that may hamper international marketing efforts.Cultural FactorsCultural factors are perhaps the most important aspect of international marketing. Cultural differences across countries can significantly impact consumer preferences, behavior, and buying habits. Adapting marketing strategies to these cultural nuances is vital for success. This includes considering language differences, customs, traditions, and even holidays and festivals.Developing an International Marketing StrategyDeveloping an effective international marketing strategy involves careful planning and consideration of various factors.Market SegmentationMarket segmentation is the process of dividing a target market into smaller, more specific segments based on similar characteristics or needs. Effective market segmentation allowsmarketers to create tailored marketing strategies that resonate with different customer groups. This approach is especially important in international marketing, considering the diverse mix of cultures, languages, and preferences.Product AdaptationAdapting products or services to suit the needs and preferences of international markets is crucial for success. This may include making modifications to packaging, branding, features, or even creating entirely new products. Conducting market research and understanding customer preferences and expectations is essential for effective product adaptation.Pricing StrategiesPricing strategies need to consider factors such as local market conditions, competition, and local purchasing power. For example, pricing a product the same way in multiple countries may not be effective if the local market can’t afford it. Developing flexible pricing strategies that are tailored to each market is essential for success in international marketing.Promotional StrategiesPromotional strategies in international marketing may differ from those used in domestic markets. It is important to consider cultural differences, local advertising regulations, and the effectiveness of various promotional channels. For example, social media advertising may be more effective in some countries, while traditional print media may still dominate in others.Distribution ChannelsChoosing the right distribution channels is crucial for international marketing success. Factors such as transportation infrastructure, customs regulations, and buyer preferences should be considered when deciding on distribution methods. This may involve partnering with local distributors or setting up direct sales operations in target markets.ConclusionInternational marketing requires a deep understanding of the global business environment, cultural differences, and effective marketing strategies. By considering political, economic, legal, and cultural factors, developing tailored strategies, and adapting products and services to suit international markets, companies can achieve success in their international marketing efforts. It is important to continually monitor and adapt marketing strategies based on market trends and changes in the global business environment to stay competitive in the international arena.Note: This document was written in Markdown format.。
营销分析外文文献以下是一篇关于营销分析的外文文献,共计1200字以上:Introduction:Importance of Marketing Analysis:1. Market Segmentation:Market segmentation involves dividing the target market into distinct groups based on demographic, psychographic, geographic, or behavioral characteristics. This helps businesses understand the diverse needs and preferences of different segments, allowing for targeted marketing strategies.2. Target Market Identification:Once the market is segmented, businesses need to identify the segments that offer the greatest potential and align with their offerings. This involves evaluating the size, growth rate, profitability, and accessibility of each segment to determine the target market.4. Customer Analysis:Customer analysis focuses on understanding the needs, preferences, buying behavior, and satisfaction levels of customers. This is done through surveys, focus groups, and studying customer feedback and reviews.5. Marketing Mix Analysis:Methods of Marketing Analysis:1. Surveys:Surveys involve collecting data from a large sample of respondents through questionnaires or interviews. This method provides quantitative data that can be statistically analyzed to identify trends and patterns.2. Interviews:Interviews involve one-on-one or group discussions with individuals to gather qualitative data and insights. This method allows for in-depth exploration of customer opinions, experiences, and motivations.3. Observational Research:Observational research involves observing and recording consumer behavior in natural settings. This method provides valuable insights into actual consumer behavior and can be particularly useful in understanding decision-making processes.4. Experiments:Experiments involve manipulating variables to test hypotheses and assess cause-and-effect relationships. This method allows businesses to test the impact of different marketing strategies and elements.5. Data Mining:Data mining involves analyzing large datasets to discover patterns and relationships. This method utilizes advanced statistical and machine learning techniques to extract insights from vast amounts of data.Challenges in Marketing Analysis:Conclusion:。
营销策略 外文文献
![营销策略 外文文献](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/beaa92dcb8d528ea81c758f5f61fb7360a4c2b68.png)
营销策略外文文献"Developing Effective Marketing Strategies in Today's Competitive Landscape"In today's highly competitive business environment, developing effective marketing strategies is crucial for businesses to stand out and attract customers. With the constant evolution of technology and consumer preferences, organizations must constantly adapt and innovate their marketing approaches to stay relevant and successful.One key aspect of developing effective marketing strategies is understanding the target audience. By conducting market research and analyzing consumer behavior, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers' needs, preferences, and purchasing habits. This information can then be used to tailor marketing campaigns and messages that resonate with the target audience, increasing the likelihood of capturing their attention and driving sales.Another important component of successful marketing strategies is choosing the right channels to reach and engage with potential customers. With the rise of digital marketing, businesses have a multitude of options at their disposal, including social media, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, and search engine optimization. It is essential for businesses to carefully select the most relevant and effective channels for their target audience, and to create compelling and engaging content that will capture attention and drive action.Furthermore, building brand awareness and loyalty is critical forlong-term success. Creating a strong and recognizable brand identity, and consistently delivering on promises and values, can help businesses build trust and loyalty with their customers. This can be achieved through effective branding, storytelling, and customer service, which help to create a positive and memorable experience for consumers, encouraging repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.Lastly, measuring and analyzing the effectiveness of marketing strategies is essential for continuous improvement. By tracking key performance indicators and adjusting strategies based on real-time data and feedback, businesses can ensure that their marketing efforts are delivering the desired results and staying ahead of the competition.In conclusion, developing effective marketing strategies requires a deep understanding of the target audience, the selection of the right channels, the building of brand awareness and loyalty, and the continuous measurement and improvement of efforts. By implementing these core principles, businesses can position themselves for success in today's competitive landscape.。
英文营销作文素材英文回答:As a marketer, I've learned the importance of understanding and leveraging different languages to effectively reach target audiences. English is the global language of business, but it's not always the native language of my potential customers. By tailoring my marketing messages to specific languages, I can increase engagement, build stronger relationships, and drive more conversions.For example, when I was working on a marketing campaign for a new product launch, I realized that a significant portion of our target audience spoke Spanish. To ensure our message resonated with them, we translated all of our marketing materials into Spanish and incorporatedculturally relevant imagery. The result was a campaign that generated higher engagement and led to a significant increase in sales among the Spanish-speaking population.中文回答:作为一名营销人员,我深知了解和利用不同语言的重要性,以便有效地接触目标受众。
奢侈品品牌企业国际化营销外文文献翻译译文3000多字XXX luxury firms in China。
with a focus on the role of design and marketing capabilities。
Before delving into the specifics。
the author provides a brief overview of XXX.2.Luxury market in China: current state and future prospectsThe luxury market in China has XXX。
XXX and services in the future。
The author highlights the importance of understanding the unique characteristics of the Chinese market and XXX.3.XXXXXX in China。
The author argues that firms with strong design XXX.4.XXXXXX in China。
The author emphasizes the XXX Chinese consumers and their preferences。
as well as building strong XXX.5.Case XXXXXX the Chinese market through effective design and XXX.6.n: the XXXIn n。
the author emphasizes the critical role of design and XXX in the Chinese market。
XXX.Emerging markets are known for their high level of entrepreneurship。
文献出处:Maria E, et al. Internationalization strategies of luxury firms in China: the role of design and marketing capabilities[J]. Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche" Marco Fanno", 2013,15(6):35-41.外文原文Internationalization strategies of luxury firms in China:the role of design and marketing capabilitiesMaria E1. Business internationalization in emerging markets: theoretical premisesEmerging markets are characterized by high level of entrepreneurship, where scholars observed the rise of a new wave of firms able to affirm their business proposal at the international levels. Those “emerging giants” as defined by Khanna and Palepu (2006) are firms born and developed in the specific institutional context of the emerging markets that are able to compete globally. Compared to Western countries, such firms benefit from a higher knowledge about the structural characteristics of the emerging markets in which they are based and can capitalize on them to define their value propositions. EMs have been described in fact as very different from the traditional advanced markets due to their peculiar institutional, cultural as well as consumer behavior characteristics. Moreover, they also show internal differences and therefore a product, process or organizational solution developed for one country may not necessarily be replicated in another one. Hence, firms interested in addressing those markets have to cope with high uncertainty that requires a proactive firm‟s approach toward internationalization and dynamic capabilities to face a dynamic competitive environment (Teece et al., 1997). Furthermore, the complexity of these EMs is increased by the high geographical, cultural and institutional distance of these areas from the domestic markets, where Western companies are used to operate (Meyer et al., 2009). Hence, the marked differences between EMs and advanced economies often force Western firms todevelop new strategies and capabilities (Arnold and Quelch, 1998).2. Firm‟s capabilities and international ization strategies of luxury firms: open issues in ChinaResearch focused on luxury brands (e.g. Fionda and Moore, 2009) has in fact specifically highlighted how it is important for luxury firm‟s performance to develop an integrated global brand identity, by leveraging on communication and retail to reinforce the message. On the one hand luxury firms invest in creating customer experience during the product use and in the purchasing process. On the other hand, customers collaborate to co-create the meanings related to brands (Tynan et al., 2010). The role of design in nurturing the exclusivity and experience for luxury products is specifically important (e.g. Ravasi and Lojacono, 2005).From an internationalization point of view, Swan et al. 2005 showed that robust design capabilities can sustain the development of global products, not only from a technological or functional, but also aesthetical perspective (global brands). As a fundamental element of design and marketing, aesthetic is able to differentiate the product and to create intangible value for customers. According to Swan et al. (2005) research, firm‟s robust aesthetic capabilities are not negatively correlated with speed-to-market in high-uncertainty environments, such as those characterizing emerging markets. Nevertheless, the firm with robust design capabilities is more ready to eventually balance the trade-off between standardization and adaptation (flexible products tailed also for smaller customer niches).Moore et al. (2010) analyzed internationalization strategies of 12 luxury companies by focusing on flagship stores as a market entry method. Luxury companies conceive international flagship stores differently from other stores in terms of scale, design, location, set-up and operating costs: flagship stores represent the brand identity and the world proposed by the company and the locations are selected not only to generate turnover, but also for prestigious goals. While the international sale networks has managed also through department stores and boutiques, luxury companies have to enter into new markets through direct investments for strategic reasons (Moore et al., 2010). Shanghai and Beijing are mentioned among the most important locations in emerging markets.First studies on luxury in China (e.g. Saviolo, 2006) have pointed out how luxury firmsapproached the Chinese. Firms such as Louis Vuitton or ErmenegildoZegna that invested inChina at the beginning of the …90s has settled the trends for other luxury companies, i.e. building the brand through localization. However, recent studies have depicted the growing internal variety of the Chinese luxury market, where Chinese customers approach luxury products with very different attitudes. According to Zhan and He (2011) China‟s luxury consumption is about 25% of the global share, transforming China in the second market for global luxury products, after Japan. More important, not only the upper class but also China‟s middle-class consumers are becoming important targets for luxury. In his book on Chinese luxury consumer behavior, Xiao Lu (2008) identified four segments of customers based on psychographic segmentation approach (luxury intellectuals, lovers, followers and laggards).According to this research it emerges how it is fragmented and dynamic also the luxury niche, usually approached by firms through a global approach as stated before. Moreover, we can observe also the rise of Chinese offering in the luxury market, such as in the case of the company Shanghai Tang – founded in 1994 by David tang and acquired in 1998 by Richmont, the Swiss luxury group – aiming at rejuvenate the Chinese fashion.On the one hand, design and marketing capabilities are crucial for luxury markets, but on the other hand they are also relevant for approaching emerging markets. Coupling those perspectives, in the case of dynamic and uncertain markets such as China, the firm has to develop dynamic capabilities (Teece et al., 1997) to approach those markets and the need of adaptation of the marketing variables (i.e. products) can involve also global luxury firms.In our view robust design and marketing capabilities of a luxury firm positively influence the performance in the Chinese market and may offer the opportunity for an adaptation of the global strategy at the national – Chinese – level even in the case of luxury offering.3. Entering and managing the luxury Chinese market: the Bisazza case studyIn order to confirm this position we explore the role of design and marketing capabilities though the analysis of the case study of an Italian company – Bisazza – specializing in luxury home products.Founded in 1956 in a small town in the Vicenza province (Alte – Montecchio Maggiore, inthe North East part of Italy), Bisazza is now a global leader in the production of glass mosaic and high-quality covering for private and public buildings. Bisazza distinguishes itself because of its orientation to the culture of design-based products and its international vocation, by transforming its products into luxury ones (Di Maria and Paiola, 2012).Bisazza strategy is oriented to position its offering on fashion and luxury, through an upgrading process that involve design and culture as key assets of the new brand strategy. Bisazza, in fact, developed collaboration with an international network of designers that reinvent the product, followed by a direct investment in internal design competences with the Bisazza Design Studio. Based on the mix of aesthetics, distribution and interaction with opinion leaders, as well as co-marketing, Bisazza wants to offer a memorable experience totheir customers, interested in buying an atmosphere and quality of living instead of a simple product. Bisazza invested in commercial sales networks, also participating in the most famous design fairs.The Chinese market is particularly interesting for Bisazza not only because of its growth of demand for luxury products, but also for cultural reasons. Compared to other luxury products, there is a long tradition of mosaic in China for building covering and Bizazza has been favoured from this point of view. Hence, Bisazza did not face particular problems related to the cultural distance that may affect other Western products in emerging markets. Even if there are Chinese mosaic producers, they offer cheaper products not conceived for luxury and hence Bisazza did not face intense competition in its target market.However, this process of selection has faced higher difficulties compared to other foreign markets Bisazza was used to address. At the beginning local dealers were contacted through Bisazza‟s fair participation and market research of Bisazza area managers. Despite this initial effort, only through a targeted communication strategy oriented to present the product characteristics and peculiarities Bisazza was able to skim within possible dealers. In fact, interested Chinese dealers reacted to communication inputs by offering their collaboration to Bisazza and signal their intention to distribute such a luxury product in the Chinese market.Bisazza have in fact heavily invested in communicating the Made-in-Italy origin of the product, by leveraging the country-of-origin positive effect that Italy has in the Chinese market and worldwide (Aiello et al., 2009). Marketing effort was addressed to augment the visibility of the brand through the management of relationships with key opinion leaders and influences in the Chinese market based in selected cities. In few years Bisazza has been able to increase its market share in China, by controlling directly the distribution channel (stores located in Chinese first and second-tier cities).Initially, the Chinese customers have accepted the Bisazza product, offered as in other countries, since they appreciate its innovativeness as design-driven mosaic product (not just covering, but also a way to create experience in luxury home). After a first period of market expansion based on communication of global brand and direct sales management, Bisazza perceived the need to change its offering in order to cope with the opportunities of the Chinese market. While on the one hand, Bisazza had in its product portfolio a mosaic inspired to China (“China Birds”) before its entrance into China, on the other hand, the company perceived new market chances interacting with Chinese designers and local architects for specific projects. By leveraging on its design capabilities Bisazza started to develop tailored offering conceived for the Chinese market, in addition to the standard collection “prêt-àporter”.4. Implications and future researchThe Bisazza case study shows how the peculiarities of the Chinese market can shape the internationalization strategy of luxury companies. On the one hand, by leveraging on its marketing capabilities related to communication and distribution management Bisazza has been able to rapidly enter into the Chinese market and modify the customers‟ perception of the product. On the other hand, the robust design capabilities of the firm – in terms of Bisazza design studio as well as its experience to manage international networks of designers (and projects) –support the company in exploiting new opportunities offered by the Chinese market. Based on the interaction with Chinese designers Bisazza understood the potentialities of offering bespoke products to Chinese customers, overcoming the global approach proposedin other international markets.In our study those two sets of capabilities emerge as important in order to balance the advantages of global strategy in the luxury industry with the adaptation to the Chinese peculiarities as emerging market. Firms with robust design capabilities – in terms of internal competences and design network management –can face specific requests related to emerging markets.At the same time, firm‟s capabilities to launch and manage global brands support firm‟s entrance in difficult markets such as the Chinese one. However, this process of adaptation requires dynamic capabilities since it has to be managed by maintaining the coherence with the company‟s global brand identity – as one of the assets of luxury companies. Limits of this study relate to the initial stage of our empirical analysis, based on a single case study presented. Further research should explore multiple case studies and compare different industry specialization to consider the trade-off between global strategies and adaptations in the Chinese market for global companies.译文奢侈品企业国际化营销战略玛利亚1新兴市场中的国际化经营: 理论前提新兴市场的特点之一就是高水平的企业家精神,专家学者们都观察到了新一波公司的崛起,这些公司的商业计划书都能达到国际水平。
国外家具营销文献Furniture is an essential part of any household and plays a significant role in the overall aesthetics and functionality of a living space. With the increasing demand for quality and stylish furniture globally, the furniture industry has witnessed a surge in growth and competition. This has led to an influx of imported furniture from various countries, adding to the diversity and choices available to consumers. In this paper, we will explore the marketing strategies of foreign furniture brands in the global market, with a focus on their entry into new markets, branding, distribution channels, and consumer behavior.Entry into New MarketsThe expansion of foreign furniture brands into new markets is often a strategic move aimed at tapping into the growing demand for high-quality and innovative furniture. This involves thorough market research, understanding consumer preferences, and identifying potential opportunities and challenges. International furniture brands often use market segmentation to target specific customer groups, such as luxury consumers, mid-market consumers, or budget-conscious consumers. This segmentation helps them tailor their products and marketing efforts to meet the diverse needs of different consumer groups.BrandingBranding is a critical aspect of marketing for foreign furniture brands as it helps them differentiate their products from local competitors and create a unique identity in the market. Many international furniture brands focus on building a strong brand image based on quality, design, and innovation. This is often done through a combination of product development, advertising, and promotions to convey a consistent brand message to consumers. Branding also helps in creating a perception of value and status, which enhances the appeal of foreign furniture brands in the eyes of consumers.Distribution ChannelsThe choice of distribution channels is crucial for foreign furniture brands as it directly impacts their reach and sales. Many international furniture brands use a mix of distribution channels, including retail stores, e-commerce platforms, and partnerships with local distributors. These channels help them reach a wider audience and cater to the diverse shopping preferences of consumers. Additionally, some international furniture brands also collaborate with local interior designers and architects to promote their products and gain access to new customer segments.Consumer BehaviorUnderstanding consumer behavior is essential for foreign furniture brands to design effective marketing strategies and products that resonate with their target audience. Consumer behavior is influenced by various factors, such as cultural preferences, lifestyle choices, and purchasing power. International furniture brands often conduct in-depthmarket research and consumer surveys to gain insights into these factors and adapt their product offerings and marketing messages accordingly. This helps them create a strong emotional connection with consumers and build brand loyalty over time.ConclusionIn conclusion, foreign furniture brands employ a range of marketing strategies to expand their presence in the global market. By focusing on market entry, branding, distribution channels, and consumer behavior, they are able to meet the diverse needs of consumers and establish a strong foothold in new markets. As the demand for quality and stylish furniture continues to grow, foreign furniture brands will continue to play a significant role in shaping the global furniture industry.。
营销计划书英文参考文献Marketing Plan: A Comprehensive GuideExecutive Summary:The purpose of this marketing plan is to outline the strategies and tactics that will be employed to promote our company's products and services. This document will provide a roadmap for achieving our marketing objectives and will serve as a reference for our team as we execute our campaigns.Market Analysis:A thorough market analysis has been conducted to identify our target audience, assess the competitive landscape, and evaluate market trends. This analysis has revealed opportunities for growth and areas where we can differentiate ourselves from our competitors.Target Market:Our target market consists of [insert demographic information] who are in need of [insert product/service]. We have identified key segments within this market that are most likely to benefit from our offerings.Product/Service Description:Our [product/service] is designed to [insert benefits and features]. It is unique in the market due to [insert unique selling points]. We are confident that it will meet the needs of our target audience and provide them with significant value.Marketing Objectives:Our primary marketing objectives are to [insert specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals]. These objectives are aligned with our overallbusiness strategy and will be used to measure the success of our marketing efforts.Promotion Strategy:We will employ a multi-channel promotion strategy that includes [insert promotional methods such as digital marketing, social media, email campaigns, events, etc.]. Each method will be tailored to reach our target audienceeffectively and will be supported by a strong brand message.Pricing Strategy:Our pricing strategy is based on [insert pricing strategy, e.g., cost-plus, value-based, competitive pricing, etc.]. We believe that our pricing will be competitive in the marketand will provide a good return on investment for our customers.Distribution Channels:Our products/services will be distributed through [insert distribution channels, e.g., online, retail stores, direct sales, etc.]. We have chosen these channels based on their ability to reach our target market and provide a seamless customer experience.Budget and Timeline:The marketing budget for this plan is [insert budget amount]. This budget will be allocated across various marketing activities as outlined in the plan. The timelinefor executing these activities is [insert timeline].Monitoring and Evaluation:We will monitor the effectiveness of our marketingefforts through [insert methods of evaluation, e.g., sales data, customer feedback, website analytics, etc.]. Regular reviews will be conducted to assess performance and make necessary adjustments to our strategy.Conclusion:This marketing plan is designed to guide our efforts in promoting our products/services to our target market. By following the strategies outlined in this document, we are confident that we will achieve our marketing objectives and contribute to the overall success of our company.References:[Insert any relevant references or sources used in the creation of this marketing plan.]。
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International private enterprises external constraints and the Government Service InnovationAbstract: In the opening to the outside world situation growing, private enterprises can not be separated from the internationalization of the rational power of the Government. This paper analyzes the internationalization of private enterprises of the external constraints, a private enterprise internationalization of innovation need to government services.Keywords: private enterprises of the external factors of international service innovationWith the world economy, increasing globalization, China has become the world's fourth-largest economy, including private enterprises in economic development by increasing the role. Private enterprises are faced with not only the competitiveness of domestic firms and foreign multinational companies are faced with challenges. Therefore, expanding the opening up of the situation, the private enterprises to develop and grow, not only to make use of domestic markets and resources, but also going out to implement the strategy and the internationalization of private enterprises, in a broader competitive environment to meet the challenge. Towards world-class enterprise can not be separated from the support of the Government, the Government should be private enterprise to provide a good environment, strengthening innovation services.International private enterprises external constraintsAt present, the development of private enterprises in China has made great achievements, but our small and medium-sized private enterprises still dominated the majority of private enterprises through the first start of the primitive accumulation period, being the second business, the implementation of international strategy, international operations, enterprises must create a certain degree of accumulation and the capacity and conditions. However, the internationalization of private enterprises of the potential hindering the external environment, so that many companies fall into the plight of the development.(A) financial bottlenecks encounteredAt present, private enterprises, especially those in the survival of small and medium-sized financial institutions from the public it is difficult to obtain adequate financing for development. These enterprises can apply for loans to small, low visibility due to take the way of external financing is very difficult. Most of them only through self-financing and non-formal channels of access to capital financing. High-risk and cost of financing and financial situation of the shortage of channels for private enterprises has seriously hampered the pace of foreign trade, and even lead to business in the international competition of mortality. Small and medium-sized privatefinancing has been difficult for many entrepreneurs and scholars is the focus of attention.(B) a means of macroeconomic management and weak controlWorld experience shows that early investments in overseas enterprises often rely on the Government to promote the policy of a powerful force for success. Although China's government issued a series to promote the internationalization of enterprises to develop business-friendly policies and measures, but because of China's foreign investment is still at the initial stage, matching the policy support system is not yet complementary, business in the overseas investment in all aspects of the lack of government support is often difficult to deal with strong pressure from overseas competitors. In addition, trade management, due to export credit, export tax rebate policy areas such as discrimination, the private enterprises to develop foreign trade have been hampered enthusiasm objectively the impact of the development of its foreign trade. In addition, the external examination and approval system in China remains low efficiency, high-threshold, approval of part of a very complicated, resulting in the loss of overseas investment enterprises a good opportunity, but also caused a great deal of foreign direct investment is not officially sanctioned by the law.In addition, a considerable number of private enterprises drifted away from the government service, science and technology management departments at all levels of government does not control the basic means, can only cope in a passive way, on the one hand, private enterprise policies and the urgent need to understand industry trends, and the other aspects of management of private enterprises to master the basic situation is not, as well as private enterprises and government services, international difficult to form a virtuous circle, hindering the development of private enterprises.(C) The narrow access to informationLarge enterprises or enterprise groups operating on the general risks and traps the international market through various channels and timely access to information, and can effectively resolve and circumvent. However, for SMEs, because of its strength is limited, through the establishment of offices or other non-governmental channels to collect a lot of the limitations of information, leading to corporate ownership information is not adequate, the narrow access to information, to a large extent an increase of private enterprises "going out" of blindness. Moreover, outside of private enterprises to expand means less risk-averse, often become the victims of the international market transactions. Government of Romania, such as by modifying the "entry and residence of foreign residents Ordinance" to stay and lead to a sharp deterioration in business environment, the vast majority of Chinese under attack, and even forced to leave. Another example in Russia, Spain, clothing, many small and medium-sized products that were destroyed or seized, resulting in substantial economic losses.(D) not yet employed a sound social security systemA comprehensive and systematic solution to the social security system are employees of private enterprises to worry about a big problem. The current work in this area is still weak, many private enterprises to social insurance policy a lack of understanding, enterprise operators the corresponding legal obligations is not clear, the agencies do not participate in the social insurance of the owners there is no uniform means of coercive measures and to be constrained thereby increasing the number of people lucky enough to escape the psychological security of the history of coverage refusal. Therefore, only employees of private enterprises to improve the social security system, private enterprise can come into the staff, retain, Well done, in order to stimulate more scientific and technical personnel engaged in private enterprises. Management of private enterprises to international competition faced, but the final analysis, the biggest competition is the "talent" competition. China's private enterprises employed a lower overall level of education, lack of follow-up driving force for development. I investigated some of private enterprises in Zhejiang Province, found that the current management of private enterprises, not only in the lack of high-level operators, in scientific research and quality control team is also a lack of post high professional titles of the implementation of those products and services in production the lack ofhigh-quality first-line for the skilled workers, the all-round, three-dimensional talent gap will be the development of private enterprises to a very adverse impact must be improved.Government services, innovationDevelopment of foreign trade should not only focus on the promotion of exports of large enterprise groups, more attention should be paid to small and medium-sized private enterprises to improve international competitiveness. For the internationalization of private enterprises, the Government must change its functions, the private enterprises "going out" strategy, the innovative service concepts, and to enhance international cooperation, to build a unified, consistent with the laws of the market enterprises "going out" policy to support, for private enterprises development of fair competition order.(A) private enterprises to create a positive international environment for the development of good1. Multi-channel solution to the problem of insufficient funds. The implementation of tax incentives, to provide for the overseas investment of private enterprises can enjoy income tax relief, and its processing products have been imported outside the country, can enjoy certain amount of customs duties, value-added tax concessions to foreign machinery and equipment used in the majority of raw materials duty-free, giving priority to export quotas; the establishment of a policy of internationalization of corporate finance guarantee funds to start such as the export tax rebate loans, accounts receivable, such as export credit loans of the innovative ways; the establishment andimprovement of export credit system, foreign trade development fund to adjust the use of the direction of the establishment of exports and credit growth in the size of the synchronization mechanisms for small and medium-sized private enterprises to expand export production to provide the necessary financial support; the expansion of export credit insurance and the size of the field for private enterprises to provide a full range of business investment and trade policy; multi-funding the establishment of private enterprises venture capital fund or loan guarantee fund; concentration of private enterprises in the region, approved the establishment of private enterprises can be mutual funds; to allow private enterprises, subject to conditions, such as financing through the issuance of bonds for multi-channel solution to private enterprises create the conditions for funding sources.2. To strengthen macro-management overhead. Accelerate the improvement of foreign investment legislation, the reform of foreign trade administration system, in accordance with the requirements of open markets, strengthen the guidance of foreign trade and economic planning, policy guidance, administrative services and supervision of the work, the focus from the work of the Government for approval and management of specific shift for the development of foreign trade and economic development planning and policy, administrative regulations and standardize the operation of up to private enterprises "going out" system to create a good condition. Goods such asreal-time tracking system to speed up the building, vigorously push forward the "electronic port" network engineering, enterprise internationalization provide convenient customs clearance service and thoughtful.Government and private enterprises to enhance communication, strengthen the protection of private property, and in the foreign exchange management, active in the implementation of private enterprises "going out" strategy to provide quality services and policy support, to create a relaxed, uniform rules, policy transparency, consistent with the requirements of the market economy open, fair and just environment. In the capital market access to the private enterprises to "national treatment", the same industry in different ownership enterprises should enjoy the same treatment.Government administration is the regulation and control means necessary for the development of private enterprises and private enterprises can not develop without the statutory and, if necessary, the standardization of management and innovative services with the times. Such as support from the Guangdong Provincial Government established the National Private Enterprise Center, the first complaint the majority of private entrepreneurs has been the sincere welcome.(B) build a positive foreign trade information service system1. The information services provided by the Government as an important component of quality service. To foreign enterprises, projects, capital and the basic situation of a national database as the main contents of which the corresponding private enterprises "going out" system managementservices; perfect "going out" operational statistical system for foreign investment and cooperation projects and related data for dynamic analysis, which promptly adjust the national macro-management policies; play I embassies and consulates in the first-line role in the collection of multi-country laws, regulations and specific business information for the vast number of private enterprises to enter international market opportunities .2. Start Internet works export enterprises. Actively support and guide the private export enterprises access international e-commerce, encourage enterprises to take the path information. Help enterprises to develop and adopt a unified information technology solutions to open up international markets to expand the online transactions. Between domestic and foreign enterprises to speed up large-scale construction of e-commerce trading platform to help enterprises to establish a relatively reliable and stable supply chain trade, enhance access to business information.3. To develop a standardized and effective early warning and emergency disposal mechanism. Small and medium-sized private enterprises in China as a result of access to information often narrow and in foreign countries "against" the actual situation, the Government's protective measures in addition to early warning and timely information, should also help small and medium-sized multi-channel selection of a suitable investment, while for in a certain country or region to invest in the operation of small and medium-sized, but also through our embassies and consulates to provide real-time early warning operational risk information, operational risks in time to resolve.(C) employees of private enterprises and improve the social security systemFor private enterprises "going out", the Government's service innovation is also reflected in the Government should take active measures to update the concept of strengthening the awareness of the small and medium enterprises establish and improve the social security of employees working mechanism to encourage SMEs to strengthen multi-level, multi-form the research cooperation and promote the internationalization of private enterprises to develop in depth.1. Employees of private enterprises to improve the social security system, to promote the flow of talent. To change the social security system of "differential treatment" for "social treatment", to establish equality of rights and obligations for all the idea of shared, standardized social security system, establish and improve the characteristics of Chinese social security system of laws and regulations. To pay special attention to small and medium-sized private enterprises, "insurance" problem of the "escape security" and "history of coverage refusal" of the business owners must take punitive measures. The social security system to increase the publicity, education and guide the whole society every citizen awareness of social security. Social insurance for long in the work of leadership should be the rights of some departments to a relatively concentrated sector, the relevant departments under the coordination ofarrangements, from the financial, audit, health, and civil affairs departments to monitor.2. To enhance the flow of talent-oriented news. Through newspapers, magazines, radio, television and other multi-media coverage of some of the development of private enterprises, give full play to the role of public opinion, promote the flow of talent. The development of social intermediary organizations, recommended by professionals for private enterprises, the introduction of talent. Government functions and departments should actively create conditions for them, and guide private enterprises to establish direct and Universities network employing the "train orders" mode and explore the potential of schools for business services professionals to create a good cycle of renewal of knowledge.3. To encourage private enterprises and institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutes to establish a stable relationship between the scientific and technological cooperation, the joint establishment of various types of scientific research institutions, to conduct joint scientific and technological research of public relations. To encourage and support private enterprises to establish the conditions of high-tech research and development centers, engineering research centers, technology center. Encourage qualified enterprises to set up private technology companies post-doctoral workstations, experimental base doctorate or master's degree. Private S & T to encourage qualified enterprises to actively declare all kinds of national and provincial scientific research and development projects。