Renewable energy-Fuel from biomass

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Renewable energy:Fuel from biomass,production of ethanol from various sustainable sources by fermentation process
Mohd Sameeroddin ⇑,Md Kashif Gohar Deshmukh,Gandamalla Viswa,Mohammed Abdul Sattar
Vardhaman College of Engineering,Hyderabad 501218,India
a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:
Received 1January 2021
Received in revised form 1January 2021Accepted 24January 2021Available online xxxx Keywords:
Renewable energy Biomass Bioethanol Fermentation Environment
a b s t r a c t
Renewable energy (RE),frequently referred to as clean energy,comes from natural processes or sources that are continuously being replenished,such as solar energy,wind energy,biomass and,so on.These sources are limitless unlike fossil fuels,Therefore they can be served as the best alternative to it.In the present paper,an attempt was made to study how the Bioethanol is produced from various plant organic materials,collectively known as Biomass with the help of the Fermentation process.In fermen-tation,microorganisms such as yeast and bacteria metabolize plant sugars and produce ethanol.Basically,any plants that are composed largely of sugars can be used for bioethanol production.Bioethanol is a high Octane fuel which upon blending with gasoline oxygenates fuel mixture and helps it in burning thoroughly,as consequence,reducing carbon monoxide and other smog-causing emissions.It reduces greenhouse gas emissions as biofuels are primarily derived from crops that absorb carbon diox-ide.Hence,it is more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels.Ó2021Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Emerging Trends in Materials Science,Technology and Engineering.
It is high time especially now due to the threat of covid-19that each country developed and maximizes its own clean renewable energy sources.Verily,befitting to become the policy of each state to reduce dependence on imported fuels with due regard on pro-tecting the environment and public health.this paper aims to help the citizens realize the importance of helping save mother earth,how to develop and utilize indigenous renewable and sustainable-sources of clean energy,to mitigate toxically and harmful greenhouse gases emissions and to make sure the avail-ability of renewable sources of energy which does not aim to dis-turb the ecosystem indeed its main aim is to balance the ecosystem and help in saving the nature and environment from the pollution and other damages caused to the ecosystem (Figs.1–3).
There are various sources of Renewable energy such as but not limited to biomass,solar,wind,hydro,geothermal,etc.The energy that is collected from sustainable sources of energy is called renewable energy.All the naturally available sources include dif-ferent energies like solar energy;wind energy using which power can be generated also renewable energy can be employed in differ-ent streams of science and technology [1].
Bioethanol is a renewable fuel that can be used in many appli-cations which are produced by the fermentation process and the feedstocks used in the production of ethanol from sugarcane are readily available [2].
There are different enzymes such as alpha-amylase and glu-coamylase which are used to breakdown the cellulose in sugarcane bagasse.The highest concentration and the purest form of ethanol were obtained at the pH value of 4.5and temperature 35°C which means that these pH value of 4.5and the temperature of 35°C were considered as the optimum parameters for the production of ethanol [3].The demand for the production of ethanol is increas-ing day by day after its various applications in the different streams of science and technology even though Brazil aim to produce bioethanol from sugarcane on large scale for years,this industry is characterized by low energy efficiency,in which large propor-tions of bagasse were produced as fuel in the cogeneration system to supply process energy requirements [4].
The demand for energy and new technologies is increasing day by day by the rapid growth of the population.The major energy sources in every country is from oil,natural gas,coal,etc.which
2214-7853/Ó2021Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Emerging Trends in Materials Science,Technology and Engineering.
⇑Corresponding author.
E-mail address:sameeroddin_16me@ (M.Sameeroddin).
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Please cite this article as:M.Sameeroddin,Md Kashif Gohar Deshmukh,G.Viswa et al.,Renewable energy:Fuel from biomass,production of ethanol from various sustainable sources by fermentation process,Materials Today:Proceedings,https:///10.1016/j.matpr.2021.01.746
are used in several applications of science and technology but the main concern about these conventional fuels is that these are non-renewable sources which means that they cannot be used further after one usage so definitely renewable sources of energy has to be employed in the field of science and technology [5].
As we know bioethanol can be used as fuel in the replacement of conventional gasoline the Colombian government has defined the use of bioethanol as a gasoline enhancer which not only reduces the pollution,greenhouse effect but also boots the rural economy [6].The term bio-refinery determines two main subjects and bio-energy which play a major role in the bio based society.Bio-refineries contribute in different ways to the reduction of pollution and also focus on the importance of the bio-based society [7].
One of the focal objectives of the use of bio-fuel is the replace-ment of fossil fuels which contribute to the greenhouse effect and pollution.But the effective replacement of fossil fuels depends on the way how the bio-fuels are produced because all the processing technologies of bio-fuel use fossil resources directly or indirectly [8].Production of ethanol from sugarcane not only benefit the environment but also in the growth of the rural economy which is the main source in brazil as well,by the Production of sugar
and ethanol for the markets apart from these the bagasse which is the leftover product in the ethanol process it can also be used in the production of thermal and electric energy [9].When the bio-ethanol is produced on large scale from the sugarcane follow-ing the fermentation process the leftover product called as bagasse should also be preserved and use it since it is very useful in the production of thermal and electric energy [10].1.1.Literature review
In countries like the Philippines,they are already using biofuels.Oil companies are mandated to sell their products with a mixture or blended ethanol of at least 10%for motor vehicles.In that way,air pollution will be lessened and likewise helping local farmers to have a livelihood.The commercial production of ethanol is from sugarcane,corn,cassava,or sorghum.1.2.Objectives
The focal objective of this paper is how to spread the awareness and importance of renewable
Fig.1.Production of ethanol from
Fig.2.Production of ethanol from
Fig.3.Production of ethanol from corn.
Encourage all citizens to play an important role as‘‘Environ-ment Advocate”to patronize local products such as biofuels over imported e solar panels to save electricity,use bio-mass for cooking,etc.
The government should providefinancial assistance and incen-tive for ethanol producers so that the producers will continue producing ethanol products;
The government also should provide a land/area or property where in the production of renewable energy are highly encour-aged and thus will invite more investors to put up its business in the said locality or region.
1.3.Industrial applications of renewable energy
The use of biofuels is not only environment friendly but also helps local farmers to have a livelihood.But at the end of the day,it is our planet earth who will be benefitted the most if all motor vehicles will be used fuel that is natural and minimizing the further threats to public health and the ozone layer.Let us be all become green warriors because we have only one planet to live on;we should protect it while we still have time.
It’s because due to the rapid growth of population day by day the use of vehicles for transportation of goods and services and the local commute is increasing.The fuel used in automobiles comes from crude oil in the form of petrol,diesel,etc.,as per the requirement of the automobile.This in turn pollutes the atmo-sphere the most so it is advised to every responsible citizen of the country to be an active part in saving the environment and pro-tecting it.
There are many technological developments are being carried out in thefield of automobile industries to overcome such prob-lems by the implementation of battery vehicles,rechargeable vehi-cles using solar panels,etc.which in turn states the importance of renewable energy and its resources.
Ethanol is an alcohol that is considered clear,colourless,and flammable,with a slight toxic chemical compound and made from a variety of biomass materials such as feedstocks.In a country like Philippine sugarcane which is growing in the Visayas province is one of the main source of ethanol production.The government of such country is giving ample assistance such as tax relief and other form of assistance in order to encourage other sugarcane farmers to produce more ethanol alcohol than molasses as an end product.
Here comes now the challenge,of course if the price for molasses is much higher than ethanol the farmers will produce more molasses than ethanol.That is where now the Philippine gov-ernment through its various agencies will take picture such as the department of energy and sugar regulatory agency will help the suppliers of ethanol products.
es of ethanol
It is used as fuel for automobiles in the replacement of gasoline. It is used in thermal power plants for power generation.In the conventional way of power generation oil is used it can be replaced by ethanol.
It can be used as fuel for the fuel cells in the thermochemical reaction.
It is also used as fuel in the cogeneration systems.
It is also used in the feedstock in the chemical industry.
In countries like the Philippines as a fuel known as biofuel which is environment friendly and if produced in the desired quantity and supply can help its people to minimize if no to
avoid importation of oil that is considered coming from fossil and that does not reproduce or renewable and will eventually deplete the source.
As an additive-depending on the percentage of its content it can be used as mixture or ingredient in liquor,chemical products, edible food and other household products.
1.6.Production of ethanol
Ethanol biofuel is mainly produced by the sugar fermentation process.Wheat/Grains/Corn/Sugarcane can be used to produce ethanol.Basically,any plants that are composed largely of sugars can be used.It is mainly produced in three ways;they’re
Sugar to ethanol
Starch to sugar and then to ethanol
Cellulose and hemicellulose to ethanol
1.6.1.Production of ethanol from sugarcane
The main source of production of sugar is the sugarcane.Sugar-cane or sugar cane refers to the tall perennial grasses in the Saccha-rum tribe and Ropogoneae,which mainly contribute to the production of sugar from the sugarcane.The plants in thefield of sugarcane are almost three to six meters tall with jointed and fibrous stalks that are rich in the content of sucrose.
The main sweetener in the sugarcane is sucrose.However since the idea of‘‘clean renewable energy”comes in the surface,sugar-cane is now a major source/ingredient for making bio-fuels.This has been the practice in many countries mostly in Asian countries.
Sugarcane feedstock consists of the main source of sugar stored in the form of sucrose,which is fermented into ethanol readily.The process of production of ethanol from sugarcane starts from col-lecting the cane stalks is crushed to extract the pure sugarcane juice from it.
The juice is extracted from the sugarcane by a means of extrac-tor/expeller,and then sugarcane juice is collected and delivered to the fermentation tanks,for the further process to continue.In the fermentation tank the yeast was added for the reaction to occur for the production of ethanol.
When the sugarcane is crushed in the extractor the juice is extracted and the leftover of the sugarcane is termed as bagasse which has almost45–50%of the moisture content.After the juice has extracted this bagasse is commonly used for the generation of heat/electricity for in-plant use.After the cane is fermented the cane broth containing almost5–12%ethanol by weight propor-tion is termed as Beer.The beer is passed over to the distillation tank where the ethanol is retained and the liquid leftover which is termed as Vinasse is produced at the top of the distillation tank.
As the process proceeds for thefinal product that is the produc-tion of ethanol in its pure form after the Vinasse is produced the purity of ethanol will reach up to92–95%.This means that there is still moisture content left in the ethanol and further steps are to be taken to attain its purest form.For which dehydration of the leftover water is carried out to remove the moisture content.
Using molecular sieves which in turn resulting in thefinal product that is Ethanol in its purest form.In some Asian countries like the Philippines,oil companies are required to mix/blend at least10% bioethanol content to liquid fuel in order to mitigate pollution caused by pure fossil fuel and the same shall be locally sourced so it will help the farmers of the said county.It is being imple-mented also in other parts of the world with the aim that not only the fuel is renewable,clean,indigenous,sustainable and safe for public health but also motor vehicles who are manufacturing vehi-cles compatible with bio fuel as fuel.
2.Production of ethanol from wheat
Ethanol is obtained from wheat by the malting process.The malting process is the process in which the grains are dried up until they’re converted it into malt.The malt then is used for the production of alcohol,whisky making.Different types of grains are used for the malting process the most used grains for the malt-ing process are barley,sorghum.These grains are used for the malt-ing process then the sugars are produced from it and then the yeast is added to it.The job of yeast is to consume or eat sugar a process called fermentation as the yeast ferment they release carbon diox-ide and convert sugar into alcohol,then it is followed by distilla-tion process for getting the purest form of alcohol and thefinal product obtained is bioethanol.
1.6.3.Production of ethanol from corn
It’s a simple biological process that utilizes some very sophis-ticated techniques and equipment.Firstly corn is ground to afine granular consistency so that the starch matter and the kernel is exposed to that water is added and enzymes are added to this water.The mixture of water and enzymes is termed as mash. Mash is heated up to1850temperature.At that temperature and with the help of enzymes the corn starch in the mixture breaks down to become ferment-able is then cooled to920°C Temperature and yeast is added.The yeast consumes or eats the sugar a process called fermentation as the yeast fer-ment they release carbon dioxide and convert the sugar into alcohol.This fermentation process takes between52and62h. Once the yeasts are done with their job the resulting mixture is Beer is obtained and it is about17–18%of alcohol by volume. Beer is pumped from the beer well to the distillation column where heat is added the alcohol exits the column at95%alcohol vapour it moves into a second distillation stage and further distils to195proof alcohol the alcohol then passes through a condenser which turns the vapour to liquid.Once in its liquid form the alco-hol passes through a molecular sieve process to extract the remaining water this results in thefinal ethanol product which is200proof and99%alcohol.It is then transferred to storage tanks.
1.7.Production of ethanol in Asian countries
The farmers mostly in Negros province of Philippines will har-vest tons of cane stalks from its hectare of sugarcanefield.The sug-arcane stalks are then crushed to extract its juice which is sugar-rich and very sweet and delicious.
A machine will be used like an extractor in order to squeeze the
sugarcane juice.
The sugarcane juice will then be collected and place in a clean container.
The sugarcane juice will be delivered then to a certain accred-ited ethanol producer supplier for proper fermentation process usually in a tank.Here the yeast fermentation reaction will do its job until afinished product known as ethanol will be produced.
Now different oil players in the Philippines are required to make ethanol blend in their products like E10and now proposed isE20before selling bio ethanol fuel to the market in general.
1.8.Advantages of bio ethanol
The conventional use of petrol and diesel in automobiles is still in practice now but combustion is more complete when ethanol is used as fuel which means
Fuel bums completely which states the exhaust gases of ethanol are cleaner than the conventional fuels.
The pollution nowadays is mainly due to the excessive use of automobiles even for small distance travel which result in pol-lution in the atmosphere by the use of ethanol-blended fuel greenhouse gases reduce up to37.1%.
Production of bioethanol is very simple and any plant can be used for its production all the plant needs is that it should con-tain sugar and starch.
The ozone layer depletion is more when it comes to the usage of gasoline but by the use of bioethanol blended fuels results in a lower potential for forming ozone.
Moreover the main advantage of using ethanol as biofuel is because it is a Renewable energy resource.
The countries which do not have access to the crude oil can be completely dependent upon the bioethanol since there is a min-imal requirement that can be fulfilled easily.
Higher the octane additives more is the damage to the ecosys-tem but this problem can be overcome by the use of bio ethanol blended fuels which reduces the number of high octane additives.
2.Results and discussions
From the above process of production of ethanol from sugar-cane,we determine that ethanol can be produced from any plant but it should contain sugar and starch.Obtaining the purest form of ethanol is by dehydrating and removing the excess content of moisture present in it.At each step in the production of ethanol from sugarcane,there is moisture content formed due to the left-over residue that has to be removed in every step carefully.
From this research work we only conclude that the use of ethanol-blended fuels should be implemented instead of gasoline which in return saves the environment from getting polluted and also it balances the ecosystem.There are many advantages of etha-nol mentioned above are practiced in many countries all over the world but still many countries are unable to access the renewable energy and its resources to full extent due to lack of knowledge in a particular area but ones if every country starts using the renewable sources of energy it will be saving the environment from the harm-ful greenhouse gases and also ozone layer depletion.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Mohd Sameeroddin:Conceptualization,Methodology,Soft-ware.Md Kashif Gohar Deshmukh:Visualization,Writing-origi-nal draft.Gandamalla Viswa:Data curation,Supervision, Validation.Mohammed Abdul Sattar:Writing-review&editing.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competingfinan-cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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