2023年Unit 17New words(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)整理

2023年Unit 17New words(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)整理1, disablity n.无力, 无能, 残疾the state of being disableddisable______ able_____ ability________I do not doubt your ablity to do the work.He is a man of many ablities.2,get around/aboutbe able to move from place to placeit is difficult for my grandpa to get around without a walking stick.Bad news gets around quickly.3,potential adj.潜在的, 可能的n.潜能, 潜力a potential problem.潜在的问题4,guidance n.指导, 领导help or advicewith the guidance/help/ aid of sb.He did the work with his teacher's guidance. 他在老师的指导下做了这件工作。
under sb.'s guidance 在某人指导下take sb. under one's guidance置某人于自己的庇护之下guide n.领路人, 导游者指南vt.指导, 支配, 管理, 带领, 操纵a Guide to English Grammar 英语语法指南They guided us to the office. 他们带领我们到了办公室。
5, gift n.赠品, 礼物, 天赋, 才能gifted adj.有天才的gifted child n.天才儿童a birthday [Christmas] gift生日[圣诞]礼物a person of many gifts多才多艺的人have a gift for/in poetry [art, language]有诗[艺术, 语言]的天才talent n.天才, 才能, 才能talented adj.有才能的6,assist v.救济, 关心assistance n.帮助, 救济, 补助,We all assisted in mending the roof. 我们都关心修理屋顶。

精心整理人教版高二年级必修二英语教案【一】Step1RevisionSayNowreadthedialoguesilentlyandfindoutthisinformation:What isbeingplannedatthiscompany?AllowtheSsafewmomentstocarryout thetask.Checktheanswer.(Anewfactorymaybebuilt.)SeeiftheSsca nguessthemeaningofoutofwork.Step4DialogueSpeechCassetteLesson65.PlaythetapeofthedialoguefortheSstoli stenandfollow.GothroughthedialoguebrieflyandmakesuretheSsun derstandit.Askquestionslikethese:WhatarepeopleatthecompanytcRightnow=AtthismomentdTheproblemis…it.=Findinglandforbuildingthenewfactoryisapr oblem(i.e.difficult).eThemajorityofpeople=Mostpeoplefanumberofpeople=quitealotofpeoplegoutofwork=donothavejobshButsomepeople…builton.=Somepeopledonotwantthemtobuildafac toryongoodfarmland.Notethestructurenotwantsomethingtobedone .WbLesson65,Exx.1-4.AfterEx.1isdoneorally,gettheSstowritetheanswersintheirexerc isebooks.BothExx.2and3shouldbedoneinpairsfirst.Thenchecktheanswerswiththeclass.GetSstotranslatethesentencesintoChineseandaskthe mtothinkiftheywillbeabletoputthembackintoEnglish.Payattenti ontothesentencestructures.WhendoingEx.4,warntheSsnottodowordforwordtranslation.SpeciaA:Butitisn’tlikelythatthemanagerwillmakeadecisionsoon.B:Whataretheproblemsthen?Withanordinaryclass,justpractisethedialogueinPart1again. HomeworkFinishofftheWorkbookexercises.DoEx.1andpartofEx.4aswrittenwork.【二】教学目标和12.词组shopassistant,aclothesshop,giveback,orelse,change...for (i)thesun,tryon,dependon,takeplace,getoff,puton,dropin,onceupo natime,doup,infact,keepback,playthepartof,nextto3.交际用语Thereseemstobesomethingwrongwithit. Iwouldlikeyoutochangethisblouse. YousoldmeablousethatIcan’tuseanymore.4学习在Lesson38课,建议教师应组织学生1)以节目的形式演出这段对话。

高二英语教案全套Unit1 Making a differenceI.单元教学目标II.目标语言Aims and demands:nguage aims:New words: genius, inspiration, perspiration, quote, mind, curious, gravity, radioactivity, outer spacePhrases: be on fire for, be similar to2. language skills: Talk about scientists and their contributions; talk about the meaning of these quotes; listen to the tape and write down the main information3. Emotion aim: learn from these great scientists and their scientific spirit4. Strategy aims: to some extent, promote students’abilities of listening and speaking, enlarge their vocabularyFocus and difficultyFocus: Learn and master new words and phrases: encourage students to talk about the scientists they know; make students focus on listening and take some notes Difficulty: Improve the students’listening ability; master new words and phrases Teaching Methods:1.Warming up to arouse the students’ interest in science.2.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material.3.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids: multimedia,. a tape recorder, .the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step I Warming upTask 1 (class work) words presentation on the blackboardgenius, inspiration, perspiration, quote, mind, curious, be on fire for, be similar to, fear Task 2 (group work) competitionT: Who made great contributions to society and science What great scientists do youknow And what are they famous forSs: Maria Curie radium and poloniumZhang Heng seismograph.Charles Darwin The Theory of EvolutionThomas Alva Edison the light bulb.Albert Einstein The Theory of RelativityTask 3 (group work) Learning quotesT: Who are they on the screenSs: Albert Einstein, Maria Curie, Thomas Alva EdisonT: Whom do you think these quotes are from Do you know what they meanS:I think it is from Edison. It means that if we make great efforts to do sth, we’ll succeed. And no matter how clever he is, a person will fail if he doesn’t try his best. In Chinese, it means 天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加上百分之一的灵感。

人教部编版高中英语必修第二册全册教案教学设计Unit 1 Cultural HeritageUnit 2 Wildlife protectionUnit 3 The internetUnit 4 History and traditionsUnit 5 MusicUnit 1 Cultural HeritagePeriod 2 Reading and Thinking:From Problems to Solutions【教材分析】1.This section focuses on "Understanding how a problem was solved,,, which is aimed to guide students to analyze and discuss the challenges and problems faced by cultural heritage protection during the construction of Aswan Dam, as well as the solutions. On the basis of understanding, students should pay attention to the key role of international cooperation in solving problems, and attach importance to the balance and coordination between cultural heritage protection and social and economic development. Students are encouraged to face challenges actively, be good at cooperation, and make continuous efforts to find reasonable ways and means to solve problems.【教学目标】1.Enable students to understand the main information and text structure of the reading text;2.Motivate students to use the reading strategy "make a timeline,, according to the appropriate text genre;3.Enable students to understand how a problem was solved;4.Enable students to understand the value of protecting cultural heritage by teamwork and global community;【教学重难点】1.Guide students to pay attention to reading strategies, such as prediction, self-questioning and scanning.2.Help students sort out the topic language about protecting cultural relics and understand the narrative characteristics of "time-event" in illustrative style3.Lead students to understand the value of protecting cultural heritage by teamwork and global community;【教学过程】1.PredictionStep 1 Predicting the main idea of the passageLook at the title and the pictures, and then predict what the passage will be about.Q: What will be talked about?Step 2: Fast reading tasksTask of the first fast reading:Read quickly and figure out the key words of each paragraph.•Paragraph 1: challenge•Paragraph 2: proposal led to protests•Paragraph 3: committee established•Paragraph 4: brought together•Paragraph 5: success•Paragraph 6: spiritTask of the second fast reading:1.Why did the Egyptian government want to build a new dam in the 1950s?2.Why did the building of the dam lead to protests?3.How did the government save the cultural relics?4.Which one can describe the project?A. Successful.B. Negative.C. Useless.D. Doubtful.5.What can be learned from the Aswan Dam project?Step 3: Careful reading tasksRead more carefully and answer the following questions.1.What do "problems" refer to and what do "solutions" refer to?2.Find out the numbers in paragraph four and explain why the author used exact numbers instead of expressions like many?3.What can you infer from "Over the next 20 years, thousands of engineers and workers rescued 22 temples and countless cultural relics"?4.What can you infer from "Fifty countries donated nearly 80 million to the project"?The project cost a lot of money.5.Before the building of the dam, what problems did the Nile River bring to the Egyptian?6.What words can you think of to describe the working process of the project?Step 4: ConsolidationDivide the passage into three parts and get the main idea of each part.Part 1 (Paragraph 1)The introduction of the topicKeeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites is a big challenge.Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-5)The process of saving cultural relics•Big challenges can sometimes lead to great solutions.•The Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam, which would damage many cultural relics.•The government turned to the UN for help.•Experts made a proposal for how to save cultural relics after a lot of efforts and the work began.•Cultural relics were taken down and moved to a safe place.•Countless c ultural relics were rescued.•The project was a success.Part 3 (Paragraph 6)The summary of the textThe global community can sometimes provide a solution to a difficult problem for a single nation.Step 5: Critical thinking:1.How to deal with the construction and the protection of cultural relics?2.As students, what should we do to protect our cultural relics?Step 6: summaryStep 7 Homework:Review what we have learned and find out the key language points in the text. 板书设计教学反思Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionReading for Writing【教材分析】The activity theme is "making effective poster,,. The protection of wildlife needs the participation of the whole society. It is imperative to educate the public on wildlife protection and arouse the public's awareness and enthusiasm for wildlife protection. Teenagers are not only the main body of education, but also the "ambassador" of publicity and promotion. To make posters, students need to understand and study the situation of endangered animals and think about protection measures. In the process of reading and understanding the content of posters and making posters, students should be trained to master and use the style of posters, and their social responsibility and sense of responsibility should be cultivated.The reading text is two posters. The first poster, "give ugly a chance!" calls on people to protect all kinds of wild animals and not treat them differently because of personal likes and dislikes. No matter how beautiful or ugly animals are, they have the meaning and value of existence. The world is beautiful because of the diversity of biology. The article uses the tone of statement to make people unconsciously accept the author's point of view. The second POSTER "don't make paper with my home!,, adopts anthropomorphic rhetoric and takes koala's heart cry as the title, criticizing those behaviors of deforestation and destruction of animal homes. The text is a progressive explanation of the title. Exclamatory sentences and rhetorical sentences are used in this paper, which express the author's attitude and point of view. In addition, the title ofthese two posters uses exclamation sentences with strong appeal and emotional color, coupled with vivid pictures, making the posters more powerful.【教学目标】1.Cultivate students to acquire some features about an English poster by reading the text.2.Help students to write an English poster about animal protection properly using some newly acquired writing skills in this period.3.Develop students' writing and cooperating abilities.4.Strengthen students' great interest in writing discourses.【教学重难点】1.Stimulate students to have a good understanding of how to write an English poster properly.2.Cultivate students to write an English poster properly and concisely.【教学过程】Step 1: Lead inDo you want to be a volunteer of a pefs shelter? Why?Yes, I want to be a volunteer of it, because I want to help the pets, which are lovely and cute. I like them very much.Step 2: Read to discover details concerning the main details of the news report.I.Read the news report and then solve the questions below.1.Who started the rescue centre called the Small Friends Pet Shelter?A group of high school students and parents.2.What did the young people do in the shelter?Take care of animals.3.How do the young people think of their work?Worthwhile4.What help does the centre need?Volunteers, time and love.II. Read the text again and then choose the best answer.1.What should we do when we protect the wildlife animals?A.Treat all the wild animals equally.B.Only pay attention to less cute animals.C.Pay attention to cute animals.D.Care about endangered wildlife animals.2.Whafs the bad effect of cutting down billions of trees to make paper for humans?A.Make a lot of animals homeless.B.Make a number of wildlife animals dying out.C.The animals5 habitat is being destroyed.D.All of them.【答案】ADCStep 3: Study the organization and language features.1.Read the passage more carefully and write down the outline of the text.1.The Small Friends Pet Shelter was started by a group of high school students and their parents when they started to see many pets (that were left behind after their families moved away).译文:当一些高中生和他们的父母看到在主人搬走后,时,们建立了小朋友宠物收容所。
Unit 15 new words(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

Unit 15 new words(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)plaint n.诉苦, 埋怨, 牢骚, complain v.A letter of complaintThey complained about the food. 他们埋怨这糟糕的食物。
1)He is always complaining .2)She complained to me about his bad manners.3)He complained that nothing came out the way he had expected.4)I have no complaint about my pay.5)They are full of complaints about their labour conditions.make a complaint2.Upset adj. 苦恼的,心烦的vt.使心烦,使担心(upset, upset, upsetting);弄翻I upset the soup all over the table. 我把汤打翻在桌上了。
He was upset when he heard the news.His stomach is upset.I was upset by what he did yesterday.He upset the milk.You are upset about the poor service.3.look into 调查,观看They are looking into the cause of the accident.Look over, look for; look at; look down upon; look after; look up;The police looked into this matter soon.Look after 照看,照料 look for 查找Look down upon/on 俯视,轻视Look forward to …. 希望Look on/upon …. as 把。

高二unit17Disabilities说课教案(人教版高二英语下册说课)我说课的内容是高二英语(下)Unit 17 Disabilities(残疾),Period 4 The Special Olympics(特殊奥运会),这是一节综合技能课。
一、教材分析本单元的中心话题是“残疾”,本课的题目是“The Special Olympics(特殊奥运会)”,这一部分是体现本单元主题的一种形式。

教学过程Teaching procedures:Lead-in:通过歌曲Sailing导入,让学生在轻松愉悦的音乐下近入新课的学习之中。
ComprehensionStep I Please Skim the passage and get the main idea.Step II. Scan the passage: True or False.1. I was forced to join Captain Bligh in the small boat.2. After the c rew took over the ship “Bounty”, Captain Bligh was allowed to take with him a chart , a compass and a quadrant.3. It was very difficult for us to get a correct reading from the quadrant as the boat moved constantly during the course.4. Captain Bligh used a system called “dead reckoning” and he knew there was land directly southwest of their original position.5. Captain Bligh was as weak as the rest of us but he was determined not to give up.6. Captain Bligh kept us busy and tried to take our minds off our stomachs and thirst all the way.7. We finally escaped the jaws of death and arrived in Timor over fifty days after being set loose in our small boat.Step III. Group work: further reading.When captain Blight returned home he was honored as a hero. Discuss in groups whether he should receive a special medal or not.Step IV. Affective educationAfter learning the text, as senior three students, what can we learn from Captain Blight in our life?Step V. Summary:I am _____ to have sailed with Captain Bligh on his journey of over40 days through about4,000 miles in an open boat ______the Pacific Ocean in 1789.In the beginning, on our ________(depart), some of the crew took _____theship and the captain ___________(deposit) into a smallboat. Thus we werecaught _____a dilemma. We decided to stick with him _______thick and thin though we seemed to face _____uncertaindeath.During the long and toughjourney, we encountered many unexpected hardships. Despite _____(lack) of foodand water, he kept us _______(occupy) and cheerful to take our minds ____troubles. All the way he taught us how to cope _______various situations. Finallythey arrived at Timor __________(success) andthey were honored as _______(hero).The story shows that one man’sspirit and his determinatio n should not ________ (defeat) by circumstances.Complexsentences(分析并翻译1-2个长难句)Challengeyourself!---Grammar Filling1. I’m proud to have sailed withCaptain Blight ____his journey of over 40 days _________about 4,000miles ____anopen small boat _______ the Pacific Ocean.2. On our _________(depart) from T ahiti, some crew took _____the ship. And those of us onboard ____________(catch) in a dilemma.3. As you can see from the map we kept_____a straight course pretty well.4. The captain kept us busy________ (read) the tables to work out our position .5. It was the extreme lack of waterthat was hard to cope with ______________ (psychology)6.He kept us busy and tried to take our minds课后习题Challenge yourself!---Grammar Filling1. I’m proud to have sailed with Captain Blight ____his journey of over 40 days _________about 4,000miles ____an opensmall boat _______ the Pacific Ocean.2. On our _________(depart) from T ahiti, some crew took _____the ship. And those of us on board ____________(catch) in a dilemma.3. As you can see from the map we kept _____a straight course pretty well.4. The captain kept us busy________ (read) the tables to work out our position .5. It was the extreme lack of water that was hard to cope with ______________ (psychology)6.He kept us busy and tried to take our minds _____our __________(stomach).人教版英语高二下册的教学设计2核心单词1. alternativen.可供选择的事物;(两者或以上)可能的选择adj. 供选择的, 二选一的常用结构:have no alternative but to do sth.只能做某事;除¡¡外别无选择We have no alternative but to go on.除了继续下去,我们别无选择。

高二19单元教案(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)I.单元教学目标技能目标 Skill GoalsTalk about Shakespeare and his playsLearn to recount detail in conversationReview Direct and Indirect SpeechRite a short playII. 目标语言功能句式Stating one’s viewsCorrect me if I’m wrong, but…One of the most important facts is…As far as I know…You shouldn’t forget that…Y ou could, for example, …After all,…What shouldn’t be forgotten is…The way I would go about it…But in this particular case…词汇1. 四会词汇merchant, crown, deny, mercy, enemy, reasonable, weakness, judgement, gentleman, greeting, envy, troublesome, requirement, declare, merciful, bless, legal, deed, surgeon, court, justice, therefore, kindness, punish, punishment, order, sword, complex2. 认读词汇Venice, Hamlet, Romeo, Juliet, Troilus, Cressida, uneasy, Bassanio, Antonio, Portia, Shylock, duke, masterpiece, revenge, ducat, fate, scale, Bellario, tragedy3. 词组pay back, have mercy on, go about, as far as I know, tear up, at the mercy of, go down on one’s knees4. 重点词汇merchant, mercy, accuse, declare, fortune, bargain, worthy, consequence结构Review Direct and Indirect Speech重点句子You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.Shylock, how can you hope for mercy for yourself when you show none? P67To do a great right, do a little wrong and in that way we can save Antonio. P68If Shylock cuts deep enough, I’ll pay him back with all my heart. 68All he wanted was justice. P71The 1st period SpeakingStep 1 RevisionCheck the homework1. Check the students’ writing.2. check if the students have found some information about Shakespeare.Step 2 Warming upGet the students to work together to talk about the quotations, the pictures and the plays of Shakespeare.No 1 comes from Hamlet and its meaning is being terribly upset and undecided.No2 comes from King Henry Ⅳ and its meani ng is that a person who has great responsibility, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doesn’t sleep soundly.No 3 comes from Hamlet. It means that it’s best not to lend money to other people and not to borrow from other people.No 4 comes from Romeo and Juliet and its meaning is why my lover Romeo is from a family that has a long feud (世仇,不和) with mine.No 5 comes from Troilus Cressida and its meaning is empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.Step 3 SpeakingEncourage students to discuss the two situations using the useful expressionsStep 4 talking (on P138)Get the students to talk about the picture, and then do the two tasks according to the instruction.After some practice, the teacher can ask some pairs to act their play out in front of the whole calss.Step 4 HomeworkLearn the new words by heart.The 2nd Period ListeningStep 1 RevisionAsk some pairs to act out their playStep 2 ListeningListen to the tape and do Part 1 and 2Students are asked to read fast the questions and then listen to the tape twice to answer the questions.Step 3 Listening (2) (wb P137)Step 4 Homework.Listen to the materials again after class.Preview the reading.The 3rd Period ReadingStep 1 Lead-inTask: Ask students to retell the main characters of the Merchant of Venice and their relationship according to the listening part.Step 2 Pre-readingTalk about the picture to arouse the students’ interest in reading the play.Step 3 while-readingGet students to analyze the characters, finding out some details and explaining the deeper meaning of some puns and symbols.Deal with some language points if possible:1. You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. P672. if you offered me six times what you have just offered3. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy for yourself when you show me none?Step 4 Post-reading:Listen to the tape and then finish the post-reading Ex on p44-45.Step 4 HomeworkPreparations: Language Study on p 69 and Vocabulary on P139-140.The 4th Period GrammarStep 1 RevisionCheck the homework.Step 2 Word Study and vocabularyCheck the answers orally.Step 3 GrammarRevise the Direct and Indirect Speech.Step 4 HomeworkReview the rules of the Direct and Indirect Speech; Read the passage on P71-72.The 5th Period Extensive readingStep 1Check the homeworkStep 2 Listening and Fast readingStep 5 readingP142 Extensive reading.Go through the questions on P142, and listen to the tape and answer the questionsStep 6 HomeworkReview what we’ve learned in this period and prepare for the writing task.The 6th Period WritingStep 1 revisionStep 2 Pre-writingHow to write a short play:Read about Romeo and Juliet on P142-143.Step 3 Writing (1)Write a short passage about Romeo Juliet.Read some sample essays and give comments on them.Step 4 HomeworkCheck Your writings with the other groups.文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。
人教版英语高二下册A taste of English humour教案

人教版英语高二下册A taste of English humour教案Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇verbal, nonverbal, mime, farce, slide, skin, cruel, particular, entertaining, throughout, homeless, worn-out, failure, overcome, difficulty, fortunate, snowstorm, chew, outstanding, Switzerlandb.重点词组content with, badly off, pick out, cut off, star in,c. 重点句型Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? P17Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life... P17He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce. P17But he was lived by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him. P 18Imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is aboiled shoe. P18That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films. P18He solved it by using nonverbal humor. P 18Their job is "panning for gold" P18Finally he tries cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe. P18First he picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti.The he cuts off the leather top of the shoe, treating if as if it were the finest meat. P18He makes it seems as if it were one of the best meals he has ever had! P182. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about some types of English humor and Chinese humor, then learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor3. learning ability goals 学能目标a. Help the students to learn how to talk about some types of English and Chinese humor, and then find their differences.b. Let the students listen and read the jokes, so thatthey can realize that humor is to let people to be optimistic about everything around.c. help the students learn how to describe what nonverbal humor is by Charlie Chaplin's career.Teaching important points 教学重点Help the students learn how to understand and enjoy English humor. While as to the reading, learn how to divide the text into several parts according to the meaning of the passageTeaching difficulty points 教学难点a. Help the students know the differences between the English and Chinese humorsb. Decide the divide of the paragraphs of the textTeaching methods 教学方法Using pictures, discussion, reading, scanning and careful readingTeaching aids 教具准备A recorder and a projectorTeaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionAsk the students to read the words and expressions that appear in warming up, pre-reading and readingT: Class begin..Ss: Good morning, miss.T: Good morning, everyone. Before our class, please turn to P97 and read the new words together. Read twice for each one, ok?Ss: Ok. (The students read the new words together )Step II Warming upT: Good. Try your best to recite the words as soon as possible. Today, we are going to the new text. At first, I would like to show you a picture. Please look at the picture carefully. (Start the new unit by showing the students a picture)T: Look! What do you think of the picture?Ss: It's very interesting. A wolf or maybe it is a dog is jumping across the back of a sheep.T: Yes. Actually, it is a wolf. As we know, wolf is the natural enemy of sheep. Will a wolf jump across a sheep without eating it? No. After seeing the picture, it is so funny that we can't help laughing about their acting. It makes us laugh and feel nice. So today, we are going to learn something about humor. The title is A taste of English humor. Do you know some English humor?Ss: (Some students may know some English humor and they will put up their hands.)T: Ok, I'll ask someone to tell some English humors to us.(Ask some students to tell.)T: That's really funny. Thank you! In fact, we name the English humor you told just now verbal joke. Then, look at some pictures again. Guess who they are.Ss: The first one is Charlie Chaplin.T: Yes, I dare say that everybody know him. How about the second picture?Ss: He is Mr. Bean, one of the most famous and successful British actor.T: Good. You are right. He is now recognized as the most popular British comedy expert. How about the last one? We have just learnt one of his play-A million pound bank-note. Now, do you know who he is?Ss: Mark Twain.T: Yes. He is an American writer and his writing is famous for humor, right?Ss: Yes.T: Now, let's look at the chart on P17. What does it tellus from the table?We can see that Charlie Chaplin is good at nonverbal humor; Mr. bean is famous for his mime and farce; while Mark Twain was good at tell some funny tales. Then how about Edward Lear? Do you know him?Ss: No, we don't know.T: Ok, he is a famous British poet. His poems are funny and they were all from daily life. Until now people also read them and enjoy them. If you want to know more about him, you can go and read about him in:or you can read the book 《爱德华·李尔:一个漫游者的一生》which was written by Vivian Noakes.However, we will meet the problem that it seems some English humors sound no funny at all to us because the sense of humor of English and Chinese is different. So, do you know some persons in Chinese who are good at humor? I'll show you some pictures again. See, who are they and what are they good at? Nonverbal, mime and farce, funny tales or funny poems?Ss: The first picture is Chen Peisi. The second one is Zhao Benshan, but I don't know the third and the fourth one.T: Do you know what are Chen Peisi and Zhao Benshan good at?Ss: Chen Peisi is famous for his mime and farce. ZhaoBenshan is famous for his Xiaopin.T: Good. I think Zhao Benshan is famous for his mime, too. The third one is Hou Baolin, who is a famous cross talk actor. But what a pity, he has died. The last one is Liu Quanhe & Liu Quanli, both of them are good at Ya ju (哑剧). So, can you finish the column of the chart now?The suggested answers:English humorChinese humornonverbalPantomime (哑剧) 刘全和、刘全利Mime and farceFunny plays 陈佩斯、赵本山Verbal jokesCross talk 侯宝林Funny storiesJokesFunny poemsDoggerel (打油诗)Step II Pre-readingT: According to the column, what do you like to laugh at?Ss: (Ask the students to talk about their opinion)T: Ok, as you all have your own choice and you do love making jokes, right? However, do you know what humor means exactly? Does it mean all the things that make people laugh?Ss: We think so.T: Have you ever thought that there may be some jokes which will hurt the other person? For example: "You, stupid pig! If you keep on making mistakes, I will pick your head and beat it like a basketball." Do you think I am right to say these words?Ss: No, it is rude.T: That means humor is not always kind. Pay attention to your words when you want to make jokes. Then, what we are going to learn is a kind of humor that makes people laugh without using any words. How can we? Please look at the P17------ reading: Nonverbal humorStep III ReadingT: This reading material takes Charlie Chaplin for example. It tells us what nonverbal humor means; what's Charlie Chaplin's style of acting; how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on.At first, as I have told you to preview the text, tell me how many passages the material can be divided and the mainidea of each paragraph.Ss: We think the text is made up of four parts. The first part is the first paragraph. The second part is the second paragraph. The third and the fourth part is the third paragraph. And the last paragraph is the fourth part. The first part tells us that not all humor is kind. The second part tells us that some actors can astonish us with the deep feeling they can inspire with us for a character they are playing. The third one tells us something about Charlie Chaplin's acting style. The last one is a short biography about Charlie Chaplin.T: Ok, it sounds reasonable. Are there any different opinions?Ss: We think there are three parts in this text. The first paragraph is the first part. From the second to the fourth paragraph is the second part. And the last one is the last part.T: Can you tell us your main ideas of the text?Ss: The first and the last ones are the same with my classmate before, but I think the second part of the text is about Charlie Chaplin's humor.T: Good. Both of you sound reasonable. A reading materialcan have many different understanding! Here is my idea, you can think over whether it is reasonable or not. The text can also be divided into three parts. The first and the second paragraph are the first part. It tells us that there are two kinds of humor. One is bad and the other can inspire people. The second part is the third and the fourth paragraphs. It tells us how Charlie Chaplin made a sad situation entertaining. And the last part is the same with yours. Ok, think over my idea after class.Then, let us have a discussion about the text. Please look at the screen. These are three questions. Read the text again and find the answer to the questions.1. What is behind fun?2. Why did people like The Little Tramp?3. Do you think Charlie Chaplin's eating boiled shoes funny? Why?Three minutes later:T: Who would like to answer the first question?Ss: From the first paragraph, we can see that not all humor is kind. Although we also laugh when we see someone slide on a banana, it's really dangerous to those one, especially to those old people. So when we think about it wewill find it is not funny.T: Yes. That means when we are trying to play a joke, we have to think whether it will bring hurt to the others, right? Fun is to bring happiness but not sadness. How about the second question?Ss: Because it gives people courage to overcome difficulties. / I think that people liked him best is because he was always being kind even when people were unkind to him.T: Good. Any other opinions?Ss: I think that people like him is because he will never tease him.T: Ok, and how about the last question?Ss: I think it is funny, but not very much, because I'm not hungry. / I don't think it is funny because it reminds me of the people who are in true hunger.T: Maybe. Anyway, I think the happiest feeling needn't other people to find and to wake. Everyone can do this. We all have our own life, no matter we are poor or rich, and we should live happily.Well, so much on today. Do you have any questions about what we have learned? (Wait for the students' response.) If there is no questions, then remember your homework:1. Read the text again and find the language points2. Finish the Comprehending and Learning about Language on P19(If there are few minutes left, ask the students to read the text by themselves.)。

接下来是关于人教版高二英语教学设计的文章,希望能帮助到大家!人教版高二英语教学设计1教学准备教学目标Teaching AimsKnowledge a nd Skills:1. Ge t to know about Canada.2.Grasp some reading skills.3.Stimulate the Ss’ interest and love for learning about foreign countries.Strategy and Method:1.Train the students’fast-reading ability.2.Train the students’ ability to co operate with others.教学重难点Main points :1. Introduce the information of Canada to the students.2.Train the students’reading ability —skimming,and listening abilityDifficult point :Learn different reading skil ls for different reading purposes.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程Step1. Readin g&Greeting (2`)Step2. Leading in and Warming Up (5`)1.Free talk: Do you like to go sightseeing?Which country do you like to visit?What can you see in these countries?2.QuizStep3. Fast- reading (10`)1.what is“the true north”?It refers to “the cross-Canada train.”2.Draw the route of the two girls’ traveling across CanadaStep4. Careful- reading(T&F) (15`)Step5. Consoli dation (7`)Listening & SummaryFill in the blank and retell the story课后习题HomeworkSurf the Internet to find more information about CanadaChalkboard DesigningUnit5Canada –the “the true north”-----A thip “ on the true north”Vancouver Rocky Mountains Thunder BayCalgary Lake Superior Toronto人教版高二英语教学设计2教学准备教学目标1. 教学目标(1)知识目标:学生能掌握下列重点单词和短语的意义和用法:greet, represent, approach, e_pression, defend, misunderstand, adult, cheek, major, likely, in general。

高二下学期英语期末复习教案(语言点)(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计) 高二下学期英语期末复习教案(语言点)(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)「篇一」Unit One Getting Along With OthersPart One: Important Words and Phrases1. be (well ) worth sth / doing (只用主动); be worthy of sth / being done;be worthy to be done2. get along / on (well) with sb: 与sb 相处(好)get along/on with sth: 在进展How are getting along with your English study?3. betray sb, feel betrayed by sb; betray secret to sb4. feel like doing sth I was so upset that I felt like crying。
feel like+ 从句I didn’t feel like I was overlooking my studies。
5. overlook a fact; overlook the city from air6. admit doing sth / 从句:承认I admitted how badly I had done。
He admitted having broken the windowadmit sb into/to sp: 允许进入be admitted into a college:被一所大学录取7. keep one’s word / pro mise / secret ; make a promise8. stare at sb:盯着 glance at sb: 盯一眼 glare at sb: 怒视9. forgive sb for be forgiven for10. I have a dilemma. I am in a dilemma。


高二英语Unit17(全)(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the UnitThis unit mainly tells us the difficulties that the disabled people may face.The text“Disabled? Not me!”shows us a middle school student-Zhong Xiaowen,who could only move around in her wheelchair,could overcome lots of difficulties,and finally succeeded.From her success,we learn something important.There is nothing difficult in the world if you stick to it.When you meet with difficulty in your life and study,please don’t lose heart.The teacher should train the students’ mental and moral character of taking pleasure in helping the disabled and help the students to know how to help the disabled to build up the spirit of “being stronger,independent and equal to normal people in activities”.Of course it is necessary for students to master the important phrases and sentence patterns in this unit.Meanwhile we should review the usage of the Direct and Indirect Object.Ⅱ.Teachi ng Goals1.Talk about disability.2.Practise talking about ability and inability.3.Review Direct and Indirect Objects.4.Write an argumentative essay.Ⅲ.Background Information1.Will Inspired LifeThe little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned,pot-bellied coal stove.A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the fire and warm the room before his teacher and his classmates arrived.One morning they arrived to find the schoolhouse engulfedin flames.They dragged the unconscious little boy out of the flaming building more dead than alive.He had major burns over the lower half of his body and was taken to a nearby county hospital.From his bed the dreadfully burned,semiconscious little boy faintly heard the doctor talking to his mother.The doctor told his mother that her son would surely die-which was for the best,really-for the terrible fire had devastated the lower half of his body.But the brave boy didn’t want to die.He made up his mind that he would survive.Somehow,to the amazement of the physician,he did survive.When the mortal danger was past,he again heard the doctor and his mother speaking quietly.The mother was told that since the fire had destroyed so much flesh in the lower part of his body,it would almost be better if he had died,since he was doomed to be a lifetime cripple with no use at all of his lower limbs.Once more the brave boy made up his mind.He would not be a cripple.He would walk.But unfortunately,from the waist down,he had no motor ability.His thin legs just dangled there,all but lifeless.Ultimately he was released from the hospital.Every day his mother would massage his little legs,but there was no feeling,no control,nothing.Yet his determination that he would walk was as strong as ever.When he wasn’t in bed,he was confined to a wheelchair.One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air.This day,instead of sitting there,he threw himself from the chair.He pulled himself across the grass,dragging his legs behind him.He worked his way to the white picket fence bordering their lot.With great effort,he raised himself up on the fence.Then,stake by stake,he began dragging himself along the fence,resolved that he would walk.He startedto do this every day until he wore a smooth path all around the yard beside the fence.There was nothing he wanted more than to develop life in those legs.Ultimately through his daily massages,his iron persistence and his resolute determination,he did develop the ability to stand up,then to walk haltingly,then to walk by himself-and then-to run.He began to walk to school,then to run to school,to run for the sheer joy of ter in college he made the track team.Still later in Madison Square Garden this young man who was not expected to survive,who would surely never walk,who could never hope to run-this determined young man,Dr. Glenn Cunningham,ran the world’s fastest mile!2.Helen KellerHelen Keller(1880~1968) was a famous author and educator.She was stricken at the age of 19 months with an illness that left her deaf and blind.She became mute shortly thereafter.Her parents in 1887 got her a teacher Anne Mansfield Sullivan from the Perkings School for the Blind in Boston.A remarkable,close relationship developed between teacher and pupil.Within two years,Miss Keller was able to read and write in Braille.She graduated(1904)from Radcliffe College,where Miss Sullivan had spelled the lectures into her hand.Helen Keller devoted her life to publicly aiding the deaf and blind.With the aid of a translator,she toured the world to promote the education of persons similarly afflicted.She wrote numerous books,including“The Story of My Life”(1902).Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Four periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn and master the following:Phrases:deal with,overcome the difficultiesSentence Patterns:If you were in a wheelchair,you wouldn’t be able to…If I were blind,I would need a/an…2.Train the students’ listening ability.3.Improve the students’ speaking ability by describing,talking and discussion.Teaching Important Points:1.Train the students’ listening ability.2.Make the students master the sentence patterns and describe the pictures freely.Teaching Difficult Point:How to improve the students’ speaking ability.Teaching Methods:1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening materials.2.Individual,pair of group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.the multimedia3.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ Gre etings and Lead-inT:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Mr/Ms.T:Sit down,please.First I want to ask you some questions.Have you been to some places of interest?Have you climbed the mountains?Ss:Yes.(Students may have different answers.)T:How can you get there?Ss:We can get to…by bus/by train/on foot…T:Now please look at the screen.(The teacher shows a picture of a wheelchair on the screen.) How do you say it in English?Ss:Wheelchair.T:What kind of people uses it?Ss:People with disabilities/who couldn’t stand up.T:Good.Now,tell me if you were in a wheelchair,would you be able to get to some places like tall buildings,high mountains?Ss:I can go to…by myself,because there’s no step.It’s easy for me to get there.T:Who has different answers?S1:I can go to…with the help of my friends.They can carry me up there.S2:I can’t go to…,because it’s high on the top of the hill.What a pity!I can only look at it from far away.Step Ⅱ Warming upT:Today we’re going to learn Unit 17“Disabilities”.(Bb:Unit 17 Disabilities The First Period) First let’s look at some words.(Show the following on the screen)disability n.ability n.sidewalk n.escalator n.elevator n.(=lift)(Teacher teaches the words and explains them,then let the students look at the first four pictures on Page 49.)T:OK.Now I want you to discuss the first four pictures usingthe following sentences.1.Sentence Patterns:(1)If I were in a wheelchair,I would…(2)If I were blind,I wouldn’t…(Write them on the blackboard)Yeah,please discuss them in groups of four.After a while,everyone is asked to talk about the pictures.Is that clear?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Please work in groups and try to imagine what difficulties and dangers you might face.(After a while,teacher asks some students to talk about the pictures.If time permits,teacher may ask more students to answer.) T:Now time is up.Who wants to say first?S1:Picture 1.If I were in a wheelchair,I would not go to the public buildings because there were so many steps.S2:Picture 2.If I were blind,I might fall down when walking on the sidewalk as it’s not flat.(Or:There are some blocks.)S3:Picture 3.If I were disabled,I wouldn’t go to the toilet,for the equipments are not fit for the disabled.S4:Picture 4.If I were in a wheelchair.I couldn’t ring in public places,because the public telephone is too high for me to reach.T:How hard they are!We pay little attention to them in our daily life.We must take effective measures to improve their conditions.Let’s see what changes have taken pl ace.Please discuss in groups.In the meanwhile,we should notice the two phrases:deal with,overcome the difficulties.(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard.)2.(1)deal withe.g.How shall we deal with the problem?(2)overcome the difficulties(After a while,teacher asks some students to talk about the last four pictures.)T:Now.Any volunteer?S1:We should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchairs on the ground floor.S2:We should build a special sidewalk for the blind,and fix some feeling equipment.S3:We must provide suitable toilets for people with disabilities,fixing two handrails.S4:We should set the public telephone in a proper place so that people in a wheelchair can reach it.T:They hope to lead a normal life as we do,so we should help them overcome the difficulties.Step Ⅲ ListeningT:Now please turn to Page 50.Let’s do some listening.You are going to hear John talking about his life.There are three questions for you to answer.You need to listen carefully.Is that clear?S:Yes.T:OK.Let’s begin.(Teacher plays the tape for the first time.Then play for the second time.During this time,teacher may pause for students to write down the information.Play some parts of the tape more times if necessary.Finally teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)Step Ⅳ SpeakingT:Please look at Speaking on Page 50.Now imagine you are disabled.Choose two of the situations below and discuss how you would deal with them.You may use the following sentencestructures.(Show the structures on the screen.)I probably couldn’t…I’m sure I would be able to…If I…,I would be able to…I would need help to…It would be difficult to…I would try to…T:OK.Please begin to discuss them.(Teacher goes among the students and listens to their discussions,then chooses several students to express their ideas in different ways.)Who can describe Situation 1?S1:I’ll try.If I were blind,it would be difficult for me to get there.But I would try my best.First I would walk down the familiar sidewalk with the aid of a walking stick.When crossing the street,I would ask others for help.Or I probably could get there by taxi.S2:Situation 2.If I were deaf,I would not be able to hear other players’ words.It would be difficult for us to work together.I would have to read their facial expressions and gestures.I think I’m more lucky than Helen Keller,for I can see.I should learn her spirit of studying,and try to imitate by looking at their mouths.I’m sure I would learn English well.S3:Situation 3.If I were in a wheelchair,I’m sure I would be able to go shopping,eat at a fast food restaurant and then go to a cinema with the help of my friends.First I would do my best to get to the steps of the building by myself,and then they could carry me up to the entrance of the lift.I’m sure I would be able to get there and have a good time.Step Ⅴ Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,we’ve done some listening and speaking.We’ve also talked about the situations of the disabled.Of course,we’ve learned some useful sentence patterns.After class,practise more talking about disability in English.Master the useful sentence patterns,(Teacher points to the blackboard.)and preview the reading material“Disabled?Not me!”.So much for today.Goodbye,everyone!Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 17 DisabilitiesThe First Period1.Sentence Patterns:(1)If I were in a wheelchair,I would…(2)If I were blind,I wouldn’t…2.(1)deal withe.g.How shall we deal with the problem?(2)overcome the difficultiesThe Second PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn and master the following words and expressions:get around(=getabout),fair,guidance,gifted,assist,cooperate,recognition,sympath y,encouragement,productive,visual,impair,motivate,disappointin g,adjust to,get used to2.Train the students’ reading abili ty.Teaching Important Points:1.Improve the students’ reading ability.2.Enable the students to understand the text better.3.How to get the students to master the useful expressions.Teaching Difficult Points:Master the following sentence structures:1.…studying together with their disabled classmates is both challenging and rewarding. Living with disability is frustrating and challenging.2.I am and get used to the fact that while I may not be…Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to help the students know something about the disabled.2.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.3.Questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage.4.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.a multimediaTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision(Greet the whole class as usual.)T:Yesterday we learned what difficulties and dangers the disabled might face and how to help them in our daily life.Imagine you are disabled.Wh o’d like to describe the situation(If you were blind/deaf etc.)and tell us how you would deal with them.S:I’ll try.…(All the others listen carefully.)T:Well done.No matter what difficulties he may meet with,we all hope he can enjoy himself.Step Ⅱ Lead-in and Pre-readingT:Yeah.We know people with disabilities may have lots of difficulties in their lives,but many of them are determined.Theycan overcome any difficulty.Please look at the three questions on the screen and discuss them in groups.(Show the following on the screen.)1.Do you know anyone who is disabled?How does he or she deal with the disability?2.Do you know of any famous people who are disabled?What do they do?3.Should disabled students be allowed to go to college?Should they get any extra help?Why or why not?(Teacher gives students five minutes to discuss and collects their answers.)Suggested answers:1.Yes.I know a person with disability.He has learnt to do many things without help.He can take care of himself at home,but getting around in the city in a wheelchair is often frustrated.He loves reading stories of young disabled people who have overcome great difficulties.2.Yes,I do.Beethoven was a great musician,Helen Keller was a great American writer,and Zhang Haidi is also a writer.3.Yes,they should.Because there are many gifted disabled students,they can make a contribution to the society.They should get some extra help in their everyday activities.No,they shouldn’t.Because they need recognition,more than sympathy and help.St ep Ⅲ ReadingT:OK.Today we’ll read a text “Disabled?Not me!”and know something more about it.I think you are interested in it.Please turn to Page 17.Read the passage quickly to get the general idea and answer the questions on the screen.(Teacher shows the questions on the screen.)1.What’s the trouble of Zhong Xiaowen?2.How does she get around?3.What’s the teachers’ aim in the special college?4.What do the articles in Literature of Chinese Blind Children talk about?5.How does Zijie like the magazine?(Teacher gives students enough time to read the text and collects their answers.)Suggested answers:1.Xiaowen was born without the ability to use her legs and she has no feeling below the waist.2.She uses a wheelchair to get around.3.Their aim is to help disabled students understand that they can play a valuable role within society.4.The articles are often about disabled people who have overcome challenges and difficulties and learnt to live a meaningful and productive life.5.He loves the magazine very much.He thinks it is very important for them to know that someone far away is also struggling as they are.T:Now read the passage again and try to get as much information as you can.Step Ⅳ Study for Language PointsT:Now you’ve known the general idea of t he passage.Please look at the screen.I’ll explain something to you.(Show the following on the screen.)a.treat vt. treat sb. well(badly)e.g.Don’t treat me as a child.Which doctors are treating her for her illness?b.ability n. the ability to do,a man of abilitye.g.Man has the ability to speak.c.make a contribution toe.g.We must do something useful and make a contribution to our country.unch vt.①launch a man-made satellite②launch a new enterprise③launch threats against sb.e.play a …role(in,wit hin)e.g.He played a leading role in a film.f.both…and…e.g.Both you and I are students.He both fears and hates at once.g.…studying together with their disabled classmates is both challenging and rewarding.Living with disability is frustrating and challenging.In these two sentences,gerundial phrases are used as subject.e.g.Working with him is a great pleasure.h.…I am and get used to the fact that while…Here that-clause is used as appositive clause,expressing the fact.e.g.The fact that he came here was known to us all.(Write important phrases and difficult sentences on the blackboard.)T:(After explaining the language points.)Do you have anything you don’t understand?If you have,please tell me,I’ll be glad to have a discussion with you.(The teacher answers the questions raised by the students.) Step Ⅴ Listening and ConsolidationT:Let’s listen to the tape.I’ll play the tape twice.When I first play it,just listen.When I play it for the second time,listen andrepeat it.Are you clear about it?(The teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and repeat.While the students read,the teacher goes among the students to correct the students’ mistakes in pronunciation,intonation and stress.)T:Now turn to Page 52.There are five questions for you to answer in Post-reading.Try to find the answers in the text.Discuss in groups of four,and then I’ll ask some of you to read your answers.(A few minutes later.)T:Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Now let’s begin.S1:They have to use wheelchairs to get around and it often takes them a little longer to do everyday things,such as getting out of bed,getting dressed and going to class.S2:They not only learn how to assist disabled people,but also learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life.S3:They help disabled students to understand that they can play a valuable role within society,and inspire many of them to believe that they can realize their dreams.S4:Today there are more opportunities like the special Olympics for disabled people to develop their potential,live a richer life and make a contribution to society.Because people understand that they can play a valuable role within society,and that they need recognition,more than sympathy and help.S5:People must make sure that all of us should have equal access to all areas and facilities.People should treat me fairly.Step Ⅵ Summary and HomeworkT:Today we have learned the passage-Disabled?Not me!From the success of the disabled student-Zhong Xiaowen,we learn something important.There is nothing difficult in the world if you stick to it.When you meet with difficulty in your life and study,please don’t lose heart.On the other hand,we should help the students to know how to help the disabled in our daily life.And we also learn some phrases.After class,you should work hard and master them.Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 17 DisabilitiesThe Second Period1.Important Phrases:treat sb.,the ability to do,make a contribution to launch,playa …role,both…and…,get used to2.Difficult Sentences:…I am and get used to the fact that while…I may not be able to walk,there are many other great things I can do.The Third PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Review the words and phrases learned in the last two periods.2.Learn and master Direct and Indirect Objects.Teaching Important Points:1.How to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.2.Master the interchanges of position on direct and indirect objects in the sentence.Teaching Difficult Point:Master the changes of the prepositions in the interchangesof direct and indirect objects.Teaching Methods:1.Review method to consolidate the words learned in the last two periods.2.Explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the interchanges of direct and indirect objects.3.Individual,pair work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the blackboard2.the multimediaTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ Word StudyT:In the last two periods,we have learned something about d isabilities.As we all know,we shouldn’t look down upon the disabled.We should help and respect them.And we must make life easier for them.All these include some useful and important words and phrases.Now let’s review them.Open your books and turn to Page 53.Look at Word Study.Part 1:Fill in the blanks with the right words.Part 2:Use the correct form of the words in the box to describe the following things or people.You are given ten minutes to do them.Read first,then fill in them according to the meaning of each sentence.Is that clear?Ss:Yes.T:OK.First do it by yourself.Then discuss them in pairs.After a while,I’ll ask some students to read the words.(Teacher goes among the students and the students begin to do it.After a while,teacher checks their answers.)Suggested answers:1.①waist ②guidance③sympathy ④physical⑤potential ⑥gifted⑦meaningful ⑧limit⑨overcome ⑩adjust2.①frustrated ②challenging③disabled ④motivated⑤encouraged ⑥disappointed⑦rewardingStep Ⅲ Grammar StudyT:Now I want you to translate two sentences into English.Look at the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)1.请把盐递给我。
高二英语Unit 18(全)(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the UnitThis unit provides the students good English language materials.Their interest in creating something useful will be aroused.In the first period,we’ll begin with how the students come to school.Then problems such as flat tyre will come up.In order to solve the problem,we’ll see a new type of bicycle and other new inventions.While talking about them,the students’ speaking ability will be improved.Listening is about two men,who want patents.After listening to it,the students will improve their listening ability.And students will practise how to express and support an opinion in the speaking part.In the second period,the text will be dealt with.The students’ interest of creation will be greatly aroused.Students will improve their reading ability as well as master the useful words and expressions.In the third period,some useful words and expressions will be mastered by the students after they finish the exercises.Also,the Attributive clause is reviewed in this period.In the last period,students will learn some useful words and expressions from the reading passage.And the students are asked to write an article describing a computer to improve their writing ability.After Ss study the whole unit,their abilities to listen,speak,read and write will be improved.Ⅱ.Teaching Goals1.Talk about inventions.2.Practise expressing and supporting an opinion.3.Review the Attributive Clause.4.Write a process essay.Ⅲ.Background Information1.Practical Computer EnglishCannot open list file(不能打开清单文件)Cannot open run file(不能打开运行文件)Compare process ended(比较处理结束)Compare more files(Y/N)(还作文件比较吗?)Copy complete(拷贝完成)Copy another(Y/N)(还要拷贝另一个吗?)Under finded line number(未定义行号)Directory entries adjusted(目录页已调整)Disk boot failure(磁盘自举失败)Disk not compatible(磁盘不兼容)Data record too large(数据记录太大)Entry error(登记项错误)Error loading operating system(装入操作系统的错误) File sharing conflict(文件共享的冲突)Files are different sizes(文件大小不同)Files compare OK(文件比较成功)Incorrect parameter(参数不正确)Insufficient disk space(磁盘空间不足)Insufficient memory(内存空间不足)Can’t continue(不可能继续)Device fault(设备故障)Device I/O error(I/O设备错)Device timeout(设备超时)Disk full(磁盘满)Disk write protect(磁盘写保护)Disk not ready(磁盘没准备好)Division by zero(除数为零)Duplicate definition(重复定义)File already exists(文件已经存在)File already open(文件已打开)File not found(文件没找到)FOR without NEXT(For语句中没有对应的next语句)Illegal direct(非法的直接使用)Illegal function call(非法函数调用)Incorrect DOS version(不正确的DOS版本)Internal error(内部错误)out of data(数据不够)out of memory(超内存)out of paper(打印纸不够)overflow(溢出)Path not found(路径没找到)String too long(字符串过长)Subscript out of range(下标范围不够)Syntax error(句法错误)Too many files(文件过多)Type mismatch(类型不匹配)Access denied(存取被拒绝)Backup file sequence error(后备文件顺序错误)Bad or missing command interpreter(非法的或缺少命令解释程序) Bad partition table(非法的区分表)Bad unit(非法的装置)Batch file missing(批处理文件丢失)Cannot execute FORMAT(不能执行FORMAT)Cannot find system files(找不到系统文件)Cannot open overlay(不能打开覆盖段) of the FutureWhere is television going from here?Television,the box itself and what it does,is changing greatly.While nobody is really sure what it’s going to look like,TV and the Internet are coming silently together.In the old days of broadcasting,people used to say that the real miracle(奇迹)of television was turning air into money.The television miracle of the future is interactive(相互影响的).“The Internet is the most significant change in creating what becomes the next mass media that I think any of us will experience in our lifetime,”says Tom Frank,a network ing unused lines in the TV spectrum(范围),broadcasters are learning how to put brand-new interactivity into TV programs.There will be a little instrument that will indicate that interactivity is present and possible.Then,just will a standard remote control like this you would be able to press one button and say,start that interactivity.A menu would appear,similar to the one on a web site,that would let you interact with the program as it was being broadcast.If you are watching a cooking show,for example,you can print the recipe(烹饪法)or even pause the show and buy the ingredients.Many web sites do exist now where you can actually get your food shopping done for yourself and delivered to your house.So you can order the very ingredients for the dish you are watching the chef make on TV.And it will bring the right quantity of things directly to your house.You could also interact with TV commercials.While you’re watching a commercial,you have the choice to buy the clothes the actors are wearing.Of course,the more you interact with this new sort of TV,the more you leave a digital record,and the more advertisers learn about your shopping habits.In fact,TV ads might be targeted at this special group of people who share a common interest.In the future,almost anything might be possible.Even news programs like World News Tonight could be improved.You could have the choice of changing camera angles.If you wanted,you could pause what a reporter is saying and go back to World News Tonight to watch the next story,or skip to the last story in the show,or perhaps go deeper into a topic and view an interview prepared for Nightline later on.In the near future,you’re expected to see television develop to become more like the Internet,meaning more choice,the ability to do the sorts of things you want to do at the moment you wish to do them.Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Improve the students’ listening ability.2.Talk about some topics about inventions and practise supporting an opinion.3.Learn and master some useful words and expressions.Teaching Important Point:Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities by talking about and listening to some materials.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help students to improve their listening ability.2.How to help the students to learn to express and support an opinion.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to make students talk about inventions.2.Individual or pair work to make students practise their speaking ability.3.Listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboard3.some cardsTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ Warming-up and DiscussionT:(Walk to one student.)How do you come to school every day,Wang Jing?S:I come to school on foot every day.My home is quite near.It only takes me about ten minutes.T:That’s quite convenient.You’re lucky.And,Li Fang,how about you?S:I come to school by bike.It takes me about 15 minutes to get to our school.T:You must be careful on your way to and from school.There must be many people on the road.Do you think it convenient?S:Most of the time it is,but sometimes my bike has a flat tyre.I have to get it repaired and therefore I’ll be late for school.Once I even lost my bike.When I went to get it,it was gone.I had to take a taxi to go home and buy another bike.T:I’m sorry to hear that.But suppose a new type of bike has been invented,what do you want it to be like?S:I think the new type of bike can be folded up and carried about so that it will not be stolen.T:Good idea.But this is not very convenient.It’s not easy for you to carry a bike around,is it?S:No,it isn’t.What should it look like then?Please tell us.T:OK.Let’s watch the short video.(Play the video for explaining how an inflatable bicycle works.)T:That’s the new type of bike.It’s a kind of inflatable bicycle.Who can tell us the advantages of it?S:Let me have a try.We’ll not have to worry about having our bikes stolen again.Because we can let the air out and put the bike in bag.It’s ve ry convenient to be carried around since it is not heavy.T:Very good.I think I’ll buy one when it is on sale.We know that inventions can make our life easier and better.Today we’ll talk about some inventions.(Stick the pictures of electric shoes,inflatable bicycle,edible chopsticks and nose-top computer on the blackboard and then mark one,two,three and four.)① ②③ ④T:Look at these pictures,please.Do you know what they are?Li Jie,will you have a try?S:I think the second invention is the inflatable bike that we’ve just talked about.In the third picture,the man is eating the chopsticks after his meal.I guess these chopsticks are edible ones.I’m not sure about the others.T:Good.You’re right.The second one is the inflatablebicycle.(Bb:inflatable bicycle)and the third are ediblechopsticks.(Bb:edible chopsticks)They’re delicious and environmentally friendly. We can save some trees and have a snack at the same time.They come in five different flavours. You will never need to wash chopsticks again.Isn’t this w onderful?S:Yes,it’s great.But,Miss Guo,maybe we could invent edibleplates,bowls,cups and so on.T:Oh,you’re great!I’m sure you have got a wonderful idea.Maybe one day you can invent such things.Study hard and you’ll be an inventor in the future.Now,let’s look at the first picture.Who knows what it is?S:I think it is a special kind of shoe which can make electricity.If we wear such shoes,we can see the road in dark places.We needn’t take a flashlight with us any more.S:I don’t quite agree with you.Maybe this shoe can make you feel warm using the electricity it makes.T:You both are very clever.This is called the electric shoe.(Bb:electric shoe)The heel of this shoe is a machine that makes electricity with every step you take.You will never need batteries again.But maybe you have better ideas about how to make use of the electricity it makes.If you like,you could have a try to make your own invention in your spare time.Now,let’s look at the fourth picture.Does anybody have an idea?S:It looks like a compute r which is fixed onto the man’s nose.And the keyboard is on his vest.I can’t believe it.T:Yes,you’re quite right.This is called the nose-topcomputer.(Bb:nose-top computer)This new nose-top computer weighs less than a pair of glasses.It fits comfortably on your nose.When you want to type something you can use the keyboard vest.You will never have to carry a heavy laptop computer.These inventions are all wonderful.But which of them do you think would be useful?Please have a discussion in groups of four and tell us why you think so.(Ss have their discussions in groups of four for about fiveminutes.Teacher may ask one group to act out their discussion or report their results.)Sample dialogue:A:I think the inflatable bicycle would be useful.Because it’s con venient to carry and we needn’t worry about having our bikes stolen.B:That’s quite true,but I think the edible chopsticks are useful.Because it not only saves trees but also saves water.It is very important to save our natural resources and protect our earth.C:You’re quite right,but I have a different opinion.I think the nose-top computer is useful.Because the computer is used more and more widely.It’s convenient to carry such a computer around when doing business.…Step Ⅲ Preparation for ListeningT:We know that when someone has invented something,usually he will go to a patent officer to apply for a patent.Now,let’s listen to two dialogues.In these two dialogues,Mr Dean and Mr Scoles both have invented something.They’re trying to get the patent for thei r inventions from the patent officer.Before we listen to the tape,go through the questions on Page 15 by yourselves,and see what we should do after listening.Step Ⅳ ListeningT:(A few minutes later.)Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Listen carefully and answer the questions first on your own and then check your answers with your partner.(Play the tape twice for students to listen to and then answer the questions.Play it a third time for students to check their answers.Allow the students a few minutes to check their answers in pairs.At last,check the answers with the whole class.)Step ⅤSpeakingT:Well done.Now,you’ve known how to apply for a patent.Let’s play a game.Each of you will be given a role card.Work in groups of five:four inventors and one patent officer.Each inventor should explain how theinvention works and why it is useful.The patent officers should ask questions and decide if each invention is a good idea or not.And I’ll show you some useful expressions to help you.(Hand out the role cards and show the useful expressions on the multimedia.)Useful Expressions:This invention can help people…What does it look like?What’s it made of?This is a new way of…How does it work?How would people use it?This new invention will make it possible for people to…(Students work in groups of five and have a discussion for about five minutes.Then the teacher may ask some groups to act out their discussion.)Sample dialogue:(A-Inventor A;B-Inventor B;C-Inventor C;D-Inventor D;P-Patent officer)P:Now,please explain how your inventions work and why they are useful.Your invention is a car that uses water instead of petrol,isn’t it?A:Yes,that’s right.P:What does it look like?A:It looks like an ordinary car.Here’s the picture.Please have a look.P:Oh,it looks beauti ful.What’s it made of?A:It’s made of a new kind of alloy,which is much lighter.P:Does it cost more?A:A little bit.But it can save much more energy,so lots of money is saved.Besides,there is something even more important.It is good for our environment.It doesn’t pollute the air.P:Sounds great.Thank you.And what’s your invention,sir?B:My invention is a flying bicycle.P:A flying bicycle?How would people use it?B:People can ride it on the road and when there are too many bicycles,people can fly it.Just push one button on the handle,the bicycle will fly.P:How does it work?B:It works like a small plane.It has a special engine.P:This is a new way to improve our traffic condition.Thank you.(To C)Would you please explain your new invention to me?C:My invention is a machine that makes it possible for people to know the future.P:How would people use it?C:People just input their date of birth,hobbies,dislikes and anything about themselves,and then press the button,wait for a moment,and they will see the result on the screen.P:That’s interesting.Thank you.(To D)What’s your invention,please?D:It’s a pen that can automatically translate what you write into a foreign language.P:Good.It can help people communicate freely with foreign friends.People needn’t stud y foreign languages hard any more.But,maybe it will make it more difficult for people to communicate orally.They will have to write down what they want to say.This is not convenient. For the flying bicycle,what if there was something wrong with it when it was flying in the air?I think it would be rather dangerous for the people walking on the ground.Maybe the bike would fall onto them and cause an accident.Of course the rider would be in danger,too.For the machine that makes people know the future,I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to know our future too early.I think the most useful invention is the car that uses water instead of petrol.So I will give the inventor of this new car a patent.A:Thank you,sir.Step Ⅵ Summary and HomeworkT:Today we’ve learnt how to express and support an opinion.And we’ve learnt how to apply for a patent when you have made an invention.Many of you have wonderful ideas about new inventions.Study hard now and I believe you’ll make your own inventions in the future.In the next period,we’ll read about how to be creative and how to be an inventor.It’ll be very useful for you.Preview the reading part carefully afterclass,please.OK.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow!Ss:See you tomorrow!Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Bl ackboardUnit 18 InventionsThe First Period① ②electric shoe inflatable bicycle③ ④edible chopsticks nose-top computerThe second periodⅠ Teaching Aims:Learn and master some new and important language points;Improve the Ss’ reading ability by reading and comprehending the text; Get the Ss to learn how to be creative.Ⅱ Teaching Focuses:The main idea of the text.Finish all the reading comprehension exercises.The four thinking strategies.Ⅲ Teaching Methods:Question-and-answer activity. Some games.Group work, pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.Ⅳ Teaching Aids:1.A multi-media computer 2.A tape recorder and a tape.Ⅴ Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead - inShow a picture of a bulb to the students. Ask: Who invented it?Then show the portrait of Edison to the students. Ask: Do you know anything about his childhood? If they don’t, tell them sth. about his schooling, and then say: People are not born creative, and you don’t have to be very intelligent to be an inventor. We ca n learn to be creative. Today we’ll learn how to be creative.Step 2 Pre-readingScan the title and the four sub-titles, and guess what’s the text about?A. how to become a great thinkerB. how to improve your IQC. how to become more creativeStep 3 Fast-reading1.What’s creative thinking?It is one of skills and habits.2.How do people come up with ideas for new inventions? In how many ways?By good thinking strategies.Step 4 Careful-readingT: well, now let’s read the text carefully by listening to and reading after the tape one paragragh after another. You are required to finish off all the comprehension tasks for each part.Part 1: general idea.Part 2: What is to “think outside the box”?To think outside the box is to try new ways to solve a problem.To rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible” or “crazy”solutions.To make a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns.Game 1: How do you connect all the dots with only four straight lines?Game 2:Mike’s f ather is a policeman. Why did Mike recognize him among his workmates though they were all in uniform?Who never goes to see a doctor,even when he is ill ?It is leaking( 漏水 ) everywhere in the office on a rainy day, why nobody has got wet?The plane crashed, but there were nobody injured. Why?Why a river richer than a bank?Part 3: Take another look at ita change in perceptionto look at a problem in as many way as possibleEach new way of looking at a situation improves our understanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities.Game 3:Can you only see a pot? Pay attention to the dark!Two faces!Part 4: Make connectionstry to combine new and old ideas in as many different ways as possibletry to make connections that may seem strange at firstthink of new applications and solutionsPart 5: Keep tryingdevelop new ideas even when they were tired or did not feel inspiredFor each new invention that works, there are at least ten that do not.Step 5 Post-reading1. Match the examples with the right titles:Example 1: think outside the box.Examples 2&3: keep tryingExample 4: take another look at it.Example5: make connections.2. T or F exercises.1) Most inventors have high IQs.2) The things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand.3) It’s impossible to learn how to be creative.4) The best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer.5) Inventors try to avoid failure.6) The more ways we have of looking at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution.7) Most good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error.3.Reading comprehension.1) We can get the conclusion from the fifth paragraph that ____ A. to be clever can lead to success B. he who laughs last laughs bestC. failure is the mother of successD. never too old to learn2). The sentence “ good ideas are no accident” means the following except that ____A. Good ideas never come by chance.B. The accident is not caused by good ideas.C. To be successful needs many trials and errors.D. Failures can also help us move towards a better solution.3). Another proper title for the text is probably ____A.CreativityB.Great thinkersC. How to solve problemsD. ConnectionStep 6 Discussion (Groupwork):1. How do you understand the title of the passage?If we want to be creative, we should follow these rules---think outside the box, take another look at it, make connections and keep trying. These rules also work when we solve a problem .2. What other rules should you have if we want to be creative?3. Of all the rules discussed above, which one do you think is the most important? Why?Step 7: HomeworkP 61 Exx 1 & 2.P 131 Exx 1, 2&3.Ⅵ Bb writingOn slides. No writing on the BbThe Third PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit.2.Learn the derivatives of some words.3.Review the Attributive Clause.Teaching Important Points:1.The useful expressions learnt in this unit.2.Review the Attributive Clause.Teaching Difficult Point:How to help students master the Attributive Clause.Teaching Methods:1.Review method to consolidate the useful expressions learnt in the last two periods.2.Practise to help students master the derivatives of some words.3.Different kinds of practice to help students master the Attributive Clause.4.Pair work and individual work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboard3.some pictures and cardsTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ GrammarT:Today w e’ll play a game first.(Stick some pictures of famous people on the blackboard.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)Look at the blackboard,please.These are pictures of some famous people.Do you know them?Maybe you’re familiar with some of them,b ut maybe others are strange to you.Don’t worry.I’ll give you some cards.There’s one sentence on each card.The sentence describes a famous person.Guess the name of the person first and then match the card with the picture.Do you understand?Ss:Yes.(Teacher hands out some cards on which are the sentences in Word puzzle.)T:Now,please have a short discussion to find out who the person is and then match the card with the picture.When you find out the answer,please come to the blackboard,stick the card and write the name below the picture.(Students prepare for a moment and then they begin to match the cards with the pictures.)T:Have they matched the cards with the pictures correctly and got the correct names?Ss:Yes.(If there’re any mistakes,teacher may ask s ome students to correct them.)T:OK.Now,fill in the word puzzle using the names of the people that you’ve just found out.(Stick on the blackboard a piece of paper with the word puzzle on it.)(A moment later,ask several students to write down their answers.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)T:Do you agree with them?Ss:Yes,they’re quite right.T:Good.These people are all famous people.Look at the sentences on the cards.What do you find?S:I find that there is an Attributive Clause in each sentence,restrictive or non-restrictive.T:Yes,you’re a careful girl.This game is also for you to review the Attributive Clause.Read these sentences again and find out the Attributive Clause in each sentence.(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers.)Suggested answers:Across:1.…,whose name is always linked with his cartoon characters,such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.2.…,who was born in Germany but spent his last years in the USA.3.…,among whose big inventions are electric lighting and th e motion picture camera.4.…,whose many great films were City Lights and Modern Times.5.…,who died in a plane crash in 1997.6.…,whose famous songs include Blowing In The Wind.7.…,who discovered the Law of Gravity.Down:1.…,who lived in China before the Liberation.2.…,who fought for the freedom of slaves in the USA.3.…,who was Adam’s wife.4.…,whose ideas about the future have often become reality,…5.…,who later bravely fought against the British invasion and saved her country and people.T:We’ve lear nt a lot about the Attributive Clause before.We know that it is a very important grammar item,so let’s do some more exercises to consolidate it.Turn to Page 61,and finish Exercise 2 in Grammar part.(Allow the students a few minutes to finish it and then check the answers.)Suggested answers:1.The wires with which the machines were connected were very old.2.Leonardo da Vinci,who was interested in both literature and science,painted the famous“Smiling Mona Lisa”.3.The pilot with whom we had dinner told us stories about his travels.4.The four ancient Chinese inventions,which we are proud of,have remained important in human history for thousands of years.5.Mozart,whose music is well liked by people all over the world,showed his talent in music at a very young age.6.The photos are kept in that cupboard in which/where we found our parents’ old photos.7.The country from which this news report is coming is on the other side of the world.8.One of the first inventions of human beings was the wheel,which we don’t know who first invented.T:In this unit,we have learnt a lot about new inventions and famous inventors.Now,let’s do an exercise using what we’ve learnt in this unit to review the Attributive Clause.Turn to Page 61 and finish Exercise 1 in Grammar part,please.Finish them first by yourselves and then you may discuss your answers in pairs.(A few minutes later,ask some students to read out their answers.Students may have various answers.)Suggested answers:1.…can be used at home or in an office.2.…it is n ot convenient to use a desktop computer.3.…businesses are busy.4.…you can obtain a patent for your invention.5.…we need something more useful or more convenient to satisfy the needs of people.6.…invents things.7.…are both delicious and environmentally friendly./can be eaten.Step Ⅲ Word StudyT:As you know,there are a lot of useful expressions in this unit.Let’s do some exercises to review them.(Show the following on the multimedia and allow the students a couple of minutes to finish it.)Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.1.I’m tired__________washing clothes by hand.I’ll buy a washing machine tomorrow.2.You’ve got to break away__________old thought patterns in order to develop creative thinking.3.She was telling us about her sick mother when she suddenlybroke__________tears.4.The students like physics classes because the way their teacher teaches allows__________creativity.5.I don’t want to keep the hen any more;I’ll exchange it__________twenty eggs.6.During a test,it’s always wise to move on when you get stuck__________a difficult problem and come back to it later.(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers and then check them with the whole class.Give some explanations when necessary.)Suggested answers:1.of(be tired of doing sth.)2.from(break away from…)3.into(break into tears/a house)4.for(allow for…)5.for(exchange A for B)6.by(get stuck by…)T:Well done!After class you should read these sentences more to master the use of the phrases in them.Now,let’s do another pr actice.(Show the following on the multimedia.)Change the form of the following words.trial→__________(v.)application→__________(v.)produce→__________(adj.)fail→__________(n.)involvement→__________(v.)eraser→__________(v.)inspiration→__________(v.)possible→__________(n.)deep→__________(v.)awareness→__________(adj.)Suggested answers:trial→try(v.)application→apply(v.)produce→productive(adj.)fail→failure(n.)involvement→involve(v.)eraser→erase(v.)。

高二下册英语教案新人教版教学目标 1. think more ab out the relationship between science and nature.2. describe some items and atmosphere with scien tific terms.3. express their opinions on cloned animals and humans as well.4. develop an interest in doing more reading and research on the topic.教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns教学难点 Practical usage教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts教学内容教法学法Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in (PPT 4-7)Play a dialogue about height-increasing operations and askstudents to fill in the blanks. After checking the answers, allow some time for students to freely express their opinions on height-increasing operations, thus introduce the major topic “science versus nature”。
Step 2 Science versus nature (PPT 8)1. Explain the word “versus” ( Two sides are against each other)2. Brainstorming. Ask students to think of other cases in which science goes against nature? The teacher can introduce some new vocabulary like GM food and plastic surgery which might be useful in later teaching. Show some pictures to help them better understand these things.Suggested answers: GM food, cloning, dams, artificial rainfall, organ transplant, air-conditioner, cloud seeding,plastic surgery, euthanasia, etc.3. Allow students some time to have a light discussion on advantages and disadvantages of any of the above cases.4. In terms of science versus nature, what do you think the relationship between science and nature should be like?(Both advance in harmony)[Explanation]本节将主题定位在“科学对抗自然”,让学生了解了这一关系后,用头脑风暴的形式让学生从增高术联想起更多的现实生活中能体现这一关系的案例,如转基因食品,人工雨等。
英语高二下人教新课标 Unit 第课时教案(写作)

英语高二下人教版新课标选修8 Unit 3第6课时教案(写作)The Sixth Period WritingTeaching goals 教学目标1。
Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇assistant, grateful,version, debate,conclusion,reaction,leave out, attract attention, water containerb. 重点句子I would like to apply to become。
..I would be grateful if you could。
.If that is the case, you must discuss which...2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to write a successful letter applying for a job.3。
Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to write an application letter for a certain purpose。
Teaching important points教学重点How to write an application letter。
Teaching difficult points教学难点How to write about a Chinese invention。
Teaching methods教学方法Task-based activities。
Teaching aids教具准备A projector and a computer.Teaching procedures &ways教学过程与方式Step Ⅰ RevisionCheck the homework. Ask some students to show their work。

高二英语下册新编教材16单元教学设计(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)一. 教材分析㈠. 教学内容本单元的中心话题是“美国” ,课文围绕“美国南部” 及“美洲平原上的野牛” 展开, 让人感受美国的变迁过程. 本单元有助于培养学生跨文化交际意识,进一步拓宽视野,为终身学习奠定良好的基础.“热身”(Warming up)部分, 给我们提供了三幅画面,有利于我们从宏观上和微观上把握美国地理特征.练习题引导学生从美国的历史渊源,经济等方面认识美国,有利于学生的探究学习.“听力”(Listening) 部分设置了三个练习,由浅到深,层层深入. 练习1不仅有利于我们了解纽约市,而且有利于培养学生在听力中快速捕捉信息的能力. 练习2 和3有助于学生了解美国的背景知识,丰富学生的文化内涵.“口语”(Speaking)部分要求学生根据提示描述一个场所.题目设置贴近学生生活. 教师除了课本所提示的说明处,还可以引导学生描述自己的学校.“读前”(Pre-reading) 部分设计了两个练习.练习1要求学生列一份自己家乡的年表,并列出重要的事件以及变化过程,讨论其前因后果. 练习2 要求学生在年表上填写美国历史上发生的五件大事, 这有利于训练学生的逻辑思维能力,为阅读有关美国历史的课文做准备.“阅读”(Reading)部分“美国南部” (The American South), 介绍了南部------一部充满灾难的历史, 同时也是一部充满成功与希望的历史.文章重点介绍了美国南部佐治亚亚特兰大市自内战以来的发展和变化. 着重阐述了反对种族隔离制度斗争的美国民权运动, 及其杰出的领袖马丁.路德.金的斗争精神. 通过阅读这篇文章可以了解,美国是个多民族的多元文化国家. 由于文章涉及美国历史的变化, 城市的发展, 需要对比的手法描写, 本篇文章可称得上是一篇对比性写作的范文.“读后”(Post-reading)部分练习1有利于学生通过实例来阐明观点. 练习2 要求学生进行两人小组讨论或者多人小组讨论, 题目强调了语篇意识,设置层次性强,有利于培养学生的思辨能力.“语言学习”(Language Study)部分包含词汇和语法两部份. 词汇学习涉及构词法知识,设计新颖,看似简单,其实灵活, 有助于学生留意某些词加后缀时意义的变化, 有利于避免负迁移. 语法练习2考察学生在语篇中使用非限定动词的能力, 注重学生综合素质的提高.“综合技能”(Integrating Skills)部分包含阅读和写作. 通过阅读“美洲平原上的野牛” , 人们了解了美国历史上大规模屠宰野牛,破坏美洲草原生物链的教训. 写作部分要求学生写一封电子邮件, 帮助美国学生了解中国.这就需要学生在理解教材的基础上,从面积,人口,语言,民族,重要城市等方面比较美国于中国的区别.这项任务有利于提高学生的语言运用能力.特别是语言概括能力.“学习建议”(Tips)部分指导要求学生开展写对比分析文章,以及学生写作时要注意的相关事项.“复习要点”(Check points) 通过练习引导学生对非限定动词作一次小结,并对要求学生对描述处所的词汇进行一次小结,有利于培养学生的自学能力.㈡. 教学目标1.语言知识词汇:entry mental physical suffering greedy trader unemployment unrest sacrifice reconstruction former funeral dawn overcome insist plain resist chief afterwards widespread rot wildlife supply chain willing in vain take a chance leave alone insist on put on on sale in turn语法:复习非限定动词I don’t mind his being invited.He hate being laughing atShe enjoys being interviewed.It is important for lost time to be made up.功能:描绘场所What does your hometown look like ?What does the landscape look like ?Are there ? There is in the north.How long/wide/high/tall is the….?It’s .. metres / feet long /wide/high/tall.It lo oks like …….2.语言技能听:听两段有关NY的短文,捕捉信息,改正错说:用恰当的语言描述一个地方读:掌握skimming scanning generalization taking notes 等微阅读技能。
人教版英语高二下册A taste of English humour教案

人教版英语高二下册A taste of English humour教案教案是教师为顺利而有效地开展教学活动,根据课程标准,教学大纲和教科书要求及学生的实际情况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法等进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书,包括教材简析和学生分析、教学目的、重难点、教学准备、教学过程及练习设计等,下面是由小编为大家整理的范文模板,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读.Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇verbal, nonverbal, mime, farce, slide, skin, cruel, particular, entertaining, throughout, homeless, worn-out, failure, overcome, difficulty, fortunate, snowstorm, chew, outstanding, Switzerlandb.重点词组content with, badly off, pick out, cut off, star in,c. 重点句型Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? P_ Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life... P_He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce. P_But he was lived by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him. P _Imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe. P_ That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films. P_He solved it by using nonverbal humor. P _Their job is “panning for gold” P_Finally he tries cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe. P_First he picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti. The he cuts off the leather top of the shoe, treating if as if it were the finest meat. P_He makes it seems as if it were one of the best meals he has ever had! P_2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about some types of English humor and Chinese humor, then learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor3. learning ability goals 学能目标a. Help the students to learn how to talk about some types of English and Chinese humor, and then find their differences.b. Let the students listen and read the jokes, so that they can realize that humor is to let people to be optimistic about everything around.c. help the students learn how to describe what nonverbal humor is by Charlie Chaplin’s career.Teaching important points 教学重点Help the students learn how to understand and enjoy English humor. While as to the reading, learn how to divide the te_t into several parts according to the meaning of the passageTeaching difficulty points 教学难点a. Help the students know the differences between the English and Chinese humorsb. Decide the divide of the paragraphs of the te_tTeaching methods 教学方法Using pictures, discussion, reading, scanning and careful reading Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder and a projectorTeaching procedures _ ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionAsk the students to read the words and e_pressions that appear in warming up, pre-reading and readingT: Class begin..Ss: Good morning, miss.T: Good morning, everyone. Before our class, please turn to P97 and read the new words together. Read twice for each one, ok?Ss: Ok. (The students read the new words together )Step II Warming upT: Good. Try your best to recite the words as soon as possible. Today, we are going to the new te_t. At first, I would like to show you a picture. Please look at the picture carefully. (Start the new unit by showing the students a picture)T: Look! What do you think of the picture?Ss: It’s very interesting. A wolf or maybe it is a dog is jumping across the back of a sheep.T: Yes. Actually, it is a wolf. As we know, wolf is the natural enemy of sheep. Will a wolf jump across a sheep without eating it? No. After seeing the picture, it is so funny that we can’t help laughing about their acting. It makes us laugh and feel nice. So today, we are going to learn something about humor. The title is A taste of English humor. Do you know some English humor?Ss: (Some students may know some English humor and they will put up their hands.)T: Ok, I’ll ask someone to tell some English humors to us.(Ask some students to tell.)T: That’s really funny. Thank you! In fact, we name the English humor you told just now verbal joke. Then, look at some pictures again. Guess who they are.Ss: The first one is Charlie Chaplin.T: Yes, I dare say that everybody know him. How about the second picture? Ss: He is Mr. Bean, one of the most famous and successful British actor. T: Good. You are right. He is now recognized as the most popular British comedy e_pert. How about the last one? We have just learnt one of his play-A million pound bank-note. Now, do you know who he is?Ss: Mark Twain.T: Yes. He is an American writer and his writing is famous for humor, right?Ss: Yes.T: Now, let’s look at the chart on P_. What does it tell us from the table?We can see that Charlie Chaplin is good at nonverbal humor; Mr. bean is famous for his mime and farce; while Mark Twain was good at tell some funny tales. Then how about Edward Lear? Do you know him?Ss: No, we don’t know.T: Ok, he is a famous British poet. His poems are funny and they were all from daily life. Until now people also read them and enjoy them. If you want to know more about him, you can go and read about him in:or you can read the book 《爱德华·李尔:一个漫游者的一生》which was written by Vivian Noakes.However, we will meet the problem that it seems some English humors sound no funny at all to us because the sense of humor of English and Chinese is different. So, do you know some persons in Chinese who are good at humor? I’ll show you some pictures again. See, who are they and what are they good at? Nonverbal, mime and farce, funny tales or funny poems?Ss: The first picture is Chen Peisi. The second one is Zhao Benshan, but I don’t know the third and the fourth one.T: Do you know what are Chen Peisi and Zhao Benshan good at?Ss: Chen Peisi is famous for his mime and farce. Zhao Benshan is famousfor his _iaopin.T: Good. I think Zhao Benshan is famous for his mime, too. The third one is Hou Baolin, who is a famous cross talk actor. But what a pity, he has died. The last one is Liu Quanhe _ Liu Quanli, both of them are good at Ya ju (哑剧). So, can you finish the column of the chart now?The suggested answers:English humorChinese humornonverbalPantomime (哑剧) 刘全和、刘全利Mime and farceFunny plays 陈佩斯、赵本山Verbal jokesCross talk 侯宝林Funny storiesJokesFunny poemsDoggerel (打油诗)Step II Pre-readingT: According to the column, what do you like to laugh at?Ss: (Ask the students to talk about their opinion)T: Ok, as you all have your own choice and you do love making jokes, right? However, do you know what humor means e_actly? Does it mean all the things that make people laugh?Ss: We think so.T: Have you ever thought that there may be some jokes which will hurt the other person? For e_ample: “You, stupid pig! If you keep on making mistakes, I will pick your head and beat it like a basketball.” Do you think I am right to say these words?Ss: No, it is rude.T: That means humor is not always kind. Pay attention to your words when you want to make jokes. Then, what we are going to learn is a kind of humor that makes people laugh without using any words. How can we? Please look at the P_------ reading: Nonverbal humorStep III ReadingT: This reading material takes Charlie Chaplin for e_ample. It tells us what nonverbal humor means; what’s Charlie Chaplin’s style of acting; how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on.At first, as I have told you to preview the te_t, tell me how many passages the material can be divided and the main idea of each paragraph. Ss: We think the te_t is made up of four parts. The first part is the first paragraph. The second part is the second paragraph. The third and the fourth part is the third paragraph. And the last paragraph is the fourth part. The first part tells us that not all humor is kind. The second part tells us that some actors can astonish us with the deep feeling they can inspire with us for a character they are playing. The third one tells us something about Charlie Chaplin’s acting style. The last one is a short biography about Charlie Chaplin.T: Ok, it sounds reasonable. Are there any different opinions?Ss: We think there are three parts in this te_t. The first paragraph is the first part. From the second to the fourth paragraph is the second part. And the last one is the last part.T: Can you tell us your main ideas of the te_t?Ss: The first and the last ones are the same with my classmate before, but I think the second part of the te_t is about Charlie Chaplin’s humor. T: Good. Both of you sound reasonable. A reading material can have many different understanding! Here is my idea, you can think over whether it is reasonable or not. The te_t can also be divided into three parts. Thefirst and the second paragraph are the first part. It tells us that there are two kinds of humor. One is bad and the other can inspire people. The second part is the third and the fourth paragraphs. It tells us how Charlie Chaplin made a sad situation entertaining. And the last part is the same with yours. Ok, think over my idea after class.Then, let us have a discussion about the te_t. Please look at the screen. These are three questions. Read the te_t again and find the answer to the questions.1. What is behind fun?2. Why did people like The Little Tramp?3. Do you think Charlie Chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny? Why? Three minutes later:T: Who would like to answer the first question?Ss: From the first paragraph, we can see that not all humor is kind. Although we also laugh when we see someone slide on a banana, it’s really dangerous to those one, especially to those old people. So when we think about it we will find it is not funny.T: Yes. That means when we are trying to play a joke, we have to think whether it will bring hurt to the others, right? Fun is to bring happiness but not sadness. How about the second question?Ss: Because it gives people courage to overcome difficulties. / I think that people liked him best is because he was always being kind even when people were unkind to him.T: Good. Any other opinions?Ss: I think that people like him is because he will never tease him. T: Ok, and how about the last question?Ss: I think it is funny, but not very much, because I’m not hungry. / I don’t think it is funny because it reminds me of the people who are in true hunger.T: Maybe. Anyway, I think the happiest feeling needn’t other people to find and to wake. Everyone can do this. We all have our own life, no matter we are poor or rich, and we should live happily.Well, so much on today. Do you have any questions about what we have learned? (Wait for the students’ response.) If there is no questions, then remember your homework:1. Read the te_t again and find the language points2. Finish the Comprehending and Learning about Language on P_(If there are few minutes left, ask the students to read the te_t by themselves.)人教版英语高二下册A taste of English humour教案.到电脑,方便收藏和打印:。

二、教学目标a 知识目标:把握下列单词及短语:cartoon take along in the hope of lose heart day after day unsuccessful characterb 能力目标:提高学生各方面的能力,加强学生语感方面练习,使学生能灵活运用所学英语进行口语表达。
c 德育目标:教育学生学习迪斯尼锲而不舍的精神,使学生具有良好的心理素质,形成好的学习习惯。
d 重点、难点重点:全面透彻理解整篇文章;学会新的语言表达方式。
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教学目标1. think more ab out the relationship between science and nature.
2. describe some items and atmosphere with scien tific terms.
3. express their opinions on cloned animals and humans as well.
4. develop an interest in doing more reading and research on the topic.
教学重点Words , phrases and sentence patterns
教学难点Practical usage
教具Blackboard , slides and handouts
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Lead in (PPT 4-7)
Play a dialogue about height-increasing operations and ask students to fill in the blanks. After checking the answers, allow some time for students to freely express their opinions on height-increasing operations, thus introduce the major topic “science versus nature”。
Step 2 Science versus nature (PPT 8)
1. Explain the word “versus” ( Two sides are against each other)
2. Brainstorming. Ask students to think of other cases in which science goes against nature? The teacher can introduce some new vocabulary like GM food and plastic surgery which might be useful in later teaching. Show some pictures to help them better understand these things.
Suggested answers: GM food, cloning, dams, artificial rainfall, organ transplant, air-conditioner, cloud seeding, plastic surgery, euthanasia, etc.
3. Allow students some time to have a light discussion on advantages and disadvantages of any of the above cases.
4. In terms of science versus nature, what do you think the relationship between science and nature should be like?
(Both advance in harmony)
Step 3 Cloning (PPT 9-11)
1. Display pictures of Dolly and normal sheep on the screen. Tell them Dolly is a cloned sheep. But it looks no different from normal sheep. Show more pictures of cloned animals ( cloned calves, pigs, monkey and
mule). Their names can be introduced here, which might arouse students’more interest.
2. Introduce the concept of “copy”. Ask the students to think about this question: Are cloned animals exactly the same as the “mother animals”?
(They may have the same appearance but their physical qualities can be very different. Many cloned animals died at a much younger age than average.)
3. Interview one student about his feeling towards cloned animals by asking the following three questions: 1) If you happen to have a cloned cat, how would you feel? (excited) 2) What if another cat with the same appearance comes to you? (surprised and more excited) 3) What if more cats with the same appearance come to you? (shoc ked and scared)
4. Interview another student about his feel ing towards a “cloned him”. Then ask the other students if they would like to see a “cloned him” and why.
5. Girls versus boys. Ask students to have a 2-minute debate on whether it would be a good idea to clone humans some day.
Step 4 Summary (PPT 12)
Give a brief summary of their debate. Point out any possible problems in their debate like the lack of ideas and supporting points. Tell students that you will read m ore about cloning in the following period and will have a further discussion.