英汉汉英口译基础教程Unit 4 Flourishing Education

• 译文:我们正在大步倒退到光荣的16世纪 时代,那时候有偏执狂的人点燃树枝去烧 死任何敢于给人类带来智慧、启示和文明 的人。
• 词义修辞格指主要借助语义的联想和语言的变化等特点创 造出来修辞手法。这类辞格主要包括simile, metaphor, allusion, metonymy, transferred epithet, personification, hyperbole, irony, euphemism, pun, oxymoron, zeugma, contrast等。 • A. simile, metaphor, allusion • E.g. I wandered lonely as a cloud. 我像一朵浮云独自漫游。 e.g. She is like a hen on a hot girdle. 她急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。(喻体更换)
• 译文:凶暴的夜风吹过树林,簌簌作响,它警告 我们,应该回头走了。太阳在渐越猛烈的雪风后 面,渐渐西沉,鸟纷纷觅路回巢,牛羊也回到他 们的圈栏里去了。
• (2) alliteration就是在一个词组、句子或者一列诗行中,出 现两个以上彼此靠近的词,其开首的音节(或其他重读音 节)具有同样的字母或读音。 • His great gaunt figure filled the cabin door. 译文:他高大枯瘦的身影塞满了木板小屋的门。 Mr President, my delegation is confident that your management of our affairs will be principled but practical, expeditious but expedient.(头韵-成语) 主席先生,我国代表团深信您对我们事物的处理,既会符 合原则,又会实事求是,既雷厉风行,而又不图权宜之便 。

大学英语教材翻译4As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the importance of learning foreign languages, particularly English, has grown exponentially. English, as a global language, serves as a bridge between different cultures, facilitating communication and understanding among people from diverse backgrounds. In order to meet the demands of the globalized world, universities have developed English language teaching materials that are specifically designed to equip students with the necessary language skills. This article aims to explore the process of translating a university English textbook.Translating an English textbook is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as the cultural contexts in which they are used. The translator must possess not only excellent language skills, but also a strong knowledge of the subject matter. In the case of a university English textbook, the content typically covers a wide range of topics, such as literature, history, science, and business. Therefore, the translator should have a broad knowledge base in order to accurately convey the meaning of the original text.When translating a university English textbook, the translator must also consider the needs and preferences of the target audience. Different countries and regions have their own unique educational systems, and students may have different levels of English proficiency. Therefore, the translator must adapt the language and style of the translation to suit the target audience. For example, if the original text uses complex academiclanguage, the translator may need to simplify the language in order to make it more accessible to students.In addition to linguistic and cultural considerations, the translator must also take into account the layout and design of the original textbook. It is important to maintain a consistent format and style throughout the translation in order to create a cohesive and visually appealing final product. This involves paying attention to details such as font styles, headings, and images. The translator may need to make adjustments to ensure that the translated text fits seamlessly into the layout of the target language.One challenge that translators may face when translating a university English textbook is the inclusion of exercises and activities. These exercises are often designed to help students practice and reinforce their language skills. Translating these exercises requires not only linguistic proficiency, but also a thorough understanding of the educational objectives and methods. The translator must ensure that the translated exercises are clear and meaningful to the target audience, and that they effectively serve their intended purpose.In conclusion, translating a university English textbook is a complex and multifaceted process. It requires not only excellent language skills, but also a deep understanding of the subject matter and the needs of the target audience. The translator must carefully consider linguistic, cultural, and design aspects in order to produce an accurate and user-friendly translation. By undertaking this task with professionalism and attention to detail, the translator plays a crucial role in facilitating the acquisition of English language skills for students around the world.。

⼝译第三版Unit-4-已整理完Unit Four Tourism Text Passage One汉译英:⼴袤⽆垠的中华⼤地the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory绚丽多姿的⾃然景观gorgeous and varied natural scenery如诗如画poetic and picturesque名胜古迹places of historic interest and scenic beauty兵马俑terra-cotta soldiers and horses 故宫the Imperial Palace五岳之⾸the most famous of China's 5 great mountains峻拔突兀majestic and precipitous appeal ⼭外有⼭mountains beyond mountains融⾃然与⽂化景观于⼀体embody natural scenery and cultural heritage奇⽯,清瀑,古松,亭阁grotesque rock formation, clear waterfalls,old-age pine trees and pavilions历代⽂⼈雅⼠书法家famous ancient writers,scholars and calligraphers of various dynasty⽯刻碑⽂stone inscription 重峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another经典佳作great classics of ancient writers of various dynasty华夏祖先Chinese ancestors 吉祥之地propitious place祭祀天地offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth联合国教科⽂组织UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Cultural Organization)世界⾃然与⽂化遗产World heritage Commission1、在⼴袤⽆垠的中华⼤地上,有着⽆数绚丽多姿的⾃然景观,五千年的灿烂⽂化把这如诗如画的江⼭打扮得分外妖娆。

4-1. Brindley had begun on his own account, out of interest, to survey the waterways that he travelled as he went about his engineering projects for mills and miners.
汉语叙事顺序是按照事情发生的 顺序进行的。
1-3. The Industrial Revolution began with such machines; the millwrights were the engineers of the coming age. 而工业革命就是从这些机械开始的。修造磨坊的匠人就是开创新时代的工程师。 1-4.James Brindley of Staffordshire started his self- made career in 1733 by working at mill wheels, at the age of seventeen, having been born poor in a village. 斯塔福郡的詹姆斯 •布林德雷,出身于一个贫苦的农村家庭;一七三三年,他十七岁, 就着手改良磨坊的车轮,从而开始了那自我奋斗的生涯。 having been born poor in a village表示原因,说明他为什么十七岁就开始干活。 2-1. Brindley 's improvemenபைடு நூலகம் were practical: to sharpen and step up the performance of the water wheel as a machine. 布林德雷所作的改良是很实际的:改善并加强水车的机械功能。 2-2. It was the first multi-purpose machine for the new industries. 这是为新工业提供的第一部多功能机器。

Ensure that the topic has discussion value, can stimulate students' thinking and expression of opinions, and requires accurate language and rich content.
Exhibition and Review of Student Works
Work Exhibition
Regularly organize student work exhibitions to showcase excellent compositions and stimulate their writing confidence and sense of honor.
Interactive communication
Encourage students to evaluate and communicate with each other, grow together through interactive learning, and cultivate their critical thinking and evaluation abilities.
The present perfect tense
This unit focuses on the use of the present perfect tense, its formation, and its various uses, such as expressing an action that started in the past and is related to the present

II.冗余信息: II.冗余信息 冗余信息:
务必要继续发扬艰苦奋斗的优良传统,提倡勤俭,崇尚节约, 务必要继续发扬艰苦奋斗的优良传统,提倡勤俭,崇尚节约,防止 和纠正脱离经济发展水平的高消费. 和纠正脱离经济发展水平的高消费. It is imperative to carry on the fine tradition of hard work, encourage and uphold industry and thrift to prevent and check high consumption that outgrows economic development. 原文” 原文” 提倡勤俭,崇尚节约”实际上是一回事,属行文语气的需要. 提倡勤俭,崇尚节约”实际上是一回事,属行文语气的需要. 不必 在译文中重复译出. 在译文中重复译出. ..encourage frugality, and prevent and check 建立办事高效,运转协调,行为规范的行政管理体系. 建立办事高效,运转协调,行为规范的行政管理体系. We must set up an administrative system with high efficiency in work, coordination in operation and standardization in behavior. 字面倒是很对应,然而意义重复甚至有些莫名其妙. 字面倒是很对应,然而意义重复甚至有些莫名其妙.原文四字结 构纯粹出于汉语行文对称的需要,大可不必字字对应. 构纯粹出于汉语行文对称的需要,大可不必字字对应. 改译We 改译We must establish an efficient, well-coordinated and wellstandardized administrative system. 3)新的时代呼唤新的理论,新的理论指导新的实践。 3)新的时代呼唤新的理论 新的理论指导新的实践。 新的时代呼唤新的理论, The new era calls for new theory to guide the practice.
英语口译教程unit 4

Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative
Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and 20 Science
Memory Exercise – Making use of memory aids.
D. Exercise 2: Information stored in an incorporative way (its logical hierarchy): Two chunks: 1. general statement of demand exceeding supply 2. a parallel illustration of the imbalance between the supply and the demand.
1. What contributes to a good university?
2. Why is Oxford Brookes considered a new
university in Britain although it has a long history? It is called a new university because it started in Oxford in 1865 as a school of art and then it has gradually grown. After being a school of art, it became a college of technology. After the college of technology, it became a polytechnic and about ten years ago, it became a university. It is a new university in that sense even though it has a very long history.

Lesson 11.3 美国副总统复旦演讲韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。
1.4 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton UniversityLadies and Gentlemen,Good evening.I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people,Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton,“At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.”I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today’s seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.1.5 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好!欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动!我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!”公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。

〔汉译英-1〕// 我们已经// 在。
// 基础教育包括幼儿园、小学和中学。
// 职业技术教育包括各类技术学校、职业中学以及短期职业技术培训。
// 高等教育指专科、本科、研究生等高等学历层次的教育。
// 成人教育包括扫盲和以成人为教育对象的学校教育和其他形式的教育。
——〔参考译文-汉译英-1〕Education is the bedrock of a modernized country. // At the end of the day, the country’s development will rely on the improvement of the competence of its population. // We have already established the education system throughout the country that focuses on the universalization and consolidation of compulsory education, the development of occupational education and improvement of higher education. // Here, I would like to give the stress and the importance to the education for the general public. Most of the people in this world are ordinary people and belong to the general public.// I think the competence of the general public is a direct reflection of the overall competence of the country. // China is a country with a population of 1.3 billion and 900 million of the Chinese people live in the countryside. // So we have even a bigger proportion of our people receiving ordinary education. // The very reason why we put much emphasis on the compulsory education and occupational education is that we would like to make this education oriented to the general public so that everyone in this country can receive education.〔参考译文-汉译英-2〕There are four major types of education in China, namely, basic education, vocational and technical education, higher education and adult education. // Basic education refers to education at kindergartens, primary schools and middle schools. // V ocational education consists of various kinds of technical schools, vocational secondary schools and short-term vocational and technical training courses. // Higher education refers to short two-to three-year higher education programs, four-year undergraduate education, and graduate education. // Adult education includes literacy classes, school education and other forms of education provided for adults.〔英译汉-1〕Harvard University was a product of the Puritans who settled here in 1630 or so. Of a total population of perhaps 15,000 or 20,000, there 130 Oxford and Cambridge graduates among the settlers, which is one to every 30 or 35 families, far in excess of what situation was in England. So, these educated Puritans pressured their local government to found a school for their sons, which it did in 1636. Because a Puritan named John Harvard bequeathed his library to the school, the school was named after him.For many years, the college was a very small institution, and its prospects of survival were –especially financially –very slim. But it survived those terrible years in the 1640s and 1650s, and, by the end of the century, it was well established, and its degrees were recognized by Oxford and Cambridge.In the years since then, Harvard, more than any other American university, has enjoyed remarkable financial support from its dedicated alumni. Without doubt, Harvard University in Massachusetts is the oldest university in the United States.〔英译汉-2〕In the English educational system, students take three very important examinations. // The first is the eleven-plus, which is taken at the age of eleven or a little past. At one time the ability or aptitude shown on the eleven-plus would have determined if a child stayed in school. Now, however, all children continue in “comprehensive” schools, and the eleven-plus determined which courses of study the child will follow. // At the age of fifteen or sixteen, the students are tested for the Ordinary Level of the General Certificate of Education.This examination covers a wide range of subjects; once students have passed this exam, they are allowed to specialize, so that two-thirds or more of their courses will be in physics, chemistry, classical languages, or whatever they wish to study at greater length.// The final examination, at eighteen, covers only the content of the special subjects. Even at the universities, students study only in their concentrated area, and very few students ever venture outside that subject again; in a real sense, the English boy or girl is a specialist from the age of fifteen〔参考译文-英译汉-1〕哈佛大学是1630年左右在这里定居的清教徒的产物。

Lesson 11.3 美国副总统复旦演讲韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。
1.4 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton UniversityLadies and Gentlemen,Good evening.I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton, “At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.”I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that to day’s seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.1.5 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好!欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动!我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!”公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。

UNIT 1To excavate发掘['ekskə,veit]Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang 秦始皇陵墓[,mɔ:sə'liəm]Metropolis n. 大都市;首府;重要中心[mi'trɔpəlis, me-] Proper 严格意义上的(用于名词后面)Mansion n大厦;宅邸['mænʃən]China World Trade Tower 国贸中心Expressway 高速公路Overpass/ flyover 高架道路;立体交叉Footbridge 天桥Underpass / underground (在铁路等下面通过的)地道Passageway 高架桥下通道Pedestrian adj. 徒步的;缺乏想像力的n. 行人;步行者The lama temple 雍和宫lama ['lɑ:mə] n. 喇嘛Cloud Pillar华表Chang‟an Boulevard长安街Star Boulevard星光大道Boulevard […bu: lvɑ: d, 'buləvɑ: d ] n. 林荫大道;(美)大马路adj. 娱乐性的vt. 给…提供林阴大街;把…建成林阴大街Locale [ləu'kɑ:l , -'kæd ] n. 场所,现场posterity 子孙,后代sedan chair 轿子sedan [si'dæn] n. [美]轿车;轿子To garrison ['ɡærisən] n. 要塞;卫戍部队vt. 驻防;守卫Thoroughfare 大街/大道;干线公路,干道Traditional single-story houses with rooms around the four sides of a courtyard 四合院Freestanding 【建】独立式的Impediment阻碍Symposium研讨会,专题报告会Terrace 平台Beacon tower烽火台The Warring States Period战国时代Nomad游牧部落的一员Terrain地形Juyongguan Pass居庸关Battlement 城垛At regular interval每隔一定距离Hectare 公顷The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest 祈年殿The Imperial V ault of Heaven 皇穹宇The Circular Mound Altar圜丘坛The Hall of Abstinence 斋宫Lath 【建】板条Rafter 【建】椽Triple eaves 三重檐Twelve divisions of day and night 十二时辰Solar terms / the twenty-four divisions of the solar year 节气Tier (阶式看台等的)(一)排/ 屋Balustrade栏杆,扶栏Railing 栏杆,围栏,扶手Concentric 同心的Winter solstice 冬至To offer sacrifice to 祭祀Spirit tablet (for the dead ancestors, deities, or other objects of worship) 牌位Supreme Ruler of Heaven 皇天上帝Echo Wall 回音壁Acoustic 听觉的,声学的周边外围circumference渤海湾Bohai Gulf流域面积drainage area珠江the Pearl River京韵大鼓story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment豆汁a fermented drink made from ground beans纪念品souvenir避暑胜地summer resort护城河moat宫palace殿hall亭,阁pavilion水榭pavilion on the water阁tower塔(舍利塔式的)dagoba塔(宝塔式的)pagoda寺院monastery寺;庙temple圣坛;祭坛altar假山artificial hillock; rockery角楼,岗楼watchtower鼓楼drum tower钟楼clock tower古代钟楼bell tower牌楼pailou ; ceremonial / memorial arch围墙enclosure wall(敦煌)壁画(Dunhuang) Murals复制品reproduction / replica仿制品imitation扇面fan leaf装裱mount(ing)浮雕木刻wooden carving(s) in relief泥塑clay figure modeling人像image / figure塑像moulded figure小塑像figure塑像;铸像statue半身雕塑像bust与真人大小相等的泥像life-size clay figure古玩antique / curio坠子pendant镯子bracelet胸针brooch景泰蓝cloisonné, cloisonnéenamel漆器lacquerware, lacquerworkUNIT 2奖牌榜medal tally广播体操set exercises to radio music《准备劳动与卫国》体育制度(简称“劳卫制”)sports system to strengthen labor and defense capabilities国家体育锻炼标准Athletic Fitness Standard全民健身计划Whole-People Health-Building Plan居民小区residential community / housing estate (英)密切注意;关心(体育)的发展状况to follow (sports) 授予(称号,学位,权力等)to confer复兴,振兴to revitalize使有系统;整理systemize / systematize历史悠久的time-honored牦牛赛yak race跳板springboard秋千swing石弓,弩crossbow五禽(指虎、鹿、熊、猿、鸟)戏five-animal exercises 挡to repel形意拳imitation boxing九节鞭nine-section whip生理的physiological疗法therapy呼吸respiration平衡equilibrium体格constitution开业医生practitioner生物电流bioelectricity亚运会the Asian Games东亚运动会East Asian Games亚洲冬季运动会Asian Winter Games远南残疾人运动会the Far South Para-Olympics远东及南太平洋地区残疾人运动会Far East and South Pacific Games for the Disabled世界大学生运动会the Universiade / World University Games容纳——名观众to accommodate….spectators最高级,最高精尖,尖端state-of-the-art举行场所,会场venue延……的三倍to triple the length of…提高地铁载客量4倍to quadruple the capacity of the subway system具有国际先进水平的体育场馆state-of-the-art sports venues曲棍球场hockey field冰球场ice hockey rink高架桥elevated walkway奥林匹克公园the Olympic Green中华民族博物馆Chinese Nationalities Museum综合体育馆sports complex首都体育馆the Capital Stadium建筑面积floor space套路set exercises内功exercises to benefit the internal organs外功exercises to benefit the muscles and bones发展体育运动,增强人民体质promote physical culture and improve the people‟s physical fitnesspromote sports, get fit锻炼身体,保卫祖国build a good / sound constitution to defend the country;get fit, defend the homeland为祖国争光to win honors for the motherland / homeland胜不骄,败不馁do not become cocky / be dizzy with success, not downcast over /discouraged by defeat体育道德sportsmanship打出水平,打出风格up to one‟s best level in skill and style of play竞技状态好in good form失常not in shape/ good form比分领先to outscore……胜…wins打成平局to draw; to tie; to play even/ level the score; to end in a draw/tie; to tie with one‟s competitor扳成平局to equalize the score屡次出现平局the score was tied again and again……次平局…draws失利to lose……负…loses竞技性体育athletic sports; competitive sports健身性体育health-giving sports; health-building sports; body-building sports娱乐性体育entertaining sports; recreational sports中华人民共和国运动委员会(国家体委)Sports Commission of the People‟s Republic of China 中华全国体育总会All-China Sports Federation执行委员会executive board秘书处secretary department / secretariat体育中心sports center / complex运动会sports meets; athletic meeting; games比赛地点competition / sports venue(s)国际比赛international tournament邀请赛invitational tournament锦标赛championship体育场stadium; sports field / ground体育馆gymnasium, gym; indoor练习场地training gymnasium and stadium检录处call room兴奋剂检测中心drug-testing center操场playground; sports ground; drill ground课间/ 工间课physical exercises during breaks体育工作者physical educator, PE workers; sports organizer运动爱好者sports fan / enthusiast啦啦队cheering-section主队home team客队visiting team教练员coach裁判员referee裁判长chief referee男子项目men‟s events女子项目women‟s events全能冠军all-round champion冠军champion; gold medalist亚军runner-up; second; silver medalist第三名third; bronze medalist世界记录保持者world record holder种子选手seed player; seed优秀选手top-ranking/ topnotch athlete田径运动track and field; athletics田赛field events径赛track events跳高high jump撑杆跳高pole jump; pole-vault跳远long / broad jump三级跳远hop, step and jump; triple jump标枪javelin throw铅球shot put铁饼discus throw链球hammer throw马拉松赛跑Marathon (race)接力relay race, relay跨栏比赛hurdles; hurdle race竞走walking; walking race体操gymnastics [dʒim'næstiks]自由体操floor / free exercises蹦床trampoline ['træmpəli:n]技巧运动acrobatic gymnastics [,ækrəu'bætik]垫上运动mat exercise单杠horizontal bar ['hɔri'zɔntəl]双杠parallel bars高低杠uneven bars; high-low bars吊环rings跳马vaulting horse [vɔ:lt]鞍马pommel horse ['pʌməl, 'pɔm-]足球场field, pitch篮球场basketball court乒乓球拍racket, bat羽毛球运动badminton羽毛球shuttlecock; shuttle ['ʃʌtlkɔk]球拍racket垒球softball棒(垒)球场baseball (softball) field / ground手球handball; team netball手球场handball field曲棍球hockey; field hockey现代五项modern pentathlon [pen'tæθlən]铁人三项(三项全能运动)triathlon [trai'æθlɔn]水上运动water/ aquatic sports [ə'kwætik]水上运动中心aquatic sports center水球(运动)water polo水球场playing pool滑水water skiing游泳馆natatorium [,neitə'tɔ:riəm]自由泳freestyle; crawl (stroke)蛙泳breaststroke侧泳sidestroke蝶泳butterfly(stroke)海豚式dolphin stroke / kick蹼泳fin swimming跳台跳水platform diving跳板跳水springboard diving帆船运动yachting; sailing [jɔt]皮划艇运动kayak ['kaiæk]赛艇运动rowing [rəu]赛龙舟dragon boat racing举重weightlifting重量级/中量级/轻量级heavyweight / middleweight / lightweight 击剑fencing射击shooting靶场shooting range射箭archery拳击boxing拳术quanshu , barehanded exercises; Chinese boxing气功qigong, breathing exercises打擂台to fight a challenge fight in an arena [ə'ri:nə]康复医疗体育recuperative medical sports自行车运动cycling; cycle racing室内自行车赛场indoor velodrome ['vi:lədrəum]赛马场equestrian park [i'kwestriən]骑术horsemanship马术equestrianism [i'kwestriənizəm]国际象棋(international) chess中国象棋xiangqi,Chinese chess象棋大师master特级大师grandmaster围棋weiqi, go航空模型aero model; model aero plane航海模型marine model ; model ship定点跳伞accuracy jump; precision landing无线电定向radio direction finding造型跳伞relative work滑翔运动gliding; sailing planning技巧sports acrobatics拔河tug-of-war毽子shuttlecock踢毽子shuttlecock kicking毽球jianqiu, shuttlecock playing冰球运动ice hockey冰球场rink冰球puck [pʌk] , rubber ['rʌbə]速度滑冰speed skating花样滑冰figure skating冰场skating rink; ice rink人工冰场artificial ice stadium高山滑雪alpine skiing ['ælpain]冰壶curling ['kə:liŋ]蹦极bungee jumping ['bʌndʒi:]台球billiards滑板skateboard溜旱冰roller skating定向越野orienteering民族传统体育traditional ethnic sports蒙古族的摔跤、赛马、射箭Mongolian wrestling, horsemanship and archery回族的踢毽、拔河kicking the shuttlecock and tug-of-war of the Hui藏族的赛牦牛Tibetan yak racing苗族的荡秋千、划龙舟Miao people‟s swinging and dragon-boat racing壮族的“投绣球”Zhuang people‟s “throwing balls made of colored silk”朝鲜族的荡秋千、跳板Korean swinging and see-sawing侗族的骑木马(踩高跷) walking on stilts of the Dong people瑶族的打陀螺whipping tops of the Y ao People高山族的放风筝kite-flying of the Gao-shan柯尔克孜族的“追姑娘”the “girl chasing” of the Kirgiz扭秧歌yangge dancing奥林匹克精神是互相了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争。

Unit4 无子女家庭:亘古生息的反叛1二十好几的凯茜、韦恩夫妇结婚已有五年之久,膝下犹虚。

• I am an educator in an adult environment. The program that I am involved in helps students who have been out of school for some time.
• 3. To gear education to the needs of modernization, the world and the future.
• 4. To cultivate the ability to analyze and solve concrete
• 5. To help develop the ability of the students to think things out for themselves.
• 1. Education must train builders and successors who are well developed morally, intellectually and physically.
• 2. To become working people with lofty ideal, moral integrity, education and a sense of discipline
• 刘: that case, maybe she should go to Beiwai or Beiyu. I mean Beijing Foreign Sudies University or Beijing Language and Culture University.

课外练习Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpretation北京观光客自然都会游览故宫和长城,这是因为故宫和长城是举世闻名的旅游景点。

How to explain that I was not a proud owner seeking admiration for his vehicle, but a tourist who had broken down如何解释,我不是一个骄傲的主人寻求佩服他的汽车,但游客坏了吗Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruptions that last less than two hours.特种设备确保计算机就不会被打断,力量持续不到两个小时。
It is actually very, very old and was not always as beautiful as it is now. It is not certain how the Earth began. Probably it began as a huge globe of gas and dust. The globe became smaller and denser. Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard,它实际上是非常非常老的,并不总是像现在这样美丽。
今天的外层或地壳是凉爽且硬,It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, not horror, nor any of the other emotions that she had been prepared for.那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是嫌恶,也不是她原先准备应付的任务一种感情。
Modern geology has for its aim the deciphering of the whole evolution of the earth from the time of the earlier records that can be recognized in the rocks to the present day.当代地质解释为其目标的整体演化的地球早期的时间记录,可以识别岩石到当代。

• 复合型人才interdisciplinary talent • 教书育人 to educate a person as well as inform book knowledge • 因材施教 individualized instruction
• Listen to the talk and interpret the following passage from Chinese to English.
Listen to the talk and practice interpreting from English to Chinese –stage 4
• I was once in Detroit to address a conference on the crisis in America’s cities, I happened to learn that an astonishing 47 percent of Detroiters, nearly one out of two adults in this predominantly black city, are functionally illiterate.
• // So we have even a bigger proportion of our people receiving ordinary education. // The very reason why we put much emphasis on the compulsory education and occupational education is that we would like to make this education oriented to the general public so that everyone in this country can receive education.

大学口译教程课文翻译4单元The Economic Impact of September 11thClearly, september 11th was an act of brutality that left the world first in shock, then in anger, an act of sudden violence that without warning stole a parent from 10,000 children and that shattered the illusion that we in North America are somehow insulated from external attack.显然,9月11日的暴行使整个世界为之震惊,继而愤怒。
In response, we have borne witness to an uncompromising resolve that more than matches the initial shock. The world has come together in an uncommon and irrevocable commitment to eliminate the threat of terrorism. The physical assault levelled against us is being met by an international coalition of nations, faiths and force that will not fail.我们已经证明,不妥协的决心是对这次袭击的最佳回应。
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英汉汉英口译基础教程Unit 4 Flourishing Education
A. Individual Work: Presentation
Topic: Is it necessary for all students of science to study courses of arts & humanities? Why or why not?
E. Group Work: Sight Interpretation
Text One Difficult Sentences Some students have medical problems,
some are teenage parents, and some are on probation. 有些学生健康方面有问题,有些是未成年 家长,有些在监护期。
E. Group Work: Sight Interpretation
Text Two Difficult Sentences 科技发展归根到底靠人才。谁在人才上占
有优势,谁就能在科技上占领制高点。 Scientific and technological development
depends on talents. The country which has the dominance in talents can occupy the high ground of technology.
D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation
Text two Note-taking
切实解决目前我国城乡教师结构失衡、农村教师队伍 素质提升问题,以适应社会发展的需要。
除了做好免费师范生工作,还将继续实施农村学校教 师特设岗位计划,为创新农村教师补充机制做出示范, 通过新的机制和新的办法把合格的、高水平的教师补 充到农村教师队伍中。
to return home.
D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation
Text one Note-taking The book is called “National Differences,
Global Similarities: World Culture and the Future of Schooling.” One of the subjects is violence among students. Countries with the most school violence include Hungary, Romania and the Philippines.
Teachers generally give little homework in countries with the highest average test scores, such as Japan, the Czech Republic and Denmark.
Most teachers worldwide could learn to make better use of homework. Children are mostly given material to remember.
2. What is your suggestion of helping the disabled person?
C. Group work: Four-cornered Dialogue Interpretation
Difficult Sentences
教育部已经启动了为期五年的毕业生派遣计划,准备一年派遣5000名学生 去世界最好的大学学习
F. Pair Work: Feedback and Discussion
Share with your partner interpretation skills, difficulties, and successes you have experienced.
Brainstorming clues: training and education, literature, fine arts, philosophy, principles of education…
B. Group work: Reading and Discussion
1. What measures should the government take to ensure the education of the disabled person?
The Ministry of Education has launched a five-year graduate program to send about 5,000 students a year to the world’s best universities
国家创新能力的发展要靠顶尖级科学家。 The development of innovative ability depends on first-class scientists. 国家推出了一系列的优惠政策,吸引人才回国。 The country has launched a series of favorable policies to attract people
同时,为进一步加强农村在职教师的培训,教育部实 施了以农村教师为重点的全国中小学教师全面培养计
E. Group Work: Sight Interpretation
Text One Difficult Sentences As rural towns struggle to adjust to economic
D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation
Text one Note-taking
Inequalities in educational systems act as an influence. Schools that are sharply divided between “winners and losers” in math have higher levels of violence.
E. Group Work: Sight Interpretation
培养人才要从娃娃抓起,重视对中小学生科 学素质的培养,让他们既会动脑,又会动手。
To cultivate talents, attention should be paid to primary school students. We should stress the cultivation of science quality of primary and secondary students, to teach them to think and act.