



设计与理论INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 工业设计 / 105杨柳青年画的仕女形象分析及现代设计应用FEMALE IMAGE ANAL YSIS AND MODERN DESIGN APPLICATION OF YANGLIUQING NEW YEAR PAINTING天津工业大学 王静爽 夏春燕 卢堃玉 郭亚新从五官与脸型来看,杨柳青年画中仕女形象大都是柳叶弯眉,眉色清淡,吊稍凤眼,鼻梁高挑,口若樱桃般红润饱满,下巴修尖清秀,正与现代“瓜子脸”相符。












杨柳青年画Yangliuqing New Year Posters优越的地理位置,使天津成为历朝畿辅首邑和我国连接海内外、南北交通的重要枢纽。




















作 者 : 谢 东
08德语 088304046
杨 柳 青 年 画
杨柳青年画继承了宋、元绘画的传统,吸收了明代木刻版画、工 艺美术、戏剧舞台的形式,采用木版套印和手工彩绘相结合的方 法,创立了鲜明活泼、喜气吉祥、富有感人题材的独特风格。制 作时,先用木版雕出画面线纹,然后用墨印在上面,套过两三次 单色版后,再以彩笔填绘。既有版味、木味,又有手绘的色彩斑 斓与工艺性,因此,民间艺术的韵味浓郁,富于中国气派。
特点演变 清朝时,杨柳青的年画就已发展得十分完善了。 康乾时期,杨柳青年画的风格严谨,背景简洁, 注重人物神情的刻画。这一时期的代表人物是齐 健隆、戴康增两位画师。嘉庆道光年间,杨柳青 年画的风格渐趋活泼,画面热闹,色彩丰富,背 景也各式各样。值得一提的是太平天国时期的年 画 。太平天国信奉拜上帝教,反对个人崇拜,提 倡人人平等。所以,太平天国时期的年画 ,内容 包括花鸟鱼虫、走兽风景,惟独没有人物。正所 谓"瘪瓜子--没仁(人)"。
杨柳青年画继承宋、元绘画传统,吸收了 明代木刻版画、工艺美术、戏剧舞台的形 式,采用木版套印和手工彩绘相结合的方 法,制作时,先用木版雕出画面线纹,然 后用墨印在上面,套过两三次单色版后, 再以彩笔填绘。既有版味、木味,又有手 绘的色彩斑斓与工艺性,因此,民间艺术 的韵味浓郁,富于中国气派。杨柳青年画 创立了鲜明活泼、喜气吉祥、富有感人题 材的独特风格。在中国版画史上,杨柳青 年画与南方著名的苏州桃花坞年画并称“南 桃北柳”。
清代光绪以前是杨柳青年画发展的鼎盛时期。 那时,天津杨柳青镇及其附近村庄,大都从事 年画作坊生产,有“家家会点染,户户善丹青 ”之称,年画因以产地得名。 康乾时期,杨柳 青年画的风格严谨,背景简洁,注重人物神情 的刻画。这一时期的代表人物是齐健隆、戴康 增两位画师。嘉庆道光年间,杨柳青年画的风 格渐趋活泼,画面热闹,色彩丰富,背景也各 式各样。值得一提的是太平天国时期的年画 。 太平天国信奉拜上帝教,反对个人崇拜,提倡 人人平等。所以,太平天国时期的年画 ,内容 包括花鸟鱼虫、走兽风景,惟独没有成年人物 。



A Charming Town with Folk PaintingSabrina Chinese Lunar New Year is a grand festival to celebrate, if you’re in Tianjin and want to know some culture about it, there is a relaxing and interesting place to go. It’s a historic town with enchanting traditional Chinese culture and its name is Y ang Liuqing.As a historic town with thousands of years of culture and legacy,Y ang Liuqing is famous for Y ang Liuqing Folk Painting of the Luanr New Y ear. This painting is one of the three famous New Y ear Paintings in China, which first appeared in Yang Liuqing Town in17th century. It combines the methods of woodcarving and manual color drawing characters. Y ang Liuqing Folk Painting takes the raw materials from daily life, or some folk customs and stories. And it’s characterized by combination of block print and colored hand drawing. In tradition, people liked to stick these paintings for luck inthe Chinese Lunar New Y ear. Now, people regard the paintings as national treasures and stored them as a collection. At the town, many stores sell these paintings, showing that tradition is still essential for modern life.It is said that where there Chinese people, there are Chinese Lunar New Y ear Paintings, and so is Y ang Liuqing. This ancienttown is famous for its folk art during four centuries, and these glorious traditional Chinese culture will still shines there.Zhang Clay Figurines Pass Down the Legacy of CultureSabrina When you walk into the Ancient Culture Street of Tianjin, you may feel surprise about the transition from metropolitan high buildings to small, grey brick buildings. Art is all over the narrow street, and the vivid clay sculptures will mostly draw your eyes.In Tianjin, the concept and art of clay sculpting was attached to a family: niren Zhang. Zhang Clay Figurines have passed down the legacy of clay sculpting for 180 years since its origins in the Qing Dynasty. The art takes it name from Zhang Mingshan, its initiator. He observed people from different walks of life in different places and would work those observations into his sculpted pieces. He brought originality and imagination to his work. His subject extent was wide and would apply bright colors.Figurine making requires the skills of stone carvers, painters, and papercut makers. When the basic figurines is detailed, it needs to be coated with varnish to preserve the color. Clay figurines are notfired to dry like pottery. Instead, the final step consists of leaving the figurine to dry in the shade. The entire process lasts at least one week. Images most commonly applied to figurines are flowers, animals, and patterns that convey auspicious meanings. Though simple in style, the images are strong, vivid and impressive.In recent years, Zhang Clay Figurines have been serving as a bridge of culture exchanges between China and other countries. This traditional folk art passed down from generation to generation will continue to develop and prosper.。












杨柳青年画杨柳青是绘制传统年画闻名的农村集镇,位于中国天津市杨1/ 3柳镇。







天津杨柳青镇年画目录:一、年画1、简介2、关于年画的故事3、分类4、体裁5、工艺6、溯源7、产地二、杨柳青镇1、地理位置2、地名由来3、历史沿革4、历史文化5、民间艺术6、旅游景7、民俗文化节8、古典与现代9、运河文化三、杨柳青年画1、简介2、历史3、年画特点4、艺术特色5、传承意义6、题材7、杨柳青年画- 现状8、传人霍庆有9、传人与制作过程10、杨柳青年画产业化建议11、年画及年画出处一、年画年画(new year paintings)是中国画的一种,始于古代的“门神画”。



















• 年画的四大产地分别是苏州桃花坞,天津杨柳青, 河北武强和山东潍坊。现在中国农村仍然保持着 贴年画的传统,而在城市里很少有人贴年画。
吃饺子 Having Jiaozi

On New Year’s Eve, the
whole family will sit together
to make jiaozi and celebrate
• 通常带有吉祥图案的窗花传递节日喜庆和热 闹的气氛和表达中国人期待幸福生活的美好 愿望。
• In addition to pasting paper-cuts on
windows, it is common for Chinese to paste the character “fu(福)”, big
• “Dust”与“尘”是谐音(尘在汉语中的意思 是旧的和过去的)。这样,“在春节前扫尘” 是指彻底清洁房屋扫除过去一年的厄运。
• This custom shows a good wish of putting away old things to welcome a new life. In a word, just before the Spring Festival comes, every household will give a thorough cleaning to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new.
and small, on walls, doors and
doorposts around the houses. “Fu (福)” shows people’s yearning toward a good life. 除了贴窗花,在墙上, 门上和房子周围的门框上贴大小福字是中 国人表达对美好生活渴望的普遍习俗。



中国文化习俗段落翻译一春节贴年画(pasting New Year Prints)的风俗源自于往房子外面的门上贴门神(Door Gods)的传统。


最出名的就是门神,三大神—福神、薪神和寿神(Three Gods of Blessing, Salary and Longevity),寓意着庄稼丰收、家畜兴旺和庆祝春节。



The custom of pasting New Year Prints in Spring Festival originated from the tradition of pasting Door Gods on the external doors of the houses. With the creation of woodcarvings, New Year paintings cover a wide range of subjects. The most famous ones are Door Gods and Three Gods of Blessing, Salary and Longevity, signifying the abundant harvestof crops, the prosperity of domestic animals and the celebration of Spring Festival. Four producing areas of New Year Prints are Tao Huawu of Suzhou, Yang Liuqing of Tian Jing, Wuqiang of Hebei and Weifang of Shandong. Now the tradition of pasting New Year paintings is still kept in rural China, while it is seldom followed in cities.二.在中国,小孩的满月酒(one-month-old feast)和抓周(one-year-old catch)仪式独具特色。
























向外国人介绍年画的英语作文Chinese New Year paintings, also known as Nianhua, are a traditional form of Chinese folk art that originated in ancient times. 年画,又称年画,是中国古代的一种传统民间艺术形式。

It holds a significant place in Chinese culture and is an integral part of the Chinese New Year celebrations. 它在中国文化中占据着重要的地位,并且是中国新年庆祝活动的重要组成部分。

The paintings often feature auspicious Chinese symbols, such as the Chinese zodiac animals, blooming flowers, and various scenes of joy and prosperity. 通常,年画会以吉祥的中国符号为主题,如生肖动物、盛开的花朵以及充满欢乐和繁荣的各种场景。

These beautiful and vibrant images are believed to bring good luck and blessings to the household that displays them. 这些美丽而生动的画面被认为会给展示它们的家庭带来好运和祝福。

From a historical perspective, Chinese New Year paintings date back to the Tang Dynasty around the 8th century. 从历史角度来看,中国的年画可以追溯到公元8世纪左右的唐朝。

Initially, they were used asofferings to deities and as decorations for the Lunar New Year festival. 最初,它们被用作祭祀神灵的供品和农历新年节日的装饰。



杨柳青年画英语作文Yangliuqing New Year Paintings are a traditional Chinese folk art that originated from Yangliuqing, Tianjin, China.杨柳青年画是源于中国天津的一种传统中国民间艺术。

The paintings are known for their unique and colorful images that depict scenes of daily life, historical events, and folk stories.这些画作以其独特多彩的图像而闻名,描绘了日常生活、历史事件和民间故事的场景。

One of the distinct features of Yangliuqing New Year Paintings is the use of bold and vibrant colors, which add a sense of liveliness and cheerfulness to the artwork.杨柳青年画的一个显著特点是运用大胆鲜艳的颜色,给作品增添了一种生动和欢乐的感觉。

The subjects of the paintings often include folk customs, traditional festivals, and mythical figures, reflecting the cultural heritage and values of the local community.这些画作的主题经常包括民俗风情、传统节日和神话人物,反映了当地社区的文化遗产和价值观。

The craftsmanship and attention to detail in Yangliuqing New Year Paintings are also highly regarded, as artists carefully hand-paint each piece to perfection.杨柳青年画的工艺和对细节的关注也备受赞誉,艺术家们精心绘制每一幅作品,力求完美。



杨柳青年画英语作文In the heart of China, nestled within the rich cultural landscape of Tianjin, lies the birthplace of the famous Yangliuqing New Year pictures. These vibrant and colorful prints, known for their distinctive style and intricate details, have been a cherished part of Chinese culture for centuries.The history of Yangliuqing New Year pictures dates back to the 17th century, when artisans in the Yangliuqing region began creating these vibrant prints to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Over the centuries, the art form has evolved and flourished, becoming a symbol of prosperity and good luck in Chinese households.The essence of Yangliuqing New Year pictures lies in their unique artistic style, which combines folk art with traditional Chinese painting techniques. These prints are known for their bright colors, vivid images, and intricate designs, often featuring themes such as good fortune, prosperity, and family unity. The artists use a variety of techniques, including brush strokes, engraving, and lithography, to create these stunning works of art.What sets Yangliuqing New Year pictures apart from other forms of art is their connection to the community. These prints are not just pieces of art; they are a reflection of the values, traditions, and beliefs of the Chinese people. They are passed down from generation to generation, serving as a bridge between the past and the present, connecting families and communities.In addition to their cultural significance, Yangliuqing New Year pictures also hold economic value. The industry has grown significantly in recent years, with many artists and craftsmen dedicated to maintaining the traditional techniques and designs. The prints are sold worldwide, serving as a popular souvenir for visitors to China and a symbol of the country's rich cultural heritage.The influence of Yangliuqing New Year pictures extends beyond the confines of China. Their unique style andvibrant colors have captivated the attention of art lovers and collectors worldwide. The prints have been exhibited in various art galleries and museums, allowing people from different cultures to appreciate the beauty and depth of Chinese traditional art.In conclusion, Yangliuqing New Year pictures are not just pieces of art; they are a testament to the rich cultural heritage and匠人精神 of the Chinese people. They serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of maintaining and preserving traditional crafts and techniques, while also serving as a bridge between different cultures and communities. As we move forward in the 21st century, it is crucial that we continue to appreciate and cherish the beauty and value of Yangliuqing New Year pictures, ensuring that their legacy lives on for generations to come.杨柳青年画:中国传统艺术的魅力杨柳青年画,这一源自中国天津杨柳青地区的传统艺术瑰宝,以其独特的风格和精致的细节在中华文化中独树一帜。



杨柳青年画相关英语作文杨柳青年画(Yang Liu Youth Painting) is a traditional Chinese art form that originated in the Yangliuqing town of Tianjin, China. It is known for its bold and vibrant colors, intricate details, and unique storytelling. 杨柳青年画是中国传统艺术形式,起源于中国天津的杨柳青镇。


The art form dates back to the Ming Dynasty and has since evolvedto depict scenes from folktales, historical events, and everyday life. 这种艺术形式可以追溯到明朝,自那时起逐渐演变成了描绘民间故事、历史事件和日常生活场景的画作。

One of the most striking features of Yangliuqing youth painting is its use of bright and vivid colors. Artists often use a combination of red, green, blue, and yellow to create visually stunning pieces that capture the essence of Chinese culture and tradition. 杨柳青年画最引人注目的特点之一是其对明亮鲜艳色彩的运用。


In addition to its use of color, Yangliuqing youth painting is also known for its intricate details and meticulous craftsmanship. Artists spend countless hours perfecting each brushstroke and paying attention to the smallest details to create breathtakingly detailed scenes. 除了色彩运用,杨柳青年画还以其精致的细节和细腻的工艺而闻名。



杨柳青年画英语作文Yangliuqing New Year PaintingsYangliuqing New Year paintings, with a long history and unique style, are a famous traditional Chinese folk art. These paintings are known for their delicate brushstrokes, vivid colors, and exquisite craftsmanship.The themes of Yangliuqing New Year paintings are diverse, covering various aspects of life, such as festivals, customs, and auspicious symbols. Each painting tells a story or conveys a good wish, showing the rich cultural heritage and folk customs of China.The production process of Yangliuqing New Year paintings is very complicated. Artists need to spend a lot of time and effort to complete a work, from sketching, painting, to coloring. This meticulous process ensures the high quality and artistic value of the paintings.In addition to its artistic value, Yangliuqing New Year paintings also have important cultural significance. They are not only a form of decoration but also a carrier of traditional culture and a link between generations. These paintings play an important role in inheriting and promoting Chinese folk culture.Today, Yangliuqing New Year paintings have not only been loved by the domestic people but also attracted the attention of the international community. They have become a symbol of Chinese culture and are displayed and collected in many art galleries and museums around the world.In short, Yangliuqing New Year paintings are not only works of art but also a treasure of Chinese culture. They allow us to appreciate the beauty of traditional art and feel the charm of Chinese culture.。



杨柳青年画文化遗产名称:杨柳青木版年画 所属地区: 天津 遗产类别:民间美术 遗产级别: 国家
杨家埠木版年画文化遗产名称:杨家埠木版年画 所属地区: 山东 · 潍坊 遗产类别:民间美术 遗产级别: 国家
绵竹木版年画文化遗产名称:绵竹木版年画 所属地区:四川省德阳市 遗产类别:民间美术 遗产级别: 国家
桃花坞木版年画文化遗产名称:桃花坞木版年画 所属地区:江苏省苏州r Paintings
木板年画是一种绘图为范、雕木为版、套印成画的 传统民间艺术,是我国自雕版印刷术发明以后至近 代印刷术出现之前,最富特色的图画传播形式,至 今仍在民间流传。 The block-printed Chinese New Year pictures are a traditional form of folk art in China.They are pictures rinted from wood blocks into which both the text and the illustration have been crved by hand,to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year,also known as the Spring Festival.They were the most expressive form of artistic representation of things in pictures from the invention fo block printing in China to the advent of modern printing,and are still popular among the people.













杨柳青年画 (yáng liǔ qīng nián huà)—中国历代著名绘画作品鉴赏英文版

杨柳青年画 (yáng liǔ qīng nián huà)—中国历代著名绘画作品鉴赏英文版

杨柳青年画(yáng liǔqīng nián huà) Yangliuqing New Year PaintingWhen talking about traditional Chinese painting, people usually think of artworks created eitherby imperial court painters or by so-called literati painters. But there is another quite distinctiveform of painting: the New Year paintings, produced mostly by folk artisans. Like few others, the"Yangliuqing New Year Painting" exemplifies this genre. New Year paintings first started almost 2,000 years ago in China. Some say they originated fromthe "Door God" paintings, which were placed on doors to fend off evil spirits and to protectpeople's homes. Later, however, it became a tradition for people to put colorful paintings ontheir doors, walls, windows or even stoves right before the arrival of the Spring Festival or theChinese New Year as a means to say goodbye to the old year and usher in the new one.Still popular in China today, particularly in rural areas, NewYear paintings are a combination ofblock printing and hand painting. The whole process of creating such a painting includesdrawing, tracing, block engraving, printing, coloring, painting and finally mounting.Most of these paintings feature rich and bright colors with sharp contrasts. Figures and othersubjects in such paintings are usually exaggerated.Despite the fact that New Year paintings cover a wide range of themes, they all seem to bring themessage of good luck, festive atmosphere, praise of traditional Chinese virtues and worship ofgods, especially those of fortune, prosperity and longevity.But most of all, New Year paintings are always full of symbolism.One of the most favorite subjects of New Year paintings is the cherubic baby, usually holding alotus flower in one hand, with a big fish clutched under the other arm.For centuries, Chinese people have believed that more children will bring more blessings andthus greater happiness, so babies are a popular theme in these paintings. The fish and lotus, ofcourse, also have a meaning. In Chinese, the word"lotus" sounds similar to "consecutive" andfish is a homophone of "surplus", so this painting implies a wish for "prosperity in consecutiveyears."Other symbolic subjects include cranes, pines and peaches for longevity; peonies for wealth andsocial status; plum blossoms for perseverance, loyalty and grace; lotus flowers and crabs forharmony; oxen and roosters for diligence; tigers for valor; elephants for peace; a monkey riding ahorse for immediate promotion to a higher position; and dragons and phoenixes for extremelygood fortune.New Year paintings have a history of nearly 2,000 years in China. Some say they originated from the "DoorGod"paintings which were put on front doors to fend off evil spirits and protect homes.There are a number of famed New Year painting production towns and villages across thecountry. They include the town of Yangliuqing, which is located close to northern China's Tianjinmetropolis, Zhuxian Town in Kaifeng in central China's Henan Province, T aohuawu in Suzhou ineast China's Jiangsu Province, Yangjiabu Village, also located in east China's Shandong Province,as well as Mianzhu in southwest China's Sichuan Province.Despite being produced across the country, Yangliuqing is the one place generally consideredthe leading producer due to its well-preserved tradition and long history.Yangliuqing's tradition of producing New Year paintings dates back more than 600 years to thelate Yuan Dynasty(1206-1368).Located about 20 kilometers to the west of Tianjin today, Yangliuqing Town witnessed its primeyears during the middle and late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).Back then, more than 30 villages there engaged in the production of New Year paintings whichwere sold all aroundthe country.Yangliuqing New Year paintings are known for their vivid colors, dramatic designs, radiant festivevibe, greatly varied themes and exquisite block printings.One of the most favorite subjects of New Year paintings is cherubic baby, usually holding a lotus flower inone hand and clutching a big fish in the other.Over centuries, Yangliuqing has seen many ups and downs in its New Year painting business anddevelopment.After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, in order to protect traditionalChinese folk art, the central and local governments have offered great support for the towntocontinue production of New Year paintings.In 2006, the State Council, China's Cabinet, listed Yangliuqing New Year painting as an intangiblecultural heritage in order to preserve the rare genre in traditional Chinese painting.。

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The YaFiglHiqing New Year Picture
The woodcut New Year pictures of Yangliuqing havea strong flavor of life.

People in the Yangliuqing village and 32 villagesnearby,
20 kilometers from the west of Tianjin Cityproper, are all engaged in making New Yearpictures.

The New Year pictures are a unique art form with even arrangement,elega nt colors andbeautiful shapes.

Yangliuqing New Year pictures are different from other New Year pictures, for it is Xylograph interms of craft.

Xylograph of Yangliuqing originated in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and m atured in the QingDynasty (1644-1911) when it was chosen as an article of tri butes to the imperial family.
杨柳青木版画起源于明朝(1368 - 1644),成熟在清朝(1644 - 1911)被选为皇家的贡品。

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, it was on the decline due to the prevalence of foreignpaintings.

In the 1960s, it finally recovered its splendor and improved the craft with th e support fromthe new government.

The process of making a Yangliuqing New Year picture has a dozen steps like plotting, craving,to name a few.

It perfectly relates color and emotion,folk painting and standard paining, reali sm andromanticism.

It covers an extensive range of subjects like folk custom, legendary stories, historic events,and opera,
usually via emblems and symbols to deliver the theme.

Yangiiuqing New Year pictures are a gem of art and loved by people both at h ome and abroad.
It is exported to Italy, France, Britain, Belgium, Japan, Canada, the US, Singa pore and Mexico, etc.
