(Hydrolab Basic)广东水文水利计算软件使用手册

4.2 校正….………………..……………………………………………………........………………………………………………………22
4.2.1 使用测量器校正传感器…………………………………………………...............……………………………………………22 D.O. %饱和校正标准(饱和空气法)………………………………………………………………………………….…25 D.O. mg/L校正标准(常规浓度方法)……………………………………………………………………………………26
4.2.7 压力传感器校正……………………………………………………………………………………………..........................…27 创建工作日记文件………………………………………............………………………………………………………27
2.2 DS5, DS5X, 多功能探头……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10
2.3 MS5多功能探头…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11
2.4 传感器选项………………………11
4.1.3 电导系数参数设置…....………………………………………………………………………………………………………....20
4.1.4 溶解氧参数设置…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22
4.1.5 pH参数设置……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22

HydroCMS 水利档案共享系统 ——用户手册广东省水利电力勘测设计研究院秦晓川(QQ504284) 二〇一六年五月私人定制个性化简易性行业标准规范化通用性目录目录 (2)1 管理员初级篇 (3)1.1 系统运行及设置 (3)1.2 设置需要爬取的电脑IP和端口及名称 (4)1.3 设置爬取的时间段 (5)1.4 用户管理 (5)1.5 基于IP地址段的权限管理 (6)1.6 个性化 (7)1.7 守护进程、随系统启动服务、数据库及上传附件定期备份和删除过期数据库和上传附件 (7)1.8 静态文件下载服务 (7)1.9 管理or开发工具 (7)2 使用篇 (9)2.1 新建项目 (9)2.2 往成果分类中添加计划目录和成果以及批量打包下载 (13)2.3 写文章/设代日记 (16)2.4 检索成果 (17)2.5 远程访问 (18)2.6 添加自定义主题 (19)2.7 其他功能 (20)(1)全局搜索 (20)(2)wiki (20)(3)规范管理 (21)(4)基于HydroCMS的同类工程展示 (22)(5)基于HydroCMS的工具书功能 (22)(6)基于HydroCMS的培训、经验交流 (23)2.8 展望 (23)2.9 设计文件编号规定 (23)1 管理员初级篇1.1 系统运行及设置系统需求:本系统采用golang语言编写,支持交叉编译,即可编译成跨平台执行的文件。
(1)win7 64位系统运行HydroCMS-win64.exe(Microsoft Windows 7 (6.1) Home Premium Edition 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601))Winxp 32位系统运行HydroCMS-win32.exe浏览器要用Google Chrome将HydroCMS压缩包解压到D盘下,如D:\HydroCMS\。
Hydrolab Basic)广东水文水利计算软件使用手册

Hydrolab Basic)广东水文水利计算软件使用手册水文频率计算是指根据历史水文资料,通过统计学方法估算一定时间内发生一定水文事件的概率。
HydroLab Basic软件提供了水文频率计算的功能,可以方便地进行设计洪水计算和水资源规划。
水文频率计算的步骤如下:1、打开HydroLab Basic软件,选择“水文频率计算”功能。

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A User’s Guide toRockWare®Aq•QA®Version 1.1RockWare, Inc.Golden, Colorado, USACopyright © 2003–2004 Prairie City Computing, Inc. All rights reserved.Aq•QA® information and updates: Aq•QA® sales and support:RockWare, Inc.2221 East Street, Suite 101Golden, Colorado 80401 USASales: 303-278-3534, aqqa@Orders: 800-775-6745Fax: 303-278-4099Developer: Developed exclusively for RockWare, Inc. by:Prairie City Computing, Inc.115 West Main Street, Suite 400PO Box 1006Urbana, Illinois 61803-1006 USATrademarks: Aq•QA® and Prairie City Computing® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Prairie City Computing, Inc. RockWare® is a registered trademark of RockWare, Inc. All other trademarks used herein are the properties of their respective owners.Warranty: RockWare warrants that the original CD is free from defects in material and workmanship, assuming normal use, for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. If a defect occurs during this time, you may return the defective CD to PCC, along with a dated proof of purchase, and RockWare will replace it at no charge. After 90 days, you can obtain a replacement for a defective CD by sending it and a check for $25 (to cover postage and handling) to RockWare. Except for the express warranty of the original CD set forth here, neither RockWare nor Prairie City Computing (PCC) makes any other warranties, express or implied. RockWare attempts to ensure that the information contained in this manual is correct as of the time it was written. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions. RockWare’s and PCC’s liability is limited to the amount you paid for the product. Neither RockWare not PCC is liable for any special, consequential, or other damages for any reason.Copying and Distribution: You are welcome to make backup copies of the software for your own use and protection, but you are not permitted to make copies for the use of anyone else. We put a lot of time and effort into creating this product, and we appreciate your support in seeing that it is used by licensed users only.End User License Agreement: Use of Aq•QA® is subject to the terms of the accompanying End User License Agreement. Please refer to that Agreement for details.ContentsA Guided Tour of Aq•QA®1About Aq•QA® (1)Data Sheet (1)Entering Data (2)Working With Data (4)Graphing Data (6)Replicates, Standards, and Mixing (11)The Data Sheet 13 About the Data Sheet (13)Creating a New Data Sheet (13)Opening an Existing Data Sheet (13)Layout of the Data Sheet (13)Selecting Rows and Columns (14)Reordering Rows and Columns (14)Adding Samples and Analytes (14)Deleting Samples and Analytes (15)Using Analyte Symbols (15)Data Cells (15)Entering Data (15)Changing Units (16)Using Elemental Equivalents (16)Notes and Comments (17)Flagging Data Outside Regulatory Limits (17)Saving Data (17)Exporting Data to Other Software (17)Printing the Data Sheet (18)Analytes 19 About Analytes (19)Analyte Properties (19)Changing the Properties of an Analyte (20)Creating a New Analyte (21)Analyte Libraries (21)Editing the Analyte Library (21)Updating Aq•QA Files (22)A User’s Guide to Aq•QA Contents • iData Analysis 23 About Data Analysis (23)Fluid Properties (23)Water Type (24)Dissolved Solids (24)Density (24)Electrical Conductivity (24)Hardness (25)Internal Consistency (25)Anion-Cation Balance (25)Measured TDS Matches Calculated TDS (26)Measured Conductivity Matches Calculated Value (26)Measured Conductivity and Ion Sums (26)Calculated TDS to Conductivity Ratio (26)Measured TDS to Conductivity Ratio (26)Organic Carbon Cannot Exceed Sum of Organics (26)Carbonate Equilibria (26)Speciation (27)Total Carbonate From Titration Alkalinity (27)Titration Alkalinity From Total Carbonate (27)Mineral Saturation (27)Partial Pressure of CO2 (27)Irrigation Waters (27)Salinity hazard (28)Sodium Adsorption Ratio (28)Exchangeable Sodium Ratio (28)Magnesium Hazard (28)Residual Sodium Carbonate (28)Reference (29)Geothermometry (29)Unit Conversion (30)Replicates, Standards, and Mixing 33 About Replicates, Standards, and Mixing (33)Comparing Replicate Analyses (33)Checking Against Standards (34)Fluid Mixing (34)Graphing Data 35 About Graphing Data (35)Time Series Plots (35)Series Plots (36)Cross Plots (37)Ternary Diagrams (37)Piper Diagrams (38)Durov Diagrams (39)Schoeller Diagrams (39)ii • A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® A User’s Guide to Aq•QAStiff Diagrams (40)Radial Plots (40)Ion Balance Diagrams (41)Pie Charts (41)Copying a Graph to Another Document (42)Saving Graphs (42)Tapping Aq•QA®’s Power 43 About Tapping Aq•QA®’s Power (43)Template for New Data Sheets (43)Exporting the Data Sheet (43)Subscripts, Superscripts, and Greek Characters (44)Analyte Symbols (44)Colors and Markers (44)Calculated Ions (44)Hiding Analytes and Samples (44)Selecting Display Fonts (45)Searching the Data Sheet (45)Arrow Key Behavior During Editing (45)Sorting Samples and Analytes (45)“Tip of the Day” (45)Appendix: Carbonate Equilibria 47 About Carbonate Equilibria (47)Necessary Data (47)Activity Coefficients (47)Apparent Equilibrium Constants (48)Speciation (49)Titration Alkalinity (49)Mineral Saturation (50)CO2 Partial Pressure (51)Index 53 A User’s Guide to Aq•QA Contents • iiiA Guided Tour of Aq•QA®About Aq•QAImagine you could keep the results of your chemical analyses in aspreadsheet developed especially for the purpose. A spreadsheet thatknows how to convert units, check your analyses for internal consistency,graph your data in the ways you want it graphed, and so on.A spreadsheet like that exists, and it’s called Aq•QA. Aq•QA was writtenby water chemists, for water chemists. Best of all, it is not only powerfulbut easy to learn, so you can start using it in minutes. Just copy the datafrom your existing ordinary spreadsheets, paste it into Aq•QA, andyou’re ready to go!To see what Aq•QA can do for you, take the guided tour below.Data SheetWhen you start Aq•QA, you see an empty Data Sheet. Click on File →Open…, move to directory “\Program Files\AqQA\Examples” and openfile “Example1.aqq”.The example Data SheetAnalyteSampleis arranged with samples in columns, and analytes – the things youmeasure – in rows.A User’s Guide to Aq•QA A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® • 12 • A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® A User’s Guide to Aq•QAYou can flip an Aq•QA Data Sheet so the samples are in rows andanalytes in columns by selecting View → Transpose Data Sheet . Clickon this tab again to return to the original view. Tip: Aq•QA by default labels analytes by name (Sodium, Potassium,Dissolved Solids, …), but by clicking on View → Show AnalyteSymbols you can view them by chemical symbol (Na, K, TDS, …). To include more samples or analytes in your Data Sheet, click on the “Add Sample” or “Add Analyte” button: Add asampleAdd an analyteSelect analyte(s)Select sample(s)Select valuesYou select analytes or samples by clicking on “handles”, marked in theData Sheet by small triangles. You can select the values associated withan analyte using a separate set of handles, next to the “Unit” column.Give it a try!Tip: To rearrange rows or columns, select one or more, hold down theAlt key, and drag them to the desired location. Entering DataTo see how to enter your own data into an Aq•QA Data Sheet, begin byselecting File → New . Add to the Data Sheet whatever analytes youneed, and delete any you don’t need.Tip: To delete analytes, select one or more and click on the button.To delete samples you have selected, click on the button.When you click on the “Add Analyte” button, you can pick from amonga number of predefined choices in various categories, such as “InorganicAnalytes”, “Organic Analytes”, and so on:lets youfromA number of commonly encountered data fields (Date, pH,Temperature, …) can be found in the “General” category.Tip: If you don’t find an analyte you need among the predefined choices,you can easily define your own by clicking on Analytes→NewAnalyte….To make your work easier, rearrange the analytes (select, hold down theAlt key, and drag) so they appear in the same order as in your data.Tip: You can add a number of analytes in a single step by clicking onAnalytes→Add Analytes….Set units for the various analytes, as necessary: right click in the unitfield and choose the desired units from under Change Units, or selectChange Units under Analytes on the menubar.Right click tochange unitsA User’s Guide to Aq•QA A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® • 3Tip: You can change the units for more than one analyte in one step.Simply select any number of analytes and right-click on the unit field.Tip: Analyses are sometimes reported in elemental equivalents. Forexample, sulfate might be reported as “SO4 (as S)”, bicarbonate as“HCO3 (as C)”, and so on. In this case, right click on the unit of such ananalyte and select Convert to Elemental Equivalents.You can now enter your data into the Data Sheet as you would in anordinary spreadsheet.Tip: If you have an analysis below the detection limit, you can enter afield such as “<0.01”. Aq•QA knows what this means. If the analysisreports an analyte was not detected, enter a string such as “n/d” or “--”.For missing data, enter a non-numeric string, or simply leave the entryblank.You of course can type data into the Data Sheet by hand, or paste thevalues into cells one-by-one. But it’s far easier to copy them from anordinary spreadsheet or other document as a block and paste them all atonce into the Aq•QA Data Sheet.Making sure the analytes appear in the same order as in your spreadsheet,copy the data block, click on the top, leftmost cell in the Aq•QA DataSheet, and select Edit → Paste, or touch ctrl+V.Tip: If there are more samples in a data block you are pasting than inyour Aq•QA Data Sheet, Aq•QA will make room automatically.Tip: If the data arranged in your spreadsheet in columns fall in rows inyour Aq•QA Data Sheet, or vice-versa, you can transpose the Data Sheet,or simply select Edit → Paste Special → Paste Transposed.Tip: You can flag data in an Aq•QA Data Sheet that fall outsideregulatory guidelines. Select Samples → Check Regulatory Limits, orclick on . Violations on the Data Sheet are flagged in red.Working With DataOnce you have entered your chemical analyses in the Data Sheet, Aq•QAcan tell you lots of useful information.Click on File → Open… and load file “Example2.aqq” from directory“\Program Files\AqQA\Examples”. To see Aq•QA’s analysis of one ofthe samples in the Data Sheet, select the sample by clicking on its handleand then click on the tab. This moves you to the DataAnalysis pane, which looks like4 • A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® A User’s Guide to Aq•QAClick on anybar to expandor close up acategoryClick herefor moreinformationThere are a number of categories in the Data Analysis pane. To open acategory, click on the corresponding bar. A second click on the bar closesthe category. Clicking on the symbol gives more information aboutthe category.Tip: You can view the data analysis for the previous or next sample inyour Data Sheet by clicking on the and buttons to the left andright of the top bar in the Data Analysis pane.The top category, Fluid Properties, identifies the water type, dissolvedsolids content, density, temperature-corrected conductivity, and hardness,as measured or calculated by Aq•QA.The next category, Internal Consistency, reports the results of a numberof Quality Assurance tests from the American Water Works Association“Standard Methods” reference. For example, Aq•QA checks that anionsand cations balance electrically, that TDS and conductivitymeasurements are consistent with the reported fluid composition, and soon.The Carbonate Equilibria category tells the speciation of carbonate insolution, carbonate concentration calculated from measured titrationalkalinity and vice-versa, the fluid’s calculated saturation state withrespect to the calcium carbonate minerals calcite and aragonite, and thecalculated partial pressure of carbon dioxide.A User’s Guide to Aq•QA A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® • 5The Irrigation Waters category shows the irrigation properties of asample, and the Geothermometry category shows the results of applyingchemical geothermometers to the samples, assuming they are geothermalwaters.Finally, the sample’s analysis is displayed in a broad range of units, frommg/kg to molal and molar.Tip: You can print results in the Data Analysis pane: open the categoriesyou want printed and click on File→Print…Graphing DataAq•QA can display the data in your Data Sheet on a number of the typesof plots most commonly used by water chemists.To try your hand at making a graph, make sure that you have file“Example2.aqq” open. If not, click on File→Open… and select the filefrom directory “\Program Files\AqQA\Examples”.On the Data Sheet, select the row for Iron. Hold down the ctrl key andselect the row for Manganese. Click on and select Time SeriesPlot. The graph appears in Aq•QA as a new pane.The result should look like:To change or Click here toSelect…delete a graph, right-click on its tab alter the graph’s appearanceanalytes…andsamples tographYou can select the analytes and samples to appear in the graph on thecontrol panel to the right of the plot. Right clicking on the pane’s tab,along the bottom of the Aq•QA window, lets you change the plot to adifferent type, or delete it.Tip: You can alter the appearance of a graph by clicking on theAdvanced Options… button on the graph pane.6 • A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® A User’s Guide to Aq•QAYou can copy the graph (Edit→Copy) and paste it into another program, such as an illustration program like Adobe® Illustrator® or Microsoft® PowePoint®, or a word processing program like Microsoft®Word®.Tip: Once you have pasted a graph into an illustration program, you can edit its appearance and content. To do so, select the graphic and ungroup the picture elements (you may need to ungroup them twice).You can also send it to a printer by clicking on File→Print.Tip: In addition to copying a graph to the clipboard, you can save it in a file in one of several formats: as a Windows® EMF file, an EncapsulatedPostScript® (EPS) file, or a bitmap. Select File→Save Image As… andselect the format from the “Save as type” dropdown menu.Tip: Select a linear or logarithmic vertical axis for a Series or TimeSeries plot by unchecking or checking the box labeled “Log Scale” onthe Advanced Options…→ dialog or dialog.Aq•QA can display your data on a broad variety of graphs and diagrams:simply choose a diagram type from the pulldown.In addition to Time Series plots, Aq•QA can produce the following typesof diagrams:Series Diagrams.A User’s Guide to Aq•QA A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® • 7Cross Plots, in linear and logarithmic coordinates.Ternary diagrams.8 • A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® A User’s Guide to Aq•QAPiper diagrams.Durov diagrams.A User’s Guide to Aq•QA A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® • 9Schoeller diagrams.Stiff diagrams.Radial diagrams.10 • A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® A User’s Guide to Aq•QAIon balance diagrams.Pie charts.Replicates, Standards, and MixingAq•QA can check replicate analyses, compare analyses to a standard, andfigure the compositions of sample mixtures.Replicate analyses are splits of the same sample that have been analyzedmore than once, whether by the same or different labs. The analyses,therefore, should agree to within a small margin of error.To see how this feature works, load (File → Open…) file“Replicates.aqq” from directory “\Program Files\AqQA\Examples”.Select samples PCC-2, PCC-2a, and PCC-2b: click on the handle forPCC-2, then hold down the shift key and click on the handle for PCC-2b.Now, click on the button on the toolbar.A new display appears at the right side of the Aq•QA Data Sheet, oralong the bottom if you have transposed it.A User’s Guide to Aq•QA A Guided Tour of Aq•QA® • 1112 • A Guided Tour of Aq•QA®A User’s Guide to Aq•QAThe display shows the coefficient of variation for each analyte, and whether this value falls within a certain tolerance. Small coefficients of variation indicate good agreement among the replicates. The tolerance, by default, is ±5, but you can set it to another value by clicking on Samples → Set Replicate Tolerance….A standard is a sample of well-known composition, one that wasprepared synthetically, or whose composition has already been analyzed precisely. Enter the known composition as a sample in the Data Sheet and click on Samples → Designate As Standard, or the button. Then select an analysis of the standard on the Data Sheet and click on Samples → Compare To Standard, or the button. The display at the right or bottom of the Data Sheet shows the error in the analysis, relative to the standard. Set the tolerance for the comparison, by default ±10, clicking on Samples → Set Standard Tolerance….To find the composition of a mixture of two or more samples, select two or more samples and click on the button on the toolbar. Thecomposition of the mixed fluid appears to the right or bottom of the Data Sheet.The Data SheetAbout the Data SheetThe Aq•QA® Data Sheet is a special spreadsheet that holds yourchemical data. The data is typically composed of the values measured forvarious analytes, for a number of samples.You can enter data into a Data Sheet and manipulate it, as describedbelow.Creating a New Data SheetTo create a new Aq•QA Data Sheet, select File → New, or touch ctrl+N.An empty Data Sheet, containing a number of analytes, but no data,appears.The appearance of new Data Sheets is specified by a template. You cancreate your own template so new Data Sheets contain the analytes youneed, in your choice of units, and ordered as you desire. For moreinformation, see Template for New Data Sheets in the TappingAqQA’s Power chapter of this guide.Opening an Existing Data SheetAq•QA files end with the extension “.aqq”. These files contain the dataentered in the Data Sheet, as well as any graphs produced and theprogram’s current configuration.You can open an existing Data Sheet by clicking on File → Open… andselecting a “.aqq” file, either one that you have previously saved or anexample file installed with the Aq•QA package. A number of examplefiles are installed in the “Examples” directory within the Aq•QAinstallation directory (commonly “\Program Files\AqQA”).Layout of the Data SheetAn Aq•QA Data Sheet contains the values measured for various analytes(Na+, Ca2+, HCO3−, and so on) for any number of samples that have beenanalyzed. Each piece of information about a sample is considered ananalyte, even sample ID, location, sampling date, and so on.A User’s Guide to Aq•QA The Data Sheet • 13By default, each analyte occupies a row in the Data Sheet, and thesamples fall in columns. You can reverse this arrangement, so analytesfall in columns and the samples occupy rows, by clicking on Edit →Transpose Data Sheet. To flip the Data Sheet back to its originalarrangement, click on this tab a second time.You can rearrange the order of analytes or symbols on the Data Sheet, asdescribed below under Reordering Rows and Columns.Selecting Rows and ColumnsTo select a row or column, click on the marker to the left of a row, or thetop of a column. The marker for a row or column appears as a smalltriangle. Analytes have two markers, one for selecting the entire analyte,and one for selecting only the analyte’s data values.You can select a range of rows or columns by holding down the leftmouse button on the marker at the beginning of the range, then draggingthe mouse to the marker at the end of the range. Alternatively, select thebeginning of the range, then hold down the shift button and click on themarker for the end of the range.To select a series of rows or columns that are not necessarily contiguouson the Data Sheet, select the first row or column, then hold down the ctrlkey and select subsequent rows or columns.By clicking on one of the small blue squares at the top or left of the DataSheet, you can select either the entire sheet, or all of the data values onthe sheet.Reordering Rows and ColumnsYou can easily rearrange the rows and columns of samples and analytesin your Data Sheet. To do so, first select a row or column, or a range ofrows and columns, as described under Selecting Rows andColumns. Then, holding down the alt key, press the left mouse button,drag the selection to its new position, and release the mouse button.Adding Samples and AnalytesTo include more samples or analytes in your Data Sheet, select onSamples → Add Sample, or Analytes → Add Analyte, or simply clickon the or buttons on the toolbar. To add several analytes at once,select Analytes → Add Analytes…, which opens a dialog box for thispurpose.When you add an analyte, you choose from among the large number thatAq•QA knows about. These are arranged in categories: inorganics,organics, biological assays, radioactivity, isotopes, and a generalcategory that includes things like pH, temperature, date, and samplelocation.14 • The Data Sheet A User’s Guide to Aq•QAIf you don’t find the analyte you need, you can quickly define your own.Select Analytes → New Analyte…, or New Analyte…from thedropdown menu. For more information about defining analytes, see theAnalytes chapter of the guide.Deleting Samples and AnalytesTo delete analytes or samples, select one or more and click on Analytes→ Delete, or Samples → Delete. Alternatively, select an analyte andclick on the button, or a sample and click on .Using Analyte SymbolsAnalytes are labeled with names such as Sodium, Calcium, andBicarbonate. If you prefer, you can view them labeled with thecorresponding chemical symbols, such as Na+, Ca2+, HCO3−. Simplyclick on View → Show Analyte Symbols. A second click on this tabreturns to labeling analytes by name.Data CellsEach cell in the data sheet contains one of several types of information:1. A numerical value, such as the concentration of a species.2. A character string.3. A date or a time.Numerical values are, most commonly, simply a number. You can,however, indicate a lack of data with a character string, such as “n/d” or“Not analyzed”, or just leaving the cell empty.If an analysis falls below the detection limit for a species, enter thedetection limit preceded by a “<”. For example, “<0.01”.Character strings, such as you might enter for the “Sample ID”, containany combination of characters, and can be of any length.You can enter dates in a variety of formats: “Sep 21, 2003”, 9/21/03”,“September 23”, and so on. Aq•QA will interpret your input and cast it inyour local format (e.g., mm/dd/yy in the U.S.). Similarly, enter time as“2:20 PM” or “14:20”. Append seconds, if you wish: 2:20:30 PM”.To change the width of the data cells (i.e., the column width), drag thedividing line between columns to the left or right. This changes the widthof all the data columns in the Data Sheet.Entering DataTo enter data into an Aq•QA Data Sheet, you can of course type it infrom the keyboard, or paste it into the cells in the Data Sheet, one by one.A User’s Guide to Aq•QA The Data Sheet • 15It is generally more expedient, however, to copy all of the values as ablock from a source file, such as a table in a word processing document,or a spreadsheet. To do so, set up your Aq•QA Data Sheet so that itcontains the same analytes as the source file, in the same order (seeAdding Samples and Analytes above, and Reordering Rows andColumns). You don’t necessarily need to add samples: Aq•QA will addcolumns (or rows) to accommodate the data you paste.Now, select the data block from the source document and copy it to theclipboard. Move to Aq•QA, click on the top, leftmost data cell, and selectEdit → Paste. If the source data is arranged in the opposite sense as yourData Sheet (the samples are in rows instead of columns, or vice-versa),transpose the Data Sheet (View → Transpose Data Sheet), or selectEdit → Paste Special → Paste Transposed.Changing UnitsYou can change the units of analytes on the Data Sheet at any time. Todo so, select one or more analytes, then click on Analytes → ChangeUnits. Alternatively, right click and choose a new unit from the optionsunder Change Units. If you have entered numerical data for the analyte(or analytes), you will be given the option of converting the values to thenew unit.Some unit conversions require that the program be able to estimatevalues for the fluid’s density, dissolved solids content, or both. If youhave entered values for the Density or Dissolved Solids analytes, Aq•QAwill use these values directly when converting units.If you have not specified this data for a sample, Aq•QA will calculateworking values for density and dissolved solids from the chemicalanalysis provided. It is best, therefore, to enter the complete analysis for asample before converting units, so the Aq•QA can estimate density anddissolved solids as accurately as possible.Aq•QA estimates density and dissolved solids using the methodsdescribed in the Data Analysis section of the User’s Guide, assuming atemperature of 20°C, if none is specified. Aq•QA can estimate densityover only the temperature range 0°C –100°C; outside this range, itassumes a value of 1.0 g/cm3, which can be quite inaccurate and lead toerroneous unit conversions.Using Elemental EquivalentsYou may find that some of your analytical results are reported aselemental equivalents. For example, sulfate might be reported as “SO4(as S)”, bicarbonate as “HCO3 (as C)”, and so on.In this case, select the analyte or analytes in question and click onAnalytes → Convert to Elemental Equivalents. Alternatively, select16 • The Data Sheet A User’s Guide to Aq•QAthe analyte(s), then right click on your selection and choose Convert toElemental Equivalents.To return to the default setting, select Analytes → Convert to Species,or select the Convert to Species option when you right-click.Notes and CommentsWhen you construct a Data Sheet, you may want to save certain notesand comments, such as a site’s location, who conducted the sampling,what laboratory analyzed the samples, and so on.To do so, select File → Notes and Comments… and type theinformation into the box that appears. This information will be savedwith your Aq•QA document; you may access it and alter it at any time.Flagging Data Outside Regulatory LimitsYou can highlight on the Data Sheet concentrations in excess of ananalyte’s regulatory limit. Select Samples → Check Regulatory Limits.Concentrations above the limit now appear highlighted in a red font.Select the tab a second time to disable the option. Touching ctrl+L alsotoggles the option.Aq•QA can maintain a regulatory limit for each analyte. The analytelibrary contains default limits based on U.S. water quality standards atthe time of compilation, but you should of course verify these againststandards as implemented locally. You can easily change the limit carriedfor an analyte, as described in the Analytes chapter of this guide.Saving DataBefore you exit Aq•QA, you will probably want to save your workspace,which includes the data in your Data Sheet, any graphs you have created,and so on, in a .aqq file.To save your workspace, select File → Save , or click on the button onthe Aq•QA toolbar.To save your workspace as a .aqq file under a different name, select File→ Save As… and specify the file’s new name.You may also want to save the data in the Data Sheet as a file that can beread by other applications, such as Microsoft® Excel®. For informationon saving data in this way, see the next section, Exporting Data toOther Software.Exporting Data to Other SoftwareWhen Aq•QA saves a .aqq file, it does so in a special format thatincludes all of the information about your Aq•QA session, such as theA User’s Guide to Aq•QA The Data Sheet • 17。
水利专业知识服务系统 操作说明书

水利专业知识服务系统操作说明书北京南威水科技术有限公司2020年11月目录1系统简介 (1)2 系统登录 (1)2.1登录页面 (1)2.2系统首页 (2)2.2.1 一键式检索 (4)2.2.2 水利资讯 (5)2.2.3 特色资源 (6)2.2.4 特色专题 (6)2.2.5 统一资源目录检索 (12)3导航栏 (12)3.1特色资源 (12)3.1.1水雨情动态 (12)3.1.2水资源动态 (13)3.1.3水旱灾害统计 (15)3.1.4地下水动态 (16)3.1.5数据分析 (18)3.1.5水循环遥感 (21)3.2特色专题 (26)3.2.1智慧水利专题 (27)3.3专业文献 (28)3.3.1水利论文 (28)3.3.2水资源科技前沿专题(前沿综述) (30)3.3.3标准规范 (32)3.3.4政策法规 (36)3.3.5科研成果 (38)3.3.6学科趋势 (40)3.3.7水利期刊 (41)3.4院士专家 (42)3.4.1院士专家 (42)3.5热点聚焦 (44)3.5.1水利资讯 (44)3.5.2资讯分析 (46)3.6水问 (48)4 个人中心 (48)4.1消息订阅 (48)4.1.1 文献订阅 (49)4.1.2 雨情数据订阅 (49)4.1.3 水情数据订阅 (50)4.1.4 公报数据订阅 (50)4.2订阅推送 (51)4.2.1 订阅查看 (51)5 用行为统计 (53)5.1总量访问 (53)5.2访问趋势 (53)5.3访问明细 (54)5.4下载排行 (54)5.5访问功能排名 (55)5.6访问用户排名 (55)5.7访问用户明细 (56)1系统简介水利专业知识服务系统是以水利数据、科技文献为基础,以专业知识服务为重点,通过对海量数据的汇集整合和深入挖掘,分析提炼出水资源形成、开发、利用、再生维持的机理及时空变化规律,进而归纳总结水资源可持续开发利用的方式和对策,通过中国工程科技知识中心水利专业知识服务系统平台,为水利相关业务管理等水利领域的科技创新发展提供知识服务,为国家水利行业宏观调控与决策提供辅助决策支持,发挥国家管理的重要工具和参谋助手的作用。

输入“cd hsjs\ccdos”,回车;

水文水利分析计算软件系统程序设计及操作说明书(WinSWS for Win9x/ Winme/Win2k/WinXp)编写:水利部四川省水利水电勘测设计研究院2004年7月目录前言 (1)程序特点 (2)第一章水文分析计算绘图ξ1-1 数据文本编辑器 (3)ξ1-2 经验关系线绘拟合程序 (13)ξ1-3 频率计算绘图程序 (26)ξ1-4 暴雨洪水计算绘图 (30)ξ1-5 时段最大洪量计算程序 (34)ξ1-6 设计洪水过程线放大修匀程序 (35)ξ1-7 河道大断面计算程序 (40)ξ1-8 绘图制表程序ξ1-8-1 水位流量关系曲线图表程序 (43)ξ1-8-2 复相关计算程序 (45)ξ1-8-3 最大流量散布图绘制程序 (46)ξ1-8-4 洪水过程线绘制程序 (48)ξ1-8-5 水文径流系列代表性分析绘图程序 (50)ξ1-9 表块数据计算程序 (51)第二章水利水能计算绘图ξ2-1 电力电量平衡计算绘图程序 (53)ξ2-2 水库洪水调节计算程序 (56)ξ2-3 径流调节及电站出力计算程序 (59)ξ2-4 灌溉制度设计计算程序 (63)ξ2-5 渠系水利用系数计算程序 (80)第三章泥沙回水计算绘图ξ3-1 河道型水库泥沙冲淤及回水计算程序 (86)第四章水利水电工程经济评价ξ4-1 水利水电工程经济评价程序 (95)第五章水轮机运转特性曲线ξ5-1 水轮机运转特性曲线计算绘图程序 (103)前言《水文水利分析计算绘图软件系统》是我们于1991年研制开发,1992正式推出的用于水文水利计算的大型软件系统。

这是一个中间计算量, 此时尚未引入补偿系数计算: 对于非差压类,
显 示 的 是 工 况 体 积 流 量 , 对 于 差 压 类 , 显 示 的 是
设计工况流量量程 输入信号百分比
XSR22FC 补偿流量积算记录仪
图 5.1 累积参数组设置
XSR22FC 补偿流量积算记录仪
图 7.1 变送输出参数设置
测 量 值- 输 出 下 限 (电流上限 - 电流下限) 电流下限 输出上限 - 输出下限
上述各个画面可能因为参数设置等原因略有变化: 1. 当温度或压力输入信号选择为“无”时,仪表自动隐藏各画面的温 度或压力显示; 2. 当介质与补偿选择为“无补偿时” ,仅显示全测量值画面。 3. 当温度输入断线时,或当输入超出仪表物理测量上限时,仪表在对 应的位置显示“溢出”字样。 4. 当累积流量位数大于 6 位时,仪表自动隐藏“累积”字样,以便于 显示更高的数据位数。 ※ 注意:补偿前信息画面中的“流量”主要用于判断补偿相关参数是 否设置正确。具体请参见第 4 节中的“补偿前信息画面中的流量” 。 -3-
流体类型及补偿方式 固定密度 固定密度
压力通道 输入信号类型 固定压力 固定压力 无补偿 无压力 压力显示小数点位置 环境压强 传感器实测瞬时流量单位 量纲转换后瞬时流量单位 传感器实测流量小数点位置 结束
电流 压力上限 压力下限
XSR22FC 补偿流量积算记录仪
仪表包含五个日常信息画面。可以按画面键在各个画面之间切换, 也可以通过设定参数使其自动循环显示。

“水力计算软件2002”是在AutoCAD 2002绘图平台的基础上开发的,因此,AutoCAD 2002对计算机的要求就是“水力计算软件2002”对计算机的要求。
1、参考有关材料,安装AutoCAD 2002绘图平台。
看是否运行正常,然后关闭AutoCAD 2002。
(若已安装,该步可省略) 2、安装“水力计算软件2002”:
运行断面CAD软件光盘中SMX2002 文件夹下的smx.exe。
(Hydrolab Basic)广东水文水利计算软件使用手册

(Hydrolab Basic)广东水文水利计算软件使用手册1软件主界面组成HydroLab项目管理HydroLab软件是以工作区和项目的概念管理用户的设计工作。

环境工程—水处理实验仿真系统操作手册北京东方仿真控制技术有限公司2003年2月目录环境工程—水处理实验安装手册 2环境工程—水处理实验操作手册自由沉淀实验8 混凝实验16 曝气充氧实验36 过滤实验41 气浮实验50 活性污泥实验57环境工程—水处理实验安装手册欢迎您使用本公司的软件并希望您提出宝贵意见!建议配置:Windows98操作系统,PentiumII-233以上,至少32M内存,800x600x16位真彩(标准小字体),至少200M的硬盘空间。
在安装过程中点击“Cancel”按钮会取消当前操作,如果安装向导检测到是终止本次安装,则会出现对话框提示:(2)、选择安装路径:安装向导确定了程序的默认安装目录(一般情况是C:\Program Files\Wes2003\,其中盘符会根据您的操作系统的安装路径而有所不同),如您同意安装程序文件在此目录,点击“Next”按钮进行下一步骤。

提示: 您可以选择 一种语言, 并选择 另一种语言打印报 告. 暂时无中文版.
第二步: 选择所用 系统给水类型
Brackish: 苦咸水—适用于所 有TDS<15,000mg/l 的原水.
点这里 发现
Sea Water TDS > 15,000 mg/l. Recycle Water RO 系统返回部分浓水到给水. 这可以不改变RO
系统水力平衡而增加系统回收率. Waste Water 用于处理过的工业或市政污水. Concentrate 输入的数据是浓水水质. 用于 NF 系统.
第三步: 选择系统 所用膜类型
如果不能在列 表中发现你所 用的膜件, 选择 “其他”
第四步: 点击analysis继续.
第四步: 输入水质报告. 注意 ppm as CaCO3与mg/l as Ion的 不同.
对于水质报告中多 种计量单位共存时, 只需在输入单个离 子时点菜单条中的 “unit”选择. 已输 入的离子浓度将自 动转换.
阴阳离子平衡吗? 点击“Yes”, 软件会自动用NaCl平衡
点击 “OK”
输入系统运行条件. 随时点击“UNIT”菜单条更改单位 .
Warning!! 不处理将会有垢生成.
专为RO & UF 系统提供解决方案的工具
Run this presentation
in “Slide Show”
什么是 OSMAS2.1TM?
OSMAS2 2.1 一个功能强大RO阻垢剂
• 计算一个RO系统的结垢倾向:

HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY SOFTWAREHYPACK MAX操 作 手 册第 二 版编写:刘志 刘东海 李华山广州航道局测量部 电话:(020)84424451E-mail: HYPACK@广州江南大道中 173 号 6 楼 传真:(020)84423897网络资源:/hypack/index.asp说明本手册是广州航道局测量部,根据推广应用 HYPACK MAX 软件的需 要,而编写的简易操作手册文档。
本手册正在不断的修改之中,目前是第二版的修改稿(截至 2004 年 5 月)。
虽然编者进行了认真的检查和校核,但是由于编写者的水 平问题,编者仍然无法向本手册的用户保证:编者在本手册里所编写 的内容和提供的方法都是百分百正确的。
需要在这里特别说明的是: 施工船舶上的使用者以及测量外业的使用者, 请您务必进行必要的检 查和质疑。
如果您对编者在本手册所写的任何内容有任何的怀疑,请 您与编者联系。
编者将对您的问题进行分析和答复,并对您的意见致 以最高的谢意!编者HYPACK MAX 操作手册概述第一章 概 述11.1概述HYPACK 简介HYPACK 是美国 Coastal Oceanographics Inc.公司开发用于海洋调查和水道测量的商品软件。
HYPACK 在国外有很庞大的用户群,享有较高的评价。
为了提高集团疏浚工程的挖泥效率和对挖泥质量进行有效监控,2000 年初,中港 集团技术中心实施《计算机辅助疏浚系统开发集成与推广》项目,并以在天津、上海、 广州三家航道局推广使用 HYPACK MAX 软件,作为该项目在集团推广应用的主要措 施。
HYPACK MAX 软件的测量模块具有设置灵活,支持硬件多的特点;能向用户提 供高质量的定位和测深数据,同时提供了强大的内业编辑、绘图和土方量计算功能。
HYPACK MAX 的疏浚模块能把挖泥船的耙头 (绞刀) 深度指示系统以及耙臂 (绞 车)位置指示系统的数据,快速并图形化地在计算机屏幕上实时显示出来,并能把施工 区域的横断面和纵断面的图形与数据提供给用户,用于辅助挖泥船的施工,从而指导提 高挖泥船的挖泥效率。

水库调洪演算系统说明书(Storo )1概述水库调洪演算原理比较简单,但是计算过程却十分繁琐复杂。
首先,设计洪水过程每一时段的调洪演算都需经过反复的假定、试算,计算工作量很大;其次,计算溢洪道的下泄流量也是相当繁琐的,以最简单的无坎宽顶堰为例,其流量系数要分直角形翼墙进口、八字形翼墙进口、圆弧形翼墙进口三种形式,分别根据B b ;B b 和θtg ;b r 和Bb(b 为闸孔净宽,B 为进水渠宽,θ为八字形翼墙收缩角,r 为圆弧形翼墙的圆弧半径)查表计算确定,其侧收缩系数则要根据过流孔数、单孔净宽、墩头形式、堰顶水头来计算确定;最后,还要整理计算结果,绘制调洪演算曲线。
本计算系统storo 通过编制周到的计算程序、提供简捷明了的操作界面并利用成熟的商业绘图软件作为输出平台,让计算机来完成上述繁琐复杂的调洪演算工作,计算机操作人员不必具备水利计算和水力学计算方面的专业知识.2调洪计算原理调洪演算的核心是水量平衡方程.其基本含义是:在某一时段Δt 内,入库水量减去库水量,应等于该时段内水库增加或减少的蓄水量。
用方程来表示就是1221212/)(2/)(V V t Q Q t Q Q a a -=⨯+-⨯+ (1。
2.1)式中 Q a1,Q a2—--时段t 始末的入库流量 Q 1,Q 2 -——时段t 始末的出库流量 V 1,V 2 ---时段t 始末的水库蓄水量T -——计算时段入库流量过程Q a ~T 是已知的,出库流量Q~T 曲线未知,但是可以先假设一个q 作为初始流量得到Q ’,再代回计算V 2.这样不断试算,直到两个量满足精度要求。

点击工具栏“添加标准项目节” 按钮,显示标准项目节选择窗口。(如图3-2-1)

- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
(Hydrolab Basic)广东水文水利计算软件使用手册1软件主界面组成HydroLab项目管理HydroLab软件是以工作区和项目的概念管理用户的设计工作。
2水文频率计算功能依据《设计洪水计算规范》,采用规范中所列的Pearson-Ⅲ分布,利用矩法初步估算水文连序系列和不连序系列的均值、Cv 、Cs等统计参数值,在频率曲线窗口绘出标准的频率曲线图,并实现了目估适线功能。
1 数据文件格式数据格式分为两种情况:1)连序系列例如特大值组数0数据个数30水文系列(年份、水文值)1976 1231977 222……2)不连序系列例如特大值组数 2调查期、特大值个数和重复数100 1 0调查期、特大值个数和重复数60 1 0水文系列数据行数30年份、特大值1905 1300年份、特大值1935 1000水文系列(年份、水文值)1976 1231977 222……注:重复数为特大值在实测系列中抽取的个数。
2 直接输入如果直接在软件界面输入,请依次设置水文系列类型,实测系列长以及特大值的情况,点击“应用”按钮设置右侧数据格式,然后在右侧数据格中输入数据。
计算结果在频率曲线图中,利用调整按钮调整均值、Cv 、Cs值,进行目估适线。
注意及限定1 连续系列长度小于200,特大值个数小于100;2 所有频率都是省略%表示。
设定设计频率时,频率值可以是0.01~ 99.99之间的任意频率。
3 Excel格式的报表必须通过菜单“工具”->“更新Excel报表”进行更新,可以通过“文件”->“导出Excel文件”另存为Excel文件进行进一步处理。
1 数据文件格式软件支持的标准数据格式为“起点距~高程”格式:起点距(m) 高程例如0.00 10.001.00 4.766.25 1.947.58 0.2014.90 0.6620.65 2.6723.00 10.002 直接输入如果直接在软件界面输入,只能按照“起点距~高程”格式输入,支持数据表的复制和粘贴。
注意及限定1 直接输入数据后,只有在点击“计算水力要素”按钮之后,才会在右侧显示断面示意图。
2 定义断面的节点最大支持1000个,计算水力要素的间距,控制为最大高程差的1/500以上。
3 Excel格式的报表必须通过菜单“工具”->“更新Excel报表”进行更新,可以通过“文件”->“导出Excel文件”另存为Excel文件进行进一步处理。
注意及限定1 是否需要10分钟暴雨统计参数,是根据据流域实际设置动态调整。
2 流域情况以及流域面积范围仅适用《广东省暴雨径流查算图表及使用手册》中明确的范围。
3 Cs默认采用Cv的3.5倍,用户也可以自己设定。
4 Excel格式的报表必须通过菜单“工具”->“更新Excel报表”进行更新,可以通过“文件”->“导出Excel文件”另存为Excel文件进行额外处理。
1 数据文件格式过程线文件格式:过程线起始月份起始日时分流量例如:7 265 0 11805 30 16306 30 22607 0 26308 0 40808 35 46509 0 478010 0 423010 30 39102 直接输入如果直接在软件界面输入,给出起始月日后,在各行逐次填写时、分、流量数据。
注意及限定1 洪水数据个数不大于1000,数据点之间的间隔不大于24小时;2 所有频率都是省略%表示。
设定设计频率时,频率值可以是0.01~ 99.99之间的任意频率。
3 Excel格式的报表必须通过菜单“工具”->“更新Excel报表”进行更新,可以通过“文件”->“导出Excel文件”另存为Excel文件进行额外处理。
1 洪水过程线数据文件:洪水过程线文件支持两种格式,即时段-流量过程线以及日历时间-流量过程线。
时段-流量文件格式对应暴雨洪水过程线的成果格式:时段流量例如:1 2.22 3.437.348.45 4.2……日历时间~流量过程线文件对应洪水放大修匀的实测洪水过程线文件格式:过程线起始月份起始日时分流量例如:7 265 0 11805 30 16306 30 22607 0 26308 0 40808 35 46509 0 478010 0 423010 30 3910……如果使用日历时间~流量过程线文件,需选中“使用日历时间~流量过程线”框。
库容曲线水位库容例如: 31.63 1000.0032.13 1055.0033.73 1395.0034.63 1820.0036.00 2500.00……泄流能力曲线水位下泄流量例如: 31.63 0.0033.73 350.0034.33 510.0034.63 597.00……2 直接在界面输入:使用时段~流量过程线格式,请直接在数据表中填写时段和流量数据。
注意及限定1 过程线节点间距≤24小时,节点数≤1000。
2 Excel格式的报表必须通过菜单“工具”->“更新Excel报表”进行更新,可以通过“文件”->“导出Excel文件”另存为Excel文件进行进一步处理。