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硕 士 学 位 论 文
论文题目: 直流微电网中双向变流器的研究
研 究 生 姓 名 : 刘兰枚 学 科 、 专 业 : 控制理论与控制工程 研 究 方 向 : 光伏发电及新能源
导师姓名、职称 : 孔祥新 副教授 论 文 完 成 时 间 : 2013 年 4 月
日 期:
(根据学位论文类型相应地在“□”划“√”) 《直流微电网中双向变流器的研究》系本人在曲阜师范大学攻读博士□ / 硕士□学位期间,在导师指导下完成的博士□ /硕士□学位论文。本论文的研 究成果归 曲阜师范大学所有,本论文的研究内容 不得以其他单位的名义发表。 本人 完全了解 曲阜师范大学关于保存、使用 学位论文的 规定 ,同意学校保留 并向 有关 部门送 交论文的 复印件和 电子版本,允许 论文 被查阅和借阅 。本人 授权 曲阜师范大学, 可以采用影印或其他复 制手段保存 论文,可以公开发表 论文的全 部或部分内容。
DC and AC Microgrid. The DC Microgrid will be paid more and more attention due to its advantages such as easy grid-connected. The most key equipment of DC Microgrid is the bidirectional converter which connected the DC Microgrid and the public AC power grid.
As the growing of power demand, shortage of power becomes more and more significant. Therefore, with the advantages of high power factor and the two-way flow of power, the bidirectional converter is widely used in many areas such as active power filter and the grid-connected power generation of renewable energy. Compared with the uncontrolled or phase controlled converter, the PWM converter is the really green power conversion device. On account of the rapid development of the power electronic control technology, large – scale integrated circuit and the automatic control theory, micro controller which makes high-speed microprocessor as the core will become the main trend in the development of converter. A bidirectional three-phase voltage source PWM converter with TMS320F28335 as main control chip for DC Microgrid was studied and designed in this paper mainly from the following several aspects: (1) According to its topology, the principle and operation mode of the bidirectional converter were analyzed in details. On this basis, its mathematical model and control strategy were given, the direct current control technique was adopted as well as the voltage and current double closed loop control method, and the PID parameters were analyzed and calculated. (2) The hardware of converter was designed. Based on the calculation of parameters, the components of main power circuit were selected. The signal detection and modulation circuit and IGBT driving circuit with DSP TMS320F28335 as control chip were analyzed and designed. (3) The whole system was simulated and verified using Matlab/Simulink software. (4) The program flow chart of bidirectional converter was planned and designed, and the corresponding software was programmed. (5) A control experiment platform was prefabricated and established for actual debugging to verify the correctness of the system.
Key words:
Migrogrid, Bidirectional PWM converter, Voltage source, DSP28335, Power factor
第一章 绪论 .......................................................................................................................... 1
作者签名: 导师签名 :
日 期: 日期 :
摘 要
近年来大电网的连锁故障频繁发生,以致其难以满足用户对电能的安全性和稳定性的 要求,同时随着可再生能源的发展,微电网已成为研究热点。微电网控制技术可将多种微 型电源有效的组合在一个系统中,既可以并网运行也可以脱离大电网孤岛运行,从而达到 提高电力系统的安全性和灵活性的目的。因此,微电网与传统电网相结合也被国内外专家 一致认为是电力系统的发展趋势。微电网有直流型和交流型微电网之分,其中直流微电网 以其并网 简便等优势将越 来越受到重视。而 直流微电网中最关 键的设备是连 接直流微电 网和公共交流电网的双向变流器。 随着电力需求的日益增长,电力紧缺问题越来越显著,因此在直流微电网中双向变流 器以其功率因数高、能量双向流动等优势在有源电力滤波、可再生能源的并网发电等领域 得到广泛应用。与不可控或相控变流的传统变流器相比,PWM 变流器可谓是真正意义上 的绿色环保的电力变换装置。鉴于电力电子变流控制技术、大规模控制集成电路及自动控 制等理论的快速发展,以高速运算率的微处理器作为控制核心的微控制器将变为变流器发 展的主要趋势。 本文以 TMS320F28335 为主控芯片,设计研究了用于直流微电网的三相电压型 PWM 双向变流器。主要从以下几方面进行了分析研究: (1 )根据双向变流器的拓扑结构对其工作原理和运行方式进行了详细分析,在此基 础上给出了系统的数学模型和控制策略,采用直接电流控制技术和电压电流双闭环控制方 式,且对 PID 调节参数进行了分析计算。 (2 )对变流器的硬件电路进行了设计。通过计算主电路元器件的参数确定了元器件 的选型, 并以 TMS320F28335 型 DSP 作为控制芯片分析设计了系统的信号检测及调理电路 及 IGBT 驱动电路等。 (3)利用 Matlab/Simulink 软件对整个系统进行了仿真验证。 (4)规划设计了双向变流器的程序流程图,并编写了相应软件程序。 (5)制作并搭建了控制实验平台进行实际调试已验证系统的正确性。
1.1 本课题的研究目的和意义 ............................................................................................ 1 1.2 国内外双向变流器的发展现状.................................................................................... 4 1.3 本文的主要研究内容 ................................................................................................... 5
第二章 微电网中双向变流器的 结构、原理和控制 策略 ......................................... 6
关键词: 微电网;双向 PWM 变流器;电压型;DSP28335;功率因数
Because of many cascading failures in the large power grid for the past few years, it is difficult to meet power consumers’ demand for security and stability of the power system. At the same time, with the development of renewable energy, Microgrid has become a research hotspot. The technology of micro power grid control which makes various micro power supplies in a system has tow kinds of operation modes: interconnection and isolated operation. So that it can improve the safety and flexibility of power system. Therefore, the research on the protection and control technology of the micro-grid in this dissertation is of vital importance. Microgrid can be divided into
(根据学位论文类型相应地在“□”划“√”) 本人郑重声明:此处所提交的博士□ /硕士□论文《直流微电网中双向变 流器的研究》,是本人在导师指导下,在曲阜师范大学攻读博士□ /硕士□学 位期间独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文中除注明部分外不包含他 人已 经发 表或撰写 的研究成果。对 本文的研究工作做出 重要贡献 的个 人和集体, 均已在文中以明确的方式注明。本声明的 法律结果将完全由本人承担。