Biffi 液动执行机构
3、扭矩确定全关位置 置就地选择开关至 “LOCAL” 位,就地控
制投入使用; 按 “CLOSE” 按钮,执行机构向关闭方向动 作,当达到极限扭矩值时,电机停止,新的关闭位 置被记忆下来; 置就地选择开关至 “OFF” 位; 按 “YES” 确认; YES 按 “YES” 设置全开位置,或按 “NO” 两 次重复关闭位置设置程序。按 “NO”后再按 “YES”退出行程参数设置; 全开定位方式; 如果全开定位方式(扭矩和位置)正确按 “YES”。按 “NO” 修改,当方式正确时按 “YES”确时按 “YES”。
BIFFI电动执行机构的安装调试 BIFFI电动执行机构的安装调试
第一部分 存储和安装
1、检查显示正常。 2、 转动手轮直到阀门全部打开。 3、检查读数为100%,显示阀门完全打开。 4、 顺时针旋转手轮直到阀门完全关闭。 5、检查读数为0%,显示阀门完全关闭 6、检查运输中各部件有无损坏。特别是按钮、显示玻璃板和选择开关。 7、 检查名牌上所有内容:系列号、性能参数(公称扭矩、操作速度、 防护等级、电机电压等)以及检查显示窗中相应的数据。
第二部分 操作及设定
一、BIFFI ICON2000操作 一、BIFFI ICON2000操作
压下离合杆,同时旋转手轮直到齿轮咬合,松开离合杆,即 可用手轮操作阀门。电机通电执行机构返回电动操作。
通电前对照铭牌标注检查电压是否正确,错误的电源输入可能 造成电子元件永久性破坏。执行机构本身提供自动相位校正,所以不 用检查电源相位。将三位选择开关置于OFF 位然后再通电。在操作执 行机构之前需检查执行机构的设置是否符合要求。
2000ICON 2000:新千年的步伐特点半个多世纪以前,Biffi就已经开始制造阀门执行机构,其不断的创新和敢于面对挑战的能力,奠定了她在世界范围内的领导地位。
BIFFI产品培训教材一.气液联动执行器:GPO1.1.拨叉机构简介Biffi 的气液连动执行机构GPO 系列适用于-20℃~+80℃的环境温度,OGK 系列适用于-60℃~+80℃的环境温度。
图1 为球阀的开关行程与所需扭矩的曲线和非对称型拨叉机构在一个行程(0°~90°)的扭矩输出曲线(见左图) ,以及和对称型拨叉机构在一个行程的扭矩输出曲线、衡定输出扭矩机构(如齿轮齿条机构和行星齿轮机构)输出扭矩的比较,这些曲线表明在同尺寸的活塞缸和拨叉情况下,非对称型拨叉机构是最有效最经济的驱动角行程阀门的机构。
但在某些情况下Biffi 仍然可提供对称型拨叉机构的执行机构。
同样该衬套为青铜表面上镀有聚四氟乙烯,可将摩擦力的影响降到最低,活塞(13)在活塞缸内滑动,为了确保其滑动方向,在活塞上装了导向聚四氟乙烯环(14) ,以保证滑动方向并提高效率。
活塞和活塞杆的密封都是O 形圈,外包聚四氟乙烯密封环,这种材质可适用于许多种恶劣的环境1.2工作原理气液连动执行机构的动力源是高压天然气,天然气在过滤之后通过流量调节阀进入气液连动罐。
1. 应用标准及规定 6
2. 约定条件 6
1. 收到执行机构后需完成的测试项目 7
2. 存储程序 7
3. 安装前检查项目 9
1. 工作条件 9
2. 从执行机构上拆下联轴器 9
3. 手动操作 12
4. 安装执行机构到阀门上 13
5. 电气连接 15
6. 拆下电气端子盒盖 15
4.3 执行机构装配
2.3 型号 B3 和 B4 联轴器
2.3.1 衬套准备
Copyright by BIFFI Italia. All rights reserved.
− 检查运输中各部件有无损坏。特别是按钮、显示玻璃板和选择开关。
− 检查名牌上所有内容:系列号、性能参数(公称扭矩、操作速度、防护等级、电机电压
2. 存储程序
重要: 不完成下列程序将会失去产品保证。
二、执行机构的应用领域执行机构主要应用在以下三大领域:1、发电厂典型应用有:火电行业应用送风机风门挡板、一次进风风门挡板、空气预热风门挡板、烟气再循环、旁路风门挡板、二次进风风门挡板、主风箱风门挡板、燃烧器调节杆、燃烧器摇摆驱动器液压推杆驱动器、叶轮机调速、烟气调节阀、蒸气调节阀、球阀和蝶阀控制、滑动门、闸门;其它电力行业的阀门执行器应用球阀、除尘控制喷水、叶轮机转速控制、控制大型液压阀、燃气控制阀、燃烧器点火启动、蒸气控制阀、冷凝水再循环, 脱氧机,锅炉给水,过热控制器,再加热恒温控制器,及其它相关阀门应用2、过程控制用于化工、石化、模具、食品、医药、包装等行业的生产过程控制,按照既定的逻辑指令或电脑程序对阀门、刀具、管道、挡板、滑槽、平台等进行精确的定位、起停、开合、回转,利用系统检测出的温度、压力、流量、尺寸、辐射、亮度、色度、粗糙度、密度等实时参数对系统进行调整,从而实现间歇、连续和循环的加工过程的控制。
BIFFI产品培训教材一.气液联动执行器:GPO1.1.拨叉机构简介Biffi 的气液连动执行机构GPO 系列适用于—20℃~+80℃的环境温度,OGK 系列适用于-60℃~+80℃的环境温度。
图1 为球阀的开关行程与所需扭矩的曲线和非对称型拨叉机构在一个行程(0°~90°)的扭矩输出曲线(见左图) ,以及和对称型拨叉机构在一个行程的扭矩输出曲线、衡定输出扭矩机构(如齿轮齿条机构和行星齿轮机构)输出扭矩的比较,这些曲线表明在同尺寸的活塞缸和拨叉情况下,非对称型拨叉机构是最有效最经济的驱动角行程阀门的机构。
但在某些情况下Biffi 仍然可提供对称型拨叉机构的执行机构。
导向块通过衬套(9)在导向杆(8)上滑动,衬套为烧结青铜镀聚四氟乙烯构成,可将摩擦力降到最低.气液连动执行机构的活塞缸是用于液压油的,经过搪磨的活塞缸(10)内膛十份平滑,活塞杆(11)通过安装在外壳端法兰上的导向衬套(12)进行滑动.同样该衬套为青铜表面上镀有聚四氟乙烯,可将摩擦力的影响降到最低,活塞(13)在活塞缸内滑动,为了确保其滑动方向,在活塞上装了导向聚四氟乙烯环(14),以保证滑动方向并提高效率.活塞和活塞杆的密封都是O 形圈,外包聚四氟乙烯密封环,这种材质可适用于许多种恶劣的环境1。
电液联动执行机构操作流程Operating an electro-hydraulic actuator requires a thorough understanding of its mechanisms and proper procedures. As such, it is crucial to follow a strict set of guidelines to ensure the safety and efficiency of the operation. When using an electro-hydraulic actuator, it is imperative to first check that all connections are secure and that the system is free of any leaks. Once these preliminary checks have been completed, you can proceed with the operation, keeping in mind the importance of monitoring the pressure and flow rates throughout the process.使用电液联动执行机构需要对其机制和操作流程有深入的了解。
One of the key steps in operating an electro-hydraulic actuator is to properly set the desired position or movement. This can be done through adjusting the control valves and fine-tuning the system toachieve the desired outcome. It is important to be patient and precise during this step, as any errors in positioning can lead to malfunctions or accidents. Additionally, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines when setting the position to ensure the actuator functions correctly and efficiently.操作电液联动执行机构的关键步骤之一是正确设置所需的位置或运动。
BIFFI产品培训教材一.气液联动执行器:GPO1.1.拨叉机构简介Biffi 的气液连动执行机构GPO 系列适用于-20℃~+80℃的环境温度,OGK 系列适用于-60℃~+80℃的环境温度。
图1 为球阀的开关行程与所需扭矩的曲线和非对称型拨叉机构在一个行程(0°~90°)的扭矩输出曲线(见左图) ,以及和对称型拨叉机构在一个行程的扭矩输出曲线、衡定输出扭矩机构(如齿轮齿条机构和行星齿轮机构)输出扭矩的比较,这些曲线表明在同尺寸的活塞缸和拨叉情况下,非对称型拨叉机构是最有效最经济的驱动角行程阀门的机构。
但在某些情况下Biffi 仍然可提供对称型拨叉机构的执行机构。
同样该衬套为青铜表面上镀有聚四氟乙烯,可将摩擦力的影响降到最低,活塞(13)在活塞缸内滑动,为了确保其滑动方向,在活塞上装了导向聚四氟乙烯环(14) ,以保证滑动方向并提高效率。
活塞和活塞杆的密封都是O 形圈,外包聚四氟乙烯密封环,这种材质可适用于许多种恶劣的环境1.2工作原理气液连动执行机构的动力源是高压天然气,天然气在过滤之后通过流量调节阀进入气液连动罐。
E L B S - 10LINE BREAK DETECTION SYSTEMINSTRUCTION HANDBOOKMDE135E2REVISION LIST218/05/2002Fixed operating modeM.B. A.A.118/07/2000Update function of CN5-1 external powersupply ( pag.12 )M.B. A.A.018/01/2000Issue document M.B. A.A.Rev.DateDescriptionPreparedApprovedBIFFI ITALIA s.r.l.DIREZIONE, UFFICIO COMMERCIALE,,STABILIMENTO HEADQUARTER, SALES DEPARTMENT, FACTORY 29017 Fiorenzuola d'Arda (Piacenza) Italy Tel. (0523) 944411Telex 530107 -Bifior.ITelecopier (0523)941885CONTENTS1. FORWARD (1)2. WORKING PRINCIPLE (2)2.1. T ABLE OF OPERATING MODES (6)3. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS (7)3.1. V ALVE CONTROL ON PRESSURE DROP RATE (7)3.2. V ALVE CONTROL ON HIGH OR LOW PRESSURE (7)3.3. V ALVE CONTROL FOR SIMULATION TEST (7)3.4. V ALVE CONTROL DELAY (7)3.5. L INE PRESSURE DATA ACQUISITION (7)3.6. S OLENOID VALVE CONTROL OUTPUT (8)3.7. P OWER SUPPLY PACK (8)3.8. L OCAL OPERATOR INTERFACE (8)3.9. L OCAL COMMUNICATION PORT (9)3.10. O UTPUT RELAYS (9)3.11. P RESSURE TRANSDUCER (9)3.13. E XAMPLE OF PRESSURE DROP RATE CONTROL (10)4. ELBS-10 ELECTRONIC CARDS (11)4.1 D IP-SWITCHES AND J UMPERS SETTING : (11)5. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ELBS-10 (12)6. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS OF ELBS-10 (12)6.1 V IEW OF E EX-D L INE B REAK C ABINET (14)7. MENU OF THE LOCAL OPERATOR INTERFACE OF ELBS-10 (15)7.1. P ARAMETERS AND SET-POINTS LIST (16)7.2. A LARMS AND WARNINGS LIST (17)7.3. P ARAMETERS LIST OF THE TEST FUNCTION (17)7.4. I NSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE LOCAL OPERATOR INTERFACE (18)8. LIBVIEW.EXE PROGRAM (21)8.1. T O INSTALL THE LIBVIEW.EXE PROGRAM ON THE PC (21)8.2. T O CONFIGURE THE ELBS-10 L INE B REAK D ETECTION M ODULE (22)8.4. T O SAVE ALL THE EVENTS DATA OF THE ELBS-10 MODULE (24)8.5. T O VISUALISE THE ELBS-10 STATUS (24)9. MAIN COMPONENTS OF EEX-D LINE BREAK CABINET (25)10. TYPICAL ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM (26)11. TYPICAL OPERATING DIAGRAM (27)12. START - UP INSTRUCTIONS (28)13. TO RESTORE THE VALVE CONTROL FUNCTION (29)14. BATTERY MAINTENANCE (29)1.FORWARDThe Line Break Detection System type ELBS-10 is an electronic equipment, developed by Biffi,for monitoring the pipeline integrity. The ELBS-10 continuously monitors the pressure in the line and in case of failure, it sends a command to the actuator so as to stroke the line valve to the fail safe position. The electrical power necessary for working, is supplied by a 7.2V lithium battery pack that allows the ELBS-10 to work for at least one year.The ELBS-10 is provided with a powerful local operator interface, made of one 2 lines / 16characters LCD display and 3 push-buttons, that allows to enter the configuration data and to visualise the values of variables or the status of the device. Moreover an RS232 serial communication port is provided for connection to a PC or LAP TOP, to carry out parameter configuration, or variables visualisation or to down-load the recorded event data for further analysis of pipeline behaviour .The ELBS 10 was especially engineered for “ON FIELD” service, it means capability of working in the severest ambient conditions, as wide operating temperature range, vibrations, explosive atmosphere, etc. Particular care was taken to increase the level of immunity against the radio frequency disturbs.2.WORKING PRINCIPLEThe ELBS-10 samples cyclically the line pressure value, measured by the pressure transducer (PT) and memorises the sampled values in a temporary rolling memory, type FIFO (First in, First out). The rolling FIFO memory allows to store 256 samples and the sampling rate is programmable from 1 to 10 s.The pressure magnitude and pressure drop rate are continuously compared to the reference values, set by the user in the configuration memory.An event is defined as the condition that occurs when the measured pressure magnitude or pressure drop rate exceeds the customer set-point for a configurable time.In case of event, the pressure magnitude values, present in the FIFO memory and relevant to 88 samples preceding the event and 168 samples after the event, are transferred to the “data memory”. Only one sample out of four is stored in the event data memory. So each event is recorded in the event data memory by 64 samples(22 samples preceding the event and 42 after the event).The event data memory can store up to 1000 events.The following drawing shows the block diagram of the ELBS-10:The ELBS-10 transfers into the “event data memory” the following type of EVENTS: EVENT 1- pressure value decreases of a pre-set amount (field configurable )EVENT 2- pressure reaches the low value limit (field configurable)EVENT 3- pressure value increases of a pre-set amount (field configurable)EVENT 4-pressure reaches the high value limit (field configurable)EVENT 5- (only in ACQ mode) pressure drop exceeds the pre-set speed dropdata acquisition (field configurable)EVENT 6- pressure drop exceeds the pre-set speed drop valve control (field configurable) The following configurable operating mode are available:•data acquisition•valve control•sleepIn data acquisition operating mode the pressure samples relevant to an event (1,2,3,4,5) are stored in the data memory but an event does not affect the valve position.In valve control operating mode the pressure samples relevant to an event (1,2,3,4,6) are not stored in the data memory but EVENTS 2 ,4 and 6, cause the valve to stroke to the fail-safe position.The two operating mode can be used separately or simultaneously. In valve control + acquisition mode (ACQ+VC ), in case of pressure drop only EVENT 6, EVENT 1, 2,3,4 are recorded, while EVENT 5 is not recorded.The sleep operating mode is used to inhibit both data acquisition and valve control operating modes to puts out of service the ELBS-10.In case of alarm or if valve control mode is chosen but the solenoid valve control is ‘’not armed‘’, automatically, the ELBS-10 enters in the ‘’ slow sampling ‘’ state. In the above state the valve control and acquisition functions are off, but the ELBS-10 restores to normal operation when the cause disappears.The following figure shows the ‘’ data acquisition area ‘’ in function of the time.The below figure shows the above described types of EVENT that could be memorised during one year of pipeline data acquisition.The Event 1, happened in January, represents a pressure that pass through the values of 30 bar and 25 bar, causing the memorisation of the events in the “event data memory” ( Event 1.1 & Event1.2).In February, April, May, July September and November the pipeline pressure does not generates any Event. The Event 3 represents a pump station start-up, while the Event 5 is a pump station shut down that creates a pressure drop rate higher than the ELBS-10 adjustment, so that the Event 5.1,5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 are memorised into the “event data memory ’’. The Event 6 represents a Line Break that creates a pressure drop rate higher than the pipeline curve behaviour present in the ELBS-10memory. In this case the actuator is controlled in order to stroke the pipeline valve in the fail position.Pressure behaviour relevant to one year51015202530354045505560657075Pressure (bar)All the Events are memorised in the “event data memory”. The following formula allows to calculate the duration of the recorded time corresponding to each event and the time between two recorded pressure data in each event:recorded time duration ( min. ) = sampling rate * 256 / 60 time between 2 data ( sec. ) = sampling rate * 4For example with sampling rate at 8 sec. the time duration of the recorded data is 8*256/60 = 34.1min, and the time between two recorded pressure data is 8*4 = 32 sec.When the “event data memory” reaches 90% of its capability an alarm informs about the need to discharge the memory content in a portable PC in order to allow the ELBS-10 to restart its pipeline survey.The content of the “event data memory” can be used to build-up the pipeline pressure curve relevant to one year of survey, as shown in the below figure.The pressure curve allows to calculate the typical values of pressure and pressure drop rate of the pipeline and to enter the correct set-points in the ELBS-10 .Pressure curve obtained after one year of survey5Pressure (Bar)September2.1. Table of operating modesOperating mode DescriptionValve Control ( V C ) (configurable)No data acquisition, only valve control in case of EVENTS 2,4, 6.Valve control mode is active only if ‘’Solenoid valve control’’ is ‘’armed‘’. The ELBS-10 switches to slow sampling mode if :- solenoid valve control is not armed.- if there is an alarm.- after the valve control.Acquisition ( ACQ ) (configurable)Valve control not active.No valve control, only data acquisition on EVENTS 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5. The ELBS-10 switches to slow sampling mode if :- the event data memory is full and ‘’ not circular mode ‘’ is set. - if there is an alarm.- in case of low pressure (EVENT 2).- in case of high pressure (EVENT 4).Valve Control + Acquisition ( V C + ACQ ) (configurable)Valve control on EVENTS 2, 4, 6, and data acquisition on EVENTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.Valve control + Acquisition is active only if ‘’Solenoid valve control’’ is ‘’armed’’.The ELBS-10 switches to slow sampling mode if :- solenoid valve control is not armed.- if there is an alarm.- after the valve control.If event data memory is full and ‘’ not circular mode ‘’ is set, the data acquisition stops, but valve control is still active.Sleep ( SLEEP ) (configurable)No data acquisition and valve control.No pressure and voltage measurement.The local operator interface is still available.Slow sampling ( SLOW ) (automatic, not configurable)No data acquisition and valve control.The local operator interface is still available.The ELBS-10 measures the voltage supply and the pressure with a time equal to ‘’slow sampling rate’’ (see: parameters and set-points list). The ELBS-10 display show ' SLOW' The ELBS-10 restores to normal operation when the cause disappears.3.GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS3.1.Valve control on pressure drop rateWhen the pressure drop rate exceeds the drop rate set-point(EVENT 6), the ELBS-10 sends an electric command to the solenoid valve and the actuator stroke the line valve to the fail position.3.2.Valve control on high or low pressureThe ELBS-10 sends an electrical signal to the solenoid valve in order to stroke the line valve to the fail safe position when the pressure value is lower than the low pressure set-point ( EVENT 2 ), or is higher than the high pressure set-point ( EVENT 4).3.3.Valve control for simulation testThe ELBS-10 is fitted with an hardware/software module that allows to enter a pressure drop rate in place of the pressure transducer values, in order to verify the output command signal to the solenoid valve and the correct operation of the device.The test function force the valve control (VC) mode . The simulated pressure will start to the high pressure limit and goes to 0 bar. The test function can be stopped by the ENTER push button. If the ELBS-10 will close the pipeline valve the event will not be recorded.3.4.Valve control delayThe ELBS-10 is fitted with a configurable time delay module that allows to delay the solenoid valve command. If the condition which causes the event (low pressure EVENT 2, high pressure EVENT 4, pressure drop rate EVENT 6), disappears during the delay time, the valve control signal will not be generated .3.5.Line pressure data acquisitionThe ELBS-10 temporary rolling memory (FIFO) is continuously recording 256 samples. When an event occurs, the FIFO memory data are stored, one out of four, in the event data memory. The event data memory capacity is of 1000 events. The following set-point are used : low pressure set-point (EVENT 2), high pressure set-point (EVENT 4), drop rate set-point in valve control mode (EVENT 6), pressure drop rate set-point in acquisition mode (EVENT 5), pressure increases of pre-set amount (EVENT 3), pressure decreases of pre-set amount (EVENT 1).When more events occur during the data acquisition, the relevant event record will be marked whit the code of the first one.The data relevant to the events can be visualised by local operator interface or by PC via RS232 serial line. By PC, the user can built-up the line pressure behaviour.3.6.Solenoid valve control outputThe ELBS-10 is provided with a 24Vcc/100mA output electric signal and one change-over dry contacts of a relay, suitable to drive the solenoid valve of the actuator.A timer module allows to set the duration of the solenoid valve control (solenoid control duration ).The output is active if the ELBS-10 operating mode is valve control (VC ) or valve control +acquisition (VC+ACQ ) and ‘’solenoid valve control ’’ is armed .3.7.Power supply packIn this case the ELBS-10 is fitted with a battery pack with 4 x 3.6V Lithium Thionyl Chloride, size D. The battery pack is installed in an explosion proof enclosure. The battery service life depends on the sampling rate. By selecting 8 sec. as sampling rate the minimum battery life is 1 year. A battery life survey function generates a Warning signal when the next change of battery is necessary ( see next maintenance on tab. 7.1).3.8.Local operator interfaceThe ELBS-10 is fitted with a 2 lines / 16 characters LCD display and 3 push-buttons that allows to enter the configuration parameters or to visualise the working data.Two push-buttons 'DEC', 'INC' are used to move into the menu, while the third 'ENTER' is used to enter the selected information.To visualise the messages of the display, the operator can choose between two available languages (English or Italian). The following operations can be done:• to visualise the:-event data memory content -pipeline present pressure value -line valve control set-points -data acquisition set-points -battery voltage value-status and alarm of the ELBS-10The configuration operation are protected by password . The operator can enter in the configuration menu and change the parameters or arm the solenoid valve control output, only after entering the appropriate password . The ELBS-10 is supplied by BIFFI with the default password ‘’ 0000 ‘’. The customer can enter its own secret password of 4 alpha-numerical characters. When the newpassword is entered, the default one is no longer valid.3.9.Local communication portThe ELBS-10 when is connected via RS232 to a portable computer it is possible to control and program all relevant parameters. The following operations can be done:•to visualise the:-event data memory content-pipeline present pressure value-line valve control set-points-data acquisition set-points-battery voltage value-status and alarm of ELBS-103.10.Output relaysOne output relay with change-over, dry contacts is available for remote signalling of alarm of ELBS-10. In alarm the ELBS-10 stops working. (see: alarm and warning table ).One output relay with change-over, dry contacts is available for remote signalling of warning of ELBS-10. In warning all functions of the ELBS-10 are available, but some parameter or variable is not correct (see alarm/ warning table).One output relay with change-over, dry contacts is available for remote signalling of solenoid valve control not armed. When the status of the relay indicates ‘’armed’’, the ELBS-10 is ready to control the valve if the pressure is lower than the set-point, or the pressure is higher than the set-point or the pressure drop rate exceeds the set-point (EVENTS 2,4,6), when one of this events is detect the ELBS-10 command the line valve to fail position and switch this relay. After valve control the relay remains in the status ‘’not armed ‘’. This relay will be reset when the ELBS-10 is re-ARMED. (see : how to arm solenoid valve control par.).3.11.Pressure transducerThe pressure transducer is supplied with the ELBS-10 and is installed on the line valve at valve maker / customer care, according to Biffi instructions.The pressure transmitter must be installed downstream the line valve and converts the pipeline pressure 0-100 bar to a0-20mA electrical signal.3.13. Example of pressure drop rate controlThe following figure shows the ELBS-10 behaviour in presence of a continuous pressure drop rate.Note : Before than the valve control action takes place, it needs that the EVENT 6 condition is confirmed for the “confirmation time” and the pressure decreases during the “delay” time.The following figure shows the ELBS-10 behaviour in presence of a temporary pressure drop rate.4.ELBS-10 ELECTRONIC CARDSThe ELBS-10 consists of two electronic card ( mother board and display board). On the mother board are located the microprocessor, the A/D converter, the memories, the power supply stage and the input / output modules. On the display board are located the LCD display, the circuit necessary to control the 3 push buttons of the local operator interface and the RS 232 connector. Thefollowing figure shows the ELBS-10 electronic cards .4.1 Dip-switches and Jumpers setting :Factory default :SW1 -1= off, SW1 -2= offJ1 = open, J2 = open, J3 = 2-3 close, J5 = open, J6 =close5.TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ELBS-10Application:gas / liquidsAmbient temperature: -20° / + 70° CWorking pressure: from 0 to 300 barPressure drop rate:from 0.2 to 20 bar / minPressure sampling rate:from 1 to 99 sec. adjustableData memory capacity:1000 eventsValve stroke delay:from 0 to 999 sec.Valve stroke duration:from 0 to 255 sec.High/low pressure set-points from 0 to 300 bar.Battery voltage:4x3.6V,size D,Lithium Thionyl Chloride.Pressure transmitter supply: 12V / 20 mASolenoid valve control output:24V / 100mAPC connection:via opto-coupled RS 232 serial port.6.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS OF ELBS-10The following figure shows the terminals of the ELBS-10 electronic cardsThe following figure shows the layout of the line break protection system6.1View of Eex-d Line Break Cabinet .7.1.Parameters and set-points listDISPLAY MESSAGE DESCRIPTION ENG.UNITRANGE ACTUALVALUENEWVALUEHIGH PRESSUREXXX.X BARHigh pressure limit ( EVENT 4 )integer0-300.093.0LOW PRESSUREXXX.X BARLow pressure limit ( EVENT 2 )integer0-300.032.0VALVE CONTROL BAR / MIN XX.X Pressure drop rate in VC valve controlmode and in ACQ+VC mode ( EVENT 6 )bar/min0.2-20 3.0ACQUISITIONBAR / MIN. XX.X Pressure drop rate in ACQ acquisition mode( EVENT 5 )see par.2bar/min0.2-2020.0PRESSURE INC.XX.X BARPressure change in increase ( EVENT 3 )bar0.2-99.9 5.0PRESSURE DEC.XX.X BARPressure change in decrease ( EVENT 1 )bar0.2-99.9 5.0DELAYXXX SECDelay of the valve stroking sec0-99910DURATIONXX SECDuration of the valve stroking sec0-25530SAMPLING RATEXXX SECSampling rate sec1-2558TIMEhh:mm:ss Time hh-mm-ss00-00-0023-59-59actualDATEdd-mm-yyyy Date dd-mm-yyyy01-01-199031-12-2099actualOPERATING MODE ACQ + VC Operating mode: SLEEP, ACQ uisition, V alveC ontrol, ACQ uisition and V alve C ontrolinteger SLEEP,ACQ,VC, ACQ+VCVCSLOW SAMPLING RATE XXX SEC.Slow sampling rate: sampling rate aftervalve stroking or in alarm statussec1-25532MEMORY MODECIRCULAR Event memory mode: circular / not circular(note 1)boolean circ/notcirccircularALARM 90 % ON Alarm when the event memory contentreaches 90% : ON / OFFboolean on/off offOFF VOLTAGE X.X V Low voltage limit. Alarm when the supplyvoltage fall down the above value.V0-10 5.3ON VOLTAGE X.X V Off to on supply voltage. Min. voltageneeded to restore correct operationV0-10 6.1TRASMITTER0mA XXX BARPressure Transducer Zero bar0-3000TRASMITTER20mA XXX BARPressure Transducer Span bar0-300100LAST MAINT. dd-mm-yyyy Date of the last battery change dd-mm-yyyy01-01-199031-12-209915-12-1999NEXT MAINT. dd-mm-yyyy Date of the next battery change dd-mm-yyyy01-01-199031-12-209918-6-2000SERIAL NUMBER XXXXXXXXXXXX Serial number alpha-num charmax 12charELBS10-03-01,,5Note 1. Circular = when the event memory is full the new event takes the place of the oldest (the first) . The next one will take the place of the second , etc.Not circular = when the memory is full the acquisition function stops working. The ‘’ clear memory ‘’ control restarts the acquisition function. Valve control function remains active.7.2.Alarms and warnings listDISPLAY MESSAGE ALARM / WARNINGRESETDESCRIPTIONMEMORY ERRORA No error in CRCmemoryAlarm ( A )due to error in checking the CRC of the EEPROMmemoryMEMORY 90 %W CLEAR memorycontrolWarning ( W )generated when the EEPROM memory reaches 90% ofits capacity and if the relevant parameter is set to on.TRANSMITTERA Transmittersignal < 20 mAAlarm ( A )generated when the signal of the pressuretransmitter is > 20.5 mA or the relevant A/D converter isblockedHIGH VOLTAGEA Voltage value <10 VAlarm ( A )generated when the voltage supply is > 10 VLOW VOLTAGEA Voltage value >"on voltage"Alarm ( A )generated when the supply voltage is lower than therelevant configured parameter( OFF VOLTAGE )TEMPERATUREW Temperature valuecorrectWarning ( W )generated when the temperature is higher than+75°C or lower than -20°CSLEEPA ACQ or VCoperating modeAlarm ( A )generated when " SLEEP " operating mode selected.MAINTENANCEW Next maint. date> present dateWarning ( W )generated if present date is > than the configured" NEXT MAINT.dd-mm-yyyy " (see parameters and set-point list)7.3.Parameters list of the test functionDISPLAYMESSAGEDESCRIPTIONPRESSURE DROPXX.X BAR / MINPressure drop value used by the test function.START TEST START of the test functionNote 1: the test function causes the valve control also if the data acquisition mode is configured. The test execution can be interrupted by pushing 'ENTER' ( or by pushing simultaneously 'DEC' and 'INC' ) of the local operator interface .See also par. 3.3 and how to launch test function.7.4.Instructions for using the local operator interface8.LIBVIEW.exe PROGRAMThe communication between ELBS-10, line break detection module, and PC is done via RS232digital serial line. The program LIBVIEW.exe, to be installed on the PC, runs under WINDOWS 95operating system is supplied as an option. The program LIBVIEW.exe allows the following :• to visualise the event data memory content, present pressure value, date, voltage supply value,set-points and all internal parameters• to configure the set-points and the internal parametersThe following diagram shows the electrical diagram of the cable for connecting the PC to ELBS-10.8.1.To install the LIBVIEW.exe program on the PCInsert the diskette in the floppy disk driver A and then proceed as follows:• Click on START. Click on RUN. Digit the name of the program: A:\Setup.exe . Click on OK and then follow the instructions on the screen of the computer • Double click on the icon LIBVIEW to open the program Alternatively:• Create a new directory in C:• Copy Libview.exe in the new directory • Run the program Libview.exeClick on ‘’Option’’ to select the communication port8.2.To configure the ELBS-10 Line Break Detection Module Click on LIBVIEW icon Click on ‘’configuration’’Click on ‘’OBJECT LIST’’Click on the ‘’ ‘’ to see the variable list Click on the variable name that will be configured Click on ‘’READ’’ to see the present value Click on the value and introduce the new one Click on ‘’WRITE’’Click on ‘’READ’’ to check that the new value has been entered8.3.To visualise the event data of the ELBS-10 moduleClick on LIBVIEW icon Click on ‘’configuration’’Click on ‘’events data’’Click on the ‘’ ‘’ to see the events list Click on the event number.Click on ‘’READ’’ to see the event data on the screenClick on ‘’CLEAR ALL EVENTS’’ to clear the event memory of the ELBS-10to exit:Click on ‘’Cancel’’Click on ‘’File’’Click on ‘’Exit’’To save the single event on disk :Click on ‘’File’’Click on ‘’save’’8.4.To save all the events data of the ELBS-10 module Click on ‘’configuration’’Click on ‘’events data’’To save all the events on disk :Click on ‘’File’’Click on ‘’Download’’8.5.To visualise the ELBS-10 statusClick on ‘’configuration’’Click on ‘’read I / O’’Click on ‘’ X ‘’Click on ‘’File’’Click on ‘’Exit’’9.Main Components of Eex-d Line Break cabinet - Some internal views of Eex-d cabinet :12.START - UP INSTRUCTIONSdiagram.The 4 batteries are supplied separately , sothe first of all it needs to install the batteriesin the actuator enclosure. Proceed asfollows:-open the actuator battery pack enclosure and put the batteries inside the battery holders. Be careful at the battery polarity, since the reversed polarity causes fast batteries discharge. See the drawing, in battery maintenance paragraph, to correctly install the batteries.-by a multimeter measure the voltage on the terminals ‘’ + ‘’and ‘’ - ‘’. The voltage should be about 7.2Volt.-press the push-button ' ↵ ' to wake-up the display.-enter the desired operating mode, VC valve control, ACQ data acquisition, or VC+ACQ valve control + data acquisition ( see: How to leave the ‘’ SLEEP ‘’ status procedure ) and then enter the desired values of set-points and parameters (see: Parameters and set-point list and relevant procedures). The default password is ‘’ 0000 ‘’.-enter present TIME, and DATE. Enter LAST MAINT = present date-enter NEXT MAINT = present date + 1 year (with Lithium batteries)to set the date of the warning signal and maintenance request.-use the local operator interface to check that all parameters and set-points are in the correct range. -use the local operator interface to check the pressure value, the alarm / warning list, the voltage and temperature values (see: step 0 of the menu ). If there is any alarm or warning, use the display messages to find-out the cause of the malfunction.- if everything is correct and valve control operating mode is configured , launch the test function (see relevant procedure). At the end of the test open the valve. BE CAREFUL, the test function can causes the actuator to close the valve, so do not perform the test function if valve closure is not allowed.- if the valve is open and if valve control operating mode is selected , arm the solenoid valvecontrol output (see: How to arm the solenoid valve control procedure ).-Wait until the display switches off .18-05-022913.TO RESTORE THE VALVE CONTROL FUNCTIONIn valve control operating mode (VC) and after a solenoid valve control due to EVENTS 2, 4 , or 6, the ELBS-10 close the pipeline valve and enters in the ‘’slow sampling state’’ and the pipeline survey functions are inhibited. To re-open the valve and restore the survey functions it needs to re-arm the solenoid valve control as follows:-re-arm the valve 681 (pneumatic pilot / hand return valve) see operating diagram-open the pipeline valve-see ‘’ Instructions for using the local operator interface : how to arm the solenoid valve control’’.14.BATTERY MAINTENANCETo change battery pack proceed as follows:-use the local operator interface to put the ELBS-10 in solenoid valve control output ‘’not armed’’ (see: How to arm the solenoid valve control output) and then in SLEEP mode (see:How to enter the SLEEP status).-open the actuator battery pack enclosure.-put the new battery inside the battery holders. Be careful at the battery polarity, since the reversedpolarity causes fast batteries discharge. See thebelow drawing to correctly install the batteries.-by a multimeter measure the voltage on the terminals ‘’ + ‘’and ‘’ - ‘’. The voltage should be about7.2Volt.’’ to restart with line survey operations.。
BIFFI产品培训教材一.气液联动执行器:GPO1.1.拨叉机构简介Biffi 的气液连动执行机构GPO 系列适用于-20℃~+80℃的环境温度,OGK 系列适用于-60℃~+80℃的环境温度。
图1 为球阀的开关行程与所需扭矩的曲线和非对称型拨叉机构在一个行程(0°~90°)的扭矩输出曲线(见左图) ,以及和对称型拨叉机构在一个行程的扭矩输出曲线、衡定输出扭矩机构(如齿轮齿条机构和行星齿轮机构)输出扭矩的比较,这些曲线表明在同尺寸的活塞缸和拨叉情况下,非对称型拨叉机构是最有效最经济的驱动角行程阀门的机构。
但在某些情况下Biffi 仍然可提供对称型拨叉机构的执行机构。
同样该衬套为青铜表面上镀有聚四氟乙烯,可将摩擦力的影响降到最低,活塞(13)在活塞缸内滑动,为了确保其滑动方向,在活塞上装了导向聚四氟乙烯环(14) ,以保证滑动方向并提高效率。
活塞和活塞杆的密封都是O 形圈,外包聚四氟乙烯密封环,这种材质可适用于许多种恶劣的环境1.2工作原理气液连动执行机构的动力源是高压天然气,天然气在过滤之后通过流量调节阀进入气液连动罐。
第八章 液动执行机构
第一节 数字电液 控制系统(DEH)介绍
EH系统功能: (1)接受DEH控制系统输出指令,控制汽轮机进汽阀门 开度,改变进入汽轮机的蒸汽流量,满足汽轮机转速及负荷调 节的要求。 (2)接受危急遮断系统输出指令,接受保安系统信号, 控制油动机的紧急关闭。 因此EH系统实际上是控制系统及危急遮断系统或保安系统 的执行机构。
第八章 液动执行机构
第一节 数字电液控制系统(DEH)介绍 第二节 高压主汽阀和控制阀的执行机构 第三节 中压主汽阀和控制阀的执行机构
2)快速卸荷阀的结构不同。 3)试验电磁阀
1)打开阀门 2)关闭阀门 3)OPC油卸载 4)电磁阀试验
液动执行机构是以高压液体为能源。 优点:结构简单,工作可靠,多用于功率较大的场合。
缺点:动作缓慢、体积大、笨重,不适用快速控制、 远距离控制和集中控制。
目前应用场合:火电厂汽轮机发电机组的数字电液控 制系统中。
第一节 数字电液 控制系统(DEH)介绍
概念:汽轮机数字式电液 (DEH)控制系统是电站汽轮发电 机组重要的组成部分,是汽轮机启动、停止、正常运行和事故 工况下的调节控制器。 功能:DEH控制系统与EH系统组成的电液控制系统,通过 控制汽轮机主汽门和调门的开度,实现对汽轮发电机组的转速、 负荷、压力等的控制。
• 直动式高压气动执行机构
• 直动式高压气动执行机构
• • • • • 输送管线的安全保护装置 采用管线内天然气压力为动力源 检测阀门下游侧压力变化,压力降,压力低等 驱动阀门关闭 现场手动操作
用户最关心什么? • 球阀长期不动,事故时必须能顺利关闭,不能卡死
• • • • 阀门的粘连问题 执行机构的粘连问题 输出扭矩的安全系数 抗震动
• 防护等级:IP68,15米水深,60个小时 • 防爆等级:EExd II B T4 • 温度范围:-30 到+85度
• • • • • 对电机结构设计的改进使安装和拆卸非常容易. 低功耗电机 H 级绝缘等级 使用电压范围广 开关型和调节型
Aramco British Gas Gaz de France Kuwait National Petroleum Co. (K.S.C.) Kuwait Oil Co. (K.S.C.) Saline Water Conversion Corp. (SWCC) Shell Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Dept. Petrobras Enagas Kala Ltd.
• • • • • • 结构简单精巧 能耗低 自动化程度高 智能化间歇工作低功耗电机 可与电子式爆管检测装置配套 可与太阳能板配套使用
它可以驱动管线阀门的开启和关闭,具有多种控制功能,如就地气动操作、手动液压泵操作、破管自动保护、远程电控开/关和 ESD 紧急关断等。
美标气液联动执行机构通常采用 API 6D 标准,其主要特点是结构简单、易于维护和适应性强。
2.适应性强:气液联动执行机构可以实现多种控制方式,如就地气动操作、手动液压泵操作、远程电控开/关和 ESD 紧急关断等,满足不同工况的需求。
7) 将吊索安在执行机构的支撑点上起吊执行机构:请确保吊索适合执行机构的 重量。可能的话,将阀杆处于垂直位置,这样将执行机构装配到阀门上时比 较容易。这种情况下,应当将执行机构的法兰保持在水平位置时起吊。
8) 清洁执行机构法兰,除去任何可能影响执行机构法兰和阀门法兰接合力的东 西,特别是所有的油脂痕迹。
第六部分 ――――――――――――――――――――――19
GPO 维修操作手册
Biffi 在此操作手册的信息收集及修订时已经考虑了各方面的使用,然而我们仍 无法保证其内容无任何错误,也无法对因误操作或使用本手册而导致的产品损坏 负责。Biffi 有权对本手册进行修改而不另行通知。
GPO 维修操作手册
M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36
第四部分 ――――――――――――――――――――――12
启动前的准备――――――――――――――――――――――――――――12 1) 气源的接通―――――――――――――――――――――――――――12 2) 电源的接通―――――――――――――――――――――――――――12 启动――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――13
序号 03 GPO 0.9S-135-ELBS
天然气或氮气 40~63 Bar g
标准 标准
24 VDC 1.4 W
SPDT Z-15GW2255-B7
IP 68 II 2G EEx-d IIC T6/T5
IP 66 II 2GD EEx-d IIC T5/T4
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• 模块化设计,8种模块可以选择使用: 模块化设计, 种模块可以选择使用: 可以选择使用 • 位置伺服放大器模块 位置伺服放大器模块PSM:4-20MA输入/输出,7个输出触点 • 辅助输出触点模块 辅助输出触点模块AOC:11个输出触点 • 模拟变送器模块 模拟变送器模块APTM:4-20MA输出阀位或扭矩 • 现场总线模块 现场总线模块:LONWORK,PROFIBUS,MODBUS
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
• • • • • • • 小型智能化角行程电动执行机构 一体化齿轮箱 手动/ 手动/自动无需切换 控制功能与ICON2000 ICON2000相同 控制功能与ICON2000相同 600NM 输出扭矩: 输出扭矩:150 - 600NM 防护等级: 防护等级:IP68 防爆等级: 防爆等级:EExd IIBT4
位置检测器. 特殊设计的执行机构专用低功耗 位置检测器. 扭矩检测器, 通过直接检测电机速度可靠地转换扭矩指示. 扭矩检测器, 通过直接检测电机速度可靠地转换扭矩指示. 所有检测器均为长寿命无接触式 所有检测器均为长寿命无接触式
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
GPO气液联动执行机构 动装置
• 检测管道内压力 • 检测管道内压力降速率 • 达到设定值时,驱动 阀门关闭 • 人工手动复位 • 电子式破管检测自动装置
GPO气液联动执行机构 GPO气液联动执行机构
控制系统 • 限扭矩开关
用于管道气压 变化范围大的 情况
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
在结构上: 在结构上 进一步简化, 极大减少了机械和电子的部件数量 在日常操作上: 在日常操作上 非侵入设计, 友好的操作接口和极高的可靠性 在故障诊断上: 在故障诊断上 可预测维护功能可使用户的维护规律化 在灵活性上: 在灵活性上 模块化设计可进行功能扩展和简化维护
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
• 防护等级:IP68,15米水深,60个小时 米水深, 个小时 , 米水深 • 防爆等级:EExd II B T4 • 温度范围:-30 到+85度 度
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
控制系统 • 可实现各种控制方案
GPO气液联动执行机构 GPO气液联动执行机构
控制系统: 控制系统: • 所有部件均为高压设计10MPa,无需减压阀,
• • • • 能防止气体减压膨胀结霜堵塞管路 气动系统部件为组合件 体积精巧,寿命长 密封均为PTFE Poppet提升式控制阀,气泡级密封 适用环境温度范围广
2 行字母显示 执行机构状态 三位选择器位置 报警/ 报警/警告内容
绿色 , 黄色 和 红色 LED 指示灯可显示全开, 全关, 指示灯可显示全开, 全关, 和正在开关过程, 和正在开关过程, 及发出报 警和警告信号 指示灯的颜色可选择设定
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
主要用户: 主要用户:
Elf Aquitaine Norge a/s Elsag Enagas Enel Esso Exxon Fluor Daniel Gasunie Gaz de France General Electric John Brown Statoil Kobe Steel Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.) Petronas Ruhrgas Russian Gas Ministry Scogat Shell Snam Snamprogetti Sonatrach Spie-Capag SINOPEC Technip Total
GPO气液联动执行机构 GPO气液联动执行机构
执行机构: 执行机构: • 执行机构密封采用组合密封形式 • 无粘连问题
GPO气液联动执行机构 GPO气液联动执行机构
执行机构: 执行机构: • 抛物线形扭矩输出
• 最适合球阀的扭矩曲线 • 较大的安全系数
GPO气液联动执行机构 GPO气液联动执行机构
在功能上 • 完善的控制和报警功能: 完善的控制和报警功能:
• • • • • 相位自动校正 阀门防卡死保护 瞬间反向保护 监视继电器 可编程设定输出触点:每个触点可在22种功能 22种功能 可编程设定输出触点 22种功能中任意设定
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
在功能上 • 完善的控制和报警功能: 完善的控制和报警功能:
•完善的智能化管理功能: 完善的智能化管理功能: 完善的智能化管理功能 • 报警/警告:最近5次的报警和警告记录 • 扭矩记录:最大,终点,启始等15个扭矩 • 操作记录:最近开阀/关阀时间,电机运行时间,接触器操作次数等 • 铭牌资料 • 阀门数据 • 维护日期
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
工厂主要设施: 工厂主要设施:
• • • • • • 占地面积14450平方米 占地面积14450平方米 14450 先进的计算机辅助设计系统 自动机械加工中心 自动焊接机器人 扭距检测中心 自动喷漆中心
• 工厂的质量保证及检验体系: 工厂的质量保证及检验体系: BS5750质量保证系统 BS5750质量保证系统 EN9001(设计和制造)( )(ISO9001) UNI EN9001(设计和制造)(ISO9001) • 检验标准: 检验标准: • A.S.M.E. • I.S.P.E.S.L • C.E.I • A.N.S.I. • 检验证书 • DNV • CESI
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
• 配不同的附件用于不同种类的阀门: 配不同的附件用于不同种类的阀门:
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
• • • • • 对电机结构设计的改进使安装和拆卸非常容易. 对电机结构设计的改进使安装和拆卸非常容易. 低功耗电机 H 级绝缘等级 使用电压范围广 开关型和调节型
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
可编程设定ESD动作:4个自保位置,6种可选择超越状态 ESD动作 • 可编程设定ESD动作 • 可编程设定 可编程设定扭矩 • 延时定时器功能
ICON2000电动 ICON2000电动执行机构 电动执行机构
•完善的智能化检测和系统诊断功能-监控各主要部件: 完善的智能化检测和系统诊断功能-监控各主要部件: 完善的智能化检测 • 检测电机转速并可实时显示 • 检测供电电压和频率并可实时显示 • 实时显示检测阀位 • 检测温度实时显示 • 启动器检测
取得许可认证的主要用户: 取得许可认证的主要用户:
Aramco British Gas Gaz de France Kuwait National Petroleum Co. (K.S.C.) Kuwait Oil Co. (K.S.C.) Saline Water Conversion Corp. (SWCC) Shell Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Dept. Petrobras Enagas Kala Ltd.
主要产品: 主要产品:
• • • • • • 电动执行机构,ICON2000智能型, 电动执行机构,ICON2000智能型,EMPSI 智能型 气液联动执行机构, ELBS电子式爆管检测系统 气液联动执行机构,GPO, OGK, ELBS电子式爆管检测系统 电液联动执行机构, 电液联动执行机构,OLGA,OLGAS, EHA 海底用液压执行机构, 海底用液压执行机构, OFO, OFOS 气动执行机构, 气动执行机构,ALGA, ALGAS 电气控制系统
经验: 经验:
40多年的发展建立了: 40多年的发展建立了: 多年的发展建立了 • 研究和开发部门,新产品的不断推出,满足用户的各种需求 研究和开发部门,新产品的不断推出, 并站在执行机构科技的最前线 • 工程设计部门,积累了丰富的工程经验,能应付各种苛刻的 工程设计部门,积累了丰富的工程经验, 环境和要求。 环境和要求。 • 生产制造部门,先进的设备和完善的质量管理制度,零缺陷 生产制造部门,先进的设备和完善的质量管理制度, 出厂制度,获得了极高的声誉。 出厂制度,获得了极高的声誉。 • 完善的售后服务体系 • 对用户提供的高质量的标准及承诺
GPO气液联动执行机构 GPO气液联动执行机构
气液联动执行机构: 气液联动执行机构:
• • • • • 输送管线的安全保护装置 采用管线内天然气压力为动力源 检测阀门下游侧压力变化,压力降,压力低等 驱动阀门关闭 现场手动操作
GPO气液联动执行机构 GPO气液联动执行机构
用户最关心什么? 用户最关心什么? • 球阀长期不动,事故时必须能顺利关闭,不能卡死
• • • • 阀门的粘连问题 执行机构的粘连问题 输出扭矩的安全系数 抗震动
• 维护工作量
• 开关时的耗气量 • 不动作时的耗气量
• 易用性
• 设定值的调校 • 就地操作
GPO气液联动执行机构 GPO气液联动执行机构
执行机构: 执行机构:
• • • • 拨叉式 液压缸活塞驱动,密封严密,无内漏,输出效率高 所有可动部件均有轴承和轴衬 密封材料Teflon+石磨 在高温100oC 和低温 -60oC下均保证不会 发生卡死现象