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Module 1 Unit 1 复习教案





Step 1 单词



1). The young man is _____________(尊敬) for his joining in the reconstruction of the city

after the earthquake.

2). Nowadays schools should so more to ___________ (准备) students for society.

3). Our professor __________(挑选) several books that were favorable for us.

4). My car broke down yesterday. My wife ___________ (要求) me to repair it tomorrow.

5). Some of the students had ____________(体验) what hardships meant before they entered

the university.

6). Lu Xun is called “the father of modern Chinese l__________”

7). The concert will be b_____________ live to the world tomorrow enening.

8). It’s nice of you to keep me i_____________ of what is going on there.

9). The food in that restaurant was a____________ though it cost us a lot of money.

10). It’s no good spending too much time s______________ the Internet.

Step 2 短语


1参加集会attend assembly 2谋生earn one’s living

3尊重某人respect sb / show respect for sb 4因某事尊重某人respect sb for sth 5平均水平on the/an average 6平均水平之上/下above / below the average 7准备做某事prepare to do sth 8为某事做准备prepare / make preparations for sth 9错过做某事miss doing sth 10在做某事方面有经验have experience in doing sth 11向某人介绍某人introduce sb to sb 12 向某人捐赠某物donate sth to sb 13注意pay attention to sb 14需要做某事(主动表被动) require doing / to be done 15很遗憾地要做regret to do sth 16 通知某人某事inform sb of sth 17批准某人某事approve sb of doing sth 18继续做某事continue to / doing sth 19要求某人做某事require sb to do sth 20后悔做了某事regret doing sth

2. Reading & Project部分重要短语

1比平时晚一个小时起床get up an hour later than usual 2对…满意be happy with 3获得尊重的最好的方式the best way to earn respect 4获得高分achieve hige grades 5听起来像sound like 6过去常常used to do sth

7习惯于做某事be used to doing sth 8被用来做某事be used to do sth 9起初at first / first of all 10进步很大improve a lot 11花…做… spend … on/ doing sth 12在午饭时间at lunchtime 13免费for free / free of charge 14在学期末at the end of term 15在学校操场上on the school field 16在休息期间during break time 17经历不同的生活方式experience different way of life 18如此…以至于… so… that…19对…感兴趣be interested in doing sth 20上网冲浪surf the Internet 21有机会做某事have chances to do sth 22允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth 23想要做某事would like to do / feel like doing 24不仅仅more than 25播放由学生唱的歌play songs sung by students 26大声朗读… read sth out loud 3. 课本其它部分重要词组

1舒适的,自在的at ease 2直行go straight on 3可得到的be available for 4远离far away from 5在校园里on campus 6毕业于graduate from 7邀请某人做某事invite sb to do sth 8 一…就… upon / on doing 9关于某事做演讲make a speech about sth 10难以取悦hard to please 11取代做某事instead of doing sth 12发生take place 13越…越…the 比较级,+ the 比较级14轮流做某事take turns to do sth 15以简短形式来节省空间in short form to save space

4. 巩固练习(根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词)

1). This TV doesn’t work. It ___________ _____________. (需要修了)

2). We had some __________ _________ __________ ___________ American and British high schools in the last summer vacation. (有机会了解)

3). _________ ___________ his homework, the boy went to play football. (一完成家庭作业)

4). I would achieve higher grades if I _________ __________ _______ to the rules and requirements. (注意)

5). This boy ________ ________ be skinny and weak, but now he is becoming fit and strong.

( 过去曾经)

6). Students are examined in all subjects _______ _______ ________ ________ each term.


7). What I ______ _______ ______ at university is the flexible timetable, which gives me more

free time. (满意)

8). After attending university I found that the homework was not ______ ________ _______

what I used to get in senior high school. (和…一样繁重)
