HateSuddenly the war was over, and Hitler was captured and brought to Amsterdam. A military tribunal condemned him to death. But how should he die? To shoot or hang him seemed too quick, too merciful. Then someone uttered what was in everybody’s mind: th e man who caused such incredible suffering should be burned to death.“But,” objected one judge, “our biggest public square in Amsterdam holds 10,000 people, and 7,000,000 Dutch men, women and children will want to be there to curse him during his dying m oments.”Then another judge had an idea. Hitler should be burned at the stake, but the wood was to be ignited by the explosion of a handful of gunpowder set off by a long fuse which should start in Rotterdam and follow the main road to Amsterdam by way of Delft, The Hague, Leiden and Haarlem.Thus millions of people crowding the wide avenues which connect those cities could watch the fuse burn its way northward to Herr Hitler’s funeral pyre.A plebiscite was taken as to whether this was fitting punishment. There was 4, 981, 076 yeas and one nay. The nay was voted by a man who preferred that Hitler be pulled to pieces by four horses.At last the great day came. The ceremony commenced at four o’clock on a June morning. The mother of three sons who had been shot by the Nazis for an act of sabotage they did not commit set fire to the fuse while choir sang a solemn hymn of gratitude. Then the people burst forth into a shout of triumph.The spark slowly made its way from Rotterdam to Delft, and on toward the great square in Amsterdam. People had come from every part of the country. Special seats had been provided for the aged and the lame and the relatives of the murdered hostages.Hitler, clad in a long yellow shirt, had been chained to the stake. He preserved a stoical silence until a little boy climbed upon the pile of wood surrounding the former Fuhrer and placed there a placard which read, “This is the world’s great est murderer.” This so aggravated Hitler’s pent-up feeling that he burst into one of his old harangues.The crowd gaped, for it was grotesque sight to see this little man ranting away just as if he were addressing his followers. Then a terrific howl of derision silenced him.Now came the great moment of the day. About three o’clock in the afternoo n the spark reached the outskirts of Amsterdam. Suddenly there was a roll of drums. Then, with an emotion such as they had never experienced before, the people sang the Willhelmus, the national anthem. Hitler, now ashen-gray, futilely strained at his chains.When the Willhelmus came to an end, the spark was only a few feet from the gunpowder; five more minutes, Hitler would die a horrible death. The crowd broke forth to a shout of hate. A minute went by. Another minute. Silence returned. Now the fuse had only a few inches to go. And at the moment the incredible happened.A wizened little man wriggled through the line of soldiers standing guard. Everybody knew who he was. Two of his sons had been machine-gunned to death by the parachute troops; his wife and three daughters had perished in Rotterdam’s holocaust. Since then, the poor fellow had seemed deprived of reason, wandering aimlessly about and supported by public charity --- an object of universal pity.But what he did now made the crowd turn white with anger. For he deliberately stampedupon the fuse and put it out.“Kill him! Kill him!” the mob s houted. But the old man quietly faced the menacing populace. Slowly he lifted his both arms toward heaven. Then in a voice charged with fury, he said: “Now let us do it all over again!”仇恨战争突然停止了。
广东外语外贸大学翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)入学考试法语翻译基础考试样题I.Mots et expressions 词汇和短语翻译(60 points, 60 minutes)1.国家主权和领土2.养老保障制度3.大海捞针4.晴天霹雳5.标本兼治6.共享文化资源7.省级文物保护单位8.一国两制9.国际竞争力10.连锁反应11.无法无天12.桂林山水甲天下13.和谐社会14.亚运会15.形象工程16.JO17.ONU18.l’Assemblée nationale19.être sous la coupe de quelqu’un20.les défilés de haute couture21.l’énergie à bas carbone22.le développement durable23.une famille monoparentale24.une plaque tournante du transport aérien25.l’effet de serre26.mettre du beurre dans ses épinards27.les avantages fiscaux28.faire des économies de bouts de chandelle29.l’allocati on logement30.le drapeau tricoloreII. Version 法译汉(45 points, 60 minutes)Lutter contre le sexisme qui existe dans l’éducation Longtemps occultées ou considérées comme mineures au regard des inégalités sociales, les inégalités sexuelles ne sont l’objet d’études en France que depuis une vingtaine d’années.Les travaux de certains sociologues ont pu attester que les filles ont une meilleure réussite scolaire à tous les niveaux du système d’enseignement. Malgré cela, elles en tirent moins profit que les garçons. Certes, elles redoublent moins et obtiennent de meilleurs résultats dès le primaire ; elles réussissent mieux que les garçons au brevet des collèges et au baccalauréat. Mais, dès le lycée, àréussite égale, les filles s’orientent moins que les garçons vers les filières sélectives et valorisées sur le marché du travail. Elles sont, en effet, sous-représentées dans les filières scientifique et industrielle, et surreprésentées dans les filières littéraire et tertiaire, moins porteuses en termes d’emploi. Cette autosélection des filles résulte, en grande partie, de la persistance dans la société de stéréotypes en matière de rôles sexuels, qui pèsent au moment des choix d’orientation.Ainsi, une Convention pour la promotion de l’égalité des chances entre le s filles et les garçons dans l’éducation nationale, mise en place par le gouvernement, a lancé des campagnes d’information sur la mixité des métiers et des filières scientifique, technologique et professionnelle en direction des familles et des jeunes. Il s’avère, en effet, que l’attitude des enseignants ne contrebalance pas l’influence familiale limitative sur les trajectoires scolaires des filles.Face à une mixité désavantageuse pour les filles, certains ont récemment proposéde mettre fin àce système. D’autres envisagent la séparation temporaire des sexes pour certaines matières. Mais renoncer au mélange des garçons et des filles à l’école serait une erreur, car il permet de faire l’apprentissage de l’égalité entre les sexes et d’une société mixte.III. Thème汉译法(45 points, 60 minutes)屈原屈原是中国第一个大诗人,战国时期的楚国人。
儒林外史 The Scholars 国际先驱论坛报 International Herald Tribune 海关总署 maritime customs administration 石油输出国组织 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) associate press 联合通讯社 CFO 首席财务官,财务总监(Chief Financial Officer)
一、短语翻译: 联合国安理会 United Nations Security Council 海基会(海峡交流ion 大运会 University Games 上海公报 Shanghai Communique
一、30 个选择题感觉并不是词汇和语法各 15 个,词汇明显偏多。 二、四篇阅读前面两篇很简单,几乎都能从原文中找到答案,后面两篇主观题稍微有点难度。 三、作文话题 team spirit。
二、应用文是写一篇请示,以广州交通委员会的名义向广州市人民政府写一篇请示,取消公 交地铁全免费,改为发放现金补贴。要求发文字号、标题、主送机关、正文、结语、落款等 等格式正确。建议大家买本公文写作的书看看。 三、现代汉语作文是材料作文,给了四篇简短的新闻,都是一个主题—人家做错了什么事, “上面”就把人家“公开处理”进行示众,话题就是“示众”。不能写成诗歌和剧本。800 以上。
我的译文:An Excerpt fromUnanswered Lettersvs Unbounded FriendshipBy Yu GuangzhongAnswering letters does make me flinch; however, not answering them allows me no release at all. Dozens of unanswered letters pile up on my bookshelf, like a sum of debt waiting to be paid. Some have been waiting there for over one year, while some have newly arrived. The pressure from paying off that debt is far beyond what a junior debtor can endure. The stack of unanswered letters are, like a group of haunting ghosts, continually pestering my guilt-loaded soul. Generally, the letters will certainly be replied to. I can even swear by heaven that never do I have the intention not to reply when my mind is clear. The problem is how to reply. Even if I spared myself a whole summer night, I would be wavering on which letter to reply to first, the 18-month-old one or the 7-month-old? The reply has been delayed for so long that I’m afraid even heartfelt apology and self-accusation have already become overdue. In friends’ heart, I’ve been marginalized as a cocky man unworthy of care. “Unaccountable”! That is their unanimous comment on me.In fact, even though I pull myself together and settle down at the desk, ready to pay off the debt, my determination will easily be split up by doubts. Old and new letters, answered or yet-to-be, cram the shelf and the drawer in disorder, which reminds me of two verses: “He’s simply in the very mountain. In the depths of clouds, his whereabouts are unknown.” (from Calling on a Hermit in Vain by Jia Dao). Picking out the letter I decide to answer from such a mess will cost as multiplied time and energy as answering the letter does. Moreover, on visualizing the facial expression of friends when they receive the reply — rekindled lingering anger rather than surprised delight — my tiny amount of determination dwindle into naught. Consequently, the date when my debt is paid off extends into eternity. Although I ha ven’t answered the letters, I can never forget my friends, any more than a debtor can forget his creditor. In the depth of my disturbed and apologetic heart looms the indelible angry and icy look of my friends. Never can I forget them. Friends who really fall into oblivion, from which guilt is totally absent, are those who have received my reply.David Pollard的译文:Thus Friends Absent SpeakWritten by Yu Guangzhong and Translated by David PollardIf it is conceded that replying to letters is to be dreaded, on the other hand not replying to letters is by no means a matter of unalloyed bliss. Normally a hundred or so letters are stacked on my bookshelf, of diverse maturity of debt outstanding, the longest being over a year. That kind of pressure is more than an ordinary sinner can bear. A stack of unanswered letters battens on me like a bevy of plaintive ghosts and plays havoc with my smitten conscience. In principle the letters are there for replying to. I can swear in all honesty that I have never while of sound mind determined not to answer people’s letters. The problem is a technical one. Suppose I had a whole summer night at my disposal: should I first answer the letter that was sent eighteen months ago, or that one that was sent seven months ago? After such a long delay even the expiry date for apology and self-recrimination would surely have passed? In your friends’ eyes, you have already stepped beyond the pale, are of no account. On the grapevine your reputation is “that impossible fellow”.Actually even if you screw up all your moral courage and settle down at you desk to pay off your letter debt come what may, the thing is easier said than done. Old epistles and new missives are jumbled up together and stuffed in the drawers or strewn on shelves; some have been answered, some not. As the poet was told about the recluse he was looking for: “I know he’s in these mountains, but in this mist I can’t tell where.” The time and energy you would spend to find the letter you have decided to answer would be several times that needed to write the reply itself. If you went on to anticipate that your friend’s reaction to receiving your letter would be less “surprised by joy” than “resentment rekindled”, then your marrow would turn to water, and your debt would never be cleared.To leave letters unanswered is not equivalent to forgetting friends, no more than it is conceivable that debtors can forget their creditors. At the bottom of such disquietude, at the end of your nightmares, there forever lurks the shadowy presence of this friend with his angry frown and baleful looks: no, you can never forget him. Those who you really put out of your mind, and do so without qualm, are those friends who have already been replied to.Note:“尺素寸心”假如直译则不达,只好用对策。
广外翻译专业英译汉练习3(附参考译文)Golden Fruit
Golden Fruit neOf the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange.In the first place it is a perennial -- if not in actual fact, at least in the greengrocer's shop. On the days when dessert is a name given to a handful of chocolates and a little preserved ginger, when macedoine de fruits is the title bestowed on two prune s西梅干and a piece of rhubarbs大黄, then the orange, however sour, comes nobly to the rescue; and on those other days of plenty when cherries and strawberries and raspberries 木莓and gooseberries 醋栗riot together upon the table, the orange, sweeter than ever, is still there to hold its own. Bread and butter, beef and mutton, eggs and bacon, are not more necessary to an ordered existence than the orange.It is well that the commonest fruit should be also the best. Of the virtues of the orange I have not room fully to speak. It has properties of health giving, as that it cures influenza and establishes the complexion. It is clean, for whoever handles it on its way to your table, but handles its outer covering, its top coat, which is left in the hall. It is round, and forms an excellent substitute with the young for a cricket ball. The pip can be flicked at your enemies, and quite a small piece of peel makes a slide for an old gentleman.But all this would count nothing had not the orange such delightful qualities of taste. I dare not let myself go upon this subject. I am a slave to its sweetness. I grudge every marriage in that it means a fresh supply of orange blossom, the promise of so much golden fruit cut short. However, the world must go on.…..With the orange we do live year in and year out. That speaks well for the orange. The fact is that there is an honesty about the orange which appeals to all of us. If it is going to be bad -- for the best of us are bad sometimes -- it begins to be bad from the outside, not from the inside. How many a pear which presents a blooming face to the world is rotten at the core. How many an innocent-looking apple is harbouring a worm in the bud. But the orange has no secret faults. Its outside is a mirror of its inside, and if you are quick you can tell the shopman so before he slips it into the bag.黄金水果一年四季,水果之多,我独爱橙子。
20 years have past, when old classmates greet and chat with each other, the messages they deliver,however, are already about life and death.分析:”互相盘问这,询问那“,不要直译为“ask here and there',而需要结合语境,理解为“互相寒暄”,“互相交谈”,翻译为'greet and chat with each other',这样更符合语境。
广外翻译专业英译汉练习6(附参考译文)He was a man offifty
He was a man of fifty, and some, seeing that he had gone both bald and grey, thought he looked older. But the first physical impression was deceptive. He was tall and thick about the body, with something of a paunch, but he was also small-boned, active, light on his feet. In the same way, his head was massive, his forehead high and broad between the fringes of fair hair; but no one’s face changed its expression quicker, and his smile was brilliant. Behind the thick lenses, his eyes were small and intensely bright, the eyes of a young and lively man. At a first glance, people might think he looked a senator. It did not take them long to discover how mercurial he was. His temper was as quick as his smile; in everything he did his nerves seemed on the face. In fact, people forgot all about the senator and began to complain that sympathy and emotion flowed too easily. Many of them disliked his love of display. Yet they were affected by the depth of his feeling. Nearly everyone recognized that, though it took some insight to perceive that he was not only a man of deep feeling, but also one of passionate pride.他五十岁,头秃了,头发也花白了,人们觉得他不止五十岁。
考试复习重点资料(最新版)资料见第二页封面学校代码:11910考生准考证号:广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院攻读硕士学位研究生入学复试笔试试卷(样题)考试专业: 翻 译 学专业方向:考试科目: 翻译理论与实践考生姓名:考生成绩:试卷评阅人:复试考生须知1.本试卷共 4 页(含本页),本试卷分 3 大题。
试卷满分为 100 分。
I. ClozeDirections:The following is a passage with numbered gaps. Choose from the list below an appropriate word to fill in each gap, making CHANGES in form where necessary. Each word given in the list can be used only ONCE and not all of them will be used. (30%)require sweep have provided if reactdevelop culture feel even poor principalcontain do wide locally abroad prevalentthat distinct advances longer from owncanned however bring commit to psychologicallyin what muchIt has been said that ‘we are _____1___ we eat’, and from a physiological point of view it is the food we eat that builds our bodies and influences our general health and disposition.One of the saddest features of the modern world is that millions of people round the globe do not have enough to eat and many more do not have the right kinds of food ___2____ for good health. We are constantly faced with the stark contrast between nations in the developed countries who have more food than they need, and the millions in many ____3_____ countries who are hungry and often starving.In order to be healthy, man needs a balanced diet ____4____ protein, fat, carbohydrate(碳水化合物), vitamins and minerals. The carbohydrate in bread, rice, potatoes and sugary foods provide energy for the body. Too much carbohydrate, however, results ____5____ obesity(肥胖症)which can endanger health. The fats and oils in milk, cream, butter, cheese and fat meat provide the body's main stored food and contain twice as ____6_____ energy as carbohydrates. The protein in cheese, eggs, meat, fish and milk promote growth and repair damage to the body's tissues. The body also needs small amounts of vitamins and minerals. _____7______ a person's diet consists of a variety of foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, green vegetables and fruit, the required amounts of vitamins and minerals are taken in.The kinds of foods people become accustomed ____8____ in the early formative years become an integral part of their psychological make-up. If they move to another country and ___9______, they tend to take their eating habits with them and to cling to the style of food to which they accustomed. It is ____10________ reassuring to eat the foods one is used to; the best way to make a foreign visitor _____11______ 'at home' is to offer them the kind of food they would eat in their own country.When discussing food and diet, it is always necessary to treat the world's population as two ___12_____ sections: those who have food in relative abundance and those who suffer shortages of ____13____ the most basic foods. The inhabitants of developed countries benefit from theirwealth and the ___14_____ in food technology. Refrigeration, food preservation and rapid transport systems allow people in Britain, for example, to enjoy foods from all parts of the world. Unable to grow sufficient food for their needs, the British import a ___15_____ variety of foods,from the humble potato to exotic tropical fruits. Food processing has meant that the seasons no___16_____ dictate diet: vegetables such as peas and beans are ____17______ or frozen and are available the whole year round; soft fruits such as strawberries, which are only produced____18_____ for a short season, can be imported from other parts of the world; citrus fruits and bananas, which do not grow at all in temperate Britain, are ____19_____ in from the Mediterranean and the tropics and are continuously available.The developed countries do, ____20______, pay a penalty for having such an abundance of food: obesity and the concomitant diseases such as heart disease are more ____21______. It has beensaid that the French, for example, who consume a particularly rich diet, ____22______suicidewith a knife and fork. But even in the rich countries, an economic recession can alter eating habits. Although some developed countries have become slightly ___23_____, the result has not been damaging and may even prove to be a good thing in ____24_____ the people in these countrieswill eat a little less. The effects of economic recession on many developing countries, however,have been disastrous, with famine and death _____25______ through vast area of Africa. Although drought is a ___26_____ cause of this famine, the economic pressure to produce cash crops, such as cotton, for export has reduced the ability of these countries to produce food cropsfor their ___27______ people. Already saddled with huge foreign debts, many developing countries cannot buy the food they need from ___28_____. Fortunately, the developed countrieshave ___29_____ to the famine crisis and are providing food aid from their embarrassingly highfood surpluses. Meanwhile, over large parts of the globe, hungry people are wondering not what toeat, but ____30____ they will eat.序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 选项序号7 8 9 10 11 12 选项序号13 14 15 16 17 18 选项序号19 20 21 22 23 24 选项序号25 26 27 28 29 30 选项II. Translation from English to Chinese (30%)He was a man of fifty, and some, seeing that he had gone both bald and grey, thought he looked older. But the first physical impression was deceptive. He was tall and thick about the body, with something of a paunch, but he was also small-boned, active, light on his feet. In the same way, his head was massive, his forehead high and broad between the fringes of fair hair; but no one’s face changed its expression quicker, and his smile was brilliant. Behind the thick lenses, his eyes were small and intensely bright, the eyes of a young and lively man. At a first glance, people might think he looked like a senator, it did not take them long to discover how mercurial he was. His temper was as quick as his smile; in everything he did his nerves seemed on the surface. In fact, people forgot all about the senator and began to complain that sympathy and emotion flowed too easily. Many of them disliked his love of display. Yet they were affected by the depth of his feeling. Nearly everyone recognized that, though it took some insight to perceive that he was not only a man of deep feeling, but also one of passionate pride.III. Translation from Chinese to English (40%)古往今来人类的一切智慧结晶,数百年来一直使人津津乐道的故事,我们都可以轻而易举地在书本中得到,而且也无需很多的花费。
题目 2010年广外翻译学的英译汉
不胜感激!The relationship that science keeps with art has long been from one-sided wish. That is, while science is in deep love with art, art requites this love by being arrogant and unapproachable. Many renowned scientists love art all their lives. They know art, and are very good at getting fulfillment from art to enhance their noble spirit or to help relieve themselves from burdens of life. On the contrary, few of literary artists love and understand natural science and engineering technology. Among the reasons why artists stand in awe before science or keep a respectful distance from science, one is that science involves a huge stack of abstruse mathematical formulas. However, leaving aside mathematics and bypassing a stack of recondite knowledge, we are still able to understand and appreciate the basic principles of a science. It is just like we are still able to give a sympathetic response to its main melody, greatly admiring the music although we can read nothing of the score of Mozart’s musical pieces.的关系,科学与艺术保持长久以来一直是片面的愿望。
题1 .T r a n s l a t et h ef o l l o w i n gp a r a g r a p hf r o mE n g l i s hi n t oC h i n e s e . ( 广东外语外贸大学 2 0 0 3研, 考试科目: 英语写作与翻译) A n ds p e a k i n go f f r e e d o m , i s n o t t h e a u t h o r f r e e , a s f e wm e na r e f r e e ?I s h e n o t s e c u r e ,a s f e wm e na r e s e c u r e ? T h e t o o l s o f h i s i n d u s t r ya r es oc o m m o na n ds oc h e a pt h a t t h e yh a v ea l m o s t c e a s e dt oh a v ec o m m e r c i a l v a l u e .H e n e e d s n ob u l k yp i l e o f r a wm a t e r i a l ,n oe l a b o r a t ea p p a r a t u s ,n os e r v i c eo f m e no r a n i m a l s .H e i s d e p e n d e n t f o r h i s ,a n dn o t h i n g o u t s i d e h i mt h a t h i s o c c u p a t i o nu p o nn o o n e b u t h i m s e l f ,a n dn o t h o c c u p a t i o nu p o nn o o n e b u t h i m s e l f i n g o u t s i d e h i mt h a t m a t e r s . H e i s t h e s o v e r e i g no f a ne m p i r e , s e l f s u p p o r t i n g ,s e l f - c o n t a i n e d 爥N o o n e c a nd e p r i v e h i mo f h i s s t o c k i n t r a d e ; n o o n e c a n f o r c e h i mt o e x e r c i s e h i s f a c u l t y a g a i n s t h i s w i l l ; n o o n e c a n p r e v e n t h i me x e r c i s i n gi t a s h e c h o o s e s .T h e p e ni s t h e g r e a t l i b e r a t o r o f m e na n dn a t i o n s .N o c h a i n s c a nb i n d ,n o p o v e r t y c a nc h o k e , n o t a r i f f c a nr e s t r i c t t h ef r e ep l a y o f h i s m i n d 爥
Old City of Beijing: Its Grandeur and SplendorsBeijing, capital city of China, boasts the longest history as a well-known ancient capital city in the world. Presently, it is the most well-known historical and cultural in China. As the capital of six dynasties for over 1,000 years, it is home to a world of historic relics, natural landscapes, cultural profundity and intangible cultural heritages. Mr. Liang Sicheng, a celebrated architect, called it the greatest ancient capital city existent in the world. The most typical of the city's splendors is the 7.8-kilometer axis, which starts at Yongding Gate in the south and ends with the Bell Drum Tower in the north. It well features Beijing as an ancient capital city full of charm of its splendid Chinese culture.Mr. Liu Hongkuan, a painter who had cherished profound love for the old city of Beijing, created this over 50-meter-long Chinese-style scroll entitled Old City of Beijing: Its Grandeur and Splendors in his 60s. Based on his childhood recollections, his sketch from nature and his review of historical records, he reproduced the grandeur and splendors along the axis in the scroll over a span of five years, an admirable conduct indeed. In the scroll, he portrayed Beijing as an ancient city of everlasting profundity with streets, shops, passers-by and bazaars in perfect harmony with its old gates and old walls, making his scroll a modern version of Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, an artistic work by a Song Dynasty painter. The scroll offers easy access to the historical beauties and majesties of the old city of Beijing.Recently, leaders of the Beijing Municipal government have officially announced that they will file an application for world cultural heritage for this axis. It is my firm conviction that this scroll will serve as a great boost for the successful application.For over 60 years of my acquaintance with him, Mr. Liu has been endeavoring to protect the old city of Beijing through going into and outside of the city and walking around city streets and Hutongs and along the axis. And by so doing, he has cultivated a profound love for this ancient capital. He once urged me to write a preface for this artistic work and here, I just write a few words about what I feel for the moment and intend it as my congratulations on the publication of this scroll. As to the spectacular landscapes in the scroll and their profound cultural connotations, I think our readers will surely be able to decode them and appreciate them.。
课后作业(1)请将下列短文翻译成汉语,特别注意标题的翻译:The Art of DancingWhat does it take to dance? Your body must movewith grace. And you must understand space, time,shape and motion. These are the most importantfactors for many professional dancers.First, the dancer must be aware of space, bothinside and outside his or her body. A feeling for timeis also very important. The rhythm or beat is the heartof the music. And the timing of a step must beprecise.A sense of shape is needed as well. A dance must look graceful and controlled. The image of a dancer in motion stays in the viewer’s mind even after the dance is done. So, dancers practice for hours in front of mirrors to perfect the shapes their bodies form when they dance. Finally, motion is what dance is made of. All movements must be both smooth and expressive.The next time you see dancers perform, watch closely. Both their bodies and minds will be stretching to create their art for you.舞之韵跳舞有何要点?对于专业舞者来说,舞步优雅,了解空间、时间、形体、动作,这些因素都是重中之重。
我的译文:An Excerpt fromUnanswered Lettersvs Unbounded FriendshipBy Yu GuangzhongAnswering letters does make me flinch; however, not answering them allows me no release at all. Dozens of unanswered letters pile up on my bookshelf, like a sum of debt waiting to be paid. Some have been waiting there for over one year, while some have newly arrived. The pressure from paying off that debt is far beyond what a junior debtor can endure. The stack of unanswered letters are, like a group of haunting ghosts, continually pestering my guilt-loaded soul. Generally, the letters will certainly be replied to. I can even swear by heaven that never do I have the intention not to reply when my mind is clear. The problem is how to reply. Even if I spared myself a whole summer night, I would be wavering on which letter to reply to first, the 18-month-old one or the 7-month-old? The reply has been delayed for so long that I’m afraid even heartfelt apology and self-accusation have already become overdue. In friends’ heart, I’ve been marginalized as a cocky man unworthy of care. “Unaccountable”! That is their unanimous comment on me.In fact, even though I pull myself together and settle down at the desk, ready to pay off the debt, my determination will easily be split up by doubts. Old and new letters, answered or yet-to-be, cram the shelf and the drawer in disorder, which reminds me of two verses: “He’s simply in the very mountain. In the depths of clouds, his whereabouts are unknown.” (from Calling on a Hermit in Vain by Jia Dao). Picking out the letter I decide to answer from such a mess will cost as multiplied time and energy as answering the letter does. Moreover, on visualizing the facial expression of friends when they receive the reply — rekindled lingering anger rather than surprised delight — my tiny amount of determination dwindle into naught. Consequently, the date when my debt is paid off extends into eternity. Although I ha ven’t answered the letters, I can never forget my friends, any more than a debtor can forget his creditor. In the depth of my disturbed and apologetic heart looms the indelible angry and icy look of my friends. Never can I forget them. Friends who really fall into oblivion, from which guilt is totally absent, are those who have received my reply.David Pollard的译文:Thus Friends Absent SpeakWritten by Yu Guangzhong and Translated by David PollardIf it is conceded that replying to letters is to be dreaded, on the other hand not replying to letters is by no means a matter of unalloyed bliss. Normally a hundred or so letters are stacked on my bookshelf, of diverse maturity of debt outstanding, the longest being over a year. That kind of pressure is more than an ordinary sinner can bear. A stack of unanswered letters battens on me like a bevy of plaintive ghosts and plays havoc with my smitten conscience. In principle the letters are there for replying to. I can swear in all honesty that I have never while of sound mind determined not to answer people’s letters. The problem is a technical one. Suppose I had a whole summer night at my disposal: should I first answer the letter that was sent eighteen months ago, or that one that was sent seven months ago? After such a long delay even the expiry date for apology and self-recrimination would surely have passed? In your friends’ eyes, you have already stepped beyond the pale, are of no account. On the grapevine your reputation is “that impossible fellow”.Actually even if you screw up all your moral courage and settle down at you desk to pay off your letter debt come what may, the thing is easier said than done. Old epistles and new missives are jumbled up together and stuffed in the drawers or strewn on shelves; some have been answered, some not. As the poet was told about the recluse he was looking for: “I know he’s in these mountains, but in this mist I can’t tell where.” The time and energy you would spend to find the letter you have decided to answer would be several times that needed to write the reply itself. If you went on to anticipate that your friend’s reaction to receiving your letter would be less “surprised by joy” than “resentment rekindled”, then your marrow would turn to water, and your debt would never be cleared.To leave letters unanswered is not equivalent to forgetting friends, no more than it is conceivable that debtors can forget their creditors. At the bottom of such disquietude, at the end of your nightmares, there forever lurks the shadowy presence of this friend with his angry frown and baleful looks: no, you can never forget him. Those who you really put out of your mind, and do so without qualm, are those friends who have already been replied to.Note:“尺素寸心”假如直译则不达,只好用对策。
刚下考场,以下是今年的英翻中,感谢考研论坛广东外语外贸大学区~英翻中:The autumn leaves blew over the moonlight pavement in such a way as to make the girl who was moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion of the wind and the leaves carry her forward. Her head was half bent to watch her shoes stir the circling leaves. Her face was slender and milk-white, and in it was a kind of gentle hunger that touched over everything with tireless curiosity. It was a look, almost, of pale surprise; the dark eyes were so fixed to the world that no move escaped them. Her dress was white and it whispered. He almost thought he heard the motion of her hands as she walked, and the infinitely small sound now, the white stir of her face turning when she discovered she was a moment away from a man who stood in the middle of the pavement waiting.中翻英:在人世间,除了夫妻之外,我想还有很多异性朋友存在,它与爱情无关,只因着共同的意念,共同的爱好而彼此欣赏,就像两束灿烂的阳光偶尔碰撞,交叠出炫目的辉煌。
广外翻译专业英译汉练习7(附参考译文):early autumn
Early Autumn Langston HughesWhen Bill was very young, they had been in love. Many nights they had spent walking, talking together. Then something not very important had come between them, and they didn't speak. Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved. Bill went away, bitter about women.Yesterday, walking across Washington Square, she saw him for the first time in years."Bill Walker," she said.He stopped. At first he did not recognize her, to him she looked so old."Mary! Where did you come from?"Unconsciously, she lifted her face as though wanting a kiss, but he held out his hand. She took it."I live in New York now," she said."Oh" -- smiling politely, then a little frown came quickly between his eyes."Always wondered what happened to you, Bill.""I'm a lawyer. Nice firm, way downtown.""Married yet?""Sure. Two kids.”"Oh,” she said.A great many people went past them through the park. People they didn’t know. It was late afternoon. Nearly sunset. Cold."And your husband?” he aske d her.“We have three children. I work in the bursar’s office at Columbia.”“You’re looking very…” (he wanted to say old) “…well,” he said.She understood. Under the trees in Washington Square, she found herself desperately reaching back into the past. She had been older than he then in Ohio. Now she was not young at all. Bill was still young."We live on Central Park West," she said. "Come and see us sometime."“Sure,” he replied. “You and your husband must have dinner with my family some night. Any night. Lucille and I’d love to have you.”The leaves fell slowly from the trees in the Square. Fell without wind. Autumn dusk. She felt a little sick."We'd love it," she answered."You ought to see my kids." He grinned.Suddenly the lights came on up the whole length of Fifth Avenue, chains of misty brilliance in the blue air."There's my bus," she said.He held out his hand. "Good-bye.""When..." she wanted to say, but the bus was ready to pull off. The lights on the avenue blurred. And she was afraid to open her mouth as she entered the bus. Afraid it would be impossible to utter a word.Suddenly she shrieked very loudly, “Good-bye!” But the bus door had closed.The bus started. People came between them outside, people crossing the street, people they didn't know. Space and people. She lost sight of Bill. Then she remembered she had forgotten to give him her address—or to ask him for his -- or tell him that her youngest boy was named Bill, too.初秋年轻的时候,比尔和一个女人共坠爱河。
翻译硕士法语样题I. Comprehension 阅读理解(20points, 2poi nts x 10) TextelToutes les enquetes le montrent: I Q couleur plebiscitee par tous les Occidentaux, c‘ est le bleu. En France comme en Suisse, en Nouvelle-Zelonde. aux Etats-Unis ou en Russie, on voit la vie en bleu ! C‘ est le bleu qu,on prefere ! C‘ est peut-etre oussi pour qa que la Terre est parfois nommee la planete bleue. Et Luc Besson a peut-etre voulu rendre hommage a ce卄e passion du bleu en toumont son celebre film le grand bleu.II n‘ en a pas toujours GtQ ainsi: longtemps, le bleu a presque Gt© une «non-couleur ignoree de tous, meprisee, quasi-inexistante・ En Fronce, par exemple, les couleurs qui comptaient, traditionnellement c‘ etait le rouge, le blanc et le noir. Couleurs de vie et de mort z couleurs de pouvoir aussi.A partir du Xlle siecle, le bleu fait de timides percees: c‘ est la couleur liee a la religion chretienne, Io couleur des rois de France, la couleur symbolisont la sagesse et la・・•专业… justice・ Mais rien de bien significatif. Ce n J est qu‘ au XVIIIe siecle que le bleu devient vraiment« interessant» et aux XIXe que la mode du bleu se repand. Ensuite, peu a peu z le bleu a pris du golon,s' est impose z a conquis le monde du travail puis celui des loisirs. Pas le bleu pole ni le bleu vif, pas le bleu turquoise ni le bleu-vert z non, le « bleu bleu »z le bleu in digo, le bleu passe-partout.Aujourd! hul il a definitivement gagne. Promenez-vous et ouvrez les yeux. C,est frappant! A P usine ? Les ouvriers portent un bleu de travail. A I' ecole z au college, au lycee z a la fac ? Tous en bleu-jeons. (Le «bleu de Genes»). Tout comme a la campagne pour tondre sa pelouse ou becher son jardin. Tout comme a la montagne, en randonnee・ A la mer ? Tous en pull bleu marine・Alors ? Tous en uniforme, les Occidentaux ? Auraient-ils perdu le sens de la diversite ? Si c‘ est vrai z le bleu. Questions:1. Lequel des arguments ne demontre pas I' importance du bleu ?A. On nomme la Terre « la planete bleue ».B. Les Occidentaux aiment le bleu.・・•专业…C. Luc Besson a toum© un film intitule «le grond bleu »・・D. Le bleu est une « non-couleur 几2. En France, les couleurs traditionnelles sontA. Bleu, blanc et rouge・B. Bleu, rouge et noir.C. Rouge, noir et violet.D. Rouge, blanc et noir.3. Parmi les symboliques du bleu en France, lequel ne se figure pas dons le texte?A. Le bleu symbolisait la sagesse et la justice・B. Le bleu etait lie a la religion chretienne.C. Le bleu etait la couleur des rois・D. Le bleu symbolisait la loyaute et la bonte・4. Dans le troisieme paragraphe, « bleu a pris du golon »veut dire :A. Le bleu s' est affirme, le bleu a pris de I' importance・B. Le bleu est devenu une couleur tres a la mode.C. Le bleu est devenu la couleur de la bourgeoisie.D. Le bleu a conquis les F「onQais.5. Dans quelle periode historique de France le bleu a-t-il・・•专业… ete une couleur ignorQe ?A. Au Moyen Age.B. Au Xlle siecle.C. Au XVIIIe siecle.D. Au XIXe siecle.Texte2La vie se charge de deplacer les personnes et les choses, de bousculer les lieux et les paysages. La ville qu‘ on a connue dons son enfance et qu, on o qui卄Qe n‘ existe plus, mais elle reste au fond de soi comme un domaine preserve, souvent visite et regre卄Q・Parfois, sur un marche z au debut de r ete z la vue d, un plumbago, fleur delicate aux petales bleu pale, transperce le coeur d, une emotion abord indefinissable; puis peu a peu z on comprend que c' est P emotion qui noft d,une reminiscence, une impression de «deja vu », de la revelation d' un fragment du passe.Et voila que simplement en fermant les yeux z on retrouve des sensations, des images; une barriere en pierre le long de laquelle court une profusion de plumbagos. C, est Io barriere du jardin du professeur de ・・•专业… piano. On entend le grin cement de la porte qu‘ on pousse avec la roue de la bicycle卄巳on prete I' orQlle aux accords d‘ une sonate de Beethoven. On distingue le bourdonnement des abeilles autour des fleurs, on per(;oit le pas regulier d, un cheval tiront une caleche ; tous les bruits, tous les sons reviennent a I’ esprit, a I' ordlle et on reste Id, devant la fleur, dans ce temps suspendu ・On ne sait comment demeler ces emotions, plongequ‘ on est da ns la recherche des souvenirs; est-ce de la joie, de la douceur ou de la tristesse, de la mQloncolie ? C' est en realite le chagrin intime qu‘ on「essent devant une perte z le regret de ne plus pouvoir retrouver ce qui manque a jamais, c' est le mal du pays, c‘ est la nostalgie.Nostalgie d,un pays apre ou V ombre est glaciale en hiver et le soleil brulant en ete ; nostolgie d5une ville, kaleidoscope multicolore ou se combinent le rouge brique des maisons, le vert des tuiles vernissees, le bleu profond du cieL le jaune du mimosa, le violet des bougainvilliers!Nostalgie des etes toirides ou le soleil immobilise toute vie z ou les persiennes fermees preserver!t I’ ombre et ・・•专业… gardent r odeur du concombre et de la pasteque. Regret douloureux des plongeons dons une piscine dont I' eau fraTche apaise toutes les brulures.Mais surtout nostalgie de r enfance・Les petites maladies sont des moments heureux veilles par des gronds・m©res qui chantent dans une langue etrange des chansons qu J on ne comprend pas et qui donnent envie de pleurer de tristesse et de bonheur. Les jours de fete, la maison s' emplit des odeurs les plus delicieuses; odeur de la fleur cT oronger z de V oeillet poivre, des roses pompon ; odeur du bois de cedre qui s' echappe en fumee un brule-parfum ; odeur des plats les plus exquis ou se melent la cannelle, le gingembre et le clou de girofle...Questions:6. Quelle est la meilleure explication pour r impression de <(deja i/f7;;mentionnQe dans le deuxieme paragraphe ?A. C' est comme un souvenir un peu vague mais persista nt.B・C‘ est quelque chose que 13 auteur a surement vu quelque part. C. C,est comme une histoire que I’ auteur a deja entendue quelque part.D. C‘ est comme un livre que I’ auteur a deja lu.・・•专业…7. Qu' est-ce que le « kaleidoscope multicolore)> dont I' auteur parle dons le 4C paragraphe ?A. C' estuntableau de couleur.B. C' est un instrument qui permet de voir des imageseclatees, multipliees.C. C‘ est une succession tres rapide d5 impressions etde sensations.・D. C‘ est une photo qui est gravee dons la memoire deV auteur.8. D‘ a pres le texte, quelle image la nostalgie donne-t-elle ?A. Une image bien fidele de la realite.B. Une image fidele mais cruelle.C. Une image transformee et cruelle.D. Une image embellie et enchantee.9. Dans le 5C paragraphe, quel sens I' auteur a-t-il mobilise pour exprimer sa nostalgie ?A. L' ouie.B・La vue・C・L‘ odora.D. Le toucher.10. Quelle idee resume le mieux le dernier paragraphe du•专业texte ?•专业A. L‘ auteur aimait bien tomber malade quand il etait petit.B. L‘ auteur aimait beaucoup les odeurs des jours de fete de son enfance・C. Ayont recours a la vue et d I’ odorat I' auteur se souvient des moments heureux de son enfonce.D. L J auteur se montre indifferent a son enfance sauf aux jours de fetes et aux moments ou il etait malade.IL Competences lexicale et grammaticale 词汇和语法(30 points, 2 pointsX15)11. Le juge a prefere passer _ silence une partie du dossier.A. sous B・ sur C. en D. avec12. Ses amis ne vivent pas en banlieue mais — Perpignan.A. aB. dansC. d I' interieur deD. au13. Si vous ne suivez pas ces conseils r vous allez _ nombreux probleme ・A. a raison deB. aC. vers D・dl‘ encontre de14. Quand les allies _ le pays, beaucoup s' improviserent«resistants de la premiere vue ».A. liberaientB. eurent libere・・•专业…C・ ovoient libere D. libererent15. Nous I’ Qvons laisse tomber aussitotquenous_qu‘ il men toit.A. avons comprisB. avions comprisC. avons eu comprisD. comprenions16. «Qucind une fille est mariee, tout le monde la demonde »z cela signifie :A. qu, on a toujours du desir.B. quo P on desire plus facilement ce que r on ne peu tavoir ・C. que les occasions arrivent toujours trop to「d・D. que V herbe est toujours plus verte de r autre cotede la montagne・17. Un petit chez soi vaut mieux qu' un grand _ .A. chez soi B・ ici-basC. en basD. chez les autres18. Un grand crime est un _.A. delit B・ forfait C. ossassinot D・parjure19. Une idee triste qui rappelle la mort est _.•专业A. funQbreB. funQroireC. sadiqueD. mortelle20. Quel mot peut-on utiliser pour I' Qconomie ?A. remineeB. reanimeeC. ranimeeD. remanee21. Le chien s' est enfui: il a saute _ la clotureA. par-dessusB. surC. ou-dessusD. par22. Les Fran<;ais ont reduit leur consommation de vin : ___ ils boivent beaucoup plus d' eau minerale・A. en faitB. de faitC. puisqueD. car23. On trouve P empreinte des auteurs du XIXe siecle _ la litterature contemporaine・A. en trovers deB. parC. a troversD. en faveur de24. Tu travaillerais mieux au lycee, tu _ inscrire apres le bac donsl' universite de ton choixA. peuxB. ourois puC. pourrasD. pourrais25. Au lieu de prendre les cles de Io maison, ai pris _ du garage ・A. celuiB. ceuxC. celleD. celles•专业III. Culture generale 法国文化知识(20points, 2points x 10)・・•专业…26. Qui a pris I' initiative de la construction du chateau de Versailles ?A. Louis XIIIB. Louis XIVC. Louis XV27. Apres avoir ete V homme le plus recherche pendant environ 10 ons. Ben Laden a ete tue en :A. 2009B. 2010C. 201128. Comment se nommait la femme qui a precede Carla Bruni a V Elysee ?A. DanielleB. Bernade 卄eC. Cecilia29 ・ Quel pays est le moins peuple des trois ?A. La RussieB. La FranceC. L‘ Allemagne30. Qui fut sculpteur parmi ces artistes ?A. CesarB. Monne tC. Michel Ange•专业31 ・ Quelle oeuvre est consideree comme le meilleur modele de la chans on de geste?A. La chanson de RolandB. Le Roman de RenartC. Petit TestamentD. Tristan et Iseut32. Quel est le sous-titre du Manage c/e Figaro^A. La premiere journee revolutionnaireB. Le triomphe de la Rais onC. La toile journee33. Lequel des courants IRteraires ne domine pas le 19e siecle?A. le dadaismeB. le symbolismeC. le romantisme34. Au 19e siecle z qui est V auteur de plusieurs romans champetres ?A. Sidonie-Gabrielle Cole卄eB. Guy de MaupassontC・ Gorges Sand35. Quel homme politique a joue un role majeur dons le theatre au 17C siecle?・・•专业…•专业A. Louis XIIIB. ColbertC. RichelieuIV. Composition 写作(30points)36. «Chaque Frangis produit plus d,un kilo ordures menageres tous les jours・ Preuve que le progres n' a pas que des avantages: il y a 40 ans z ce chiffre etait divise par deux. On constate cependant un leger mieux sur les dernieres annees: de 396kg en 2005, la production annuelle par habitant est redescendue a 374kg en 2009. Le contenu de nos poubelles, lui, rV evolue pas ou peu. Elies sont remplies a 32% de matieres organiques. 22% de cartons et papiers et 46% de plastique, verre et Qutres materiaux. »Quel est votre point de vue ? Quels sont vos arguments ? Redigez un article de 300 mots (+10%) avec un titre de votre choix.。
广东外语外贸大学2003年硕士研究生入学考试英语写作与翻译Task 1: Summary Writi ng (40%)Directions:Read carefully the following passage and summarize its contents in 100-120 words. Note that you must not copy complete sentences directly from the orig in al. Failure to do so would in cur deduct ion of your scores.PassageKilli ng for SportIt wouldn 'be quite true to say that some of my best friends are hunters. 〞Still, I do number among my respected acquaintances some who not only kill for the sake of killing but count it among their kee nest pleasures. And I can think of no better illustrati on of the fact that men may be separated at some point by fathomless abyss yet share elsewhere much com mon gro und. To me, it is incon ceivable that anyone can think an ani mal more in teresti ng dead tha n alive, I can also easily prove, to my own satisfact ion, that killi ng for sport "is the perfect type of that pure evil for which metaphysicia ns have sometimes sought.Most wicked deeds are done because the doer proposes some good for himself. The liar lies to gain some end; the swin dler and the thief want things which, if hon estly got, might be good in themselves. Eve n the murderer is usually remov ing some impedime nt to no rmal desires. Though all of these are selfish or un scrupulous, their deeds are not gratuitously evil. But the killer for sport seems to have no such excusable motive. He seems merely to prefer death to life, darkness to light. He seems to get nothing other tha n the satisfacti on of say ing: Somethi ng which wan ted to live is dead. Because I can bring terror and agony, I assure myself that I have power. Because of me there is that much less vitality, con scious ness and perhaps joy in the uni verse. I am the spirit that deni es." When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man, we call him Van dal." When he wantonly destroys one of the works of God, we call him Sportsma n.〞The hunter-for-food may be as wicked and as misguided as vegetarians sometimes say, but he does not kill for the sake of killi ng. The ran chers and the farmers who exterm in ate all livi ng things not immediately profitable to them may sometimes be worki ng aga inst their own best in terests; but whether they are or not, they hope to achieve some supposed good by the exterm in ati on s, if to do evil, not in the hope of gain but for evil 's sake, in volves the deepest guilt by which man can be sta in ed, the n killi ng for killi ng 's sake is a terrify ing phe nomenon and as stro ng a proof as we could have of the reality of evil " with which present-day theologians are again concerned.Task 2: Interpretation of Graphical Information and essay writing (60%) Directions:The relati on ship betwee n the degree of participatio n in physical exercises duri ng senior high school years and academic achievements after graduation is investigated. The results of investigation are presented in the following table. Write an essay to describe and discuss the findings. You should also draw your own conclusions based on the information given in the table.Directions:Based on the assumptio n that the youn ger one starts to lear n a foreig n Ian guage, the higher the proficiency one would achieve ultimately, the provincial government of Guangdong has decided that in five years 'time, English course should be offered from Grade One in all primary schools of the Province, be they in cities or in rural areas. Write an essay of 500-600 words unequivocally expressing your stand on this issue. Whatever position you take, make sure to justify your decision. Give a title to your essay.Task 4: Tran slatio n (50%)(1) Directi ons: Tran slate the followi ng paragraph from En glish into Chin ese.And speak ing of freedom, is not the author free, as few men are free? Is he not secure, as few men are secure? The tools of his in dustry are so com mon and so cheap that they have almost ceased to have commercial value. He needs no bulky pile of raw material, no elaborate apparatus, no service of men or ani mals. He is depe ndent for his occupati on upon no one but himself, and nothing outside him that matters. He is the sovereign of an empire, self supporting, self-contained …No one can deprive him of his stock in trade ; no one can force him to exercise his faculty aga inst his will; no one can preve nt him exercis ing it as he chooses. The pen is the great liberator of men and nations. No chains can bind, no poverty can choke, no tariff can restrict the free play of his mind …(2) Directi ons: Tran slate the followi ng paragraph from Chin ese into En glish王冕见天色晚了,牵了牛回去。
07级研究生翻译作业(汉译英)David Pollard的译文:Thus Friends Absent SpeakWritten by Yu Guangzhong and Translated by David PollardIf it is conceded that replying to letters is to be dreaded, on the other hand not replying to letters is by no means a matter of unalloyed bliss. Normally a hundred or so letters are stacked on my bookshelf, of diverse maturity of debt outstanding, the longest being over a year. That kind of pressure is more than an ordinary sinner can bear. A stack of unanswered letters battens on me like a bevy of plaintive ghosts and plays havoc with my smitten conscience. In principle the letters are there for replying to. I can swear in all honesty that I have never while of sound mind determined not to answer people’s letters. The problem is a technical one. Suppose I had a whole summer night at my disposal: should I first answer the letter that was sent eighteen months ago, or that one that was sent seven months ago? After such a long delay even the expiry date for apology and self-recrimination would surely have passed? In your friends’ eyes, you have already stepped beyond the pale, are of no account. On the grapevine your reputation is “that impossible fellow”.Actually even if you screw up all your moral courage and settle down at you desk to pay off your letter debt come what may, the thing is easier said than done. Old epistles and new missives are jumbled up together and stuffed in the drawers or strewn on shelves; some have been answered, some not. As the poet was told about the recluse he was looking for: “I know he’s in these mountains, but in this mist I can’t tell where.” The time and energy you would spend to find the letter you have decided to answer would be several times that needed to write the reply itself. If you went on to anticipate that your friend’s reaction to receiving your letter would be less “surprised by joy” than “resentmentrekindled”, then your marrow would turn to water, and your debt would never be cleared.To leave letters unanswered is not equivalent to forgetting friends, no more than it is conceivable that debtors can forget their creditors. At the bottom of such disquietude, at the end of your nightmares, there forever lurks the shadowy presence of this friend with his angry frown and baleful looks: no, you can never forget him. Those who you really put out of your mind, and do so without qualm, are those friends who have already been replied to.Note:“尺素寸心”假如直译则不达,只好用对策。
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我的译文:An Excerpt fromUnanswered Lettersvs Unbounded FriendshipBy Yu GuangzhongAnswering letters does make me flinch; however, not answering them allows me no release at all. Dozens of unanswered letters pile up on my bookshelf, like a sum of debt waiting to be paid. Some have been waiting there for over one year, while some have newly arrived. The pressure from paying off that debt is far beyond what a junior debtor can endure. The stack of unanswered letters are, likea group of haunting ghosts, continually pestering myguilt-loaded soul. Generally, the letters will certainly be replied to.I can even swear by heaven that never do I have the intention not to reply when my mind is clear. The problem is how to reply. Even if I spared myself a whole summer night, I would be wavering on which letter to reply to first, the 18-month-old one or the 7-month-old? The reply has been delayed for so long that I’m afraid even heartfelt apology andself-accusation have already become overdue. In friends’ heart, I’ve been marginalized as a cocky man unworthy of care. “Unaccountable”! That is their unanimous comment on me.In fact, even though I pull myself together and settle down at the desk, ready to pay off the debt, mydetermination will easily be split up by doubts. Old and new letters, answered or yet-to-be, cram the shelf and the drawer in disorder, which reminds me of two verses: “He’s simply in the very mountain. In the depths of clouds, his whereabouts are unknown.” (from Calling on a Hermit in Vain by Jia Dao). Picking out the letter I decide to answer from such a mess will cost as multiplied time and energy as answering the letter does. Moreover, on visualizing the facial expression of friends when they receive the reply — rekindled lingering anger rather thansurprised delight —my tiny amount of determination dwindle into naught. Consequently, the date when my debt is paid off extends into eternity. Although I haven’t answered the letters, I can never forget my friends,any more than a debtor can forget his creditor. In the depth of my disturbed and apologetic heart looms the indelible angry and icy look of my friends. Never can I forget them. Friends who really fall into oblivion, from which guilt is totally absent, are those who have received my reply.David Pollard的译文:Thus Friends Absent SpeakWritten by Yu Guangzhong andTranslated by David PollardIf it is conceded that replying to letters is to be dreaded, on the other hand not replying to letters is by no means a matter of unalloyed bliss. Normally a hundred or soletters are stacked on my bookshelf, of diverse maturity of debt outstanding, the longest being over a year. That kind of pressure is more than an ordinary sinner can bear. A stack of unanswered letters battens on me like a bevy of plaintive ghosts and plays havoc with my smitten conscience. In principle the letters are there for replying to. I can swear in all honesty that I have never while of sound mind determined not to answer people’s letters. The problem is a technical one. Suppose I had a whole summer night at my disposal: should I first answer the letter that was sent eighteen months ago, or that one that was sent seven months ago? After such a long delay even the expiry date for apology and self-recrimination would surely have passed? In your friends’ eyes, you have alreadystepped beyond the pale, are of no account. On the grapevine your reputation is “that imposs ible fellow”.Actually even if you screw up all your moral courage and settle down at you desk to pay off your letter debt come what may, the thing is easier said than done. Old epistles and new missives are jumbled up together and stuffed in the drawers or strewn on shelves; some have been answered, some not. As the poet was told about the recluse he was looking for: “I know he’s in these mountains, but in this mist I can’t tell where.” The time and energy you would spend to find the letter you have decided to answer would be several times that needed to write the reply itself. If you went on to anticipate that your friend’s reaction to receiving yourletter would be less “surprised by joy” than “resentment rekindled”, then your marrow would turn to water, and your debt would never be cleared.To leave letters unanswered is not equivalent to forgetting friends, no more than it is conceivable that debtors can forget their creditors. At the bottom of such disquietude, at the end of your nightmares, there forever lurks the shadowy presence of this friend with his angry frown and baleful looks: no, you can never forget him. Those who you really put out of your mind, and do so without qualm, are those friends who have already been replied to.Note:“尺素寸心”假如直译则不达,只好用对策。