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1.What is John doing?

2.What is in your bag?

3.What color is your bag?

4.How many books do you have?

5.What does the cat do every evening?

6.What did she do yesterday?

7.What does Tom do every Saturday?

8.Did Chen Jie go swimming with her parents?

9.What is the weather like today?(下雨)

10.How heavy is Miss White?(150公斤)

11.Is the elephant thin?(大)

12.What is Mr. Black like?(高瘦,游泳)

13.Is this a pencil or an eraser?(一支铅笔)

14.What is your mother like?(仁慈)

15.How old is your grandfather?(68岁)

16.Are you 160cm tall?(157厘米)

17.Which teacher do you like better, math teacher or Chinese teacher?(数学)

18.Is your English book smaller than math book?(英语书大,数学书小) 19.What can Tom see at the zoo?(很多动物,猴子,熊猫,大象)

20.How does Mrs. Yang go to Beijing every year?(飞机)

21.What does Wu Yifan like?(高瘦,足球)

22.What is Zoom doing?(睡觉)

23.Is the hippo lighter than the monkey?

24.What does the girl want to buy?(鞋店)

25.What is the man like?(胖,矮,看电视)

26.What does the man like?(胖矮,看电视)

27.Whose eyes are bigger than yours in your class?

28.What do you do when you have the flu?

29.How do you usually go to school?

30.What do you do?

31.Can you drink cold water when you are sick?

32.Can you see the Great Wall in Beijing?

33.What is Sarah doing now?(洗衣服)

34.How did your brother go to the park?(走路)

35.What does Amy do every weekend?(写邮件)

36.What did Zhang Peng see at the zoo last Thursday? (很多动物,猴子,熊猫,大象.)

37.How does Tom feel?(不高兴)

38.Does Peter feel happy?(生气)

39.How is the boy?(生病了)

40.How much is the cake?

41.Are the girls sad?(高兴)

42.How tall is Sue?(146)

43.What is the matter with you,John?(腿受伤了) 44.What did they do this morning?(晨运) 45.Did they go skating on the holiday?(滑雪) 46.What are you going to do next Sunday?(书店) 47.Is Tom taller than Jim?(Tom,159,Jim,170) 48.Where is your flat?(在银行的附近) 49.Where is your school?(在医院的南边) 50.Where is the Great Wall?(中国的北边) 51.What is the matter?(头疼)

52.How does Lisa feel?(兴奋)

53.What did you do yesterday?(打扫教室) 54.What is she doing?

55.Is Xiaodong happy?

56.What is the matter with your grandma? 57.Do you feel angry?()

58.What is Lisa doing now?(拉小提琴) 59.How does Liu Yun feel?(累)

60.What do you do on the weekend?(爬山) 61.What did you do last weekend?(做作业) 62.Where did you go last weekend?(图书馆) 63.How did you go there?(14路车)

64.Where did your father go last weekend?

65.How do you go to school,Jack? (走路)

66.Which bus can we go to the park by? (40路)67.How can he get to the cinema?(小车)

68.Does your father go to work by subway?(公汽)69.How do they go to Beijing?(火车)

70.How do your father and mother go to work,Jack? (小车)71.Which bus should we take?(14路)

72.How can Lucy go to the park?(14路车)

73.Do your grandparents go to the bus stop on foot?(走路)74.How does your father go to work?(公汽)

75.How does Lily go to school?(自行车)

76.How does Wu Yifan go to the train station?(出租车)77.Does your mother go to the bookstore by bike?(走路)78.How can I get to Hong Kong?(地铁)

79.How can you go to Yunnan?(飞机)

80.In China,which side of the road should you go ? 81.Which bus can they take to the Zhongshan Park?(17路)82.How can he go to the cinema?(走路)

83.Can I go on foot?(很近)

84.How many lights are there in the traffic lights? 85.How can I get to the museum?(走路)
