19世纪末,继电器开 始应用于电力系统
20世纪初,继电器广 泛应用于工业控制领域
20世纪中叶,固态继 电器开始出现
21世纪初,智能等领域广泛 应用
未来,继电器将向智能 化、小型化、高可靠性 方向发展
隔离保护:用于隔离保护电路,防止干 扰和损坏
控制电机:用于控制电机的启动、停 止和速度调节
确保继电器的额定电压和电流与实际使用环境相匹配 避免长时间过载使用,以免损坏继电器 定期检查继电器的接线是否牢固,避免接触不良 确保继电器的工作环境温度和湿度在允许范围内 避免在易燃易爆环境中使用继电器 定期检查继电器的触点是否有氧化或烧蚀现象,如有应及时更换
微型化:继电器将更加微型化,体积更小,重量更轻 高性能:继电器将具有更高的性能,如更高的开关频率、更小的开关损耗 等 环保化:继电器将更加环保,减少对环境的影响,如采用无铅材料等
智能化:继电器将更加智能化,能够自动识别和调整工作状态 节能化:继电器将更加节能,降低能耗,提高效率 微型化:继电器将更加微型化,减小体积,提高集成度 环保化:继电器将更加环保,减少有害物质的排放,提高环保性能
定期检查继电器的触点是否 有氧化或烧蚀现象,如有应 及时更换
定期检查继电器的接线是否 牢固,有无松动或脱落
定期检查继电器的线圈是否 发热,如有应及时更换
定期检查继电器的绝缘性能 是否良好,如有问题应及时
检查继电器的外观和接线情况,确 保无松动、损坏或腐蚀
定期清洁继电器,去除灰尘和污垢, 保持良好的散热环境
确定继电器的用途和功 能
考虑继电器的额定电压 和电流
考虑继电器的尺寸和安 装方式
T105 105
T170 170
T200 200
T250 T370/T370K
27~42 36~52 45~63 57~82 70~105 80~115
90~130 110~160 140~200
65~90 80~110 100~135 110~150 130~175 150~200
RMK-16 RMK-25 RMK-30 RMK-40 RMK-50 RMK-63 RMK-75 RMK-95 RMK-110 RMK-145 RMK-185 RMK-210 RMK-260 RMK-300
注:1) T45 配 B37、B45 时,应另行订购相应的联结板。 2) T45、T105、T170 与 RMK 配合时,接线板由用户自行配置。
T 系列热过载继电器与交流接触器配合关系代码
B25 B30
流 B37
接 B45
触 B65
B85 B105
型 B170
号 B250
T16K T25 T25K16 T25K25 T45 T75 T105 T170 T200 T250 T370 T370K
TE提供用于制造充电站的各种高压继电器与接触器TE Connectivity(TE),原Tyco Electronics,已开发出广泛系列的继电器产品,专门设计适用于电动汽车充电站,并满足在线电压下的特殊需求。
此PC 主板继电器非常紧凑,占用面积不到3.7 cm2 。
TE(泰科)电连接器选型大全TE(泰科)是全球连接和传感领域技术领军企业,2007年从Tyco International分离出来,并于纽约证券所挂牌上市,自此成了一家独立自主的公司。
2011年3月,Tyco Electronics正式改名为TE Connectivity。
目前,TE连接零部件年产量高达1200亿个,拥有(含申请中)的专利数量达1,4000个,主要授权分销商有Avnet、Arrow、Future、TTI、Waldom、Heilind、Premier Farnell 等。
AMPSEAL 16 系列AMPSEAL 16 连接器专为非公路车辆、重载工业、休闲和农业应用而设计。
NTE8系列 时间继电器 说明书
![NTE8系列 时间继电器 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9364906fa98271fe910ef973.png)
3 主要参数及技术性能
型号 工作方式 延时范围 触点数量 触点容量 工作电压 电寿命 机械寿命 环境温度 安装方式
NTE8 断开延时、通电延时 0.1s~10s、10s~120s、30s~480s 延时1常开 Ue/Ie:AC-15 230V/1A;DC-13 30V/1A;Ith:5A AC230V、AC24V、DC24V 1×105
1×10 -5℃~+40℃ 导轨式
L(+) L(+)
N(-) N(-)
4 外形及安装尺寸
86max 7.5
35 L
NTE8系列 时间继电器
1 适用范围
NTE8系列时间继电器主要用于交流频率50Hz,额定控制电源电压至230V及直流额定控制电源电压至 24V的控制电路中作为时间控制元件,按额定的时间接通或断开电路。
2 型号及ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้义
N TE 8-□ □ / □
额定控制电源电压 延时类型:A 断开延时;B 通电延时 延时时间:10、120、480 设计代号 时间继电器 企业特征代号
继电器的选用原则参见表 1,在表中“必须确定”栏中有“”号的项目被确定之后,就可选定一款继电器。
表 1一、对表格详细说明1、触点1.1 触点负载确定继电器所能承受的负载是否满足使用要求时,除了需要确定负载的大小,还要确定实际负载的种类,因为不同的负载有不同的稳态值,见表 2。
表 2显示了有代表性的负载与冲击电流和时间的关系。
1.2 触点材料。
见表 3。
表 3备注:(1)每种继电器必须要考虑说明书中规定的最大电流值。
1.3 电耐久性除非另有说明,一般说明书显示的电耐久性是在额定负载、一定温度、负载比和动作频率下测得的标称值,因此对于其它负载种类和切换频率,电耐久性会不同。
一般对于 2A 以上的负载,同一款继电器的防焊剂型和防尘罩型的电耐久性比塑封型的要长,因此在环境允许的条件下尽量使用防焊剂型和防尘罩型断电器以提高继电器使用寿命。
2、线圈2.1 电压为了使继电器工作可靠,要保证工作线路能给继电器线圈供给额定电压。
在采用晶体管驱动继电器时,由于晶体管本身固有的压降会导致施加在继电器线圈上的电压值低于驱动电路的各义值,建议在晶体管驱动电路电压为 5V 是选用 4.5V 规格的继电器。
单稳态继电器只有一个稳定状态的一种继电器;当它有规定的输入量激励量时改变了其状态,但去除输入量时又恢复到原来状态;磁保持继电器有两种,一种是单线圈的通过给线圈通正和负直流电压使其切换保持;一种是双线圈的,给一个线圈通正向直流电压使其动作并保持,给另一个线圈通反向直流电使其释放并保持;简单的给销售人员说:双线圈磁保持继电器;就是继电器线圈正常吸合时的工作电压,一般分交流和直流,或者写AC或DC,具体还有很多电压等级规格,一般在继电器外壳或者线圈接线柱旁边都标有具体数据;我的电源是DC36V的但是继电器线圈是DC24V的该在继电器上加个什么才可以用hehe 这个朋友你好,你可以加一个电阻来降压.那么这个电阻如何选呢首先用万用表测量DC24V继电器的电阻.然后选择这个电阻阻值的1/2左右的电阻.如继电器线圈电阻=2K欧姆,那么就选用1K欧姆的电阻和它串联现在我们知道了这个电阻上的分压为12V以及刚才算出的电阻值,那么很容易竟可以算出电阻功率了.依然如选用串联1K的电阻,功率=12×12/1000=瓦,那么选用1/4瓦的电阻就可以了.你明白了吗呵呵...你还可以串个12V的稳压管来解决,选择时记得要考虑稳压管的电流参数,最好还要考虑继电器线圈的续流问题防止断电瞬间烧坏稳压管最好加12V稳压二极管,这样稳定,不然电阻可能会对性能有影响电压线圈和电流线圈分别起什么作用怎样使用这两个线圈这都是继电器,只是他们检测的信号不一样而已;电压继电器感测的是主电路中的线路电压变化,线圈并联接入主电路,触点一般接于控制电路,为执行元件,按吸合电压的大小,可分为过电压和欠电压继电器,中间继电器等;常用于电力系统的电压保护和控制电路中;电流继电器感测的是主电路中的线路电流变化,线圈串联接入主电路,触点一般接于控制电路,为执行元件;其反映的电流信号,常用的有过电压和欠电压继电器;常用于电力系统的电流保护和控制电路中;继电器额定电压是指线圈电压吗如果有一个5V的继电器,线圈接5V电压,常闭触头接12V 电压,这样能行吗不一定能接,触头主要看回路中的开断和关合能力,会不会引起触头粘连;如果电流小,220V 的都可以接;额定电压实际上就是指线圈的电压;继电器有线圈额定电压和触点额定电压电流,线圈一定要按线圈电压供电,触头通过的电压电流低于额定值即可;你接的可以用的,只要12V电流别超额定值即可;欧姆龙继电器线圈电压问题用输出模块输出信号点24VDC去控制一个线圈电压为24VDC的继电器厂家为欧姆龙,型号是:MY4NJ 24VDC,当线圈未插在底座上时,测量底座线圈电压接线端子13&14为24VDC,但是当线圈插在底座后线圈电压为,继电器工作指示灯亮,但是继电器不吸合,这是为什么如何解决该情况请专业人士回复支持很简单,信号灯虽然亮您的电源“给力”不足;请提高输出功率;因为:欧姆龙继电器的线圈电压,要达到80%-85%19V以上,才能可靠吸上;其释放电压可能低于70%;吸合电压那位老师能告诉我5V继电器的吸合电压和释放电压是多少控制电压为额定线圈电压的85%~110%能可靠吸合;低于额定线圈电压的75%释放;磁保持继电器是一种自动开关;和其他电磁继电器一样,对电路起着自动接通和切断作用;所不同的是,磁保持继电器的常闭或常开状态完全是依赖永久磁钢的作用,其开关状态的转换是靠通过给线圈通正和负直流电压使其切换保持;磁保持继电器只要一个正向电就会永久吸合,不需要保特电压;要想释放必须加上个反向电压;还有一种双线圏的产品,一个线圏专用加正向电压吸合,另一个线圏专门加反向电压释放用;自保持继电器有二组线圈一组用于动作,一组用于保持;自保持继电器:保持线圈比启动线圈电流小,继电器动作后通过动合触点或电子线路给保持线圈供电,使继电器保持吸合状态;磁保持继电器:当你给线圈通电后,触点吸合断开,然后将线圈上的电压去掉后,继电器的状态保持不变,当想要触点断开吸合时,向复位线圈通个高电平单线圈的,对线圈通反相电压就行了触点状态转换;磁保持继电器:将磁钢引入磁回路,继电器线圈断电后,继电器的衔铁仍能保持在线圈通电时的状态,具有两个稳定状态;。
n 1 pole 12A/16A, 1 form C (CO) or 1 form A (NO) contact n DC or AC coiln 5kV/10mm coil-contact, reinforced insulation n Ambient temperature 85°C (DC coil)n WG version: product in accordance to IEC 60335-1n Reflow version: for THR (Through-Hole Reflow) soldering processTypical applicationsBoiler control, timers, garage door control, POS automation, interface modulesApprov a lsVDE Cert. No. 40007571, cULus E214025, cCSAus 1142018; CQC in preparationTechnical data of approved types on requestContact Data 12A 16AContact arrangement 1 form C (CO) or 1 form A (NO) Rated voltage 250VAC Max. switching voltage 400VAC Rated current 12A 16A Limiting continuous current 12A 16A, UL: 20A Limiting making currentmax. 4s, duty factor 10% 25A 30A Breaking capacity max. 3000VA 4000VA Contact material A gNi 90/10, AgNi 90/10 gold plated Frequency of operation, with/without load DC coil 360/72000h -1 AC coil 360/36000h -1Operate/release time max., DC coil 8/6ms Bounce time max., DC coil, form A/form B 4/6ms Electrical endurance see electrical endurance graph 1)Contact ratings Type Contact Load Cycles IEC 61810RT314 DC-coil A (NO) 16A, 250VAC, cos φ=1, 85°C 30x103 RT314 DC-coil C (CO) 16A, 250VAC, cos φ=1, 85°C 10x103 RT314 DC-coil A (NO) 10A, 400VAC, cos φ=1, 85°C 150x103 RT114 DC-coil A (NO) 12A, 250VAC, cos φ=1, 85°C 50x103 RT114 AC-coil A (NO) 12A, 250VAC, cos φ=1, 70°C 100x103UL 508 RT314 A/B (NO/NC) 20A, 250VAC, general purpose, 85°C 6x103 RT334 A (NO) 16A, 250VAC, gen. purpose, 85°C 50x103 RT314 A (NO) 1hp, 240VAC, 40°C 1x103 RT314 A (NO) FLA/LRA, 4.5/13.1A, 480VAC, 70°C 100x 103EN60947-5-1RT314 DC-coil A/B (NO/NC) 2A, 24VDC, DC13 6.050EN60730-1RT314 DC-coil A (NO) 12(2)A, 250VAC, 85°C 100x103reflow soldering process.Contact Data (continued)Mechanical endurance DC coil >30x106 operations AC coil>10x106 operations AC coil, reflow version>5x106 operationsCoil DataCoil voltage range, DC coil/ AC coil 5 to 110VDC / 24 to 230VAC Operative range, IEC 61810 2Coil insulation system according UL class FCoil versions, DC coil Coil Rated Operate Release Coil Rated coil code voltage voltage voltage resistance powerVDC VDC VDC Ω±10%2) mW005 5 3.5 0.5 62 403 006 6 4.2 0.6 90 400 009 9 6.3 0.9 200 400 012 12 8.4 1.2 360 400 020 20 14.0 2.0 952 420 024 24 16.8 2.4 1440 400 048 48 33.6 4.8 5520 417 060 60 42.0 6.0 85702) 420 110 110 77.0 11.0 288002) 4202) Coil resistance ±12%.All figures are given for coil without pre-energization, at ambient temperature +23°C.Other coil voltages on request.Coil versions, AC coil 50/60 Hz Coil Rated Operate Release Coil Rated coil code voltage voltage voltage resistance power VAC VAC VAC Ω±15%3) VA 524 24 18.0 3.6 3503) 0.76 615 115 86.3 17.3 8100 0.76 620 120 90.0 18.0 8800 0.75 700 200 150.0 30.0 24350 0.76 730 230 172.5 34.5 32500 0.743) Coil resistance ±10%.All figures are given for coil without pre-energization, at ambient temperature +23°C, 50 Hz.Power PCB Relay RT1F0144-CZ bOther Data (continued)Terminal typestandard version PCB-THT, plug-in reflow version PCB-THR Mounting distance AC coil: ≥2.5mm Weight 14g Resistance to soldering heat THT, IEC 60068-2-20 RTII 270°C/10s RTIII 260°C/5s Resistance to soldering heat THRreflow soldering (for reflow version) forced gas convection 4) or vapour phase 5) temperature profile according EN61730Packaging/unit tube/20 pcs., box/500 pcs.4) infrared heating not allowed 5) recommended fluid LS/230AccessoriesFor details see datasheet A ccessories Industrial Power Relay RT NOTE: indicated contact ratings and electrical endurance data for direct wiring of relays (according IEC 61810-1); for relays mounted on sockets deratings may apply.Insulation DataInitial dielectric strength between open contacts 1000V rms between contact and coil 5000V rms Clearance/creepagebetween contact and coil ≥10/10mmMaterial group of insulation parts IIIa Tracking index of relay base PTI 250V reflow versionPTI 175VOther DataMaterial compliance: EU RoHS/ELV , China RoHS, REACH, Halogen content refer to the Product Compliance Support Center at /customersupport/rohssupportcenter Resistance to heat and fireWG version or Reflow version according EN60335, par30Ambient temperatureDC coil -40 to 85°C AC coil -40 to 70°C Category of environmental protection, IEC 61810 standard version R TII - flux proof, RTIII - wash tight reflow version RTII - flux proof Vibration resistance (functional)form A/form B contact, 30 to 500Hz 20g/5g Shock resistance (destructive)100gPCB layout / terminal assignmentBottom view on solder pins12 A , pinning 3.5 mm12 A , pinning 5 mm16 A , pinning 5 mmS0163-BES0163-BC S0163-BG S0163-BH S0163-BD S0163-BF*) With the recommended PCB hole sizes a grid pattern from 2.5 m m to 2.54 m m can be used.Product code structureTypical product codeRT 3 1 4 024Type RT Power PCB Relay RT1Version 1 12A, pinning 3.5mm, flux proof 2 12A, pinning 5mm, flux proof *) 3 16A, pinning 5mm, flux proof B 12A, pinning 3.5mm, wash tight D 16A, pinning 5mm, wash tight Contact arrangement 1 1 form C (CO) contact 3 1 form A (NO) contact Contact material 4 AgNi 90/10 5 AgNi 90/10 gold plated (for type RT31.)Coil Coil code: please refer to coil versions table Version Blank Standard version WG Product in accordance with IEC 60335-1 (domestic appliances) R Reflow solderable*) Wash tight version on requestDimensionsProcess conditions for Reflow soldering according to EN61760-1THT version THR version (reflow solderable)Product codeVersionContactsContact materialCoilVersionPart numberRT114009 12A, pinning 3.5mm, 1 form C (CO) AgNi 90/10 9VDC Standard 1393239-9 RT114012 flux proof contact 12VDC 1419108-1 RT114012WG IEC60335-1 compliant 7-1415538-6 RT114024 24VDC Standard 1-1393239-3 RT114024WG IEC60335-1 compliant 1415539-4 RT114730 230VAC Standard 1-1393239-9 RT115024 AgNi 90/10 gold pl. 24VDC 2-1393239-1 RT134012 1 form A (NO) AgNi 90/10 12VDC 2-1393239-6 RT134024 contact 24VDC 3-1393239-0 RT214012 12A, pinning 5mm, 1 form C (CO) 12VDC 5-1393239-4 RT214024 flux proof contact 24VDC 5-1393239-5 RT214524 24VAC 5-1393239-9 RT214730 230VAC 1419108-6 RT314005 16A, pinning 5mm, 5VDC 9-1393239-1 RT314006 flux proof 6VDC 9-1393239-3 RT314012 12VDC 9-1393239-5 RT314012WG IEC60335-1 compliant 8-1415535-6 RT314024 24VDC Standard 9-1393239-8 RT314024WG IEC60335-1 compliant 1415538-7 RT314048 48VDC Standard 1393240-1 RT314730 230VAC 1393240-7 RT315024 AgNi 90/10 gold pl. 24VDC 1-1393240-4 RT334009WG 1 form A (NO) AgNi 90/10 9VDC IEC60335-1 compliant 3-1415538-1 RT334012 contact 12VDC Standard 4-1393240-5 RT334012WG IEC60335-1 compliant 1-1415527-1 RT334024 24VDC Standard 4-1393240-8 RT334048 48VDC 5-1393240-0 RTB14005 12A, pinning 3.5mm, 1 form C (CO) 5VDC 1-1393238-2 RTB14012 wash tight contact 12VDC 1-1393238-5 RTB14024 24VDC 1-1393238-9 RTB14524 24VAC 2-1393238-4 RTD14005 16A, pinning 5mm, 5VDC 5-1393238-9 RTD14012 wash tight 12VDC 6-1393238-2 RTD14024 24VDC 6-1393238-8 RTD14048 48VAC 6-1393238-9 RTD34012 1 form A (NO) 12VDC 3-1419108-5 RTD34024 contact 24VDC 3-1419108-8 This list represents the most common types and does not show all variants covered by this datasheet.。
1587826-2 2103181-2 1587828-2 1587829-2 1-968853-3 4-2103177-7
HVA280 2PHI Plug XE 4mm²Code A 2103176
继电器的选型主要从以下几个方面考虑:1. 工作电压继电器的工作电压应与电路的工作电压保持一致,否则无法正常工作。
2. 工作电流继电器的工作电流是指在正常工作状态下通过继电器的电流。
3. 触点类型继电器的触点有常开触点、常闭触点和换向触点等。
4. 继电器类型根据继电器的不同控制方式,可将其分为电磁继电器、固态继电器和时间继电器等。
6. 安装尺寸与配线方式继电器的安装尺寸和配线方式也是选型时需要考虑的因素。
三、继电器的注意事项在选择和使用继电器时,还需要注意以下几点:1. 继电器的负载能力继电器的负载能力是指能够承受的最大负载电流和电压。
杭州西子固体继电器有限公司 产品说明书
固体继电器(亦称固态继电器)英文名称为 Solid State Relay,简称 SSR。它是用半 导体器件代替传统电接点作为切换装置的具有继电器特性的无触点开关器件,单相 SSR 为四 端有源器件,其中两个输入控制端,两个输出端,输入输出间为光隔离,输入端加上直流或 脉冲信号到一定电流值后,输出端就能从断态转变成通态。
1.2 SSR 的使用场合
固体继电器目前已广泛应用于计算机外围接口装置,电炉加热恒温系统,数控机械,遥 控系统、工业自动化装置;信号灯、闪烁器、照明舞台灯光控制系统;仪器仪表、医疗器械、
杭州西子固体继电器有限公司 产品说明书
复印机、自动洗衣机;自动消防,保安系统,以及作为电网功率因素补偿的电力电容的切换 开关等等,另外在化工、煤矿等需防爆、防潮、防腐蚀场合中都有大量使用。
生产优质产品方面:在 1997 年庆香港回归(天安门广场和工人体育馆)大型 晚会演出中,国产设备灯光控制用的固体继电器采用我公司的产品,从而确立了 我公司固体继电器在国内的质量地位。由于我公司自主开发的新产品在国内影响 力的不断扩大,因此引来大量同行小厂的仿制。 由于仿制厂家技术力量不足,产 品性能与我公司不能相提并论,但为了抢夺市场, 他们只能压低价格,低价低质 这是仿制者的通用手段。在此情况下我们怎么办?“生产优质产品和适中的价格” 这就是我公司给新老用户的答复,我们决不以低质低价来迎合部分低端市场。尽 管二十多年来我们曾经有过由于原材料(进口名牌产品)把关不严而引起的一时 质量问题,过去的教训、丰富的经验、科学的管理和自主创新的实力促使我们今 后生产出更优质的产品以答谢广大用户对我们的信任!1.1 SS Nhomakorabea 优缺点
Eaton ETR-5000-2A2DB1 变压器保护继电器产品说明说明书
![Eaton ETR-5000-2A2DB1 变压器保护继电器产品说明说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8c06d8a2112de2bd960590c69ec3d5bbfd0adad3.png)
Eaton ETR-5000-2A2DB1Eaton transformer relay, Profibus-DP , 5A, 1A, 40-250 Vac, 19-300Vdc, 8, 9,Transformer, 19-300Vdc, 40-250Vac, 50/60 Hz,Projection, IRIG-B, Trip Coil Monitor, Sensitive Ground Input,URTD InterfaceGeneral specificationsProduct Name Catalog NumberEaton transformer relay ETR-5000-2A2DB1UPC Product Length/Depth7866791563158.06 inProduct Height Product Width8.7 in9.72 inProduct Weight Warranty9.3 lb Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) yearfrom the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.CompliancesContact ManufacturerTransformer Transformer relayTransformer protection relay0ETR-4000Conformal Coated Circuit Boards Profibus-DP over Fiber Optic ST 289IRIG-B URTD Interface Sensitive Ground Input Trip Coil Monitor 5A, 1A over fiber optic ST Voltage Protection and Metering Differential ProtectionCurrent Protection and Metering Power Protection and Metering Application TypeProduct CategoryAnalog inputs Analog outputs Base relay Conformal coatingCommunicationCurrent sensing inputs Digital inputs Digital outputs I/O options Phase current PROFIBUS-DP Sensing inputsZone selective interlocking28919-300Vdc, 40-250Vac 50/60 Hz40-250 Vac, 19-300 Vdc8919-300Vdc, 40-250Vac40-250 Vac, 19-300 Vdc 50/60 Hz Removable Projection1RemovablePower metering, monitoring and diagnostics products for OEMs E-series protective relays ETR-5000 Instruction Manual V2.5ETR-5000 Quick Start Guide E-Series Troubleshooting GuideE-SERIES CHEAT SHEET FOR FIELD/OPERATIONS PERSONNEL Programming an Eaton E-Series Relay, Step 2: Getting Started with PowerPort-EEaton Distribution and Transformer RelaysInterfacing with an Eaton E-Series Relay, Step 6: Front Panel Navigation Interfacing with an Eaton E-Series Relay, Step 5: Monitoring withNumber of inputs Number of outputs Power supply range Frequency rating Power consumption Number of inputs Number of outputs Power supply range Power consumption Frequency rating Terminals Mounting method Voltage sensing inputs Terminals BrochuresInstallation instructions MultimediaEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaPowerPort-EProgramming an Eaton E-Series Relay, Step 4: Advanced Configuration with PowerPort-EProgramming an Eaton E-Series Relay, Step 3: Getting Started with the E-Series WizardIntroduction to Eaton's E-Series Relay, Step 1: Physical Connections Eaton Specification Sheet - ETR-5000-2A2DB1E Series Protective Relays Declaration of Conformity E-Series Customizable Replacement Labels ETR-5000 Wiring DiagramsSpecifications and datasheetsWiring diagrams。
1.继电器触头的额定电流为5安培。 2.继电器的触头数量为2对,触头组合形成为,一常开一常闭。二常 开,或二常闭3 种。 注:其中JL14- JG;只有一常开或一常闭二种规格。 3.继电器的吸引线圈的额定电流为: 1、1.5、2.5、5、10、15、25、40、60、100、150、300、600。
JZ14系列交直流中间继电器,适用于交流50赫兹电压380伏及以下; 直流电压220伏及以下的控制电路中作为增加信号大小及数量之用。
1.继电器触头的额定电流为5A。额定控制容量等级为JF2和ZF2。 2.继电器的工作制为:(1)间断长期工作制 (2)反复短时工作制 反复短时工作制的额定操作频率为每小时2000次,通电持续率为40%。 注:继电器如用于长期工作制时,其线圈温升按间断或反复短工时工 作制允许温升值考核。 3.继电器的机械寿命应不认低于1000万次,电寿命应不低于100万次。 5.继电器的热态吸合电压不大于85%额定工作电压;冷态释放电压应 大于5%额定工作电压。 6.继电器的吸上和释放的固有动作时间不大于0.05秒。 7.继电器线圈的消耗功率:直流约7瓦。交流约10伏安。
3 00及600安培十种。 3.按触头的种类及数量: ①常开与常闭二种。 ②二个、三个及四个触头三种。 4.按接线方式分:板前与板后接线两种。 JT3-XX吸上电压为额定电压的30~50%或者释放电压为额定电压的7~20%。 返回系数不作规定。具有四只触头的继电器其吸上电压为额定电压的3 5~ 50%。 JT3-XX/1吸上电压不大于额定电压的50% JT3-XX/3吸上电压不大于额定电压的75% JT3-XX/5吸上电压不大于额定电压的75% JT3-XXL吸上电流为额定电流的30~65% 或者释放电流为额定电流的10~20%返回系数不作规定。 继电器的动作准确度为±10% 继电器的充电时间约为8.0秒钟,为了得到稳定的延时,通电时间必须大于 0 .8秒种,继电器的固有动作时间约为0.2秒钟;继电器线圈损耗功率在工作状 态下约为16瓦。 继电器触头额定长期工作电流为10安培
Vishay ESTA MD系列电容器保护继电器产品手册说明书
![Vishay ESTA MD系列电容器保护继电器产品手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/37137242e97101f69e3143323968011ca300f7cd.png)
Capacitor Protection RelayFEATURES•Capacitor unbalance protection •Line current unbalance protection •Overvoltage protection •Overheating protection •Ground fault protection •Overcurrent protection •Undercurrent protection •Capacitor bank discharge timerAPPLICATIONSProtection of capacitor bank in double star or bridge connection.Note•Complete mounting instructions / manual available at/doc?13173QUICK REFERENCE DATAType Capacitor protection relayDescription Capacitor bank protection relay: unbalance, line current unbalance, overvoltage, overcurrent,undercurrent, overheating, ground fault, discharge timer Rated data Supply voltages: 100 V AC to 240 V AC , 50 Hz to 60 Hz / 100 V DC to 375 V DC / 18 V DC to 75 V DCCurrent data 4 current inputs: 1 A or 5 AProtecting levelIP54TECHNICAL DATAThermal current withstand 15 A continuous / 100 A, 1 s Power consumption 1 VA per measuring circuitMeasurement accuracy Class 1Rated frequency 50 Hz / 60 HzGalvanic separationVia current voltage transformer, dielectric strength of 2 kV Signal outputsPotential-free change-over switch contacts for alarm and switch-offPosition of relay can be selected, picked up, or released Contact rating 8 A / 265 V AC or 0.3 A / 300 V DC or 8 A / 30 V DCInterfaces Front: RS232 (9600 Bd)Rear: RS485 and RS232Temperature Operation: -10 °C to +60 °C Storage: -20 °C to +70 °C Dimensions 135 mm x 135 mm x 121 mmStandardsEN 50178 class 2, EN 61010-1, EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2APPLICATIONThe double star circuit generates a sum current the size andphase of which result from the three unbalance currents.Using the reference current, the ESTAsym MD can analyzethe sum current into the three unbalanced currents. Eachchange of the sum current can take place only in the samephase of the capacitor current. Thus the ESTAsym MD canreveal the partial path in which the defective capacitor unitis located. This means that only 1/6 of the capacitors needto be checked.Within the bridge circuit, the phase position of theunbalance current L1, L2, and L3 in relation to the referencecurrent is 0, +120, or +240 degrees. The ESTAsym MD canreveal the fault phase and the bridge circuit branch in whichthe faulty capacitor unit is located.It is possible to configure the four current inputs of the ESTAsym MD for different applications. For a YY- or bridge connection, inputs 1-3 will be the three line currents, and the fourth input would be the unbalance current. It is also possible to use the first input to measure the line current and inputs 2-4 can be used for the unbalance measurements. Thus it is possible to control three individual YY or bridge connections with different unbalance settings for each bank.CHARACTERISTICSThe microprocessor-based ESTAsym MD capacitor protection relay uses a versatile integrated current measuring multifunction relay design to enable the protection of medium and high voltage capacitor banks. Using FFT techniques, the ESTAsym MD calculates the fundamental and harmonic currents from measured line and unbalance currents, and uses these values to implement individual protection functions.The ESTAsym MD capacitor protection relay is particularly appropriate for capacitor banks connected in double star and bridge circuit configurations. The following protective functions are provided by the ESTAsym MD:•Capacitor unbalance protection •Line current unbalance protection •Overvoltage protection •Overheating protection •Ground fault protection •Overcurrent protection •Undercurrent protection •Capacitor bank discharge timerCAPACITOR UNBALANCE PROTECTIONThe relay measures the circuit’s natural unbalance at its fundamental frequency and compensates for both amplitude and phase to zero shifts, to enable detection of further changes in both amplitude and phase angle. The phase current input I L1 is used as the synchronizing input for the compensation. The phase angle indicates the leg in which the change in capacitance has occurred. The protection has two stages, warning and tripping, both with an adjustable definite timer. A trip signal is initiated if the associated threshold is exceeded for the definite time setting. The trip values obtained mathematically relate to the nominal voltage of the capacitor equipment. Therefore, accurate protection is not maintained in case of voltage fluctuation - especiallywith decreased voltage.LINE CURRENT UNBALANCE PROTECTIONThe relay calculates the fundamental frequency line current unbalance due to faults or failures within the capacitor bank. The line current unbalance is calculated from three-phase line currents. The protection includes two stages, warning and tripping, both with an adjustable definite timer. A trip signal is initiated if the value of the line unbalance current exceeds the selected setpoint value for the definite time.OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTIONThe purpose of the overvoltage protection is to protect the capacitor bank against overload due to fundamental and harmonics currents, which may lead to dielectric breakdown, i.e. short-circuit in a capacitor element. The capacitor bank voltage is calculated from the three-phase line fundamental frequency component current and from the harmonic currents. The overvoltage factor is calculated and continuously compared with a variable threshold. The user may select between a definite time characteristic and an inverse time characteristic according to the ANSI curve. A trip signal is output if the setpoint value is exceeded for the definite time.OVERHEATING PROTECTIONThe overheating protection function is intended to be used for the protection of series reactance coils used within capacitor banks. This protection works by measuring the RMS three-phase line currents and comparing them with an adjustable threshold. The protection feature has two stage options, warning and tripping, both with adjustable definite-time delay, or the user can select the tripping time depending on the ratio of the actual current to the nominal current. The warning time is half of the tripping time. If the current exceeds the relevant setpoint value for the definite-time delay, a tripping or warning signal is initiated.GROUND FAULT PROTECTIONThe protection calculates the fundamental frequency ground fault current, as the value of the vector sum of the three-phase line currents. The protection has two stages, warning and tripping, both with adjustable definite time. A trip signal is initiated if the amplitude of the ground fault current exceeds the selected setpoint value for the definite time.OVERCURRENT PROTECTIONThe protection stage measures the fundamental frequency of three-phase currents and compares them with an adjustable threshold. This function may be used for short-circuit protection. A trip signal is initiated if the value of the line current exceeds the selected setpoint value for the definite time.UNDERCURRENT PROTECTIONThe undercurrent protection function is intended for the detection of capacitor bank disconnection. In case of voltage loss in the feeding bus, the capacitor bank has to be disconnected from the system to prevent reapplication of the voltage on the capacitors before they are fully discharged. The stage starts if all the three-phase currents fall below the set level. If the undercurrent condition persists for an interval longer than the set operating time, the trip signal is initiated.CAPACITOR BANK DISCHARGE TIMERThe relay includes an adjustable timer, started by the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts, which stops the breaker from reclosing until the capacitor bank is discharged to an acceptable voltage level for switching in.PC SOFTWAREThe PC software provided with ESTAsym MD allows all settings to be made easily. All setting data is stored in a setup file.DATA STORAGEThe ESTAsym MD stores all data, including date and time information, in a report file. The included PC software provides you with convenient access to this data.FFT ANALYSIS AND REALTIME MEASURINGThe PC software allows users to see the actual current values of the four measuring inputs up to the thirteenth harmonic.Legal Disclaimer Notice VishayDisclaimerALL PRODU CT, PRODU CT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SU BJECT TO CHANGE WITHOU T NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively,“Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay's knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer's responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and / or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer's technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay's terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein.Hyperlinks included in this datasheet may direct users to third-party websites. These links are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. Inclusion of these hyperlinks does not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Vishay of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation, organization or individual associated with the third-party website. Vishay disclaims any and all liability and bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the third-party website or for that of subsequent links.Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.© 2023 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED。
TE CII Series 电磁开关说明书
![TE CII Series 电磁开关说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/84069461ef06eff9aef8941ea76e58fafbb04546.png)
1 AmpRatedTE CII Series MA, HM 1MA MS, HS 1MS MGA, HC MGS, HCS Relay Type Standard T0-5Standard T0-5Sensitive T0-5Sensitive T0-5Standard MinigridSensitive MinigridContactsDPDT SPDT DPDT SPDT DPDT DPDT Contact Rating 1 Amp 1 Amp 1 Amp 1 Amp 1 Amp 1 Amp Coil Voltages 5 to 30 Vdc 5 to 26.5 Vdc 5 to 48 Vdc 5 to 40 Vdc 5 to 26.5 Vdc 5 to 48 Vdc M39016/9, 15, 20M39016/7, 23, 24M39016/11, 16, 21M39016/10, 25, 26M39016/17, 18, 19M39016/41, 42, 43M28776/1M28776/5M28776/3M28776/4M28776/6M28776/71-2 AmpRatedTE CII Series SMGA, SHC SMGS, SHCS HMS HMB LSSR, SS Relay Type Std. SMT GridSens. SMT GridSensitive 1/2 SizeBifilar 1/2 SizeLatching 1/2 Size4P, 6P 1/2 Size Contacts DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT DPDT 4PDT, 6PDT Contact Rating 1 Amp 1 Amp 2 Amp 2 Amp 2 Amp 2 Amp Coil Voltages 5 to 26.5 Vdc 5 to 48 Vdc 5 to 36 Vdc 6 to 26.5 Vdc 5 to 48 Vdc 5 to 26.5 Vdc Designed to meetDesigned to meetM39016/44M39016/22Designed to meet M39016/40M39016M39016M39016/452-5 AmpRatedTE CII Series 3SBC 3SBH 3SBM 3SAM RD, 02, 03HFW, HFW4A, 5A Relay Type Standard 1/5 Size4 Pole 1/5 SizeLatching 1/5 SizeLatching Full SizeMulti-Pole Standard 1/2 SizeContacts DPDT 4PDT 4PDT DPDT 2, 4 & 6PDT DPDT Contact Rating 2 Amp 2 Amp 2 Amp 2 Amp 2 Amp 2, 4 & 5 Amp Coil Voltages5 to 36 Vdc6 to 36 Vdc 6 to 26.5 Vdc 6 to 24 Vdc 6 to 26.5 Vdc 5 to 48 Vdc Mil SpecQualificationsM39016/13, 37, 38M39016/14, 53, 54M39016/31, 35, 36M39016/32M5757/1, 7, 8M39016/6Mil SpecQualificationsCII Short Form Reference GuideHigh Performance Electromechanical RelaysContact ratings shown are 28 Vdc Resistive ratings.Mil SpecQualifications2-15 AmpRatedTE CII Series FW, FW5A SF, SF5A FCB-205FCB-40507FCA-210, 215 Relay Type Standard Full SizeStandard TallStd. MidrangeStd. MidrangeStd. Full SizeStd. MidrangeContacts DPDT DPDT DPDT 4PDT DPDT DPDT Contact Rating 3 & 5 Amp 2 & 5 Amp 5 Amp 5 Amp 10 Amp 10 & 15 Amp Coil Voltages 6.3 to 110 Vdc 1.8 to 40 Vdc 6 to 48 Vdc 6 to 48 Vdc 6 to 20Vdc, 115Vac6 to 48Vdc, 115Vac M5757/10Designed to meetM83536/1, 2M83536/5, 6M5757/23,M83536/9, 10M5757MS27245 & 2724710-50 AmpRatedTE CII Series FCA-410, 415TD2FCA-125FCA-325, FCAC-325FC-325FCA-150, FCAC-150Relay Type Std. MidrangeTime Delay Std. MidrangeStd. Midrange High CapacityStd. Midrange Contacts 4PDT DPDT SPDT 3PDT, 3PST w/ aux3PST SPST, SPST w/ auxContact Rating 10 & 15 Amp 10 Amp 25 Amp 25 Amp 25 Amp 50 Amp Coil Voltages 6 to 48Vdc, 115Vac 28Vdc 6 to 48Vdc, 115Vac 6 to 48Vdc, 115Vac 28Vdc, 115Vac 6 to 28 Vdc M83536/15, 16M83726/28, 29M83536/36, 37M83536/32, 33MS27418Designed to meetM83726/30, 31M6106/19M6106CII Short Form Reference GuideHigh Performance Electromechanical RelaysContact ratings shown are 28 Vdc Resistive ratings.Mil SpecQualificationsMil SpecQualifications。
进口Tesys D系列LRD热继电器产品选型说明
![进口Tesys D系列LRD热继电器产品选型说明](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e46430f9aff8941ea76e58fafab069dc50224733.png)
进口Tesys D系列LRD热继电器产品选型说明
进口Tesys D系列LRD系列热继电器为双金属片式,可以和进口TesysD系列接触器插接匹配,也可以加装独立连接座变为独立安装。
-- 具有环境温度补偿功能;
-- 具有手动/自动复位按钮;
-- 交流或者直流应用;
-- 具有脱扣状态显示功能;
LRD- 3322
33: 配进口D40~D95接触器配LA7D3064连接座,CLASS10级
43: 配进口D115~D150接触器没有独立连接座,CLASS10级
15: 配进口D09~D32接触器配LAD7B105连接座,CLASS20级
35: 配进口D40~D95接触器配LA7D3064连接座,CLASS20级
euchner ESM-TE3.. 延时安全继电器 用户手册说明书
![euchner ESM-TE3.. 延时安全继电器 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9b0766ac846a561252d380eb6294dd88d0d23d37.png)
As per EN 60204-1, the device is intended for installation in control cabinets with a minimum degree of protection of IP54. It is mounted on a 35-mm DIN rail according to DIN EN 60715 TH35.• Modular, freely configurable safety system • Corresponds to STOP category 1 • Fault monitoring by basic device • Indication of the switching state via LED • Up to PL d, category 3, SILCL 2Correct UseThe ESM-TE3.. is an expansion module that can beoperatedwith any basic device from the EUCHNER ESM series, e.g. ESM-BA2.. or ESM-BA3.., in order to permit delayed switch-off of machine parts. This could be the case if it is safer to return a tool to its initial position first instead of stopping operation immediately, for example. The ESM-TE3.. was developed as a component for a modular system.Any combination of ESM-TE3 units and non-time-delayed ESM-ES3.. expansion blocks can be interconnected with just a few lines, permitting realization of an overall system with different times and the specific number of safety contacts required.Features • 3 safe, redundant, time-delayed relay outputs 1 auxiliary contact (fault monitoring)• Activation via basic device from the EUCHNER ESM series• Continuously adjustable delay, 1 to 30s or fixed time delay (ESM-TE3..-05S) FunctionThe time-delayed emergency stop safety switching device ESM-TE3.. in combination with a basic device from the EUCHNER ESM series is designed for safe isolation of safety circuits according to EN 60204-1 and can be used up to safety category 3, PL d according to EN ISO 13849-1. The ESM-TE3.. provides a control voltage of DC 24V at terminal S11. In order for the ESM-TE3.. to switch together with the connected basic device, the control voltage at S11 is connected to terminals S15 and S16 of the ESM-TE3.. via one of the safety contacts of the basic device (see Wiring section on page 2).The safety contacts of the basic device close when the basic device is activated, and the DC 24V control voltage at terminal S11 is then connected with terminals S15 and S16 of the ESM-TE3... The safety contacts of the ESM-TE3.. switch immediately.The basic device disconnects the control voltage when the safety switch is operated, and the safety contacts of the ESM-TE3.. open after the time set on the ESM-TE3.. elapses (the power supply must be present during the time sequence).If a fault occurs in the ESM-TE3.., this is detected by the Electrical Connection• When the 24 V version is used, a safety transformeraccording to EN 61558-2-6 or a power supply unit with electrical isolation from the mains must be connected. • External fusing of the safety contacts must be provided. •A maximum length of the control lines of 1000 meters with a line cross section of 0.75 mm 2 must not be ex-ceeded.• The line cross section must not exceed 2.5 mm 2. •If the device does not function after commissioning, it must be returned to the manufacturer unopened. Open-ing the device will void the warranty.InstallationSafetyPrecautionsFig. 1 Block diagram ESM-TE3..Fig. 2 Installation / removalA1: Power supply A2 : Power supplyS11: DC 24V control voltage S10: Control line S15: Control line S16: Control line S25: Fault monitoring S26: Fault monitoring17-18: Time-delayed safety contact 1 27-28: Time-delayed safety contact 2 37-38: Time-delayed safety contact 3basic device via terminals S25 and S26.Independent operation without basic device is not pos-sible .• All relevant safety regulations and standards are to beobserved.• The overall concept of the control system in which the device is incorporated must be validated by the user. • Failure to observe the safety regulations can result in death, serious injury and serious damage.• Note down the version of the product (see label “Vx.x.x”) and check it prior to every commissioning of a new de-vice. If the version has changed, the overall concept of the control system in which the device is incorporated must be validated again by the user.• Installation and commissioning of the device must be performed only by authorized personnel .• Observe the country-specific regulations when installing the device.• The electrical connection of the device is only allowed to be made with the device isolated.•The wiring of the device must comply with the instruc-tions in this user information, otherwise there is a risk that the safety function will be lost.•It is not allowed to open the device, tamper with the device or bypass the safety devices.Hinweis: Während der Inbetriebnahme sind die unter …Elektrischer Anschluss“ aufgeführten Punkte zu berücksichtigen. Commissioning Procedure1. Wiring ESM-TE3..:Wire the ESM-TE3.. with the EUCHNER basic device according to your application (see Fig. 1 to Fig. 2). 2. Wiring basic device:Wire the basic device according to the required Perform-ance Level determined (see user information for the basic device).3. Wiring feedback loop:Wire the feedback loop as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. 4. Wiring power supply:Connect the power supply to terminals A1 and A2 (Fig. 5). Warning: Wiring only in de-energized state. 5. Setting delay time:Set the desired time delay on the rotary knob and seal the knob with the supplied sticker.(Not for ESM-TE3..-05S because of 0.5 seconds fixed delay time). Warning:Scale division lines should be regarding only as a setting aid. Always make sure to measure the delay time.6. Starting the device:Switch the operating voltage on. Warning:If the “Automatic start” starting behavior is set on the basic device, the safety contacts will close immediately.If the “Monitored manual start” starting behavior is set, close the start button on the basic device to close the safety contacts.The LEDs K1 and K2 on the basic device and on the ESM-TE3.. are lit when the safety contacts are closed. 7. Triggering safety function:Open the emergency stop circuit by actuating the con-nected safety switch. The safety contacts of the basic de-vice open immediately; the safety contacts of the ESM-TE3.. open after expiration of the time set on the rotary knob.Warning: Measure the delay time. 8. Reactivation:Close the emergency stop circuit. If “Automatic start” is selected on the basic device, the safety contacts will close immediately.If the “Monitored manual start” starting behavior is set, close Depending on the application, the device must be wired with a EUCHNER basic device as shown in Fig. 1 to Fig. 2.ApplicationsFig. 3: Feedback LoopContactors connected to the ESM-TE3.. or the basic devices are monitored via the feedback loop of the basic device. K A and K B are the positively driven contacts of the connected contactor or expansion module.Fig. 2: Connection of several ESM-TE3.. units to basic deviceIf further ESM-TE3.. units are to be integrated into the system, terminals S11 must be connected in parallel on all ESM-TE3.. units. This also applies to terminals S10 and terminals S15/S16. The feedback-loops (S25-S26) of the several expansion devices have to be wired in series to the start of the basic device (see Fig.3 respective Fig. 4).Fig. 1: Connection of ESM-TE3.. to basic deviceWiring of the ESM-TE3.. via only 4 lines:A safety contact of the EUCHNER basic device (e.g. 13-14) activates the relays of the ESM-TE3.. (S11 and S15/S16). Two lines on S25 and S26 are required for feedback/faultmonitoring. According to the application, they have to be wired according to Fig. 3 respective Fig. 4.A fault in the ESM-TE3.. thereby prevents the entire safety chain from restarting. Earth faults in the control lines are de-tected in addition to internal faults.WiringFeedback LoopNotice:In order to activate earth fault monitoring, S10 must be con-nected to PE (protective earth) on the AC115/230V devices. With AC/DC 24 V, connect PE only to the power supply unit according to EN60204-1.Fig. 4: Feedback Loop with Auto-StartContactors connected to the ESM-TE3.. or the basic devices are monitored via the feedback loop of the basic device. K A and K B are the positively driven contacts of the connected contactor or expansion module.Power supply andSafety contactsFig. 5:Power supply A1 and A2.(Power supply according to techn. data )Fig. 6:Connecting load to safety contacts.(Figure shows example.Voltage …+V“ according to techn. data)S12S21MaintenanceOnce per month, the device must be checked for proper function and for signs of tampering and bypassing of the safety function (to do this, check the wiring of the device and activate the emergency stop function. Check the delay time). Techn. DataOperating voltage ESM-TE301 ESM-TE302 ESM-TE303AC/DC 24 V AC 115V AC 230V Rated supply frequency 50-60 Hz Permissible deviation + / - 10% Power consumption DC 24V AC 230V approx. 1.5 W approx. 4 VA Delay timeESM-TE3.. 1 to 30 s, continuously adjustable ESM-TE3..-05S 0.5 s fixed Control voltage at S11 DC 24 V Control current S11...S14 max. 40mA Safety contacts 3 NO contactsSignaling contacts 1 NC contact; monitoring contact for basic device Max. switching voltage AC 250 VSafety contact breaking capacity AC: 250 V, 1500 VA, 6 A for ohmic load, 250 V, 4 A for AC-15DC: 24 V, 30 W, 1.25 A for ohmic load; 24 V, 2 A for DC-13Max. total current through all 3 contacts: 10.5 A Minimum contact load 24 V, 20mA Contact fuses 6 A gGLine cross section 0.14 - 2.5 mm 2Max. length of control line 1000 m with 0.75 mm 2 Contact material AgNiContact service life mech. approx. 1 x 107 operating cycles Test voltage2.5 kV (control voltage/contacts) Rated impulse withstand voltage, leakage path/air gap 4 kV (DIN VDE 0110-1) Rated insulation voltage 250 V Degree of protection IP20 Temperature range DC 24V: -15°C to +60°C AC 230V/115V/24V: -15°C to +40°C Degree of contamination 2 (DIN VDE 0110-1) Overvoltage category 3 (DIN VDE 0110-1) Weight approx. 230gMounting DIN rail according to EN 60715 TH35Note:Additional data can be requested from the manufacturer for applications that deviate from these conditions.SafetyCharacteristics According to EN ISO 13849-1The device is certified according to EN ISO 13849-1 up to a Performance Level of PL d.Device cannot be switched on again after an emergency stop:• Check whether the emergency stop circuit was closed again.• Was the start button opened before closing of the emer-gency stop circuit (with manual start)? • Is the feedback loop closed?• Is the power supply present during the time sequence? If the fault still exists, perform the steps listed under “Commissioning Procedure”.If these steps do not remedy the fault either, return the device to the manufacturer for examination.Opening the device is impermissible and will void the warranty.Device does not switch on:• Check the wiring of the ESM-TE3..and the basic device by comparing it with the wiring diagrams (also see user information for the basic device).• Check the safety switch used on the basic device for correct function and adjustment.• Check whether the emergency stop circuit of the basic device is closed.• Check whether the start button on the basic device (with manual start) is closed.• Check the operating voltage at A1 and A2 on the basic device and on the ESM-TE3... • Is the feedback loop closed?What to Do in Case of a Fault?The device is otherwise maintenance free, provided that it was installed properly.Safety characteristics according to EN ISO 13849-1 for all variants of ESM-TE3 Load (DC-13; 24V) <= 0,1A <= 1A <= 2A T10d [years] 20 20 20 Category: 3 3 3 PLd d d PFHd [1/h]: 1,03E-07 1,03E-07 1,03E-07 nop [cycle / year]<= 400.000<= 73.000<= 17.000Subjecttotechnicalmodifications,noresponsibilityisacceptedfortheaccuracyofthisinformation.©EUCHNERGmbH+Co.KG975-1-6/19(TranslationoftheOriginalOperatingInstructions) DimensionDrawingFixedTerminalsPlug-InTerminals。