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. Any volunteers Anymore

. Come on, who can

. Can you try

. Could you please try again

. Could you please try the next one

. Would you like to have a try

. Whose turn now

. Can you guess it

. Who can do / say it in a different way

. Who wants to do it on the blackboard

. Who wants to come to the front


. What can you see in this picture

. Who can point it out

. Who can correct the mistakes for him/her

. Look at their actions and guess. What are they doing . Have you finished it Finish yet

. Do you know... Have you heard of ...


. Ready/Are you ready

. Can you follow me

. Do you think so

. Do you understand /Understand

. Is that clear/Clear

. Do you know what to do


. Good, thank you.

. Very good! / Good job! / Good work! / Nice work! . Excellent! / Great! / Well done!

. That's interesting!


. You are great. I’m proud of you for your progress. . Don't be nevours!

. I`m sure you`ll do better this time.

. Don`t give up!

. You can do it!


1. 画图猜词








T: Now, I want you guys to close your book. Close your book (gesture). Ok. Now I’m going to draw a picture. I’m not a good drawer,but I want to see if y ou know what I’m drawing.Are you ready

S: Yes!

T: If you know, raise your hand. Don’t say it, just raise your hand.(hand up gesture) OK

S: OK.

T: Alright. (Teacher draws) Yeah! (point to the student) Can you have a try

S1: Banana. It’s bananas.

T: (point to picture)OK. These are…BANANAS.(带读). You guys think she’s right Yeah, you did a good job! (thumb up gesture)

T: I would like someone to come to the blackboard (pause) and try to draw the words. (one student at the blackboard) I’m going to give him a wo rd, and if you think you know what he’s drawing, raise your hand.(gesture) OK Aright, come here, come here…let’s do…You guys ready He’s going to draw. Here we go…

S3: (drawing)

T: What is it It’s a …


T: OK, good job! (clap hands) Yes, alright, you can sit

down.(gesture). So, now we’re going to play this as a race.

Race!!!(gesture) You guys, you’re going to be one team. You’re going to watch him. This side, I need one more person. If you think you know the answer of what they’re drawing…You guys w atch her, and you guys watch him. Alright. If you know, you raise your hand. And if you get it wrong, then you lose. So, you have to be a little careful. OK, Alright, come here. Ok, don’t say anything…That is your word…
