语言学PPT 委婉语
poor nations
• • • • backward nations underdeveloped nations developing nations emerging nations
4、幽默功能 (To Be Humor)
委婉语的使用可以使人类的语言 妙趣横生、诙谐幽默。 例如:妻管严、研究国粹(打 麻将)、给你彩色笔(给你点颜色 看看)、去年买了个表、沙滩上的 一抹阳光等等
值得是一种用委婉、迂回、不引起读者 反感的词语代替某些粗鲁、不礼貌、生硬或 者令人不悦的词语的修辞方式或措辞方式。
委婉语:就是不直接说某事物或状态,而用 比较温和、曲折的方式,换另一种说法指称。
sugar coat of language
• slender • slim
a slow learner under -achiever
mad/ feeble - minded
not all there soft in head/ soft - headed of unsound mind/ unsound - minded
air operation
ground operation
• • • • • •
economic crisis go on strike civilian casualties War Department nuclear bomb occupation
• • • • • •
depression/recession industrial action collateral damage Defense Department nuclear device liberation
e.g. 1.cancer---the big C, or long illness;
2.die---the patient is not doing well. (Doctors or nurseexpires.
Often say them)
-----pass away ,pass beyond, (close family members
-----safe in the arms of Jesus ,
------be gone to a better land
------join the angels,
• 也有来自中国的语言:
4.die----seeing Marx, seeing confucius
e.g .I shall soon be seeing Marx.(出自周恩来总理)
1.在提问或提出要求时,开头先说“Excuse me….,能使口
e.g. Excuse me, can I ask you a question?就比
Can I ask you a question?更为客气
Excuse me ,would you let me pass?好于
say them)
-----be laid to rest, fall asleep
----bite the dust ,buy the farm (used by soldiers)
answer the last muster
交际中的语言运用——称谓语、禁忌语、委婉语 PPT课件 1
3、交际中说到自己,常用表示谦虚的说法。如 把自己的意见说成“不成熟的意见”,把自己突 出的成绩说成“我做得还很不够”等。
3、公益广告类,这些广告通过委婉的语言 表达给人一种和谐、友善、温馨的感觉。 “小草在生长,请不要打扰” 。
4、交际中要求别人做什么事,常用祈使 表示商量的语气。如向别人借笔,可以说: “请把笔借给我用一下,行吗?”
(05全国)王孝椿准备6月16日在阳光饭店为爸爸 过七十岁生日,想请爸爸的老战友刘妙山夫妇 那天中午十二点来一起吃饭,请以王孝椿的名 义给刘妙山夫妇写一份请柬,要求称呼得体,表 述简明,措辞文雅。(不超过40个字)
尊敬老的叔叔: 叔阿姨 定于6月16日中午十二点在阳光饭店,我为
家我父老举爸行开一生个生日日宴派会对,, 敬你们请荣幸光被临邀!参加, 务必前来,o k !
在语言交际中,有一些词语是不能随 便说的,说出来就可能引起听话人的 不快和反感,这就是语言学上所说的 “禁忌语”。
对不起小 店打 烊了
关 门
空 屋出租
你好,我姓陈。 耳东
1、生理上的缺陷。 诸如耳聋,眼瞎,脸麻,背驼,腿短,五官违 常,肥瘦失宜。如果彼此不是那么亲密无间, 或对方不够开朗大度,说话时对上述种种都应 当避开,不得已时只好采取间接表达方式。
2、注意语言环境,以防产生反感。 如你亲人做错了事,关起门来怎么批评也不要 紧,当着外人,你把他(她)数落了一通,这 面子往哪儿放?有几个不避讳的!
3、注意语言对象,以免出现误会。 注意对象的身份,在交谈中十分重要,忽视这 一点,往往会引起别人的反感。如问岁数,对 不同年龄段的人就要使用不同的问法:“你几 岁了?”──问小孩;“你多大年纪?”──问 同龄人和中青年;“您高寿?”或“您 龄?”──问七八十岁老人。恰当使用不同的 问语,就能取得满意的效果。
1. IntroductionEuphemism is originally from Greek, meaning, “speak with gook words”. “eu” means “well or sounding well”; “pheme” means “speech”. Its definition in Oxford English Dictionary is “(example of the) use of pleasant, mild, or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones.”[1]The appearance of euphemism is based on two reasons: one aims to take the place of “taboo”. When giving up a taboo word, people will find another new one to take the place of it, which creates a euphemism. The other aims to avoid offensiveness during the communication. It is a figure of rhetoric by which an unpleasant or offensive thing is described or referred to by a milder term.The following part will explain euphemism in detail from two aspects: the ways to express euphemism and its social functions2. Ways to express euphemism2.1. Figure of speech2.1.1. Metonymy.That is to use the general words to take the place of the concrete words. “Passed away” which refers to “dead” belongs to meto nymy. It can be divided into the following forms: 1) to use the container to take the place of the things in the container. For example: “to be fond of the bottle” is a euphemism for “liking to drink”. 2) To use the entirety instead of the part. For example: “abdomen” is used to refer to “belly”; “limb” refers to “leg”. For some special occasions, the part can be used instead of the entirety. In Australian English “an old hand” is a euphemism for “an old prisoner”. 3) To use the tools to take the place of t he objects. For example, “pick” is a tool of prying the lock. It can refer to “thief”. 4) To use raw materials to take the place of finished products. For instance, “poppy” is a kind of flower, but it also refers to “opium”. 5) To use characteristics to ta ke the place of objects. For example, “hellow” is a greeting word, and it is also a euphemism for “prostitute” because prostitutes often use this word to solicit the whoremasters; “blood and iron” is a euphemism for “violence”. 6) To use proper words to replace the objects. For example, “napoleon” is a French golden coin on which there is Napoleon’s head portrait. “Borstal” is a name of countryside in Kent in Britain. It can also refer to “juvenile delinquency”.2.1.2. MetaphorTo use metaphor can ea sily avoid the offensive things. For example, “to be a guest of the law” is a euphemism for “to be in prison”[4],Many euphemisms for “death” were created by way of metaphor, such as going to his long home, to be home and free, to go to sleep, to sleep the long (or eternal, never-ending) sleep, to rest in peace, to be at rest, to go to Heaven (or Paradise), to join one’s ancestors, to be gathered to one’s fathers, to join the immortals. More examples are: aged→sunset years, to be poor→to be pinched, to ha ve improper sexual intercourse with girls(especially maiden) →to deflower; to degenerate→to go astray; breast→milk bottles; catamenia→the red flag; to be pregnant→to be on the nest; the money of bribery→grease; to bribe→to grease somebody’s palm; handcuffs→bracelets.2.1.3. PeriphrasisIt is an expression of beating around the bush. Though it is a muddled acting, its aim is to avoid offending others, and to be more polite[6]. If someone asked a woman whether she was knitting atiny garment, he meant that he wondered whether she was pregnant. Such way of speaking is humorous, sweet and agreeable, to be pregnant→to eat for t wo. Teachers often use this expression to avoid the students’ and their parents’ awkwardness. For example, laziness is called “needing amp le supervision in order to work well”; “cheat” is described as “needing help in learning to adhere to rules and standards of fair play”; “lies” is called “showing difficulty in distinguishing between imaginary and factual material”; “steal” is called “need ing help in learning to respect the property rights of others”; “be a bully” refers to “having qualities of leadership but needs help in learning to use them democratically”; “dirty” is called “ be lack of proper health habits”.2.2. Semantic method2.2.1. SynonymFor example, “tight” is used instead of “stingy”; “mad” is replaced by “crazy”, “insane”, and “lunatic”. Such euphemism aims to use the appreciative term to take the place of the derogatory term.2.2.2. NegationSuch euphemism uses the contrary term to express the same meaning, and it could be more useful than synonym in replacing the taboo and make people more understandable and comfortable. We could call stupid people unwise people. “A fat chance” means “a slim chance”. 2.2.3. Vague words and expressionsThat is to make the harsher or offensive words more general. For example, if somebody has some mental problems, we can express it like this: His roof leaks a little; he has a screw loose/missing; he is not at home. There are other examples which use vague expressions, such as disease→trouble, problem; to come across an unfortunate thing→to have an accident; to live together illegally→to cohabit; a squint→an obliquity of vision; a man of bad taste→a man of doubtful taste; strike→industrial action; the poor→the underprivileged, the disadvan taged; in debt→in difficulties;to be killed→to be put to sleep.2.3. The variety of spelling formEnglish is an alphabetic writing. The variation of phonetic form can avoid the original conception in a certain degree and achieve the purpose of euphemism. 1) Compounding: gezunda (goes under沉落、沉没;失败破产). 2) Acronym: DA (drug addict), J.D (juvenile delinquent).3 The Social Functions of EuphemismEuphemism is widely used in America and Britain. It has a long history. New euphemisms emerge in an endless stream. Its functions, can be divided into three parts: Avoidance, Courtesy and Disguise. Through studying the three functions, we can understand the western society’s view on value and morality.3.1. AvoidanceThe earliest subject of Euphemism is religious. The conception of taboo is deep-rooted in people’s mind, and it is not easy to remove. Because fearing of the secret power of God, People use euphemism to avoid mentioning the guilty, unpleasant, rude or offensive words, which plays a role of purifying languages. For example, European Americans avoid speaking “Friday” and “13”. When the two things appear in the same day, it is an ill omen. This avoidance function is the first communication function of euphemisms[13]. Such function is often used in the following situations:3.1.1. The euphemisms for God and devilIn oral English, using “God” causally would be considered blasphmous. They usually adopt semantic methods to refer to God, such as the Creator, the Maker, the Supreme (Being), Holy One, the Almighty, the Eternal, Our Father, the Light of the World, Sovereign of the Universe. There are many euphemisms for “the devil”, such as old enemy, old Ned, Old Nick, Old One, Ole’un (Old Man), Old Scratch, Old Serpe nt, the Old Boy etc. For example, “He was frightened as if Old Harry were before him.” In English they often use “heck” instead of “hell”. “hell” has other expressions: “the other place, a very uncomfortable place, the other way etc.” For example, “We were all going direct to Heaven; we were all going direct the other way.” [15]3.1.2 The euphemisms for deathEuphemism is often caused in speaking of things that are painful and distressing to think about. Death is one of expressions. The euphemisms for death are a widely used item, especially when it concerns one’s own families and friends. It has a lot of expressions[16]. For example, if anything should happen to me (= when I die); to pass away/ on; to depart; to go to sleep; to be no longer with us; to be i nterred. “Death” also has some humorous expressions: “to pop off; to push up daisies; to cash in one’s chips; to kick the bucket ”. “Death” also has an intimate relationship with religion. There are many euphemisms from Bible, for example, to return to dust/ earth; to pay the debt of nature; to be called to God/ to answer the final summons; to go to heaven; to be at peace, to be asleep in the Arms of God; to yield up the ghost; to launch into eternity; to have one’s name inscribed in the Book of life etc. S ome words, which concern “death”, also have euphemistic expressions. For example, “coffin” is called “casket”; “dead body” is called “earthly remains”; “funeral” is called “memorial service”; “graveyard” is called “memory garden”.3.1.3. The euphemisms for illness, natural and man-made calamitiesMost westerners avoid talking about some serious diseases. For instance, “terminally ill” is a euphemism for “cancer”. “tumour” is called “a growth”; “commit suicide” is called“self-deliverance or self-violenc e”. People often use initialing to avoid talk about some diseases directly, such as AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome); Big C (Cancer) etc.3.1.4. The euphemisms for birthContrary to the Chinese traditional opinion, in western countries, “being pregnant” and “having a baby” are not considered “a blessed event”. In America, “to wear the apron high”, “to wear/have the belly high” are euphemisms for “to be pregnant”, while in Britain, “to wear the bustle wrong” is a euphemism for “to be pregnant”. Some one even called “to be pregnant” “to be caught” or “to be fallen”. Some vague expressions also show a kind of restless mood, such as: that way, in a certain/particular/delicate condition etc.3.2. CourtesyAnother reason to use euphemism is that it avoids the harsh and direct word in a polite way, and makes the sentence sound more pleasant. To grasp the polite function of euphemism can help you build a good relationship with others. The polite functions are especially reflected in the occupations, or trades. It relate with Politeness Principle of Leech[17]. It is obvious thatadvertisement is aimed at helping businessmen propaganda their goods, for the sake of soliciting customs. As a pleasant way, using euphemisms in advertisements has become more and more widespread. Now, “secondhand store” has been replaced by “resale store”, “super”, “giant”, “special”, such words, have become more popular. Moreover, we can often see the same phenomenon about the expressions for classes of cabins. To defend pas sengers ’honor, “First Class” is changed to “Deluxe Class”, “Second Class” is to “First Class”, “Third Class” to “Business Class”, and “Economic Class” to “Tourist Class”. This function undoubtly plays an active role of improving the progress of society:3.3. DisguiseOpposite to the positive influences of euphemism, there are some euphemisms which can bring about negative influences. which are embodied in the following two aspects according to its concealing function:3.3.1. The euphemisms for the requirements of politics and war.Because of the requirements of politics and war, the British and American politicians used some euphemisms to conceal the internal truth, and cheat the public. For example, American and British people name “riot” as “disturbance” or “disorder”; “strike” is called “walk-out, down tools, industrial action or industrial dispute”; “economic crises” is called “recession” or “depression”. In the aspect of military affair, “the number of the dead” is called “body count”; “aggression” i s called “pre-emptive action” or “involvement”. American media called their invasion to Haiti by their marines “an incident”, called the investigation of American airplanes in Russian territorial air space “an over flight”. We can see the concealing functi on of euphemisms becomes the needs of the struggle, the tool of cheating people.3.4. The countries’ names as euphemismIn English, there is another special euphemistic expression. That is to use other countries’ names instead of some harsher or more offensive words. The appearance of these euphemisms is mostly because of the historic and cultural reasons. For instance, because French had ruled Britain, British people like to make fun of the French. They called “syphilis” “the French disease”. In 17th century, the war between Britain and Dutch also led to a lot of anti-Dutch words, including euphemisms. “Prostitute” is called “Dutch widow”; “commit suicide” is called “Dutch act/cure”; “Dutch cheer” is a euphemism for “liquor”. Besides French and Dutch, Britain also makes fun of other countries. “Russian roulette” is a euphemism for “to intend to commit suicide”; “Mexican raise. Irish promotion” means “to be dismissed”; “Egyptian physical training” means “to sleep at daytime”. In a word, the British and t he American relate a lot of offensive things with other countries’ names.4. ConclusionEuphemism appears with a different appearance, and exerts a subtle influence on exposing the truth. That is to use the neutral or pleasant words to express some awkward or offensive contents. As English learners, we should not only pay attention to its application on appropriate occasions, but to its influences. Its active functions can coordinate the interpersonal relationships, release the contradictions and avoid the conflicts. The negative functions are to confound right and wrong, beautify the shameful behaviors and conceal the essence. Language itself has not the classcharacter, but different people, political parties and countries can consider it a tool to serve for them. That is why someone named euphemisms as “comfortable words” or “cosmetic words”. In daily life, we should pay attention to the influences that the active and negative functions of euphemisms bring us, and keep the negative functions from corrupting our thoughts.。
4 13 委婉语PPT
2)地域性。不同地域的历史文化不同,其风 俗、禁忌也不同。这种差异体现在语言中 就表现为语言的地域差异。 3)语域性。在不同的语境中,或在同一语境 中不同年龄、身份、地位或受教育程度不 同的人委婉表达也不尽相同。例如,上厕所, , , 女士可能说to powder oneps noise,to freshen up;男士则可能说to go to the toilet ,torelieve oneself 或because naturecalls;而小孩则可能说make numberone,go to the pot。
1. 汉、英委婉语共同的适用范围及心理基础
在汉英文化中,委婉语主要适用范围大致为:生、老、病、死;性; 在汉英文化中,委婉语主要适用范围大致为: 排泄;穷困;犯罪;职业;政治。就老年人之“ 而言, 排泄;穷困;犯罪;职业;政治。就老年人之“死”而言,英语有与 汉语意思相似的婉称,常见的有: 汉语意思相似的婉称,常见的有:to close/end one’s days(终其天 终其天 逝世); 去了); 年);shut one’s light off(逝世 ;to cross the bar(去了 ; ; 逝世 去了 对生理缺陷及某些行为的掩饰 ,汉、英语言中常用委婉语说明人体 的某些特征和生理缺陷,以避免引起不快或冒犯。 的某些特征和生理缺陷,以避免引起不快或冒犯。如在汉语中人们用 腿脚不方便” 行动不便”指代“瘸子” 双目失明的人” “腿脚不方便”或“行动不便”指代“瘸子”或“双目失明的人”; 说话有点慢”指代“口吃” 大舌头” 用“说话有点慢”指代“口吃”、“大舌头”。英语中用 聋子), “imperfect hearing”代替 “the deaf”( 聋子 ,用 “visually 代替 retarded”指“the blind”(瞎子),用“queer” 表示 ),用 指 (瞎子), “homosexual”(同性恋)。 (同性恋)。 对事物的美化 :委婉语 的作用除了避免刺激、消除粗俗、摒弃陈腐外,还可满足人们的社会 的作用除了避免刺激、消除粗俗、摒弃陈腐外, 心理需要,维护交际双方的面子给人以安慰。 心理需要,维护交际双方的面子给人以安慰。在中国人们将以前称呼 保姆” 钟点工”改为“小姐姐” 阿姨” 大嫂” 的“保姆”、“钟点工”改为“小姐姐”、“阿姨”、“大嫂”、 “家政 人员”等;在英美国家如称“hairdresser”(理发师)为 人员” 在英美国家如称“ (理发师) );“ “beautician”(美容师);“gardener”(园丁)为“tree (美容师); (园丁) surgeon”(花木外科医师)等。 (花木外科医师) 对事物的幽默调侃 :委婉语的使用把严肃正经的事实寓于幽默中, 委婉语的使用把严肃正经的事实寓于幽默中, 使人类的语言妙趣横生、诙谐幽默。如驾车新手车尾“我不是美女, 使人类的语言妙趣横生、诙谐幽默。如驾车新手车尾“我不是美女, 请别吻我”的善意提醒等堪能令你轻松一笑。 请别吻我”的善意提醒等堪能令你些交际场合中回避禁忌语是衡量交际对 避免忌讳:在某些交际场合中回避禁忌语是衡量交际对 避免忌讳 象文明修养的尺度,体现社会进步的象征 体现社会进步的象征,这是委婉语得以 象文明修养的尺度 体现社会进步的象征 这是委婉语得以 广泛应用的原因所在,只是由于东西方人们的文化观念 只是由于东西方人们的文化观念、 广泛应用的原因所在 只是由于东西方人们的文化观念、 生活习俗的不同,所回避禁忌的具体词语有所不同罢了 所回避禁忌的具体词语有所不同罢了。 生活习俗的不同 所回避禁忌的具体词语有所不同罢了。 2.避免粗俗 人们在日常交往中或在比较正式的场合发表 避免粗俗:人们在日常交往中或在比较正式的场合发表 避免粗俗 演讲、讨论问题的过程中,当涉及到有关两性行为、生殖 演讲、讨论问题的过程中 当涉及到有关两性行为、 当涉及到有关两性行为 排泄或身体某些隐秘部位时,总是尽量避免使用粗言俗语 总是尽量避免使用粗言俗语, 排泄或身体某些隐秘部位时,总是尽量避免使用粗言俗语, 而使用委婉语取而代之,以使交际双方不必为此感到窘迫 以使交际双方不必为此感到窘迫。 而使用委婉语取而代之 以使交际双方不必为此感到窘迫。 通常用make love ,make it , sleep together 这样的委婉 通常用 语表示havesexual intercourse 等。 语表示 3.表示礼貌和尊敬:委婉语与“敬词”和“谦词”有着密 表示礼貌和尊敬: 谦词” 表示礼貌和尊敬 委婉语与“敬词” 不可分的关系。例如,称对方的意见为“高见”,称自己的 不可分的关系。例如 称对方的意见为“高见” 称自己的 称对方的意见为 看法为“管见” 称别人的著作为 大作” 称自己的著作 称别人的著作为“ 看法为“管见”;称别人的著作为“大作”,称自己的著作 拙作” 英语中有与His , Her 或 Your 连用的 为“拙作”等;英语中有与 “Highness , Majesty ,Lordship , Ladyship , Excellency , Honor”以及“humble , honorable”等词表 以及“ 以及 等词表 示谦恭、尊敬之意。 示谦恭、尊敬之意。
• The boy is a bit slow for his age. • The chairman’s wife is in the family way. • He passed away last week.
the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may
offend or suggest sth unpleasant
• He was sentenced to prison---He is now living at the government's expenses.
了思考。让他一个人留在房间只不过两分钟,等我们再进 去的时候,发现他在安乐椅上静静地睡着了——但已经是 永远地睡着了。
• 这是恩格斯对马克思逝世的描述,分别用ceased to think 和peacefully gone to sleep婉转地代替die,这里的委婉语
运用得庄重、典雅、得体,抒发了对失去战友的悲痛、哀 悼之情。生动,鲜明地表明了恩格斯对马克思的无限敬意。
euphemism指的是以文雅的、悦耳的或婉转 的说法来代替粗野的、刺耳的或直露的说法。 借助语音、语法、词汇以及其他手段,得体 地表达生活中那些使人尴尬、惹人不快、招 人厌恶或令人恐怖的事物。它的主要修辞效 果是在语言上减少刺激性和敏感性,从而起
we came back we found him in his armchair, peacefully gone to sleep but——forever.
再如人体缺陷,人们也常用委婉词语来谈论,以示礼貌。像肥胖 的(fat)人,常用plump, stout, out-size或over-weight来形容。对于一 位身体清瘦的妇女称之为slender或slim。而一位相貌丑陋的(ugly) 人则说成homely或plain。耳朵聋的(deaf)人说成hard of listening。 盲人(the blind)叫做the visually challenged。如果你是教师,千万不 要当着家长的而说他的孩子“笨”(stupid,你得小心地说成“他 学得慢"< a slow learner“他尚末发挥潜力”<under-achiever)因为 每个父母都认为自己的孩子是很有潜力的。“发疯” (mad/ feeble-minded)也常被说成“头脑不清醒”(not all there)“缺乏 主见”(soft in head/ soft-headed)、“神志不健全”(of unsound mind/ unsound-minded)甚至“单纯”(simple-minded)。
英语中,语言禁忌起源于古希腊,古罗马时期人们对神的 敬畏。在人类文明的早期,科学尚不发达,人们对一些自 然现象还不能认识和解释,对人的自身也认识不足,常常 因感某种神秘力量而内心深怀恐惧,在口头语言表达上为 一种不愿言、不敢言,久而久之就成为一种语言的禁忌, 但因相互交流的需要,有时又不得不表达出此种意思,于 是人们逐渐学会了用避讳的话委婉地表达;委婉语也因而 产生,并被广泛应用。这样,避讳禁忌、消除恐惧便成了 委婉语的第一功能.
例如: Satan被称为the good man,the great fellow,Devil被称为the Big D及Lord of the Flies.人们对“死亡”的恐惧必然导致大量有 “死亡”的委婉语的产生。讲英语国家的人们和许多其他民族 的人民一样,忌讳直接说“死”(to die)字,创造了很多表达 “死”的意思的委婉语。
pick some flowers 摘几朵花 get some fresh air 呼吸一下新鲜空气 do a job 干个活 go and see one’s aunt 去方便一下,大 小便(直译:去看看阿姨,小时自己不会 大小便,经常由阿姨擦屁股)
pass water 尿尿 (放水) do my number 1 (去一号,指小便) do my number 2 (去2号, 指大便)
的眼角上斜) Oriental 东方人、亚洲人(尊称应为:easterner 、
fuck shit
son of bitch
bastard damn
Go to hell! Go away!
How boring ! 真烦人! You are crazy ! 你疯了! I’m very upset ! 难受! How annoying ! 真讨厌! I’m very annoyed ! 心烦! What do you think you are doing?你究竟在干啥? What a nuisance! 多烦人啦! I can’t stand it ! 我受够啦! I can’t put up with all this. 无法忍受。 It makes me sick. 真让我恶心。 This is too much . 太过分啦。 It’s disgrace. 真不像话!
委婉语:black people 黑色人 coloured people 有色人种
E.社会地位、职业方面 hair dresser (女理发员)被誉为beautician (美容师); janitor (守门人)被冠以security officer(安全官员)。
委婉语 Euphemism
1. 定义
2. 委婉语的功能
3. 英汉委婉语的相同点
4. 英汉委婉语的不同点
5. 英汉委婉语的构成
In English: Euphemism is originated from the Greek word eupheme.
如: 死了----走了、去了。
4、语意转换法 将表示某一整体的词或笼统的说法代替表示其中一具体事 物的禁忌词语。
如:意中人---恋人; 老相好----老情人
5、宽泛模糊法 将禁忌语的所指从程度和范围上扩大,或是把具体事物说 得抽象些,故意模糊其意象。
如:个人问题----婚姻; 大脑病----神经病
英汉委婉语都是把原来显得粗鲁或令人不愉快的话换成婉 转含蓄的说法, 使语言变得温和或悦耳。但是由于英汉语言 特点和文化价值的差异, 英汉委婉语又各具特色。挖掘二者 间的相同点和不同点, 有助于我们的英语学习与翻译工作的 进行, 也有助于加强中英文化交流。作为英语学习者,如果 不注意英汉文化差异在委婉语中的反映,就有可能造成阅 读中的错误理解,言语交际中的语用失误。
如何委婉表达 ppt课件
1.客人想要的房型目前没有了,可能今天就 没有办法提供给客人了,需要明天再帮助 客人调整。如何委婉的告知给客人没有合 适的房间了,并且劝说客人接受目前的房 型?
2.如何委婉的告知客人,目前只有脏房,TA 需要等待?
行政酒廊: 客人询问为何你们19楼没有早餐?
_先生/_女士,因为您是我们的会员,我们非 常重视客人的体验感受。所以考虑到即能 给客人提供多种类的丰富早餐,又能给客 人创造一个更优质的用餐环境,现特地在 一楼餐厅内单独区域合园,给行政楼层客 人用餐。欢迎您到合园去用餐。
说出不同意见的技巧 如何与上司交谈 拒绝他人意见时的表达技巧
当想说出不同意见的时侯,从双方都同意的事谈 起。当你了解对方的见解后,如果发现同自己的观点 或出发点上有相同的部分,那么最好着重强调它,并 从这个地方入手。千万不要从分歧最厉害的地方开始 。
“关于现在的工作进展情况想和您汇报一下可以吗? ”
“关于这方面的有些疑问,想得到您的指点。” “这样的想法您认为可行吗?” “您现在有时间吗?我可以请教您一下吗?”
“帮我…….”。 ×
“请您帮助我可以吗?” √
“辛苦啦” ×
一位员工看了客人一眼,拿过房卡在机器上检查了一下,发现房卡是好 的,
便说:“您好,先生,我刚刚帮您检查了下房卡,您是否插反了?应该 要将箭头对着门插进去。”
客人走过来时,主动和客人打招呼。积极聆听客人。并以真 诚的口吻说 “非常抱歉给您带来了不便,您请稍等,我查看 一下。”她也同样发现了卡是好用的。但是她仍然做了张新 卡给客人。并说:“不好意思让您久等了,我这里重新做了 一张新卡给您,请您按照箭头的方向插入门卡再试一下。之 前的这张房卡我帮您放在了这张新卡的后面,我测试了一下 是好用的。您也可以作为取电卡来使用。”
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• join the silent majority • 加入沉 home
• 回到永久的家
• go the way of all flesh • 走众生之路
• join one’s ancestors
• 加入祖先的行列
• return to dust
• 归之尘土
Appearance and Age
ugly–––plain; homely , not particularly good looking , ordinary
fat ––––chubby; stout; plump, out-size, over-weight
thin ---- delicate , slender, slim
old –getting on years; senior citizen; elderly, distinguished gentleman, golden age, venerable people, get on years, pass one’s prime, feel one’s age
mad/ feeble – minded--- not all there ,soft in head/ soft - headed ,of unsound mind/ unsound - minded
Negative euphemisms(否
用于谈论敏感的话题 eg. die pass way
代替禁忌语 eg.小便常用 answer nature's call, wash one's hands等
对神的敬称 eg. heck 代替hell dee 代替God
• A. To Avoid Taboo • B. To Show Politeness • C. To Conceal Truth
• pass away去世,与世长辞 • fall asleep长眠 • go to sleep forever长眠
• run one’ s race 走完一生
• be no more 不在了
• be no longer with us • breathe one’s last • be at rest • fade
• 委婉来自Greek希腊语,eu 是good(好)的意 思,phemism 是speech (言语)的意思,整个 字面word of good omen 意思是(吉祥)或 好的说法。
• 一般认为,凡是表示禁忌或敏感事物的含 蓄、迂回或动听的言词,均在委婉语之列。
• 委婉语是一种修辞格,更是一种文化现象, 是人们在社交中为了谋求一种理想效果所 创造出来的一种适当的语言形式
从语言学 角度分类
Positive euphemisms(肯
机关、行业的雅称 eg.madhouse婉称 mental hospital
职业美称 eg.cobber(补鞋匠) 称为 shoe rebuilder
政治委婉语 eg.strike(罢工)称为 industrial action
Definition Original Classification Function Daily
eu---well phemism---speech the substitution of a milder, indirect word or phrase for a blunter or harsher one.
• 要说不能登大雅之堂的词语,“厕所”算一个。 • 需要上厕所时,人们会说: • 1. go to the bank • 2.cash a check • 3. spend a penny • 4. see Johnny • 5.go to the bathroom • 6.do business • 7.answer nature’s call • 8.release oneself • 女士们更常说: • 9.consult Mrs. Jones • 10.I have to power my nose. • 因此厕所可称作: • power room, 还可为 bath room ,comfort station • halfway house, old soldier’s home, Miss White
• “水性扬花”degrades women’s sexual morality.
• “ 好男不跟女斗” implies women are inferior to men.
• “红颜祸水” • “妹喜”,“妲己”,“杨贵妃”
That's All Thanks
e.g. He has long ( terminal ) illness . / He has got the big C ---癌症
hard of hearing. 耳朵背 social disease :--AIDS lung trouble -- tuberculosis 肺结核 old man’s friend ---pneumonia 肺炎 a little confused – mad cripple––––physically handicapped
Our fear of specific diseases has led us to coin a lexicon of euphemisms for insanity and retardation, epilepsy(癫痫) ,
venereal disease, cancer, heart disease and stroke.
Military Affairs
• invasion :involvement /military action
air operation
ground operation
Sexism in China
• “妇人之见”,“头发长,见识短”, “男子汉不和妇人一般见识”,to degrades women’s point of view .
• in the family way • eating for two • in a delicate condition • a mother to be • Cancel all her social engagement • in an interesting condition • knitting bootees • Be expecting
• go west • go to heaven • be called to God • safe in the arms of Jesus
• 咽气 • 安息 • 与我们永别了 • 凋零了 • 归西,西去 • 上天堂了 • 被上帝召唤去了 • 在耶稣怀里得到平安
• be gone to a better 1and • 到一个更好的地方去了