

商务英语谈判lecture 2.ppt

商务英语谈判lecture 2.ppt

▪ 9、春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,日子像桃子一样甜蜜。 2020/12/102020/12/10Thursday, December 10, 2020
▪ 10、人的志向通常和他们的能力成正比例。2020/12/102020/12/102020/12/1012/10/2020 7:55:00 PM ▪ 11、夫学须志也,才须学也,非学无以广才,非志无以成学。2020/12/102020/12/102020/12/10Dec-2010-Dec-20 ▪ 12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2020/12/102020/12/102020/12/10Thursday, December 10, 2020 ▪ 13、志不立,天下无可成之事。2020/12/102020/12/102020/12/102020/12/1012/10/2020
▪ You are a receptionist at G and B Company. Student A would like to speak to Ms Black, but she is out of office. Take a message and make sure you get the following information:
But an interest-oriented examination of the dispute leads to the question: How can the higher cost of manufacturing four models be allocated between the American importer and the Chinese manufacturer? In this example, the parties were able to devise a formula that increased the unit cost of different models to reflect the Chinese manufacturer’s increased manufacturing cost.

国际商务谈判英文版PPT-3 . Negotiating Power

国际商务谈判英文版PPT-3 . Negotiating Power

3.2.5 Economic and military power
• Negotiating power was closely related througho ut the negotiations to a country’s economic and military power
• Sources of negotiating power in international bus iness negotiations include capital, technology an d established marketing net works – as well as a company’s innovative capacity and knowledge
3.3.4 Need
• In both international and domestic business negotiations, the relative power of the parti es generally depends on who needs whom the most
Tacit knowledge
3.3.3 Language
• Language is a potent source of negotia ting power in international business neg otiations


The definition of quotation
❖Narrowly: it is a way to indicate a particular price at which one party will buy or sell the specific commodity.
❖Broadly: including other terms and conditions for a deal: the name of the commodity, quality, quantity, price, packaging, shipping, insurance, payment terms, inspections, claims索赔, arbitration 仲裁…
psychological pricing
❖Units of measurement: RMB-Euro/Dollar ❖3 Dollar--- 20 Yuan exchange rate汇率 ❖换算单位 kilo---pound
❖This strategy allows a company to buy or sell the same product at different prices based on their grades, quantity, delivery destination, shipment, methods of payment and other related factors.
底价 底价
可能达成 协议的区域

国际商务谈判(英文) 全套课件-PPT资料238页

国际商务谈判(英文) 全套课件-PPT资料238页
总评成绩=平时成绩:30%+其中成绩:30%+期末 成绩:40%
商务谈判口语是一门专门用途口语课程,因此考 试形式为团队对抗模拟谈判的口语考试。从一开 始明确考核的方式是团队考核,每个成员要发挥 作用,否则影响团队分数。在学期初形成固定的 谈判代表队, 最后用抽签的方法决定最后的谈 判模拟中哪一队和哪一队进行谈判。
Unit 1 Making an Enquiry
3.What do you usually ask for in the enquiries?
Catalogue,sample,price-list,quotation,terms of payment, date of delivery,etc
4.How do you invite a best possible price in an enquiry?
Explanation of language expressions, special terms, negotiation skills and concerned knowledge
Practice in the situation offered in groups
3. Three Steps to Follow :
Different items and situations demand different skills, generally you have to follow three steps:
1)devise a target 2) do some preparations 3) negotiate for the target

国际商务谈判英文版PPT-4 . Negotiation Process

国际商务谈判英文版PPT-4 . Negotiation Process

4.2.2 Internal and external dynamics
• Changes in negotiating position are often broug ht about by external factors
• Negotiating positions – the stands taken by eac h party on the various issues to be negotiated – can be influenced by both internal and exte rnal factors.
• In two-party negotiations, tradeoffs are between issues that are of high value to one party and lo w value to the other
• Some managers prefer to deal with issue bundle s during an international business negotiation
ct methods to gain information since direct questioning is thoug ht to be rude and insulting
4.3.2 Information
• Communication technologies can be powerful t ools in conducting international business, savin g time and money

全套课件 国际商务谈判(英文版)

全套课件 国际商务谈判(英文版)



Give a Quotation
How does sound to you? How about ? How do you feel about…? A Guarantee Purchase of …….
How would you feel about 15 USD per unit? Is 12 cents acceptable to you? We're prepared to guarantee purchase of one million units for the first year. If your annual purchases fall more than 5 percent below target, would you be willing to consider a penalty?
END Thank you!
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!
I’d like to propose some ideas after I finished the research.
I’d like to put forward that we need to hire a new assistant.
I’d like to suggest we plan an event for all the employees.
Here are some idea I’d like to share/ discuss/ propose to you.
Make A Proposal

商务谈判(business negotiation)PPT文档24页

商务谈判(business negotiation)PPT文档24页
商务谈判(business negotiation)
46、法律有权打破平静。——马·格林 47、在一千磅法律里,没有一盎司仁 爱。— —英国
48、法律一多,公正就少。——托·富 勒 49、犯罪总是以惩罚相补偿;只有处 罚才能 使犯罪 得到偿 还。— —达雷 尔
50、弱者比强者更能得到法律的保护 。—— 威·厄尔
6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
Thank you
Байду номын сангаас

商务英语谈判课件(PPT 35页)

商务英语谈判课件(PPT 35页)
Business Negotiation English
1. Introduce the students to the main principles of business negotiation.
2. The students get familiar with the types of negotiation.
*Separate the people from the problem.
Techniques: ---Establish an accurate perception. ---Cultivate appropriate emotions. ---Strive better communication.
Disadvantages :
Pressure an individual to compromise and accommodate in ways not in his interest.
Avoid confrontational strategies, which can be helpful at times.
11.Getting a child to go to bed.
12.Picking a successor for the CEO of a company where you are on the board.
3. Types of negotiation:
1. Competitive style 2. Accommodative style 3. Avoidance style 4. Compromising style 5. Collaborative style 6. Vengeful style 7. Self-inflicting style 8. Vengeful and self-inflicting style

商务英语谈判lecture 2PPT课件

商务英语谈判lecture 2PPT课件

But an interest-oriented examination of the dispute leads to the question: How can the higher cost of manufacturing four models be allocated between the American importer and the Chinese manufacturer? In this example, the parties were able to devise a formula that increased the unit cost of different models to reflect the Chinese manufacturer’s increased manufacturing cost.
The interests of the Chinese manufacturer were achieved by the solution—profit per unit remained constant. The interests of the American importer were also met—it sold more units at higher prices, which more than offset the increased manufacturing cost.
Role-play in pairs
▪ You are the assistant of George Smith, Purchasing Manager of HRC Corporation.

国际商务谈判 双语ppt课件

国际商务谈判  双语ppt课件
Negotiators should be aware that potential differences can be used to reach agreement
It is also possible to create value through shared interests and through scale (task too big for one party to accomplish alone)
The other potential consequence of interdependent relationships is conflict
Value Creation
Synergy: the notion the "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts".
Five Major Strategies for Conflict Management:
4 Problem solving Actors show high concern in obtaining
own outcomes, as well as high concern for the other party obtaining their outcomes 5 Compromising Actors show moderate concern in obtaining own outcomes, as well as moderate concern for the other party obtaining their outcomes
The Dual Concerns Model
The Sandtraps of Negotiation



国际商务谈判英文课件stakes利益: stakes are the value of benefits that may be gained or lost, and the costs that may be incurred or avoided.power能力: is a social phenomenon ,which endows people with control negotiation power谈判力: negotiation power is the ability that one negotiator can make use of to control over and affect the other side’s decision making and to resolve the dispute and attain the target of negotiation.trust信任: trust means increasing your vulnerability to another person whose behavior is not under your control in a situation in which the penalty, lose or deprivation you would suffer if the other person abuses or fails to protect your vulnerability is substantially greater than the benefits, reward or satisfaction you would gain if the other person fulfills or protect your vulnerability.culture文化: culture is also defined as an integrated system of learned behavior patterns that are characteristic of the members of any given society.negotiation produce 谈判程序步骤1. introduction of team member2. negotiation agenda and its arrangement3. formal negotiation4. wrapping upnegotiation produce structure 谈判程序的结构1. determine interests and issues2. design and offer options3. introduce criteria to evaluate options4. estimate reservation points5. explore alternative to agreement6. reach an agreementstructure of business negotiation 贸易谈判的机构inquiry---offer---counteroffer—acceptancetarget level谈判三种目标1. desirable target :is what negotiations wish to attain but in reality ralely reach2. acceptable target :is what negotiation make all efforts to achieve3. bottom target :is what negotiations will defend and safeguard whichall their efforts信息的直接用途:problem solving信息的间接用途:strategic planningwhere to collect information信息的收集渠道1. international organization2. governments3. service organization4. directories and newsletters5. online servicefour cause of unwilling?不愿意做谈判准备的原因?1. lack of sensitivity2. limited cognition3. lack of familiarty4. inactivity and gambling mindfour steps 谈判准备的步骤?1. target decision2. collecting information3. staffing negotiation teams4. choice of negotiation venueswhen is the third party desired?什么时候选择第三方加入谈判?1. power is relatively lower than other counterpart3. negotiation goes impasse and no alternative available4. established norms and standards hinder the processwhen to choose third party’s venue(何时选择第三方谈判地点):1) first, the two negotiating parties are hostile and antagonistic to each other, or even engaged in a fighting against each other.2) second, negotiation goes into an impasse and no sign of rapprochement, impossible to carry on negotiation in neither party’s place.3) third, a dispute is stirred up when both parties strongly demand to host the negotiation.win-win model 双赢模式1. determine each party’s own interest and needs2. find out the other party’s interests and demands3. discuss the possibilities of making concessionwin—lose model 输赢模式1. determine each party’s own interests and stance2. defend one’s own interests and stance3. discuss the possibilities of making concession1.people: separate the people from problem2.interests: focus on interests but not positions3.gaining: invent options for mutual gain4.criteria: introduce objective criteriahow to tell a criterion is objective 如何客观品评判标准1. independent of wills and free from sentimental influence2. valid and realistic3. at least theoretically accepted by both sideshow to standards for successful negotiation判定谈判成功与否的标准1. satisfy the both valid interests, resolve the conflicts, protect interests2. highly efficient3. improve the relationshipneeds theory 需求理论五种1. physiological needs2. safety needs3. love and belonging needs4. esteem needs5. needs to for self-actualization6. needs to know and understand7. aesthetic needslaw of two level game 双层法规level 1 international level :relationship of interests and chances of success of negotiationno changesuccess possiblesuccess increasinglevel 2 domestic level :win—sets, the sets gain the necessary majority among the constituentsconclusion:the larger win—sets make the more likely an agreement at level 1the smaller win—sets can be a bargaining advantage for a country at level 哪些因素影响谈判力:1. motivation: a party’s power is increasing with decreasing of itsmotivation or the greater a party’s motivation is ,the weaker its relative.2. dependence: a party’s power is diminishing with increasing of itsdependence on the other party3. substitutes: one party’s indepen dence increase and thus its power isstrengthened when there are more substitutes available for considerationhow to stimulate motivation(如何刺激对方的动机):1.offering inducements2.demonstrating attractiveness3.getting external third party back4.placing a time limithow to increase substitutes(如何增加拟方替代):1.has alternatives which allow operating without the other party2.absorb the escalating cost of conflict3.can continue despite the other party’s discouraging effects on itssupportersdeterminants affecting a person’s trustful or mistrustful behavior(影响人的信任或不信任行为的决定因素):1. unchangeable elements: 1) childhood education; 2) professional or special trainingeffect or trust 信任的效应结论trust stimulates intellevtual development and originality, and leads to greater emotional stability and self-control. trust facilitates accepts and open of expression for establishing sound relationship among negotiating team members as well as between negotiating parties. negotiations based conversely, mistrust provokes rejection and defensireness, damages vollaboration in a group with wish high level of mistrust, members signal of mistrust and expect mistrust from others, thusproduce law level of trust.ac model:2. collaborating: sharing information & understanding; enlict finding a creative solution; cooperation; during4. avoiding: skipping meetings; avoid people; withholding information; delaying结论:the more stakes and power, the more assertiveness depends on alignment of interest and relationship; the more mutual interests and the more mutual trust, the more cooperativeness一次囚徒和多次囚徒的结论--one-short prison’s dilemma game rarely leads to cooperation--iterated prison’s dilemma games lead to cooperation and high trust 两分法分类:reward system; relationship; tangible issues; assumptions; strategy usedhow to build a coalition(怎样建立谈判联盟):1.setting coalition targets:(1) parties who can join;篇二:英文版商务谈判a是中国的卖方,b美国买方;咱们组是a公司成员leader(l):shi 主谈marketing(m):zhao lawyer(la):ruanfinancial(f):时technicist(t):金显而易见,我们就是b公司成员:gm:卢(andy)marketing executive:小花legal adviser:孙financial advisor:王大花professional: 康师傅卢: thank you for your warm reception. it will be excited if we can get a satisfactory result . ok, we would like to get the ball rolling(开始)by talking about prices.m: shoot.(洗耳恭听)id be happy to answer any questions you may have. 曌: your products are very good. but im a littleworried about the prices youre offering. m: you think we about be asking for more?曌: thats not exactly what i had in mind. i know your research costs are high, but what id like is a 25% discount.m: that seems to be a little high, miss. sweet. i dont know how we can make a profit with those numbers.曌: well, if we promise future business-volume sales(大笔交易)-that will slash your costs(大量减低成本)for making the products, right?m: yes, but its hard to see how you can place such large orders. wed need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.曌: we said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six-month period. what if we place orders for twelve months with a guarantee?m: if you can guarantee that on paper, i think we can discuss this further. 卢: what’s about having a rest now? good rest, good spirit!ten minutes laterf: miss. sweet, we have considered you advice carefully. but even with volume sales, our coats for the products wont go down much.曌: just what are you proposing?王: thats a big change from 25! 10 is beyond my negotiating limit. any other ideas? f: i dont think i can change it right now. why dont we talk again tomorrow?王:sure. i don’t think our capital can allow we to make a deal in this price and this numbers.next daym:yeah, i hope so! and i hope we can make a concession to reach somemiddle ground.曌:i understand. we propose a structured deal(阶段式和约). for the first six months, we get a discount of 20%, and the next six months we get 15%.曌:then youll have to think of something betterm:how about 15% the first six months, and the second six months at 12%, with a guarantee of 3000 units?曌:thats a lot to sell, with very low profit margins.卢:(smiles) o.k., 17% the first six months, 14% for the second?! l:good. get it.康:how long is the quality guarantee period?t:2 years general. and we can guarantee that the quality is better.t:we can guarantee that our quality is one of the best in the world. we have the advanced research and development ability. whereas this is our first cooperation, we can extend it to 3 years.康: that’s good! thank you!la:for it is the first time for us to do business. it will be better having a good way to discover the disputes may appear between us.孙:sounds good! as the practices, we usually resolve the disputes with our partners visa arbitration.曌:wed like you to execute the first order by the 31st.m:ok, let me run through this again: the first shipment for 1000units, to be delivered in 27 days, by 31st june. the second shipment for 2000 units, to be delivered by 20 august 卢:fine , this deal promises big returns(赚大钱)for both sides. lets hope its the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship.l:yes ,through two days negotiation i argue that we havereached a win-win result and we are very pleased to cooperate with you for a long time.卢:that’s true! what’s the good time for us to sign the contract.m: as our arrangement. you would have a visit to the shaolin temple, over there you will learn the nature of chinese-kung fu. then we can sign the contract tomorrow morning!卢: wonderful! it’s can not be better more篇三:国际商务谈判课件国际商务谈判1谈判就是为达成协议,参与各方当事人通过信息交流与沟通,相互提出要求、互相让步与妥协的行为过程。


3 提议和反驳的技巧
对成功和失败的商务谈判案例进行分析, 研究造成不同结果的原因。
《商务英语谈判》PPT课 件
在本课件中,我们将学习商务英语谈判的重要性和特点,探讨准备阶段的步 骤,研究谈判技巧和案例分析,以及提高谈判效果的方法。
商务谈判在商业领域扮演着重要的角色,本节将介绍商务英语谈判的特点以 及其在商业谈判中的重要性。
学习如何与对方建立良好的沟 通,以实现更有效的谈判结果。
了解如何在商务谈判中建立良 好的人际关系,以增加合作的 机会。
掌握利用软实力的方法,如影 响力和说服力,以在谈判中取 得更好的结果。
1 听和问的技巧



1. Invitation to Offer
---Inquiry: initiate a potential transaction
From a buyer: Please quote the lowest price of CFR Singapore for 1000 boxes of large size Maxam Dental Cream at the earliest delivery.
From a seller: We can supply Flying Pigeon brand bicycles with shipment in May. Please fax us if you are interested.
Please advise…/ please fax advice… Interested in… please… Please quote…/ please offer… We can supply…
In reply, we would like to offer, subjects to your reply reaching us before the end of this month, the following:
20’ Men’s style @US$25 per set …
Payment term: By L/C at sight to be opened through a bank to be approved by us.
Shipment: October/November 1998, provided the covering L/C reaches us by the end of this month.
The above prices are understood to be on CIF Cairo basis net. Please note that we do not allow any commission on our bicycles, but a discount of 5% may be allowed if the quantity for each specification is more than 1,000 sets.
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Give a Quotation
Reasonable/ Acceptable/ Fine/ It’s a Deal
That sounds reasonable. /That would work for us. I think we could agree on that if it were 7 percent.
I’d like to propose some ideas after I finished the research. I’d like to put forward that we need to hire a new assistant. I’d like to suggest we plan an event for all the employees. Here are some idea I’d like to share/ discuss/ propose to you.
Negotiation Skills in Business
Business English
Main points
1) Make A Proposal 2) Give a Quotation 3) Decision Making
Make A Proposal
Propose/ Put Forward/ Suggest/ Recommend
END Thank you!
Decision Making
Get the ball rolling/ Running out of time/ ASAP
We really need to get the ball rolling. The exhibition will be on next Friday. We need to move forward ASAP on this project. It’s critical that we act as quickly as possible so that we can expand our market share in Asia region. Time is of the essence. We are running out of time, please be aware the exhibition is in a week.
Can’t accept/ No Profit/ Not Possible
I'm afraid that's not possible. The competition is just too tough. I can't accept 8 dollar per set. I think that would show some difficulties since there is no profit for our side at all.
Give a Quotation
How does sound to you? How about ? How do you feel about…? A Guarantee Purchase of …….
How would you feel about 15 USD per unit? Is 12 cents acceptable to you? We're prepared to guarantee purchase of one million units for the first year. If your annual purchases fall more than 5 percent below target, would you be willing to consider a penalty?ຫໍສະໝຸດ Make A Proposal
Reservation Show/ Present Difficulties Out of Questions/ Mind
I have some reservations about that ideas. That is likely to present some difficulties for our clients. Frankly, that’s out of the question. We cannot accept this price. I am afraid I can’t give you my backing. As it stands, I can’t support.
Make A Proposal
Fully Support/ Excellent Idea/ In Favor of/ Back up
The idea has my fully support. I’m fully in favor of your ideas. Keep updating me the progress. It’s an excellent idea! You have my backing/ I will back you up.