大学英语词汇学练习题Test 6

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Chapter 6: Test

ⅠAccording to the given meaning, Choose the proper form of the English idiom from the four alternative answers.


A. till cows come home

B. till the cows come home

C. till bulls come home

D. till the bulls come home

2.deep in thought

A. in a brown study

B. in a red study

C. in a green study

D. in a dark study

3.Support only in words, not in fact

A. mouth service

B. lip service

C. brain trust

D. mind trust

4.quite certainly

A. sure as egg is egg

B. sure as a egg is a egg

C. sure as eggs are eggs

D. sure as eggs is eggs


A. in the air

B. in the open

C. in the raw

D. in the straw

6.something useless and unwanted but big and costly

A. white elephant

B. dark elephant

C. white horse

D. dark horse

7.most important and essential part

A. might and main

B. bag and baggage

C. sum and substance

D. part and parcel

8.damage from continuous use

A. fair and spare

B. toil and moil

C. wear and tear

D. kith and kin

9.the member thought to be a disgrace in the family

A. black sheep

B. a dark horse

C. gray mare

D. white elephant

10.through all difficulties and troubles

A. through high and low

B. through thick and thin

C .from head to foot D. from start to finish

ⅡEach of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the best one.

1.Among the following idioms, which one is nominal in nature as far as syntactic function is concerned.

A.flesh and blood

B.heart and soul

C.tooth and nail

D.high and low

2.Strictly speaking,idioms are expressions that are not readily understandable from their of individual elements.

A.grammatical meaning

B.literal meaning

C.deep meaning

D.structural meaning

3.The structure of an idiom is to a large extent .




D.none of the above

4.Duplication of synonyms is called .





5. refers to idioms in which the name of one thing is used for that of another associated with it.



C.Synecdoche D Metonymy

6.The meaning of the idiom black bottle is .


B.alcoholic drink

C.bottle that is black in color

D.bottle bought in an illegal way
