
Eg5:She noticed how nervous he was and
suggested he should stand near the stage
where he could watch and follow the play.
It was a good 1 of getting rid of his
40 A as usual B for a while C in a minute D once again
41 A advised B examined C informed D questioned
应试口诀: 文章首句要重视,全篇理解有启示。 记叙体裁为主体,通读全文明意旨。 填空多是实意词,四个选项巧设计, 词类范畴必同一。确定最佳靠逻辑, 字里行间找信息。个别填空借常识, 相近词义细辨析,习惯用法靠记忆, 复读反思再核实。
years ago and 38 iinn lloovvee wwiitthh the sport on
the very first day. Riding that first 39 was the
best feeling I had ever experienced.
36. A. tell B. answer C. give
1 C 根据下文可知.
9 D根据常识推理可知.
2A 根据前后逻辑可知.
10 C根据习惯搭配可知也
3 B根据fortunately可推断出. 可 根据上文可知
4 A根据具体的语境可推出. 11 B根据上文可知.
5 D 根据词义间的比较.
12 B根据上文可知.
Eg5:She noticed how nervous he was and
suggested he should stand near the stage
where he could watch and follow the play.
It was a good 1 of getting rid of his
40 A as usual B for a while C in a minute D once again
41 A advised B examined C informed D questioned
应试口诀: 文章首句要重视,全篇理解有启示。 记叙体裁为主体,通读全文明意旨。 填空多是实意词,四个选项巧设计, 词类范畴必同一。确定最佳靠逻辑, 字里行间找信息。个别填空借常识, 相近词义细辨析,习惯用法靠记忆, 复读反思再核实。
years ago and 38 iinn lloovvee wwiitthh the sport on
the very first day. Riding that first 39 was the
best feeling I had ever experienced.
36. A. tell B. answer C. give
1 C 根据下文可知.
9 D根据常识推理可知.
2A 根据前后逻辑可知.
10 C根据习惯搭配可知也
3 B根据fortunately可推断出. 可 根据上文可知
4 A根据具体的语境可推出. 11 B根据上文可知.
5 D 根据词义间的比较.
12 B根据上文可知.

知这只是个假设,是一个虚拟语气的条件句。故前面要用 if
3.利用固搭解题 (a)完形填空题中对词汇的考查,主要体现在习惯用法和同 义词、近义词的辨析: 要做好这类题,需要有较大的词汇量和词语搭配能力、词语辨 析能力,特别是在特定的语境中能灵活运用的能力。如:
They couldn’t read or write. They didn’t like to work and they never A3 baths. 3.A. took B. washed C. ran D. covered 他们既不会读也不会写。他们不喜欢工作,从不 1 澡。
【解析】短文中的usually和and是本题逻辑推理的线索。And前后构成了并列关系 ,即and前的 usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen 这些维生素成分和and 后面的 nitrogen 成分形成并列关系,相应修饰 carbon, hydrogen, oxygen 的usually必 然和修饰 nitrogen 的6空的词构成一一对应的逻辑关系。鉴于此,在6空考虑填入 的应是和usually相对应的频度副词,而语义与usually略有不同。mostly 和partly 都表示了部分、量的含义,与频度无关。rarely(很少地,罕有地)虽表示了频度关 系,但其意义与usually相反,不符合一一对应的一致性,因此排除。只有C项 sometimes(不时,有时)恰到好处地表示了and前后两部分的逻辑对应。故选C。
【解析】此题后面的冒号部分有提示:agriculture,diving and mathematics是他们谈话讨论的话题,由此可得出本题的答案为B。
(a)在有些情况下,如果不能很有把握地直接得出某一道题的答案,可 以把排除法和词汇、语法分析结合起来运用,缩小选择的范围,提高正 确率。如: The woman looked carefully at me B8 through her glasses, and then questioned me in a low voice. 8.A. as usual B. for a while C. in a minute D. once again

考点2 词组搭配
• 考查同学们对于单词之间的组合(即词组和习惯搭配)的辨认能力,其难点 在于习惯搭配。因为同学们平时背得最多的是单词和词组,而对于习惯搭配 的记忆和整理比较欠缺,比如“获得知识”中的“获得”,如果按照字面意思来 翻译其实有很多词可以用,比如get、gain、obtain等,但习惯的搭配是 acquire knowledge,这就需要同学们通过不断地精读和分析文章去积累这方 面的知识。
分段首句相当于段落的分论点 中心句解 题方法:1 看文章首段首句 (原理: 分论点必须遵从中心论点) 2 读本段其它内容 最后总结
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优秀ppt公开课ppt免费课件下载免费 课件高 考英语 完形填 空解题 技巧( 共35张PPT)
优秀ppt公开课ppt免费课件下载免费 课件高 考英语 完形填 空解题 技巧( 共35张PPT)
5. 选材适中
• 近几年来的高考完型填空题材多为具有一定故事情节的记叙文或具有一定 哲理和教育意义,夹叙夹议,以叙为主的议论文。词数在200-300之间。设 空距离为10个词左右。短文内容结构严谨,逻辑性强,层次分明。材料难度 与高三教材相当,所选短文的英语语言符合高三学生的实际水平。
考点3 词义辨析
考查同学们对于单词之间的差异的辨析能力,其难点在于词汇的内涵(即英 文释义)。因为同学们平时背的都是单词和词组的中文注释,用中文注释去 做语法题和阅读理解题是没有问题的,做大部分完形填空题目也没有问题, 但是有些题目就行不通了,这个时候就需要我们通过英文释义去理解词汇的 内涵。
考点4 上下文提示
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(She said she had a story to tell me-a
postal letter carrier) About six
months 3 it seemed that I had 4 a
letter to her which had her street 5
“when I was 23, my dad persuaded me to go
into law”.
36.A.biologist B.manager
wyer D.gardener
37.A.strict B.honest C.special D.learned #
3 ,辨析词义,以实词为主 #
on it but was addressed to another
house with the 6 number on a
different street in the neighborhood.
3. A.after B.earlier ter D.ago
4. sent
7. A. behind B. forward C. back D. ahead 15. A. south B. east C. north D. west
2) So the slave was pardoned and 50. A. killed B. rich C. happy D. freed
a. 应用阅读技能,进行缺词阅读. b. 注意首段和末端以及每个段落的首句.
?2. 分段落实,逐个填空;
a. 先填上固定搭配与习惯表达,基本句型等较容易的空 格.
b. 对语境和语义还不太明朗的空格要反复推敲 ,力争 突破难点.

2) The rail will expand (膨胀) when it gets ___.
A. wet B. cold C. hot D. dry
It didn't make use of long muscles we
used to throw a baseball, and it wasn't
A. reach B. keep C. take . make
make it 做成某事
3) The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just ____ the best of everything they have.
充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择 有提示作用的词或句,结合语境答题。
1)Mrs. Black would ask me for my 2___. She
waபைடு நூலகம்ted to know how I thought we should
_h_a_n_d_l _things. At first I had no idea how
C .turned in ★D .applied for
[示例] (2014 ·浙江高考)
25 .A. Because of
C . Apart from 26 . A. loved
C . pleased 2 7 . A. gradually
C . recently 2 8 . A. selfrespect
scratching my head .
“ Still can’t speak
Chinese?” He 41 me , “You can’t even
A. wet B. cold C. hot D. dry
It didn't make use of long muscles we
used to throw a baseball, and it wasn't
A. reach B. keep C. take . make
make it 做成某事
3) The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just ____ the best of everything they have.
充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择 有提示作用的词或句,结合语境答题。
1)Mrs. Black would ask me for my 2___. She
waபைடு நூலகம்ted to know how I thought we should
_h_a_n_d_l _things. At first I had no idea how
C .turned in ★D .applied for
[示例] (2014 ·浙江高考)
25 .A. Because of
C . Apart from 26 . A. loved
C . pleased 2 7 . A. gradually
C . recently 2 8 . A. selfrespect
scratching my head .
“ Still can’t speak
Chinese?” He 41 me , “You can’t even

2C , a lot of valuable time would be
wasted. 近距离复现
2. A. curious
B. confident
C. anxious D. calm 最新版整理ppt
Every summer, hundreds of
thousands of students travel to
16. A. food B. flowers C. crops D. plants
搭配方面 1. 固定搭配。
Around twenty years ago I was living in New York. Though I had a
lot of A1 experience and a
when we grow up.
10. A. write B. think C. behave D. learn
11. A. problems
B. mistakes
C. examples
D. things
12. A. defending
B. borrowing
C. learning
D. demanding
If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will
be more food available. Land for C16 , such as rice,
corn and wheat, feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.
wasted. 近距离复现
2. A. curious
B. confident
C. anxious D. calm 最新版整理ppt
Every summer, hundreds of
thousands of students travel to
16. A. food B. flowers C. crops D. plants
搭配方面 1. 固定搭配。
Around twenty years ago I was living in New York. Though I had a
lot of A1 experience and a
when we grow up.
10. A. write B. think C. behave D. learn
11. A. problems
B. mistakes
C. examples
D. things
12. A. defending
B. borrowing
C. learning
D. demanding
If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will
be more food available. Land for C16 , such as rice,
corn and wheat, feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.

6. 关注语境背景知识, 侧重上下关联, 暗示判断能力。
对于叙事,描述类文章。短文的首句, 往往点明故事发生的人物(who),时间 (when),地点(where),和事件 (what)等背景情况。例:
It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital .
A graduation C separation
B movement D vacation
7.The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world. Holding springs and streams sometimes means control, particularly in the 22 areas like the desert.
切记:正确的做法是由易到难,先做会做 的,再考虑较难的。 强烈推荐:如尚有几题题目不确定可将某题的可能的两项填入空格, 然后快速地整句 整段地默读, 选择某一项习惯或短语或动宾搭配读起来较流畅的.
四. 解题方法:
总的原则: 先完意,后完形。 十六字方针:上下通气 ,瞻前顾后,
左顾右盼,前后照应 。
A .doing
B. raising
C. putting
D. producing
6.He’d 36 his life brewing beer for local breweries only to make a living, 37 had his father and grand-father before him. 36.A. cost B. spent
对于叙事,描述类文章。短文的首句, 往往点明故事发生的人物(who),时间 (when),地点(where),和事件 (what)等背景情况。例:
It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital .
A graduation C separation
B movement D vacation
7.The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world. Holding springs and streams sometimes means control, particularly in the 22 areas like the desert.
切记:正确的做法是由易到难,先做会做 的,再考虑较难的。 强烈推荐:如尚有几题题目不确定可将某题的可能的两项填入空格, 然后快速地整句 整段地默读, 选择某一项习惯或短语或动宾搭配读起来较流畅的.
四. 解题方法:
总的原则: 先完意,后完形。 十六字方针:上下通气 ,瞻前顾后,
左顾右盼,前后照应 。
A .doing
B. raising
C. putting
D. producing
6.He’d 36 his life brewing beer for local breweries only to make a living, 37 had his father and grand-father before him. 36.A. cost B. spent

Understanding setsions are words that have a unique meaning that cannot be understood from the individual words Success in cloze tests requires an understanding of common idiomatic expressions and their meanings
Context comprehension skills
Context Clue Definition
Context Clues are the words or words that provide information about the meaning of a specific word or phrase in a given context
Synonym recognition
The ability to identify words that have similar meanings but are not exactly the same This skill is critical in the cloze test as it helps to choose the most appropriate word based on context
Recognizing idiomatic expressions
Grammar structure analysis techniques
Sentence structure analysis involves breaking down the sentiment into its component parts to understand its graphical structure
Context comprehension skills
Context Clue Definition
Context Clues are the words or words that provide information about the meaning of a specific word or phrase in a given context
Synonym recognition
The ability to identify words that have similar meanings but are not exactly the same This skill is critical in the cloze test as it helps to choose the most appropriate word based on context
Recognizing idiomatic expressions
Grammar structure analysis techniques
Sentence structure analysis involves breaking down the sentiment into its component parts to understand its graphical structure

the。very old. There are many places for people to swim in
swimming pools. A. all B. none C. some D. both
eg3. (Immediately) the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the_____hospital. A. animal B. biggest C. plant D. nearest
the radio, but they can read with glasses. B 3) They can’t walk outside, but they can watch
TV or listen to music or news over the radio at home.
eg2. Wait till you are more _____. A. relaxed B. satisfied C. certain
minutes in each class.
√ A. shorter B. longer C. earlier D. later
eg2. My mother often asked me,“What is the most
important part of the body?” I thought sound was very
实例透析 (2011·四川卷)I truly feel that my mother led me here,to
Morzaine , and to my future as a happy wife and
businesswoman.When Mum 21 从第 26 个空后出现的 her death 可知,当时母亲已去世。 in October 2007,I was a cook.In December that year,while I was working for a wedding,a pearl necklace Mum had left me 22 ,从空后的 I was distraught 及下文对项链去向的猜测可知答案。 I was distraught (忧心如焚 的).Some days later,I was 23 几天后,我被告知那个和我们
swimming pools. A. all B. none C. some D. both
eg3. (Immediately) the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the_____hospital. A. animal B. biggest C. plant D. nearest
the radio, but they can read with glasses. B 3) They can’t walk outside, but they can watch
TV or listen to music or news over the radio at home.
eg2. Wait till you are more _____. A. relaxed B. satisfied C. certain
minutes in each class.
√ A. shorter B. longer C. earlier D. later
eg2. My mother often asked me,“What is the most
important part of the body?” I thought sound was very
实例透析 (2011·四川卷)I truly feel that my mother led me here,to
Morzaine , and to my future as a happy wife and
businesswoman.When Mum 21 从第 26 个空后出现的 her death 可知,当时母亲已去世。 in October 2007,I was a cook.In December that year,while I was working for a wedding,a pearl necklace Mum had left me 22 ,从空后的 I was distraught 及下文对项链去向的猜测可知答案。 I was distraught (忧心如焚 的).Some days later,I was 23 几天后,我被告知那个和我们

先小后大。有的句子太长,一个大的复合句中设置的空比较多, 这时要先完成小句再连接大句,因为小句缺词,句意不清,直接 影响考虑大句的关系。 例如:2004年高考卷二:_43____Tracy’s characters are interesting, her stories sometimes _44____ readers uneasy: those about the supernatural.
2.试填:以上下文线索为主要依据,寻找关键词、信息词,注意后线索。 3.试填之后将所选定的词放到文章中复读检查。
有时可 能是同义词或反义词。例如:
1)Some parts of the water are very shallow. B__u_t in some places it
1)全国卷二(2004)Tracy Won—g —is a—w—e—ll-—k—no—wn _C__h_i_n_e_s_e_-_A__m__e_r_ic_a__n w__r_i_te__r._But her writing __36___ was
something she picked up by herself.
is very, very_____. √A. deep B. high C. cold D. dangerous
2)Mrs O’Neill asked_____ questions, and she didn’t scold us
A√. no B. certain C. many D. more
高考英语专题复习课件:完形填空解题技巧课课件 (共22张PPT)

完型填空训练的目的: 优秀ppt公开课ppt免费课件下载免费课件高考英语专题复习课件:完形填空解题技巧课课件 (共22张PPT) 两个提高 1)提高阅读理解能力; 2)提高词语运用能力。 两个培养 1)培养良好的解题习惯; 2)培养语言逻辑思维能力。 两个忠告 1)多做高考真题; 2)不求100%的理解和正确率,只求训练 过程和良好解题习惯的养成。
• 47. A. besides B. but
C. and
D. or
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优秀ppt公开课ppt免费课件下载免费 课件高 考英语 专题复 习课件 :完形 填空解 题技巧 课课件 (共22张PPT)
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文中无闲句,句中无闲字 。
Every year, our school has a dance for all the students. It’s a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and
I was having my dinner at McDonald’s one evening when so old couple slowly walked in.
Life is filled with challenges.
In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic (技工).

37. A. besides C. and
B. but D. or
Students generally appreciate these special 50 opportunities. They are almost always fun and interesting, and professors
Tips: 1. tense and voice,the accord between subject and predicate (时态语态,主谓语在上下文的中是否一致)
2. grammar and collocations (语法和习惯用法的搭配在上下文中是否一致)
3. the connection between sentences and paragraphs (段与段,句与句之间的衔接是否连贯)
but I always knew he was 37 . He never
criticized us, but used 38 to bring out our
37. A. strict
B. honest
C. special
D. learned
38. A. help
B. peace
C. smile
….I raised the pistol and fired. The animal fell backwards with an angry cry. Father took the ___38____ smoking pistol from my hand , and fired another shot, which killed the gorilla.