
3.1. Topic Sentence
first sentence in an abstract is usually called the “topic sentence”. By answering the question of “what”, the topic sentence always goes straightforwardly to the subject or the problem and indicate the primary objectives of the paper.
well-prepared abstract enables readers to identify the basic content of a document quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests, and thus to decide whether they need to read the document in its entirety" (American National Standards Institute, 1979b).
3.1. Examples (4)
The experiment being made by our research group is aimed at obtaining the result of… The main objective of our investigation has been to obtain some knowledge of… Experiments on… were made in order to measure the amount of… The emphasis of this study lies in…

Functions of Abstracts
ToБайду номын сангаасhelp readers identify articles of interest
To outline the main points of an article To guide the reading of longer
Types of Technical Abstract
3. Informative Abstract To inform, to present the principal facts and
conclusions given in the original work. Sic-tech paper abstracts are usually written in this form. E.g. Title: Composing Letters With a Simulated listening Typewriter
documents An important measure for retrieving
papers and for promoting the international sic-tech exchange
Types of Technical Abstract
According to their functions: 1. Descriptive abstract tells what the full report contains.
指示性文摘(Indicated Abstracts) 指示型摘要也称为介绍型摘要或陈述型摘要,它
只是简要地介绍论文的论题,仅使读者对论文主要 内容有一些概括了解。一般那不介绍方法、结果、 结论的具体内容,不包含任何数据。它仅指出论文 的综合内容,适用于综述性文献,图书介绍及编辑 加工过的专著等。

3.1. Topic Sentence
The first sentence in an abstract is usually called the “topic sentence”. By answering “topic sentence”. the question of “what”, the topic sentence always goes straightforwardly to the subject or the problem and indicate the primary objectives of the paper.
The Formalized Structure of Abstract
An abstract usually consists of the following three major parts: topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentences.
Abstract Writing
Definition and components of an abstract Samples of abstract writing
What Is Abstract
An abstract should be viewed as a miniature version of the paper. The Abstract should provide a brief summary of each of the main sections of the paper: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. Discussion. As Houghton (1975) put it, "An abstract can be defined as a summary of the information in a document."

英语摘要怎么写作业在撰写英语摘要时,你需要遵循以下步骤:1. 理解原文:在开始写作之前,确保你完全理解了文章或报告的主题和要点。
2. 确定摘要类型:摘要通常分为两种类型:描述性摘要和信息性摘要。
3. 突出关键点:摘要应该包括文章的主要论点、论据和结论。
4. 使用第三人称:摘要应该保持客观,使用第三人称来描述研究和结果。
5. 避免使用引用:摘要应该用自己的话来表达,而不是直接引用原文。
6. 保持简洁:摘要应该简洁明了,通常长度不超过原文的10-15%。
7. 使用简单语言:避免使用复杂或专业的术语,除非它们是理解文章的关键。
8. 结构清晰:摘要的结构应该清晰,通常包括引言、主体和结论。
9. 检查格式:确保你的摘要遵循了所需的格式,包括缩进、字体和间距。
10. 校对:在提交之前,仔细校对摘要,检查语法错误和拼写错误。
摘要示例:> The article explores the impact of social media on adolescent mental health. It presents a comprehensive study involving 1,000 participants, highlighting a significant increase in anxiety and depression among frequent users. The study suggests that excessive screen time and social comparison contribute to these mental health issues. The author recommends implementing digital literacy programs in schools to educate adolescents on the responsible use of social media.通过遵循这些步骤,你可以有效地撰写出高质量的英语摘要。


Deciding “yes” or “no” Expanding the circulation
Many international conference sponsors just review the abstract and make the decision without referring t o t h e w h o l e t e x t . First, it frames the writer’s ideas for those who are beginning to read his paper. Second, it identifies the writer’s contribution for those who are using an information-retrieval ser vice.
English paper writing
Part II Abstract pqyuan@
Abstract (1)
General function of abstract An abstract is a condensed statement of the contents of a Miniaturizing the text paper, which servers as a useful tool
Abstract (1)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Concluding sentence It is concluded that … The results of the experiment indicate that … The research we have done suggests that … All our preliminary results throw light on the nature of … These findings of the research have led the author to the conclusion that … The data obtained appear to be very similar to those reported earlier by …

摘要怎么写(Abstract how to write)摘要怎么写(Abstract how to write)Abstract how to writeAbstract: the substantive content concise, specific to reflect the content of the show, enough information, innovation of the important details show the general object, by specific research methods, results and conclusion four elements.The object is the research and development of related and investigation of the specific range of topics, the main research contents, the problems to be solved, the problem is proposed, and the establishment of the target location on the direction of the.The method is used to study the process of the research object inthe theory, principle, condition, material, technology, structure, methods, procedures, is a necessary means to complete the research object.The author is using the research method of experiment, the resultsof the research object, effect, data, identified the relationship, is the result of scientific research.Conclusion: the results of research, analysis, comparison, evaluation, application and put forward the problems, is a summary of the results, the results show the reliability, practicality, innovation, value and academic level of the study, the search window is determined by the.Chinese abstract writing requirements:1. the theme concept does not omit the principle of Chinese abstract words in 200-300 words, English to 100-150wordsAt the beginning of 2. important facts, the paper highlights the new information, which is a new topic, new methods and conclusions and results of innovation etc.The 3. must be complete, clear, concise and to the point, stronger logic, structural integrity, delete the background and research information in the past, the author should not contain plans for the future, to prevent modification and useless narrative literature The 4. involved in the work of others or research results, try tolist their names5. do not begin with a number of English must correspondAbstract ChineseThis is a comprehensive summary of the contents of the brief, allowing readers to quickly dominate the content. With the same title, but also a variety of common object retrieval Abstract database.This is the most important part of the whole thesis. The author, once published in journals, abstracts will be as part of a collection of abstract print or electronic version, began its active and long career "". As readers, first contact with a psychology paper are mostly from the beginning of the reading. The majority of the required system literature search throughcomputer retrieval, only the part of the display on a computer screen. Read in the academic journals, the most is the first reading of the paper, and then the basis to decide whether to read the whole paper. Therefore, the information should have not only high concentration, but also the readability, but also the whole structure, short and independent articles. A good abstract should have the following characteristics:Accuracy.Abstract should accurately reflect the purpose and content of the paper should not be included in the content. If the study is mainly based on a previous study on the extension of the previous studies, then it should be noted in previous studies of the author's name and year in the abstract. The level of the title and abstract comparison is an effective method to verify the accuracy of the.Independence. The abstract should be self-contained, independent articles, so the special terms, all abbreviations (units excepted), ellipsis explanation, spelling out the name of the drug (drug use and common name). There is no appropriate Chinese new terms or terms, available original or translated after the parentheses indicate the original. In reference to other publications including the author's name and date of publication (in the reference table to fully explain the source of literature).Concise and specific.Every sentence in the abstract to maximize the information asmuch as possible and concise. The length is generally not more than 300 words. The start to put the most important information (but not duplication).It can be objective or topic, also can be the result or conclusion. The most simply consists of 4 or 5 of the most important points, results or meaning.The method can save space:(1) do not take this subject in the field of knowledge content into abstract, but also not too deep, so that the general reader to understand; avoid the should appear in the preface written in;(2) general nor simple duplication of existing information. For example, an article title is "characteristics and development" to solve the problem of infant behavior, the start stop writing "characteristics and development of infant problem solving behavior was studied."(3) in addition to really inflexible, generally do not have the mathematical formula, does not appear as illustrations and tables.(4) no citation, unless the documents confirm or deny others have been published.(5) in the third person. Recommended for...... The research "and" report...... The current situation, the...... Investigation and record way, without the use of "article","author" as the subject.。
Abstract writing∶摘要的写法

Types of abstracts
Descriptive abstract
Descriptive abstracts may tell what subjects are in the paper, but they tell nothing about the details, much less the conclusions, of your paper. They tease, rather than inform. Consider, for example, this excerpt from a hypothetical abstract: __ Saturable(可饱和的) dyes(染料) for laser Q switches are found to degrade (退色)with time. The cause of this degradation is discussed and a possible solution is proposed. This example gives me no useful information and requires me to read the paper.
Four basicjectives of the research paper(论文所研 究的具体对象 ) Methodology you used in the research(运 用的具体方法 ) The findings from the research(得出的具体 结果 ) Conclusions induced from the finding or experiments(结果进行剖析而得出的具有创 新性的结论 )
Size: brief, not as brief as that of abstract Purpose: presents the most important information contained in the reports, for a story, it covers the serial events occurred in it. Similar with abstract, it is an independent part.

英文摘要的写作方法论文摘要的时态基本上有两种: 一般现在时、一般过去时。
由于学术论文写作通常采用一般现在时, 摘要也多用一般现在时。
目的、方法、结果及结论部分多用一般现在时, 背景介绍常采用一般过去时。
一般现在时用于描述研究目的和范围、研究内容、结果和结论;一般过去时用于描述论文撰写前作者已做的工作, 也可用于表示转述已发表文献的报导、讨论和研究内容。
因为使用被动语态不仅可以省略施动者, 避免出现“We”表示式, 而且还可以使需强调的事物做主语而突出了它们的地位, 有利于说明事实。
英文摘要往往采用第三人称的被动语态, 可以避免提及有关执行者, 使行文显得客观。
同时, 被动语态句子在结构上有较大的调节余地, 有利于使用恰当的修辞手段, 扩展名词短语, 扩大句子信息量。
但有时采用主动语态比用被动语态在结构上更简练, 表达更英文摘要的翻译英文摘要应直接用英文写, 这样能按英文思维方式更直接、准确地表达原文。
但是, 这对一些作者尚有难度。
在翻译过程中, 要避免按中文字面意义逐字翻译, 应从语篇层次把握原文, 选择恰当的翻译单位。
刘士聪认为, 在翻译过程中, 分析和转换是一个难以截然分开的思维过程, 以主述位作翻译单位, 一方面是注意到了它本身的形式特点, 另一方面也注意到了它在语篇中的衔接功能, 可以把对原文的分析和转换统一起来。
英文摘要的写作根据《EI》的要求, 一篇较好的英文摘要应较好地回答以下4 个方面的问题:1) What you want to do ( 目的);2) How you did it ( 方法); 3) What results did you get and what conclusions can you draw ( 结果和结论); 4) What is original in your paner ( 创新独到之处) 。
在开头交待论文的目的时, 英文摘要的首句不要重复题名或题名的一部分, 同时摘要中要尽量少谈或不谈背景信息。
英文摘要写作指南 a guide to english abstract writing

述论文中价值最高的那部分内容,其余部分 则以指示性摘要形式表达。 篇幅以100~200字为宜。 本科生毕业论文,我们建议采用第一种种, 即报道性摘要。200字左右。
该摘要介绍了相关研究背景(进展)并提出了作者的设想 (Despite the remarkable……,we believe that……),摘 要的第二句提出了支持作者设想的论证(Arguments to support this view are……),最后一句(This functional performs……)评价并说明论文所提出模型的贡献 (functional相当于model)。本摘要在方括号([ ])中给 出了前期相关工作的文献,注意该文献在文末参考文献中 的列举是按其在正文中出现的顺序,与在摘要中是否出现 无关。
. 3
就是研究工作的主要对象和 范围,采用的手段和方法,得出的结果 和重要的结论,有时也包括具有情报价 值的其它重要的信息。
与文献同等量的主要信息,即不阅读全 文,就能该文获得最重要和必要的信息。
. 4
让读者尽快了解论文的主要内容,以补充题 名的不足 .
为科技情报文献检索数据库的建设和维护提 供方便。
摘要写作 abstract writing

1. Miniaturizing the Text
Is a condensed statement of contents of a paper.Viewed as a mini-version or miniature of the document, summarizing the content of the main body.
50-100 words may sufficient for a short article. Each journal and/or abstracting index has a
different requirement. As a general rule, an abstract will be approximately 3-5% of the length of the paper.
4. Dynamic operating characteristics of a one-month interval are given for the collector array and heat transfer devices, and cost efficiency is compared with that of the conventional design.(85 words)
6. The transport fluid for transferring enery from the solar array to the storage tank was important to overall efficiency.
7. An optimum ratio of 64/36 was determined for the proportion of propylene ['prəʊpəli:n]( 丙烯) glycol ['glaɪkoʊl] (醇)to water.

(3)主要结论 用That 从句表示实验结果: The results indicated that … The results show that … The results demonstrated that … The results reveal that …
由It 引起的that 从句:
(3) 可直接用名词或名词短语作定语的情况 下,要少用 of 句型
accuracy of measurement → measurement accuracy
structure of crystal → crystal structure
(4) 可用动词的情况尽量避免用动词的名词 形式
Measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was made → Thickness of plastic sheet was measured
Variations of Tg with the water content and with the drawing are discussed in terms of the structure in these materials.
பைடு நூலகம்
The increments(增量) of ΔCp at Tg are also interpreted using a three phases model.
Abstract Writing for Technological Articles
Surface and Coatings Technology
1. 英文摘要结构
通常国际刊物、科学书籍、论文和学术报 告一般都附有内容摘要。 写摘要时,应用最为简练的语言来表达论 文之精华。

英文摘要书写技巧【摘要】The abstract is a crucial part of any research paper, providing a brief summary of the study's key points. In this article, we discuss some important tips for writing an effective abstract.Firstly, it is essential to choose a clear and concise title that accurately reflects the research. Including relevant keywords can help improve the visibility of the study in search results. The abstract should provide a brief overview of the research, outlining the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. Using a structured format with distinct sections can help guide the reader through the abstract. Avoiding technical jargon can ensure that the abstract is accessible to a wider audience.【关键词】英文摘要、书写技巧、清晰简洁的标题、关键词、研究摘要、结构化格式、避免技术术语1. 引言1.1 IntroductionThe abstract is a crucial part of any research paper as it provides a brief overview of the study and its findings. It servesas a snapshot of the entire paper, allowing readers to quickly understand the purpose and significance of the research. In this article, we will discuss some key tips for writing an effective abstract that effectively communicates the essence of your research. By following these guidelines, authors can ensure that their abstracts are clear, concise, and informative, ultimately helping to attract readers and generate interest in their work.2. 正文2.1 Choose a clear and concise titleRemember that the title of your abstract is often the first thing that readers will see, so it is important to make a good first impression. By choosing a clear and concise title, you can ensure that your abstract stands out and attracts the attention of potential readers.2.2 Include keywordsOne strategy for choosing keywords is to identify key terms that are repeated throughout your paper. These may include important concepts, variables, or theories that are central to your research. Additionally, consider using synonyms or alternative terms that readers might use when searching for information on your topic.2.3 Provide a brief summary of the researchOverall, the summary should give readers a clear understanding of what the research is about and why it is significant. By providing a concise overview of the study, the abstract can help readers determine whether the research is relevant to their interests and worth further investigation.2.4 Use a structured formatOne common format for structuring an abstract includes the following sections:2.5 Avoid technical jargonAdditionally, avoiding technical jargon can also help improve the overall readability and flow of your abstract. Readers will be able to grasp the key concepts and findings of your research more easily, leading to a more engaging and informative abstract.3. 结论3.1 ConclusionIn conclusion, writing a concise and well-structured abstract is essential for effectively communicating the key findings and importance of your research. By following the tips outlined inthis article, such as choosing a clear title, including relevant keywords, providing a brief summary of the research, using a structured format, and avoiding technical jargon, researchers can increase the visibility and impact of their work. A well-written abstract can attract more readers, increase the chances of publication, and enhance the overall quality of a research paper. Therefore, it is important for researchers to dedicate time and effort to crafting a well-written abstract that accurately represents the significance of their research findings.。

怎么写英语作文摘要格式Abstract Writing Format。
Abstract writing is a skill that is essential for students, researchers, and professionals alike. It involves summarizing a piece of writing or research in a concise and informative manner. The format for writing an abstract typically includes the following elements:1. Introduction: This should provide a brief overview of the topic being discussed and the purpose of the research or writing.2. Methods: This section should outline the methods used to conduct the research or write the piece.3. Results: This section should summarize the main findings or results of the research or writing.4. Conclusion: This section should provide a summary ofthe main points discussed and the implications of the research or writing.5. Recommendations: This section should provide recommendations for future research or action.Abstract writing is an important skill to master as it allows you to quickly and effectively communicate the main points of your research or writing to others. By following the format outlined above, you can create an informative and concise abstract that will be useful to readers.My Experience with Abstract Writing。
Abstract Writing (论文摘要写作精简版)

Writing: AbstractWHAT IS AN ABSTRACT1. The Definition of an Abstract1 ) the objectives and scope of investigation;2) the methods used;3) the most important results;4) conclusion or recommendation.2. Features of AbstractsBrevity Accuracy Specificity Objectivity Informativeness IndependencyCLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACTS1.Indicative Abstractsrmative Abstractsrmative-indicative Abstracts4.Other Types of Abstracts 1) Critical Abstracts 2) Mini-abstractsFUNCTIONS OF ABSTRACTSA Screening Device of Documents: An abstract gives readers the idea of what the article is about.A Self-contained Text: We’ll know the information it contains, without seeing the article .A Helpful Preview: It "frames" the article and prepares the reader for the main points to come.To Facilitate Indexing: It will improve the chances of having it read by the right people.STYLISTIC FEATURES OF ABSTRACTS1. The Length of Abstracts1) In general, there is a 100-300 word limit to the number of words in an abstract.2) Do not confuse an abstract with a review. There should be no comment or evaluation.3) Give information only once.4) Do not repeat the information given in the title.5) Do not include any facts or ideas that are not in the text.6) For informative abstracts, include enough data to support the conclusions.7) If reference to procedure is essential, try to restrict it to identification of method or process.8) State results, conclusions, or findings in clear concise fashion.9) Organize the information in the way that is most useful to the reader. (a thesis-first abstract)2. Verbs and Tenses Used in Abstracts1) Active verbs: use active verbs rather than passive verbs.2) Present tense: background information, existing facts, what is in the paper and conclusion.3) Past tense /present perfect tense: completed research, methodology or major activities results.3. Words Used in Abstracts1) Avoid use of highly specialized words or abbreviations. Define unfamiliar words.2) Synthesize or rephrase the information into clear, concise statements.3) Avoid using jargon.4. Sentence Structures of Abstracts1) Use third person sentences.2) Use short sentences, but vary sentence structure.3) Use complete sentences.4) The first sentence should present the subject and scope of the report. The thesis or the writer's focus should be presented in the second sentence. The balance of the article is a summary of the important points of each section, including methods, procedures, results and conclusions.5) Good abstracts are sure to include a variety of pat phrases:a. Background Information (Research has shown... It has been proposed... Another proposed property... The search is on for... One of the promising new...)b. Statement of the Problem (The objective of the research is to prove / verify... The experiment was designed to determine...)e. Statement of Procedure (To investigate this .... A group of 10 specimens / subjects ... Measurementswere taken after... A second group was...)d. Conclusions (It was found that .... Results imply... This data suggests... In the experimental group... In the control group...)e. Relates the Experiment to the Words (This kind of research encourages the belief that... Similar to ...) HOW TO WRITE AN ABSTRACT (An abstract must be written last as it sums up the results)l) Locate the thesis statement, identify the main divisions of the document, find the main terms (key words) and statements in each section;2) Decide the degree of detail to include;3) Prepare a single paragraph including the crucial information gathered;4) Edit the draft, eliminate unnecessary background information, and reduce wordy phrases;5) Finally, revise the opening statement to emphasize the new information contained in the paper.Start out the abstract by telling exactly what you did and how you did it. Focus on the rationale and ideas of the study and why it is important in the first two sentences. In the next few lines, focus on the materials and methods, and the data generated from the study. Tell the reader how the data were collected, compiled, and state statistical significance(s). Mention any new tools developed.Avoid using bibliographic references in the abstract. However, if your article follows directly from a published work and is a major advance on that specific piece of work, do cite the paper in the abstract.The end of the abstract is just as important as the beginning. The concluding lines of the abstract should lead into the first paragraph of the introduction without repeating what has been said. State the implications of your studies to the field of scholarship in which you are working.1. How to Write Informative Abstracts1) An informative abstract should be orderly, succinct, and concrete, with the length of no mere than 10% of the essay.2) Plan to write an abstract that is in the first draft, note key facts, statistics, etc. on the organisms, materials and locations used.3) Do not include a statement of scope or a sentence like "this paper will look at .... ".4) Write selected details of the experimental methods, including the duration of the study, the treatments, methods and equipment used.5) Be sure to omit or condense lengthy examples, tables, and other supporting detail.6) Do not hedge or equivocate.7) Give the key results, with a description of them and some of the main figures and their statistical significance.8) Use active verbs such as "report", "propos ", and "analyze" rather than static verbs such as "is", "are" and "appears to be".9) Revise the draft into smooth, stand-alone prose; the abstract itself should be a mini-essay.10) Edit the revision. Be sure that the abstract is complete and accurate, with a brief note on the significance of the results.11) Double check that the abstract is written in the same voice as is the paper.2. How to Write Indicative Abstracts1) List the title of the research report after "Abstract of..." at the top of your page.2) Summarize the major thesis and supporting main ideas of the report without omitting any important ideas.3) Avoid wordiness and repetition.4) Condense source material in your own words, being careful not to directly borrow text. You should not use direct quotations in abstracts.5) Use good sentence structure, grammar, mechanics, and spelling.6) Adhere to the 100-word limit. (No fewer than 90, nor more than 110)3. How to write Abstracts for Engineering InformationBackground: A simple opening sentence or two ;Aims: One or two sentences giving the purpose, the development, the survey as well as the assignment and the scope of the research;Method(s): One or two sentences explaining what was done and what the principles, the theory, the condition, the objective, the techniques, the framework, the means, the equipment and the procedure, etc. used in the research are;Results: One or two sentences indicating the main findings, the result, the data, the relationship, the effect and the performance of the experiment and research;Conclusions: One sentence giving the most important consequence of the work, the results of the analysis, the research, the evaluation and the application, and the issues that are raised as well.4. How to Write Abstracts for DissertationsThere are two purposes in dissertation abstract writing: to inform your reader, and to market your product. Aside from the guidelines mentioned above, there are some others:1) a dissertation abstract should have three elements, and three elements alone:a. a section on the problem you examined;b. a section showing your method;c. a section showing your findings.2) you need not give the history of the problem, why you chose to study it, your philosophy, or your self-congratulatory but humble remarks about how your dissertation will change the world.3) be sure to use some key words for easy referencing, an accurate and specific summary of your findings, and as active a voice as you can muster.5. How to Write Abstracts for ConferencesIt is a competitive process, but one to be undertaken seriously.1) Look for "Call for Papers" notices.2) Title: The title should be informative and focused, indicating the problem, kind of data and your general approach.3) Make your abstract as brief as possible, within the word limit set by the "Call for Papers".4) Make sure to describe the general topic clearly.5) Try to make your abstract appeal to the concept for the conference as it is defined in the "Call for Papers".6) Describe your treatment of the topic, and how it relates to previous work on the same topic.7) Explain how you will justify your treatment, and quote crucial evidence.8) Consider your audience carefully. You are essentially writing a speech. Your sentence structures, use of specialized language and theories, etc., should take this into account. Also, in oral discourse, you might want to summarize and / or repeat ideas more often.6. How to Write Research Abstracts1)The purpose of a research abstract can be boiled down to providing the answers to the following questions:a. Why did you start?b. What did you do?c. What did you find?d. What does it mean?2) Title: Ideally about 10-12 words long, the title should include the scope of the investigation, the study design, and the goal. In general it is preferable to make the title a description of what was investigated. The title should be easy for the reader to understand and should not include jargon or 3) Introduction or Background: this should provide a brief context or explanation for doing the study, and state the aim of the study, and ideally should include a concise statement of the study' s hypothesis. A scientific study is "to find out whether it is true."4) Methods: In an abstract the description of the methods has to be concise, and much of the details of what was done must be omitted. However, in a few short sentences the reader can be given a good idea of the design of the study, the context in which it was done, and the types of patients or measurements that were included.5) Results: space is limited. Still, it is important to give the main results of the study not just in subjective terms but also in the form of the most important data. Do not include a table or figure unless it is necessary to convey your results.6) Conclusions: Keep your conclusions reasonable and supportable by the findings of your study.7) Follow the instructions7. Some Don'ts in Abstract Writing1) Do not commence with "this paper...", "this report..." or similar. It is better to write about the research. Similarly, do not explain the sections or parts of the paper.2) Avoid sentences that end in "... is described", "... is reported", "... is analyzed" or similar. These are simply too vague to be informative.3) Do not begin sentences with "it is suggested that...", "it is believed that... ", "it is felt that..." or similar, for the words can be omitted without damaging the essential message.4) Do not write in the first person. Not only should you avoid I, but also we , the author , the writer, etc., because the abstract should be about the research, not about the act of writing.5) Do not submit an abstract with the length exceeding the limit offered.6) Do not submit your abstract later than the given date.7) Do not write an imprecise abstract.SAMPLESSample 1:Microscopic characterization of a TiB2-carbon material composite:Raw materials and composite characterizationAbstract: Titanium diboride (TiB2) is a very attractive material for the aluminum industry, because it is readily wetted by molten aluminum and combines good physical properties (electrical conductivity), chemical (fairly resistant to dissolution by molten aluminum), and mechanical (wear resistance) properties.// In this article, both raw materials(anthracite, pitch, and TiB2powder) and TiB2-carbon composites (TCC) were characterized.//Inclusions of aluminosilicate and iron oxide types were found in the anthracity aggregates. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis allowed differentiation between two types of aggregates: stratified (L C=44 nm) and nonstratified (L C=15 nm). The principal impurity found in the TiB2 powder was TiCN and surface analysis of the particles revealed the presence of a contaminant layer composed of C, N, O, and Ti; the thickness of this layer varied from 5 to 15 nm.// Characterization of the TiB2particles in the composite showed important surface modifications compared to their initial state. Evidence seen on the particles’ surfaces showed that a TiC-(O traces) formed preferentially on the side of particles rather than on top surface. The thickness of this TiC-(O traces) layer was evaluated to 30 nm.TiB2碳基复合材料的微观特征:原材料和复合物特征硼化钛(TiB2)在制铝业中是一种很受欢迎的材料,由于它易于被熔融的铝润湿,而且具有好的物理性能(导电率),化学性能(很好地抵御被熔融的铝分解)和机械性能(耐磨性).在这篇文章中,讨论了原材料(无烟煤,沥青和TiB2粉末)及TiB2碳基复合材料(TCC)的特征.在无沿煤聚合体中发现了铝矽酸盐和铁的氧化物.由X 射线衍射分析(XRD)可得两种聚合物的区别:层积的(L C=44 nm)和未层积的(L C=15 nm). TiB2粉末中发现的主要杂质是TiCN,另外颗粒表面分析可见由C, N, O, 和Ti组成的污染层;这个污染层从长远来5直15 nm 不等.符合物中TiB2颗粒的特征表明了与初始状态相比而言很重要的表面修正.颗粒表面所见的迹象显示TiC-(O traces)优先在颗粒的边缘而不是顶表面形成.这个TiC-(O traces)层厚度据估计有30 nm.Sample 2:Establishing a knowledge management programme for competitive advantage in an enterprise Abstract: This article is concerned with the establishment of a knowledge management programme that will ensure sustainable competitive advantage within an enterprise//. The main problem under investigation is to assess the importance of knowledge management within an enterprise and to ascertain how it can ensure sustained competitive advantage in an enterprise.// An empirical survey was conducted in the Eskom Transmission Group, Johannesburg, South Africa to investigate understanding of the knowledge management concept amongst business leader, determine enablers and barriers to implement a knowledge management programme and to determine whether knowledge is seen as a source for competitive advantage.// It is suggested that enterprises should adopt a holistic and integrated approach when establishing such a programme. Broad recommendations for establishing a knowledge management programme that will be source of sustainable competitive advantage are proposed. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.为实现企业的竞争优势建立知识管理的程序这是一篇关于为确保企业持续性竞争优势建立知识管理程序的文章.调查的主要问题是评价企业中知识管理的重要性和确定知识管理怎样保证企业的持续性竞争优势.为了调查知识管理概念在商业领导者中的理解程度,确定实施知识经济管理程序的有利和不利因素以及确定是否知识被看作竞争优势的源泉,南美约翰内斯堡的埃斯克姆传播小组进行了一次实验性研究.文章建议在建立知识管理程序的时候,企业应该采用完整综合的方法.文章在作为持续性竞争优势源泉的知识管理程序的建立方面提出了狠多的建议.。

二、摘要的内容与结构摘要内容一般包括:Ø 目的(objectives,purposes):包括研究背景、范围、内容、要解决的问题及解决这一问题的重要性和意义。
Ø 方法(methods and materials):包括材料、手段和过程。
Ø 结果与简短讨论(results and discussions):包括数据与分析。

英文摘要书写技巧Abstract Writing Tips (1500 words)Writing an abstract is a crucial skill for researchers and academics as it helps them communicate the essence of their work in a concise and accessible manner. An abstract is a summary of a research paper, report, or article that provides an overview of the main points and findings. This article provides some useful tips for writing effective and compelling abstracts.1. Understand the Purpose of an Abstract: Before starting to write the abstract, it is important to understand its purpose. An abstract serves as a snapshot of the entire work and allows readers to quickly determine if the study is relevant to their interests. It should provide enough information to help readers decide whether to read the full paper or not.2. Follow the Structure: Abstracts generally follow a specific structure that includes the background, objective, methods, results, and conclusions of the study. However, this structure may vary depending on the requirements of the journal or conference you are submitting to. It is essential to follow the prescribed structure to ensure that all the necessary information is included.3. Be Concise: Abstracts should be concise and to the point. Since they have word limits, it is important to prioritize the most essential information and avoid unnecessary details. A good abstract should be between 150-250 words, depending on the guidelines provided by the target journal or conference.4. Use Clear and Straightforward Language: Abstracts should be written using clear and straightforward language. Avoid unnecessary jargon or technical terms that may confuse the readers. Instead, use terminology that is easily understandable to a broad audience. Remember that the purpose of an abstract is to present your work to a wider audience, including non-specialists.5. Highlight Key Points: Since abstracts serve as a summary, it is important to highlight the key points of your work. These are usually the main objectives, methods, major findings, and significant conclusions. By emphasizing these key elements, readers can get a clear idea of your research without going through the entire paper.6. Be Accurate and Objective: When writing an abstract, it is crucial to be accurate and objective. Avoid making exaggerated claims or overgeneralizations about your findings. Stick to the facts and provide a fair representation of your research. This will help establish credibility and trust among the readers.7. Avoid Citations and References: Abstracts should not include citations or references to other papers or sources. It is not the place to provide a detailed literature review. Instead, focus on summarizing your own work without external references.8. Proofread and Edit: Like any other piece of writing, abstracts should be proofread and edited to ensure clarity and correctness. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure that the abstract reads smoothly and provides a coherent summary of your study.9. Revise for Different Platforms: If you plan to submit your work to multiple journals or conferences, it is important to revise your abstract accordingly. Each target platform may have different requirements, such as word limits or specific sections to include. Tailor your abstract to meet these requirements, ensuring that it optimally represents your research for each platform.10. Seek feedback: Lastly, it is always beneficial to seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or writing professionals. They can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improving your abstract. Incorporate their feedback to enhance the quality and impact of your abstract.In conclusion, writing an abstract requires careful consideration and attention to detail. By following these tips, you can effectively summarize your research and engage readers, ultimately increasing the visibility and impact of your work.11. Customize for Different Disciplines: It is important to keep in mind that abstracts may vary across different disciplines. Depending on the field of study, different aspects may be prioritized. For example, in scientific research, the methods and results sections may be more emphasized, while in humanities research, the theoretical framework and analysis may be more prominent. Therefore, it is crucial to tailor your abstract to the specific requirements and conventions of your discipline.12. State the Problem or Research Question: Start your abstract by clearly stating the problem or research question your study addresses. This helps readers understand the purpose and relevanceof your work. Be brief but specific in describing the issue you are investigating.13. Provide Context: In addition to stating the problem, it is important to provide some context for your study. This can include a brief background or literature review to explain the significance of the research. However, be cautious not to make the abstract too lengthy or to include excessive details. Focus on the key aspects that are directly relevant to your study.14. Summarize the Methodology: Briefly describe the methodology or approach used in your study. This includes the research design, data collection methods, and any analytical techniques employed. Highlight the key steps or procedures that are crucial for understanding your findings.15. Summarize the Results: Outline the main findings or results of your study. Be concise and specific, avoiding ambiguous or vague statements. If possible, use quantitative or qualitative data to support your conclusions. It is important to convey the most significant findings in a clear and understandable manner.16. Emphasize Novelty or Contribution: If your study has a unique or innovative aspect, make sure to highlight it in the abstract. This could be a novel methodology, a new theoretical framework, or a significant contribution to the existing literature. By emphasizing the novelty of your work, you can attract the attention of readers and make your abstract stand out.17. State the Implications and Conclusions: Conclude your abstractby summarizing the implications and conclusions of your study. Explain how your findings contribute to the existing knowledge, theory, or practice in your field. If applicable, mention any limitations or caveats of your study. By providing a clear and realistic assessment of your work, you can demonstrate its importance and practical implications.18. Include Keywords: Many journals and conferences require authors to include a list of keywords in their abstracts. Keywords are specific terms or phrases that represent the main topics or themes of your research. They help search engines and researchers find your work more easily. Choose keywords that accurately reflect the content and scope of your study.19. Pay Attention to Formatting and Style: When writing an abstract, it is important to adhere to the specific formatting and style guidelines of your target journal or conference. This includes font size, word limits, and citation styles, among others. Ensure that your abstract is properly formatted and meets all the requirements to avoid potential rejection or issues during the submission process.20. Keep Revising and Improving: Abstract writing is an iterative process. It is rare to have a perfect abstract in the first draft. Continuously revise and refine your abstract to make it more compelling and impactful. Seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or experts in your field. Incorporate their suggestions and polish your abstract to enhance its quality and effectiveness.Writing an abstract is a skill that improves with practice. Byfollowing these tips and continually honing your abstract writing abilities, you can effectively communicate the essence of your research and increase its visibility and impact in your field. Keep in mind that abstracts play a crucial role in attracting readers' attention, so invest time and effort into crafting a clear, concise, and engaging abstract that accurately represents your work.。

英文摘要书写技巧【摘要】Abstract:Introduction:This article will provide insights into the key techniques for writing an effective abstract in English academic writing.【关键词】关键词:英文摘要、书写技巧、引言、关键词选择、清晰表达、简洁表达、缩写、句子结构、语法错误、拼写错误、结论、摘要技巧1. 引言1.1 IntroductionIn this article, we will discuss some key techniques for writing an abstract in English. We will cover important aspects such as selecting appropriate keywords, expressing ideas clearly and concisely, using abbreviations judiciously, avoiding long and complex sentence structures, and ensuring proper grammar and spelling. By following these tips, researchers and scholars can improve the quality of their abstracts and increase the chances of their work being noticed and cited by others in their field.2. 正文2.1 关键词的选择Try to use a mix of broad and specific terms to capture the breadth and depth of your research. Avoid using overly technical jargon that may not be familiar to a wider audience. Additionally, make sure to include synonyms and related terms to increase the chances of your abstract showing up in different search queries.2.2 清晰和简洁的表达One way to achieve clarity and conciseness in your abstract is to use simple and direct language. Avoid using overly technical terminology or jargon that may be unfamiliar to your audience. Instead, choose words that are commonly understood and accurately convey your meaning.2.3 适当使用缩写1. Define abbreviations when they are first used: When you introduce an abbreviation in your abstract, be sure to spell out the full term followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. For example, "The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends..."2.4 避免冗长和复杂的句子结构Another tip is to break up long sentences into shorter, more manageable chunks. This can help to improve the flow of the abstract and make it easier for readers to follow along. Additionally, using bullet points or lists can help to organize information in a clear and concise manner.2.5 注意语法和拼写错误When writing an English abstract, it is crucial to pay attention to grammar and spelling errors. These mistakes can greatly impact the overall quality and professionalism of your abstract. Here are some tips to help you avoid these errors:3. 结论3.1 SummaryIn summary, mastering the skills of writing an effective English abstract is crucial for researchers and academics. By carefully selecting appropriate keywords, expressing ideas clearly and concisely, using abbreviations judiciously, avoiding long and complex sentence structures, and paying attention to grammar and spelling errors, authors can ensure that their abstracts are informative, engaging, and easily understood by a wide audience. A well-written abstract can significantly enhance the visibility and impact of a research paper, attracting morereaders and increasing the likelihood of citations. Therefore, it is important for writers to practice and refine their abstract writing skills, with a focus on clarity, precision, and accuracy. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this article, authors can improve the quality of their abstracts and increase the chances of their research being recognized and appreciated in the academic community.3.2 ConclusionIn conclusion, writing a concise and effective abstract requires careful consideration of key elements such as keyword selection, clarity and brevity of expression, appropriate use of abbreviations, avoidance of lengthy and complex sentence structures, and attention to grammar and spelling errors. By following these tips, researchers can craft abstracts that effectively summarize their work and attract the attention of readers. Ultimately, a well-written abstract can enhance the visibility and impact of a research study, making it more likely to be read and cited by others in the field. Researchers should therefore devote time and effort to honing their abstract writing skills in order to effectively communicate the significance of their work and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.。

摘要(summary writing)是一种控制性的作形式,它能使学生通过阅读原,吸收原的章结构与语言方面的长处,写出内容一致、结构近似、语言简洁的短。
首先要仔细阅读全篇作品,然后对作品进行整体分析,掌握原总的意思和结构,明确全的主题(the maintheme)和各段的段落大意(the main idea)。
在写作时要特别注意下面几点:(1)摘要应包括原中的主要事实(main facts);略去不必要的细节(unnecessary details)。
ow New York Became merica"s Largest ityIn the 18th century New York was smaller than hiladelphia andBoston.oday it is the largest city in merica.ow can the change in its size and importance be explained?o answer this question we must consider certain facts about geography, history,and economics.ogether these three will explain the huge growth of merica"s most famous city.he map of the Northeast shows that four of the most heavily populated areas in this region are around seaports.t these points materials from across the sea enter the United States, and the product of the land are sent there for export across the sea.he canal produced an immediate effect.Freight costs were cut to about one-tenth of what had been.New York ity,which had been smaller than hiladelphia and Boston, quickly became the leading city of the coast.In the years that followed,transportation routes on the Great Lakes were joined to routes on the ississippi iver.hen New York ity became the end point of a great inland shipping system that extended from the tlantic cean far up the western branches of the ississippi.as a result.ere is the summary of above passage.ow New York Became merica"s Largest ityNew York was once smaller than hiladelphia and Boston,but now it is merica"s largest city because of geography,history and economics.初稿完成后要检查修改。
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➢ The Abstract should
(1) state the principal objectives and scope of the investigation;
(2) describe the methods employed; (3) summarize the results;
(4) state the principal conclusions.
➢ The Abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be designed to define clearly what is dealt with in the paper. The Abstract should be typed as a single paragraph.
➢ As Houghton (1975) put it, "An abstract can be defined as a summary of the information in a document."
➢ "A well-prepared abstract enables readers to identify the basic content of a document quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests, and thus to decide whether they need to read the document in its entirety" (American National Standards Institute, 1979b).
Types of Abstracts
➢ Informative abstract (more detailed, and may include quantitative details) 信息性/报道性/资料性摘要
➢ Indicative /descriptive abstract (brief and qualitative, indicating what kind of research has been done) 指示性/说明性/描述性摘要
2.2 Indicative abstract (1)
➢ Another common type of abstract is the indicative abstract (sometimes called a descriptive abstract). This type of abstract is designed to indicate the subjects dealt with in a paper, making it easy for potential readers to decide whether to read the paper. However, because of its descriptive rather than substantive nature, it can seldom serve as a substitute for the full paper.
Abstract Writing
Definition and components of an abstract
Samples of abstract writing
What Is Abstraபைடு நூலகம்t
➢ An abstract should be viewed as a miniature version of the paper. The Abstract should provide a brief summary of each of the main sections of the paper: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion.
➢ When writing the Abstract, examine every word carefully. If you can tell your story in 100 words, do not use 200.
➢ Most of the Abstract should be written in the past tense, because it refers to work done.
➢ Informative-indicative abstract 报道-指示性摘要
2.1 Informative abstract
➢ An informative abstract is designed to condense the paper. It can and should briefly state the problem, the method used to study the problem, and the principal data and conclusions. Often, the abstract supplants the need for reading the full paper; without such abstracts, scientists would not be able to keep up in active areas of research. This is the type of abstract that is used as a “heading” in most journals today.
➢ The Abstract should never give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the paper. References to the literature must not be cited in the Abstract (except in rare instances, such as modification of a previously published method). Likewise, the Abstract should not include or refer to tables and figures.