
论文题目: 大屯路公交与地铁换乘车站深基坑维护设计专业:土木工程(岩土工程)学生: (签名)指导老师: (签名)摘要根据《北京地铁奥运支线大屯路公交与地铁换乘站岩土工程勘查报告》,大屯路公交与地铁换乘车站长101.1m ,基坑宽约26m,深约17m,同时参考当地的建筑经验和施工现场的具体情况,完成了大屯路公交与地铁换乘车站深基坑维护的方案论证和设计。
关键词: 深基坑,支护方案,土钉墙,排桩,钢支撑,开挖方式,变形监测,施工组织类型: 研究型Subject : Deep foundation pit retaining Design of Beijing subway stations and bus transfer stationSpecialty : Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering)Name : (Signature)Instructor : (Signature)ABSTRACTIn the thesis, based on 《The Geotecnical Engineering Investigation Report Of Beijing subway stations and bus transfer station》, the length of station of Beijing subway stations and bus transfer station is 101.1m, the width of foundation pit is about 26m and the depth of foundation pit is approxomately 17m. Simultaneously, refer to the local construction experience and special details of constraction site, that plan testify and design of deep foundation pit retaining of Beijing subway stations and bus transfer station has completed. The plan of retaining adopts soil-nail wall,line-pile,steel props to retain together. The type of excavation adopts a way for the minute step,the partition,the lamination excavates. While excavating foundation pit, foundation pit monitoring is carrying on, including pile deformation, pile interal force, inner axial force. The study shows the deformation characteristics of supporting structure is related to the horizontal displacement of the retaining pile top, which is the important criterion of the safety of condition of supporting structure. With the effect of supporting structure, the deformation is the largest . Finally, according to construction scheme, the construction organization design has been finished.Key Words: deep foundation pit; retaining plan; soil-nail; line-pile; steel props;excavation type; deformation; monitoring; construction organization Type : Research详细摘要本拟建工程设计说明书共分5章,包括:岩土工程勘察,基坑维护设计,基坑变形监测方案设计、施工组织设计等主要依据(1)《大屯路公交与地铁换乘车站岩土工程勘察报告》(2)《混凝土结构设计规范》(GBJ146-90)(3)《钢结构设计规范》(GB50012-2003)(4)《建筑桩基技术规范》(JGJ 94-94)(5)《建筑基坑支护技术规程》(JGJ120-1999)(6)《挤扩支盘灌注桩技术规程》(CECS192:2005)工程概况拟建大屯路公交与地铁换乘车站位于规划的奥林匹克公园中心区域,在地铁奥林匹克公园站北侧并紧邻此站,呈南北走向,是北京地铁奥运支线与大屯路隧道地下公交车站相交的节点工程,大屯路公交与地铁换乘车站共为地下两层,总长101.1m(K2+222.041~K3+323.141),南北两端断面宽24.7m、中间断面宽26.7m,均为两层三跨框架结构,本工程预期160天完成.基坑维护设计这一部分主要包括五部分。


天津城建大学毕业设计任务书土木工程学院 10级城市地下空间工程专业 1 班姓名魏华一学号 10210118 设计题目:天津地铁6号线理工大学站主体结构设计完成期限:自2014 年 3 月日至2014 年 6 月日止指导教师:教研室/系主任:院长:学生签字:批准日期:接受任务日期:年月日注:任务书填写一式两份,一份留教研室,一份发给学生,任务完成后附入说明书内。
四.毕业设计依据、规范、规程设计依据:1、工程概况(见附件1)2、岩土工程勘察报告(见附件1)规范、规程:1、《地铁设计规范》(GB 50157-2003)2、《铁路隧道设计规范》(TB 10003-2005 J117-2005)3、《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB 50009-2012)4、《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB 50010-2010)5、《钢结构设计规范》(GB 50017-2003)6、《人民防空工程设计规范》(GB 50225-2005)7、《地下铁道工程施工及验收规范》(GB 50229-1999)8、《混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB 50204-2002)9、《岩土工程技术规范》(DB29-20-2000)10、《铁路工程抗震设计规范》(GB 50111-2006)11、《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011-2001)五.毕业设计应完成的工作:1、开题报告;2、中英文摘要;3、设计正文,包括计算说明书(规范化要求见附件2),计算分析采用手算,辅以专业软件进行计算;4、毕业设计实习报告;5、英文翻译一篇,附上英文原稿,内容限地下工程方面,字数不少于10000英文字符;6、查阅相关文献不少于20篇;7、提交图纸不少于7张,手绘或者CAD,内容包括车站总平面布置图、车站主体结构横断面图、车站主体结构纵剖面图、车站主体结构配筋图、施工方案设计图。

1 深基坑设计原则及技术标准地铁工程的主要作用是缓解城市交通拥挤情况,因此一般建设在相对繁华的地段,而为减少对地上空间的占用,大多地铁站位于地下,这使得地铁工程在设计和施工过程中,需要向地下进行深度挖掘和设计,在该过程中为保障施工的安全性和地下车站及隧道等的稳定性,需要构建围护结构,保证工程建设效果。
摘要 为解决地铁车站深基坑工程施工建设中存在的问题,文章结合实际的地铁车站工程案例进行分析,结合深基坑设计原则及技术标准和地铁车站深基坑围护结构设计要点,探究了不同深基坑围护结构设计方案的优势和不足,尝试根据案例要求选择相应的施工方案,根据方案分析介绍地铁深基坑围护结构中地下连续墙的施工工艺流程、设备选型标准、成槽工艺技术、泥浆搅拌方法及接头处施工等技术,进一步分析深基坑围护结构设计与施工中存在的问题,总结提升地铁车站深基坑围护结构设计施工质量管理的具体措施,有效提升工程建设质量。



地铁车站深基坑围护结构设计与施工Design and Construction of Retaining Structure for Deep Foundation Pit of Subway Station季康忠(三方建设集团有限公司,杭州310016 )JI Kang-zhong(Sanfang Construction Group Co. Ltd., Hangzhou 310016, China)【摘要】深基坑围护结构建设是地铁车站工程非常关键的环节,围护结构的质量与人们的生命安全与社会财产有着密不可分的联系。
【Abstract 】 The construction o f retaining structure o f deep foundation pit is a key link in subway station engineering, and the qualityo f retaining structure is closely related to people's life safety and social property. Based on this, this paper makes a brief analysis on the problems existing in the design and construction o f foundation pit enclosure structure o f subway station, and studies its strategies and measures.【关键词】地铁车站;深基坑;围护结构【K e y w o r d s 】 subway station; deep foundation pit; retaining structure【中图分类号】U 231.4 【文献标志码】B 【文章编号】1007-9467(2021 )03-00020-02【DOI 】 10.13616/j .cnki .gcjsysj .2021.03.007工程建设与设计Construction & Design For P roject1引言±也铁车站可分为地下站、地面站与高架站。

地铁隧道施工中英文外文翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Ercelebi S G, Copur H, Ocak I. Surface settlement predictions for Istanbul Metro tunnels excavated by EPB-TBM[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011, 62(2):357-365.英文原文Surface settlement predictions for Istanbul Metro tunnels excavated byEPB-TBMS. G. Ercelebi • H. Copur • I. OcakAbstractIn this study, short-term surface settlements are predicted for twin tunnels, which are to be excavated in the chainage of 0 ? 850 to 0 ? 900 m between the Esenler and Kirazl ıstati ons of the Istanbul Metro line, which is 4 km in length. The total length of the excavation line is 21.2 km between Esenler and Basaksehir. Tunnels are excavated by employing two earth pressure balance (EPB) tunnel boring machines (TBMs) that have twin tubes of 6.5 m diameter and with 14 m distance from center to center. The TBM in the right tube follows about 100 m behind the other tube. Segmental lining of 1.4 m length is currently employed as the final support. Settlement predictions are performed with finite element method by using Plaxis finite element program. Excavation, ground support and face support steps in FEM analyses are simulated as applied in the field.Predictions are performed for a typical geological zone, which is considered as critical in terms of surface settlement. Geology in the study area is composed of fill, very stiff clay, dense sand, very dense sand and hard clay, respectively, starting from the surface. In addition to finite element modeling, the surface settlements are also predicted by using semi-theoretical (semi-empirical) and analytical methods. The results indicate that the FE model predicts well the short-term surface settlements for a given volume loss value. The results of semi-theoretical and analytical methods are found to be in good agreement with the FE model. The results of predictions are compared and verified by field measurements. It is suggested that grouting of the excavation void should be performed as fast as possible after excavation of a section as a precaution against surface settlements during excavation. Face pressure of the TBMs should be closely monitored and adjusted for different zones.Keywords : Surface settlement prediction, Finite element method, Analytical method , Semi-theoretical method, EPB-TBM tunneling, Istanbul MetroIntroductionIncreasing demand on infrastructures increases attention to shallow soft ground tunneling methods in urbanized areas. Many surface and sub-surface structures make underground construction works very delicate due to the influence of ground deformation, which should bedefinitely limited/controlled to acceptable levels. Independent of the excavation method, the short- and long-term surface and sub-surface ground deformations should be predicted and remedial precautions against any damage to existing structures planned prior to construction. Tunneling cost substantially increases due to damages to structures resulting from surface settlements, which are above tolerable limits (Bilgin et al. 2009).Basic parameters affecting the ground deformations are ground conditions, technical/environmental parameters and tunneling or construction methods (O’Reilly and New 1982; Arioglu 1992; Karakus and Fowell 2003; Tan and Ranjit 2003; Minguez et al. 2005; Ellis 2005; Suwansawat and Einstein 2006). A thorough study of the ground by site investigations should be performed to find out the physical and mechanical properties of the ground and existence of underground water, as well as deformation characteristics, especially the stiffness. Technical parameters include tunnel depth and geometry, tunnel diameter–line –grade, single or double track lines and neighboring structures. The construction method, which should lead to a safe and economic project, is selected based on site characteristics and technical project constraints and should be planned so that the ground movements are limited to an acceptable level. Excavation method, face support pressure, advance (excavation) rate, stiffness of support system, excavation sequence andground treatment/improvement have dramatic effects on the ground deformations occurring due to tunneling operations.The primary reason for ground movements above the tunnel, also known as surface settlements, is convergence of the ground into the tunnel after excavation, which changes the in situ stress state of the ground and results in stress relief. Convergence of the ground is also known as ground loss or volume loss. The volume of the settlement on the surface is usually assumed to be equal to the ground (volume) loss inside the tunnel (O’Reilly and New 1982). Ground loss can be classified as radial loss around the tunnel periphery and axial (face) loss at the excavation face (Attewell et al. 1986; Schmidt 1974). The exact ratio of radial and axial volume losses is not fully demonstrated or generalized in any study. However, it is possible to diminish or minimize the face loss in full-face mechanized excavations by applying a face pressure as a slurry of bentonite– water mixture or foam-processed muck. The ground loss is usually more in granular soils than in cohesive soils for similar construction conditions. The width of the settlement trough on both sides of the tunnel axis is wider in the case of cohesive soils, which means lower maximum settlement for the same amount of ground loss.Time dependency of ground behavior and existence of underground water distinguish short- and long-term settlements (Attewell et al. 1986). Short-term settlements occur during or after a few days (mostly a fewweeks) of excavation, assuming that undrained soil conditions are dominant. Long-term settlements are mostly due to creep, stress redistribution and consolidation of soil after drainageof the underground water and elimination of pore water pressure inside the soil, and it may take a few months to a few years to reach a stabilized level. In dry soil conditions, the long-term settlements may be considered as very limited.There are mainly three settlement prediction approaches for mechanized tunnel excavations: (1) numerical analysis such as finite element method, (2) analytical method and (3) semi-theoretical (semi-empirical) method. Among them, the numerical approaches are the most reliable ones. However, the results of all methods should be used carefully by an experienced field engineer in designing the stage of an excavation project.In this study, all three prediction methods are employed for a critical zone to predict the short-term maximum surface settlements above the twin tunnels of the chainage between 0 ? 850 and 0 ? 900 m between Esenler and Kirazlı stations of Istanbul Metro line, which is 4 km in length. Plaxis finite element modeling program is used for numerical modeling; the method suggested by Loganathan and Poulos (1998) is used for the analytical solution. A few different semi-theoretical models are also used for predictions. The results are compared and validated byfield measurements.Description of the project, site and construction methodThe first construction phase of Istanbul Metro line was started in 1992 and opened to public in 2000. This line is being extended gradually, as well as new lines are being constructed in other locations. One of these metro lines is the twin line between Esenler and Basaksehir, which is 21.2 km. The excavation of this section has been started in May 2006. Currently, around 1,400 m of excavation has already been completed. The region is highly populated including several story buildings, industrial zones and heavy traffic. Alignment and stations of the metro line between Esenler and Basaksehir is presented in Fig.Totally four earth pressure balance (EPB) tunnel boring machines (TBM) are used for excavation of the tunnels. The metro lines in the study area are excavated by a Herrenknecht EPB-TBM in the right tube and a Lovat EPB-TBM in the left tube. Right tube excavation follows around 100 m behind the left tube. Some of the technical features of the machines are summarized in Table.Excavated material is removed by auger (screw conveyor) through the machine to a belt conveyor and than loaded to rail cars for transporting to the portal. Since the excavated ground bears water and includes stability problems, the excavation chamber is pressurized by 300 kPa and conditioned by applying water, foam, bentonite and polymersthrough the injection ports. Chamber pressure is continuously monitored by pressure sensors inside the chamber and auger. Installation of a segment ring with 1.4-m length (inner diameter of 5.7 m and outer diameter of 6.3 m) and 30-cm thickness is realized by a wing-type vacuum erector. The ring is configured as five segments plus a key segment. After installation of the ring, the excavation restarts and the void between the segment outer perimeter and excavated tunnel perimeter is grouted by300 kPa of pressure through the grout cannels in the trailing shield. This method of construction has been proven to minimize the surface settlements.The study area includes the twin tunnels of the chainage between 0 + 850 and 0 + 900 m, between Esenler and Kirazlı stations. Gung oren Formation of the Miosen age is found in the study area. Laboratory and in situ tests are applied to define the geotechnical features of the formations that the tunnels pass through. The name, thickness and some of the geotechnical properties of the layers are summarized in Table 2 (Ayson 2005). Fill layer of 2.5-m thick consists of sand, clay, gravel and some pieces of masonry. The very stiff clay layer of 4 m is grayish green in color, consisting of gravel and sand. The dense sand layer of 5 m is brown at the upper levels and greenish yellow at the lower levels, consisting of clay, silt and mica. Dense sand of 3 m is greenish yellow and consists of mica. The base layer of the tunnel is hard clay, which is dark green,consisting of shell. The underground water table starts at 4.5 m below the surface. The tunnel axis is 14.5 m below the surface, close to the contact between very dense sand and hard clay. This depth isquite uniform in the chainage between 0 + 850 and 0 + 900 m.Surface settlement prediction with finite element modelingPlaxis finite element code for soil and rock analysis is used to predict the surface settlement. First, the right tube is constructed, and then the left tube 100 m behind the right tube is excavated. This is based on the assumption that ground deformations caused by the excavation of the right tube are stabilized before the excavation of the left tube. The finite element mesh is shown in Fig. 2 using 15 stress point triangular elements. The FEM model consists of 1,838 elements and 15,121 nodes. In FE modeling, the Mohr – Coulomb failure criterion is applied.Staged construction is used in the FE model. Excavation of the soil and the construction of the tunnel lining are carried out in different phases. In the first phase, the soil in front of TBM is excavated, and a support pressure of 300 kPa is applied at the tunnel face to prevent failure at the face. In the first phase, TBM is modeled as shell elements. In the second phase, the tunnel lining is constructed using prefabricated concrete ring segments, which are bolted together within the tunnel boring machine. During the erection of the lining, TBM remains stationary. Once a lining ring has been bolted, excavation is resumed until sufficient soilexcavation is carried out for the next lining. The tunnel lining is modeled using volume elements. In the second phase, the lining is activated and TBM shell elements are deactivated.Verification of predictions by field measurements and discussionThe results of measurements performed on the surface monitoring points, by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, are presented in Table 4 for the left and right tubes. As seen, the average maximum surface settlements are around 9.6 mm for the right tube and 14.4 mm for the left tube, which excavates 100 m behind the right tube. Themaximum surface settlements measured around 15.2 mm for the right tube and 26.3 mm for the left tube. Higher settlements are expected in the left tube since the previous TBM excavation activities on the right tube overlaps the previous deformation. The effect of the left tube excavation on deformations of the right tube is presented in Fig. 9. As seen, after Lovat TBM in the right tube excavates nearby the surface monitoring point 25, maximum surface settlement reaches at around 9 mm; however, while Herrenknecht TBM in the left tube passes the same point, maximum surface settlement reaches at around 29 mm.ConclusionsIn this study, three surface settlement prediction methods for mechanized twin tunnel excavations betwee n Esenler and Kirazlı stations of Istanbul Metro Line are applied. Tunnels of 6.5-m diameters with 14-mdistance between their centers are excavated by EPM tunnel boring machines. The geologic structure of the area can be classified as soft ground. Settlement predictions are performed by using FE modeling, and semi-theoretical (semi-empirical) and analytical methods. The measured results after tunneling are compared to predicted results. These indicate that the FE model predicts well the short time surface settlements for a given volume loss value. The results of some semi-theoretical and analytical methods are found to be in good agreement with the FE model, whereas some methods overestimate the measured settlements. The FE model predicted the maximum surface settlement as 15.89 mm (1% volume loss) for the right tube, while the measured maximum settlement was 15.20 mm. For the left tube (opened after the right), FE prediction was 24.34 mm, while measured maximum settlement was 26.30 mm.中文译文由EPB-TBM发掘的伊斯坦布尔地铁隧道的地表沉降预测作者:SG Ercelebi ,H Copur ,I Ocak摘要在这项研究中,预测双隧道的短期地表沉降,这些隧道将在0的里程出土。

毕业设计〔论文〕题目某某地铁枣园站基坑开挖支护设计专业城市地下空间工程班级城地081学生X鹏飞指导教师X留明教授2012 年摘要基坑工程是指在地表以下开挖的一个地下空间与其配套的支护体系。
关键词:支护方案,地下连续墙,支撑,施工组织设计AbstractFoundation Pit is the excavation of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection.Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects plex excavation, excavation pit is not only necessary to ensure their own safety,but also to effectively control the pit surrounding strata.First,the paper introduces the general engineering situation of Zaoyuan Station,Including hydrological geology and the environment,Then,based on the existing foundation pit excavation method and station actual situation select the suitable for the station of the excavation and support scheme。

主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:1. 地下土壤力学特性研究:分析地下土壤的物理性质和力学特性,包括土壤的分层结构、抗剪强度、压缩性和弹性模量等。
2. 基坑支护结构类型选择:在分析和比较不同的支护结构类型后,选择最适合的支护结构类型,例如钢支撑结构、混凝土护壁结构、地下连续墙或土钉支护等。
3. 支护结构设计:根据土壤力学参数以及基坑的深度和周围环境的要求,进行支护结构的设计。
4. 数值模拟和分析:利用计算机软件(如PLAXIS)进行支护结构的数值模拟和分析,评估结构的稳定性和变形情况。
5. 施工监测与控制:在施工期间,进行支护结构施工的监测和控制,确保施工过程的安全性和质量。

地下室设计深基坑中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Deep E x ca v a t ion s ABSTR ACT :All major topics in the design of in-situ retaining systems for deep excavations in urban areas are outlined. Type of wall, water related problems and water pressures, lateral earth pressures, type of support, solution to earth retaining walls, types of failure, internal and external stability problems. KEYW OR DS: deep excavation; retaining wall; earth pressure; INTR ODUCTION Numbers of deep excavation pits in city centers are increasing every year. Buildings, streets surrounding excavation locations and design of very deepbasements make excavations formidable projects. This chapter has been organized in such a way that subjects related to deep excavation projects are summarized in several sections in the order of design routine. These are types of in-situ walls, water pressures and water related problems. Earth pressures in cohesionless and cohesive soils are presented in two different categories. Ground anchors, struts and nails as supporting elements are explained. Anchors are given more emphasis compared to others due to widespread use observed in the recent years. Stability of retaining systems are discussed as internal and external stability. Solution of walls for shears, moments, displacements and support reactions under earth and water pressures are obtained making use of different methods of analysis. A pile wall supported by anchors is solved by threemethods and the results are compared. Type of wall failures, observed wall movements and instrumentation of deep excavation projects are summarized.1. TYPES OF EARTH R ETAINING WAL L S Introduction More than several types of in-situ walls are used to support excavations. The criteria for the selection of type of wall are size of excavation, ground conditions, groundwater level, vertical and horizontal displacements of adjacent ground and limitations of various structures, availability of construction, cost, speed of work and others. One of the main decisions is the water-tightness of wall. The following types of in-situ walls will be summarized below; 1. Braced walls, soldier pile and lagging walls2. Sheet-piling or sheet pile walls3. Pile walls (contiguous, secant)4. Diaphragm walls or slurry trench walls5. Reinforced concrete (cast-in-situ or prefabricated) retaining walls6. Soil nail walls7. Cofferdams8. Jet-grout and deep mixed walls9. Top-down construction 10. Partial excavation or island method Br aced Walls Excavation proceeds step by step after placement of soldier piles or so called king posts around the excavation at about 2 to 3 m intervals. These may be steel H, I or WF sections. Rail sections and timber are also used. At each level horizontal waling beams and supporting elements (struts, anchors, nails) are constructed. Soldier piles are driven or commonly placed in bored holes in urban areas, and timber lagging is placed between soldier piles during the excavation. Various details of placement of lagging are available, however, precast units, in-situ concrete or shotcrete may also be used as alternative to timber.Depending on ground conditions no lagging may be provided in relatively shallow pits. Historically braced walls are strut supported. They had been used extensively before the ground anchor technology was developed in 1970 s. Soils with some cohesion and without water table are usually suitable for this type of construction or dewatering is accompanied if required and allowed. Strut support is commonly preferred in narrow excavations for pipe laying or similar works but also used in deep and large excavations (See Fig ). Ground anchor support is increasingly used and preferred due to access for construction works and machinery. Waling beams may be used or anchors may be placed directly on soldier piles without any beams. Sheet-piling or Sheet Pile Walls Sheet pile is a thin steel section (7-30 mm thick) 400-500 mm wide. It ismanufactured in different lengths and shapes like U, Z and straight line sections (Fig. ). There are interlocking watertight grooves at the sides, and they are driven into soil by hammering or vibrating. Their use is often restricted in urbanized areas due to environmental problems like noise and vibrations. New generation hammers generate minimum vibration and disturbance, and static pushing of sections have been recently possible. In soft ground several sections may be driven using a template. The end product is a watertight steel wall in soil. One side (inner) of wall is excavated step by step and support is given by struts or anchor. Waling beams (walers) are frequently used. They are usually constructed in water bearing soils. Steel sheet piles are the most common but sometimes reinforced concrete precast sheet pile sections are preferred in softsoils if driving difficulties are not expected. Steel piles may also encounter driving difficulties in very dense, stiff soils or in soils with boulders. Jetting may be accompanied during the process to ease penetration. Steel sheet pile sections used in such difficult driving conditions are selected according to the driving resistance rather than the design moments in the project. Another frequently faced problem is the flaws in interlocking during driving which result in leakages under water table. Sheet pile walls are commonly used for temporary purposes but permanent cases are also abundant. In temporary works sections are extracted after their service is over, and they are reused after maintenance. This process may not be suitable in dense urban environment. Pile Walls In-situ pile retaining walls are very popular due to their availabilityand practicability. There are different types of pile walls (Fig. ). In contiguous (intermittent) bored pile construction, spacing between the piles is greaterthan the diameter of piles. Spacing is decided based on type of soil and level of design moments but it should not be too large, otherwise pieces of lumps etc. drop and extra precautions are needed. Cohesive soils or soils having some cohesion are suitable. No water table should be present. Acceptable amount of water is collected at the base and pumped out. Common diameters are , , m. Waling beams (usually called ?breasting beams ) are Tangent piles with grouting in between are used when secant piling or diaphragm walling equipment is not available ( in cases where ground water exists). Poor workmanship creates significant problems. Secant bored pile walls are formed bykeeping spacing of piles less than diameter (S There is also need for place for the plant. It may be constructed “hard-hard”as well as “soft-hard”. “S oft”concrete pile contains low cement content and some bentonite. Primary unreinforced piles are constructed first and then reinforced secondary piles are formed by cutting the primary piles. Pile construction methods may vary in different countries for all type of pile walls like full casing support, bentonite support, continuous flight auger (CFA) etc. mostly reinforced concrete but sheet pile sections or steel beams are also used. Diaphr agm Walls Diaphragm wall provides structural support and water tightness. It is a classical technique for many deep excavation projects, large civil engineering works, underground car parks, metro pits etc. especially under water table. Thesereinforced concrete diaphragm (continuous) walls are also called slurry trench walls due to the reference given to the construction technique where excavation of wall is made possible by filling and keeping the wall cavity full with bentonite-water mixture during excavation to prevent collapse of the excavated vertical surfaces. Wall thickness varies between m and m. The wall is constructed panel by panel in full lengths are 2 m to 10 m. Short lengths ( m) are selected in unstable soils or under very high surcharges. Nowadays depth of panels water stops exceeded 100 m, excavation depths exceeded 50 m. Different panel shapes other than the conventional straight section like T, L, H, Y, + are possible to form and used for special purposes. Panel excavation is made by cable or kelly supported buckets and by a recent designcalled ?cutter or ?hydrofraise which is a pair of hydraulically operated rotating disks provided with hard cutting tools. Excavation in rock is possible. Slurry wall technique is a specialized technique and apart from the bucket or the frame carrying the cutter equipment like crawler crane, pumps, tanks, desanding equipment, air lifts, screens, cyclones, silos, mixers, extractor are needed. Tremie concrete is placed in the slurry starting from the bottom after lowering reinforcement cages. Joint between the panels is a significant detail in water bearing soils and steel pipe, H-beam or water stops are used. R einforced C oncrete R eta ining Walls Excavation in Stages It is a common type of staged excavation wall usually supported by ground anchors. Soils with some cohesion are suitable because eachstage is first excavated before formwork and concrete placement. No water table or appreciable amount of water should be present. Sometimes micropile support is given if required due to expected cave-ins. Soil Nail Walls Similar to the method above excavation is made step by step ( to 2 m high). Shotcrete is common for facing and wiremesh is used. Soft facing is also possible making use of geotextiles. Hole is drilled, ordinary steel bars are lowered, and grout is placed without any pressure. Soil should be somewhat cohesive and no water table or significant water flow should be present. Coffer dams Cofferdam is a temporary earth retaining structure to be able to make excavation for construction activities. It is usually preferred in the coastal and sea environment like bridge piers and abutments in rivers, lakes etc., wharves, quay walls, docks, break waters andother structures for shore protection, large waterfront structures such as pump houses, subjected to heavy vertical and horizontal loads. Sheet piling is commonly used in various forms other than conventional walls like circular cellular bodies or double walls connected inside and filled with sand. Stability is maintained by sheeting driven deeper than base, sand body between sheeting and inside tie rods. Earth embankments and concrete bodies are also used. Contiguous, tangent, secant piles or diaphragm walls are constructed in circular shapes, and no internal bracing or anchoring is used to form a cofferdam. Reinforced concrete waling beams support by arching. Shafts are also made with this method. Large excavations or project details may require additional lateral support. J et Grout and Deep M ixed Walls Retainingwalls are made by single to triple row of jet grout columns or deep mixed columns. There is a soil mixed wall(SMW) technique specially developed for wall construction where H sections are used for reinforcement. Single reinforcing bar is placed in the central hole opened for jet grout columns. Anchors, nails or struts may be used for support. Top Down Constr uction Retaining structure (generally diaphragm wall) is designed and constructed as permanent load bearing walls of basement. Piles or barettes are similarly placed to complete the structural frame. Top slab is cast at the ground surface level, and excavation is made under the slab by smaller sized excavators and continued down forming basement slabs at each level. There are special connection details. Top down method is preferred in highly populated city centerswhere horizontal and vertical displacements are very critical, and anchors and struts are very difficult to use due to complex underground facilities and lifeline structures and site operations are difficult to perform. Pa r tia l Excavation or Island M ethod It is possible to give strut support to retaining walls at a later stage after constructing central sections of a building in large size excavations. Core of the structure is built at the central part making sloped excavations at peripheral areas and then the core frame is used to give support to walls (Figure ). It may be more practical and construction time may be less compared to conventional braced system. This method may not be suitable in soft and weak soils due to stability and deformation problems during sloped excavations. 2. EARTH PR ESSUR ES ON IN-SITU R ETAININGWAL L S Introduction Earth pressures on in-situ retaining walls are rather different than those on ordinary retaining walls due to the supporting elements. Free displacement of walls are not allowed. Type of support affects the distribution of earth pressure. Strut loads were measured in strutted excavations in many countries in the past, and recommendations were given. Ground anchor technology is relatively new, and data on instrumented anchored walls for total lateral。

地铁车站深基坑英文缩写Deep Excavation for Subway Station: An Overview.Deep excavations for subway stations are a crucial aspect of urban infrastructure development. These excavations involve the removal of soil and rock to create the necessary space for the construction of subway stations and associated tunnels. The term "deep excavation" refers to excavations that are deeper than the width of the excavation, necessitating the use of specialized techniques and equipment to ensure the stability and safety of the excavation.The process of deep excavation for subway stations typically begins with site surveys and geotechnical investigations. These studies help engineers understand the soil and rock conditions at the site, allowing them to design appropriate excavation methods and support systems. Excavation methods can vary depending on the soil conditions, with some common techniques including open cutexcavation, shoring, and bracing.Open cut excavation is the most straightforward method, involving the removal of soil and rock using excavators or other heavy equipment. This method is typically used in areas with stable soil conditions where the risk of collapse is low. However, in areas with poor soil conditions or high groundwater levels, shoring and bracing may be necessary to support the excavation walls and prevent collapse.Shoring involves the installation of steel beams or other support structures along the excavation walls. These beams transfer the lateral pressure exerted by the soil or rock to a more stable part of the excavation, preventing collapse. Bracing, on the other hand, involves the use of steel frames or braces to provide additional support to the excavation walls. Bracing is often used in conjunction with shoring to further enhance the stability of the excavation.During the excavation process, it is crucial to monitor and control the displacement and deformation of theexcavation walls. This is achieved through the use of various monitoring instruments such as inclinometers, extensometers, and settlement gauges. By closely monitoring these parameters, engineers can detect any potential instability issues and take corrective measures promptly.In addition to ensuring the stability of the excavation, it is also important to consider the impact of excavationon the surrounding environment. Excavation activities can cause ground settlements and displacements that can affect nearby buildings, roads, and utilities. To mitigate these effects, engineers often use soil nailing, pile foundations, or other foundation enhancement techniques to improve the bearing capacity of the soil and reduce the risk of settlement.Once the excavation is complete, construction of the subway station can begin. This typically involves the installation of station walls, roofing, and otherstructural elements. The construction process must adhereto strict safety standards to ensure the safety of workers and the public.In conclusion, deep excavations for subway stations are a complex and challenging aspect of urban infrastructure development. They require careful planning, advanced engineering techniques, and strict safety measures to ensure the stability and safety of the excavation as well as the surrounding environment. With the increasing demand for subway systems in cities worldwide, the importance of deep excavations in subway station construction cannot be overstated.。

中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Deep E x ca v a t i on sABSTR ACT :All major topics in the design of in-situ retaining systems for deep excavations in urban areas are outlined. Type of wall, water related problems and water pressures, lateral earth pressures, type of support, solution to earth retaining walls, types of failure, internal and external stability problems.KEYW OR DS: deep excavation; retaining wall; earth p ressure;INTR O DUCTIONN umbe rs of deep e x cavat i on pits i n c ity cent e r s a re incre a sing eve r y year. Buildings, streets surrounding excavation locations and design of very deep basements make excavations formidable projects. This chapter has been or ga n iz ed in suc h a w ay t hat s ubj e cts rel a ted t o deep excava t i o n project s a r e summarized in several sections in the order of design routine. These are types of in-situ walls, water pressures and water related problems. Earth pressures i n c ohesionless and coh e sive soil s are pr e s e nted in two differe nt categories. Ground anchors, struts and nails as supporting elements are explained. Anchors are given more emphasis compared to others due to widespread use obs erve d in the r e cent years. Stability of reta i ning s ystems a re discus s e d a s internal and external stability. Solution of walls for shears, moments, displacements and support reactions under earth and water pressures are obt ained m aking use o f different m e thods of a nalysis. A pile wal l supported by anchors is solved by three methods and the results are compared. Type of wall failures, observed wall movements and instrumentation of deep e xcav a tio n p roj e ct s ar e sum m arized.1. TYPES OF EARTH R ETAINING WAL L S1.1 IntroductionMore than several types of in-situ walls are used to support excavations. The criteria for the selection of type of wall are size of excavation, ground conditions, g roundwate r level, ve rtic a l a nd horizonta l displa c em e nts of adjacent ground and limitations of various structures, availability of construction, cost, speed of work and others. One of the main decisions is the wa t er-t ightness o f wal l. T he foll ow i n g types of in-sit u wa l ls will be summarized below;1.Braced walls, soldier pile and lagging walls2.Sh ee t-piling or s he et pile w a ll s3.Pile walls (contiguous, secant)4.Diaphragm walls or slurry trench walls5.Reinforced concre t e (c as t-i n-s i t u o r pr e f abricate d) r e t ai ni n g walls6.Soil nail walls7.Cofferdams8.J et-gr out and deep mixed w a ll s9.Top-down construction10.Partial excavation or island method1.1.1Br aced Wall sExcavation proceeds step by step after placement of soldier piles or so called king posts around the excavation at about 2 to 3 m intervals. These may be steel H, I or WF sections. Rail sections and timber are also used. At each level horizontal waling beams and supporting elements (struts, anchors,nails) are constructed. Soldier piles are driven or commonly placed in bored holes in urban areas, and timber lagging is placed between soldier piles dur ing the e xc a vatio n. Various det a il s o f pl a c e ment of l a gg ing are a v ailable, however, precast units, in-situ concrete or shotcrete may also be used as alternative to timber. Depending on ground conditions no lagging may be provi ded in relatively shallow pi t s.Historically braced walls are strut supported. They had been used extensively before the ground anchor technology was developed in 1970 s. S oi l s w i t h s om e c ohe s i on and w i thout wat e r table a re us u al l y suitable for t hi s type of construction or dewatering is accompanied if required and allowed. Strut support is commonly preferred in narrow excavations for pipe laying or s i m il a r works but also used i n de ep an d l ar g e ex c avat i on s (See Fig 1.1). Ground anchor support is increasingly used and preferred due to access for construction works and machinery. Waling beams may be used or anchors m a y b e place d di rec t ly on soldier pi l es w i thout a ny beam s.1.1.2Sheet-piling or Sheet Pile WallsSheet pile is a thin steel section (7-30 mm thick) 400-500 mm wide. It is m anufacture d i n different lengt hs a n d sh a pes like U, Z and stra i ght li ne sections (Fig. 1.2). There are interlocking watertight grooves at the sides, and they are driven into soil by hammering or vibrating. Their use is often restricted in urbanized areas due to environmental problems like noise and vibrations. New generation hammers generate minimum vibration anddisturbance, and static pushing of sections have been recently possible. In soft ground several sections may be driven using a template. The end product i s a w aterti g ht s t eel wall i n s oi l. O ne s i de (inner) of wal l is ex ca vate d s t ep b y step and support is given by struts or anchor. Waling beams (walers) are frequently used. They are usually constructed in water bearing soils.S teel s he et pi le s are the mo s t common but som e ti m es rein f orc ed concrete precast sheet pile sections are preferred in soft soils if driving difficulties are not expected. Steel piles may also encounter driving di ff i culties in ve ry de ns e, s t i ff soil s or in soils with boulde rs. Je t ting m ay be accompanied during the process to ease penetration. Steel sheet pile sections used in such difficult driving conditions are selected according to the driving r e s is t ance rather tha n the desi g n mo m e nt s i n the proj e ct. Ano t her fre q uent ly faced problem is the flaws in interlocking during driving which result in leakages under water table. Sheet pile walls are commonly used for t empora r y purposes but pe rm anent cas es are also a bund an t. In tem por ary works sections are extracted after their service is over, and they are reused after maintenance. This process may not be suitable in dense urban e nvironment.1.1.3Pile WallsIn-situ pile retaining walls are very popular due to their availability and practicability. There are different types of pile walls (Fig. 1.3). In contiguous (intermittent) bored pile construction, spacing between the piles is greaterthan the diameter of piles. Spacing is decided based on type of soil and level of design moments but it should not be too large, otherwise pieces of lumps e tc. d rop a n d extra preca u tions are nee de d. Coh es i ve soils or soils ha ving some cohesion are suitable. No water table should be present. Acceptable amount of water is collected at the base and pumped out. Common diameters a re 0.60, 0.80, 1.00 m. W a l ing be am s (us ually call e d …bre a s t in g be a ms ) a r e Tangent piles with grouting in between are used when secant piling or diaphragm walling equipment is not available (i.e. in cases where ground w ater exis t s). P oor w ork ma ns hi p create s significa nt proble m s.Secant bored pile walls are formed by keeping spacing of piles less than diameter (S<D). It is a watertight wall and may be more economical c ompared to di a phragm w all in small to me di um scale ex cava t ion s due t o cost of site operations and bentonite plant.There is also need for place for the plant. It may be constructed“hard-h ard”a s well as “soft-hard”.“S oft”concrete pile cont a ins low c ement content and some bentonite. Primary unreinforced piles are constructed first and then reinforced secondary piles are formed by cutting the primary piles. P i l e c ons t ruc ti on m et hods m a y var y in di f fere nt count ri es for a ll type of p ile walls like full casing support, bentonite support, continuous flight auger(CFA) etc. mostly reinforced concrete but sheet pile sections or steel beams are also used.1.1.4Diaphr agm WallsDiaphragm wall provides structural support and water tightness. It is a classical technique for many deep excavation projects, large civil engineering works, unde r ground car parks, m et ro pits et c. e s pec i ally unde r water table. These reinforced concrete diaphragm (continuous) walls are also called slurry trench walls due to the reference given to the construction technique where exc av a t ion of wal l i s m ad e possible by fi l ling and keeping the wall ca vi ty full with bentonite-water mixture during excavation to prevent collapse of the excavated vertical surfaces. Wall thickness varies between 0.50 m and 1.50 m. The w a ll is c o nstruc t ed pa nel b y p an el i n ful l dept h.Pa ne l le ng t hs are 2 m to 10 m. Short lengths (2-2.5 m) are selected in unstable soils or under very high surcharges. Nowadays depth of panels water stops exceeded 100 m, ex c avati on d ep t hs e xc e ede d 50 m. D i f fere nt pa ne l shapes o t he r t han the conventional straight section like T, L, H, Y, + are possible to form and used for special purposes. Panel excavation is made by cable or kelly supported bu c kets and by a r e cent design c alled …c u t t er o r …hydrof r a i se w hi ch is a pair of hydraulically operated rotating disks provided with hard cutting tools. Excavation in rock is possible. Slurry wall technique is a specialized tec hn i que a nd apart fro m the bucket or t he f rame carrying t h e cutter equipment like crawler crane, pumps, tanks, desanding equipment, air lifts, screens, cyclones, silos, mixers, extractor are needed. Tremie concrete is placed in the slurry starting from the bottom after lowering reinforcementcages. Joint between the panels is a significant detail in water bearing soils and steel pipe, H-beam or water stops are used.1.1.5R einforc e d C onc r ete R eta ining Walls Ex cava ti on i n StagesIt is a common type of staged excavation wall usually supported by ground anchors. Soils with some cohesion are suitable because each stage is f irst excavated be fo re fo r mwork a nd concrete p la cem e nt. No wa t e r table or appreciable amount of water should be present. Sometimes micropile support is given if required due to expected cave-ins.1.1.6S oi l Nai l Wal l sSimilar to the method above excavation is made step by step (1.5 to 2 m high). Shotcrete is common for facing and wiremesh is used. Soft facing is a lso poss i ble making us e of geo t ex t il e s. Ho l e i s dri ll e d, ordina r y steel bars are lowered, and grout is placed without any pressure. Soil should be somewhat cohesive and no water table or significant water flow should be pr e s ent.1.1.7Coffer damsCofferdam is a temporary earth retaining structure to be able to make e xcava t ion for const r uc t ion a c ti vi ties. It is usually preferr ed i n t he coast a l a nd sea environment like bridge piers and abutments in rivers, lakes etc., wharves, quay walls, docks, break waters and other structures for shore protection, large waterfront structures such as pump houses, subjected to heavy vertical and horizontal loads. Sheet piling is commonly used in various forms otherthan conventional walls like circular cellular bodies or double walls connected inside and filled with sand. Stability is maintained by sheeting dr iven de eper than ba s e, sand body between s heet i ng and inside t i e r o ds. Earth embankments and concrete bodies are also used. Contiguous, tangent, secant piles or diaphragm walls are constructed in circular shapes, and no i nte r na l brac i ng or an c horing i s us e d t o form a c o ff e rdam. R einforced concrete waling beams support by arching. Shafts are also made with this method. Large excavations or project details may require additional lateral s upport.1.1.8J et Grout and Deep M ixed WallsRetaining walls are made by single to triple row of jet grout columns or de ep mi x ed col um ns. There is a soil mi x ed wall(S M W) technique s p ecially developed for wall construction where H sections are used for reinforcement. Single reinforcing bar is placed in the central hole opened for jet groutc olum ns. Anchors, nails or struts ma y b e used fo r support.1.1.9Top Down Constr uctionRetaining structure (generally diaphragm wall) is designed and c onstr uc te d a s permane n t l o ad beari n g walls of ba s ement. Piles or barette s are similarly placed to complete the structural frame. Top slab is cast at the ground surface level, and excavation is made under the slab by smaller sized excavators and continued down forming basement slabs at each level. There are special connection details. Top down method is preferred in highlypopulated city centers where horizontal and vertical displacements are very critical, and anchors and struts are very difficult to use due to complex und erg round fa c ilitie s a nd l ifeline str uc ture s and s i t e ope ra tions are di fficult to perform.1.1.10Pa r tia l Excavation or Island M ethodI t i s poss i ble t o give s t ru t support to re tain i ng wa ll s a t a later sta ge aft e r constructing central sections of a building in large size excavations. Core of the structure is built at the central part making sloped excavations at pe ripher a l areas a nd then the c ore f rame is used t o g i ve support t o w alls (Figure 1.9). It may be more practical and construction time may be less compared to conventional braced system. This method may not be suitable in s oft and weak s oi ls du e t o stabi l ity and deformation probl e ms duri n g s l op ed excavations.2.EA R TH P R ESSU R ES ON IN-SIT U R ETAI N ING W A L L S2.1.IntroductionEarth pressures on in-situ retaining walls are rather different than those on ord inary re ta ining wall s due t o the s upporting ele m ents. Fr e e di splace m ent of walls are not allowed. Type of support affects the distribution of earth pressure. Strut loads were measured in strutted excavations in many countries in the past, and recommendations were given. Ground anchor technology is relatively new, and data on instrumented anchored walls for total lateralpressure and for water pressure are being accumulated. Earth pressure diagrams on strutted and anchored walls are expected to be somewhat di ff e re nt due t o s t i ffer s upport condi t ions in t he forme r. T heore t ical approaches will also be discussed.2.2.Ea r th Pressure Distr ibutions on WallsTerz aghi and Peck (1967) and Peck (1969) based on lo a d measurements on struts recommend the pressure distribution shown in Figure 2.1 for cohesionless soils. It is a uniform pressure and given by Eq. 2.1;p = 0.65 K A γt H 2.1where K A is the active earth pressure coefficient, H is the height of wall.Unit weight (γt) is described as the bulk unit weight in the original references.S i nce br a c ed e xcava t ions we r e gene r ally d ewate r e d in the past p r ojec t s the unit weight in the expression was described as wet or bulk. If wall is watertight and water table is present, buoyant unit weight should be usedun de r wa t er table a nd wate r pressure should be a d ded.The rectangular diagram proposed in the figure is not an actual pressure distri b uti on but an e nvel op e obt ai ned by pl ot t i ng t h e me a sured strut l oa ds converted to pressure distribution at each stage of excavation including the final depth covering all distributions. It is also called apparent pressure distribution. It is regarded as a conservative approach because strut loads calculated by such an envelope are generally greater than the measured loads.Rectangular envelope with p = 0.2 γt H is also recommended by Twine and Roscoe (1996) based on more recent field measurements. Similarly use of s ubm er g ed uni t w e i ght below wat e r t abl e a nd add i ti on of wat e r press ure i s recommended. Data on cohesive soils are classified for soft to medium stiff clays and stiff clay.A nc hor or na il supported walls may s how hig h e r l a te r al di s pl a cements, and stress increases at the upper levels of walls may be somewhat less compared to the distributions on strutted walls. However, there are no doc umented c om parisons. In t he soluti o n of a nchored wa l ls b y f init e element, boundary element, finite difference softwares or simpler spring models the analyses may be repeated without assigning pre-tensions initially like in case of nai l s upported walls a nd then a s si g n t he ca l culat e d r e actions a s pre-tensions.There are also recommendations on selection of the type of distribution i n re lation t o h e ight o f br aced walls. Dis t ributions ba s ed on pre s sure cell records are recommended for all heights but distributions by strut load measurements are not found suitable for walls higher than 15 m, they may be us e d for w a ll s of 10 –15 m he i g ht dependin g on c ondi t ions of the g r ound and construction and recommended for heights less than 10 m.Another common case is an alluvial profile where clay, silt, sand layers mixed in different proportions lie in different thicknesses. If a dominant layer is present one of the above distributions may be selected, otherwise atheoretical approach like Coulomb’s earth pressure expression may be followed making use of effective parameters, submerged unit weights and a dd e d wat e r pr essure.Effect of different surcharge loads on walls may be calculated by stress distributions in elastic medium (e.g. NAVFAC 1982). For the upper limit of ve r y rig i d wal l s the distributions are doub l ed. W ide s ur charge loa ds m ay a lso be converted to equivalent heights of soil layer.3.SUPPORTING EL EM ENTS3.1Ground A n chor s3.1.1IntroductionGround anchor is a common type of supporting element used in the de sign and const r uction of in-situ r e t ain i ng w al ls. It i s an inst al la t ion that i s capable of transmitting an applied tensile load to a load bearing stratum which may be a soil or rock. A summary about ground anchors will be given i n this s e ct i on. Typ e s, ca pa city, de s ig n, construction a nd qual it y c ontrol w ill be reviewed.3.1.2Types and C apa city of Anchor sTem porary anc h or a nd perma ne n t a nc ho r are the main types and as the names imply the former is used in temporary works and usually a period of maximum two years are assigned as the design life. Design life of a permanent anchor is the same as the life of structure. Corrosion protection details and factors of safety are the main differences between the two types.Free length is a function of height of the wall. Fixed length is selected according to type of soil and it varies between 3 m and 10 m. Fixed length is t he t ensile load bea r ing part of a n anc hor in s oi l. The r e a r e diff e rent mechanisms of stress transfer from the fixed anchor zone to surrounding ground. It is usually referenced as …bond stress and depends on soil type a nd gr out in g pro c edure. Except i ng sp e cia l c on struct i ons i n f i xe d pa rt of anchors like under reams in stiff clays, jet grouted bodies or inflated aluminum bags, most common type of construction is cement (and water) g rout wi t h som e ad dit i ves. V ery stiff, hard so i ls and ro m an c hettecks m ay be grouted without pressure. Many soils may be grouted but grouting pressure,water cement ratio (w /c) and additives play major role depending on the permea bi lity and s tif f nes s of the soil. Fi x ed le n gt h of ancho r enlarges i n diameter with increasing grout pressure. Grout permeates or fractures or pushes the soil around depending on type of soil, grout and pressure level. Coars e and fine g r a ined gra nul a r s oi ls, alluvi a l soil s a nd we a k r oc ks are generally grouted with several bars of pressure through casing or using packer. Stiff cohesive soils and fine cohesionless soils may be grouted at hig he r press ur es (greater t han 15-20 b ars) to for m hi ghl y f r actur e d larger fixed end bodies to obtain higher capacities. Post-grouting techniques through tube and manchette (sleeve tubing) or double/triple tubing are used. Main possibilities in failure of a single anchor are failure of ground/grout interface, tendon itself or grout/tendon interface.Capacity of anchors in cohesionless soils depends on average grain size (D50), uniformity coefficient (CU), relative density (RD), diameter of drill hole, method of grout injectio n (pr i m ary/sec on dary) and g rout pre s sure.Higher D50, CU, RD and grout pressure result in higher capacities. Fixed lengths of 4 to 8 m are in use and 6 m seems to be a lower limit of r e comme nda ti on for fine to m e dium sands, and the lower limit may be l e s s for gravelly soils. Permeability and grout characteristics (i.e. water-cement ratio, pressure) are key factors for capacities. At lower pressure levels (less than 1 M P a) a nd higher p ress u re s (more t h an 2 MPa) capacit i es fr om 400/500to 1400/1700 kN are observed in fine to medium sands and dense coarser sands and gravels respectively. This wide range is due to enlargement of the dr i ll hole an d m o re grout i n trusion in coarser soil s. Cal cu lat i ons by s oi l mechanics principles cannot explain these capacities. Best way is to perform tests on design anchors.L oa d c a pac i ty of anc ho rs in cl a ys is low c om pared to sandy a nd grave l ly soils. Fixed anchor lengths in design are usually 7-8 m. Application of low grouting pressure (less than 1 MPa) and use of casing tubes may be beneficial to t he capacity. Casin g tube s a lso prevent f ormation of r e mol de d soft cohesive film on borehole surface in layered soils which reduces capacity significantly. Capacity of anchors can be increased in stiff fissured clays using high pressure grouting and post-grouting. High pressure causes hydrofracturing and/or penetration of grout into existing fissures. Using bellsor under-reams in the fixed anchor zone in stiffer clays (cU>90 kPa) also increases capacity. Tremie grouted straight shafts in very stiff or hard soils yiel d suffic i ent c ap acities s i milar to anch or s in rock. Skin fric t ion (m) increases with decreasing plasticity and increasing consistency ((w L- w)/IP). m range is from 50 to more than 400 kPa in stiff clays. Pressure grouting is a lso used in rock. Skin fric t ion or bond v al ues f or va riety of r ocks c an be found in BS(8081) and other references.Grout is in tension like the tendon, and it is assumed that ultimate bond s t re ss bet w een g r out and te ndon is uni f orm. For c lea n stra n ds and defor m ed bars a limit of 2 MPa is recommended. Bond strength can be significantly affected by the surface condition of the tendon, particularly when loose and l ubric ant ma t eri a ls or loose rus t, soil, p ai nt ar e pr es e n t a t t he i nt e rfac e. Minimum grout compressive strength of 30 MPa is recommended prior to stressing. At grout/encapsulation interface maximum ultimate bond is taken 3 M Pa. Enc a psulations are usua l ly used i n permanent an c hor appl i cations against corrosion, and single or double (concentric) corrugated plastic or metal ducts cover single or multi-unit tendons and grouted. Details at head, fr ee l e ngth, seal b et w een fre e and fi x ed len g ths and fixed le ng th vary in m a ny different patented designs (See for example FIP,1986).3.1.3Planning of Anchor sFree length at each excavation stage and fixed length are selected. Fixed length in cohesionless and cohesive soils has been discussed in the previoussection. It is usually kept constant in a project. Fixed length has to be placed outside the active wedge behind wall. It is customary to add an extra to free l ength. Thi s is e s pe c i al l y useful i n projec t s i n stiff cl a ys where deformations at the back of wall extend to distances three times the depth of excavation. Minimum spacing of anchors should be 1.5-2 m and minimum distance of 2-3 m should b e provided between the fixed l e ng ths. A n an c hor d ensity of3-8 m2/anchor generally observed in projects depends on factors such as water pressure, type of soil, depth of excavation etc. If closely spaced a nchor s a re use d ei t her a dj a cent anchor s are de s igned a t di fferent angles w i t h the horizontal like 10°and 15°or identical rows are not used. Angles between 5°and25°w ith the horizontal are normally selected unless fixed l eng t hs ar e locat e d in deeper c o m petent laye r s. Two anchors may be pla c ed at the same anchor head at different angles if required. It is considered a good practice to design positions of fixed lengths in a disorderly manner. Another r e com me nd ati o n i s to k ee p the whole f i x ed length i n a s ingle la ye r i n layered soils if possible. Distance of fixed length to any adjacent foundation/underground service is recommended 3 m minimum. Spacing of a nchors is c ont rolle d by type of wall, and vert i c a l dista nc e betwee n rows is determined by a trial and error process (i.e. anchor capacity vs. spacing, reaction forces etc.).深基坑工程摘要本文概述了城市中保留原址的深基础连续墙系统。



XX 地铁一号线A 标段基坑支护设计摘要:该毕业设计以XX 地铁一号线工程为背景,自主设计了XX 地铁一号线标段1380.000K +~14200.000K +的支护结构,并对该段基坑支护工程进行了支护方案比选。
关键词:XX 地铁; 支护结构; 地下连续墙; 内支撑;基坑底稳定性Abstract:The graduation design to the subway line project that a backgr o u n d.In d e p e n d e n t d e s i gn s s u z h o u a n m u b e r o f t h e s u b w a y K+design optimization and construction technolo K+~14200.0001380.000gy for bracing structure of extra large reservoir. And foundation pit cutti ng of the city construction of the city better than the scheme. the city on the structure and proofing internal force. In addition, for the precipita tion design, and the foundation pit cutting of the stability analysis for t he construction process and quality control, and draws out the city flat structure, sections, the detailed map and support structure with the band s.Key words: Suzhou Subway; Underground continuous;Route alternative; The underground concatenation wall;Supporting structure in support;Foundation pit cutting of the stability;Precipitation design; the construction technology and quality controlof drilling driven cast-in-place pile绪论XX城市轨道交通规划将按照“统一规划、分步实施”的原则,以满足2015年XX市机械出行人数总量600万人次的需求。

关键词:基坑;地下连续墙;施工组织;支撑体系;盾构预加固技术目录第一部分上海地铁场中路站基坑围护结构设计1 工程概况 (1)1.1工程地质及水文地质资料 (1)1.2工程周围环境 (2)2 设计依据和设计标准 (4)2.1 工程设计依据 (4)2.2 基坑工程等级及设计控制标准 (4)3 基坑围护方案设计 (5)3.1基坑围护方案 (5)3.2基坑围护结构方案比选 (6)4 基坑支撑方案设计 (8)4.1支撑结构类型 (8)4.2支撑体系的布置形式 (8)4.3支撑体系的方案比较和合理选定 (10)4.4基坑施工应变措施 (10)5 计算书 (12)5.1 荷载计算 (12)5.2 围护结构地基承载力验算 (14)5.3 基坑底部土体的抗隆起稳定性验算 (14)5.4抗渗验算 (15)5.5抗倾覆验算 (16)5.6整体圆弧滑动稳定性验算 (17)5.7围护结构及支撑内力计算 (17)5.8 支撑强度验算 (21)5.9 地下连续墙配筋验算 (23)6 基坑主要技术经济指标 (25)6.1 开挖土方量 (25)6.2 混凝土浇筑量 (25)6.3 钢筋用量 (25)6.4 人工费用 (25)第二部分上海地铁场中路站基坑施工组织设计1 基坑施工准备 (25)1.1 基坑施工的技术准备 (25)1.2 基坑施工的现场准备 (25)1.3 基坑施工的其他准备 (27)2 施工方案 (29)2.1 概况 (29)2.2 施工方法的确定 (29)2.3 施工流程 (32)2.4 质量控制 (35)2.5 施工主要技术措施 (36)2.6关键部位技术措施 (38)3施工总平面布置 (40)3.1 施工现场广场临时建筑物的布置原则及位置 (40)3.2 施工用的临时运输线路的布置 (40)3.4 建筑材料的堆放位置 (40)4施工进度计划及管理措施 (41)4.1 工程安排原则 (41)4.2 施工进度计划 (41)4.3 施工质量过程控制 (42)5质量、安全、文明管理措施 (43)5.1 质量管理措施 (43)5.2 土方运输环境管理规定 (44)5.3 安全生产管理措施 (44)5.4 文明施工措施 (44)第三部分盾构施工中的预加固技术研究1概述 (47)1.1盾构法概述 (47)1.2盾构法的施工条件 (47)1.3 盾构施工工艺 (47)1.4盾构法施工的优缺点 (49)1.5盾构法施工预加固的必要性 (49)2 盾构施工预加固技术 (50)2.1概述 (50)2.2冻结法 (50)2.3 注浆法 (51)2.4高压旋喷桩 (52)3 水平冻结法在盾构进洞中的应用 (54)3.1 工程概况 (54)3.2周边环境状况 (54)3. 3地基加固方式的选择 (54)3. 4水平冻结法地基加固施工 (54)3.5冻结加固的效果 (56)3.6盾构进洞存在的风险 (57)3.7盾构进洞的保证措施 (57)4.小结 (59)参考文献 (60)第四部分外文翻译翻译原文 (62)中文译文 (66)致谢 (88)第一部分上海地铁场中路站基坑围护结构设计1 工程概况上海地铁七号线一期工程二标段场中路站位于沪太公路南侧和大场税务所东侧。
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关键词:基坑;地下连续墙;施工组织;支撑体系;盾构预加固技术目录第一部分上海地铁场中路站基坑围护结构设计1 工程概况 (1)1.1工程地质及水文地质资料 (1)1.2工程周围环境 (2)2 设计依据和设计标准 (4)2.1 工程设计依据 (4)2.2 基坑工程等级及设计控制标准 (4)3 基坑围护方案设计 (5)3.1基坑围护方案 (5)3.2基坑围护结构方案比选 (6)4 基坑支撑方案设计 (8)4.1支撑结构类型 (8)4.2支撑体系的布置形式 (8)4.3支撑体系的方案比较和合理选定 (10)4.4基坑施工应变措施 (10)5 计算书 (12)5.1 荷载计算 (12)5.2 围护结构地基承载力验算 (14)5.3 基坑底部土体的抗隆起稳定性验算 (14)5.4抗渗验算 (15)5.5抗倾覆验算 (16)5.6整体圆弧滑动稳定性验算 (17)5.7围护结构及支撑内力计算 (17)5.8 支撑强度验算 (21)5.9 地下连续墙配筋验算 (23)6 基坑主要技术经济指标 (25)6.1 开挖土方量 (25)6.2 混凝土浇筑量 (25)6.3 钢筋用量 (25)6.4 人工费用 (25)第二部分上海地铁场中路站基坑施工组织设计1 基坑施工准备 (25)1.1 基坑施工的技术准备 (25)1.2 基坑施工的现场准备 (25)1.3 基坑施工的其他准备 (27)2 施工方案 (29)2.1 概况 (29)2.2 施工方法的确定 (29)2.3 施工流程 (32)2.4 质量控制 (35)2.5 施工主要技术措施 (36)2.6关键部位技术措施 (38)3施工总平面布置 (40)3.1 施工现场广场临时建筑物的布置原则及位置 (40)3.2 施工用的临时运输线路的布置 (40)3.4 建筑材料的堆放位置 (40)4施工进度计划及管理措施 (41)4.1 工程安排原则 (41)4.2 施工进度计划 (41)4.3 施工质量过程控制 (42)5质量、安全、文明管理措施 (43)5.1 质量管理措施 (43)5.2 土方运输环境管理规定 (44)5.3 安全生产管理措施 (44)5.4 文明施工措施 (44)第三部分盾构施工中的预加固技术研究1概述 (47)1.1盾构法概述 (47)1.2盾构法的施工条件 (47)1.3 盾构施工工艺 (47)1.4盾构法施工的优缺点 (49)1.5盾构法施工预加固的必要性 (49)2 盾构施工预加固技术 (50)2.1概述 (50)2.2冻结法 (50)2.3 注浆法 (51)2.4高压旋喷桩 (52)3 水平冻结法在盾构进洞中的应用 (54)3.1 工程概况 (54)3.2周边环境状况 (54)3. 3地基加固方式的选择 (54)3. 4水平冻结法地基加固施工 (54)3.5冻结加固的效果 (56)3.6盾构进洞存在的风险 (57)3.7盾构进洞的保证措施 (57)4.小结 (59)参考文献 (60)第四部分外文翻译翻译原文 (62)中文译文 (66)致谢 (88)第一部分上海地铁场中路站基坑围护结构设计1 工程概况上海地铁七号线一期工程二标段场中路站位于沪太公路南侧和大场税务所东侧。
1 .1工程地质及水文地质资料1.1.1工程地质条件场中路站场地地形较平坦,地面标高在4.16m~4.65m之间。
表1.1 土层分布情况土层编号土层名称土层描述土层厚度(m)层底标高①1填土杂~黄褐色,很湿,松散,上部主要为混凝土地坪、碎石、煤渣等,下部由粘性土等组成。
无摇震反应,土面较光滑,韧性中等~高2.2 0.6③淤泥质粉质粘土灰色,饱和,流塑,高等压缩性,含云母、有机质,在4.0~6.0m夹较多量薄层粉性土,土质不均匀。
摇震反应很慢,土面较粗糙,3.7 -3.1韧性中等,干强度中等。
摇震反应无,土面光滑有油脂光泽,韧性高等,干强度高10.8 -13.9⑥粉质粘土暗绿~草黄色,湿~很湿,可塑~硬塑,中等压缩性,含氧化铁斑点及铁锰质结核,夹少量灰白色高岭土,下部夹粘质粉土。
2.7 -16.6⑦1-1粉砂草黄色,饱和,中密度~密实,中等压缩性,含云母、少量氧化铁条纹,夹砂质粉土,上部夹薄层粘性土。
6.1 -水文条件拟建场地地下水主要有浅部土层中的潜水和深部粉性土层中的(微)承压水。
1.2.2 地下管线根据现有的管线资料显示,场中路站端头井围护结构范围内无地下管线,但在工地围场边上有一排架空电线,施工中,应避免大型机械设备接触或碰撞管线。
表1.2场中路管线分布详细列表道路管线种类埋深(m)至端头井基坑距离(m)沪太路电话36孔 1.0 7 上水Ø200 0.7 9 上水Ø500 1.0 10 上水Ø1800 1.7 15.2 雨水Ø400 1.2 18.2洛场路上水Ø300 1.2 超过基坑影响范围上话Ø12孔 1.0 超过基坑影响范围雨水Ø400 0.6 超过基坑影响范围上水Ø300 0.7 超过基坑影响范围上话(2根光缆) 1.0 超过基坑影响范围煤气Ø200 0.7 超过基坑影响范围备注:在至基坑外侧边缘1.5H(H为基坑开挖深度)距离内为基坑影响范围1.2.2 周围道路在场中路站南端头井位置,是沪太路、场中路及洛场路的交汇处,工程位于交汇处的西北侧,场区施工对社会的交通影响较小。
1.2.3 施工条件土的类型为中软或软弱土,建议按软弱土考虑。
1.2.4 邻近地区对地面沉降很敏感的建筑资料和要求临近建筑主要为商业用房,且楼层高度都不高。
2 设计依据和设计标准2.1 工程设计依据本工程设计执行的规范和标准:(1)《岩土工程勘察规范》(GB 50021-2001);(2)《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB 50009-2001)(3)《建筑基坑支护技术规程》(JGJ 120-2012);(4)《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB 50007-2011);(5)《地下铁道、轻轨交通岩土工程勘察规范》(GB 50307-1999);(6)《钢结构设计规范》(GB50017-2003);(7)《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB50010-2010);2.2 基坑工程等级及设计控制标准根据《建筑基坑支护技术规程》(JGJ120-2012)规定,基坑的侧壁安全等级分为三级,基坑支护结构设计应根据表2.1选用相应的侧壁安全等级及重要性系数。