



使用说明清洗消毒器Getinge 46-2, 46-4, 46-5目录安全规范______________________________ 3重要信息_________________________________ 3产品责任____________________________________________3设备上的标志_______________________ 4绝缘设备____________________________________________4引起注意的符号__________________________ 4概要_______________________________________ _ 5编程装置__________________________________ 6门的操作_____________________________ 6干燥_____________________________________ 7加料系统_____________ _________________________ ____ 7操作说明____________________________ ___ 8____________________________________ ___ ___ 8故障指示________________________________ __ 9红灯亮___________________________ 9警报处理___________________________ _____ 9故障代码_________________ __________________________10故障代码的确认___________________________ _____ 11检查____________________________ __________ 12日常检查____________________________ ____________ 12必要时的检查_____________________ _____________13清洗室_________________ _______________________ 13外部检查___________________________ ___13 Hospital A0 600 (90 o C - 1 min) _______________ __ 15Hospital A0 600 (90 o C - 1 min) _______________ __ 15LAB_______________ ____________________ ________ 16清洗剂_________________________________ _____ 17用于机械清洗的Getinge清洗剂______ __17酸性清洗剂和中和剂_ _ _______17润滑剂和增亮剂____________ _ ____________________17冲洗器清洗剂________________ ______________179908 2安全规范该设备设计有一系列内置安全装置。



FOCUSED PHOTONICS INC 皮托管流速计使用说明书目录1安全警示 (3)2构成及原理 (3)3型号说明 (4)4技术性能 (5)5安装及接线 (5)6调试与使用 (6)7故障处理 (7)8注意事项 (8)1.安全与警告1.1任何情况下不规范的操作都可能引起人员及仪器的伤害,请遵守所有电器及设备的安全规范。

1.2在维修﹑拆卸电器元件前请确认电源已经断开﹗1.3仪表接通电源之前,请确认所有外接线正确,任何短路均可能造成仪表数据丢失或程序破坏.1.4在清除或修改仪表原有数据前,请确认该操作的合法性,一旦实施操作原有数据可能无法恢复,建议操作前将原有数据记录以备查取.2. 测量系统结构型式及原理见图1所示,皮托管流速计主要由“X”型皮托管检测头﹑取压管保护套管﹑差压变送器﹑反吹控制阀等部件构成。





CAUTION: This applicator should only be used in a press with a shut height of 119.70 mm (4.712”). Tooling damage could result at a lower setting.
CAUTION: To prevent injury, never operate this applicator without the guards supplied with the press or wireprocessing machine in place. Reference the press or wire processing manufacturer’s instruction manual.
Floating Shear
Front Holder
1 1 1 1 1
1 2
3 4 5
Doc No: 5781163710ATS Release Date: 04-26-18 UNCONTROLLED COPY
screws are tight. 3. Slugs, terminals, dirt and oil should be kept clear of the work area. 4. Wear safety glasses at all times. 5. For recommended maintenance, refer to the 5780013700IS manual.
1.14 .045
Pull Force (Min)







二、技术参数:执行标准:GB/T14536.1-1998GB/T14536.8-1996额定电压:220V ~50Hz额定电流:7A(阻性)工作温度:-20~70℃计时误差:≤±1秒/天三、系统功能介绍:1.液晶全屏字符和外形尺寸, 如右图所示:2. 本机在时钟状态下,按“MODE”键可将工作状态设定为所需的方式,设定顺序为开自动关。






R 按此键后系统将清除所有储存的数据,系统恢复到初始状态。

四、操作方法在本机进入时钟状态后,可按以下方法进行操作:工作状态操作方法功能开/自动/关按“S”键+“D”键修改当前星期开/自动/关按“S”键 +“H”键修改当前时间(小时)开/自动/关按“S”键 +“M”键修改当前时间(分)开/自动/关按“S”键+“PROG”键转换12/24小时制式开/自动/关按“S”键 +“MODE”键转换夏时制开/自动/关按“S”键+“C”键3秒键盘锁定和键盘解锁开/自动/关按“PROG”键进入开/关程序(PRG)编写状态编程(PRG)状态按“D”键进行编写程序中的星期选择编程(PRG)状态按“H”键进行编写程序中的时间(小时)选择编程(PRG)状态按“M”键进行编写程序中的时间(分)选择编程(PRG)状态按“C”键清除当前输入的程序和恢复最近的程序编程(PRG)状态按“S”键退出编程,返回时钟状态(一)、校正星期和时间:左手按住“S”键不放,右手按“D”键,将星期调整为当前日期,调整好日期(星期)后再按“H”和“M”键将时钟调整为当前的标准时间。



文案大全此文档由恒飞电器提供 由杭州寰宇世极功放编写 ※系统概述: M P 3智能音乐播放器:采用世界最先进的微电脑控制技术。


内存大小由你选择: (分别可用U 盘或T F 卡设计),成为广播设备的典范之精品,达到国内领先水平。


※综合功能: M P 3自动广播、智能分区广播、日常教学广播、消防紧急广播、背景音乐播放、外语教学及听力考试广播功能。

※技术参数:信噪比:>90d B ; 谐波失真:<0.1%;频响范围:20H z -18K ; 电压:220V※前面板介绍(由于机型不同布局略有不同)01、电源灯及开关02、插U 盘或连接电脑U S B囗03、电源灯 (T F 卡插囗)04、显示屏;05、菜单上,下,左,右控制选择键;06、确定,停止,返回键; 07、咪,输入,监听音量控制键; 08、分区1,2,3,4,5,6按键 09、分区及电源全开全关按键; 10、手动与自动切换按键; 重要提示:当你插入新U 盘或TF 卡时,必须先把它插在本机上并开关本机电源,让它自动生成AUDIO 文件夹后并把有编号的MP3歌曲装到AUDIO 文件夹内才可以播放。

※后面板介绍(由于机型不同布局略有不同)2注:短路输入端囗: 当这个端囗有短路信号输入时,本机会立刻播放你放在內存里AL A R M 文件夹内的这一首曲目,A L AR M 这文件夹內只能放一首用于紧急报警用的歌曲,其它需要定时播放的歌曲要放在AU DI O 文件夹內,如歌曲的路径放错则定时播放将不执行。

短路输出端囗: 这个端囗与功放电源和分区的动作同步,即当有定时点到时,这端囗即短路,当定时歌曲放完或设定了结束时间到了即断开,这端囗作用是用于控制电源时序器接多台功放之用。

※设备连接图(由于机型不同布局略有不同)01、FM 与遥控天线接囗;03、MIC 输入插孔;05、六个分区输入输出接线座;07、输入电源接线座; 02、音频输入输出插孔; 04、短路输入警报与短路输出控制接口; 06、电源输出接线座;文案大全※音乐播放步骤一:按面板上的” 确定” 键,进入主菜单。



● Multiple timing & voltage ranges ● Five function modes ● Easy to program● 5-Year Unconditional WarrantySPECIFICATIONSMODEL 300 Accuracy ±5% Repeatability 0.1% Response time 100ms Contacts SPDT Contact rating 10A at 240VAC resistive Expected relay life Mechanical: 10 million operationsElectrical:100,000 operations at rated load Operating temperature -20º to +140º FHumidity tolerance 0-97% without condensationCase material NORYL PlasticMounting 8-pin socket (not included)**Weight4.5 oz.** order 8-pin socket number 51 x 120Voltage L = 10-28V AC/DCH = 40-260V AC/DCTiming Range 0.15 seconds to 64 minutes Additional Options/C = Custom (Voltage and/or Timing) /SG = Silver with Gold Flash ContactsTransient protection 775V, 80 Joules DESCRIPTIONThe Model 300 Programmable Timer is designed to replace over 100 standard timers. One Model 300 can be set for one of five functions, covers four timing ranges, and has a power supply for any AC/DC voltage from 10 to 28 Volts or 40 to 260 Volts. An “SG” version of this model is available using silver with gold flash contacts.The digital design of the Model 300 provides high accuracy, repeatability and response time. The output of the Model 300 is a heavy-duty SPDT electro-mechanical output relay.Programming options are chosen by simply setting the four DIP switches on top of the relay, and then adjusting a potentiometer for percent of delay. A LED indicator illuminates when the relay is energized.The Model 300 can be set to Delay-on-Release by adding an external jumper between pins 6 and 8 (see Installation Instructions on reverse side).The Model 300 is UL Recognized and CSA Certified.Programmable TimerTIME MARK is a division ofTelephone: Main - (918) 438-1220 Sales - (800) 862-2875 Fax: (918) 437-7584E-mail: *******************Internet: 05/2014© 2014 TIME MARK CORPORATION11440 East Pine StreetTulsa, Oklahoma 74116UL SPECIFICATIONS *Models 300 InputVoltage (VAC) 10-28V AC/DC OR 40-260V AC/DCPower 3 Watts MaxOutput240V AC, 10A, Resistive 120V AC, 4A, General Use 240V AC, 2A, General UseC300, Pilot Duty* Pilot Duty: 120V: Make 15A, Break 1.5A 240V: Make 7.5A, Break 0.75APROGRAMMINGSWITCH 1 SWITCH 2.15 to 15 secondsOFF ON 0.6 to 60 seconds ON OFF 5 to 480 seconds ON ON 0.6 to 64 minutesOFF OFF SWITCH 3SWITCH 4 Interval-on-Operate ON OFF Delay-on-Operate ON ON Delay-on-Release* ON OFF Recycle Start-ON OFF OFF Recycle Start-OFFOFFON* For Delay on Release—See Installation Instructions on reverse side.Ordering Examples (Model-Voltage [/Options]):300-H = Model 300 with a 40-260V AC/DC voltage range300-L /SG = Model 300 with a 10-28V AC/DC voltage range and optional silver with gold flash contacts.Contact Time Mark to order a custom programmed unitINSTALLATION1. Mount the 8-pin socket in a suitable enclosure.2. Referring to the PROGRAMMING table on the reverseside of this sheet and PIN CONNECTIONS diagram below, set the DIP switches for desired function and timing range.3. Connect the load to the appropriate relay outputterminals of the socket.4. For the Delay-on-Release function, install a normallyopen switch on terminals 5 and 6 of the socket and add an external jumper between pins 6 and 8 (shown as a dashed line in Pin Connections diagram below).5. Connect the appropriate operating power to terminals 7and 2.PIN CONNECTIONSAn LED on top of the unit provides a quick visual indicator of the relay’s status.Programmable TimerREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE INSTALLING, OPERATING OR SERVICING THIS DEVICE.KEEP THIS DATA SHEET FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.Installation InstructionsTIME MARK is a division ofTelephone: Main - (918) 438-1220Sales-(800)862-2875Fax: (918)437-7584E-mail: *******************Internet: Page 2 of 3 05/2014© 2014 TIME MARK CORPORATION11440 East Pine StreetTulsa, Oklahoma 74116FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONSInterval-on-Operate: The output relay energizes when op-erating power is applied. When the timing period elapses, therelay de-energizes. The timer is reset by removing andreapplying power.Delay-on-Operate: The delay period begins when operatingpower is applied. When the timing period elapses, the outputrelay energizes. The timer is reset and restarted by removingand reapplying power.Delay-on-Release: Operating power is continuously applied tothe timer. When the external release initiate switch is closedthe output relay energizes. When the control switch isopened the timing period begins. If the control switch closesbefore the timing period elapses, the output relay remainsenergized and the timing period is reset. When the timingperiod elapses, the output relay de-energizes. The timer isrestarted by re-closing the control switch.For the Delay on Release function, you must add an externaljumper between pins 6 and 8.Supply voltageOutputSupply voltageDelayRelease initiateLED Indicator Unit StatusGreen EnergizedRed De-energizedFlashing (Green or Red) Relay is TimingRecycle Start-ON: Operating power is continuously applied to the timer. When operating power is applied, the ON delay period begins. When the ON delay period elapses, the output relay de-energizes, and the OFF delay period begins. This cycle repeats until operating power is removed.Recycle Start-OFF - Operating power is continuously applied to the timer. When operating power is applied, the OFF delay period begins. When the OFF delay period elapses, the output relay energizes, and the ON delay period begins. This cycle repeats until operating power is removed.NOTE: For recycle timing ON and Off times are equal.WARRANTYThis product is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship, and is covered by our exclusive 5-year Unconditional Warranty . Should this device fail to operate for any reason, we will repair it for five years from the date of manufacture. For complete warranty details, see the Terms and Conditions of Sales page in the front section of the Time Mark catalog or contact Time Mark at 1-800-862-2875.Output Supply voltageT1T2T1T1T1T2T2OutputSupply voltageT1T2T1T1T1T2T2Programmable TimerREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE INSTALLING, OPERATING OR SERVICING THIS DEVICE.KEEP THIS DATA SHEET FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.Installation InstructionsTIME MARK is a division ofTelephone: Main - (918) 438-1220 Sales - (800) 862-2875 Fax: (918) 437-7584E-mail: *******************Internet: Page 3 of 3 05/2014© 2014 TIME MARK CORPORATION11440 East Pine StreetTulsa, Oklahoma 74116Shows No Power AppliedDIMENSIONSTIME MARK is a division ofTelephone: Main - (918) 438-1220 Sales - (800) 862-2875 Fax: (918) 437-7584E-mail: *******************Internet: 05/2014© 2014 TIME MARK CORPORATION11440 East Pine StreetTulsa, Oklahoma 74116Have Questions? Call us at (800) 862-2875 and talk to a real live person.。




























仪器使用方法顺序图状态指示灯显示红色:{ ↓按住“模式”(状态选择)键3秒后放掉状态指示灯显绿色:(1)洗掉旧时间程序(2)编制新时间程序(3)检查已编时间程序(4)修改已编程序(如检查无错, 不必进行此项操作)按住“模式”(状态选择)键3秒放掉状态指示灯显红色:校对北京时间具体详见下列使用方法:三、使用方法:(一)开机操作:把仪器插上~220V电源,此时电源指示灯、状态指示灯亮(显红色),显示屏数字不断闪动。




























热风压边机操作说明书热风压边机操作说明书1.开机:打开电源开关→待温控表自动运算(约10秒)→按启动开关→打开送气阀门电源开关温控表启动开关送气阀门关机:打下电源开关,关闭送气阀门电源开关2. 调节温度 :按向左箭头,指示灯闪烁调节相应位置温度, 向上箭头调高温度,向下箭头调低温度3.编程键功能设置 :A .按编程键2秒,B .输入编程密码“123”,按向左、向右键 调节光标位置,按向上、向下键调节数值大小C .按编程键确认,进入花样设置界面D .按向上、向下键选择需要设置的花样序号(有1-30可供选择)确定 增加E.按编程键确认,进入该花样“比例段1”的参数设置按向左、向右键在“比例”和“长度”两个参数之间切换按向上、向下键设置“比例”和“长度”的数值比例设置:1.0,即上轮与下轮速度1:1,上轮与下轮速度相同长度设置范围:1~30 cm,表示该比例段运行的长度F.按编程键确认,进入“比例段2”的参数设置按向左、向右键在“比例”和“长度”两个参数之间切换按向上、向下键设置“比例”和“长度”的数值G.按编程键确认,进入“比例段3”的参数设置……..每个花样最多可设置10个比例段,花样比例段的数量根据实际需要来设定如果某一个比例段的长度为0时,其后面所有的比例段均不运行例如:花样12由比例段1和比例段2组成,只需正确设置花样12中比例段1和比例段2的“比例”和“长度”,同时将比例段3的“长度”设置为0即可应用花样12时,机器走完比例段1和比例段2后将停止运行H.设置完所有需要的比例段后按ESC键退出设置I.向后踩脚踏板使机器复位及保存设置J.在记忆中应用已经设置好的花样,机器才能根据设定的程序运行4.花样记忆键功能设置:花样记忆键:A.按Fun花样记忆键2秒,进入设置界面B.按向上、向下键选择要设置的花样记忆序号(1~30)C.按Fun花样记忆键,进入花样段1的参数设置,按向上、向下键选择要应用的花样D.按Fun花样记忆键,进入花样段2的参数设置,按向上、向下键选择要应用的花样E.按Fun花样记忆键,进入花样段3的参数设置,按向上、向下键选择要应用的花样F.…………………………G.按Fun花样记忆键,进入花样段10的参数设置,按向上、向下键选择要应用的花样本机器最多可设置30个花样记忆,一个花样记忆可设置10个花样段,应用10个花样记忆及花样段的设置,根据生产的实际需要进行设定如果某一个花样记忆中的花样段被设置为0时,其后面所有的花样段均不运行例如:花样记忆22由花样段1、花样段2组及花样段3组成,只需正确设置花样记忆22 的花样段1、花样段2及花样段3所应用的花样名称,同时将花样段4的“花样”设置为0即可。






使用说明:按键说明定时键:①设置定时②长按2秒可以进入上一次所设置完成的定时程序的查看和修改画面时钟键:设置定时器当前的时钟时间取消键:①取消当前正在进行的设置行为,之前所设置的内容无效,不会被保留②长按2秒钟可以取消正在运行的定时程序,进入无定时状态开关键:更改定时器当前的开关状态左右键:设置定时或设置时钟的过程中移动光标的位置+ - 键:控制光标所在位置数值的变化确定键:确定并执行正在设置的内容复位键:重新启动定时器使用说明:一、无论设置定时,设置时钟还是设置开关状态,都需要按确定键后才能设置有效。

二、设置时钟→先按时钟键→按左右键移动光标位置,按“+ -”切换数值变化→按确定键设置完成三、设置定时→先按定时键→左右键移动光标位置,按“+ -”键切换数值变化,根据自身需要设置具体星期组合、开关时间和开关命令(星期组合可以任意设置)→将光标移动到下一条位置并按确定键进入下一条的设置画面→根据自身需要重复上面的步骤依次设置最多24条开关命令(在设置过程中可以通过上一条和下一条查看和修改所设置的开关命令,非常方便)→按确定设置完成四、查看和修改定时按住定时键不放2秒钟后进入上一次设置完成的定时设置画面,可以通过上一条和下一条查看原来的设置是否有错误,并可以直接进行修改,然后按确定开始执行修改后的程序五、设置开关状态→先按开关键→继续按开关键切换当前的开关状态→按确定键设置完成六、取消定时按住取消键不放2秒钟可以取消正在运行的定时程序,进入无定时状态,开关状态保持不变使用案例说明假如您公司的饮水机需要在周一到周五的上午7点钟开启,晚12点钟关闭,下午2点钟开启,晚上9点关闭→先按定时键→将光标移动到星期的位置,通过“+-”键切换星期组合为周一到周五,即将周一到周五显示,周六周日不显示(默认为全部显示)→设置第一条命令为7点开→将光标移动到下一条位置,并按确定→设置第二条命令为12点关(星期组合默认跟上一条保持不变)→重复上面的步骤设置第三条为14点开,设置第四条为21点关→按确定键设置完毕,插上电源以后定时器会在周一到周五按时开关产品规格额定电压:220V 最大电流:B03 10A / D03 15A工作频率:50HZ 最大功率:B03 2200W / D03 3200W固有损耗:≤2W 可编程数:24条(12组)×7天时间设置范围:1秒~1周可设置精度:1秒电池:内置可充电电池特殊情况说明1、当有定时程序正在执行时,进入设置画面,则定时程序转入后台照常执行,不会因为进入设置过程而中断定时程序的执行,只有用户设置完新程序并按确定键后,才会擦除原有的定时程序而执行新的定时程序。



CKD系列智能执行机构安装调试手册扬州恒春电子有限公司目录一、产品概述 (2)二、主要技术指标 (2)三、执行机构的工作原理 (2)四、执行机构的显示 (3)五、执行机构的操作 (5)5.1手动操作 (5)5.2就地操作 (5)5.3远程操作 (5)六、执行机构的调试 (6)6.1 红外设定器说明 (6)6.2工作设定 (7)6.2.1进入菜单 (7)6.2.2调默认菜单 (7)6.2.3阀门基本状态设置 (8)6.2.4就地控制设置、远程开关量控制设置 (8)6.2.5触点设置 (9)6.2.6远程控制设置 (9)远程模拟信号类型 (9)远程其它设置 (10)七、安装步骤 (11)7.1安装信息 (11)7.2安装准备 (12)7.3现场安装 (12)典型安装调试流程图 (13)附录1:恒春智能执行机构菜单结构图 (14)1.1 基本设置 (15)1.2 附加设置 (18)1.3 ESD及安全设置 (20)1.4 时间及定时设置 (22)1.5 远程控制及反馈设置 (24)1.6 告警信息 (29)1.7 默认菜单调用/高级设置 (30)附录2:恒春智能执行机构远程控制连接图 (31)1.1 紧急保护-ESD电路的连接 (32)1.2 联锁控制 (32)1.3 二线控制 (33)1.4 三线控制 (33)1.5 四线控制 (34)1.6 远程阀位变送器 (34)1.7 远程阀门力矩变送器 (35)1.8 仅使用远程模拟量控制 (36)1.9 使用远程模拟量控制和远程开关量控制 (37)一、产品概述CKD系列智能电动执行机构是对阀门进行就地和远程电动控制的自动化设备,是由防爆电机、控制电路、减速机构等组成,为您提供了一种完美的机电一体化产品。



浦发电子 PCS-517 定时器说明书

浦发电子 PCS-517 定时器说明书

PURPOSEThe timing relay PCS-517 is used to temporarily control of systems in industrial and home automation. With the powerful features of work, one-and two-time contained in the memory of the processor, allows for the elimination of complex and costly control systems based on a compilation of many channels in normal time. Unlike potentiometers relays allow very precise setting time of enclose , for example, 3h .- 47min - 19se c .BUTTON FUNCTIONSPROG :- pass to PROGRAMMING mode (hold >3sec).- out from PROGRAMMING mode OK :- entering of settings and pass to next position of settings - preview of chosen function during of realization it + :- change statue of setting by +1 in chosen PROGRAMMING position (holding a button cause continuous change by +1 in loop)- :-change statue of setting by - 1 in chosen PROGRAMMING position (holding a button cause continuous change by - 1 in loop)RESTART :-"reset" of processor - necessary in the event of suspension of work functions of the relay. Do not delete the settings of function and tim es+ and - ("hard" reset):-delete (reset) of all times of all work finctions from memory (press >3sec two button together). Timer automaticly set P00 function (Inactivity statue )DESCRIPTION OF DISPLAY AND CONTROL PANELreport of control signal statue START+-FUNCTIONINGThe relay implement one of the set work functions accordance with to desired times. Positions of joint indicator shows joint status: ON - enclosed (position 1-5); OFF - disconnected (position 1-6). The display shows the currently measured time t1 (ş1 indicator on the display) or the time t2 (ş2 indicator on the display) from the upper to zero.Functions 1÷5 are activated by power supply.After completion of the function, on the display appears inscription END (end).Next realization offunction will start when you turn off and re-connecting voltage or "reboot" the CPU. For the se functions indicator of status signal START display ON symbol.Functions 6÷17 are activated by control signal START. After enclosed power supplay, the relay is ready to implementation of work function. O n the display appears inscription ON .After giving of the START signal relay launching function. After the completion of returns to standby mode (waiting for another signal to START). For these functions giving of the START signal is indicated on rate by the symbol signal ON. No signal is indicated by the symbol OFF.Function 18 - is activated by control signalSTART. After enclosed the power supply relay is in stanby mode to implementation of work function. On the display appears inscription ON . After gave START signal relay will start implementation of function. On the display appears inscription END (end). The relay does not respond to subsequent signals START. Next implementation of function will start when you turn off and re-connecting voltage or "reboot" the CPU. For this f unction giving a signal START is indicated by ON symbol on the rate of control signal. No signal is indicated by the symbol OFF. - To turn off the power during the performance of the work functions cause to stop the relay. Joint will remain in a position to disconnect (po s .1-6). Re-enclosethe power will start function from the beginning.- Pressing the RESTART button during the implementation of the work function cause start the functions from the beginning.ATTENTION!DESCRIPTION OF WORK FUNCTIONSi nactivity statueAfter give the power supply the joint stay in 1-6 position and start count of set of lagged time. After counted time t, the joint is reconnect in the position 1-5 (enclose ). The next implementation of work mode is possible after disconnected a the power supply and its re-enclosed .After give the power supply the joint stay in 1-6 position and start count of set of lagged time. After counted time t, the joint is reconnect in the position 1-5 (enclose ). The next implementation of work mode is possible after disconnected a the power supply and its re-enclosed .The work mode of delayed enclose is implemented out periodically accompany with set times: t1 breaks and working t2 (enclose ).The work mode of delayed exclude is implemented out periodically accompany with set times: t1 (enclose) and break t2.After give the power supply the joint stay in 1-6 position and start count of set of delay time. After counted time t, the joint is reconnect in the position 1-5 (enclose ) for time t2. The next implementation of work mode is possible after disconnected a the power supply and its re-enclosed .After gave the START signal, joint is re-connected in 1-5 position (enclose). After disappearance of the signal START joint is confirmed by the set time t. Return of START signal During of count of t time ,break of count it and joint is enclosed (pos. 1-5).Renewed fading of START signal start count of t time and maintain the joint .After gave the START signal, joint is re-connected in 1-5 position (enclose). After disappearance of the signal START joint is confirmed bythe set time t. During of count of t time ,relay does not respond to subsequent START signal pulses.The enclose of joint (pos. 1-5) at time t , during the count from the value set to "zero" only when the START signal. Failure of the signal START pauses the countdown. After the re-emergence of a START signal is the continuation of the count of the remaining time t. Failure power supply "resets" the remaining time t. When you receive a power supply and signal START is the re-count from the value of T set.A B X Enclose of joint(pos. 1-5) at time t with falling slope of signal START. During countdown of t time, relay does not respond to next pulse of START signal.The delay enclosing of joint (pos. 1-5) at time t growing slope signal START. During at countdown of t time relay does not respond to subsequent START signal pulses. After the disappearance and re-emergence of a START signal is disconnected of joint (pos. 1-6) in time t.Liberation of delay time t1 (po s .1-6) growing slope of signal START. Liberation of enclose time t2 (po s .1-5) is always afterthe disappearance of the START signal, but no earlier than the time t1.Enclose of joint (pos. 1-5) at time t with falling slope of signal START. Return of signal START and disappearance it during countdown time ttrigger count time t from beginingEnclose of joint (pos. 1-5) at time t with growing slope of signal START. Re-enclose of signal STARTduring countdown time t cause stop and disconnect the joint (pos. 1-6).Enclose of joint (pos. 1-5) at time t with growing slope of signal START. Return of signal START during countdown time t trigger coun time from begining.Enclose of joint (pos.1-5) at time t1 with growing slope of START signal and re-enclose it at time t2 with falling slope of START signal.Enclose of joint (pos.1-5) at time t1 with growing slope of START signal. During of countdown time t the relay does not respond to next pulses of START signal.Delay enclose of joint (pos.1-5) after time t triggered by growing slope of START signal. Next signaf START disconnect the joint (pos. 1-6) for time t. Return of START signal during countdown time t trigger counttime t from begining.Delay enclose of joint (pos.1-5) after time t triggered by growing slope of signal START. During countdown of time t the relay do not respond to next pulses of signal START. Joint will disconnect(pos. 1-6) with decay of power supply. Re-implementation of work mode of relay is possible after disconected the power supply and re-enclose it.PROGRAMMING1. Connect the power supply.ATTENTION!Relay automaticly pass to inactivity mode (function P00). If in memory are stored earlier settings than relay pass to implementation of the last set function.2. Press button PROG >3sec.Relay pass to chose work function mode.By buttons +/- set number of hundredth part of a second(setting period 25/100). Enter by OK.4. Relay show section of seconds..By buttons +/- set work function:.- By button PROG out from chose work function mode.- By button OK w pass to set time for function mode.ş1 on display)3. Relay show section of hundredth part of a second.Relay pass to set mode of time t1 t1 (reprt.By buttons +/- set number of seconds. Entrer OK.5. Relay show section of minutes.By buttons + /- set number of minutes. Enter by OK.6. Relay show section of hours.Przekaźnik pokaże sekcję godzin (sections are shifted to the right, the hundredths section is hidden, andin its place will be moved second section, Sectionminutes will bemoved in place of the second. Section hour is on the left side of thedisplay).AllBy buttons+/- set number of hours. Enter by OK.- for two-times functions relay pass to set time t2 mode ş2 ondisplay- for one-times functions relay passs to chose work function mode. Bybutton(report). Follow as programming time t1.PROG enter chosen function (out from PROGRAMMINGfunction).Relay automaticly pass to implementation of this functionASSEMBLY1. Take OFF the power.2. Put on the relay on the rail in the switchgearbox.3. Power connect to joint 3-4 (any polarity)4. Power of controlled receiver connect serial to joint 1-5.5. Set work program and times of enclose the receiver.TECHNICAL DATAsupply24V AC/DCcurrent loadactivation lag delay functionworking temperature-25÷50°Cconnection screw terminalsdimensions 2 modules (35 mm)÷264<16Ajoints separate1Pcurrent of control pulse<1mArange os time settings0,25sek÷99h59min59sek75/100<50msecpower consumption1,5W2,5mm²fixing on rail TH-35ATTENTION!In the case of erroneous data, for example, provide one of the timesas 0:- Press OK. cause to display the error message Err (ERROR) and thenmove t o mode of set time of chosen work functions.-Pressing PROG will display an error message Err(ERROR), andautomatically pass into the inactivity mode (function P00).IN/OUT DESCRIPTIONB091208/D1308233-4 power supply (any polarity)1central joint COM5 contact joint NO [ON]6open joint NC [OFF]8input control pulse158START6L/N/+。





























ATC SERIES INSTRUCTION MANUALINTRODUCTIONChemical feed applications for the Food and Beverage Sanitation Marketrequire a robust pumping system that can dispense a variety of corrosiveand non-corrosive chemicals with accuracy and repeatability. The KnightLiquidtrol Series of pumps and controls merge the proven technology of airoperated double diaphragm pumps with modern microprocessor controls.These new systems are designed for accurate point of use dispensing from55 gallon drums, 330 gallon tote tanks or bulk tanks. Liquidtrol Air PumpTimer Controls include a water tight injection molded case with built-in airsolenoid valve, pressure regulator, filter and fittings. Three types of controlssuited to a variety of chemical feed requirements are available. THEORY OF OPERATIONThe Liquidtrol Series Air Pump Timer Controls offer three control options forstarting, stopping and cycling an air pump. All systems have a power cordand include a built-in step down transformer.ATC-500 — This air pump “Limit Timer” control is designed to control the runtime of a pump with the press of a button or input of a signal from a poweredswitch or remote controller. The water proof control cabinet is normallymounted near the delivery point for the chemical, convenient for operators.Typical delivery points include Gerry cans, buckets, floor scrubbers, portablefoamers or other receptacles. For applications where remote triggers suchas a CIP or Conductivity control signal are used, the controller can beinstalled close to the signal source. Since the pressure regulator and airsolenoid are mounted with the control only air tubing is required between thecontrol and the chemical pump. This allows installation of the air pump faraway from the controller. The signal-input circuit accepts input voltages from14-240 VAC.ATC-200 — This air pump “Cycle Timer” triggers a continuous On-Off feedcycle anytime power is applied to the power input. For continuous chemicalapplications such as conveyor or track lubrication, the ATC-200 Cycle Timerwill feed from 0-2 minutes of ON time, with an OFF time from 0-90 minutes.ATC-300 — This microprocessor based air pump control features aprogrammable “Event Timer” capable of 20 individual feed events per day. Abuilt in 24 Hour Clock with real time battery back up keeps the event time onschedule for every programmed feed event.ATC-500ATC-200 ATC-300CAUTION: Wear protective clothing and eyewear when dispensing chemicals or other materials. Observe safety handling instructions (MSDS) of chemical mfrs. CAUTION: To avoid severe or fatal shock, always disconnect main power when servicing the unit.CAUTION: When installing any equipment, ensure that all national and localsafety, electrical, and plumbing codes are met.INSTALLATION OF AIR TIMER CONTROLSee diagram on the following page for illustration of the steps below.(1) Mount the unit in a location that is convenient for programming, adjusting air pressure, and normal operation.(2) Connect incoming air source to the inlet fitting using 3/8“ poly tubing. Max recommended pressure is 150 PSI.(3) Connect the outlet fitting from the air solenoid valve to the air pump inlet port using 3/8” poly tubing.(4) Use of an air-operated 2-way valve is recommended for installations where siphoning can occur. An example isshown on the following page.(5) Plug the power cord into a 115 VAC wall outlet — if necessary, the input voltage configuration can be changedby moving the lead on the power cord from the 115 connection to either 208 or 230. You will also need to use an adapter for the plug, or cut off the plug and hard wire to the power source.OPERATION / START-UPConsult Air Pump operation manual for mfr’s operating specifications.(1) Make sure power and air supply are both ON.(2) Manually activate the air pump using the prime button (or “start” button, depending on the model) on the frontcover of the ATC unit. Priming a “dry” pump may require you flood the pump suction with water. Suction line should be no longer than 10 feet (3 meters).(3) The air pump will typically be easier to prime when running at a slower speed. The speed and volume delivery ofthe pump can be controlled by turning the regulator clockwise to increase pressure and counter-clockwise to decrease pressure.(4) Once the pump is primed, adjust the air pressure as needed to achieve the desired feed rate. PROGRAMMING AND CALIBRATING THE AIR PUMP TIMER CONTROLPages 4 – 6 of this manual define the programming and operation of the various ATC models. See the page that pertains to the model of ATC you have.INSTALLATION & WIRING DIAGRAMATC-500 MODELSPump Run Time: (max run time is 12 minutes and 42 seconds)(1) Locate the dip-switch pack on the circuit board — set switch #6 to SIGNAL, set switch #7 to RUN TIME and setswitch #8 to PROGRAM MODE.(2) Using a measuring cup or beaker, press Start switch and release when pump starts. Let the pump run untildesired amount of chemical is dispensed then press Start switch again to stop. The run time is now programmed.Repeat step if new volume is required.(3) Set mode switch #8 to RUN MODE.Delay Time: (max delay time is 12 minutes and 42 seconds)(1) Locate the dip-switch pack on the circuit board — set switch #6 to SIGNAL, set switch #7 to DELAY TIME andset switch #8 to PROGRAM MODE.(2) Press Start switch and release when the LED begins flashing. When the desired delay time has passed, pressthe Start switch again. The delay time is now programmed. Repeat step if new delay time is required.(3) Set mode switch #8 to RUN MODE.Lock-Out Time: (max lock-out time is 31 minutes)This feature defeats consecutive dispensing of product for a pre-determined interval. Select a combination of switches 1 – 5 to program total lock-out time.Example: For 10 minute lock-out, set switches #2 and #4 to ON with all other switches OFF.For maximum lock-out (31 min) set all switches ON.For no lock-out, set all switches OFF.OPERATIONManual activation: Press the Start button on the cover or on the remote switch box for 1 full second. The unit will begin counting down the delay time (if used) and will then run the pump for the amount of time programmed. Once the lock-out time expires (if used) the pump will be ready to restart.Signal activation: When the signal input on the circuit board receives a 14-240VAC trigger signal for at least 1 full second, the delay time (if used) will begin counting down. Then the pump will run for the amount of time programmed. Once the lock-out time expires (if used) the pump will be ready to restart.Relay Mode: Set switch #6 to RELAY. The pump will activate for as long as an external trigger signal is present, or for as long as the manual button is depressed. All other board functions (such as delay time and lock-out time) are by-passed in relay mode.DISABLING THE START BUTTONThere is a jumper marked “JP1” on the circuit board that can be used to prevent manual activation in certain applications, or to allow manual activation by remote push-button only. This jumper only affects the on-board start button. A remote start button, or trigger signal, can always be used to activate the pump.• When the jumper is ON, the on-board start button is functional.• When the jumper OFF, the on-board start button is disabled.PRIMING(1) If a lock-out time has been set, temporarily set it to zero — this will make priming much easier.(2) Manually activate the pump until prime is achieved.(3) Once prime is achieved reset the lock-out time if required.ATC-200 MODELS• Maximum on time is 2 minutes• Maximum off time is 90 minutesOperationThe CT-200 circuit board is a cycle timer capable of turning “on” the pump for as long as 2 minutes, while the “off” interval between run times can be from 1.5 seconds to 90 minutes. The CT-200 has the option to have the pump operate as soon as power is applied (“on” first) or after the “off” interval has expired (“off” first).Maximum run times are determined by “ON TIME” and “OFF TIME” potentiometers on the top of the circuit board. Setting ON & OFF Time(1) The “ON TIME” potentiometer on the CT-200 will adjust the output activation time from 0-2 minutes.(2) The “OFF TIME” potentiometer will adjust the idle time of the CT-200 within the range selected by the “MAXMINUTES OFF” jumpers on the circuit board (20, 30, 60, or 90 minutes).(3) The cycle of operation of the CT-200 is determined by “MODE SELECT” jumpers on the board. When power isapplied, the setting of this jumper will determine whether the board is “off first” or “on first“.PrimingPress the PRIME button on the front cover. The pump will run as long as the button is held down.ATC-300 MODELS• During normal operation, the clock will display briefly when an event run time starts, or while either PRIME button is pressed. PRIME 2 can be used to check the clock without running the pump (as this system only has 1 pump). • During programming, if a button is not pushed within 2 minutes, the display will disappear and the control will return to normal operation.Button FunctionsPRGM: Steps you through the setup program.PRIME 2 ( ): Manually shows clock when not programming.Advances numbers upward when programming.PRIME 1 ( ): Manually activates the pump and shows clock when not programming.Advances numbers downward when programming.Security Feature — remove jumper JP1 to programTo prevent unauthorized tampering, the events and time/day setting can be “secured” by placing a jumper on the JP1 pins on the back of the MT-300 circuit board. The jumper acts like a lock and key...when the MT-300 is secured (jumper on) the display will show “SECU” if the PRGM button is pressed. The PRIME buttons are not affected and will still function in their normal manner. Removing the jumper allows the MT-300 to be programmed or to change the time of day clock. Replace jumper when done programming if you wish to secure the system.Programming(1) Press the PRGM button.....set the clock to the current time of day. Use / to set the clock (note AM/PM).(2) Press PRGM again.....PE 1 will be displayed. PE stands for Pump Events (“on” times) needed per day. Use /to set the number (from 1 to 20) of pump events per day that are required. The system will activate only the number of pump events indicated by the PE #.(3) Press PRGM again.....E 1 will be displayed indicating that you are going to program the first event.(4) Press PRGM again.....pump start time will be displayed. Use / to set pump start time (note AM/PM).(5) Press PRGM again.....pump run time will be displayed. Use / to set the pump run time (min:sec).(6) Press PRGM again.....E 2 will be displayed if you selected more than 1 pump event (PE) per day. Repeat theevent programming instructions above to program all pump events. After all pump events are programmed, you will return to the blank display.(7) To review your programming, press the PRGM button and slowly step through the program. Make changes asnecessary referring to the above instructions.Tip: If you hold down any of the buttons while programming, the numbers will scroll much faster.Tip: If you get lost in the program, press PRGM until you return to blank display. Then repeat instructions above.PARTS DIAGRAMMAINTENANCE• Check the condition of the air lines and fittings — replace any parts that are leaking air.• Check for variation in air supply pressure and adjust regulators accordingly.DISCLAIMERKnight LLC does not accept responsibility for the mishandling, misuse, or non-performance of the described items when used for purposes other than those specified in the instructions. For hazardous materials information consult label, MSDS, or Knight LLC. Knight products are not for use in potentially explosive environments. Any use of our equipment in such an environment is at the risk of the user, Knight does not accept any liability in such circumstances.WARRANTYAll Knight controls and pump systems are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of ONE year. All electronic control boards have a TWO year warranty. Warranty applies only to the replacement or repair of such parts when returned to factory with a Knight Return Authorization (KRA) number, freight prepaid, and found to be defective upon factory authorized inspection. Bearings and pump seals or rubber and synthetic rubber parts such as “O” rings, diaphragms, squeeze tubing, and gaskets are considered expendable and are not covered under warranty. Warranty does not cover liability resulting from performance of this equipment nor the labor to replace this equipment. Product abuse or misuse voids warranty.FOOTNOTEThe information and specifications included in this publication were in effect at the time of approval for printing. Knight, LLC reserves the right, however, to discontinue or change specifications or design at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation whatsoever.Knight Headquarters Tel: 949.595.4800 Fax: 949.595.4801USA Toll FreeTel: 800.854.3764Fax: 800.752.9518Knight CanadaTel: 905.542.2333Fax: 905.542.1536Knight EuropeTel: 44.1293.615.570Fax: 44.1293.615.585Knight AustraliaTel: 61.2.9725.2588Fax: 61.2.9725.2025Knight N. AsiaTel: 82.2.3481.6683Fax: 82.2.3482.5742Knight S. AsiaTel: 65.6763.6633Fax: 65.6764.4020。

DIB01 100A 电流监测阈值启动器手册说明书

DIB01 100A 电流监测阈值启动器手册说明书

1Mounting Output Measuring range Supply: 24 VDC and 24 to 240 VAC DIN-railSPDT2 to 100 A ACDIB 01 C M24 100AMonitoring RelaysProduct Description•TRMS AC over or under current monitoring relay•Current measuring through built-in current transformer •Selection of measuring range by DIP-switches •Measuring ranges from 2 A to 100 A AC •Adjustable current on relative scale •Adjustable hysteresis on relative scale •Adjustable delay function (0.1 to 30 s)•Programmable latching or inhibit at set level •Output: 8 A SPDT relay N.D. or N.E. selectable •For mounting on DIN-rail in accordance with DIN/EN 50 022•22.5 mm Euronorm housing•LED indication for relay, alarm and power supply ON •Galvanically separated power supply1-Phase True RMS AC Over or Under Current Type DIB01 100ADIB01 is a precise TRMS AC over or under current (selectable by DIP -switch)monitoring relay.Owing to the built-in latch function, the ON-position of the relay output can be maintained. Inhibit function can be used to avoid relayoperation when not desired (maintenance, transitions). The LED's indicate the state of the alarm and the output relay. Through the built-in current transformer it is pos-sible to monitor loads up to 100 A AC.Type Selection2Adjust the input range set-ting DIP switches 1 and 2 as shown below.Select the desired function setting DIP switches 3 to 6as shown below.To access the DIP switches open the grey plastic cover as shown below.Selection of level and time delay:Upper knob:Setting of hysteresis on rela-tive scale: 0 to 30% on set value.Centre knob:Current level setting on rela-tive scale: 10 to 110% on full scale.Lower knob:Setting of delay on alarm time on absolute scale (0.1to 30 s).Function/Range/Level and Time Delay SettingMode of OperationDIB01 monitors AC over or under current through an internal current transformer.Example 1(connection between termi-nals A1, Y1 - latching func-tion enabled - Relay ND)The relay operates and latches in operating position when the measured value exceeds (or drops below)the set level for more than the set delay time. Provided that the current has dropped below (or has exceeded) the set point (see hysteresis set-ting), the relay releases when the interconnection between terminals A1, Y1 is interrupted or the power supply is interrupted as well.The red LED flashes until the delay time has expired.Example 2(no connection between ter-minals A1, Y1 - latch func-tion disabled - Relay ND)The relay operates when the measured value exceeds (or drops below) the set level for more than the set delay time. It releases when the current drops below (or exceeds) the set level (see hysteresis setting) or whenpower supply is interrupted.NoteWhen the inhibit contact is opened, if the input signal is already in alarm position, the delay time needs to elapse before relay activation.DIB01 100AGeneral Specifications3DIB01 100AWiring DiagramOperation DiagramsOver current - N.D. relayUnder current - N.D. relay Under current - Latch function - N.D. relayOver current - Inhibit function - N.D. relayDimensions。



文案大全此文档由恒飞电器提供 由杭州寰宇世极功放编写※系统概述:M P 3智能音乐播放器:采用世界最先进的微电脑控制技术。


内存大小由你选择: (分别可用U 盘或T F 卡设计),成为广播设备的典范之精品,达到国内领先水平。


※综合功能:M P 3自动广播、智能分区广播、日常教学广播、消防紧急广播、背景音乐播放、外语教学及听力考试广播功能。

※技术参数:信噪比:>90d B ; 谐波失真:<0.1%;频响范围:20H z -18K ; 电压:220V※前面板介绍(由于机型不同布局略有不同)01、电源灯及开关02、插U 盘或连接电脑U S B 囗03、电源灯 (T F 卡插囗)04、显示屏;05、菜单上,下,左,右控制选择键; 06、确定,停止,返回键; 07、咪,输入,监听音量控制键; 08、分区1,2,3,4,5,6按键 09、分区及电源全开全关按键; 10、手动与自动切换按键;重要提示:当你插入新U 盘或TF 卡时,必须先把它插在本机上并开关本机电源,让它自动生成AUDIO 文件夹后并把有编号的MP3歌曲装到AUDIO 文件夹内才可以播放。

※后面板介绍(由于机型不同布局略有不同)2注:短路输入端囗: 当这个端囗有短路信号输入时,本机会立刻播放你放在內存里AL A RM 文件夹内的这一首曲目,AL A RM 这文件夹內只能放一首用于紧急报警用的歌曲,其它需要定时播放的歌曲要放在A U DI O 文件夹內,如歌曲的路径放错则定时播放将不执行。

短路输出端囗: 这个端囗与功放电源和分区的动作同步,即当有定时点到时,这端囗即短路,当定时歌曲放完或设定了结束时间到了即断开,这端囗作用是用于控制电源时序器接多台功放之用。

※设备连接图(由于机型不同布局略有不同)※音乐播放步骤一:按面板上的” 确定” 键,进入主菜单。

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