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1) 时间,原因和条件状语可以用非谓语动词的形式,也可以用状语从句的形式,一般的说,非谓语动词形式比状语从句形式正式。

Being (As he was) a farmer, he had to get up early.

Weather permitting (If weather permits), we shall go.


He spoke in a confident way / with confidence. (confidently)

3) 英语中用一些副词有两种形式,一种是-ly形式,一种是同形容词的形式相同,一般说,前者比后者正式。

I'll get back as quickly (quick) as I can.

He read loudly (loud).

I guessed rightly (right).

4) 让步状语从句`how (who, when, what) ever' 的形式比no matter how (who, when, what) 的形式正式。

However (No matter how) difficult the work may be, I shall finish it.


I. 关系代词

1) 定语从句中作宾语的关系词`Whom' 比`who'正式。

He is the person whom (who) I met the other day.

2) 在定语从句中作主语和宾语的关系词`Who' `whom' and `which'比`that' 正式。

He is the person who (that) is well-known all over the country.

This is the book which (that) I bought yesterday.

I know the person whom (that) you spoke to.

3) 指时间和地点的从句`Prep + which' 比`when' and `where' 从句正式。

This is the place in which (where ) I worked.

That is the day on which (when) I came.

II. 人称代词

1) 通常在比较级中主格比宾格正式。

He is taller than I (me).

Who is there ? It is I.(me)

2) 在动名词前,所属格比主格正式。

Do you mind my (me) smoking?

I am surprised at his (him) making that mistake.

3) 单数人称代词比复数正式。

Everyone should do his (their) duty.

Give me (us) a kiss, darling.

Everyone thinks he knows (they know) the answer.

4) 指作者本人用`We' 比`I' 正式。

As we (I) showed in Chapter One, it is not an easy question.

5) 泛指人时,`One' 比`you' 正式。

One (You) never knows what may happen.

6) 在复合句中,主句和从句中的主语出现名词和代词时,主句中用名词比用人称代词正式。

The plane took off as soon as it had refueled.

(It took off as soon as the plane had refueled.)

III. 指示代词

1) 当`This' 和`that'都是后指时,'that' 比`this' 正式。

That (This) is what I thought.

2.)`that / those' 作为先行词比名词正式。

Those flowers are better than those which (the flowers) we planted last year.


1) 单数比复数正式。

None / Neither of them has (have) arrived yet.

2) 复数比单数正式。

If I were (was) you I would do that.

Neither his wife nor his child have (has) arrived.

There are (is) hundreds of people outside.

3) 和kind 连用的名词单数比复数正式。

This kind of dog (These kinds of dogs are) is easy to train.

I like most kind of cat (cats).


Had I known it (If I had known it) I would have told you.

Hardly have I seen this. (I have hardly seen this.)

Away went the car (The car went away) like a whirl wind.

Under no circumstances must the door be left unlocked.

(The door must be left unlocked under no circumstances.)

Most of the problems a computer could solve easily.

(A computer could solve most of the problems easily.)


I know that he is a famous writer.

He is a person whom I have known for several years.

I spent all the week in writing my paper.

I saw her on the day after her birthday.

We are going to visit China in the following spring.

You can borrow my pen if you want to borrow.

He suggested that we should come early.


He is a person on whom we can rely (whom we can rely on).

With what did he write it? (What did he write it with?)
