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1.在做了一个令人惊叹的演讲之后,他又赢回了同事们的支持。(win back…)

2.他谋求良好生活的能力受到了他缺乏教育的限制。(earn a good living, be limited by)

3.如果我们联合起来,我们能减少完成这一项目所需要的时间。(combine one’s efforts; cut



5.没人能对他的旷课作出解释。(account for)

6.我决定还是求稳不要冒险。(take a chance;rather than)

7.刘翔是否能在明年复出取决他的脚伤是否完全康复。(depend on)

8.既然你已经通过了驾驶考试,你就可以独自开车了。(now that)


10.美国最大银行的倒闭引发了(set off)连锁的破产现象(bankruptcies),导致了许多人失去了

自己的家园。(lead to, a chain action;)

11.从这个角度上说,应该受到责备的是不负责任的父母而不是做错事的小孩。(rather than…,


12.After making a wonderful speech, he was able to win back the support of his colleagues.

13.His ability to earn a good living is limited by his lack of education.

14.If we combine our efforts, we can cut down the time needed to complete the project.

15.This news report is based entirely on facts.

16.Nobody could account for his absence from school.

17.I decided to play it safe rather than take a chance.

18.Liu Xiang’s taking part in the competition again next year depends on whether his ankle

injury can be cured.

19.Now that you have passed the driving test, you can drive on your own.

20.What prevented him from attending our meeting still remains a mystery.

21.The collapse of America’s largest bank set off a chain reaction of bankruptcies and led to

many people losing their homes.

22.In this respect, it was the irresponsible parents rather than the children who were at fault

that should be blamed.
