(一)1. 人类最早的信用活动产生于原始社会末期,它是在(私有制)基础上产生的。
2. 在奴隶社会和封建社会中,(高利贷)是占主导地位的信用形式。
3. 信用的基本特征是(偿还)和(支付利息)4. 在旧中国农村,粮食借贷有“春借一斗秋还三斗”的说法,这种信用形式所采用的是(实物借贷)方式,后来随着生产力的提高,逐渐发展(货币供货)方式,并成为主要借贷形式。
5. 债务人无法按照承诺偿还债权人本息的风险被称为(信用风险)6. 工商企业之间在买卖商品时,以商品形式提供的信用是(商业信用),其典型形式是(赊销)7. 提供商业信用的债权人,为保证自己对债务的索取权而掌握的一种书面债权凭证被称为(商业票据)8. 现代经济社会中,国家的经济职能得到空前强化,并作为最重要的经济部门参与经济活动。
在国家信用中政府主要作为资金的(需求者)9. 消费信用的形式有(赊销)(分期付款)和(消费信贷)几种10. 消费信贷按接受贷款的对象不同分为(买方信贷)和(卖方信贷)两种(二)11. 对利率按借贷期内利率是否浮动可划分为:(固定利率)与(浮动利率)在借贷期限较短或市场利率变化不大的情况下可以采用(固定利率)。
12. 通常情况下,名义利率扣除(通货膨胀率)即可视为实际利率13. 各类利率之间和各类内部都有一定的联系并相互制约,共同构成一个有机整体,即(利率体系),它是一国在一定时期内种类利率的总和。
14. 相同期金融资产因风险异而产生的不同利率,被称为利率的(风险结构)15. 由于债券发行者的收入会随经营者状况而改变,因此债券本息的偿付能力不同,这就给债券本息能否及时偿还带来了不确定性,这种风险叫(违约风险)16. 我国出现第一家现代商业银行是1845年在广州和香港同时开业的(英国丽如)银行,我国第一家发族资本银行是1897年在上海设立的(中国通商银行)17. 国民党统治时期,国民党政府和四大家族运用手中的权利建立了以(四行二局一库)核心的官僚资本金融机构体系,并成为国民党政府实行金融垄断的重要工具18. 1948年12月1日,子啊原华北银行、北海银行、西北农民银行的基础上建立的(中国人民银行)标志着辛中国金融体系的开始。
考研政治练习题及答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. 马克思主义哲学认为,世界的本原是:A. 物质B. 精神C. 能量D. 信息答案:A2. 毛泽东思想是:A. 中国革命和建设的指导思想B. 马克思主义在中国的具体应用C. 社会主义现代化建设的指导思想D. 马克思主义的基本原理答案:B3. 社会主义核心价值观包括:A. 富强、民主、文明、和谐B. 自由、平等、公正、法治C. 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善D. 所有选项答案:D4. 中国特色社会主义进入新时代,我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为:A. 人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾B. 人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾C. 社会主义和资本主义之间的矛盾D. 经济建设与环境保护之间的矛盾答案:B5. 社会主义市场经济体制的基本特征包括:A. 以公有制为主体B. 以市场为基础C. 以计划为主导D. A和B答案:D6. 党的十九大报告指出,全面深化改革的总目标是:A. 完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度B. 推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化C. 实现中华民族伟大复兴D. A和B答案:D7. 我国的基本政治制度包括:A. 人民代表大会制度B. 民族区域自治制度C. 基层群众自治制度D. 所有选项答案:D8. 社会主义法治理念的核心是:A. 依法治国B. 以德治国C. 法治与德治相结合D. 公平正义答案:A9. 我国坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的总任务是:A. 实现中华民族伟大复兴B. 建设社会主义现代化强国C. 推进全面深化改革D. A和B答案:D10. 社会主义核心价值观在国家层面的价值目标是:A. 富强、民主、文明、和谐B. 自由、平等、公正、法治C. 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善D. 创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享答案:A二、多项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 以下哪些是中国特色社会主义事业的总体布局?A. 经济建设B. 政治建设C. 文化建设D. 社会建设E. 生态文明建设答案:ABCDE2. 社会主义核心价值观在社会层面的价值取向包括:A. 自由B. 平等C. 公正D. 法治E. 诚信答案:ABCD3. 我国坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的基本原则包括:A. 坚持党的基本路线B. 坚持解放思想、实事求是C. 坚持全面深化改革D. 坚持新发展理念E. 坚持人民主体地位答案:ABCDE4. 我国社会主义法治建设的基本原则包括:A. 法律面前人人平等B. 依法治国C. 以德治国D. 法律的权威至上E. 严格执法、公正司法答案:ABDE5. 我国社会主义市场经济体制的基本特征包括:A. 以公有制为主体B. 以市场为基础C. 以计划为主导D. 以效率优先E. 以社会公平为保障答案:ABE三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述中国特色社会主义进入新时代的重大意义。
数学考研练习题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项不是有理数?A. πB. -3C. 0.33333...D. √42. 一个圆的半径为5,其面积是:A. 25πB. 50πC. 100πD. 125π3. 函数f(x)=x^2-4x+4的最小值出现在:A. x=0B. x=2C. x=4D. x=-24. 已知a=3,b=-2,c=1,求二次方程ax^2+bx+c=0的根:A. x=1/3B. x=-2C. x=3D. 无实数解5. 以下哪个数列是等差数列?A. 2, 4, 8, 16B. 1, 3, 6, 10C. 3, 5, 7, 9D. 5, 7, 9, 11二、填空题(每题3分,共15分)6. 已知等差数列的前三项分别为2, 5, 8,求第四项。
7. 若函数f(x)=2x-3在x=2处的导数为k,则k的值为________。
8. 已知三角形ABC的两边长分别为3和4,夹角为60°,求第三边的长度。
9. 将圆x^2+y^2=9沿着x轴平移2个单位,新的圆的方程是________。
10. 已知一个正弦波函数y=A*sin(ωx+φ),若其振幅A=2,周期T=2π,求ω的值。
三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 解不等式:|x-3| + |x+1| ≤ 5。
12. 证明:对于任意的正整数n,1^2 + 1/2^2 + 1/3^2 + ... +1/n^2 < 2。
13. 已知函数f(x)=x^3-3x^2+2x-1,求其导数f'(x)。
四、解答题(每题15分,共40分)14. 求曲线y=x^3-6x^2+9x+2在点(2,0)处的切线方程。
15. 给定函数g(x)=ln(x)-2x+5,求其在区间[1,e]上的最大值和最小值。
16. 某工厂生产一种产品,其成本函数为C(x)=5x+2000,销售价格为p(x)=10x,其中x为生产数量。
Passage 1In recent years, the popularity of online education has surged, with millions of students around the world taking advantage of the convenience and flexibility it offers. However, there are also concerns about the quality of online education compared to traditional classroom learning.Questions:21. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The benefits of online education.B. The increasing popularity of online education.C. The drawbacks of online education.D. The comparison between online and traditional education.22. What concerns are mentioned regarding online education?A. The cost of online courses.B. The lack of social interaction.C. The difficulty in accessing technology.D. The quality of the education provided.Passage 2The role of technology in modern society is undeniable. It has transformed the way we communicate, work, and live. Yet, there is an ongoing debate about whether technology has a positive or negative impact on our lives.Questions:23. What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?A. To discuss the benefits of technology.B. To explore the impact of technology on society.C. To criticize the overuse of technology.D. To encourage the development of new technologies.24. What is the central debate mentioned in the passage?A. The cost of technological advancements.B. The ethical implications of technology.C. The positive versus negative effects of technology.D. The future of technology in society.B节(共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
考研英语一阅读练习题一、事实细节题1. According to the first paragraph, what is the main challenge faced today's college graduates?2. In the second paragraph, the author mentions that__________ is a key factor in job placement.3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the third paragraph?4. The author gives the example of Company X toillustrate __________.二、词义猜测题1. The word "entrenched" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __________.2. In Paragraph 4, the phrase "break the mold" mostlikely means __________.3. The term "lateral thinking" in Paragraph 5 can be best understood as __________.三、推理判断题1. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that__________.2. The author's attitude towards the current job marketis __________.3. Based on the information in Paragraph 3, we can conclude that __________.四、主旨大意题1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?2. What is the overall theme of the passage?3. Which of the following best summarizes the author's purpose in writing this article?五、观点态度题1. The author's opinion on the importance of internships is __________.2. In the author's view, the role of __________ in career success is __________.3. The author's tone when discussing the challenges of college graduates can be described as __________.六、篇章结构题1. The function of the first paragraph is to __________.2. The author uses the example in Paragraph 4 to__________.3. The structure of the passage can be best described as __________.七、长难句理解题1. In the following sentence, what does the author mean "the socalled 'hidden job market'"?"Many job seekers overlook the socalled 'hidden job market', which accounts for a significant portion of total employment opportunities."2. What is the author's point in the following sentence?"While a strong academic background is important, it is not the sole determinant of career success."八、信息匹配题1. Which paragraph discusses the impact of social media on job hunting?2. In which section does the author talk about the benefits of networking?3. Which part of the article provides advice on how to tailor a resume for different job applications?九、逻辑推理题1. If the author's claim in Paragraph 5 is true, which of the following would most likely be the consequence?2. The author suggests that without __________, it would be difficult for graduates to __________.3. Which of the following steps should be taken first according to the author's advice for job seekers?十、细节理解题1. According to the article, what percentage of jobs are never advertised?2. The author mentions several skills that are highly valued employers; which skill is mentioned as being crucial for problemsolving?十一、语义理解题1. What does the author imply when saying "the landscape of employment has shifted dramatically"?2. The phrase "think outside the box" in Paragraph 6 suggests that job seekers should __________.3. In the context of the article, what does "soft skills" refer to?十二、论点论据题1. Which of the following serves as evidence to support the author's claim about the importance of continuous learning?2. The author uses __________ as an example to illustrate the significance of adaptability in the workplace.3. What is the main argument against relying solely on online job portals for job search?十三、归纳题1. What would be the best of the passage?2. If the second section of the article were to be d, which of the following would be most appropriate?3. Choose a sub for the last paragraph of the article.十四、引申推断题1. Based on the passage, what might be a future trend in the job market?2. If the author were to continue the article, what topic might be discussed next?3. What advice can be inferred for those who are considering a career change?答案一、事实细节题2. Networking and personal connections.3. (Answer depends on the content of the third paragraph, which is not provided.)4. The importance of practical skills in the workplace.二、词义猜测题1. Established or firmly established.2. Think in an unconventional way or innovate.3. Thinking that moves laterally or creatively to solve problems.三、推理判断题1. (Answer depends on the content of the first paragraph, which is not provided.)2. Concerned but optimistic.3. (Answer depends on the content of the third paragraph, which is not provided.)四、主旨大意题1. (Answer depends on the content of the second paragraph, which is not provided.)2. Navigating the job market as a new graduate.3. (Answer depends on the overall theme of the passage, which is not provided.)五、观点态度题1. Positive.2. Continuous learning / crucial.3. Understanding and empathetic.六、篇章结构题1. To introduce the topic and present the main challenge.2. To illustrate the importance of thinking outside the box.3. Problemsolution structure.七、长难句理解题1. Jobs that are not publicly advertised but can be found through networking and other informal channels.2. Academic background alone is not enough for career success.八、信息匹配题1. Paragraph 4.2. Section discussing career development strategies.3. Part where resume customization is advised.九、逻辑推理题1. Increased emphasis on practical skills in education.2. Continuous learning / stay relevant in the job market.3. Identifying one's career goals.十、细节理解题1. 7080%.2. Critical thinking.3. Subscribing to industry newsletters and attending webinars.十一、语义理解题1. Significant changes have occurred in how people find and secure employment.2. Be creative and innovative.十二、论点论据题1. The statistic that a certain percentage of jobs are filled through networking.2. A story of a graduate who adapted to a new industry.3. The argument that online job portals only show a fraction of available jobs.十三、归纳题1. "Navigating the Job Market: Strategies for New Graduates"2. "The Hidden Job Market: Uncovering Opportunities"3. "Adapting to Change: The Key to Career Success"十四、引申推断题1. Increased reliance on remote work and digital platforms.2. Strategies for effective job interviews.3. The importance of lifelong learning and career planning.。
Passage 1In the past few years, the popularity of online education has surged. Many people believe that online learning is more convenient and flexible than traditional classroom education. However, there are also concerns about the effectiveness of online education.1. What is the main idea of the passage?A) Online education is less effective than traditional education.B) Online education is becoming increasingly popular.C) Traditional classroom education is more effective.D) People are divided over the effectiveness of online education.2. According to the passage, what is one advantage of online education?A) It is less flexible than traditional education.B) It is more expensive than traditional education.C) It is more convenient and flexible.D) It is more challenging than traditional education.3. What is a concern mentioned in the passage?A) The cost of online education.B) The effectiveness of online education.C) The lack of access to online education.D) The difficulty of online learning.4. What does the passage suggest about the popularity of online education?A) It is declining.B) It is stable.C) It is increasing.D) It is uncertain.5. What can be inferred from the passage?A) The author is against online education.B) The author is in favor of online education.C) The author is neutral about online education.D) The author is confused about online education.Passage 2The use of social media has become an integral part of modern society. It allows people to stay connected with friends and family, share experiences, and access information. However, there are also concerns about the impact of social media on mental health.1. What is the main topic of the passage?A) The benefits of social media.B) The drawbacks of social media.C) The impact of social media on mental health.D) The history of social media.2. According to the passage, what is a positive aspect of social media?A) It can lead to mental health issues.B) It can be a source of misinformation.C) It can help people stay connected.D) It can be a time-consuming activity.3. What is a concern raised in the passage?A) The cost of social media platforms.B) The impact of social media on mental health.C) The lack of regulation of social media.D) The potential for cyberbullying.4. What can be inferred about the author's view on social media?A) The author is completely against social media.B) The author is completely in favor of social media.C) The author has a balanced view of social media.D) The author is confused about the impact of social media.5. What does the passage suggest about the role of social media in society?A) It is becoming less important.B) It is becoming more important.C) It is controversial.D) It is unnecessary.二、完形填空(共20分,每题2分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
考研数学练习题一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 设函数f(x)=x^3-3x^2+2x,求f'(x)的值。
A. 3x^2-6x+2B. x^3-3x+2C. 3x^2-6xD. 3x^2-6x+12. 已知数列{an}满足a1=2,an+1=3an-2,求a4的值。
A. 32B. 34C. 36D. 383. 曲线y=x^2与直线y=4x-5在第一象限内的交点坐标是:A. (1,3)B. (2,3)C. (5,21)D. (5,15)4. 已知矩阵A=\[\begin{matrix} 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 \end{matrix}\],求矩阵A的行列式。
A. -2B. 0C. 1D. 55. 已知函数f(x)=sin(x)+cos(x),求f''(x)的值。
A. -2cos(x)B. -2sin(x)C. 2cos(x)D. 2sin(x)二、填空题(每题3分,共15分)1. 若f(x)=x^2-4x+3,求f(2)的值为______。
2. 设等差数列{bn}的首项为5,公差为3,求其第10项b10的值为______。
3. 若曲线y=x^3-6x^2+9x+2与x轴相切于点(x0,0),则x0的值为______。
4. 已知向量a=\[\begin{matrix} 2 \\ 3 \end{matrix}\],b=\[\begin{matrix} -1 \\ 4 \end{matrix}\],求向量a与b的点积a·b的值为______。
5. 设函数g(x)=e^x-1,求g(0)的值为______。
三、解答题(每题5分,共30分)1. 求函数y=x^2-2x+1的极值点,并说明极值类型。
2. 已知等比数列{cn}的首项为1,公比为2,求其前n项和Sn。
3. 证明:若函数f(x)在区间(a,b)内连续,且f(a)f(b)<0,则至少存在一点c∈(a,b),使得f(c)=0。
考研光学复习题库及答案一、选择题1. 光的干涉现象是指:A. 光的衍射B. 光的反射C. 光的折射D. 两束或多束相干光波相遇时,光强分布不均匀的现象答案:D2. 以下哪个不是光的偏振现象的特性?A. 光波振动方向的单一性B. 光波振动方向的多样性C. 光波振动方向的不变性D. 光波振动方向的固定性答案:B3. 光的衍射现象说明:A. 光是粒子B. 光是波动C. 光是电磁波D. 光具有能量答案:B二、填空题1. 光的干涉条件是两束光必须是________。
答案:相干光2. 光的偏振现象可以通过________来实现。
答案:偏振器3. 单缝衍射的中央亮纹的宽度比其它亮纹的宽度________。
答案:宽三、简答题1. 请简述光的干涉现象及其应用。
2. 什么是光的全反射现象?请举例说明。
四、计算题1. 已知光波长为600纳米,求在单缝衍射实验中,当缝宽为0.5毫米时,中央亮纹的宽度。
答:根据单缝衍射的公式,中央亮纹的角宽度 \( \theta \) 可以用公式 \( \theta = \frac{\lambda D}{d} \) 来计算,其中\( \lambda \) 是光波长,\( D \) 是观察屏到缝的距离,\( d \) 是缝宽。
由于题目没有给出 \( D \),我们无法直接计算出具体的宽度,但可以得出宽度与 \( D \) 成正比。
五、论述题1. 论述光的波动性和粒子性,并说明它们在现代物理学中的应用。
高等数学考研复习题及答案一、填空题1.设2)(xx a a x f -+=,则函数的图形关于 对称。
2.若⎩⎨⎧<≤+<<-=20102sin 2x x x x y ,则=)2(πy .3. 极限limsinsin x x x x→=021。
4.已知22lim 222=--++→x x bax x x ,则=a _____, =b _____。
5.已知0→x 时,1)1(312-+ax 与1cos -x 是等价无穷小,则常数a = 6.设)(22y z y z x ϕ=+,其中ϕ可微,则yz∂∂= 。
7.设2e yz u x=,其中),(y x z z =由0=+++xyz z y x 确定的隐函数,则=∂∂)1,0(xu 。
8.设ϕϕ,),()(1f y x y xy f xz ++=具有二阶连续导数,则=∂∂∂y x z 2 。
9.函数y x xy xy y x f 22),(--=的可能极值点为 和 。
10.设||)1(sin ),(22xy x y x y x f -+=则_____________)0,1('=y f . 11.=⎰xdx x 2sin 2 .12.之间所围图形的面积为上曲线在区间x y x y sin ,cos ],0[==π .13.若21d e 0=⎰∞+-x kx ,则_________=k 。
14.设D:122≤+y x ,则由估值不等式得 ⎰⎰≤++≤Ddxdy y x )14(2215.设D 由22,2,1,2y x y x y y ====围成(0x ≥),则(),Df x y d σ⎰⎰在直角坐标系下的两种积分次序为_______________和_______________.16.设D 为01,01y x x ≤≤-≤≤,则Df dxdy ⎰⎰的极坐标形式的二次积分为____. 17.设级数∑∞=+121n pn收敛,则常数p 的最大取值范围是 .18.=+-+-⎰10 642)!3!2!11(dx x x x x . 19. 方程01122=-+-ydy xdx 的通解为20.微分方程025204=+'-''y y 的通解为 .21.当n=_________时,方程ny x q y x p y )()('=+ 为一阶线性微分方程。
1.高度为 K的二叉树最大的结点数为()。
【山东大学 2001 二、3 (1分)】A.2k B.2k-1 C.2k -1 D.2k-1-12. 利用二叉链表存储树,则根结点的右指针是()。
A.指向最左孩子 B.指向最右孩子 C.空 D.非空3.若二叉树采用二叉链表存储结构,要交换其所有分支结点左、右子树的位置,利用( )遍历方法最合适。
A.前序 B.中序 C.后序 D.按层次4、高度为h的满二叉树对应的森林由()棵树构成。
A.1 B.log2h C.h/2 D.h5某二叉树中序序列为A,B,C,D,E,F,G,后序序列为B,D,C,A,F,G,E 则前序序列是:( ),二叉树对应的森林包括多少棵树()。
6一棵非空的二叉树的先序遍历序列与后序遍历序列正好相反,则该二叉树一定满足()A.所有的结点均无左孩子B.所有的结点均无右孩子C.只有一个叶子结点D.是任意一棵二叉树7在二叉树结点的先序序列,中序序列和后序序列中,所有叶子结点的先后顺序()A.都不相同B.完全相同 C.先序和中序相同,而与后序不同D.中序和后序相同,而与先序不同8某二叉树的前序序列和后序序列正好相反,则该二叉树一定是()的二叉树。
A.空或只有一个结点 B.任一结点无左子树 C.高度等于其结点数 D.任一结点无右子树9在完全二叉树中,若一个结点是叶结点,则它没()。
A.左子结点 B.右子结点 C.左子结点和右子结点 D.左子结点,右子结点和兄弟结点10在下列情况中,可称为二叉树的是()A.每个结点至多有两棵子树的树 B. 哈夫曼树 C.每个结点至多有两棵子树的有序树D. 每个结点只有一棵右子树 E.以上答案都不对11 设F是一个森林,B是由F变换得的二叉树。
A. n-1 B.n C. n+1 D. n+212由3 个结点可以构造出多少种不同的有向树?()A.2 B.3 C.4 D.513由3 个结点可以构造出多少种不同的二叉树?()A.2 B.3 C.4 D.514下述编码中哪一个不是前缀码()。
考研英语新题型练习题# 考研英语新题型练习题## 阅读理解(新题型)### 练习一:信息匹配题文章文章摘要:Technology has revolutionized the way we learn and teach. This article explores the various ways in which technology has been integrated into the educational system, from online learning platforms to virtual classrooms, and the potential benefits and drawbacks of this integration.问题:1. 什么是教育技术?2. 在线学习平台如何影响教育?3. 虚拟课堂有哪些优势?4. 技术在教育中的潜在缺点是什么?选项:A. 教育技术指的是在教育过程中使用的各种工具和系统。
B. 在线学习平台允许学生随时随地访问课程材料。
C. 虚拟课堂可以节省时间和资源,提高效率。
D. 过度依赖技术可能导致学生缺乏面对面交流的机会。
### 练习二:段落主旨题文章标题: The Role of Social Media in Modern Society文章段落:1. The rise of social media has connected people across the globe.2. Social media platforms have become a significant source of news and information.3. However, the spread of misinformation on social media is a growing concern.4. Social media has also been linked to mental health issues among users.问题:1. 第一段的主旨是什么?2. 第二段讨论了什么?3. 第三段提出了什么问题?4. 第四段关注的焦点是什么?选项:A. 社交网络的全球连接作用B. 社交网络作为新闻和信息的来源C. 社交网络上错误信息的传播问题D. 社交网络使用与用户心理健康的关联## 完形填空(新题型)文章标题: The Benefits of Regular Exercise文章节选:Regular exercise has numerous benefits for both the body andthe mind. It can 1 physical strength and 2 mental agility. Moreover, it is known to 3 the risk of chronic diseases suchas heart disease and diabetes. It also 4 a positive impact on mood and can help 5 stress.选项:1. A. reduce B. improve C. maintain2. A. enhance B. diminish C. fluctuate3. A. increase B. decrease C. stabilize4. A. exert B. invoke C. mitigate5. A. alleviate B. induce C. exacerbate## 翻译(新题型)文章标题: The Importance of Cultural Exchange文章节选:Cultural exchange is a vital part of international relations. It 1 our understanding of different cultures and fosters mutual respect among nations. Through cultural exchange, we can 2 the beauty of diversity and 3 the barriers that divide us.中文翻译:文化交流是国际关系的重要组成部分。
1. AdaptationA. 适应B. 适应性C. 适应力2. CatastropheA. 灾难B. 灾变C. 灾祸3. ErosionA. 侵蚀B. 腐蚀C. 消磨4. FrugalityA. 节俭B. 朴素C. 简朴5. HypothesisA. 假设B. 假说C. 猜想6. InnovationA. 创新B. 革新C. 创造7. JurisdictionA. 管辖权B. 司法权C. 权限8. KineticA. 运动的B. 动态的C. 动力的9. LethargyA. 昏睡B. 懒惰C. 无精打采10. MomentumA. 动力B. 势头C. 动量二、词汇填空根据句子的语境,从括号中选择正确的单词填入空白处。
1. The company's financial (stability/instability) is a key factor in its ability to weather the economic downturn.2. The (innovation/conservation) of new technology has led to significant improvements in efficiency.3. The (erosion/accumulation) of the beachfront is a concern for the local community.4. The (frugality/extravagance) of the household budget is essential for long-term financial health.5. The (catastrophe/disaster) of the earthquake was felt across the region.6. The (adaptation/evolution) of the species to its environment is a slow process.7. The court's decision expanded the (jurisdiction/authority) of the local government.8. The (kinetic/potential) energy of the ball is converted into motion as it rolls down the hill.9. The (lethargy/energy) of the team in the second half of the game was disappointing.10. The (momentum/velocity) of the project is expected to increase as more resources are allocated.三、词汇解释解释下列单词的含义,并给出一个例句。
考研英语 练习题
【短文】In a small town, a merchant asked the same question to three boys: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"The first boy replied, "I want to be a doctor. I want to help people and make them healthy."The second boy said, "I want to be a lawyer. I want to make sure people get justice."The third boy thought for a moment and said, "I want to be happy."The merchant was surprised at the third boy's answer and asked why he didn't want to become successful or rich.The third boy replied, "If I am happy, everything else will come naturally. Success and wealth are important, but only if they bring happiness."【题目】1. What do we learn about the first boy?A. He wanted to be rich.B. He wanted to be successful.C. He wanted to be a doctor.D. He wanted to be a lawyer.2. What did the third boy want to be?A. Happy.B. Successful.C. Rich.D. A doctor or a lawyer.题目2:阅读理解阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容进行判断,正确写"T",错误写"F"。
考研数学基础练习题下册一、高等数学1. 求极限(1) lim(x→0) (sinx/x)(2) lim(x→1) (1 cosx)/x^2(3) lim(x→+∞) (1 + 1/x)^x2. 求导数(1) y = x^3 3x^2 + 2x(2) y = ln(x^2 + 1)(3) y = e^x sinx3. 求积分(1) ∫(x^2 + 2x + 1)dx(2) ∫(1/(x^2 + 1))dx(3) ∫(e^x cosx)dx二、线性代数1. 解线性方程组(1) x + 2y z = 32x y + 3z = 7x + y + 4z = 6(2) x + y + z = 62x y + 3z = 83x + 2y z = 112. 求矩阵的行列式(1) |1 2 3||4 5 6||7 8 9|(2) |2 3 4||5 6 7||8 9 10|3. 求矩阵的逆(1) |1 2||3 4|(2) |2 3||1 4|三、概率论与数理统计1. 求概率(1) 抛掷一枚硬币三次,求恰好出现两次正面的概率。
(2) 从一副52张的扑克牌中随机抽取4张,求抽到至少一张红桃的概率。
2. 求期望(1) 设随机变量X服从二项分布B(10, 0.4),求E(X)。
(2) 设随机变量X服从正态分布N(μ, σ^2),其中μ = 50,σ = 10,求E(X)。
3. 求方差(1) 设随机变量X服从泊松分布P(λ),其中λ = 5,求D(X)。
(2) 设随机变量X服从均匀分布U(a, b),其中a = 1,b = 5,求D(X)。
四、复变函数1. 计算复数的运算(1) 若z1 = 2 + 3i,z2 = 4 i,求z1 + z2, z1 z2。
(2) 求(1 + i)^2 和 (1 i)^2。
2. 求复变函数的导数(1) 设f(z) = z^3 3z + 2,求f'(z)。
(2) 设f(z) = e^z cosz,求f'(z)。
考研英语二练习题一、阅读理解(共20分)Passage 1In recent years, there has been an increasing trend of people choosing to work remotely. This shift has been driven by advancements in technology, which allow employees to collaborate and complete tasks from anywhere with an internet connection. However, despite the benefits of remote work, such as increased flexibility and reduced commuting time, there are also challenges that need to be addressed.Questions:1. What is the main topic of the passage?2. What are some of the advantages of remote work mentionedin the passage?3. What does the passage suggest about the challenges of remote work?Passage 2The concept of lifelong learning has gained significant importance in today's fast-paced world. With the rapid evolution of technology and the constant emergence of new fields, it is essential for individuals to continuously update their knowledge and skills. This not only helps in personal development but also enhances employability in thejob market.Questions:1. Why is lifelong learning considered important?2. What are the benefits of lifelong learning mentioned in the passage?3. How does lifelong learning impact an individual's career prospects?二、完形填空(共10分)In today's competitive job market, it is crucial for job seekers to stand out. One way to do this is by developing a strong personal brand. Your personal brand is essentially the image you project to the world, which includes your skills, values, and personality traits. By carefully crafting and promoting your personal brand, you can increase yourvisibility and attractiveness to potential employers.[Choose the best word to complete the sentences below.]1. In the context of job seeking, a personal brand can be a powerful tool to __________.A) obscure B) enhance C) diminish D) duplicate2. The image you project should be a reflection of your__________.A) hobbies B) appearance C) values D) interests3. Promoting your personal brand effectively can __________ your chances of employment.A) reduce B) multiply C) eliminate D) stabilize三、翻译(共20分)将以下句子从中文翻译成英文。
考研英语专项练习题# 考研英语专项练习题## 阅读理解Passage 1:In recent years, the popularity of e-books has surged, challenging the traditional paper books. However, despite the convenience offered by e-books, many readers still prefer the tactile experience of flipping through the pages of a physical book.Questions:1. What is the main topic of the passage?2. Why do some readers prefer traditional books over e-books?3. What is the implication of the passage regarding thefuture of reading materials?Passage 2:The advancement of technology has brought about significant changes in the way we communicate. Social media platforms have become the primary means of interaction for many, but they also raise concerns about privacy and the quality of communication.Questions:1. What is the focus of the passage?2. What are the two main concerns mentioned regarding social media?3. How does the passage suggest technology has altered communication?## 词汇理解Task 1:Match the following words with their definitions.1. Analyze- a. To make something new- b. To break down into parts for study- c. To put something together2. Innovate- a. To introduce something new- b. To follow a traditional path- c. To maintain the status quo3. Persevere- a. To give up easily- b. To continue despite difficulties- c. To avoid challengesTask 2:Choose the best word to fill in the blank in each sentence.1. Despite the setback, she decided to _______ and finish the project.2. The scientist _______ a new theory to explain the phenomenon.3. The artist is known for constantly _______ new techniques in his work.## 完形填空Example:In a world where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, it is easy to overlook the simple pleasures of life. However, it is important to _______ and appreciate the small things that make life worthwhile.A. analyzeB. innovateC. persevereD. cherishAnswer: D## 翻译练习English to Chinese:Translate the following sentence into Chinese.1. The rapid development of technology has made our lives more convenient.2. The concept of sustainable development has gained global attention.Chinese to English:Translate the following sentence into English.1. 教育是社会进步的基石。
考研线性代数基础习题及答案(一)1.计算下列二阶行列式:.计算下列二阶行列式: (1)3125--; (2)log 11log a b b a )1b ,a 0,¹>且(b a ;(3)x x y x yx+-; (4)21111t t t +-+. 解:1)= (-3)×5-(-1)×2=-132)=log log 10b aa b ×-= 3)=22()()x x y x y y -+-= 4)=(t +1)(t 2-t +1)-1=t 32.计算下列三阶行列式:.计算下列三阶行列式: (1)111101112---; (2)12111516312---; (3)0230ba cbc a-; (4)111c b ca b a---. 解:1) =1×0×(-2)+1×1×(-1)+(-1)×1×1-(-1)×0×(-1)-1×1×1-(-2)×1×1=-1 2) =1×15×(-2)+2×16×3+(-1)×(-1)×1-(-1)×15×3-16×1×1-(-2)×2×(-1)=92 3) =2()30000b c ac a b c abc ´´+-´´+---= 4) =22222211abc abc b a c a b c +-+++=+++3.求下列各排列的逆序数,并说明它们的奇偶性:.求下列各排列的逆序数,并说明它们的奇偶性: (1)264315; (2)542163. 解:1)6G = 偶排列偶排列 2)9G = 奇排列奇排列4.确定i 和j 的值,使得9级排列级排列 (1)1 2 7 4 i 5 6 j 9成偶排列;成偶排列;(2)3 9 7 2 i 1 5 j 4成奇排列. 解:1)当8,3i j ==时成偶排列时成偶排列 2)当8,6i j ==时成奇排列时成奇排列5.利用行列式定义计算下列行列式.利用行列式定义计算下列行列式(1)010010100101001D =; (2)12340000000000a a D a a =. 解:1)(2143)21124334(1)1D a a a a G =-= 2)(2143)142332411234(1)D a a a a a a a a G=-=6.利用行列式性质计算下列行列式:.利用行列式性质计算下列行列式:(1)313023429722203-; (2)3211040220110102;(3)1234234134124123; (4)213131071242115-----. (5)xy x y y x y x x yxy+++; (6)222a b c a b c b c a b cac a b++++++. 解:1) =312103430455223121--=-=--- 2) =10100002602100302=--3) =100010001113110010101601222124411111104-==-------- 4) =10001001138100085521005725401151143==------5) =00x x x y x x y yx y x x y x xx y y x y +++++=0000xyx y y x x y x y y x y x yx y x-++--- 332()x yxyx y x y xy x x y y =+=-+-+-6) =222a b c a bc b c a b c a c a b++++++ =22a b ca b c a b c c b c ab ca c ab ++------++++ 111()22a b c cb c ab cac a b--=++++++=111()022022a b c b c a b c a c c a b --++++++++ 111()0()022a b c a b c a b a cc a b--=++++-++++ =32()a b c ++7.计算下列行列式:.计算下列行列式:(1)1123103230n n nD --=--;(2)111222121212n n n n a a a n a a a nD a a a n++++++=+++(n ≥2);(3)11221110001100011000010011n n n n a a a a D a a a +-----=---;(4)0121111111000101210001n i n na a a D a i n a a +-=¹=(其中0,,,,,).解:1) 10001200!1n D n n-==-2) 1°当n =2时,12n D a a =-2°当n >2时,11111222222122120212n nn n n n a a a n a a na a a n a a n D a a a na a n++++++++=+=++++3) 110000110000110010001000011n D+--==-4) 01211201111110000000010000nn n i i n na a a D a a a a a a a +=-æö==-ç÷èøå8.解方程:.解方程:(1)2212134526032113212x x ---=--+-- (2)11001()01001x y z x x y z y z=其中、、均为实数. 解:1)22(9)(1)0x x --=3x =±或1x =± 2)22211x y z ---=0x y z ===9.用克拉默法则解下列线性方程组:.用克拉默法则解下列线性方程组: (1)123123133243421132411x x x x x x x x x --=ìï+-=íï-+=î(2)1234123423412342513232222420x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x -++=ìï++-=ïí++=-ïï-++=î解:1)1234112412141142311234111124311432113,,1211211211342342342324324324x xx --------====------------2) 12251115112111113121311231032223220222214201422042D D D -----===----34251125111121113243220322211214D D ----==---- 312412341,0,,1DDDDx x x x DDDD\=======-10.k 取何值时,下面的方程组仅有零解?取何值时,下面的方程组仅有零解?(1)320720230x y z kx y z x y z +-=ìï+-=íï-+=î(2)0020kx y z x ky z x y z ++=ìï+-=íï-+=î解:1) ) 当当32163725630,,5213kk k --=-¹¹-即时仅有零解仅有零解2) ) 当当1111(1)(4)0,14,211kk k k k k -=+-¹¹¹-即且时仅有零解仅有零解(B )1.填空题.填空题 (1)设1234134()124123x f x x x=,则方程f (x )=0的根为____________; (2)1111111111111111xx y y +-+-=________________;(3)设行列式3040222207005322--,则第四行各元素余子式之和的值为__________;(4)n 阶行列式阶行列式00010000001n a a D a a==__________ (5)设n 阶行列式阶行列式13521120010301n n D n-=则D n 的第一行各元素的代数余子式之和11121n A A A +++= ______________. 解:1) ()(2)(3)(4)0f x x x x =---= 2,3,4x x x \===2) =22x y 3) -284) 2nn a a--5) 21!(1)nk nk =-å2.选择题.选择题(1)下列行列式中,不等于零的是()下列行列式中,不等于零的是( ). A .1231110.50.50.5---B. 1231110.5 1.5 2.5 C. 1531210.54 2.5D. 111412125---- (2)已知2122231112132122233111321233133132331121122213232223322a a a a a a a a a m a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a =---+++,则=( ). A .6m B .-6m C .12m D .-12m(3)多项式10223()71043173x x x f x x-=--中的常数项是(中的常数项是( ). A .3 B .-3 C .15 D .-15 (4)设行列式1234123412341234()a a a a x a a a x a f x a a xa a a xa a a --=--,则方程()f x =0的根为(的根为(). A .1234,a a a a ++ B .12340,a a a a +++ C .1234,a a a a --D .12340,a a a a ----(5)n 阶行列式D n 为零的充分条件是(为零的充分条件是( ). A .主对角线上的元素全为零.主对角线上的元素全为零B .有(1)2n n -个元素都等于零个元素都等于零 C .至少有一个(n -1)阶子式为零)阶子式为零D .所有(n -1)阶子式均为零)阶子式均为零 解:D 、A 、A 、B 、D 3.证明:32222()22a b c a a b b c a b a b c ccc a b----=+---. 证明证明: : : 左左=111()2222a b c bb c a bc cc a b++---- 33111()00()0a b c b c aa b c c a b=++---=++---4.证明:1111111112222222222a bb cc aa b c a b b c c a a b c a b b c c a a b c ++++++=+++. 解:11111111112222222222ab c c a b b c c a ab c c a b b c c a a b c c a b b c c a ++++=+++++++++左 =1112222ab cab c a b c5.计算下列n 阶行列式:阶行列式:(1)0000100002001000000nD n n=-; (2)123121221321321221n n n n n D n n nn n ---=---- ; (3)210001210000021012n D ---=--;(4)12323413452121n n D n n =-. 解:解: 1) (1)(2)((1),(2)1,)2(1)!(1)!n n n n nnD n n --G --=-=-2) 11111111110222111120022211111nn n n n Dn n n ------------=--=---12(1)2(1)n nn --=-+3) 100000210001200100012n D n ---=--=+-- 4) 1231341(1)145221111n n n n D n +=- =1230111(1)01112111n n n n n-+-(1)12(1)(1)2n n n n n +-+=-×6.用数学归纳法证明.用数学归纳法证明2112122222122122121111n n n n n n na a a a a a a a a a D a a a a a a a a ++==++++12cos sin(1)sin n q qq+=2cos sin 3sin q q q==sin(1)sin k qq=sin(2)sin k qq=又又111x x x =解:211112122212111()1n n i j j i n n nn n a a a a a a D a a a a a --£££-==-Õ123,0n D D D x D ===== 11231,0n D x x x x D \======10.若齐次线性方程且.若齐次线性方程且1234123412341234020300x x x ax x x x x x x x x x x ax bx +++=ìï+++=ïí+-+=ïï+++=î有非零解,则a 、b 应满足什么条件?应满足什么条件?解:当11112110113111a a b =-即2(1)4a b +=时,方程组有非零解方程组有非零解..。
以下是一些模拟练习题,供考生复习使用:阅读理解Passage 1In recent years, the popularity of e-books has been on the rise. According to a survey conducted by the National Reading Association, the number of people who read e-books has doubled in the past five years. However, traditional books still hold a significant place in the hearts of many readers.Questions:1. What is the main topic of the passage?2. Why might the popularity of e-books be increasing?3. What does the survey suggest about the future oftraditional books?Passage 2The impact of social media on society is a topic of much debate. While some argue that it has brought people closer together, others believe it has led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions.Questions:1. What is the debate surrounding social media?2. What are the potential positive effects of social media?3. What are the potential negative effects of social media?完形填空In the following passage, there are blanks marked with numbers. For each blank, choose the best word from the options provided to complete the sentence.Passage 3The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. It allows us to share information (41) _______ and connect with people from all over the world. However, it also has its drawbacks. For instance, the spread of misinformation can be (42) _______.Options for 41: A) instantly B) gradually C) occasionally Options for 42: A) beneficial B) detrimental C) neutralTranslationTranslate the following sentences from English to Chinese.1. The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives.2. It is important to maintain a balance between work and leisure.WritingWrite an essay of about 200 words on the following topic: "The Role of Technology in Modern Education"Your essay should include:- Your opinion on the importance of technology in education. - Examples of how technology has been integrated into the classroom.- The potential challenges and benefits of using technology in education.结束语希望这些练习题能帮助你更好地准备英语二考研。
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考试科目:物理化学 (答案全部写在答题纸上)
一. 选择及填充题(每小题3分,共30分)
1. 无非体积功的封闭系统中,等温、等压下的化学反应可用______来计算系统的熵变。
D. ΔS=nR ln(V2/V1)
2. 298 K时气相反应 2 SO3(g) == 2 SO2(g) + O2(g) 的标准平衡常数为
K p (1),反应 2 SO2(g) + O2(g) == 2 SO3(g) 的标准平衡常数K p (2) =
A. Kp (1)
B. -Kp (1)
C. 1 / Kp (1)
D. [Kp (1)]1/2
3. 已知25℃时标准电极电势E (Ag+|Ag)=0.799 V,E (Cu2+|Cu)=0.337 V。
A. –0.462
B. 0.462
C. –1.136
D. 1.136
4. 0.1 mol·dm-3的KI溶液与等体积的0.08 mol·dm-3的AgNO3溶液相混,制得的AgI溶胶分别用以下四种电解质溶液使其聚沉,其中聚沉能力最大的是___________:
A. Na2SO4
B. ZnCl2
C. Na3PO4
D. AlCl3
5. 在各种运动形式的配分函数中,与粒子运动空间有关的是
A. q t
B. q v
C. q r
D. q t与q v
6. 某系统中粒子的分布符合玻尔兹曼分布。
温度T下,分布在简并度均为1的两个能级ε2和ε 1 上的粒子数之比n2/n1=____________________。
A. (ε2-ε1) / (kT)
B. exp[ε2 / (kT)] / exp[ε1 / (kT)]
C. exp[-(ε2-ε1) / (kT)]
D. exp[-ε2 / (kT)] / exp[-ε1 / (kT)]
7. 25℃下,压力为100 kPa的2 m3气体反抗恒外压50 kPa膨胀至内、外压相等为止,此过程中气体对外做功-W=_______________。
8. 恒温、恒压下,由CaCO3(s)、CaO(s)、BaCO3(s)、BaO(s)和CO2(g)构成的多相平衡系统的独立组分数为 ______________,自由度数为___________。
9. CaCl2溶液的质量摩尔浓度为b,此溶液的离子平均质量摩尔浓度b±
10. 25℃下进行反应2 A ─→ B 的速率常数为k,采用催化剂S后,反应速率可提高到10 k。
同温度下,反应 B─→ 2 A的速率常数为0.1 s-1,采用催化剂S后,此反应的速率常数k’= _______________。
二.(20分)在100 kPa下将1 mol He(g)从100℃加热到200℃,计算此过程的Q、W、ΔU、ΔS及ΔG。
已知100℃下He(g)的标准摩尔熵为130.2 J·K-1·mol -1,He(g)可看作理想气体。
若放入NH4HS(s)时容器中已有40.0 kPa的
四.(20分)苯的正常沸点为80℃,气化焓为393 J/g。
计算25℃时苯的蒸气压及26.7 kPa下苯的沸点。
五.(20分)将反应Hg2Cl2(s) + H2[p(H2)] == 2 Hg(l) + 2 HCl[b(HCl)] 设计成电池(写出电池表示式)。
若p(H2)=101.3 kPa,b(HCl)=0.1 mol/kg时,测得进行该反应的电池电动势与绝对温度T呈直线关系,直线斜率为1.88×10-3 V/K,截距为0.0694 V,计算25℃时所设计电池的电动势及电池反应的Δr H m、Δr S m和Δ
G m。
298 K下,用等体积、同浓度(0.02 mol·dm-3)的酯溶液与碱溶液相混,反应5 min后测得溶液中碱的浓度为6.34×10-3 mol·dm-3,计算:
(1) 反应的速率常数;
(2) 反应10 min后,溶液中酯的浓度;
(3) 酯的半衰期;
(4) 若用浓度均为0.01 mol·dm-3的等体积酯溶液与碱溶液相混进行反应,酯的半衰期。
2 HI ─ H2 + I2
在283℃和300℃下的速率常数分别为3.50×10-7 dm3·mol-1·s-1 和 1.14×10-6 dm3·mol-1·s-1。
八.(12分) 20℃下水的表面张力为72.75 mN·m-1,密度为103 kg·m-3。
若在0℃ ~ 100 ℃范围内可将水的蒸发热看作常数,Δvap H m = 40.67 kJ/mol,计算20℃时,半径为10-7 cm水滴的饱和蒸气压。