Evolution of Tight Gas Sandstone Plays and Production, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin




天 然 气 工 业Natural Gas Industry 第41卷第2期2021年 2月· 100 ·苏里格气田致密砂岩气藏开发认识与稳产建议王继平1,2 张城玮3 李建阳4 李娅1,2 李小锋1,2 刘平1,2 陆佳春51.中国石油长庆油田公司勘探开发研究院2.低渗透油气田勘探开发国家工程实验室3.中国石油大学(北京)石油工程学院4.中国石油长庆油田公司气田开发事业部5.中国石油长庆油田公司苏里格气田开发分公司摘要:鄂尔多斯盆地苏里格气田致密砂岩气藏的天然气储量规模和年产气量目前都位居全国第一。



关键词:鄂尔多斯盆地;苏里格气田;致密砂岩气藏;储集层特征;开发指标;剩余储量;挖潜对策DOI: 10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2021.02.012Tight sandstone gas reservoirs in the Sulige Gas Field:Development understandings and stable-production proposals WANG Jiping1,2, ZHANG Chengwei3, LI Jianyang4, LI Ya1,2, LI Xiaofeng1,2, LIU Ping1,2, LU Jiachun5(1. Exploration and Development Research Institute, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710018, China;2. Nation-al Engineering Laboratory of Low-Permeability Oil & Gas Exploration and Development, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710018, China;3. School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 100249, China;4. Development Department, PetroChina Changqing Oil-field Company, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710018, China;5. Sulige Gas Field Development Branch, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710018, China)Natural Gas Industry, vol.41, No.2, p.100-110, 2/25/2021. (ISSN 1000-0976; In Chinese)Abstract: The Sulige Gas Field in the Ordos Basin ranks the first in China in terms of reserve scale and annual gas production of tight sandstone gas reservoirs. In order to further extend the stable production time and enhance the recovery factor of tight sandstone gas reservoirs in the Sulige Gas Field, this paper summarizes the geological and gas reservoir engineering understandings obtained in the development process of tight sandstone gas in this gas field, sorts out the difficulties impacting its sustainable stable production, and pro-poses suggestions for the following development of tight sandstone gas reservoirs in this field. And the following research results were obtained. First, the effective sand body scale, reservoir physical property and gas bearing property are strongly heterogeneous and the lo-cal gas–water relationship is complex in the tight sandstone gas reservoirs of the Sulige Gas Field. Second, there are obvious differences in gas well production, accumulative gas production and decline rate in different regions. The recovery factor of the gas reservoirs is af-fected more by reservoir quality and development well pattern. Third, the reserve producing degree of good-quality reservoirs is high, the tendency of poor-quality reserves is obvious and the fragmentation of remaining reserves is serious, which increases the production sta-bilization difficulty in the tight sandstone gas reservoirs of the Sulige Gas Field. Fourth, in order to realize sustainable stable production in the Sulige Gas Field, considering the strong heterogeneity characteristics of tight sandstone gas reservoirs, it is recommended to popu-larize the well pattern deployment strategy of "basic well group + basic well pattern + differential infilling" further, continuously improve fine reservoir description technology and mixed well deployment technology with combined dynamic and static analysis, apply layer reviewing and reperforating of old wells, horizontal well sidetracking and re-stimulation to improve the reserve producing degree, adopt the geology–engineering integrated stimulation technology to improve the effectiveness of reservoir stimulation, make use of intelligent and efficient drainage gas recovery technology by horizontal well to improve the fine management level of gas field, and popularize the "negative pressure" production technology as soon as possible to recover the production capacity of wells on the verge of abandonment. Fifth, seeking for the necessary fiscal and tax support is an important guarantee for the full utilization of tight gas resources. Keywords: Ordos Basin; Sulige Gas Field; Tight sandstone gas reservoir; Reservoir characteristics; Development indexes; Remaining re-serves; Potential tapping countermeasures基金项目:国家科技重大专项“鄂尔多斯盆地大型低渗透岩性地层油气藏开发示范工程”(编号:2016ZX05050)、中国石油天然气股份有限公司重大科技专项“长庆气田稳产及提高采收率技术研究”(编号:2016E-0509)。



逐步回归分析方法在储层参数预测中的应用范雯【摘要】目前,储层参数(孔隙度和渗透率等)分布规律和储层非均质性研究是油气藏描述的核心,储层参数是油层评价的重要依据,储层参数预测在油气勘探开发中具有重要意义.文中通过采用某一个点的测井曲线或地震数据推测出该点的孔隙度或渗透率,基于多种测井信息的多元线性回归方法已成为储层孔隙度定量预测的主要方法,多元逐步回归分析方法的理论正好适用于这种实际问题.它是利用通过特殊仪器测量的测井曲线数据参数与岩芯属性参数(例如孔隙度),建立测井曲线数据参数与多个岩芯属性参数之间的线性关系,这种方法比较简单实用.因此文中采用逐步回归分析方法作为预测方法,重点介绍了回归分析中的逐步回归的基本思想以及具体计算步骤.最后,提出油气勘探中预测孔隙度的问题,并用逐步回归分析优化回归方程并周此方程预测岩芯属性参数.研究表明,该方法预测精度高,方法稳定有效,逐步回归较好的解决了部分测井勘探的实际问题,基于多种测井信息的多元线性回归方法已成为储层孔隙度定量预测的主要方法,该方法可以把非线性问题转化为线性问题,大大减少了技术上的难题.【期刊名称】《西安科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2014(034)003【总页数】6页(P350-355)【关键词】逐步回归分析;储层参数;测井曲线;孔隙度;渗透率【作者】范雯【作者单位】陕西职业技术学院人事处,陕西西安710100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P618.130 引言在油气勘探中,储层参数是含油气性的一个重要标志。








关键字:致密砂岩油气成藏条件生储盖组合成藏过程0 引言随着常规油气勘探开发程度的不断提高,油气勘探开发领域从常规油气向非常规油气跨越,是石油工业发展的必然趋势(邹才能等,2012)。



美国已发现的储量排名前100的气藏中有58个是致密砂岩气藏(Baihly,et al,2009);我国2010年底共发现储量大于1000×108m3的大气田18个,其中9个为致密砂岩大气田,总探明地质储量25777.9×108m3,占18个大气田的53.5%(戴金星等,2012)。

美国圣胡安盆地向斜轴部白垩系致密砂岩气田可采储量为7079×108m3(Bruce et al,2006);Bakken 致密油含油面积7×104km2,资源量达到566×108t,可采资源量68×108t(USGS,2008);Eagle Ford致密油含油面积约4×104km2、目前产油量为560t/d(Lucas et al,2010)。









川西致密砂岩气藏新的矿场评价标准和评价方法3段永刚33 陈伟 李其深 康毅力 徐兴华 徐进 (西南石油学院) (中国石化西南石油局) 段永刚等.川西致密砂岩气藏新的矿场评价标准和评价方法.天然气工业,2001;21(5):74~76摘 要 文章根据川西致密砂岩气藏的损害特征和现场100多口井的测试资料的统计分析表明,储层表现出自身的损害特点,其常规的矿场评价指标和标准不一定完全适合非常规的致密碎屑岩气藏的情况。



主题词 储集层 评价 不稳定试井 表皮系数 地层损害 裂缝(岩石) 四川盆地 西  川西致密碎屑岩气藏具有低孔、低渗、高含水饱和度和异常高压的特点,纵向上多个气层叠置,且不同程度地发育裂缝,所以勘探开发致密碎屑岩气藏技术难度大,成功率低。




苔癣沼泽(sphagnum bog)
低位沼泽(flat bog,low moor)
中位沼泽(medium bog,medium swamp)
高位沼泽(raised bog,highmoor)
富营养沼泽(eutrophic mire)
中营养沼泽(mesotrophic swamp)
氯仿沥青A(chloroform bitumen A)
族组成(group composition)
饱和烃(saturated hydrocarbon)
芳烃(aromatic hydrocarbon)
胶质(colloid,pectin,colloid substance)
浅海(shallow sea)
潮坪(tidal flat)
砂坪(sand flat)
泥坪(mud flat)
混合坪(mixed flat)
苔草沼泽(sedge mire)
木本沼泽(swamp,woody mire)



第44卷 第5期 新 疆 石 油 地 质Vol. 44,No.52023年10月 XINJIANG PETROLEUM GEOLOGY Oct. 2023文章编号:1001-3873(2023)05-0554-08 DOI :10.7657/XJPG20230506苏里格气田致密砂岩气藏剩余气分布特征及其挖潜石耀东1,王丽琼1,臧苡澄2,张吉1,3,李鹏2,李旭1(1.中国石油 长庆油田分公司 第四采气厂,内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 017300;2.中国石油 长庆油田分公司 勘探开发研究院,西安 710018;3.低渗透油气田勘探开发国家工程实验室,西安 710018)摘 要:苏里格气田中区苏36-11区块已开发17年,开发程度和储量动用程度均高,储集层非均质性强,储量动用不均衡,剩余气分布复杂,剩余气分布的确定及挖潜是气田稳产的关键。


研究结果表明:研究区含气砂体主要分布在4级构型单元心滩坝与点坝中,整体规模小,宽度为150~500 m ,长度为300~800 m ,连通性差,受各级次渗流屏障影响大,区块北东—南西向主砂带开发程度最高,地层压力低,剩余气主要分布在区块西北部盒8段下亚段;剩余气分布主要受储集层非均质与开采非均匀影响,可分为井网未控制型、复合砂体阻流带型、水平井未动用次产层型、直定向井未射开气层型和投产未采出型5类;提出井间加密、老井侧钻、查层补孔和老井挖潜4种动用措施,调整方案后,预测可稳产7年,采收率可达45%。

关键词:苏里格气田;致密砂岩;储集层构型;剩余气储量评价;剩余气分布;挖潜对策;开发中—后期;开发调整方案中图分类号:TE122 文献标识码:A©2018 Xinjiang Petroleum Geology. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License 收稿日期:2022-11-12 修订日期:2023-04-13基金项目:国家科技重大专项(2016ZX05050);中国石油科技重大专项(2016E-0509)第一作者:石耀东(1973-),男,陕西靖边人,高级工程师,气田开发与生产管理,(Tel )************(E-mail )syd_cq@通讯作者:王丽琼(1989-),女,甘肃华池人,高级工程师,硕士,油气田开发,(Tel )************(E-mail )wangliqiong12_cq@petrochina..Distribution and Potential Tapping Strategies of Remaining Gasin Tight Sandstone Gas ReservoirsSHI Yaodong 1,WANG Liqiong 1,ZANG Yicheng 2,ZHANG Ji 1,3,LI Peng 2,LI Xu 1(1.No.4 Gas Production Plant, Changqing Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Ordos, Inner Mongolia 017300, China;2.Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Changqing Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Xi ’an, Shaanxi 710018, China ;3.National Engineering Laboratory for Exploration and Development of Low Permeability Oil and Gas Fields, Xi ’an, Shaanxi 710018, China )Abstract :The Su 36⁃11 block in the central area of Sulige gas field has been developed for 17 years, with high degrees of development and reserves producing. The strong reservoir heterogeneity in this block leads to uneven producing of reserves and complex distribution of re⁃maining gas. Distribution determination and potential tapping of the remaining gas are crucial for maintaining stable production in the gas field. By accurately characterizing the reservoir architecture, the main factors influencing remaining gas distribution were identified, the distribution patterns of different types of remaining gas were determined, and corresponding strategies for recovering the remaining gas were proposed. The research results show that the gas⁃bearing sand bodies in the study area are mainly distributed in the 4th⁃order architec⁃ture units, such as channel bar and point bar, these sand bodies are significantly affected by various levels of flow barriers, with small over⁃all scale, poor connectivity, width of 150-500 m and length of 300-800 m. The main NE⁃SW sand belt in the block has been developed the most, with low formation pressure, and the remaining gas is mainly distributed in the lower He 8 member in the northwestern part of the block. Remaining gas, whose distribution is mainly influenced by reservoir heterogeneity and uneven development, can be divided into five types: gas uncontrolled by well pattern, gas in composite sand body flow barrier, gas in secondary pay zone unexploited by horizontal well, gas in unperforated gas⁃bearing layer in vertical well, and gas unproduced. Four potential tapping measures were proposed, including well infilling, reperforation, sidetracking and potential tapping in exsisting wells. According to the adjusted development plan, it is predicted that stable production can be maintained for 7 years with the recovery efficiency reaching 45%.Keywords :Sulige gas field; tight sandstone; reservoir architecture; remaining gas reserves evaluation; remaining gas distribution; potential tapping; middle-late development stage; adjusted development plan中国致密气资源总量及开发潜力巨大,约占全球资源量的十分之一,主要分布在鄂尔多斯盆地、四川盆地、塔里木盆地等区域。



Researchprogressofsaltprecipitationinhibitors fortightsandstonegaswells
(1.SchoolofChemicalEngineeringandTechnologyofXi’anJiaotongUniversity,Xi’an710049,China; 2.LinfenBranchofPetrochinaCoalbedMethaneCompanyLimited,Linfen042399,China)
摘 要:分析了气井结盐的原因,即主要是温度和压力降低导致了排出液中盐的过饱和现象。介绍了 4种气井除 盐防盐方法,包括掺水除盐、热洗除盐、化学防盐和毛细管掺水加抑制剂结盐。就化学除盐防盐中有应用前景的抑 制剂进行了重点介绍,亚铁氰化物、表面活性剂、酒石酸盐、氮川三乙酰胺(NTA)抑制剂、复合抑盐剂及降滤缓释抑 盐剂均对氯化钠结晶有着很好的抑制效果,抑制机理主要基于改变外界条件提高溶液的过饱和度,或是通过盐晶 畸变抑制晶核生成和晶体生长。 关键词:致密砂岩气;气井结盐;氯化钠;结盐原因;化学防盐;抑制剂;抑制机理 中图分类号:TQ20 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-3206(2019)09-2231-04
Abstract:Inthisregard,thereasonsforthesaltdepositioningaswellswasfirstlyanalyzed,thatis,the temperatureandpressuredecreaseresultedinthesupersaturationofsaltintheeffluent.Next,fourmeth odsfordesaltingandsaltremovalfrom gaswellswereintroduced,includingwaterandsaltremoval,hot washandsaltremoval,chemicalsaltprotection,andcapillarywateradditionplusinhibitorsaltformation. Themainfocusisoninhibitorswithpotentialapplicationsinchemicaldesalinationandsaltremoval.Fer rocyanides,surfactants,tartrates,NTA,compoundsaltinhibitors,andlowreleaseofsaltinhibitorshavea goodinhibitoryeffectonsodium chloridecrystals.Theinhibitionmechanism ismainlybasedonchanging theexternalconditionstoincreasethedegreeofsupersaturationofthesolution,ortheinhibitionofnuclea tionandcrystalgrowthbysaltcrystaldistortion.Thestudyonsaltinhibitorscanhelptoclarifythemecha nism ofactionofinhibitorsandthedesignanddevelopmentofnovelinhibitorsbycombininggasliquid equilibrium andgasliquidtwophaseflowrelatedtheoryandquantum chemistrytheory. Keywords:tightsandstonegaswells;gaswellsalt;sodiumchloride;reasonsofsaltformation;chemical saltprotection;inhibitors;inhibitionmechanism



石油化工应用 2019 年ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
第 38 卷
ing layer is calculated by weighting. Finally, the economic development limits of the compos原 ite index are defined according to the economic limit evaluation. This method transforms the optimal selection of favorable area from traditional "multi-layer qualitative description" to "normalized layer quantitative characterization", which has been widely used in the high ef原 ficiency and scale development of Shenmu gasfield. Key words:tight sandstone;multi -layers gas;favorable area;comprehensive index method; PI factor;weight coefficient
Oil/Gas Fields Exploration and Development,Xi'an Shaanxi 710021,China)
Abstract :Many gasfields in Ordos basin, such as Shenmu, Mizhi and Sulige, all have the characteristics of multi-layer gas bearing, and all belong to typical tight sandstone gas reser原 voirs. In view of the difficulties in the development of this kind of gas reservoir, taking Shenmu gasfield as an example, based on the previous research results, the concept of PI factor is introduced to further optimize and perfect the evaluation method of favorable area of multi-layer tight sandstone gas reservoir.Firstly, the geological parameters related to singlelayer productivity are optimized for normalization and their influence weights are analyzed, and the evaluation criteria for single-layer favorable areas are established. Secondly, accord原 ing to the single-layer PI factor, combined with the gas production profile test, the produc原 tivity contribution weight of different layers is defined,and then the composite index of stack原







1 地质专业英语的词汇特点及翻译方法地质专业英语的词汇呈现出多种特征,且每种特征都有对应的翻译方法,因此掌握地质专业英语的词汇特征对于翻译方法的选择来说有重要意义。




1.1 多用专业词汇地质专业英语中使用的词汇大都具有很强的专业性,这些专业词汇在其他文体中使用得很少。

从词源角度来看,专业词汇主要来地质专业英语的词句特点及翻译方法□ 宋 燕 王腾飞山东科技大学外国语学院[摘 要] 科学技术的快速发展对深化国际科技交流与合作、传播地质科学专业知识、共享地质科学研究成果提出了更高的要求。



[关键词] 地质专业英语;词句特点;翻译方法[中图分类号] H059 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009-6167(2021)07-0030-03源于两方面:一是应用于某一专业科技领域且具有严格科学含义的英语词汇,如actinolite (阳起石)、basalt (玄武岩)、gymnosperm (裸子植物)、hydrogen (氢元素)、Jurassic (侏罗纪的)、pentlandite (镍黄铁矿)等。



大牛地气田致密砂岩气藏水锁伤害特征分析高青松【摘要】大牛地气田致密砂岩气藏具有非均性强、开发难度大的特点,储集层沉积环境变化快,沉积微相类型多,岩石胶结成分种类多、含量差异大、致密化成岩作用强;孔隙小、喉道窄,储集层渗透率低;气、水两相流动的通道小,渗流阻力大,水、气界面的表面张力大,水锁效应明显.特别是水平井压裂液规模大,一般是3 000~5 000 m3.大量的压裂液在较高的工作压力下进入地层中,进一步加大了水锁伤害程度.通过对致密砂岩储层的伤害实验、理论计算及实际压后特征的统计分析,明确了致密砂岩气藏的孔隙度、渗透率及压裂液侵入时间对压裂水平井水锁伤害的影响,分析了3种不同的水锁伤害类型特征,并提出了降低水锁伤害的建议.【期刊名称】《科学技术与工程》【年(卷),期】2018(018)017【总页数】7页(P156-162)【关键词】大牛地;致密气藏;压裂液;水锁伤害【作者】高青松【作者单位】中国石化华北油气分公司勘探开发研究院,郑州450006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TE373鄂尔多斯盆地天然气资源丰富,广泛发育致密砂岩气藏,具有低压、低渗、低丰度的特点,一般无自然产能,须经压裂才能有油气产出。






By YANG Guoping, QIAO Yabin, SHI Lei, ZHOU Wen, GAO Ze, TIAN Guoyong and WANG Hongbo ABSTRACT: In Zizhou gasfield, Shan2 tight sandstone reservoir is characterized by complicated gas and water distribution. And formation water yielded can be divided into three types according to its source, containing edge (bottom) water, residual formation water, and lense water. For the yielded water, the type, mechanism, origin, and features were analyzed from gas testing, well logging, and production performance data. After a geological setting analysis, it deemed that, for Shan2 reservoir as a typical lithological gas reservoir, its waterbody is affected by some factors, including sandbody distribution, structure, physical property of reservoir, and gas migration and accumulation. Macroscopically, there are three types of gas and water distribution patterns. In addition, the lateral and vertical distribution of various waterbody in the gasfield is also illustrated on basis of formation- water type and waterbody distribution pattern. Key Words: Ordos Basin, Zizhou gasfield, Shan2 gas reservoir, formation water, influencing factor, distribution pattern


· 66 ·
天 然气 工业
2019 年 8 月
李宪文 1,2 肖元相 1,2 陈宝春 1,2 沈云 1,3 问晓勇 1,2 周长静 1,2 史 华 1,2 靳福广 1,2
1. 低渗透油气田勘探开发国家工程实验室 2. 中国石油长庆油田公司油气工艺研究院
关键词 鄂尔多斯盆地 苏里格气田 套管滑套 连续油管 小井眼 井网优化 分压合求 多层开发 技术对策 DOI: 10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2019.08.008
Separate layer fracturing and multi-layer production of tight sandstone gas reservoirs in the Sulige Gas Field, Ordos Basin: Problems and countermeasures
Li Xianwen1,2, Xiao Yuanxiang1,2, Chen Baochun1,2, Shen Yunbo1,3, Wen Xiaoyong1,2, Zhou Changjing1,2, Shi Hua1,2 & Jin Fuguang1,2
(1. National Engineering Laboratory of Low-Permeability Oil & Gas Exploration and Development, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710018, China; 2. Oil and Gas Technology Institute, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710018, China; 3. Development Department, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710018, China) NATUR. GAS IND. VOLUME 39, ISSUE 8, pp.66-73, 8/25/2019. (ISSN 1000-0976; In Chinese)



致密储层孔隙度测定参数优化田华;张水昌;柳少波;马行陟;张洪【摘要】孔隙度是评价储层物性、计算原始油气储量的重要参数,致密储层孔隙度一般小于10%,页岩储层普遍小于5%,常规波义尔定律双室法孔隙度测定仪器很难满足精度要求.为了提高致密储层孔隙度测定精度,建立了孔隙度压力区分度目标函数,区分度越大,测定精度越高.通过数值模拟,对孔隙度测定仪器进行了参数优化,结果表明,欲使得区分度增大,需要满足3个条件:(1)平衡前参考室压力、平衡前样品室压力尽量大;(2)取出的标准块体积、样品体积尽量小;(3)标准块体积尽量与样品体积相等.参数优化后孔隙度为5.0%的标准样品测定值相对误差最大可降低14%,绝对误差最大可降低0.7%,通过参数优化为致密储层孔隙度测定提供了技术支持.%The porosity is an important parameter to evaluate reservoir physical properties and calculate petroleum reserves. The porosity of tight reservoir is less than 10% , and that of gas shale is usually less than 5% , which is a great challenge of porosity determination apparatuses. Currently the Boyle' s Law Double-Cell (Matrix Cup) Method is widely used. The porosity determination for gas shale and tight sandstone needs ultra high accuracy, and it is necessary to carry theory analysis and optimize determination parameters. The objective pressure distinction function is established and numerical simulation is carried out. To obtain higher accuracy, it is necessary to set higher reference cell primary pressure, higher sample cell primary pressure, lower standard bulk volume and lower sample bulk volume. The relative error of experimental porosity of the standard sample of S. 0% can decline as much as 14% , and the absoluteerror can decline by 0.7%. This study developed a theory calculation model, which will be useful for technical support for tight reservoir porosity determination.【期刊名称】《石油实验地质》【年(卷),期】2012(034)003【总页数】6页(P334-339)【关键词】孔隙度;参数优化;数值模拟;页岩;致密砂岩【作者】田华;张水昌;柳少波;马行陟;张洪【作者单位】中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083;提高石油采收率国家重点实验室,北京100083;中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083;提高石油采收率国家重点实验室,北京100083;中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083;提高石油采收率国家重点实验室,北京100083;中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083;提高石油采收率国家重点实验室,北京100083;中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083;提高石油采收率国家重点实验室,北京100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TE135孔隙度是评价储层物性、计算油气储量的重要参数。













《低渗透油田储层综合评价方法》-杨正明根据低渗透储层特性,利用恒速压汞、核磁共振、物理模拟实验和渗流理论,提出了4 个新的低渗透油田储层评价参数。





巴中地区千佛崖组致密砂岩储层裂缝与含气性的关系SHEN Zhenzhen;PAN Renfang;JIN Jineng;YUAN Qi;WANG Danling【摘要】巴中地区千佛崖组储层较薄且致密,不均匀裂缝发育,储层非均质性强.综合利用岩心、测井、地震等资料预测了储层裂缝发育特征及其分布特征,采用AVO 技术建立了烃类指示因子DHI并进行目的层含气性分布预测,分别从剖面和平面上对比分析了研究区裂缝分布特征与含气性分布关系.结果表明,巴中地区千佛崖组储层裂缝类型复杂多样、产状多变,发育位置主要为千一段和千二段逆断层上盘构造曲率大的区域;含气性主要分布于千二段中、上亚段,千一段次之;分析裂缝与含气性关系发现,研究区致密砂岩储层中裂缝比较发育的层段含气性明显偏高,裂缝分布与气层分布对应关系好.因此,该地区裂缝分布规律研究对储层预测以及寻找高产气藏具有重要指导意义.【期刊名称】《石油物探》【年(卷),期】2019(058)001【总页数】10页(P139-148)【关键词】致密砂岩;裂缝;含气性;千佛崖组;巴中地区【作者】SHEN Zhenzhen;PAN Renfang;JIN Jineng;YUAN Qi;WANG Danling 【作者单位】;;;;【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P631随着油气勘探开发的深入,致密砂岩油气勘探开发逐渐为人们所重视[1-2],开发经验表明,裂缝发育程度及分布情况对致密砂岩储层高产稳产与否有重大意义[3-4]。




2023年第13卷第5期油气藏评价与开发PETROLEUM RESERVOIR EVALUATION AND DEVELOPMENT川西坳陷须家河组二段裂缝发育特征及形成主控因素——以合兴场气田为例张庄,章顺利,何秀彬,谢丹,刘妍鷨(中国石化西南油气分公司勘探开发研究院,四川成都610041)摘要:川西坳陷合兴场气田须家河组二段(以下简称须二段)砂岩为超低孔、超低渗致密砂岩储层,裂缝较为发育且类型多样,裂缝的发育程度对天然气的运移、成藏及产能具有重要影响。






关键词:构造缝;成岩缝;异常高压缝;主控因素;须家河组二段;合兴场气田中图分类号:TE122文献标识码:ADevelopment characteristics of fractures in the second member of Xujiahe Formation inHexingchang Gas Field,western Sichuan Depression and their main control factors offormation:A case study of Hexingchang Gas FieldZHANG Zhuang,ZHANG Shunli,HE Xiubin,XIE Dan,LIU Yanhua(Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Sinopec Southwest China Oil &Gas Company,Chengdu,Sichuan 610041,China )Abstract:The Hexingchang gas field of the western Sichuan Depression is an ultra-low porosity and ultra-low permeability tightsandstone reservoir,with well-developed and diverse types of fractures.The degree of fracture development plays a pivotal role in influencing on the migration,reservoir formation,and productivity of natural gas.In order to guide the exploration and development of the area,a comprehensive study was conducted to examine the development characteristics and underlying factors controllingfractures within the second member of Xujiahe Formation.This investigation drew upon a range of analytical techniques,including core observation,thin section analysis,imaging logging,and the examination of fracture filling inclusions.The fractures in the research area can be divided into three categories based on their genesis:structural fractures,diagenetic fractures,and abnormally high pressure fractures.There are three stages of development of structural fractures,corresponding to the late Indosinian period,mid late Yanshan period,and Himalayan period.Structural fractures have the characteristics of long extension,large width,and low引用格式:张庄,章顺利,何秀彬,等.川西坳陷须家河组二段裂缝发育特征及形成主控因素——以合兴场气田为例[J].油气藏评价与开发,2023,13(5):581-590.ZHANG Zhuang,ZHANG Shunli,HE Xiubin,et al.Development characteristics of fractures in the second member of Xujiahe Formation in Hexingchang Gas Field,western Sichuan Depression and their main control factors of formation:A case study of Hexingchang Gas Field[J].Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development,2023,13(5):581-590.DOI:10.13809/32-1825/te.2023.05.005收稿日期:2023-05-15。

Tight Gas Sandstones 25 Years of Searching for The Answer

Tight Gas Sandstones 25 Years of Searching for The Answer

Tight Gas Sandstones: 25 Years of Searching for “The Answer ”James L. Coleman, Jr.U. S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA 20192 Exploring for tight gas sandstone reservoirs is much more than looking for a bright spot on 3D seismic or random drilling in a gas-charged basin. It is commonly a complex endeavor intertwined with acreage position, lease obligations, gas sales contracts, strategy for market share, access to pipelines, reservoir and line pressure, proven reserves, daily rates, decline curves, produced water management, structural position, sedimentary context and content, hydraulic frac ’ing, Kv-Kh, matrix cement and porosity, grain size, and petrophysical recognition and characterization. The world of science (and business) implies that most problems can be overcome, if one works hard enough and has enough resources to apply. Exploring for, and effectively managing tight gas sandstonereservoirs is a challenge of balancing many elements along a narrow pathway to profitability. It also requires a clear, simple, and correct geologic model upon which exploration and funding strategies can be built. Developing the geologic model requires an understanding of the complete nature of many types of low permeability reservoirs.Over the past twenty-five years, a number of different tight gas sandstone reservoirs have been brought into the nation ’s productive natural gas inventory. These include reservoirs of manydifferent ages, in many different basinal settings. Reservoir discovery and management efforts with select fields in the Silurian Tuscarora, Pennsylvanian Pottsville and Jackfork, Jurassic Cotton Valley, Cretaceous Frontier and Almond, and Eocene Wilcox sandstones will be reviewed, compared, and contrasted. In these case studies, the scope and scale of tight gas sandstone challenges can be illustrated.页码,1/1Tight Gas Sandstones: 25 Years of Searching for “The Answer ”, by ...。



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苏里格地区盒8、山1段共83块岩样非稳态法气驱水相渗实验结果表明,致密砂岩气水相渗曲线具有束缚水饱和度Swi、残余气饱和度Sgr和等渗点含水饱和度Sx 较大,束缚水饱和度下气相相对渗透率Krg( Swi )、残余气饱和度下水相相对渗透率Krw( Sgr )、等渗点相对渗透率Krx( Sx )和气水两相共渗区面积S较小的特征,属于水相优势型相渗曲线。

最终提出了以储层渗透率 K、特征点参数 Krg( Swi )、Krw( Sgr )和Krx(Sx)以及曲线特征为依据的气井量化分类方案,将致密砂岩气水相渗曲线分为Ⅰ—Ⅲ类,分类结果与气井类型一一对应,总体符合率达到89.7%。




文章编号:1000 − 7393(2023)01 − 0097 − 11 DOI: 10.13639/j.odpt.2023.01.013致密砂岩油藏水平井重复压裂优化−以长庆油田元284区块为例张铭海1,2 雷征东3 姜乐4 朱海燕5 邓家胜11. 中国石油新疆油田分公司百口泉采油厂;2. 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 · 西南石油大学;3. 中国石油勘探开发研究院;4. 中国石化西北石油局塔河油田采油二厂;5. 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 ·成都理工大学引用格式:张铭海,雷征东,姜乐,朱海燕,邓家胜. 致密砂岩油藏水平井重复压裂优化−以长庆油田元284区块为例 [J ]. 石油钻采工艺,2023,45(1):97-107.摘要:在致密砂岩储层水平井重复压裂中,再次提升储层改造体积(SRV)是重复压裂成功的关键。




研究结果表明,FEM-DFN 方法可准确描述裂缝几何形态,通过优化压裂时机、加砂量、簇间距、压裂液量、施工排量等参数,提高了缝网复杂度和横向延伸程度。


关键词:致密砂岩油藏;致密油;四维地应力;全三维体积压裂数值模型;水平井重复压裂中图分类号:TE357.1 文献标识码: AOptimization of horizontal well refracturing in tight sandstone oil reservoir:A case study on Yuan 284 Block of Changqing OilfieldZHANG Minghai 1,2, LEI Zhengdong 3, JIANG Le 4, ZHU Haiyan 5, DENG Jiasheng 11. Baikouquan Oil Production Plant , PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company , Karamay 834000, Xinjiang , China ;2. State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation at Southwest Petroleum University , Chengdu 610000, Sichuan , China ;3. Research Institute of Exploration and Development , PetroChina , Beijing 100083, China ;4. Tahe Oilfield No. 2 oil production plant of Sinopec Northwest Petroleum Bureau , Bayin golangzhou 841600, Xinjiang , China ;5. State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation at Chengdu University of Technology , Chengdu 610000, Sichuan , ChinaCitation: ZHANG Minghai, LEI Zhengdong, JIANG Le, ZHU Haiyan, DENG Jiasheng. Optimization of horizontal well refracturing in tight sandstone oil reservoir: A case study on Yuan 284 Block of Changqing Oilfield [J ]. Oil Drilling & Production Technology, 2023, 45(1): 97-107.Abstract: In the development process of tight sandstone reservoir by horizontal well refracturing, the effective increase of the postfrac stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) is the key to success. Due to the limitation of initial fracturing completion process, the distribution of hydraulic fractures and natural fractures in the reservoir, and the dynamic change of pore pressure field and stress field caused by reservoir production and oil drainage after fracturing, however, different fracture clusters of horizontal well refracturing can hardly propagate evenly to achieve satisfactory stimulation effect. With Yuan 284 Block of tight sandstone reservoir in the Changqing第一作者: 张铭海(1993-),2020年获得西南石油大学工程硕士学位,现从事致密油藏提高采收率技术的研究工作,工程师。

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Evolution of Tight Gas Sandstone Plays and Production, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin*
Brad J. Hayescle #10182 (2009)
Posted April 6, 2009 *Adapted from extended abstract prepared for presentation at AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, April 20-23, 2008
to optimize locations where thrust-associated deformation has fractured the Nikanassin sufficiently to impart economic permeability. Wells drilled off thrust fronts are generally non-productive. Up to five zones within the Nikanassin are typically completed, and each is fracture-stimulated separately. Many wells have only recently been put on stream, so it is still early to assess long-term productive potential. Several of Shell’s wells at Chinook Ridge have produced up to 90 106m3 (3.2 BCF) in less than two years, although some of these include contributions from commingled uphole zones. Many wells to the northwest at Hiding Creek show lower initial productivities, although production from uphole zones in this area is more often segregated in separate wellbores. The ultimate prize in this play is represented by one of the original wells at North Grizzly, which has produced 577 106m3 (20.4 BCF) since 1979. Nikanassin reservoirs and thrust deformation can be mapped northwest and southeast of the current production area, giving this play considerable upside as seismic control and facilities expand. Cretaceous Multi-Formation Commingled Play Numerous Cretaceous reservoirs are productive in the Deep Basin (basin-centered gas area) of west-central Alberta and northeastern British Columbia. Until recently, exploration has been limited to the pursuit of prolific, high-permeability stratigraphic “sweet spots”, many of them areally-limited conglomeratic shoreline facies. With advances in drilling and completion technology, operators are now developing strategies to access far larger gas volumes, by commingling production from stacked Cretaceous tight-gas sandstones. The Cretaceous commingled play has been developed most intensively at Wild River, where almost every section in a four-township area has been downspaced to 2-4 (and in some cases 6) wells per section. The play area has expanded rapidly and will ultimately encompass 100 townships or more (based upon regional mapping of the main productive zones). By drilling to the Upper Jurassic Nikanassin Formation, up to ten reservoir intervals are evaluated, and the best four to five are generally completed. Major producers include: Nikanassin -- shallow marine sandstones subcropping beneath the pre-Cretaceous unconformity Cadomin -- fluvial sandstones and conglomerates, occurring as a channelized sheet across the area (Figure 5) Gething -- fluvial sandstones, mappable as discrete channel trends, stacked at several stratigraphic levels within a 100-metre thick continental succession (Figure 6) Bluesky -- marine shoreface sandstones, occurring in a relatively homogeneous sheet (Figure 7) Lower Spirit River -- nearshore facies capping progradational successions, locally exhibiting economic reservoir quality Upper Spirit River -- intricate valley fill network, incised during a mid-Cretaceous sea level fall and filled with massive, low-
Although the WCSB tight gas play spectrum is much different than that in the U.S. Rockies, huge gains in reserves and productivity have been attained with improved understanding of the reservoirs. Nikanassin Structural Play Nikanassin strata (Figure 2) comprise a thick (in places >1000 meters), easterly-thinning wedge of clastics, deposited as the Jurassic Fernie Sea retreated northward from the WCSB, in response to eustatic sea level fall and immense volumes of sediment being shed from the rising Columbian Orogen to the west. Blocky to fining-upward sandstone bodies are interbedded with siltstones, shales, and minor coal. Net sandstone / gross thickness ratios may exceed 50%, so that more than 500 meters of clean sandstone are found in some areas. Deposition took place in marginal marine to continental settings, resulting in an absence of regional stratigraphic markers and mappable depositional trends. Burial depths range from 1000 meters in the Peace River Plains, up to 3500-4000 meters in the deep Foothills. The Nikanassin has been tested throughout the basin, but is productive only where it is extensively fractured by deformation associated with thrust faulting in the outer Foothills. Reservoir Characteristics Reservoir sandstones consist primarily of fine- to medium-grained siliceous litharenites, deposited as channelized bodies on the order of 5 to 15 meters thick, although individual channels may stack into thicker bodies. Regional shoreline or valley-fill trends, where reservoir sandstones would preferentially occur, have not been mapped. Reservoir quality is very poor. In hand section, sandstones are glassy and brittle, and break across sand grains, indicating strong and pervasive cementation. Petrographically, they are poorly sorted, highly compacted litharenites, composed primarily of quartz, chert, and sedimentary rock fragments, cemented tightly with silica. Pores are generally small and isolated -- most primary porosity has been destroyed, and little solution porosity has developed. Conventional core analysis porosity values are generally up to 6%, while permeabilities are 0.1 md or less. Where the Nikanassin is productive, however, core and thin-sections show extensive fracturing (Figures 3 and 4). Tight Gas Production Several companies are developing Nikanassin tight gas pools along structural trends in the outer Foothills of northeastern British Columbia and adjacent Alberta. Wells are drilled along northwest-southeast fairways, parallel to the leading edges of thrust faults. Thrust repeats of Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic strata have been identified in several wellbores, but high-quality seismic is required