马来西亚船旗国 船舶相关要求
规定了船舶建造、改建、修理过程中的检验要求,包括图纸审查 、材料检验、焊接工艺等方面的要求。
规定了船旗国政府对船舶进行的法定检查要求,包括船舶证书、船 员配备、航行设备等方面的要求。
对违反国内船舶检验船旗国检查法规的行为,规定了相应的行政处 罚和刑事责任。
船旗国应与其他国家和地 区开展合作,统一船舶检 验标准,实现信息共享, 提高检验效率。
船旗国应引进先进的检验 技术和设备,提高检验准 确性和效率。
船旗国应加强检验人员的 培训和管理,提高检验人 员的专业素质和责任心。
各航运公司应加强内部 管理,完善船舶安全管 理体系,提高船舶安全
各航运公司应加强与船 旗国的沟通与合作,共
船舶检验船旗国检 查法规介绍课件
目 录
• 船旗国检查概述 • 国际船舶检验船旗国检查法规 • 国内船舶检验船旗国检查法规 • 船舶检验船旗国检查的挑战与对
策 • 船舶检验船旗国检查案例分析
船旗国检查是指由船舶所属国的 政府机构对船舶进行的法定检查 ,以确保船舶符合国际和国内的 安全、环保和防污染规定。
通过船旗国检查,可以及 时发现和纠正船舶存在的 问题,提高船舶的安全水 平,减少事故发生。
• 港口国监督依据与措施
• 加强海上保安的特别措施(SOLAS附则第XI-2章)
– 对在港船舶的控制 » 适用船在另一缔约国港内,应受到控制,除有明确理 由相信船舶不符合公约或ISPS 规则A 部分的要求外, 港口国监督对于到港船舶针对船舶保安的检查(PSC) 的内容限于检查有效证书,如果有效则予以接受
• 区域性PSC组织
– 我国加入的是东京备忘录
• 当时签署东京备忘录的18个国家和地区的海事当局 为:澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、斐济、中国香港、 印度尼西亚、日本、韩国、马来西亚、新西兰、巴 布亚新几内亚、菲律宾、俄罗斯、新加坡、所罗门 群岛、泰国、瓦努阿图和越南。
• 东京备忘录的常设秘书处于1994年4月开始工作, 办公地点是日本东京。
• 港口国监督依据与措施
• 加强海上保安的特别措施(SOLAS附则第XI-2章)
– 附加规定: » 所采取的控制措施应以导致不符合情况得到纠正并使 缔约国政府满意为限,并应考虑到船舶或主管机关所 建议的行动(如有)。 » 缔约国政府在采取控制措施时,应尽一切可能避免船 舶被不当扣留或船期被不当延误(如果船舶被不当扣 留或船期被不当延误,船舶有权就其所受任何损失或 损害取得赔偿),不得阻止出于紧急或人道主义原因 和出于保安目的必要登船。
• 检验与证书(SOLAS公约附则第I章B部分)
– 任何船舶当其在另一缔约国的港口时,应接受该国政府正式授权 官员的监督,这种监督的目的,仅在于查明该船按规定所持有的 各项证书是否有效;
– 当船舶实际状况与证书所载情况不符或证书过期或失效时,执行 监督的官员应采取措施,以保证该船在不具备安全航行的条件时, 不得开航或离港;
船旗国 船员适任证书 高级船员
一、船旗国1. 船旗国的概念和作用船旗国是指一个国家为外国船只提供注册和航行许可证的国家。
2. 船旗国的优劣势船旗国的优势在于注册费用低、管理制度宽松、操作灵活等,这些优势吸引着许多船东和船只选择注册在船旗国。
3. 船旗国的监管和管理为了规范船旗国的管理,国际海事组织和一些国际组织都建立了一定的管理规范和监督制度,监督船旗国的船舶是否符合国际法规和标准。
二、船员适任证书1. 船员适任证书的概念和意义船员适任证书是船员从事航海工作的必备资格证书,是国际海事组织规定的船员必须持有的证书。
2. 船员适任证书的取得途径船员可以通过在海事院校或培训机构接受培训,并通过相关考试获得船员适任证书。
3. 船员适任证书的管理和监督国际海事组织和各国海事管理部门都对船员适任证书的管理和监督进行严格的规定和监督。
(大连海事大学国际海事公约研究中心 张仁平)印度MOU发布2017年有关航行安全CIC初步结果近日,印度洋谅解备忘录(IOMOU)发布2017年有关航行安全集中检查活动(CIC)初步结果。
IOMOU 成员当局对1 290艘船舶开展检查,滞留81艘次。
其中,有1 076艘次船舶检查涵盖57个船旗国,共有6艘船舶因有关CIC缺陷被滞留。
对挂巴拿马旗船舶所做CIC 检查次数最多,随后为马歇尔岛和利比里亚。
(中国新闻网)国际海事International Maritime动态N e ws(编辑:王海潮)IMO召开船舶系统与设备分委会第5次会议3月12日至16日,IMO船舶系统与设备分委会(SSE)第5次会议在伦敦召开,IMO秘书长林基泽致开幕词,日本的Susumu Ota博士主持会议。
防止船舶造成大气污染规则》于2005年生效随着萨摩亚独立国的批准加入,《MARPOL73/78>附则W 防止船舶造成大气污染规则将于2005 年 5 月19 日生效。
根据《MARPOL73/78> 1997年议定书,附则W将于不少于世界商船总吨位50%的至少15个国家批准之后12个月生效。
船舶新证书--IAPP证书一、概述1997年9月,在《MAPOL73/78公约》的缔约国会议上,通过了《MAPOL73/78公约》97议定书,97议定书的主要内容是在《MAPOL 73/78公约》中增加附则VI “防止船舶造成大气污染规则”。
2004年5月18日,萨摩亚群岛政府批准了《MAPOL 73/78公约》97议定书和附则VI,至此该附则VI已达到了97议定书所规定的生效条件,并于2005 年5月19日正式生效。
按97 议定书的规定要求,所有适用的船舶必须持有经船旗国或主管机关认可的船级社经检验通过后签发的IAPP证书。
IAPP证书(International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate )的全称国际防止大气污染证书。
二、主要内容和规定要求《MAPOL 73/78公约》附则VI 的主要内容是对船舶排放的消耗臭氧物质、氮氧化物(NOX、硫氧化物(SOX、挥发性有机化合物(VOCS 及船用焚烧物进行控制,以防止这些排放物对大气的进一步污染。
船舶国籍(ship nationality)什么是船舶国籍[1] 船舶国籍是指船舶所有人按照某一国家的船舶登记管理规范进行登记,取得该国签发的船舶国籍证书并悬挂该国国旗航行,从而使船舶隶属于登记国的一种法律上的身份。
船舶国籍概述[2] 船舶国籍即船舶属于哪个国家的资格。
船舶国籍的取得条件[3] 任何国家都可以根据主权自主原则,确定给予船舶国籍的条件。
38 《中国水产》2008年第11期 责任编辑 叶佳林海外渔业三、主要国际渔业管理与养护措施经过几十年的发展,国际渔业管理组织已经基本形成完备的养护和管理措施。
例如南极海洋生物委员会2006年通过的10-02养护措施规定,船旗国在发放捕捞许可的7天内,要向委员会秘书处报告(渔船信息以及12*7厘米的左舷、右舷和船尾的三张彩照),并要求:渔船在进出任何港口时要及时向船旗国报告;渔船进入公约区、在公约区内进入不同区域、次区/分区时要向船旗国报告;根据委员会的要求报告捕捞数据;尽可能报告在公约区内遇见的渔船情况(包括船名和渔船国际渔业管理现状和趋势(二)刘小兵 孙海文 农业部渔业局国际合作处 100026作地位的非成员,如果不向ICCAT报告有关数据,将无法再得到合作地位。
4.产量统计证书制度ICCAT 于1993年率先对蓝鳍金枪鱼实行产量统计证书制度。
1 、一 般规 定
1 1所 有 类型 的固定 灭火 系统 ,所 有类型 的手 提 灭火器 和
பைடு நூலகம்
呼 吸装置 的空 气瓶每 年必 须 由经认 可的 岸上检 修站 或相 关 的政 府机 构进 行定 期检查 和维 护保 养 。 12现 场验 船 师根据 定期 检查 的结果 可 以要 求对 某些 气 瓶进 行水压 试 验 。 13 气瓶 经检修 后 .也要 求进 行水压 试验 。 14 C , . O 充储 气 量损 失超过 1% .卤代烷 储气 量 损失超 过 O
Re No. c 47: i b I n a d Re Sh p uidi g n pai r
Qu y tn ad al S a d r i t
R c. 1 4. Gu d n e n h r e f e No 2 i a c o t e ol 0
(e .M y2 1 ) Rv6 a 0 2
2 1固定 气体 灭火 系统 . 1 气 瓶 中灭火 剂 的数 量 必须每 1 个 月进 行检 查 。 2
的定 期 检 查 和维 护保 养 作 出 了规 定 . 并于 20 年 9 3 09 月 日起 开
始执 行 。
2 每 1 年 内 .不 少于 1% 的高压 气瓶 必须 进行定 期水 压 0 O 试验 .2 年后 ,每 1 年 内 ,1 0 0 ∞% 的 高压 气瓶 必须进 行定 期 水
工 作压 力未 知时 不小 于 2 / N mm 。
3 O 灭 火器 2 C
1 只 灭 火 器 提 供 1 % 备 用 灭火 剂 ,其 余提 供 5 % 备 用 灭 火 0 ∞ O
丹绒素里里执法组指挥官莫哈末祖法迪里发表文告指出,执法组是于上午10时15分于边佳兰丹绒本尤索(Tanjung Penyusop)海域巡逻时,在离岸4.5海里截查了一艘在新加坡注册的油槽船。
DAR ES SALAAM (TANZANIA):达累斯萨拉姆是通往非洲内陆国家的重要口岸之一,所有经过DAR转运货都需要在DAR进行转关手续,需要发货人在货到港之前向船公司提供箱单,发票和正本提单复印件,船公司会把上述文件扫描给DAR代理做转关手续。
特别提醒,西非各国家海关是我认为最严格的,所以千万不要货到港后在更改,罚金是惊人的!1)COTONOU (BENIN)关键字:CTN NO.CTN(CARGO TRACKING NOTE)=BSC(BORDEREAU DE SUIVI DE CARGAISON)号码,显示在提单和舱单上的品名描述部分。
CTN NO. 由收货人向当地进口管理机构索取。
MARPOL73/78公约附则VI浅析全球大气污染主要表现为臭氧层破坏、酸雨腐蚀、细颗粒粉尘增多、气候变暖.船舶中柴油机排烟、制冷剂泄漏和垃圾焚烧等也是大气污染的重要来源之一,其排放的NOx占化石燃料源的15%左右, SOx占人为源的4%~9%,随着运输船舶数量日益增加,其大气污染排放也日趋严重。
船舶排放对大气造成污染的主要物质包括SOx、NOx、ODS(Ozone Depleting Substance)消耗臭氧层物质和VOC(Volatile Organic Compounds)挥发性有机化合物,以及船上焚烧排放至空气中的有害物质.本文从如上几种船舶污染物排放控制的相关要求和应对措施一一阐述。
1 SOx排放控制为了降低SOx排放,其一是安装使用经认可的废气滤清系统或任何其它技术方法来保证SOx排放量符合公约要求,其二通过使用符合公约要求的低硫油来达到SOx排放标准,绝大部分船舶都是采用第二种方法。
IMO (International Maritime Organization)的MEPC环保委员会多次召开会议,陆续增加船舶使用低硫油区域,这就是现在我们经常提及的SECA/ECA区域(Sulfur Emission Control Area).截至2015年7月1号,生效的SECA区域范围和硫份要求如下:1. 波罗的海、北海、英吉利海峡,硫份含量上限为0。
该要求适用于欧盟港口停泊(系泊和锚泊)的船舶,对在港口外抛锚的船舶不适用.硫份含量上限为0.1%;3. 北美沿岸,包括美国、加拿大沿岸200海里水域,以及邻近的太平洋海岸,大西洋海岸,以及8个主夏威夷岛屿,硫份含量上限为0。
第5-6课 船舶登记制度(船籍、船旗、方便旗)与船舶证书
第二,使用船员的国籍。 开放登记国(Open Register)是指对上述两个方
第一节 船舶登记制度
船舶登记自从1660年英国起源以来,各国船公司 在漫长的管理和实践中,逐步形成了多种船舶登记类
1 、按照登记船舶的权力划分,可以分为船舶所有权 登记、船舶抵押权登记及光船租赁登记。
2 、按照登记目的划分,可以分为取得登记、变更登
3 、按照登记的有效期划分,可分为通常登记和临时 登记。
度。 严格登记制度是指一国船舶登记机关对授予船
第一节 船舶登记制度
二是企图利用开放登记国提供的有利因素;如: ( 1 )宽松的登记条件,手续方便快捷。开放登
舶也可登记。 ( 2 )船舶管理松懈。开放登记国一般既无意愿
( 3 )船员管理松懈。船东可雇佣外国船员,船 员工资水平、福利待遇较低,同时船员素质也较低。
2)《1992年联合国海洋公约》 3)《1986年联合国船舶登记条件公约》;
第一节 船舶登记制度
4、有关船舶登记的重要概念和规定 1 )船旗:船舶所悬挂的国旗,是船舶所属国籍
第一节 船舶登记制度
专注中国到马来西亚和东南亚海运空运 马来西亚进口清关流程,马来西亚进口清关流程物流公司马来西亚是东南亚各国中经济发展较快、水平较高的国家之一。
一、为密切合作以保证本协定的有效执行,应中国或东盟任一成员国的要 求,缔约双方的代表可在相互同意的时间和地点见面,就缔约任何一方提出的 建议举行会谈。此类磋商会议应自收到相关建议之日起 60 天内举行。
第十二条 争议的解决
如在本协定条款的解释、执行或应用时发生争议或分歧,缔约双方应通过 协商或谈判友好解决。
第一条 目的
本协定旨在提供便利和合作从而为缔约双方经营者改善缔约双方港口之间 以及缔约双方港口与第三国港口之间的海上货物和旅客运输经营条件。缔约双 方应制止任何有可能损害缔约双方航运公司不受限制地参与缔约双方之间以及 缔约双方与第三国之间的海上运输的行动。
第二条 范围
一、本协定适用于中国港口与东盟成员国港口之间的国际海上货物和旅客 运输。
第十六条 保护国家安全及公共健康
本协定的规定不应限制中国和东盟任何成员国为保护国家安全及公共健康 或防止动植物病虫害而采取措施的权利。
经中华人民共和国政府和东盟各成员国政府各自正式授权的下列代表,在 本协定上签字,以昭信守。
本协定于二○○七年十一月二日在新加坡签订,以英文写成,一式两份。 对于东盟成员国,本协定应由东盟秘书长保存,并由其迅速向东盟所有成 员国提供一份核正无误的副本。
中华人民共和国政府(以下简称“中国”或“缔约一方”)为一方,文莱 达鲁萨兰国、柬埔寨王国、印度尼西亚共和国、老挝人民民主共和国、马来西 亚、缅甸联邦、菲律宾共和国、新加坡共和国、泰王国、越南社会主义共和国 政府,作为东南亚国家联盟成员国的政府(以下简称“东盟成员国”或合指 “缔约一方”)为另一方;并且以下双方合指简称“缔约双方”;
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MalaysiaRecord of RevisionDate Revised paragraph Reason of Revision 1 Jan. 2011 2011 Edition newly madeMalaysiaChapter 1 General1001 Short Term (Conditional) Statutory Certificate-1. The Society is allowed to issue short term certificate for maximum period of 2 months for the following conditions:(1) Rectification cannot be done with valid reason or spare parts not available at the portwhere the deficiency is found or reported. (only valid for malfunction of Navigation andRadio equipments, malfunction or servicing and testing of LSA and FFA equipments), or(2) Equivalent, alternative arrangement or temporary measures has been provided to thesatisfaction of the attending surveyor in accordance with the statutory requirements.-2. The attending surveyor should advise the owner that he shall immediately but not later than 2 weeks from date of issuance of the certificate report to Ship Accreditation Unit, Marine Department of Malaysia with all relevant documents including:(1) content of the deficiency and reason of difficulty in rectifying it(2) content of temporary repair, if carried out(3) proposed corrective action plan to rectify the deficiencyChapter 2 Load Line2001 Use of Multiple Load LinesMore than one load line certificate may be issued for the Malaysian ships subject to the following requirements:(1) Application should be made directory to the Malaysian government (MarineDepartment) by shipowner. The Marine Department will recognize the classificationbody if the application has been approved;(2) The ship shall comply fully with all the requirements appropriate for a ship of themaximum deadweight corresponding to the least freeboard assigned for which a LoadLine Certificate has been issued.(3) The deepest summer draught corresponding to the least summer freeboard shall not begreater than the moulded draught indicated on the International Tonnage Certificate1969.(4) Each set of Load Line marks shall be verified by the Surveyor when they are marked onthe ship’s side for the first time. Subsequently, during periodical inspection, they shall beverified by the attending surveyor and their corresponding Load Line Certificate endorsed.(5) The stability booklet shall contain information relating to all freeboard assigned forwhich a Load Lines Certificate has been issued.(6) The Master shall be responsible and accountable for the proper use of the Load LineCertificates and the display of the appropriate Load Line marks.(7) The Master shall ensure that only one set of Load Line marks is visible on the ship’ssides and the corresponding Load Lines Certificate is displayed at any one time. Theremaining Load Line marks shall be effectively obliterated and the remaining LoadLines Certificates not used shall be in a proper safe keeping.(8) The Master shall make an official entry in the ship’s official log book on every occasionthe Load Line marks in use are changed.(9) The approval to use Multiple Load Lines and the condition specified by the MarineDepartment has to be put side by side with the Lad Line Certificate at all times.(10) The Head Office sends all copies of the Load Line Certificate that has been issued to theMarine Department.2002 Surveys for ships changing to Malaysian registrySurveys are to be carried out to the standard equivalent to or higher than annual survey.Chapter 3 SOLASSafety Construction3101 Surveys for ships changing to Malaysian registrySurveys are to be carried out to the standard equivalent to or higher than annual survey. 3102 Postponement of dry docking survey-1. In case where the owner applies for postponement of dry docking survey, the Society is allowed to extend the survey for maximum period of 3 months for the following conditions.However, this is valid for ships of less than 10 years old:(1) Underwater inspection of the ship’s bottom shall be carried out(2) In case where the underwater inspection is not possible, an internal inspection of spacesfor ship bottom structure facing sea water, to the maximum extent practicable, shall be carried out-2. As far as it does not exceed 36 months from the date of completion of the previous docking survey, in case of extensions of not more than 1 month general inspection including the following may be carried out in lieu of the above underwater inspection:(1) operation test of the steering machinery, if considered necessary(2) review of onboard records to confirm satisfactory operation of the propulsion machinery(3) review of onboard records to confirm no damage has occurred since the last dockingsurvey-3. The surveyor should advise the owner that the owner shall inform Marine Department (Ship Accreditation Unit) of the intention of delaying a dry docking survey with supporting documents one month prior to the due date.Safety EquipmentGeneral3301 Surveys for ships changing to Malaysian registrySurveys are to be carried out to the standard equivalent to or higher than renewal survey. 3302 Languages to be used on Safety Plans and definitionRequirements of Safety Plan and definition are to be translated to Bahasa Malaysia.-1. Fire Plan and Safety Plan are to be in translated to Bahasa Malaysia.3303 installation of immersion suits-1. The number of immersion suits to be provided should comply with Reg. III/32.3 of SOLAS. -2 Additional two sets of immersion suits should be provided at Bridge, Engine Control Room and near the location of remotely located survival craft carried in accordance with Reg.III/31.1.4 of SOLAS.-3. For Malaysian ships except bulk carriers which are constantly engaged on voyages in warm climates between Latitude 30 degrees North and 30 degrees South may be exempted from the installation of immersion suits according to 32.3.2 Chapter III SOLAS.3304 Periodic Servicing and Maintenance of Lifeboats, Launching Appliancesand On-load Release GearThe testing and servicing shall be carried out by;(1) Approved service provider by manufacturer, or(2) Any service provider (RO may accept on case by case basis with reference to respectiveRO guideline), or(3) Competent person (fulfilled the training criteria established in Company QualitySystem)Attachment to 3302-1.KETETAPAN DAN DEFINASIPENTERJEMAHAN PELAN KESELAMATAN KEDALAM BAHASA KEBANGSAAN SELARAS DENGAN PERATURAN 20 BAB II-2 SOLAS 19741. Pentadbiran yang diberikuasa untuk mengesahkan penterjemahan istilahAuthority empowered to approve translations.Selain dari Jabatan Laut, pentadbiran yang diberikuasa untuk mengesahkan terjemahan istilah ialah Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) dan Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia(ITNM) Other than The Marine Department, authorities empowered to approve translations of terms are Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka and Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia.2. Bahasa yang digunakan didalam pelan keselamatanLanguages to be used on Safety PlansBahasa yang perlu digunakan didalam pelan keselamatan ialah Bahasa Malaysia dan lnggeris sahajaLanguages to be used on Saafety Plans are Bahasa Malaysia and Eniglish only3. bahagian pelan keselamatan yang perlu diterjemahAreas on the Safety Plans that are required to be translatedBahagian pelan keselamatan yang perlu diterjemah hanyalah pada bahagian lagenda pelan dimana perkara berikut perlu disenaraikan:Areas on the Safety Plans that are required to be translated covers only the Legends of the Plans where the following are to be listed:1. lambang peralatan keselamatan dan peralatan melawan kebakaran mengikut lambang yangtelah diiktiraf oleh IMO;LSA and FF A’s symbols as approved by IMO2. makna lambang lambang berkenaan didalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris;the meaning of the symbols in Bahasa Malaysia and English3. jumlah alat yang disediakan;the quantity of equipments provided4. kedudukan alat berkenaan dengan merujuk semula kepada pelan; danthe positions of said equipments with reference to the plan; and5. apa apa kenyataan / makluman lain yang difikiran perlu bagi menerangkan dengan lebihjelas mengenai sesuatu peralatan berkenaan didalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris;other statement / informations that is considered necessary to explain in further details pertaining to said equipments in Bahasa Malaysia and English4. Lain lainOthers1. Secara amnya, lain lain bahagian pelan keselamatan tidak perlu diterjemahkan kedalamBahasa Malaysia. Walau bagaimana pun, jika sesuatu bahagian dari pelan berkenaan mempunyai implikasi secara terus keatas kedudukan peralatan keselamatan / melawan kebakaran atau pemahaman anak kapal keatas penggunaan peralatan keselamatan / melawan kebakaran, maka bahagian berkenaan perlu diterjemah kedalam Bahasa Malaysia.In general, other section of the safety plan need not be translated to Bahasa Malayisa.However, if any other section of the plan have a direct implication tot eh positions of the LSA / FF A or the operational understanding of the crew of the ship in relations to the safety of the ship, then said section are required to be translated.2. Semua tajuk pelan hendaklah diterjemah kedalam Bahasa Malaysia.All Plans’ Topic are required to be translated to Bahasa MalaysiaFire Protection, Detection and Extinction3342 Plastic Cap (cover) of Dry Powder Portable Fire Extinguisher The dry powder portable fire extinguisher with a plastic cap (cover) cannot be permitted to be used onboard the Malaysian Flag ships.If dry powder portable extinguisher with plastic cap was found, surveyors are to require replacement of the extinguisher. Such caps (covers) are normally made of Aluminum Alloy. 3343 Fire Extinguishing Arrangement for Paint Lockers and Flammable Liquid Lockers (89/II-2/18.7) (00E)Equivalent to the IACS interpretation. However, for ships other than tankers, two potable fire extinguisher (6.8 kg CO2 or 4.5 kg power) may be acceptable for such lockers deck area of which is less than 10m2.3344 Periodical inspection and maintenance of fire-extinguishing system (General)-1. All types of permanently installed fire-fighting systems, all types of portable fire extinguishers and breathing apparatus air cylinders must be subjected to periodical inspection and maintenance every year, by authorized service agent or trained ship’s officer/engineer in charge of the equipment.-2. The attending surveyor may require, based on the results of a periodical inspection, certain containers to be, also, tested hydrostatically.-3. Hydrostatic testing is also required after repair.-4. Where the loss of content exceeds 10% for CO2 and 5% for Halon, the container must be recharged.3345 Permanently installed fire-fighting systems-1. Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems(1) The quantity of medium in containers must be inspected every 12 months by authorizedservice agent or trained ship’s officer/engineer in charge of the equipment.(2) Periodic hydrostatic testing of high-pressure containers must be carried out for not lessthan 10% of the containers during each 10 years period or 100% of the containers afterreach 20 years from the date of manufacture. Hydraulic test is also required if loss ofcontent more than 10% for CO2 and 5% for Halon.(3) The test pressure shall not be less than 25 N/mm2 for CO2 containers and 1,5 times theworking pressure for Halon containers.-2. Fixed foam extinguishing systemFoam sample analysis shall be carried out after a period of 3 years of date manufacture and thereafter every year at authorized service agent or manufacturer’s laboratory.Notwithstanding the aforementioned, occasional foam sample analysis can be requested at the discretion of the attending surveyor during the safety equipment survey.3346 Portable fire extinguishers-1. All portable fire extinguishers shall be tested hydrostatically as follows:(1) Every 10 years from the date of manufacture(2) When the defect is revealed during the visual inspection by a surveyor or trainedofficer/engineer in charge of the equipment(3) Hydraulic testing must be carried out by an accreditation service agent or test facility-2. The test pressure is as follows:(1) Not less than 25 N/mm2 in case of CO2 fire extinguishers(2) Not less than 1.5 times of the working pressure or 2 N/mm2 if the working pressure isunknown in case of other fire extinguishers-3. The contents of fire extinguishers shall be recharged as follows:(1) Water and foam extinguishers must be refilled every 12 months by authorized serviceagent or trained officer/engineer in charge of the equipment.(2) Other extinguishers shall be inspected and recharged by authorized service agent every 2years.(3) Prior to recharging an extinguisher a thorough inspection and internal examination mustbe carried out.3347 Air cylinders for breathing apparatus-1. Servicing(1) The cylinders must be hydrostatically tested every 5 years. The test pressure shall not beless than 1,5 times the working pressure.(2) All cylinders, high pressure fittings and hoses should be externally examined annuallyby ship officer or engineer or authorized agent.3348 Emergency escape breathing device (00/II-2/13)-1. EEBD are to be provided as follows.(a) Machinery spaces containing internal combustion machinery used for main propulsion1. One for Engine Control room2. One to the area close to Engine Workshop are located3. One near to the escape route at each deckIn case, where Engine Control room and Workshop are close one EEBD for them or;In case, where Engine Control room and/or Workshop and the escape route are closed the EEBD for Engine Control room and /or Workshop may be dispensed with.However, the number of EEBDs is not to be less than 2.(b) Machinery spaces Category A other than aboveOne EEBD near the escape route at each deck. Where the spaces on level only and easy to safe spaces is surely granted, EEBD are not required.(c) Cargo ships2 sets of EEBD in accommodation spaces-2. The number of spare EEBDs shall be a minimum of 50% of the actual provision.Safety of Navigation3380 LRIT-1. Tankers operating within Malaysia EEZ shall comply with LRIT requirements provided in SOLAS Reg. V/19-1.-2. FSO and FSPO engaged in operating within Malaysia EEZ are exempted from complying with LRIT requirement.Safety Radio3501 Surveys for ships changing to Malaysian registrySurveys are to be carried out to the standard equipment to or higher than renewal survey. 3502 Qualifications and Number of Radio Personnel required on board GMDSS ShipsTwo GOC holders, or one dedicated radio officer with GOC or 1st/2nd class REC.Holders of GOC or ROC issued by countries other than Malaysia should possess a Certificate of Recognition (COR) - a combined certificate of a Certificate of Competence and GOC or ROC - issued by the Marine Department of Malaysia.Chapter 4 COLREG4001 Exemption from adhering to the COLREG (Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972)Ships for usage in specific operation with the length (length Overall LOA) lesser than 100 meters are exempted from adhering to the requirements of following items of COLREG (Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972), provided that the vertical distance between lights is not less than 1 meter.-1. Exemption from Regulation 23 (a) (ii)A second masthead light abaft of and higher than the forward one is not be obliged to exhibitsuch light but may do so;-2. Exemption from Annex I Regulation 2 (i) (i)When the Rules prescribe two or three lights to be carried in a vertical line, they are to be spaced as follows:Such lights can be spaced less than 2 meters but to be spaced not less than 1 meter apart, and the lowest of these lights shall, except where a towing light is required, can be placed at a height of less than 4 meters but to be placed at a height of not less than 2 meters above the hull.Chapter 5 MARPOLAnnex I5101 Surveys for ships changing Malaysian registrySurveys are to be carried out to the standard equivalent to or higher than annual survey. 5102 Tankers of 600 dwt and above but less than 5000 dwt carrying heavy grade oilRenewal or intermediate survey for single hull tankers of 600 dwt and above but less than 5000 dwt carrying heavy grade oil which do not comply with MARPOL Annex I Reg. 20 shall be carried out in the presence of Marine Department surveyor. Therefore, the local office of the Society that receive an application or information for the survey shall notify Ship Accreditation Unit directly or SVD one month prior to the survey being carried out.Chapter 7 Other Surveys, etc.7001 Surveying and Certifying Carving and Marking from International Tonnage Certificate for Malaysian Ships-1. In case where Carving & Marking survey is carried out on behalf of the Malaysian Government, it is required to use the annexed “CARVING AND MARKING INSPECTION Survey Checklist” and to follow the requirements in this. However, as this survey is subject to authorization by the Marine Department, the surveyor shall contact the government if the authorization is granted.-2. Photo of the ship related to Carving & Marking needs to be attached to the above checklist asa report. Both shall be submitted to Ship Registry Unit, Marine Department.7002 Survey for Crew Accommodation-1. GeneralIn case where a survey for crew accommodation is applied by relevant shipyard or shipowner, the following procedure shall be followed.(1) the Society shall advise the shipowner to obtain the authorization letter on issuance ofthe survey report by the Society from the Administration in advance.(2) Vessel shall comply with UK crew accommodation regulation 1997. Website(/si/si1997/19971508.htm) should be referred to for checking thecontents of the regulation.(3) Petronus Guidelines for Barges Operating Offshore in Malaysia (PGBOOM) is acceptedfor accommodation requirement for FPSO and FSO.(4) Ships registered as FPSO or FSO are exempted from compliance with the requirementsof UK crew accommodation regulation 1997 with the condition that;(a) the ship complies with chapter two (2) Accommodation Spaces of PGBOOM(b) the ship operates only under static condition-2. Plans to be submittedShipowner or shipyard shall submit two (2) plans (for local office and for applicant for return) to check the compliance with UK crew accommodation regulation 1997. Plans shall cover the location and general arrangement of the crew accommodation including the allocation of each space and the disposition of furniture and fittings, the means and arrangement of ventilation, lighting, heating and the sanitary arrangements. The approved plans shall be kept on board the vessel. (refer to item 2 of the checklist)-3. SurveyThe Society shall carry out survey in accordance with UK crew accommodation regulation 1997 (annexed Record of Crew Accommodation (RCA) Survey Checklist). If non compliance with the requirements in RCA is found and not be able to rectified immediately, non compliance report is to be submitted to the administration.-4. Survey report(1) The Society shall make RCA Survey Checklist as a survey report.(2) The Administration shall issue Crew Accommodation certificate based on the surveyreport (RCA) submitted from the shipowner.7003 Requirements and Certification for Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) and Floating Storage Offloading (FSO)-1. FPSO and FSO shall be surveyed and issued with the following certificates as an oil tanker. -2. Certificates to be issued are as follows. (Generally, statutory certificates shall be issued in case where a vessel is subject to international voyage and a statutory certificate for IOPP only shall be issued in case where a vessel is subject to non international voyage.)(1) LL certificate(2) IOPP certificate(3) ITC certificate(4) SC certificate(5) SE certificate7004 Requirements and Certification for Accommodation Barge Non Propelled-1. Accommodation Barge carrying industrial personnel shall comply with;(1) All applicable International Convention Requirements(2) Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Code-2. Certificates to be issued are;(1) All applicable Convention Certificates(2) Non Convention Safety Equipment and Ship Safty Construction Certificates or MODUCertificate7005 Requirements for Crew BoatCrew Boat or Fast Crew Boat carrying industrial personnel shall comply with;(1) Intact Stability Code – IMO Res. A.749(18) and Damage Stability – Offshore SupplyVessel Code IMO Res. MSC. 235(82)(2) LSA, FFA, Radio, Navigational Equipment – IACS Recommendation No. 99 for NonConvention Size Vessel Rules (unrestricted voyage)(3) Construction – Crew Boat or High Speed Craft Class Rules(4) All applicable International Convention Requirements7006 Requirements for Special Purpose Ship such as Maintenance/Utility Work BoatSpecial Purpose Ship carrying industrial personnel shall comply with;(1) All applicable International Convention Requirements(2) Special Purpose Ship Code IMO Res. A.534(13) but vessel built or contract signed priorto 31 December 2007 may comply with Offshore Supply Vessel Code. Regarding shipscomplying with OSV Code, the operation area is limited to Malaysian Near Coastal Limit as defined by Malaysian Shipping Ordinance 1952 or 200 nautical miles from nearest land and number of industrial personnel is limited to 200.7007 Requirements for Non Convention Cargo Vessel-1. Non Convention Cargo Vessel shall comply with;(1) Non Convention Cargo Ship Safety Regulations (draft rules)or(2) IACS Recommendation No. 99 for a safety of cargo vessel of less than Convention Size(3) GMDSS for Area A1 (new vessel keel laid on or after January 2009 while all existingvessel before end 2009)-2. Authorization is required for survey and issuance of non convention certificate. Specific authorization should also be given to rules to be complied with, if the Society approves life saving and fire control plan. The surveyor shall contact the Government for these authorizations.Attachment to 7001CARVING AND MARKING INSPECTIONSurvey ChecklistShip Name Official Number Port of Registry Gross Tonnage IMO NumberNO. ITEM YES NO NA 1. Ship’s name permanently and conspicuously marked on each bow. The marking plainly cutin / centre punched / engender.2. Ship’s name and Port of Registry permanently and conspicuously marked on stern. Themarking plainly cut in / centre punched / engender.3. Official Number together with Net Tonnage permanently and conspicuously marked.3.1 On the face of the main beam / In the pump room entrance / Aft side of engine roombulkhead.3.2 The marking plainly cut in / centre punched / engender.3.3 The Official Number preceded by the abbreviation “O.N.” The Official Number as issuedby the Registrar of ShipO.N. –3.4 The Net Tonnage preceded by the abbreviation “NET.” The Net Tonnage as stated in thePermanent Tonnage CertificateNET. –3.5 No other units or marking preceding the Official Number and Net Tonnage marking.3.6 No other markings are to be included in the marking area other than the Official Numbersand Net Tonnage.4. All other marking of Ship Name and Port of Registry are to be replaced with the approvedname and port of registry e.g. at lifebuoys, lifeboats, safety plans etc.5. Cargo spaces to be permanently marked on outer surface of longitudinal coamings ofcargo hatches, on covers or coamings of cargo tanks, at the entrance to other cargocompartments and in other places where readily visible.5.15.2 Marking to be the letters C.C, plainly cut in / welded / centre punched and painted white /yellow on dark background / black on white background.Spaces other than cargo spaces are not required to be marked for 1969 tonnage.6. IMO Number permanently and conspicuously marked apply to all self‐propelled cargo ships 300 GRT and upwards and all passenger ships 100 GRT and upwards engaged on international voyages. (as per IMO No. requirement)6.1 In a visible place on the stern / side of the hull, amidships port and starboard, above thedeepest assigned load line / side of the superstructure, port and starboard / on the frontof the superstructure / in the case of passenger ships, on a horizontal surface visible fromthe air.6.26.3 In the easily accessible place on one of the end transverse bulkheads of the machineryspaces / on one of the hatchways / in case of tankers, in the pump room / in the case ofships with ro‐ro spaces, on one of the end transverse bulkheads of the ro‐ro spaces.The IMO Number preceded by the abbreviation “IMO”IMO NO –7. The marking referred to paragraph 1, 2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1 and 6.2 shall be in plain Romancapital letters / Arabic numerals not less than 200 mm in height.8. The marking referred to paragraph 6.1 the marking shall be in plain Roman capital letters/ Arabic numerals not less than 200 mm in height.9. Machinery Particulars : (as declared in the Survey Form 118)Engine Model / Type :Number of sets of engine :Serial Number :10. Number of seamen for whom accommodation is certified for : XX[as per requirement of Section 168, MSO 1952 or Merchant Crew Accommodation 1997(UK Act)]______________________ Place of Survey :(Name) Date :(Surveyor of Ship)Attachment to 7002CREW ACCOMODATION CERTIFICATE VERSION 1.0 DATED 1 JANUARY 2004Record Of Crew Accomodation (RCA)Survey ChecklistNo : __________________(sequential number)Survey Port : ___________________ Survey Date : __________________Name of Ship Official Number & IMO NumberPort of RegistryGross TonnageDimension (m) Year Built Crew Complement Classification SocietyL : B : D :Name and Address of Owner or AgentPlying Limit / Voyage Intended1. 2.Trade1. An International Voyages2. A Domestic VoyagesCrew Complement(Total crew cabin on board as per approved plan)Persons OCCUPANTSCabin ID No. LOCATION (Deck, Side & Frame) Cat 1No.Notes:1 Enter O = for Officers; P = for Petty Officers; D = Deck Ratings; E = Engine Ratings; C = Catering Staff;M = MiscellaneousPrevious Certificate1. Certificate No : ____________________2. Full Term, Provisional, Conditional, New ** : ____________________3. Date of Issue : ____________________4. Place of Issue : ____________________5. Expiry Date : ____________________Survey Items Yes No NA1 CERTIFICATES1.1 Certificate as follows available onboard the vessel :DateCertificates Expiry Registry CertificateSafe Manning Certificate / Document**Personnel On Board (POB) :Expiry Date :International / Malaysia** Load Line CertificateExemption Certificate :(please specify)Ship Management Certificate (SMC)International Safety Management (ISM)Others : _____________________(please specify)2 PART II – PLANNING AND CONTROL OF CREW ACCOMMODATIONHave plans covering the location and general arrangement of the crewaccommodation including the allocation of each space and the disposition offurniture and fittings, the means and arrangement of ventilation, lighting, heating andthe sanitary arrangements been examined and approved by the Society on behalf ofthe government of the country of registry?3 PART III – CREW ACCOMMODATION REQUIREMENTS3.1 General.1 All parts of crew accommodation situated amidships or aft, except store rooms..2 All parts of crew accommodation situated above summer load line, except storerooms3.2 The crew accommodation so situated, constructed and arranged to excluded: -.1 from crew accommodation, noise coming from other parts of the ship..2 from any part of crew accommodation noise coming from other parts of it.3.3 Sleeping rooms forming part of the crew accommodation of a passenger ship shallnot be situated immediately beneath a working passageway. Any bulkhead, casing ordeck separating a sleeping room from-.1 a machinery space.2 a mess room.3 a recreation room.4 a room in which films or television are shown。