玫瑰之战的原因The Wars of the Roses was a series of dynastic wars for the throne of England
The Wars of the Roses was a series of dynastic wars for the throne of England. They were fought between supporters of two rival branches of the royal House of Plantagenet, the houses of Lancaster and York.The name Wars of the Roses refers to the Heraldic badges associated with the two royal houses, the White Rose of York and the Red Rose of Lancaster. The 19th century novelist sir walter scott coined the name Wars of the Roses which is based the name on a scene in William Shakespeare's play Henry VI Part 1.There are many contributing factors to the Wars of the Roses, including The state of the realm, Armies and contestants, Disputed succession, Henry VI. The greedy nobles who have large bands of soldiers , to make up their loss in the war in france, started a new contest for health and power at home, which is the basic cause of the Wars of the Roses.The wars were full of ferocities and plunder. Nearly all the noble houses were involved in the wars and more than 80 nobles of royal blood were killed, which , however, enabled English to shake off much of its feudal burden in its capitalist development, strengthen the position of royal house ,and pave the way for the development of a centralized administration.The wars of rose lasted thirty years and ended in 1485 with the accession of henry tudor as henry 7, the founding of the tudor monarchy. The ending of Wars of the Roses was seen as the ending of the middle ages in Europe history and the beginning of the modern world history.。
The Wars of the Roses
1455 1459 1459 1460 1460 1461 1461 1461 1461
First St. Albans (22 May 1455) Blore Heath (23 Sep 1459) Ludford Bridge (12 Oct 1459) Northampton (10 Jul 1460)
Henry Tudor (The head of the House of Lancaster )
Richard III ( The head of the House of York )
The backward feudal landowners in the north and west
The commercial-minded commercialgentry in the south.
The battle of Bosworth
Henry Tudor had amassed an army of an estimated 5,000 men. Richard III, on the other hand, had an army of nearly 8,000.
Henry Tudor defeated King Richard III at the battle of Bosworth Field on 22 August 1485.
Wakefield (30 Dec Lancastrian 1460) victory Mortimor's Cross (2 Feb 1461) Yorkist victory
Losecote Yorkist Field (12 Mar victory 1470) Barnet (14 Apr 1471) Tewkesbury (4 May 1471) Yorkist victory Yorkist victory
Wars of the Roses玫瑰战争
Act of Accord
A compromise was struck in October 1460 with the Act of Accord, which recognised York as Henry's successor, disinheriting Henry's sixyear-old son, Edward. York accepted this compromise as the best offer.
House of Lancaster
Richard, Duke of York(Killed in action)
Edward IV of England Richard III of England
(Killed in action)
Henry VI of England Margaret of Anjou Edward of
1455-1460 In the initial stage
The main stages of the armed conflict between the Wars of the Roses occurred in 1455 and 1485.
The battle of Bosworth
In 1471-1483, the country restored peace. Edward IV (Yorkist) punished the big nobles cruelly for their disobedience.
Wars Of The Roses玫瑰战争(课堂PPT)
Name and symbols
The White Rose of the House of York
The Red Rose of the House of Lancaster
Commanders and leaders
House of York
1455-1460 In the initial stage
The main stages of the armed conflict between the Wars of the Roses occurred in 1455 and 1485.
1460年7月10日的北安普敦战役(Battle of Northampton) 对于兰开斯特家族是灾难性的。沃里克伯爵理查·内维尔带 领的约克军队,在兰开斯特家族的叛军的帮助下,抓住了 亨利国王并作为俘虏带往伦敦。
Act of Accord
A compromise was struck in October 1460 with the Act of Accord,
1455年5月22日,约克公爵理查领一支小部队 前往伦敦,在伦敦北面的圣奥尔本斯碰到赶来 的亨利六世的部队。相对规模较小的第一次圣 奥尔本斯战役是内战的第一次公开冲突。
Summary of events
York returned to the country and became Protector of England, but was dissuaded from claiming the throne. Margaret and the irreconcilable Lancastrian nobles gathered their forces in the north of England, and when York moved north to suppress them, he and his second son Edmund were killed at the Battle of Wakefield in December 1460.
Ulver《Wars of the Roses》背叛着前进
Ulver《Wars of the Roses》背叛着前进(文:Krejerk)Ulver组建于1993年,对于大部分他们的国内外乐迷来说,这个乐队的时代可能早在1997年就终止了。
可以想象那些曾经在黑暗三部曲时期痴迷他们的黑金属粉丝在听到《Themes from William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven Hell》时的反应,在此之后Ulver发表了一个声明,表示乐队承认三部曲制造的影响力,但是现在这种定论已经在阻挡乐队前进的方向,Ulver以后不会再涉及黑金属。
新专辑《Wars of the Roses》他们又变了。
事实上,Ulver一直在不停的背叛自己,从声明发表之后的《Perdition City》开始,Ulver每张专辑都在变换风格,到2005年《Blood Inside》为止,他们基本上把Electronica/Ambient/Progress Rock/Industral里该摸的都摸了个遍。
《Blood Inside》更是极尽艰涩之能事,不止手法上达到了以前从未达到的先锋境地,旋律上也一收以往常使的Minimal式动机,块状的怪异调式大篇幅了出现在歌曲之中。
相比之前冰冷气息十足的作品《Blood Inside》就像是一场热闹但诡异的聚会。
The Wars of the Roses
Edmund Duke of York He is the first king of Lancaster
Henry Ⅴ Henry Ⅵ
He is the last king of Lancaster
Richard Ⅱ
Henry Ⅳ
Henry Ⅴ
Henry Ⅵ
The Wars of Roses Begin
玫瑰战争看似是英国的不幸,但从另一个角度看 又是英国的大幸。玫瑰战争发生在中世纪即将结束, 文艺复兴初露曙光的时候。这场战争无意中破坏了封 建制度的基础,为新制度(资本主义)的建立扫清了障 碍。
Thank you~~~
EdwardⅣ (The first king of The House of York)
The Battle of Tewkesbury in 1471
1.Edward Ⅳ defeated Henry Ⅵ and put him into prison. 2.Henry Ⅵ’s son was killed in this battle.
The House of Lancaster and York
The House of Lancaster Henry Ⅶ (Tudor) Marrige The House of York
Edward Ⅳ Richard Ⅲ
Richard Duke of York
Edmund and George
Fighting For The House of Lancaster the English throne
The House of York
The first Battle of the Wars of the Roses
玫瑰战争玫瑰战争(Wars of the Roses),又称为“蔷薇战争”或者“红白玫瑰战争”,当时英国的两大贵族家族约克家族与兰开斯特家族因为英格兰国王王位继承的问题产生了巨大的分歧,这分歧也激发了两大家族由来已久的矛盾,最终酿成多年的内战。
两个家族之间的对立始于英王理查二世,理查二世被他堂弟,兰开斯特公爵亨利·博林布鲁克(Henry Bolingbroke)在1399年推翻,兰开斯特公爵亨利·博林布鲁克即后来的亨利四世。
当国王亨利在1453年遭受第一轮精神病时,摄政理事会建立了,由强大的约克家族的首领约克公爵理查·金雀花(Richard Plantagenet,Duke of York)任摄政王。
1455-1460 In the initial stage
The main stages of the armed conflict between the Wars of the Roses occurred in 1455 and 1485.
Battle of Northampton
The essence of the Wars of the Roses is a cruel power struggle between two English ruling classes. During the wars, the two big feudal families went to their doom, and a great deal of feudal aristocrats were killed or executed in mutual slaughters. Their powers in society were severely decreased. To fill the gap of power, the new aristocracies and bourgeoisie grew rapidly during the war and became the mainstay of autocratic monarchy which was established by Tudor. Postwar England, with strong royal sovereignty, stable political situation, and prosperous economy, saw the bud of capitalism. In this sense, the Wars of the Roses can be regarded not only as a historical event with a far-reaching effect, but also as the symbole of dawn for England to walk out the Middle Ages. The Wars of the Roses heralded the end of the medieval period in England and helped England move towards the Renaissance
Wars of the Roses&
Wars of the Roses&T he Enclosure MovementBY—陈青青叶文君陆方方Wars of the Roses▪The Wars of the Roses were a series of dynastic wars fought between supporters of two rival branches of the royal House of Plantagenet: the houses of Lancaster and York(whose heraldic symbols were the “red” and the “white” rose, respectively) for the throne of England. They were fought in several sporadic episodes between 1455 and 1485, although there was related fighting both before and after this period.▪玫瑰战争(1455年–1487年),或称蔷薇战争,通常指英国兰开斯特王朝(House of Lancaster)和约克王朝(House of York)的支持者之间为了英格兰王位的断续内战。
▪The final victory went to a relatively remote Lancastrian claimant, Henry Tudor, who defeated the last Yorkistking Richard III and married Edward IV's daughter Elizabeth of York to unite the two houses. The House of Tudor subsequently ruled England and Wales for 117 years.the House of Yorkthe House of Lancaster▪该战争大部分由马上骑士和他们的封建随从组成的军队所进行。
The Celtic civilization began to expand across Europe from the fifth century BC. From about 500 BC, the Celts invaded and occupied the British Isles from the continent.
2. Edward VIII:1936.01.20-1936.12.11
3. George VI:1936.12.11-1952.02.06
4. Elizabeth II:1952.02.06-present day
The Celts tribes Part of the Roman empire The germans The wessex The Vikings The Norman dynasty The house of Plantagenet (the Wars of the roses) The house Lancaster and house york The house of Tudor The stuart dynasty The Hanover dynasty The saxe-coburg-gotha dynasty(House of Windsor)
no dynasty.
After the Celts, the Romans occupied the south-central part of Britain. Gaius Julius Caesar once beat the Celtics and build a stronghold in Britain.
Count of Anjou Henry II
练习题2Blanks:1.The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) between the House of _Lancaster__ and the House of _York_ struggling for the Crown continued for 30 years.2.Because of the conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and the King of England, the far-reaching movement of _Religous Reformation__ took place in England, started by Henry Ⅷ.3.The introduction of _printing___ to England by William Caxton brought classical works within reach of the common multitude.4.The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up of feudal relation and the foundation of ___capitalism_______.5.In Elizabethan Period, __Francis Bacon______ wrote more than fifty excellent essays, which made him one of the best essayists in English literature.6.Spenser is generally regarded as the greatest non-dramatic poet of the Elizabeth Age. His fame is chiefly based on his masterpiece _The Faerie Queen_____.7.From the first half of the 16th century, __the English Renaissance_____ began to develop into a flowering of literature and then England became “a nest of singing birds”.8.In the Elizabethan Period, __William Shakesperare______ is the greatest playwright of England.9.__George Herbert_____ is the saint of the metaphysical school.10.In the Elizabethan Period, __Francis Bacon____ wrote many excellent essays, such as Of Studies.11.__Edmund Spenser_____ wrote his masterpiece The Faerie Queene.12.Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and __Macbeth___ are generally regarded as Shakespeare’s four great tragedies.13.The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus is one of __Christopher Marlowe_____’s best plays.14.Shakespearean Sonnet is made up of three quatrains with different rhymes, followed by a couplet. The rhyme scheme is _abab,cdcd,efef,gg___.15.The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English drama. It was _Christopher Marlowe______ who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.16.The intellectual energy of the English Renaissance showed itself in the achievement of __ Francis Bacon ______, who is the first English essayist.17.English Renaissance was an age of ___poetry and drama_____.18.“Denmark is a prison”. The hero summarizes his observation of his world into such a bitter sentence in _Hamlet_____ written byWilliam Shakespeare.19.John Milton wrote his masterpiece _The Paradise Lost____ during his blindness.20.John Donne is a poet of Peculiar _conceit_____, having his own way of reasoning and comparison.21._ John Milton ___ is the greatest writer of the 17th century, and one of the giants of English literature.22.__ John Donne ____ is the founder of the “metaphysical school”.23.Robert Herrick is a poet in English Renaissance who belongs to the school of _cavalier_____.24.__ Edmund Spenser _____ is often referred to as “the poets’poet”.25.Shakespeare’s plays are poetical dramas. A great number of important dialogues and soliloquies in his plays assume the form of __poemtry_____.26.The second period of Shakespeare’s work is mainly a period of “great comedies”and nature historical plays. The general spirit in this period is _optimism_____.27.In the 17th century, __ John Milton _____ towers over his age as William Shakespeare towers over the Elizabeth Age and as Chaucer towers over the Medieval Period.28.During the civil war and the commonwealth, there were two leaders in England, Cromwell, the man of action, and __ John Milton _____ the man of thought.T/F1.The Protestant Reformation was in essence a religious(political) movement in a political guise. F2.The highest glory of the English Renaissance was unquestionably its poetry(drama). F3.From Shakespeare’s history plays, it can be seen that Shakespeare took no(great) interest in the political questions of his time. F4.King Lear (macbeth)is a tragedy of ambition, which drives a brave soldier and national hero to degenerate into a bloody murderer and despot right to his doom. Fing from an old Danish legend, Othello (hamlet)is considered the summit of Shakespeare’s art. F6.Generally speaking, after Shakespeare, the English drama was undergoing a process of prosperity(decline). F7.English Renaissance Period was an age of poetry and drama, and was(not) an age of prose. F8.The greatest epic produced by Milton, Paradise Lost, is writtenin heroic couplet(blank verse). F9.Paradise Lost took its material from Greek mythology. T10.The works of the Metaphysical poets are characterized, generally speaking, by fantasticality(mysticism) in content and mysticism(fantasticality) in form. FQuestions:1.Make a brief introduction of Paradise Lost2.Summarize the main story of The Merchant of Venice.3.What features do Shakespeare’s plays possess4.How much do you know about William Shakespeare’s sonnetsExplain the following terms1.sonnet2.Spenserian stanza3.blank verse4.Renaissance。
英语国家概况ExercisesI答案Exercises II、Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it、1、The highest mountain peak in Britain is inA、EnglandB、ScotlandC、WalesD、Northern Ireland2、The longest river in Britain isA、River SevernB、River ThamesC、River MerseyD、River Humber3、The largest lake in Britain is located inA、EnglandB、ScotlandC、WalesD、Northern Ireland4、The highest mountain peak in Britain is calledA、Ben NevisB、Cross FellC、SnowdonD、Scafell5、The English people are descendants ofA、CeltsB、RomansC、Anglo-SaxonsD、Danes6、The Lake District is well-known for__、A、Its wild and beautiful sceneryB、its varied lakesC、the lake poetsD、all of above7、Which of the following is not the feature of British climate?A、coldnessB、more rainy daysC、changeabilityD、More fogs8、The capital city of Wales is _________、A、BelfastB、BirminghamC、EdinburghD、Cardiff9、Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?A、The Anglo-Saxons、B、The Normans、C、The Vikings、D、The Romans、10、Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of London?A、The cultural center、B、The business center、C、The financial center、D、The sports center、11、The majority of the current population in the UK is decedents of all the followingtribes respectively EXCEPT _________、A、the AnglosB、the CeltsC、the JutesD、the Saxons 12、William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle ofHastings in ____、A、1066B、1086C、1381D、103513、Which of the following is NOT one of the Germanic tribes that came to GreatBritain in the 5th century?A、Anglos、B、Saxons、C、Jutes、D、Celts、14、On the island of Great Britain, there are ______________、A、four political divisions: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern IslandB、four political divisions: England, Scotland, Wales and IrelandC、three political divisions: England, Scotland and WalesD、three political divisions: England, Scotland and Northern Ireland15、Britain was by 1830 the “workshop of the world” because of _____________、A、agricultural revolutionB、industrial revolutionC、colonial expansionD、invention of steam engine16、Big Ben is the nickname of _____________、A、Sir Benjamin HallB、Benjamin FranklinC、315-foot Clock TowerD、Sir Charles Barry17、Between 1337 and 1453, the __________ took place in Britain、A、Wars of RosesB、Black DeathC、Hundred Years’ WarD、Peasants Uprising18、The English Civil War can also be called ____________、A、the War of IndependenceB、the Puritan RevolutionC、the War of RosesD、the War of Liberation19、The war between the House of Lancaster and the House of York from 1455 to1485 in Britain was termed by Walter Scott as ______________、A、Wars of RosesB、Hundred Years’ W arC、Indian WarD、War of Great Britain20、During the reign of ____________, the British Empire reached its peak、A、King JohnB、Queen ElizabethC、King EdwardD、Queen Victoria21、The Irish and Scottish people are mainly descendants ofthe __________、A、AnglosB、CeltsC、JutesD、Saxons22、The English people and the English language were born from the union of ______、A、the Angles and the SaxonsB、Germanic conquerors and the Norman FrenshC、Danes or Vikings and the Norman FrenchD、Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons23、In Britain ___ of the population is urban and ____ is rural、A、90%, 10%B、80, 20%C、70, 30%D、60, 40% C、24、The ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient ____、A、CeltsB、RomansC、NormansD、Britons25、During the fifth century when the Roman Empire fell, the Gemanic ____ invadedand conquered Britain、A、Angles and CeltsB、Angles and PictsC、Angles and BrythonsD、Angles and Saxons26、The upper class in Britain consists of all the following except____A、peerageB、GentryC、LandownersD、Professionals27、The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or theCommonwealth of Nations in_____、A、1921B、1931C、1945D、195028、The mountain system the Pennies is often called the backbone of ____、A、EnglandB、ScotlandC、Great BritainD、Ireland29、Which of the following statements about the climate in Britain is NOT True?A、Britan’s climate is of the maritime type、B、Summers in Britain are coolC、Winters in Britain are extremely coldD、Britain is warmer than Harbin in winter30、The average population density in Britain is ____ people per square kilometer、A、250B、370C、800D、50031、Roman Britain lasted until the year of ____ whe all Romantroops went back tothe countries、A、A、D、400B、A、D、410C、A、D、445 D、A、D、44932、In A、D、43 Romans under ____conquered Britain、A、Julius CaesarB、ClaudiusC、AugustineD、The Pope33、Which of the following was NOT a thing of value left behind by Romans、A、Welsh ChristianityB、The Roman RoadsC、CitiesD、Roman Settlements34、By the end of _____ century all England had been Christianized、A、5thB、6thC、7thD、8th35、Which of the following kingdoms was set up by the Jutes?A、KentB、SussexC、WessexD、Essex36、In the late _____ century the Danes or Scandiavians began to attack the English coast、B、6thC、7thD、8th37、Edward has promised his kingdom to _______ in Normandy, but on his deathbedhe changed his idea and gave the kingdom to _____、This led to the Norman Conquest of 1066、A、William, HaroldB、Harold, WilliamC、Metilda, Stephen C、Stephen , Metilda38、Doomsday Book was in fact a record of each man’s _______、Al、Experience B、Behavior C、Property D、Reputation 39、The War between Matilda and Stephen resulted in the establishment of the House of ________、A、TudorB、NormandyC、PlantagenetD、Lancaster40、The Great Charter was mad in the interest of _____、A、the KingB、the feudal lordsC、The townsmenD、The merchants41、The first British parliment was summoned in the year of ___、A、1215B、1265C、129542、_____ launched the Hundred Years’ War、A、Edward IB、Edward IIC、Edward IIID、Henry III43、Which of the following statements was NOT true?A、Hundred Years’ War was a feudal war、B、Hundred Years’ War was a trade war、C、Hundred Years’ War lasted for one hundred yearsD、Hundred Years’ War is one of the historical events taht marked the decline of feudalism in Britain、44、From ___ onward, Parliament was divided into two chambers、A、1337B、1343C、1453D、145545、Black Death to some extent brought _____ to villains、A、higer wagesB、Greater freedomC、bitter lifeD、Both A and B46、In 1381, peasants in _____ , led by Wat Tyler, first rebelled、A、SussexB、EssexC、Wessex Kent47、Wars of Roses were fought _____ between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists from1455 to 1485、A、ConstantlyB、IrregularyC、ContinuouslyD、intermittently48、The House of Tuduor was founded in ______、A、1455B、1465C、1475D、148549、The British Bourgeois Revolution took place in the _____century、A、15thB、16thC、17thD、18th50、Which of the following statement about th eRenaissance is NOT true?A、The renaissance owas a revival of interest in many things that the early MiddleAges had cared about、B、The renaissance was a cultural movement by humanistsC、The renaissance spread into England under the Tudors、D、During the reaissance ,the theatre attained great popularity under Elizabeth、51、The two centuries just before the outbreak of the Bourgeois Revolution were aperiod of _____、A、capital accumulationB、Colonization abroadC、Foreign territorial expansionD、enlightnment52、Charles I ruled without Parliament for ______ years、A、10B、11C、12D、1353、The king’s men at the beginning of the First English Civil War were called ______A、CavaliersB、RoundheadsC、PuritansD、Presbyterians54、Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Commonwealth period?A、Cromwell suppressed the diggers、B、Cromwell killed Levelers in teh armyC、Cromwell conquered IrelandD、Cromwel restored the House of Stuart、55、The “Glorious Revolution” of 1688 put _____ on the throne、A、Charles IB、Charles IIC、James IID、William of Orange56、The British Industial Revolution first began in the ____ industry、A、iron and steelB、TextileC、Coal miningD、Ship-building57、To sustain large-scal machine production and greatereconomic specialisation,______ invented the steam engine, marking a high point in this development、、A、James HargreavesB、Richard ArkwrightC、Edmund CasrtwrightD、James Watt58、After Ann, for over a century until 1830, Great Britain was ruled by kings of_____ from Germany、A、GeorgeB、HenryC、WilliamD、Elizabeth59、The Great Fire of London in 1666 was one of the important evens in the _______、A、English Civil WarB、Industry RevolutionC、Glorious RevolutionD、The Restoration period60、Which of the followings are not in the Georgian Britain?。
war of roses名词解释
war of roses名词解释
战争玫瑰(War of the Roses)是指发生在英格兰15世纪晚期的一系列内战。
玫瑰战争(又称蔷薇战争;英语:Wars of the Roses;1455年─1485年)是英王爱德华三世(1327年-1377年在位)的两支后裔:兰开斯特家族和约克家族的支持者为了争夺英格兰王位而发生断续的内战。
此名称源于两个家族所选的家徽,兰开斯特的红蔷薇Rosa gallica和约克的白蔷薇Rosa ×alba。
The Wars of the Roses
The Wars of the Roses, from 1455-1487, were a series of dynastic wars fought between the houses of Lancaster and York for the throne of England .Their heraldic symbols were the red and the white rose.The dynasty started with Henry VII defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field. Henry Tudor then became the king of England.Henry cemented his claim for peace by marrying Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward IV and niece of Richard III. He founded the Tudor dynasty and, after a reign of nearly 24 years, was peacefully succeeded by his son, Henry VIII.Henry VIII died on 28 January 1547 .Edward, his nine-year old son, succeeded as Edward VI of England.Edward VI died on 6 July 1553 from his battle with tuberculosis, Lady Jane was proclaimed queen, who had never wanted to accept the crown, was deposed after just nine days. Mary's supporters joined her in a triumphal procession to London.Mary died at the relatively young age of 42. Elizabeth Tudor, age 25, then succeeded to become Elizabeth I of England.Traditionally, England was a major export of wool. Because of the Hundred Years’ War, England’s wool market was reduced. Thus, emphasis had shift from the export of wool to the manufacture and export of unfinished woolen cloth. Later, Spanish invasion of the Netherlands caused the craftsmen there to flee to England. This helped the English textile industry tremendously.The development of textile industry pushed up the price of wool. English open land –had been commonly enclosed as pasture land for sheep from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century as populations declined.Foreign demand for English wool also helped encourage increased production, and the wool industry was often thought to be more profitable for landowners who had large farmlands.Thus, the conflicts between Manorial l ords and peasants led to Kett’s Rebellion.The Tudor authorities were extremely nervous about how the villagers who had lost their homes would react. So, the enclosure movement was slowed down.The merchants and lawyers acquired land and enormous wealth, got coat of arms and became landed gentries .Landed gentry is a largely historical British social class, consisting of land owners who could live entirely off rental income. Often they worked only in an administrative capacity, in the management of their own lands.The Tudors descended on Henry VII's mother's side from John Beaufort.Historically, the battle is thought to have marked the end of the Wars of the Roses, although further battles were fought in the years that followed as Yorkists unsuccessfully tried to become king again.The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453 between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France for control of the French throne.。
The period of the Wars of the Roses began in 1455 and ended in 1485,which was considered as the transition to the British modern age.The House of Lancaster and the House of York were the two branches of the Plantagenet family and they were all Edward Ⅲ’s descendents. They all wanted to get the crown. As a result, the internal war broke out, that’s Wars of the Rose. The House of Lancaster symbolized by the red rose and the House of York symbolized by the white.Firstly, I want you to meet several major figures at that times of Wars of the Roses. They are Henry Ⅵand his wife Queen Margaret of Anjou, Henry Ⅶ,Duke of York Richard and his two sons Edward Ⅳand Richard Ⅲ.Next, let’s get to know the developmental process of this war. Henry Ⅵwas the last king of England of Lancaster Dynasty. His father HenryⅤdied when he was just a nine-month baby. Therefore, he inherited the throne and became the king of England while he was not interested in policy. Because of this, he almost lost all policy enforce points of England in France,including the point that his father HenryⅤwon in the Hundred Years’War with France. Consequently, he was taken as a incompetent emperor. Even so, he was so lucky to have an awesome wife Queen Margaret of Anjou with beauty and wisdom who did her best to ensure his throne and became the real leader of the House of Lancaster. Richard, Yorkist leader, Duke of York, was appointed as Protector attempted to usurp the throne. Queen Margaret of Anjou would not like to have his way, so she fought back. She formed an alliance to counter Richard and conspired to reduced his influence with other nobles. Duke of York was not willing to reconcile this situation, so he waged war on the House of Lancaster. Hence,the Wars of the Roses broke out.Because the first war of St. Albans Duke of York Richard was predominant in military, he argued greatly with the House of Lancaster about whether he or Henry Ⅵ’s son Prince Edward could inherit the throne. Queen Margaret of Anjou wanted to ensure his son’s throne, and then she persuaded his husband Henry Ⅵto terminate Duke of York’s position.However, Henry Ⅵdidn’t anticipate that he was captured in1460. In order to save Henry Ⅵ, Queen Margaret of Anjou waged a battle to killed Duke of York, and then she suspended the head of Duke of York in the gate of York Country. But soon she was defeated by Duke of York’s son Edward Ⅳ.With “King’s Maker”1st Earl of Warwick Richard Neville’s help, Edward Ⅳtook the throne and became the first king of York Dynasty.In 1470, Earl of Warwick helped Henry Ⅵtake back his own throne as a result of conflicting with Edward Ⅳ. But in the next year, Edward Ⅳbeat Henry Ⅵand killed Henry Ⅵ. Queen Margaret of Anjou was imprisoned until her father Louis XI ransomed her in 1475. Edward Ⅳwas a excellent emperor and he held the throne until he passed away in 1483.Yet his younger brother Richard Ⅲusurped the throne as soon as Edward Ⅳdied. Richard Ⅲjust held the throne for two years because he got killed by Henry Tudor in the last war of 1485. Henry Tudor was the final winner in the Wars of the Roses. With the purpose of consolidating power, he married Edward Ⅳ’s daughter Elizabeth , holding the throne and becoming the Henry Ⅶ. That meant Wars of Roses was over, and TudorDynasty, a new dynasty, was coming.From the Wars of the Roses feudalism received its death blow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened and discredited. Hence, the king’s power became supreme.。
The Wars of Roses
EdwardⅣ remained king until his sudden death in 1483 As Edward’s two sons were too young, their uncle Richard Duke of Gloucester ruled England.
It is believed that two princes were killed by Richard in the summer of 1483.
House of York(badge: white rose) 约克家族
亨利六世(Henry Ⅵ of England)(兰开斯特家族) 爱德华四世(Edward Ⅳ of England)(约克家族) 爱德华五世(Edward V of England)(约克家 族)(Yorkist) 理查德三世(Richard Ⅲ of England)(约克家 族)(Yorkist) 亨利七世(Henry Ⅶ of England)(都铎家族)(Tudor)
In 1475, Edward invaded France, which brought him a lot of money because the King of France wanted to save his daughter Margaret, who was the wife of Henry VI.(1475 年爱德华进攻法国,法 国国王妥协) In 1482,by taking advantages of troubles in Scotland, Edward succeeded in recovering Berwick(贝里克郡),to the joy of the whole north.
1 The Norman Conquest 诺曼征服In 1066, William fought against the English army for the throne and successfully established feudalism in England.2 The Hundred Years' War 百年战争It refers to a series wars between England and France for trade and territory from 1337 to 1453. During this period, many new tactics and weapons have developed quickly.3 The Wars of Roses玫瑰战争It refers to the battles between the House of Lancaster, symbolized by the read rose, and that of York, symbolized by the white, from 1455 to 1485. Finally, the house of Lancaster won in 1485 and the Tudors ruled England.4 The Religious Reformation 宗教改革It began in 16th Century in Europe, which established the foundations of Protestantism. It led to the collapse of the political system of the Catholic church.5 The Glorious Revolution 光荣革命In November 1688,William united with English parliamentarians to overthrew the English throne without bloodshed, which marked the real beginning of the constitutional monarchy in England.6 The British Constitution 英国宪法Britain has no written Constitution. The foundations of the British state is laid out in statutory law, the common law, and conventions.7 The shot of Lexington 列克星顿枪声It was the prelude of American War of Independence. Fought on April 19, 1775 in Lexington, it's the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War.8 Independence Day 独立日Independence Day (July 4) is American's most important patriotic holiday and the birthday of the nation.9 The Civil War 南北战争The war resolved two fundamental issues. Slavery was abolished and American became a single, indivisible nation.10 Victory at Saratoga 萨拉托加胜利Americans won a great victory at Saratoga in October 1777, which was the turning point of American Independece War. It resulted in an alliance between the U.S. and France.11 Emancipation Proclamation解放宣言During the Civil War, President Lincoln issued Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863 , which claimed that all American slaves gained the freedom.12 The Great Depression 大萧条It refers to the severe economic problems that followed the Wall Street Crash of 1929. In the early 1930s, many banks and businesses failed, and millions of people lost their jobs in the US and in the UK and the rest of Europe.13 The New Deal 新政In order to deal with the Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt put forward the New Deal in 1933. The New Deal helped to save American democracy and the developm ent of American economy.。
The period of the Wars of the Roses began in 1455 and ended in 1485,which was considered as the transition to the British modern age.The House of Lancaster and the House of York were the two branches of the Plantagenet family and they were all Edward Ⅲ’s descendents. They all wanted to get the crown. As a result, the internal war broke out, that’s Wars of the Rose. The House of Lancaster symbolized by the red rose and the House of York symbolized by the white.Firstly, I want you to meet several major figures at that times of Wars of the Roses. They are Henry Ⅵand his wife Queen Margaret of Anjou, Henry Ⅶ,Duke of York Richard and his two sons Edward Ⅳand Richard Ⅲ.Next, let’s get to know the developmental process of this war. Henry Ⅵwas the last king of England of Lancaster Dynasty. His father HenryⅤdied when he was just a nine-month baby. Therefore, he inherited the throne and became the king of England while he was not interested in policy. Because of this, he almost lost all policy enforce points of England in France,including the point that his father HenryⅤwon in the Hundred Years’War with France. Consequently, he was taken as a incompetent emperor. Even so, he was so lucky to have an awesome wife Queen Margaret of Anjou with beauty and wisdom who did her best to ensure his throne and became the real leader of the House of Lancaster. Richard, Yorkist leader, Duke of York, was appointed as Protector attempted to usurp the throne. Queen Margaret of Anjou would not like to have his way, so she fought back. She formed an alliance to counter Richard and conspired to reduced his influence with other nobles. Duke of York was not willing to reconcile this situation, so he waged war on the House of Lancaster. Hence,the Wars of the Roses broke out.Because the first war of St. Albans Duke of York Richard was predominant in military, he argued greatly with the House of Lancaster about whether he or Henry Ⅵ’s son Prince Edward could inherit the throne. Queen Margaret of Anjou wanted to ensure his son’s throne, and then she persuaded his husband Henry Ⅵto terminate Duke of York’s position.However, Henry Ⅵdidn’t anticipate that he was captured in1460. In order to save Henry Ⅵ, Queen Margaret of Anjou waged a battle to killed Duke of York, and then she suspended the head of Duke of York in the gate of York Country. But soon she was defeated by Duke of York’s son Edward Ⅳ.With “King’s Maker”1st Earl of Warwick Richard Neville’s help, Edward Ⅳtook the throne and became the first king of York Dynasty.In 1470, Earl of Warwick helped Henry Ⅵtake back his own throne as a result of conflicting with Edward Ⅳ. But in the next year, Edward Ⅳbeat Henry Ⅵand killed Henry Ⅵ. Queen Margaret of Anjou was imprisoned until her father Louis XI ransomed her in 1475. Edward Ⅳwas a excellent emperor and he held the throne until he passed away in 1483.Yet his younger brother Richard Ⅲusurped the throne as soon as Edward Ⅳdied. Richard Ⅲjust held the throne for two years because he got killed by Henry Tudor in the last war of 1485. Henry Tudor was the final winner in the Wars of the Roses. With the purpose of consolidating power, he married Edward Ⅳ’s daughter Elizabeth , holding the throne and becoming the Henry Ⅶ. That meant Wars of Roses was over, and TudorDynasty, a new dynasty, was coming.From the Wars of the Roses feudalism received its death blow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened and discredited. Hence, the king’s power became supreme.。
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discontent medieval dynasty claimed reign 不满意的,不满意中世纪的,古老的,过时的王朝,朝代声称,要求统治,统治权,统治时期
battlefield march emblem corrupt opposing
战争,战场行军,进军,游行示威象征,标志,徽章腐败的,贪污受贿的对抗的Like (1) ___oppoing___ football teams or rival gangs, the House of Lancaster and the House of York, both royal families, each had its color. The House of Lancaster’s color was red, and their (2) __emblem____was a red rose. The House of York’s color was white, and their emblem was a white rose. So, when the Houses of Lancaster and York fought for 30 years over who would rule England, it became known as the War of the Roses.
Both Lancaster and York based their claim to the throne on an ancestor that they had in common, King Edward III. Henry VI, a descendant of Edward III and a member of the House of Lancaster, was king in the 1450’s, but he would not (3) __reign____ unopposed. (4) ___Discotent___ was growing among Henry’s subjects. They no longer had much faith in their king after England’s losses in the Hundred Years War. Some people also (5) ___claimed___ that Henry’s government was (6) ___medieval ___.
Henry was having personal troubles too; he suffered from (7) __corrupt___ illness. From time to time, this illness became so severe that he was unable to rule his country.
The House of York believed that someone from its side of the family would make a better king. They led the opposition to Henry’s rule and used the public’s discontent with Henry to rally support for their side.
In 1455, Richard of York led an attack on King Henry. He organized his knights and led them on a march to London. When King Henry heard that they were coming, he mustered his own troops and set out to stop the Yorks.
The two armies met in the town of St. Albans. Swords and shields clashed. This time, Henry was defeated, but the war had just begun. St. Albans was the first battle of a long war.
During the thirty years that the war lasted, England went from Lancaster rule to York rule, back to Lancaster, and back again to York. When the Lancasters were in power, Henry VI was king. When the Yorks were in power, Edward IV ruled. Later, Edward IV was succeeded by Edward V and Richard III.
In 1485, while Richard III was king, Henry Tudor, a Lancaster, planned another attack. The armies of Henry Tudor and Richard III met in the village of Bosworth. Once again, the sounds of (8) ___march___ knights at war rang out on the (9) _battlefield_____. By the end of the Battle of Bosworth, Henry Tudor had defeated Richard III.
Henry Tudor was crowned King Henry VII.
Then Henry, the Lancaster king, married Elizabeth. Elizabeth was Edward IV’s daughter and a member of the House of York. The marriage of Henry and Elizabeth united the two sides at last. After 30 years, there was no more need for war.
A new (10) __dynasty____, the House of Tudor, began. A red and white rose, named the Tudor Rose, became the emblem of England’s new royal family.。