unit 2 供应链管理
1)What is the definition of a supply chain?
A supply chain is a complex logistics system in which raw materials are converted into finished products and then distributed to end users (consumers or companies)
什么是供应链管理? 供应链管理(SCM) 涉及到供应链中对材料流、信息流和资金流
What is the task of the SCM? The task of the SCM is to design, plan, and execute the supply-
活动进行设计、规划和执行,以便能给客户提供理想的服 务水平,并使其获得利润。
Why is supply chain management important? In 2006, US companies spent over $ 1 trillion (10% of GNP) on
supply-related activities (movement, storage, and control of products across the supply chain). Eliminating inefficiencies in supply chains can save companies millions of dollars.
为什么供应链管理是重要的? 在2006年,美国公司在与供应相关联的活动(产品在整个供应
物流 考试重点 unit 2 供应链管理幻灯片PPT
一 供给链的根本概念
• 横向合作联盟的运作模式
▪ 80年代中后期,企业管理中形成横向一体化管理热潮
• 将原有的非核心业务外包(Outsourcing)出去; • 自己集中资源发展核心能力; • 通过共同的市场利益和业务结成战略联盟。
库存成本高[食品 杂货业]不必要库 存卷走300亿美
谁最重要 • 库存成本 • 运输成本
三 供给链管理的意义
三、供给链上的优势不容易被复制 供给链管理目的在于 提高效劳水平: 快速响应 最小误差 效劳质量 全生命周期之物流支持 降低总本钱: 最小存货 运送并合 有利于形成核心能力 价值优势 15 本钱优势
返回物流, 信息流
三 供给链管理的意义
• 微观层面
大部分企业只能 管理物流运作成本!
库存服务成本 调价损失
物流周期长[麦片粥]工厂→超市途 经一连串各有库房的批发商、分 销商、集运人,居然要走104天
原料 供应商
零件 供应商
制造 商
配送 中心
分销 商
零售 商
订单管理和执行 核心层
市场策略和客户服务 规划层
Unit 2 供应链管理
3. SCM is an extension of Logistics. The concept of supply chain management is relatively new; however, it is in fact an extension of the logistics. Logistics management is basically concerned with optimizing flows within the organization, while supply chain management extends such internal integration to the outside of the organization. 4. Six strategies for SCM With the numerous advantage of supply chain integration, its management can be a complex challenge. 5. Trade Focused: Prioritizing “low price, best value” for the consumer (as with the logistics optimizer strategy but focusing less on brand than on dedicated service to trade customers).
That’s all! See you!
Supply chain management
upstream and downstream
Market driven
§2.3 采购流程 2.3.3 小额采购订单
Supply Chain Management
7. 积累小额订单生成大订单 固定采购周期 特定或特殊物料由于使用有一定的周期性 其采购具有一定的间隔,固定间隔定向采购
§2.4 采购决策
Supply Chain Management
制造还是采购(make or buy)
传统企业倾向于自己制造,为获取供应商的资 源,企业实施向后整合(backward integration) 为了获取客户方的资源,企业会实施向前整合
向前整合 (forward integration)
§2.3 采购流程 2.3.2 电子采购系统
Supply Chain Management
运输 仓储 中间买家
零售商 1 零售商 2 调剂商 中间卖家1
§2.3 采购流程
为在固定的时段内,重复采购的物品而设计 物品的价格和种类预先设定,买家定期付款
4.无库存采购 (stockless buying)
系统合约 (system contracting)
§2.3 采购流程 2.3.3 小额采购订单
unit 2 supply chain
2. What is SCM?
Integration Flow of materials
Flow of information Flow of finances
3. MTO vs MTS
6. 7. 8. 9.
Inbound, intra-org and outbound logistics Logistics English Dialogue Front-line sentences Core logistics terms Exercies
failure of one chain will result in the failure
of the whole chian.
one element of the chain is more or less
important than all the others.
5. Forward vs reverse logistics
Forward logistics
Reverse logistics
5. Forward vs reverse logistics
Faulty goods returned for repair or replacement(缺陷
Procument (sourcing and buying)
Product stock
第二节 供应链管理的内涵
一、供应链管理的基本内涵 二、供应链管理思想的体现 三、如何理解供应链管理
1、强调核心竞争力 体现“横向一体化”。为此要清楚地辨别本企业的核心业务,然后就狠抓核心资源,以提高核心竞争力。 2、资源外用(Outsourcing) 非核心业务都采取外包的方式分散给业务伙伴,与业务伙伴结成战略联盟关系 3、合作性竞争 过去的竞争对手相互结盟,共同开发新技术,成果共享;将过去由本企业生产的非核心零部件外包给供应商,双方合作共同参与竞争。
1、以客户为中心 在供应链管理中,顾客服务目标优先于其他目标,以顾客满意为最高目标。 2、跨企业的贸易伙伴之间密切合作、共享利益和共担风险 在供应链中,企业不能仅仅依靠自己的资源来参与市场竞争,而要通过与供应链参与各方进行跨部门、跨职能和跨企业的合作,建立共同利益的合作伙伴关系,实现多赢。
Sourcing & Procurement
Order Management
Demand Management
Outbound & Reverse Logistics
Customer Service
Warehousing & Packaging
第五节 供应链管理下的业务外包
Chapter 2Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and ScopeTrue/False1. A compan/s competitive strategy defines the set of customer needs that it seeksto satisfy through its products and services.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy2. The value chain emphasizes the close relationship between all the functionalstrategies within a company.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. A company,s product development strategy defines the set of customer needs that itseeks to satisfy through its products and services.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate4. A company,s product development strategy specifies the portfolio of new productsthat it will try to develop.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. A company,s supply chain strategy specifies how the market will be segmentedand how the product will be positioned, priced, and promoted.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy6. A company,s supply chain strategy determines the nature of procurement andtransportation of materials as well as the manufacture and distribution of the product.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy7. The degree of supply chain responsiveness should be consistent with the implieduncertainty.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy8. The degree of supply chain responsiveness does not need to be consistent with theimplied uncertainty.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must ensure that all functions in the valuechain have consistent strategies that support the competitive strategy.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate10. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must ensure that all functions in the valuechain have diverse strategies that support functional goals.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate11. Because demand and supply characteristics change, the supply chain strategy mustchange over the product life cycle if a company is to continue achieving strategic fit.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy12. The supply chain strategy must be established at the beginning of the product lifecycle and not changed if a company is to continue achieving strategic fit.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy13. To retain strategic fit, supply chain strategy must be adjusted over the life cycle of aproduct and as the competitive landscape changes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. The intercompany scope of strategic fit is essential today because the competitiveplaying field has shifted from company versus company to supply chain versussupply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate15. The intercompany scope of strategic fit is no longer relevant today because thecompetitive playing field has shifted from company versus company to supply chain versus supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy16. The intercompany scope of strategic fit requires firms to evaluate every action in thecontext of the entire supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate17. There is a close connection between the design and management of supply chainflows and the success of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: EasyEssav/Problems1. Discuss the two keys to the success or failure of a company.Answer. A company,s success or failure is thus closely linked to the followingkeys:1. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together to forma coordinated overall strategy. Each functional strategy must support otherfunctional strategies and help a firm reach its competitive strategy goal.2. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute these strategies successfully.Difficulty: Hard答:一个公司的胜利或失败,因此是亲密相关的下列键:K竞争战略和职能战略都必需符合共同形成•个协调的总体战略。
第2章 供应链管理PDF
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供应链管理 第三版 Unit2 习题与答案
Chapter 2Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and ScopeTrue/False1. A company’s competitive strategy defines the set of customer needs that it seeksto satisfy through its products and services.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy2. The value chain emphasizes the close relationship between all the functionalstrategies within a company.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. A company’s product development strategy defines the set of customer needs that itseeks to satisfy through its products and services.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate4. A company’s product development strategy specifies the portfolio of new productsthat it will try to develop.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. A company’s supply chain strategy specifies how the market will b e segmentedand how the product will be positioned, priced, and promoted.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy6. A company’s supply chain strategy determines the nature of procurement andtransportation of materials as well as the manufacture and distribution of the product.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy7. The degree of supply chain responsiveness should be consistent with the implieduncertainty.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy8. The degree of supply chain responsiveness does not need to be consistent with theimplied uncertainty.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must ensure that all functions in the valuechain have consistent strategies that support the competitive strategy.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate10. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must ensure that all functions in the valuechain have diverse strategies that support functional goals.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate11. Because demand and supply characteristics change, the supply chain strategy mustchange over the product life cycle if a company is to continue achieving strategic fit.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy12. The supply chain strategy must be established at the beginning of the product lifecycle and not changed if a company is to continue achieving strategic fit.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy13. To retain strategic fit, supply chain strategy must be adjusted over the life cycle of aproduct and as the competitive landscape changes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. The intercompany scope of strategic fit is essential today because the competitiveplaying field has shifted from company versus company to supply chain versussupply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate15. The intercompany scope of strategic fit is no longer relevant today because thecompetitive playing field has shifted from company versus company to supply chain versus supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy16. The intercompany scope of strategic fit requires firms to evaluate every action in thecontext of the entire supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate17. There is a close connection between the design and management of supply chainflows and the success of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. A company’s competitive strategya. defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b. specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c. specifies how the market will be segmented and how the product will bepositioned, priced, and promoted.d. determines the nature of procurement and transportation of materials aswell as manufacture and distribution of the product.e. determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set of skills andabilities to meet customer needs.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate2. A company’s product development strategya. defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b. specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c. specifies how the market will be segmented and how the product will bepositioned, priced, and promoted.d. determines the nature of procurement and transportation of materials aswell as manufacture and distribution of the product.e. determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set of skills andabilities to meet customer needs.Answer: bDifficulty: Easy3. A company’s marketing and sales strategya. defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b. specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c. specifies how the market will be segmented and how the product will bepositioned, priced, and promoted.d. determines the nature of procurement and transportation of materials aswell as manufacture and distribution of the product.e. determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set of skills andabilities to meet customer needs.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate4. A company’s supply chain strategya. defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b. specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c. specifies how the market will be segmented and how the product will bepositioned, priced, and promoted.d. determines the nature of procurement and transportation of materials aswell as manufacture and distribution of the product.e. determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set of skills andabilities to meet customer needs.Difficulty: Easy5. Which of the following determines the nature of procurement of raw materials,transportation of materials to and from the company, manufacture of the product or operation to provide the service, and distribution of the product to the customer along with follow-up service?a. Competitive strategyb. Product development strategyc. Marketing and sales strategyd. Supply chain strategye. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy6. Which of the following defines the set of customer needs that a company seeks tosatisfy through its products and services?a. Competitive strategyb. Product development strategyc. Marketing and sales strategyd. Supply chain strategye. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate7. Which of the following specifies how the market will be segmented and how theproduct will be positioned, priced, and promoted?a. Competitive strategyb. Product development strategyc. Marketing and sales strategyd. Supply chain strategye. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate8. Which of the following specifies the portfolio of new products that a company will tryto develop?a. Competitive strategyb. Product development strategyc. Marketing and sales strategyd. Supply chain strategye. all of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy9. A supply chain strategy includesa. supplier strategy.b. operations strategy.c. logistics strategy.d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveDifficulty: Moderate10. A supply chain strategy involves decisions regardinga. inventory.b. transportation.c. operating facilities.d. information flows.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate11. A supply chain strategy involves decisions regarding all of the following excepta. inventory.b. transportation.c. new product development.d. operating facilities.e. information flows.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate12. Which of the following is a key to the success or failure of a company?a. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together toform a coordinated overall strategy.b. Each functional strategy must support other functional strategies and helpa firm reach its competitive strategy goal.c. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute strategies successfully.d. All of the above are keys to success.e. None of the above are a key to success.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate13. Which of the following is not a key to the success or failure of a company?a. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together to forma coordinated overall strategy.b. Each functional strategy must support other functional strategies and help afirm reach its competitive strategy goal.c. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute strategies successfully.d. All of the above are keys to success.e. None of the above are a key to success.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate14. Which of the following is not a key to the success or failure of a company?a. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together toform a coordinated overall strategy.b. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies operateindependently of each other.c. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute strategies successfully.d. Each functional strategy must support other functional strategies and helpa firm reach its competitive strategy goal.e. All of the above are keys to success.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate15. Which of the following are basic steps to achieving strategic fit?a. Understanding the customer and supply uncertainty.b. Understanding the supply chain capabilities.c. Achieving strategic fit.d. All of the above are basic steps to achieving strategic fit.e. None of the above are a basic step to achieving strategic fit.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate16. Which of the following is not a basic step to achieving strategic fit?a. Achieving strategic fit.b. Understanding the supply chain capabilities.c. Determining the response time that customers are willing to tolerate.d. Understanding the customer and supply uncertainty.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. Customer demand from different segments varies along which of the followingattributes?a. The quantity of product needed in each lot.b. The response time that customers are willing to tolerate.c. The variety of products needed.d. The service level required.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy18. Which of the following is not an attribute along which customer demand varies?a. The uniqueness of the product.b. The quantity of product needed in each lot.c. The variety of products needed.d. The desired rate of innovation in the product.e. All of the above are attributes.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate19. The uncertainty of customer demand for a product is thea. rate of strategic uncertainty.b. demand uncertainty.c. implied demand uncertainty.d. average forecast error.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate20. The uncertainty that exists due to the portion of demand that the supply chain isrequired to meet is thea. rate of strategic uncertainty.b. demand uncertainty.c. implied demand uncertainty.d. average forecast error.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate21. Which of the following customer needs will cause implied uncertainty of demand toincrease?a. Range of quantity required increasesb. Lead time decreasesc. Variety of products required increasesd. Required service level increasese. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy22. Which of the following customer needs will cause implied uncertainty of demand todecrease?a. Range of quantity required increasesb. Lead time decreasesc. Variety of products required increasesd. Required service level increasese. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate23. Which of the following customer needs will cause implied uncertainty of demand toincrease?a. Product marginb. Lead time decreasesc. Average stockout rated. Average forced season end markdowne. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate24. Which of the following characteristics of customer demand have a correlation withimplied uncertainty?a. Product marginb. Average forecast errorc. Average stockout rated. Average forced season end markdowne. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate25. Which of the following is not a characteristic of customer demand correlated withimplied uncertainty?a. Product marginb. Unpredictable and low yieldsc. Average stockout rated. Average forced season end markdowne. None of the above are correlated with implied uncertaintyAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate26. Which of the following supply chain capabilities will cause supply uncertainty toincrease?a. Frequent breakdownsb. Unpredictable and low yieldsc. Poor qualityd. Limited supply capacitye. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy27. Which of the following supply chain capabilities will cause supply uncertainty toincrease?a. Evolving production processb. Inflexible supply capacityc. Limited supply capacityd. Unpredictable and low yieldse. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy28. Which of the following supply chain capabilities will cause supply uncertainty todecrease?a. Evolving production processb. Inflexible supply capacityc. Limited supply capacityd. Unpredictable and low yieldse. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate29. Which of the following is not a supply chain capability that will impact supplyuncertainty?a. Evolving production processb. Inflexible supply capacityc. Limited supply capacityd. Product margine. Unpredictable and low yieldsAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate30. The first step in achieving strategic fit between competitive and supply chainstrategies is toa. understand the supply chain and map it on the responsiveness spectrum.b. understand customers and supply chain uncertainty.c. match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty ofdemand.d. ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support thesupply chain’s level of responsiveness.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard31. The second step in achieving strategic fit between competitive and supply chainstrategies is toa. understand the supply chain and map it on the responsiveness spectrum.b. understand customers and supply chain uncertainty.c. match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty of demand.d. ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support the supplychain’s level of responsiveness.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Hard32. The final step in achieving strategic fit between competitive and supply chainstrategies is toa. understand the supply chain and map it on the responsiveness spectrum.b. understand customers and supply chain uncertainty.c. match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty of demand.d. combine customer and supply chain uncertainty and map it on the implieduncertainty spectrum.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate33. Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a. Respond to wide ranges of quantities demandedb. Meet short lead timesc. Handle a large variety of productsd. Meet a very high service levele. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy34. Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a. Handle supply uncertaintyb. Build highly innovative productsc. Meet short lead timesd. Meet a very high service levele. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy35. Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a. Handle supply uncertaintyb. Understand customers and supply chain uncertaintyc. Match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty ofdemandd. Ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support thesupply chain’s level of responsivenesse. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate36. Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a. Understand customers and supply chainb. Meet a very high service levelc. Match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty of demandd. Ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support the supplychain’s level of responsive nesse. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate37. Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a. Understand customers and supply chainb. Match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty of demandc. Meet short lead timesd. Ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support the supplychain’s level of responsivenesse. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate38. The cost of making and delivering a product to the customer is referred to asa. supply chain responsiveness.b. supply chain efficiency.c. cost-responsiveness efficient frontier.d. implied uncertainty.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy39. The curve that shows the lowest possible cost for a given level of responsiveness isreferred to as thea. supply chain responsiveness curve.b. supply chain efficiency curve.c. cost-responsiveness efficient frontier.d. responsiveness spectrum.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate40. A firm that is not on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea. both responsiveness and cost performance.b. only responsiveness.c. only cost performance.d. responsiveness, but not cost performance.e. neither responsiveness nor cost performance.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy41. A firm that is not on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea. both responsiveness and cost performance.b. only responsiveness.c. only cost performance.d. either responsiveness or cost performance, but not both.e. neither responsiveness nor cost performance.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate42. A firm that is on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea. responsiveness only by increasing cost and becoming less efficient.b. cost performance only by reducing responsiveness.c. both responsiveness and cost performance by improving processes andchanging technology to shift the efficient frontier.d. all of the abovee. neither responsiveness nor cost performance.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate43. A graph with two axes with implied uncertainty along the horizontal axis andresponsiveness along the vertical axis is referred to as thea. implied uncertainty spectrum.b. responsiveness spectrum.c. uncertainty/responsiveness map.d. zone of strategic fit.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate44. The relationship where increasing implied uncertainty from customers and supplysources is best served by increasing responsiveness from the supply chain is known as thea. implied uncertainty spectrum.b. responsiveness spectrum.c. uncertainty/responsiveness map.d. zone of strategic fit.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate45. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm musta. consider all functional strategies within the value chain.b. ensure that all functions in the value chain have consistent strategies thatsupport the competitive strategy.c. ensure that all substrategies within the supply chain such asmanufacturing, inventory, and purchasing be consistent with the supplychain’s level of responsiveness.d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Hard46. The drive for strategic fit should come froma. the supply chain manager.b. the strategic planning department.c. the highest levels of the organization, such as the CEO.d. middle management.e. sales and marketing.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard47. The important points to remember about achieving strategic fit area. there is one best supply chain strategy for all competitive strategies.b. there is no right supply chain strategy independent of the competitivestrategy.c. there is a right supply chain strategy for a given competitive strategy.d. all of the abovee. b and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Hard48. The preferable supply chain strategy for a firm that sells multiple products and servescustomer segments with very different needs is toa. set up independent supply chains for each different product or customersegment.b. set up a supply chain that meets the needs of the highest volume productor customer segment.c. tailor the supply chain to best meet the needs of each product’s demand.d. set up a supply chain that meets the needs of the customer segment withthe highest implied uncertainty.e. set up a supply chain that meets the needs of product with the highestimplied uncertainty.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard49. Which of the following would not be a demand and supply characteristic toward thebeginning stages of a product’s life cycle?a. Demand is very uncertain and supply may be unpredictable.b. Demand has become more certain and supply is predictable.c. Margins are often high and time is crucial to gaining sales.d. Product availability is crucial to capturing the market.e. Cost is often of secondary consideration.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate50. Which of the following would be a demand and supply characteristic toward thebeginning stages of a product’s life cycle?a. Demand has become more certain and supply is predictable.b. Margins are lower due to an increase in competitive pressure.c. Product availability is crucial to capturing the market.d. Price becomes a significant factor in customer choice.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate51. Which of the following would not be a demand and supply characteristic in the laterstages of a product’s life cycle?a. Demand has become more certain and supply is predictable.b. Margins are lower due to an increase in competitive pressure.c. Product availability is crucial to capturing the market.d. Price becomes a significant factor in customer choice.e. All of the above are characteristics of the later stages.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate52. The functions and stages that devise an integrated strategy with a shared objectiveare referred to asa. competitive strategy.b. supply chain strategy.c. scope of strategic fit.d. scope of marketing strategy.e. scope of product development strategy.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate53. The most limited scope over which strategic fit is considered is one operation withina functional area in a company. This is referred to asa. intracompany intraoperational scope.b. intracompany intrafunctional scope.c. intracompany interoperational scope.d. intercompany interfunctional scope.e. agile intercompany scope.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy54. The scope of strategic fit that includes all operations within a function in a companyisa. intracompany intraoperational scope.b. intracompany intrafunctional scope.c. intracompany interoperational scope.d. intercompany interfunctional scope.e. agile intercompany scope.Answer: bDifficulty: Easy55. The scope of strategic fit where all functional strategies are developed to supportboth each other and the competitive strategy in order to maximize company profit isa. intracompany intraoperational scope.b. intracompany intrafunctional scope.c. intracompany interoperational scope.d. intercompany interfunctional scope.e. agile intercompany scope.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy56. The scope of strategic fit that requires that each company evaluate its actions in thecontext of the entire supply chain isa. intracompany intraoperational scope.b. intracompany intrafunctional scope.c. intracompany interoperational scope.d. intercompany interfunctional scope.e. agile intercompany scope.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy57. A firm’s ability to achieve strategic fit when partnering with supply chain stages th atchange over time is referred to asa. intracompany intraoperational scope.b. intracompany intrafunctional scope.c. intracompany interoperational scope.d. intercompany interfunctional scope.e. agile intercompany scope.Answer: eDifficulty: EasyEssay/Problems1. Discuss the two keys to the success or failure of a company.Answer: A company’s success or failure is thus closely linked to the followingkeys:1. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together to forma coordinated overall strategy. Each functional strategy must support otherfunctional strategies and help a firm reach its competitive strategy goal.2. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute these strategies successfully.Difficulty: Hard2. List and explain the three basic steps to achieving strategic fit.Answer: There are three basic steps to achieving strategic fit:1. Understanding the customer and supply chain uncertaint y. First a companymust understand the customer needs for each targeted segment and theuncertainty the supply chain faces in satisfying these needs. These needs helpthe company define the desired cost and service requirements. The supply chain uncertainty helps the company identify the extent of disruption and delay thesupply chain must be prepared for.2. Understanding the supply chain capabilities. There are many types of supplychains, each of which is designed to perform different tasks well. A companymust understand what its supply chain is designed to do well.3. Achieving strategic fit. If a mismatch exists between what the supply chaindoes particularly well and the desired customer needs, the company will eitherneed to restructure the supply chain to support the competitive strategy or alterits strategy.Difficulty: Moderate3. List the attributes along which customer demand from different segments canvary.Answer: In general, customer demand from different segments may vary alongseveral attributes as follows:∙The quantity of the product needed in each lot∙The response time that customers are willing to tolerate∙The variety of products needed∙The service level required∙The price of the product∙The desired rate of innovation in the productDifficulty: Moderate4. List the abilities included in supply chain responsiveness.Answer: Supply chain responsiveness includes a supply chain’s ability to do the following:∙Respond to wide ranges of quantities demanded∙Meet short lead times∙Handle a large variety of products∙Build highly innovative products∙Meet a very high service level∙Handle supply uncertaintyDifficulty: Moderate5. Discuss the impact of the product life cycle on strategic fit between implieddemand uncertainty and supply chain responsiveness.Answer: As products go through their life cycle, the demand characteristics and the needs of the customer segments being served change. Supplycharacteristics also change as the product and production technologies mature.High-tech products are particularly prone to these life cycle swings over a verycompressed time span. A product goes through life cycle phases from theintroductory phase, when only the leading edge of customers is interested in itand supply is uncertain, all the way to the point at which the product becomes a。
物流英语 unit 2 Supply Chain Management
• Some experts distinguish SCM from logistics, while others consider the terms to be interchangeable.
It is only few years that the firms have started to focus on logistics and SCM as a source of competitive advantage. There is a realization that no company can do better than its logistics system, which becomes even more important given that product life cycles are shrinking and competition is intense. Logistics and SCM today represents great challenge as well as tremendous opportunity for most firms.
• The definition one American professional association put forward is that SCM encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management activities.
Economy globalization and electronic commerce have heightened the strategic importance of SCM and created new opportunities for using supply chain strategy and planning as a competitive tool.
Unit 2 supply chain
Unit Two Supply Chain ManagementPart One TextThe Concept of Supply Chain ManagementWhat is supply chain?The supply chain is the series of links and shared processes that exist between suppliers and customers1. These links and processes involve all activities from the acquisition of raw materials to the delivery of finished goods to the end consumer. Raw materials enter into a manufacturing organization via a supply system and are transformed into finished goods. The finished goods are then supplied to consumers through a distribution system. Generally, several companies are linked together in this process, each adding value to the product as it moves through the supply chain.In fact, the participants of a supply chain include all companies or organizations with which the focal company interacts directly or indirectly though its suppliers or end-users2.In any given supply chain there is some combination of companies who perform different functions. There are companies that are suppliers, manufacturers, distributors or wholesalers, retailers, and companies or individuals who are the customers, the final consumers of a product. Supporting these companies there will be other companies that are service providers that provide a range of needed services.However, to make a very complex supply chain network more manageable, the basic participants of a supply chain can be summarized as:Suppliers - They are organizations that provide goods and/or services to a purchasing organization (a manufacturer or a distributor).Manufacturers (producers) - They are the companies that make a product. This includes companies that are producers of raw materials and companies that are producers of finished goods. Producers can also create products that are intangible items such as music, entertainment, software, or designs.Distributors – They are companies that take inventory in bulk from producers and deliver a bundle of related product lines to customers3. Distributors are also known as wholesalers. They sell to other businesses and they sell products in larger quantities than an individual consumer would usually buy. A distributor is typically an organization that takes ownership of significant inventories of products that they buy from producers and sell to consumers4. In addition to product promotion and sales, other functions the distributor performs are inventory management, warehouse operations, and product transportation as well as customer support and post-sales service5.Retailers- They are companies that stock inventory and sell in small quantities to the general public. This organization also closely tracks the preferences and demands of the customers that it sells to. It advertises to its customers and often uses some combination of price, product selection, service, and convenience as the primary draw to attract customers for the products it sells6.Customers- They are any organization that purchases and uses a product. A customer organization may purchase a product in order to incorporate it into another product that they in turn sell to other customers7. Or a customer may be the final end user of a product who buys the product in order to consume it.Service providers- They are organizations that provide services to producers, distributors, retailers, and customers. Service providers have developed special expertise and skills that focus on a particular activity needed by a supply chain. Some common service providers in any supply chain are providers of transportation services and warehousing services. Financial service providers deliver services such as making loans, doing credit analysis, and collecting on past due invoices8. Some provide product design, market research and advertising. Still other service providers offer information technology and data collection services.Therefore, most supply chains exhibit these basic characteristics:1. The supply chain includes all activities and processes to supply a product or service to a final customer.2. Any number of companies can be linked in the supply chain.3. A customer can be a supplier to another customer so the total chain can have a number of supplier–customer relationships.4. While the distribution system can be direct from supplier to customer, depending on the products and markets, it can contain a number of distributors such as wholesalers, warehouses, and retailers9.5. Products or services usually flow from supplier to customer. Likewise, design and demand information usually flows from customer to supplier. (Physical products move ―downstream‖, while demand information flows ―upstream‖.)A supply chain has three key parts:Supply focuses on the raw materials supplied to manufacturing, including how, when, and from what location.Manufacture focuses on converting these raw materials into finished products. Distribution focuses on ensuring these products reach the consumers through an organized network of distributors, warehouses, and retailers.What is Supply Chain Management?In simple words, supply chain management refers to effectively and efficiently operate the whole supply chain process. Supply chain management is one of the most important strategic aspects of any business enterprise. Decisions must be made about how to coordinate the production of goods and services, how and where to store inventory, whom to buy materials from, and how to distribute them in the most cost-effective, timely manner10.As we all know, companies that do business together are linking up closely. They are doing this to better coordinate their actions and drive costs out of their business operations. There is a difference between the concept of supply chain management and the traditional concept of logistics. Logistics typically refers to activities that occur within the boundaries of a single organization and supply chains refers to networks of companies that work together and coordinate their actions to deliver a product to market. Also traditional logistics focuses its attention on activitiessuch as procurement, distribution, maintenance, and inventory management. Supply chain management acknowledges all of traditional logistics and also includes activities such as marketing, new product development, finance, and customer service. To be more competitive, companies are building up their expertise and efficiencies in the process of designing and building new products and in the process of delivering and servicing existing products. Companies that develop better supply chain management skill levels are clearly better able to gain more profits from the market they serve.The processes involved in the designing, building, and delivering of products to the customers that need them has come to be referred to as supply chain management. No one company can develop high skill levels in all areas of supply chain management so companies are focusing on developing and building their particular strengths, their core competencies11. Companies are defining the roles they want to play in the market they serve and linking up with other companies that have complementary skill sets. This is the major drive of the modern supply chains.Supply chains encompass the companies and the business activities needed to design, make, deliver, and use a product or service. Businesses depend on their supply chains to provide them with what they need to survive and thrive. Every business fits into one or more supply chains and has a role to play in each of them. The pace of change and the uncertainty about how markets will evolve has made it increasingly important for companies to be aware of the supply chains they participate in and to understand the roles that they play12. Those companies that learn how to build and participate in strong supply chains will have a substantial competitive advantage in their markets.The term ―supply chain management‖ ar ose in the late 1980s and came into widespread use in the 1990s. Prior to that time, businesses used terms such as ―Logistics‖ and ―operations management‖ instead. If we acknowledge that supply chain management is something we do to influence the behavior of the supply chain and get the results we want then we can make this definition: ―Supply chain management is the coordination of production, inventory, location, and transportation among the participants in a supply chain to achieve the efficiency for the market being served. 13‖Therefore, Supply Chain Management is the methodology to improve the business efficiency in finding raw components for your business product or service and delivering it to the customer14. It contains five basic components:Plan- Strategies for managing resources toward meeting customer demand for goods and services.Source- Selection of suppliers to deliver materials or services for the making of goods and services.Produce- making of goods and services, which may include production, testing and packaging.Deliver- Coordinate orders from clients, carriers sending products and receiving payments.Return-Network for receiving defective or excessive products from client.The goal of supply chain management is to increase sales of goods and services to the final, end use customer while at the same time reducing both inventory and operating expenses15 .Benefits of Effective Supply Chain ManagementEffective supply chain management is the key to a competitive business advantage.The eight major benefits to effective supply chain management can be summarized as follows:1. Improved customer service: having the right products, available for delivery when requested, at a good price.2. Reduction of costs across the supply chain and more efficient management of working capital.3. More efficient management of raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods inventory.4. Increased efficiency in the transactions between supply chain partners5. Better manufacturing resource management6. Optimized manufacturing schedules7. Optimal distribution of existing inventory across the supply chain8. Enhanced customer value, often in the form of lower pricesWords and Expressions:acknowledge [ ək'nɔlidʒ ] v. to admit the existence, reality, or truth of 接受,承认,确认acquisition [ .ækwi'ziʃən ] n. the act of contracting or assuming or acquiringpossession of something 获得,所获之物bundle [ 'bʌndl ] n. a group of objects held together, as by tying or wrapping 捆,束combination [ .kɔmbi'neiʃən ] n. the act of combining or the state of being combined结合,联合complementary [ kɔmplə'mentəri ] a. acting as or providing a complement(something that completes the whole)补充的complex [ 'kɔmpleks ] a. consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts composite复杂的contain [ kən'tein ] v. to have within; hold包含,容纳coordinate [ kəu'ɔ:dinit ] v. one that is equal in importance, rank, or degree协调,整合,综合core [ kɔ: ] n. the center of an object核心,要点competency [ 'kɔmpit(ə)nsi ] n. the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually能力cost-effective a. economical in terms of the goods or services received for themoney spent.有成本效益的,划算的downstream [ 'daʊnstri:m ] ad. in the direction of a stream's current 下游地convert [ kən'və:t ] v. to change (something) into another form, substance, state, or product; transform使转变, 使转变draw [ drɔ: ] v. (drew, drawn) To cause to move after or toward one by applying continuous force; drag吸引,拉,拖,drive [ draiv ] v. to push, propel, or press onward forcibly; urge forward驱动,驱使due [ dju: ] a. expected or scheduled, especially appointed to arrive 预定的,应付的,到期的,应有的efficiently [ i'fiʃəntli ] ad. in an efficient manner有效率地encompass [ in'kʌmpəs ] vt. to constitute or include围绕,包围,拥有evolve [ i'vɔlv ] v. to develop or achieve gradually 进展,进化,展开expertise [ .ekspə'ti:z ] n. skill or knowledge in a particular area专门技术,专家的意见,focal [ 'fəukəl ] a. of or relating to a focus 焦点的incorporate [ in'kɔ:pəreit ] v. to unite (one thing) with something else already inexistence合并,组成公司,具体表现intangible [ in'tændʒəbl ] a. incapable of being perceived by the senses 无形的, 不可触摸的invoice [ 'invɔis ] n. a detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs; an itemized bill发票,发货单,货物maintenance [ 'meintinəns ] n. the act of maintaining or the state of being maintained维护,保持,维修manageable [ 'mænidʒəbl ] a. that can be managed or controlled 易办的,易管理的,易控制的methodology [ meθə'dɔlədʒi ] n. A body of practices, procedures, and rules used bythose who work in a discipline or engage in aninquiry; a set of working methods 方法学,方法论optimal [ 'ɔptiməl ] a. most favorable or desirable; optimum最佳的,最理想的optimized [ 'ɔptimaiz] a. to make as perfect or effective as possible 最佳化的participant [ pɑ:'tisipənt ] n. one that participates, shares, or takes part in something参加者,参与者procurement [ prə'kjuəmənt ] n. the act of getting possession of something 取得,征购series [ 'siəri:z ] n. similar things placed in order or happening one after another 连续, 系列stock [ stɔk ] v. a supply accumulated for future use; a store存储,进货,采购strategic [ strə'ti:dʒik ] a. important or essential in relation to a plan of action战略的substantial [ səb'stænʃəl ] a. of, relating to, or having substance; material 实质上的,大量的, 有内容的thrive [ θraiv ]v. to make steady progress; prosper兴旺,繁荣timely [ 'taimli ] a. occurring at a suitable or opportune time; well-timed及时的,适时的track [ træk ] v. a mark or succession of marks left by something that has passed跟踪,追踪transaction [ træn'zækʃən ] n. the act of transacting or the fact of being transacted 交易,处理,办理transform[ træns'fɔ:m ] v. to change markedly the appearance or form of 转换,使...变形typically [ 'tipikəli ] ad. in a typical manner 代表性地, 作为特色地via [ 'vaiə, 'vi:ə ] prep. by way of 经由as well as also, and 也,又in addition to besides 另外in bulk in large numbers, amounts, or volume大批,大量in turn one by one 轮流,依次to be transformed into to be changed markedly the appearance or form of 转变成to depend on to rely on 依赖,依靠to focus on to concentrate on 集中to refer to to pertain; concern 有关,涉及Special Terms:customer service 客户服务customer support 客户支持finished goods 制成品inventory management 存货管理market research 市场调查post-sales service 售后服务product design 产品设计product development 产品开发product transportation 产品运输supply Chain 供应链Supply Chain Management 供应链管理warehouse operation 仓库运营work-in-process 在制品, 阶段产品Notes to the Text:1.The supply chain is the series of links and shared processes that exist betweensuppliers and customers.供应链是指一系列在供应商和顾客之间存在的联系和共享的过程。
教学目标:1. 理解供应链的定义和重要性。
2. 掌握供应链的各个组成部分和关键要素。
3. 学习供应链的目标和原则,并应用于实际业务。
4. 探索供应链中的关键活动和流程。
5. 了解供应链管理的挑战和发展趋势。
教学过程:1. 实践情景引入:以一个具体的供应链案例为例,引导学生了解供应链的实际应用和重要性。
2. 教材内容讲解:讲解供应链的定义和重要性,以及供应链的各个组成部分,包括供应商、制造商、分销商和客户。
3. 随堂练习:给出一些与供应链相关的例题,让学生应用所学知识解决问题。
4. 教学重点讲解:详细讲解供应链的目标和原则,以及如何在实际业务中应用这些原则。
5. 教学难点讲解:通过具体案例和示例,讲解供应链中的关键活动和流程,以及如何进行有效的供应链管理。
6. 课堂讨论:引导学生讨论供应链管理的挑战和发展趋势,并分享自己的观点和经验。
7. 板书设计:通过PPT或黑板,将供应链的各个组成部分和关键要素进行板书设计,以便学生更好地理解和记忆。
8. 作业布置:布置一些与供应链相关的作业题目,让学生进一步巩固所学知识。
作业设计:1. 请简述供应链的定义和重要性。
《供应链管理》第2章 供应链管理的方法
QR是指在供应链中,为了实现共同的目标,至少在两个 环节之间进行的紧密合作。目的是减少原材料到销售点的时 间和整个供应链上的库存,最大限度地提高供应链的运作效 率。 一般来说,供应链共同目标包括: (1)提高顾客服务水平,即用正确的来源、正确的产品、正 确的商品、正确的服务、正确的质量、正确的数量、正确的 (运输)方式、正确的包装、正确的成本或价格、正确的时间、 正确的地点来响应正确的消费者的需求;
整个服装供应链系统的总损失每年可达25亿美元,其中 2/3的损失来自于零售商或制造商对服装的降价处理以及在 零售时的缺货(调查发现,消费者离开商店而不购买的主要 原因是找不到合适尺寸和颜色的商品)。
快速反应是零售商及供应商密切合作的策略,应用这种 策略,零售商和供应商通过共享POS系统信息、联合预测未 来需求、发现新产品营销机会等对消费者的需求做出快速的 反应。
2.1.5 QR的再造环节
1、同步生产 2、供应商合理化
4、货物交付 5、供应商管理库存 6、供应链的能力开发
包括以下内容: (1)生产设备的投资是灵活的;
(2)以能扩大生产能力的“拉”的模式为指导,重新设计企 业流程;
(3)转变强调的重点,生产顺序从固定物→质量→可变物转 变到可变物→质量→固定物; (4)在生产线之外采取行动以增强流程的可靠性; (5)规定工作效率的下限和废品率的上限;
第2章 供应链管理的方法
【本章学习重点】 QR的含义,优点,QR成功的条件,QR战略的再造;ECR 系统的构建和ECR的战略;EOS流程、业务过程,EOS与物流 管理;ERP的基本内容;CPFR的定义和特点,CPFR实施的框 架和步骤;ABC库存分类管理法的基本原理,ABC库存管理准 则,ABC库存管理法的优点,基于活动的成本控制——ABC方 法的含义、核算程序及成功实施的关键因素;VCA概念和定 义,VCA的特征;JIT的产生及基本思想,准时制的要素。
Chapter 2Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope True/False1. A company’s competitive strategy defines the set of customer needs thatit seeks to satisfy through its products and services.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy2.The value chain emphasizes the close relationship between all the functionalstrategies within a company.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. A company’s product development strategy defines the set of customerneeds that it seeks to satisfy through its products and services.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate4. A company’s product development strategy specifies the portfolio of newproducts that it will try to develop.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. A company’s supply chain strategy specifies how the market will b esegmented and how the product will be positioned, priced, and promoted.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy6. A company’s supply chain strategy determines the nature of procurementand transportation of materials as well as the manufacture and distribution of the product.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy7.The degree of supply chain responsiveness should be consistent with theimplied uncertainty.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy8.The degree of supply chain responsiveness does not need to be consistentwith the implied uncertainty.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate9.To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must ensure that all functions in thevalue chain have consistent strategies that support the competitive strategy.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate10.To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must ensure that all functions in thevalue chain have diverse strategies that support functional goals.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate11.Because demand and supply characteristics change, the supply chain strategymust change over the product life cycle if a company is to continue achieving strategic fit.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy12.The supply chain strategy must be established at the beginning of the productlife cycle and not changed if a company is to continue achieving strategic fit.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy13.To retain strategic fit, supply chain strategy must be adjusted over the lifecycle of a product and as the competitive landscape changes.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14.The intercompany scope of strategic fit is essential today because thecompetitive playing field has shifted from company versus company to supply chain versus supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate15.The intercompany scope of strategic fit is no longer relevant today becausethe competitive playing field has shifted from company versus company to supply chain versus supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy16.The intercompany scope of strategic fit requires firms to evaluate every actionin the context of the entire supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate17.There is a close connection between the design and management of supplychain flows and the success of a supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. A company’s competitive strategya.defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b.specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c.specifies how the market will be segmented and how the productwill be positioned, priced, and promoted.d.determines the nature of procurement and transportation ofmaterials as well as manufacture and distribution of the product.e.determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set ofskills and abilities to meet customer needs.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate2. A company’s product development strategya.defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b.specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c.specifies how the market will be segmented and how the productwill be positioned, priced, and promoted.d.determines the nature of procurement and transportation ofmaterials as well as manufacture and distribution of the product.e.determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set ofskills and abilities to meet customer needs.Answer: bDifficulty: Easy3. A company’s marketing and sales strategya.defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b.specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c.specifies how the market will be segmented and how the productwill be positioned, priced, and promoted.d.determines the nature of procurement and transportation ofmaterials as well as manufacture and distribution of the product.e.determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set ofskills and abilities to meet customer needs.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate4. A company’s supply chain strategya.defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through itsproducts and services.b.specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.c.specifies how the market will be segmented and how the productwill be positioned, priced, and promoted.d.determines the nature of procurement and transportation ofmaterials as well as manufacture and distribution of the product.e.determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set ofskills and abilities to meet customer needs.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy5.Which of the following determines the nature of procurement of raw materials,transportation of materials to and from the company, manufacture of theproduct or operation to provide the service, and distribution of the product to the customer along with follow-up service?petitive strategyb.Product development strategyc.Marketing and sales strategyd.Supply chain strategye.none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy6.Which of the following defines the set of customer needs that a companyseeks to satisfy through its products and services?petitive strategyb.Product development strategyc.Marketing and sales strategyd.Supply chain strategye.none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate7.Which of the following specifies how the market will be segmented and howthe product will be positioned, priced, and promoted?petitive strategyb.Product development strategyc.Marketing and sales strategyd.Supply chain strategye.none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate8.Which of the following specifies the portfolio of new products that a companywill try to develop?petitive strategyb.Product development strategyc.Marketing and sales strategyd.Supply chain strategye.all of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy9. A supply chain strategy includesa.supplier strategy.b.operations strategy.c.logistics strategy.d.all of the abovee.none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate10.A supply chain strategy involves decisions regardinga.inventory.b.transportation.c.operating facilities.rmation flows.e.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate11.A supply chain strategy involves decisions regarding all of the followingexcepta.inventory.b.transportation.c.new product development.d.operating facilities.rmation flows.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate12.Which of the following is a key to the success or failure of a company?a.The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fittogether to form a coordinated overall strategy.b.Each functional strategy must support other functional strategiesand help a firm reach its competitive strategy goal.c.The different functions in a company must appropriately structuretheir processes and resources to be able to execute strategiessuccessfully.d.All of the above are keys to success.e.None of the above are a key to success.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate13.Which of the following is not a key to the success or failure of a company?a.The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit togetherto form a coordinated overall strategy.b.Each functional strategy must support other functional strategies andhelp a firm reach its competitive strategy goal.c.The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute strategies successfully.d.All of the above are keys to success.e.None of the above are a key to success.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate14.Which of the following is not a key to the success or failure of a company?a.The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fittogether to form a coordinated overall strategy.b.The competitive strategy and all functional strategies operateindependently of each other.c.The different functions in a company must appropriately structuretheir processes and resources to be able to execute strategiessuccessfully.d.Each functional strategy must support other functional strategiesand help a firm reach its competitive strategy goal.e.All of the above are keys to success.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate15.Which of the following are basic steps to achieving strategic fit?a.Understanding the customer and supply uncertainty.b.Understanding the supply chain capabilities.c.Achieving strategic fit.d.All of the above are basic steps to achieving strategic fit.e.None of the above are a basic step to achieving strategic fit.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate16.Which of the following is not a basic step to achieving strategic fit?a.Achieving strategic fit.b.Understanding the supply chain capabilities.c.Determining the response time that customers are willing totolerate.d.Understanding the customer and supply uncertainty.e.none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17.Customer demand from different segments varies along which of thefollowing attributes?a.The quantity of product needed in each lot.b.The response time that customers are willing to tolerate.c.The variety of products needed.d.The service level required.e.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy18.Which of the following is not an attribute along which customer demandvaries?a.The uniqueness of the product.b.The quantity of product needed in each lot.c.The variety of products needed.d.The desired rate of innovation in the product.e.All of the above are attributes.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate19.The uncertainty of customer demand for a product is thea.rate of strategic uncertainty.b.demand uncertainty.c.implied demand uncertainty.d.average forecast error.e.none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate20.The uncertainty that exists due to the portion of demand that the supply chainis required to meet is thea.rate of strategic uncertainty.b.demand uncertainty.c.implied demand uncertainty.d.average forecast error.e.none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate21.Which of the following customer needs will cause implied uncertainty ofdemand to increase?a.Range of quantity required increasesb.Lead time decreasesc.Variety of products required increasesd.Required service level increasese.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy22.Which of the following customer needs will cause implied uncertainty ofdemand to decrease?a.Range of quantity required increasesb.Lead time decreasesc.Variety of products required increasesd.Required service level increasese.none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate23.Which of the following customer needs will cause implied uncertainty ofdemand to increase?a.Product marginb.Lead time decreasesc.Average stockout rated.Average forced season end markdowne.none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate24.Which of the following characteristics of customer demand have a correlationwith implied uncertainty?a.Product marginb.Average forecast errorc.Average stockout rated.Average forced season end markdowne.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate25.Which of the following is not a characteristic of customer demand correlatedwith implied uncertainty?a.Product marginb.Unpredictable and low yieldsc.Average stockout rated.Average forced season end markdowne.None of the above are correlated with implied uncertaintyAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate26.Which of the following supply chain capabilities will cause supply uncertaintyto increase?a.Frequent breakdownsb.Unpredictable and low yieldsc.Poor qualityd.Limited supply capacitye.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy27.Which of the following supply chain capabilities will cause supply uncertaintyto increase?a.Evolving production processb.Inflexible supply capacityc.Limited supply capacityd.Unpredictable and low yieldse.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy28.Which of the following supply chain capabilities will cause supply uncertaintyto decrease?a.Evolving production processb.Inflexible supply capacityc.Limited supply capacityd.Unpredictable and low yieldse.none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate29.Which of the following is not a supply chain capability that will impact supplyuncertainty?a.Evolving production processb.Inflexible supply capacityc.Limited supply capacityd.Product margine.Unpredictable and low yieldsAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate30.The first step in achieving strategic fit between competitive and supply chainstrategies is toa.understand the supply chain and map it on the responsivenessspectrum.b.understand customers and supply chain uncertainty.c.match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty ofdemand.d.ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain supportthe supply chain’s level of responsiveness.e.none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard31.The second step in achieving strategic fit between competitive and supplychain strategies is toa.understand the supply chain and map it on the responsivenessspectrum.b.understand customers and supply chain uncertainty.c.match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty ofdemand.d.ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support thesupply chain’s level of responsiveness.e.none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Hard32.The final step in achieving strategic fit between competitive and supply chainstrategies is toa.understand the supply chain and map it on the responsivenessspectrum.b.understand customers and supply chain uncertainty.c.match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty ofdemand.bine customer and supply chain uncertainty and map it on theimplied uncertainty spectrum.e.all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate33.Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a.Respond to wide ranges of quantities demandedb.Meet short lead timesc.Handle a large variety of productsd.Meet a very high service levele.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy34.Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a.Handle supply uncertaintyb.Build highly innovative productsc.Meet short lead timesd.Meet a very high service levele.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy35.Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a.Handle supply uncertaintyb.Understand customers and supply chain uncertaintyc.Match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty ofdemandd.Ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain supportthe supply chain’s level of responsivenesse.none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate36.Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a.Understand customers and supply chainb.Meet a very high service levelc.Match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty ofdemandd.Ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support thesupply chain’s level of responsive nesse.none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate37.Supply chain responsiveness includes the ability to do which of the following?a.Understand customers and supply chainb.Match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty ofdemandc.Meet short lead timesd.Ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support thesupply chain’s level of responsivenesse.all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate38.The cost of making and delivering a product to the customer is referred to asa.supply chain responsiveness.b.supply chain efficiency.c.cost-responsiveness efficient frontier.d.implied uncertainty.e.none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy39.The curve that shows the lowest possible cost for a given level ofresponsiveness is referred to as thea.supply chain responsiveness curve.b.supply chain efficiency curve.c.cost-responsiveness efficient frontier.d.responsiveness spectrum.e.none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate40.A firm that is not on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea.both responsiveness and cost performance.b.only responsiveness.c.only cost performance.d.responsiveness, but not cost performance.e.neither responsiveness nor cost performance.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy41.A firm that is not on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea.both responsiveness and cost performance.b.only responsiveness.c.only cost performance.d.either responsiveness or cost performance, but not both.e.neither responsiveness nor cost performance.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate42.A firm that is on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea.responsiveness only by increasing cost and becoming less efficient.b.cost performance only by reducing responsiveness.c.both responsiveness and cost performance by improving processes andchanging technology to shift the efficient frontier.d.all of the abovee.neither responsiveness nor cost performance.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate43.A graph with two axes with implied uncertainty along the horizontal axis andresponsiveness along the vertical axis is referred to as thea.implied uncertainty spectrum.b.responsiveness spectrum.c.uncertainty/responsiveness map.d.zone of strategic fit.e.none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate44.The relationship where increasing implied uncertainty from customers andsupply sources is best served by increasing responsiveness from the supply chain is known as thea.implied uncertainty spectrum.b.responsiveness spectrum.c.uncertainty/responsiveness map.d.zone of strategic fit.e.none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate45.To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm musta.consider all functional strategies within the value chain.b.ensure that all functions in the value chain have consistentstrategies that support the competitive strategy.c.ensure that all substrategies within the supply chain such asmanufacturing, inventory, and purchasing be consistent with thesupply chain’s level of responsiveness.d.all of the abovee.none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Hard46.The drive for strategic fit should come froma.the supply chain manager.b.the strategic planning department.c.the highest levels of the organization, such as the CEO.d.middle management.e.sales and marketing.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard47.The important points to remember about achieving strategic fit area.there is one best supply chain strategy for all competitive strategies.b.there is no right supply chain strategy independent of thecompetitive strategy.c.there is a right supply chain strategy for a given competitivestrategy.d.all of the abovee. b and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Hard48.The preferable supply chain strategy for a firm that sells multiple products andserves customer segments with very different needs is toa.set up independent supply chains for each different product orcustomer segment.b.set up a supply chain that meets the needs of the highest volumeproduct or customer segment.c.tailor the supply chain to best meet the needs of each product’sdemand.d.set up a supply chain that meets the needs of the customersegment with the highest implied uncertainty.e.set up a supply chain that meets the needs of product with thehighest implied uncertainty.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard49.Which of the following would not be a demand and supply characteristictoward the beginning stages of a product’s life cycle?a.Demand is very uncertain and supply may be unpredictable.b.Demand has become more certain and supply is predictable.c.Margins are often high and time is crucial to gaining sales.d.Product availability is crucial to capturing the market.e.Cost is often of secondary consideration.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate50.Which of the following would be a demand and supply characteristic towardthe beginning stages of a product’s life cycle?a.Demand has become more certain and supply is predictable.b.Margins are lower due to an increase in competitive pressure.c.Product availability is crucial to capturing the market.d.Price becomes a significant factor in customer choice.e.none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate51.Which of the following would not be a demand and supply characteristic int he later stages of a product’s life cycle?a.Demand has become more certain and supply is predictable.b.Margins are lower due to an increase in competitive pressure.c.Product availability is crucial to capturing the market.d.Price becomes a significant factor in customer choice.e.All of the above are characteristics of the later stages.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate52.The functions and stages that devise an integrated strategy with a sharedobjective are referred to aspetitive strategy.b.supply chain strategy.c.scope of strategic fit.d.scope of marketing strategy.e.scope of product development strategy.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate53.The most limited scope over which strategic fit is considered is one operationwithin a functional area in a company. This is referred to asa.intracompany intraoperational scope.b.intracompany intrafunctional scope.c.intracompany interoperational scope.d.intercompany interfunctional scope.e.agile intercompany scope.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy54.The scope of strategic fit that includes all operations within a function in acompany isa.intracompany intraoperational scope.b.intracompany intrafunctional scope.c.intracompany interoperational scope.d.intercompany interfunctional scope.e.agile intercompany scope.Answer: bDifficulty: Easy55.The scope of strategic fit where all functional strategies are developed tosupport both each other and the competitive strategy in order to maximize company profit isa.intracompany intraoperational scope.b.intracompany intrafunctional scope.c.intracompany interoperational scope.d.intercompany interfunctional scope.e.agile intercompany scope.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy56.The scope of strategic fit that requires that each company evaluate its actionsin the context of the entire supply chain isa.intracompany intraoperational scope.b.intracompany intrafunctional scope.c.intracompany interoperational scope.d.intercompany interfunctional scope.e.agile intercompany scope.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy57.A firm’s ability to achieve strategic fit when partnering with supply chainstages that change over time is referred to asa.intracompany intraoperational scope.b.intracompany intrafunctional scope.c.intracompany interoperational scope.d.intercompany interfunctional scope.e.agile intercompany scope.Answer: eDifficulty: EasyEssay/Problems1.Discuss the two keys to the success or failure of a company.Answer: A company’s success or failure is thus closely linked to thefollowing keys:1. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit togetherto form a coordinated overall strategy. Each functional strategy mustsupport other functional strategies and help a firm reach its competitive strategy goal.2. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute these strategies successfully.Difficulty: Hard2.List and explain the three basic steps to achieving strategic fit.Answer: There are three basic steps to achieving strategic fit:1. Understanding the customer and supply chain uncertaint y. First acompany must understand the customer needs for each targeted segment and the uncertainty the supply chain faces in satisfying these needs. These needs help the company define the desired cost and service requirements.The supply chain uncertainty helps the company identify the extent ofdisruption and delay the supply chain must be prepared for.2. Understanding the supply chain capabilities. There are many types ofsupply chains, each of which is designed to perform different tasks well. A company must understand what its supply chain is designed to do well.3. Achieving strategic fit. If a mismatch exists between what the supplychain does particularly well and the desired customer needs, the company will either need to restructure the supply chain to support the competitive strategy or alter its strategy.Difficulty: Moderate3.List the attributes along which customer demand from different segmentscan vary.Answer: In general, customer demand from different segments may varyalong several attributes as follows:The quantity of the product needed in each lotThe response time that customers are willing to tolerateThe variety of products neededThe service level requiredThe price of the productThe desired rate of innovation in the productDifficulty: Moderate4.List the abilities included in supply chain responsiveness.Answer: Supply chain responsiveness includes a supply chain’s ability to do the following:Respond to wide ranges of quantities demandedMeet short lead timesHandle a large variety of productsBuild highly innovative productsMeet a very high service levelHandle supply uncertaintyDifficulty: Moderate5.Discuss the impact of the product life cycle on strategic fit betweenimplied demand uncertainty and supply chain responsiveness.Answer: As products go through their life cycle, the demand characteristics and the needs of the customer segments being served change. Supply characteristics also change as the product and production technologies mature. High-tech products are particularly prone to these life cycle swings over a very compressed time span. A product goes through life cycle phases from the introductory phase, when only the leading edge of customers is interested in it and supply is uncertain, all the way to the point at which the product becomes a commodity, the market is saturated, and supply is predictable. Thus, if a company is to maintain strategic fit, its supply chain strategy must evolve as its products enter different phases. As products mature, the corresponding supply chain strategy should, in general, move from being responsive to being efficient. The key point here is that demand and supply characteristics change over a product’s life cycle. Because demand and supply characteristics change, the supply chain。
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支持层 11
三 供应链管理的意义
• 供应链物流是营销策略的焦点,支持营销策略 可在支持基本价格、产品改良和促销服务上扮演重要角色 • 公司可以使用物流服务去提升客户忠诚度 创造生产率优势 →成本优势 创造服务优势 →顾客价值优势
资本占用成本 库存风险成本
库存成本高[食品 杂货业]不必要库 存卷走300亿美元
大部分企业只能 管理物流运作成本!
库存服务成本 调价损失
物流周期长[麦片粥]工厂→超市途 经一连串各有库房的批发商、分 销商、集运人,居然要走104天
谁最重要 • 库存成本 • 运输成本
三 供应链管理的意义
所谓虚拟资源,就是把资源的 概念外延到合作伙伴,将上游 企业、下游企业甚至客户的资 源看作自己资源的扩展。
二 供应链管理的内涵
供需协调论 劳动分工论 资源整合论
几个星期 17
二、供应链管理的发展趋势 • 由于环境、网络通讯技术以及全球的动态联盟的发展和 相关要求的不断提出,供应链开始向电子化、全球化、 敏捷化和绿色化方向发展。
电子化供应链 全球化供应链 敏捷化供应链 绿色化供应链
企业 创造的 价值
三 供应链管理的意义
二、供应链管理是利润的“新”源泉 • 宏观层面
• “十五”期间我国库存价值占GDP的50%;而发达国家一般为10%
供应链 业务流程
2. 哪 些 流 程 应 与关键的供应 成员进行联结
供应链 管理要素
3.这些流程应 进行何程度的 集成管理
供应链 网络结构
1.谁是供应链关 键成员→应联 结谁的流程
二 供应链管理的内涵
原材料 资源 获取 策略 原料 供应商 零部件 产品匹配 集成 解决 方案 制造 商 配送 中心 渠道选择 关键 业务 改善
• 提高服务水平: 快速响应 最小误差 服务质量 全生命周期之物流支持 • 降低总成本: 最小存货 运送并合
• 价值优势 • 成本优势 • 增加市场占有率:产品上市更快 • 成为受欢迎的业务伙伴:竞争对手难介入
产品 联合 开发
零件 供应商
新的 业务 过程
分销链 响应 销售 数据 处理 分销 商
客户 信息 收集 零售 商 门店
产品市 场分析
产品开发生产 订单管理和执行
产品补货、销售服务 市场策略和客户服务
核心能力 合作共赢
质量、成本和效率的改善 → 收入、利润的增长
“从需求市场到供应市场” 而不是传统“从采购到销售” 。
二 供应链管理的内涵
纵向一体化 面向职能管理 产品管理 单纯重视物质管理 企业间的交易管理 简单的多元化经营 重视实有资源管理 横向一体化 面向过程管理 顾客管理 物质和信息管理并重 长期的战略联盟管理 核心竞争力管理 虚拟资源的运用
• 增加企业的投资负担; • 丧失市场开发的时机; • 从事不擅长业务活动;
• 每项业务都直接面临众多竞争对手;
• ……
• 横向合作联盟的运作模式
• 将原有的非核心业务外包(Outsourcing)出去; • 自己集中资源发展核心能力; • 通过共同的市场利益和业务结成战略联盟。
• 1980 传统的供应链
总装需求 分销商需求 零售商需求 用户需求 推动 推动
• 1990 精细供应链
看板 看板 看板
用户需求 拉动 拉动 拉动
几个月 16
二 供应链管理的内涵
• 借助信息技术和管理技术,将供应链上业务伙伴的业务流程 相互集成,从而有效地管理从原材料采购、产品制造、分销 到交付给最终用户的全过程,在提高客户满意度的同时,降 低供应链系统的运作总成本,提高各企业的效益。
所有结点企业是一个有机整体→ 合作共盟而不是简单的连接; 供应链集成→流程集成而不是企业组织集成; 资源配置的创新→重点在于识别谁是关键的供应链成员 ; 侧重于网链企业间合作关系管理,而不只是企业内部运作;
Unit2 供应链管理
一、供应链的基本概念 二、供应链管理的内涵 三、供应链管理的意义 四、供应链管理的演进
• 传统纵向一体化运作模式的不足
最大限度占有市场分额↔牢牢控制用于生产经营的资源; 在企业的运作模式上,采用了“高度自制”运营策略。 纵向一体化模式的主要弊端
• 纵向一体化 横向一体化
Vertical Integration Horizontal Integration 高度自制 分散网络化制造 封闭式 开放式
推动式计划 库存信息 库存信息 推动 拉动 总体的用户需求 全球物料 计划系统 库存信息 用户需求 拉动 拉动
• 1995 集成化的敏捷供应链
• 2000 用户化的敏捷供应链
用户需求 Internet 信息系统 拉动 拉动 产生原理
一 供应链的基本概念
供应商 零件生产商 制造商 仓储和配送中心 零售商 消费者
流入物流管理 物料管理 供应链管理
• 供应链(Supply Chain)是指围绕核心企业,通过对信息流、物 流、资金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成产品,最后由 销售网络把产品送到消费者的将供应商、制造商、销售商、 直到最终用户连成一个有机整体的功能网链结构。
物流成本(仅库存+运输成本) 为总成本的40% 时间 成本 物流服务 物流服务 物流时间为总时间的90%
物流, 信息流
供应商 采购 生产 返回物流, 信息流 分销 顾客
三 供应链管理的意义
• 微观层面
物流运作成本 物流总成本
运输成本 仓库运作成本
管理费用 IT系统成本