

王永国 高 三英 语 试 题 12月考[1][1]

王永国 高 三英 语 试 题 12月考[1][1]

武威六中2008-2009学年第一学期第二次月考高三英语试题(命题人:王永国)第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共95分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)第一节:语言知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项1. constant A. convey B. congratulation C. contrary D. cosy2. correction A. flesh B. deliver C. regret D. recent3. serve A. international B. surface C. surprise D. suffer4. uncle A. aunt B. think C. conclusion D. inspect5. example A. extra B. expect C. examine D. exercise第二节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

例:It's so nice to hear from her again. ,we 1ast met more than thirty years ago.A. What's moreB. That's to sayC. In other wordsD. Believe it or not答案是D。

6. If I drive in this city myself,I’ll probabl y get lost as I haven't got very good sense of—direction.A. a;不填B. the;不填C. a;theD. the;a7. 0f the two,I would prefer camera,which is very easy for me to carry.A. a smallB. a smallerC. the smallD. the smaller8. you want to remember its usage,you'd better make a sentence with the new word.A. UnlessB. WhileC. Now thatD. Even if9. —How was your project?—Pretty good and we success and wanted more·A. were tastedB. tastedC. had tastedD. had been tasted10. I am glad that you have managed to come. Y ou have brought wine. We've got plenty。

【推荐下载】宝钢英语三级试题-范文word版 (13页)

【推荐下载】宝钢英语三级试题-范文word版 (13页)

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1东台市学校2012—2013学年度第一学期期中试卷初三年级英语(分值:140分 考试时间:120分钟 ) 得分:_______________一、听力(每小题1分,共20题,满分20分)A)每小题你将听到一个对话,从A 、B 、C 三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。


B)听下面的对话,根据你所听到的内容,从所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。



( ) 6. When is Alice ’s birthday?A. The next day.B. The day after next.C. The day they had the talk. ( )7. What will the man and the woman buy for Alice?A. A record.B. Some flowers.C. A box of chocolates. ( )8. Where are they going to buy for Alice ’s birthday present?A. To the food shopB. To the flower shop.C. To the music shop. 听第7段材料,回答第9~11题。

( )9. What is the man from the Golden TV interviewing on?A. People ’s viewing habitsB. Student s’ favourite subjectsC. Teenagers ’ problems ( )10. What is the student ’s first choice?A. News ChannelB. Discovery ChannelC. Film Channel ( )11. Why does his mother often forget to cook dinners? A. Because she is always forgetting things. B. Because she is tired and does not want to. C. Because she is deeply moved by the nice film. 听第8段材料,回答第12~15题。



《三国演义》知识测试题1. 下列哪一位是“三英战吕布”中的“三英”?A. 刘备、关羽、张飞B. 曹操、许褚、乐进C. 孙权、周瑜、吕蒙D. 赵云、马超、黄忠答案:A2. 在《三国演义》中,诸葛亮的字是什么?A. 孔明B. 仲达C. 子龙D. 文长答案:A3. “过五关斩六将”是哪位英雄的壮举?A. 关羽B. 张飞C. 赵云D. 马超答案:A4. 赤壁之战中,曹操的舰队最终被谁用火攻所破?A. 周瑜B. 诸葛亮C. 黄盖D. 庞统答案:C5. 刘备在临终前托孤给谁?A. 关羽B. 张飞C. 赵云D. 诸葛亮答案:D6. 曹操在哪场战役中大败袁绍,奠定了北方霸主的地位?A. 官渡之战B. 赤壁之战C. 夷陵之战D. 定军山之战答案:A7. 以下哪位人物与“空城计”有关?A. 曹操B. 司马懿D. 周瑜答案:C8. 关羽在华容道放走了哪位敌将?A. 曹操B. 孙权C. 周瑜D. 马超答案:A9. 《三国演义》中,被称为“美髯公”的是?A. 关羽B. 张飞C. 赵云D. 黄忠答案:A10. 诸葛亮在出师表中提到“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”是为了表达对谁的忠诚?A. 刘备B. 刘禅C. 关羽D. 张飞答案:B11. 曹操在哪场战役中大败吕布,并夺取了徐州?A. 官渡之战B. 宛城之战C. 下邳之战D. 白门楼之战答案:D12. “草船借箭”是哪位智者的计策?A. 诸葛亮B. 周瑜C. 庞统D. 郭嘉答案:A13. 在《三国演义》中,孙权的妹妹是谁?A. 孙尚香B. 黄承儿C. 小乔D. 大乔答案:A14. 刘备在白帝城托孤时,诸葛亮承诺了什么?B. 攻打曹魏C. 统一天下D. 东征吴国答案:A15. 以下哪位将领在长坂坡一战中救出了刘备的儿子刘禅?A. 关羽B. 张飞C. 赵云D. 马超答案:C16. 曹操在宛城之战中失去了哪位爱将?A. 许褚B. 典韦C. 乐进D. 夏侯惇答案:B17. “桃园三结义”中,刘备、关羽、张飞三人结为兄弟,他们的宗旨是什么?A. 忠诚于汉室B. 互相扶持C. 共同抗曹D. 分治天下答案:A18. 诸葛亮在七擒孟获后,采取了什么政策来稳定南蛮?A. 分封制B. 和亲政策C. 安抚政策D. 移民政策答案:C19. 在《三国演义》中,曹操的谋士荀彧因何事而自杀?A. 反对曹操称王B. 被陷害C. 因病去世D. 战败被俘答案:A20. 以下哪位人物在《三国演义》中以勇猛著称,但最终被自己的主公所杀?A. 关羽B. 张飞C. 吕布D. 典韦答案:C。



1. 官渡之战发生在哪里?答案:河南官渡。

2. 赤壁之战发生在哪条江上?答案:长江。

3. 夷陵之战发生在哪个地区?答案:湖北夷陵。

4. 诸葛亮的“六出祁山”中的祁山位于今天的哪个省?答案:甘肃省。

5. 关羽大意失荆州,荆州位于现在的哪个省份?答案:湖北省。

战役6. 官渡之战是曹操与谁之间的战役?答案:袁绍。

7. 赤壁之战中,孙刘联军的指挥官是谁?周瑜。

8. 夷陵之战是刘备为报谁之仇而发动的?关羽。

9. 官渡之战的结果是什么?曹操以少胜多,奠定了统一北方的基础。

10. 赤壁之战对三国格局的影响是什么?促成了三国鼎立的局面。

时间11. 三国时期大致指的是哪一年到哪一年?答案:公元220年到280年。

12. 曹操去世是在哪一年?答案:公元220年。

13. 赤壁之战发生在哪一年?答案:公元208年。

14. 夷陵之战发生在哪一年?答案:公元222年。

15. 三国鼎立局面正式形成于哪一年?答案:公元229年。

人物16. “卧龙”指的是谁?答案:诸葛亮。

17. “凤雏”指的是谁?答案:庞统。

18. “三英战吕布”的三英分别是谁?答案:刘备、关羽、张飞。

19. “草船借箭”中的主人公是谁?答案:诸葛亮。

20. “桃园结义”中的三位英雄是谁?答案:刘备、关羽、张飞。

结果与影响21. 官渡之战后,曹操控制了哪些地区?答案:黄河以南的大部分地区。

22. 赤壁之战后,曹操为何未能统一全国?答案:赤壁之战的失败使曹操失去了南方的优势,未能一鼓作气统一全国。

23. 夷陵之战对蜀汉的影响是什么?答案:蜀汉损失惨重,元气大伤,国力大幅削弱。

24. 诸葛亮北伐的主要目标是什么?答案:恢复汉室,统一全国。

25. 三国鼎立局面是如何形成的?答案:通过多次战争与政治博弈,最终形成了魏、蜀、吴三分天下的格局。

综合题26. 描述一下“三顾茅庐”的故事。




1. 问:官渡之战中谁最终获得了胜利?答:曹操利用奇袭战术,最终击败了袁绍,奠定了北方霸主的地位。

2. 问:赤壁之战中,谁用火攻计击败了曹操?答:黄盖假降,周瑜指挥东吴军队,采用火攻策略,大败曹军。

3. 问:“三英战吕布”中的“三英”指的是哪三人?答:刘备、关羽、张飞在虎牢关与吕布进行了激烈的战斗。

4. 问:诸葛亮在五丈原临终前,将未竟的事业交给了谁?答:诸葛亮将兵权和遗命传给了姜维,希望其继续北伐。

5. 问:《三国演义》中,谁因贪图美色而忽略了刘备的逃亡,导致失去擒获的机会?答:曹操因欣赏赵云的勇猛,在长坂坡未能下狠手,放走了赵云和刘备的家眷。

6. 问:定军山之战,谁斩杀了夏侯渊?答:老将黄忠在定军山之战中斩杀了夏侯渊,为蜀汉立下了赫赫战功。

7. 问:宛城之战,谁被张绣军所杀?答:曹操的子侄曹昂在宛城之战中被张绣军所杀,曹操也险些丧命。

8. 问:许褚裸衣战马超,这是在什么情况下发生的?答:在街亭之战中,许褚与马超激战,不分胜负,后来许褚裸衣再战,仍不分高下。

9. 问:关羽过五关斩六将,是为了寻找谁?答:关羽为了寻找失散的兄长刘备,过五关斩六将,历尽艰辛。

10. 问:诸葛亮在何处三气周瑜,并最终导致周瑜吐血而亡?答:诸葛亮在赤壁之战后,三次用计策气周瑜,周瑜气愤之下,最终吐血而亡。

11. 问:曹操在哪场战役中失去了他的名将典韦?答:曹操在宛城之战中失去了他的名将典韦,典韦为保护曹操力战至死。

12. 问:《三国演义》中,谁被尊为“凤雏”?答:庞统因其才智出众,被称为“凤雏”,在落凤坡不幸被射杀。

13. 问:关羽卖绿豆,用的是哪一招?答:关羽在解县杀人后逃亡到涿郡,卖绿豆时用的是“用水浸”的方法。

14. 问:刘备在哪个地方登基成为蜀汉皇帝?答:刘备在成都登基,建立了蜀汉政权,自称皇帝。

15. 问:卧龙是谁的别称?答:“卧龙”是诸葛亮的别称,因隐居隆中,被世人誉为卧龙先生。

16. 问:关羽的青龙偃月刀重多少?答:关羽的爱刀——青龙偃月刀,据说重达八十二斤,是关羽的标志性武器。



1. 问题:赤壁之战中,曹操的部队遭遇了哪种自然现象的严重打击?答案:东风。

2. 问题:官渡之战中,是谁偷袭了袁绍的乌巢粮仓?答案:曹操。

3. 问题:在长坂坡之战中,赵云的主要任务是什么?答案:保护刘备的家小。

4. 问题:夷陵之战中,陆逊使用了哪种战术来反击刘备?答案:火攻。

5. 问题:关羽在何处被孙权的部队俘虏并处决?答案:麦城。

6. 问题:诸葛亮在哪场战役中发明了“木牛流马”来运输军粮?答案:祁山之战。

7. 问题:定军山之战中,黄忠斩杀了哪名魏国名将?答案:夏侯渊。

8. 问题:曹操在宛城之战中失去了哪位亲人?答案:曹冲。

9. 问题:吕布在白门楼被谁擒获并处决?答案:曹操。

10. 问题:刘备在托孤时,诸葛亮对刘备说了哪四个字?答案:鞠躬尽瘁。

11. 问题:在哪场战役后,周瑜因愤怒而病倒,最终去世?答案:赤壁之战。

12. 问题:关羽的“水淹七军”发生在哪场战役中?答案:樊城之战。

13. 问题:张辽在合肥之战中使用了什么战术击退孙权的军队?答案:突击。

14. 问题:诸葛亮在五丈原逝世,他的遗言是什么?答案:事未成。

15. 问题:马谡在街亭之战中犯了什么错误导致战败?答案:违抗命令,擅作主张。

16. 问题:庞统在哪场战役中被流矢射死?答案:雒城之战。

17. 问题:曹操在哪场战役中因为袁绍的谋士许攸的背叛而获得胜利?答案:官渡之战。

18. 问题:汉中之战中,黄忠如何表现?答案:屡建战功。

19. 问题:诸葛亮第一次北伐时,魏国的主将是谁?答案:司马懿。

20. 问题:诸葛瑾是诸葛亮的什么人?答案:哥哥。

21. 问题:夏侯惇在博望坡之战中被谁用火攻击败?答案:诸葛亮。

22. 问题:在小霸王孙策死后,谁继承了其势力?答案:孙权。

23. 问题:董卓是如何控制东汉朝廷的?答案:专权。

24. 问题:吕布被曹操俘虏后,是谁请求曹操不杀吕布的?答案:刘备。

25. 问题:陈宫最终被谁处死?答案:曹操。

26. 问题:孟姜女哭倒长城的故事与三国演义中的哪位人物有关?答案:无关。



国学知识试题国学知识试题【文学类】1. “但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”,其中婵娟指的是什么?A 、月亮B 、姻缘答案:A2. 王先生的QQ签名档最近改成了“庆贺弄璋之喜”,王先生近来的喜事是:A、新婚B、搬家C、妻子生了个男孩D、考试通过答案:C3. “床前明月光”是李白的千古名句,其中“床”指的是什么?A、窗户B、卧具C、井上的围栏答案:C4. 1932年,清华大学招生试题中有一道对对子题,上联“孙行者”,下面下联中最适宜的是:A、胡适之B、周作人C、郁达夫D、唐三藏答案:A5. 以下哪个成语典故与项羽有关?A、隔岸观火B、暗度陈仓C、背水一战D、破釜沉舟答案:D6. “近朱者赤,近墨者黑”所蕴含的道理和以下哪句话最相似?A、青出于蓝,而胜于蓝B、蓬生麻中,不扶而直C、公生明,偏生暗答案:B7.“天时不如地利,地利不如人和”出自:A、《孟子》B、《庄子》答案:A8.文学史上被称作“小李杜”的是杜牧和谁?A、李贺B、李商隐答案:B9.唐代诗人贾岛“二句三年得,一吟双泪流”的诗句是:A 、独行潭底影,数息树边身。


答案:A10.“水”字属于以下哪种汉字构成方式?A、象形字 B 、表意字答案:A11.如今我们常用“阳春白雪”和“下里巴人”指代高雅和通俗的文艺作品,请问这两个成语最初指的是什么?A、文章B、画作C、乐曲答案:C12.京剧《贵妃醉酒》是根据哪部古代戏曲改编而成的?A、《桃花扇》 B 、《长生殿》 C、《牡丹亭》四D、《南柯梦》答案:B13.下面哪句话出自《孟子》?A、水能载舟,亦能覆舟B、先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐C、民惟邦本,本固邦宁D、独乐乐,与人乐乐,熟乐?答案:D14.“讳疾忌医”典故中的君王是:A、齐桓公B、蔡桓公答案:B15.“桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情”诗中的“我”指的是谁?A、杜甫B、李白答案:B16.我们熟悉的《百家姓》是按照什么方式排列的?A、人口数量B、政治地位答案:B17.“一门父子三词客,千古文章八大家”这幅对联中提到的“三父子”是:A、曹操、曹丕、曹植B、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙C、班彪、班固、班超答案:B18.孔子提倡中庸之道的理论根底是:A、阴阳五行B、天人合一C、道法自然答案:A19.下面哪个成语和曹操有关?A、画饼充饥 B 、望梅止渴答案:B20.成语“白驹过隙”比喻:A、速度飞快B、光阴飞逝答案:B21.“在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝”这句诗描写的是谁的爱情故事?A、牛郎和织女B、唐明皇和杨贵妃答案:B22.陛下是古时对君王的尊称,其中“陛”的意思是:A 、宫殿的台阶 B、天的别称 C、玉玺答案:C23.“信言不美,美言不信”表达出:A、疑心精神B、辩证法思想答案:B24.“文章千古事,得失寸心知”是谁的名句?A、李白B、杜甫答案:B25.“生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄,至今思项羽,不肯过江东。

























5、《三国演义》中“关羽温酒斩华雄”,“三英战吕布”、“诸葛亮舌战群儒”、“空城计”分别发生在哪里? 答:汜水关、虎牢关、柴桑、西城县。



























小学新标准英语第六册Module 5—6测试题姓名___________班级__________学号________一、写出英语1.水果_____________2.采摘___________3.橘子__________4.果园______________5.桃子____________6.梨_____________7.苹果_____________ 8.努力,尝试___________ 9.学习,功课______________10. 擅长________________ 11.语文_________________ 12. 懒惰的_____________ 13.相当地_____________ 14. 表达、写道_____________ 15.说话、____________16.很快地 _____________ 17. 努力地____________ 18.成绩单____________二、选择填空:( ) 1.It ’s_____ today. A.Parent’s Day B. Parents’ Day C. Parents Day( ) 2.We _______ speak to your teacher. A. are going to B. are C. want( ) 3.Is Daming naughty? No, he _______. A. won’t B. don’t C. isn’t( ) 4.He ____ hard. A. is B. works C. work( ) 5.His ______ is good. A. works B. work C. working( ) 6.I’m happy ____ that. A. with B. to C. of( ) 7.We’ve _____ Lingling’s report. A. got B. get C. have( ) 8.What _____ it say? A. do B. doing C. does( ) 9.She runs fast _____ PE. A. with B. at C. to( ) 10.Will we pick pears?_____ A. No, we won’t. B. Yes, I will. C. No, I will.( )11.Sam always ______ his jumping .But he can’t jump far. A. try B. trying C. tries ( )12.Xiaoyoung _______ fly by spaceship. A. want to B. wants C. wants to( )13.There are fourteen pears ____ the pear tree. A. on B. in C. at( )14.We’ll pick eighteen ____from the tall peach tree. A. peachs .B. peach C. peaches ( )15.Linglng ____work hard at Art. So she can’t sing quite well. A. don’t B. not C.doesn’t ( )16.Daming isn’t naughty ______ (在课堂上). A. in the class B. in the classroom C.in class三、选择正确的汉意( ) 1.this weekend ( ) 2.fruit farm ( ) 3.pick fruit ( ) 4.pick apples ( ) 5.at this fruit farm ( ) 6.favourite fruit ( ) 7.look at ( ) 8.in class ( ) 9.a good boy . ( )10.work hard ( )11.a naughty monkey ( )12.a fast rat a摘水果 b.摘苹果 c .果园 d.这个周末 e. 看f.在这个果园里g.最喜欢的水果.h.好孩子i. 调皮的猴子j.努力工作(学习)k .在课堂上l. 跑得快的老鼠六、算一算,写出答数。



2021年3月PETS第三级历年笔试真卷绝密★启用前机密Section I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)Directions:This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany are TWO parts in this section,Part A and Part ,while you are doing the test,you should first put down your answers in your test the end of the listening comprehension section,you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET you have any questions,you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test AYou will hear 10 short each dialogue,there is one question and four possible the correct answerA,B,C or D,and mark it in your test will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Now look at Question 1.1. Where does this conversation probably take place?[A]In a department store. [B]In a bank.[C]At a post office. [D]At a hotel.2. What does the woman want to do?[A]To start fashion design. [B]T o design a new fashion.[C]To meet the man’s wife. [D]To cooperate with the man’s wife.3. What can we assume from the conversation?[A]Dave is unwilling to help because of her shouting.[B]Dave can not help.[C]Dave is ready to help but does not like her shouting.[D]Dave asks her to wait.4. Why is the man in a hurry?[A]He has to allow time for traffic.[B]He has an appointment in another town.[C]He has only got thirty minutes to go.[D]He is late for the appointment.5. What reason does the man give for travelling alone?[A]Cheaper tickets. [B]More freedom.[C]Better accommodations. [D]More convenient transportation.6. Where should letters be sent when the man is away?[A]His office address. [B]His home address.[C]His mountain house. [D]His aunt’s house.7. What does the woman think about the presentation?[A]It is exciting. [B]It is somewhat informative.[C]It is somewhat complicated. [D]It is challenging.8. What are they talking about?[A]The age of a friend. [B] A friend’s home.[C]The location of a bus station. [D]Something they have lost.9. What can we learn from the conversation?[A]Jack will go to the police station.[B]Jack has just been to the police station.[C]Jack’s friend has reported the case to the police.[D]Jack’s friend had his car stolen.10. What does the woman advise the man to do?[A]To talk to the Board of Directors.[B]To write a sales promotion plan.[C]To carry out a TV advertising campaign.[D]To cut down advertising BYou will hear four dialogues or listening to each one,you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany listening,answer each question by choosing A,B,C or listening,you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.Questions 11~13 are based on the following dialogue about some service.11. What will they probably do next Monday?[A]Ask for more details about the trip.[B]Visit Bill Johnson.[C]Start a trip to Austin.[D]Get their flight tickets.12. How will they get to the airport?[A]In their own car. [B]By taxi.[C]By the airport bus. [D]By the company car.13. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?[A]Husband and wife. [B]Boss and secretary.[C]Customer and waitress. [D]Passenger and airhostess.Questions 14~17 are based on the following dialogue.14. What does the man inquire about?[A]Car facilities. [B]Car parking.[C]Car service. [D]Car rental.15. How much does the man have to pay for the service?[A]14 pounds. [B]19 pounds.[C]22 pounds. [D]25 pounds.16. Where is the man going?[A]Denmark. [B]America.[C]France. [D]Check.17. When will the man be back from abroad?[A]On the 5th. [B]On the 10th.[C]On the 15th. [D]On the 18~21 are based on the following dialogue.18. Where did the woman get her information about the “smart”car?[A]From an advertisement. [B]From an article.[C]From a TV program. [D]From a friend.19. What is the purpose of the artificial voice on “smart”cars?[A]To warn of dangers. [B]To explain traffic regulations.[C]To wake up sleeping drivers. [D]To guide the drivers.20. What does the man imply about his brother?[A]He has good sense of direction. [B]He has a “smart”car.[C]He is an expert in cars. [D]He is a skillful driver.21. Why was the man late?[A]He got lost. [B]He ran out of gas.[C]He had an accident. [D]His car broke 22~25 are based on the following interview between a reporter and a sportswoman.22. Where did they most probably sleep during their holiday?[A]In a tent. [B]In a flat.[C]In a hotel. [D]In a compartment.23. What did John want to borrow from the man?[A] A light. [B] A newspaper.[C] A magazine. [D] A cigarette.24. What did the man do in response to John’s request?[A]He apologized to him.[B]He gave a light to him.[C]He continued with his reading.[D]He explained the harmful effects of smoking.25. Who was the man?[A] A ticket inspector. [B] A famous doctor.[C] A cigarette smuggler. [D] A successful actor.Now you have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET is the end of the listening comprehension section.Section II Use of English(15 minutes)Directions:Read the following the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.TextAlthough “lie detectors”are widely used by governments, police departments and businesses, the results are not always accurate. Lie detectors are commonly 26as emotion detectors, for their aim is to 27 bodily changes that contradict what a 28 says. The lie detector records changes 29 heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and the electrical 30 of the skin. In the first part of the 31, you are electronically connected to the machine and 32 a few neutral questions (“What is your name?”etc).Your physical reactions serve 33 the standard for evaluating what comes 34. Then you are presented with a few 35 questions among the neutral ones (“When did you rob the bank?”). The idea is that if you are 36, your body will reveal the truth, even if you try to 37 it. Your heart rate and breathing will change 38 as you respond to the questions.That is the theory, but psychologists have found that lie detectors are simply not 39. Since most physical changes are the same across 40 emotions, lie detectors cannot tell41 you are feeling angry, nervous or excited. 42 people may be tense and nervous 43 the whole procedure. They may react physiologically to a certain word (“bank”) not because they robbed it, but because they recently used a bad check. In either 44, the machine will record a “lie”.On the other hand, some practiced liars can lie 45 hesitation, so the reverse mistake is also common.26.[A]fixed [B]designed [C]known [D]produced27.[A]measure [B]keep [C]maintain [D]grade28.[A]policeman [B]suspect [C]person [D]criminal29.[A]from [B]with [C]upon [D]in30.[A]display [B]activity [C]action [D]flow31.[A]test [B]research [C]operation[D]project32.[A]investigated [B]questioned [C]raised [D]asked33.[A]by [B]as [C]on [D]with34.[A]again [B]behind [C]after [D]next35.[A]critical [B]interesting [C]general [D]impossible36.[A]wrong [B]bad [C]guilty [D]mistaken37.[A]mislead [B]confuse [C]deny [D]cancel38.[A]slowly [B]naturally [C]steadily [D]abruptly39.[A]reliable [B]usable [C]reasonable [D]comprehensible40.[A]other [B]some [C]any [D]all41.[A]whether [B]when [C]where [D]why42.[A]Untrained [B]Innocent [C]Naive [D]Ignorant43.[A]before [B]about [C]after [D]at44.[A]fact [B]case [C]condition[D]chance45.[A]beyond [B]through [C]without [D]againstSection III Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Part ADirections:Read the following three the questions on each text by choosing A,B,C or your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1Fifteen years ago, I entered the Boston Globe, which was a temple to me then. It wasn’t easy getting hired. I had to fight my way into a dime a word job. But once you were there, 1 found, you were in.Globe jobs were for life —guaranteed until retirement. For 15 years I had prospered there —moving from an ordinary reporter to foreign correspondent and finally to senior editor. I would have a lifetime of security if I stuck with it.Instead, I had made a decision to leave.I entered my boss’s office. Would he rage? I wondered. He had a famous temper. “Matt, we have to have a talk,”I began awkwardly. “I came to the Globe when I was twenty four. Now I’m forty. There’s a lot I want to do in life. I’m resigning.”“To another paper?”he asked.I reached into my coat pocket, but didn’t say anything, not trusting myself just then.I handed him a letter that explained everything. It said that I was leaving to start a new media company. That the Globe had taught me in a thousand ways. That we were at a rare turning point in history. I wanted to be directly engaged in the change.“I’m glad for you,”he said, quite out of my expectation. “I just came from a board of directors meeting and it was seventy five percent discouraging news. Some of that we can deal with. But much of it we can’t,”he went on. “I wish you all the luck in the world,”he concluded. “And if it doesn’t work out, remember, your star is always high here.”Then I went out of his office, walking through the newsroom for more good byes. Everybody was saying congratulations. Everybody —even though I’d be risking all on an unfamiliar venture: all the financial security I had carefully built up.Later, I had a final talk with Bill Taylor, chairman and publisher of the Boston Globe. He had turned the Globe into a billion dollar property.“I’m resigning, Bill,”I said. He listened while I gave him the story. He wasn’t looking angry or dismayed either.After a pause, he said, “Golly, I wish I were in your shoes.”46. From the passage we know that the Globe is a famous.[A]newspaper [B]magazine[C]temple [D]church47. If the writer stayed with the Globe,.[A]he would be able to realize his lifetime dreams[B]he would let his long cherished dreams fade away[C]he would never have to worry about his future life[D]he would never be allowed to develop his ambitions48. The writer wanted to resign because.[A]he had serious trouble with his boss[B]he got underpaid at his job for the Globe[C]he wanted to be engaged in the new media industry[D]he had found a better paid job in a publishing house49. When the writer decided to resign, the Globe was faced with.[A] a trouble with its staff members[B] a shortage of qualified reporters[C]an unfavorable business situation[D]an uncontrollable business situation50. By “I wish I were in your shoes.”(in the last paragraph), Bill Taylor meant that.[A]the writer was to fail[B]the writer was stupid[C]he would do the same if possible[D]he would reject the writer’s requestText 2Over two hundred years ago, Adam Smith introduced some ideas which brought about a world revolution. If we enjoy a high standard of living in modern society, we owe much to this Scottish economist and philosopher. If we enjoy driving in beautiful cars,wearing fashionable shoes, or flying away to distant places for exciting holidays, we should perhaps pay thanks to the man who made it all possible.What was Adam Smith’s contribution? Like so many ideas which have surprising effects, his was a simple one. He watched workers practising their craft of pin making. One man would heat the strip of metal, stretch it out, cut off an appropriate length, shape it, cool it and finally smooth and shine it. Smith drew attention to the advantages which could be gained if these various tasks were performedby different workers. Let one be responsible for preparing the metal. Another for stretching and cutting. Another for shaping. Another for finishing. He described the technique as the Division of Labour; in this way workers repeat the same actions again and again. Smith convinced the world that specialisation could solve the problem of poverty and want.What was the result? The Industrial Revolution. Productivity was greatly increased. For Britain, where the revolution started, there was a prosperity which made it the richest country in the nineteenth trains and railway lines spread out like a spider’s web across the world. British ships were used to carry the new cargoes from one corner of the world to another.The revolution is not over. It is still with us, but now it is a worldwide phenomenon. Everywhere, factories are producing large numbers of similar products, and are in continuous production. What were called mass production lines yesterday are called robotic productions today. The pace of change is increasing. And if these techniques have brought us prosperity, they have also brought us a little misery in overcrowded towns, boring jobs and, most of all, unemployment.51. We should be grateful to Adam Smith because.[A]his ideas made it possible for people to improve their lives[B]he invented a more efficient way of pin making[C]he started the industrial revolution[D]he brought to people a high standard of living52. Which of the following is true according to the passage?[A]The Division of Labour makes work more interesting.[B]Specialisation could solve the problem of unemployment.[C]Adam Smith put forward the idea of the Division of Labour.[D]Adam Smith insisted that each worker be better paid.53. From the passage we know that the Industrial Revolution.[A]led to Adam Smith’s idea of specialisation[B]was finished in the nineteenth century[C]also has its side effects in society[D]put an end to poverty in the world54. According to the passage, the Industrial Revolution is responsible for the following results except.[A]prosperity [B]crime[C]unemployment [D]overcrowdedness55. What is the best title for this passage?[A]The Theory of Division of Labour and Its Significance[B]The Industrial Revolution and Its Significance[C]The Causes of Industrial Revolution[D]Adam Smith, the Economist and PhilosopherText 3Whenever I see anyone buying a National Lottery ticket I want to stop them and ask if they know just where their money is going.The lottery money is supposed to go to charity —but it makes me angry to see some of the so called “good causes”it’s being used to support. Also, Camelot, the organizers, have made a profit of £million in five months. We hear now that a lot of that money is boosting the pay packets of the company’s bosses.For the past 10 years I’ve been helping to raise funds for a cancer research charity called Tenovus. My husband, Sandy, died from cancer 11 years ago —he was only 51. There’s been a long line of deaths in our family through cancer and it’s been devastating. I’ve also lost two sisters in law, my brother, Michael, my father in law and my father. That’s apart from several close friends.The charity is 50 years old now and raises money mainly for breast cancer research. It also runs asupport line for the families of cancer sufferers. Our local group raises money through dances, sales and coffee mornings, and all the funds go directly to cancer research. In 1993 Tenovus raised £3 million —and half that money came from sales of our own lottery tickets at supermarkets. But our income has dropped by half since the National Lottery was introduced.I’m not against people playing the National Lottery, but they should think about what they’re doing. The chances of winning the jackpot are so small; they might as well throw their money Government tells us that the proceeds are going to things like the arts and sport, but what about the National Health Service? They should give some cash to that, too. How can they justify spending ridiculous amounts of cash on so called works of art —like displays of potatoes —or buying up Winston Churchill’s papers at a cost of £12 million?So who really are the winners in the National Lottery? When I think of all that money people could be donating to cancer research,I could weep. It’s time people realized how charities across the country are suffering because of the National Lottery. It’s disheartening and so infuriating.56. The writer seems to hope that.[A]people will spend more money on the National Lottery[B]people will give more money to charity[C]most of the lottery money will go to charity[D]most of the lottery money will be used for cancer research57. The reason why the writer raises funds for cancer research is that.[A]she herself is suffering from cancer[B]the cancer is the most frightening disease[C] a number of her relatives died of cancer[D]some cancer research needs more money than other research58. In this text the writer is expressing.[A]her personal opinions[B]the opinions of the general public[C]her feelings about cancer sufferers[D]some ideas of fund raising59. The organisation “Tenovus”is.[A]run by a group of people in the writer’s town[B] a charity organisation which has some local groups[C]set up to collect money for people who lose their relatives[D]set up to assist the National Lottery60. From the text we can conclude that.[A]the writer is enthusiastically supporting the National Lottery[B]the writer has objections to the National Lottery[C]the writer believes that the lottery money should be used for cancer research [D]the writer is just expressing her feelings about collecting money for charity Part BDirections:Read the texts from a magazine article in which five business leaders talked about their predictions for high tech developments in the 21st Questions 61 to 65,match the name of each person to one of the statements (A to G)given your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Maguel de Icaza:Free software benefits people, countries and companies by giving them complete control of the software on which they depend. This is helping close the digital divide between developed and underdeveloped countries. People who previously might never have had access to this sort of technology are already leading the efforts to bring it to the developing world. Free software is thefoundation on which a fairer future and a more efficient economy is being built.Austin Hill:Welcome to the future. Your mobile phone tracks your location, your interactive TV records your viewing habits. Privacy is to the information age what environmentalism was to the industrial age. Businesses will protect themselves, and their customers, by introducing privacy promoting technologies and building better data controls into every aspect of their operation. A leading class of privacy protectors will emerge in every industry, and both they and their customers will reap the rewards of the ethical privacy brand.Ng Ede Phang:This will be the year that plain old text e mail sits up and starts talking —and talking a lot. The human voice is a powerful weapon. An e mail doesn’t tell me whether you’re happy, sad or excited, whereas Internet voice services provide all these key emotional characteristics. The human voice adds a very powerful element to business relationships that e mail just cannot match.Murray Goldman:For those of us who live on airplanes, a key decision is which electronic devices to carry on a trip. The future is in the appropriate combination of communications and computing devices. Many business travelers will require the full computing power of a personal computer, with a screen large enough to do intensive work. As a result, lightweight notebooks have been introduced to the market with innovative options such as built in DVDs, cameras and wireless capabilities.Christine Karman:We’ll see agents on portals and community websites helping people trade goods and information. Venture capitalists are shifting from dotcoms to software and hardware companies. In Europe, that shift is hard to make because we don’t have a Silicon Valley from which lots of companies are conquering the world. As a consequence, the slowly emerging Internet and software industry inEurope may not survive. If I were starting a new software company now, I’d go to California or Boston.Now match each of the persons (61 to 65)to the appropriate statement.Note:there are two extra statements.Statements61. Maguel de Icaza [A]Business travelers will set thetrend of future computer market.62. Austin Hill [B]Europe will catchup with America in the hi-tech industry.63. Ng Ede Phang [C]Privacy needsspecial protection in the information age.64. Murray Goldman [D]Voice e-mail adds a human touch toonline communication.65. Christine Karman [E]Compactness and multifunction will be a trend in the future market.[F] Free software helps bring about digital equality.[G]The digital divide between Europe and the US may widen.Section IV Writing(40 minutes)You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2.Part A66. Suppose you are the secretary of the manager of a company. You attended the negotiation between your company and a foreign company. Write a memo便条of the negotiation. The memo should include:1. time and place of the negotiation2. participants in the negotiation3. content of the negotiation including the agreement reached and the differences that still remain4. the time for the next negotiationYou should write approximately 100 words.Part B67. Look at the pictures below and write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the following two points:1. a description of these two pictures2. your comment on this phenomenonTHIS IS THE END OF THE TEST.。





林冲幸得鲁智深一路暗中护送,才化险为夷,最终上梁山.()2. 英国青年鲁滨逊从小喜欢航海,第四次航海时,遭遇海难,他带着幸存者一同来到荒岛.他们开拓荒地,圈养牲畜,生产水稻和小麦。

《佛经》成为鲁滨逊的精神支柱,他克服了种种困难,在岛上生活了28年.( )3。
















命题教师:魏莲禄三年级()班英语上册第三次月考考试题Name (名字)______Listening Part (听力部分)一、听音标号,请根据录音朗读的顺序,在单词下的括号内用1、2、3、4、5标明朗读顺序号(5分)school your funny mum no()()()()()二、听录音,选出与录音内容相对应的图画,并将字母代号填在题前括号内。

(10分,每小题2分)三、仔细听,写出你所听到的字母(包括大、小写)(10分)四、下面你将听到五个句子,请将能回答每个句子的答句字母标号填入题 前括号内(10分)()ruler ( ) leg ( ) pencil ( ) ear ( ) book二、看图完成句子(请将每幅图画所表示的词的字母标号写在题前括号内)。

(10 分)()1 ・ I have a ________A. bookB. bag()2. Look at me! This is my __________ A. mouth B. nose ()3. Fd like some _________ , please ・A. juiceB. eggs1 ・ A. Me, too. 2. A. Good afternoon. 3. A. Nice to meet you. 4. A. Here you are. 5. A. Good idea!B. Show me the red flower.C.Goodbye C. Thank you.C ・ You're welcome. B. Pm OK. B. Thanks! B. No, thanks ・ B. Thanks.Writing Part (笔试部分)一、判断下列单词,与图片内容一致的在括号内写“TS 不一致的写"F- (10C. I like it.C. Good morning.分)()4. 一What^ this? ___________一It's a ______ . A. panda B. tiger ()5. —Mum, I'm hungry!一Have some ______ ・ A. bread k三、 下面你能看到五组分别被打乱顺序的对话,请你重新搭配一下,把正 确的答句的字母标号写在相应句子前的括号内。



1. 战役篇1. 官渡之战中,曹操以少胜多的关键是什么?答案:曹操利用了袁绍的轻敌和内部矛盾,通过夜袭乌巢,烧毁袁军粮草,从而取得胜利。

2. 赤壁之战中,哪位将领使用了“连环计”?答案:黄盖。

3. 夷陵之战中,谁是最终的胜利者?答案:陆逊。

4. 长坂坡之战中,赵云单骑救主的故事发生在哪位主公身边?答案:刘备。

5. 定军山之战中,黄忠斩杀了哪位魏国大将?答案:夏侯渊。

2. 时间篇6. 《三国演义》的故事大致发生在哪一年至哪一年之间?答案:公元184年(黄巾起义开始)至280年(西晋统一全国)。

7. 关羽“过五关斩六将”的故事发生在哪个时期?答案:建安五年(公元200年),关羽离开曹操北上寻找刘备。

8. 赤壁之战发生在哪一年?答案:公元208年。

9. 诸葛亮的“六出祁山”发生在哪一年至哪一年之间?答案:公元228年至234年。

10. 刘备建立蜀汉是在哪一年?答案:公元221年。

3. 人物篇11. “三英战吕布”中的“三英”指的是哪三位英雄?答案:刘备、关羽、张飞。

12. “卧龙”、“凤雏”分别指的是哪两位谋士?答案:“卧龙”指诸葛亮,“凤雏”指庞统。

13. 曹操麾下的“五子良将”包括哪些人?答案:张辽、乐进、于禁、张郃、徐晃。

14. “桃园三结义”中,刘备、关羽、张飞结拜为什么关系?答案:兄弟。

15. 周瑜的妻子是谁?答案:小乔。

4. 计策篇16. “空城计”是哪位军事家所用?答案:诸葛亮。

17. “连环计”是哪位军事家所用?答案:黄盖。

18. “苦肉计”是哪位军事家所用?答案:周瑜。

19. “反间计”在赤壁之战中是如何使用的?答案:周瑜通过蒋干传递假情报给曹操,使曹操误杀了自己的水军都督蔡瑁和张允。

20. “借东风”是哪个战役中的典故?答案:赤壁之战。



1. 问:关羽使用的著名武器叫什么?答:青龙偃月刀。

2. 问:曹操的倚天剑是由谁铸造的?答:曹操令工匠所铸。

3. 问:《三国演义》中,诸葛亮在哪座山上排下空城计?答:西城。

4. 问:赤壁之战的发生地点在哪里?答:长江。

5. 问:宛城之战中,谁被曹操称为“古之恶来”?答:典韦。

6. 问:三国中,刘备在何处称帝建立蜀汉?答:成都。

7. 问:诸葛亮草船借箭的地点是在哪里?答:赤壁附近的长江上。

8. 问:官渡之战的发生地在哪?答:河南中牟。

9. 问:吕布在白门楼被谁缢死?答:曹操。

10. 问:定军山之战中,黄忠斩杀了哪方的大将?答:夏侯渊。

11. 问:赵云单骑救阿斗发生在何战役?答:长坂坡之战。

12. 问:张飞在桥上一声吼,饮退了谁的大军?答:曹操。

13. 问:“火烧连营”是在哪场战役中发生的?答:赤壁之战。

14. 问:庞统死在何处?答:落凤坡。

15. 问:关羽的赤兔马最早是谁的坐骑?答:吕布。

16. 问:诸葛亮三气周瑜,周瑜因何而死?答:气愤吐血。

17. 问:东汉末年,黄巾起义的领导者是谁?答:张角。

18. 问:陈宫最终是被谁杀死的?答:曹操。

19. 问:赵云的青釭剑是谁赠送的?答:刘备。

20. 问:张辽在哪场战役中以少胜多击败了孙权?答:逍遥津之战。

21. 问:许褚裸衣战马超的结果如何?答:平局。

22. 问:《三国演义》中,是谁用草船借箭?答:诸葛亮。

23. 问:诸葛亮挥泪斩马谡是因为哪场战役的失败?答:街亭之战。

24. 问:谁用空城计吓退司马懿?答:诸葛亮。

25. 问:《三国演义》中,许褚裸衣战马超的地点在哪?答:街亭。

26. 问:著名“三英战吕布”发生在何地?答:虎牢关。

27. 问:水淹七军是由谁策划的?答:关羽。

28. 问:诸葛亮病死在何处?答:五丈原。

29. 问:三国中,赵云单骑救阿斗是在哪场战役?答:长坂坡之战。

30. 问:《三国演义》中,谁在定军山被斩?答:夏侯渊。

31. 问:“过五关斩六将”是关羽为救谁而做出的壮举?答:刘备的家眷。



1. 问题:官渡之战中,曹操击败了哪个对手?答案:袁绍。

2. 问题:赤壁之战中,孙权和刘备联合抵抗了哪个敌对势力?答案:曹操。

3. 问题:汉中之战中,最终哪一方获得了胜利?答案:刘备。

4. 问题:关羽在麦城被谁所擒?答案:孙权。

5. 问题:三国中著名的“三英战吕布”发生在哪一战役中?答案:虎牢关之战。

6. 问题:诸葛亮在五丈原对垒的是哪个国家的将领?答案:魏国。

7. 问题:夷陵之战中,刘备与谁对峙?答案:陆逊。

8. 问题:定军山之战的胜利者是谁?答案:刘备。

9. 问题:宛城之战中,曹操败给了哪位对手?答案:张绣。

10. 问题:合肥之战中,孙权未能攻破哪座城池?答案:合肥。

11. 问题:诸葛亮在哪场战役中使用了草船借箭计?答案:赤壁之战。

12. 问题:马谡失守街亭,导致谁不得不进行撤军?答案:诸葛亮。

13. 问题:黄巾之乱中,太平道的领导人是谁?答案:张角。

14. 问题:在长坂坡之战中,赵云成功救出了谁?答案:阿斗(刘备的儿子)。

15. 问题:夏侯渊在定军山被哪位将军所杀?答案:黄忠。

16. 问题:曹操在哪场战役后基本统一了北方?答案:官渡之战。

17. 问题:张辽在哪场战斗中一箭射中了关羽?答案:合肥之战。

18. 问题:吕布最终被谁所擒?答案:曹操。

19. 问题:关羽发起荆州之战,最终结果如何?答案:失败,荆州被孙权夺回。

20. 问题:诸葛亮临死前发动的最后一场北伐是在哪一年?答案:公元234年。

21. 问题:孙策在哪场战斗中被刺伤,最终导致死亡?答案:在丹徒遇刺。

22. 问题:益州之战中,刘备战胜了谁?答案:刘璋。

23. 问题:曹操在征讨张绣的宛城之战中,因何失去了大将典韦?答案:保护曹操撤退时战死。

24. 问题:许褚裸衣战马超,这是在哪一战役中发生的?答案:街亭之战。

25. 问题:司马懿在政治上击败了哪位对手,导致其全家被诛?答案:曹爽。

26. 问题:诸葛瞻在绵竹之战中被哪位魏国将领所杀?答案:邓艾。



1. 问:曹操在哪场战役中首次使用“连环计”?答:宛城之战,利用贾诩的离间计擒拿了徐庶。

2. 问:诸葛亮出使东吴联合孙权对付曹操是在哪场战役?答:赤壁之战,形成孙刘联盟。

3. 问:《三国演义》中,关羽的武勇在何人之下?答:吕布,被形容为“人中吕布,马中赤兔”。

4. 问:“凤雏”庞统初次被刘备重用是在哪场战役?答:益州攻略,助刘备取川中。

5. 问:赵云在长坂坡救护的“小主”是谁?答:刘备的儿子刘禅(阿斗)。

6. 问:哪位三国武将被赞誉为“虎痴”?答:许褚,因勇猛而被曹操称赞。

7. 问:官渡之战的胜利对曹操有怎样的影响?答:奠定了曹操在北方的统治地位。

8. 问:谁在华容道放走了曹操?答:关羽,出于恩情释放了曹操。

9. 问:“五虎上将”中谁被称为“燕人张飞”?答:张飞,以勇猛霸气著称。

10. 问:关羽斩颜良、文丑是在哪场战役?答:官渡之战,显示了关羽的武勇。

11. 问:黄承彦救出了哪位三国重要人物?答:陆逊,于夷陵之战后救出。

12. 问:“三英战吕布”是指哪三人?答:刘备、关羽、张飞,在虎牢关。

13. 问:在定军山斩杀夏侯渊的是谁?答:黄忠,在定军山之战中。

14. 问:孟姜女哭倒长城与哪位三国人物有关?答:孟达,因其反叛而引出故事。

15. 问:诸葛亮在哪场战役利用东风点火?答:赤壁之战,成功击败曹操水军。

16. 问:三国中,谁被誉为“锦帆贼”?答:甘宁,因其指挥船只作战勇猛如贼。

17. 问:关羽卖绿豆是指哪场战役?答:徐州防御战,用水浸招数骗过敌军。

18. 问:《三国演义》中,谁在合肥之战中射中了曹操的麾盖?答:张辽,威震逍遥津。

19. 问:谁被称为“世之奇才”?答:郭嘉,曹操的谋士。

20. 问:刘备在何处登基成为汉中王?答:成都,称帝后建立蜀汉。

21. 问:“火烧新野”是在哪场战役中使用的战术?答:赤壁之战前诸葛亮所设空城计。

22. 问:关羽绝北道发生在何地?答:荆州,阻断曹操的援军。

23. 问:吕布的赤兔马最初由谁骑乘?答:吕布,后成为关羽的坐骑。



三诊英语试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. What did the woman do last night?A. She went to the cinema.B. She stayed at home.C. She visited her grandparents.2. How much did the man pay for the tickets?A. $20.B. $25.C. $30.3. Where are the speakers probably talking?A. In a library.B. In a restaurant.C. In a bookstore.4. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. To take a break.B. To continue working.C. To ask for help.5. What is the woman's opinion about the new policy?A. She thinks it's too strict.B. She thinks it's fair.C. She thinks it's unnecessary.二、阅读理解(共30分)Passage 1The article discusses the importance of a balanced diet for children. It emphasizes the need for a variety of nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, and minerals, to ensure proper growth and development.6. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The benefits of exercise for children.B. The importance of a balanced diet for children.C. The role of vitamins in a child's diet.7. According to the passage, which of the following is essential for a child's growth?A. Only proteins.B. Only vitamins.C. A combination of nutrients.Passage 2The passage describes the process of how bees make honey. It explains the steps from collecting nectar to storing it in the hive.8. What is the first step in making honey according to the passage?A. Storing nectar in the hive.B. Collecting nectar from flowers.C. Processing nectar into honey.9. How does the bee process the nectar?A. By adding enzymes.B. By evaporating water.C. By mixing it with pollen.三、完形填空(共20分)In recent years, technology has made significant strides, and one of the most 10. (impactful/impressive) developments has been in the field of robotics. Robots are now capable of performing tasks that were once thought to be 11.(exclusive/unique) to humans. This has led to a 12.(debate/discussion) on the role of robots in society and whether they will eventually replace human workers.13. What is the main focus of the passage?A. The impact of technology on society.B. The capabilities of modern robots.C. The debate over the future of robotics.14. What does the passage imply about the future of robotics?A. It will have a negative impact on society.B. It will lead to the replacement of human workers.C. It will continue to be a topic of debate.四、书面表达(共30分)Write an essay of about 120 words on the topic "The Importance of Teamwork". You should write clearly and coherently, including an example or experience to support your view.参考答案:一、听力理解1. B2. C3. A4. A5. B二、阅读理解6. B7. C8. B9. A三、完形填空10. impactful11. unique12. debate13. B14. C四、书面表达[略]。

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周测九(9上Units 5--8)姓名学号第Ⅰ卷(选择题共85分)一、听力部分(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)A. 听对话,回答问题(听两遍)( ) 1. What does Miss Jones teach?A. B. C.( ) 2.What does the man want to buy?A . B. C.( )3.How much is each pair of socks?A. B. C.( )4.Which animal are they talking about?A . B. C.( ) 5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a bookshop.B. In a bank.C. In a restaurant.( ) 6. Why doesn’t Tom go to see the film?A. Because Tom doesn’t really like the film.B. Because Max doesn’t let Tom go.C. Because there is only one ticket.( ) 7. Where does the woman come from?A. Australia.B. England.C. France.( ) 8. Why didn't the man catch the plane?A. Because he didn't start early enough.B. Because he didn't know the way to the airport.C. Because the traffic was too heavy.( ) 9. What does Miss Black ask the boy to do?A. To read more books.B. Not to read in class.C. To read good books ( )10. How long had they been in the city?A . For 4 days.B . For 3 days.C . For 2 days.B. 听一段材料,回答第11-12小题。

(听两遍)( )11. What does the woman like?A. Hainan.B. Swimming.C. Holiday. ( )12. How long is the man going to stay in the west of China?A. For a week.B. For a month.C. For a year.C. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。

(听两遍)Place How do the students go to school?In North America Most students go to school 13 .In 14 Most students take trains to school.In China In places where there are 15 , students usually go to school by boat.( )13. A. by bike B. on the school bus C. by bus( )14. A. other parts B. America C. Japan( )15. A. rivers and lakes B. rivers C. lakesD. 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。

(听两遍)( ) 16. Which date will Mrs. Brown never forget?A. 14 July.B. 4 July.C. 14 June.( ) 17. What were Mrs. Brown and her family doing on that day?A. They were swimming in a lake.B. They were having a picnic in a park.C. They were cleaning up the park.( ) 18. What happened to Sam?A. He fell into the lake.B. He was hit by a car.C. He got lost in the park. ( ) 19. What does David often do for his neighbours?A. He does some cleaning.B. He does some shopping.C. He fixes things. ( ) 20. How did David help the sick woman?A. He sent her to hospital.B. He operated on her without getting paid.C. He donated money to pay for her operation.二、单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)( )21. The train went through _______ 180-meter-long tunnel at _______ high speed.A. a; aB. an; /C. an; theD. a; /( )22. —What’s your favorite, Li Ming?—I like purple best. I think it stands for mystery.A.subjectB. fruitC. colourD. sport( )23. Life is a horse, and you ride it it rides you.A. both…and…B. not only…but also…C.either…or…D. neither…nor…( )24. The young man much of his money to the Project Hope in the past ten years.A. donatedB. has donatedC. will donateD. is donating ( )25. —How long ________they_________?—Sorry, I don’t know. But I know that Mr. Chen is going to ____ a nur se next month.A. did; marry; marry toB. did, get marry; marry withC. have; got married; marryD. have; been married; marry( )26. — I really like the story you have just told me. —A. I am glad you like it.B. Go ahead.C. No, thanks.D. Good idea.( )27. In the concert, I loved the Little Star best because the kids sang so .A. lovelyB. friendlyC. kindlyD. sweetly( )28. —is it from Taizhou to Beijing?—Google it. Ah, only 12 hours by Train T432.A. How longB. How soonC. How farD. How much( )29. Everyone except the twins _________ to the teacher carefully at the moment.A. is listeningB. are listeningC. was listeningD. were listening ( )30. He went to college in ____________and began to work in ______________.A. the 1980s ; twentyB. 1980 ; his twentiethC. 1980 ; his twentiesD.1980s ; his twentieth( )31. —I think Guilin is a beautiful city.—I agree with you. You can see boats go ____ the river and cars run _____ the city atthe same time.A. along; alongB. along; throughC. through; alongD. through; through ( )32. She _______ to London twice in 2012, she _______ there for more than 6 years.A. has gone, has beenB. has gone, wentC. went, has goneD. went , has been( )33. The war in Syria has caused people to lose their lives.A. thousands ofB. thousand ofC. two thousand ofD. two thousands ( )34.—Don’t forget to your homework to school tomorrow, Sam.—OK, . Mr Wu.A. take, I willB. take, I doC. bring, I don’tD. bring, I won’t ( )35.—We are planning a Tree Planting Day activity this weekend. Do you have any advice?—You’d better _______ signs around the school to tell all the students about that.A. make upB. put upC. set upD. look up( )36.—What’s your friend Mary like? —_________________________.A. She is a volunteerB. She studies very hardC. She likes skatingD. She is fat but beautiful( )37.—The summer holiday is coming. Why not go to the beach to enjoy the sunshine?—Sounds great. ___________ good advice it is!A. WhatB. HowC. How aD. What a( )38. People be careful when using Wi-Fi, for some networks may not be safe.A. mightB. couldC. wouldD. should( )39. —The young man seldom did the housework after he bought the robot, _______?—______ . He could relax and have time for his hobbies.A. did he; YesB. didn’t he; NoC. didn’t he; YesD. did he; No ( )40. I’m planning a trip to the beach tomorrow, but still can’t decide.A.where I’m goingB. how I’m going to get thereC.why I am planning itD. when I’m planning it三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)A six-year-old kid walked into a candy store with his dad and was surprised by so many candies on sale.“It’s amazing. What should I 41?” he asked himself.“Come on, son, we don’t have much time. I have to attend an important meeting,”his dad said.“These are all my 42 and I don’t know what to choose.”He picked up some bags and then put them 43 . He couldn’t make up his mind.“44 , son, we have no time. I’m very 45 ,”his dad said. So the boy ran around the store46 again. His eyes moved from one bag to another, 47 all of the sweets looked so good and he couldn’t make up his mind. Finally, the dad lost his patience. He caught his son by the hand and they walked out of the store empty-handed. The boy 48 . He wanted them all, but ended up with 49 because he wouldn’t choose just one.Some of us are that boy. The 50 is that candy store. We have a great number of choices available to us, but if we don’t make a(n) 51 about our jobs, education, relationships, marriage or other 52 things, we will end up empty-handed. Sometimes we worry about making the 53 choice. If we regret the direction that we take , is it too late to go back? We don’t have to worry about this. How do we 54 whether it is good or not if we don’t make a choice? The bigger55 is that we make no decision at all and end up going nowhere and doing nothing.( )41.A.think B.make C.say D.choose( )42. A.secrets B.favourites C.ideas D.feelings( )43. A.in B.away C.back D.up( )44.A.Hold on e down C.Go on D.Hurry up( )45.A.tired B.busy C.afraid D.patient( )46.A.carefully B.quietly C.quickly D.nervously( )47.A.and B.or C.though D.but( )48.A.cried B.waited C.returned D.understood( )49. A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing( )50. A.sky B.school C.world pany( )51. A.plan B.decision C.guess D.ending( )52. A.important B.simple mon D.good( )53. A.right B.great C.difficult D.wrong( )54. A.doubt B.explain C.know D.expect( )55. A.danger B.game C.difference D.fact三、阅读理解阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。
