



[上海]工业厂房中英文对照施工组织设计施工组织设计中建四局第五建筑工程有限公司China Construction Fourth Bureau Fifth Engineering Division Co.,Ltd目录Index第1部分施工组织设计总说明 .......错误!未定义书签。

1.1工程概况Generals (268)1.1.1项目情况Condition (268)1.1.2建筑结构概况General of Building Structure ................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.1.3地质情况Geological Condition ................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.1.4水纹及周围道路情况Water wave and peripheral road and undergroundpipelines ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.1.5安全文明施工目标Safety and civilized construction objectives错误!未定义书签。

1.1.6工程特点、难点及对策Project difficulty and countermeasure错误!未定义书签。

1.2工程目标Project Objective (268)1.2.1质量目标Quality Objective (268)1.2.2工期目标Schedule Objective (268)1.2.3安全、文明施工目标Safety, Civilized Construction Goal (269)1.3施工大型机械的配备 (269)Preparation of large equipment for construction (269)1.4工程施工设想Construction Consideration (270)1.5编制依据Reference (270)第2部分施工进度计划 (272)2.1进度计划编制说明Description of Schedule Preparation (272)2.2施工流水段划分 (272)Division of Streamlined Construction Section (272)2.2.1施工流水段划分的原则Principle of the Division of StreamlinedConstruction Section (272)2.2.2 流水段划分 Division of Streamlined Section (273)2.3 施工总进度计划 General Construction Schedule (273)2.3.1 总工期安排 General Schedule Arrangement (273)2.3.2主要节点工期 Key Milestone Dates ............................................................ 273 2.4施工进度计划表 Construction Schedule ................................................. 274 2.5 工期保证措施 Measures to Guarantee Schedule Time .. (274)2.5.1 进度目标体系的要求 Requirement of Progress Objective System (274)2.5.2成立工期保证领导班子 Establishment of Leading Team to GuaranteeScheduled Time ............................................................................................. 275 2.5.3 设备的保障 Equipment Guarantee .............................................................. 276 第3部分施工机械配备 ............. 错误!未定义书签。



MECHANICAL PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORTSTADIUM1.给排水设计饮用水和污水1.Sanitary DesignWater and sewage water.设计基础- 甲方提供的设计任务书和市政管网综合图- 建筑专业提供的条件图- 国家现行的设计规范及有关规定设计简章.Design basesDesign Brief and Municipal integrated network drawing offered by the client.Condition drawings from architectural discipline.Current national design codes and related stipulations2. 给水系统通过一根DN200的进水管将水引入.水表安装在进水管上,离红线1米处.供水管在红线内连成环路管网,并接到供应楼的消防水池和给排水水池.由环路管网向必需的室外消火栓和绿化带的喷淋器供水. 2. Water supply systemFor water supply of this project, DN200 water intake pipes are led in. Water meters are installed on the intake pipes 1.0 maway from the red line. The water supply pipes are connected into loop networks in the red line and then led to the fire po ol and sanitary water pool in the supply buildings respectively. Necessary number of outdoor hydrants and sprinklers for gre en area will be provided on the loop networks.设计范围包括红线内的饮用水,污水,雨水,建筑消防.Design scopeDesign scope of this project includes water, sewage water, rai nwater, fire-protection in the building, and water and sewage water within the red line.给排水水池与消防水池分开,容量为100m3 .体操馆供水管埋地敷设.Sanitary water pool is separated from fire water pool, volume of sanitary water pool is 100m3. Water supply pipes for the st adium will be laid in the earth.3.用水量标准- 体育馆: 15升/顾客·日K=2.0- 宾馆: 150升/人·日K=2.0- 餐厅: 50升/顾客·日K=2.0- 工作人员: 25升/人·日K=2.0- 地面冲洗用水: 3升/m2日- 冷却塔补水量:按用水量的2%计- 未预见水量: 按日用水量20%计- 消防用水:消火栓:室内40升/秒,室外30升/秒,火灾延续时间为3小时;自动喷洒按22升/秒,火灾延续时间为1小时卷帘水幕用水0.5升/秒·米,火灾延续时间为3小时;Water consumption standard- Stadium: 15L/visitor·day K=2.0- Hotel: 150L/visitor·day K=2.0- Restaurant: 50L/customer·day K=2.0- Staff 25L/person·day K=2.0- Floor cleaning: 3L/m2·dayMake-up water for cooling tower: 2% of theactual cold water consumption.Unforeseen water consumption: 20% of the dailywater consumption.Water for fire protectionHydrant: 40L/s indoor, 30L/s outdoor, fireduration time is 3h;Sprinkler: 22L/s, fire duration time is 1h;Drencher for rolling shutter: 0.5L/s·m, fire duration time is 3h; 在适当的位置设置饮用水机,在主进口为残障人设置两个饮用水机.为此饮用水系统安装循环泵.机房设在地下室的水除了机房.当饮用水机不被使用时,应排空,以免水质腐败.在客房和餐厅内设置电热水器,同时亦为热水供应设置循环泵.在更衣间旁设置电热水器,为淋浴和洗盥供应热水.为楼板清洁安装一定数量的水龙头.Some suitable places are supplied with portable water drinking units, two drinking units for disable people are provided at m ain entrances, for this portable water system, circulating pump s are adopted, the equipment room is located in water treatm ent center in the basement. When there is no use, portable w ater will be drained completely to avoid deterioration.Electric water heaters are installed in guest rooms and restaur ant, also hot water circulating pumps will be provided for supp lying hot water.Electric water heaters are installed near the changing and clot hing rooms for supplying hot water for shower and washing. Certain number of water taps are installed for floor-cleaning. 4.用水量最大日用水量:2.200m3/日最大时用水量:220m3/时Water consumption demandMaximum daily water consumption: 2.200m3/dayMaximum hourly water consumption: 220m3/hour却循环系统冷却水循环系统采用机械循环系统.总冷却水用量为460m3/h.在供应楼顶设置三台超低噪音冷却塔(230 m3/h, 2x 115 m3/h).进水温度37Co,出水温度32Co .补充水量9,6 m3/h.补充水由市政供水网直接提供.Cooling water circulation systemThere are cooling water circulation system in this project, cooli ng water for the refrigerators adopts mechanical circulation sys tem. Total water consumption of cooling towers is 460m3/h. O n roof of the supply building there are 3 ultra-low noise coolin g towers (230 m3/h, 2x 115 m3/h), inlet temperature of 37Co, outlet temperature of 32Co, with make-up water of 9,6 m3/h. Make-up water of the cooling towers will be supplied directly by the municipal network.在消防泵房内有消火栓泵(一个运行,一个备用),喷淋泵(一个运行,一个备用),卷帘雨淋泵(一个运行,一个备用).用于地下车库的泡沫喷淋设备,如报警阀,泡沫压缩罐,化学药剂泵安装在消防设备中心.30.0m3消防水箱和消防稳压装置分别安装在车库的四面墙.In the fire water pump room, there are hydrant pumps (one o peration, one standby), sprinkler pumps (one operation, one st andby) and rolling shutter drencher pumps (one operation, onestandby).Fire equipment, which are used for the foam sprinkler system in underground garage, such as fire alarm valves, foam conce ntrated tank and chemical dosing pump, etc. are provided in fi re equipment centers. Four 30.0m3 fire water tanks and fire p rotection stabilized pressure devices are respectively located at four sides next to the garages.消防用水消火栓:室内按40升/秒,室外按30升/秒,火灾延续时间按3个小时计自动喷洒按22升/秒,火灾延续时间按1小时计卷帘水幕用水量0.5升/秒·米,火灾延续时间按3个小时计消火栓:室内,室外用水量皆为756m3;自动喷洒用水量为79.2 m3;卷帘水幕用水量为270m3;一次火灾用水量为1.861,2;Water for fire protectionWater consumption standard for fire protectionHydrant: 40L/s indoor, 30L/s outdoor, fire duration is 3h Sprinkler: 22L/s, fire duration is 1hDrencher for rolling shutter: 0.5L/s·m, fire duration is 3h Water consumption for fire protectionHydrant: indoor and outdoor water consumptions are 756m3 re spectivelySprinkler: 79.2 m3Drencher for rolling shutter: 270m3Water consumption for one fire: 1.105,2 m3消火栓的布置在整个建筑物内沿墙,沿柱,沿走廊,风塔上及楼梯附近设有必要数量的室内消火栓,消火栓间距小于30米.消火栓管网水平,竖向皆成环状布置,消火栓箱内配有DN65消火栓一支,25米衬胶水龙带一条,φ19毫米喷咀水枪一支,并配消防卷盘(DN25消火栓一支,30米胶管,φ9毫米喷咀水枪一支)且设有可直接启动消火栓泵的按钮;在室内消火栓箱下设有磷酸铵盐手提式灭火器箱.室内消火栓系统在室外设有三组水泵接合器.Hydrant arrangementNecessary number of hydrants are installed indoors al0ng the wall, columns, corridors, and staircases, at intervals of less th an 30m. Hydrant networks are connected as a loop both horiz ontally and vertically. Inside each hydrant box, a DN65 hydran t, a 25m l0ng rubber lined hose, a w ater nozzle of φ19mm, h ose reel (a DN25 hydrant, a 30m l0ng rubber lined hose and a water nozzle ofφ9mm), and a direct starting button for the h ydrant pump are provided.Under each indoor hydrant box, a portable ammonium phosph ate powder extinguisher box is installed. There are three sets of pump adopters being installed outdoors for the indoor hydra nt system.消防系统防水泵房及消防水池供水管DN200在红线内连成环路管网,管网上安装一定数量的消火栓.两根DN200供水管分别引入供应楼内两个消防泵房内的消防水池.消防水池总容量不应小于4000m3, 每个为2.000m3.Fire protection systemWater pump room and water pool for fire protectionThe lead-in pipes (DN200) are connected as a loop inside the red line, on the loop, certain number of hydrants are installed. Two water supply pipes (DN200) are led into the fire water po ols at each fire water pump room in supplybuilding. In conside ration of the importance of the project, the volume of the fire water pools should be not less than 4000m3, each is 2.000m 3.自动喷淋系统自动喷淋系统安装在全建筑范围,除了室外和高于10 米的房间.喷淋泵安装在地下的消防泵房内.报警阀设置在地下的消防泵房内和中间的消防设备中心内,水流显示器设在每个防火分区内.Sprinkler systemSprinkler systems will be provided inside the whole building ex cept outside areas and roomshigher than 10m, with sprinkler p umps installed in the underground fire water pump rooms. Alar ming valves installed in underground fire water pump rooms a nd four fire equipment centers in the middle, water flow indica tors are installed by fire compartments.除了安装一个封闭喷淋系统,将为地下车库设置一个泡沫喷淋系统.餐厅内安装93oC启动的自动喷淋头,但在其它房间,仅安装93oC启动的普通和快速反应自动喷淋头.三组泵接合器安装在室外.Besides an enclosed sprinkler system, a foam sprinkler system composed of a proportioning mixer and a foam concentrated tank is provided for the underground garage. Sprinkler actuate d at 93oC are provided in the restaurants, but in other rooms, only ordinary sprinklers and fast response sprinklers actuated at 68oC are provided.Three sets of pump adaptors for this system will be installed outdoors.排水系统为排水系统设置污水主立管和特别垂直排气管.排气管与污水管在每层连接,污水排出体操馆.餐厅的污水首先在油脂分离池中处理,然后排入室外排水网.给排水污水将被在化粪池收集和处理,然后排入市政排水管网.化粪池在输送区旁.最大天排水量为870m3/天.9. Drainage systemMain vertical sewage pipes and special vertical vent pipes are provided for the drainage system. The vent pipes are connec ted with sewage pipe at each floor; sewage water is drained out of stadium. Sewage water in the restaurants and garage a re treated in the grease and oil separation tank, and then disc harged into the outdoor drainage networks. Sanitary sewage w ater is collected and treated in the septic tank, then drained i nto the municipal drainage. The septic tanks are located besid es the deliverycircle. Maximum daily drainage amount is 870m 3/day.卷帘水幕系统地下车库设置有卷帘水幕系统.水幕泵安装在消防水泵房内,采用开式雨淋头,电动或手动控制.十组泵接合器安装在室外Drencher system for rolling shuttersRolling shutter protected by drenchers are provided for the un derground garage, the drencher pumps are installed in the fire water pump rooms, open drencher heads are selected, and a re controlled both by electrically and manually. Ten pump ada pters will be installed outdoors for this system.地下室内污水设有污水坑,废水设有废水坑,生活污水,废水经潜污泵提升排至室外排水管网,潜污泵的启停皆由磁性浮球控制器的控制. 地下汽车库废水设有废水坑,废水经潜污泵提升排至室外,经隔油池处理后排入室外雨水管网.There are cesspits for sewage water and wastewater pits for wastewater in the basement, the sewage and wastewater is s ucked up and drained to the outdoor drainage networks by su bmerged sewage pumps.Operation of the pumps is controlled by the magnetic floating ball controllers.Wastewater pits are provided for the underground garage, was tewater is sucked up and drained to outdoor oil separation tan k by submerged sewage pumps, after treated, wastewater is d rained to the outdoors rainwater networks.在柴油发电机房,变配电房和通讯设备机房设低压二氧化碳气体灭火系统.Low pressure CO2 extinguisher systems are provided in diesel generator rooms, transformer substations and telecommunicati on equipment rooms.在本建筑内按"建筑灭火器配置设计规范"在每个消火栓箱下设手提式灭火器箱,箱内设有必要数量的磷酸铵盐手提式灭火器. According to the Code for Design of Extinguisher Disposition i n Buildings, portable fire extinguisher box, in which there arenecessary number of portable ammonium phosphate powder e xtinguishers, will be installed under every hydrant box.在每个消防电梯井底旁设有消防排水坑,废水经潜污泵提升排至室外.Fire water drain pit is provided at side of bottom of each fire elevator well, waste water will be sucked up and drained out by the pumps.雨水系统雨水排水屋顶采用压力流排水.雨水设计重现期按P=10年计算,降雨历时为5分钟,暴雨强度公式按Q=998.002(1+0.568lgP)/(t+1.983)0.465计算.沿柱在屋面设置雨水沟.雨水通过雨水沟收集,然后进入雨水头和下排管,然后到室外雨水观察井.10. Rainwater systemPressurized drainage system is adopted for roof rainwater drai nage system.Here, return period P=10 years, rainfall duration is 5 minutes, stormwater amount is calculated by the following formula:Q=998.002(1+0.568lgT)/(t+1.983)0.465Rainwater gutters are provided on roof al0ng columns, skylight. Rainwater is collected in the gutter, then to rainwater heads and downpipes, and to the outdoors rainwater inspection wells.11.管材- 生活给水管,冷却塔补水管采用铜管,氩弧焊接.- 直饮水管采用不锈管.- 消火栓管,冷却循环管,水幕管,水泵吸水管采用焊接钢管,焊接.- 自动喷洒水管,雨淋水管采用热镀锌钢管,丝扣连接或卡压连接.-二氧化碳管采用无缝钢管焊接.- 地下车库泡沫喷淋水管采用不锈钢管,卡压连接.Pipe materialCopper pipes connected by argon arc welding are adopted for the sanitary water pipes, make-up water pipes for cooling tow ers.Stainless stell pipes are adopted for portable water pipes. Welded steel pipes connected by welding are selected for hyd rant pipes, cooling circulating pipes, drencher pipes, pump suc tion pipes.Hot-galvanized steel pipes connected by threads or compressi on-seizing are selected for sprinkler and deluge sprinler pipes.Seamless steel pipes connected by welding are selected for C O2 pipes.Stainless steel pipes connected by pressed clamp is selectedfor the pipes of foam sprinklers in the underground garage.当雨水两超出雨水沟设计量时,雨水可沿屋檐自由排放.雨水被收集,然后排入市政集水池.When the amount of rainwater is more than the design value of the gutters, water is discharged naturally al0ng the eaves. Rainwater is collected, and then drained to the municipal catc h basins.围绕体育馆的循环池将用于喷洒运动场和作为室外绿化带的储水池.此池将作为一个循环过滤设施,可容水约7.500 m .喷洒压力设备和其它必须的过滤设备安装在供应楼里.The circular senic pool surround stadium will be used for spra ying sportsfield and as reservoir for outdoor greening.The pool will be used as a circular filtering facility and will be adopted with a water volume of about 7.500 m .The spray water pressurizing equipment as well as further nec essary filtering equipment will be adopted in the supply building.2.0 制冷2.0 Cooling冷源:空调冷负荷(估算):本工程建筑面积共50.000平方米,包括观众区,休息室,更衣室,小会议室,餐厅,办公室和其它附属房.空调设计日峰值冷负荷为2.4MW,设计日总冷负荷为3 kW.Refrigerating sourceCooling load of air conditioning systemTotal floor area for this building is 50,000sqm, which includes spectator areas, lounges, Clothing and changing rooms small meeting rooms, restaurant, office and other auxiliary rooms. D esigned dayly peak cooling load is 2,4MW, designed total dayl y cooling load is 3kW.每台1200kW制冷机配一台流量为206m3/h离心泵.各配一台备用泵一次泵采用压差旁路控制.通过埋地敷管,向游泳体操馆供应冷冻水.A centrifugal pump with a flow rate of 103m3/h is provided for each 1200kW chiller. One operation pump with a standby cor responds to one chiller.Pressure difference branch control is adopted for primary pum pVia earth laid pipes from supply building to gymnasium chilled water supply will be deliverded.冷源的选择:根据建筑的实际情况,3台制冷机将安装在供应楼内的冷冻机房.设计容量为4800kW. 为了实现能量的效率化使用,设计方案为,1台制冷机的出力为总设计容量的50%.而另2 台.每台出力为总设计容量的2 5%.冷冻水系统的主要设备包括3台电动制冷机,一级冷冻泵,二级冷冻泵,自动控制阀等等.冷冻水的供/回水温度为-7/ 12°C.Selection of refrigerating sourceAccording to the real condition of the building, 3 chillers are l ocated in the refrigerating plant rooms in the supply building, designed capacity is 2400kW. For actuing in an energy efficie nt way one chiller about 50% of total capacity (1.200 kW) and two chillers with 25% of total (600 kW each)capacity each ar e adopted.Main equipment of chilled water system includes 3 electrical c hiller, primary cool water pump, secondary chilled water pump and automatic controlled valve, etc. supply/return temperature of the chiller is-7/ 12°C.二次泵系统:根据使用功能,各制冷机房又分成不同的循环支路.二次泵采用变频调速控制.根据负荷侧供回水管的压差,控制水泵的转速.二次泵循环支路的管道采用异程式.Secondary pump system:Each refrigerating plant room is subdivided into different circul ation branch loops according to use functions.Variable-frequency speed-regulating control is adopted for seco ndary pumps. The rotating speed of a water pump is controlle d according to the pressure difference between water supply a nd return pipes.Direct return system is adopted for the pipes of circulating bra nch of secondary pumps空调冷冻水系统由于本工程占地面积大,功能复杂,有连续使用,也有间歇使用,为了达到运行灵活,节能的目的,空调冷冻水系统采用两管制二次泵系统. Chilled water systemDue to the large occupied area of this project, the complicate d functions and the combination of continuous utilization and i ntermittent utilization, in order to accomplish the purpose of fle xible operation and energy saving, the chilled water system is of two-pipe secondary pump system.管材:水管采用焊接钢管及无缝钢管.本工程的风管除土建风道外,均采用镀锌铁皮咬口制作.每节风管之间用法兰连接.Pipe and duct materialsThe water pipes adopt welded steel pipes and seamless steel pipes.Air ducts for this project are made of galvanized sheet steel b y seaming except ducts by civil construction. Air ducts are co nnected together by flanges.一次泵系统:供应楼冷冻机房2400kW制冷机配一台离心泵, 流量为412m3/h.配一台备用泵. Primary pump system:Chiller room supply buildingA centrifugal pump with a flow rate of 412m3/h is provided for 1200kW chiller. One operation pump with a standby correspo nds to one chiller.保温材料:空调供,回水管,冷凝水管采用酚醛管壳保温.空调送,回风管以及处理后的新风管采用外贴铝箔的离心玻璃棉板保温.- 管道穿防火墙的空隙处采用岩棉材料等非燃材料填充.Thermal materialsphenolic pipes are adopted for thermal insulation of water sup ply and return pipes for air conditioning, as well as air-conditioning condensate pipes.Aluminum foil faced glass fiber boards are adopted for thermal insulation of air-conditioning air supply and return ducts as w ell as fresh air ducts after chillers.Non-flammable material will be selected to fill the interspace in the fire protection wall where the ducts go through.消声与隔振:冷水机组,水泵等设备采用减振台座,弹簧减振器或橡胶减振垫减振降噪.在空调机组,新风机组,通风机的进出口采用涂胶帆布软管连接.- 水泵进出水管上采用可曲挠橡胶接头,使设备振动与配管隔离. Noise reduction and vibration isolationShock absorption bases, spring shock absorbers on rubber sh ock absorption pads are adopted for equipment, such as wate r chiller units, pumps, etc to reduce vibration and lower noise.Flexible rubber-coated canvas hoses are adopted far connectio ns of inlets and outlets of air-conditioning units, fresh air handl ing units and ventilators.Flexible rubber couplings are adopted for the water intake and delivery pipes of the pumps to isolate equipment vibration fro m their pipes.3.0空调和通风系统3.0 Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems方案设计范围Scope of schematic design空调设计Air Conditioning Design在体育馆内,一些区域设置空调系统.这些区域划分为:西侧地下二层的贵宾休息室东侧地下二层酒店门廊地下一层的输送区,技术机房,运动员更衣间,医务服务,热身区,裁判区,健身中心,酒店大堂,会议室,厨房,特许区和贵宾大堂混合区.首层的酒店大堂,酒店区,贵宾门廊,急救In the stadium, in some ranges air conditioning systems are u sed. These ranges subdivide themselves as follows:VIP –Lobby in West of levelel -2Hotel lobby in the east of level –2Delivary Circle, technical Plantrooms, Changingrooms for the a thletes, Medical Service and warm up area, Judges Area, Fitn ess Center, Hotel Lobby, Conferenz, Kitchen and Concession, Vip lobby- Mixed Zone in level -1Hotel lobby, Hotel area, Vip lobby, Vip Area, First aid in 0空调和通风机组设置于靠近地下一层楼梯底部的机防.新风从楼梯底的风室被引入机房而被空调处理器吸入.从此,通过水平和垂直风道送至使用区.用于以上区域的空调机组分为12 台暖通空调机组,具有以下特点The air conditioning and ventilation units for the using ranges are placed in die mechanical plantroom nearby the stairs in th e bottom of the stadium in Level -1. The outside air will be br ought into the Plantrooms from fresh air chambers under thes e stairs and let to the air handling units. From here, the will b e led via horizontal an vertical duct to the using ranges.The air conditioning units for the ranges specified above will b e devided into 12 HVAC- units (drawings) with the following c haracteristics:以下区域仅设置排风系统:地下二层停车区域地下二层电气机房地下一层卫生间首层卫生间一层卫生间宾馆客房设置分散式风机盘管加新风系统.贵宾室设置风机盘管. For the following ranges, only exhaust air systems are planed:Parking area in Level –2Electrical Plantrooms in Level –2Toilets in Level –1Toilets in Level 0Toilets in Level +1For the guestrooms of the Hotel decentralized Fancoil Units wi th ourside air connection are planed. The VIP- boxes will be equiped with Fancoil Units.AC1, AC6, AC7, AC12地下一层的附属用房(储存,机房,楼层,观众区)换气次数2 –6 次/小时; 新风100%, 通过螺旋风口送出双风机,全空气系统排风机同时作为机械排烟用AC1, AC6, AC7, AC12Siderooms ( Storage, Plantrooms, Floors, Spectaors area) in L evel -1Air Changing rate 2- 4 times/ h; supply via spiral outlets, outd oor air 100%Dual- fan- all- air system.Exhaust air fan is also be used for mechanical removal of sm oke.AC 2地下一层的医务服务,热身区,运动员更衣间,裁判区换气次数2 –4 次/小时; 新风100%, 通过螺旋风口送出夏季最高室内温度29°C, 相对湿度65 %冬季最高室内温度22 –24°C室内发热量:- 照明20 W/m- 机器10 W/ m- 人员50 W/ m双风机,全空气系统排风机同时作为机械排烟用AC 2Medival Service Area, Warm up Area, Changing rooms Athlete s, Judges Are in Level- 1Air Changing rate 2- 4 times/ h; supply via spiral outlets, outd oor air 100%Room temperature 29°C max, 65 % humidityin Summer Roomtemperatur 22 –24 °C in WinterIndoor heat loadLighting 20 W/mMachines 10 W/ mPersonnel 50 W/ mExhaust air fan is also be used for mechanical removal of sm oke.AC 4地下一层的医务中心,办公室换气次数4 次/小时; 新风100%, 通过螺旋风口送出最高室内温度29°C, 相对湿度65 %室内发热量:- 照明35 W/m- 机器30 W/ m- 人员50 W/ m双风机,全空气系统排风机同时作为机械排烟用AC 4Media Center, Offices in Level –1Air Changing rate 4 times/ h; supply via spiral outlets, outdoor air 100%Room temperature 29°C max, 65 % humidityIndoor heat loadLighting 35 W/mMachines 30 W/ mPersonnel 50 W/ mExhaust air fan is also be used for mechanical removal of sm oke.AC 3地下二层的贵宾休息室,地下一层的贵宾大堂,混合区,首层的贵宾办公室和贵宾区换气次数4 次/小时; 新风100%, 通过螺旋风口送出最高室内温度29°C, 相对湿度65 %室内发热量:- 照明20 W/m- 机器10 W/ m- 人员50 W/ m双风机,全空气系统排风机同时作为机械排烟用AC 3VIP Lobby in Level –2, VIP Lobby, Mixed zone in Level –1, V IP Offices and VIP area in Level 0Air Changing rate 4 times/ h; supply via spiral outlets, outdoor air 100%Room temperature 29°C max, 65 % humidityIndoor heat loadLighting 20 W/mMachines 10 W/ mPersonnel 50 W/ mDual- fan- all- air system.Exhaust air fan is also be used for mechanical removal of sm oke.AC 5地下一层的厨房,服务和特许区厨房的换气次数100m /m 小时,新风100%, 通过螺旋风口送出服务和特许区的换气次2-4数次/小时, 新风100%, 通过螺旋风口送出双风机,全空气系统最高室内温度29°C, 相对湿度65 %室内发热量:- 照明35 W/m- 机器30 W/ m- 人员80 W/ m双风机,全空气系统排风机同时作为机械排烟用AC 5Kitchen, Service and Concession area in Level -1Air Changing rate 100 m /m h for the Kitchen; supply via spir al outlets, outdoor air 100%Air Changing rate 2-4 times/h for the Service and Concession area; supply via spiral outlets, outdoor air 100%Room temperature 29°C max, 65 % humidityIndoor heat loadLighting 35 W/mMachines 30 W/ mPersonnel 80 W/ mDual- fan- all- air system.Exhaust air fan is also be used for mechanical removal of sm okeAC 8地下一层的健身中心,员工更衣间,特许区换气次数2 –4 次/小时; 新风100%, 通过螺旋风口送出最高室内温度29°C, 相对湿度65 %室内发热量:- 照明35 W/m- 机器30 W/ m- 人员80 W/ m双风机,全空气系统排风机同时作为机械排烟用AC 8Fitness Center, Changingrooms Staff, Concessio in Level -1 Air Changing rate 2-4 times/h; Fitness Center 6 times/ h; supp ly via spiral outlets, outdoor air 100%Room temperature 29°C max, 65 % humidityIndoor heat loadLighting 35 W/mMachines 30 W/ mPersonnel 80 W/ mDual- fan- all- air system.Exhaust air fan is also be used for mechanical removal of sm okeAC 10地下二层地的宾馆走廊,地下一层的宾馆走廊和餐厅,首层的宾馆区换气次数4 次/小时; 新风100%, 通过螺旋风口送出最高室内温度29°C, 相对湿度65 %室内发热量:- 照明35 W/m- 机器30 W/ m- 人员50 W/ m双风机,全空气系统排风机同时作为机械排烟用AC 10可能亦用于人防区的送风.此部分的设计由人防技术设备设计工程师审核.AC 10Hotel Lobby in Level- 2, Hotel Lobby and Restaurant in Level -1, Hotel area in Level 0Air Changing rate 4 times/h; Restaurant 8 times/h;supply via s piral outlets, outdoor air 100%Room temperature 29°C max, 65 % humidityIndoor heat loadLighting 35 W/mMachines 30 W/ mPersonnel 50 W/ mDual- fan- all- air system.Exhaust air fan is also be used for mechanical removal of sm oke.The AC- unit No. 10 might also be used as a supply air unit for the shelter. This has to be checked by the engeneers who will plan the technical equipment for the shelter.AC 9通风地下车库:设计一个换气次数6次/小时的排气排烟通风系统.由地下一层的空调机组送风,送风经过车库顶棚的垂直风口进入水平风道,然后送至各处.输送区:输送区设置一个隧道通风系统.空气通过北侧被吸入建筑物,然后通过轴流风机输送到输送区.空气通过南侧的就近道路排出.VentilationUnderground Garage:For the underground garage an air exhaust an smoke exhaust ventilation system with an air exchange rate of 6 times/h is p rovided. The supply air for the garage will be delivered from t he AC- Units in Level- 1 an brougt into the garage via vertica l openings in the ceiling of the garage and distributed over ho rizontal ducts.Delivery Circle:For the delivery circle a tunnel ventilation system is installed. Air is sucked at the south side of the stadium into the buildin g and transported by axial jet fan through the delivery zone. 各功能区的规划包括水平管道和竖井.各区域无异味和污染物的排风将被作为送风送入车库.剩余的排风和排烟将通过一个地下风道送到供应楼,并通过屋顶排出.排烟内部区域均设置机械排烟.通风系统的管道亦即排烟道. 在空调机房内,烟气通过一条旁通风道送至车库排风机,亦为排烟机(300°/ 30 分).The development of the functional areas is made by horizontal ducts and vertical pits. The exhaust air from ranges which ar e not smell-loaded or contained pollutants are brought as sup ply air into the garage.The remaining exhaust air and the removal of smoke exhaust air are led over an underground channel to the supplying buil ding and blown out there over roof.Smoke ExhaustionAll ranges on the inside are exhaustet from smoke mechanical ly.The duct system of the existing ventilation systems is used. In the HVAC plant rooms, the flue gases are led over a bypass channel to the exhaust air fan for the garage, which have to be designed to be used as smoke- exhaust fan (300°/ 30 mi n).室内储存和技术房:此区内,设置简单的送排通风系统.卫生间:地下一层和首层的卫生间由临近区域的通风系统供应新风.一层卫生间通过向外开口进风.地下一层卫生间排气排入输送区.首层和一层卫生间将通过独立的排气扇将废气排入在看台下部. Indoor storing and technical plant rooms:For this ranges simple supply- and exhaust ventilationsystem will be installedToilets:The WCs in level -1 and level 0 are supplied with fresh air b y the ventilation systems of the adjacent ranges.The WCs in level +1 receive the fresh air over opening to the outside.The WC in level -1 is aired out separately into the range of t he delivary circle.The exhaust air of the WC ranges in level 0 and level +1 will be led by separate exhaust fans into the ranges underneath the grandstand.车库的排气和烟气被加压,通过地下风道送至供应楼,而通过其屋顶排出.停车场有烟雾时,空调机组的送风量是不足的.在这种情况下,新风将通过阀门从新风室(在体育馆底层楼梯下)直接向车库进风.The exhaust air of the garage and the smoke will be pressed through the circularly air duct and then through the undergro und channel to the supplying building and will there be led ov er roof into the free.In case that smoke is detected in Parking garage, the supply air from the AC- Units which is normaly used for the supply o f the garage is not sufficient.In this case the fresh air will be brought directly into the gara ge via dampers from the freshair chamber, placed underneath the stairs in the bottom of the stadium.主送风和回风道均设防火阀. 当温度超过70°C, 防火阀将自动关闭,同时风机停止运行,关闭信号将被传送.自动转换防火阀安装于排风排烟共用系统.Both, the main air supply and return ducts of all AHUs are pr ovided with fire dampers. Then a temperature over 70°C happ ens, the fire dampers will be closed automatically and at the same time the fan stops operation and cut-off signal is transm itted. Automatic changeover fire damper is provided for the sy stem used both return air and smoke exhaust.空调和通风系统的电力供应控制与消防控制中心相连. 当某个防火分区火灾报警, 而且消防中心对此信号经过分析确认后,此防火分区内的通风系统停止运行,而同时排烟系统和加压送风系统启动.The power supply controls for the air conditioning and ventilati on systems are connected to the fire control center. When fire alarm occurs in a certain fire compartment, the ventilation sy stem in this fire compartment stops operation and at the same time the smoke exhaust system and pressurized air supply s ystem are started after judgement and confirmation by the fire control center.被其它房间包围的楼梯间将设置有加压通风系统.The staircases that are surounded by other rooms will be prov ided with overpressure ventilation systems.空调机组的详细技术参数集合在被报告末的技术数据报告.The exact technical datas of the AC- units are summarized in the " Technivcal Data Report at the end of the Report.。


2.0 Construction process
Summarily, the con struct ion of san itary pipework should be strictly as follows.
All pipework shall be free from burrs, rust and scale and shall be thoroughly cleaned before installation.
distribution system. It is necessary to seek the approval from Authority for detailed pla n before proceed ing with in stallati on.
a)Mach inery and Tool
Waste VeriSoil
Diagrammatic Sketch —06: Waste Water System
After no less than 30 minutes, open the sealant to check the water level. If the water level decrease less than 1 cm, the tightness of the pipework is qualified. If the water level decreasemore than 1 cm, the tightness of the pipework is unqualified. Workers on site should check all the pipework that connected to such riser, repair or re-install the problem pipe and fitting. And the leakage test should be carried again for such pipework in accordanee with the test process above, until the leakage test be approved qualified.



中英文对照施工方案目录Contents1. 工程概况General2. 编制依据References3. 施工顺序Construction Sequence4. 施工方法Construction Method5. 安全与环境保护施工措施HSE6. 劳动力计划Manpower Mob. Schedule7. 机具计划Equipment/Tools Mob. Schedule8. 施工作业计划Construction Schedule1. 工程概况General该项目为珠海PTA二期工程,本方案主要是为PTA二期变电所结构而编制的施工技术措施。


This method statement is compiled to describe the substation structure construction method of Zhuhai PTA No.2 Project, which major structure is three-layer reinforced concrete frame and partial structure is two-layer reinforced concrete frame and transformer area is reinforced concrete wall.2. 编制依据References2.1. 施工图纸Construction Drawings REV.2 6092-BCO.01-DW-1741-01 to 25页脚内容12.2 工程测量规范Code for Engineering Surveying GB50026-932.3 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范Code for Quality Acceptance for Concrete Structure GB50204-20022.4 混凝土泵送技术规程Technical Codes for Concrete Casting by Concrete Pump JGJ/T10-952.5 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准Unified Standard for Construction Quality Acceptance of Construction GB50300-20012.6 钢筋焊接及验收规程Code for Acceptance of Re-bar Welding JGJ18-20032.7 建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范Safety Technical Code for Work at Height During Construction JGJ80-912.8 施工现场临时用电安全技术规范Electricity Safety Technical Code for Temporary Power Supply on Construction Site JGJ46-88 2.9 混凝土强度检验评定标准Assessment and Acceptance for Concrete Strength GBJ107-873. 施工顺序Construction Sequence页脚内容24. 施工方法Construction Method4.1脚手架工程Scaffolding work4.1.1 框架外的双排脚手架由架业公司搭设。



给排水工程外文翻译 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020Short and Long Term Advantage roof drainage design performanceDecade has witnessed great changes in the design of the roof drainage system recently, particularly, siphon rainwater drainage system has been gradually improved, and there is likely to be the key application. At the same time these changes, urban drainage system design has undergone tremendous changes, because the scope of a wider urban drainage system design for sustainable development, as well as people for climate change flooding more attention. The main contents of this article is how to design roof drainage systems and make a good performance. Special attention is how to get rid of bad habits already formed the design, but also need to consider innovative roof drainage system, such as green roofs and rainwater harvesting systems.Practical application: In the past few years, the design of the roof rainwater drainage system has undergone tremendous changes. On large buildings, siphon rainwater drainage technology has been very common, as well as green roofs because it is conducive to green development, being more and more applications. Taking into account the ongoing research, this article focuses on how to effectively design a variety of roof rainwater drainage system, and make it achieve the desired design effect.1. IntroductionIn the past decade, the city and the water drainage system design has been widely accepted thinking about sustainable urban drainage system, or the optimal management direction. The main principles of the design of these systems is both a local level in line with the quality of development, but also to create some economic benefits for the investors. This principle has led to the development of new changes in the sump. Although the application of such a device is gradually reduced, but the urban environment relatively high demand areas still require 100% waterproof and rapid drainage, such as the roof. Typically roof drainage system in the design, construction and maintenance has not been given due attention. Although the drainage system investment costs account for only a small portion of the total construction investment, but not able to judge the loss caused by poor design.There are two different forms of roof drainage system design methods, namely the traditional and siphon method. Traditional systems rely on atmospheric pressure work, the drive ram affectedsink flow depth. Therefore, the conventional roof drainage systems require a relatively large diameter vertical drop tube, prior to discharge, all devices must be connected to the groundwatercollection pipe network. In contrast, siphonic roof drainage pipe systems are generally designed to full flow (turbulent flow meansthat require less exhaust pipe), which will form a negative pressure, the larger the higher flow rate and pressure head. Typically siphon system requires less down pipe work under negative pressure to the water distribution network can mean higher altitude work, thereby reducing the amount of underground pipe network.Both systems consists of three parts: the roof, rainwater collection pipes, pipe network.All of these elements are able to change the water pressure distribution system. This section focuses on the role and performance of each part. Due to the principle of siphon system has not been well understood, resulting argument is relatively small, this article will highlight siphon system.2. RoofThe roof is usually designed by the architect, designer and not by the drainage design. There are three main roof.2.1 Flat roofFlat roofs are used in industrial buildings less rainfall regions and countries. This roof is not completely flat, but lower than the minimum roof slope may require. For example, the United Kingdom require maximum slope of 10 °. Setting minimum slope in order to avoid any unnecessary water.Despite the flat roof if it is not properly maintained will have more problems, but it will reduce the dead zone within the building, and the ratio of sloping roofs in favor of indoor air.2.2 sloping roofsMost residential and commercial buildings are pitched roof, inclined roof is the biggest advantage can quickly drain, thereby reducing leakage. In temperate regions, we need to consider carrying roof snow load. Once it rains, rainfall through the sloping roofs can be determined by calculation. When rainfall data can be used, you can use the kinematic theory to solve such problems.2.3 green roof (flat or inclined)It can prove roof is the oldest green roofs, including rainfall can reduce or disperse roof planted with plants. It can be planted with trees and shrubs roof garden, it can also be a vegetated roof light carpet. Wherein the latter technique has been widely used. Some of these applications tend to focus on aesthetic requirements and are often used in green development. Since the aesthetic requirements and pressure requirements, as well as green roofs thermal insulation function, reduce the heat island effect, silencer effect, extend the life of the roof.Green roofs in Germany, the most widely used, followed in North America, but to consider the impact on the aesthetics. Germany is by far the most experienced countries in the 19th century have practical application, then as an alternative to reduce the risk of fire tarroof an option in urban areas. Germany is currently the main research question on the cultivation of other issues to consider smaller cities. A study from 1987 to 1989, was found packed with 70 mm thick green roof can be reduced by 60% -80% of heat loss. In a Canadianwork computer model based on the roof indicates that as long as the sump, the area can reach 70% of the roof area can be reduced by 60 percent in one year, the same model was also used for artificial rainfall, which the results indicate that rainfall in the catchment season helps to drain away rainwater.However, none of these studies show that green roofs can play a useful role in the rainfall season, or how high collection efficiency of water supply. The United States did some tests, as long as the green roofs regular watering, can reduce 65 percent of the runoff ina rainfall. America's most authoritative green roof guidelines by the New Jersey state environmental agencies promulgated. The mainprinciple is to solve the structural problems of light, and how can the normal drainage after two years.Rainfall period is based on the probability of failure is determined. The system is typically based on rainfall during rainstorms two minutes, two minutes, have a choice. Although this model will get more traffic, but there is no other better alternative. Studies have shown that the traditional model is applied to study green roofs are premature.Loss factor than traditional roof records should be small, about 98.7%.Peak flow will be reduced, although not penetrate, the surface roughness but also have a significant impact.Concentrated rainfall than two minutes for a long time,especially for large roof areas, such as public buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings.Urban drainage design should also consider other factors, for a complex system, a green roof in a rain is not enough. Water flow duration curve shows a longer than traditional systems. And two independent and will affect between is possible, which requires a more precise time period.3. Rainwater CollectorBasic requirements rainwater collector is designed to be able to accommodate rainfall rainstorms. Although it is possible to make a slightly inclined roof drainage purposes, but the nature of the construction industry and building settlement will become flat roofTypically, the tank is placed in a horizontal, sectional view of the water is outwardly inclined, which the role of hydrostatic.3.1 drain outletAnalyzing rainwater collector has sufficient volume is the key to the sump outlet external setting conditions. Also affect the flow rate into the storm water drainage system piping, but also affect the depth of the water catchment. Although the depth of the sump will not bring any particular problems, but too deep can cause excessive sump.Numerous studies in the 1980s showed that the flow of conventional roof drainage system outlet can be divided into two cases. It depends on the size of the depth and size of the outlet. When the water depth is less than half the diameter of the outlet, the flow of the first type, and the outlet of the flow can be calculated by an appropriate equation; water depth increases, exports are slowly clogging the flow will become another form forms, at the same time, the flow of exports can be obtained through other equations. While conventional roof drainage systems are designed to be free-draining, but may cause limitations encountered in the design of the flow is not free. In this case, it will require additional depth.Siphon roof drainage systems, the outlet is designed to be submerged stream. In this case, the depth of the outlet of the decision is more complicated, because the design of the sump depends on the flow. Recent studies have shown that conventional roof drainage systems use a variety of non-standard catchment, their depth and height, bigger than the diameter of the outlet. This will eventually result in a siphon effect. For a given catchment, the flow depends on the starting end of the drop tube diameter. A similar phenomenon has also been used to study the standard catchment, in these circumstances, only limited siphon action occurs within relatively close distance from the exit.3.2 tank flow classificationIn the complex flow sump outlet flow classification, can be seen from Table 2a, the flow will be uniform layering, regardless of whether the same inlet flow. Table 2b and 2c show, exportdistribution will greatly influence the flow.When the outlet is not a free jet, sump outlet complex flow classification is difficult to describe. Because each catchment tank pressures are likely to be merged. For example, the siphon tube system design point is at near full jet outlet flow classification depends on the energy loss of each branch.3.3 hydrostatic sectionalSump shape of the water surface in the canal can be classified according to the flow equation. In most cases, a low flow rate meansthat there is less friction loss, if exports are free jet, thefriction loss is negligible cross-section through the hydrostatic equation 1 to determine the horizontal distance.Where Q-- flow (m3 / s)T- surface width (m)g- acceleration of gravity (m / s2)F- flow area (m2)Equation 1 can not be ignored when the friction required to correct (or very long pipe velocity is large), or not a free jet.3.4 The current design methodsThe previous discussion has highlighted the main factors that should be considered with sink design. However, without the help of a certain number of models, computing hydrostatic sectional roof drainage system, the volume of the sump is possible. This large commercial and manufacturing industry, is a development opportunity, you can merge several kilometers of water routes. Thus, the conventional drainage system sump design methods are mainly based on experience, and assume that exports are free jet.Sump location in the building, it may cause the example to fail. Different interface sumpExcept in the case cited above, but also allows designers to use empirical data.3.5 Digital ModelLarge number of digital models can be used to accurately describe the flow of any form of catchment tank, regardless of whether the roof flows stable. An example of this model is a combination of roof space model. This model enables users to classify different aspects of the data indicated, includes: details of the rains, the roof surface drainage and other details. Kinematics have also been used to study rainwater tank to flow from the research collection. A typical method is based on open system to solve a basic problem of spatial mobility. This model automatically resolve the sump outlet flow situation, but also to deal with the case of free jet can also be simulated space limited mobility and submerged discharge. Output values include depth and flow rate.Currently, the model is essentially just a variety of research tools, but also through practical engineering test. However, we should face up to the various role models.4 pipe systems groupComposition in the form and scope of the tube group determinesthe roof drainage system relies mainly on the traditional system or siphon action.4.1 Traditional stormwater systemsConventional roof drainage systems, the ground plane is generally vertical pipe-line network, connected to the sump outlet and underground drainage systems, critical systems as well as compensating tube. It should be emphasized that the angle between the ground and the compensating tube is less than 10 °. Capacity of the entire system relies mainly on the outlet tube instead of down.Flow vertical tube is usually free-flowing, full of only 33%, the efficiency depends on the excess length of the tube. If the drop tube long enough (typically greater than 5m), there may be an annular flow. Similarly, under normal circumstances flow compensation pipe is free-flowing, full of up to 70%. Such designed process both for the design, various equations can also be used.4.2 Siphon roof drainage systemIn contrast with the traditional drainage systems, Siphon roof drainage system relies on air flow outside the system, and the tubeis full pipe flow stream.The designs are usually made on the assumption that the design of heavy rain, the system can quickly siphon discharge rainwater. This assumption allows the application of hydrostatic siphon system theory. Often used steady flow energy equation. While this approach ignores the small amount of energy loss at the entrance, but after the experiment showed that there are still conducive to practical use.However, steady-state design methods in the siphon system is exposed to rain when the system does not meet the standard requirements or changes in rainfall intensity is large is not applied. In the first case, there will be some mixing of air quality, annular flow occurs. These problems are not integrated in the system when more serious. Because usually designed rains are common, it is clear now design methodology over time may not apply to siphon system. This is a major disadvantage, because the design of the main problem isthe noise and vibration problems.Despite the disadvantages of the prior design approach, but a lot of the world's very few engineering failure reports. When a failure occurs, most likely for the following reasons:An incorrect understanding of the operation pointsSubstandard materials listInstallation defectsMaintenance mismanagementTo overcome these disadvantages, we have recently launched aseries of research projects, to discuss the siphon system, and the development of digital models. From this work we learn a lot.In contrast with conventional design methods of some assumptions, siphon system mainly has the following aspects:1) non-flow system of full flow2) levels of certain pipe-flowing full pipe flow3) full pipe flow downstream propagation through a vertical pipe, riser, etc.4) the inner tube flow occurs over the vertical section, the system to reduce the pressure5) downward tube is full pipe flow, there will be air lock6) appears completely siphon action until well into the air system is lower than a certain levelTable 4a column data indicate that below the design point, the system will siphon unstable flow, depth of the water collecting tank is insufficient to maintain the siphon action. Table 4b show that the unsteady flow in siphon system when it will appear.Table 5 lists the data output of a digital model. It can be seen that the model can accurately describe the siphon action, siphon and steady state, the data also show that the model can accurately describe the complex siphon action.5 ConclusionThis article has illustrated the critical roof drainage systems, but these are often overlooked in the urban drainage system design. This article also shows that the design process is a complex process, rely mainly on the performance of exports. The following conclusions are based on the design summed up:1) Run depend on three interacting parts: the roof, sump, water pipes2) Green roofs can reduce traffic and beautify the city3) the export performance of the system is essential4) siphon drainage system have a greater advantage in large-scale projects, but must be considered high maintenance costs5) Design siphon drainage system should consider additional capacity and operational issuesAlthough the green roof is a more attractive option, but the traditional roof of a building in the country will continue to dominate. Green roofs will be gradually developed, and gradually been widely accepted. Similarly, the roof drainage system shown effective that it will continue to play a huge role in the commercial building drainage systems.Roof drainage system of the greatest threats from climate change, existing systems tend to be not simply aging; rainfall patterns of change will result in inefficient operation, self-cleaning rate will be reduced. Changes in wind speed and the roof will also accelerate the aging of the roof, it is necessary to carry out maintenance. Taking into account the climate change, the increase in materials, roof collected rainwater will be more extensive. Currently, the amount of rain around the globe per person per day 7-300 liters in the UK, with an average consumption of 145L / h / d, of which onlyabout one liter is used by people, about 30 per cent of the toilet, study shows If water shortage, rainwater collected on the roof of developed and developing countries are recommended approach.屋顶排水设计性能的近期与远期优势最近十年见证了屋顶排水系统设计方面的巨大变化,特别的是,虹吸雨水排水系统已经得到逐步改善,并且有可能得到重点应用。

给排水施工方案-英文版-CSCEC-Method of statement

给排水施工方案-英文版-CSCEC-Method of statement

METHOD OF STATEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND PIPINGCSCEC -TD (M&E)-MS-0001M&E CONTRACTOR:CHINA CONSTRUCTION (S.E.A) CORPORATION, LTD6F LAWRENCE S.TING BUDG, 801 NGUYEN V AN LINH RD TAN PHU WARD, DISTRICT 7, HCMC, VIETNAMCONTENT1.1 Introduction (3)1.2Scope of works (3)1.3Preparation (3)2.0 Installation procedures (4)2.1 material receipts (4)2.2 Storage (4)2.3 Storage of coated items (4)2.4 Transportation material (4)2.5 Pipe fabrication (4)3.0 Pipe installation (5)3.2 Installation procedure – D.I pipe (5)3.3 Installation of HDPE Pipe (8)3.4 Installation of PP-R (11)3.5 Installation of Concrete conduit (13)4.0 Support brackets (14)5.0 Disinfection And Flushing (16)6.0 Test (17)6.1 Pressure Test (17)6.2 Gradient test (17)6.3 Sanitary Leakage test (18)6.4 Especially for the concrete conduits (19)1.1 IntroductionThis method statement is to show the Method of Installing of Underground Pipe which is applicable to DI, HD.UPVC and concrete conduits.1.2 SCOPE OF WORKSThe objective of this method of statement is to describe the Plumbing, Sanitary, Rain Water and Fire Protection System obtained from the Authority’s supply main and the distribution system. It is necessary to seek the approval from Authority for detailed plan before proceeding with installation.1.3 Preparationa) Machinery and Tool·Excavator·Earth carriage/Trolley·Pump·Gradiometer, leveling instrument·Pick, scoop, ladder·Vibratory compactor, Needle vibrator·Concrete cutting machine·Hollow burner, Butane bottle·Adhesive, wiper, bushb) Material·PPR pipe & fitting·Hanger, support·Concrete, sand, cement, sealant·Testing work: water source, upper extension pipe (1.3m), flange/pipe cap, ball.·Safety work: sign post, warning tape.c) Plan the schedule of underground pipework and co-ordinate with concrete trench work of construction department.d) Set up the boundary fence with warning tape around excavation area.2.0 INSTALLATION PROCEDURESAll works shall be carried out in accordance with specification.2.1 material receiptsAll incoming materials shall be checked for the following items.Check quantity of pipe/fitting.Check quality of pipe/fitting.Check damage of pipe/fitting.Record on material inspection sheets2.2 StorageAll material shall be stored in a manner that is both safe and does not damage the items. Custom built pipe storage racks shall be in stalled in the KVN site compound. In dual lengths shall be removed by truck.2.3 Storage of coated itemsAll coated material shall be stored in a manner witness prevents damage to their coatings and enables removed of pipe safely.Coated pipes shall be stored so that they do not contact with other items. Rubber, timber, cardboard and sand bags shall be used to provide protection. Material shall be lifted with web/nylon slings only (wire rope slings shall not be permitted).2.4 Transportation materialInstallation of pipes to site coatingsAll materials shall be moved around the site in manner that is both safe and minimizes damage to materials and coatings.Material shall be moved around site either by truck or by hand trolleys.2.5 Pipe fabricationTo obtain Material/Catalogue Technical Submission approval from consultant To obtain Shop Drawing approval from consultantTo obtain approval for Installation MethodPrepare for material quantity take-off and proceed for procurement accordingly Upon delivery of material, prepare and arrange for material inspection with the necessary documents (e.g.: mill certificate, delivery order, inspection form, etc )Deliver the material to the designated site store or fabrication yardPiping installationExposed pipingSurvey and check site for accessibilityMark the pipe routing and setting out on the soffitSurvey the marking line of post extensionMark the location of anchor bolt to avoid post extension lineDrill and insert anchor bolt at specified distance intervalInstall and secure pipe onto the mounted brackets/hangersConcealed piping:Marking the pipe route on the wallCutting the wall by using cutting machineInstall piping as per approved drawings.Wrap the piping with approved impermeable materialSecure piping tightly to the wall by using mortar or steel wring where possible Applying steel mesh and mortar back filling and rendering are by civil contractor 2nd fixtures installation.To mark the location of 2nd fixtures as approved drawingsThe 2nd fixtures to be installed as the recommendation from the manufacturer 3.0 Pipe installation3.1.1 PrepareBefore the installation, the aspect of pipe, fittings and rubber enclose should be checked and the iffy items must be abandoned. The needed tools such as chain block, steel wire rope, steel wire brush, offset screwdriver, cotton yarn and clearance gauge should be equipped.3.1.2.Threaded jointingField application:Use for jointing thread steel pipe with the range dimension DN<50 mm Ensure that the surfaces of pipes are clean and free of grease.Keep the pipe and fitting in a straight line.Use hand tools to wrench slowly with normal strength.Three lines on the pipe (90°apart) act as a guide for making a straight joint.3.1.3 CoatingsAll piping shall be coated, painting depend on the project. using what type of coating painting.All metallic pipe (except gas pipe)3.2 Installation procedure– D.I pipe Push-on joint (T-type)The procedure is to follow the manufacturer recommendation as shown in thetechnical cataloguesBefore the installation, the aspect of pipe, fittings and rubber enclose should be checked and the iffy items must be abandoned. The needed tools such as chain block, steel wire rope, steel wire brush, offset screwdriver, cotton yarn and clearance gauge should be equipped.·Step 1: Finding mounting level:Visualizer and level-meter are used for finding mounting level,based on the design. The bottom of the ditch should be tidy. Pipesshould not be placed on the convex of stone on the bottom layer.·Step 2: Pipe placing:Water flowing direction is closely related to the mouthing direction.Normally, water flowing direction should be that from mouthing tosocket. However, in case of deep slope, mouthing should be facingup and mounting is dong from bottom to upside. When placing pipesdown to ditch, strong hitting with the bottom and wall should beavoided.·Step 3: Mouthing cleaning:Inside of mouthing should be carefully cleaned, especially thereshould be no painting, soil, sand or other residues left in the area ofrubber sealing ring.·Step 4: Socket cleaning:The socket should be oil lubricated in smooth edge cleaning.·Step 5: Standard line marking:Standard line is marked by clipper on the arch of the pipe. Thedistance between standard line and smooth edge of the pipe shouldbe 5-10mm less than the depth of the corresponding mouthing.·Step 6: Place the gasket:Placing the rubber sealing ring into the mouthing and checking tosee if they fit well, and then lubricating it with specific lubricating oil(other lubricating oil, machine oil, painting, etc. are not allowable).The area for rubber sealing ring should not be lubricated, except forsmall diameter pipe.·Step 7: Connection:When connecting pipes, different machinery tools should be usedfor different diameter of pipes. Pipes should be inserted carefullyand continuously step by step, till the standard line tally with theobserve of the mouthing. Once the resistance is too big in pipeplacing, the operation should be stopped immediately, and pull thepipe out and check the position of rubber sealing ring and socketand find out the reason and fix it, then insert again. After that, insertthe straight metal gage into the ring space between mouthing insideand pipe wall, till it touches the rubber sealing ring. Check theconnected pipes to see if they are axially centralized. If not, theconcave and convex which might be occurred on the bottom of theditch should be adjusted.·Step 8: Inspection:After connection, using thickness gage to inspect the rubber sealingring groove along arch back to see if there is a possibility of leaking.Leakage would destroy seal.·Step 9: Ditch burying:Bury is done with the earth which contains sand, grass, root of treeor foreign matters. The burying depth should be at least 200mmabove the bus-bar line of pipes. The earth on two sides of pipesshould be rammed, and then put one more layer of earth with200-300mm on it and ram, too.Firstly, measure the depth of socket, then mark on the end of spigot with a red line in accordance with the measured length. Meanwhile, to make sure the pipes completely jointed, after connected pipes to the edges with red line. 3.3 Installation of High Density PE (HDPE) PipeThe HEPE pipe is used in water drainage system in this project, and sweating soldering is adopted.3.3.1 Preparation for Sweating SolderingThe main work of preparation is to check the soldering machine whether or not fulfill the task requirement, for example the firmware becoming flexible and falling off or not; the electricity line of the machine right and credibility connected or not; hydraulic oil of hydraulic pressure box enough or not; confirming the electrical source matching the machine required import or not; welding plate is up to the mustard or nor(coating is good or not ); milling cutter and oil pump switch’s pilot running. Then the matching pipe slips is installed on the rack and the welding plate’s temperature is set to the soldering temperature (HDPE pipe:200~230℃), and soft paper or alcohol dipped cloth is used to wipe the surface of the welding plate and avoiding abrasion of the PTFE layer.3.3.2 Sweating WeldingThe welding must comply with the parameter on the welding technical card, if necessary, the proper adjustment is to made to fit the environment temperature and weather. The main process is shown as the following:·Step 1: Use the clean cloth to get rid of the filth on the two ends of the pipes and put the pipe in the pipe slips on the rack with proper length out ofthe rack(as short as possible, norm is25~30mm but satisfied themilling and heating requirement). The pipe out of the rack will besupported by backstop if necessary, in order to make the axis of pipeand rack on the same height, then tight the pipe slips.·Step 2: Post the milling cutter and switch the power, then close the welding ends of the pipes slowly and press appropriately. Remove thepressure until the continual chip scraps emerged and wait a while,then quit the adjustable shelf and shut down the power. The chipscraps should be 0.5~1.0mm thick and can be adjusted by turningup the height of the milling cutter.·Step 3: Quit the milling cutter and fold the section s of pipes and check the justify align. The dislocation should not more than 10% of pipethickness or 1mm. And the dislocation can be adjusted by tune thepipe and tight or lose the pipe slips a certain extent. Clear gap isprohibited when fold the two pipes, and the gap is no wider than0.3mm(de<225mm),0.5mm(225mm<de≤400mm),1.0mm(de>400mm). If the gap is wider than the requirement, additional milling isavailable until the it fulfill the requirement.·Step 4: Measure the drag force by moving the clamps’ friction resistance and add this force to the technical parameter toget the practice pressure.Check the temperature of the welding plate.·Step 5: When the temperature is up to the fixed value, only press the pipe sections at the beginning against welding plate. Then hold withoutpressure. Watching melting process carefully.·Step 6: Keep the max. pressure until the welding seam has cooled (approx. 30 seconds). Do not accelerate the cooling down by contact with coldobjects or water.3.4 Installation of PP-R PipeThe procedure is to follow the manufacturer recommendation as shown in the technical catalogues:Ensure that the surfaces of pipes are clean and free of grease.Before the installation, the aspect of pipe, fittings and rubber enclose should be checked and the iffy items must be abandoned. The needed tools such as chain block, Hot-melt tools, steel wire rope, steel wire brush, offset screwdriver, cotton yarn and clearance gauge should be equipped.·Step 1: Power to the Hot-melt tools, do not start the operation until the temperature indicator light up.·Step 2: Before pipe cutting, measure the depth of socket and mark the insertion depth on the pipe accordingly.·Step 3: Do cut PP-R pipe perpendicular with cutters.·Step 4: Make sure piping, fittings and the section of end are clean.·Step 5: preheat the piping in a specified time.·Step 6:connect the pipes immediately after the pipes be preheated in specified time, protect the joint from any wrenching contortion, bending anddrawing when cooling it down.Nominal OD(mm) Welding Length(mm)Heat time(s)Adjust time(s)Cooling time(min)16 9.8 5 4 2 20 11.0 5 4 2 25 12.5 7 4 2 32 14.6 8 6 440 17.0 12 6 4 50 20.0 18 6 4 63 23.9 24 8 6 75 27.5 30 8 8 90 32.0 40 8 8 110 38.0 50 10 83.5 Installation of Concrete conduit.The procedure is to follow the manufacturer recommendation as shown in the technical catalogues:FIGURE 5 – Push-on joint (T-type) for concrete conduitPush-on joint (T-type) with rubber gasket will be applied to concrete conduits. ·Step 1: The single rubber ring is put on the concave of the bell and spigot pipe, and the lubricant is brushed on it, then insert it into the concave ofcorresponding pipe and enclose tightly( inner bell and spigot joint). ·Step 2: When the pipe is connected with the glass reinforced plastic fittings, coupling, tee, elbow, reducer and special piece, the single rubber ringis put on one section of pipe and lubricated evenly, then the pipe isinserted into the fittings( exterior bell and spigot joint).·Step 3: Wall of well connection. If there is a pipe hole lager than 200mm on the wall well, the exterior single rubber ring will be put on one sectionof the connection pipe, and the pipe will be injected into the central ofthe hole with concrete enveloped.·Step 4: Connection of plastic manhole: Put the exterior single rubber ring on one section of the pipe and lubricate evenly and insert it into the holeon the wall well forcibly until it accordance with the interior wall of thewell( the performing manhole will not be lager than the out diameterof the connection 4mm, and no less than the connection pipe’sdiameter)For the concrete conduits, after Push-on joint connect completely, fill the gap with mortar or equivalent adhesive.4.0 SUPPORT BRACKETSFIGURE 1-SUPPORT FOR THE PIPELINEDue to no way adopt to form of the boom,we proposed to use the cantilever support to fix and support the D.I and HD.UPVC pipes with steel gaskets to adjust the height (gradient) as showed in the approved shop drawing. meanwhile,concrete buttress to support the concrete conduits with cement mortar to adjust the height as per apply.In the pile cap area, we will set the supports on the surface of concrete pile cap directly. For the soil ground where the pipes run through, we will make the earth flat and set the concrete support on the ground with cement mortar to adjust the height.Please see the details below for our proposal:FIGURE 2 – THE DETAIL OF SUPPORTNOTE: All of the metalwork underground is galvanized.The maximum space of different kind of pipes refer to the following table.NORMAL SIZEMAXINUM SPACE OF BRACKETS AND CLIPS (M) Ductile iron pipes Black steelUPVC, PP-R andHD.PE pipes80 - - 1.0 100 4.0 - 1.5 150 4.0 None 1.5 200 4.0 None 2.0 250 4.0 - 2.0 300 4.0 - 2.0 >300 4.0 - 2.55.0 Disinfection And FlushingWater services shall be protected against contamination during construction and be flushed before being placed in service.Flushing of water services: On completion of installation, water services shall be flushed at each discharge point to remove any dirty water or debris from the services. The flushing velocity in any section of the service shall be not less than 0.75m/s.Disinfection: disinfect the system using heavily chlorinated water. And chlorine at the main water tanks, charge the system for 6 hours (a free chlorine residual of not less than 10mg/L is obtained throughout the services), before proceeding to final flushing.Final flushing: After the applicable retention period, heavily chlorinated water shall not be allowed to remain in prolonged contact with service piping. In order to prevent damage to pipe lining or corrosion to pipe itself, the heavily chlorinated water shall be flushed from the service until chlorine measurements show that the concentration in the water leaving the service is no higher than that generally prevailing in the authority’s distribution system or is acceptable for domestic use.Charging: On completion of installation, commissioning and testing, fill the system with water, turn on control and isolating valves and the energy supply and leave the water system in full operational condition.5.1 Labels:To be submit the samples of labels for approval before using.Locate labels so that they are easily seen and are either attached to, below or next to the item being marked.Valves and pumps: fix to body of pump or attach to valve hand wheels. Piping: indentify throughout its length, including in concealed spaces. 5.2 Gradient:The gradient of drainage pipes in accordance with specified length:ITEM NOMINAL DN(MM)GRADIENT NOTE1 <100 2% approximately2 100-200 1% -3 >200 5‰No less than6.0 Test6.1 Pressure TestingPrepare all necessary material and tools for testing.Piping system shall be tested in section during installation progress when feasible. The method of testing carried out is described below.All joints shall be exposed for inspection during testing before close up. Open ends of main shall be temporary closed for testing.The end of main must be properly secured to resist end thrust of water pressure during testing.Check all supports, anchor and thrust blocks, which are adequately provided. Section of the system under testing shall be filled with water and visual inspection of all joints to be carried out before proceeding with pressure testing.Pressure will be applied be means of either, annual operated test pump, or where power driven pump shall be used in some cases(lengthy water main or water main with diameter).Solvent cement joints shall be left for 24 hours before pressure testing. The pressure test shall be carried out at ambient temperature. Slowly fill the pipeline with water starting from the lowest point, thus avoid water hammer and removing all air. The test pressure shall not exceed 1.5 times the maximum working pressure for the weakest part of pipeline. The test pressure shall be for one hour. Variation of the tested pressure reading may happen subjected to the surrounding temperature/air pocket inside the pipe. The variations are described as follows. Increasing in pressure reading when prolong testing: Expected when test pipe is under direct excess warm temperature/sunlight Decrease in pressure reading when prolong testingExpected when test pipe is under lower temperature/sweating/air pocket conditionTherefore for prolong testing, tolerance for pressure drop is expected to be about 5% depending on the duration of testing.6.2 Gradient TestPrepare all necessary material and tools for testing.Piping system shall be tested in section during installation progress when feasible. The method of testing carried out is described below.All joints shall be exposed for inspection during testing before close up.Use the clean cloth to get rid of the filth on the two ends of the pipes, making sure the pipe is dry and clean.In the gradient test, firstly pour a certain amount of water from the opening upstream slowly, and there must be a container beneath the downstream opening of the pipe to hold all the water flows out.Check the amount of water that flows out, the tolerance expected no more than 10%。



罗氏研发支持楼项目Roche R&D Building Project施工方案Construction Scheme(消防系统部分)(Fire-Proof System Part)编制人Maker:审核人Checker:批准人Approver:版本C Editon C江苏省建设集团公司(沪)Jiangsu Construction Group Com目录 Contents第一章:编制说明及依据 (2)1.1编制说明:preparation instructions (2)1.2 编制依据: Develop basis (3)1.3工程施工目标:Construction goals: (4)第二章工程简介及概况Chapter II Introduction and Overview of the project .. 62.1工程简介Project Overview (6)2.2工程概况Project Overview (6)2.3系统设计概况 System design Overview (7)第三章施工部署Chapter 3 Construction deployment (8)3.1人力资源分析及工具配备 human resources analysis and equipped tools .. 8 3.2 主要人员职责 Major staff responsibilities (11)3.3安装人员部署installation personnel deployment (16)3.4 施工顺序安排 Construction sequencing (16)3.5施工管理措施 construction management measures (16)3.6施工技术准备 Construction technology preparation (18)3.7施工器具设备Construction machinery equipment (20)3.8工程施工协调 construction coordination (21)3.9材料设备进场计划:Materials and equipment site entering plan: (24)第四章施工方案construction program (25)4.1 火灾自动报警及联动控制系统Automatic fire alarm and linkage controlsystem (26)(1).施工工艺流程Construction process (26)(2).主要分项工程施工方法及技术要求 (26)Major sub engineering construction methods and technical requirements 26三、施工难点及相应措施construction difficulties and correspondingmeasures (38)4.2 自动喷水灭火喷淋系统 Automatic sprinkling fire extinguishing system41一、施工工艺流程:construction flow (41)二、系统施工准备 system construction preparation (41)三.主要分项工程施工方法及技术要求 (44)Major sub engineering construction methods and technical requirements 444.3 消火栓系统及消防设备安装Fire hydrant system and fire equipmentinstallation (60)一.施工工艺流程 Construction process (60)二、主要分项工程施工方法及技术要求 (60)Major sub-project Construction methods and technical requirements (60)4.4 沟槽式连接管道专项方案 (64)一.施工工艺流程 Construction process (64)二、主要分项工程施工方法及技术要求 (64)Major sub-project Construction methods and technical requirements (64)第五章、工程质量保证措施engineering, quality assurance measures (69)第六章、安全技术措施safety technical measures (71)6.1、施工安全construction safety (67)6.2、材料、机械安全materials, machinery and safety (67)6.3安全防火措施。



Oxidize ditch craft in dirty water handle of application and development Summary: This text expatiated primarily the Carrousel oxidizes the construction, craft mechanism of the ditch and circulate the problem exsited in the process with the homologous the method of solution.Finally, introduce the Carrousel oxidize the latest research progress of the ditch and pointed out the future and main research direction.Key phrase: The Carrousel oxidizes ditch divideds by the phosphor takes off the nitrogen construction mechanism Application and Development of Carrousel Oxidation Ditch Process on Wastewater TreatmentAbstract: The structure and the techniques of carrousel oxidation ditch process on nitrogen and phosphor removal are introduced in this paper. The problems inrunning and their corresponding resolvent are also pointed. At last, The authorshowed the up to date research improvement and the mainly future research dire-ction.Key words: Carrousel; oxidation ditch; nitrogen and phosphor removal; structure;techniques1. ForewordOxidize the ditch( oxidation ditch) again a continuous circulation spirit pond( Continuous loop reactor), is a live and dirty mire method a kind of to transform.Oxidizing the dirty water in ditch handles the craft be researched to manufacture by the hygiene engineering graduate school of Holland in the 50's of 20 centuries success.Since in 1954 at Dutch throw in the usage for the very first time.Because its a water fluid matter good, circulate the stability and manage convenience etc. technique characteristics, already at domestic andinternational and extensive application in live the dirty water to is dirty to manage aqueously with the industry[1].Current application than oxidize extensively the ditch type include:The ( Pasveer) oxidizes the ditch, the ( Carrousel) oxidizes the ditch, ( Orbal) oxidizes the ditch, the type of T oxidizes the ditch( three ditch types oxidize the ditch), the type of DE oxidizes the ditch to turn to oxidize the ditch with the integral whole.These oxidize the ditch because of the difference of esse in construction with circulating, therefore each characteristics[2].This text will introduce construction, mechanism, existent problem and its latest developments that Carrousel oxidize ditches primarily.2. The Carrousel oxidizes the construction of the ditchThe Carrousel oxidize the ditch to be researched to manufacture by Dutch DHV company development in 1967.Oxidize the last the company of DHV in foundation of the ditch in the original Carrousel to permited specially the company EIMCO to invent again with its patent in the United States Carrousel 2000 system( see the figure ), realizes the living creature of the higher request takes off the nitrogen with divided by the function of .There has been in the world up to now more than 850 Carrousels oxidize the ditch with the Carrousel 2000 system are circulating[3].From diagram therefore, the Carrousel oxidizes the ditch the usage the spirit of that definite direction control with shake up the device, face to mix with the liquid deliver the level speed, from but make drive the liquid of admixture that shake up is in oxidize ditch shut match outlet circulate flow.Therefore oxidize the ditch have the special hydraulics flows the , current complete mix with the characteristics of the type reactor, have the characteristics that push the flow type reactor again, the ditch inside exsits obviously of deliquescence oxygen density steps degree.Oxidizing the ditch crosssection is rectangle or trapezoids, the flat surface shape is many for oval, the ditch internal water is deep general for 2.5 ~4.5 m, the breadth is deep compare for 2:1, also have the deep water amount to 7 ms of, ditch inside average speed in water current is 0.3 ms/ s.Oxidize ditch spirit admixture equipments contain surface spirit machine, the spirit of turn to brush or turn the dish and shoot to flow the spirit machine, pipe type spirit machine with promote take care of type spirit machine etc., match with in recent years usage still contain underwater push machine[4~6].3. The Carrousel oxidizes the mechanism of the ditch3.1 The Carrousel oxidizes the ditch handles dirty and aqueous principleThe at the beginning common Carrousel oxidizes the dirty water in inside in craft of the ditch direct with dirty mire in reflux together enter oxidize the ditch system.The surface spirit machine makes fuse in the liquid of admixture the density of the oxygen DO increases about 2 the 3 mgs/ L.Under this kind of well the term of the oxygen , the microorganism gets the enough deliquescence oxygen comes and go to divided by the BOD;At the same time, the ammonia were too oxidized nitrate with second nitrate, this time, mix with the liquid be placed in the oxygen appearance.In the spirit machine downstream, after water current be become by the swift flow appearance of the spirit District of even flow the appearance, the water current maintains in the minimum current velocity, guaranteeing the live and dirty mire be placed in the floats the appearance.( average current velocity>0.3 ms/ s)Oxidize microbially the process consumed to fuse the oxygen in the water, until the value of DO declines for zero, mixing with the liquid report the anoxia appearance.Versa nitric that turn the function through anoxia area, mix with the liquid enter to have the oxygen area, completing once circulating.That system inside, theBOD declines the solution is a continuous process, the nitric turns the function to turn with the versa nitric the function take place in same pond.Because of structural restrict, this kind of oxidize the ditch although can then valid whereabouts BOD, divided by the phosphorus take off the nitrogenous ability limited[7].For the sake of the acquisition better divided by the phosphorus take off the nitrogenous result, Carrousel 2000 systems increased a oxygen District before common Carrousel oxidize ditch with the unique oxygen area.( call again that the versa nitric in front turns the area)The dirty mire in all refluxes enters the anaerobic District with 10-30% dirty water, can under the anoxia with 10-30% carbon source term complete remaining of dirty mire in reflux inside nitric acid nitrogen to versa nitric to turn, creates for the unique oxygen pond of hereafter unique oxygen term.At the same time, anaerobic District inside of concurrently the sex germs convert the dissolubility BOD VFA, the germ acquire the VFA its assimilation PHB, the energy source needed solves in the phosphoric water and cause phosphatic releasing.The anaerobic District a water enters the inner part installs the unique oxygen area that have the mixer, the so-called unique oxygen is a pond inside to mix with liquid since have no the numerator oxygen, also have no the compound oxygen( nitric acid root), the here unique oxygen environment is next,70-90% dirty water can provide the enough carbon source, can make the germ of released the phosphorus well.The unique oxygen area connects behind the common Carrousel oxidizes the ditch system, further completing to do away with the BOD and take off the nitrogen with divided by the phosphorus .Finally, mix with the liquid transfer the dirty mire inside in oxidize ditch enrich oxygen area eject, while enriching the oxygen environment germ surfeit, phosphorus from the water, ejecting the system with the dirty mire in surplus.Like this, in Carrousel 2000systems, than completed to do away with the BOD, COD with take off at the same time goodly the nitrogen divided by the phosphorus .Synthesizing and dirty water in the river City , long sand City decontamination center[s of the dirty the factory of water in the first in Kunming of adoption that crafts handles the movement result of the factory therefore:Through Carrousel 2000 system after handling, the BOD, COD, SS does away with the rate to all come to a 90% above, the TN does away with the rate comes to a 80%, the TP does away with the rate to also come to a 90%.3.2 The Carrousel oxidizes the ditch divideds by the phosphorus takes off the nitrogenous influence factor.Affecting the Carrousel oxidizes the ditch divideds by the phosphoric factor is dirty mire , nitrate density and quality densities primarily.The research expresses, being total and dirty mire as 11% that a hour biggest phosphorus 4% with deal is its fuck dirty mire deal within live and dirty mire, keep for the the germ physical endowment measures, but when dirty mire over 15 d hour dirty mire the inside is biggest to contain the obvious descent in deal in phosphorus , canning not reach the biggest divideding by the result of phosphorus on the contrary.Therefore, prolong persistently the dirty mire ( for example 20ds,25ds,30ds) is to have no necessary, proper choose to use within the scope of 8~15 d.At the same time, high nitrate density with low quality density disadvantage in divided by the process of phosphorus .Affecting the Carrousel oxidizes the ditch takes off the nitrogenous and main factor is DO, nitrate density and carbon source densities.The research expresses, oxidizing the ditch inside exsits deliquescence oxygen density steps degree namely the good oxygen area DO attains 3~3.5 mgs/ L, the anoxia area DO attains 0~0.5 mgs/ L is a prior condition to take place nitric turn reaction and versa nitricsturn the reaction.At the same time, ample carbon source and higher C/ the N ratio benefits to take off to complete nitrogenously[7].4. The Carrousel oxidizes problem and solution methods of the ditch esse.Though the Carrousel oxidizes the ditch has a water fluid matter good, the anti- pounds at the burthen ability strong, divided by the phosphorus take off the nitrogen efficiency. But, in physically of movement process, still exsits a series of problem.4.1 Dirty mire inflation problemWhen discard the aquatic carbohydrate more, the N, P contains the unbalance of deal, the pH value is low, oxidizing the dirty mire in inside in ditch carries high, fuse the oxygen density the shortage, line up the mire not etc. causes easily dirty mire in germ in form in silk inflation;Not the dirty mire in germ in form in silk inflation takes place primarily at the waste water water temperature is lower but the dirty mire carries higher hour.The microbial burthen is high, the germs absorbed the large quantity nourishment material, is low because of the temperature, metabolism the speed is slower, accumulating the rises large quantity is high to glue sexual and many sugar materials, making the surface of the live and dirty mire adhere to the water to increase consumedly, SVI the value is very high, becoming the dirty mire inflation.Cause that aim at the dirty mire inflation, can adopt the different counterplan:From the anoxia, water temperature high result in of, can enlargement tolerance or lower into the water measures to alleviate burthen, or the adequacy lowers the MLSS( control dirty mire reflux measure), making need the oxygen measures decrease;If the dirty mire carries high, can increase MLSS, to adjust the burthen, necessity the hour can stop into the water, stuffy a period of time;Can pass the hurl add the nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus fatty, adjust the admixturenourishment in the liquid material equilibrium( BOD5:N:P=100:5:1);The value of pH over low, can throw to add the lime regulate;Bleach the powder with the liquid chlorin( press to fuck 0.3% of the dirty mire~0.6% the hurl adds), can repress the silk form germ breed, controling the dirty mire in combinative water inflation[11].4.2 Foam problemBecause entering to take the grease of large quantity in the water, handling system can't completely and availably its obviation, parts of greases enriches to gather in in the dirty mire, through turn to brush the oxygen agitation, creation large quantity foam;The mire is partial to long, the dirty mire is aging, and also easy creation foam.Spray to pour the water or divided by with the surface the of do away with the foam, in common use divided by the an organism oil, kerosene, the oil of silicon, throw deal as 0.5~1.5 mgs/ L.Pass to increase dirty mire in pond in spirit in density or adequacies let up the tolerance of , also can control the foam creation effectively.When contain the live material in surface in the waste water more, separate with the foam easily and in advance method or other methods do away with.Also can consider to increase to establish a set of divideding by the oil device moreover.But enhance most importantly the headwaters manage, reducing to contain the oil over the high waste water and other poisonous waste water of into[12].4.3 Float the problem on the dirty mireWhen contain in the waste water the oil measures big, whole system mire quality become light, can't like to control very much in operate process its at two sink the pond stop over time, resulting in the anoxia easily, producing the corrupt and dirty mire ascend to float;When spirit time over long, take place in pond the high degree nitric turn the function, making nitrate density high, at two sink theversa nitric in easy occurrence in pond turn the function, creation nitrogen spirit, make dirty mire ascend float;Moreover, contain the oil in the waste water?Take place the dirty mire ascend after floating should pause enter water, broke off or dirty mire in clearance, judge the clear reason, adjust the operation.The dirty mire sinks to decline the sex bad, can throw to add of oagulate or sloth materials, the improvement precipitates the sex;Such as enter the water carries big let up into the water measures or the enlargement reflux measures;Such as the dirty mire grain small lower the spirit machine turn soon;If discovers versa nitric turning, should let up the toerance , enlarge the reflux or row the mire measures;If discover the dirty mire is corrupt, should enlargement tolerance, the clearance accumulates the mire, and try the ameliorative pond internal water dint term[12].4.4 Current velocity is not all and the dirty mire sinks to accumulate the problemIn Carrousel oxidize ditch, for acquiring its special admixture with handles result, mix with liquid must with certain current velocity is in ditch circulate flow.Think generally, the lowest current velocity should should attain for an average current velocity for, doing not take place sinking accumulating 0.3~0.5 ms/ s.The spirit equipments that oxidize the ditch is general to turn to brush for the spirit of to turn the dish with the spirit of , turning to brush of immerse to have no depth for 250~300 mms, turn the dish immerse to have no depth for 480~530 mms.With oxidize the ditch water the deep(3.0~3.6 ms) comparing, turn to brush occupied the deep 1/10~ in water 1/12, turned the dish to also occupy the 1/6~ only 1/7, therefore result in to oxidize the ditch upper part current velocity bigger( roughly 0.8~1.2 ms, even larger), but the bottom current velocity is very small( especially at the water is deep 2/3 or 3/4 below, mix with theliquid has no current velocity almost), causing ditch bottom large quantity accumulate the mire( sometimes accumulate the mire thickness amount to a 1.0 ms), the valid capacity that reduced to oxidize the ditch consumedly, lowered to handle result, affected a water fluid matter.Adding the top, downstream leads to flow the plank is a valid method that ameliorative current velocity distribute, increases the oxygen ability with the most convenient measure.The upper stream leads to flow the plank installs at be apart from to turn the 4.0 places( upper stream) :dish( turn to brush) axis, lead to flow plank high degree as the deep 1/5~ in water 1/6, combine the perpendicularity install in the surface;The downstream leads to flow the plank installs at be apart from to turn dish( turn to brush) axis 3.0 ms.Leading to flow knothole material can use metals or glass steels, but regard glass steel as good.Lead to flow the plank compares with other ameliorative measure, can't not only increase the motive consumes with revolves cost, but also can still than significantly exaltation 充oxygen ability with theories motive efficiency[13].Moreover, pass in the spirit on board swim to establish the underwater push machine can also turn to the spirit of the liquid of admixture that brush the bottom low speed area circulates to flow to rise positive push function, from but the solution oxidizes the problem that low and dirty mire in current velocity in bottom in ditch sink accumulates.Establish the underwater push machine useds for exclusively the push mixs with the liquid can make movement method that oxidize the ditch much more vivid, this for economy energy, lift the high-efficiency having the very important meaning[14].5. The Carrousel oxidizes the development of the ditchBecause the dirty water handles standard inside to divided by the phosphorus take off the nitrogenous request more and more strict,the development that Carrousel further oxidized the ditch to also get.Current, the research and application includes morely below two category type:Tiny bore spirit type Carrousel 2000 systems, Carrousel 3000 system.5.1 Tiny bore spirit type Carrousel 2000 systemTiny bore spirit type Carrousel 2000 tiny bore in adoption in system spirit( provide oxygen equipments as the drum breeze machine), the tiny bore spirit machine can produce the diameter of large quantity as a surface for or so and small spirit steeping, this consumedly increases spirit bubble accumulates, undering the certain circumstance in capacity in pond make the oxygen transfer the gross measures aggrandizement.( if deep increment in pond, its spread the quality efficiency will be higher)Produce the technique ability of the factory house according to the current drum breeze machine, the valid water of the pond is deep biggest amounting to a 8 ms, therefore can select by examinations according to the different craft request the fit water is deep.The tradition oxidizes the ditch pushes to flow is to make use of to turn to brush, turn a disc or pour the umbrella type form machine realizes of, its equipments utilization is low, the motive consumes big.Tiny bore spirit type Carrousel 2000 systems then adopted the underwater pushes the way that flow, rises to dive the propeller the leaf the motivation that round creation the direct function namely in the of water, at push to flow the function to can keep dirty mire from sinking to decline effectively again at the same time.As a result, the adoption dives the propeller since lower the motive consume, making mire water got again to mixs with adequately.Seeing from water power characteristic, tiny bore spirit type Carrousel 2000 systems are wreaths form the fold flows the pond type, concurrently pushing the flow type with complete mix with the typeflows .In regard to whole oxidize ditch, can think that oxidize the ditch is a complete mix with spirit pond, its density variety coefficient smallest even can neglect to do not account, enter the water will get the dilution quickly, therefore it have the very strong anti- pounds at the burthen ability.But have oxidize ditch inside of a certain very much the some pushing the characteristic of the flow type, in the nearby district in downstream in machine in spirit inDO density higher, but along with increase with spirit machine distance continuously then the density of DO lowers continuously.( appear the anoxia area)This kind of structure method makes friendly oxygen in area in anoxia area exsited to build the thing inside , making use of its water power characteristic well, coming to an efficiently the living creature takes off the nitrogenous purpose.Tiny bore spirit type Carrousel 2000 system though have the oxygen ability strong, divided by the phosphorus take off the nitrogen effective, cover the area little with can consume low etc. advantage, it also exsits at the same time the problem that tiny bore spirit equipments maintain.Current, the service life of the local and tiny bore spirit machine is 5 years in 4~, can amount to 10 years in 8~ goodly, but with import the tiny bore spirit machine compare to still have the certain margin.The spirit machine maintains unlike the form equipments is so convenient, it need to fuck the pond talent fixs, and also is to say once the tiny bore spirit machine appears the problem to need the adoption parallel two inconvenience for or third sets to solving problem, or adopting promoting device waiting to resolving, this too will giving production with managing bringing biggest[15 16].5.2 Carrousel 3000 systemCarrousel 3000 systems are in the Carrousel 2000 systems are ex- to plus a living creature the choice the area.That living creaturechoice area is a craft to make use of high organism carries to sieve germ grow, repress silk form germ increase, increase each pollutant do away with the rate, afterward principle together Carrousel 2000 system.Carrousel 3000 system of bigger increases to express at:An is to increased the pond deep, can amount to 7.5~8 ms, united at heart circle type, the pond wall uses totally, reducing to cover the area, lowering to build the price to increases to bear the low temperature ability at the same time;( can amount to 7 ℃ )Two is the liquid of admixture that spirit equipments that skillful design, the form machine descends to install to lead to flow , the anoxia of take out , adopt the underwater propeller solution current velocity problem;Three is to used the advanced spirit controller QUTE.( it adopt the much aer kind of changing the deal control mode)Four is to adopt the integral whole turn the design, starting from the center, including below wreath form consecution craft unit:Enter the well of water with the cent water machine that used for the live and dirty mire in reflux;Difference from four-part the choice pond that cent constitute with 厌oxygen pond.This outside is a Carrousel to have three spirit machine with a prepare versa nitric turn the pond 2000 system.( such as figure 2 show)Five is tube line that the design that the circular integral whole turn to make oxidize the ditch do not need additionally, can immediately realize dirty mire in reflux allotment in different craft unit[17].6. ConclusionThe Carrousel oxidizes the ditch because of having the good a phosphorus takes off the nitrogen ability, anti- pounds at the burthen ability with circulate to manage the convenience etc. the advantage, having got the extensive application.But because of technological development with social advance, that craft is necessarily willexaltation getting further.The author thinks:The Carrousel oxidizes the future research direction of the ditch will now of main below several aspects.1 Combination living creature method, research with develop the living creature model Carrousel oxidize the ditch.Like this can not only increases the microorganism gross of the unit reactor measures, from but increases the organism carries, but also living creature oneself the inside that have places the A/ the system of O enhances to take off the nitrogen result[18].2 Increases continuously the Carrousel oxidize the microbial activity in inside in ditch.For example throw to add the EM in oxidize ditch with single mind the germ grow, throws in that the salt of iron make the microorganism tame the live char in iron, devotion in living creature to become the formation to strengthen the germ gum regiment and increases to bear the toxicity pound at etc..3 Increasing the Carrousel oxidizes the ditch equipments function with supervise and control the technique.Function that increases form machine, underwater propeller, reduce to maintain the workload;Making use of DO, etc. of ORP many targets supervises and control the technique and changes the technique of is from now on the Carrousel oxidizes ditch science circulate necessarily from it road.4 Increasing the Carrousel oxidizes the ditch resistant to cold and bear toxicity can, reduce to cover the area to build the price with the engineering.Theoretical application, deep pond in water power term with the research of the craft function is to lowers the engineering builds the price and increases resistant to cold bear the toxicity can wait to provide the possible direction.氧化沟工艺在污水处理中的应用与发展摘要:本文主要阐述了Carrousel氧化沟的结构、工艺机理、运行过程中存在的问题和相应的解决方法。






























上海罗氏高致敏固体制剂车间(二期)(给排水部分)Shanghai RocheHigh Potent Facility II Project(SHiP II) (Water Supply and Drainage)编制人:Compiled by:审核人:Verified by:批准人:Approved by:版本AVersion A江苏省建设集团有限公司(沪)China Jiangsu Construction Company目录 Contents第一章编制说明及依据 Compile instructions and basis (1)1.1 编制说明Compile instructions (1)1.2 编制依据Compile basis (1)1.3 工程施工目标 Construction goals (1)第二章工程简介及概况 Chapter II project introduction and overview (3)2.1 工程简介 Project Overview (3)2.2 工程概况及系统介绍Project Overview and System Introduction (3)第三章施工部署 Construction Deployment (5)3.1人力资源分析及工具配备Human resources analysis and equipments (5)3.2主要人员职责Major Staff Responsibilities (7)3.3 安装人员部署Installation Person Deploy men (11)3.4施工顺序安排Construction Sequencing (12)3.5施工管理措施Construction Management Measures (12)3.6施工技术准备Construction Technology Preparation (13)3.7施工器具设备Construction machinery equipment (15)3.8工程施工协调Construction Coordination (16)第四章施工方案 Chapter IV construction plan (18)4.1 材料设备进场计划Materials and equipment site entering plan (18)4.2预留孔洞、套管及预埋管道Reserved holes, casing and embedded pipeline (20)4.3管道安装 pipeline installation (21)4.4给水系统water supply system (23)4.5给水系统water supply system (28)4.6主要卫生器具的安装 major sanitary equipments (31)4.7支、吊架安装support and hanger installation (36)4. 8地漏安装Floor drain installation (37)4. 9管道系统调试pipe system debugging (38)4.10主要设备的安装及调试major equipment installation and debugging (42)4.11成品保护:finished protection (45)第五章工程质量保证措施Chapter V Project Quality Assurance Measures (45)第六章安全技术措施 Chapter VI Safety Measures (47)第一章:编制说明及依据 Description of preparation and basis1.1编制说明:compile instructions:本施工组织设计主要反映本专业的基本施工方法,采用经济、合理、安全可靠的施工方案编制而成的。



Water and Electrical Construction Plan AbstractThe Water and Electrical Construction Plan provides a detled strategy for the installation and management of water and electrical systems in a construction project. This plan encompasses a comprehensive overview of the design, implementation, and quality control measures related to water and electrical infrastructure. This document ms to ensure the efficient and safe operation of these systems throughout the project’s lifecycle.1. IntroductionWater and electrical systems are fundamental in any construction project, serving various purposes such as supplying potable water, providing electricity for lighting and equipment, and facilitating proper wastewater management. This construction plan outlines the necessary steps and considerations for the installation, testing, and mntenance of these systems.2. Design Phase2.1 Water System DesignThe design of the water system requires a thorough understanding of the project’s water demand and supply. Key consider ations include:•Determining the projected water demand based on the project’s size and intended use.•Identifying the water source and developing a suitable water supply network.•Designing the plumbing system, including pipes, fittings, valves, and pressure regulators.•Ensuring compliance with applicable regulations and standards for water quality and safety.2.2 Electrical System DesignThe electrical system design involves careful planning to meet the project’s power requirements efficiently. This includes:•Conducting load calculations to determine the power demand.•Developing an electrical network layout, considering the location of outlets, switches, and electrical panels.•Specifying the types and sizes of cables, conduits, and other electrical components.•Ensuring compliance with electrical codes and safety regulations.3. Implementation Phase3.1 Water System InstallationThe water system installation involves the following steps:•Excavation and laying of underground water supply pipes.•Installation of valves, pressure regulators, and other plumbing fixtures.•Connection of the water supply network to the mn water source.•Testing the water system for leaks and pressure consistency.•Installation of water meters and backflow prevention devices.3.2 Electrical System InstallationThe installation of the electrical system involves the following steps:•Installation of electrical panels, switches, and outlets as per the design layout.•Laying and routing of electrical cables and conduits.•Proper grounding of electrical equipment and infrastructure.•Connection of the electrical system to the power source.•Testing the electrical connections, switches, and protective devices.4. Quality ControlQuality control is vital to ensure the long-term functionality and safety of the water and electrical systems. This includes:•Regular inspections during the construction phase to identify and address any potential issues.•Conducting pressure tests on the water supply system to verify its integrity.•Inspecting electrical connections for proper insulation and grounding.•Testing the electrical system for potential faults, such as short circuits or overloaded circuits.•Periodic mntenance and performance assessments to optimize the systems’ efficiency.5. ConclusionThe Water and Electrical Construction Plan provides guidelines for the successful implementation of water and electrical systems in a construction project. By following this plan, project managers and construction teams can ensure that these vital infrastructures are installed, managed, and mntned in accordance with industry standards. Complying with safety regulations and quality control measures guarantees the long-term functionality and reliability of these systems, promoting a safe and efficient project environment.。



建筑给水排水外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Supplying and draining waterin hospital constructionWith the fact that modern medicine science promptness develops,new technique , the new armamentarium are continuing without end , modernized medical treatment thereby consonant with that is building a hospital , are also are confronted with new design idea and new technology applying. Disregarding secondary hospital building function , what whose gets along environment, still , finclause the hospital builds equipment and is equipped with system, the request is without exception higher and higher. Because of it is to ensure daily work living not only need the rapid and intense life relevance recovering from the illness , avoiding crippling , rescuing, and promote with giving treatment to a patient. Not only the design accomplishing to the special field draining away water need to satisfy the request being unlike a function in hospital building on equipment , but also safety is be obliged to reliable. Following is built according to the hospital.一HOSPITAL GIVES A SEWERAGE1) Modernized hospital equipment and equipment system content is numerous , the function is peculiar , the request is very high. Except demanding to swear to continue supplying with the use water according with quality level sufficiently, need more according to demand of different medical treatment instrument and different administrative or tehcnical office to water quality , water pressure , the water temperature, classify setting up water treatment system and be in progress to system to increase pressure reduction.2) The hospital operating rooms , the delivery room operation the water hygiene, saliva washing hands by shower bath water , the dentistry dentistry chair ought to adopt the water purifying degassing. In the homeland few are large-scale , the high rank hospital centre supplies a room, the centre disinfecting has also adopted to purify the water disinfecting, now that swear to there be no dust , the sterility , to remove the pathopoiesia source , to avoid the blockage infecting , cutting down equipment microtubule.3) Hospital preparation rooms preparation uses water to adopt distilled water, and sets up in making distilled water system to have part pressure boost facilities. The handicraft responds to according to different hospital preparation handicraft but fixes concrete system distilled water, should satisfy demand of whose handicraft to water quality , water yield , water pressure act in close coordination that the preparation handicraft reserves corresponding to drain-pipe and allocation chilled water circulatory system by the special field draining away water.4) Hospital operating rooms , delivery rooms , baby rooms , supply rooms , medical treatment of the dermatological department wards, door emergency call, cures skill every administrative or tehcnical office and the request difference that the staff and worker logistics branch supplies to hot water need to set up hot water respectively supplying system more. Ordinary circumstances door emergency call, cures skill administrative or tehcnical office , centre supply a room , the staff and worker logistics branch supplies hot water to water supply the regular time, the comparison supplying time is consistent. The hospital is based on major part at present financial resources, ward building hot water supplies basic to the regular time , ought to be that 24 hs supply hot water judging from long-term angle but. Operating room , the delivery room operation wash hands, the hygiene h by the fact that the shower bath ought to be 24 supplies hot water, moreover the block of wood5) Considers beautification to the environment , is inadvisable to adopt the steam boiled waterstove , completely eradicates occurrence aroused the ward building pantry inner floor moistness , avoided interior wall mustiness phenomenon by leak or sparse steam water implement aerofluxus thereby. The hospital disregards size , boiled water supplies to should adopt automation volume or the electricity boiled water stove, a general disease area considers one , volume ascertains that according to using condition. The first easy to protect labor is managed, two is supplying ensuring that to the patient , improves the internal environment of ward at the same time.6)Especially infecting the section ward every door emergency call administrative or tehcnical office, every consulting room , the hand movement water curing a room , washing a basin should set up mistake chew , may adopt elbow style , knee style or dyadic switch of pedal. If using the dyadic switch of pedal to must use the product guarding against leakage, the floor is to avoid using a place often damp , makes the patient , the medical personnel slip down , an accident happened. Operation waits for the operating room , the delivery room to wash hands should adopt the constant temperature muddy water valve , the constant temperature to produce water, taking as an example infrared ray induced electromagnetic valve control mode for fine. Cure skill part control laboratory , laboratory of administrative or tehcnical office have the peculiar request , water chews the form should ascertain whose water according to every administrative or tehcnical office coming functional request chewing.7)Many administrative or tehcnical office, especially downstream pipelines such as pickling bath , the pool disinfecting , develop pool in administrative or tehcnical office such as checking the room , the control laboratory , emitting section responds to of hospitals are adopt to be able to bear the rotten PVC2U draining off silent stock tube.8) Pair of filth , waste water of all kinds must classify strictly according to the country in connection with the effluent standard , the field carrying out a pertinency with different treatment handicraft deals with and handles.9) Uses a function to need since the modern hospital needs to be satisfied with not only , wants to think that the interior outside environment is beautiful too at the same time. The building needs especially door emergency call, cures skill sometimes because of medical treatment function , give the horizontal stroke draining away water , erect a tube arrange to lie scattered comparatively, more bright dew is in interior, warm the pipeline exchanging special field up in addition sometimes , make the pipeline that the room inner clearly shows more than the correct or required number , both inelegant, and affect hygiene. This demands right away in the process ofengineering design , the rational arrangement the structure form should fully utilize not being the same as is carried out, needs to make the various pipeline conceal arrangement to the full according to the function , pays attention to beautiful befitting one's position or suited to the occasion under not affecting the premise being put into use. Certainly, these require that building structure special field is dense. Tier of furred ceilings and the basement top sometimes are every special field pipeline aggregation field , every special field norm and request having every special field , each sometimes arranges if the building designs middle in the ward,whose result either increase building storey height, or cannot attend to one thing without neglecting another. For overcoming this one abuse, should think in general that bigger flue pipe arrangement be in the most superjacent, it's on the down part is that several special field arrangement props up the public space being in charge of , down part is to arrange to give draining off , driving force , strong , weak electricity every system to do a tube again. Such is arranged than form arrangement is other comparatively economical , pragmatic.10) Exchangers forms choice. In the system the tradition hospital hot water is supplied, people adopt volume mainly dyadic exchanger. Have been to think that what be provided steam amounts and hot water supplies the adjustment amounts dispatching value between maximum value mainly , have diminished a steam boiler designing amounts , have decreased by boiler room Zhan field area , have saved one time investment. People demands but more highly, and more highly, especially the example discovering army group bacterium pathopoiesia in life hot water to water quality now , the altitude arousing people takes seriously. Be a bacterium mainly because of in the water 55 ~C is the easiest to breed an army group in 30 ~C ~, WHO (WHO) is recommended by for this purpose: "Hot water responds to in 60 ~C use And cycle at least above 50 ~C. Come if some users, need to fall to 40 ~C or 50 ~C or so with the faucet water temperature, to come true being able to use a thermoregulation to blend a valve at this time. The growth being a temperature Bu Li Yu pneumonia diplococcus swear to store water, is a regulating valve's turn to should set up the place closing down and suspending operation of point in drawing near". This be especially important to the hospital. Because of being in hospital the weak having disease,if bacterium of army group happened within the hospital is to be harmful for patient to treat and recover from the illness,the hospital has a grave responsibility. At present small hospital within the hospital especially a little condition is relatively poor , include the part area level hospital, 24 unable hs supply hot water, and volume the dyadic converter inner water temperature is to useechelon in inside of exchanger, the water temperature very difficult to make keeps in 60 ~C or so. Thereby, lead to volume produce the bacterium of army group in the pipeline supplying hot water system within dyadic exchanger , change a hospital using the exchanger form to respond to be a task of top priority. Adopt half to be to heat up style or be a dyadic hot exchanger , make whose hot water supply the system water temperature keeping the water supply being in progress in all above 60 ~C area all the time, occurrence propagating , completely eradicating the bacterium of army group in order to avoiding the bacterium of army group.二MULTILAYER WATER SUPPL Y SYSTEMAt present, great majority cities municipal administration pipe network pressure can maintain above 2 kilograms in the homeland , take place individual small town water pressure can reach 4 kilograms even. The pressure therefore, building the municipal administration pipe network's to the same multilayer has been already sufficient , has been in a small town especially since but municipal administration pipe network water yield supplying water , water pressure fluctuation are bigger. Have several kinds the following types mainly for overcome these shortcomings , multilayer water supply system design.1) Direct water supply type is that pressure , direct water supply , sort making use of municipal administration pipe network directly apply to slightly high area of municipal administration pipe network pressure or higher range of water works vicinity pressure inner. The shortcoming it is water yield , water pressure to be able to not ensure that. This water supply scheme economy function is very good but, to less pipe network of scale , does not need any other equipment or measure.2) Water box water supply types have led municipal administration pipe network water to roof water box , discrepancy in elevation , gravity depending on a water box and using the water appliance have supplied water , have overcome water pressure water yield block of wood stability and then. Since but, secondary pollution, moreover, water box volume that the water box there exists in possibility is bigger,this way does not encourage therefore.3) Water boxes , pipe networks ally self with a type when the ordinary time water yield water pressure is sufficient , unnecessary water enters the roof water box when covering water supply , overpressure as with a net directly from municipal administration, think that the water box supplies water to the consumer by gravity automation when pressure or the water yield is insufficient. The main force who is that regular directness supplies water on physics structurestretches the top cut-over water box , sets up and one exhalent siphon from the water box. Owe a scheme the volume having diminished a water box, and make water not need to enter a water box staying this one step , hygiene reliability increase by. The problem is (that the municipal administration now pipe network can accomplish) but if longtime stabilivolt supplies water , the water sojourn time in water box is on the contrary greatly increase by , easier to be contaminated. And, the water box all must readjust oneself to a certain extent in the building in all usage water boxes system most higher place, attractive looks being able to affect a building in some occasion , the physical design building even.4) Pressure jars supply water since insecure water box factor , reason why use the jar sealing off reliable pressure to replace, and the pressure jar does not need, high position lay down, attractive looks and structure not affecting a building bearing , go down well very much over the past few years. Pressure jar system requires that the water pump and autocontrol system have to fit but , feasible cost increases by to some extent. However, in the late years whose market price already lets many consumers be able to choose.Systematic pressure jar principle is to make use of a water pump water compression to be sent to receive the pipe network building the inside , thinks that water enters the pressure jar , reaches certain pressure time , water pump motor stoppage or reduces the speed when pressure is too big,While pressure is smaller than regulation value, the pressure jar conveys water to the outside and starts the water pump or acceleration at the same time (frequency conversion water pump).5) Two time of compression types can make do for to small-scale consumer ,if the building , the pressure jar are only systematic. The direction that the dwelling house spends at present to housing estate develops but, shows for the cluster arrangement that multilayer builds , concentrates stabilivolt mainly. The ability can not satisfy a request with pressure jar volume , the water pump concentrates compression therefore having appeared give first place to, pressure jar stabilivolt (remove the system water hammer) is subsidiary way. Economy cost rises only , also needs the specially-assigned person upkeep. Besides, pipe network system belongs to low pressure since tier of numbers are not many, pipeline, the direct cut-over without exception with layers consumer is be OK , comparatively simple. The steel tube prepares pipeline material with low pressure low pressure PPR silent stock tube give first place to.译文:医院建筑给水排水随着现代医学科学的迅速发展,新技术、新医疗设备层出不穷,从而与之相符的现代化医疗建筑———医院,也面临着新的设计理念和新技术的运用。



顶管法施工方案(英文版)Title: Trenchless Construction Method for Pipe Jacking (English Version)Introduction:Pipe jacking, also known as trenchless construction, is an innovative method used in civil engineering projects for the installation of underground pipelines. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the construction process, highlighting its advantages, challenges, and safety considerations.1. Construction Preparation:1.1 Site Investigation and Design:- Conduct a thorough site investigation to assess the soil conditions, groundwater levels, and potential obstacles.- Design the pipe jacking alignment, taking into account the project requirements, geological conditions, and environmental factors.- Determine the pipe material, diameter, and wall thickness based on the intended use and load requirements.1.2 Equipment and Material Selection:- Select appropriate jacking equipment, such as hydraulic jacks, thrust frames, and guidance systems, based on the project specifications.- Choose pipes with suitable strength and durability, considering factors like soil pressure, external loads, and corrosion resistance.- Ensure the availability of necessary auxiliary equipment, including lubrication systems, grouting machines, and spoil removal systems.1.3 Safety Measures:- Develop a comprehensive safety plan, including risk assessment, hazard identification, and emergency procedures.- Provide adequate training to the construction team on safety protocols, equipment operation, and emergency response.- Implement measures to prevent accidents, such as proper ventilation, personal protective equipment (PPE), and regular equipment maintenance.2. Construction Process:2.1 Excavation and Support:- Excavate a launching shaft and a receiving shaft, ensuring they are of sufficient size to accommodate the jacking equipment and pipes.- Install temporary support structures, such as steel ribs or precast concrete segments, to stabilize the excavation and prevent soil collapse.- Use appropriate ground stabilization techniques, such as grouting or jetting, to enhance soil stability during excavation.2.2 Pipe Jacking:- Assemble the pipes at the launching shaft, ensuring proper alignment, joint integrity, and lubrication.- Activate the hydraulic jacks to push the pipe sections forward, while monitoring the jacking force, alignment, and speed.- Control the spoil removal process using slurry or auger systems, ensuring the continuous flow of excavated material to the receiving shaft.2.3 Pipe Connection and Finishing:- Inspect the installed pipe sections for any damage or misalignment before connecting them to the existing pipeline network.- Perform necessary joint sealing and grouting to ensure a watertight and structurally sound connection.- Backfill the annular space around the installed pipe with suitable materials, compacting them to provide long-term stability.3. Advantages of Pipe Jacking:3.1 Minimal Surface Disruption:- Pipe jacking eliminates the need for extensive open trenches, minimizing disruption to traffic, utilities, and the surrounding environment.- It is particularly beneficial in urban areas where space constraints and existing infrastructure pose challenges for traditional excavation methods.3.2 Reduced Environmental Impact:- The trenchless construction method reduces the amount of excavated material, minimizing the need for disposal and reducing the associated environmental impact.- It also helps preserve natural habitats and prevents soil erosion, maintaining the ecological balance.3.3 Cost and Time Efficiency:- Pipe jacking offers cost savings by reducing labor, material, and restoration expenses associated with traditional excavation.- The method allows for faster project completion due to continuous construction and shorter construction periods, minimizing inconvenience to the public.4. Challenges and Safety Considerations:4.1 Ground Conditions and Obstacles:- Varying soil conditions, such as rock formations or soft ground, can pose challenges during pipe jacking, requiring appropriate ground stabilization techniques and equipment modifications.- The presence of underground utilities, such as gas pipelines or electrical cables, requires accurate mapping and careful planning to avoid damage or service disruptions.4.2 Monitoring and Control:- Continuous monitoring of jacking forces, alignment, and speed is crucial to ensure the safe and accurate installation of the pipes.- Real-time monitoring systems and automated control mechanisms help detect and address any deviations or potential risks promptly.4.3 Worker Safety:- Adequate safety measures, including proper training, PPE, and regular safety inspections, should be implemented to protect the construction team from potential hazards.- Emergency response plans, including evacuation procedures and first aid training, should be in place to address any unforeseen incidents.Conclusion:Pipe jacking, as a trenchless construction method, offers numerous advantages in terms of minimal surface disruption, reduced environmental impact, and cost efficiency. However, it also requires careful planning, adherence to safety protocols, and consideration of various challenges related to ground conditions and worker safety. By following the outlined construction process and safety measures, pipe jacking can be successfully implemented in civil engineering projects, ensuring the efficient and safe installation of underground pipelines.。



非洲QISLUOBO水电站工程引水明渠施工方案Q I L U O B O H Y D R O P O W E R C o n s t r u c t i o n s c h e m e o f Wa t e rd i ve r s i o n c h a n n e lXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司2019年1月目录Catalog目录Catalog (2)第一章工程概况Chapter Ⅰ Project Overview (3)1.1 工程概况 (3)1.2 主要工程量Main engineering quantity (3)1.3 编制依据Preparation basis (4)第二章引水明渠施工ChapterⅡConstruction of open diversion channel (5)2.1施工布置Construction layout (5)2.2土方开挖施工方案Earth excavation construction plan (5)2.3石方开挖施工方案Stonework excavation scheme (6)2.4高边坡开挖、支护施工方案High Slope Excavation and Support Construction Scheme 62.5渠下涵施工Drainage Culvert construction (7)2.6明渠渠道混凝土施工Concrete Construction in Open diversion Channel (9)第三章引水明渠施工进度计划ChapterⅢWater diversion channel construction schedule10 第四章施工质量、安全保证措施Chapter Ⅳ Construction quality, safety measures (10)4.1施工质量保证措施 (10)4.2施工安全保证措施Construction Safety Assurance Measures (11)第五章引水明渠施工资源配置Chapter Ⅴ Resource Allocation of Water Diversion Channel Construction (12)5.1 人员配置Personnel allocation (12)5.2设备配置Device configuration (13)第一章工程概况Chapter Ⅰ Project Overview1.1 工程概况引水明渠长5628m,首端渠底高程为1388.000m,末端渠底高程为1382.737m,渠底纵坡i=0.001,石渠段渠道断面为梯形断面,底宽3.6.0m,边坡1:0.65,渠深3.5m。



第1篇Project Name: Urban Residential ComplexClient: XYZ Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Location: Downtown, City of ADuration: 24 months1. IntroductionThis proposal outlines the construction plan for the Urban Residential Complex, a high-rise residential building designed to provide modern living spaces in the heart of the city. The project will include residential units, recreational facilities, and commercial spaces. The following sections detail the construction methodology, safety measures, quality control, and project timeline.2. Construction Methodology2.1 Site Preparation- Clearing the site of debris, vegetation, and any existing structures.- Establishing temporary construction offices, storage areas, and access roads.- Conducting a detailed site survey to identify underground utilities and other obstacles.2.2 Foundation Construction- Excavating the foundation pit according to the architectural drawings.- Installing formwork and reinforcing steel for the foundation.- Casting the concrete foundation slab and walls.- Conducting quality tests on the concrete mix to ensure compliance with standards.2.3 Superstructure Construction- Installing steel columns and beams according to the structural drawings.- Constructing the concrete floors using formwork and reinforcing steel.- Installing the precast concrete units for walls and partitions.- Carrying out regular structural inspections to ensure the integrity of the framework.2.4 Facade and Roofing- Installing the facade system, which includes cladding, insulation, and waterproofing.- Constructing the roof structure with steel trusses and roofing materials.- Ensuring the roof is watertight and meets the required insulation standards.2.5 Interior Finishing- Installing electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems according to the design specifications.- Laying tiles, carpet, or hardwood flooring in the residential units.- Painting walls and ceilings, and installing doors and windows.- Conducting final inspections to ensure all interior finishes meet quality standards.2.6 Miscellaneous Works- Constructing recreational facilities such as swimming pools, gyms, and playgrounds.- Installing security systems, including surveillance cameras and access control.- Setting up commercial spaces for retail or office use.- Coordinating with utility companies for the connection of water, electricity, and gas supplies.3. Safety Measures3.1 Health and Safety Policy- Implementing a comprehensive health and safety policy in accordance with local regulations.- Conducting regular safety training for all workers.- Ensuring the availability of first aid kits and emergency response plans.3.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)- Providing appropriate PPE to all workers, including helmets, gloves, safety shoes, and eye protection.- Ensuring the use of fall protection equipment on all elevated work areas.3.3 Safety Inspections- Conducting daily safety inspections on the construction site.- Reporting any hazards or accidents to the project manager immediately.4. Quality Control4.1 Materials and Workmanship- Ensuring the use of high-quality materials and adherence to the latest construction standards.- Conducting periodic quality checks throughout the construction process.- Obtaining certifications for materials and finishes used in the project.4.2 Testing and Inspections- Conducting tests on concrete, steel, and other materials to ensure compliance with specifications.- Inspecting the workmanship at each stage of the construction process to ensure quality.5. Project Timeline5.1 Phase 1: Site Preparation and Foundation Construction (3 months)- Clearing the site and establishing temporary facilities.- Excavating the foundation pit and casting the foundation.- Installing formwork and reinforcing steel for the superstructure.5.2 Phase 2: Superstructure Construction (9 months)- Constructing the steel framework and concrete floors.- Installing precast concrete units and conducting structural inspections.- Erecting the facade and roofing systems.5.3 Phase 3: Interior Finishing and Miscellaneous Works (6 months)- Installing electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems.- Laying flooring and painting walls.- Constructing recreational facilities and commercial spaces.5.4 Phase 4: Final Inspections and Handover (3 months)- Conducting final inspections and obtaining necessary certifications.- Cleaning the site and preparing the building for handover to the client.6. ConclusionThe Urban Residential Complex project is expected to be completed within the stipulated timeframe and budget. By following the outlinedconstruction methodology, safety measures, and quality control procedures, we aim to deliver a high-quality residential building that meets the needs of our clients and the community. We look forward to the opportunity to work with XYZ Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and contribute to the development of the city.---施工方案项目名称:城市住宅综合体客户: XYZ房地产开发有限公司地点: A市市中心工期: 24个月1. 引言本方案概述了城市住宅综合体的施工计划,该综合体是一座高层住宅楼,旨在市中心提供现代化的居住空间。



中英给排⽔给排⽔施⼯图设计说明Design Specification for Water Supply & Drainage⼀、室内给排⽔系统设计说明1. Indoor Drainage System1、图中尺⼨除标⾼以⽶计外,其余均以毫⽶计。

1. Except for the unit for elevations is in “meter”, the unit for other dimensions which are indicated in drawings is in “millimeter”.2、给⽔管及排⽔管标⾼均指管中⼼标⾼。

2. Elevations for pipes refer to those at pipe centerlines.3、管道材料及连接:⽣活给⽔采⽤镀锌钢管,以DNxx表⽰,丝扣连接;排⽔管道采⽤UPVC排⽔管,以dxxXxx表⽰,粘接连接;消防管道材料均⽤焊接钢管,焊接连接。

3. Piping material and connectionDomestic water supply shall be of galvanized steels and be indicated as “DNxx” and with screwed connection; drainage pipes shall be of UPVC and be indicated as “dxxXxx” and with binding connection; fire-fighting pipes shall be welded steel pipes4、管道防腐:明露镀锌钢管外刷银粉⼆道防腐,明露焊接钢管除锈后刷底漆⼀道银粉两道,埋地钢管作加强级环氧沥青防腐。

4. Anticorrosion of pipingGalvanized pipes to be exposed to air shall be painted with two coats of aluminum paint; welded pipes to be exposed to air shall be derusted and painted with one coat of primer and two coats of aluminum paint; underground pipes shall be painted with intensive bituminous epoxy paint for anticorrosion purpose.5、室内消防⽔量25L/S,消⽕栓流量5L/S,选⽤SN65消⽕栓,DN65X19型直流⽔枪,25⽶DN65⿇质衬胶⽔龙带及龙带接⼝。

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上海罗氏高致敏固体制剂车间(二期)(给排水部分)Shanghai RocheHigh Potent Facility II Project(SHiP II) (Water Supply and Drainage)编制人:Compiled by:审核人:Verified by:批准人:Approved by:版本AVersion A江苏省建设集团有限公司(沪)China Jiangsu Construction Company目录 Contents第一章编制说明及依据 Compile instructions and basis (1)1.1 编制说明Compile instructions (1)1.2 编制依据Compile basis (1)1.3 工程施工目标 Construction goals (1)第二章工程简介及概况 Chapter II project introduction and overview (3)2.1 工程简介 Project Overview (3)2.2 工程概况及系统介绍Project Overview and System Introduction (3)第三章施工部署 Construction Deployment (5)3.1人力资源分析及工具配备Human resources analysis and equipments (5)3.2主要人员职责Major Staff Responsibilities (7)3.3 安装人员部署Installation Person Deploy men (11)3.4施工顺序安排Construction Sequencing (12)3.5施工管理措施Construction Management Measures (12)3.6施工技术准备Construction Technology Preparation (13)3.7施工器具设备Construction machinery equipment (15)3.8工程施工协调Construction Coordination (16)第四章施工方案 Chapter IV construction plan (18)4.1 材料设备进场计划Materials and equipment site entering plan (18)4.2预留孔洞、套管及预埋管道Reserved holes, casing and embedded pipeline (20)4.3管道安装 pipeline installation (21)4.4给水系统water supply system (23)4.5给水系统water supply system (28)4.6主要卫生器具的安装 major sanitary equipments (31)4.7支、吊架安装support and hanger installation (36)4. 8地漏安装Floor drain installation (37)4. 9管道系统调试pipe system debugging (38)4.10主要设备的安装及调试major equipment installation and debugging (42)4.11成品保护:finished protection (45)第五章工程质量保证措施Chapter V Project Quality Assurance Measures (45)第六章安全技术措施 Chapter VI Safety Measures (47)第一章:编制说明及依据 Description of preparation and basis1.1编制说明:compile instructions:本施工组织设计主要反映本专业的基本施工方法,采用经济、合理、安全可靠的施工方案编制而成的。

This construction organization and design reflect our professional construction methods, and adopts a reasonable, economic, safe and reliable construction plan.我们在认真分析了本工程的特点、难点、重点及各种影响施工的因素,充分融入了我们多年来对类似工程的经验和对业主招标文件、图纸的充分理解,对给排水专业安装部分的管理机构设置、施工进度计划、劳动力组织、机械设备配备、物料的采购供应、主要分项工程的施工方法、进度控制措施、工程质量控制措施、安全保证措施、文明施工及环境保护措施等诸多因素进行了综合考虑和研究,以突出本施工组织设计在罗氏制药高志敏车间二期项目给排水专业施工过程中对本专业目标系统控制的科学性、可行性和指导性。

We are careful analysis of the characteristics of the project, key pain points, and a variety of factors influencing the construction, fully integrated into our years of experience on similar projects and full understanding for the owners of the tender documents, drawings, right。

1.2 编制依据: Develop basis建筑专业提供的平、立、剖面; Building professional provided by Dan Tiping,Li,profile;管理公司提供的单体图纸及业主要求;Monomer drawings and owners of the management company to provide the required;工程建设标准强制性条文;The compulsory provisions of engineeringconstruction standards;上海市工程建设地方标准强制性条文; Shanghai City local construction standards mandatory provisions;《建筑给水排水设计规范》;《Code for design of building water supply and drainage》;《建筑设计防火规范》;《Building the code for fire protection design》;相应的国家规范、标准;relevant national norms and standard本专业历史上类似工程的经验;major similar project experience1.3工程施工目标:Construction goals:1.3.1 质量目标 Quality Goals本专业安装工程的质量控制目标:交给业主一个既满足国家规范要求又让业主满意的合格产品。

The professional installation engineering quality control objectives: meet the owner’srequirements as well as national regulatory requirements.1.3.2工期目标Duration targets给排水专业标段工程我们依假定开工日期为2013年6月30日,2013年12月3日结束,共计64个日历天;给排水验收时间:2013.11.1—2013.11.30。

During the period of water supply tenders , we have assumed that the start date is September 30th , 2013, the end December 3rd , 2013, in all 64 calendar days; water supply and drainage time: 2013.11.1—2013.11.301.3.3安全目标 Security Goals施工工程中,本专业将采取切实可行的措施和充足的安全投入,建立完善的安全施工管理机制,确保本项目施工全过程无重大伤亡事故、无火灾事故和无恶性中毒事件目标。

During the construction, this discipline will adopt practical measures and adequate investment into safety, establish and improve the safety of construction management mechanisms to ensure that the whole construction process of this project, guaranteeing that no major casualties, no fire accidents, and no any poisoning incidents occur.1.3.4环境保护和文明施工目标 Environmental Protection and civilized construction target本专业将严格按照上海市有关建筑工程施工的各项管理规定执行,加强施工组织和现场安全、文明施工管理。


This discipline will perform in strict accordance with the regulations on building construction in Shanghai, and we will strengthen the construction organization and on-site security and civilized construction management so as to meet the design requirements and green building goal. We will be in strict accordance with the focus of environmental protection system to the implementation of the professional project.1.3.5团结合作目标 Unity and cooperation goals积极、主动、高效为业主服务,急业主所急,想业主所想,处理好与业主和综合管理团队、监理、设计、各标段分包及相关政府部门的关系,使工程各方面形成一个团结、高效、和谐、健康的有机整体,努力促进项目综合目标的实现。
