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1. 到达reach; get to; arrive in(at)

2. 回来come back; get back; return

3. 害怕be afraid of; be(feel) frightened of

4. 担心be worried about; be anxious about

5. 讨厌be tired of; be fed up with

6. 因……而出名be famous for; be well-know for

7. 在……方面好be good at; do well in

8. 在……方面差be weak in; do badly in

9. 能be able to; can

10. 值be worth; cost

11. 出生be born; give birth to

12. 当心;小心be careful; look out

13. 离开be away; leave

14. 在家be in; be at home

15. 在外面;不在家be out; be not at home

16. 装满了be full of; 被用……装满be filled with

17. 来自be from; come from

18. 一直all the time; always

19. 遍及all over; around

20. 终年;全年all the year round; during the whole year

21. 尽快as soon as possible; as early as possible

22. 立刻;马上at once; right away

23. 起先(初)at first; first of all; at the beginning

24. 最后at last; in the end; finally

25. 一次又一次地again and again; over and over

26. 一整天all day; in the daytime

27. 有时at times; sometimes

28. 不再no longer; not...any more

29. 不久后before long; soon

30. 及时in time; at the right time

31. 不超过no more than; 少于less than

32. 多于;超过more than; over

33. 差不多more or less; about

34. 刚才 a moment ago; just now

35. 就在那时at that time; just then

36. 今后in the future; from now on

37. 有一天one day; some day

38. 到目前为止so far; up to now

39. 在过去十年间in the last ten years; since ten years ago

40. 一点 a little; a bit(of)

41. 几个;一些 a few; several

42. 玩得开心enjoy oneself; have a good time; have fun

43. 独自,孤单by oneself; alone

44. 事物food; somethng to eat

45. ……怎么样what about; how about

46. 名字first name; given name

47. 姓family name; last name

48. 展览on show; on display

49. 在……的中部in the center of; in the middle of

50. 紧邻着next to; beside

51. 多亏thanks to; because of

52. 在某人帮助下thanks to; with one’s help

53. 照料look after; take care of

54. 查找look up; try to find the meaning of

55. 看起来像……一样look like; look the same as

56. 与……相像look like; be similar to; take after

57. 看电影see a film; watch movies; go to the cinema; go to the movies/a movie

58. 告别see sb. off; say goodbye to sb.

59. 打电话给……ring up; call up

60. 给某人打电话give sb. a call; make a call to sb.

61. 坐下take a seat; sit down

62. 做运动do sports; play sports; take sports

63. 别挂断hold on; wait for a moment; just a minute

64. 帮助help sb.; give sb. a hand

65. 举手hands up; put up one’s hand

66. 分散;发放hand out; give out

67. 继续做某事continue + v-ing; go on + v-ing; carry on + v-ing

68. 起床get up; be up

69. 下来get down; come down

70. 入睡get to sleep; fall asleep

71. 迷路get lost; can’t find the way

72. 派人去请send for; ask sb. to come

73. 休息一会儿have a rest; have a break

74. 举行野炊have a picnic; go on a picnic

75. 游泳have a swim; go swimming

76. 吃早餐have breakfast; have a morning meal

77. 不得不have to; must

78. 去购物go shopping; do some shopping; go to buy sth.; go to a shop

79. 复习go over; review

80. 快点come on; hurry up

81. 想出come up with; think up

82. 匆忙离开hurry off; go away quickly; run off

83. 匆忙地in a hurry; quickly

84. 处理do with; deal with

85. 放弃give up; stop doing sth.

86. 由……构成be made up of; consist of

87. 诸如;例如such as; for example; for instance
