英语国家国情 2
一、课程名称:英语国家国情/An Introduction to English-Speaking Countries
四、考核方式: 考试
采用教材: 来安方主编《英美概况》河南教育出版社。
Richard Musman. Background to the USA. 光明日报出版社。
三、课程目标1.知识目标了解英语国家的主要国情,掌握地理历史、政治经济、社会文化和教育等方面的基本常识2.能力目标能初步听懂、看懂和交流文化等方面的信息3.素质目标了解多元文化和中外文化差异,提高对不同文化的敏感度和跨文化交际意识与能力四、主要内容和要求英国部分第一章 The Country【目的要求】1、掌握国名、领土、国旗、国歌、国际地位、组成部分2、熟悉邻国、临海3、了解地形、河流、湖泊、海岸线、气候【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Position and Borders2、Topography3、Rivers, lakes and Coastline【自学内容】1、Components2、Climate第二章 The People【目的要求】1、掌握英国人的血统(祖先);重要专有名词和代表性名词2、熟悉英国人的人口构成和语言构成;英国的阶级结构3、了解英国人的身份【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Ethnic Composition2、Linguistic Composition3、Class Structure【自学内容】1、Demographic Composition2、The British Identity第三章 History【目的要求】1、掌握重要历史事件和历史人物的专有名词2、熟悉重要历史事件和历史人物的产生背景3、了解重要历史事件和历史人物的历史意义【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Early Britain2、Medieval Britain(1066-1485)3、Transition to the Modern Age(1485-1688)4、The age of Empire(1689-1901)【自学内容】1、Britain since 19012、Britain since World War II第四章 Government and Politics 【目的要求】1、掌握议会的构成;选举2、熟悉英国君主的作用;政府的构成3、了解宪法【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、The Constitution and the Monarchy2、Parliament3、Government4、Political Party and Elections【自学内容】1、The Constitution2、The Local Government第五章 Judiciary【目的要求】1、掌握司法系统的常识2、熟悉法庭制度;司法程序3、了解法律行业;英国警察【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、The Court System2、Judicial Proceedings3、The Legal Profession4、Law and Order【自学内容】1、The Rule of Law2、Sources of Law第六章 Economy【目的要求】1、掌握各行业的常识和代表性名词2、熟悉经济发展史;工业、农业、制造业、金融和贸易、交通和通讯等概况3、了解劳资双方【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Economic History2、Industries【自学内容】1、Labour第七章 Social Services【目的要求】1、掌握社会福利事业的常识2、熟悉英国家庭的发展趋势;国民医疗保健制度;3、了解个人社会服务;住房【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Family2、Social Security and the National Health Service【自学内容】1、Personal Service2、Housing第八章 Religion【目的要求】1、掌握宗教方面的专有名词和代表性名词2、熟悉英国国教3、了解宗教历史【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Religious History2、The Church of England【自学内容】1、The Church of Scotland2、The Roman Catholic Church第九章 Education 【目的要求】1、掌握英国中小学教育的学制2、熟悉高等教育3、了解继续教育和培训【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Primary and Secondary Education2、Higher Education【自学内容】1、Further Education and Training2、Science and Technology第十章Way of Life (自学)【目的要求】1、掌握专有名词和代表性名词;文化常识2、熟悉英国人的休闲趋势;产生于英国的运动3、了解艺术与媒体【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【自学内容】1、Leisure Activities2、Sporting Activities3、Art and the Media美国部分第一章 The Country 【目的要求】1、掌握美国主要地形、气候特点和区域特点2、熟悉地理专有名词3、了解地形、气候形成的原因【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Physical Features2、Cultural Geography【自学内容】1、Notes/Explanations第二章 History【目的要求】1、掌握重要历史事件和历史人物的专有名词2、熟悉重要历史事件和历史人物的产生背景3、了解重要历史事件和历史人物的历史意义【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、American Life from 1607 to the Civil War2、American Life from the Civil War to 19453、America since1945【自学内容】1、Notes/Explanations第三章 The American Identity(自学)【目的要求】1、掌握美国“移民国家”的特点;主流文化;2、熟悉黑人、西班牙裔的拉丁美洲人、亚裔和美洲土著人在美国的特点3、了解少数民族在美国的历史【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Europeans2、Black Americans,Latinos,Asian Americans and Native Americans 【自学内容】1、Notes/Explanations第四章 Political Institutions【目的要求】1、掌握美国国会、总统和联邦司法的职能;两大政党2、熟悉总统大选;制约与平衡原则;三权分立制3、了解两大政党的特点【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、The American System of Government2、Political Parties and Political Elections【自学内容】1、Notes/Explanations第五章 Economy【目的要求】1、掌握美国经济的特点2、熟悉农业、工业、制造业和服务业的特点;经济发展史3、了解工人和工会【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、A Historical Perspective2、Agriculture,Industry and Service【自学内容】1、Labour and Labour Union2、Notes/Explanations第六章 Social Services(自学)【目的要求】1、掌握代表性名词2、熟悉美国社会福利事业的特点3、了解社会保障、福利计划、志愿者服务、医疗服务和住房【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【自学内容】1、Public Social Services, Voluntary Services, Health Care Services2、Housing第七章 The Legal System【目的要求】1、掌握美国人喜欢通过打官司解决争端,美国的法律从业人数最多;美国法院的构成2、熟悉刑法、民法和法庭诉讼程序3、了解犯罪与惩罚【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、The court structure2、Criminal law,civil law, and court proceedings【自学内容】1、Crime and Punishment第八章 Education(自学)【目的要求】1、掌握教育属于各州自己的事务,义务教育因州而异,但一般包括中小学阶段;美国中小学学制2、熟悉美国学院与大学的区别;美国大学的分类3、了解美国教育的目标和目的【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Elementary and Secondary Education2、Higher Education【自学内容】1、Goals and Purposes of Education第九章 Religion in American Life【目的要求】1、掌握宗教在美国影响广泛;政教分离;“In God We Trust”,“city upon ahill”,“God’s Chosen People”,the Promised Land,Puritanism,Protestantism, Catholicism,Judaism,Islam, Buddhism, Zenism等专有名词2、熟悉美国比其他西方国家信教人数多;宗教(如罗马天主教、新教和犹太教)在美国形成与发展的历史过程中有重要意义;宗教对美国政治和公众生活的影响3、了解宗教的世俗化趋势【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Introduction2、“In God We Trust”【自学内容】1、Church, State and Politics3、Secularization and Evangelicalism第十章 Private Life in America(自学)【目的要求】1、掌握生活中各种事务的表达2、熟悉美国人的购物、住房、家务活、各种室外活动、运动3、了解美国的足球和棒球运动【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【自学内容】1、House and Home2、Outside the Home3、Sports加拿大【目的要求】1、掌握重要专有名词和代表性名词;常识性问题2、熟悉人种;教育;生活方式和文化3、了解地理;历史;政治制度;经济贸易【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Geographical Features2、People3、History4、Education【自学内容】1、Economy2、Politics3、Way of life and Culture澳大利亚【目的要求】1、掌握重要专有名词和代表性名词2、熟悉自然地理特征;植物群和动物群;气候;人口特征3、了解历史;经济贸易;政治制度【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Physical Features2、Flora and Fauna3、The People and History4、Education【自学内容】1、Economy2、Politics3、Way of life and Culture新西兰【目的要求】1、掌握重要专有名词和代表性名词;常识性问题2、熟悉人种;教育;生活方式和文化3、了解地理;历史;政治制度;经济贸易【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Geographical Features2、People3、History4、Education【自学内容】1、Economy2、Politics3、Way of life and Culture爱尔兰【目的要求】1、掌握重要专有名词和代表性名词;常识性问题2、熟悉人种;教育;生活方式和文化3、了解地理;历史;政治制度;经济贸易【教学设计建议】多媒体辅助课堂教学【讲授内容】1、Geographical Features2、People3、History4、Education【自学内容】1、Economy2、Politics3、Way of life and Culture五、学时分配建议表六、实施建议1、教学组织各任课教师可根据所带班级实际情况适当调整教学侧重点。
英国与爱尔兰Part One Multiple Choice1.Which of the following is not a name people use to refer to the UK? BA. Great BritainB. The British IslandC. The United KingdomD. Britain2.is the capital city of Wales. DA. BelfastB. EdinburghC. AberdeenD. Cardiff3.According to a 2005 estimate, Britain now has a population of over ________ millions. CA. 160B. 600C. 60D. 164.The two landmarks of London are _________. AA. Guildhall and St. Paul’s CathedralB. Guildhall and Covent GardenC. City Hall and St. Paul’s CathedralD. City Hall and Covent Garden5.Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, is the smallest. DA. EnglandB. ScotlandC. WalesD. Northern Ireland6.The largest lake in the UK is located in ________. DA. EnglandB. WalesC. ScotlandD. Northern Ireland7.English belongs to the group of Indo-European family of languages. CA. CelticB. Indo-IranianC. GermanicD. Roman8.In the early part of 11th century, ________ replaced English as the official language in England. BA. GermanB. FrenchC. CelticD. Indo-European9.English was standardized because of the ________. AA. introduction of printing pressB. first industrial revolutionC. reins of William the ConquerorD. French retreat from England10.The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of ________ words to English DA. Danish and FinnishB. Dutch and GermanC. French and ItalianD. Latin and Greek11.Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of ________. BA. southeastern EnglandB. southwestern EnglandC. southern ScotlandD. northern Wales12.At present, nearly of the world's population communicate in English. BA. halfB. a quarterC. one thirdD. one fifth13.Julius Caesar and his ________ troops invaded the British islands in year 55 BC. AA. RomanB. ItalianC. GreekD. Germanic14.The attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410. DA. NormanB. DanishC. CelticD. Germanic15.By the late 7th century, became the dominant religion in England. DA. Celtic ChristianityB. Anglo-Saxon ChristianityC. Germanic ChristianityD. Roman Christianity16.All the coronations of the British nation have been held in ________ since the 11th century. BA. the City HallB. Westminster AbbeyC. the King’s CouncilD. Buckingham Place17.Westminster Abbey was built at the time of ________. BA. St. AugustineB. Edward the ConfessorC. William the ConquerorD. Alfred the Great18.________ improved the courts of justice, introduced the jury system and institutionalized common law in Britain. CA. Edward the ConfessorB. St. AugustineC. Henry IID. Duke William19.The marked the establishment of feudalism in England. DA. Viking invasionB. signing of the Magna CartaC. Norman ConquestD. Adoption of common law20.The Magna Carta protected the basic principles for the protection of ________ in Britain. AA. individual rightsB. feudal systemC. traditional rightsD. class system21.The two houses of parliament, instituted by the mid-14th century, was an effort to gain the support of ________. AA. middle classB. noblesC. clergymenD. lords22.The Hundred Year’s War was a series of wars fought between ________. CA. England and ScotlandB. England and WelsC. England and FranceD. England and Ireland23.During the Wars of the Roses, the White Rose was the badge of the ________. BA. House of LancasterB. House of YorkC. House of ValoisD. House of Tudor24.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the role of . DA. the House of ValoisB. the House of YorkC. the House of TudorD. the House of Lancaster25.The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII's effort to ________. AA. divorce his wifeB. break with RomeC. support the ProtestantsD. declare his supreme power over the church26.The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between . BA. Protestants and PuritansB. Royalists and ParliamentariansC. nobles and peasantsD. aristocrats and Christians27.The monarchy was abolished and England was declared a commonwealth after the execution of ________. BA. Oliver CromwellB. Charles IC. Henry VIIID. Queen Elizabeth I28.The Bills of Rights was passed by the Parliament directly after ________. BA. the Civil WarB. Glorious RevolutionC. Religious ReformationD. the Hundred Years War29.That ________ is not one of the Reasons for the industrial Revolution breaking out in Britain. CA. Britain had a huge marketB. England acquired wealth from India and AmericaC. England won more religious freedom from RomeD. enclosure movement deprived small landowners of property.30.Britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance by the beginning of the ________ century. DA. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th31.The King or Queen is the head of state in Britain. Their powers are ________. AA. symbolicB. enormousC. moderateD. supreme32.The British government is characterized by a division of powers between three of the following branches with the exception of the ________ CA. judiciaryB. legislatureC. monarchyD. executive33.The British Constitution is made up of three main part with the exception of ________. DA. Statutory LawB. Common LawC. ConventionsD. the Unwritten34.The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on ________. DA. passing the billsB. advising the governmentC. political partiesD. public attitude35.British Cabinet works on the principle of ________ AA. collective responsibilityB. individual responsibilityC. defending the collectivismD. defending the individuals36.The house of Commons performs three functions except ________. DA. drafting new lawsB. scrutinizing government actionsC. supervising financeD. forming new cabinet37.________ can force a government to resign by passing a Motion of No Confidence. DA. The Cabinet C. the MonarchC. House of LordsD. House of Commons38.The main duty of the British Privy Council is to ________. BA. make decisionsB. give adviceC. pass billsD. supervise the Cabinet39.In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held every ________ years. CA. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six40.The two parties in the British political system are ________. AA. the Conservative and the LaborB. the Conservative and the UnionC. the Labor and the DemocratD. the Union and the Democrat41.The policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and ________. DA. government interventionB. nationalization of enterprisesC. social reformD. a belief in individualism42.The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it ________. AA. set up the National Health ServiceB. improved public transportationC. abolished the old tax systemD. enhanced the economic43.The national election in Britain usually lasts for _______ and then the counting begins. AA. one dayB. one weekC. two weeksD. one month44.In 2005, the Commonwealth became an organization composed of ________ countries. DA. 23B. 33C. 43D. 5345.The British economy achieved global dominance by the ________. CA. 1860sB. 1870sC. 1880sD. 1890s46.The ________ in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy in Britain. AA. oil crisisB. high inflation ratesC. large importsD. unemployment problem47.Of the following practices, ________ does not belong to Thatcher's social welfare reform. CA. reducing child benefitsB. shortening the unemployment benefits periodC. reducing the unemploymentD. lowering old age pensions48.The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects except ________. DA. limiting government spendingB. keeping inflation under controlC. reducing unemploymentD. reducing inequality49.Britain’s agriculture is not characterized by________. DA. small farming populationB. high degree of mechanizationC. advanced machineryD. high dependence on import50.The traditional energy industry in Britain is ________. AA. coal miningB. oil industryC. nuclear powerD. wind energy51.________ is not one of the top ten British companies in oil industry. DA. ShellB. BPC. BGD. GM52.The three major trends in the British economy since the war have been the following except ________. DA. the decline in the agricultural sectorB. the reduction in the industrial sectorC. the expansion of the service sectorD. the growing in the secondary industry53.The three principle financial centers of the world are ________. AA. London, New York and Tokyo.B. London, New York and Hong KongC. London, New York and ParisD. London, New York and Berlin54.The car industry in Britain is mostly ________. AA. foreign-ownedB. state-ownedC. joint-ventureD. privately-owned55.Of the following sectors in Britain, _______ has experienced spectacular growth since the end of World War II. CA. agricultureB. energy industryC. service industryD. manufacturing industrycation in Britain is compulsory for all children between ________. AA. 5 to 16B. 6 to 18C. 7 to 16D. 7 to 1857.Partially funded by central government grants, the British universities receive their remaining funds from all the following sources except________. BA. tuition feesB. loansC. donationsD. corporate contributions58.In Britain, the equivalent of the A-levels is the ________. AA. GNVQsB. GCSEC. GCSSD. GNSS59.Of the following, ________ is NOT a basis of admission to Britain's universities. AA. result in national entrance testB. A-level resultC. an interviewD. school references60.The only privately-financed university in Britain is ________. CA. OxfordB. CambridgeC. BuckinghamD. University of London61.In Britain, it is no exaggeration to say that the media can ________. BA. shape the public opinionsB. promote people’s moral standardsC. influence the rule of a governmentD. determine people’s political orientation62.The oldest national newspaper in Britain is ________. CA. The TimesB. The GuardianC. The ObserverD. The Daily Telegraph63.Among Britain's quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the "Big Three" with the exception of ________. CA. The TimesB. The GuardianC. The ObserverD. The Daily Telegraph64.The top pay television provider in Britain is ________. DA. ITVB. BSBC. SkyTVD. BSkyB65.Of the following, ________ is NOT a common feature of all the British holidays. DA. families getting togetherB. friends exchanging good wishesC. friends enjoying each other's companyD. families traveling overseas66.The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except ________. AA. Trooping the ColorB. Queen's Christmas messageC. Boxing DayD. Christmas pantomime67.In Britain, for churchgoers, the most important Christian festival is _______. AA. EasterB. ChristmasC. Boxing DayD. Remembrance Sunday68.The most important work by authors in the Middle English period is _______. BA. BeowulfB. The Canterbury TalesC. The Tragic History of Dr. FaustusD. Areopagitica69.Shakespeare’s 37 plays fall into three categories except _______. CA. comedyB. tragedyC. fantasyD. historic play70.The most significant achievement of the English Renaissance is ________. BA. poetryB. dramaC. novelD. pamphlet71.Gulliver’s Travel was written by ________. AA. Jonathan SwiftB. John MiltonC. Alexander PopeD. Daniel Defoe72.The major “second generation” of Romantic poets included the following except ________. DA. Lord ByronB. Percy ShelleyC. John KeatsD. William Wordsworth73.________ is viewed as Romantic poetry's "Declaration of Independence". CA. "I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud"B. Don JuanC. "Preface to Lyrical Ballads"D. Prometheus Unbound74.In the Victorian era, the leading form of literature was ________. CA. poetryB. dramaC. novelD. pamphlet75.The distinguished English women novelists of the 19th century are the following except ________. DA. Jane AustenB. the Bronte sistersC. George EliotD. Virginia Woolf76.Of the following statements, ________ is NOT correct in terms of Neo- Romanticism. CA. It prevailed at the end of the 19th century.B. The writers were dissatisfied with the social reality.C. The writers believed in "Art for Art's Sake".D. Treasure Island was a representative work.77.Of the following statements, ________ is NOT correct about Virginia Woolf. DA. She was a central figure of the "Bloomsbury Group".B. She experimented with stream of consciousness.C. She was an influential feminist.D. Her masterpiece was The Rainbow.78.Of the following writers, ________ is NOT a Nobel Prize winner. BA. Samuel BeckettB. James JoyceC. William GoldingD.V.S. Naipaul79.The island of Ireland is separated from mainland Europe by ________. AA. the Celtic SeaB. the Irish SeaC. the North SeaD. the English Channel80.The largest city in Ireland is ________. AA. DublinB. CorkC. WaterfordD. Galway81.________ established a unified Irish culture and language in the 6th century BC. BA. Hunter-gatherers from BritainB. Celtic tribesC. British invadersD. Viking Danes82.The ________ resulted in the Irish Civil War. CA. Act of UnionB. Unilateral Declaration of IndependenceC. Anglo-Irish TreatyD. Anglo-Irish Agreement83.Under the leadership of Prime Minister John A. Costello, a series of legislation was passed in Ireland in order to ________. AA. reduce inflation and living costB. reduce secondary industry and productionC. establish better social welfare systemD. build closer political relation with the UK84.By 1980, the following except ________ were all serious problems in the Irish society. BA. inflationB. budget deficitC. unemploymentD. foreign debt85.Ireland declared itself a republic in ________, completely independent of Britain. CA. 1900B. 1939C. 1949D. 195986.In 1985, after successful negotiation with the British Prime Minister ________, Ireland signed the Anglo-Irish Agreement with the UK. AA. Margaret ThatcherB. Tony BlairC. Mary RobinsonD. Albert Reynolds87.Ireland is called "the Celtic Tiger" because of its ________. BA. aggressive foreign policiesB. rapid economic growthC. growing emigrationD. vigorous economic reform88.Ireland has four main political parties including ________. BA. Fianna FailB. the Democratic PartyC. the Labor PartyD. Fine Gael89.In Ireland, most people are ________. AA. Roman CatholicB. ProtestantC. MuslimD. Orthodox Christian90.In Ireland, the head of state is the ________. BA. Prime MinisterB. PresidentC. British monarchD. General GovernorPart Two True or False1.The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. T2.People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. F3.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe----the Britons. T4.The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the mid-5th century. T5.Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal are all members in the British Upper House. T6.The members in the House of Commons are appointed rather than elected. F7.Britain is the world's leading exporter of poultry and dairy products. F8.The fishing industry provides more than 50% of Britain's demand for fish. T9.The BBC World Service broadcasts only in English throughout the world. F10.Some British holidays are celebrated to mark the important events of the Christian calendar, and others are related to local customs and traditions. T11.Hamlet depicts the hero's struggle with two opposing forces: moral integrity and the need to avenge his father's murder. T12.Alexander Pope was a great English poet who also translated Homer's Iliad. T13.In Ireland, both the House of Representatives and the Senate have the power of making laws. F14.English is the only official language in Ireland, because the majority of people speak it as their mother tongue. F15.London is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom. T16.The King James Bible is considered to be in Modern English. T17.Magna Carta was made in the interest of the lower class. F18.The British Civil War broke out in 1642 between the Royalists known as the Cavaliers and Parliamentarians known as the Roundheads. T19.Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. T20.The Parliament is supreme decision-making body in the British government. F21.Before World War II, the leadership of Britain was almost continually in the hands of the Conservative Party. T22.The British Empire is the successor of the Commonwealth of Nations. F23.During Thatcher’s leadership, the power of the trade unions was curbed. T24.In Britain, there are two parallel school systems for primary and secondary school. One is the state system. The other is the occupational system. F25.The Boxing Day falls on the day after Easter. F26.Thomas Hardy is one of the representatives of English Critical Realism at the turn of the 19th century. T27.T. S. Eliot was the leading figure of the modernist movement in English poetry. T28.After WWII, Ireland had slightly a better economy when Britain and mainland Europe experienced economic devastation. F29.Fianna Fail, originally part of Sinn Fein, is the largest party in Ireland. T30.Ireland is the second country with the lowest population density. FPart Three Blank Filling1.The Great Britain is geographically and historically divided into three parts: England, Scotland, and_Wales_.2.During the period of William the Conqueror, _French_, spoken by the Normans, replaced English as the official language in England, while English was only used by thelower class.3._The Hundred Years' War_ (1337-1453) was a series of wars fought between England and France over trade, territory, security and the throne.4.the _enclosure movement_ (圈地运动) deprived many small landowners of their property. This new class of "landless laborer" now had to seek paid employment from thelarge landowner or to find work in the rapidly growing industrial areas.5.The _Industrial Revolution_ began in the textile industry and was marked by a series of important inventions, such as the Spinning Jenny.6.Britain refused to join the European _Economic_ Community (EEC) when it was founded in the 1950s.7.As a parliamentary democracy, the British government is characterized by a division of powers among the legislature, _the executive_ and the judiciary.8.The _House of Commons_, though often referred to as the Lower House, is the center of parliamentary power.9.The government is made up of the _Prime Minister_, the Cabinet ministers, and assistants to the ministers.10.The headquarters and the standing bodies of the Commonwealth of Nations are all located in _London_.11.Now, education in Britain is divided into four stages: primary, secondary, further education and _higher education_.12.The _British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (英国广播公司)_, affectionately referred to as the "Beeb" or "Auntie Beeb", is Britain's main public service broadcaster.13.One of Britain's most impressive and colorful festivals takes place on the second Saturday in June, when the Queen's official birthday is officially celebrated with_"Trooping the Color''_ around Buckingham Palace in London, which is also known as the Queen's Birthday Parade.14.The capital city of Ireland is _Dublin_, which straddles the mouth of the River Liffey, which flows through the city center.15.There are two dominant official languages in Ireland, _Gaelic(or Irish)_ and English.16.Edinburgh, the capital of _Scotland_, is famous for the University of Edinburgh, one of the largest universities in Britain.17.At present, nearly _a quarter_ of the world's population use English. It has become a universal lingua franca.18.After Richard I, son of Henry II, was killed in France, his brother John ascended the throne in 1199. Dissatisfied with John's leadership, the lords forced him to sign the_Magna Carla(大宪章)_, or the Great Charter, as it is more commonly referred to, on June 15, 1215.19.The _Wars of the Roses_ (1455-1485) was a series of civil wars between two great noble families: the House of York (约克王室), whose badge was a white rose, and theHouse of Lancaster.20.The process of decolonization transformed the British Empire into _the Commonwealth of Nations_.21.Besides Oxford, _Cambridge_ is one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the largest in Britain.22.At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, _Romanticism_ appeared in England as a new trend in literature. It is a revolt against the prescribed rules of Classicism.23.The 20th-century English literature can be roughly divided into two periods: Modernism and _Postmodernism_.24._James Joyce (1882-1941)_, an Irish novelist, is another of the novel Ulysses.25.The island of Ireland is the _second_ largest island in Europe.26._Sinn Fein (新芬党)_ was founded at the beginning of the 20th century by Arthur Griffith, leader supporting Irish home rule. By 1910, it had become the country'sdominant political party.27._Standard English_ is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England, adopted as a broadcasting standard in the British media. It is also called Queen'sEnglish or BBC English.28.The full name of Britain is the _United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland_.29._England_ is the most populous and wealthiest part of Britain.30.In Britain, the majority of the population is descendants of _the Anglo-Saxons_, a Germanic people from Europe who went to England between the 5th and 7th centuries. Part Four Short-Answer Questions1.How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they?The development of the English language can be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modem English.2.Why did Britain cooperate closely with the United States after WWII?Because they were allied during the war and shared the same worries about the former Soviet Union.3.What are the three functions of the House of Commons?The three functions are: to draft laws, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and to influence future government policy。
9、The______turnedouttobeAmerica’slongestwarithadeverfought.( )
7、In“OldManandSea”,Hemingwaypraisestheoldman’sattitudetowards( ).
英语国家国情The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter 1Full name of Britain: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland British Isles(大不列颠群岛)is divided into 2 parts that is Great Britain and Ireland. The island of Great Britain divided into 3 parts: England, Scotland and Wales.The island of Ireland is divided into 2 parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.In 1949, the Republic of Ireland is an independent country.Compare:England-largest part of Great Britain (130,281 square kilometers)-the capital of England and the United Kingdom-located in the south of the island, with Wales to the west and Scotland to the north-The River Thames (the second longest river and most important river in Britain)-highly urbanizedScotland-occupy the northern part of Britain (78,772 square kilometers)-the second largest of the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom-The Clyde River (克赖德河)is the most important river in the Scotland-capital of Scotland: Edinburgh(爱丁堡)-Tourism is one of Scotland’s most important industries.Wales-most densely populated parts of central England-20,780 squarekilometers-capital: Cardiff(加的夫)-The Severn River(塞文河):The longest river of Britain (originates in mid-Wales and flows through western England)-language: WelshNorthern Ireland-smallest-14,135 square kilometers-capital: Belfast (贝尔法斯特)。
英语国家国情文化课程CultureChapter 1A brief introduction to cultureGoalsDefinitions related to culture Case study by cross-culture communication Improve your culture awareness Language and culture2011-9-1All rights reserved haihuachen2ContentsI. Culture II. Characteristics of culture III. Components of culture IV. More related to culture V. Language VI. The English language VII. The importance of language VIII. Language and culture IX. Culture and Meaning X. Culture and the Use of Language XI. Foreign language and translation2011-9-1All rights reserved haihuachen3definitionculturecharacteristicscomponents2011-9-1All rights reserved haihuachen4Reflection 1When you hear or say “culture”, what do you mean? Read the following 4 definitions of culture. What can you learn fromthem?2011-9-1All rights reserved haihuachen5I. CultureDefinition 1 “the software of the mind”---the social programmingthat runs the way we think, act and perceive ourselves and others. In other words, your brain is simply that hardware that runs the cultural programming. The implication is that culture is not innate(天生的).2011-9-1All rights reserved haihuachen6Definition 2“Culture is a set of learned core values, beliefs, standards, knowledge, morals, laws, and behaviors shared by individuals and societies that determine how an individual acts, feels, and views oneself and others. A society’s culture is passed from generation to generation, and aspects such as language, religion, customs and laws are interrelated---that is, a society’s view of authority, morals and ethics will eventually manifest itself in how an individual does business, negotiates a contract or deals with a potential business relation ship.”note Find some keys wordsDefinition 3 “We defined the culture as the deposit of knowledge, experience,beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, role, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in thecourse of generations through individual and group striving.”noteHave you found some keys words in each of them?Geert Hofstede’s classification for national culturenoteDefinition 4 Individualism vs. collectivism (China vs. US) Power-Distance (low power distance more individualistic in nature, accept more responsibility) Uncertainty-Avoidance (Change is risky business ) Masculinity vs. Femininity (Aggressive and assertive while acquiring material, interpersonal relationships ) Polychronic vs. Monochronic2011-9-1All rights reserved haihuachen9Reflection 2Can you figure out the characteristics of culture from the above definitions?2011-9-1All rights reserved haihuachen10II. Characteristics of culture(Larry A. Samovar & Lisa A. Stefani) 1. Culture is learned 2. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation 3. Culture is based on symbol 4. Culture is subject to change 5. Culture is integrated 6. Culture is ethnocentric 7. Culture is adaptive 2011-9-1All rights reserved haihuachen11Reflection 3How can you learn culture ?All rights reserved haihuachen121.Culture is learned 1.The value of privacy2.Demonstrate the male orientation in the US by implying the home belongs to the manA. through proverbs 1) Strike while the iron is hot. In US, people value who take quick action. Even the problemPseoolvpilnegartecehnnciqouerasgeadretoc“hsapreaa ckteuripz”eadnbdy impulsive rather mthaakne sreufrlectthiveeir vmiewthsoadsre. h2e) aArdman’s home is his castle.3) The squeaky wheel gets the grease. 4) God helps those who help themselves.Call attention to the strong belief in US that people should show initiative2011-9-1All rights reserved haihuachen13B. from folk tales, legends, and myths 1) the folk tale Cinderella 2) King Arthur and His Round TableC. through art 1) a trip to any museum2) architectureD. through mass media2011-9-1All rights reserved haihuachen14Reflection 41. “Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and customs keep them apart.”2. “Those who know do not talk, those who talk not know.”All rights reserved haihuachen152.Culture is transmitted from generation to generation☆1) All the past is here. ☆2) Any break in the lear ning chain would lead to aculture’s disappearance.3.Culture is based on symbols☆1) Human culture without language is unthinkable. ☆2) People can use a cross, crescent(新月), or six-pointed star to show the love of GOD4.Culture is subject to change☆ 1) Innovation (革新)☆ 2) Diffusion(传播)☆ 3) Acculturation(文化适应)A type of cultural change, “occurs when a society undergoes drastic culture change under the influence of a more dominant culture and society with which it has come in contact.”)5.Culture is inte grated ☆ An example: the civil rights movement in the USThis movement has brought about changes in housing patterns, discrimination practices, educational opportunities, the legal system, career opportunities, and even communication. Hence, this one aspect of culture has altered American attitudes, values, and behaviors.6.Culture is ethnocentric(民族中心的)☆ Anthropologists (人类学者) generally agree thatethnocentrism is found in every culture.7.Culture is adaptive ☆ History abounds with examples of how cultures havechanged because of laws, shifts in values, natural disaster, wars.。
主要英语国家国情-名词解释名词解释1. LondonLondon is the largest city located in the south of the country. Itis dominant in Britain in all sorts of ways. It is the cultural and business center and the headquarters of the vast majority of Britain’s big companies. It is not only the financial centers of the nation, but also one of the three major international financial centers in the world.2. The Good Friday AgreementAs a result of multi-party negotiations, the Good Friday Agreementwas approved on 10 April 1998. This agreement assures the loyalist community that Northern Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom andit won’t change its political status unless the majority of the peopleof Northern Ireland agree. Under the terms of the agreement, Northern Ireland should be governed by three separate jurisdictions: that of the Republic of Ireland, that of Great Britain and that of its own elected executive government of ten ministers.3. The functions of ParliamentThe functions of Parliament are: to pass laws, to vote for taxation,to scrutinize government policy, administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day.4. The formation of the government651 members of parliament are elected in the general election representing 651 constituencies in the UK. The party which holds a majority of those “seats” in theparliament forms the government, with its party leader as the Primes Minister.5. Main sectors of the UK economyThe UK national economy can be divided into three main areas:primary industries, such as agriculture, fishing and mining; secondary industries which manufacture complex goods from those primary products; and tertiary ( or service) industries such as banking, insurance, tourism and the retailing.6. RomanticismthRoughly the first third of the 19 century makes up Englishliterature’s romantic period. Writers of romantic literature are more concerned with imagination and feeling than with the power of reason. A volume of poems called Lyrical Ballads written by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge is regarded as the romantic poetry’s “Declaration of Independence.” Keats, Byron and Shelley, the three great poets, brought the Romantic Movement to its height. Thespirit of Romanticism also occurred in the novel.7. Comprehensive schoolsComprehensive schools are the most secondary schools in Britain today. Such schools admit children without reference to their academicabilities and provide a general education. Pupils can study everything from academicsubjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking.8. Quality papersThey belong to one of the categories of the national dailies. The quality papers carry more serious and in-depth articles of particular political and social importance. They also carry reviews, such as book reviews, and feature articles about high culture. These papers are also referred to as “the broadsheets” because they are printed on large-size paper.The readers of such newspaper are generally awell-educated middle class audience.9. TabloidsA tabloid is a small format newspaper with color photos and catchy headlines. Tabloids are interested in scandals and gossip usually about famous people. They also carry lots of crime, sports and sensational human interest stories so as to attract readers. Stories are short, easy to read and often rely more on opinions than face. They belong to a category of national papers different from quality papers.10. The three traditions of Christmas in BritainThere are three Christmas traditions which are particularly British: one is the Christmas Pantomime, a comical musical play. Another British Christmas tradition is to hear the Queen give her Christmas message toher realm over the television and radio. A third British tradition is Boxing Day, which falls on the day after Christmas.11. The Bill of RightsThe Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791. The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.11. Industrial Revolution in AmericaAfter independence, America was principally an agricultural country. The Industrial Revolution in England brought many changes to American industry between 1776 and 1860. One key development was the introduction of the factory system. A second development was the “America system” of mass production. A third development was the application of new technologies to industrial task. A fourth development was the emergence of new forms of business organization—the bank and the corporation.12. Three Faiths in the USBy the 1950s, the three faiths model of American religion had developed. Americans were considered to come tin three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish. In terms of numbers, the Protestants are the strongest, the Catholics are next to the Protestants and Jewish are the smallest among the three groups.13. The “Lost Generation”In the aftermath of World War I, many novelists produced aliterature of disillusionment. Some lived in Europe. Theywere known as the “Lost Generation”. Two of the mostrepresentative writer of the “Lost Generation” were Hemingway and Fitzgerald.14. The Servicemen’s Readjustment ActThe Servicemen’s Readjustment Act was passed in 1944. It was soon popularly called the “GI Bill of Rights”. GI was anickname for the American soldier. The nickname came from the abbreviation for “Government Issue”—theuniforms and other articles “issued” t o a soldier. The Act promised financial aid, including aid for higher education to members of the armed forces.15. Greensboro sit-inOn February 1, 1960, 4 freshmen from a black college in Greensboro, North Carolina, sat down at a department store lunch counter and ordered coffee. When refused, they continued to sit at the counter, openly defying the segregation law prevailing in the state. The next day, more students joined them. Thus began the civil rights movement, which spread from the south to the n orth. Later, this quiet “sit-in” became the major non-violent directaction tactics to be used by black civil rights activists. 16. Ragtime musicRagtime music refers to a type of piano music of black US origin, popular in the 1920s. Originally based on tunes for marching bands ragtime music is marked by a syncopated melodic line with a regularaccented bass. Ragtime music has been popularized by such composers as Scott Joplin whose “Maple Leaf Rag” published in 1896 was hailed as the first popular ragtime tune, still listened to with pleasure by all jazz fans.。
结合中国国情的英语作文Title: The Unique Characteristics of China's National Conditions。
Introduction:China, with its rich history, diverse culture, and vast territory, possesses unique national conditions that shape its development and influence its people's lives. In this essay, we will explore some of the key aspects of China's national conditions and how they have contributed to the country's progress.1. Unity in Diversity:China is home to 56 ethnic groups, each with its own language, customs, and traditions. This diversity has fostered a sense of unity among the Chinese people, as they embrace their differences and work towards common goals. The government has implemented policies to protect andpromote the cultures of minority groups, ensuring social harmony and stability.2. Rapid Urbanization:China's rapid urbanization is a defining feature of its national conditions. Over the past few decades, millions of people have migrated from rural areas to cities in search of better job opportunities and living standards. This mass movement has led to the creation of mega-cities and the emergence of a middle class, driving economic growth and transforming the country's social landscape.3. Socialist Market Economy:China's economic system, known as the socialist market economy, combines elements of central planning with market forces. This unique blend allows the government to maintain control over key sectors while encouraging private enterprise and foreign investment. The result has been remarkable economic growth, lifting millions out of poverty and making China the world's second-largest economy.4. One-Party Rule:China's political system is characterized by one-party rule, with the Communist Party of China (CPC) holding power. This centralized governance structure has enabled the government to implement long-term development plans and maintain stability. The Chinese people have shown supportfor this system, valuing social harmony and economic progress over political pluralism.5. Technological Advancements:China's commitment to technological advancements has propelled it to the forefront of innovation. The government has invested heavily in research and development, resulting in breakthroughs in areas such as artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and high-speed rail. These technological achievements have not only improved the lives of Chinese citizens but also positioned China as a global leader in various industries.6. Environmental Challenges:China's rapid economic growth has come at a cost to its environment. The country faces significant challenges in areas such as air and water pollution, deforestation, and climate change. Recognizing the importance of sustainable development, the government has taken steps to address these issues, implementing stricter environmental regulations and promoting green initiatives.Conclusion:China's national conditions are a unique blend of history, culture, politics, and economics. The country's unity in diversity, rapid urbanization, socialist market economy, one-party rule, technological advancements, and environmental challenges all contribute to its distinct character. Understanding and appreciating these national conditions is essential for anyone seeking to comprehend China's development and its role in the global arena.。
Racial problemsPovertyDrug abuseThe abuse of power by government and by corporations41. racial problem• 1. the situation of Afro-American• 2. comments on the racial problem• 3. terms: the stratified societythe black "underclass"1.The first blacks were brought to North America in 1619. Total is 400,000 Africans as the slave trade for the myth of their racial inferiority2. The Northern states had all outlawed slavery by in 1830, but the Southern states was finally ended by the Civil War, Lincoln’s emancipation of slave in 1863, and the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865.3. Many states passed segregation laws to keep the races apart from schools, housing, and public facilities.4. The 1960s saw the great civil rights movement whose goals were to end segregation laws completely and fight for equal rights for the colored people.1. They present a mixed picture. The elimination of legal barriers to their advancement has been a major gain, but institutionalized discrimination is still rife (housing).2. The blacks used to be the largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in US. But recent census shows they are the second largest, after the Hispanics, account for 12.3% of population in 2004.3. Race relation between blacks and white still leave much to be desired, although there is unmistakable evidence of some improvements in attitudes.4. There is a sharp divergence between the races on the question of how much progress has been made in ending discrimination.1.3 the future of Afro-Americans(On-line study by yourself)haihuachen101. definition: American society is a stratified(阶层) one, in which power, wealth, and prestige are unequally distributed among the population.2. data: check onlinenoteDiscussion 1: How do you understand the poverty based on your previous view? Do you regard the poverty as a social problem?haihuachen17182. poverty• 1. the meaning of poverty • 2. the poverty as a social problem233. Drug abuse• 1. the meaning of drug• 2. The overview of drug abuse• 3. The impact upon the societyDiscussion 2: How do you understand the word “drug”?haihuachen24Super D Pharmacy Drug 药店药房药不要吸毒noteDo you know what they are?Do you know what they are?Heroin(海洛因 Do you know what they are?Do you know what they are?So keep away from them!“Drug abuse in US has come to be regarded as one of the most challenging social problems facing the nation”Do you know why?notehaihuachen301. closely related with crimes.2. automobile accidents.3. serious effect on individuals physically and mentally, (hepatitis, HIV…)4. the great economic losses to the society and the individual3.4 Reflection on the drug1. Do you know the real situation of drug abuse in China?2. Do you know which day is the day “not do drug day”?3. Do you think drug abuse is connected with AIDS?4. What are the new-formulated drugs? Compared with traditional drugs, what are the differences between them.(on-line study)haihuachen35364. Crime•1. overivew of crime •2. the profile of criminal •3. white collar crime •4. comment on white collar crime435. Abuse power• 1. Power abuse by government • 2. Power abuse by corporation • 3. self-study: FBI CIA President Nixon。
英语国家概况笔记整理English-speaking countries refer to countries where English is the native language or widely spoken as a second language. These countries have a significant influence on global politics, business, culture, and education. In this article, we will provide an overview of some prominent English-speaking countries, including their population, geography, economy, and culture.1. United States:- Population: The United States is the third most populous country in the world, with a population of over 331 million people.- Geography: The country is located in North America and is known for its diversity in landscapes, including vast plains, mountains, deserts, and coastal regions.- Economy: The U.S. has the largest economy in the world, characterized by a highly developed and diverse range of industries, including technology, finance, entertainment, and manufacturing. - Culture: The American culture is a melting pot of various ethnicities and is known for its influence on film, music, literature, and fashion.2. United Kingdom:- Population: The United Kingdom, composed of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, has a population of over 66 million people.- Geography: The country is located in Western Europe and is known for its diverse landscapes, including rolling hills, coastal cliffs, and lush countryside.- Economy: The U.K. has a highly developed economy with a strong focus on industries such as finance, manufacturing,pharmaceuticals, and creative sectors.- Culture: The U.K. is rich in cultural heritage and has made significant contributions to literature, music, and arts. The country is also known for its royal family and historical landmarks.3. Canada:- Population: Canada is the second-largest country in the world by land area and has a population of over 38 million people.- Geography: The country is located in North America and is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including vast forests, lakes, and the Rocky Mountains.- Economy: Canada has a mixed-market economy with a strong focus on natural resources, such as oil, gas, timber, and minerals. It also has thriving sectors in technology, finance, and manufacturing. - Culture: Canadian culture is diverse, influenced by indigenous peoples, British and French colonial history, and immigration from various countries. Canada is known for its multiculturalism, hockey, and maple syrup.4. Australia:- Population: Australia is the sixth-largest country in the world by land area but has a relatively small population of around 25 million people.- Geography: The country is located in Oceania and is known for its diverse landscapes, including the Great Barrier Reef, deserts, rainforests, and stunning beaches.- Economy: Australia has a prosperous and open-market economy, highly dependent on natural resources such as minerals, natural gas, and agricultural products. It also has strong sectors in finance, tourism, and education.- Culture: Australian culture is influenced by indigenous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, as well as British and multicultural influences. The country is known for its laid-back, outdoor lifestyle, sports, and unique wildlife.These are just a few examples of prominent English-speaking countries. Each country has its own unique history, culture, and contributions to the global stage. Understanding the characteristics of these countries is important for international relations, business, and cultural exchange.。
英语笔译常用词语一、国情汉英词语1.安家费settling-in allowance2.安居工程Comfortable /Affordable Housing Project3.保障和改善民生Ensure the wellbeing of the people andimprove their lives4.毕婚族marry-upon-graduation5.城管urban management officers6.城市低收入者low-income city dwellers7.城市公共就业服务体系urban and rural systems for providingpublic employment services8.城乡社会救助体系urban and rural emergency aid system9.城镇职工基本养老保险制度basic old-age insurance system for urbanworkers10.创新型国家innovation-oriented nation11.粗放性增长方式extensive mode of growth; inefficientmodel of growth12.代排族Hired queuers13.低保制度Subsistence security system14.低收入家庭low-income family \household15.地方保护主义regional protectionism16.恶搞video spoof17.房奴mortgage slave18.服务型政府service-oriented government19.高技能人才highly skilled personnel20.个体户The self-employed21.公务车state-financed vehicle22.和谐社会harmonious society23.户口registered permanent residence24.经济适用房affordable housing25.开放型经济an open economy26.科学发展观scientific outlook on development27.空巢家庭empty-nest \childless family28.廉租房low-rent housing29.留守女士/留守男士grass widow\widower30.面子工程vanity \image project31.民生people’s wellbeing32.民族团结ethnic unity33.农村富余劳动力surplus rural labor34.农村合作医疗制度system of rural cooperative medical care35.农民工migrant worker36.农业税agricultural tax37.贫富差距disparity in wealth distribution38.贫困人口impoverished people39.潜规则casting couch40.社会保障工作social security work41.社会保障体制social security system42.社会结构social structure43.社会利益格局interests of different social groups44.社会信用体系social credit system45.社会主义核心价值体系cores socialist values46.社会主义荣辱观Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace47.社会转型时期period of social transition48.社会组织形式the way society is organized49.市政工程municipal \public works50.团购group buying51.无偿献血unpaid blood donation52.五好家庭Five-Virtue Family53.西部大开发战略western development strategy54.乡长township head55.乡镇企业township enterprises56.学区房school-nearby house英汉词语1.ant tribe 蚁族2.baby boom 婴儿潮3.baby break 停职育婴期4.baby bust 生育低谷(期)5.car pool 拼车6.December-May marriage “老妻少夫”式婚姻7.demographic factors 人口因素8.dire poverty 赤贫9.displaced person 流离失所者10.dog packs 狗仔队11.dwelling narrowness 蜗居12.e-government;e-administration 电子政务13.empty-nest syndrome 空巢孤独综合症14.enhance the sense of urgency 增强忧患意识15.fiscal conservatism 财政保守主义16.flash mob 快闪族17.gender equality 性别平等18.house-husband 家庭妇男19.indoors man \woman 宅男宅女20.interborough rapid transit (IRT) 城区间快速交通线21.ironclad labor protection 铁饭碗22.job commuting 通勤23.job release scheme 顶职办法w-abiding citizen 守法公民25.low-rent housing 廉租房26.luggage screening 行李检查27.merit pay 绩效工资28.minimum earner 处于最低生活保障线上的人29.minimum subsistence level 最低生活保障线30.natural monopoly 自然垄断31.occupational tacit violence 职场冷暴力32.officially bilingual 官方使用双语制33.on alternate days (实行)单双号(通行)34.patriotic sentiment 爱国情操35.poverty line 贫困线36.premarital pregnancy 未婚先孕37.premarriage cohabitation 婚前同居38.preprofessional training 职前培训39.resource-effective society 资源节约型社会40.safety-net program 安全保障计划41.sexual harassment 性骚扰42.sexual orientation 性倾向43.shotgun marriage \wedding 奉子成婚44.social acceptability 社会心理承受力45.social evolution 社会演变46.social security expenditure 社会保障支出47.social security privatization 社会保障私有化48.social weakening 社会惰性49.social worker 社会工作者50.status statistics 有关居民阶级构成的统计资料51.surplus labor 剩余劳动力52.surrogate birth 代孕53.tax evasion 偷税漏税54.tough policy 强硬政策55.trial marriage 试婚56.walking commuter 走班族。
英语国家社会与文化英语国家社会与文化Course syllabus 课程大纲1. Course Information 课程简介(1) Specific Description of Course 课程说明1. Total hours 学时: 362. Hours weekly 周学时: 23. Credits 学分: 2.34. Feature 性质: Elective 选修5. Teacher授课教师: 李雪(2) Course Objectives 课程目标This course aims to help students construct basic knowledge of English speaking countries,in terms of geography, history, politics, arts and literature, religion, mass media andvocation. There are aspects of cultures. Through learning, you are able to establish an imageof English speaking countries; specifically, why English can be spoken quite differently indifferent English speaking countries? Why do we say “He is speaking Queen English,(meaning authentic English)” instead of “He is speaking King English”? What is the leadingMedia in America? How many years are required before you get a doctor or lawyercertificate in Canada? Do you know any interesting holidays celebrated among thesecountries? After finishing this course, you will be able to get quite learned about thesecultural information.具体内容主要涉及,英美各国的地理环境、历史演变、政府体制、经济文化、文学艺术、民族特点、宗教信仰、风俗人情、大众传媒及节假日等多学科的知识,以使学生对各国的文化与背景有一总体的概揽(3) Course Level 课程水平This course is the Bachelor’s Degree elective course of science majors. It is for juniors.本课程是为三年级学生开设的选修课, 要求已经通过六级考试。
汉英词语1. 矮穷挫=short, poor and ugly-looking men2. 爱国统一战线=patriotic united front3.安家费/settling-in allowance4. 安居工程=Comfortable;Affordable Housing Project5.白富美=fair-skinned and attractive ladies from a decent family6. 办年货=Spring Festival shopping7. 保障和改善民生=ensure the wellbeing of the people and improve their lives8. 保障性住房=low-income housing9. 悲催=a tear-inducing misery10. 毕婚族=marry-upon-graduation11. 编内职工=permanent staff12. 编制人数=staff size13. 车牌摇号=license-plate lottery14. 城管=urban management staff15. 城市补丁=run-down neighborhoods16. 城市低保户=low-income urban families17. 城市低收入者=low-income city dwellers18. 城乡差距=rural-urban divide the city-country dualistic economic19.城乡二元经济结构=structure20.城乡公共就业服务体系 =urban and rural systems for providing public employment services21. 城乡社会救助体系 =urban and rural emergency aid system22.城镇职工基本养老保险制度=basic old-age insurance system for urban workers23. 穿越剧=time-travel TV play24. 创新型国家=innovation-oriented nation25.春联=Spring Festival couplets26. 粗放性增长方式=extensive mode of growth; inefficient model of growth27."大V“=Internet celebrity28. 代排族=hired queuers29.淡定=calm;unruffled30. 低保制度=subsistence security system31. 低收入家庭=low-income household;family32. 地方保护主义=regional protectionism33. 短租房=short-term housing34. 恶搞=video spoof35. 恶性循环=vicious circle36. 二手房=pre-owned house; second-hand housing37. 二手房交易=second-hand housing transactions38. 法治政府=law-based government39. 房奴 =mortgage slave apartment40. 房子、车子、票子=house,car and well-paid job;savings41.(非法) 传销=pyramid schemes; multi-level marketing42.非法收入=illegal earnings ;illicit income43.封口费 =hush money44. 服务型政府 =service-oriented government45. 福利彩票=welfare lottery46.副主任科员 =senior staff47. 富二代=second-generation rich, silver-spoon generation48. 腹黑=scheming further reform in difficult areas49. 改革攻坚 =tackle hard issues in the reform50. 改革试点 =pilot reform program51. 高层次人才=high-caliber personnel52.高档住宅区=high-end residential53. 高富帅=compound men who are tall, rich, handsome and very popular among females54.高技能人才=highly skilled personnel55. 哥只是个传说。
•features and as well as the tactics of the social movements in 1960s.••the Women’s Liberation Movement.10/24/2011•Background of Social Movement •The Civil Rights Movement •The Anti-War Movement •Women’s Liberation Movement •The Counter Culture•Martin Luther King. Jr.10/24/20111. background •Three groups were dissatisfied with their lives Group 1: Afro-Americananother storyKuKluxKlan(3K党).10/24/20111. background•Three groups were dissatisfied with their livesGroup 2: Womenchildren.---Mothers did not want their sons drafted into the army.10/24/20111. background •Three groups were dissatisfied with their lives Group 3 : Young peoplearmy and fight in Vietnam.people in the society.10/24/20112. participant•Details to check the forms of social movements10/24/2011• 1.a type of behavior in which a large number of participants consciously attempt to change existing institutions and establish a new order of life.• 2.structure and spontaneity (10/24/2011Other necessary parts of a social movement are:•the same problem• 2. a “message”shows how to solve it.• 3.the ability to spread the message and get moresupporters10/24/20114. forms• 1. civil rights movement• 2. the youth movement/ anti-war movement• 3. the women’s movement10/24/2011• 5.1.1 Greensboro sit-incontinued to sit at the counter, openly defying thesegregation law prevailing in the state.10/24/2011north. Later, this quiet “sit-in”10/24/2011city’s bus system refusing to ride on public buses.10/24/2011Inand old, walked to work. With the bus company bearthe 1960s.10/24/20111) older usually male,2) Negroes leaders,3) black and white young people,4) some white professional men and women5) some white housewives10/24/20111) SNCC: the student Nonviolent Coordinating committee, the 3rd2) CORE: the Congress of racial equality10/24/2011leaders of Negro communities.10/24/2011“We shall overcome”10/24/20111)“sit-in”and “freedom rides”2)direct action: voter registration 3)a dream”have changed.10/24/20111)illegal in all interstate bus stations;2)The assassination of President Kennedy in Taxas 3)was murdered in front to TV cameras.law by President Johnson in the summer of 1964.10/24/2011tactics, emphasized on more racial means to end discrimination and raised the self-image of the blacks.black and white to fight for racial equality.10/24/20111) Use the law to test the law.Southern Afro-American can vote3) Improve the image of the African American.4) Go to college to study.5) Conflicts still exist10/24/2011movement• 6.1 stimulus•1) “Freedom Summer”“Freedom Summer”attitude and belief.10/24/201114th Amendments.The young people’s “free speechmovement”began with success.10/24/2011•formed under a series of “the War in Vietnam10/24/2011•1) young people who were against tradition•not be trusted)•3) many middle class white people, esp. women•4) lower and middle class black Americans10/24/20111) church groups2) SNCC3) SDS10/24/2011•“Let it all hang out”•“Hell, no, we won’t go”10/24/20111) teach–in on campus2) protest marches and ralliesradical10/24/2011••2) In 1973 the US singed a peace treaty•3) counterculture10/24/2011“counter culture”.their parents. Some groups of youth tried to constructdifferent ways of life. among the most famous were “10/24/2011American society .attitudes towards social morals, marriage, career, andsuccess.10/24/20111) counterculture2) drug abuse and homosexual3) contribution to music10/24/20117. The women’s movement•7.1 the First Wave of the American Woman’s Movement7.1.1 The Seneca Falls gatheringA meeting was held at the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls in upstate New York in 1848 to call for considering the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of the women. They only advertised speaker at the meeting was Lucretia Mott, who was an experienced anti-slavery campaigner. The impelling force behind the conference was Elizabeth Cady Stanton. This meeting was regarded ad the beginning of the first wave of the Women’s Liberation Movement in US10/24/2011367. The women’s movement•7.2 An Overall Improvement in the Condition of the Woman’s Lives•1) the founding of an independent women’s suffrage organization---In the late 1860’s the refusal of Republican Party leaders to include provisions explicitly protecting omen in the Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution led to the founding of an independent women’s suffrage organization.10/24/2011377. The women’s movement•7.2 An Overall Improvement in the Condition of the Woman’s Lives•2) In 1920, finally granted women the right to vote•3)In 1960s,overall improvement in the condition of the woman’s lives10/24/2011387. The women’s movement 1. How does the condition of the woman’s lives improve?10/24/2011397. The women’s movement1.Technology had taken over many of traditional tasks of women.2.Women are more educated.3.By the late 1950’s married women had on average3.58 children4.White middle-class women were living longer and having fewer children 1.No longer the traditional housewife.2.No equal opportunity to get the profession.3. “bay boom”but the women’s maintaining a large families had not been counted.4.Betty Friedent set the fuse alight---“no right to be unhappy”10/24/201140•7.3 stimulus ___ the Second Wave•without a Name”••in the laws governing the land.10/24/2011in 1961.the Feminine Mystique, published in1963.10/24/2011Now: The Afro-American people set up the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peopletheir own organization: The National Organization formostly white, married, and middle class.raising”groups in every community.10/24/2011Now:their differences, these different branches of women’s movement helped to bring about massive change inattitudes toward the role of women in American.10/24/2011•“speak out your heart without interruption”10/24/20111) large rallies and marches2) same as the others’3) add their own10/24/20111) women worked hard to change their imageand politics10/24/20117.10 impact upon American culture1) Professional women2) Fight against family violence3) Change the attitude to the marriage.4) Drug abuse10/24/20117. The women’s movement•7.11 the backlash against Feminism•1) Those who doubts about the value of feminist activity took this correlation between jobs for women, feminist activism, and martial instability as being causal.•2) By the 1980s’Ronald Reagan, in his campaigns for a return to “family values”, the backlash against feminism was in full swing.10/24/2011497. The women’s movement 1. How could the backlash against the feminism be in full swing?10/24/201150。
中国国情的英语China's national conditions refer to the overall situation and characteristics of China as a country. As a country with a vast population, diverse ethnic groups, and a rich culture, China's national conditions encompass a wide range of aspects. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive overview of China's national conditions, covering its history, economy, politics, society, and environment.China, officially known as the People's Republic of China, is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.4 billion people. It is located in East Asia, bordering several countries including Russia, Mongolia, and India. With a land area of approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, China is the fourth-largest country in the world.China has a long and rich history that dates back several thousand years. It is one of the oldest continuing civilizations, with a recorded history of more than 4,000 years. The country has experienced dynasties, revolutions, and periods of rapid development. The Imperial dynasties ruled China for centuries, with the last dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, ending in 1912. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came into power in 1949, following the Chinese Civil War, and has been the governing party ever since.Economically, China has achieved remarkable growth over the last few decades. It has transformed from a centrally planned economy to a market-oriented economy, becoming the world's second-largest economy. China is known for its manufacturing industry,particularly in electronics, textiles, and machinery. It is also a major exporter and has a significant role in global trade. The government has implemented various economic reforms, opening up the country to foreign investment and promoting technological innovation.Politically, China operates under a socialist system with Chinese characteristics. The CCP exercises leadership over all aspects of the country, and political power is concentrated at the top. The General Secretary of the CCP, who is also the President of the country, holds significant power. The National People's Congress, China's top legislative body, plays a role in decision-making, although its authority is limited compared to the CCP.Societally, China is characterized by its vast population and diverse ethnic groups. The Han Chinese make up the majority, but there are also 55 recognized ethnic minorities in the country. Despite efforts to promote national unity, there are still occasional ethnic tensions and conflicts. China has a distinct culture and is known for its traditions, such as its cuisine, traditional medicine, martial arts, and festivals like Chinese New Year.China faces several challenges related to its environment. It is the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, contributing to global climate change. Pollution, particularly air pollution, is a serious problem in many Chinese cities. The government has recognized the need for environmental protection and has implemented policies to tackle these issues. China is also investing heavily in renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.In conclusion, China's national conditions encompass its vast population, diverse culture, and unique political and economic systems. With a rich history, rapid economic growth, and various challenges, China plays a significant role in the global arena. Understanding China's national conditions is crucial for comprehending its role in today's world and its future trajectory.。
U nit3T or F1.The question“what is an American?”was first asked by J.Hector St.John de Crevecoeur.T2.Christopher Columbus discovered America in1492.T3.The first English permanent settlement was founded inCalifornia.F4.Massachusetts was established by the English puritans whoseparated themselves from the Rome Catholic Church.F5.The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers.T6.The theory of politics of the America Revolution came from JohnLocke,a French philosopher in the17th century.F7.By the early1760s,the13English colonies in the North Americawere ready to separate themselves from Europe.T8.George Washington,Benjamin Franklin,and Abraham Lincolnwere regarded as the founding fathers of the United States of America.FU nit41.When the War of Independence was over,the United States was oneunified nation as it is today.__F____2.The agreement that set this plan of cooperation among different statesafter the American Independence was called the Constitution of the United States.___F__3.The US Constitution set up a federal system with a strong centralgovernment.__T__4.The main duty of the Congress is to make laws,including those whichlevy taxes that pay for the work of the federal government._T____ 5.Under a Constitution Amendment passed in1951,a president can beelected to only one term.____F___6.The president has the authority to appoint federal judges,and all suchcourt appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives.____F__7.The10very short paragraphs which guarantee freedom and individualrights and forbid interference with lives of individuals by the government are called the Bill of Rights.__T__8.The idea of checks and balances as a way of restricting governmentpower and preventing its abuse was first provided in the Federalist Papers.____T__9.Today,the United States has two major political parties.One is theDemocratic Party,formed before1800.The other is the Republic Party, formed in the1850s,by people in the states of the North and the West.____T_10.Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be acandidate for public office.__F___UNIT51.Alexander Hamilton was the third president of the united states.__F2.The first factory in the United States was a cotton textile mill.___T3.Many people objected to the idea of the corporation because it is lesspersonal than sole proprietorship and partnership._____T______4.The unites states’economy suffered severely from the two WorldWars in the20th century.____F____5.Many people believe that the economic freedom of capitalism iscrucial to America’s economic success.___T_6.When people buy stocks,they become part of the company.__T7.The stockholders make profits even when the company losesmoney.__F_8.One reason for America’s affluence is that a lot of people haveinherited wealth from their parents._F__9.Strong domestic demand is one factor contributing America’saffluence._T_10.Many American leaders have extolled the virtues of farmers.__T11.Measures have been taken since to cope with it,and America emergedfrom the ongoing financial crisis since2010.____FUNIT61.During the War of the Independence and many years after that,theAmericans were mostly concerned about religious freedom._F__2.According to the First Amendment to the Constitutions of the UnitedStates,there would be a state-supported region.__F__3.Those citizens whose religion forbids them to fight in wars canperform other services instead of becoming soldiers.___T4.The Baptists are the largest Protestant group in the US over25millionmembers.__T_5.There are more than100Protestants sects in the United States today.T6.There are more Catholics than Protestants in the US.____F7.John.F.Kennedy was the first Catholics elected as the US President._T_8.Today many Jewish people don’t think of themselves as ethnicallyJewish any more and have adopted as a secular,non-religious outlook.___F_9.When a Supreme Court decision made abortion legal in America,many Catholics,evangelical Protestant and Orthodox Jews objected.__T10.In America,scientific and economic advance and rising materialprogress have been accompanied by a decline in religious observance.____FUNIT81.Critics of the affirmatives action programs are of the opinion that thisresults in reverse discrimination.____T___2.The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act,or GI Bill of Rights,gaveveterans priority in finding better jobs.___F_3.American university students have always liked to get degrees that areaimed at preparing them specifically for certain professions.__F__4.One of the things that decide whether an applicant can be accepted bya college is his/her scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests._T___5.According to the author,larger universities are always better,andmore desirable universities are always more expensive.___F_6.It takes at least four years to get a bachelor’s degree from aninstitution of higher learning in the US._T___7.Segregating blacks into separate schools was unconstitutional afterthe decision of the Supreme Court in1954._T__8.Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials.__F__UNIT91.The anti-war teach-in by white students in Berkeley began the civilrights movement in the1960s,the first of several social movements during that decade.__F_2.“We shall overcome!”is a very famous anti-war song during the1960s.__F__3.In the1960s,three groups–Afro-Americans,Asian Americans andwomen–were dissatisfied with their lives.____F_4.During WWII,many American Negroes had a taste of life bymoving to and working in the North.__T__5.When the civil rights movement began,non-violent,direct actiontactics like sit-ins and boycotts were the chief vehicle for social protest.__T__6.A social movement is possible only when there are organizations andspontaneous actions.__T__7.Malcolm X became known throughout the Sixties because of hisleadership role in the civil rights movement.__F__8.A great movement for the civil rights movement was the March onWashington on august,1963when one-quarter million blacks and whites stood together to hear President John.F.Kennedy’s famous“I have a dream”speech.____F__9.In1966,the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was organized onOakland,whose major work was to enforce civil rights laws.__T__ 10.The arrest of a CORE organizer at the campus of University ofCalifornia at Berkeley touched off the Free Speech Movement which catapulted Mario Savio to the status of a student hero._T___11.Betty Friedan’s book The Mystique(1963)stirred highly chargedresponses from thousands of women who reported from its first year of publication to this day that it changed their lives.__T___ UINT101.The United States was founded on the principle of human equality,and in reality the nation has lived up to that ideal.__F__2.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United Statesnow is the blacks,or afro-Americans,who account for11.7%of the population.___F___3.In1863,President Abraham Lincoln signed The EmancipationProclamation which together with the13th Amendment to the Constitution in1865legally abolished the slavery.___T___4.The problem of poverty does not exist in the United States becausethe overall distribution of wealth and income is equal.__F__5.Drug abuse in the United States has come to be regarded as one of themost challenging social problems facing the nation.___T___6.President Richard Nixon’s administration was toppled because of theWatergate Affair,with many administrative officials later facing criminal charges and some being imprisoned.___T___7.The CIA,which is a branch of the United States Federal government,is in charge of investing violation of certain federal laws inside the United States.___F___8.Corruption in the United States takes the form of fraud,falseadvertising,corporate price fixing,bribery,embezzlement,and tax evasion.__T__9.Statistics usually overlook white-collar crimes because they areaffected by police reporting practices and that many crimes unreported.__T___10.The presidencies of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were markedby a well-founded public belief that their administrations were deliberately and systematically lying to the people.__T__UNIT111.According to the author,it is not very difficult to generalize about theAmerican way of life.__F__2.Hollywood films give the wrong impression that all Americans arerich.__T___3.Over the last40years about11%or15%of the population areclassified as living in poverty.___T___4.According to the essay,there is more violence in American life thanin other industrialized countries generally.__T____5.The introduction of“no-fault”divorce laws has contributed to a majordecline in the divorce rate since the late1970s._F___6.The long-term result of a flourishing youth is that traditional valuesdo not transmit readily from one generation to the next._T____7.For most Americans,the core idea of religion is exemplified inJudaism or Christianity or perhaps Buddhism.__F__8.The Confucian tradition approached the issue of moral behavior in anon-theological but intensely social way.___T___9.In the United States,announcing a belief in God does result in activeparticipation in religious services.___F_10.Back in the17th century,the new American felt morally superior toOld Europe which they called the Dark World.__T___11.Being anglophilic is defined as earlier immigrants from Englandviewing themselves as following English upper-class manners and tastes.__T__12.The currency of“the melting pot”image dates back to1905when apopular play was first produced by a Jewish playwright from England.___T__13.In the early20th century,those who still dominated American lifewere mostly composed of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants(WASPS).____T__14.Racial segregation in public schools was officially outlawed in1954by the Supreme Court decision in Brown v.the Board of Education.__T__UNIT121.From its beginning,the women’s movement was inextricablyentwined with Civil Rights movement.___T__2.Women’s Liberation began as a movement in the early1960s.__F__3.Mott and Stanton had first met eight years in London,at the World’sAnti-slavery Convention._T___4.Negros and women were happy under the domination of masters.__F___5.Republican Party leaders included provisions explicitly protectingwomen in the Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution.__F__ bor-saving devices such as washing machines and refrigerator,electric stoves and vacuum cleaners made housework easier and less tedious.__T_7.By the1950s,more and more middle and upper-middle class womenexpected to attend college._T___8.During the1940s,it was necessary for women to take over the jobs infactories left vacant by men who went off to fight the war._T___9.In the1950s women were leading a happy life because they ownedtheir homes and had a husband in full-time employment,and inaddition,they enjoyed a large amount of labor-saving devices and the many advantages of an excellent education.__F___10.By the time of1980election of the republican president,RonaldReagan,the backlash against feminism was the strongest.__T__ UNIT131.Eli Whitney was noted for inventing the cotton gin and developingthe system of mass production of weapons with interchangeable parts._T___2.John H.Hall invented sewing machines,typewriters,and bicycles.__F_3.Before the construction of the railroads,the barge and canal systemwas the main means of transportation in the American Northeast.__T__4.The significant role of the Stevens family in the history oftransportation in early nineteenth century America is underestimated._T__5.The equality and endurance of railroads tracks was the fundamentalconstraint on the size and speed of trains._T__6.Samuel F.B.Morse was the inventor of the telephone._F___7.The first computers were enormous in size and consumed greatquantities of electricity.__T__8.Radio was a place where lots of advertisements were placed forproducts to feed a growing consumerism in America merging after World War I.__T___9.The original idea was to connect computers was for educational andcommercial uses.__F_10.What motivated most scientists and engineers in America to developan atomic bomb in the first place were to prevent Japan from using such a device.___F___11.The Internet is a global set of documents,images,and other resourcesand refers to all of the publicly accessible websites in the world.__F__12.The Apollo11mission landed men on the moon for the first time inhuman history.__F__UNIT131.American foreign policy has been swinging between isolationism andinter-ventionism since World War II.__F__2.Pax American indicates American policy to create a world orderdominated by the United States._T___3.The founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)in1949and the Warsaw Pact in1955split the world into two military blocs.And the Cold War began.__T__4.The United States had its test of the hydrogen bomb in1953after theSoviet Union has its such test in1972.__F__5.Sputniks are man-made satellites made by the Soviet Union.__T___6.When Ronald Reagan became president in1982,he wanted to beatthe Soviet Union in the space technology race and so he initiated the Star Wars project._T____7.In1948president Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine,which isgenerally regarded as the formal declaration of the implementation of the US containment foreign policy.__T____8.After the Korean War,the United States made necessary adjustmentsand adopted a strategy of contraction.___F__9.At the end of the Second World War,a concrete wall,separating Eastand West Berlin,was built which became the symbol of the Cold War.___F__10.The Clinton Administration made international peace,economicprosperity and promotion of democracy the three pillars of American foreign policy.___F__11.After the Sept.11terrorist attack,anti-terrorism became a priority onthe agenda of the majority of the countries all over the world.____T_ 12.When George W.Bush became president,his foreign strategy had twoprominent elements:isolation and faith in the military strength.__F__ 13.After the US launched war on the Saddam regime,the Iraq peoplewelcomes and gave long term support to the American occupation forces.__F__14.In his first year of presidency,President Obama made several movesin an attempt to improve the US relations with European allies and its neighboring countries in South America.__F__15.The American foreign policy in the last half a century has been basedon the US analysis of the national interests.___F___UNIT171.Canada is the largest country in North American continent._T__2.Canada is rated regularly as having the highest standard of living inthe world because it has rich natural resources.___F___3.The majority of the Canadian population lives in an area not far awayfrom the Canadian-US border.___T__4.French is an official language in Quebec and maritime provinces.___F__5.The Gold Rush in the late1800s took place in the president provinceof British Columbia.__F__6.Toronto is the biggest city and the capital of Canada.__F__7.Newfoundlanders have an Irish accent because their ancestors camefrom Ireland.__T__8.Canada became a country in1949with the entry of Newfoundland inthe Union.__T___UNIT181.In history,British Columbia agreed to join confederation on conditionthat railroad would be built to the west coast.__T__2.Provincial governments are responsible for the local economy,education and health system._T__3.The Governor-General is the representative of the Queen and is thehead of the government.__F_4.The Canadian parliament is divided into an upper class called theHouse of Commons,and a lower house called the Senate.F____5.The two biggest political parties in Canada are the Reform Party andthe Liberal Party.__F_6.The Constitution Act was introduced by Brian Mulroney to ensureCanadians‘legal rights.__F__7.The Meech Lake Accord was set to recognize Quebec as a“distinctsociety”._T____8.It was Pierre Trudeau’s government that signed the NAFTA._F__9.Jean Chretien introduced the bilingualism act to promote the respect,understanding and preservation of different cultures in Canada.__F___10.The Progress Conservative Party and the Reform Party merged intothe Conservative Party in2003._F___UNIT191.Officially,Canada refers to itself as a multicultural society within abilingual framework.__T__2.The Métis are a group of aboriginal people who inherited their Frenchand aboriginal backgrounds.___T__3.The aboriginal people in Canada gained the right to vote in1920s.F___4.From the1890s through the1920s,the Canadian governmentsencouraged immigrants from northern Europe to farm and harvest the forests.__F_5.The majority residents in Quebec are French speakers,and there areabout600,000French speakers living outside Quebec._T__6.Provincial government offices all over Canada offer bilingual services.___F_7.During the great depression,Canada welcomed refugees fleeing fromGermany but banned Asian immigration.__F__8.The Canadian immigration policies are directed by provincial andfederal governments,and have been largely determined by economic considerations.___T__。
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A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom该国,我们正在研究的全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
England Population (1994) 48.7 million (UK total 58.4 million) Area 130 423 km2 (UK total 241 752 km2)英国是一个高度城市化的国家,其80个城市的人口居住在%,而只有2的农业劳动人口%。
但是,像所有成见,这一项在很多英国人,尤其是年轻人,喜欢展示他们的unconvenionality 外部其弱点,,例如英国朋克摇滚乐队与他们的生动头发染高低不平。
.Scotland Population: 5.111 million Area: 77 080km2苏格兰是第二个最大的四个国家,无论是在人口和地理区域。