三年级上册英语学案Unit 6 Review and check(无答案)牛津译林版


小学英语新北师版(一起)三年级上册 Unit 6 《Review》 学案(第3课时)

小学英语新北师版(一起)三年级上册 Unit 6 《Review》 学案(第3课时)

Unit 6《Review》学案
1. 预习本单元的新单词: foot, bean, orange.
2. 搜集本课要学习的有关字母i,o 及组合ee,ea 和oa 的发音规律的相关知识,

1. 认读新词foot, bean, orange.
2. 注意字母及字母组合的发音规律。

1. 认识单词和短语foot, bean, orange,借助媒介,听录音,跟读单词。


2. 了解本单元所学习的字母i,o 及组合ee,ea 和oa 的发音规律,找出不懂的地

3. Listen and repeat. (听,说) 听说课文两遍,使用‘学乐师生’APP录音,分

4.Listen and Number.





《牛津小学英语》3AUnit6Reviewandcheck 三年级英语教案●一、教材简解本单元是前五个单元的复习单元,着重归纳了这五个单元的主要语言项目.教师尽可能地通过多种形式的复习,帮助学生巩固已学的单词及日常交际用语.教师可根据学生的年龄特点及学习的实际状况,采用多种活动形式,调动学生的学习积极性.这五个单元的日常交际用语主要是围绕打招呼,问候,介绍以及请求和命令这几个功能项目展开,教师在复习过程中一定要注意语言与情景结合.这一课时主要是围绕人物,颜色,动物,水果单词展开,在复习过程中,教师要根据学生的实际情况,处理好重点复习巩固内容.●二、目标预设1.通过复习,学生掌握所学人物,颜色,动物,水果单词,并能熟练区分运用.2.对于读音容易混淆的单词,重复其读音,使学生能正确的诵读,从而辨别单词.3.培养学生听辨词组的能力.4.通过复习,学生能熟练地把所学交际用语应用到日常生活中去,能在情境中恰当、得体地运用以上交际用语,与人打招呼、进行问候和介绍。






4.能使已会的学生学到一些学习英语的方法,使学得不牢固的学生进行巩固.●五、设计思路:本节课的教学内容是复习人物,颜色,动物,水果类单词,在此过程中,对已学的打招呼、介绍进行复习巩固,并通过歌曲、儿歌等方式吸引学生的兴趣,使他们在复习的同时感受收获的喜悦.我没有按照单元的顺序,而是把所学人物,颜色,动物,水果类单词进行了综合,从人物引到颜色,从颜色引到水果,从水果到动物,衔接自然,在复习的同时,教给了学生新知识.另外,我没有做书上的练习,而是请学生回家完成,这是因为我复习之前了解了学生情况,第六单元题目比较简单,有部分学生已经完成.●六、教具准备:课件实物图片录音机磁带等●七、教学过程:step 1. greetings1. t: good morning , boys and girls.s: good morning.t: how are you?s: fine. thank you. and you?t: i’m fine, too. thank you.2.sing a song 《how are you? 》step 2.revision1.(打开课件)出示人物,学生开火车朗读。

三年级英语教案Unit 6 Review and check第一课时

三年级英语教案Unit 6 Review and check第一课时

课题:Unit 6 Review and check第一课时教案内容:一教学内容《牛津小学英语》3B第六单元第一教时二教学目标1、能熟练地听说数字1--12。

2、能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语:What’s the time now,please? It’s …(o’clock).Shall we … (now)? It’s time to … You can … (now).What’s … plus /minus …? It’s … That’s right./You’re wrong. Oh, no.三教学重点通过操练,能熟练地在情景中运用以上日常交际用语。


五课前准备磁带,录音机,字母卡,默写本,钟,幻灯片等六教学过程Step 1 Free talk and motivation1、师生之间用Good morning/afternoon. How are you?互相问候。

2、学生之间用Look at my new coat. Open the window. A glass of milk?等交谈。

3、唱歌曲《ABC song》。

Step 2 Revision and presentation1、Review the numbers 1~20.(1) 唱歌曲《Twenty green bottles》(2) 让学生边出示手势边以小组为单位开火车,说数字1~20。

(3) Play a game《The number before or the next number》. 一个学生说一个数字,同桌立刻说出这个数字的前一个数字或后一个数字。

(4) 出示六题计算题,让学生根据题目组织表演对话,复习对话:What’s … plus/minus …? It’s … That’s right./You’re wrong. Oh, no.(6+9=?20-10=?2+8=?18-5=?12+7=?14-11=?)(给表演对话的学生奖励一个纸手表,为下面的教学内容作铺垫。

【教育学习文章】牛津小学英语三年级unit6 Review and check教案

【教育学习文章】牛津小学英语三年级unit6 Review and check教案

牛津小学英语三年级unit6 Review andcheck教案三年级英语科目集体备课教案课题:unit6Reviewandcheck本课初备课时共5课时,本课第1课时个人复备栏教学目标:1.EnabletheSstounderstandandsay24words.2.EnabletheS stounderstandandusethecommunicativewords.重点难点:掌握1—3单元的单词,并会运用课前准备:图片教学过程:Step1warmUpA.Singsongs:Hello!Hi,Nancy!B.Sayarhyme:Theyareallverygood.c.Greetings.T:Goodmorning/afternoon,class.Ss:Goodmorning/afternoon,miss××T:Howareyoutoday?Ss:Fine,thankyou,Andyou?T:me,too.Step2,Revision.ATouchthebodyT:Touchyourhair.Ss:Touchmyhair.T:TouchyourfaceBFreetalkStep3Practise.AUnit1aListentothetapeandrepeat.bReadthedialoguealoud.cLookatthepictureandtrytoactPractisethedialog ueingroups/pairs.T:who’dliketoactthedialogueforus?comeouttothefrontandshow everybodyelse.BUnit2aListentothetapeandrepeat.bTrytoact“cLookandsay.”cmakeupasimilardialoguewithyourpartner.dShowthecardswhat’sthis,doyouknow?what’scolourisit?ReadaftertheTeSinganddance“coloursong”cUnit3aListentothetapeandrepeat.bPlayagame用A部分交际用语中的关键词玩一个小把戏,比如:“mrGreen”一词,老师大声说,学生小声说,或反之。

北师大小学一起点英语三年级上册《Unit 6 Review》教案 (3)

北师大小学一起点英语三年级上册《Unit 6 Review》教案 (3)


北师大小学英语一年级起点伴你成长快乐学习!(北师大版)三年级英语上册Unit 6 review教学目标:1.让学生能够知道圣诞节时会用到的习惯用语2.复习现在进行时重难点:有关圣诞节的习惯用语教具准备:课件、光盘Unit 6 review教学过程:T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning teacher.T: How are you?S: Fine, thank you, and you?T: I am fine, too. Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you too!T: Ok, good .Sit down please.T: What day is today?S:It’s Monday.T: What the date today?It’s December the eleventh.T: Yes, good. Today we will learn unit 6, first let’s look at some pictures about Christmas, now read after meS:Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, merry ChristmasT:介绍圣诞节的背景知识(圣诞节就相当于中国的春节,他们会互赠CHRISTMAS CARDS,举行圣诞晚会,西方人很重视这个节日就像我们很重视春节一样,所以在西方国家现在哪里的学生已经开始放寒假准备过圣诞节了。

T: When is Christmas day?S:December the twenty-fifth.T: Yes, you are right. Let’s look at the text of unit six to look at the story.T: What do you remember?S:I remember……T: Open your books, turn to page 62,when sue and davied saw ken , ann and mocky, T: what did they say?T: How did ken and ann answer?(看每幅图,说说都看到了什么说了什么)T: Next, read after the tape and finger your point.(two or three times)相信自己,就能走向成功的第一步教师不光要传授知识,还要告诉学生学会生活。



牛津小学英语3AUnit6Reviewandcheck教案三年级英语教案牛津英语3a 课程教案年级三主备人周次第七周课次the second period授课课题unit 5 how are you ?教学基本内容go to … now ,… fine ,thank you .go home,… miaow!(mimi says)bye/see you . all right /ok .how are you ?教学目的和要求1. enable the ss to make dialogues .2. encourage the ss to have good cooperation with one another . 教学重点及难点1. enable the ss to make dialogues .2. encourage the ss to have good cooperation with one another . 教学方法及手段创设真实,自然的情景来学习本单元句型。

学法指导合作学习法集体备课个性化修改预习step 1 greetings :t: hello ,boys and girls .how are you ,today ?ss: fine ,thank you ,and you ?t: me too .教学环节设计step2 revision .1. show me your pencils ,show me your rubbers .show me your ball pens ,etc2. let’s talk inEnglish.hello good morning /afternoon .this is … how are you ?3. ask and answer (t&ss)get up ,××. all right .go to school now ,××. ok .go home now,××. all right ,see you ,miss ××.go to bed now . ok ,good night .4. ss make a dialogue .5. play a game .guess : what’s in my school bag ? (book s, apples .bananas ,… , a teaching picture)step3 presentation .1. t shows the teaching picture and asks .a. how many people in the picture ?b. what are they talking about ?2. ss discuss : g3. check and modify.4. group works .(全班分成四个小组,进行竞赛e.g picture 1. (t: if you can do it well, i’ll giveyour group one smiling face )mr brown : go to school now ,mike .mike : all right ,bye ,dad .5. action .step4 have a rest.sing the song “hello ! how are you?”step5 listen and respond .the t turns on the recorder (课前录制一些问话以便学生回答)step 6 end. 作业三年级英语教案板书设计unit 5 how are you ?go to school now . hi, liu taohow are you ?ok ,good bye ,dad . fine ,thank you .good morning ,miss li go home now, mimi.good morning. miaow !执行情况与教学反思课程教案年级班级任教者备课时间____年__月__日第七周课次the third period授课课题unit 5 how are you ?教学基本内容1. listen and circle .2. guess and say.3. sing a song .教学目的和要求1.go on learning the new words and the new sentences.2.to encourage the ss to learnEnglishand use it .教学重点及难点1.go on learning the new words and the new sentences.2.to encourage the ss to learnEnglishand use it .及手段情景教学法,游戏教学法学法指导合作学习法集体备课个性化修改预习step 1 warm-up1. sing the songs . “ good morning.” “ hello!how are you ?”2. greetings .教学环节设计step 2 . presentation .1. play a game: bingo.guess: what are they?(猜图片,猜对者高呼bingo,以示胜利)2. read the words :( pens ,pencils ,etc )3. guess and say . (利用学生的文具或图片)e.g sa : a rubber?sb : no .sa: rubbers ?sb: yes .4. listen and circle .5.sing the song “hello!how are you ?”step 3 . work book .1. listen and number.2. listen and judge .3. listen and draw .作业go over unit 5.板书设计unit 5 how are you ?fine ,thank you ,and (how are )you ?how are you not bad .not so good 执行情况与教学反思课程教案年级班级任教者备课时间____年__月__日周次第八周课次the first period授课课题unit 6 review and check教学基本内容review unit 1—3教学的和要求1. enable the ss to understand and say 24 words .。

小学英语新北师版(一起)三年级上册 Unit 6 《Review》 教案(第6课时)

小学英语新北师版(一起)三年级上册 Unit 6 《Review》 教案(第6课时)

小学英语新北师版(一起)三年级上册Unit 6 《Review》教案第6课时教学目标1.能够根据图片提示,用现在进行时谈论正在做的事。

2.能唱英文歌曲 We Wish You a Merry Christmas.教学重点复习现在进行时态的用法。

教学难点英文歌曲 We Wish You a Merry Christmas.教学方法情景教学法, 游戏教学法。


课时安排1个课时教学过程一、导课1. Greetings用Good morning./Good afternoon.等问候语跟学生打招呼。

2.Revision复习数词, 要求学生能够倒背如流。

twenty, nineteen,eighteen,seventeen,sixteen,fifteen,fourteen,thirteen,twelve,eleven,ten, nine, eight, seven, six,five, four, three, two, one二、新授1. Trace, Match and Write.根据图片提示,完成下列句子。

Mocky is cooking.Mocky is painting.Mocky is sleeping.2.Let’s Sing!We Wish You a Merry ChristmasWe wish you a Merry Christmas.We wish you a Merry Christmas.We wish you a Merry Christmas.And a Happy New Year.※※※Good tidings we bringTo you and your kin.Good tidings for ChristmasAnd a Happy New Year.(使用‘学乐师生’APP录音,将歌曲录音在“授课”中展示。

)3.完成课本70页的 Self-assessmentFind the words in the puzzle according to the pictures and then color them.根据图找出字谜中的词并涂上颜色。



Unit 6 Review单元教学目标技能目标1.能够运用所学的句型介绍自己、朋友和家庭成员52.能够在插图、录音的帮助下,读懂故事;3.复习1~5单元学习的主要内容。

知识目标1.字母:能读出字母Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz,字母书写规范;了解字母在单词中的发音。







单元故事围绕Bobby在公园里主动结识新朋友Tommy, Tommy给Bobby介绍Ken和他的家人展开。

在新的故事情景中复现了What’s your name? He's my…HisHer name is…ThisThat is my…等句型。





Listen and Number以听力活动的形式复现、巩固介绍别人的句型He is…His name is…接下来的Touch and Say则提供Ann一家人的图片,为学生运用所学句型、介绍人物提供了平台。

虽然是对同一话题的复现,但是在内容上有所扩展,采用了Mocky转述K en和Ann 的话的形式,因此人称有所不同,转换为He's and Point,有的学习薪的字母,有的关注本学期学习的字母在单词中的发音。


1.带领孩子们一起背诵Unit6的两个Let’s talk.然后
Find and say
2.呈现一幅生日party场景图,问学生:Whatcan you
see? What are they talking?引导学生用本单元重点句
3.模特表演Flash cards
欣赏了Story time.
板书设计:Unit 6Happy birthday!
Part BStart to read Let’s check
Part C Story time
How many...?
—How old are Fra bibliotekou?—I’m...years old.
1.能够完成Let’s check部分的听音练习。
2.能听懂并尝试表演Story time部分的小故事。
1.师生共同唱歌曲“Ten little candles”,引领学生跟唱。

小学三年级英语教案:Unit 6 Review and check

小学三年级英语教案:Unit 6 Review and check

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北师大小学一起点英语三年级上册《Unit 6 Review》教案 (4)

北师大小学一起点英语三年级上册《Unit 6 Review》教案 (4)


北师大小学英语一年级起点伴你成长快乐学习!(北师大版)三年级英语上册教案unit6Unit6 Review一、教学目标:1.复习第三单元和第四单元的重点句子2.通过做游戏、朗读等方式体会和练习重点句型3.以做游戏的方式复习,以保持学生对英语学习的兴趣二、重难点:掌握重点句型和表达方式三、教具准备:课件、电脑、小纸条、录音机Step1. greetingT:today we will review unit 3 and unit 4. first let’s look at the text. Please look at the screen, please read with it,T:good, now I have a question. Whose radio is this ? Is this Miss li’s ? you can ask her but use English?S:Yes it is .T:Whose books are these? (拿起学生的书)S:They are xx and xx’sT:Yes , good. Are these books yours?S:Yes, they are.T: (同样是这两本书问别的同学) Are these books yours?No, they aren’tT:Ok, pay attention these sentences.S:A: Whose book is this?B: Is this xx’sC :Yes, it is/ no it isn’tA :Whose books are these?B: Are these xx’s ?C: Yes, they are/ no they aren’t.T:Now three people in a group to act A B and C to practice these sentences.use your school things.Step2. practiceT:Let’s play a game names find their owner, there are many things on my desk, they are mocky, ann ,ken and peter’s .their names are in the box, you should use these sentences to guess their owner, ( 把四个人物的名字写在小条上,放在盒子里,三名同学一问一猜一答)T:Good, you did a good job, now let’s review unit four , first let’s look at words to learn , read after it.T:Let’s play a game, there are some words in my box, one of you choosing one and do actions others guess what is he or she doing? For example ( 拿出一张SLEEPING的图片作睡觉状) what am I doing? I am sleeping. Are you clear?S:YesHe is washingShe is studingHe is drinkingHe is readingHe is writingShe is singingjShe is dancingjHe is eating四、板书:let’s review相信自己,就能走向成功的第一步教师不光要传授知识,还要告诉学生学会生活。

牛津苏教版-英语-三年级上册-Unit 6Review and check第一课时教案

牛津苏教版-英语-三年级上册-Unit 6Review and check第一课时教案

Unit 6 Review and check第一课时教学目标:通过本单元的复习,要求学生掌握所学单词,并能较熟练地运用。


课前准备:图片,录音机等教学过程:Step1 Review the wordsT:Who’s this?Ss:He/She’s ….T: What’s this?Ss:It’s ….Game:单词归类People:Mr Green, Miss Li, Mr Black, Mr Brown, Mike, Helen, David, Nancy, Liu Tao, Gao Shan, Wang Bing, Yang LingAnimals:a dog, a cat, a monkey, a tiger, a panda, a zebra, a bird, an elephantColours:red, green, white, black, orange, blue, yellow, brownFruit:apples, oranges, pears, bananas, peaches, mangoes, pineapples, watermelonsThings in a room:a desk, a chair, a bed, a sofa, a table, a telephone, a bookcase, a fridge,Things for school:pens, books, pencils, ball pens, pencil boxes, pencil sharpeners, rulers, rubbersStep 2 Listening practiceA Listen and circleAnswer: 1) a sofa 2) an elephant 3) a pencil 4) a book 5) a cat6) a monkey 7) a pencilbox 8)a bookcaseB Listen and numberAnswer: a) 2 b) 6 c) 4 d) 7 e) 8 f) 1 g) 5 h) 3Step 3 Assign homework板书设计:Unit 6 Review and check People: Fruit: Animals: Things in a room: Colours: Things for school:。

北师大版三年级上册英语《Unit 6 Review》word教案

北师大版三年级上册英语《Unit 6 Review》word教案

(北师大版)三年级英语上册Unit 6 review教学目标:1.让学生能够知道圣诞节时会用到的习惯用语2.复习现在进行时重难点:有关圣诞节的习惯用语教具准备:课件、光盘Unit 6 review教学过程:T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning teacher.T: How are you?S: Fine, thank you, and you?T: I am fine, too. Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you too!T: Ok, good .Sit down please.T: What day is today?S:It’s Monday.T: What the date today?It’s December the eleventh.T: Yes, good. Today we will learn unit 6, first let’s look at some pictures about Christmas, now read after meS:Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, merry ChristmasT:介绍圣诞节的背景知识(圣诞节就相当于中国的春节,他们会互赠CHRISTMAS CARDS,举行圣诞晚会,西方人很重视这个节日就像我们很重视春节一样,所以在西方国家现在哪里的学生已经开始放寒假准备过圣诞节了。

T: When is Christmas day?S:December the twenty-fifth.T: Yes, you are right. Let’s look at the text of unit six to look at the story.T: What do you remember?S:I remember……T: Open your books, turn to page 62,when sue and davied saw ken , ann and mocky, T: what did they say?T: How did ken and ann answer?(看每幅图,说说都看到了什么说了什么)T: Next, read after the tape and finger your point.(two or three times)。

三年级英语上册 Unit 6《Review》教案 北师大版(三起)

三年级英语上册 Unit 6《Review》教案 北师大版(三起)

Unit 6 Review单元教学目标技能目标1.能够运用所学的句型介绍自己、朋友和家庭成员52.能够在插图、录音的帮助下,读懂故事;3.复习1~5单元学习的主要内容。

知识目标1.字母:能读出字母Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz,字母书写规范;了解字母在单词中的发音。







单元故事围绕Bobby在公园里主动结识新朋友Tommy, Tommy给Bobby介绍Ken和他的家人展开。

在新的故事情景中复现了What’s your name? He's my…His/Her name is…This/That is my…等句型。





Listen and Number以听力活动的形式复现、巩固介绍别人的句型He is…His name is…接下来的Touch and Say则提供Ann一家人的图片,为学生运用所学句型、介绍人物提供了平台。

虽然是对同一话题的复现,但是在内容上有所扩展,采用了Mocky转述K en和Ann 的话的形式,因此人称有所不同,转换为He's he。



牛津苏教版-英语-三年级上册-Unit6Reviewandcheck教案(4课时)Unit 6 Review and check教案The first period一.Teaching topic: I like…二.Teaching aims:1. To listen .speak .read and perform the contents of page 30.2. Can listen.speak.read these new words:Apple. Banana. Pear . orange watermelon.3. Can grasp these base sentences and use them freely.What's this ?It's a/an ……I like ……Do you like ……Yes,I do./ No,I don't .三. Teaching material analyse:In this period,We‘re going to learn unit 6(Page 40),Learn to talkabout someone’s likes。

Five new words and four sentences are teachingimportant points。

The pronunciation of “oranges”and how to use thebase sentences freely are teaching difficult points。

四.Teaching methods:Situational teachings,playing games,practising五.Teaching procedures:(1)Warming up exercises:1.Greetings。

2.Do like me:Put your right hand in。



Unit6Review and check同步教案教学目标1、知识目标:a).通过复习,能熟练的听,说学习用品类单词,水果类单词,动物类单词。

b).通过复习,能熟练的听,说句型 good morning/afternoon. hello,i’m…your name? this is … nice to meet you. nice to meet you,too.what’sc).能初步了解名词的复数的意义和用法。




教学过程Unit6Review and checkstep 1 warm up1.sing songs 《hello!》《hello! how are you?》step 2 review and practise1.⑴师在黑板上画一座山,并在不通的地方画上太阳,并以箭头作为太阳运行的方向。

⑵师指着不同地方的太阳分别用 good morning /afternoom/evening.与学生问好。

2.⑴guess and say :利用课件出示图片:铅笔的一部分t:what’sthis? s:this is a pencil.课件出示完整图片及单词,并跟读单词⑵同上复习学习用品类单词。

⑶齐读单词⑷要求学生根据教师口令展示自己的学习用品t:show me your pencils/rulers/pens/…s(全)高举自己的铅笔并大声说:pencil/rulers/pens/…⑸师利用课件展示图片一支铅笔并说:a pencil。

然后指着手里的一把铅笔说:pencils⑹课件展示图片及单词 pencils 并跟读单词。

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