

2018-2019学年度第一学期六年级期末英语学教学质量综合调研测评试卷一.语音5%从A 、B 、C 选项中找出所给单词划线部分渎音相同的单词.将序号填入題 fl*括号内()l.dad A.baby B.after C.candy ( )2 .every A.evening B.eleven C.me ( )S.white■A .winter■ B.like■ C.spnng < )4.open A.hobby Bxollecl C. photo ()5.uncleA. summerB.studenlC.put二.词汇15%1・ Those _________ <photo) are about his uncle's daily life ・ 2. We are celebrating Lisa\ ____________ (twelve) birthday. 3. Look, the cat is washing her (ace ______________ <il). 4. Summer is the _____________ (hot) season of the year.5. ll is a good habit of ____________ (I) io read something before going io bed. C.用方框内所给动词的适勻形式坑空(毎词只能用一次)last wash keep be invite1 ・ The boy's mother is busy __________ her cl ollies ・ 2. rd like ___________ him to come.3. Summer in China ___________ from May to July.4. What __________ summer like? Ifs very hot.5. What is the way you think of ____________ healthy?三、单项选择.将正确答案的序号填空題询的括号内20%)1 ・My mother is very busy with her work ・ She goes shopping.A.从右栏中选出勺左栏单词相匹配的英文祥义.将序号境入题前括号内< )1 .collect ( )2.cousin ( )3.walk ( )4January ()5.summerB.用所给单词的适当形式填空A. io go somewhere on foolB. the first month of the tearC. the child of one's uncle or auntD. to gather togellierE. the season beiween spring and autumnA. alwaysB.someiimesC.oftenD.seldom( )2.That question ___________ .1 can't answer il.A. is easyB.easy Cdifficult D.is difficult( )3」l is raining now, but he wants to wait for her.A. don'tB.stillC.doesn'tD.also( )4.Each of us __________ three days off to celebrate New Year's Day.A. hasB.haveC.isD.are( )5AVhat of cake would you like? The cake with chocolate in itA. sizeB.colourC.kindD.shape( )6.Lucy is __________ (riend. She oQen helps with _________English.A. myjnc」B.myjnc,my CJ.my.nie D.me.me.my)7」'm a teacher of maths, what you?A. toB.inC.aboutD.from)8.A driver should obey the ____________ rules.A. trafllcB.homeC.classD.school( )9.You must look carefully you cross the road.A. beforeB.afterC.andD.but)lO.Spring is coming. The weather is gettingA. cooler and coolerB. colder and colderC. hotter and hotterD.warmer and warmer( )11.Summer holidays are _________ than winter holidays.A.shorterB. longerC.coolerD.bigger( )12.People eat moon cakes on ______________A. M iddle Autumn DayB.Chrisimas DayC.Easier DayD.Thanksgiving Day( )13.The PLA was founded onA. March 8ihB.May 4thC.August 1stD.Sepiember 10th( )14・China's National Day is inA. SeptemberB.OctoberC.AugustD.Sepiember 10th( )I5.The students have their _____________ holidays in July and August.A. summerB.springC.winterD.autumn( )16.The fanners are busy cutting riceA. in Spring FestivalB.in the middle of MarchB. in early spring D.at the end of October( )17. -------- Happy birthday to you. -------------- -------------2A.No,thanksB.I hope so.C.Thank youD.The same to you.( )1 & Jim, you ___________ lay with (he knife. You _____________ h urt yourself A. won't; can f l B muslnT ; mayC. shouldn't; mustD. can、:shouldn"( )19. -What is your new teacher like?A. He is wellB. He is kind but strictC. He teaches us EnglishD. He likes us all.( )20. Which is the picture of a famous tennis player in China?四、按要求改写句子,每空填写一词10%1 ・ Peter goes to school by bike.(否定句)Peter __________ ___________________________ to school by bike.2. There are some children in the classroom (单数句)There ______________ a ______________ in the classroom.3 • She cuts the cake (用now 改写)She _________________________________ the cake now.4. She has supper at home every day (对划线部分提间)________ ______________ h e______________ _________________ every day? 5. I am interested in collecting stamps.(同义句)My ____________ _________________ collecting stamps五.将方框内单词的适当形式填写在适当位遐,将对话补充完整10%Lisa: Hi, Kate, Gao Wei and Peter. Tomorrow is my ____________________ , ______________ ou like to come to my birthday party?Peler: Sure. Td ________ (o.Lisa: What about you, Gao Wei?Gao Wei: What _________________ d oes your party begin?Lisa: Il begins at ________________ 5:30 after school.Gao Wei: That's good! I can come .Kate: _________ , too. We can all _______________ your birthday!Lisa: ________________ t Here are my _____________ cards for all of you.3Peler. Kate& Gao Wei: Thanks! Goodbye! See you tomorrow.Lisa: Bye-bye六、根据所给的擠景完成句子,每空一词10%1. 你想告诉奶奶你的妈妈经常饭后给你读英语故事,你可以这样说:______ dinner my mother often ______________ E nglish_________ t o ____________ , 2. 你想告诉小妹妹二月是一年中的第二个月,你可以这样说:____________ is the __________________________ of the ______________ ,3. 你想告诉外国朋友冬天很冷,而且经常下雪,你可以这样说:In ____________ , the _________ is cold ______________ it often ___________ ,4. 你想告诉妈妈小舉儿饿了,她在哭,你可以这样说:The ___________ is _______________ , She ____________ __________________ r5・你想对爸爸说弹钢琴很难,你可以这样说:七.完型填空,将正确答案的序号填入题前的括号内10%A hobby can be almost anything a person 1 to do in his spare time・Difierent people 2 diflerent 3 . For example, someone likes reading.someone likes dancing and someone likes 4 and so on.Then, what is 5 hobby? Well, what I like most is reading and drawing, I ofien 6 books and draw pictures. By 7 books I can learn many funny things.I have many good 8 ・ Tony's hobby is gardenirg. He usually plants flowersand trees in his yard. We 9 di flerent hobbies, 10 we are good friends.()1.A.like B. likes Cgo D. goes()2.A have B. has C having D. to have()3.A hobby B. hobbys C hobbies D. hobbes(>4.A collect B. collecting C. collects D. to collect()5.A.my B. mine C your D.his()6. A reads B reading C. to read D. read()7. A to read B reads C reading D. read()8.A.friend B. a friend C. friends D. any friends()9. A eat B have C. has D. eats()10.A.and B. so C. or D. butA.阅读理解10%(一)阅读短文,判断正误(正确用“T”表示,错误用“F”表示)Mr Brown is on his way home from his workplace・ Il is very late and he is alone4on the dark road. Suddenly he hears someone behind him. He begins to walk faster. The man behind him walks faster, (oo. He walks slowly, and the man moves more slowly, (oo. He begins to run, and the man runs after him. Now he is sure the man is following him and is really frightened.There is a wall on one side of the road, and he quickly climbs up it and jumps down on (he other side. "If he passes and doesnS slop, everything will be all righ(." Mr Brown thinks. But the man doesn't pass. Mr Brown thinks T'm in great danger!" He stands up and shouts, <c Whal do you want? Why are you following me?"The man is so tired that at first it is diflicull for him to speak. "I don" know that you are a good runner." he says al last, "I have (o go to Mr Green 7s house, but I donU know the way. A man lei Is me that you live next to Mr Green^, and he tells me to follow you. Tm loo (ired to go any farther.,> ()1. The man follows Mr Brown because he wants to get some money from MrBrown. ( )2. There are few people on the road.( )3. Mr Brown doesnU know where Mr Green lives.( )4. The man can" catch up with Mr Brown because Mr Brown runs so fast. ()5. The story happens in (he afternoon.(二)根据所给信思选择正确答案,将其序号填入題前括号内Whal Does the Sign Say?()l.What time does the universily(大学)park open in March?A.Al 6:00 am.B. At 6:30 am.C. At 8:00 am.D. Al 8:30 am.()2.Which sign tells you not to smoke?Do not cross here ・ Use subwayf 地铁)No horses or bikes ・Walks onlyFire!DANGER TO TREES NO SMOKING! \ ___________________\University Park Opening hours: Apr-Sqpt 6:30-9:30 Oct ・Mar& 30-16:30 ③nSIDNG Keep to footpath (人行小适) Away from waterTents (帐篷)one night$ 10.00-one or two people S15.00-family size (parents and a baby)⑤ J.⑥Slow down!Children Crossing________ r⑨Keep quiet for doctors, nursesand patients!6A.sign 2B. sign 4C. sign 6D. sign 8()3.Ho\v much will you at leas((至少)pay for renting tents if you go campingwith three children?A. S10.B.S15.()4.Where can you see Sign 5?A. Near the hospital. C.In front of the school.()5・Whal can you do in the place of Sign 9?① Keep clean!②Don" throw liner. @lalk too much with patients. ©Make a call loudly.©Take care of patients. ©Spit on the ground.九、根据短文内容补全单词(首字母已给出),将答案填写在短文下而的 答题处10%Dear mum, Happy Mother's Day! On this special da% I have an English letter for you (o show my love.In my heart you are one of the greatest women in the world. You often say u Almost all parents want their k 1 to have a happy life. tr You do everything you can to m 2 _mv life bright and happy. You always lell me to learn to help people in n 3 ・ And Fll see the brightest smile onyour face when I do so.You often encourage (鼓励 )me to overcome diHicullies ・ As you know, my English is poor 1 always hide my head under my desk and I'm ato speakEnglish in class. When I'm worried about my English, you often talk to me, "Learning something isj 5 jcl imbing a mountain ・ I (is hard work ・ But one step after a 6 finally brings you to the top. The higher you climb, the more beautiful view (风景)you can e 7 Jf you learn to do something again and again for many limes, you ares 8 to besuccessful.I still remember your words. I('s not easy for me a( first, but HI tiy my best to be a good English I 9・ I'll spend hours listening, speaking, reading and writingevery day. Ill keep using English by I 10 with others loudly and actively Practice makes perfect 111 keep trying ・ Thank you, mum.l.k ______2.m _____3.n ___________4.a ___________ 5」 __________6.a _____7.e __________ &s ___________9.1 _____ 10.1 _________C. S 20.D.S30.B.In front of the cinema. D. In a park ・。

Let you something my .2早上九点开始上课School nine the morning.3.每天下午3:30放学School at every afternoon.4.晚饭后我看书或看电视。
dinner I do or watch TV.5.你可以通过电子邮件告诉我。
You can me .6.谢谢你的帮助!you your .7.很高兴收到你的邮件I'm very your email .8.露西一天上六节课。
Lucy six day.9.学生们通过做游戏学习英语。
Students English games.10.饭后她经常散步和给我读英语故事。
After dinner he often or English stories me.11.I have two Chinese classes (一天).12.She (弹钢琴) at nine.13.We should (学习) each other.14.It's difficult (学习) English.15.He often (去看电影) with his parents.16.周日我经常和父母去看电影。
I often go and a my parents Sunday.17.弹钢琴很难。
is to .18.有时候她帮妈妈做家务。
Sometimes she her mum the housework.19.我们应该向她学习。
We her.20.我每天在家练习绘画。
I at home every day.21.我能看看你的玩具车吗?I a look your toy cars?22.你的爱好是什么?your ?23.我的爱好是集邮。
My is .24.我喜欢在游泳池里游泳。
I like at the pool.25.打开盒子看看。
the box and .26.你想看看我的全家照吗?you to my family photo?27.我爷爷的爱好是种花。

2023-2024学年第一学期PEP六年级英语质量监测试题温馨提示:同学们,请不要忘记把答案涂写在答题卡上哦!听力部分(每题读两遍)一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出所听句子中包含的单词,将答案涂在答题卡的相应位置上。
)( ) 1. A. park B. pizza C. postcard( ) 2. A. bike B. but C. bus( ) 3. A. traffic B. stop C. restaurant( ) 4. A. school B. farm C. hospital( ) 5. A. newspaper B. then C. tomorrow二、Listen and choose.(听问句选答语。
)( ) 6. A.I usually come by bike.B.I feel happy.C.Turn left at the bookstore.( ) 7. A.She works at a university.B.He works in a gym.C.She is a teacher.( ) 8. A.He likes playing football.B.He’s angry.C.He is a businessman.( ) 9. A.I’m going to buy some food.B.I go to the gym.C.They’re going to the library.( ) 10.A.I’m sad. B.He is sad. C.You’re sad.三、Listen and judge.(听录音, 判断句子内容与图片是否相符。
)医院邮局11. ( ) 12. ( ) 13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( )四、Listen and choose.(听短文,根据听到的内容选择正确的答案。

天津六年级小学英语同步测试班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 分数:___________一、单词拼写1.按要求写单词。
1. play(过去式) ______2. buy(同音词)______3. family(名词复数)____4. have(过去式)______5. saw(原形)_______2.根据句意及首字母填写单词。
1. I had _____ (a) interesting holiday.2. I saw __________ (star) in the sky.3. She _______ (go) to the beach yesterday.4. I did my homework and I ___ (do) other things.5. I ______ (have) a party last Sunday.二、选择题1.What _____ you do last summer holiday?A. didB. doC. does2.I _____ to the beach this summer.A. goB. goesC. went3.--____ did you go?--I went to Shanghai.A. WhereB. WhatC. How4.-Have a good time!--________.A. OKB. Thank youC. Yeah.5.I stayed at home___ my parents.A. andB. toC. with三、其他给下列句子找出适当的答语。
( )1. What did you do during the holidays? A Thank you .( )2. Did you go to Sanya? B I stayed at home and did my homework .( )3. Have a great time! C Yes, I did.( )4. Where did you go last Sunday? D We went by bike.( )5. How did you go to the park? E I went to Dalian.四、填空题选择适当的词填空。

天津六年级小学英语同步测试班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 分数:___________一、单词拼写1.看图写单词。
1. _________________2. _________________3. ________________4. _________________5. _________________2.补全单词并写出汉语意思。
1. Fr__day ( )2. Sat__rday ( )3.exc_llent ( )4. m_ny ( )5. w_ek ( )二、选择题1.---How many days are there in a_______?--- There are seven.A. dayB. week2.What______ they?A. areB. do3.---Let’s play a game!--- _______.A .Great B. Yes4.How many days _____ there in a week?A. areB. is三、翻译中英互译。
1. 我们一起玩游戏吧!_____________________________________2.今天星期五。
_____________________________________3. Let’s play a game!_____________________________________4. How many days are there in a week?______________________________________四、连线题连一连1. Friday A 星期六2. Saturday B 太好了3. great C 星期日4. game D 游戏天津六年级小学英语同步测试答案及解析一、单词拼写1.看图写单词。
1. _________________2. _________________3. ________________4. _________________5. _________________【答案】1.Saturday 2. Thursday 3. great 4.Tuesday 5. Friday【解析】1. 注意观察图片,这是星期六,英语表达为Saturday。

1.I’m from China .(同义句)I China .2.We have seven classes every day. (否定句)We seven classes every day.3.I can see some birds in the tree.(否定句)I birds in the tree.4.My brother goes to home at seven. (否定句)My brother to school at seven.5.My father goes to work by bike. (对划线部分提问)your father to work?6.My brother wants to play football.(否定句)My brother to play football.7.Tom doesn't watch TV in the evening. (肯定句)Tom in the evening.8.My grandpa often takes a walk after supper. (一般疑问句)your grandpa often a walk after supper?9.She often learns English by singing and chanting. (对划线部分提问)she often ?10.She has four lessons a day. (对划线部分提问)she a day?11.He rides his bike to school every day. (同义句)He to school every day.12.She often sings after class. (否定句)She after class.13.Li Yan doesn't read books in the evening. (肯定句)Li Yan in the evening.14.He often makes kites after dinner. (一般疑问句)he often kites after supper?15.Jim does housework at home. (否定句)Jim housework at home.16.I often take a walk with my friend. (用she改写成否定句)She a walk with friend.17.He has supper at six thirty. (对划线部分提问)What he supper?18.I do my homework at four. (用now改写句子)I my homework now.19.The girls are cleaning the room now. (对画线部分提问)now?20.He goes home at four every day. (对画线部分提问)he every day?21.Jim comes from America. (对画线部分提问)Jim ?22.He often plays the piano. (一般疑问句)the piano?23.Kate usually plays basketball. (对划线部分提问)Kate usually ?24.She often watches TV at home. (否定句)she at home.25.I often clean the room on Saturday. (对划线部分提问)you on Saturday?26.I often have dinner with my parents. (用Kate改写)Kate parents.27.He goes to school by bike every day. (同义句)He goes to school bike every day.28.The girl over there likes listening to music. (否定句)The girl over there listening to music.29.I am interested in collecting stamps. (对划线部分提问)you ?30.My hobby is collecting toy cars. (对划线部分提问)?31.Bob likes collecting stamps. (对划线部分提问)Bob ?32.Kite enjoys collecting maps. (对划线部分提问)Kate ?33.It's a super car.(感叹句)a !34.Kate likes collecting stamps. (反义疑问句)Kate likes collecting stamps ,?35.My friend enjoys fishing. (同义词替换)My friend fishing .36.My grandpa’s hobby is planting flowers. (一般疑问句)your hobby flowers?37.My grandpa is good at farming. (一般疑问句)your grandpa farming?38.He likes playing football. (否定句)He football.39.Their hobbies are growing vegetables.(对划线部分提问)?40.I am interested in collecting stamps. (对划线部分提问)41.I am good at singing and dancing. (同义句)42.My grandpa is good at fishing. (一般疑问句)43.He likes playing computer games. (否定句)44.My uncle's hobby is taking photos. (一般疑问句)45.Their hobbies are growing flowers. (对划线部分提问)46.Does she enjoy making dolls?(肯定句)47.Our party begins at 7:00 after school. (对划线部分提问)party after school?48.They are going to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. (一般疑问句)going to celebrate birthday tomorrow?49.My mother's birthday is on October 20th. (对划线部分提问)is mother's birthday ?50.I’d like to come on Tuesday. (一般疑问句)you on Tuesday?51.We can all celebrate your birthday. (否定句)We your birthday.52.Lily gives a birthday card to her friend. (同义句)Lily gives .53.Tom would like to invite his teacher to his home. (同义句)Tom to invite his teacher to his home.54.We would like something to eat.(一般疑问句)to eat?55.Would you like to come to my birthday party?(肯定回答).56.The party begins at 5:30 after school. (对划线部分提问)the party ?57.I'd like a heart-shaped cake. (对划线部分提问)would you like?58.The cake is star-shaped.(对划线部分提问)is the cake?59.We will have a great birthday party. (感叹句)60.My birthday party is so wonderful. (感叹句)61.I will get some candy and fruit pies for you. (同义句)I will some candy and fruit pies.62.It can also show my love for you. (同义句)It show my love for you, .63.The heart-shaped cake is for my mother.(对划线部分提问)is for mother?64.There are some apple pies on the table. (单数句)There on the table. 65.The cows are wonderful. (对划线部分提问)the cows?66.I can have some ice cream. (一般疑问句)I some ice cream?67.I'd like a heart-shaped cake. (对划线部分提问)you ?68.Let's light the candles and sing the birthday song.(否定句)light the candles sing the birthday song.69.I’d like to have a new dictionary. (对划线部分提问)new you like to have? 70.He has lots of games to enjoy.(一般疑问句)he games to enjoy?71.There are twelve months in a year. (对划线部分提问)in a year?72.There are seven days in a week.(同义句)seven days.73.New Year's Day is on January 1st.(对划线部分提问)New Year's Day?74.People call Spring Festival Chinese New Year.(同义句)Chinese New Year Spring Festival.75.We go back home to celebrate the festival with our families. (一般疑问句)76.south,people,the,in,have,Cakes,China,of,rice(.)(连词组句)77.People can see green trees and green grass ,too.(否定句)People see green trees green grass , .78.Tree Planting Day is on March 12th.(对划线部分提问)Tree Planting Day?79.They want to make the air clean. (对划线部分提问)they want to ?80.Children get colorful Easter eggs.(感叹句)81.We give gifts to our fathers, too.(同义句)We give .82.Children's Day is on June 1st.(对划线部分提问)Children's day ?83.There is a child performing in the classroom.(复数句)There performing in the classroom.84.We often celebrate Children's Day on June 1st.(对划线部分提问)you often Children's Day?85.There are thirty-one days in May.(对划线部分提问)in May?86.The children are performing to celebrate Labor Day. (对划线部分提问)the children to celebrate Labor Day?87.Is Father's Day in May or in July?(回答问题)88.They are celebrating Labor Day. (对划线部分提问)they ?89.The students have their summer holidays in July. (对划线部分提问)the students have their summer holidays?90.My favorite month is June. (一般疑问句)91.Tom enjoys watching TV. (否定句)92.I am going to swim next week. (对划线部分提问)93.They often have a turkey for Thanksgiving Day. (对划线部分提问)they often for Thanksgiving Day?94.Christmas Day is on December 25th.(对划线部分提问)Christmas day?95.Santa Claus is giving the children presents. (同义句)Santa Claus is . 96.School closes in summer. (对划线部分提问)school ?97.They plan to go camping together. (对划线部分提问)they ?98.They often look at the flowers on the field trips. (一般疑问句)often look at the flowers on the field trips?99.Santa Claus always gives presents to children on Christmas. (一般疑问句)Santa Claus always presents to on Christmas?100.Singapore has many rules. (同义句)There Singapore .1.We mustn't make noise in class. (同义句)We must in class.2.Teacher’s Day is on September 10th.(对划线部分提问)Teacher’s Day?3.There are thirty-one days in October. (对划线部分提问)are there in October?4.Mimi starts to dance at 7:30.(改为否定句)5.They often eat their lunch outside the classroom. (改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)6.Lucy likes collecting picture cards. (改为一般疑问句,做肯定回答)7.Daniel likes playing computer games. (改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)8.They go to school every morning. (改为否定句)9.Amy speaks English very well. (改为否定句)10.My uncle likes taking pictures on the street. (对划线部分提问)11.John comes from Germany. (对划线部分提问)12.My hobby is collecting maps. (改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)13.Daniel and his brother like going skating. (改为否定句)14.We are having a great birthday party. (分别改为一般疑问句和否定句)15.Mary and her sister are swimming over there.(对划线部分提问)16.The woman teachers often sing and dance. (用now改为现在进行时)17.David is lighting the candles. (对划线部分提问)18.Danny is going to plant trees. (否定句)Danny going to plant trees.19.I will go and join them. (否定句)I go join them.20.I'm going to go camping at 6:30 tomorrow. (一般疑问句)to go camping at 6:30 tomorrow?21.They will meet at the bus stop at 9:30.(一般疑问句)meet at the bus stop at 9:30?22.She is going to see a movie after school. (对划线部分提问)she after school?23.The boy runs very fast. (感叹句)the boy runs!24.The school trip is very interesting. (感叹句)the school trip is!25.Beijing looks very beautiful in winter. (感叹句)Beijing looks in winter!26.It is a very useful book. (感叹句)book it is!27.The student is listening very carefully. (感叹句)the student is listening!对划线部分提问(28---42)28.My mother will take me to Nanjing.29.My trip to Xi’an is great.30.Harry Potter Ⅳ will be on this weekend.31.The students are giving their teacher’s flowers to show their love.32.I often help my grandparents on the farm.33.September is the ninth month of the year.34.We will go to the nearest park.35.My birthday cake is about fifty yuan.36.The name of the film is Sleeping Beauty.37.There are thirty students over there.39.These socks are 80 yuan.40.I get up at 7 o'clock every morning.41.Lisa and her brother are going to buy tomorrow’s air tickets.42.Ben wants to be a singer in the future.一般疑问句(43----52)43.I am good at singing.44.George is a student in Grade Five.45.Helen likes listening to the radio.46.I can sing very well.47.My mum likes making the cakes.48.He wants to be a fireman in the future.49.We should take care of the young animals.50.The girls are dancing in the music room.51.Summer is the second and the hottest season of the year.52.We will visit Australia next Sunday.否定句(53---56)53.David is sweeping the snow with his mum.54.Show her your invitation card, please.55.My aunt will take me to Shanghai next Sunday.56.The days get shorter and shorter.同义句57.Summer is the hottest season.The summer is any other .58.We also like singing.We singing , .59.The children have a good time at the English party.The children at the English party.60.Mrs. Chen is our PE teacher.Mrs Chen PE.。

用所给词的适当形式填空1.I go to (school) at 7:15.2.I do some (read) in the evening.3.I have dinner for 40 (minute).4.How about (play) football?5.There are six (family) in the picture.6.---- you (like ) football?----Yes, we .7.I do some (write) for 20 minutes.8.I (not) have dinner at home.9.It never (snow) in China in June.10.The children always do (they) homework at night.11.How about (take) a long walk after supper.12.I am very happy (meet) you.13.They often learn English by (chant).14.My brother (play) football after school.15.--- you (like) football?---Yes, we .16.The boy (write) a letter now.17.School (begin) at 9:00.18.I’m (read) an email from Lucy.19.Let me (tell) you something about my daily life.20.How about (take) a long walk after dinner?21.Lucy is very (friend) to me.22.The boy with me g to school every day.23.I u go to school by bus.24.I’m r an email f Peter.25.He gets up at seven every m .26.Her father a has lunch in his o .27.School (end) at three in the afternoon.28.She (not go) out in the evening.29.My sister and I often (wash) clothes on Sunday.30. (not do) your homework now.31.She helps her mum (do) the housework.32.It never (snow) in China in June.33.She can ask him (help) her.34.Tell them (not sing) here, Lucy.35.Look, the dog (run) after a cat.36.What time your brother (get) home on weekdays?37.There (be) a basketball and some books on the table.38.Do you know your (father) birthday?39.Each of the students (have) a notebook.40. she (like) dancing?41.We (not have) lunch at home.42.I have (a) interesting hobby.43.Jim’s sister likes collecting picture (card).44.-----Do you like (collect) stamps? Yes, I do.45.Mrs Wang’s hobby is collecting (stamp).46.--- you enjoy (play) basketball?47.My mother’s hobby is (listen) to music.48.I want to buy a (colour) TV on Sunday.49.My daughter has many (colour) cards.50.Peter enjoys (collect) toy cars.51.There are two (toy) shops here.52.My grandpa likes planting (flower).53.Different people have different (hobby).54.My hobby is (listen) to music.55.Everyone in our class (like) singing.56.I’m watching an (interest) TV play.57.We want (help) her with her English.58.My grandpa is a . He likes (farm).59.Tom likes football. He often with his classmates on the playground of the school.(play)60.Mr White likes (tell) people some (fun) stories.61.They enjoy (watch) TV.62.The boy is interested in (jump).63.One of his (hobby) is (make) tools.64.Those (photo) are about his uncle’s daily life.65.---Are you interested in (listen) to music? ----Yes, I am.66.I’d like (invite) him to come.67.Tomorrow is my birthday, mum (get) a cake for me.68.I will (have) a great party.69.Here is my (invite) card for you.70.Would you like something (drink)?71.Thank you for (give) me so much help.72.Please write down your (classmate) name on the paper.73.Lisa would like to invite all of her (friend) to her party.74.Please give a birthday card to (he).75.I want (celebrate) my birthday with my friends.76.Here (be) some invitation cards for you.77.Don’t forget (sign) your name , too.78.Let’s (light) the candles.79.Here are two (teddy bear) for you and me.80.Lisa (cut) the birthday cake now.81.Please (have) some chocolates.82.Shall (we) begin our party?83.Here are many (box) of juice for the children.84.There are some of bread on the plate. Please pass mea of bread. (piece)85.I have only a of juice. I don’t have two of juice.(glass)86.Lisa always a wish at her birthday party. Now she’sa wish. (make)87.Peter will out the candles. He often out the candles like this. (blow)88.Lisa a computer. I want a computer,too.(have)89.My friend (enjoy) collecting stamps.90.We’d like (invite) her to come.91.How about (swim)?92.The (invite) card is old.93.Tom is interested in (jump).94.One of her (hobby) is (make) clothes.95.Tell them (not dance) here, Lucy.96.I do some listening for 10 (minute).97.The ground (cover) with white snow.98.What’s the (boy) hobby?99.Look, the (child) are making a snowman.100.Tuesday is the (three) day of the week.1.January 1st is called New (year) Day.2.We are celebrating Lisa’s (twelve) birthday.3.In February, people often go (shop) in the market.4.Tree (plant) Day is on March 12th.5.Easter holidays (be) a week long.6.They want to stop the sand on (wind) days.7.They want to make the country (green).8.Children get (colour) eggs.9.Look, they (take) a photo.10.August (one) is China’s Army Day.11.Each of the family (have) a bike (ride).12.The children like the (twenty—one) lesson because it’s aboutfunny stories.13.Look! The children (perform).14.What an film it is! I’m in it.(interest)15.What about (celebrate) Children’s Day together?16.She (see) a friend this afternoon.17.Do you often help your mother (do) some shopping?18.Why don’t you (come) a little earlier?19.Lucy enjoys (make) cakes.20.September is the (nine) month of the year.21.They celebrate (teacher) Day on September 10th.22.Look, the students (give) their teachers flowers to show(they) love.23.October is the (ten) month of the year.24.The trees have new green (leaf).25.How many (child) are there over there?26.Mr Wang is my (two) English teacher.27.I want (have) a great birthday party.28.What about (go) camping?29.The girl (play) the piano next week.30.The family (be) celebrating Thanksgiving.31.The children (have) presents from Santa Claus.32.December is the (twelve) month of the year.33.The people (celebrate) the Spring Festival now.34.A mother often gives her children (present).35.He seems (have) a lot of money.36.His job is (teach).37.I remember (see) him once somewhere.38.The question is when (start).39.The film Titanic is very (move).40.My aunt is good at (dance) very much.41.Grandpa Li often (fly) his beautiful kite with his friends.42.The (leaf) of the trees turn green in spring.43.The children are (fly) kites over there.44.The days get (long) in spring.45.Look! The children (play) football over there.46.They often help the farmers (pick) the apples.47.Would you like (go) shopping with me?48.I don’t have an eraser. But he (have) one.49.Let’s (take) that one.50. (farm) the land is a piece of hard and interesting work.51.We can see green (leaf) and (grass) everywhere.52.They want (make) the country greener.53.There (be) a lot of flowers on the trees.54.We like (fly) kites in spring.55.Summer in China (begin) around June.56.The bookshop is (close) now.57.Don’t go out. It’s (rain) (heavy) outside now.58.There (be) a lot of rain in summer.59.In summer, the school (close).60.What (do) Lisa do on summer holidays?61.Some of them (go) to a summer camp.62.Summer is the (two) season of the year.63.What (be) summer like? It’s very hot.64.It often (rain) in summer.65. (be) the farmers busy (cut) rice?66.When it (snow), everything (be) white.67.Winter (begin) around December.68.Can you (make) a snowman.69.Let the child (sweep) the snow now.70.Would you like (make) a snowman with me?71.The road is covered with snow, and it is (snow) heavily now.72. (that) books are about ball sports.73.It’s end of the year. People are (celebrate) New Year’s Day.74.Please throw the ball like Tom and (me).75.Look! The (child) are having a good time.76.Monday is the (two) day of a week.77.There (be) a pen and two pencils on the desk.78.What (colour) flowers they are !79.The days get (short) in autumn.80.He (do) his homework carefully every day.81.This is my (two) time to China.82.Jimmy is the (tall) in our class.83.School (close) in August every year.84.The twins enjoy (they) at the Great Wall.85.The man’s hobby (not be) cooking meals.86.Mary (not do) her homework.87.We (not watch) TV every day.88.Look, everyone (enjoy) themselves.89.Who often (buy) some milk?90.What your little boy’s (hobby)?91.We can (see) stars at night.92.I (not feel) well now.93.He (not do) his homework next week.94.He picks it up and (give) it back to me.95.Now he (write) a letter in Chinese.96.You must (finish) the homework on time.97.We (be) very glad to see our friends.98.Miss White (like) (fish) very much.99.He often (have) breakfast at home.100.Jim and Tom (be) in Class One .1.We (not watch) the player on Monday.2.Denial (not go) to the park on Sunday.3. they (like) The World Cup ?4.What they often (do) on Sundays?5. your grandparents (watch) TV every day?6.The man (teach) us English on Saturdays.7.Kate and I (take) a walk together every evening .8.There (be) some cold water in the glass.9.Mike (like) fishing.10.They (have) the different hobbies.11.My mum (look) after my little sister carefully.12.You always (do) your homework well.13.I (be) ill. I’m staying in hospital.14.She (not go) to school on Sundays.15.Yang Ming (do) not like English.16.The child often (watch) TV on weekends.17.Daniel and John (have) six lessons this term.18.What day (be) it today? It's Monday.19.The girl (draw) a picture now.20.Listen, the baby is hungry. He (cry).21.My mother (cook) some nice food now.22.What Mary (do) now ? 23.She (feed) the baby.24.Look, she (take) good care of the baby.25.They (not, water) the flowers now.26.Look! The boys (take) photos.27.What is Lisa doing? She (make) a doll.28.It’s 12 o’clock now . We (have) lunch now.29. David (wash) clothes,? Yes, he is.30.Today is a rainy day. We (have) a picnic this afternoon.31.Lisa often (go) to school on foot. But today is rain. She (go) t o school by bike.32.Jack (give) a puppet show next weekend.33.Amy (visit) her grandparents tomorrow.34.We (plan) for our study now.35.I’m reading an email Lucy.36.Let me tell you something my daily life.37.I go to school 7:30 every day.38.School is at 4:30 in the afternoon, then we go home.39.Please tell me email.40.I watch TV thirty minutes every day.41.What Lucy and Lily?42.They play football 4:00 school.43.Here are some cards all you.44.Please come my birthday party.45.How this round cake?46.It can show my love.47.I’ll get some pies you.48.What shape chocolate would you like?49.The birthday cake is nice, I like it.。

听力(30分) 笔试(70分) 总 分 题号一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 十三 得分 听力部分一、听录音,找出你所听到的单词,将选项填在括号内。
(5分,每小题1分)( )1. A.cold B.slow C.stop( )2. A.letter B.lesson C.luck( )3. A.fever B.fast C.festival( )4.A.cute B.meat C.plant( )5.A.interesting B.exercise C.hometown二、听录音, 判断句子与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。
(5分,每小题1分)( )1. I usually do morning exercises in the morning.( )2. Today is June 3rd.( )3. I can make a snowman in winter.( )4. My uncle’s birthday isn’t in May.( )5. Spring is Sarah’s favourite season.三、听录音,选出正确的答语。
(10分,每小题2分)( )1. A. It's Sunday. B. It's 6:30. C. It's hot.( )2. A. Yes,I am. B. No,I'm not. C. No,thanks.( )3. A. It's on May 1st. B. It's on June 1st.C. It's on September 10th.( )4. A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.本考场试卷序号 (由监考填写)()5. A. She reads stories. B. He makes do lls. C. Yes, she does.四、听短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。

(10分)1、talk (现在分词) ________ 2.your (名词性物主代词) ________ 3.egg (复数) ________ 4.candle (复数) ________5.luck (形容词) ________二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,画__线。
(10分)1、A.rode B.ate C.go2.A.leg B.hurt C.foot 3.A.sing B.camping C.fishing 4.A.enjoy B.bigger C.heavier 5.A.library B.both C.gym三、选择填空。
(20分)1、Both Lily and Lucy ________ reading books. ()A.likes B.like C.liking2、What do you do ________ Sundays? ()A.in B.on C.at3、There were no computers ________ Internet in my time. ()A.and B.but C.or4、John often _______ ping-pong on Sunday. ()A.play B.played C.plays5、—________ season do you like best? ()—Spring.A.Why B.How C.Which 6、Welcome _______ our house. ()A.to B.in C.at7、______ time is it? ()A.What B.Who C.Where 8、She is wearing ______ red dress. ()A.an B.the C./9、We _______ need some water. ()A.not B.but C.also 10、They are my _______. ()A.friend B.a friend C.friends四、按照要求改写句子。

2024年六年级上册英语单词拼写专项课间习题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【单词拼写】1. 按要求写词。
(1)have(第三人称单数形式) _________________(2)see(过去式) _________________(3)is(过去式) _________________(4)help(动名词) _________________(5)think(过去式) _________________(6)meet(过去式) _________________(7)cry(现在分词) _________________(8)like(过去式) _________________2. 根据所给提示信息写出正确的单词或词组。
[1]---Are these all yours? ---Yes, they are my pictures. They are m________. [2]My favourite season is s__________.The weather is hot, hot, hot![3]I like______s. Because we have English class.(星期三)[4]Miss Green is very__________(有趣的)[5]There is a nice__________in my room.3. 根据图片填写短语或单词。
____________ ____________ ________________________ ____________ ____________4. 按要求写单词。
1.do(现在分词)___________2.let’s(完整形式)____________3.family(复数)___________4.China(形容词)____________5.we(宾格)___________5. 根据给出的图片,把下列单词补充完整。

1.I’m from China .(同义句)I China .2.We have seven classes every day. (否定句)We seven classes every day.3.I can see some birds in the tree.(否定句)I birds in the tree.4.My brother goes to home at seven. (否定句)My brother to school at seven.5.My father goes to work by bike. (对划线部分提问)your father to work?6.My brother wants to play football.(否定句)My brother to play football.7.Tom doesn't watch TV in the evening. (肯定句)Tom in the evening.8.My grandpa often takes a walk after supper. (一般疑问句)your grandpa often a walk after supper?9.She often learns English by singing and chanting. (对划线部分提问)she often ?10.She has four lessons a day. (对划线部分提问)she a day?11.He rides his bike to school every day. (同义句)He to school every day.12.She often sings after class. (否定句)She after class.13.Li Yan doesn't read books in the evening. (肯定句)Li Yan in the evening.14.He often makes kites after dinner. (一般疑问句)he often kites after supper?15.Jim does housework at home. (否定句)Jim housework at home.16.I often take a walk with my friend. (用she改写成否定句)She a walk with friend.17.He has supper at six thirty. (对划线部分提问)What he supper?18.I do my homework at four. (用now改写句子)I my homework now.19.The girls are cleaning the room now. (对画线部分提问)now?20.He goes home at four every day. (对画线部分提问)he every day?21.Jim comes from America. (对画线部分提问)Jim ?22.He often plays the piano. (一般疑问句)the piano?23.Kate usually plays basketball. (对划线部分提问)Kate usually ?24.She often watches TV at home. (否定句)she at home.25.I often clean the room on Saturday. (对划线部分提问)you on Saturday?26.I often have dinner with my parents. (用Kate改写)Kate parents.27.He goes to school by bike every day. (同义句)He goes to school bike every day.28.The girl over there likes listening to music. (否定句)The girl over there listening to music.29.I am interested in collecting stamps. (对划线部分提问)you ?30.My hobby is collecting toy cars. (对划线部分提问)?31.Bob likes collecting stamps. (对划线部分提问)Bob ?32.Kite enjoys collecting maps. (对划线部分提问)Kate ?33.It's a super car.(感叹句)a !34.Kate likes collecting stamps. (反义疑问句)Kate likes collecting stamps ,?35.My friend enjoys fishing. (同义词替换)My friend fishing .36.My grandpa’s hobby is planting flowers. (一般疑问句)your hobby flowers?37.My grandpa is good at farming. (一般疑问句)your grandpa farming?38.He likes playing football. (否定句)He football.39.Their hobbies are growing vegetables.(对划线部分提问)?40.I am interested in collecting stamps. (对划线部分提问)41.I am good at singing and dancing. (同义句)42.My grandpa is good at fishing. (一般疑问句)43.He likes playing computer games. (否定句)44.My uncle's hobby is taking photos. (一般疑问句)45.Their hobbies are growing flowers. (对划线部分提问)46.Does she enjoy making dolls?(肯定句)47.Our party begins at 7:00 after school. (对划线部分提问)party after school?48.They are going to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. (一般疑问句)going to celebrate birthday tomorrow?49.My mother's birthday is on October 20th. (对划线部分提问)is mother's birthday ?50.I’d like to come on Tuesday. (一般疑问句)you on Tuesday?51.We can all celebrate your birthday. (否定句)We your birthday.52.Lily gives a birthday card to her friend. (同义句)Lily gives .53.Tom would like to invite his teacher to his home. (同义句)Tom to invite his teacher to his home.54.We would like something to eat.(一般疑问句)to eat?55.Would you like to come to my birthday party?(肯定回答).56.The party begins at 5:30 after school. (对划线部分提问)the party ?57.I'd like a heart-shaped cake. (对划线部分提问)would you like?58.The cake is star-shaped.(对划线部分提问)is the cake?59.We will have a great birthday party. (感叹句)60.My birthday party is so wonderful. (感叹句)61.I will get some candy and fruit pies for you. (同义句)I will some candy and fruit pies.62.It can also show my love for you. (同义句)It show my love for you, .63.The heart-shaped cake is for my mother.(对划线部分提问)is for mother?64.There are some apple pies on the table. (单数句)There on the table. 65.The cows are wonderful. (对划线部分提问)the cows?66.I can have some ice cream. (一般疑问句)I some ice cream?67.I'd like a heart-shaped cake. (对划线部分提问)you ?68.Let's light the candles and sing the birthday song.(否定句)light the candles sing the birthday song.69.I’d like to have a new dictionary. (对划线部分提问)new you like to have? 70.He has lots of games to enjoy.(一般疑问句)he games to enjoy?71.There are twelve months in a year. (对划线部分提问)in a year?72.There are seven days in a week.(同义句)seven days.73.New Year's Day is on January 1st.(对划线部分提问)New Year's Day?74.People call Spring Festival Chinese New Year.(同义句)Chinese New Year Spring Festival.75.We go back home to celebrate the festival with our families. (一般疑问句)76.south,people,the,in,have,Cakes,China,of,rice(.)(连词组句)77.People can see green trees and green grass ,too.(否定句)People see green trees green grass , .78.Tree Planting Day is on March 12th.(对划线部分提问)Tree Planting Day?79.They want to make the air clean. (对划线部分提问)they want to ?80.Children get colorful Easter eggs.(感叹句)81.We give gifts to our fathers, too.(同义句)We give .82.Children's Day is on June 1st.(对划线部分提问)Children's day ?83.There is a child performing in the classroom.(复数句)There performing in the classroom.84.We often celebrate Children's Day on June 1st.(对划线部分提问)you often Children's Day?85.There are thirty-one days in May.(对划线部分提问)in May?86.The children are performing to celebrate Labor Day. (对划线部分提问)the children to celebrate Labor Day?87.Is Father's Day in May or in July?(回答问题)88.They are celebrating Labor Day. (对划线部分提问)they ?89.The students have their summer holidays in July. (对划线部分提问)the students have their summer holidays?90.My favorite month is June. (一般疑问句)91.Tom enjoys watching TV. (否定句)92.I am going to swim next week. (对划线部分提问)93.They often have a turkey for Thanksgiving Day. (对划线部分提问)they often for Thanksgiving Day?94.Christmas Day is on December 25th.(对划线部分提问)Christmas day?95.Santa Claus is giving the children presents. (同义句)Santa Claus is .96.School closes in summer. (对划线部分提问)school ?97.They plan to go camping together. (对划线部分提问)they ?98.They often look at the flowers on the field trips. (一般疑问句)often look at the flowers on the field trips?99.Santa Claus always gives presents to children on Christmas. (一般疑问句)Santa Claus always presents to on Christmas?100.Singapore has many rules. (同义句)There Singapore .1.We mustn't make noise in class. (同义句)We must in class.2.Teacher’s Day is on September 10th.(对划线部分提问)Teacher’s Day?3.There are thirty-one days in October. (对划线部分提问)are there in October?4.Mimi starts to dance at 7:30.(改为否定句)5.They often eat their lunch outside the classroom. (改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)6.Lucy likes collecting picture cards. (改为一般疑问句,做肯定回答)7.Daniel likes playing computer games. (改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)8.They go to school every morning. (改为否定句)9.Amy speaks English very well. (改为否定句)10.My uncle likes taking pictures on the street. (对划线部分提问)11.John comes from Germany. (对划线部分提问)12.My hobby is collecting maps. (改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)13.Daniel and his brother like going skating. (改为否定句)14.We are having a great birthday party. (分别改为一般疑问句和否定句)15.Mary and her sister are swimming over there.(对划线部分提问)16.The woman teachers often sing and dance. (用now改为现在进行时)17.David is lighting the candles. (对划线部分提问)18.Danny is going to plant trees. (否定句)Danny going to plant trees.19.I will go and join them. (否定句)I go join them.20.I'm going to go camping at 6:30 tomorrow. (一般疑问句)to go camping at 6:30 tomorrow?21.They will meet at the bus stop at 9:30.(一般疑问句)meet at the bus stop at 9:30?22.She is going to see a movie after school. (对划线部分提问)she after school?23.The boy runs very fast. (感叹句)the boy runs!24.The school trip is very interesting. (感叹句)the school trip is!25.Beijing looks very beautiful in winter. (感叹句)Beijing looks in winter!26.It is a very useful book. (感叹句)book it is!27.The student is listening very carefully. (感叹句)the student is listening!对划线部分提问(28---42)28.My mother will take me to Nanjing.29.My trip to Xi’an is great.30.Harry Potter Ⅳ will be on this weekend.31.The students are giving their teacher’s flowers to show their love.32.I often help my grandparents on the farm.33.September is the ninth month of the year.34.We will go to the nearest park.35.My birthday cake is about fifty yuan.36.The name of the film is Sleeping Beauty.37.There are thirty students over there.39.These socks are 80 yuan.40.I get up at 7 o'clock every morning.41.Lisa and her brother are going to buy tomorrow’s air tickets.42.Ben wants to be a singer in the future.一般疑问句(43----52)43.I am good at singing.44.George is a student in Grade Five.45.Helen likes listening to the radio.46.I can sing very well.47.My mum likes making the cakes.48.He wants to be a fireman in the future.49.We should take care of the young animals.50.The girls are dancing in the music room.51.Summer is the second and the hottest season of the year.52.We will visit Australia next Sunday.否定句(53---56)53.David is sweeping the snow with his mum.54.Show her your invitation card, please.55.My aunt will take me to Shanghai next Sunday.56.The days get shorter and shorter.标准同义句57.Summer is the hottest season.The summer is any other .58.We also like singing.We singing , .59.The children have a good time at the English party.The children at the English party.60.Mrs. Chen is our PE teacher.Mrs Chen PE.文案。

南开区2016-2017学年度第一学期六年级英语跟踪练习Unit OneⅠ. Listening 听力A. Look, listen and match 选出与你所听到的句子意思相匹配的图画(其中有一幅图片是多余的)A B C D E F1.______2.______3._______4.______5.______B. Listen and match 将你所听到的问题与适当的应答相匹配(其中有一个应答是多余的)C. Listen and fill the right time 根据你所听到的容,在下面的表格填上适当的时间AM PMGet up Begin classesHave breakfast Finish classesGo to school Get homeBegin classes Have supperHave lunch Go to bedD) Listen and choose听一段独白,独白后面有几个问题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。
()1. On weekdays the girl gets up at _____.A. 6:30B. 7:00C. 7:30()2. The girl _____ at 8:00 on weekdays.A. goes to bedB. has classesC. has breakfastA.I often go shopping with my mum.B. At six thirty.C. He often plays football.D. She doesn’t like music.E. No, she has lessons on Monday evening.F. Yes, I do.()3. In the afternoon classes are over at _____.A. 3:00B. 3:30C. 4:30()4. On Sunday s _____ makes breakfast for the family.A. The girlB. The girl’s fatherC. The girl’s mother()5. The girl’s parents like to have coffee _____.A. in the sitting roomB. in the kitchenC. in bed Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks 词汇填空A. Fill with the proper forms 用括号所给动词的适当形式填空1. He usually ____________(get) up at 7:00.2. I always do some ____________(read) after dinner.3. Tom often ____________(clean) his room on Sundays.4. Miss Wang ____________(not go) to work on Sundays. Sometimes she ____________(go) shopping with her daughter.5. ___________ you ___________(play) the piano every day?B. Fill with the proper words 根据句意,每空填上一个适当的英文单词6. I watch TV every evening, but my mother ____________.7. Lucy’s mother ____________ English in Tianjin Primary School.8. I always go and ____________ a film with my parents on Saturdays.9. He likes taking a long walk ____________ his pet dog every evening.10. Kate often helps mum do the housework. We should learn from ____________.Ⅲ. Choose the right answer 单项选择填空( )1. We often have dinner ____ 7:00 ____ the evening.A. at, inB. at, onC. on, inD. about, on( )2. Lucy watches TV ____ 7:00 ____ 8:00 every evening.A. at, toB. from, atC. at, tillD. from, to( )3. I usually ____ my homework ____ home ____ Sunday morning.A. do, in, inB. do, at, onC. make, at, onD. make, in, in( )4. He ’s ____ an English storybook in her bedroom now.A. lookingB. seeingC. readingD. watching( )5. “School ends at three.” means ____ at three.A. Classes beginB. School beginsC. Having lunchD. Classes are over( )6. “My mother walks to the park.” means she ____.A. goes to the park on footB. goes to the park by bikeC. goes to the park by busD. goes to the park by car( )7. --Do you often _____?--Yes, I do. I often work till about 11:00 p.m.A. get up earlyB. go to bed earlyC. stay up very lateD. watch TV at home( )8. I have ____ at about 7 p.m. ____ my family.A. breakfast, atB. lunch, inC. dinner, withD.supper, at( )9. She often ____ the piano but she doesn ’t ____ it well.A. plays, playB. plays, playsC. play, playD. play,plays( )10. “He ____ stays up late at night.” means he ____ goes to bed early.A. always, usuallyB. often, usuallyC. never, sometimesD. usually, seldom Ⅳ. Complete the dialogue 完成对话 Kate: Hi, Peter! Tomorrow is Saturday. 1 Peter: I often go and see my grandparents. 2Kate: I usually have piano lessons.Peter: 3Kate: Yes. But Zhou Pei always helps me. eter: Really? She ’s a good girl.Kate: 4Peter: Yes, I like music.Kate: 5A. Would you like to have a class with me?B. What do you do on Saturdays?C. How about you?D. Is it difficult to play the piano?E. Are you interested in playing thePeter: Great! We can play it together.Ⅴ. Reading 阅读理解AWe go shopping almost every day. We have many choices of the places to buy things. Supermarket is the right place for you. There some good points of buying things at the supermarket.You buy things at the supermarket at a low price(低价). You pay much more in the big store to buy the same goods.You decide what to buy all by yourself at the supermarket. And you don’t have troubles(麻烦) from the shop assistant(店员) at the big store.There are many kinds of things at the supermarket. You can buy many things for a week’s use at a time: it saves us much money and time.In a word, it is better to buy things at a supermarket.Mark T or F 判断下面的句子意思是否与短文容相符1. ( )The things at the supermarket are cheap.2. ( )You need help when you buy things at the supermarket .3. ( )There are many kinds of goods at the supermarket.4. ( )It takes you much time to buy many things at the supermarket.5. ( )It is really nice to go shopping at the supermarket.BChildren in New Zealand bring their own lunch to school. They have small lunchboxes. Ben is in a primary school in New Zealand. Let’s look inside his lunchbox. It is quite interesting. There is no hot food.Children in China have their lunch inschool or at home. They usually have rice,vegetables, some pork or chicken in theirschool lunch.Children in England also have lunch inschool. But some English children bringtheir own lunch boxes, too.Children in Australia usually bring lunchboxes to school. They will eat their lunch outside the classroom.Mark T or F 判断下面的句子意思是否与短文容相符( ) 1. This passage tells us where children in different countries have their lunch.( ) 2. All of the children in these four countries have their lunch at school.( ) 3. Ben has a small lunchbox with some hot food.( ) 4. Chinese students don’t have hot food for their lunch at school. ( ) 5. Children in Australia like eating their lunch outside the classroom.南开区2016-2017学年度第一学期六年级英语跟踪练习Unit TwoⅠ. Listening 听力A. Look, listen and choose 选出与你与所听到的对话意思相符的图片A B C D E1._____2._____3._____4._____5._____B. Listen and match 将你所听到的问题与适当的应答相匹配(其中有一个应答是多余的)1._____2._____3._____4._____5._____C. Listen and write根据你所听到的容,补全表格Peter enjoys (1)____________ newspapers.A. I’m playing computer games.B. My hobby is cooking meals.C. He’s fishing there.D. His hobby is playing the piano.E. I’m interested in listening to music.F. Yes, I do.Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks 词汇填空A. Fill with the proper forms 用括号所给单词的适当形式填空1. Different people have different _______________(hobby).2. My little sister likes collecting _______________(colur) cards.3. Miss Liu _______________(take) pictures for her students now.4. My mum often _______________(go) home at about 5:30 in the afternoon.5. _______________(cook) is my mother’s hobby.B. Fill with the proper words 根据句意, 每空填上一个适当的英文单词6. People usually have three _____________ a day.7. Most of us like ____________ Chinese tea very much.8. It’s _____________ to play the piano. We must practice it every day.9. A map can help people _____________ the way from one place to another.10. People usually buy a ____________ and glue it onto a letter before they post it.Ⅲ. Choose the right answer 单项选择填空( )1. I enjoy ____ for many years.A. go fishingB. study EnglishC. listening musicD. collecting toy cars( )2. My grandpa likes ____ on his farm.A. growing flowersB. planting treesC. feeding animalsD. All of the A, B and C. ( )3. The children are ____ in their new school.A. playing gamesB. seeing animalsC. raising horsesD. planting rice( )4. They are drawing ____ faces on the blackboard.A. animals’B. animalsC. an animal’sD. an animal( )5. --Does your father like walking?--____. He often walks for an hour after supper.A. No, he doesn’tB. Yes, he does.C. No, he doesD. Yes, he doesn’t( )6. --What’s your favorite ____ ? --It’s football.A. foodB. sportC. seasonD. color( )7. Leaves are some parts of ____.A. animalsB. plantsC. housesD.stamps( )8. Lucy, can you _____ this word in Chinese? --Yes, let me try.A. speakB. tellC. sayD. talk( )9. --Does Liu Huan, the famous singer, like playing football? --____.A. Yes, he isB. Yes, he can.C. No, he doesn’tD. He likes singing.( )10. ____ you interested ____ music?A. Are, aboutB. Are, inC. Do, inD. Do, aboutⅣ. Choose the right answer 完形填空I’m Kate. I have a sister and a 1 . My sister’s name is Susan. 2 is ten years old. She can play 3 piano. She likes eating fruit like apples and 4 . She also likes eating 5 . She likes tomatoes 6 she doesn’t like carrots. For drinks, she likes water and 7 . Susan never eats hamburgers. She says they are not 8 for her health. My brother Alan is eleven years old. He often eats unhealthy food like 9 and French fries. He often eats 10 . Of course, Alan’s teeth are not good.( ) 1. A. sister B. mother C. uncle D. brother( ) 2. A. He B. She C. They D. We( ) 3. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填( ) 4. A. water B. beef C. meat D. bananas( ) 5. A. fruit B. meat C. vegetables D. rice( ) 6. A. but B. or C. and D. so( ) 7. A. fish B. juice C. hamburger D. meat( ) 8. A. nice B. good C. favorite D. bad( ) 9. A. fruit B. rice C. noodles D. hamburgers( ) 10. A. apples B. candy C. rice D. eggⅤ. Reading 阅读理解ALi Ying likes English very much. She reads English every morning. She likes speaking English. She often learns English over the radio. She seldom watches TV on weekdays. She only watches TV on Saturday evening.Li Ying has some other hobbies. She likes drawing and singing. She collects some candy paper. On Sundays, she also helps her parents do some housework. She is a nice girl and her parents and her friends like her very much.Choose the right answer 选择正确答案( )1. Li Ying usually reads English _____.A. in the morningB. in the afternoonC. in the eveningD. in class( )2. She likes listening to the radio to learn _____.A. musicB. EnglishC. drawingD. Chinese( )3. Li Ying watches TV _____.A. every dayB. in the eveningC. at weekendD. on weekdays( )4. What’s Li Ying’s hobby?A. collecting candy paper.B. Drawing and singing.C. Both A and B.D. Listening to the radio.BMr Kent is a science teacher. His hobby is bird-watching. He wants people to care more about birds. In a science lesson, Mr Kent takes his class to a big field. Birds are looking for food. He asks his students, “What will birds eat in winter. Can birds find food for eat?Many birds fly to another place in winter. Chinese cranes will fly from Heilongjiang to Jiangsu every winter. They fly together in small groups. They often fly at night.Mr Kent’s students are very interested in birds. In winter, his students give birds seeds to eat. They like bird-watchingMark T or F 判断下面的句子意思是否与短文容相符( )1. Mr Kent likes bird-watching and he doesn’t like birds at all. ( )2. Sometimes Mr Kent has his science classes on the field.( )3. Mr Kent tells his students that bird s can’t eat any food in winter.( )4. Many birds fly to a warm place in winter.( )5. Mr Kent’s students like helping birds and they are birds’friends.Ⅵ. Read and fill根据图片所提示的信息, 每空填写一个适当的英文单词完成短文,并请按题号顺序将答案写在短文下面的横线处Jim is 1 about his family photos with Gao Wei. These photos are about his family members’ 2 . Jim’s 3 hobby is fishing. He usually 4 fishing on Sundays, 5 gets nothing. Look at the old woman who is6 Chinese tea.7 Jim’s grandma. Jim’s father likes cooking, and his mother’s hobby is 8 . She often sings 9 her birthday party, and she 10 it very much.1._______2. _______3. _______4. _______5. _______6._______7. _______8. _______9. _______ 10. _______。

天津市英语六年级上学期综合测试(一)姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 Read and choose.读一读,找出画线部分的读音与 (共1题;共5分)1. (5分)判断每组单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。
⑴________A. sorry B. some⑵________A. fly B. cry⑶________A. run B. jump⑷________A. picture B. sit⑸________A. now B. how二、 Reorder the words and write th (共2题;共25分)2. (10分)连词成句。
(1) time lunch for It's(.)(2) is time It What(?)3. (15分)连词成句。
(1)the, next, it's, to, bookstore(.)(2)school, at, the, right, turn(.)(3)a, what, museum, great(!)三、 Put the following words into (共1题;共1分)4. (1分) Would you like ________ noodles?( a / an / some )四、根据首字母提示,完成下面的句子。
(共2题;共4分)5. (3分)根据首字母提示写单词,补全句子或对话。
(1) We can borrow some books from the school l ________.(2) Do you have a c________? I want to look it up on the Internet.(3) I'm going to v________my grandparents next weekend.6. (1分) My hair is ________ now. Your hair is short.五、 Put the sentences in the right (共1题;共3分)7. (3分)读句子,将问句和答句连线。

单项选择1.We a bike.A. are not haveB. have noC. don't haveD. no have2.The boy new friends.A. have manyB. has someC. have anyD. has some3.----- you an English book?-----Yes, I .A. Does,have,doesB. Do,have,doC. Does,has,doD. Do,has,do4.Where Peter and Tom from?A. do,comeB. does,comeC. do,comesD. does,comes5.One of the girls Chinese.A. amB. isC. beD. are6.We can get there tomorrow.A. toB. atC. \D. in7. everyone like the tea?A. DoesB. CanC. AreD. Do8.How is your sister ?A. feelingB. to feelC. feelD. feels9.I am a teacher of maths, what you?A. toB. inC. aboutD. from10. do your homework in class.A. Don’tB. Don’t writeC. Don’t doD. Aren’t11.My mum often comes and the apples.A. pickingB. pickC. picksD. is picking12.We have classes 8:00 17:00.A. at,atB. about,aboutC. from,toD. about,at13.My mother is very busy. She goes shopping.A. alwaysB. sometimesC. oftenD. seldom14.------ he like playing football?------Yes, he does.A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Can15.The boy often English by .A. learns,readB. learn,readsC. learns,readingD. learn,read16.I like , but my sister .A. cooking,doesn’tB. cook,don’tC. to cook,don’tD. cooking,cooks17.You can tell me your daily life email.A. forB. atC. byD. of18.What you often at home?A. does,doB. are,doC. do,doingD. do,do19.You should practice your .A. listenB. listeningC. listensD. to listen20.Peter always his mother the housework.A. helps,to doB. helps,doesC. help,doD. help,to do21.He go to bed at night.A. doesn’t often goB. often doesn’t goC. not often goD. go often22.He goes to school again 13:30 again the afternoon.A. at,onB. at,inC. in,atD. on,at23.I can get there tomorrow.A. toB. atC. /D. in24.That question . I can't answer it .A. is easyB. easyC. difficultD. is difficult25.Our teacher tells us in the street.A. not playB. no playC. not to playD. no playing26.It's raining now ,but he wants to wait for her.A. don’tB. stillC. doesn’tD. also27.Do you like football?A. playB. playingC. playsD. to play28.He often himself.A. enjoyB. enjoysC. enjoyingD. enjoyed29.He has some books to read.A. interestB. interestingC. interestedD. interests30.What's your hobby?A. motherB. mother’C. mothersD. mother's31.Everybody hobbies.A. isB. areC. hasD. have32.His hobby is post cards.A. collectB. collectsC. collectingD. collecting33.Would you like ?A. swimB. swimmingC. swimsD. to swim34.He has much homework .A. doB. doingC. to doD. does35.Does your mother after supper?A. likes walkingB. like walkC. reading a newspaperD. like walking36.I enjoy for a long time.A. go fishingB. listening musicC. collecting toy carsD. study English37.Peter has some story books.A. interestedB. interestC. interestingD. interests38.Mr. White enjoys football.A. playB. playingC. playsD. playing39.Look !Our teachers kites.A. flyB. fliesC. are flyingD. flying40.Do your friends stamps?A. enjoys collectingB. enjoy collectingC. enjoy to collectD. enjoy collect41.Do you want to know about her?A. nothingB. something.C. anythingD. thing42. animals is my favorite.A. KeepB. KeepsC. To keepD. Keeping43.On Sundays I often go with my father.A. swimB. swimmingC. swimsD. to swim44.They can do it .A. alsoB. tooC. beD. either45.Is your brother interested in ?A. drawB. drawingC. to drawD. draws46.Do you do well in football?A. playB. playing withC. playingD. play with47. super that beautiful kid is!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. What an48.I'm a teacher of maths, What you?A. toB. inC. aboutD. from49.We must take good care young children.A. offB. ofC. atD. for50. a colorful kite it is!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. What an51.What's the hobby?A. girlB. girl'sC. girls'sD. girls52.His uncle enjoys .A. farmB. farmsC. farmingD. farmming53.Would you like to go with us? Certainly ,I'd .A. like to doB. like doingC. likeD. love to54.Her birthday is September 22nd.A. inB. forC. onD. at55.Thank you for me. I'd love to.A. inviteB. invitingC. to inviteD. invites56.I'd like you my good friends.A. meetingB. meetC. to meetingD. to meet57.Please my birthday.A. comeB. come toC. goD. go to58.I want to invite my friends my birthday party.A. toB. inC. atD. for59.Lily bought a beautiful bag her grandpa.A. forB. atC. toD. from60.What of cake would you like? The cake with chocolate in it.A. sizeB. colourC. kindD. shape61.My mum that fruit pie.A. really likeB. like reallyC. really likesD. likes really62.It can show my for mum and dad.A. loveB. lovesC. lovelyD. loved63.Can I have ice cream, please?A. aB. theseC. anyD. some64.I want cakes, but I don't want bread.A. these,theseB. these,theC. the,theseD. this,this65.There a birthday party tomorrow.A. is going to haveB. haveC. is going to beD. has66.What of cake would you like? I'd like a heart--shaped cake.A. aboutB. colourC. kindD. shape67.Can I have some juice?A. Sure.B. Thank you.C. Right.D. You’re welcome.68.Would you like to buy for your parents?A. anything niceB. nice anythingC. something niceD. nice something69.There isn't water now. Would you like milk?A. some,someB. any,someC. some,anyD. any,any70. nice birthday cakes!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How about71.Happy birthday to you.A. No,thanks.B. I hope so.C. Thank you.D. The same to you.72.Happy New Year to you.A. No,thanks.B. I hope so.C. Thank you.D. The same to you.73.Tomorrow is Mary's birthday. I want to .A. go to her partyB. come to her home for the partyC. give her some giftsD. All of the other three are right.74.Blow the candles, Lisa.A. outB. forC. \D. down75.We will the birthday for our teachers.A. sing,songB. sing,singC. song,singD. song,song76.Here a few pieces of cake for them.A. amB. isC. areD. \77.We must take care of young .A. childB. childrenC. childsD. children78.Each of the boys watching TV.A. likeB. likesC. wantD. would79.Welcome back .A. farmB. homeC. to homeD. to the home80.Jim likes volleyball.A. playsB. play theC. playingD. play81.Look !Our friends .A. flyingB. are flyingC. fliesD. fly82.Does your friend farming?A. enjoyB. enjoy toC. enjoysD. enjoying83.My mother's birthday is March 1st.A. inB. onC. atD. for84.There is "a" and "n" in the word "man".A. an,anB. an,aC. a,aD. a,an85.There a birthday party in two hours.A. will beB. is going to beC. is going to haveD. will have86.He can get there tomorrow.A. /B. toC. inD. for87.Spring Festival is January February.A. in,orB. in,andC. on,orD. on,and88.People in the of China have rice cakes.A. northB. southC. westD. east89.They all enjoy Spring Festival at home.A. theyB. themselvesC. theirD. then90. the Eve of the Festival,people usually have dumplings.A. OnB. ToC. InD. At91.Thursday is the day of the week.A. fourthB. fifthC. the fourthD. the fifth92.January 1st New Year's Day.A. callB. callsC. is callingD. is called93.It's snowy .Let's a snowman.A. makingB. madeC. makeD. to make94.There are days in February.A. 28B. 29C. 28 and 29D. 28 or 2995.What about a trip during spring Festival?A. go onB. going onC. goes onD. to go on96. They all enjoy at spring Festival.A. theyB. themselvesC. theirD. them97.Each of us three days off to celebrate New Year's Day.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are98. China ,Spring Festival is January or February.A. In,inB. In,onC. On,inD. On,on99.Lily is at singing than Lucy.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. well100.The students usually have a rest forty minutes .A. allB. everyC. someD. one1.I like better than yours.A. him and sheB. his and hersC. he and sheD. him and her2.I often go to my to see him.A. uncle's familyB. uncles'C. uncle'sD. uncle3.Easter is in or .A. January,FebruaryB. February,MarchC. March,AprilD. April,January4.When is Tree Planting Day? It is onA. March 12thB. March 20thC. April 12thD. April 20th5.Easter is always on .A. SaturdayB. SundayC. a SaturdayD. a Sunday6.They want to make the country .A. redB. greenC. redderD. greener7.They want to stop the sand windy days.A. onB. inC. atD. for8.In America ,the Easter holidays are .A. a long weekB. a week longC. long a weekD. week a long9.People can see green and green everywhere.A. tree,grassB. trees,grassesC. tree,grassesD. trees,grass10. school children in America ,they have Easter holidays.A. ForB. WithC. AtD. In11. is on March 8th.A. Womens' DayB. Woman's dayC. Women's dayD. Womans' day12.It's a sunny day. Shall we ?A. going on a tripB. goes on a tripC. go on a tripD. to go on a trip13.The boys are planting trees . They look .A. actively,activeB. active,activeC. actively,activelyD. active,actively14.There are twenty eight or twenty nine days in .A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. MarchD. April15.There are seconds in a minute.A. sevenB. twelveC. twenty-fourD. sixty16.I'm going a trip my family.A. on,onB. on,withC. with,onD. with,with17.She gives her mother a flower a gift on Mother's Day.A. forB. toC. asD. with18. Day is in June ,too.A. Father'sB. Fathers'C. Mother'sD. Mothers'19. comes before May but Father's after March.A. JuneB. AprilC. FebruaryD. January20.Many children perform Children's Day.A. celebratingB. to celebrateC. celebratesD. celebrate21.What's the date today? It'sA. May 18th,TuesdayB. Tuesday,May 18thC. 18th,Tuesday,MayD. Tuesday,18th,May22.May Day is Labor Day.A. also calledB. also callingC. called alsoD. calling also23.I give my parents a heart-shaped cake to show my .A. loveB. lovesC. lovelyD. to love24.May is the month of the year.A. fiveB. fifteenC. fiftyD. fifth25.A driver should obey the rules.A. trafficB. homeC. classD. school26.His father works in a factory, ?A. isn't heB. is heC. don’t heD. doesn’t he27.The PLA was founded on .A. March 8thB. May 4thC. August 1stD. September 10th28.The students have their holidays in June and August.A. summerB. springC. winterD. autumn29.In August ,school is out. Students their summer holidays.A. themB. theirC. theirsD. they30.He doesn't want to late for school.A. isB. doesC. beD. goes31.The first class at eight o'clock.A. beginB. is beginningC. beginningD. begins32.Miss Gao lunch at school.A. has notB. doesn't hasC. don't haveD. doesn't have33.She can a little Japanese.A. speakB. sayC. speaksD. says34. bread would you like?A. ManyB. MuchC. How manyD. How much35.There are old men over there.A. anB. muchC. a lotD. a lot of36.Look,the boy near the house.A. is sittingB. sitC. sitsD. is sitting37. is the eighth month of the year.A. JulyB. AugustC. JuneD. May38.July is after .A. AugustB. MarchC. MayD. June39.We have our exams July.A. onB. atC. inD. about40.There thirty days in February.A. areB. isC. aren’tD. isn’t41. is for children.A. Mother's DayB. Father's DayC. Teachers' DayD. Children's Day42.The seventh month of the year is .A. JulyB. JuneC. AugustD. May43.There are 28 or 29 days in .A. AprilB. MarchC. AugustD. February44. goes before July .A. MayB. JuneC. AprilD. July45.He gets home six.A. aboutB. at aboutC. inD. about to46.Today is the first day of the year.We call this month . It's the month.A. January,firstB. December,twelfthC. March,thirdD. November,eleventh47.Do you know when is?A. Children's DayB. Children DayC. Childrens' DayD. the Children's Day48.Today is . I am going to buy a presents for my mother.A. Mothers DayB. Mothers' DayC. Mother's DayD. Mother Day49.In July, my friend and I are taking a trip.A. campB. campingC. to campD.going camping50.Mother's day is the second Sunday May.A. on,onB. on,ofC. on,forD. /,in51.Of all the festivals, I like spring Festival and children's day best.A. the,theB. /,/C. the,/D. /,the52.People eat moon cakes on .A. Middle Autumn DayB. Christmas DayC. Easter DayD. Thanksgiving Day53.What can you see?A. otherB. elseC. anotherD. also54.Why not the book?It's interesting .A. readingB. to readC. readsD. read55.When we talk about Tianjin,you may Gou Bu Li.A. thinkB. think aboutC. think overD. think of56.It's book.A. quite a niceB. a quite niceC. a veryD. A and C57.The children often go swimming in .A. OctoberB. MarchC. JulyD. May58.This is our lesson.A. firstB. the firstC. oneD. 1st59.December is the month of the year.A. twelveB. twelfthC. twelvethD. the twelfth60.Thanksgiving day is on the 4th of the November.A. SundayB. FridayC. SaturdayD.Thursday61.Christmas is December 25th.A. onB. inC. atD. about62.China's National Day is in .A. SeptemberB. OctoberC. AugustD. November63.November is the month of the year.A. elevenB. eleventhC. twelveD. twelfth64.She and her friends watch the children .A. dancing and singingB. danceing and singingC. dance and singD. dance and singing65.Mickey doesn't know .A. What day is itB. what is day itC. what day it isD. what is it day66.It's cool October and November.A. toB. inC. onD. at67.Playing with our friends in the park is very .A. badB. prettyC. shyD. nice68.Spring is coming .The weather is getting .A. warmer and warmerB. colder and colderC. cooler and coolerD. hotter and hotter.69.There are seasons and spring is the season in a year.A. fourth,fourB. twelve,beautifulC. four,firstD. twelve,first70.There are flowers on the peach trees. Which of the following answer isn't right?A. muchB. manyC. lots ofD. a lot of71.It's nice to go for a walk a spring morning.A. inB. withC. atD. on72.There are quite a few old books on the shelf, but of them is useful to him.A. bothB. allC. neitherD. none73.We can't leave our grandparents by .A. theyB. themC. themselvesD. their74.It isn't easy to learn a foreign language well. But don't give it up.A. ThatB. WhichC. ItD. This75.How many elephants have you seen?A. NoneB. NothingC. No oneD. No76.The price of a cup of coffee is higher than of a class of cola.A. itB. priceC. thatD. one77.Students can in the second season of the year. Which of the follo wing answer is wrong?A. go on tripsB. go swimmingC. go campingD. go skating78.Summer holidays are than winter holidays.A. shorterB. longerC. coolerD. bigger79.Students go to school during holidays.A. will,summerB. don’t,springC. don’t,summerD. will,spring80. the weather like in spring in our hometown?A. How'sB. What'sC. What doesD. How does81.This is the time in days that he has made the same mistake.A. second,threeB. two,threeC. two,thirdD. second,third82.When autumn comes, the days get .A. longer and longerB. shorter and shorterC. long and longD. short and short.83.The farmers are busy cutting rice .A. in Spring FestivalB. in the middle of March.C. in early springD. at the end of October.84.What kind of thing can we do in autumn?A. Fly kitesB. Cut riceC. Pick applesD. Above all85. beautiful season it is!A. HowB. How aC. What aD. What86.Which of the following isn't “farming work”?A. Planting cropsB. Feeding the petsC. Cutting riceD. Growing vegetables87.You must look carefully you cross the road.A. beforeB. afterC. andD. but88.Don't get off the bus it has stopped.A. untilB. toC. ifD. for89.It snowed . we stayed at home.A. ThatB. BecauseC. WhyD. So90.Hurry up! you will miss the train.A. andB. soC. howeverD. or91.We didn't catch the train we left late.A. soB. becauseC. butD. thought92.There are twelve in a year.A. daysB. weeksC. months93.Spring Festival is in January February.A. andB. orC. but94. comes before April but after February.A. JanuaryB. MarchC. May95.He look for shells on the beach.A. like toB. likes toC. like96.Why you ski in winter?A. don’tB. not youC. not to97.What about the West Lake in autumn?A. visitingB. visitC. to visit98.The second class at eight.A. beginsB. beginning D. is beginning99.They want doctor.A. me toB. meC. me to beD. to be100. everything to grow in spring?A. Do,beginB. Does,beginC. Does,begin1.We have celebrate Christmas.A. different ways toB. difference toC. differences toD. different to2.Many are dancing in the room.A. womanB. womenC. girlD. child3.Mr. Green has three .A. childB. childrenC. childsD. childrens4.New York is one of the biggest in the world.A. citysB. cityC. cityesD. cities5.There are many on the table.A. fishB. fruitC. eggsD. jelly6.The first month of the year is .A. MarchB. JanuaryC. FebruaryD. April7.There are four in a year.A. seasonB. monthsC. daysD. minutes8.Here are my invitation for all of us.A. cardB. a cardC. cardsD. my card9.Excuse me,are you ? Yes. I am from .A. Japan,JapaneseB. China ,ChineseC. England, English C. American, America10.They don't have to do today.A. much homeworkB. many homeworksC. many homeworkD. much homeworks11. is the best time for swimming.A. SummerB. WinterC. SpringD. Autumn12.Please turn to .A. Page 21B. the 21th PageC. page 21D. page the 21 th13.There are in our home.A. hundred of booksB. the hundreds of books.C. hundreds of booksD. hundred of book14.May is of a year.A. the fifth monthsB. the fifth monthC. the five monthsD. the five month15.How many English books are there in my bag?There is only English book in it.A. aB. anC. twoD. the16.He joined the army on of June 1989.A. 1stB. the 1C. firstD. the first17.Is Sunday the day of the week?A. aB. oneC. onceD. first18.March the is Women's day.A. eighthB. ninthC. tenthD. eight19.September is the month of the year.A. ninethB. ninthC. nineD. the twelveth20.December the is Christmas.A. twenty-fiveB. twenty-fifthC. twentieth-fiveD. twenty-five21.Summer is season of the year.A. the firstB. the secondC. the fourthD. the third22.My family a big family. My family all here.A. is,isB. are,areC. is,areD. are,is23.I met an old friend of on way home.A. mine,myB. my,theC. mine,aD. mine,the24.Let do this exercise myself.A. himB. herC. usD. me25.Is this dress?Yes,it's .A. her,herB. her,hersC. hers,herD. hers,hers26. is that boy? He's my brother .A. WhoB. WhomC. WhatD. Which27.Are these your students? .A. Yes, they’re . B No, they are .C. Yes, they are .D. Yes, those are .28.Is this email ?A. youB. IC. sheD. your29.It's a dancing cat . name is Mimi .A. ItsB. It’sC. HisD. It30.What's that in English? .A. It's apple.B. That's apple.C. It's a apple.D. It's an apple.31.Which jacket is Lucy's?The yellow one is .A. sheB. herC. hersD. his32.Lucy and Jim do homework in the evening.A. one’sB. hisC. herD. their33.There isn't water in my water bottle.A. anyB. someC. noD. a34.There is milk in the glass.A. manyB. littleC. fewD. a few35.This red skirt looks better than the pink .A. /B. oneC. skirtD. ones36.I will tell you news about the sports meeting.A. manyB. someC. a fewD. any37. fast Mike runs!A. HowB. How anC. WhatD. What an38. well you sing but badly he dances!A. How, howB. What,whatC. How,whatD. What, how39. delicious the rice cake is! I’d like some more.A. HowB. How anC. WhatD. What an40. fools they were! They believed what the woman said.A. HowB. How anC. WhatD. What an41. foolish they were!They believed what the man said.A. HowB. How anC. WhatD. What an42.What a friendly person !We all like talking with him.A. is itB. is heC. it isD. he is43.I miss my classmate very much. I want to see him!A. HowB. How anC. WhatD. What an44. lovely weather we are having these days!A. HowB. How anC. WhatD. What an45. beautiful your new skirt is!A. HowB. How anC. WhatD. What an46. interesting work it is to teach students!A. HowB. How anC. WhatD. What an47.Please ,they are having class.A. not be so noisyB. be quiteC. mustn't talkD. no speaking48. to meet me at the bus stop. I will be waiting there.A. Not to forgetB. Not forgetC. Forget notD. Don't forget49.It's a fine day Let's go camping ,?A. won't weB. will youC. don't weD. shall we50.Don't smoke in the room,?A. do youB. will youC. canD. shall51.Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. I .A. don'tB. won'tC. can'tD. haven't52. down the TV. The baby’s asleep in the next room.A. TurningB. To turnC. TurnedD. Turn53.Lucy , the door or someone will come in.A. closeB. closesC. not closeD. is closing54. and play football in the street after lunch.A. Let's not to goB. Let's not goC. Let's don't goD. Not let's go55.A sign with the words “”is often found in a subway.A. Not parkingB. Not smokingC. No parkingD. No smoking56. Chinese in your English class.A. Not speakB. Don't speakC. Speak not!D. Don't speaking。

(5分)1.bookst_ _e2. s_bw_y3. sl_ _ down4. tr_ _ n5. postc_ _d2、听句子,选出听到的单词。
(5分)( ) 1. A. where B. when C. what( ) 2. A. right B. left C. lightC.tomorrowC.tomorrowC.tomorrow.C.tomorrow C.tomorrow( ) 4. A. visit my friends B. visit my grandparents C.visit my teachers ( ) 5. A. usually B. sometimes C. often三、听句子,选出听到的图片。
(5分)( )1. A.The restaurant is next to the park.B. The restaurant is next to the cinema.( )2. A.The post office is far from the science museum.B.The post office is near the science museum.( )3. A. Amy usually comes to school on foot.B. Amy usually comes to school by bike.( )4. A. Sarah is going to the cinema next Thursday.B.Sarah is going to the cinema next Tuesday.( )5. A.Take the N0.57 bus to get to the Fuxing hospital.B.Take the N0.75 bus to get to the Fuxing hospital.5、根据听到的对话信息,选择相应的图画。

天津六年级小学英语同步测试班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 分数:___________一、单词拼写按要求写单词。
1. tall(最高级)____________2. is(复数形式)____________3. most(原形)____________4. go(过去式)____________5. let’ s(完全形式)____________二、填空题根据句意,用单词的正确形式填空。
1.We’ ll ___________ ( visit ) the CN Tower in Canada.2. Disneyland in America is _________ ( one ) famous one in the world.3. Let’s _______ ( go ).4. That _________ ( be ) amazing.5. We _______ ( listen ) to music now.三、其他1.你想告诉别人你的父母上周带你去了世界公园,你会说 _________________A. My parents took her to the World Park last week.B. My parents took me to the World Park last week.C. My parents took me to the World Park last month.2.你想告诉Tom美国的首都是华盛顿,你会说_________________A. The capital city of America is Washington, D. C.B. The capital city of America is London.C. The capital city of America is New York.3.你想告诉你的同学美国的迪士尼是世界上最著名的一个地方,你会说 __________________A. Disneyland in America is the first famous one in the world.B. Disneyland in America is famous .C. Disneyland in America is the most famous one in the world.4.你想问Tina想去加拿大吗,你会说_____________A. Would you like to go to Canada?B. Where is Canada?C. Do you like Canada?5.你想告诉别人这些景观实在是太奇妙了,你会说 _______________A. You’re welcome.B. I’m sorry!C. They are amazing!四、句型转换根据要求完成句子。

1.I’m from China .(同义句)I China .2.We have seven classes every day. (否定句)We seven classes every day.3.I can see some birds in the tree.(否定句)I birds in the tree.4.My brother goes to home at seven. (否定句)My brother to school at seven.5.My father goes to work by bike. (对划线部分提问)your father to work?6.My brother wants to play football.(否定句)My brother to play football.7.Tom doesn't watch TV in the evening. (肯定句)Tom in the evening.8.My grandpa often takes a walk after supper. (一般疑问句)your grandpa often a walk after supper?9.She often learns English by singing and chanting. (对划线部分提问)she often ?10.She has four lessons a day. (对划线部分提问)she a day?11.He rides his bike to school every day. (同义句)He to school every day.12.She often sings after class. (否定句)She after class.13.Li Yan doesn't read books in the evening. (肯定句)Li Yan in the evening.14.He often makes kites after dinner. (一般疑问句)he often kites after supper?15.Jim does housework at home. (否定句)Jim housework at home.16.I often take a walk with my friend. (用she改写成否定句)She a walk with friend.17.He has supper at six thirty. (对划线部分提问)What he supper?18.I do my homework at four. (用now改写句子)I my homework now.19.The girls are cleaning the room now. (对画线部分提问)now?20.He goes home at four every day. (对画线部分提问)he every day?21.Jim comes from America. (对画线部分提问)Jim ?22.He often plays the piano. (一般疑问句)the piano?23.Kate usually plays basketball. (对划线部分提问)Kate usually ?24.She often watches TV at home. (否定句)she at home.25.I often clean the room on Saturday. (对划线部分提问)you on Saturday?26.I often have dinner with my parents. (用Kate改写)Kate parents.27.He goes to school by bike every day. (同义句)He goes to school bike every day.28.The girl over there likes listening to music. (否定句)The girl over there listening to music.29.I am interested in collecting stamps. (对划线部分提问)you ?30.My hobby is collecting toy cars. (对划线部分提问)31.Bob likes collecting stamps. (对划线部分提问)Bob ?32.Kite enjoys collecting maps. (对划线部分提问)Kate ?33.It's a super car.(感叹句)a !34.Kate likes collecting stamps. (反义疑问句)Kate likes collecting stamps ,?35.My friend enjoys fishing. (同义词替换)My friend fishing .36.My grandpa’s hobby is planting flowers. (一般疑问句)your hobby flowers?37.My grandpa is good at farming. (一般疑问句)your grandpa farming?38.He likes playing football. (否定句)He football.39.Their hobbies are growing vegetables.(对划线部分提问)40.I am interested in collecting stamps. (对划线部分提问)41.I am good at singing and dancing. (同义句)42.My grandpa is good at fishing. (一般疑问句)43.He likes playing computer games. (否定句)44.My uncle's hobby is taking photos. (一般疑问句)45.Their hobbies are growing flowers. (对划线部分提问)46.Does she enjoy making dolls?(肯定句)47.Our party begins at 7:00 after school. (对划线部分提问)party after school?48.They are going to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. (一般疑问句)going to celebrate birthday tomorrow?49.My mother's birthday is on October 20th. (对划线部分提问)is mother's birthday ?50.I’d like to come on Tuesday. (一般疑问句)you on Tuesday?51.We can all celebrate your birthday. (否定句)We your birthday.52.Lily gives a birthday card to her friend. (同义句)Lily gives .53.Tom would like to invite his teacher to his home. (同义句)Tom to invite his teacher to his home.54.We would like something to eat.(一般疑问句)to eat?55.Would you like to come to my birthday party?(肯定回答).56.The party begins at 5:30 after school. (对划线部分提问)the party ?57.I'd like a heart-shaped cake. (对划线部分提问)would you like?58.The cake is star-shaped.(对划线部分提问)is the cake?59.We will have a great birthday party. (感叹句)60.My birthday party is so wonderful. (感叹句)61.I will get some candy and fruit pies for you. (同义句)I will some candy and fruit pies.62.It can also show my love for you. (同义句)It show my love for you, .63.The heart-shaped cake is for my mother.(对划线部分提问)is for mother?64.There are some apple pies on the table. (单数句)There on the table. 65.The cows are wonderful. (对划线部分提问)the cows?66.I can have some ice cream. (一般疑问句)I some ice cream?67.I'd like a heart-shaped cake. (对划线部分提问)you ?68.Let's light the candles and sing the birthday song.(否定句)light the candles sing the birthday song.69.I’d like to have a new dictionary. (对划线部分提问)new you like to have? 70.He has lots of games to enjoy.(一般疑问句)he games to enjoy?71.There are twelve months in a year. (对划线部分提问)in a year?72.There are seven days in a week.(同义句)seven days.73.New Year's Day is on January 1st.(对划线部分提问)New Year's Day?74.People call Spring Festival Chinese New Year.(同义句)Chinese New Year Spring Festival.75.We go back home to celebrate the festival with our families. (一般疑问句)76.south,people,the,in,have,Cakes,China,of,rice(.)(连词组句)77.People can see green trees and green grass ,too.(否定句)People see green trees green grass , .78.Tree Planting Day is on March 12th.(对划线部分提问)Tree Planting Day?79.They want to make the air clean. (对划线部分提问)they want to ?80.Children get colorful Easter eggs.(感叹句)81.We give gifts to our fathers, too.(同义句)We give .82.Children's Day is on June 1st.(对划线部分提问)Children's day ?83.There is a child performing in the classroom.(复数句)There performing in the classroom.84.We often celebrate Children's Day on June 1st.(对划线部分提问)you often Children's Day?85.There are thirty-one days in May.(对划线部分提问)in May?86.The children are performing to celebrate Labor Day. (对划线部分提问)the children to celebrate Labor Day?87.Is Father's Day in May or in July?(回答问题)88.They are celebrating Labor Day. (对划线部分提问)they ?89.The students have their summer holidays in July. (对划线部分提问)the students have their summer holidays?90.My favorite month is June. (一般疑问句)91.Tom enjoys watching TV. (否定句)92.I am going to swim next week. (对划线部分提问)93.They often have a turkey for Thanksgiving Day. (对划线部分提问)they often for Thanksgiving Day?94.Christmas Day is on December 25th.(对划线部分提问)Christmas day?95.Santa Claus is giving the children presents. (同义句)Santa Claus is .96.School closes in summer. (对划线部分提问)school ?97.They plan to go camping together. (对划线部分提问)they ?98.They often look at the flowers on the field trips. (一般疑问句)often look at the flowers on the field trips?99.Santa Claus always gives presents to children on Christmas. (一般疑问句)Santa Claus always presents to on Christmas?100.Singapore has many rules. (同义句)There Singapore .1.We mustn't make noise in class. (同义句)We must in class.2.Teacher’s Day is on September 10th.(对划线部分提问)Teacher’s Day?3.There are thirty-one days in October. (对划线部分提问)are there in October?4.Mimi starts to dance at 7:30.(改为否定句)5.They often eat their lunch outside the classroom. (改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)6.Lucy likes collecting picture cards. (改为一般疑问句,做肯定回答)7.Daniel likes playing computer games. (改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)8.They go to school every morning. (改为否定句)9.Amy speaks English very well. (改为否定句)10.My uncle likes taking pictures on the street. (对划线部分提问)11.John comes from Germany. (对划线部分提问)12.My hobby is collecting maps. (改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)13.Daniel and his brother like going skating. (改为否定句)14.We are having a great birthday party. (分别改为一般疑问句和否定句)15.Mary and her sister are swimming over there.(对划线部分提问)16.The woman teachers often sing and dance. (用now改为现在进行时)17.David is lighting the candles. (对划线部分提问)18.Danny is going to plant trees. (否定句)Danny going to plant trees.19.I will go and join them. (否定句)I go join them.20.I'm going to go camping at 6:30 tomorrow. (一般疑问句)to go camping at 6:30 tomorrow?21.They will meet at the bus stop at 9:30.(一般疑问句)meet at the bus stop at 9:30?22.She is going to see a movie after school. (对划线部分提问)she after school?23.The boy runs very fast. (感叹句)the boy runs!24.The school trip is very interesting. (感叹句)the school trip is!25.Beijing looks very beautiful in winter. (感叹句)Beijing looks in winter!26.It is a very useful book. (感叹句)book it is!27.The student is listening very carefully. (感叹句)the student is listening!对划线部分提问(28---42)28.My mother will take me to Nanjing.29.My trip to Xi’an is great.30.Harry Potter Ⅳ will be on this weekend.31.The students are giving their teacher’s flowers to show their love.32.I often help my grandparents on the farm.33.September is the ninth month of the year.34.We will go to the nearest park.35.My birthday cake is about fifty yuan.36.The name of the film is Sleeping Beauty.37.There are thirty students over there.39.These socks are 80 yuan.40.I get up at 7 o'clock every morning.41.Lisa and her brother are going to buy tomorrow’s air tickets.42.Ben wants to be a singer in the future.一般疑问句(43----52)43.I am good at singing.44.George is a student in Grade Five.45.Helen likes listening to the radio.46.I can sing very well.47.My mum likes making the cakes.48.He wants to be a fireman in the future.49.We should take care of the young animals.50.The girls are dancing in the music room.51.Summer is the second and the hottest season of the year.52.We will visit Australia next Sunday.否定句(53---56)53.David is sweeping the snow with his mum.54.Show her your invitation card, please.55.My aunt will take me to Shanghai next Sunday.56.The days get shorter and shorter.同义句57.Summer is the hottest season.The summer is any other .58.We also like singing.We singing , .59.The children have a good time at the English party.The children at the English party.60.Mrs. Chen is our PE teacher.Mrs Chen PE.。