注1) 脚座安装及杆侧法兰安装最长行程可至1400mm。铁缸筒最长行程可 至1600mm。 注2) 磁性开关规格及特性可参阅磁性开关的系列。在磁性开关型号的后面, 附导线长度记号:无记号:-0.5m,L-3m,Z-5m,例:Z73L 注3) 所有磁性开关只适用于铝缸筒。
外形尺寸图 (毫米)
* 脚座、法兰、双耳环及耳环座、轴耳及 轴耳座、I 型肘接头、Y 型肘接头、销子 等等,请参阅标准型气缸 CS1 系列。
型号表示方法 基本型:
125 160
100 500
带磁性开关 0℃~60℃,不带磁性开关 0℃~70℃ 50~500mm/s 气缓冲
~ 250: 0 , 251 ~ 1000: 0 , 1001 ~ 1500: 0 , 1501 ~ 1600: 0
43 11.2 52 11.2 52 11.2 65 12.5 65 14
缸筒材质 无记号 铝 铁 *F
缸径(mm) 使用流体 动作方式 最高使用压力 最低使用压力 环境和流体温度 活塞速度 缓冲 行程公差(mm)
140 空气 双作用 0.97MPa 0.08MPa
M8×1.25 M8×1.25 M10×1.25 M12×1.75 M12×1.75
6 7 7 11 11
14 18 18 22 26
40 50 63 80 100
缸径 (mm)
LM1117-1.8 中文资料
* 膝上型电脑,掌上电脑和笔记本 电脑
* 电池充电器 * SCSI-II主动终端 * 移动电话 * 无绳电话 * 电池供电系统 * 便携式设备 * SMPS波斯特稳压器
产品规格分类(温度范围:-40°C~ 125°C)
AMS1117-ADJ AMS1117-1.2 AMS1117-1.5 AMS1117-1.8 AMS1117-2.5 AMS1117-2.85 AMS1117-3.0 AMS1117-3.3 AMS1117-5.0
IOUT=10mA, VIN=3.8V, TJ=25°C , 1.782 1.800 1.818 V
0≤IOUT≤1A, 3.2V≤VIN≤10V
1.764 1.800 1.836
IOUT=10mA, VIN=4.5V,TJ=25°C , 2.475 2.500 2.525 V
0≤ IOUT≤1A, 6.5V≤VIN≤12V
4.900 5.000 5.10
VINMIN ≤VIN≤ 12V, VOUT=Fixed/Adj,
7 mV
Rload Vdrop
10mA≤IOUT≤ 1A,VOUT=Fixed/Adj IOUT=100mA IOUT=500mA IOUT=1A 4.25V≤VIN≤ 6.5V
ADVANCED MONOLITHIC SYSTEMS (translate by BONA 0755-82800289)
共10页 第6页
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0
WJ-1设备描述表一、主要配置1.1发动机(可选择)制造厂德国DEUTZ型号BF4L2011额定功率47.5KW转速2300r/min1.2 液压泵制造厂斯洛伐克3COM-GTN公司型号PV221.3 液压马达制造厂斯洛伐克3COM-GTN公司型号MV231.4 变速箱制造厂烟台兴业机械股份有限公司型号 2 08001.5 驱动桥制造厂烟台兴业机械股份有限公司型号PC151.6轮胎制造厂贵州前进轮胎型号10.00-201.7 双联泵制造厂四川长江液压型号CBQT1.8 多路换向阀制造厂四川长江液压型号ZL20E1.9 工作机构(机架、大臂、铲斗等)制造厂烟台兴业机械股份有限公司型号 2 01001.10 液压缸(翻斗、举升、转向)制造厂烟台兴业机械股份有限公司型号 2 0300 01/2 0300 07/2 0500 021.11 液压系统组成工作系统行驶系统转向系统制动系统1.12 制动系统组成工作制动停车制动说明停车制动采用全封闭液压湿式多盘制动1.13 电器系统工作电压24V2. XYWJ-1内燃铲运机的主要技术参数额定斗容: 1 m3行驶速度:0~10km/h( 双向)额定载重量:2t爬坡能力:≧20 °最大铲取力:42KN最小离地间隙:200mm最大牵引力:48KN最小离去角:15 °最大卸载高度:1050mm机架摆角:± 8 °最小卸载距离:860mm轴距:2200mm最大转向角:± 38 °整机重量: 6.4t最小转弯半径:3990 mm(外侧)2540 mm(内侧)外形尺寸:长:5750mm宽:1260mm高:2000mm外形尺寸图附:实物照片3. XYWJ-1内燃铲运机的技术先进性我公司研制生产的XYWJ-1型内燃铲运机,完全是我公司自己研制的全新型铲运机,与原机型比较有以下优点:3.1原机型为解决道路的高低不平,采用了摆动架摆动两个后轮,摆动角度仅为±6°,而且整个后车体由于巷道的不平,产生的摆动力和颠簸力都作用在后摆动架上,造成摆动架经常断裂。
美声唱法的声部分类美声唱法的声部分类 声部划分是为了科学地有效地进⾏演唱和教学,对⼀个歌者⽽⾔,声部的划分正确与否,关系到他(她)的歌唱前途及命运,在歌者的队伍中,由于声部划分的错误⽽导致艺术⽣命终结的例⼦并不少见。
那么该如何划分声部呢? ⼀、观察歌者的⾳域 ⾳域是指⼀个⼈所唱出的最低⾳到最⾼⾳之间的距离。
各声部⾳域⼤体如下: 当然,当今世界上也有不少全能歌唱家,他(她)们的⾳域突破了两个⼋度,有的可达到3—4个⼋度;既有⾼声区流畅⾃如的花腔,⼜有低声区深厚柔和的低⾳,花腔的演唱对于许多著名歌唱家来说已不是花腔声部的专利,⽽是成为⼀种歌唱技巧,⼥⾼⾳在演唱中能表现它,⼥中⾳在演唱中同样也把花腔技巧展现得华丽多彩。
⼆、听辨歌者的⾳⾊ ⾳⾊即声⾳的⾊彩。
⾳⾊⽅⾯,各个声部的特点是⽐较鲜明的 1.男低⾳ 声⾳低沉,宽洪⽽具有响亮的胸声性质。
1套 可选配
P S8 20 A M 2 7 / 28 + 10 + 3路 电子 尺+3路 压 力检测 1套
2 .键 盘
B K1 18 (单色) 5 . 7 "3 2 0*24 0 B K1 18 (彩色) 6 . 0 "6 4 0*48 0
1套 1套 可选配
PW300 3 .开 关电源
300W 600W
R U N系统运行
X 0 0 安全门前
1 X 0 1 马达起动毕
X 0 2 射胶保护罩
3 X 0 3 锁模停止
X 0 4 电眼输入
5 X 0 5 熔胶转速
X 0 6 射台前停
7 X 0 7 射台后停
0 X 1 0 备用
X 1 1 备用
BK118 使用说明书 V3.0
第一章 系统配置及安装
3.2 控制系统检查
(1) 安装完毕后,进行全面检查,包括开关电源、主机箱、电热输出线路、键盘 热电偶等所有连线是否连接牢固。
( 2) 完 成线路 检查 后,进 行通 电检 查,先 把 直 流电源 输 出 端即电 源盒1 1位输出 线 插头取出,然后通电检查,测量各电压是否与其标值相同,观察电源盒输出 指示灯是否正常。
1套 可选配
4 .通 信电缆 D B- 15 F
1米 至8米可选
2. PS820AM 控制系统特点
全 计算 机控 制 所有 功能及 温度 采 用高 亮度L C D液晶 显示 画 面,6 40* 4 8 0点6. 0寸/ 7 . 5寸彩 色(选 用) 系 统采 用双3 2位C PU设计 , 运 算速度快 , 控制 精确 , 稳定 性高 控 制主 机采 用 模块 化设计 ,安 装省时 ,维 修迅速 具 备 Real T i me 功 能, 可实 时 显示日 期 和 时间 具 备屏 幕保 护 功能 ,屏幕 保护 时间内 未 进 行任何键 盘操作 时自 动O FF 8 0组模 具资 料 储存 ,可中 、英 文输入 模具 名称,实 时 操作 帮助 密 码设 定及 资 料锁 定,可 避免 操作者 任意 更改成型 资 料, 影响 产 品品 质 多 语言 文字 可 选择,实时 动态 显示 包 装模 数设 定 功能 ,产量 可设 定六位 数 多 种 中 子及 绞 牙 程 序, 适 合不 同类型 的中 子和绞牙 控 制 比 例微 积分 (P ID) 自学 习 温度 控制,6 +1段 温度 射 咀温 度可 开 环或 闭环控 制 温度可一周 预约定时加热, 操作更便利 多 种行 程控 制 方式 ,行程 开关/ 3路编 码 器/电 子尺 (选 用 ) 多 种射 出方 式 ,4段射出 ,3级 保 压 自 我 故 障检 测 、 报 警显 示 及 语 音 提示 等 功 能 输 入、 输出 皆 有LE D指示 灯,检 测维护 很方 便 输 入、 输出 采 用光 藕合电 路, 可隔离 外部 线路干扰 检 示画 面可 检 查所 有输入 、输 出点及 按键 的动作状 态 3路 标准D/A比 例 输出,最 大 电流 输出3 A 压 力、 流量 、 背压 数字 化 预调 ,适合 各种 厂牌的 比 例 阀, 更好 的 线性 比例 具 有远 程通 讯 功能 ,可为 用户 远距离 编写 程序以 及 更 换不 同版 本 软件 由 一台 计算 机 主机 连网管 理25 5台注塑 机生 产,能 准确 统计每 台 机 生产 情 况 , 生产 数 据 打 印, 方 便管 理
JR XG8说明书
初始INFO画面ɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾ 初始INFO画面(遥测)ɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾ 我的列表画面ɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾ 模型设定时的向导ɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾ
请勿保管于高温、高湿、多尘的场所。 请保管于幼儿的手无法触及的场所。 请勿在气温低的场所(0℃以下)中进行充电。 旧电池请遵守各地区规定的处理方法进行废弃,请 勿丢弃在垃圾箱等中。
使用完毕的 Li-Fe 电池、镍氢电池是宝贵的资源。请交到小型充电式电池回收利用 合作店。
致使用者、特点ɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾ 一般性注意事项ɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾ
模型类型贴标 / 操纵杆头的 ɾ吊ɾ钩支架 / SD卡/ 电池的使用说明 ɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾ 信信号号发发送送机机各各部部分分的 的名 名称 称( (直 固升 定飞 翼机 飞) 机ɾ、ɾɾ滑ɾɾ翔ɾɾ机ɾɾ)ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾ 自充保电弹电簧池调的整安ɾ装ɾɾ方ɾɾ法ɾɾ ɾ/ɾ ɾ拆ɾɾ除ɾɾ方ɾɾ法ɾɾɾɾɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾ ɾɾɾ 信号接收机的连接ɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾ
● 否则有可能受伤。 对引擎(马达)调整请务必从后方对正在工作的动 力多加小心
K称重显示仪集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]1 概述此表是承德普特智能电子有限公司针对各种天车秤和钢包秤的应用而精心选择的TOLEDO-KINGBIRD称重显示仪表。
外观特性·锌铝合金外壳,抗干扰强,更适合于工业场合应用·标准台式安装,不锈钢支架(选件)用于墙式安装电气特性. ·称重功能最多可接4个350Ω的模拟传感器最大显示分度数:10,000d按钮皮重功能皮重内锁功能自动去皮功能自动清皮功能手动和自动累加功能单位转换功能自动零跟踪动态检测毛重或净重零指示TraxDSP防震动技术·多种称重模式动物称重简单计数峰值保持功能·操作接口明了、直观的操作界面模块化设定菜单·串行数据口功能多种输出格式连续/命令方式输出手动/自动打印功能KTGN—1100型仪表可同时接串口打印机和大屏幕显示器。
Rotary actuator type RMDear Customer,Congratulations on choosing a SCHUNK product. By choosing SCHUNK, you have opted for the highest precision, top quality and best service.You are going to increase the process reliability of your production and achieve best machining results – to the customer's complete satisfaction.SCHUNK products are inspiring.Our detailed assembly and operation manual will support you.Do you have further questions? You may contact us at any time – even after purchase. You can reach us directly at the mentioned addresses in the last chapter of these instructions.Kindest Regards,Your SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KGPrecision Workholding SystemsBahnhofstr. 106 - 134D-74348 Lauffen/ NeckarTel. +49-7133-103-2503Fax +49-7133-103-2189 ********************.com Document last update: 18.02.2008R OTARY ACTUATORTYPES RM 12 TORM 21Rotary actuator type RMContents1SAFETY (2)1.1S YMBOL KEY (2)1.2A PPROPRIATE U SE (3)1.3S AFETY N OTES (4)1.4I NDICATIONS TO THE OPERATING MANUAL (4)2WARRANTY (5)3SCOPE OF DELIVERY (5)4TECHNICAL DATA (5)5OPERATING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS (5)6ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION (6)6.1D ESIGN PRECAUTIONS (6)6.2C OMPRESSED AIR SUPPLY (6)6.3S PECIAL CONNECTING MEASURES (6)6.4A SSEMBLY MEASURES (7)6.5M EASURES FOR THE INITIAL OPERATION (7)7HANDLING (8)7.1F INE ADJUSTMENT OF ROTATION ANGLE (8)7.2D AMPING ADJUSTMENT (8)7.3E ND POSITION INTERROGATION (9)7.4I NTERMEDIATE STOPS RZ (10)7.4.1Setting of intermediate position (10)7.4.2Damping adjustment (10)7.4.3Interrogation of intermediate position (10)8REPAIRS (11)9RESPONSE TO MALFUNCTIONS (11)10MAINTENANCE AND CARE (12)11REPLACEMENT PARTS (13)12INDEX .......................................................................... FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT. 13EC DECLARATION OF INCORPORATION . (14)14CONTACT (15)1 Safety1.1 Symbol keyYou will find this symbol wherever hazards for persons or damage to the productare possible.1.2 Appropriate UseThe rotary actuators are manufactured in accordance with the current level of technology and with recognised safety regulations. During their use, however, there may occur risks to life and limb of the user or impairment of the rotary actuator and other material assets.The rotary actuators are intended exclusively for the swivelling movement of service loads in any position that do not react in their manipulation with any risk to persons, property or the environment.The maximum permissible service loads and forces are given in our standard catalogue.Any usage beyond these definitions is inappropriate.The manufacturer cannot be held liable for loss or damage arising therefrom. The risk is borne exclusively by the user.Usage in accordance with directions includes observation of the user manual as well as adherence to the maintenance and repair specifications prescribed by the manufacturer.The rotary actuator must only be operated by persons that are familiar therewith and that have been instructed in the associated hazards. The relevant accident prevention regulations and the other generally recognised safety and occupational health regulations must be compliedwith.Rotary actuator type RM1.3 Safety Notes1. Responsibility for the compatibility of pneumatic equipment lies with the personwho designs the pneumatic system or takes the decision on its specifications.- Since the products specified herein can be used under various operatingconditions, their compatibility with the appropriate pneumatic system mustbe based on specifications and/or tests in order to conform to theirrequirements.2.Machines and equipment operated by pneumatic means may only be used by trained personnel.- Compressed air can be hazardous if an operator is not familiar with its use. The assembly, handling or repair of pneumatic systems is to be undertakenby trained and experienced personnel.3.Do not carry out maintenance work on machines and equipment and do not at-tempt to remove components until it has been confirmed that it is safe to do so.- Inspection and maintenance of machines and equipment may only be carried out after it has been confirmed that the devices that must be swit-ched off are in a securely deactivated condition. - If machine parts must be removed, carry out safety precautions as mentioned above. Deactivate the compressed air supply to this machine and release any remaining compressed air from the system.- Before machines and equipment are switched on again, take measures toensure that cylinder rods etc. are not pushed outwards. Allow compressedair to enter the system slowly so that counterpressure builds up gradually.4. Contact SCHUNK (see chapter 12 page 14) if the product is to be used under oneof the following conditions:- Conditions and environments that lie outside the stated specifications, orwhere the product is to be used outdoors.- Installation in equipment in conjunction with nuclear power, railways, aero-space, vehicles, medical equipment, food and drink, leisure equipment,emergency shutdown circuits, applications in presses or safety equipment.- Any application that may possibly have negative influences on persons,animals or property and that requires a special safety analysis.5. This user manual should always be easily accessible1.4 Indications to the operating manualThis user manual describes gripper actuators of series RM 12, RM 15 and RM 21.All statements in this user manual refer to the types stated above.Rotary actuator type RM2 WarrantyThe warranty period is 24 months or 40 million load cycles after delivery date from the factory, assuming use in single-shift operation and that the recommended maintenance and lubrication intervals are respected. Components that come into contact with workpieces, wearing parts, shock absorbers, stop screws and proximity switches are never included in the warranty.The warranty covers the replacement or repair of defective parts in the manufacturing plant. Further claims are hereby excluded. In this context, please also see our General Terms and Conditions.3 Scope of DeliveryThe scope of delivery comprises:- Rotary actuator type RM, depending on the version ordered4 Technical DataPlease consult our catalogue for further technical details. The last version is valid in each case. (in accordance with Chapter 2.3 General Terms and Conditions)The airborne sound emitted from the unit is <= 70dB(A)5 Operating and environmental conditions- Do not use the product in environments comprising corrosive gases, salt water, water or vapours.- For use in an atmosphere where water drops, oil, sprays etc, occur take appropriate countermeasures in order to ensure protection.- If electronic end switches are to be used, these should not be used in the presence of strong magnetic fields. Please contact SCHUNK (see chapter 12 page 14) if theproduct is to be used in the presence of strong magnetic fields.- Do not use the rotary actuator in an atmosphere in which it could come into contact with fluids such as oil or water.- Do not use the rotary actuator in an atmosphere in which it could come into direct contact with substances such as powder dust, dust, sprays etc.- Do not use the rotary actuator in an atmosphere in which sources of heat are present.- Do not subject the rotary actuator to excessive vibrations and/or shocks.Rotary actuator type RM6 Assembly and Installation6.1 Design precautions- A protective guard is recommended in order to minimise the risk of injury.- Ensure that loose, fixed and/or connected parts or tightened securely.- Operation without the shock absorbers included as standard in the scope of delivery is not permissible.- Take account of the possibility that the operating pressure may decrease as a result of power failures etc.- Pay attention to the possibility of the failure of power supplies.- Mount the compressed air supply in such a way as to prevent a gripping action.- Pay attention to emergency shutdown facilities.- Pay attention to what will happen after an emergency stop or abnormal stoppage.Ensure that nobody can be placed at risk or be injured when equipment is restarted.6.2 Compressed air supply- Use clean compressed air and insert a filter between the supply and the pneumatic system.- Install a water separator in the pneumatic system.- Use the product only within the range specified for the medium temperature and ambient temperature.Air specification- dry (free from condensation)- filtered to 10 microns- oiled or oil-free6.3 Special connecting measures- Use connecting pipes of a cross-section that is larger than or identical to that of the connector thread.- Blow air through the connecting pipes before fitting the devices in order to remove any dust, contaminant or particles.- Avoid the ingress of sealing material into the pipe network.- Do not remove pneumatic components from their packaging until shortly before fit-ting.Rotary actuator type RM6.4 Assembly measures- During the mounting of loads, do not allow the system to be subjected to impermissible forces or moments.- The flatness of the mounting surfaces must be less than 0.02mm.- Select the correct means of connection with a load that has its own guidance mechanism and ensure that this is adequately aligned.- Avoid contact with the rotary actuator during operation.- Select a suitable screw tightening torque for mounting of the rotary actuator or loads on the rotary actuator in accordance with the generally valid guidelines for screwconnections.6.5 Measures for the initial operationPlease read this user manual carefully. Knowledge of this user manual is essential in order to prevent errors and ensure problem-free operation.Under no circumstances may rotary actuators be operated with oiled air if theyare subsequently to be operated with oil-free air.- Check the technical specifications.- Do not use the device until you have checked that it functions correctly taking account of all permissible operating parameters.- Regulate the operating speed of the cylinder by means of throttle type non-return valves. Increase from the low speed to higher speeds until the required operatingspeed is reached.Selection and dimensioning- Do not subject the units to loads that exceed the limits of their operating range. If excessive loads are applied , the gripper jaw guidance system and closingmechanism could suffer damage or inaccuracies. The maximum permissible loadsare given in our standard catalogue.- Do not allow the system to experience impermissible forces or shocks.Rotary actuator type RM7 Handling7.1 Fine adjustment of rotation angleFor fine adjustment of the rotation angle and matching of the end damping to the mass moment of inertia occurring in operation, the following parts are included in the scope of delivery of each rotary actuator.- Stop collar (Pos. 10)- Locknut (Pos. 11)- Locknut (Pos. 12)- Shock absorber (Pos. 18)Once the locknut (Pos. 11) has been loosened, the rotation angle can be steplessly adjusted between 0 and 180 degrees by turning the stop collar (Pos. 10) with the integral shock absorber (Pos. 18). Each end position can be adjusted by 90 degrees.Figure 1: Fine adjustment of rotation angle7.2 Damping adjustmentOperation without the shock absorbers included as standard in the scope of delivery is not permissible.Please note the maximum permissible mass moment of inertia stated in our standardcatalogue.After the locknut (Pos. 12) has been loosened, the stroke length of the shock absorber and thus the damping curve can be matched to the mass moment of inertia occurring in operation by rotating the shock absorber (Pos. 18) inwards or outwards. This does not affect the rotation angle set previously.Rotary actuator type RM7.3 End position interrogationStandardised interrogation sets for direct mounting are available for interrogation of end posi-tions.Proximity switch - complete RMNS-...The scope of delivery includes:- 1x retaining plate- 2x switching cam- 2x proximity switch- 2x connection cableFigure 2: position of proximity switchAfter the clamping screw has been loosened, the switching cam can be steplessly adjusted in a vee-shaped slot in the turntable. The specific end position interrogation can thus be precisely adjusted for each rotation angle set.proximity switch RMNZproximity switch RMNSRotary actuator type RM7.4 Intermediate stops RZ7.4.1 Setting of intermediate positionIntermediate stops are additional modules for rotary actuators and are available for all rotary actuator sizes of this series.Figure 3: Rotary actuator shown in intermediate position at 90°The intermediate position can be set at any point over the entire swivel range of the rotary ac-tuator. It must be noted that the toothed racks of rotary actuators are tensioned without back-lash where a controlled intermediate stop is used. For an intermediate position of 90 degrees or more, the stop cylinders must be changed over.The intermediate position is set by rotating the complete stop cylinders inwards or outwards. The locknut (Pos. 5) must first be loosened and must be tightened again afterwards.7.4.2 Damping adjustmentThe stroke of the shock absorber and thus the damping curve can be matched to the mass moment of inertia occurring in operation by inserting shims under the shock absorber (Pos. 9). The stop sleeve (Pos. 2) with theh shock absorber (Pos. 9) and piston (Pos. 3) must be dismantled first.7.4.3 Interrogation of intermediate positionFor interrogation of the intermediate position, the interrogation set RMNZ-... is available. This interrogation set is identical with the end position interrogation set RMNS-... but contains only one switching cam, proximity switch and connection cable and is mounted on the opposite side.RZ 12: DIN 433-3.2-ST (max. 2mm) RZ 15: DIN 433-3.2-ST (max. 2mm) RZ 21: DIN 126-5.5-ST (max. 5mm)Rotary actuator type RM8RepairsThe repair or elimination of defects on our products by the customer may only be carried out with our explicit written agreement. Any failure to adhere to this principle renders invalid our warranty and liability for any resulting warranty or secondary losses.Following receipt and examination, all linear actuators of series RM can be repaired by SCHUNK.9Response to malfunctionsMalfunctions that are caused by defective components may only be remedied by replacement of these components.Defective components may only be replaced by SCHUNK genuine replacement parts.10 Maintenance and Careare subsequently to be operated with oil-free air.- The integral cylinders are lubricated for life and do not require relubrication. Operati-on with oiled or oil-free compressed air is permissible without restrictions.- The bearing arrangements of the turntable and of the toothed rack pinion unit are already lubricated. It is not therefore necessary to lubricate these again before opera-tion. Lubrication or relubrication of the toothed rack pinion unit with rolling bearinggrease is recommended after approx. 4 million cycles.- All rotary actuators of series RM are maintenance-free. In order to achieve the maxi-mum operating life, this chapter and chapter 6.2 (at page 6) of this user manualshould be observed.- Apart from normal cleaning of machines, no further maintenance measures arenecessary.Rotary actuator type RM11 Replacement partsAs standardised wear part sets, seal sets are available. The scope of delivery includes all seals.Ordering numbers of seal sets:- RMDI 12 for rotary actuator RM 12- RMDI 15 for rotary actuator RM 15- RMDI 21 for rotary actuator RM 21In accordance with the section drawing below, all other wear parts and individual parts are available as single items.Ordering numbers are as indicated in the following example- Part No. 1 RM 15-01 (for rotary actuator RM 15)Figure 4: section drawing RMRotary actuator type RM12 EC declaration of incorporationIn terms of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, annex II B Manufacturer/ distributorSCHUNK GmbH & Co. KG. Spann- und Greiftechnik Bahnhofstr. 106 – 13474348 Lauffen/Neckar, GermanyWe hereby declare that the following product:Product designation: Rotary modules pneumatic, swivel unit Type designation: RM 12…RM21 ID number:0313000 (0313015)meets the applicable basic requirements of the Directive Machinery (2006/42/EC).The incomplete machine may not be put into operation until conformity of the machine into which the incomplete machine is to be installed with the provisions of the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) is confirmed.Applied harmonized standards, especially:EN ISO 12100-1 Safety of machines - Basic concepts, general principles for design -- Part 1: Basic terminology, methodologyEN ISO 12100-2 Safety of machines - Basic concepts, general principles for design -- Part 2: Technical principlesThe manufacturer agrees to forward on demand the special technical documents for the incomplete machine to state offices.The special technical documents according to Annex VII, Part B, belonging to the incomplete machine have been created.Person responsible for documentation: Mr. Michael Eckert, Tel.: +49(0)7133/103-2204Location, date/signature:Lauffen, Germany, January 2011p.p.Title of the signatoryDirector for DevelopmentRotary actuator type RM13 ContactGERMANY – HEAD OFFICE SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KG Spann- und Greiftechnik Bahnhofstrasse 106 – 134 D-Lauffen/Neckar Tel. +49-7133-103-0 Fax +49-7133-103-2399 **************.com CANADASCHUNK Intec Corp. 190 Britannia Road East, Units 23-24Mississauga, ON L4Z 1W6 Tel. +1-905-712-2200 Fax +1-905-712-2210 **************.com DENMARKSCHUNK Intec A/S Storhaven 7 7100 VejleTel. +45-43601339 Fax +45-43601492 **************.com HUNGARYSCHUNK Intec Kft. Széchenyi út. 70. 3530 MiskolcTel. +36-46-50900-7 Fax +36-46-50900-6 **************.comAUSTRIASCHUNK Intec GmbH Holzbauernstr. 20 4050 TraunTel. +43-7229-65770-0 Fax +43-7229-65770-14 **************.com CHINASCHUNK GmbH & Co.KG ShanghaiRepresentative Office 777 Zhao Jia Bang Road Pine City Hotel, Room 923 Xuhui District Shanghai 200032Tel. +86-21-64433177 Fax +86-21-64431922 **************.com FRANCESCHUNK Intec SARL Parc d´Activités des Trois Noyers 15, Avenue James de RothschildFerrières-en-Brie77614 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 3Tel. +33-1-64 66 38 24 Fax +33-1-64 66 38 23 **************.com INDIASCHUNK India Branch Office # 80 B, Yeswanthpur Industrial Suburbs, Bangalore 560 022 Tel. +91-80-41277361 Fax +91-80-41277363 **************.comBELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG SCHUNK Intec N.V./S.A. Bedrijvencentrum Regio Aalst Industrielaan 4, Zuid III 9320 Aalst-Erembodegem Tel. +32-53-853504 Fax +32-53-836022 **************.com CZECH REPUBLIC SCHUNK Intec s.r.o. Ernsta Macha 1 643 00 BrnoTel. +420-545 229 095 Fax +420-545 220 508 **************.com GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND SCHUNK Intec Ltd.Cromwell Business Centre 10 Howard Way, Interchange ParkNewport Pagnell MK16 9QS Tel. +44-1908-611127 Fax +44-1908-615525 **************.com ITALYSCHUNK Intec S.r.l. Via Barozzo22075 Lurate Caccivio (CO) Tel. +39-031-4951311 Fax +39-031-4951301 **************.com Rotary actuator type RMJAPANSCHUNK Intec K.K. 45-28 3-Chome Sanno Ohta-Ku Tokyo 143-0023 Tel. +81-33-7743731 Fax +81-33-7766500********************.jp Intec Sp.z o.o. Stara Iwiczna,ul. Słoneczna 116 A 05-500 Piaseczno Tel. +48-22-7262500 Fax +48-22-7262525 **************.com SOUTH KOREASCHUNK Intec Korea Ltd. # 907 Joongang Induspia 2 Bldg.,144-5 Sangdaewon-dong Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si Kyunggi-do, 462-722 Tel. +82-31-7376141 Fax +82-31-7376142 **************.com SWITZERLAND, LIECHTENSTEIN SCHUNK Intec AG Soodring 19 8134 Adliswil 2Tel. +41-44-7102171 Fax +41-44-7102279 **************.comMEXICO, VENEZUELA SCHUNK Intec S.A. de C.V. Av. Luis Vega y Monroy # 332 Fracc. Plazas de Sol Santiago de Querétaro, Qro. 76099Tel. +52-442-223-6525 Fax +52-442-223-7665 **************.com PORTUGALSales Representative Victor MarquesTel. +34-937-556 020 Fax +34-937-908 692 Mobil +351-963-786 445 **************.com SPAINSCHUNK Intec S.L. Foneria, 2708304 Mataró (Barcelona) Tel. +34-937 556 020 Fax +34-937 908 692 **************.com TURKEYSCHUNK IntecBağlama Sistemleri veOtomasyon San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Küçükyali Iş Merkezi Girne MahallesiIrmak Sodak, A Blok, No: 9 34852 Maltepe, Istanbul Tel. +90-216-366-2111 Fax +90-216-366-2277 **************.com NETHERLANDSSCHUNK Intec B.V. Speldenmakerstraat 3d 5232 BH ‘s -Hertogenbosch Tel. +31-73-6441779 Fax +31-73-6448025 **************.com SLOVAKIASCHUNK Intec s.r.o. Mostná 62 919 01 NitraTel. +421-37-3260610 Fax +421-37-6421906 **************.com SWEDENSCHUNK Intec AB Morabergsvägen 28 152 42 SödertäljeTel. +46-8 554 421 00 Fax +46-8 554 421 01 **************.com USASCHUNK Intec Inc. 211 Kitty Hawk Drive Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel. +1-919-572-2705 Fax +1-919-572-2818 **************.com 。
1 、“ PROGRAM ” 为 程 式 选 择 键 : 在 待 机 状 态 时 , 按 此 键 可 以 循 环 选 择 从 “ 0.8 ”、 “ P1-P2-P3-P4-P5-P6-P7-P8-P9”的 9 种不同运行程式运行(“0.8”为系统默认运行模 11
式, “P1-P9”为内置程式)。 2、“MODE”为模式选择键:按此键可以循环选择“0.8”、“ H-1”、“ H-2”、“ H-3”(“0.8”
1、手扶在 A 处,脚踢在气压棒的 B 处, 机台会自动往下降。
外形尺寸(mm) 拆叠尺寸(mm) 跑台尺寸(mm)
1605*640*1320mm 735*640*1530MM
使用电源 最大输出功率
允许使用者最大体 重
220V 1300W
1、使用 5#内六角扳手,用 M8*15 内六 角 平 圆 头 螺 钉 (39) 与 内 锯 齿 锁 紧 垫 圈 (55),将立柱组(B)和电子表架组(A)轻 锁于主车架组上。 注意:一手扶住立柱组,避免让立柱往下 掉。
1、使用带十字扳手,用十字盘头螺钉 M5*8(50)将左
5#内六角扳手 5mm 1pcs、 带十字扳手 S=13、14、15 1pcs
序号 55 12 50 34 56 81 40 43 36
名称 内锯齿锁紧垫圈 5#内六角扳手 十字盘头螺钉带垫圈
右护罩 标准型弹簧垫圈
弧形垫片 8 内六角平圆头螺钉 内六角平圆头螺钉
2、起重机概述:2.1 本次招标25t-30m、40t-30m门座起重机均为单臂架平衡滑轮组补偿刚性变幅、偏心门座起重机。
第一章系统概述1.1 DJ-CPTH简介DJ-CPTH型计算机组成原理实验系统<以下简称系统>,是由江苏启东市东疆计算机有限公司结合国内同类产品的优点,最新研制开发的超强型实验计算机装置<以下简称模型机>。
1.2 DJ-CPTH特点1、采用总线结构总线结构的计算机具有结构清晰,扩展方便等优点。
2、计算机功能模块化设计DJ-CPTH为实验者提供运算器模块ALU,众多寄存器模块(A,W,IA ,ST,MAR,R0…R3等),程序计数器模块PC,指令部件模块IR,主存模块EM,微程序控制模块〈控存〉uM,微地址计数器模块UPC,组合逻辑控制模块及I/O等控制模块。
汽车起重机 LT 1070 1 数据表说明书
LT 1070/1TRUCK CRANE汽车起重机LT 1 070/1DATASHEET METRIC数据表 (公制)CONTENTS · 目录LT 1070/1Page . 页码:Key . 关键词汇 (3)Dimensions and Specifications · 技术参数Crane Dimensions . 起重机外形尺寸 (4)Specifications . 规格参数 (5)Range Diagram . 起升高度 (6)Load Charts . 起重量表 (7)Technical Descriptions · 技术描述Lifting Capacity . 起重量 (9)Boom and Components . 主臂和零件 (9)Jib . 副臂 (9)Winch Performance . 起升机构工作速度 (10)Crane Boom Function Speeds . 起重臂工作速度 (10)Outrigger Function Speeds . 支腿工作速度 (10)Outrigger Controls . 支腿操纵 (10)Engine and Transmission . 发动机和变速箱 (11)Hydraulics . 液压系统 (12)Chassis and Components . 底盘及其部件 (12)Driver Cab . 驾驶室 (13)Operator Cab . 操纵室 (13)2KEY · 关键词汇LT 1070/13CRANE DIMENSIONSLT 1070/1起重机外形尺寸4SPECIFICATIONSLT 1070/1规格参数5RANGE DIAGRAMLT 1070/1起升高度6起重量表35.98 mNotes · 说明The values in table are rated lifting capacities of crane on solid ground and in a level state. The working radius in the table are actual radius after load lifting.The values above the bold line are based on crane strength, those below the bold line are based on crane stability. While lifting with boom length of 11.62 m each section must be fully retracted.The tabulated load ratings includes weight of hooks, main hook is 550 kg and auxiliary hook is 100 kg. While the jib is in extension state the rated load capacity lifted by main boom must be reduced by 2300 kg.When the main hook is at the head of main boom: lifting with jib, the lifting capacities of jib must be reduced by 550 kg; When working with head pulley, the rated lifting capacities at each section must be reduced by 550 kg, but max. lifting capacities is 4000 kg; Using main hook when auxiliary hook at the head of pulley of the boom tip, the rated lifting weight of each pant of lifting boom should be reduced by 100 kg.When the fifth outrigger is not in use, no lifting in front of 120° range. On the fifth outrigger, according to the tabulated rated lifting capacities in 360° range. If the boom length exceeds the specified values, comparing it’s capacities with the next longer one’s, the load to the lift whill be with in the smaller one’s. The bottom column in the table lists all min. boom angle of elevation in various boom length. Elevating the boom below the corresponding min. angle of elevation is strictly for bidden.表中的数据为坚硬地面上水平状态下的额定起重量。
目录1 概述 (2)2 性能与原理 (2)2.1 技术指标 (2)2.2 结构与工作原理 (2)2.3 电源 (4)2.4 对话微机 (4)2.5 电气阀箱 (4)3 安装 (4)3.1 开箱检查 (4)3.2 暂时保管 (4)3.3 长期保管 (5)3.4 安装前的准备工作 (5)3.5 安装过程 (6)3.6 接线 (6)4 调试 (7)4.1 初次送电之前的检查与准备 (7)4.2 试运转 (7)4.3 变频器设置 (9)5 初次开机 (9)5.1 调试 (9)5.2 电气阀箱的操作 (11)5.3 电子定时的操作 (11)6 操作规程 (13)7 维护与维修 (13)1 概述JX2021电子定时系统适用于制瓶生产线成型动作的定时控制,以代替老式行列式制瓶机的机械转鼓定时。
2 性能与原理2.1 技术指标2.1.1 装机容量最大为3KW,每组300W左右。
2.1.2 电子定时最大输出单元为12组行列机,普通尺寸的机柜为10组行列机。
2.1.3 控制精度:电子定时局部为0.1度。
2.1.4 安装尺寸:控制柜尺寸〔mm〕:宽×厚×高=610×610×1900。
2.2 结构与工作原理图纸DS2021-0为系统框图,图中画出十组机的相应电路,实际应用中要根据行列机的组数调整。
皮带轮松造成 风扇损坏
泥土将发电机堵死 有效隔热板
尽量避免把电机装于车辆较低位置或轮胎附近,以避免外部 飞溅物溅入电机内部,造成电机损坏
5、导线合理:考虑到温度、导线长度等因素,建议导线 每mm2通过电流不超过5A: 1.导线规格: 35A内 S ≥6mm2 35~70A内 S ≥13mm2
--8SC3110VC 28V 150A --8SC3018VA 14V激磁,输出28V 150A电流 --8LHA3099UC 28V 110A --8LHA3040UC 28V 120A --重型结构设计 --适用于独立式和非独立式空调机组。 -- B+、L、R(W)、E外接线设置
1、配置合理:在发电机怠速状态下,应基本满 足整车常用电器的用电量。尤其是空调车,发动 机怠速时发电机必须满足空调和车上主要用电器 的用电要求。 ★警告:发电机与整车用电器配置不合理会导致 电瓶亏电,并导致发电机因过热造成调节器损坏 和定子烧毁。发电机最低工作转速必须得到保 证,发动机怠速调得过低使发电机转速过低同样 会出现上述故障。
1.车辆的总用电电流I车辆与发电机标称最大输出电 流I发电机之比I车辆/I发电机=60~85%(需视具体情况而 定,总趋势是比值下降)。
2.发动机怠速时,通过提高怠速或增大传动比, 保证发电机的输出电流满足整车主要用电器的 需要(发电机工作电压27V左右,转速2000rpm左 右,确保发电机散热需求)。
世界矿山运输卡车资料100T-150TKOMATSU HD985 | 小松[日本] HD985HD985装备小松的直喷柴油机SA12V140,排量30.5L,采用机械传动方式,7速变速器,最大车速70km/h,最小回转半径为12.5m。
主要技术参数:[HD985-5]外形尺寸:10.6m×5.9m×5.1m最大功率:1024马力[753kW]额定载重:105t车箱容积:70m3KOMATSU HD1200 | 小松[日本] HD1200HD1200也是机械传动型,发动机是小松的SA12V170,它的最大车速为57.5km/h。
主要技术参数:[HD1200-1]外形尺寸:10.9m×6.6m×5.2m最大功率:1177马力[865kW]额定载重:136tKOMATSU HD1600 | 小松[日本] HD1600小松的HD1600是机械传动的矿用自卸车,装备了Komatsu SDA12V160柴油机,7速变速器, 33.00-R51轮胎,最大车速为58km/h。
主要技术参数:[HD1600]外形尺寸:11.4m×6.1m×5.9m最大功率:1507马力[1108kW]额定载重:149t空车质量:100t车箱容积:78m32001年小松hd1500五日运输卡车$ 775,000.002001年小松高清- 1500 - 5运输卡车,第1486马力,额定168吨,票房 775000美元BELAZ 7513 | 别拉斯[白俄罗斯] 7513该系列包括7513、75131、75132等型号,发动机有QSK-45、KTA-50C、8DM-21AMC几种配置,采用电传动方式。
主要技术参数:[7513]外形尺寸:11.5m×6.9m×5.7m最大功率:1624马力[1194kW]额定载重:130t空车质量:107t车箱容积:71m3BELAZ 7514 | 别拉斯[白俄罗斯] 7514该系列包括7514-10和75145等型号,电传动。
产品:高端UHF一拖八(锁相环) 无线手持话筒,可配会议和领夹性能与特点1:使用UHF600到870MHz频段,抗干扰性强。
10: 首家在会议咪上采用无声开关,有效防止开关机的机械响声。
本机主要技术规格发射器技术规格1:频率范围612.25~867MHz(可以根据需要更改频段)2:可调信道数1600(可配置八个频段,每个频段400信道)3:振荡方式锁相环PLL频率合成4:频率稳定性±10ppm5:调制方式FM调频6:射频功率10~30mw7:音频频响40~18000Hz8:失真度≤0.5%9:电池规格2x1.5V AA Size10:续用时间8~20小时(视电池种类和容量不同)接收机技术规格1:频率范围612.25~867MHz2:可调信道数1600(分八个频段,每个频段200信道)3:振荡方式锁相环PLL频率合成4:率稳定性±10ppm5:接收方式超外差二次变频6:接收灵敏度-95~-71dBm7:音频频响40~18000Hz8:失真度≤0.5%9:信噪比≥110dB10:音频输出800mv(八路φ6.3独立输出;一路φ6.3混合输出,一路卡侬座平衡混合输出)11:电源规格DC12V12:消耗功率≤7W接收机操作指南信道调节:正常开机状态下,短按“SET”键可进入手动信道调节的功能,默认从MIC2开始,屏幕对应的方块符号闪动,再次短按“SET”键可选择调节MIC1、MIC2,按“UP”、“DOWN”键可以调到所需要的频率和信道,3秒后自动保存并退出。
HMK-8变压器有载分接开关控制器HM 0.460.1421使用说明书上海华明电力设备制造有限公司目 录一、 概述 (2)二、 主要功能特点 (2)三、 性能参数 (2)四、 工作原理 (3)五、 结构组成 (3)六、安装与接线 (5)七、功能键的操作及其调试 (9)八、远程监控及RS485 通信规约 (11)九、常见故障处理表 (13)十、随机文件和附件 (13)1HM0.460.1421一、 概述HMK8变压器有载分接开关控制器 ( 以下简称HMK8 )适用于变压器有载调压的控制。
二、主要功能特点2.1 适用于SHM-III型电动机构2.2 界面采用LCD显示屏2.3 本地、远控、电操三种操作模式2.4 档位BCD码无源触点输出、运行状态和欠压闭锁状态无源触点输出2.5 档位显示和动作次数显示2.6 具有RS-485串行通信功能三、性能参数3.1 工作环境3.1.1 最高温度40℃,最低温度-10℃。
3.1.2 周围空气的相对湿度不大于85%。
3.1.3 海拔不超过2500m。
3.1.4 不允许有剧烈的振动与冲击。
3.1.5 安装位置对于任一方向允许偏差为±2°。
3.1.6 无爆炸、不含腐蚀金属和破坏绝缘的气体及导电介质、不允许充满水蒸气及严重霉菌存在。
3.2 技术参数3.2.1 额定参数:——电源相数: 三相;——电源电压:380V/220V;——额定频率:50Hz/60Hz;——额定功耗:≤10VA(无电机驱动信号时)。
3.2.2 整定参数:——欠电压闭锁设定:80%。
23.2.3 显示参数——分接位置:最大35(特殊订货例外);——操作次数: 最大66000(超过此数后重新从0开始计数)。
3.2.4 输出功率:——额定输出功率:三相电动机0.75kW。
2012 Jeep® Grand Cherokee SRT8® (2012款Jeep大切诺基SRT8)EXTERIOR (车身外部装备介绍)Colors 外观颜色Black Clear Coat, Bright Silver Metallic Clear Coat, Deep Molten Red Pearl Coat, Mineral Gray Metallic Clear Coat(亮黑色,亮金属银色,深红色,金属灰色)Black chrome exhaust tips (黑色镀铬排气尾喉)Black roof molding (黑色行李架)Body-color fascias with gloss black insert and chrome bezels (front) (前机盖亮黑透气罩)and separate trailer hitch cover (rear) (后单独拖车钩罩)Body-color grille with chrome throat bezels(车身的镀铬格栅与前挡板同色)Body-color rear spoiler (车身同色尾翼)Body-color sill extension (车身同色窗边装饰条)Bright daylight opening (DLO), bright grilleBright racing style brake and accelerator pedal padsBright license plate brow (亮银日行灯开关,中网,刹车和油门踏板,还有牌照框)Deep tint sunscreen glass (深色防晒玻璃)Door sill scuff pads (brushed aluminum) with Jeep® logoCommandview dual-pane panoramic sunroof w/power shade Flipper liftgate glass (带JEEP标志拉丝铝迎宾踏板,全景双向电动全景天窗)Front door tinted glass (前门有色玻璃)Front license plate bracket (车牌支架)Automatic headlamps (自动大灯)Auto headlamp leveling system (自动水平大灯)Bi-xenon headlamps (双氙气大灯)LED Daytime Running Lamps (led白天行车灯)Premium Fog Lamps (高级雾灯)Mirrors Body color, power heated memory, multi-functioning mirrors, fold away (车身同色外后视镜,电动带加热记忆翻折)Power liftgate (电动尾门)SRT hood with heat extractors ( SRT的引擎盖散热孔)Sunroof, single pane power front (with rear DVD) (电动天窗带后排DVD)Wipers Rain-sensitive windshield (前感应雨刷)Rear window wiper/washer and rear window defroster (后雨刷带加热除霜)INTERIOR (车身内部装备)Auxiliary power (辅助电源)12-volt auxiliary power outlets front and rear(12伏前后电源)115-volt auxiliary power outlet (115伏辅助电源插座)Air Conditioning (空调系统)Air conditioning with automatic dual zone temperature control Air filtering (双区独立空调带过滤)Carbon fiber interior accents (碳纤维内饰)Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC) with Performance Pages (电子车辆信息中心附带性能浏览页)Floor console – premium full length (主控制台简洁大方)Illuminated cupholders (杯架等氛围照明)Interior colors:Black 内饰颜色:黑Laminated front door glass (双层前门玻璃)LED lighting – lower driver and passenger doors (迎宾led 照明灯)Deluxe door trim panel (豪华门内饰板)Luxury front/rear floor mats (豪华前后地毯)Passenger assist handles (侧帘手扶把手)Perforated leather-wrapped shift knob (打孔真皮包裹换档头)Premium instrument cluster with tachometer and dual note electric horns 180mph speedometer(高级仪表盘电动调节方向盘,180英里时速的表盘)Premium silver strakes in rear cargo area(后备箱银色面板)Premium insulation group (高级隔热材料组成)Radio/driver seat/mirrors memory Seats (广播/驾驶员座/后视镜全部带记忆功能)Heated front seats (前排加热座椅)Heated second-row seats (第二排加热座椅)Power eight-way driver and passenger seats (电动八向驾驶员和乘客座椅)Power driver/pass four-way lumbar (电动四向腰托)Premium Nappa leather-trimmed bucket seats with preferred suede, vented (功能高级真皮+鹿皮包裹筒式运动座椅)Rear seat 60/40 folding (后排座60/40比例放倒)Ventilated front seats (通风前排座椅)Sound systems and entertainment (音响娱乐系统)Nine amplified speakers with subwoofer and 506 watt amp(9个喇叭带506瓦低音炮)SIRIUS Satellite Radio (卫星收音)SIRIUS Travel Link (卫星旅行链接)Media Center 430N AM/FM/CD/DVD/HDD/MP3 radio with Garmin navigation (DVD+MP3+GAEMIN 导航系统)SRT High Performance Audio from Harman Kardon®with 19 speakers, 10-inch subwoofer, 825-watt amplifier;includes Media Center 730N CD/DVD/HDD radio with premium navigationincluding voice recognition, dead reckoning and SIRIUS Real Time Traffic, GPS with voice command(可选装高性能哈曼卡顿音响系统19喇叭外加10寸低音炮,825瓦功放附带高级声控导航系统,语音识别,实时路况信息回馈)Steering column (液压助力转向)Power tilt/telescoping Steering wheel(电动调节方向盘)Leather-wrapped, heated with additional controls Paddle shifters, mounted Speed control Storage (真皮包裹方向盘带加热拨片换档,速度控制)Center floor console and overhead console Cargo compartment cover Cargo net (附带中心和头顶控制台,后备箱储物盖网兜)POWERTRAIN AND CHASSIS (机械部分)Alternator 220-amp alternator (电瓶220A发电机)Axle ratio (轴率)230 mm rear axle, 3.70 real axle ratio, electronic limited slip 195 mm front conventional differential (230毫米的后轴,3.70 后轴比率,电子限滑195毫米前传统的差分)Battery (电池)700-amp maintenance free (700A免维修)Brakes (刹车系统)SRT high performance, anti-lock 4-wheel discBrembo six-piston front calipers; four-piston rear calipers(全新SRT高性能Brembo制动器,后者配备了四轮防抱死制动系统(ABS)。
LM1117 中文PDF资料
R2 VOUT=VREF x (1+R2/R1)+IADJ x R2
图 2. 典型可调输出电压
负载瞬态反应(VOUT=5 V)
可调管脚电流 ( A)