英国论文写作之个人陈述 – 优越论文
英国留学个人陈述申请范文英国留学个人陈述范文As a child I often accompanied my father to his small coin shop and spent hours watching him work. When I was older, I sometimes set up displays, waited on customers, and even balanced the books. This experience instilled in me the desire to own and manage my own business someday, yet I understand that the business world today is more complex. This complexity requires more education, and with that in mind, I am applying to the Masters of Business Administration program at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB).In addition to my helping out in my fathers business, I have had numerous other work experiences that further enhance my qualifications for this program. My resume enumerates the various positions I have held at Kerasotes Theaters, Chilis restaurants, and Indiana Universitys new Student Recreational Sports Center (SRSC), and what all of these positions have in common is an emphasis on serving the public effectively. Further, as an assistant manager at the Showplace 11 and a staff coordinator at the SRSC, I have gained valuable expertise in managing employees and creating work schedules. Both of these positions have allowed me to develop my sales and people skills, which are extremely important in an increasingly service-driven marketplace.Not all of my work experience has been as a paid employee. Part of my volunteering experience at Middleway House, the local battered womens shelter, involved extensive work on computers, including word processing, organizing databases and creating spreadsheets. Also, I recently participated in an internship program for academic credit with the Eli Lilly corporation in the personnel division. As a management intern, I was able to watch the workings of a major corporation up close and would like the opportunity to combine my experiences with the theoretical background available in the MBA program at IUB, with its emphasis on computers, marketing and human resources.My successful internship is one element of my overall academic success as an undergraduate here at IUB, yet I have also made time for a variety of extracurricular activities, including working for my sorority and competing in intramural basketball. My positive experiences here have resulted in my desire to stay in Bloomington to continue my academic endeavors; furthermore, continuing my education here would allow me to make important business contacts, with the career goal of opening my own computer consulting firm in the Midwest.英国留学个人陈述写作技巧1. 做一个没有字数限制的拟稿当我开始写作,我认为打开字符计数器是一个好主意,这样我就不会超过4000字限制了。
Personal StatementThis is applicant -- from China. As an aspiring dreamer, I have been enthusiastically fond of accounting and finance and aspired to make a difference in this domain. However, I clearly know that there is a long way to go from an aspiring dreamer to a talent in the field of accounting and finance. In striving for my goal, I pursue constant progress and self-transcending to become a best me. After entering Wuhan Institute of T echnology in 2010, I chose Accounting as my major without hesitation. Now, to perfect my knowledge system and sharpen my vision, I am sincerely applying for the postgraduate programme in your esteemed university.Through the extensive study at university, I not only enriched my professional knowledge but also enhanced my independent thinking, logical thinking as well as computing skills. Also, the undergraduate study enabled me to get a general understanding of accounting. my interest in finance and management was strengthened. With strong enthusiasm, I made full use of time to watch economic reports and read financial books. Driven by my self-motivation, I learned the specialized courses assiduously and achieved satisfying performance. T o be more competent, I obtained the Accountant Qualification Certificate. I am convinced that the knowledge storage will serve as a strong support for my further study.I regard your esteemed university as my dream place topursue a higher degree. With favorable learning environment, eminent faculty, abundant resources and sound facilities, your distinguished university attracts me a lot.After my completion of the postgraduate study, I intend to find a job relevant to accounting and finance in a large scale enterprise. Then, I will endeavor to be a distinguished accountant who can make a difference. I know that the postgraduate study demands hard work and commitment; it is a real investment of tim e and money, but I’m getting fully prepared to embark on the learning journey. I am not afraid of challenges. And I always regard myself as a fighter with an unconquerable will to upgrade and develop myself.。
一、个人陈述(Personal Statement)个人陈述是申请英国留学的重要材料,它需要展现出申请者的优点、实习经历、志愿活动等。
二、推荐信(Letter of Recommendation)推荐信是对申请者素质和才能的重要证明,需向老师或者其他有权力机构或个人寻求帮助。
三、申请表(Application Form)英国留学的申请表通常由各个院校独立编制,所以不同学校申请表的具体内容有所不同。
Communications, Media & Culture personal statementI am hoping to read for a communications, media and culture degree. I find it remarkable, inspiring and a little bit frightening how the media exercise control over our lives, whilst offering rich cultural rewards. I am fascinated by the action and effects of human communications of all kinds and am keen to extend the insight I have gained so far.My interest in the subject began through my GCSE Media Studies and my knowledge of the subject area has expanded at A-level where I am acquiring analytical skills, helping me unpack and contextualise a wider variety of media forms. My other A-levels are English Language, Sociology, Critical Thinking and Philosophy &Ethics, and these are giving me a broad overview of life and human communications and culture. An example of how these subjects support each other would be studying the marxist concept of hegemony and applying it to religion, media ownership, the high culture/low culture debate in sociology and even the bourgeois emphasis on Standard English.I've slowly been gaining practical experience alongside my academic learning. Two years ago, I was lucky enough to get work experience with a television crew on location as a runner. I learnt the value of working as a member of the team in a stressful environment and I gained an understanding of the processes of TV production. I have also been involved in several other mediaprojects, some as coursework and others undertaken independently.Coursework projects have included a magazine for young male teenagers; designing a product and advertising campaign; and producing, directing and presenting a documentary for sixth formers and their parents on the EMA system. As extra-curricular activities, I designed a poster and Internet campaign for one of the school plays and in the absence of any existing school publication, I launched a bimonthly newsletter, aimed at Angley's students. These projects have provided great learning experiences, enabling me to develop print software skills in a creative way.Other school activities have included, the lead male role in 'South Pacific' and significant roles in 'Oliver' and 'West Side Story' as well as assisting the Performing Arts A-level group perform their comedy show. By playing roles on stage, my confidence has increased and I have learnt to appreciate and learn from the talents of others. I am also a school prefect, which I find satisfying and a great privilege.In my leisure time I enjoy making films - mostly parodies of various genres. I then edit the films using a programme called Magix Movie Edit Pro. I have also edited on Final Cut Express, which has made an interesting comparison. My next project is to learn Final Cut Pro, and to develop a more effects-driven style. I also like to read, for example, I was inspired by Naomi Klein's book No Logo on the effects of globalization, the commoditisation of our culture and public spaces and how powerful brands have become. I am currently reading Graeme Burton's Media & Society to gain some additional perspective on my A2 media and to prepare myself for my degree.So far I have enjoyed myself in my studies and hopefully havedeveloped some of the skills and qualities for success in degree-level communications, media and culture studies.以上就是英国大学传媒类专业个人陈述分文,以供大家参考。
个⼈陈述个⼈陈述范⽂(精选5篇) 个⼈陈述,(Personal Statement,以下简称PS)是申请美国、加拿⼤、英国等西⽅国家的⼤学/研究⽣录取时由申请⼈写的关于⾃我的⼀篇漫谈体⽂章。
个⼈陈述1 从⼩到⼤,我应该⼀直都算是⼀个⽐较优秀的孩⼦,性格开朗⼤⽅,乐观⾃信。
英国本科留学个人陈述要写的10点1.Explain your reasons for wanting to study the course 阐述你为什么想学习该专业让招生官看到你对学习该专业的热诚,你为该专业的学习付出了什么得到了什么。
2. Explain how you’re right for the course 解释你是多么适合该课程证明你是多么适合该课程的学习,你不但符合该专业的招生标准,你还清楚该专业的学习课程目的,你为以后的学习内容都已经做好了准备。
3. Say what you’ve done outside the classroom…课外你都做了些什么准备你可以说说你在课外都做了什么,如关于该类专业书籍的阅读,谈谈你的观点和看法。
4. …Why it’s relevant to your course 为什么和你的课程有关谈谈你的经历,以及这些经历对你学习该专业的帮助。
5. …And relevant to your chosen career 相关职业如果你申请的是职业课程,那么你就需要好好谈谈你的工作经历给你带来的帮助。
6. Can you demonstrate transferable skills..? 展现多种技能招生官总是希望看到你还具备这些能力:工作独立,有团队合作精神,好的管理思维,能解决问题,领导能力和有组织技能。
7. Expand on the most relevant ones 扩展开涉及的每一项千万不要简单的罗列你的各项技能,最好能说些对你申请专业有帮助的,比如:项目或者节目 (你扮演什么角色,进展如何,你从中学到了什么?) 职位和责任 (曾经担当过什么职务,管理的如何?)运动,音乐 or 戏剧(你从你的角色中学到了什么?团队合作感觉?) 获得过什么奖励 (最大的挑战是什么?怎样克服的?)志愿者活动或者兼职工作 (干了什么?你观察到了些什么?)8. Show that you’re a critical thinker 展现你是一个批判性思考者9. What’s the long term plan? 你长期的计划是什么谈谈你学习该课程的长期计划,学校是非常喜欢有准备有计划的学生的。
lse 硕士文书ps范文
lse 硕士文书ps范文作为一名LSE硕士申请者,撰写一份出色的个人陈述(PS)至关重要。
PS 作为申请材料中的核心部分,能够展示你的学术背景、研究兴趣和未来规划。
LSE 作为世界顶级学府,选拔标准严格,因此在撰写PS时要充分展示你的独特之处。
在撰写时,要注意以下要点:- 结构清晰:合理划分段落,使内容条理分明;- 语言精准:避免使用模糊词汇,如“很”、“非常”等;- 事例充实:用具体事例证明自己的能力和成就,而非仅陈述观点;- 个性化:展示你的性格特点和价值观,让招生官看到你的独特之处。
3.实用技巧撰写PS时,可以采用以下实用技巧提高文章质量:- 突出亮点:在文章中强调你的核心竞争力,如荣誉奖项、研究成果等;- 恰当运用过渡词汇,使文章连贯流畅;- 适当表达对所申请专业的了解和看法,体现对该专业的热情;- 反复修改和润色,确保文章无语法错误和拼写错误。
4.常见问题在PS写作过程中,以下问题是常见的:- 篇幅过长:严格控制字数,一般在500-800字为宜;- 缺乏具体事例:避免空泛陈述,用具体事例证明自己的能力和成就;- 过分炫耀:避免过分强调自己的荣誉和成就,以免给人炫耀之感;- 语法错误:仔细检查文章,确保语言表达准确无误。
5.案例分析成功PS案例的特点:- 突出个人优势:在文章中充分展示自己在学术、实践和综合素质方面的优势;- 真实感人:用真实的事例展现自己的成长过程,使招生官感受到你的努力和坚持;- 个性化表达:在文章中体现出自己的性格特点和价值观,让招生官印象深刻。
In my opinion, the Financial Engineering is a kind of creative technology to theFinancial Instruments, Financial Means and system. It used to balance the benefits and venture as an interesting interdisciplinary subject. It covers many fields such as mathematics, computer science and finance, in which the mathematics and mathematical modeling are the two main aspects of the Financial Engineering. The Investment Portfolio Theory of Markowitz, the capital asset pricing model of the Sharp, Option Pricing Model of Black-Scholes and “Binomial” model of Cox can best reflect the critical position of the two subjects.我有幸选择了数学与应用数学这个专业,在三年和它的接触了解中,使我对数学,尤其对数学建模有了较深的理解和体会。
个人陈述英文范文(精选十六篇)Doodle a big head and a round face, a pair of dark andbright eyes is a small nose, plus a a laugh to e某pose withfront teeth crack mouth, constitutes a cool I - wang shuo.I like painting, I always can draw some strange things. My "masterpiece" has a drawer!摘要主要有三种:学术论文摘要,学术会议摘要及由专门摘要撰写者撰写的摘要。
Dear Sir,I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics, Huabei University. Ne某t year in the summer, I will graduate and get my . degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field. I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe my interests are e某tremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, and other relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours,Li MingMy name is Jianghuihua, aged 19. I graduated from Fujian Normal University Attached Middle School in , I am a student of Jiang某ia college. I am a hard-working girl . my parents are very strict with me, they always tell me to work hard for a bright future.I am so fond of the culture and education of the US that I am longing to study abroad. With the help of my family, Isucceed in applying the Salem International University, which makes me very happy.in China , it is very popular now. In order to enrichmyself , I will do my best to learn from my teachers and my classmates. I am a foreigner , but that does not mean I can not do as well as my classmates, I think difficulties vanish if only you face it bravely . I think I can adjust myself to the environment in this school. I believe that I can get a degree in the school.Advantages:1, to actively move closer to the party's e某ternal organization, and strive to learn the basic knowledge of the party.2, and constantly improve their self-cultivation to the strict requirements of party members themselves.ELECTRONICS ENGINEER(E某perienced)Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING.BACKGROUNDSUMMARYPROFESSIONALWORKEXPERIENCEStevenson Data Systems,Los Angeles,CA 1981-1993Design Evaluation Engineer 1990-1992Assistant Engineer 1981-1990EDUCATIONBachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering--University of Southern California 1990Associate in Engineering Electronics--University of Southern California 1981Work history is stated in reverse chronological order,with most recent employment listed first.一般来讲,个人陈述(自荐信)主要包含以下四个大的方面内容:1、自我介绍我是谁,在哪所学校读书、简要的兴趣爱好等介绍。
ucas ps范文
ucas ps范文摘要:一、ucas ps 范文简介1.ucas ps 的含义2.ucas ps 的作用3.ucas ps 的写作要点二、ucas ps 范文结构分析1.个人基本信息2.个人学术背景与成就3.个人兴趣爱好与特长4.选择课程的原因与期望5.对未来的规划与展望三、ucas ps 范文实例解析1.实例一:以学术成就为主线2.实例二:以兴趣爱好为主线3.实例三:以个人经历为主线四、ucas ps 写作注意事项1.突出个人特点与优势2.保持文风简洁明了3.注意语法与拼写错误正文:正文一、ucas ps 范文简介ucas ps,全称为University and Colleges Admissions Service Personal Statement,即大学和学院招生服务个人陈述,是申请英国大学或学院的重要材料之一。
ucas ps 是展示申请者个人特点、学术背景、兴趣爱好及未来规划的重要途径,对于提高申请成功率具有关键作用。
二、ucas ps 范文结构分析1.个人基本信息:在这一部分,需要提供姓名、性别、出生日期、国籍等基本信息。
三、ucas ps 范文实例解析1.实例一:以学术成就为主线这位同学在ucas ps 中,首先介绍了自己的基本信息,然后重点突出自己在学术方面的成就,如获得的奖学金、参加的国际数学竞赛等。
Accounting and Finance Personal StatementMy passion for Accounting, Business and Finance has developed from observing the progression of my family's business that specialises in independent financial advice. Alongside this I found it fascinating studying A-levels, these subjects gave me a foundation for my academic knowledge leaving me intrigued to learn more, this is how I established that working within the financial industry was for me. I feel that at degree level I can broaden the valuable skills needed in the working environment and develop a method of thinking for challenging issues on decision making. I would like to enhance this by gaining practical work experience by undertaking a work placement to use the knowledge achieved within a degree to real life situations, preparing myself for problems that may arise later in the professional world.Throughout my studies I have dealt with business case studies reporting on real life organisations. One such case study wasWoolworth's where I had to analytically assess the financial performance of the business through ratio analysis and interpret the information drawing conclusions. This enabled me to expand my thinking, comparing businesses and reflecting on information such as the current state of the economy. One particular topic that has interested me is 'Risk Management'. Whilst studying this I have learnt to identify, assess and prioritize risks that a company may encounter. By using cognitive skills of critical thinking throughout projects I am able to measure the risk and uncertainties of a decision and negotiate a preferable outcome.I currently work for a well established late night music entertainment company. Within my role I have been working on a crew development programme. In which I created a Marketing Plan for the company to stage a night which was presently closed. I had to analyse a market typically shared by the student population from which I was able to budget and forecast for the present night. The research and identifying of analytical influences I undertook proved very successful and it is now an established event. In reward for my commitment and loyalty I have been promoted to Supervisor. I provide leadership to the team ensuring they have the human and physical resources to undertake their work in an efficient manner. Learning to deal with a variety of people shows I am an all roundedperson and can deal with responsibilities whist under pressure in a professional and organised manner.I have under taken work experience for an independent financial advisor with a company called 'Positive Solutions'. I produced their tax returns and other admin work and I experienced how advice is recommended to customers through financial products. My time here gave me a broader knowledge on the financial sector and influenced my decision on a profession within this industry. I also work for the Finance company 'Saga' which has been very interesting to me as I have to utilise several internet based operations whist contacting customers, proving I can multi task. From studying at college and upholding two part time jobs I am organised and have very good time management as I am a motivated and enthusiastic person.I have trained in a mediation course and I am currently part ofa charitable organisation as a volunteer for 'Ashford Mediation Service' which offers a process to allow individuals to find mutually beneficial solutions to problems. From this I have learnt to take an objective approach to situations and find the most suitablearrangement for an individual. I feel this will benefit me with decision making and understanding all aspects of business issues.I have always been inspired to learn and have a committed approach to progressing onto degree level. I believe it will give me the determination needed to succeed in the world of finance and I will gain from this degree a depth of knowledge and a variety of experience that will prepare me well for a career within the financial services.英国留学个人陈述会计专业范文Accounting and Mathematics Personal StatementAttending an interesting and informative lecture on Accounting and Mathematics confirmed my desire to do a degree in this field. I was under the impression that accountancy purely involved dealing with figures, but I learned that they are advisors who help businesses maximise profits whilst minimising liabilities to ensure they comply with regulations. I have also learnt that accountants are always in demand in the economy as they play an important part in any business.I have always expressed an interest for Maths; from the age of 7, I attended an after school maths class called Kumon, which helped me develop my mental arithmetic skills and apply them to harder and more complex problems. My passion has grown throughout secondary school, but I have become especially interested and aware of topics throughout my studies at A-Level. Studying Maths and Further Maths has provided me with the opportunity to learn different aspects of mathematics in-depth and about the different theories and how they were derived. Furthermore, I feel it has given me an insight into working out statistical problems and relating these to real life situations. My genuine interest and passion for maths has been demonstrated through, and enhanced by, events such as the Intermediate Mathematics Challenge, for which I achieved a silver award. This year I am participating in the MTUK Senior Mathematics Challenge and hoping to achieve high results.I also study Economics which has allowed me to appreciate how theories are put into practice and has broadened my understanding of issues concerning present day affairs. Studying Economics while in an Economic recession has helped me in many ways. Firstly, in understanding how the government and firms use different policies in order to maintain a healthy business. It has alsogiven me an opportunity to see how the recession has affected people working in various industries and how the government has tried to encourage sales by cutting the value added tax from 17.5% to 15%. With the hope of putting what I had learned into practice, I took the part of financial director in Young Enterprise in Year 10. My responsibilities included the management and allocation of the set-up capital as well as the calculation of revenue, expenses and profit. Here I worked with other members of the team to figure out how the capital would be best spent, allowing me to develop my communication, planning and organisational skills.Outside school, I like keeping active. This involves going to the gym four times a week and attending a dance class as often as possible in order to keep fit. My personal fitness is very important to me as I feel that it provides me with opportunities to demonstrate concentration and self discipline. While the gym relies on personal motivation and dedication, dance allows me to exercise in a more social atmosphere. In addition to this, I have a part time job in Boots for whom I have been working for over two years. I feel that working there has allowed me to gain skills as an individual, as it has given me the opportunity to develop my communication skills and handle situations using my own initiative.As an individual I strive to achieve the highest possible result in everything I do. I am looking forward to the challenges I will face at University and am eager to show enthusiasm in furthering my knowledge in the subjects I am the most passionate about.3Accounting and Finance Personal StatementI have always thoroughly enjoyed Mathematics, and perhaps naturally, I am looking towards a degree course in finance. However, I have other interests beside Mathematics. I believe a Business and Management degree course would be more satisfying because of its diverse elements. When recently I became Deputy Head Girl, my interest in management was awakened. I now have important responsibilities. I have become much more aware of time-management, working as part of a team, setting targets, and representing both the Headmaster and the pupils Being part of the Sixth Form Council, the school's prefectorial forum, has made me more confident in expressing my opinions, and developing my listening skillsWorking as a clerical assistant in an architectural firm in London for my work experience was very rewarding: I improved my computer skills and my ability to tackle new situations. I have also worked for the British Council in Cairo teaching EnglishI am thoroughly enjoying the International Baccalaureate, and one particular recent project stands out, the Science project. As secretary of our group, I had to make sure that everyone was working, and organise meetings, prepare a formal presentation, which was recorded on video. This project showed how a team worked under pressure, and that working together was essentialI enjoy sport and started playing squash when I first came to ************ and earlier this year I was appointed captain, once again useful experience for dealing with people who are not always willingNot only do I work with my peers, but I also lead them: I can see how individual efforts affect the entire team. Directing fund raising events for Amnesty International further refined my organisation skills. Recruiting new members to the group tested my promotional abilities as wellI completed Silver level in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme in 1999. I have nearly completed the Gold, which has beenvery demanding but great fun. The team spirit was a necessity, though the biggest challenge is one's determinationFor the first half of my gap year, I will be working to raise moneyThen in January 2001 I will set off to Kenya for four months, as part of a conservation team, with 'Africa and Asia Ventures'. I shall be monitoring the turtle population near Nairobi, also surveying the surrounding landscape. This adventure will be a challenge, but I am prepared to tackle it.4Accounting and Finance Personal StatementI have always thoroughly enjoyed Mathematics, and perhaps naturally, I am looking towards a degree course in finance. However, I have other interests beside Mathematics. I believe a Business and Management degree course would be more satisfying because of its diverse elements. When recently I became Deputy Head Girl, my interest in management was awakened. I now have important responsibilities. I have become much more aware of time-management, working as part of a team, setting targets, and representing both the Headmaster and the pupilsBeing part of the Sixth Form Council, the school's prefectorial forum, has made me more confident in expressing my opinions, and developing my listening skillsWorking as a clerical assistant in an architectural firm in London for my work experience was very rewarding: I improved my computer skills and my ability to tackle new situations. I have also worked for the British Council in Cairo teaching EnglishI am thoroughly enjoying the International Baccalaureate, and one particular recent project stands out, the Science project. As secretary of our group, I had to make sure that everyone was working, and organise meetings, prepare a formal presentation, which was recorded on video. This project showed how a team worked under pressure, and that working together was essentialI enjoy sport and started playing squash when I first came to ************ and earlier this year I was appointed captain, once again useful experience for dealing with people who are not always willingNot only do I work with my peers, but I also lead them: I can see how individual efforts affect the entire team. Directing fund raising events for Amnesty International further refined my organisation skills. Recruiting new members to the group tested my promotional abilities as wellI completed Silver level in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme in 1999. I have nearly completed the Gold, which has been very demanding but great fun. The team spirit was a necessity, though the biggest challenge is one's determinationFor the first half of my gap year, I will be working to raise moneyThen in January 2001 I will set off to Kenya for four months, as part of a conservation team, with 'Africa and Asia Ventures'. I shall be monitoring the turtle population near Nairobi, also surveying the surrounding landscape. This adventure will be a challenge, but I am prepared to tackle it.5Accounting and Finance Personal StatementMy decision to apply for a degree course in Accounting and Finance stems from my research in the college library and my career aspiration to become a chartered accountant. I particularly enjoy administrative work, numerical and statistical exercises, and opportunities to work with others as a team. I am confident that these strengths and transferable skills will be developed in a degree course, and valuable in my subsequent careerIn order to get a head start, I have arranged a two-week work experience programme with Ahmed and Co accountancy, which provides services for well-known restaurants, cafes and other businesses. These two week work experience will provide me with a greater understanding of the basic skills required of an accountant, and introduce me to techniques such as cash balance appraisal, budgetary control and current cost accountingI am currently studying A- Level ICT and History and AS- Level Urdu and Business Studies. Studying AS-Level Business Studies will provide the foundations and understanding of real life problems faced by businesses and the right solutions that are used by professional businesses in order to succeed and A-Level in ICT will give me a better understanding of advanced technology available that can be used in order to process more easily with less time consumingI am a very active sportsman, taking advantage all sports facilities that my college provides. I have represented my college in cricket, football, basketball and cross-country and the medals, certificates and trophies accomplished can represent these. I hope to take these achievements further by representing the university in the sports facilities it will provide and by achieving more medals and trophies as possibleI believe university offers an excellent opportunity to further my learning in a challenging environment so I am applying for a degree in accounting and finance, which will enable me to acquire the skills required to understand the world of business and help me become a chartered accountantI look forward to the challenge of a demanding degree course, and am confident that I have the personal qualities and academic motivation to make a success of it.6Accounting and Finance Personal StatementSince I was very young I have always been interested in accounting and finance and how they operate. In China, my favourite TV programme is the finance programme and I enjoy international finance. I frequently worked in my mother's company to help the staff in the accounts department. All of these have given me an understanding of accounting and financeMy passion for the subject expanded when I chose accounting as part of my A-level programme. Although this subject is somewhat demanding, I find it extremely interesting. I believe this is the right choice for me. I am confident that a course in accounting and finance satisfies my interest. I am looking forward to learning more of accounting in myA-level courseIn my spare time I enjoy playing basketball. I play once or twice a week with my friends. I also like to listen to music. I think that playing basketball can help me to increase the team spirit and music can help me relax. Also while I was working as a cleaner in Downing College at Cambridge University, I believe that I gained invaluable experience indealing with the boss and trying to deliver colleague satisfaction, whilst learning to work effectively and efficiently in a well-structured team. Hopefully I will be able to get this kind of opportunity to work whilst at university. I enjoy my spare time and try to use it effectivelyI consider myself to be a hard working outgoing individual. I still have some shortcomings. For example, I am a little bit disorganised sometimes. But I have known this and I am trying to correct it. I have made a timetable to organise my daily life. I am looking forward to the challenge of university life, both socially and mentally. I strongly believe that my years at university will be enjoyable and those that I will remember for the rest of my life. Most of all I am hoping that my chosen subject will give me a strong foundation for a successful career.7Accounting Personal StatementI am an ambitious, creative and enthusiastic individual. Since childhood I have enjoyed maths, as it is challenging and consists mostly of problem solving. Therefore, wanting to further my career in accounting. I am a sociable individual who gets on well with others. I am computer literate; therefore I am familiar with software's such as Excel and publisher, and I believe that this skill will help with my progress in accounting. I work well on my own and within a group, which makes me an ideal candidate for an accounting degreeDuring my years at school not only have I gained nine GCSE's at grade C's or above including a grade B in Maths, but I have also taken part in many sporting events. I have achieved three medals of which one is gold in Athletics and two silver in Basketball and Rounders. I have also accomplished a compact certificate representing my 100% punctuality and attendance and emphasising my enthusiasm in my work and education. I was also a prefect, this symbolizes that I am a reliable individual with great potentialI have had a wide range of work experience in many fields such as teaching, pharmacy and as a sales representative, which has helped me develop mycommunication skills. I am also enrolling on a part-time, three-month managers course with McDonalds to widen my work experience. This course will include Health and Safety, time management and dealing with costumer complaints. During my experiences I have realised that accounting is the field of work I wish to proceed in this is because of previous work placements which I have enjoyed but not to the extent that I would with accounting8Accounting & Finance/Economics Personal StatementFrom the moment I began considering careers and courses at university, I have always been drawn towards business and financial routes. I would say this is because I feel I have the right qualities for these routes, especially the ability to think logically and analytically.I feel accounting will offer me a steady career path in the financial world that could lead on to other related fields such as investment banking or financial analysis.Another reason I am attracted to accounting is that I have a strong interest in corporate business and the economy. I read the BBC's section on the economy and business almost every day; I find it incredible to observe how economic changes higher up can have enormous effects lower down upon the public, such as the buyout of HBOS by Lloyds TSB or the current credit crunch leading us into a recession. I often have discussions with my father and older brother who are very experienced with the current working world, with regards to the property market, economy and current affairs related to the economy such as new laws and taxes.I attended a presentation given by two trainee accountants currently studying to become chartered under the ACA professional body. I was intrigued to learn the different routes into accounting, and the opportunities the subject and career provide. This confirmed my initial aspiration to enter the accountancy and finance profession.At Advanced level I have enjoyed studying varied subjects. I am consistently perplexed by the complexity of organisms that are studied in biology, and take pleasure in learning how humans, animals and plants are adapted and how they evolve.Design Technology gives me a chance to be creative and do hands on work. It's simply remarkable to produce a product from initial conception and research right through to manufacture and evaluation. Theory work in D&T is also very intriguing; there is great emphasis on business and markets, and when designing one needs good problem solving skills as they need to work to a set of goals to solve a real market issue. Attaining a high grade at Advanced Subsidiary level shows my determination to achieve the highest standard of work.ICT is an ever important part in society, and as such I feel it is a highly relevant subject. ICT looks at the close links between business and technology which forms a strong relationship crucial to any business or working environment. I have advanced IT and computing skills, and am capable of using IT to its full potential in order to assist me with work.I have good written communication skills, and often enjoy writing opinionative articles and short stories on online communities. I feel this benefits me when writing essays or reports as I can write fluidly and clearly. Studying Critical Thinking at Advanced Subsidiary level has contributed to my writing abilities, as it is shown me how to analyse, structure and write arguments.I also have good presentation skills; I am adept in the art of presentation where I make gooduse of ICT, imagery and language to engage my audience and thoroughly communicate the topic which I may be presenting.Outside of school, I have many interests and hobbies. One of my favourite interests is music. I enjoy playing guitar of a wide variety of styles such as blues, funk and rock and am currently studying for a Grade 8 qualification. I enjoy playing with friends in a band as it gives me a chance to work as part of team to produce fully structured songs. Within school I attend a blues club held by a senior music teacher and have also taken part in music evenings held by the music department.My varied subjects and the skills I have attained along with my outside interests have led me to develop a strong interest in accounting, finance and the economy. As a result I am exceptionally motivated and dedicated to succeeding in university and having a successful career in accounting and finance.9Accounting and finance personal statementThis is Ali Hassan and I intend to purse my further studies in the field of accounting. What I think about this fie ld is “Accounting is like Art’. You have to analyse every aspect before making a just decision. I believe that if someone is good at art, he would be good at accounts because you need logic, everything has a set order and method. Each piece is placed carefully and has a high significance amongst its environment. You need analytical skills. Take apart every piece of information and use it to make your own decisions.I have studied accounts as my own and have developed an interest in it and would therefore like to continue doing so at LUMS. The course that I would like to do at LUMS is Business Accounts or Accounts and Finance. I feel that the two subjects combine well with one another and on many occasions I have founds that my knowledge of one has helped me with the other. Studying Maths has also provided me with logic and a greater understanding of various concepts and methods. I have become more flexible in identifying what concepts need to be used and when, thus, helping me achieve the greatest results possible. I have the ability to pick up skills and knowledge quickly and am independent enough to conduct my own study and research. On many occasions at college I have taught myself various chapters in maths in order to remain ahead of the class.My main ambition for the future is to become an Accountant Executive or a Financial Advisor. I am hoping university will provide me with an understanding of the business world as well as offering me a wide range of choices and connections after my course.In my spare time, I enjoy reading, swimming, sketching and solving puzzles and logic problems.I assure you that if provided a chance I will prove myself a promising and committed studen10Accounting and Finance personal statementI have always had a keen interest in Mathematics from an early age. From studying Maths at A-Level, I have gained further insight into the practical application of the subject, especially in the "Decision Mathematics" modules. It is this practical application that has led me to look at other maths-related subjects such as finance, accounting and business. I am especially interested in a course combining maths, with one or more of these applications.I have always had a logical, organised and practical way of thinking, as well as a competitive nature, and maths has always appealed to these characteristics. I have always enjoyed the challenging nature of mathematical problems, and have a diligent and resilient approach to any problem given to me. I find that discovering the correct answer to a problem, regardless of how frustrating or difficult the challenge, extremely satisfying. Maths transcends language barriers, and its understanding is vital internationally. This has always fascinated me, and I feel passionately about further developing such a priceless understandingI am fully aware of the unlimited career prospects created by a degree in Mathematics, and I find this another reason to study the subject further. I am interested in a career involving finance andor accountancy. I am currently looking further into the full range of careers available to Mathematics graduates, and also investigating how maths is used in businesses worldwide. I attended an open day workshop at PriceWaterhouseCoopers during the summer, where I took part in team activities andexplored every aspect of the business, prompting me to further explore careers in Maths related areas.Although it is Mathematics that I am specifically interested in studying further, I am also very eager to make use of the skills I have learnt in my other A-Level subjects. I hope that studying Business as part of a Mathematics degree will allow me to continue to practice my skills in the subjects of English and Psychology. I gained the second highest grade in AS English Language in my college, and believe that my skills in text analysis and looking how language is used in certain contexts, as well as my creative writing expertise and knowledge of a variety of discourses will benefit me greatly, not only in terms of a degree, but throughout my working life. Through my studies in Psychology, I have gained an insight into human behaviour, especially Stress and Memory. These modules have provided me with information into how stress occurs, how it affects individuals differently, and coping strategies, as well as the most effective revision strategies. All of these elements can be hugely beneficial when put into practice in a university and working environment.I am currently working part-time as a Customer Service Assistant for Wickes Building Supplies. During my time with the company, I have gained a Btec in Customer Service, as well as an award for outstanding performance. My job role involves cash handling, serving customers, and dealing with customer enquiries and complaints, both in person and over the phone. Working so closely with the public has increased my confidence, and my interpersonal skills as well as giving me an insight into how businesses, especially the retail business, work.I often have to apply my mathematical skill in my job, for example, when working out measurements and quantities for projects, and also converting units of measurement, as well as putting into practice ways of increasing sales and profits.Outside college, I enjoy socialising, going to the gym and rehearsing, writing and performing with my band. I have also recently provided tuition for younger children in playing the guitar, which involved me developing skills I had never had to use before. Performing with my band has increased my confidence levels, and I know feel very comfortable with speaking out, and entertaining larger audiences.。
牛津大学英语个人陈述范文让我一起来看看,牛津大学的个人申请陈述信关于个人陈述的部分用英语是怎么写的?下面是店铺给大家整理的牛津大学英语个人陈述范文,供大家参阅!牛津大学英语个人陈述范文1Mathematics has always fascinated me. From playing “shopkeeper” in primary school to my AS-level French speech, I have always found ways to apply my mathematical knowledge in various aspects of my life. My real love for Mathematics began in year seven when we began studying algebra, then progressed from primary school Mathematics to the building blocks of my A-level and future studies.In Year 10, I was invited to study the Decision 1 module with a Sixth Form class. This opened up a new perspective on the subject, involving more than just the algebra and graph work I was studying for GCSE. The practical uses of this module showed another side of mathematical problem-solving than the more abstract UKMT Mathematical Challenges, whilst sharing the same logical thought process. Helping out with Year 6 Maths this year has been enjoyable, and I hope that I have inspired some of the girls to enjoy Maths as much as I do. After beginning Sixth Form proving Pythagoras’ theorem by various methods, I discovered Fermat’s last theorem. Having found it fascinating that such a seemingly simple statement can take so long to be proved, I began reading Simon Singh’s book on the topic. I found that both Fermat’s Theorem and the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture would either be proved or disproved by simply solving one of them. Although I have not yet studied enough Mathematics to fully appreciate this topic, it is something I look forward tostudying in the future.Along with Mathematics I also enjoy Physics, and since many topics in the two subjects are very similar, such as the equations of motion and resolving forces. Studying the equations of motion last year, I saw how they were derived from Mathematics, by finding gradients and areas under graphs. As part of the Engineering Education Scheme, I had to explain the use of maths and physics in our project to other students and engineers.In my spare time, I regularly help out in the community. I have worked at Oxfam since year 10, where I do a wide range of jobs including cashing up and checking the takings for the week. After my GCSEs, I took part in the Millennium Volunteers Project, volunteering at CSV Media Clubhouse. Whilst there, I created various databases and worked on reception. Volunteering has greatly improved my confidence, leadership and teamwork skills, whilst enabling me to help others. I have also held editorial roles in two school magazines; both of which received the Searchlight Cup for Teamwork. This gave me experience of working to, and motivating others to meet deadlines, whilst producing a final product that we were all proud to have been a part of. Achieving my Brown Belt in Karate meant that I had to be dedicated to training up to four times a week, and also able to teach others in the class.In October 2007, I won an internship at BT specialising in cross-media communications research. This was a rewarding experience, as I saw some of the new technology being developed, learnt how to write a report of my research findings, and made a 40-minute presentation on my experience at BT. I am not afraid of speaking in public, having given many whole-school assemblies. In summer, I achieved runner-up in the GDSTSomerville and Gurney Essay competition, which was very different to the science and French I had been studying, but also presented some interesting topics to write about, drawing from both personal experience and current events.I am looking forward to all the academic challenges at university, and know that I will make the most of university life to pursue my subject in the greatest depth possible.牛津大学英语个人陈述范文2Shelley's belief that poets are the "unacknowledged legislators of the world" might seem like an exaggeration to some people, but in my opinion, his essay "A Defence of Poetry" eloquently expresses the importance of poetry, and other forms of literature. Studying literature is intrinsically valuable, but it also helps to illuminate other aspects of culture. Writers, as Shelley observed, "apprehend the true and the beautiful" while reflecting the society in which they live. It is the catholic nature of literature that I find intriguing, which is why I am keen to study English Literature at a higher level.I have enjoyed the English Literature A-Level course, with the variety of texts covered and the challenges of writing more sophisticated essays. I particularly enjoyed studying Keats's poetry, as I have a deep appreciation of the Romantics; I find the expression of Shelley's spiritual and political beliefs in his poetry especially interesting. I also read widely for pleasure, from Angela Carter's magic realist novels to the satirical writing of Evelyn Waugh. I have recently become interested in the work of English novelists from the modernist era, including Virginia Woolf and Patrick Hamilton. Hamilton's work has, I believe, been unfairly neglected; his astute observations of relationships and his ability to explore darker sides of human nature make him a writerworthy of study.My own attempts at creative writing have helped me to appreciate the challenges of writing novels, and to understand the thoughts and intentions of certain novelists. I admire "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov and Gunter Grass's "The Tin Drum" in particular, the former as a "love letter to the English language" and the latter for its playful, subversive style and idiosyncratic narrator. Through the voice of Oskar Matzerath, Grass conveys the horrors of Nazism, but reminds the reader that in spite of Hitler's nihilistic attitude towards the arts, creativity could not be suppressed, thus conveying both the true and the beautiful.Attending performances of plays by Euripides ("The Bacchae" and "Women of Troy" as well as seeing "King Lear" at the Globe and an adaptation of one of my favourite novels, Patrick Hamilton's "Hangover Square", has increased my appreciation and understanding of the texts. I also subscribe to the "Times Literary Supplement", which has helped me to discover new critical approaches to literature, as well as enabling me to learn of important new publications.My other A-Level subjects complement my study of English Literature very well. Writing History essays has encouraged me to develop my analytical skills, and I believe that reading the works of classical writers such as Homer and Sophocles is essential for any English Literature student.I have a wide variety of interests, and spend much of my spare time visiting art galleries and museums. Furthermore, I have found taking part in the "Share the Care" project, which involves helping a fourteen year old disabled girl to gain more independence, extremely rewarding.English Literature, for me, is not merely an academic subjectbut an interest which influences many different areas of my life, whether I am reading significant works of the Victorian canon or writing my thoughts on novels in my reading journal. Consequently, I am thoroughly looking forward to the prospect of studying English Literature at university.牛津大学英语个人陈述范文3The bell has just tolled the hour. It is 11pm now. I have just got back from the library. After having a cup of tea, I am happy to find time to write my personal statement.If asked to describe myself in the briefest way, I’d say: a keen language learner. I’ve been studying the ancient Chinese for over 15 years, English 11 years, Spanish 3 years, and French and Japanese, each for a semester. Linguistics being my primary interest and sole concern in my life, Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), China’s leading institution in language teaching and linguistics studies, is where I come from.Majoring in English, I currently rank within the top five students among 90 peers in the department. Given that my first year GPA was only mediocre, the progress I’ve made is truly remarkable. More important, I have studied Linguistics in a broad range that goes beyond the knowledge covered in class. Generally I regard language study as the center of my interests and explore its interface with peripheral areas, such as sociology, psychology and philosophy.Initially attracted to General Linguistics, I audited classes in the graduate program of Linguistics at BFSU when I was a sophomore and became an avid student in subjects such as lexis, semantics, syntax, and morphology. Among all my readings, it is William Labov’s early work on class-based variation in the speech of New York and elsewhere that impressed me most,which compelled me to delve deeper into the field of Sociolinguistics. Last semester, I worked as a research assistant to Professor Qian Qiang at Beijing University in Conversation Analysis. Currently I am working on two research papers, namely, ‘Age as a non-linguistic variable’ and ‘Conversation analysis of online students at BFSU’. Forever exploring new horizons, I also study Second Language Acquisition, based on my professional experiences.My professional experiences began as an International News Editor in the Beijing Television Station in April 2001. My main responsibility back then was to translate and edit English news into Chinese news format and to dub the English news. In July 2001, I joined the Beijing Global Translation and Consulting Company setup by Yang Lixin, Professor of English with BFSU. Our translation group in the company currently research in the field of Translation Method, or more specifically, Translation of Insurance English to Chinese and related Quantitative Methods. Besides, I am a Teaching Assistant in the Institute of Online Education at BFSU, designing and hosting the online oral English class every week.These experiences have nourished passionate love of languages in my heart since a long time ago. It is my belief that humans need to study language more. I appreciate that saying from French anthropologist Levi Strauss, “To say language is to say society.” Linguistics is such a subject that is never isolated from other subjects, and instead, it is a unified one that goes beyond the realms of culture and generation. It can reach the soul of wit. It is my great honor that I have had it as a faithful company for all these years.My personal objective is to attain a Ph.D in Linguistics and tobecome an expert in this field so as to contribute to the development of linguistics as a discipline in Chinese universities and colleges. I’d highly appreciate your favorable consideration on my application, and it is my cherished dream that some day, when asked to describe myself in the briefest way, I can proudly say: I am a linguist.。
现在去到英国留学的学生有很多,而对于留学生来说,要想申请留学,那就要先去准备好申请文书了,也为各位整理了英国留学教育学个人陈述范文,一起来看看吧!Primary education personal statementI have chosen the courses listed because I feel that these will benefit me most in my goal to become a primary school teacher.After experiencing the BA (Hons.) Performance: Theatre at Saint Johns College, York, I decided it was not the course I wanted to do, and that a Primary Education degree would be a better preparation for teaching rather than a one year PGCE course. I have always held aspirations to become a teacher, specifically in the primary sector. Since 1999, I have held voluntary work experience placements at Holbrook Primary School, amounting to two and a half terms work in total.After withdrawing from York, I decided to take the opportunity to extend my experience in schools on a voluntary basis at a local Special School (Beacon Hill SpecialSchool, Ipswich). This resulted in my being offered a full-time paid position as a Special Support Assistant. I have found myself inspired by the challenge of encouraging these young people to realise their potential and this has further cemented my decision to become a teacher.I have a particular interest in drama. During High School I was a member of the Wolsey Youth Theatre in Ipswich. This involved me in various productions; The Railway Children, Watership Down, A Christmas Carol, and Roald Dahls Boy. I also participated in High School productions. I think that these skills are very important, because I have already found that drama can be a useful educational tool, especially in the early stages of learning.I have completed my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, which I found a great challenge, but very rewarding. I also hold Grade 5 in Trombone, Grade 1 cornet, and Award 6 in trampolining.以上就是英国教育学ps(个人陈述)范文,此外,提醒,英国教育学申请条件要求还是非常严格,最好在在国内有本科教育学相关专业背景,或者相关教学经验。
专业技能在专业技能方面,我具备以下特点:1. 编程能力:我熟练掌握C、C++、Java、Python等编程语言,具备良好的编码风格和调试能力。
2. 数据结构和算法:我对常用的数据结构和算法有深入了解,并在实际项目中运用自如。
3. 操作系统和计算机网络:我熟悉Linux操作系统和网络编程,具备实际操作经验。
4. 软件工程:我了解软件开发的生命周期,并具备一定的软件项目管理和团队协作经验。
5. 数据库技术:我熟练掌握SQL语言,了解关系型数据库的设计和应用。
申请原因之所以选择贵校计算机科学专业,原因如下:1. 学术声誉:贵校计算机科学专业在全球享有盛誉,为我提供了追求学术卓越的理想平台。
2. 研究方向:贵校在人工智能、大数据、网络安全等领域的研究处于国际领先水平,与我的研究兴趣高度契合。
PROPOSAL:What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it.TITLE:It should be concise and descriptive. 简明的,叙述的ABSTRACT:It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words.Including:1. research question2. rationale for the study3. hypothesis (if any)4. method: the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that willbe used5. main findingsINTRODUCTION:1. State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study.2. Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance.3. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing.4. Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research.5. Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your experiment. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study.6. State your hypothesis or theory, if any. For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.)7. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus.8. Provide definitions of key concepts. (This is optional.)LITERATURE REVIEW:Functions:1. Ensures that you are not “reinventing the wheel”.2. Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research.3. Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem.4. Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research issues related to your research question.5. Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information.6. Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature.7. Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the conceptual framework for your research.8. Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a significant and substantial contribution to the literature (i.e., resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the literature).METHODS:it should contain sufficient information for the reader to determine whether methodology is sound. You need to demonstrate your knowledge of alternative methods and make the case that your approach is the most appropriate and most valid way to address your research question.1. Design – Is it a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment? What kind of design do you choose?2. Subjects or participants - Who will take part in your study? What kind of sampling procedure do you use?3. Instruments – What kind of measuring instruments or questionnaires do you use? Why do you choose them? Are they valid and reliable?4. Procedure – How do you plan to carry out your study? What activities are involved? How long does it take?RESULTS:Obviously you do not have results at the proposal stage. However, you need to have some idea about what kind of data you will be collecting, and what statistical procedures will be used in order to answer your research question or test you hypothesis.DISCUSSION:It is important to convince your reader of the potential impact of your proposed research. You need to communicate a sense of enthusiasm and confidence without exaggerating the merits of your proposal. That is why you also need to mention the limitations and weaknesses of the proposed research, which may be justified by time and financial constraints as well as by the early developmental stage of your research area.。
硕士申请英文个人陈述范文(13篇)硕士申请英文个人陈述范文第12篇If you're applying for competitive courses, which includes any course at Oxford, we typically suggest that you focus around 80% of your personal statement on your academic interests, abilities and achievements. This can include discussion of any relevant extracurricular activities. The remaining 20% can then cover any unrelated extra-curricular activities.There’s a myth that Oxford is looking for the most well-rounded applicants, and that you will only be offered a place if you have a long list of varied extracurricular activities. In fact, extracurricular activities are only helpful in so far as they demonstrate theIf you are applying to other universities as well as to Oxford (you can make five choices on your UCAS form) then you may need to find out whether the other universities have different selection criteria. If they do, then you might want to provide some information about your extra-curricular interests – but keep it to a minimum. The space in your personal statement is limited, so think carefully about what you want to include.硕士申请英文个人陈述范文第13篇必做事项:l 申请你真正想要学习、感爱好的课程。
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专门论文写作机构 - 优越论文的专家表示,英国留学也是近几年比较普遍的一个现象,除了申请用的成绩硬条件以外,最让学生们头疼的就是个人陈述。
个人陈述一直以来也有着不同的英文名称,在中国最常见的称为Personal Statement(俗称PS)。
至于像其他的Statement of Intent,Statement of Purpose并不常用。
个人陈述也有不同的名称,如Personal Statement,Statement of Purpose,Statement of Intent, Statement of Objectives, Academic Statement,Study Plan,Academic Objectives等。
优越论文辅导老师发现不少申请者对于考语言倾注全部多, IELTS,TOEFL、GRE等。