DescriptionThe CXA2050S is a bipolar IC which integrates the luminance signal processing, chroma signal processing, RGB signal processing, and sync and deflection signal processing functions for PAL/NTSC system color TVs onto a single chip. This IC includes deflection processing functions for wide-screen TVs,and is also equipped with a SECAM decoder interface, making it possible to construct a TV system that supports multiple color systems.Features•I 2C bus compatible•Compatible with both PAL and NTSC systems(also compatible with SECAM if a SECAM decoder is connected)•Built-in deflection compensation circuit capable of supporting various wide modes •Countdown system eliminates need for H and V oscillator frequency adjustment •Automatic identification of 50/60Hz vertical frequency (forced control possible)•Non-interlace display support (even/odd selectable)•Automatic identification of PAL, NTSC, and SECAM color systems (forced control possible)•Automatic identification of 4.43MHz/3.58MHz crystal (forced control possible)•Non-adjusting Y/C block filter•One CV input, one set of Y/C inputs, two sets of analog RGB inputs (one set of which can serve as both analog and digital inputs)•Built-in AKB circuit•Support for forcing YS1 off ApplicationsColor TVs (4:3, 16:9)StructureBipolar silicon monolithic ICAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C, SGND, DGND = 0V)•Supply voltage SV CC 1, 2, DV CC 1, 2–0.3 to +12V •Operating temperature Topr –20 to +65°C •Storage temperature Tstg –65 to +150°C •Allowable power consumption P D 1.7W •Voltages at each pin –0.3 to SV CC 1, SV CC 2,DV CC 1, DV CC 2 + 0.3V Operating Conditions Supply voltageSV CC 1, 29.0 ±0.5V DV CC 1, 29.0 ±0.5VCXA2050SY/C/RGB/D for PAL/NTSC Color TVsSony reserves the right to change products and specifications without prior notice. This information does not convey any license by any implication or otherwise under any patents or other right. Application circuits shown, if any, are typical examples illustrating the operation of the devices. Sony cannot assume responsibility for any problems arising out of the use of these circuits.64 pin SDIP (Plastic)CXA2050SB l o c k D i a g r a mI R E FA P C F I LX 358X 443F S C O U TS E C A M R E F– (R -Y ) O U T – (B -Y ) O U TY O U TY R E T– (R -Y ) I N– (B -Y ) I NY S 1/V MR 1I NG 1I NB 1I NY S 2Y MR 2I NG 2I NB 2I NA B L F I LK I N O U TO U TO U T -W O U T D – O U T V P R O T D + O U T V P R O T A W O S C A G C S H T I MC P O U TD O U TG N DV C C 2V C C 1A B L I N /V C O M PR S HG S HB S HL 2F I LA F C P I N /H O F FC E R AF C F I LH S I NS I NV S F I LB L H O L DD C T R A NV MS C LS D AS Y N C O U TE X T S Y N C I NC V I N Y I N C I N S V C C 1S V C C 2S G ND 1S G N D 2V I DE O O U TS V C C 1A P C F I LX 443X 358T E S TF S C O U TS E C A M R E FS G N D 1– (R -Y ) O U TY O U TS C P O U TY R E TS G N D 2Y S 1/V MR 1I NG 1I NB 1I NY S 2Y MR 2I NG 2I NB 2I NS V C C 2R S HR O U TG S HG O U TB S HB O U T– (B -Y ) O U T– (R -Y ) I N– (B -Y ) I NC I NE X T S Y N C I NY I ND C T R A NC V I NB L H O L DV I D E O O U TS D AS C LV MS Y N C O U TH S I NV S I NV S F I LD V C C 2I R E FD G N DC E R AA F C F I LL 2F I L A F C P I N /H O F FH D O U TD V C C 1S A W O S CV A G C S HE -W O U TV D + O U T /V P R O TV T I MA B L F I LA B L I N /V C O M PI K I NV D – O U T /V P R O TCXA2050SE l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s S e t t i n g c o n d i t i o n s •T a = 25°C , S V C C 1, 2 = D V C C 1, 2 = 9V , S G N D 1, 2 = D G N D = 0V •M e a s u r e s t h e f o l l o w i n g a f t e r s e t t i n g t h e I 2C b u s r e g i s t e r a s s h o w n i n “I 2C B u s R e g i s t e r I n i t i a l S e t t i n g s ”.元器件交易网元器件交易网CXA2050S元器件交易网CXA2050S元器件交易网CXA2050S元器件交易网CXA2050SE l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s M e a s u r e m e n t C i r c u i tS i g n a l s o u r c e sr e a l l G N D u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e s p e c i f i e d i n t h e M e a s u r e m e n t c o n d i t i o n s c o l u m n o f E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s .P R O Tf r o m H D O U H P G E N .A p p l i c a t i o n C i r c u i tS E C A M r e f e i n p u t /o u t p u t f .001µC o l o r d i f f e r e n f o r 1H d e l a y l i S a n d c a s t l C o l o r d i f f e r e f r o m 1H d e l a A n a l o g A n a l o g /d i g i t a l R G Y S 1/V M t e r n ∗1 M e t a l f i l m r e s i s t o r r e c o m m e n d e d ∗2 M P S c a p a c i t o r r e c o m m e n d e di g h v o l t a g e f l u c t u a t i o ns i g n a l i n p u tu t p u t sp r o t e c t s i g n a l i n p u tu tH D o u t p u tH P o u t p u tn i n p u tu to u t p u tp u tA p p l i c a t i o n c i r c u i t s s h o w n a r e t y p i c a l e x a m p l e s i l l u s t r a t i n g t h e o p e r a t i o n o f t h e d e v i c e s . S o n y c a n n o t a s s u m e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r a n y p r o b l e m s a r i s i n g o u t o f t h e u s e o f t h e s e c i r c u i t s o r f o r a n y i n f r i n g e m e n t o f t h i r d p a r t y p a t e n t a n d o t h e r r i g h t d u e t o s a m e .Electrical Characteristics Measurement Conditions “I2C Bus Register Initial Settings”Register name No. ofbitsInitialsettingDescriptionPICTURE TRAPOFF VMHUE DCTRAND-PIC COLORTOTABL BRIGHTD-COL LIMIT SHARPNESS PRE-OVER COLOR SW SUB-CONT TRAP F0 SUB-COLOR SUB-HUE SUB-BRIGHT GAMMAG-DRIVE AGINGB-DRIVE INTERLACE G-CUTOFF B-CUTOFF RONGONBONPICON VOFFFHHICD-MODE AKBOFFV-SIZE 6116116116114224444626162441111111163Fh1h1h1Fh0h0h1Fh0h1Fh0h7h3h0h7h7h7h7h1Fh0h2Ah0h2Ah0h0h0h1h1h1h1h0h0h0h0h1FhMaximum valueTRAP offMaximum valueCenter valueDCTRAN offDPIC offCenter valueTOT offPicture/bright ABL modeCenter valueDCOL offLimiter offCenter valueMaximum valueAutomatic switchingCenter valueCenter valueCenter valueCenter valueCenter valueMinimum valueCenter valueAGING offCenter valueInterlaceMinimum valueMinimum valueR output onG output onB output onPicture mute offVD output onFH normalAutomatic switchingAKB onCenter valueV FREQV-POSITIONAFC-MODES-CORRV-LINH-SIZEREF-POSIPIN-COMPVBLKWH-POSITOPNPIN-PHASEAFC-BOWAFC-ANGLEEHT HEHT VXTALEXT SYNCCV/YCV-ASPECTZOOM SWHBLKSWV-SCROLLJMPSWHSIZESWUP-VLINLO-VLINLEFT-BLKRIGHT-BLKUP-CPINLO-CPINCDMODE2SHPF0YS1OFFDL26244626244442221161161144444411130h1Fh1h0h7h1Fh3h1Fh0h7h7h7h7h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h1Fh0h0h0h0h7h7h7h7h0h3hAutomatic switchingCenter valueLow gainMinimum valueCenter valueCenter valueMaximum valueCenter valueMinimum valueCenter valueCenter valueCenter valueCenter valueEHT H offEHT V offAutomatic switchingInternal syncCV inputMinimum valueZOOM SW offHBLKSW offCenter valueJMPSW offHSIZESW offMinimum valueMinimum valueCenter valueCenter valueCenter valueCenter valueStandard mode3MHzYS1 normalCenter valueRegisternameNo. ofbitsInitialsettingDescriptionTRAP F0SUB-HUEB-CUTOFFV-LINPIN-PHASE AFC-ANGLELO-VLIN RIGHT-BLK LO-CPINPICTURE HUE COLOR BRIGHTSUB-BRIGHT G-DRIVE B-DRIVEV-SIZE V-POSITIONH-SIZE PIN-COMPV-ASPECT V-SCROLLSHARPNESSSUB-CONT SUB-COLORG-CUTOFF S-CORRH-POSITION AFC-BOWUP-VLIN LEFT-BLK Definition of I 2C Bus Registers Slave Addresses88h:Slave Receiver 89h: Slave TransmitterRegister Table"∗": Undefined Control RegisterBit0Bit1Bit2Bit3Bit4Bit5Bit6Bit7Sub Address ×××0 0 0 0 0 00 h ×××0 0 0 0 1 01 h ×××0 0 0 1 0 02 h ×××0 0 0 1 1 03 h ×××0 0 1 0 0 04 h ×××0 0 1 0 1 05 h ×××0 0 1 1 0 06 h ×××0 0 1 1 1 07 h ×××0 1 0 0 0 08 h ×××0 1 0 0 1 09 h ×××0 1 0 1 0 0A h ×××0 1 0 1 1 0B h ×××0 1 1 0 0 0C h ×××0 1 1 0 1 0D h ×××0 1 1 1 0 0E h ×××0 1 1 1 1 0F h ×××1 0 0 0 0 10 h ×××1 0 0 0 1 11 h ×××1 0 0 1 0 12 h ×××1 0 0 1 1 13 h ×××1 0 1 0 0 14 h ×××1 0 1 0 1 15 h ×××1 0 1 1 0 16 h ×××1 0 1 1 1 17 h ×××1 1 0 0 0 18 h ×××1 1 0 0 1 19 hTRAPOFF DC-TRAN TOT D-COLVM D-PIC ABL LIMITPRE-OVERCOLOR SWGAMMA AGING0AKBOFFCD-MODE FHHIVOFFPICONBONGONRONV-FREQ AFC-MODEREF-POSI VBLKWEXT SYNC ZOOM SW JMP SW CV/YC HBLKSW HSIZESW Status RegisterBit0FVBit1FSCBit2Bit3Bit4XRAYBit5VNGBit6IKRBit7H LOCKINTERLACEEHT HEHT V XTALUP-CPINCDMODE2SHPF0∗YS1 OFFDL∗COLOR SYSDescription of RegistersRegister name (No. of bits)1. Video switch registerCV/YC(1):CV input/YC input selector0 = CV input selected1 = YC input selectedEXT SYNC(1):EXT SYNC selector switch0 = Internal sync (CV or Y) selected1 = EXT SYNC selected2. Y signal block registerSUB-CONT(4):Contrast gain control (Y gain control)0h = –3.5dB7h = 0dBFh = +2.5dBTRAP-F0(4):Chroma trap f0 fine adjustment0h = High7h = CenterFh = LowSHARPNESS(4):Sharpness gain control0h = –6dB7h = +2.5dBFh = +6.5dBSHPF0(1):Sharpness f0 selector0 = 3MHz1 = 3.5MHzPRE-OVER(2):Sharpness preshoot/overshoot ratio control0h = 1:1(PRE: OVER)3h = 2:1VM(1):Y differential signal output level selector for VM (for 100% 3MHz input)0 = 1.1Vp-p1 = 2.65Vp-pTRAP OFF(1):Y block chroma trap ON/OFF0 = Trap ON1 = Trap OFFDL(3):Y signal delay time control (80ns/step)0h = Max.7h = Min.DC-TRAN(1):Y DC transmission ratio selector switch0 = 100%1 = 81%D-PIC(1):Y black expansion ON/OFF switch0 = OFF1 = ON Point of inflection: 30 IRE3. C signal block registerTOT(1):Chroma TOT filter band selector switch0 = TOT — TRAP OFF1 = TOT — TRAP ON (TRAP fo 2MHz)COLOR(6):Color gain control (Chroma gain control)0h = Color OFF (–40dB or less)1Fh = 0dB B output: 1.02Vp-p (I/O gain: +11dB, 0.285Vp-p input)3Fh = +6dBSUB-COLOR(4):Color gain control (ACC reference level control)0h = –5dB7h = 0dBFh = +3dBHUE(6):Hue control (Phase control for chroma demodulation axis when SUB-HUE is 7h) Control not possible for a PAL system.0h = +35°Flesh color appears red.1Fh = 0°3Fh = –35°Flesh color appears green.SUB-HUE(4):Hue control (Phase control for chroma demodulation axis when HUE is 1Fh)B-Y axis adjustable to 0°.Control not possible for a PAL system.0h = +10°7h = 0°Fh = –10°XTAL(2):XTAL selection setting switch0h = Automatic identification1h = Force to XTAL1 (3.58MHz)2, 3h = Force to XTAL2 (4.43MHz)COLOR SW(2):Color system setting0h = Automatic identification1h = Force to PAL2h = Force to NTSC3h = Force to SECAM4. RGB signal block registerPICTURE(6):Picture gain control (RGB gain control)0h = –14dB3Fh = 0dB RGB output: 2.5Vp-p (I/O gain: +8dB, 1Vp-p input)BRIGHT(6):Bright control (RGB DC bias control)0h = –420mV1Fh = 0mV(–300mV for REF-P level)3Fh = +420mVSUB-BRIGHT(6):Bright control (RGB DC bias control)0h = –420mV1Fh = 0mV(–300mV for REF-P level)3Fh = +420mVG-DRIVE(6):Gch drive gain adjustment (Gch gain control)0h = G/R –4.5dB2Ah = G/R 0dB (G/R 0dB)3Fh = G/R +1.5dBB-DRIVE(6):Bch drive gain adjustment (Bch gain control)0h = B/R –4.5dB2Ah = B/R 0dB (B/R 0dB)3Fh = B/R +1.5dBG-CUTOFF(4):Gch cut-off adjustment (Gch reference pulse value control of IKIN pin input)0h = +34%7h = +81% (G/R)Fh = +135%B-CUTOFF(4):Bch cut-off adjustment (Bch reference pulse value control of IKIN pin input)0h = +34%7h = +81% (B/R)Fh = +135%D-COL(1):Dynamic color ON/OFF switch0 = Dynamic color OFF1 = Dynamic color ON (R, Bch level control)GAMMA(2):Gamma control (RGB gamma correction amount control)0h = Gamma OFF3h = Gamma peak 17 IRE (at input 40 IRE), +400mV (at 2.5Vp-p OUT)REF-POSITION (2):Reference pulse timing setting0h = From rising edge of V TIM: Rch 22H, Gch 23H, Bch 24H1h = From rising edge of V TIM: Rch 20H, Gch 21H, Bch 22H2h = From rising edge of V TIM: Rch 18H, Gch 19H, Bch 20H3h = From rising edge of V TIM: Rch 16H, Gch 17H, Bch 18HPIC-ON(1):ON/OFF switch for RGB output with a reference pulse(Set to OFF mode at power-on.)0 = RGB output OFF (All blanked status)1 = RGB output ONR ON(1):ON/OFF switch for Rch video output without a reference pulse(Operates when PIC ON = 1, set to OFF mode at power-on.)0 = Rch video output OFF (Blanked status, reference pulse only output)1 = Rch video output ONG ON(1):ON/OFF switch for Gch video output without a reference pulse(Operates when PIC ON = 1, set to OFF mode at power-on.)0 = Gch video output OFF (Blanked status, reference pulse only output)1 = Gch video output ONB ON(1):ON/OFF switch for Bch video output without a reference pulse(Operates when PIC ON = 1, set to OFF mode at power-on.)0 = Bch video output OFF (Blanked status, reference pulse only output)1 = Bch video output ONAKB OFF(1):AKB ON/OFF switch (Set to ON mode at power-on.)0 = AKB ON1 = AKB OFF (IK CLAMP, IK S/H and reference pulse fixed to OFF)R, G and B cut-off adjustment at AKB OFF performed by voltage applied to RSH,GSH and BSH pins, respectively.YS1 OFF(1):YS1 forced OFF mode/YS1 normal mode0 = YS1 normal mode1 = YS1 forced OFF modeABL(1):ABL mode selector0 = Picture/bright ABL mode1 = Picture ABL modeLIMIT(1):Peak limiter (RGBOUT pin is limited at DC5.2V)0 = OFF1 = ON5. Deflection block registerAFC-MODE(2):AFC loop gain control (PLL between H SYNC and H VCO)0h = H free run mode1h = Small gain2h = Medium gain3h = Large gainFH-HI(1):H oscillator frequency fixation ON/OFF switch(Set to ON mode at power-on.)0 = H oscillator frequency fixation OFF AFC normal mode1 = H oscillator frequency fixation ON Oscillator frequency fixed to maximum value(approx. 16.2kHz)V FREQ(1):V frequency mode setting0, 1h = Automatic identification2h = Forced mode (50Hz)3h = Forced mode (60Hz)V OFF(1):V sawtooth wave oscillation stop ON/OFF switch(Set to OFF mode at power-on.)0 = Oscillation stop OFF (V DRIVE– and V DRIVE+: normal output)1 = Oscillation stop ON (V DRIVE– and V DRIVE+: DC output and DC value varyaccording to V POSITION.)CD-MODE(1):V countdown system mode selector(Set to automatic selection mode during power-on.)0 = Non-standard signal mode, standard signal mode and no signal modeautomatically selected1 = Fixed to non-standard signal mode(V oscillator frequency is 55Hz during no signal mode "free run".)CDMODE2(1):Vertical sync pull-in speed selector0 = Standard1 = High speedVBLKW(2):VBLK width control (Blanked pulses after reference pulse. Operates whenJMPSW = 1; blanked pulses after reference pulse fixed to 1H when JMPSW = 0.)0h = 12H from Bch reference pulse1h = 11H from Bch reference pulse2h = 10H from Bch reference pulse3h = 9H from Bch reference pulseH-POSITION(4):Horizontal position adjustment (HAFC phase control)0h = 1µs delay Picture position shifts to right. (Picture delayed with respect to HD.)7h = 0µsFh = 1µs advance Picture position shifts to left. (Picture advanced with respect to HD.)V-POSITION(6):Vertical position adjustment (V SAW output DC bias control)0h = –0.09V Picture position drops, V DRIVE+ output DC Down.1Fh = 0V Center potential: DC 3V3Fh = +0.09V Picture position rises, V DRIVE+ output DC Up.CXA2050S V-SIZE(6):Vertical amplitude adjustment (V SAW output gain control)0h = –14%Vertical picture size decreases.1Fh = 0%Amplitude: 1.23Vp-p, center potential: DC 3V when V-ASPECT is 2Fh.3Fh = +14%Vertical picture size increases.V-LIN(4):Vertical linearity adjustment (Gain control for V SAW secondary component)0h = 115%(Bottom/top of picture) Top of picture compressed; bottom of pictureexpanded.7h = 100%(Bottom/top of picture)Fh = 85%(Bottom/top of picture) Top of picture expanded; bottom of picturecompressed.S-CORR(4):Vertical S correction amount adjustment (V SAW secondary component gain control) 0h = Secondary component amplitude by adding sawtooth = 0Fh = Secondary component amplitude by adding sawtooth = MaximumAFC-BOW(4):Vertical line bow compensation amount adjustment (Phase control according toHAFC parabola wave)0h = Top and bottom of picture delayed 500ns with respect to picture center.7h = 0 nsFh = Top and bottom of picture advanced 500ns with respect to picture center.AFC-ANGLE(4):Vertical line slope compensation amount adjustment (Phase control according toHAFC V SAW)0h = Top of picture delayed 400ns, bottom of picture advanced 400ns with respect topicture center.7h = 0 nsFh = Top of picture advanced 400ns, bottom of picture delayed 400ns with respect topicture center.PIN-COMP(6):Horizontal pin distortion compensation amount adjustment (V parabola wave gaincontrol)0h = 0.10Vp-p Horizontal size for top/bottom of picture increases. (Compensationamount minimum)1Fh = 0.58Vp-p Amplitude, center potential: DC 4V when V-ASPECT is 0h3Fh = 1.06Vp-p Horizontal size for top/bottom of picture decreases. (Compensationamount maximum)H-SIZE(6):Horizontal amplitude adjustment (V parabola wave DC bias control)0h = –0.5V Horizontal picture size decreases, EW-DRIVE output DC Down.1Fh = 0V Amplitude: 0.58Vp-p, center potential: DC 4 V when V-ASPECT is 2Fh3Fh = +0.5V Horizontal picture size increases, EW-DRIVE output DC Up.EHT-H(2):Horizontal high-voltage fluctuation compensation amount setting (DC adjustment for parabolic output)0h = 0V (Compensation amount when 1V is applied to ABL IN versus 8V appliedto ABL IN)3h = –0.1V (Compensation amount when 1V is applied to ABL IN versus 8V appliedto ABL IN)EHT-V(2):Vertical high-voltage fluctuation compensation amount setting (V SAW output gain control) 0h = 0% (Compensation amount when 1V is applied to ABL IN versus 8V applied toABL IN)3h = –7% (Compensation amount when 1V is applied to ABL IN versus 8V applied toABL IN)INTERLACE(1):Interlace mode and non-interlace display selector switch0,1h = Interlace mode2h = Interlace mode; 1/2H shift applied to EVEN lines3h = Interlace mode; 1/2H shift applied to ODD linesCXA2050S PIN-PHASE(4):Horizontal trapezoidal distortion compensation amount adjustment (V parabola wave center timing control)0h = 0.8ms advance Horizontal size for top of picture increases; horizontal size forbottom of picture decreases.7h = 0ms8.9ms from 4VDC VTIMFh = 0.8ms delay Horizontal size for top of picture decreases; horizontal sizefor bottom of picture increases.UP-CPIN(4):Horizontal pin distortion compensation amount adjustment for top of picture(V parabola wave gain control: Func.)0h = +0.6V Horizontal size for top of picture increases.(compensation amount minimum)7h = 0V(0.7Vp-p 4:3 mode)Fh = –0.6V Horizontal size for top of picture decreases.(compensation amount maximum)LO-CPIN(4):Horizontal pin distortion compensation amount adjustment for bottom of picture(V parabola wave gain control: Func.)0h = +0.5V Horizontal size for bottom of picture increases.(compensation amount minimum)7h = 0V(0.7Vp-p 4:3 mode)Fh = –0.5V Horizontal size for bottom of picture decreases.(compensation amount maximum)V-ASPECT(6):Aspect ratio control (Gain control for sawtooth wave)0h = 75%16:9 CRT full2Fh = 100%4:3 CRT full, amplitude: 1.32Vp-p3Fh = 112%ZOOM SW(1):Zoom mode ON/OFF switch for 16:9 CRT (25% of video cut)0 = Zoom OFF Sawtooth wave amplitude: 1.32Vp-p1 = Zoom ON Sawtooth wave amplitude: 70%HBLKSW(1):HBLK width control ON/OFF switch during 4:3 software full display mode on a 16:9 CRT0 = Control OFF HBLK pulse generated from HPIN.1 = Control ON HBLK pulse generated as pulse generated from HPIN or aspulse generated from HVCO and width adjusted.Width adjustment is performed by the LEFT-BLK andRIGHT-BLK registers.V-SCROLL(6):Vertical picture scroll control during zoom mode on a 16:9 CRT(DC component added to sawtooth wave AGC output to control ZOOMSW cuttiming.)0h = –0.2V Scrolled toward top of screen by 32H and top of picture zoomed.1Fh = 0V3Fh = +0.2V Scrolled toward bottom of screen by 32H and bottom of picture zoomed. JUMPSW(1):Reference pulse jump mode ON/OFF switch (In addition to V-ASPECT control, sawtooth wave gain control performed for 100% of VBLK interval and 67% of picture interval)0 = Jump mode OFF1 = Jump mode ONOn a 4:3 CRT, jump mode expands the sawtooth wave amplitude to 112% with V-ASPECT; on a 16:9 CRT, jump mode compresses the sawtooth wave amplitude to75% with V-ASPECT. The V blanking width is expanded at both the top and bottomof the picture. Blanking for the bottom of the picture starts 251H after VTIM, andblanking for the top of the picture can be varied as the blanking width after thereference pulse from the VBLKW register.CXA2050S HSIZESW(1):Lowers the E-W OUT DC level (during H-SIZE compression)0 = Normal1 = –1.35VUP-VLIN(4):Vertical linearity adjustment for top of picture (Secondary component gain control for sawtooth wave added to sawtooth wave AGC output)0h = 100%(Bottom/top of picture)Fh = 115%(Bottom/top of picture) Top of picture compressed.LO-VLIN(4):Vertical linearity adjustment for bottom of picture (Tertiary component gain controlfor sawtooth wave added to sawtooth wave AGC output)0h = 100%(Bottom/top of picture)Fh = 75%(Bottom/top of picture) Bottom of picture compressed.LEFT-BLK(4):HBLK width control for the left side of picture when HBLKSW = 1 (Phase control for timing pulse generated from HVCO)0h = +1.7µs HBLK width maximum7h = 0µs Center HBLK: 15µsFh = –1.7µs HBLK width minimumRIGHT-BLK(4):HBLK width control for the right side of picture when HBLKSW = 1 (Phase control for timing pulse generated from HVCO)0h = +1.7µs HBLK width maximum7h = 0µs Center HBLK: 15µsFh = –1.7µs HBLK width minimum6. OtherAGING(1):White output aging mode ON/OFF switch(Takes priority over RGB ON and PIC ON control. Set to OFF mode at power-on.)0 = Aging mode OFF1 = Aging mode ON (When there is no input signal, a 60 IRE flat signal is outputfrom the Y block)7. Status registerHLOCK(1):Lock status between H SYNC and H VCO0 = HVCO free run status1 = Locked to H SYNCIKR(1):AKB operation status0 = REF-P at Ik small and AKB loop unstable.1 = REF-P at Ik sufficient and AKB loop stable.VNG(1):Signal input status to V PROT pin0 = No V PROT input1 = V PROT input (In this case, the RGB output is blanked.)XRAY(1):Signal input status to XRAY control pin (HOFF pin)0 = No XRAY control input1 = XRAY control input (In this case, the RGB output is blanked.)COLOR SYS(2):Color system status0h = PAL1h = NTSC2h = SECAM3h = NO STANDARDFSC(1):X’tal status (Fsc information)0 = 4.43MHz1 = 3.58MHzFV(1):Vertical deflection frequency status0 = 50Hz1 = 60HzDescription of Operation1. Power-on sequenceThe CXA2050S does not have an internal power-on sequence. Therefore, power-on sequence is all controlled by the set microcomputer (I2C bus controller).1) Power-onThe IC is reset and the RGB outputs are all blanked. Hdrive starts to oscillate, but oscillation is at the maximum frequency (16kHz or more) and is not synchronized to the input signal. Output of vertical signal VTIM starts, but Vdrive is DC output. Bus registers which are set by power-on reset are as follows.AGING= 0: All white output aging mode OFFRON= 0: Rch video blanking ONGON= 0: Gch video blanking ONBON= 0: Bch video blanking ONPICON= 0: RGB all blanking ONVOFF= 1: VDRIVE output stopped modeVFREQ= 0: Automatic identification mode (identification starts at 50Hz)FHHI= 1: H oscillator maximum frequency modeHSIZESW= 0: NormalCD-MODE= 0: Automatic selector mode of the countdown modeAKBOFF= 0: AKB mode2) Bus register data transferThe register setting sequence differs according to the set sequence. Register settings for the following sequence are shown as an example.Set sequence CXA2050S register settingsPower-on Reset status in 1) above.↓↓Degauss Reset status in 1) above.The CRT is degaussed in the completely darkened condition.↓↓VDRIVE oscillation The IC is set to the power-on initial settings. (See the following page.)A sawtooth wave is output to VDRIVE and the IC waits for the verticaldeflection to stabilize. The HDRIVE oscillator frequency goes to the standardfrequency.↓↓AKB operation start PICON is set to 1 and a reference pulse is output from Rout, Gout and Bout.Then, the IC waits for the cathode to warm up and the beam current to startflowing.↓↓AKB loop stable Status register IKR is monitored.IKR = 0: No cathode currentIKR = 1: Cathode currentNote that the time until IKR returns to 1 differs according to the initial statusof the cathode.↓↓Video output RON, GON and BON are set to 1 and the video signal is output from Rout,Gout and Bout.11010110001000100110101111Bit0Bit1Bit2Bit3Bit4Bit5Bit6Bit7Sub Address ×××0 0 0 0 0 00 h ×××0 0 0 0 1 01 h ×××0 0 0 1 0 02 h ×××0 0 0 1 1 03 h ×××0 0 1 0 0 04 h ×××0 0 1 0 1 05 h ×××0 0 1 1 0 06 h ×××0 0 1 1 1 07 h ×××0 1 0 0 0 08 h ×××0 1 0 0 1 09 h ×××0 1 0 1 0 0A h ×××0 1 0 1 1 0B h ×××0 1 1 0 0 0C h ×××0 1 1 0 1 0D h ×××0 1 1 1 0 0E h ×××0 1 1 1 1 0F h ×××1 0 0 0 0 10 h ×××1 0 0 0 1 11 h ×××1 0 0 1 0 12 h ×××1 0 0 1 1 13 h ×××1 0 1 0 0 14 h ×××1 0 1 0 1 15 h ×××1 0 1 1 0 16 h ×××1 0 1 1 1 17 h ×××1 1 0 0 0 18 h ×××1 1 0 0 1 19 h111111111110111111100111111111111111101111111101111∗1111111111101111111101111∗11110001110011011000010100111101111110111111100111100001011000100110011010111110000000000000000000000000I 2C bus power-on initial settingsThe initial settings listed here for power-on when VDRIVE starts to oscillate are reference values; the actual settings may be determined as needed according to the conditions under which the set is to be used.Register Table“∗” Undefined Control Register。
2050型智能空气 TSP综合采样器
EEEHP1A100R中文资料(panasonic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
0.50 EEEHB0G101R
0.50 EEEHB0G151P
0.50 EEEHB0G221P
0.30 EEEHB0J220R
0.30 EEEHB0J330R
0.30 EEEHB0J470R
0.30 EEEHB0J101P
0.35 EEEHB0J221P
0.35 EEEHB0J331P
00 Nov. 2012
铝电解电容器/ HB
■ 标准产品
Cap. (±20 %)
Dia. 长度
尺寸 代码
(V) (µF) 47
(毫米) (毫米)
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.DΒιβλιοθήκη 25478
目录第一章系统概述 (1)1.1适用范围 (1)1.2主要特点 (1)第二章技术参数 (2)2.1通用参数 (2)2.2电气性能 (3)2.2.1绝缘电阻 (3)2.2.2介质强度 (3)2.2.3冲击电压 (3)2.2.4抗电磁干扰性能 (3)2.2保护、测控、通讯参数 (4)第三章装置功能及原理 (5)3.1保护配置和定值整定原理 (5)3.1.1低电压保护 (5)3.1.2过电压保护 (5)3.1.3零序过电压保护 (6)3.1.4PT断线检查 (6)3.1.5开关量保护 (7)3.1.6定值清单 (7)3.1.7保护逻辑框图 (8)3.2测控原理 (9)3.2.1遥测采集和计算 (9)3.2.2遥信采集 (9)3.2.3遥脉采集 (9)3.2.4遥控输出 (9)3.2.5通讯 (10)3.2.6对时 (10)3.2.7统计 (10)3.3自检功能 (10)3.4选配功能 (10)第四章装置使用说明 (11)4.1整体配置 (11)4.2面板说明 (11)4.2.1液晶显示屏 (12)4.2.2信号指示灯 (12)4.2.3调试口 (12)4.2.4按键 (12)4.3显示说明 (14)4.4模件说明 (17)4.5机械结构 (19)4.6背板布局及端子号 (19)4.7装置硬件接线图 (19)第五章安装调试与投运 (20)5.1安装前检查 (20)5.2装置通电检查 (20)5.3调试 (20)5.4投运说明及注意事项 (21)第六章订货须知 (22)第一章系统概述1.1 适用范围HN-2050 PT保护测控装置是在总结本公司多年继电保护研发和工程经验的基础上,参考国内外相关成果,应用先进的软、硬件技术和专利抗干扰技术研制而成,符合继电保护四统一的要求,适用于35KV及以下电压等级PT柜中电压互感器监测和电压保护。
1.2 主要特点保护原理成熟可靠,并经历长时间的现场运行考验带有测控功能,计算精度高,能实现四遥功能,是四合一保护产品可采用CAN网、以太网等通讯方式,以单网、双网方式与监控系统通讯,通讯速度快,可靠性高保护功能与通讯功能相互独立,任何通信故障不影响保护单元的正常运行具有本地或远方操作功能装置可存入多套定值,定值可以本地或远方整定采用硬件实时时钟,装置掉电后仍连续计时,并采用GPS、通讯对时采用大屏幕液晶中文显示,人机界面友好,信息详细直观,操作、调试方便面板上有专用调试口,便于调试、整定和维护装置具有故障录波功能及32次带时间信息的保护动作顺序事件记录,且具有掉电保持功能装置具有自检功能,菜单中带有开出试验选项,便于调试、检验采用与本系列其它产品统一的软硬件平台,便于调试和维护通讯采用统一编码设计,伸缩性和扩展性好装置为分板插件整面板式结构,封闭、加强型单元机箱,抗强振动、强干扰设计,适应于恶劣环境采用模块化设计,软硬件兼容性好装置具有独立的交流电流电压输入、输出回路,及独立的具有防跳功能的操作回路(适用于断路器回路或FC回路)可分散安装于开关柜上,也可集中组屏安装第二章技术参数2.1 通用参数2.2 电气性能2.2.1 绝缘电阻在标准试验大气条件下,装置各带电的导电回路对地之间,及电气上无联系的各带电的导电回路之间,用开路电压500V摇表测其绝缘电阻应不小于100MΩ。
SYMBOL V5 Vlogic TA TSTORE TJMAX ESDHB 5V Power Supply Input Logic Level Operating Free-air Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Maximum Junction Temperature ESD Susceptibility – Human Body Model (Note 2), all pins PARAMETER Value 6 V5+0.3V -40 to 85 -55 to 150 150 2000 UNITS V V °C °C °C V
Class-T Architecture High Output power 35W @ 6Ω, < 1% THD+N 50W @ 8Ω, < 3% THD+N 117W @ 4Ω, < 10.0% THD+N (paralleled outputs) Audiophile Quality Sound 0.007% THD+N @ 30W 8Ω 0.005% THD+N @ 70W 4Ω (paralleled outputs) High Efficiency 92% @ 60W 8Ω 85% @ 46W 6Ω 89% @ 117W 4Ω (paralleled outputs) Dynamic Range >100 dB
BENQ HT2050A 用户手册说明书
To replace the lamp, check the model number of the replacement lamp (sold separately) and Replacement lamp model number: DT00531If the projector is mounted on the ceiling, or if the lamp has broken, ask your dealer to replace the lamp. Lamp replacement is hazardous and should not be attempted by the user.Before replacing the lamp, make sure the power switch is off and the power cable is not plugged in, then wait at least 45 minutes for the lamp to cool sufficiently. Handling the lamp while hot can cause burns, as well as damaging the lamp.The LCD projector uses a glass lamp bulb. It is a mercury lamp with highinternal pressure. High-pressure mercury lamps can break with a loud bang, or burn out, if jolted or scratched, or through wear over time. Each lamp has a different lifetime, and some may burst or burn out soon after you start using them. In addition, when the bulb bursts, it is possible for shards of glass to fly into the lamp housing, and for gas containing mercury to escape from the projectorDo not open the lamp cover while the projector is suspended from above. This iss bulb has broken, the shards will fall out when the cover is opened. In addition, working in high places is dangerous, so ask your local dealer to have the lamp replaced even if the bulb is not broken.Handle with care: jolting or scratching could cause the lamp bulb to burst during use.If the replace lamp indicator (see "Related Messages" (Vol.2 ) and "Regarding the indicator Lamps" (Vol.2 )) comes on, replace the lamp as soon as possible. Using the lamp for long periods of time, or past the replacement date, could cause it to burst. Do not use old (used) lamps; this is a cause of breakage.If the lamp breaks soon after the first time it is used, it is possible that there are electrical problems elsewhere besides the lamp. If this happens, contact your local dealer or a service representative.MENU button.Use the lever switchor ENTER button.Use the lever switchENTER button.Return menu to last previous screen:Press thePerform the operation using the lever switch(For further details, read the explanation for each separate menu.)During operation, press the RESET button.(Functions that are executed at the same timeas a selection, including H PHASE, LANGUAGEselection, and ADJUST, will not be reset.)B Input or Hi-Vision 1125i(1035i/1080i)/750p of COMPONENT VIDEOInput:At VIDEO Input, S-VIDEO Input or 525i/525p/625i of COMPONENT VIDEO Input:• The SMALL picture may not be displayed correctly with certain input signals.Select Picture Position (for 16:9/SMALL Picture):CENTERSelect Gamma Mode:NORMAL CINEMASelect Mirror Status:NORMAL H:INVERTSelect Menu Language:FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH ESPAÑOLNEDERLANDSPOTUGUÊSAdjust Sharpness (for VIDEO/S-VIDEO):Adjust COLOR (for VIDEO/S-VIDEO/COMPONENT VIDEO):Adjust Tint (for VIDEO/S-VIDEO):RedLeftAdjust Horizontal Phase (for RGB/COMPONENT VIDEO):• Adjust to eliminate flicker.Adjust Horizontal Size (for RGB):• If the horizontal size adjustment is excessive, the image may not be displayed correctly. In such a case, initialize H SIZE with the RESET button.Select Over-scan Ratio (for VIDEO/S-VIDEO/COMPONENT VIDEO):If you select LARG E, you may note streaking on the top and bottom of the screen, or flicker. If this is irritating, we suggest you select SMALL.(R) (G) (B) (H) (V) (C(Pins for RGB) (Pins for COMPONENT)B) allows the 5 RGused as RGB signal BNC input as-is.When AUTO is selected, the video/ S-video input function under ADJUST ( are enabled, and isexecuted simultaneously so that the optimum signal mode is selected from among the modes listed above.Use this function if the image becomes unstable with VIDEO/S-VIDEO. (e.g. The image becomes irregular, or lacks color.)AUTO mode may not function correctly with a PAL60 signal and certain other signals.• The AUTO mode operation requires approximately 10 seconds.For COMPONENT VIDEO, the signal type is identified automatically even ifIf the selected HDTV mode is incompatible with the input signal, the picture may be distorted.TURN ONSelecting TURN ON turns on the SYNC ON G mode. The SYNC ON G modemode, the picture may be distorted with certain input signals. In such a case, remove the signal connector so that no signal isSelects the signal displayed on the P. IN P. subscreen.P. IN P. screen (*) display position selection:Selects the position at which the P. IN P. subscreen is displayed.(*) The P. IN P. (picture-in-picture) function displays the video signal image in a subscreen (P. IN P. screen) on top of the screen on which the RG B signal image is being displayed. (See “Displaying Child Window” Vol.1Adjust POWER OFF Time: If the time set here passes without valid signal input (there is no signal input, or signal input is out of specifications), the standby mode is set (see "TURNING ON THE POWER" Vol.1 ). This function is inactive when DISABLE (0 min.) is Pressing the ONE TOUCH button will automatically retrieve pictures and automatically adjust the screen (see “ADJUSTING Vol.1(see above in this table) simultaneously when pressed. KEYSTONE will be 1523Selection of BLANK Screen:. .The BLANK Screen may be voluntarily selected. The BLANK Screen is displayed when the screen has been erased (i.e., made to vanish) by manipulating the BLANK button (please refer to the “Temporarily Blanking the Screen” section of the separate booklet, Vol. 1 (Basic)). MyScreen:Using the MyScreen category (see this Table, below), one can register a desired screen (or screens). At the time of factory shipment, this is set as a non-patterned (plain) blue color screen.The START UP Screen may be voluntarily selected. The START UP Screen is displayed when no signal has been inputted, or when spec signals are being inputted.Using the MyScreen category (see this Table, below), one can register a desired screen (or screens). At the time of factory shipment, this is set as a non-patterned (plain) blue color screen.Existing standard screens. Please make confirmation using the actual screen(s).button will eliminate the static state of the picture, and operations can be performed again from operation 1. want to register, pressing the ENTER button will initiate screen registration. The registration process takes approximately 1 minute to complete.3. When the registration has been completed, the screen of the registered MyScreen, plus the message, “MyScreen registration is finished,” will be displayed for several seconds, after which Invalidation of MyScreen registration function:When TURN ON is selected, the MyScreen category (see this Table, above) cannot be executed; in this way, one can prohibit rewrites (“writeovers”) of the MyScreen.Select WHISPER Mode:WHISPERWhen WHISPER is selected the WHISPER mode is activated. In the WHISPER mode, acoustic noise and screen brightness are reduced.Selecting the remote control receiver:The unit has 3 remote control receivers, as shown in the figureDo not reset the filter time unless you have cleaned or replaced the filter. And, always reset the filter time when cleaning or replacing the filter. The message functions will not operate properly if the filter time is not reset correctly. Before cleaning or replacing the filter, carefully read the descriptions headed "THE AIR FILTER".THE POWER WILL TURN OFF AFTER mp usage time is approaching 2,000 hours. A lamp change within hours is recommended. (Note 2)When lamp usage reaches 2,000 hours, the power will automatically be turned OFF. Please change the lamp by referring to “THE LAMP” (Vol.1 ). After you have changed the lamp, please be sure to reset the lampCHANGE THE LAMPAFTER REPLACING LAMP,RESET THE LAMP TIMER.NO INPUT IS DETECTEDONSYNC IS OUT OF RANGE ON kHz HzCHECK THE AIR FLOWfH fV” (power OFF) side of the main power switch, and wait for approximately 20 minutes. Please then use the unit only after having first confirmed that the unit has sufficientlyAUDIO IN R L。
© 2004 IXYS All rights reserved1 - 4407IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions.High Voltage IGBTin High Voltage ISOPLUS i4-PAC TMFeatures•High Voltage IGBT-substitute for high voltage MOSFETs with significantly lower voltage drop and comparable switching speed -substitute for high voltage thyristors with voltage control of turn on & turn off - substitute for electromechanical trigger and discharge relays •ISOPLUS i4-PAC TM high voltage package - isolated back surface- enlarged creepage towards heatsink - enlarged creepage between high voltage pins- application friendly pinout - high reliability- industry standard outline - UL registered E 72873Applications•switched mode power supplies •DC-DC converters •resonant converters•laser generators, x ray generators •discharge circuitsI C25= 32 A V CES = 2500 V V CE(sat)= 3.2 V t f= 250 ns512152Symbol Conditions Maximum RatingsV CES T VJ = 25°C to 150°C2500V V GES ± 20V I C25T C = 25°C 32A I C90T C = 90°C19A I CM V GE = ±15 V; R G = 47 Ω; T VJ = 125°C70A V CEK RBSOA, Clamped inductive load; L = 100 µH 1200V P totT C = 25°C 250WSymbol ConditionsCharacteristic Values(T VJ = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)min.typ.max.© 2004 IXYS All rights reserved2 - 4407Dimensions in mm (1 mm = 0.0394")Component Symbol ConditionsMaximum Ratings T VJ -55...+150°C T stg -55...+125°C V ISOL I ISOL ≤ 1 mA; 50/60 Hz 2500V~F Cmounting force with clip 20 (120)NSymbol Conditions Characteristic Values min.typ.max.d S ,d A C pin - E pin7.0mm d S ,d A pin - backside metal 5.5mm R thCH with heatsink compound 0.15K/W Weight9g© 2004 IXYS All rights reserved3 - 440701020304010100100080012345010203040506789101112131415V CEA VV V V GEV CEpF T = 25°CFig. 2Typ. Output CharacteristicsFig. 3Typ. Transfer Characteristics Fig. 4Capacitance curvesFig. 5Typ. Gate Charge characteristicsFig. 6Reverse Biased Safe Operating AreaRBSOA© 2004 IXYS All rights reserved4 - 44070102030405005101520253035E onE on mJV = 1500 V 0.0010.010.11100.010.11ts Z thJCFig. 11Typ. transient thermal impedanceFig. 9Typ. turn on energy and switchingFig. 10Typ. turn off energy and switchingtimes versus gate resistortimes versus gate resistor。
TH-2050-VFM 全功能平板电视墙壁挂件说明书
Step 3. Attaching the Articulated Arm to the Wall
Tighten the Clamp Lever to lock the Display in desired position.
Clamp Lever
TIP: If the Clamp Lever is obstructed pull it outwards to disengage the rachet mechanism.
0 'RPH 1XW [
0 :DVKHU [
Mounting Screws 0[PP0[PP [ HDFK 0[PP0[PP [ HDFK 0[PP0[PP [ HDFK 0[PP0[PP [ HDFK
15 15 15 15 16 16 17 19 19 21 22 23 23 23 25 25 25
5.10 典型打印报告(见附页)
6.1 6.2
术语解释 英汉对照
7.1 7.2
使用环境 保修
伏 达 仪 器
UI2050 测试仪是 LED 驱动电源综合测试仪。满足 GB/T 24825-2009 及 IEC62384:2006 等国内、国际标准对 LED 灯电性能的测试要求。 UI2050 输入和输出测试均可以测试交流和直流,仪器八窗口同时显示输 入特性、输出特性各项参数,便于分析、比较,非常适合技术开发,也适合于 生产现场检测。UI2050 仪器也可以与 PC 机通讯,在 PC 机显示屏上显示所有 数据和波形,并提供中文或英文操作页面,界面美观,操作简易。
1 N
Σ(U i)
1 N
(Ii) Σ i=1 P × IR M
1 N
U i× Ii Σ i=1
上式中 N 为以周期内采样的点数(周期取决于被测信号的频率) ,Ui 和 Ii 为某一采样时刻的数值。
伏 达 仪 器
本仪器提供 2 种计算总谐波失真(THD)的方法,即 IEC 和 CSA,分别为: IEC 计算方法:
伏 达 仪 器
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交流: 项目 电压 电流 功率 功率因数 频率 谐波(有效值) 灯电压 灯电流 灯功率 ±(0.1%读数+0.1%量程+1 字) ±(0.002+0.001/读数+1 字) ±0.1%读数 ±(0.1%量程+5%读数) 输入波形:正弦波; 输入频率:45~65Hz; 仪器校准后 12 个月内。 ±(0.1%读数+0.1%量程+1 字) 输入波形:正弦波; 输入频率:45~65Hz; 仪器校准后 12 个月内。 基本误差 测试条件
2050冷轧机技术参数轧制带材品种:纯铝及软铝合金带材来料规格成品规格厚度:6~12mm厚差:纵向不超过±2%,横向不超过±1.5%宽度:1000~1920mm带卷内径:φ610mm(不带套筒时)φ665mm(带套筒时)带材外径max:φ2500mm最大卷重:23000kg 厚度:0.2~6.0mm厚度精度(配进口测厚仪):0.2±0.003mm;0.5±0.008mm;1.5±0.015mm;2.0±0.02mm宽度:1000~1920mm带卷内径:φ610mm带卷外径:φ2500mm钢套筒规格:φ605/φ665×2200mm轧机参数轧辊尺寸:工作辊:φ480/φ450×2050mm;硬度,HS95~100中间辊:φ560/φ530×2050mm;硬度,HS80~85支承辊:φ1300/φ1230×2000mm;硬度,HS70~75 最大轧制力:20000KN额定静输出力矩:400KNm开卷张力:6~220KN张力精度:稳态,最大张力值时±1%,最小张力值时±5%;加减速时,最大张力值时±3%,最小张力值时±10%卷取张力:5~200KN张力精度:稳态时,最大张力值±1%,最小张力值时±5%;加减速时最大张力值±3%,最小张力值时±10%穿带速度:0.3m/s轧制速度:低速档0~165~410m/min,高速档,0~405~1000m/min速度精度:加减速时,±0.5%额定速度;稳态时,±0.1%额定速度装机总容量:约DC7580KW,AC880KW轧机主传动电机(2台):每台功率2240KW,转速:300/750r/min 压上油缸直径:φ850mm开卷机卷取机(卷筒为液压涨缩四棱锥结构)卷筒涨缩范围:φ570~620mm开卷张力范围:6~220KN高速档最大开卷速度:700m/min高速档张力范围:6~80KN低速档最大开卷速度:287m/min低速档张力范围:16~220KN开卷机传动电机(2台):功率:618KW,转速:419/1200r/min 纠偏行程:±100mm,纠偏速度:±2mm/s 卷轴涨缩范围:φ595~610mm卷取张力范围:5~200KN高速档最大卷取速度:1150m/min高速档张力范围:5~75KN低速档最大卷取速度:470m/min低速档张力范围:15~200KN卷取机传动电机(3台):功率:618KW, 转速:419/1200r/min机前装置:偏导辊直径:φ300mm,展平辊直径:φ200mm,液压剪剪切力:250KN卷取装置:偏导辊电机:功率7KW,转速:856/1600r/min 偏导辊尺寸:φ300×2050mm压辊尺寸:φ240×800mm带式助卷器:行程:2600mm助卷带规格:单带宽950mm;双带宽2×650mm 卷径测量装置(采用激光测量):卷径测量范围:φ750~2500mm测量精度:卷径±2mm卷材储运装置:存放卷数max:4卷辊道电机:7.5KW, 1440rpm工艺油润滑系统液压系统供油能力:8700 L/min 供油压力:0.2~0.5MPa 供油温度:35~46℃过滤能力:9000L/min 过滤精度:0.5~5μm压上系统最大工作压力:21MPa弯辊系统最大工作压力:18Mpa辅助系统工作压力:12MPa换辊车液压系统工作压力:8MPa对中系统工作压力:12MPa 1850冷轧机技术参数轧制带材品种:纯铝及软铝合金带材坯料规格成品规格最大厚度×坯料宽度:3.0×950~1700mm;坯料厚差:纵向不超过±2%,横向不超过1.5%;料卷内径:ф665mm(不带套筒时为ф610mm);料卷最大外径:ф2400mm;钢套筒规格:ф605/ф665×1900mm;最大单卷重:18200kg;成品厚度×成品宽度:0.05~1.5×950~1700mm;带卷内径:ф665mm(不带套筒时为ф610mm);带卷最大外径:ф2400mm;钢套筒规格:ф605/ф665×1900mm;最大单卷重:18200kg;轧机参数轧辊尺寸:工作辊:φ380/φ360×1900mm;硬度,HS97~100支承辊:φ960/φ920×1850mm;硬度,HS70~75 最大轧制力:10000 KN。
20 series studio microphonesA T2050Multi-pattern Condenser Side-Address MicrophoneFeatures• Designed for critical home/project/professional studioapplications and live performance• Three switchable polar patterns: omni, cardioid, figure-of-eight• Dual-diaphragm capsule design maintains precise polar patterndefinition across the full frequency range of the microphone• Dual large diaphragms are gold-vaporized and aged to achieveoptimum characteristics over years of use• Rugged design and construction for reliable performance• Included shock mount provides superior isolation• Integral 80 Hz high-pass filter switch and 10 dB pad switch• State-of-the-art design and manufacturing techniques ensurecompliance with A-T’s stringent consistency and reliabilitystandardsDescriptionThe AT2050 is a large-diaphragm side-address externally polarized(DC bias) condenser microphone with three switchable polar patterns:omnidirectional, cardioid, and figure-of-eight. It is designed for home/project/professional studio applications and live performance.The microphone requires 11V to 52V phantom power for operation.The omnidirectional polar pattern is sensitive to sound coming fromall directions. Select the omni pattern to pick up several voices orinstruments on the same microphone, to diminish proximity effect, andto preserve the location’s ambient sound.The cardioid polar pattern is more sensitive to sound originating directlyin front of the element, making it useful in controlling feedback, reducingpickup of unwanted sounds and providing isolation between performers.The figure-of-eight polar pattern is more sensitive to sound originating inthe front and back of the microphone, rejecting sounds from the sides.It is often used in conjunction with advanced stereo miking techniques.The output of the microphone is a 3-pin XLRM-type connector.The microphone is equipped with a switchable 10 dB pad and a switchthat permits choice of flat response or low-frequency roll-off (via integral80 Hz high-pass filter).The microphone is enclosed in a rugged housing. The included AT8458shock mount provides superior isolation and permits mounting on anymicrophone stand with 5/8"-27 threads. A soft protective pouch is alsoincluded.Operation and MaintenanceThe AT2050 requires 11V to 52V phantom power for operation.Output is low impedance (Lo-Z) balanced. The signal appears across Pins2 and 3; Pin 1 is ground (shield). Output phase is “Pin 2 hot”—positiveacoustic pressure produces positive voltage at Pin 2.To avoid phase cancellation and poor sound, all mic cables must be wiredconsistently: Pin 1-to-Pin 1, etc.An Audio-Technica emblem and the pattern-selection switch are on thefront of the microphone. Position this side of the microphone toward thesound source.The pattern-selection switch provides user-selection of omnidirectional,cardioid, and figure-of-eight polar patterns. To select the omnidirectionalpolar pattern, slide the switch to the circular polar pattern image. Toselect the cardioid polar pattern, slide the switch to the heart-shapedpolar pattern image. To select the figure-of-eight pattern, slide the switchto the figure-eight shaped polar pattern image.An integral 80 Hz high-pass filter provides easy switching from a flatfrequency response to a low-end roll-off. The roll-off position reduces themicrophone’s sensitivity to popping in close vocal use. It also reducesthe pickup of low-frequency ambient noise (such as traffic, air-handlingsystems, etc.), room reverberation and mechanically coupled vibrations.To engage the high-pass filter, slide the switch toward the “bent” line.The microphone is also equipped with a switchable 10 dB pad that lowersthe microphone's sensitivity, thus providing higher SPL capability forflexible use with a wide range of users and system configurations. Toengage the 10 dB pad, slide the switch toward the -10 position.In use, secure the cable to the mic stand or boom, leaving a slack loop atthe mic. This will ensure the most effective shock isolation and reducethe possibility of accidentally pulling the microphone out of its mount.Avoid leaving the microphone in the open sun or in areas wheretemperatures exceed 110° F (43° C) for extended periods. Extremely highhumidity should also be avoided.Architect’s and Engineer’s SpecificationsThe microphone shall be a large-diaphragm side-address externallypolarized (DC bias) condenser with user-switchable omnidirectional,cardioid, and figure-of-eight polar patterns and a frequency response of20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. The microphone shall operate from an external 11Vto 52V DC phantom power source. It shall be capable of handling soundinput levels up to 149 dB (159 dB with 10 dB pad) with a dynamic rangeof 132 dB. Nominal open-circuit output voltage shall be 7.9 mV at 1V, 1Pascal. Output shall be low impedance balanced (120 ohms).The output of the microphone shall be a 3-pin XLRM-type connector.The microphone shall be equipped with a switchable 10 dB pad, a switchthat permits choice of flat response or 80 Hz low-frequency roll-off, and apolar pattern selection switch.A T2050Audio-Technica U.S., Inc., 1221 Commerce Drive, Stow, Ohio 44224Audio-Technica Limited, Old Lane, Leeds LS11 8AG England ©2010 Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. 0001-0202-01Specificationscardioid frequency response: 20–20,000 Hzomni frequency response: 20–20,000 Hzfigure-of-eight frequency polar patternpolar patternpolar patternExternally polarized (DC bias) condenser Cardioid, Omnidirectional, Figure-of-eight 20-20,000 Hz80 Hz, 12 dB/octave–42 dB (7.9 mV), re 1V at 1 Pa 120 ohms149 dB SPL, 1 kHz at 1% T.H.D.;159 dB SPL, with 10 dB pad (nominal)17 dB SPL132 dB, 1 kHz at Max SPL 77 dB, 1 kHz at 1 Pa11-52V DC, 4.7 mA typical Polar selection; Flat, roll-off; 10 dB pad (nominal)412 g (14.5 oz)170.0 mm (6.69") long,52.0 mm (2.05") maximum body diameter Integral 3-pin XLRM-type R5Element Polar patterns Frequency response Low frequency roll-off Open circuit sensitivityImpedanceMaximum input sound level Noise 1Dynamic range (typical) Signal-to-noise ratio 1Phantom power requirementsSwitchesWeight DimensionsOutput connectorAudio-Technica case styleThe microphone shall be 170.0 mm (6.69") long and have a maximum body diameter of 52.0 mm (2.05"). Weight shall be 412 grams (14.5 oz). The microphone shall include a shock mount and a soft protective pouch.The Audio-Technica AT2050 is specified.461。
1Features➤Conservative and repeatable measurement of available capac-ity in Lithium Ion rechargeable batteries ➤Designed for battery pack inte-gration-120µA typical operating current-Small size enables imple-mentations in as little as 12square inch of PCB➤Integrate within a system or as a stand-alone device-Display capacity via single-wire serial communication port or direct drive of LEDs➤Measurements compensated for current and temperature ➤Self-discharge compensation us-ing internal temperature sensor ➤16-pin narrow SOICGeneral DescriptionThe bq2050Lithium Ion Power Gauge™IC is intended for battery-pack or in-system installation to maintain an accurate record of available battery capacity.The IC monitors a voltage drop across a sense resistor connected in series between the negative battery termi-nal and ground to d e t e r m i n e charge and discharge activity of the battery .Compensations for bat-tery temperature and rate of charge or discharge are applied to the charge,discharge,and self-discharge calculations to provide available ca-pacity information across a wide range of operating conditions.Bat-tery capacity is automatically recali-brated,or “learned,”in the course of a discharge cycle from full to empty .Nominal available capacity may be directly indicated using a five-segment LED display.These seg-ments are used to graphically indi-cate available capacity .The bq2050supports a simple single-line bidi-rectional serial link to an external processor (common ground).The bq2050outputs battery information in response to external commands over the serial link.The bq2050may operate directly from one cell (V BAT >3V).With the REF output and an external transis-tor,a simple,inexpensive regulator can be built for systems with more than one series cell.Internal registers include available capacity ,temperature,scaled avail-able energy,battery ID,battery status,and programming pin set-tings.To support subassembly test-ing,the outputs may also be con-trolled.The external processor may also overwrite some of the bq2050power gauge data registers.LCOMLED common output SEG 1/PROG 1LED segment 1/program 1 input SEG 2/PROG 2LED segment 2/program 2 inputSEG 3/PROG 3LED segment 3/program 3 input SEG 4/PROG 4LED segment 4/program 4 input SEG 5/PROG 5LED segment 5/program 5 input PROG 6Program 6 input1PN205001.eps16-Pin Narrow SOIC234 5678161514131211109V CC REF N/C DQ RBI SB DISPSRLCOMSEG 1/PROG 1SEG 2/PROG 2SEG 3/PROG 3SEG 4/PROG 4SEG 5/PROG 5PROG 6V SSREF V oltage reference output N/C No connectDQSerial communications input/output RBIRegister backup input SB Battery sense input DISP Display control input SR Sense resistor input V CC 3.0–6.5V V SS System groundPin Connections Pin Namesbq20509/96 CLithium Ion Power Gauge™ ICPin DescriptionsLCOM LED common outputOpen-drain output switches V CC to sourcecurrent for the LEDs.The switch is off dur-ing initialization to allow reading of the softpull-up or pull-down program resistors.LCOM is also high impedance when the dis-play is off.SEG1–SEG5LED display segment outputs(dual func-tion with PROG1–PROG6)Each output may activate an LED to sink the current sourced from LCOM.PROG1–PROG2Programmed full count selection inputs (dual function with SEG1–SEG2)These three-level input pins define the pro-grammed full count(PFC)thresholds de-scribed in Table2.PROG3–PROG4Power gauge rate selection inputs(dual function with SEG3–SEG4)These three-level input pins define the scale factor described in Table2.PROG5Self-discharge rate selection(dual func-tion with SEG5)This three-level input pin defines theselfdischarge and battery compensation fac-tors as shown in Table1.PROG6Capacity initialization selectionThis three-level pin defines the battery stateof charge at reset as shown in Table1.N/C No connectSR Sense resistor inputThe voltage drop(V SR)across the sense re-sistor R S is monitored and integrated overtime to interpret charge and discharge activ-ity.The SR input is tied between the nega-tive terminal of the battery and the sense re-sistor.V SR<V SS indicates discharge,and V SR>V SS indicates charge.The effective voltagedrop,V SRO,as seen by the bq2050is V SR+V OS.DISP Display control inputDISP high disables the LED display.DISPtied to V CC allows PROG X to connect directlyto V CC or V SS instead of through a pull-up orpull-down resistor.DISP floating allows theLED display to be active during charge.DISP low activates the display.See Table1.SB Secondary battery inputThis input monitors the battery cell voltagepotential through a high-impedance resis-tive divider network for end-of-dischargevoltage(EDV)thresholds,and battery re-moved.RBI Register backup inputThis pin is used to provide backup potential tothe bq2050registers during periods whenV CC≤3V.A storage capacitor or a batterycan be connected to RBI.DQ Serial I/O pinThis is an open-drain bidirectional pin.REF Voltage reference output for regulatorREF provides a voltage reference output foran optional micro-regulator.V CC Supply voltage inputV SS Ground2bq2050Functional DescriptionGeneral OperationThe bq2050determines battery capacity by monitor-ing the amount of current input to or removed from a rechargeable battery.The bq2050measures dis-charge and charge currents,measures battery volt-age,estimates self-discharge,monitors the battery for low battery voltage thresholds,and compensates for temperature and charge/discharge rates.The cur-rent measurement is made by monitoring the voltage across a small-value series sense resistor between the negative battery terminal and ground.The estimate of scaled available energy is made using the remaining average battery voltage during the discharge cycle and the remaining nominal available charge.Thescaled available energy measurement is corrected for the environmental and operating conditions.Figure1shows a typical battery pack application of the bq2050using the LED display capability as a charge-state indicator.The bq2050is configured to display ca-pacity in relative display mode.The relative display mode uses the last measured discharge capacity of the battery as the battery“full”reference.A push-button display feature is available for momentarily enabling the LED display.The bq2050monitors the charge and discharge currents as a voltage across a sense resistor(see R S in Figure1).A filter between the negative battery terminal and theSR pin may be required if the rate of change of the bat-tery current is too great.3bq2050Figure 1. Battery Pack Application Diagram—LED DisplayVoltage ThresholdsIn conjunction with monitoring V SR for charge/discharge currents,the bq2050monitors the battery potential through the SB pin.The voltage is determined through a resistor-divider network per the following equation:RB1 RB22N=−1where N is the number of cells,RB1is connected to the positive battery terminal,and RB2is connected to the negative battery terminal.The single-cell battery volt-age is monitored for the end-of-discharge voltage(EDV). EDV threshold levels are used to determine when the battery has reached an“empty”state.Two EDV thresholds for the bq2050are programmable with the default values fixed at:EDV1(early warning)=1.52VEDVF(empty)=1.47VIf V SB is below either of the two EDV thresholds,the as-sociated flag is latched and remains latched,independ-ent of V SB,until the next valid charge.The V SB value is also available over the serial port.During discharge and charge,the bq2050monitors V SR for various thresholds used to compensate the charge and discharge rates.Refer to the count compensation section for details.EDV monitoring is disabled if thedischarge rate is greater than2C(typical)andresumesafter the rate falls below2C.RBI InputThe RBI input pin is intended to be used with a storage ca-pacitor or external supply to provide backup potential to the internal bq2050registers when V CC drops below3.0V.V CC is output on RBI when V CC is above3.0V.A diode is re-quired to isolate the external supply.ResetThe bq2050can be reset either by removing V CC and grounding the RBI pin for15seconds or by writing0x80 to register0x39.TemperatureThe bq2050internally determines the temperature in 10°C steps centered from approximately-35°C to+85°C. The temperature steps are used to adapt charge and dis-charge rate compensations,self-discharge counting,and available charge display translation.The temperature range is available over the serial port in10°C incre-ments as shown in the following table:Layout ConsiderationsThe bq2050measures the voltage differential between the SR and V SS pins.V OS(the offset voltage at the SR pin)is greatly affected by PC board layout.For optimal results,the PC board layout should follow the strict rule of a single-point ground return.Sharing high-current ground with small signal ground causes undesirable noise on the small signal nodes.Additionally:n The capacitors(C1and C2)should be placed as close as possible to the V CC and SB pins,respectively,and their paths to V SS should be asshort as possible.A high-quality ceramic capacitor of0.1µf is recommended for V CC.n The sense resistor capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the SR pin.n The sense resistor(R S)should be as close as possible to the bq2050.4bq2050TMP (hex)Temperature Range0x< -30°C1x-30°C to -20°C2x-20°C to -10°C3x-10°C to 0°C4x0°C to 10°C5x10°C to 20°C6x20°C to 30°C7x30°C to 40°C8x40°C to 50°C9x50°C to 60°CAx60°C to 70°CBx70°C to 80°CCx> 80°CGas Gauge OperationThe operational overview diagram in Figure2illustrates the operation of the bq2050.The bq2050accumulates a measure of charge and discharge currents,as well as an estimation of self-discharge.Charge and discharge cur-rents are temperature and rate compensated,whereas self-discharge is only temperature compensated.The main counter,Nominal Available Capacity(NAC), represents the available battery capacity at any given time.Battery charging increments the NAC register, while battery discharging and self-discharge decrement the NAC register and increment the DCR(Discharge Count Register).The Discharge Count Register(DCR)is used to update the Last Measured Discharge(LMD)register only if a complete battery discharge from full to empty occurs without any partial battery charges.Therefore,the bq2050adapts its capacity determination based on the actual conditions of discharge.The battery's initial capacity is equal to the Pro-grammed Full Count(PFC)shown in Table2.Until LMD is updated,NAC counts up to but not beyond this threshold during subsequent charges.This approach al-lows the gas gauge to be charger-independent and com-patible with any type of charge regime.st Measured Discharge(LMD)or learnedbattery capacity:LMD is the last measured discharge capacity of thebattery.On initialization(application of V CC or bat-tery replacement),LMD=PFC.During subsequentdischarges,the LMD is updated with the latestmeasured capacity in the Discharge Count Register(DCR)representing a discharge from full to belowEDV1.A qualified discharge is necessary for a capac-ity transfer from the DCR to the LMD register.TheLMD also serves as the100%reference thresholdused by the relative display mode.5bq2050Figure 2. Operational Overview2.Programmed Full Count (PFC)or initial bat-tery capacity:The initial LMD and gas gauge rate values are pro-grammed by using PROG 1–PROG 4.The bq2050is configured for a given application by selecting a PFC value from Table 2.The correct PFC may be determined by multiplying the rated battery capac-ity in mAh by the sense resistor value:Battery capacity (mAh)*sense resistor (Ω) =PFC (mVh)Selecting a PFC slightly less than the rated capac-ity provides a conservative capacity reference until the bq2050“learns”a new capacity reference.Example:Selecting a PFC Value Given:Sense resistor =0.05ΩNumber of cells =2Capacity =1000mAh,Li-Ion battery ,coke-anode Current range =50mA to 1A Relative display mode Serial port onlySelf-discharge=per day @25°CVoltage drop over resistor =2.5mV to 50mV Nominal discharge voltage =3.6V Therefore:1000mAh *0.05Ω=50mVh6bq2050PROG x Pro-grammed Full Count (PFC)PROG 4= LPROG 4= ZUnits 12PROG3 = H PROG3 = Z PROG3 = L PROG3 = H PROG3 = Z PROG3 = L ---SCALE =1/80SCALE =1/160SCALE =1/320SCALE =1/640SCALE =1/1280SCALE =1/2560mVh/count H H 4915261430715476.838.419.2mVh H Z 4505656328214170.435.217.6mVh H L 4096051225612864.032.016.0mVh Z H 3686446123011557.628.814.4mVh Z Z 3379242221110653.026.413.2mVh Z L 3072038419296. L H 2764834617386.443.221.610.8mVh L Z 2560032016080. LL2252828214170.435.217.68.8mVh VSR equivalent to 2counts/sec.(nom.)904522.511.255.62.8mVTable 2. bq2050 Programmed Full Count mVh SelectionsNote:PROG 5and PROG 6states are independent.Table 1. bq2050 ProgrammingSelect:PFC=30720counts or48mVhPROG1=floatPROG2=lowPROG3=highPROG4=floatPROG5=floatPROG6=floatThe initial full battery capacity is48mVh(960mAh) until the bq2050“learns”a new capacity with a qualified discharge from full to EDV1.3.Nominal Available Capacity(NAC):NAC counts up during charge to a maximum value of LMD and down during discharge and self-dis-charge to0.NAC is reset to0on initialization and on the first valid charge following discharge to EDV1.To prevent overstatement of charge during periods of overcharge,NAC stops incrementing when NAC= LMD.4.Discharge Count Register(DCR):The DCR counts up during discharge independent of NAC and could continue increasing after NAC has decremented to0.Prior to NAC=0(empty battery), both discharge and self-discharge increment the DCR.After NAC=0,only discharge increments the DCR.The DCR resets to0when NAC=LMD.The DCR does not roll over but stops counting when it reaches FFFFh.The DCR value becomes the new LMD value on the first charge after a valid discharge to V EDV1if:No valid charge initiations(charges greater than 256NAC counts,where V SRO>V SRQ)occurred dur-ing the period between NAC=LMD and EDV1de-tected.The self-discharge count is not more than4096 counts(8%to18%of PFC,specific percentage threshold determined by PFC).The temperature is≥0°C when the EDV1level is reached during discharge.The valid discharge flag(VDQ)indicates whether the present discharge is valid for LMD update.5.Scaled Available Energy(SAE):SAE is useful in determining the available energy within the battery,and may provide a more useful capacity reference in battery chemistries with sloped voltage profiles during discharge.SAE may be converted to a mWh value using the following formula:E(mWh) =(**SAEH SAEL)256+24.)∗∗+∗SCALE(R RR RB1B2S B2where R B1,R B2and R S are resistor values in ohms.SCALE is the selected scale from Table2.SAEHand SAEL are digital values read via DQ.pensated Available Capacity(CAC)CAC counts similar to NAC,but contains the avail-able capacity compensated for discharge rate andtemperature.Charge CountingCharge activity is detected based on a positive voltage on the V SR input.If charge activity is detected,the bq2050increments NAC at a rate proportional to V SR and, if enabled,activates an LED display.Charge actions in-crement the NAC after compensation for temperature.The bq2050determines charge activity sustained at a continuous rate equivalent to V SRO>V SRQ.A valid charge equates to sustained charge activity greater than256NAC counts.Once a valid charge is detected, charge counting continues until V SRO(V SR+V OS)falls below V SRQ.V SRQ is210µV,and is described in the Digital Magnitude Filter section.Discharge CountingDischarge activity is detected based on a negative voltage on the V SR input.All discharge counts where V SRO<V SRD cause the NAC register to decrement and the DCR to increment.V SRD is-200µV,and is described in the Digital Magnitude Filter section.Self-Discharge EstimationThe bq2050continuously decrements NAC and increments DCR for self-discharge based on time and temperature.Thecount rate is programmed to be a nominal *NAC per day or disabled.This is the rate for a bat-whose temperature is between20°–30°C.The NAC register cannot be decremented below0.Count CompensationsDischarge CompensationCorrections for the rate of discharge,temperature,and anode type are made by adjusting an internal compensation factor.This factor is based on the measured rate of discharge of the battery.Tables3A and3B outline the correction factor typi-cally used for graphite anode Li-Ion batteries,and Tables4A and4B outline the factors typically used for coke anode Li-Ion batteries.The compensation factor is applied to CAC and is based on discharge rate and temperature.7bq2050Charge CompensationThe bq2050applies the following temperature compen-sation to NAC during charge:This compensation applies to both types of Li-Ion cells.Self-Discharge CompensationThe self-discharge compensation is programmed for a nominal rate of *NAC per day .This is the rate for a battery within 20°C–30°C temperature range.This rate varies across 8ranges from <10°C to >70°C,chang-ing with each higher temperature (approximately 10°C).See Table 5below:Self-discharge may be disabled by connecting PROG 5=H.Digital Magnitude FilterThe bq2050has a digital filter to eliminate charge and dis-charge counting below a set threshold.The bq2050setting is 200µV for V SRD and 210µV for V SRQ .8bq2050Table 5. Self-Discharge CompensationApproximate Discharge RateDischarge CompensationFactorEfficiency <0.5C 1.00100%≥0.5C1.0595%Table 3A. Graphite AnodeTemperature Temperature CompensationFactorEfficiency ≥10°C 1.00100%0°C to 10°C 1.1090%-10°C to 0°C 1.3574%≤-10°C2.5040%Table 3B. Graphite AnodeApproximate Discharge RateDischarge CompensationFactorEfficiency <0.5C 1.00100%≥0.5C1.1586%Table 4A. Coke AnodeTemperature Temperature CompensationFactorEfficiency ≥10°C 1.00100%0°C to 10°C 1.2580%-10°C to 0°C 2.0050%≤-10°C8.0012%Table 4B. Coke AnodeTemperature Temperature CompensationFactorEfficiency <10°C 0.9595%≥10°C1.00100%Error SummaryCapacity InaccurateThe LMD is susceptible to error on initialization or if no updates occur.On initialization,the LMD value in-cludes the error between the programmed full capacity and the actual capacity.This error is present until a valid discharge occurs and LMD is updated(see the DCR description on page7).The other cause of LMD er-ror is battery wear-out.As the battery ages,the meas-ured capacity must be adjusted to account for changes in actual battery capacity.A Capacity Inaccurate counter(CPI)is maintained and incremented each time a valid charge occurs(qualified by NAC;see the CPI register description)and is reset whenever LMD is updated from the DCR.The counter does not wrap around but stops counting at255.The ca-pacity inaccurate flag(CI)is set if LMD has not been up-dated following64valid charges.Current-Sensing ErrorTable5illustrates the current-sensing error as a func-tion of V SRO.A digital filter eliminates charge and dis-charge counts to the NAC register when V SRO is between V SRQ and V SRD.Communicating With the bq2050The bq2050includes a simple single-pin(DQ plus re-turn)serial data interface.A host processor uses the in-terface to access various bq2050registers.Battery char-acteristics may be easily monitored by adding a single contact to the battery pack.The open-drain DQ pin on the bq2050should be pulled up by the host system,or may be left floating if the serial interface is not used.The interface uses a command-based protocol,where the host processor sends a command byte to the bq2050. The command directs the bq2050to either store the next eight bits of data received to a register specified by the command byte or output the eight bits of data specified by the command byte.The communication protocol is asynchronous mand and data bytes consist of a stream ofeight bits that have a maximum transmission rate of 333bits/sec.The least-significant bit of a command or data byte is transmitted first.The protocol is simple enough that it can be implemented by most host proces-sors using either polled or interrupt processing.Data input from the bq2050may be sampled using the pulse-width capture timers available on some microcontrol-lers.If a communication error occurs,e.g.t CYCB>6ms,the bq2050should be sent a BREAK to reinitiate the serial interface.A BREAK is detected when the DQ pin is driven to a logic-low state for a time,t B or greater.The DQ pin should then be returned to its normal ready-high logic state for a time,t BR.The bq2050is now ready to receive a command from the host processor.The return-to-one data bit frame consists of three dis-tinct sections.The first section is used to start the transmission by either the host or the bq2050taking the DQ pin to a logic-low state for a period,t STRH,B.The next section is the actual data transmission,where the data should be valid by a period,t DSU,after the negative edge used to start communication.The data should be held for a period,t DV,to allow the host or bq2050to sample the data bit.The final section is used to stop the transmission by re-turning the DQ pin to a logic-high state by at least a pe-riod,t SSU,after the negative edge used to start commu-nication.The final logic-high state should be held untila period,t SV,to allow time to ensure that the bit trans-mission was stopped properly.The timings for data and break communication are given in the serial communi-cation timing specification and illustration sections.Communication with the bq2050is always performed with the least-significant bit being transmitted first.Figure3 shows an example of a communication sequence to read the bq2050NAC register.9bq2050Symbol Parameter Typical Maximum Units NotesINL Integrated non-linearityerror±2±4%Add 0.1% per °C above or below 25°Cand 1% per volt above or below 4.25V.INR Integrated non-repeatability error±1±2%Measurement repeatability givensimilar operating conditions.Table 6. bq2050 Current-Sensing Errorsbq2050 RegistersThe bq2050command and status registers are listed in Table7and described below.Command Register(CMDR)The write-only CMDR register is accessed when eight valid command bits have been received by the bq2050. The CMDR register contains two fields:n W/R bitn Command addressThe bit of the command register is used to select whether the received command is for a read or a write function.The values are:CMDR Bits76543210W/R-------Where W/R is:0The bq2050outputs the requested register con-tents specified by the address portion of CMDR.1The following eight bits should be writtento the register specified by the address por-tion of CMDR.The lower seven-bit field of CMDR contains the address portion of the register to be accessed.Attempts to write to invalid addresses are ignored.Primary Status Flags Register(FLGS1)The read-only FLGS1register(address=01h)contains the primary bq2050flags.The charge status flag(CHGS)is asserted when a valid charge rate is detected.Charge rate is deemed valid when V SRO>V SRQ.A V SRO of less than V SRQ or discharge activity clears CHGS.The CHGS values are:Where CHGS is:0Either discharge activity detected or V SRO<V SRQ1V SRO>V SRQThe battery replaced flag(BRP)is asserted whenever the bq2050is reset either by application of V CC or by a serial port command.BRP is reset when either a valid charge action increments NAC to be equal to LMD,or a valid charge action is detected after the EDV1flag is as-serted.BRP=1signifies that the device has been reset.The BRP values are:Where BRP is:0Battery is charged until NAC=LMD or dis-charged until the EDV1 flag is asserted1bq2050 is reset10FLGS1 Bits76543210 CHGS-------CMDR Bits76543210-AD6AD5AD4AD3AD2AD1AD0(LSB)TD205002.epsDQ Break000000101001Written by Host to bq2050CMDR = 03hReceived by Host to bq2050NAC = 65hLSB MSB LSB MSB1110Figure 3. Typical Communication With the bq2050bq2050FLGS1 Bits76543210-BRP------11Symbol Register NameLoc.(hex)Read/Write Control Field 7(MSB)6543210(LSB)CMDRCommand register 00h Write W/R AD6AD5AD4AD3AD2AD1AD0FLGS1Primary status flagsregister01h Read CHGS BRP n/u CI VDQ n/u EDV1EDVF TMP Temperature register02h Read TMP3TMP2TMP1TMP0GG3GG2GG1GG0NACH Nominal available ca-pacity high byte reg-ister03hR/W NACH7NACH6NACH5NACH4NACH3NACH2NACH1NACH0NACL Nominal availablecapacity low byteregister 17h Read NACL7NACL6NACL5NACL4NACL3NACL2NACL1NACL0BATID Batteryidentificationregister04h R/W BATID7BATID6BATID5BATID4BATID3BATID2BATID1BATID0LMDLast measured dis-charge register 05hR/WLMD7LMD6LMD5LMD4LMD3LMD2LMD1LMD0FLGS2Secondary statusflags register06h Read n/u DR2DR1DR0n/u n/u n/u OVLD PPDProgram pin pull-down register07h Read n/u n/u PPD6PPD5PPD4PPD3PPD2PPD1PPUProgram pin pull-upregister 08h Read n/u n/u PPU6PPU5PPU4PPU3PPU2PPU1CPI Capacityinaccurate count reg-ister09h Read CPI7CPI6CPI5CPI4CPI3CPI2CPI1CPI0VSBBattery voltageregister0Bh Read VSB7VSB6VSB5VSB4VSB3VSB2VSB1VSB0VTSEnd-of-discharge thresh-old select register 0ChR/WVTS7VTS6VTS5VTS4VTS3VTS2VTS1VTS0CACH Compensated avail-able capacity high byteregister0Dh Read CACH7CACH6CACH5CACH4CACH3CACH2CACH1CACH0CACL Compensatedavailable capacity lowbyte register 0Eh Read CACL7CACL6CACL5CACL4CACL3CACL2CACL1CACL0SAEH Scaled availableenergy high byte reg-ister0Fh Read SAEH7SAEH6SAEH5SAEH4SAEH3SAEH2SAEH1SAEH0SAEL Scaled availableenergy low byte regis-ter 10h Read SAEL7SAEL6SAEL5SAEL4SAEL3SAEL2SAEL1SAEL0RST Reset register 39h WriteRSTNote:n/u = not usedTable 7. bq2050 Command and Status Registersbq2050The capacity inaccurate flag(CI)is used to warn the user that the battery has been charged a substantial number of times since LMD has been updated.The CI flag is asserted on the64th charge after the last LMD update or when the bq2050is reset.The flag is cleared after an LMD update.The CI values are:Where CI is:0When LMD is updated with a valid full dis-charge1After the 64th valid charge action with noLMD updates or the bq2050 is resetThe valid discharge flag(VDQ)is asserted when the bq2050is discharged from NAC=LMD.The flag remains set until either LMD is updated or one of three actions that can clear VDQ occurs:n The self-discharge count register (SDCR) has exceeded the maximum acceptable value (4096counts) for an LMD update.n A valid charge action sustained at V SRO> V SRQ for at least 256 NAC counts.n The EDV1 flag was set at a temperature below 0°C The VDQ values are:Where VDQ is:0SDCR≥4096,subsequent valid charge ac-tion detected,or EDV1 is asserted with thetemperature less than 0°C1On first discharge after NAC = LMDThe first end-of-discharge warning flag(EDV1) warns the user that the battery is almost empty.The first segment pin,SEG1,is modulated at a4Hz rate if the display is enabled once EDV1is asserted,which should warn the user that loss of battery power is immi-nent.The EDV1flag is latched until a valid charge has been detected.The EDV1threshold is externally con-trolled via the VTS register(see Voltage Threshold Reg-ister on this page).The EDV1values are:Where EDV1is:0Valid charge action detected,V SB≥V TS1V SB<V TS providing that the discharge rate is<2CThe final end-of-discharge warning flag(EDVF)flag is used to warn that battery power is at a failure condi-tion.All segment drivers are turned off.The EDVF flag is latched until a valid charge has been detected.The EDVF threshold is set50mV below the EDV1threshold.The EDVF values are:Where EDVF is:0Valid charge action detected,V SB≥(V TS-50mV)1V SB< (V TS- 50mV) providing the dischargerate is < 2CTemperature Register(TMP)The read-only TMP register(address=02h)contains the battery temperature.The bq2050contains an internal temperature sensor.The temperature is used to set charge and discharge ef-ficiency factors as well as to adjust the self-discharge co-efficient.The temperature register contents may be translated as shown in Table7.The bq2050calculates the gas gauge bits,GG3-GG0as a function of CACH andThe results of thegive available capacity increments from0to.12bq2050FLGS1 Bits76543210 ---CI----FLGS1 Bits76543210 ----VDQ---FLGS1 Bits76543210 ------EDV1-FLGS1 Bits76543210 -------EDVFTMP Temperature Bits76543210 TMP4TMP3TMP2TMP1----。
ABB 负荷开关 XLP 系列
產品簡介NH - 熔斷絲切換隔離開關EasyLine100 - 630 A400 / 500 / 690 V1SXF310005B2901 08-20042NH - 熔斷絲切換隔離開關EasyLine產品概述General DescriptionA new generation designed for you Product presentationEasyLine is the new complete generation of fuseswitch disconnectors including the following members:EasyLine - XLP 的特性 :Properties of the EasyLine - XLP :●XLP 000 外形緊湊●Compact XLP 000●通過了 IEC 60947-3 標準的形式測試●Typetested according to IEC 60947-3●符合 BGV A2●Fullfills BGV A2●易於回收 / 根據 ISO 14001 標準●Easy to recycle / ISO 14001 standards ●操作便捷的裝置●Quick-make operation device●帶有 IP20 的電纜端子●Integrated IP 20 cable termination●正面保護等級 IP30●IP 30 degree of protection from the front●可以替換市場上的同類產品●Replacement compatible to similar types in the market ●適用多種系統系列總線接口●Voltage measuring from the front ●可從前面測試電壓●V-0 plastic materials●使用 V-O 塑料EasyLine - XLP 的優點 :Advantages of the EasyLine - XLP :●安裝容易●Easy to install●易於卡裝在 DIN 導軌上●Easy to snap on DIN rails ●操作方便●Easy to operate ●新穎、實用以及堅固的設計●Easy to understand ●前蓋添加了電弧防護 - 增加了人生安全系數●Modern cable terminals●多種新穎的電纜線夾及附件系列●Modern and functional design●電子熔絲監察儀器●Additional arc protection shroud in front cover ●多種母線接頭- increased personal safety●Wide range of modern cable clamps and accessories ●Electronic fuse monitoring●Wide range of busbar adaptersEasyLine - 熔斷保護的應用 :Applications of EasyLine - fuse protection :●安裝設備●Installation ●開關櫃●Switchboards●配電系統●Distribution systems ●OEM 產品●OEM ’sEasyLine3 - 極 Pole XLP 000 / XLP 00可卡裝在DIN rail mounting 電壓測量裝置Voltage measurement●輔助開關:1 個 NO 或 1 NC (根據 IEC 60947-5-1標準)●Auxilliary switches, 1 NO or 1 NC (acc. to IEC 60947-5-1)●電纜護罩●Cable shrouds●廣泛系列的電纜線夾 (可參見第 11 頁)●Wide range of cable terminal clamps (See page 11)●前面框架可安裝 1 - 3 個裝置●Front frames for 1 - 3 apparatus●DIN 導軌安裝工具套件●Kit for double DIN rail mounting●母線接頭可連接距離 40 和 60 mm 的母線●Different types of plug - in busbar adapter. 40 to 60 mmPadlocking and Sealing facilities兩旁設有微型輔助開關電纜護罩Cable shroudsXLP 1 XLP 2 XLP 35EasyLine技術數據Technical Data產品是根據 IEC 60947-3 標準設計和測試的。
●电子过电流保护不能完全确保对电机的过热保护。 ●不要频繁使用变频器输入侧的电磁接触器启/停变频器。 ●用噪声滤波器减少电磁干扰的影响。否则有可能影响变频器附近使用的电子设备。 ●采取相应的措施抑制谐波。否则由于变频器产生的电源谐波,使电力电容和发电设备过热及损坏。 ●当变频器驱动 400V系列电机时,必须增强电机绝缘或抑制浪涌电压。由于布线常数引起的浪涌电压发 生于电机的端子,使电机的绝缘恶化。 ●当进行参数清除或参数全部清除时,各参数返回到出厂设定值,在运行前请再次设定必要的参数。 ●变频器可以容易地进行高速运行的设定,更改设定前,检查电机和机械性能有充分的能力。 ●请增加变频器的保持功能,安装保持设备以确保安全。 ●变频器长时间保存后再使用,使用前必须进行检查和试运行。
目 录
2 安装和接线
2.1 安装............................................................................................. 7 2.1.1 安装说明 ..................................................................................... 7 2.2 接线............................................................................................. 9 2.2.1 端子接线图 ................................................................................... 9 2.2.2 主回路接线 .................................................................................. 12 2.2.3 控制回路接线 ................................................................................ 17 2.2.4 与PU接口的连接 .............................................................................. 20 2.2.5 连接独立选件单元 ............................................................................ 23 2.2.6 设计说明 .................................................................................... 27 2.3 其他接线 ........................................................................................ 28 2.3.1 电源谐波 .................................................................................... 28 2.3.2 变频器噪音的产生和减少方法 .................................................................. 29 2.3.3 漏电流及其对策 .............................................................................. 31 2.3.4 变频器驱动 400V 级电机 ...................................................................... 32 2.3.5 周围设备 .................................................................................... 33 2.3.6 有关UL, cUL的注意事项 ................................................................ 35 2.3.7 符合欧洲标准的说明 .................................................................. 36
Storage Temperature Range
−65˚C to +150˚C −65˚C to +150˚C −65˚C to +150˚C
Soldering Information (Lead Temp.)
Metal Can Package
Soldering (10 sec.)
Dual-In-Line Package
Soldering (10 sec.)
Small Outline Package
Vapor Phase (60 sec.)
Infrared (15 sec.)
See AN-450 “Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability” for other methods of
TJMAX H-Package
Power Dissipation at TA = 25˚C (Notes 1, 8)
H-Package (Still Air)
LF155/LF156/LF256/LF257/LF355/LF356/LF357 JFET Input Operational Amplifiers
Maximum output amplitude L
Maximum output amplitude H
Offset voltage 1 V11-1
Voltage gain 1
Voltage gain 2
300mV 300mV
TE amplifier
Maximum output amplitude
V2-5 O
1V 1V 450µA 570µA 0µA 0.8mA 0µA
2.7V 2.7V 2.7V 2.7V
Description of I/O waveform Min. Typ. Max. Unit
and measurement method
20 Input GND
6.37 9.8 13.23 mA
6 Input GND
–13.23 –9.8 –6.37 mA
Input resistance 33kΩ
Output DC measurement
Input 1kHz 120mVp-p
Output AC measurement
Offset voltage
Voltage gain 1
Voltage gain 2
NSG 2050 PNW 2051 电源系统测试设备说明书
1981Plug-in for Generator SystemNSG 2050PNW 2051OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS601-213APNW 2051 SCHAFFNER TEST EQUIPMENT 1-1SCHAFFNER TEST EQUIPMENT PNW 2051Contents1Safety advice....................................................................................1-41.1General......................................................................................1-41.2Installation.................................................................................1-51.3Test execution...........................................................................1-61.4Dangers concerning the generator.............................................1-61.5Dangers concerning the EUT.....................................................1-71.6Applicable safety standards.......................................................1-82PNW 2051..........................................................................................2-92.1Operating modes.......................................................................2-92.2The LEVEL menu.....................................................................2-102.3The USER menu......................................................................2-132.4Save settings...........................................................................2-163Test set-up......................................................................................3-173.1Using the coupling network CDN 118.......................................3-17 4Technical data................................................................................4-181-2PNW 2051 SCHAFFNER TEST EQUIPMENT1-3ManufacturerSCHAFFNER LIMITED National Technological ParkCastletroyLimerickIrelandWARNING:Lethal danger from high voltages and the risk of radiating illegalelectromagnetic interference.The NSG 2050 may only be installed and used by authorised and trained EMC specialists (electrical engineers).The NSG 2050 must only be used for EMC tests as set down inthese operating instructions.SCHAFFNER TEST EQUIPMENT PNW 2051 1 Safety adviceThe generators and their accessories work at high voltages.Improper or careless handling can be fatal!These operating instructions form an integral part of the equipment and must be available to the operating personnel at all times. All the safety instructions and advice notes are to be observed.Neither SCHAFFNER Elektronik AG, Luterbach, Switzerland nor any of the subsidiary sales organisations can accept any responsibility for personal, material or consequential injury, loss or damage that results from improper use of the equipment and accessories.1.1 GeneralUse of the generator is restricted to authorised and trained specialists.The generator is to be used only for the purposes set down by the manufacturer.The construction of the unit renders it unsuitable for use in an explosive atmosphere.Persons fitted with a heart pacemaker must not operate the instrument nor approach the test rig while it is in operation.Only approved accessory items, connectors, adapters, etc. are to be used to ensure safe operation.Safety measures are described in these instructions as follows:WARNING:For potential dangers that could result in seriousinjury or death.CAUTION:For potential dangers or where careless handlingcould cause light injuries or material damage.1-4PNW 2051 SCHAFFNER TEST EQUIPMENT 1.2 InstallationThe instrument conforms to protection class 1, but with an increased leakage current.Local installation regulations must be respected to ensure the safe flow of leakage currents.Operation without a protective earth connection is forbidden!Two independent protective earth connections are necessary (instrument and EUT supply) connected back to the local permanent installation or to a fixed, permanent protective earth conductor.Operate the equipment only in dry surroundings. Any condensation that occurs must be allowed to evaporate before putting the equipment into operation. Do not exceed the permissible ambient temperature, humidity or altitude.Use only nationally approved connectors and accessory items.Ensure that a reliable return path for the interference current is provided between the EUT and the generator. The reference ground plane and the earth connections to the instruments as described in the relevant test standard serve this purpose well.The instruments must generally not be opened. This may only be undertaken by a qualified specialist if specifically instructed to do so in the operating manual. Depending on the Pulse Network (PNW) utilised, the equipment can work with two independent power supplies, one for the generator and one for the EUT. Besides the mains supply itself, certain instruments or parts thereof, also operate at high voltages which are not provided with any internal form of extra protection against being touched.1-5SCHAFFNER TEST EQUIPMENT PNW 2051 1.3 Test executionThe test area must be so organised that no unauthorised persons have access during execution of a test. If a safety contact (interlock) is used as a means of access control to the test zone (e.g. Faraday cage), then an additional contact in series is necessary to provide protection for parts of the EUT that are in danger of being touched.EUTs, together with their accessories and cables, are to be considered as being live during a test. The test generator must be stopped and the EUT supply interrupted before any work is carried out on the EUT. This can be implemented by opening the interlock circuit, but depends on the type of generator in use.The EUT is to be tested only in a protective cage or under a hood which provides protection against electric shock and all manner of other dangers pertaining to the particular EUT (see “Dangers concerning the EUT”).The safety instructions concerning all the instruments and associated equipment involved in the test rig are to be observed.The configuration of the test rig is strictly to be in compliance with the methods described in the relevant standard to ensure that the test is executed in a standard-conform manner.1.4 Dangers concerning the generator• Local burning, arcing, ignition of explosive gases.• Danger from the resultant EUT supply current caused by a flash-over or breakdown resulting from the superimposed high voltageeffects.• Dangers from a disrupted EUT.• Disturbance of unrelated electronics, telecommunications, navigational systems and heart pacemakers through unnoticedradiation of high frequency energy.1-6PNW 2051 SCHAFFNER TEST EQUIPMENT 1.5 Dangers concerning the EUTEUTs are often simply functional samples that have not previously been subjected to any safety tests. It can therefore happen in some cases that the EUT is quickly damaged by internal overloads caused by the control electronics being disrupted or it may even start to burn.• As soon as the EUT shows signs of being disrupted the test should be stopped and the power to the EUT switched off.• Internal disruption of the electronics can result in the interference voltage or the EUT supply voltage being present on the EUT’shousing.• Electrical breakdown or arcing in plugged connections that are over-stressed voltage-wise during the test.• Explosion of electronic components with fire or fragmentation as a result of the energy dissipated, e.g. from the resultant supply currentor ignition of vaporised plastics materials.• Faulty behaviour by the EUT, e.g. robot device strikes out, temperature controller fails, etc.1-7SCHAFFNER TEST EQUIPMENT PNW 2051 1.6 Applicable safety standardsDevelopment and manufacture is in compliance with ISO 9001.The equipment conforms to the safety requirements of IEC 1010-1 / EN 61010-1 (Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use).All mains driven types of generators are equipped for high voltage working safety in accordance with VDE 0104.The interference immunity has been tested in conformity with EN 50082-1.It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the test set-up does not emit excessive radiation that may affect other equipment. The generator itself does not produce any illegal radiation, however the EUT and/or the associated cables may start radiating EMI.Since the purpose of this instrument is to produce interference signals for interference immunity tests, the requirements of EN 50081-1 to limit the radiated EMI can only be complied with by operating the system inside a Faraday cage.1-8PNW 2051 SCHAFFNER TEST EQUIPMENT 2 PNW 2051The pulse network module type PNW 2051, in conjunction with the NSG 2050, produces the following pulses to satisfy the requirements of the standards:IEC 1000-4-5 (IEC801-5) / CCITT / NF C98-010 / etc.Telecom pulse 0.5/700µs10/700µs2.1 Operating modesCAUTION:Switch the mains switch on the rear panel off, before you slide the module into the main housing.• Set the instrument to “STAND-BY” with the mains switch on the rear panel. “POWER” button and the INTELOCK RESET button light up.Wait 10 sec. for processor self-test.• Switch from “STAND-BY” to ON with the “Power” button on the front panel. Display is activated and shows default settings.• Check the interlock circuit (INTL)Circuit open:Display showsInstrument cannot be switched to RUN mode norcan the EUT power be switched on.Circuit closed:Display showsInstrument is ready to RUN.Push the INTERLOCK button to reset the Interlock. The light will go out.2-92.2 The LEVEL menuThe following menu will appear when the unit is switched on:PULSEThe various rise times and the impedances are shown on the display in inverse video when the function key F1, PULSE, is pressed. The required setting is chosen with the rotary knob and confirmed by pressing ENTER.Selection0.5/700µs 15 Ohm 0.5/700µs 40 Ohm 10/700µs 15 Ohm10/700µs 40 OhmFunction The generator setting will specify the pulse rise time and theinternal impedance of 15Ω or 40Ω depending on the test set-up required in the standard.ENTER /ENTER/RETURNThe following menu will appear when the ENTER key is pressed.LEVELThe standard level is shown on the display in inverse video when the function key F1 is pressed as well as 8 USER levels per pulse definition (0.5/700µs- 15/40Ω, 10/700µs- 15/40Ω) for customised settings. Thelevels are the same for a ll pulse types. The required value is chosen with the rotary knob and confirmed by pressing ENTER.SelectionLEVEL 1P; LEVEL 1N; LEVEL 1A;LEVEL 2P; LEVEL 2N; LEVEL 2A; LEVEL 3P; LEVEL 3N; LEVEL 3A; LEVEL 4P; LEVEL 4N; LEVEL 4A;USER 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8Function The set value for the standard output voltage test can beadjusted by selecting LEVEL and then turning the rotary knob. The output voltage will be the value shown on the display together with the polarity, i.e. P ositive, N egative or A lternate. The voltage levels are in accordance with the IEC 61000-4-5 (IEC 1000-4-5) / CCITT / NF C98-010 / standard.ENTER /LEVEL VOLTAGE POLARITY REPETI-TION PHASE NUMBER OFPULSES1P 0.50kV Positive 15s Asynch. 51N 0.50kV Negative 15s Asynch. 51A 0.50kV Alternate 15s Asynch. 5 (2 Pos; 3Neg) 2P 1kV Positive 15s Asynch. 52N 1kV Negative 15s Asynch. 52A 1kV Alternate 15s Asynch. 5 (2 Pos; 3Neg) 3P 2kV Positive 15s Asynch. 53N 2kV Negative 15s Asynch. 53A 2kV Alternate 15s Asynch. 5 (2 Pos; 3Neg) 4P 4kV Positive 15s Asynch. 54N 4kV Negative 15s Asynch. 54A 4kV Alternate 15s Asynch. 5 (2 Pos; 3Neg)Turning the rotary knob further causes USER level 1 up to 8to appear. It is possible to change parameters and savethese under the chosen USER level.When USER is selected and confirmed with the ENTER key,the VOLTAGE (F3) will be displayed.NOTE:It is only in USER mode and by using the option key that the number, phase, repetition time and polarity isshown and can be changed.COUPLINGThe coupling facility is not used for this plug-in: The coupling is always via the HIGH/LOW output from the main frame.EUT-PEUT-P is not applicable to this plug-in because the pulse is always produced at the HIGH/LOW output on the NSG 2050 main frame.OPTIONSThe previous menu will re-appear when the OPTIONS key (F5) is pressed. 2.3 The USER menuLEVELThe same standard level is shown on the display with the same functions as described in the previous menu descriptions.COUPLINGThe coupling facility is not used for this plug-in. The coupling is always via the HIGH/LOW output from the main frame.VOLTAGEThe voltage level is shown on the display in inverse video when the function key F3 is pressed and the USER level is set from 1 up to 8. The required value is chosen with the rotary knob and confirmed by pressing ENTER.Selection 200 ... 6,600V in 10 volt stepsFunction Sets the output voltage levelENTER /EUT-PThe EUT power function is not used for this plug-in.OPTIONA switch to the OPTION sub-menu is made when the function key F5 is pressed. Options are only available in a USER level with following menu:PULSEThe various rise times and impedances are shown on the display in inverse video when the function key F1, PULSE, is pressed. The required value ischosen with the rotary knob and confirmed by pressing ENTER.Selection 0.5/700µs 15 Ohm0.5/700µs 40 Ohm 10/700µs 15 Ohm 10/700µs 40 OhmFunction The generator setting will specify the pulse rise time and theinternal impedance of 15Ω or 40Ω depending on the testset-up required in the standard.ENTER /NUMBERThe NUMBER of pulses is shown on the display in inverse video when the function key F2 is pressed. The required value is chosen with the rotary knob and confirmed by pressing ENTER.Selection 1 ... 9,999Function Sets the number of pulsesPHASEThe PHASE appears on the display in inverse video when function key F3 is pressed. The selection is made with the rotary knob and confirmed with ENTER.Selection ASYN; 0° ... 359° in 1° stepsFunction Angle refers to the phase angle of the EUT supply. Pulses will be sent regardless of phase angle in the asynchronousmode. Pulses may be sent at a specific phase angle whenoperating in the synchronous mode.REPetitionThe REPetition appears on the display in inverse video when function key F4 is pressed. The selection is made with the rotary knob and confirmed with ENTER.Selection 15 ... 10,000s in 1s stepsFunction The repetition time defines the period, in seconds, between the pulses.POLarityThe POLarity appears on the display in inverse video when function key F5 is pressed. The selection is made with the rotary knob and confirmed with ENTER.Selection POSitve; NEGative; ALTernateFunction Polarity controls whether the pulse is to be injected in a positive or negative sense. If Alternate is selected then thetest will be performed using both polarities alternately,executing positive polarity first. If the number of pulses isodd then the positive polarity pulses will number one less. 2.4 Save settingsAll the parameters will be automatically saved as soon as the ENTER button is pressed while in the selected USER mode.3 Test set-upTelecom pulses, as described in the standards K17 and K20 from the CCITT have been accepted by many national standards committees as being the fundamental test pulses for the telecommunications industry. The definition of the telecom pulses incorporates special characteristics. The pulse network has been precisely specified and the pulse shape is only defined under open-circuit conditions, except the 10/700µs at 40Ω condition. By using standard-conform test rigs it is possible to achieve a very high degree of reproducibility of the test results that give the user considerable assurance and confidence in the test procedures.3.1 Using the coupling network CDN 118The coupling network type CDN 118 is suitable for surge voltage tests on telecom lines. This complies with the requirements of IEC 1000-4-5 and CCITT.The requisite test parameters can be found in the standards and test specifications.Ensure that all cable connections are properly made before powering up the test rig. Suitable connecting cables are available for all CDNs and the NSG 2050.4 Technical dataPulse form: 0.5/700µs (open-circuit)10/700µs (open-circuit)Voltage: 200V ... 6,600V ± 10% adjustable in 10V steps Short-circuitcurrent: 13.3A ... 440A ± 10% into 15Ω impedance5A ... 165A ± 10% into 40Ω impedance Impedance: 15Ω, 40ΩPolarity: P (positive), N (negative), A (alternating) Pulse outputs: Earth-free (floating)Repetition: 15s ... 10,000sNumber of pulses: 1 ... 9,999Dimensions: 410 x 212 x 262mm (D x W x H)Weight: 11kg approx.Optional accessories: CDN 118。
Value ±25 VS ±15 5 25
-40 to 150
Unit V
V A W °
Rth j-case Thermal Resistance junction-case
Total Harmonic Distortion
Slew Rate Open Loop Voltage Gain Closed Loop Voltage Gain Power Bandwidth (-3dB) Total Input Noise
Input Resistance (pin 1) Supply Voltage Rejection
Increase of Switching ON/OFF
Smaller than Recommended Value
Decrease of Gain (*) Increase of Gain
Higher Low-frequency cut-off
March 1995
This is advanced information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice.
Figure 3: Single Supply Typical Application Circuit Figure 4: P.C. Board and Components Layout of the Circuit of Fig. 3 (1:1)