中华人民共和国农业部动植物苗种进(出)口审批表2020 (2)
从国外进口植物种子如何 办理检疫审批手续
• 1. 《中华人民共和国种子法》。 • 2. 《农业转基因生物安全管理条例》。 • 3. 《农作物种子生产经营许可管理办法》。 • 4. 《进出口农作物种子(苗)管理暂行办法》。 • 5.国家质量监督检验检疫总局《质检总局关于调整进口植物种苗
• 递进口10要,7植天物左种右子;进速口丰从清国关外公到司国从内香的港合接计货时,效时:效海需运3进天口左要右2。0天左右;空运进口和快
• 1,植物种子空运到香港进口费用 • 2,植物种子从发快递进口到速丰香港货运仓库的费用 • 3,植物种子海运的香港进口费用 • 4,植物种子到香港后的中港货运费用: • 5、香港进口清关换单费 • 6.香港提货费(适合散货植物种子);
• 二、选择有资质的代理公司进口 • 优点:这个方法安全可靠, • 缺点:成本比较高,时效太长,找到这样的代理公司也很不容易 • 且对于单证批文这些必须具备,对资源不足的个人来说实在要求
• 三、从香港中转进口 • 这才是最适合个人的种子进口清关方式 :种子从香港中转进
口清关 。 (当然也适合想节约成本的公司及个人)
中华人民共和国进出口种子管理办法进出口农作物种子(苗)管理暂行办法2004-7-13 9:09:10进出口农作物种子(苗)管理暂行办法(中华人民共和国农业部令第14号,1997年3月28日发布)第一章总则第一条为了进一步贯彻有关种子管理法规,加强种质资源管理,促进我国农作物种子(苗)的对外贸易与合作交流,特制定本办法。
二、免税进口计划申请和审批农业部有关行业司(局)每年 10月向有关单位发出通知,征求下一年度的进口需求;根据上报的计划及行业实际需要科学制定下一年度免税进口计划,报国际合作司;国际合作司汇总后于每年1月15日前向财政部、国家税务总局报送当年进口计划。
第四⼗六条 草种进出⼝实⾏审批制度。
1.进出口农作物种子(苗)管理暂行办法 [J],
2.甘肃省加强农作物种子(苗)进口管理 [J], 甘肃省种子管理局
3.进出口农作物种子(苗)管理暂行办法 [J], 无
4.甘肃省人民代表大会常务委员会关于废止《甘肃省律师执行职务的若干规定》、《甘肃省农作物种子管理条例》、《甘肃省保护农村专业户合法权益的规定》、《甘肃省通信管理条例》、《甘肃省进出口商品检验监督管理条例》的决定 [J],
5.关于发布《农作物种子生产经营管理暂行办法》的通知 [J],
本章由原来的9条增加为12条,增加的内容比较多,对于促进种业的发展有重要的意 义。
1、国家加大财政资金扶持力度,并鼓励种子企业以市场为导向建立产学研选育体系。 增加了本法第十二条“加强基础性、前沿性和应用技术研究,以及常规作物、主要造林树 种育种和无性繁殖材料选育等公益性研究。鼓励种子企业培育具有自主知识产权的优良品 种;鼓励种子企业与科研院所及高等院校构建技术研发平台,建立以市场为导向、资本为 纽带、利益共享、风险共担的产学研相结合的种业技术创新体系”条款内容。
第四章 新品种保护
对于新品种的保护,本次修订由原来第三章的第十二条改为第四章单列一章从第二十 五条至第三十条进行大篇幅详细规定。
1、两个以上的申请人分别就同一个品种申请植物新品种权的,植物新品种权授予最 先申请的人;同时申请的,植物新品种权授予最先完成该品种育种的人。对违反法律,危 害社会公共利益、生态环境的植物新品种,不授予植物新品种权。
5、明确种子行业协会的成立原则及其作用。该内容在第五十一条中作出了规定,本条是新增加的条款。依据 规定,1、种子行业协会成立,遵循二个原则:一是合法,二是自愿。2、作用有三:一是管理,加强行业管理;二 是维权,维护成员合法权益;三是服务,为成员和行业发展提供信息交流、技术培训、信用建设、市场营销和咨询 等服务。
第五章 种子生产经营
1、将原来的种子生产许可证、种子经营许可证合并为种子生产经营许可证。在实践中,应该是存在既有种子 生产许可证、种子经营许可证及种子生产许可证三种情形。
2、增加了种子生产经营许可证应当载明的事项,但删除了禁止性规定。这是方便管理部门管理审查以及保护 种子使用者的重要举措。种子生产经营许可证应当载明的事项增加了:生产经营者名称、地址、法定代表人。
二、申请内容1. 进口品种名称及编号:[品种名称] [品种编号]2. 进口种子品种来源:[品种来源国] [品种来源地]3. 进口种子用途:本种子主要用于[用途描述,如:生产优质种子、科研育种、示范推广等]。
4. 进口种子数量及规格:[数量] [规格,如:袋装、件装等]5. 进口种子质量标准:符合[国家标准、行业标准或进口国标准]。
6. 进口种子生产者信息:[生产者名称] [生产者地址] [联系电话]7. 进口种子销售商信息:[销售商名称] [销售商地址] [联系电话]8. 进口种子运输方式及路线:[运输方式,如:海运、空运等] [运输路线]9. 进口种子预计到货时间:[预计到货时间]三、企业资质及承诺1. 本企业已取得种子生产经营许可证,许可证编号:[许可证编号]。
2. 本企业承诺,所进口的种子符合我国法律法规及相关标准,不含有害生物,不含有违禁成分。
3. 本企业承诺,对进口种子进行严格的质量检验,确保种子质量。
4. 本企业承诺,在进口种子使用过程中,严格遵守我国法律法规,确保种子使用安全。
四、申请材料1. 本申请书;2. 种子生产经营许可证复印件;3. 种子进口申请表;4. 种子质量检验报告;5. 种子生产者及销售商信息;6. 其他相关证明材料。
五、申请要求1. 请贵部在收到本申请之日起[时间]内,对申请材料进行审查,并给予审批。
2. 本企业将积极配合贵部进行相关审查工作,确保审查顺利进行。
策划 乐税网
【标 签】免征进口环节增值税
【文 号】京国税﹝1994﹞12号
【 有效性 】全文失效
【税 种】增值税
产、经营权及进出口权;没有进出口权的,由农业部指定的 具有农作物种子进出口权的单位代理。
第二章 进出口种质资源的管理
第四条 向国(境)外提供种质资源,按照作物种质资 源分类目录管理。属于“有条件对外交换的”和“可以对外 交换的”种质资源由省级农业行政主管部门审核,送交中国 农业科学院品种资源研究所(以下简称品资所),品资所征
我国农作物种子进出口规定 第五章 附 第十六条 则 《进出口农作物种子(苗)审批表》、《动
我国农作物种子进出口规定 第十七条 《对外交流农作物种质资源申请表》、《进
规定办理。 第十九条 本办法由农业部负责解释。 第二十条 本办法自发布之日起施行。
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我国农作物种子进出口规定 第十条 进口对外制种用种子,不受本办法第九条限制, 但繁殖的种子不得在国内销售。
第十一条 从事进口大田用商品种子业务的单位应当在每
农业部。 第十二条 国家鼓励种子出口,但列入种质资源“不对外 交换的”和未列入目录的品种及杂交作物亲本种子原则上不 允许出口。特殊情况,应报经农业部批准。
未列入目录的种质资源不准对外交流,特殊情况需要提供的 ,由品资所审核,报农业部审批。引进种质资源的单位和个 人,应当向品资所登记,并附适量种子供保存和利用。
种子的进出口审批管理制度 • 四、受理
合条件和规定标准的予以受理,并出具受理通知书;材料 不齐全的,当场或3个工作日内一次性书面告知申报单位 需要补充的内容。不符合条件和规定标准,出具不予受理 通知书并说明理由。
种子的进出口审批管理制度 (二)《进出口农作物种子(苗)管理暂行办法》( 1997年3月28日农业部令第14号发布)第六条规定:“进出 口生产用种子,由所在地省级农业行政主管部门审核,农业
种子的进出口审批管理制度 二、审批条件和标准
(二)具有种子经营资格和进出口权(试验用种除外)。 (三)具有进出口品种说明书。 (四)应当审定的品种必须经过审定。 (五)具有种子质量证明(对外制种除外)。 (六)具有对外制种合同或协议书(试验和生产用种除外) 。
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《种子法规与实务》 种子的进出口审批管理制度
种子的进出口审批管理制度 种子进出口审批制度。主要内容是从事商品种子进出口 业务的法人和其他组织,应当具备农业部核发的种子经营许 可证和外贸部门核发的从事种子进出口贸易的许可;
种子的进出口审批管理制度 进出口种子必须实施检疫,禁止进出口假、劣种子以及 属于国家规定不得进出口的种子。进口商品种子的质量,应 当达到国家标准或者行业标准。
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S E E D I M P O R T/E X P O R T P R O C E D U R E SM A N U A LF O RG O V E R N M E N T A G E N C I E SByAdelaida Harries and Joseph CortesSeed Science CenterIowa State UniversityCopyright© 2005 Seed Science Center Iowa State University. All rights reserved.Seed Import/ Export Manual1INTRODUCTIONThe Seed Science Center has developed the Seed Import/ Export Procedures Manual for Government Agencies. This manual has been developed to provide transparency and clarity to the procedures utilized by the government agencies involved in the approval of imports and/or exports of seed from their country. The manual has combined the requirements of the seed and the plant health departments to reduce the time and personnel constraints that translate into additional and sometimes expensive and unnecessary costs all based on process management. Process management is a tool utilized in the public and private sector for the control processes, procedures, and activities to streamline operations and to minimize faulty product.This manual is a blueprint for the establishment of an ISO-like seed import and export system. The core process defined in this manual is the “Seed Import and Export” that includes the procedures listed below. The content of each procedure includes the purpose, scope, references, definitions, responsibilities, activities, records, and flowcharts.Each procedure indicates why the procedure is important and is described in the purpose, while the scope defines the beginning and the ending of the procedure. Each procedure contains the description of the activities that define the “what”, “when”, and “where” and describes the sequence that must be followed. The activities are directly linked with the flowchart that provides a visual representation of each procedure. Formats for records and reports are included as annexes and are linked to each pertinent activity.This proposed manual includes five operational procedures and two support procedures. Operational Procedures:¾Seed Import Permit Procedure¾Seed Import Clearance Procedure¾Non-Compliance Procedure¾Seed Export Procedure¾Appeals ProcedureSupport Procedures:¾Document Control Procedure¾Record Control ProcedureSeed Import/ Export Manual2ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSPreparation of this manual was initiated in late 2004, with the financial assistance of USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service, as part of a grant for the harmonization of phytosanitary regulations for selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition to USDA-FAS, the other lead organizations in the grant are the Asia Pacific Seed Trade Association (APSA) and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA). These organizations all contributed in many ways to make this manual possible and our gratitude is extended to them.The editing of this manual by Suzanne Schuknecht, Program Assistant Department of Economics ISU, is much appreciated.REFERENCES¾International Plant Protection Convention, New Revised Text, November 1997.¾Principles of plant quarantine as related to international trade ISPM # 01, February 1995.¾Guidelines for pest risk analysis ISPM # 02, February 1996.¾Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms 2002 ISPM # 05, April 2002.¾Export certification system ISPM # 07, November 1997.¾Pest risk analysis for quarantine pests including analysis of environmental risks and living modified organisms ISPM # 11, April 2004.¾Guidelines for Phytosanitary Certificates ISPM # 12 May 2001.¾Guidelines for a Phytosanitary Import regulatory system ISPM # 20, April 2004.Seed Import/ Export Manual3SEED IMPORT PERMIT PROCEDURE NATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION ORGANIZATION (NPPO)Authorization DateEffective DateCreated byApproved bySeed Import/ Export Manual41. Purpose:1.1The objective of this procedure is to define the sequence of events, interfaces, andresponsibilities involved in the process of approving an application for a seedimport permit.2.Scope:2.1From submission of the application of the import permit to the approval or non-approval of the application.3.References:3.1National Phytosanitary Regulations3.2National Seed Regulations3.3International Plant Protection Convention3.4International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures3.5Phytosanitary Requirements in the SADC Region.4.Definitions:4.1SA: Seed Authority, government agency responsible for seed import/export.4.2NPPO: National Plant Protection Organization, government agency responsible forphytosanitary seed exports. Official service established by a government todischarge the functions specified by the IPPC (FAO, 1990).4.3IPPC: International Plant Protection Convention, as deposed with FAO in Rome in1951 and subsequently amended.4.4ISPM: An International Standard on Phytosanitary Measures adopted by theConference of FAO.4.5PIP: Plant Import Permit, an official document authorizing importation of seeds inaccordance with specified requirements (FAO, 1995).4.6PC: Phytosanitary Certificate, certificate patterned after the model certificates ofIPPC.4.7PRA: Pest Risk Analysis, the process of evaluating biological or other scientific andeconomic evidence to determine whether a pest should be regulated and the strengthof any phytosanitary measure to be taken against it.4.8WTO: World Trade Organization.4.9Consignment: A quantity of seeds being moved from one country to another andcovered, when required, by a single phytosanitary certificate (FAO, 1990).4.10Seed: A commodity class for seeds for planting or intended for planting and not forconsumption or processing (FAO, 2001).4.11Point of Entry: airport, seaport, or land border point officially designated for theimportation of consignments, and /or entrance of passengers (FAO, 1990).4.12Additional Declaration: A statement that is required by an importing country to beentered on a phytosanitary certificate and which provides specific additional Seed Import/ Export Manual5information pertinent to the phytosanitary conditions of a consignment. (FAO,1990).4.13Plant Quarantine: All activities designed to prevent the introduction and /or spreadof quarantine pests or to ensure their official control (FAO, 1995).4.14Quarantine pest: A pest of potential economic importance to the area endangeredthereby and not yet presents there or present but not widely distribute and beingofficially controlled (FAO, 1997).4.15Plants: Living plants and parts thereof, including seeds and germplasm (FAO, IPPC1997).4.16Plants for planting: Plants intended to remain planted, to be planted or replanted(FAO, 1990).5.Responsibility and Authority:5.1The _________ of the Seed Authority is responsible for the receptions of the seedimport application, evaluating the compliance of the seed requirements, approvepartially the application and send to the NPPO.5.2The _________ of the NPPO is responsible for receiving and evaluating thephytosanitary information included in the Seed Import Permit application.5.3The _________ of the NPPO is responsible for contacting with the NPPO from theexporting country for additional information required.5.4The _________ of the NPPO is responsible for conducting the PRA, establishingthe phytosanitary requirements and informing the Ministry of….…, for submissionto the WTO.5.5The _________ of the NPPO is responsible for issuing the phytosanitary importpermit and notifying the applicant and the Customs Office.6.Activities: If the seed import application requires the approval of the SA, go to 6.1. If theseed import application does not require the approval of the seed department, go to application6.1.1The application for a seed import (Annex A) will be received by the_________ of the SA at the following locations_____________________.6.1.2The _________ of the SA will verify the completeness, and record theentry immediately (Annex B) providing the applicant with the applicationnumber assigned.6.1.3The content of the application are based on the International Standard forPhytosanitary Measures of IPPC and the National Seed Regulations.6.2Evaluate application6.2.1The SA will evaluate the application in a period of ______working daysfollowing the Seed Regulations.6.2.2The SA will prepare a report completing the Format (Annex C). the import application fulfills the national seed regulationsrequirements continue with 6.5.Seed Import/ Export Manual66.2.2.2If the import application is not approved, but can be correctedwith additional information from the applicant, continue with the import application is not approved and cannot be corrected,continue with non-approval6.3.1Based on the report the SA shall notify the non-approval of the seedimport application through a memo (Annex F) and signed by__________.6.3.2The applicant may appeal the decision following the Appeals Procedure.6.4Notify for additional information6.4.1The SA will notify the applicant for more information through amemorandum (Annex E) in a maximum of ______ working days andsigned by ________.6.4.2Upon reception of the additional information, continue at Approval6.5.1The _________ of the SA will notify the NPPO and the applicant, theapproval of the import application through a memo (Annex D) in ______working days and signed by__________.6.6Receive and evaluate application6.6.1The _________ of the NPPO will receive the PIP application (Annex N,please include your national application format), at (locations)………, andregister the import permit applications using a register format (Annex G).6.6.2The NPPO will evaluate the application in a maximum of ______ workingdays and complete the NPPO report format (Annex H) following theNational Phytosanitary Regulations. the application is not satisfactory continue with the application is satisfactory and the seed import does notrequire a PRA, continue with the application is satisfactory but the seed import requires aPRA, continue with for additional information6.7.1The _________ of the NPPO will notify the applicant for moreinformation based on the evaluation report through a memorandum(Annex I). the additional information is received in the time allowedcontinue with the additional information is not received in the time allowedcontinue with 6.8.Seed Import/ Export Manual76.8Notify non-approval6.8.1The _________ of the NPPO will notify the applicant and whereappropriate, the SA that the import permit is not approved after the dateestablished for the information required by memo (Annex M).6.8.2The applicant may appeal the decision following the Appeals Procedure.6.9Conduct PRA6.9.1The _________ of the NPPO will conduct the pest risk analysis of theseed requested for import following the Pest Risk Analysis Guidelines ofIPPC.6.9.2The _________ of the NPPO will elaborate and sign a report of PRA in amaximum of ______ working days.6.10Establish and notify the phytosanitary requirements6.10.1The NPPO will establish the phytosanitary requirements based on theresults of the PRA report.6.10.2The _________ of the NPPO will notify the Ministry of …. as to theamendments in the phytosanitary requirements, for submission to WTO. the PRA report permits the seed import, continue with the PRA report does not permit the seed import, continue with6.8.6.11Issue plant import permit6.11.1The _________ of the NPPO will issue the permit taking into account theNPPO report, the list of phytosanitary requirements and the fee paymentreceipt (Annex J).6.11.2The permit will be in original for the applicant and ______ copies andsigned by ______.6.11.3The NPPO will register the import permit using the record format (AnnexL).6.12Notify approval6.12.1The _________ of the NPPO will notify the approval of the import permitto the applicant and to the Customs Office. NPPO will send a memo of the approval notification in amaximum of ______ working days (Annex K).6.12.2This entire procedure, under normal conditions will take a maximum of_______ working days.7.Records:7.1Record of Seed Authority Reception7.2Record of Seed Evaluation Report7.3Record of Seed Import Application ApprovalSeed Import/ Export Manual87.4Record of NPPO Reception7.5Record of NPPO Evaluation7.6Record of PRA7.7List of Phytosanitary Requirements7.8Record of PIP approval7.9Record of PIP issued8.Flowchart and Annexes:8.1Flowchart8.2Annex A: Seed Import Application Format8.3Annex B: Format of Seed Import Application received8.4Annex C: Format of Seed Authority Report8.5Annex D: Format of Memo of SA Approval Notification Format8.6Annex E: Format of Memo of SA Additional Information Format8.7Annex F: Format of Memo of SA Non-Approval Notification Format8.8Annex G: Format of NPPO Application Record8.9Annex H: Format of NPPO Evaluation Report8.10Annex I: Format of Memo of NPPO Additional Information Format8.11Annex J: Plant Import Permit Format8.12Annex K: Format of Memo of NPPO Approval Notification Format8.13Annex L: Format of Record of Plant Import Permit Approved8.14Annex M: Format of Memo of NPPO non-approval Notification Format8.15Annex N: Format of Import Permit ApplicationSeed Import/ Export Manual9ANNEX ASEED IMPORT APPLICATION FORMATFOR OFFICIAL USE (Seed Authority) PLACE AND DATE APPLICATION NUMBERAPPLICANT INFORMATIONNAME OF IMPORTER ADDRESS AND TEL/FAX/E-MAILNAME OF EXPORTER ADDRESS AND TEL/FAX/E –MAILDESCRIPTION OF CONSIGNMENTCOMMON NAME BOTANICALNAMEVARIETY/HYBRIDNAMETYPE OFMATERIALQUANTITY(Kgs)DESCRIPTIONPACKAGESCOUNTRY OF ORIGIN COUNTRY AND PLACE OFPRODUCTIONPURPOSE OF IMPORTPOINT OF EXIT POINT OF ENTRY CONVEYANCE/TRANSPORTMODE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:NAME OF APPLICANT: ___________________________________ DATE: ___________________ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: ______________________________________________________Seed Import/ Export Manual11ANNEX BFORMAT OF SEED IMPORT APPLICATION RECEIVEDAPPLICATION NUMBER DATE OF RECEPTIONSeed Import/ Export Manual12ANNEX CFORMAT OF SEED AUTHORITY REPORT APPLICATION NUMBER:DATE:The present seed import application complies with the national seed regulations requirements.The present seed import application does not comply with the national seed regulations requirements because OF APPLICANT: ___________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ The present seed import application requires additional information as follows: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________Authority Signature __________________________________ Date ___________ Seed Import/ Export Manual13ANNEX DMEMO OF SEED AUTHORITY APPROVAL NOTIFICATION FORMAT TO: NPPOCC: APPLICANTFROM: SEED AUTHORITYDATE:IMPORT APPLICATION NUMBER:I am informing you that the application for the seed imports #______ has been approvedby our Seed Authority. I have included the approved application to continue with thephytosanitary approval process.________________________________________ SEED AUTHORITY SIGNATURE Seed Import/ Export Manual14ANNEX EMEMO OF SEED AUTHORITY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FORMAT TO: APPLICANTFROM: SEED AUTHORITYDATE:IMPORT APPLICATION NUMBER:After the revision of your application for seed import #_________ we require additional information as requested in the attached report. That information must be submitted inthe next _______ working days, otherwise the application will be denied._________________________________________SEED AUTHORITY SIGNATURESeed Import/ Export Manual15ANNEX FMEMO OF SEED AUTHORITY NON-APPROVALNOTIFICATION FORMATTO: APPLICANTFROM: SEED AUTHORITYDATE:IMPORT APPLICATION NUMBER:I regret to inform you that your application for seed import #_______ has been denied.Please see attached report.___________________________________ SEED AUTHORITY SIGNATURE Seed Import/ Export Manual16ANNEX GFORMAT OF NPPO APPLICATION RECORDSEED AUTHORITY APPLICATION NUMBER DATE OF RECEPTION AT NPPO PLANTIMPORTPERMITNUMBERSeed Import/ Export Manual17ANNEX HFORMAT OF NPPO EVALUATION REPORT APPLICATION NUMBER:DATE:The present seed import application complies with the national plant protection and quarantine regulations requirements.The present seed import application does not comply with the national plant protection and quarantine regulations requirements because _________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ The present seed import application requires additional information as follows: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________Authority Signature ________________________________Date___________ Seed Import/ Export Manual18ANNEX IMEMO OF NPPO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FORMATTO: APPLICANTFROM: NPPODATE:IMPORT APPLICATION NUMBER:After the revision of your application for seed import # __________ we requireadditional information as requested in the attached report. The information required mustbe submitted in the next ______ working days, otherwise the application for import willbe denied.____________________________ NPPO SIGNATURESeed Import/ Export Manual19ANNEX JPLANT IMPORT PERMIT FORMATGOVERNMENT OF (COUNTRY LOGO) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTUREPLANT IMPORT PERMITNumber______________________Act e.g. Plant Pests and Disease Act (Import) Regulations, Year_________________ PERMIT AUTHORIZING THE IMPORTATION OF GROWING MEDIA/INJURIOUS ORGANISMS/INVERTEBRATES/ PLANTS AND PLANTPRODUCTSPermission is granted to____________________________________________________(Name of importing Person/ Company)Of____________________________________________________________________(Address of importer in importing country)To import in one consignment, within six months of the date of this permit, from____________________________________________________________________(Name of exporting person/company)Of _____________________________________________________________________(Address of exporter in exporting country)Through _________________________________________________________________(Entry point: border/ railway station/ airport/ seaport)The following:(Agricultural produce and products to be imported)Subject to the following conditions/ requirements:______________________________________________________________________ Additional requirements/ declaration by the exporter:________________________________________________________________________ Additional Declaration on Phytosanitary CertificateOrganism: AD1 –AD6AD: an additional declaration on the Phytosanitary CertificateDECLARE THAT;AD1: the organism does not occur in the COUNTRY of productionAD2: the organism does not occur in the AREA of ProductionAD3: the PARENT PLANT were INSPECTED during ACTIVE GROWTH and found free from the organismAD4: the CONSIGNMENT was TESTED and found Free from the organismAD5: the CONSIGNMENT was INSPECTED and found free from the organismAD6: the CONSIGNMENT was treated with an appropriate fumigant not more than 14 days PRIOR to export; especially against the organismSeed Import/ Export Manual20ANNEX KMEMO OF NPPO APPROVAL NOTIFICATION FORMATTO: APPLICANT AND CUSTOMS OFFICEFROM: NPPO AUTHORITYDATE:IMPORT PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBER:I am informing you that your application for seed imports reference #_______ has beenapproved. I attach the signed Plant Import Permit # __________.____________________________ NPPO SIGNATURESeed Import/ Export Manual21ANNEX LRECORD OF PLANT IMPORT PERMIT REQUESTEDAPPLICATION NUMBER DATEOFISSUEDATE OFEXPIRATIONMATERIALSPECIESQUANTITY COUNTRY/PLACEOF ORIGINIMPORTERSeed Import/ Export Manual22ANNEX MMEMO OF NPPO NON-APPROVAL NOTIFICATION FORMATTO: APPLICANT AND SEED AUTHORITYFROM: NPPODATE:IMPORT APPLICATION NUMBER:I regret to inform you that your application for Plant Import Permit #________ has notbeen approved. Please see attached report.__________________________________ NPPO AUTHORITY SIGNATURE Seed Import/ Export Manual23SEED IMPORT CLEARANCE PROCEDURENATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION ORGANIZATION (NPPO) Authorization DateEffective DateCreated byApproved bySeed Import/ Export Manual241Purpose:1.1The objective of this procedure is to define the sequence of events, interfaces, andresponsibilities involved in the process of clearance of a seed lot for importation.2Scope:2.1From the approved seed importation arrival to the release or rejection of the seedimport.3References:3.1National Phytosanitary Regulations3.2National Seed Regulations3.3Biosafety Regulations3.4International Plant Protection Convention3.5International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures3.6Phytosanitary Requirements in the SADC Region.3.7ISTA Rules4Definitions:4.1NPPO: National Plant Protection Organization, government agency responsible forphytosanitary seed exports. Official service established by a government todischarge the functions specified by the IPPC (FAO, 1990).4.2IPPC: International Plant Protection Convention, as deposed with FAO in Rome in1951 and subsequently amended.4.3ISPM: An International Standard on Phytosanitary Measures adopted by theConference of FAO.4.4PIP: Plant Import Permit, an official document authorizing importation of seeds inaccordance with specified requirements. (FAO, 1995).4.5PC: Phytosanitary Certificate, certificate patterned after the model certificates ofIPPC.4.6PRA: Pest Risk Analysis, the process of evaluating biological or other scientific andeconomic evidence to determine whether a pest should be regulated and the strengthof any phytosanitary measure to be taken against it.4.7WTO: World Trade Organization.4.8Consignment: A quantity of seeds being moved from one country to another andcovered, when required, by a single phytosanitary certificate. (FAO, 1990).4.9Seed: A commodity class for seeds for planting or intended for planting and not forconsumption or processing (FAO, 2001).4.10Point of Entry: airport, seaport or land border point officially designated for theimportation of consignments, and /or entrance of passengers (FAO, 1990).4.11Additional Declaration: A statement that is required by an importing country to beentered on a phytosanitary certificate and which provides specific additionalinformation pertinent to the phytosanitary conditions of a consignment.4.12Plant Quarantine: All activities designed to prevent the introduction and /or spreadof quarantine pests or to ensure their official control (FAO, 1995).Seed Import/ Export Manual254.13Quarantine pest: A pest of potential economic importance to the area endangeredthereby and not yet presents there or present but not widely distribute and beingofficially controlled (FAO, 1997).4.14Plants: Living plants and parts thereof, including seeds and germplasm (FAO, IPPC1997)4.15Plants for planting: Plants intended to remain planted, to be planted or replanted(FAO, 1990).4.16GMO: Genetically Modified Organism4.17ISTA: International Seed Testing Association4.18Isolation condition: growing of seed in specially protected condition for detection ofpotentially introduced pathogens, otherwise not determined through laboratorytechniques.4.19Clearance (of a consignment): Verification of compliance with phytosanitaryregulations (FAO, 1995).4.20Compliance procedure: Official procedure used to verify that a consignmentcomplies with stated phytosanitary requirements (CEPM, 1999).4.21Inspection: Official visual examination of plants, plants products, or other regulatedarticles to determine if pests are present and or to determine compliance withphystosanitary regulations (FAO, 1995).4.22Inspector: Person authorized by a National Plant Protection Organization todischarge its functions (FAO, 1990).4.23Treatment: Officially authorized procedure for the killing, removal or renderinginfertile of pests (FAO, ISPM 2002).4.24Release (of a consignment): Authorization for entry after clearance (FAO, 1995).5Responsibility and Authority:5.1The _________ of the NPPO is responsible for receiving and checking the importdocumentation taking into account the document checklist.5.2The _________ of the NPPO is responsible of taking samples for testing andconducting the inspection.5.3The _________ of the NPPO is responsible for conducting the seed health testing.5.4The _________ of the SD is responsible of conducting the seed testing if necessary.5.5The _________ of the NPPO is responsible for GMO testing.5.6The _________ of the NPPO is responsible for the isolation condition testing.5.7The _________ of the NPPO is responsible for the evaluation of all the applicabletests.5.8The _________ of f the NPPO is responsible for ordering and verification of theseed treatment.5.9The _________ of the NPPO is responsible for the order for rejection andverification of the destruction or re-export.5.10NPPO is responsible for communicating the release order to the importer.Seed Import/ Export Manual266Activities:6.1Receive and check import documentation6.1.1Upon reception of the notification arrival/inspection application by theimporter (Annex B), the _________ of the NPPO will check thecompliance with the documentation checklist (Annex A). the documentation is satisfactory continue with the documentation is not satisfactory, reject shipment.6.1.2The _________ of the NPPO will convene the date and place of inspectionat the point of entry.6.1.3The _________ of the NPPO will register the notificationarrival/inspection application received (Annex B) immediately andprepare the schedule of the inspections (Annex C).6.2Conduct inspection6.2.1The _________ of the NPPO will take a sample following the ISTA rules,conduct the inspection in accordance with the National PhytosanitaryRegulations, and prepare the report (Annex D). seed testing is necessary continue with seed testing is not necessary and the seed health testing isnecessary continue with seed testing is not necessary and seed health testing is notnecessary and GMO detection is necessary continue with seed testing, seed health testing and GMO detection are notnecessary continue with seed testing6.3.1The _________ of the SD will conduct the seed testing to determine thegenetic purity and germination according to the ISTA rules.6.3.2The _________ of the SD will prepare a seed testing report (Annex E). seed health testing is necessary continue with seed health testing is not necessary and GMO detection isnecessary continue with seed health testing is not necessary and GMO detection is notnecessary continue with seed health testing and GMO detection are not necessary andgreenhouse testing is necessary continue with seed health testing6.4.1The _________ of the NPPO will conduct the seed health tests requiredfollowing the national and ISTA standards.6.4.2The _________ of the NPPO will prepare a seed health testing report(Annex F). GMO detection is necessary continue with GMO detection is not necessary continue with 6.7.Seed Import/ Export Manual27。